How to use htmlTemplate method in Best

Best JavaScript code snippet using best


Source:admin.main.js Github


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1//选择主题及初始化主题逻辑2//(function () {3// $(".theme-colors > ul > li").click(function () {4// var color = $(this).attr("data-style");5// $.cookie('currentTheme', color, { expires: 7, path: '/' });6// });7// var currentTheme = $.cookie('currentTheme');8// if (currentTheme != null && currentTheme) {9// $('#style_color').attr("href", "/administration/content/assets/css/themes/" + currentTheme + ".css");10// }11//})();12//表单验证13(function () {14 $(".form-horizontal .field-validation-error").each(function () {15 if ($(this).html() != "") {16 $(this).parent().parent().parent().addClass("has-error");17 }18 });19})();20////TODO:新菜单根据Url决定逻辑, 目前适配二级菜单21//新菜单根据Url决定逻辑, 目前适配多级菜单22(function () {23 var locationHref = window.location.href.toLocaleLowerCase();24 var strhtml = "";25 var index = 0;26 $(".page-sidebar-menu > li > a").each(function () {27 var parent = $(this);28 //sideMenus(locationHref, parent, strhtml, index);29 30 $(this).next("ul").each(function () {31 $("a", $(this)).each(function () {32 if (locationHref.indexOf($(this).attr("key")) > 0) {33 var htmlTemplate = new Object();34 sideMenus($(this).parent(), $(this), 0, htmlTemplate);35 36 var breads = htmlTemplate.con.split("<jf>");37 var breadstr = "";38 for (var i = breads.length ; i > 0; i--) {39 breadstr += breads[i - 1];40 }41 $("#navigation .breadcrumb").append(breadstr);42 43 document.title = $(this).text() + " - " + document.title;44 return false;45 }46 });47 });48 if (locationHref.indexOf($(this).attr("key")) > 0) {49 $(this).parent().addClass("active");50 $(this).append("<span class='selected'></span>");51 $("#navigation .page-title span").html($(this).text());52 $("#navigation .page-title small").html($(this).attr("title") || "");53 var htmlTemplate = ""; 54 htmlTemplate += "<li>";55 htmlTemplate += "<i class='" + $(this).find("i").attr("class") + "'>" + "</i>";56 htmlTemplate += "<a href='" + $(this).attr("href") + "'>" + $(this).attr("title") + "</a>";57 htmlTemplate += "</li>";58 $("#navigation .breadcrumb").append(htmlTemplate);59 document.title = $(this).text() + " - " + document.title;60 return false;61 }62 });63})();64function sideMenus(objli, obja, i, htmlTemplate) {65 objli.addClass("active");66 $(".arrow", objli).addClass("open") 67 //$(".arrow", objli).addClass("open").before("<span class='selected'></span>");68 if (i == 0) {69 htmlTemplate.con = "<li>";70 htmlTemplate.con += "<i class='" + obja.find("i").attr("class") + "'>" + "</i>";71 htmlTemplate.con += "<a href='" + obja.attr("href") + "'>" + obja.attr("title") + "</a>";72 htmlTemplate.con += "</li>";73 htmlTemplate.con += "<jf>";74 $("#navigation .page-title span").html(obja.text());75 $("#navigation .page-title small").html(obja.attr("title") || "");76 } else {77 htmlTemplate.con += "<li>";78 htmlTemplate.con += "<i class='" + $("a", objli).find("i").attr("class") + "'>" + "</i>";79 htmlTemplate.con += "<span>" + $("a", objli).attr("title") + "</span>";80 htmlTemplate.con += "<i class='fa fa-angle-right'></i>";81 htmlTemplate.con += "</li>";82 htmlTemplate.con += "<jf>"83 }84 i++;85 if (objli.parent()[0].className === "page-sidebar-menu") {86 $(".arrow", objli).before("<span class='selected'></span>");87 } else {88 sideMenus(objli.parent().parent(), obja, i, htmlTemplate);89 } 90}91(function () {92 var isIE8Or9 = false;93 if (window.ActiveXObject) {94 var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();95 var ie = ua.match(/msie ([\d.]+)/)[1]96 if (ie == 8.0 || ie == 9.0) {97 isIE8Or9 = true;98 }99 if (ie == 6.0) {100 alert("您的浏览器版本是IE6,在本系统中不能达到良好的视觉效果,建议你升级到IE8及以上!")101 }102 }103 if (!isIE8Or9) {104 //alert("您的浏览器版本不是IE8或IE9,在本系统中不能达到良好的视觉效果,建议你升级到IE8以上!")105 }106})();107$("#checkall").click(function () {108 var ischecked = this.checked;109 $("input:checkbox[name='ids']").each(function () {110 this.checked = ischecked;111 });112 $.uniform.update(':checkbox');113});114$("#delete").click(function () {115 var message = "你确定要删除勾选的记录吗?";116 if ($(this).attr("message"))117 message = $(this).attr("message") + "," + message;118 if (confirm(message))119 $("#mainForm").submit();...

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Source:component.d.ts Github


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1export declare const Alert: {2 name: string;3 htmlTemplate: string;4 tags: string[];5};6export declare const AlertWithLink: {7 name: string;8 htmlTemplate: string;9 tags: string[];10};11export declare const AlertWithBody: {12 name: string;13 htmlTemplate: string;14 tags: string[];15};16export declare const AlertDismissable: {17 name: string;18 htmlTemplate: string;19 tags: string[];20};21export declare const Badge: {22 name: string;23 htmlTemplate: string;24 tags: string[];25};26export declare const PillBadge: {27 name: string;28 htmlTemplate: string;29 tags: string[];30};31export declare const NotificationBadge: {32 name: string;33 htmlTemplate: string;34 tags: string[];35};36export declare const BreadcrumbNav: {37 name: string;38 htmlTemplate: string;39 tags: string[];40};41export declare const BreadcrumbItem: {42 name: string;43 htmlTemplate: string;44 tags: string[];45};46export declare const CardWithImage: {47 name: string;48 htmlTemplate: string;49 previewWidth: string;50 tags: string[];51};52export declare const CardBodyOnly: {53 name: string;54 htmlTemplate: string;55 tags: string[];56};57export declare const CardWithTitleTextLinks: {58 name: string;59 htmlTemplate: string;60 tags: string[];61};62export declare const CardListGroup: {63 name: string;64 htmlTemplate: string;65 tags: string[];66};67export declare const CardWithHeader: {68 name: string;69 htmlTemplate: string;70 tags: string[];71};72export declare const NavigationCard: {73 name: string;74 htmlTemplate: string;75 tags: string[];76};77export declare const CardImageOverlay: {78 name: string;79 htmlTemplate: string;80 tags: string[];81};82export declare const HorizontalCard: {83 name: string;84 htmlTemplate: string;85 tags: string[];86};87export declare const Carousel: {88 name: string;89 htmlTemplate: string;90 tags: string[];91};92export declare const CollapseButton: {93 name: string;94 htmlTemplate: string;95 tags: string[];96};97export declare const Accordian: {98 name: string;99 htmlTemplate: string;100 tags: string[];101};102export declare const Dropdown: {103 name: string;104 htmlTemplate: string;105 tags: string[];106};107export declare const SplitButtonDropdown: {108 name: string;109 htmlTemplate: string;110 tags: string[];111};112export declare const ListGroup: {113 name: string;114 htmlTemplate: string;115 tags: string[];116};117export declare const ListGroupContent: {118 name: string;119 htmlTemplate: string;120 tags: string[];121};122export declare const Modal: {123 name: string;124 htmlTemplate: string;125 tags: string[];126};127export declare const Jumbotron: {128 name: string;129 htmlTemplate: string;130 tags: string[];131};132export declare const Progress: {133 name: string;134 htmlTemplate: string;135 tags: string[];136};137export declare const PricingCards: {138 name: string;139 htmlTemplate: string;140 tags: string[];...

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Source:html.test.js Github


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1suite('HTML', function() {2 function renderHtml(numBlocks, htmlTemplate) {3 var cmd = {4 id: 1,5 blocks: Array(numBlocks),6 htmlTemplate: htmlTemplate7 };8 for (var i = 0; i < numBlocks; i += 1) {9 cmd.blocks[i] = {10 i: i,11 id: 2 + i,12 join: function() { return 'Block:' + this.i; }13 };14 }15 return;16 }17 test('simple HTML templates', function() {18 var htmlTemplate = '<span>A Symbol</span>';19 var html = '<span mathquill-command-id=1>A Symbol</span>';20 assert.equal(html, renderHtml(0, htmlTemplate), 'a symbol');21 htmlTemplate = '<span>&0</span>';22 html = '<span mathquill-command-id=1 mathquill-block-id=2>Block:0</span>';23 assert.equal(html, renderHtml(1, htmlTemplate), 'same span is cmd and block');24 htmlTemplate =25 '<span>'26 + '<span>&0</span>'27 + '<span>&1</span>'28 + '</span>'29 ;30 html =31 '<span mathquill-command-id=1>'32 + '<span mathquill-block-id=2>Block:0</span>'33 + '<span mathquill-block-id=3>Block:1</span>'34 + '</span>'35 ;36 assert.equal(html, renderHtml(2, htmlTemplate), 'container span with two block spans');37 });38 test('context-free HTML templates', function() {39 var htmlTemplate = '<br/>';40 var html = '<br mathquill-command-id=1/>';41 assert.equal(html, renderHtml(0, htmlTemplate), 'self-closing tag');42 htmlTemplate =43 '<span>'44 + '<span>&0</span>'45 + '</span>'46 + '<span>'47 + '<span>&1</span>'48 + '</span>'49 ;50 html =51 '<span mathquill-command-id=1>'52 + '<span mathquill-block-id=2>Block:0</span>'53 + '</span>'54 + '<span mathquill-command-id=1>'55 + '<span mathquill-block-id=3>Block:1</span>'56 + '</span>'57 ;58 assert.equal(html, renderHtml(2, htmlTemplate), 'two cmd spans');59 htmlTemplate =60 '<span></span>'61 + '<span/>'62 + '<span>'63 + '<span>'64 + '<span/>'65 + '</span>'66 + '<span>&1</span>'67 + '<span/>'68 + '<span></span>'69 + '</span>'70 + '<span>&0</span>'71 ;72 html =73 '<span mathquill-command-id=1></span>'74 + '<span mathquill-command-id=1/>'75 + '<span mathquill-command-id=1>'76 + '<span>'77 + '<span/>'78 + '</span>'79 + '<span mathquill-block-id=3>Block:1</span>'80 + '<span/>'81 + '<span></span>'82 + '</span>'83 + '<span mathquill-command-id=1 mathquill-block-id=2>Block:0</span>'84 ;85 assert.equal(html, renderHtml(2, htmlTemplate), 'multiple nested cmd and block spans');86 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestPractices = require('./bestPractices');2var bestPractices = new BestPractices();3var fs = require('fs');4var template = fs.readFileSync('template.html', 'utf8');5var output = bestPractices.htmlTemplate(template);6console.log(output);7var BestPractices = require('./bestPractices');8var bestPractices = new BestPractices();9var fs = require('fs');10var template = fs.readFileSync('template.html', 'utf8');11var output = bestPractices.htmlTemplate(template);12console.log(output);13var BestPractices = require('./bestPractices');14var bestPractices = new BestPractices();15var fs = require('fs');16var template = fs.readFileSync('template.html', 'utf8');17var output = bestPractices.htmlTemplate(template);18console.log(output);19var BestPractices = require('./bestPractices');20var bestPractices = new BestPractices();21var fs = require('fs');22var template = fs.readFileSync('template.html', 'utf8');23var output = bestPractices.htmlTemplate(template);24console.log(output);25var BestPractices = require('./bestPractices');26var bestPractices = new BestPractices();27var fs = require('fs');28var template = fs.readFileSync('template.html', 'utf8');29var output = bestPractices.htmlTemplate(template);30console.log(output);31var BestPractices = require('./bestPractices');32var bestPractices = new BestPractices();33var fs = require('fs');34var template = fs.readFileSync('template.html', 'utf8');35var output = bestPractices.htmlTemplate(template);36console.log(output);37var BestPractices = require('./bestPractices');38var bestPractices = new BestPractices();39var fs = require('fs');40var template = fs.readFileSync('template.html', 'utf8');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestPractice = require('./BestPractice.js');2var bp = new BestPractice();3console.log(bp.htmlTemplate('test4.html', 'test4.html'));4var BestPractice = require('./BestPractice.js');5var bp = new BestPractice();6console.log(bp.htmlTemplate('test5.html', 'test5.html'));7var BestPractice = require('./BestPractice.js');8var bp = new BestPractice();9console.log(bp.htmlTemplate('test6.html', 'test6.html'));10var BestPractice = require('./BestPractice.js');11var bp = new BestPractice();12console.log(bp.htmlTemplate('test7.html', 'test7.html'));13var BestPractice = require('./BestPractice.js');14var bp = new BestPractice();15console.log(bp.htmlTemplate('test8.html', 'test8.html'));16var BestPractice = require('./BestPractice.js');17var bp = new BestPractice();18console.log(bp.htmlTemplate('test9.html', 'test9.html'));19var BestPractice = require('./BestPractice.js');20var bp = new BestPractice();21console.log(bp.htmlTemplate('test10.html', 'test10.html'));22var BestPractice = require('./BestPractice.js');23var bp = new BestPractice();24console.log(bp.htmlTemplate('test11.html', 'test11.html'));25var BestPractice = require('./BestPractice.js');26var bp = new BestPractice();27console.log(bp.htmlTemplate('test12.html', 'test12.html'));28var BestPractice = require('./BestPractice.js');29var bp = new BestPractice();30console.log(bp.htmlTemplate('test13.html', 'test13.html'));

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestPractice = require('./BestPractice');2var bestPractice = new BestPractice();3var htmlTemplate = bestPractice.htmlTemplate();4console.log(htmlTemplate);5var BestPractice = require('./BestPractice');6var bestPractice = new BestPractice();7var htmlTemplate = bestPractice.htmlTemplate();8console.log(htmlTemplate);9var BestPractice = require('./BestPractice');10var bestPractice = new BestPractice();11var htmlTemplate = bestPractice.htmlTemplate();12console.log(htmlTemplate);13var BestPractice = require('./BestPractice');14var bestPractice = new BestPractice();15var htmlTemplate = bestPractice.htmlTemplate();16console.log(htmlTemplate);17var BestPractice = require('./BestPractice');18var bestPractice = new BestPractice();19var htmlTemplate = bestPractice.htmlTemplate();20console.log(htmlTemplate);21var BestPractice = require('./BestPractice');22var bestPractice = new BestPractice();23var htmlTemplate = bestPractice.htmlTemplate();24console.log(htmlTemplate);25var BestPractice = require('./BestPractice');26var bestPractice = new BestPractice();27var htmlTemplate = bestPractice.htmlTemplate();28console.log(htmlTemplate);29var BestPractice = require('./BestPractice');30var bestPractice = new BestPractice();31var htmlTemplate = bestPractice.htmlTemplate();32console.log(htmlTemplate);33var BestPractice = require('./BestPractice');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var bestBuy = require('./BestBuy.js');2var bb = new bestBuy();3var html = bb.htmlTemplate("test4.html");4console.log(html);5var bestBuy = require('./BestBuy.js');6var bb = new bestBuy();7var html = bb.htmlTemplate("test5.html");8console.log(html);9var bestBuy = require('./BestBuy.js');10var bb = new bestBuy();11var html = bb.htmlTemplate("test6.html");12console.log(html);13var bestBuy = require('./BestBuy.js');14var bb = new bestBuy();15var html = bb.htmlTemplate("test7.html");16console.log(html);17var bestBuy = require('./BestBuy.js');18var bb = new bestBuy();19var html = bb.htmlTemplate("test8.html");20console.log(html);21var bestBuy = require('./BestBuy.js');22var bb = new bestBuy();23var html = bb.htmlTemplate("test9.html");24console.log(html);25var bestBuy = require('./BestBuy.js');26var bb = new bestBuy();27var html = bb.htmlTemplate("test10.html");28console.log(html);29var bestBuy = require('./BestBuy.js');30var bb = new bestBuy();31var html = bb.htmlTemplate("test11.html");32console.log(html);33var bestBuy = require('./BestBuy.js');34var bb = new bestBuy();35var html = bb.htmlTemplate("test12.html");36console.log(html);37var bestBuy = require('./BestBuy.js');38var bb = new bestBuy();39var html = bb.htmlTemplate("test13.html");40console.log(html);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const Bestiary = require('./bestiary.js');2let bestiary = new Bestiary();3 {4 },5 {6 },7 {8 },9 {10 },11 {12 },13 {14 },15 {16 },17 {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var Bestiary = require("./bestiary.js");2var fs = require("fs");3var myBestiary = new Bestiary();4myBestiary.addMonster("Orc", "Medium", "Humanoid", "orc.html");5myBestiary.addMonster("Goblin", "Small", "Humanoid", "goblin.html");6myBestiary.addMonster("Minotaur", "Large", "Monstrosity", "minotaur.html");7myBestiary.addMonster("Dragon", "Huge", "Dragon", "dragon.html");8var monsterList = myBestiary.getMonsters();9for (var i = 0; i < monsterList.length; i++) {10 var monster = monsterList[i];11 var html = myBestiary.htmlTemplate(monster);12 fs.writeFile( + ".html", html, function(err) {13 if (err) {14 return console.log(err);15 }16 console.log("The file was saved!");17 });18}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestTemplate = require('./BestTemplate.js');2var myTemplate = new BestTemplate();3 {firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Smith', age: 25},4 {firstName: 'Jane', lastName: 'Doe', age: 30},5 {firstName: 'Joe', lastName: 'Schmoe', age: 40}6];7var myTable = myTemplate.createTable(myData);8var myHtml = myTemplate.htmlTemplate('My Title', 'My Heading', myTable, 'My Footer');9console.log('html page: ' + myHtml);

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