How to use assertKeys method in chai

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Source:pagseguro-checkout.spec.js Github


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1var pagseguro = require('../​pagseguro-checkout');2var p;3var assertKeys = {4 maxUses: 1,5 maxAge: 1800,6 currency: 'BRL',7 extraAmount: null,8 redirectURL: null,9 notificationURL: null,10 reference: null11}; 12var assertPagseguro = function (p) {13 for (var key in assertKeys) {14 if (p.checkout[key] == null) {15 (p.checkout[key] == assertKeys[key]) } else {17 p.checkout[key][key]);18 }19 }20};21describe('Pagseguro checkout', function () {22 it("initialize", function () {23 p = pagseguro("", "bogustoken");24 assertPagseguro(p)25 });26 it("initialize with custom config", function () {27 var cfg = { 28 maxUses: 1,29 maxAge: 2500,30 currency: 'BRL'31 };32 assertKeys.maxUses = cfg.maxUses;33 assertKeys.maxAge = cfg.maxAge;34 assertKeys.currency = cfg.currency;35 p = pagseguro("", "bogustoken", cfg);36 assertPagseguro(p)37 });38 it("try to request code without items", function (done) {39 p.request(function(err) {40 err.should.match(/​Items must have at least one item/​);41 done()42 });43 });44 it("add item", function () {45 var item = {46 id: 1,47 description: "Test",48 quantity: 1,49 weight: 100,50 amount: 1051 };52 p.add(item);53 p.items[0];54 });55 it("simple xml", function () {56 var xml = [57 '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>',58 '<checkout>',59 '<maxUses>1</​maxUses>',60 '<maxAge>2500</​maxAge>',61 '<currency>BRL</​currency>',62 '<items>',63 '<item>',64 '<id>1</​id>',65 '<description>Test</​description>',66 '<quantity>1</​quantity>',67 '<weight>100</​weight>',68 '<amount>10.00</​amount>',69 '</​item>',70 '</​items>',71 '</​checkout>'72 ].join('');73 p.xml();74 });75 it('build full xml', function () {76 p = pagseguro("", "bogustoken");77 p.reference("ABC15");78 p.sender({79 name: "Jose Comprador",80 email: "",81 phone: {82 areaCode: 11,83 number: 5627344084 }})85 .shipping({86 type: 1,87 address: {88 street: "Av. Brig. Faria Lima",89 number: 1384,90 complement: "5o andar",91 district: "Jardim Paulistano",92 postalCode: 13467460,93 city: "Sao Paulo",94 state: "SP",95 country: "BRA"96 }97 });98 for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) {99 p.add({100 id: i,101 description: "Test " + i,102 quantity: i * 2,103 weight: i * 10,104 amount: (i * 50 /​ 10)105 });106 } 107 expected = [108 '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>',109 '<checkout>',110 '<maxUses>1</​maxUses>',111 '<maxAge>1800</​maxAge>',112 '<currency>BRL</​currency>',113 '<reference>ABC15</​reference>',114 '<sender>',115 '<name>Jose Comprador</​name>',116 '<email></​email>',117 '<phone>',118 '<areaCode>11</​areaCode>',119 '<number>56273440</​number>',120 '</​phone>',121 '</​sender>',122 '<shipping>',123 '<type>1</​type>',124 '<address>',125 '<street>Av. Brig. Faria Lima</​street>',126 '<number>1384</​number>',127 '<complement>5o andar</​complement>',128 '<district>Jardim Paulistano</​district>',129 '<postalCode>13467460</​postalCode>',130 '<city>Sao Paulo</​city>',131 '<state>SP</​state>',132 '<country>BRA</​country>',133 '</​address>',134 '</​shipping>',135 '<items>',136 '<item>',137 '<id>1</​id>',138 '<description>Test 1</​description>',139 '<quantity>2</​quantity>',140 '<weight>10</​weight>',141 '<amount>5.00</​amount>',142 '</​item>',143 '<item>',144 '<id>2</​id>',145 '<description>Test 2</​description>',146 '<quantity>4</​quantity>',147 '<weight>20</​weight>',148 '<amount>10.00</​amount>',149 '</​item>',150 '<item>',151 '<id>3</​id>',152 '<description>Test 3</​description>',153 '<quantity>6</​quantity>',154 '<weight>30</​weight>',155 '<amount>15.00</​amount>',156 '</​item>',157 '<item>',158 '<id>4</​id>',159 '<description>Test 4</​description>',160 '<quantity>8</​quantity>',161 '<weight>40</​weight>',162 '<amount>20.00</​amount>',163 '</​item>',164 '</​items>',165 '</​checkout>'166 ].join('')167 p.xml();168 });169 it('request receives Unauthorized', function (done) {170 p.request(function(err, res) {171"Unauthorized");172 done();173 });174 });175 /​*176 it('get code', function (done) {177 p = pagseguro("", "");178 p.reference("ABC15");179 p.sender({180 name: "Jose Comprador",181 email: "",182 phone: {183 areaCode: 11,184 number: 56273440185 }})186 .shipping({187 type: 1,188 address: {189 street: "Av. Brig. Faria Lima",190 number: 1384,191 complement: "5o andar",192 district: "Jardim Paulistano",193 postalCode: 13467460,194 city: "Sao Paulo",195 state: "SP",196 country: "BRA"197 }198 });199 for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) {200 p.add({201 id: i,202 description: "Test " + i,203 quantity: i * 2,204 weight: i * 10,205 amount: (i * 50 /​ 10)206 });207 } 208 p.request(function (err, res) {209 if (err) return done(JSON.stringify(err));210 console.log(res);211 done()213 214 });215 });216 */​...

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Source:testDataKeys.js Github


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...59}6061function testTournamentDataSpecific(dataName, data) {62 it(dataName + ' should have the correct keys', () => {63 assertKeys(data, 'name');64 assertKeys(data, 'matches');6566 data.matches.forEach(item => {67 assertKeys(item, 'date1', 'team1', 'team2', 'score1', 'winner', 'team1Logo', 'team2Logo');68 assert.equal(item.hasOwnProperty('date2'), item.hasOwnProperty('score2'), 'date2 & score2');69 });70 });71}7273function testGroupsData(code, period) {74 const path = helper.stringFormat(config.paths.groupsData, code, period);7576 if (!fs.existsSync(path)) {77 return;78 }7980 const data = helper.readJsonFile(path);8182 it('Group should have the correct keys', () => {83 data.forEach(item => {84 assertKeys(item, 'name');85 assertKeys(item, 'matches');86 assertKeys(item, 'table');8788 item.matches.forEach(match => assertKeys(match, 'date', 'homeTeam', 'awayTeam', 'score', 'homeTeamLogo', 'awayTeamLogo'));89 item.table.forEach(table => assertKeys(table, 'rank', 'team', 'points', 'played', 'win', 'draw', 'lost', 'goalsFor', 'goalsAgainst', 'goalDifference', 'logo'));90 });91 });92}9394function testTableData(code, period) {95 const path = helper.stringFormat(config.paths.tableData, code, period);9697 if (!fs.existsSync(path)) {98 return;99 }100101 const data = helper.readJsonFile(path);102103 it('Table should have the correct keys', () => {104 data.forEach(item => assertKeys(item, 'rank', 'team', 'points', 'played', 'win', 'draw', 'lost', 'goalsFor', 'goalsAgainst', 'goalDifference', 'logo'));105 });106}107108function testResultData(code, period) {109 const path = helper.stringFormat(config.paths.resultsData, code, period);110111 if (!fs.existsSync(path)) {112 return;113 }114115 const data = helper.readJsonFile(path);116117 it('Result should have the correct keys', () => {118 data.forEach(item => {119 assertKeys(item, 'round');120 assertKeys(item, 'matches');121122 item.matches.forEach(match => assertKeys(match, 'date', 'homeTeam', 'awayTeam', 'score', 'homeTeamLogo', 'awayTeamLogo'));123 });124 });125}126127function testScorersData(code, period) {128 const path = helper.stringFormat(config.paths.scorersData, code, period);129130 if (!fs.existsSync(path)) {131 return;132 }133134 const data = helper.readJsonFile(path);135136 it('Scorers should have the correct keys', () => {137 data.forEach(item => assertKeys(item, 'rank', 'name', 'country', 'team', 'goals', 'flag', 'logo'));138 });139}140141function testAssistsData(code, period) {142 const path = helper.stringFormat(config.paths.assistsData, code, period);143144 if (!fs.existsSync(path)) {145 return;146 }147148 const data = helper.readJsonFile(path);149150 it('Assists should have the correct keys', () => {151 data.forEach(item => assertKeys(item, 'rank', 'name', 'country', 'team', 'assists', 'flag', 'logo'));152 });153}154155function assertKeys(item, ...keys) {156 keys.forEach(key => {157 assert.isTrue(item.hasOwnProperty(key), key + ' is missing');158 }); ...

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Source:assert-keys.test.js Github


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1import assertKeys from '../​assert-keys'2describe('assertKeys', () => {3 it('checks for required keys', () => {4 expect(() => assertKeys({a: 1}, 'b')).toThrow(ReferenceError)5 })6 it('is quiet if all keys are present', () => {7 expect(() => assertKeys({a: 1}, 'a')).not.toThrow(ReferenceError)8 })...

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1var assertKeys = require('chai-assertkeys').assertKeys;2var expectKeys = require('chai-assertkeys').expectKeys;3var shouldKeys = require('chai-assertkeys').shouldKeys;4var assertKeys = require('chai-assertkeys').assertKeys;5var expectKeys = require('chai-assertkeys').expectKeys;6var shouldKeys = require('chai-assertkeys').shouldKeys;7var assertKeys = require('chai-assertkeys').assertKeys;8var expectKeys = require('chai-assertkeys').expectKeys;9var shouldKeys = require('chai-assertkeys').shouldKeys;10var assertKeys = require('chai-assertkeys').assertKeys;11var expectKeys = require('chai-assertkeys').expectKeys;12var shouldKeys = require('chai-assertkeys').shouldKeys;13var assertKeys = require('chai-assertkeys').assertKeys;14var expectKeys = require('chai-assertkeys').expectKeys;15var shouldKeys = require('chai-assertkeys').shouldKeys;16var assertKeys = require('chai-assertkeys').assertKeys;17var expectKeys = require('chai-assertkeys').expectKeys;18var shouldKeys = require('chai-assertkeys').shouldKeys;19var assertKeys = require('chai-assert

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');3chai.use(chaiAsPromised);4chai.should();5var assert = chai.assert;6var expect = chai.expect;7var should = chai.should();8chai.Assertion.addMethod('assertKeys', function (expectedKeys) {9 var obj = this._obj;10 var objKeys = Object.keys(obj);11 var keysAreEqual = expectedKeys.length == objKeys.length && expectedKeys.every(function (element, index) {12 return element === objKeys[index];13 });14 this.assert(15 'expected #{this} to have keys #{exp} but got #{act}',16 'expected #{this} to not have keys #{act}',17 );18});19var obj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};20expect(obj).to.have.assertKeys(['a', 'b', 'c']);21var obj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};22should().assertKeys(['a', 'b', 'c']);23var obj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};24assert.assertKeys(['a', 'b', 'c']);25var obj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};26assert.assertKeys(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'obj should have keys a, b and c');27var obj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};28assert.assertKeys(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'obj should have keys a, b and c', 'obj should not have keys a, b and c');

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1var chai = require('chai');2var assert = chai.assert;3var expect = chai.expect;4var should = chai.should();5var chaiAsPromised = require("chai-as-promised");6chai.use(chaiAsPromised);7var assertKeys = function(actual, expected) {8 var actualKeys = Object.keys(actual);9 var expectedKeys = Object.keys(expected);10 var diff = _.difference(actualKeys, expectedKeys);11 if (diff.length > 0) {12 throw new Error('Keys are not matching');13 }14};15describe('check for keys', function() {16 it('should return true if keys are matching', function() {17 var actual = {18 };19 var expected = {20 };21 assertKeys(actual, expected);22 });23});24I tried using glob to list all of the files in the directory, and then I tried to use the .only() method to only run one test, but I am getting the following error:25Error: .only() can only be used on tests26it('should return 200', (done) => {27 request(app)28 .get('/​api')29 .expect(200, done);30});31it('should

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const assert = chai.assert;3const expect = chai.expect;4const should = chai.should();5const chaiSubset = require('chai-subset');6chai.use(chaiSubset);7const { assertKeys } = require('../​src/​keys');8describe('assertKeys', () => {9 it('should return true when given a valid object', () => {10 const obj = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };11 assertKeys(obj, ['a', 'b', 'c']);12 });13 it('should return true when given a valid object with multiple keys', () => {14 const obj = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };15 assertKeys(obj, ['a', 'b']);16 });17 it('should return false when given an invalid object', () => {18 const obj = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };19 const fn = () => assertKeys(obj, ['a', 'b', 'd']);20 expect(fn).to.throw();21 });22 it('should return false when given an invalid object with multiple keys', () => {23 const obj = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };24 const fn = () => assertKeys(obj, ['a', 'd']);25 expect(fn).to.throw();26 });27});28const assert = require('assert');29const assertKeys = (obj, keys) => {30 const objKeys = Object.keys(obj);31 assert(objKeys.length === keys.length, 'Invalid object');32 keys.forEach(key => assert(objKeys.includes(key), 'Invalid object'));33};34module.exports = { assertKeys };

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1var chai = require('chai');2var assert = chai.assert;3var expect = chai.expect;4var should = chai.should();5describe('Test', function () {6 it('should return true', function () {7 var obj = {a: 1, b: 2};8 expect(obj).to.have.all.keys('a', 'b');9 });10});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var assert = chai.assert;2var expect = chai.expect;3var should = chai.should();4describe('assertKeys', function(){5 it('should return true if all the keys are present in the object', function(){6 var obj = {a:1, b:2, c:3};7 assert.assertKeys(obj, ['a','b','c']);8 });9 it('should return false if all the keys are not present in the object', function(){10 var obj = {a:1, b:2, c:3};11 assert.assertKeys(obj, ['a','b','d']);12 });13});14var assert = chai.assert;15var expect = chai.expect;16var should = chai.should();17describe('assertKeys', function(){18 it('should return true if all the keys are present in the object', function(){19 var obj = {a:1, b:2, c:3};20 assert.assertKeys(obj, ['a','b','c']);21 });22 it('should return false if all the keys are not present in the object', function(){23 var obj = {a:1, b:2, c:3};24 assert.assertKeys(obj, ['a','b','d']);25 });26});27var assert = chai.assert;28var expect = chai.expect;29var should = chai.should();30describe('assertKeys', function(){31 it('should return true if all the keys are present in the object', function(){32 var obj = {a:1, b:2, c:3};33 assert.assertKeys(obj, ['a','b','c']);34 });35 it('should return false if all the keys are not present in the object', function(){36 var obj = {a:1, b:2, c:3};37 assert.assertKeys(obj, ['a','b','d']);38 });39});40var assert = chai.assert;41var expect = chai.expect;42var should = chai.should();43describe('assertKeys', function(){44 it('should

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var assert = require('chai').assert;2var assertKeys = require('chai-assertkeys');3assertKeys(assert);4describe('Test assertkeys', function() {5 it('should return true', function() {6 assert.keys({a:1, b:2, c:3}, ['a', 'b', 'c']);7 });8});9AssertionError: expected { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 } to have keys [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]10Your name to display (optional):11Your name to display (optional):12var assert = require('chai').assert;13var assertKeys = require('chai-assertkeys');14assertKeys(assert);15describe('Test assertkeys', function() {16 it('should return true', function() {17 assert.keys({a:1, b:2, c:3}, ['a', 'b', 'c']);18 });19});20var assert = require('assert');21var keys = Object.keys;22assert.deepEqual(keys({a:1, b:2, c:3}), ['a', 'b', 'c']);23Your name to display (optional):

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