How to use diffDir method in differencify

Best JavaScript code snippet using differencify


Source:ScreenShots.js Github


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1const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');2const fs = require('fs');3const PNG = require('pngjs').PNG;4const pixelmatch = require('pixelmatch');5const path = require('path');6class ScreenShotTest {7 clearDirs = true;8 initialPageWidth = 1920;9 baseUrl = "http://localhost:3000";10 pageList = [11 {12 name: "index",13 page: ""14 }15 ];16 testDir = "__tests__";17 beforeDir = '/before/';18 afterDir = '/after/';19 diffDir = '/difference/';20 workReport = {21 timeMod: 0,22 baseUrl: "",23 devices: [],24 pagesList: []25 }26 constructor(options = {}) {27 if (options.initialPageWidth !== undefined) {28 this.initialPageWidth = options.initialPageWidth;29 }30 if (options.baseUrl !== undefined) {31 this.baseUrl = options.baseUrl;32 }33 if (options.pageList !== undefined) {34 this.pageList = options.pageList;35 }36 if (options.testDir !== undefined) {37 this.testDir = options.testDir;38 }39 if (options.beforeDir !== undefined) {40 this.beforeDir = options.beforeDir;41 }42 if (options.afterDir !== undefined) {43 this.afterDir = options.afterDir;44 }45 if (options.diffDir !== undefined) {46 this.diffDir = options.diffDir;47 }48 this.beforeDir = this.testDir + this.beforeDir;49 this.afterDir = this.testDir + this.afterDir;50 this.diffDir = this.testDir + this.diffDir;51 if (options.clearDirs !== undefined) {52 this.clearDirs = options.clearDirs;53 }54 }55 createAllDir = () => {56 if (!fs.existsSync(this.testDir)) {57 fs.mkdirSync(this.testDir);58 }59 if (!fs.existsSync(this.beforeDir)) {60 fs.mkdirSync(this.beforeDir);61 }62 if (!fs.existsSync(this.afterDir)) {63 fs.mkdirSync(this.afterDir);64 }65 if (!fs.existsSync(this.diffDir)) {66 fs.mkdirSync(this.diffDir);67 }68 if (!fs.existsSync(this.beforeDir + this.initialPageWidth + "/")) {69 fs.mkdirSync(this.beforeDir + this.initialPageWidth + "/");70 }71 if (!fs.existsSync(this.afterDir + this.initialPageWidth + "/")) {72 fs.mkdirSync(this.afterDir + this.initialPageWidth + "/");73 }74 if (!fs.existsSync(this.diffDir + this.initialPageWidth + "/")) {75 fs.mkdirSync(this.diffDir + this.initialPageWidth + "/");76 }77 }78 initDiskPrepeat = () => {79 this.createAllDir();80 if (fs.existsSync(this.beforeDir)) {81 fs.readdir(this.beforeDir, (err, files) => {82 for (const file of files) {83 fs.unlink(path.join(this.beforeDir, file), err => {84 });85 }86 });87 }88 }89 filterIt = (obj, searchKey) => {90 return Object.values(obj).findIndex((element, index, array) => {91 return element === searchKey;92 });93 }94 doneReading = async (img1, img2, options) => {95 let diffPNG = new PNG({width: img1.width, height: img1.height});96 pixelmatch(,,, img1.width, img1.height, {threshold: 0.1, includeAA: false});97 let res = this.filterIt(, 0); //res == 1 - есть различия, res == -1 - различий нет98 if (res !== -1) {99 let diffPNGFileName = this.diffDir + this.initialPageWidth + "/" + + options.timeMod + '.png'100 await diffPNG.pack().pipe(await fs.createWriteStream(diffPNGFileName));101 }102 //console.log( + ' ---- page compared');103 return res;104 }105 parsed = async (pageInfo, index, options) => {106 options.pageInfo = pageInfo;107 return await this.doneReading(options.img1, options.img2, options)108 }109 parse2 = async (pageInfo, index, options) => {110 //let timeMod = options.timeMod;111 let fileBefore = this.beforeDir + this.initialPageWidth + "/" + + '.png';112 let resExist = fs.existsSync(fileBefore)113 if (resExist) {114 let data = fs.readFileSync(fileBefore);115 options.img2 =; //this.img2[index] =116 } else {117 let imagePNG = options.img1;//this.img1[index];118 let PNGOptions = {};119 let buffer = PNG.sync.write(imagePNG, PNGOptions);120 fs.writeFileSync(fileBefore, buffer);121 options.img2 = options.img1;122 }123 return await this.parsed(pageInfo, index, options);124 }125 diffPNG = async (timeMod) => {126 let result = [];127 let browser = await puppeteer.launch();128 const page = await browser.newPage();129 for (let index in this.pageList) {130 let pageInfo = this.pageList[index];131 await page.setViewport({width: this.initialPageWidth, height: 0});132 await page.goto(this.baseUrl + '/' +;133 await page.screenshot({134 path: this.afterDir + this.initialPageWidth + "/" + + '.png',135 fullPage: true136 });137 let data = fs.readFileSync(this.afterDir + this.initialPageWidth + "/" + + '.png');138 this.img1 =;139 let PageDifferent = await this.parse2(pageInfo, index, {timeMod: timeMod, img1: this.img1});140 result[index] = PageDifferent;141 }142 await browser.close();143 return result;144 }145 initCompareDisk = () => {146 this.createAllDir();147 let clearDir = [this.diffDir, this.afterDir, this.testDir + '/']148 (element, index) {149 if (fs.existsSync(element)) {150 fs.readdir(element, (err, files) => {151 for (const file of files) {152 fs.unlink(path.join(element, file), err => {153 });154 }155 });156 }157 });158 }159 createReport = (resultScreenshots, timeMod) => {160 //console.log(resultScreenshots);161 let result = {162 "baseURL": this.baseUrl,163 "testDir": this.testDir,164 "beforeDir": this.beforeDir,165 "afterDir": this.afterDir,166 "diffDir": this.diffDir,167 "initialPageWidth": this.initialPageWidth,168 "timeMod": timeMod169 };170 let compareList =, index) => {171 let screenshot = {172 diff: resultScreenshot173 };174 screenshot.pageInfo = Object.assign({}, this.pageList[index]);175 return screenshot;176 });177 let objectList =, index) => {178 pageInfo.diff = resultScreenshots[index];179 return pageInfo;180 });181 result.pageList = objectList;182 result.compareList = compareList;183 return result;184 }185 compareTask = async () => {186 if (this.clearDirs) {187 this.initCompareDisk();188 }189 let timeMod = new Date().getTime();190 let resultScreenshots = await this.diffPNG(timeMod);191 let result = this.createReport(resultScreenshots, timeMod);192 return result;193 };194 initTask = async () => {195 this.initDiskPrepeat();196 const browser = await puppeteer.launch();197 for (let index in this.pageList) {198 let element = this.pageList[index];199 const page = await browser.newPage();200 await page.setViewport({width: this.initialPageWidth, height: 0});201 await page.goto(this.baseUrl + '/' + element);202 await page.screenshot({path: this.beforeDir + element + '.png', fullPage: true});203 console.log(element + ' page +');204 }205 await browser.close();206 }207 main = async (type) => {208 if (type === "initTask") {209 await this.initTask();210 } else {211 await this.compareTask();212 }213 }214}...

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Source:index.js Github


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1const fs = require('fs');2const PNG = require('pngjs').PNG;3const pixelmatch = require('pixelmatch');4const testDir ='images/screenshot';5const goldenDir ='images/screenshot-golden';6const diffDir ='images/screenshot-diff';7const perfDir ='perf';8const traceDir ='images/trace';9export const takeAndCompareScreenshot = async (page, route, filePrefix) => {10 const currentDate = new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 10);11 // If you didn't specify a file, use the name of the route.12 let fileName = filePrefix + '__' + (route ? route : 'index');13 if (!fs.existsSync(perfDir)) fs.mkdirSync(perfDir,{ recursive: true });14 if (!fs.existsSync(`${traceDir}/${currentDate}`)) fs.mkdirSync(`${traceDir}/${currentDate}`,{ recursive: true });15 // Start the browser, go to that page, and take a screenshot.16 await page.screenshot({path: `${testDir}/${currentDate}/${fileName}.png`, fullPage: true});17 // Test to see if it's right.18 return compareScreenshots(fileName, currentDate);19}20export const compareScreenshots = (fileName, currentDate, testDir = 'images/screenshot', goldenDir = 'images/screenshot-golden', diffDir = 'images/screenshot-diff') =>{21 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {22 if (!fs.existsSync(`${testDir}/${currentDate}`)) fs.mkdirSync(`${testDir}/${currentDate}`,{ recursive: true });23 if (!fs.existsSync(goldenDir)) fs.mkdirSync(goldenDir,{ recursive: true });24 if (!fs.existsSync(`${diffDir}/${currentDate}`)) fs.mkdirSync(`${diffDir}/${currentDate}`,{ recursive: true });25 const img1 = fs.createReadStream(`${testDir}/${currentDate}/${fileName}.png`).pipe(new PNG()).on('parsed', doneReading);26 const img2 = fs.createReadStream(`${goldenDir}/${fileName}.png`).pipe(new PNG()).on('parsed', doneReading);27 let filesRead = 0;28 function doneReading() {29 // Wait until both files are read.30 if (++filesRead < 2) return;31 // Do the visual diff.32 const diff = new PNG({width: img1.width, height: img2.height});33 const numDiffPixels = pixelmatch(34,,, img1.width, img1.height,35 {threshold: 0.1});36 fs.writeFileSync(`${diffDir}/${currentDate}/${fileName}.png`, PNG.sync.write(diff));37 // The files should look the same.38 return resolve(numDiffPixels);39 }40 });41}42export const scrollIntoViewIfOutOfView = async (xpath) => {43 await page.evaluate(async (xpath) => {44 const el = document.querySelector(xpath);45 var topOfPage = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;46 var heightOfPage = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight;47 var elY = 0;48 var elH = 0;49 if (document.layers) { // NS450 elY = el.y;51 elH = el.height;52 }53 else {54 for(var p=el; p&&p.tagName!='BODY'; p=p.offsetParent){55 elY += p.offsetTop;56 }57 elH = el.offsetHeight;58 }59 if ((topOfPage + heightOfPage) < (elY + elH)) {60 el.scrollIntoView(false);61 }62 else if (elY < topOfPage) {63 el.scrollIntoView(true);64 }65 }, xpath);...

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Source:generate-visual-json-report.js Github


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1#! /bin/env node2// SEE { readdir, writeFile } = require('fs/promises');4const { resolve, relative } = require('path');5const lokiDir = resolve(__dirname, '..', '.loki');6const actualDir = resolve(lokiDir, 'current');7const expectedDir = resolve(lokiDir, 'reference');8const diffDir = resolve(lokiDir, 'difference');9(async function main() {10 const diffs = await readdir(diffDir);11 await writeFile(12 resolve(lokiDir, 'report.json'),13 JSON.stringify({14 newItems: [],15 deletedItems: [],16 passedItems: [],17 failedItems: diffs,18 expectedItems: diffs,19 actualItems: diffs,20 diffItems: diffs,21 actualDir: relative(lokiDir, actualDir),22 expectedDir: relative(lokiDir, expectedDir),23 diffDir: relative(lokiDir, diffDir),24 }),25 );...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const diffDir = require('differencify').diffDir;2diffDir({3 ignoreRectangles: [{ left: 0, top: 0, width: 1000, height: 1000 }],4 ignoreRectangles: [{ left: 0, top: 0, width: 1000, height: 1000 }],5 ignoreRectangles: [{ left: 0, top: 0, width: 1000, height: 1000 }],6 ignoreRectangles: [{ left: 0, top: 0, width: 1000, height: 1000 }],

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const differencify = require('differencify');2const { diffDir } = differencify;3const differencify = require('differencify');4const { diffDir } = differencify;5const differencify = require('differencify');6const { diffDir } = differencify;7const differencify = require('differencify');8const { diffDir } = differencify;9const differencify = require('differencify');10const { diffDir } = differencify;11const differencify = require('differencify');12const { diffDir } = differencify;13const differencify = require('differencify');14const { diffDir } = differencify;15const differencify = require('differencify');16const { diffDir } = differencify;17const differencify = require('differencify');18const { diffDir } = differencify;19const differencify = require('differencify');20const { diffDir } = differencify;21const differencify = require('differencify');22const { diffDir } = differencify;23const differencify = require('differencify');24const { diffDir } = differencify;25const differencify = require('differencify');26const { diffDir } =

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const differencify = require('differencify').default;2const differencifyConfig = require('./differencify.config.js');3differencify.init(differencifyConfig);4 .diffDir({5 })6 .then(() => {7 console.log('success');8 })9 .catch((error) => {10 console.log('error', error);11 });12const differencify = require('differencify').default;13module.exports = {14 browser: {15 chrome: {16 chromeOptions: {17 },18 },19 },20 screenshotConfig: {21 },22 diffConfig: {23 },24};25 .diffDir({26 })27 .then(() => {28 console.log('success');29 })30 .catch((error

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const differencify = require('differencify').default;2const diffDir = differencify.diffDir;3diffDir({4}).then(result => {5 console.log(result);6});7{8 "dimensionDifference": { "width": 0, "height": 0 },9}10{11 "dimensionDifference": { "width": 0, "height": 0 },12}13{14 "dimensionDifference": { "width": 0, "height": 0 },15}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const differencify = require('differencify');2const differencifyConfig = require('./differencify.config');3differencify.init(differencifyConfig);4const diffDir = differencify.diffDir;5diffDir('test/screenshots', 'test/screenshots/diff', {6 {7 }8}).then((result) => {9 console.log(result);10}).catch((error) => {11 console.log(error);12});13const differencify = require('differencify');14const differencifyConfig = {15 onBeforeScreenshot(browser, page) {16 return page.setViewport({ width: 1920, height: 1080 });17 },18 chromeLaunchConfig: {19 },20 firefoxLaunchConfig: {21 },22};23differencify.init(differencifyConfig);24module.exports = differencifyConfig;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const differencify = require('differencify');2const differencifyConfig = require('./differencify.config.js');3const differencifyInstance = differencify.init(differencifyConfig);4describe('test', function() {5 it('should create screenshot', async function() {6 const image = await browser.takeScreenshot();7 await differencifyInstance.diffDir(image, 'test');8 });9});10const differencify = require('differencify');11const differencifyConfig = require('./differencify.config.js');12const differencifyInstance = differencify.init(differencifyConfig);13describe('test', function() {14 it('should create screenshot', async function() {15 const image = await browser.takeScreenshot();16 await differencifyInstance.diffDir(image, 'test');17 });18});19const differencify = require('differencify').init({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const differencify = require('differencify');2const differencifyConfig = require('./differencify.config.js');3const diffDir = differencify.diffDir;4const config = differencifyConfig.config;5diffDir(config);6const differencify = require('differencify');7const differencifyConfig = require('./differencify.config.js');8const diffDir = differencify.diffDir;9const config = differencifyConfig.config;10diffDir(config);11const differencify = require('differencify');12const differencifyConfig = require('./differencify.config.js');13const diffDir = differencify.diffDir;14const config = differencifyConfig.config;15diffDir(config);16const differencify = require('differencify');17const differencifyConfig = require('./differencify.config.js');18const diffDir = differencify.diffDir;19const config = differencifyConfig.config;20diffDir(config);21const differencify = require('differencify');22const differencifyConfig = require('./differencify.config.js');23const diffDir = differencify.diffDir;24const config = differencifyConfig.config;25diffDir(config);26const differencify = require('differencify');27const differencifyConfig = require('./differencify.config.js');28const diffDir = differencify.diffDir;29const config = differencifyConfig.config;30diffDir(config);31const differencify = require('differencify');32const differencifyConfig = require('./differencify.config.js');33const diffDir = differencify.diffDir;34const config = differencifyConfig.config;35diffDir(config);36const differencify = require('differencify');37const differencifyConfig = require('./differencify.config.js');38const diffDir = differencify.diffDir;39const config = differencifyConfig.config;40diffDir(config);41const differencify = require('differencify');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { diffDir } = require('differencify');2diffDir({3}).then((result) => {4 console.log(result);5}).catch((error) => {6 console.log(error);7});8diffDir({9 imageToImageOptions: {10 }11}).then((result) =>

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const differencify = require('differencify');2const fs = require('fs');3const path = require('path');4const { expect } = require('chai');5const diffDir = path.join(__dirname, 'screenshots');6const config = {7 baselineFolder: path.join(diffDir, 'baseline'),8 diffFolder: path.join(diffDir, 'diff'),9 formatImageName: '{tag}-{logName}-{width}x{height}',10 screenshotPath: path.join(diffDir, '{tag}'),11};12describe('Test', () => {13 let browser;14 before(async () => {15 browser = await differencify.launch(config);16 });17 after(async () => {18 await browser.close();19 });20 it('should match', async () => {21 await browser.saveElement('body', 'body');22 const result = await browser.checkFullPageScreen('body', {23 {24 },25 });26 expect(result), 5);27 });28});29exports.config = {30 {31 'goog:chromeOptions': {32 },33 },34 reporterOptions: {35 },36};37- Default: `./{tag}`

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const differencify = require('differencify');2const diff = differencify.diffDir;3const options = {4};5diff('./screenshots', './screenshots', options)6 .then((result) => {7 console.log(result);8 })9 .catch((error) => {10 console.log(error);11 });12const differencify = require('differencify');13const diff = differencify.diffDir;14const options = {15};16diff('./screenshots', './screenshots', options)17 .then((result) => {18 console.log(result);19 })20 .catch((error) => {21 console.log(error);22 });23| options | object | | **Optional**. The object to set the options for differencify. See [Options](#options) for more details. |24| callback | func | | **Optional**. The callback function to get the result of the comparison. See [Callback](#callback) for details |

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