How to use catchFunction method in fast-check-monorepo

Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo


Source:api.js Github


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1import {2 createUserWithEmailAndPassword,3 deleteUser,4 signInWithEmailAndPassword,5 updateEmail,6 updatePassword,7 updateProfile,8} from "firebase/auth";9import { auth } from "./firebase";10import {11 doc,12 setDoc,13 updateDoc,14 arrayUnion,15 getDoc,16 getDocs,17 collection,18 arrayRemove,19} from "firebase/firestore";20import { dataBase } from "./firebase";21const userData = doc(dataBase, "USER Data collection", "USER DATA");22const userCollection = collection(dataBase, "USER DATA");23const userDoc = (uid) => doc(dataBase, "USER DATA", uid);24const badgeData = collection(dataBase, "badges");25function getBadges(breed, catchFunction) {26 // take the breed name as an argument27 return getDocs(badgeData)28 .then((res) => {29 => {30 const parseBadge =;31 if (parseBadge.breed === breed) {32 return parseBadge;33 // provides all info on the breed34 }35 });36 })37 .catch(38 catchFunction ||39 ((error) => {40 console.log({ error }, "error while getting badge");41 })42 );43}44function getAllBadges(catchFunction) {45 return getDocs(badgeData)46 .then((res) => {47 =>;48 })49 .catch(50 catchFunction ||51 ((error) => {52 console.log({ error }, "error while getting badges");53 })54 );55}56function getUserData(catchFunction) {57 return getDocs(userCollection)58 .then((res) => {59 const documents =;60 return =>;61 })62 .catch(63 catchFunction ||64 ((error) => {65 console.log({ error }, "error while getting user data");66 })67 );68 /* returns array of the form69 [70 { 71 uid: 123123XX2343,72 email: joe@mama.com73 displayName: Rick Astley,74 dogsCaught: [pomeranian,husky],75 friends: [97886XX564, 453VDDH456 ]76 },77 {....}78 ]79 // individual users are stored in objects with their uid as the key80 */81}82function addUserToFirestore(user, catchFunction) {83 //takes user object as argument, user = userCredentials.user84 const { displayName, email, uid } = user;85 return setDoc(doc(dataBase, "USER DATA", user.uid), {86 displayName,87 uid,88 email,89 dogsCaught: [],90 friends: [],91 imagePaths: [],92 }).catch(catchFunction || console.log);93 // adds user object to database with extra properties for the game94}95function getUserDatabyUID(uid, catchFunction) {96 // uid = user.uid97 return getDoc(userDoc(uid))98 .then((res) => {99 const data =;100 return data;101 })102 .catch(catchFunction || console.log);103 /* returns object of the form104 { 105 uid: 123123XX2343,106 email: joe@mama.com107 displayName: Rick Astley,108 dogsCaught: [pomeranian,husky],109 friends: [97886XX564, 453VDDH456 ]110 // friends are stored using uid,111 imagePaths:['123123124','2524352435235']112 }113 */114}115function addImagePath(imagePath, catchFunction) {116 const { uid } = auth.currentUser;117 return updateDoc(userDoc(uid), {118 imagePaths: arrayUnion(imagePath),119 }).catch(120 catchFunction ||121 ((error) => {122 Promise.reject({123 errorMessage: error.message,124 msg: "while adding Image",125 error,126 });127 })128 );129}130function removeImagePath(imagePath, catchFunction) {131 const { uid } = auth.currentUser132 return updateDoc(userDoc(uid), {133 imagePaths: arrayRemove(imagePath),134 }).catch(catchFunction||((error) => {135 console.log({ errorMessage: error.message, msg: "while removing Image", error });136 }))137}138function resetImagePathsByUserUID( uid, catchFunction) {139 return updateDoc(userDoc(uid), {140 imagePaths: []141 }).catch(catchFunction||((error) => {142 console.log({ errorMessage: error.message, msg: "while resetting Images", error });143 }))144}145function addProfilePic(path, catchFunction) {146 const { uid } = auth.currentUser;147 return updateDoc(userDoc(uid), {148 profilePic: path,149 }).catch(150 catchFunction ||151 ((error) => {152 console.log({153 errorMessage: error.message,154 msg: "while adding Profile Image",155 error,156 });157 })158 );159}160function addProfilePicURL_db_only(URL, catchFunction) {161 const { uid } = auth.currentUser;162 return updateDoc(userDoc(uid), {163 photoURL: URL,164 })165 .then((res) => {166 console.log("profile pic updated");167 return res;168 })169 .catch(170 catchFunction ||171 ((error) => {172 console.log({173 errorMessage: error.message,174 msg: "while adding Profile Image",175 error,176 });177 })178 );179}180function addFriend(friendId, catchFunction) {181 return updateDoc(userDoc(auth.currentUser.uid), {182 friends: arrayUnion(friendId),183 })184 .then(() => console.log("friend added"))185 .catch(186 catchFunction ||187 ((error) => {188 console.log({189 errorMessage: error.message,190 msg: "while adding friend",191 error,192 });193 })194 );195}196function addCaughtDog(dogName, catchFunction) {197 if (auth.currentUser) {198 updateDoc(userDoc(auth.currentUser.uid), {199 dogsCaught: arrayUnion(dogName),200 })201 .then(() => console.log("caught dog added"))202 .catch(203 catchFunction ||204 ((error) => {205 console.log({206 errorMessage: error.message,207 msg: "while adding caught dog",208 error,209 });210 })211 );212 } else console.log("not logged in");213}214function emailLogin(email, password, catchFunction) {215 return signInWithEmailAndPassword(auth, email, password)216 .then((userCredential) => {217 const user = userCredential.user;218 console.log(user.displayName || + "logged in!");219 return userCredential;220 })221 .catch(222 catchFunction ||223 ((error) => {224 console.log({225 errorMessage: error.message,226 msg: "while logging in with email",227 error,228 });229 })230 );231}232function createEmailAndUser(email, password, username, catchFunction) {233 return createUserWithEmailAndPassword(auth, email, password)234 .then((userCredential) => {235 if (!email || !password) {236 return Promise.reject({ msg: "error" });237 }238 const user = userCredential.user;239 addUserToFirestore(user);240 console.log(241 user.displayName || + "user created and logged in!"242 );243 return userCredential;244 })245 .then(() =>246 patchProfile(247 username,248 "",249 catchFunction250 )251 )252 .then(() => (username ? addDisplayNameToUserDatabase(username) : null))253 .catch(254 catchFunction ||255 ((error) => {256 return Promise.reject({ msg: error });257 })258 );259}260const signOut = (catchFunction) => {261 return auth262 .signOut()263 .then((res) => {264 console.log("signed out");265 return res;266 })267 .catch(268 catchFunction ||269 ((error) => {270 console.log({271 errorMessage: error.message,272 msg: "while signing out",273 error,274 });275 })276 );277};278function useLoggedInUser(functionWithUserAsParameter) {279 return auth.onAuthStateChanged((user) => {280 if (user) {281 functionWithUserAsParameter(user);282 } else console.log("not logged in");283 });284}285function patchProfile(286 displayName,287 photoURL,288 newEmail,289 newPassword,290 catchFunction291) {292 const updateObj = {};293 let updateStr = "";294 if (displayName) {295 updateObj.displayName = displayName;296 updateStr += "Name updated,";297 }298 if (photoURL) {299 updateObj.photoURL = photoURL;300 updateStr += "photo updated,";301 }302 return updateProfile(auth.currentUser, updateObj)303 .then((res) => {304 console.log(updateStr);305 if (displayName) return addDisplayNameToUserDatabase(displayName);306 })307 .then(() => {308 if (photoURL) return addProfilePicURL_db_only(photoURL);309 })310 .then(() => {311 console.log("database updated");312 return newEmail ? setNewEmail(newEmail) : null;313 })314 .catch(console.log)315 .then(() => {316 newEmail ? console.log("email updated") : null;317 return newPassword ? setPassword(newPassword) : null;318 })319 .then(() => (newPassword ? console.log("password updated") : null))320 .catch(321 catchFunction ||322 ((error) => {323 console.log({324 errorMessage: error.message,325 msg: "while updating user",326 error,327 });328 })329 );330}331function addDisplayNameToUserDatabase(displayName, catchFunction) {332 const { uid } = auth.currentUser;333 return displayName334 ? updateDoc(userDoc(uid), {335 displayName,336 }).catch(337 catchFunction ||338 ((error) => {339 console.log({340 errorMessage: error.message,341 msg: "while adding Display Name",342 error,343 });344 })345 )346 : updateDoc(userDoc(uid), {}).catch(347 catchFunction ||348 ((error) => {349 console.log({350 errorMessage: error.message,351 msg: "while adding Display Name",352 error,353 });354 })355 );356}357function setPassword(newPassword, catchFunction) {358 return updatePassword(auth.currentUser, newPassword)359 .then(() => {360 console.log("Password changed");361 })362 .catch(363 catchFunction ||364 ((error) => {365 console.log({366 errorMessage: error.message,367 msg: "while updating password",368 error,369 });370 })371 );372}373function deleteAccount(catchFunction) {374 return deleteUser(auth.currentUser)375 .then((res) => {376 console.log("User deleted.");377 return res;378 })379 .catch(catchFunction || console.log);380}381function setNewEmail(newEmail, catchFunction) {382 return updateEmail(auth.currentUser, newEmail)383 .then((res) => {384 console.log("Email updated!");385 return res;386 })387 .catch(catchFunction || console.log);388}389export {390 resetImagePathsByUserUID,391 removeImagePath,392 deleteAccount,393 addProfilePicURL_db_only,394 patchProfile,395 useLoggedInUser,396 userData,397 getAllBadges,398 signOut,399 createEmailAndUser,400 emailLogin,401 addCaughtDog,402 addFriend,403 getUserDatabyUID,404 addUserToFirestore,405 getUserData,406 getBadges,407 addImagePath,408 addProfilePic,...

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Source:AppServerApi.js Github


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...20 return Promise.resolve( res["data"] )21 }22 return Promise.reject(res)23 }24 catchFunction(err) {25 return Promise.reject(err)26 }27 createAccount(username, password) {28 let body = {username: username, password: password};29 let res ='/signup';30 return, body)31 .then(this.thenFunction)32 .catch(this.catchFunction);33 }34 logIn(username, password) {35 let body = {username: username, password: password};36 let res ='/login';37 return, body)38 .then(this.thenFunction)...

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Source:queryString.js Github


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1/**2 * 把对象序列化为 &key1=value1&key2=value2格式3 * @param data4 * @returns {string}5 */6queryString = function (data) {7 let s = "";8 for (let key in data) {9 if (typeof (data[key]) == "object") {10 let a = data[key];11 for (let k in a) {12 s += "&" + key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(a[k]);13 }14 } else {15 s += "&" + key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(data[key]);16 }17 }18 return s;19}20qs = queryString;21get = function (url, params, thenFunction) {22 url += url.includes("?") ? "" : "?";23 axios.get(url + qs(params)).then(thenFunction).catch(catchFunction)24}25post = function (url, params, thenFunction) {26 url += url.includes("?") ? "" : "?";27 + qs(params)).then(thenFunction).catch(catchFunction)28}29catchFunction = function (e) {30 console.log(e)...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check');3const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check/lib/catchFunction');4const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check/catchFunction');5const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check/catchFunction');6const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check/catchFunction/catchFunction');7const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check/catchFunction/catchFunction/catchFunction');8const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check/catchFunction/catchFunction/catchFunction/catchFunction');9const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check/catchFunction/catchFunction/catchFunction/catchFunction/catchFunction');10const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check/catchFunction/catchFunction/catchFunction/catchFunction/catchFunction/catchFunction');11const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check/catchFunction/catchFunction/catchFunction/catchFunction/catchFunction/catchFunction/catchFunction');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const { expect } = require('chai');3describe('test', () => {4 it('test', () => {5 catchFunction(() => {6 expect(true);7 });8 });9});10const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check-monorepo');11const { expect } = require('chai');12describe('test', () => {13 it('test', () => {14 catchFunction(() => {15 expect(true);16 });17 });18});19const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check-monorepo');20const { expect } = require('chai');21describe('test', () => {22 it('test', () => {23 catchFunction(() => {24 expect(true);25 });26 });27});28const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check-monorepo');29const { expect } = require('chai');30describe('test', () => {31 it('test', () => {32 catchFunction(() => {33 expect(true);34 });35 });36});37const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check-monorepo');38const { expect } = require('chai');39describe('test', () => {40 it('test', () => {41 catchFunction(() => {42 expect(true);43 });44 });45});46const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check-monorepo');47const { expect } = require('chai');48describe('test', () => {49 it('test', () => {50 catchFunction(() => {51 expect(true);52 });53 });54});55const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check-monorepo');56const { expect } = require('chai');57describe('test', () => {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const { add } = require('./add');3const result = catchFunction(() => add(1, 2));4console.log(result);5const add = (a, b) => a + b;6module.exports = { add };7{ value: 3,8 hasReturned: true }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require("fast-check");2const { catchFunction } = require("fast-check-monorepo");3const { result, error } = catchFunction(() => {4 throw new Error("Error");5});6console.log(result);7console.log(error);8import fc from "fast-check";9import { catchFunction } from "fast-check-monorepo";10const { result, error } = catchFunction(() => {11 throw new Error("Error");12});13console.log(result);14console.log(error);15Copyright (c) 2020 Arnaud Lemaire

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const { add } = require('fast-check-monorepo/lib/arbitrary/add');3describe('add', () => {4 it('should return a + b', () => {5 catchFunction(() => {6 add(1, 2);7 });8 });9});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check');2const { throws } = catchFunction(() => {3 throw new Error('error');4});5const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check');6const { throws } = catchFunction(() => {7 throw new Error('error');8});9const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check');10const { throws } = catchFunction(() => {11 throw new Error('error');12});13const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check');14const { throws } = catchFunction(() => {15 throw new Error('error');16});17const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check');18const { throws } = catchFunction(() => {19 throw new Error('error');20});21const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check');22const { throws } = catchFunction(() => {23 throw new Error('error');24});25const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check');26const { throws } = catchFunction(() => {27 throw new Error('error');28});29const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check');30const { throws } = catchFunction(() => {31 throw new Error('error');32});33const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check');34const { throws } = catchFunction(() => {35 throw new Error('error');36});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { catchFunction } = require('fast-check-monorepo')2const { isInteger } = require('lodash')3const { add } = require('./add')4const isIntegerOrUndefined = (value) => isInteger(value) || value === undefined5const isIntegerOrUndefinedOrNaN = (value) => isInteger(value) || value === undefined || Number.isNaN(value)6const isIntegerOrUndefinedOrNaNOrInfinity = (value) => isInteger(value) || value === undefined || Number.isNaN(value) || Number.isFinite(value)7const isIntegerOrUndefinedOrNaNOrInfinityOrNegativeInfinity = (value) => isInteger(value) || value === undefined || Number.isNaN(value) || Number.isFinite(value) || Number.isNegativeInfinity(value)8 .tuple(fc.integer(), fc.integer(), fc.integer())9 .filter(([a, b, c]) => {10 return add(a, b) === c11 })12describe('add', () => {13 it('should return a number', () => {14 fc.assert(15, ([a, b, c]) => {16 const result = add(a, b)17 expect(isInteger(result)).toBe(true)18 })19 })20 it('should return a number or undefined', () => {21 fc.assert(22, ([a, b, c]) => {23 const result = add(a, b)24 expect(isIntegerOrUndefined(result)).toBe(true)25 })26 })27 it('should return a number or undefined or NaN', () => {28 fc.assert(29, ([a, b, c]) => {30 const result = add(a, b)31 expect(isIntegerOrUndefinedOrNaN(result)).toBe(true)32 })33 })34 it('should return a number or undefined or NaN or Infinity', () => {35 fc.assert(36, ([a, b, c]) => {37 const result = add(a, b)38 expect(isIntegerOrUndefinedOrNaNOrInfinity(result)).toBe(true)39 })40 })41 it('should return a number or undefined or NaN or Infinity or -Infinity', () => {42 fc.assert(43, ([a, b, c]) => {44 const result = add(a, b

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