How to use choice3 method in fast-check-monorepo

Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo


Source:test.js Github


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123{4 question: 'The majority to the news is about violence or scandal.',5 choice1: 'The',6 choice2:'to',7 choice3:'news',8 choice4:'violence',9 answer: 210},11{12 question: 'Takeshi swimmed one hundred laps in the pool yesterday. ',13 choice1: 'swimmed',14 choice2: 'hundred',15 choice3: 'in',16 choice4: 'yesterday',17 answer: 118},19{20 question: 'When our vacation, we plan to spend three days scuba diving.',21 choice1: 'When',22 choice2: 'plan',23 choice3: 'days',24 choice4: 'diving',25 answer: 126},27{28 question: 'Mr. Feinauer does not take critical of his work very well.',29 choice1: 'does',30 choice2: 'critical',31 choice3: 'his',32 choice4: 'well',33 answer: 234},35{36 question: 'Yvette and Rinaldo send e-mail messages to other often.',37 choice1: 'and',38 choice2: 'send',39 choice3: 'other',40 choice4: 'often',41 answer: 342},43{44 question: 'Mr. Olsen is telephoning a American Red Cross for help. ',45 choice1: 'is',46 choice2: 'a',47 choice3: 'Red',48 choice4: 'for',49 answer: 250},51{52 question: 'I had a enjoyable time at the party last night.',53 choice1: 'a',54 choice2: 'time',55 choice3: 'at',56 choice4: 'last',57 answer: 158},59{60 question: "The doctor him visited the patient's parents.",61 choice1: 'The',62 choice2: 'him',63 choice3: 'visited',64 choice4: "patient's",65 answer: 266},67{68 question: 'Petra intends to starting her own software business in a few years.',69 choice1: 'intends',70 choice2: 'starting',71 choice3: 'software',72 choice4: 'few',73 answer: 274},75{76 question: 'Each day after school, Jerome run five miles.',77 choice1: 'Each',78 choice2: 'after',79 choice3: 'run',80 choice4: 'miles',81 answer: 382},83{84 question: 'He goes never to the company softball games.',85 choice1: 'never',86 choice2: 'the',87 choice3: 'softball',88 choice4: 'games',89 answer: 190},91{92 question: 'Do you know the student who books were stolen?',93 choice1: 'Do',94 choice2: 'know',95 choice3: 'who',96 choice4: 'were',97 answer: 398},99{100 question: 'Jean-Pierre will spend his vacation either in Singapore nor the Bahamas.',101 choice1: 'will',102 choice2: 'his',103 choice3: 'nor',104 choice4: 'Bahamas',105 answer: 3106},107{108 question: 'I told the salesman that I was not interesting in buying the latest model. ',109 choice1: 'told',110 choice2: 'that',111 choice3: 'interesting',112 choice4: 'buying',113 answer: 3114},115{116 question: 'Frederick used work for a multinational corporation when he lived in Malaysia. ',117 choice1: 'used work',118 choice2: 'multinational',119 choice3: 'when',120 choice4: 'lived in',121 answer: 1122},123124+++++++++++Writing++++++++++++++++125{126 question: '',127 choice1: 'Marc Chaggall, a painter,',128 choice2: 'was considered a forefather of the art of surrealism',129 choice3: 'an art on how can be characterized by incongruous imagery',130 choice4: 'produced by unnatural juxtapositions and combinations.',131 answer: 3132},133{134 question: '',135 choice1: 'Since the time the World Wide Fund for nature reported',136 choice2: 'that more than 22 species of wild felines have declining.',137 choice3: 'different non-government agencies have given their support',138 choice4: 'to the program that would protect the species',139 answer: 2140},141{142 question: '',143 choice1: 'The threat of deculturation',144 choice2: 'now hangs over many small ethnic minority',145 choice3: 'that are scattered',146 choice4: 'in the depths of many forests.',147 answer: 2148},149{150 question: '',151 choice1: 'Unclean water and improper disposal of waste',152 choice2: 'can be carried highly communicable diseases',153 choice3: 'because of their injurious effects',154 choice4: 'to human life.',155 answer: 2156},157{158 question: '',159 choice1: 'Language was brought into the spotlight',160 choice2: 'as a crucial factor',161 choice3: 'for Nigeria’s social, economic, and the political future',162 choice4: ' because multilingualism inevitably results in communication problems.',163 answer: 3164},165{166 question: '',167 choice1: 'The failure of tree-planting project was due to the inconsistent reforestation program',168 choice2: 'haphazard community tree-planting schemes, and meddling practices of indifference individuals',169 choice3: 'who reduced the anti-erosion fences',170 choice4: 'just to benefit their pasture land businesses',171 answer: 2172}, 173{174 question: '',175 choice1: ' Because of new coffee growers',176 choice2: 'flooding the global market,',177 choice3: 'the official price of a pound of coffee in the United States',178 choice4: 'crashed into $6 in 1977 to 42 cents in 2001',179 answer: 4180},181{182 question: '',183 choice1: 'The navy contributes',184 choice2: ' to the protection of the environment and preservation of natural resources',185 choice3: 'by scuttle out cylindrical blocks',186 choice4: 'to serve as artificial reefs.',187 answer: 3188},189{190 question: '',191 choice1: 'Trinh Xuan Thuan, an astrophysicist from Vietnam',192 choice2: 'wrote The Birth of the Universe: The Big Bang and After, in 1993,',193 choice3: ' a book on how it elucidates',194 choice4: 'the information and evolution of galaxies.',195 answer: 3196},197{198 question: '',199 choice1: 'Susana earned money for her vacation',200 choice2: 'by working in an antique store all summer',201 choice3: 'but the amount was inefficient',202 choice4: 'for all that she needed',203 answer: 3204},205{206 question: '',207 choice1: 'The eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in 1991',208 choice2: 'was one of the many misfortunes',209 choice3: 'to wreak havoc',210 choice4: ' in Central Luzon.',211 answer: 3212},213{214 question: '',215 choice1: 'After participating the fertility rites,',216 choice2: 'the childless woman,',217 choice3: 'who was blessed with a healthy baby',218 choice4: 'experienced a blissful and contented life.',219 answer: 1220},221{222 question: '',223 choice1: 'Media produce',224 choice2: ' a sociology phenomenon',225 choice3: 'such as psychological, moral, and academic confusion',226 choice4: 'about the present culture.',227 answer: 2228},229{230 question: '',231 choice1: 'Concentrating on the physical intricacies',232 choice2: 'of different pose of the body',233 choice3: 'forces one to filter out',234 choice4: 'physiological anxieties.',235 answer: 2236},237{238 question: '',239 choice1: 'Any nation',240 choice2: 'that aspires to elevate morality',241 choice3: 'will have difficulty',242 choice4: 'stamp out prostitution.',243 answer: 4244},245{246 question: '',247 choice1: '',248 choice2: '',249 choice3: '',250 choice4: '',251 answer:252},253{254 question: '',255 choice1: '',256 choice2: '',257 choice3: '',258 choice4: '',259 answer:260},261{262 question: '',263 choice1: '',264 choice2: '',265 choice3: '',266 choice4: '',267 answer:268},269{270 question: '',271 choice1: '',272 choice2: '',273 choice3: '',274 choice4: '',275 answer:276},277{278 question: '',279 choice1: '',280 choice2: '',281 choice3: '',282 choice4: '',283 answer:284},285{286 question: '',287 choice1: '',288 choice2: '',289 choice3: '',290 choice4: '',291 answer:292},293{294 question: '',295 choice1: '',296 choice2: '',297 choice3: '',298 choice4: '',299 answer:300},301{302 question: '',303 choice1: '',304 choice2: '',305 choice3: '',306 choice4: '',307 answer:308},309{310 question: '',311 choice1: '',312 choice2: '',313 choice3: '',314 choice4: '',315 answer:316},317{318 question: '',319 choice1: '',320 choice2: '',321 choice3: '',322 choice4: '',323 answer:324},325{326 question: '',327 choice1: '',328 choice2: '',329 choice3: '',330 choice4: '',331 answer:332},333{334 question: '',335 choice1: '',336 choice2: '',337 choice3: '',338 choice4: '',339 answer:340},341{342 question: '',343 choice1: '',344 choice2: '',345 choice3: '',346 choice4: '',347 answer:348},349{350 question: '',351 choice1: '',352 choice2: '',353 choice3: '',354 choice4: '',355 answer:356},357{358 question: '',359 choice1: '',360 choice2: '',361 choice3: '',362 choice4: '',363 answer:364},365{366 question: '',367 choice1: '',368 choice2: '',369 choice3: '',370 choice4: '',371 answer:372},373374375+++++++++++++++++++++++376{377 question: '',378 choice1: '',379 choice2: '',380 choice3: '',381 choice4: '',382 answer:383},384{385 question: '',386 choice1: '',387 choice2: '',388 choice3: '',389 choice4: '',390 answer:391},392{393 question: '',394 choice1: '',395 choice2: '',396 choice3: '',397 choice4: '',398 answer:399},400{401 question: '',402 choice1: '',403 choice2: '',404 choice3: '',405 choice4: '',406 answer:407},408{409 question: '',410 choice1: '',411 choice2: '',412 choice3: '',413 choice4: '',414 answer:415},416{417 question: '',418 choice1: '',419 choice2: '',420 choice3: '',421 choice4: '',422 answer:423},424{425 question: '',426 choice1: '',427 choice2: '',428 choice3: '',429 choice4: '',430 answer:431},432{433 question: '',434 choice1: '',435 choice2: '',436 choice3: '',437 choice4: '',438 answer:439},440{441 question: '',442 choice1: '',443 choice2: '',444 choice3: '',445 choice4: '',446 answer:447},448{449 question: '',450 choice1: '',451 choice2: '',452 choice3: '',453 choice4: '',454 answer:455},456++++++++++++++++++++457{458 question: '',459 choice1: '',460 choice2: '',461 choice3: '',462 choice4: '',463 answer:464},465{466 question: '',467 choice1: '',468 choice2: '',469 choice3: '',470 choice4: '',471 answer:472},473{474 question: '',475 choice1: '',476 choice2: '',477 choice3: '',478 choice4: '',479 answer:480},481{482 question: '',483 choice1: '',484 choice2: '',485 choice3: '',486 choice4: '',487 answer:488},489{490 question: '',491 choice1: '',492 choice2: '',493 choice3: '',494 choice4: '',495 answer:496},497{498 question: '',499 choice1: '',500 choice2: '',501 choice3: '',502 choice4: '',503 answer:504},505{506 question: '',507 choice1: '',508 choice2: '',509 choice3: '',510 choice4: '',511 answer:512},513{514 question: '',515 choice1: '',516 choice2: '',517 choice3: '',518 choice4: '',519 answer:520},521{522 question: '',523 choice1: '',524 choice2: '',525 choice3: '',526 choice4: '',527 answer:528},529{530 question: '',531 choice1: '',532 choice2: '',533 choice3: '',534 choice4: '',535 answer:536},537+++++++++++++++++++++++538{539 question: '',540 choice1: '',541 choice2: '',542 choice3: '',543 choice4: '',544 answer:545},546{547 question: '',548 choice1: '',549 choice2: '',550 choice3: '',551 choice4: '',552 answer:553},554{555 question: '',556 choice1: '',557 choice2: '',558 choice3: '',559 choice4: '',560 answer:561},562{563 question: '',564 choice1: '',565 choice2: '',566 choice3: '',567 choice4: '',568 answer:569},570{571 question: '',572 choice1: '',573 choice2: '',574 choice3: '',575 choice4: '',576 answer:577},578{579 question: '',580 choice1: '',581 choice2: '',582 choice3: '',583 choice4: '',584 answer:585},586{587 question: '',588 choice1: '',589 choice2: '',590 choice3: '',591 choice4: '',592 answer:593},594{595 question: '',596 choice1: '',597 choice2: '',598 choice3: '',599 choice4: '',600 answer:601},602{603 question: '',604 choice1: '',605 choice2: '',606 choice3: '',607 choice4: '',608 answer:609},610{611 question: '',612 choice1: '',613 choice2: '',614 choice3: '',615 choice4: '',616 answer: ...

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Source:questions.js Github


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1var allQuestions=[2 {3 question:'What do you call the thickest string or the loudest sounding (6th String)?',4 choice1:'A',5 choice2:'B',6 choice3:'D',7 choice4:'E',8 answer:49 },10 {11 question:'Which type of socket can you find on an electric guitar?',12 choice1:'Bob',13 choice2:'Jack',14 choice3:'Richard',15 choice4:'Ed',16 answer:217 },18 {19 question:'Which band was Brian May in?',20 choice1:'King',21 choice2:'Ac/​Dc',22 choice3:'Queen',23 choice4:'Beatles',24 answer:325 },26 {27 question:'Who was not a member of the Yardbirds?',28 choice1:'Jimmy Page',29 choice2:'Eric Clapton',30 choice3:'Jeff Beck',31 choice4:'David Gilmour',32 answer:433 },34 {35 question:'What year was the electric guitar introduced?',36 choice1:'1897',37 choice2:'1925',38 choice3:'1929',39 choice4:'1931',40 answer:441 },42 {43 question:'What is the highest string count on a playable guitar?',44 choice1:'24',45 choice2:'14',46 choice3:'42',47 choice4:'12',48 answer:349 },50 {51 question:' This is not a type of guitar.',52 choice1:'Bass',53 choice2:'Acoustic',54 choice3:'Fife',55 choice4:'Electric',56 answer:357 },58 {59 question:'This man was a pioneer and designer of the electric guitar.',60 choice1:'Les Paul',61 choice2:'Ty Tabor',62 choice3:'Chuck Berry',63 choice4:'Yngwie Malmsteen',64 answer:165 },66 {67 question:' makes the sound of the guitar fuzzier?',68 choice1:'Phase Shifter',69 choice2:'Wah Pedal',70 choice3:'Equalizer',71 choice4:'Distortion Pedal',72 answer:473 },74 {75 question:'What was the first model guitar produced by Fender?',76 choice1:'Broadcaster',77 choice2:'Jaguar',78 choice3:'Telecaster',79 choice4:'Stratocaster',80 answer:181 },82 {83 question:' Who plays "Lucille"?',84 choice1:'B. B. King',85 choice2:'Albert Collins',86 choice3:'Bo Diddley',87 choice4:'Gatemouth Brown',88 answer:189 },90 {91 question:'Who plays the "Red Special"?',92 choice1:'Kirk Hammett',93 choice2:'Brian May',94 choice3:'The Edge',95 choice4:'Ted Nugent',96 answer:297 },98 {99 question:' A guitar is usually considered part of this family of instruments.',100 choice1:'Lute',101 choice2:'Brass',102 choice3:'Woodwinds',103 choice4:'Percussion',104 answer:1105 },106 {107 question:'This guitar hero died in 1970?',108 choice1:'Eric Clapton',109 choice2:'Jimi Hendrix',110 choice3:'Randy Rhoads',111 choice4:'Pete Townshend',112 answer:2113 },114 {115 question:'Two-handed or double tap is the trademark of this guitarist. His name is',116 choice1:'Yngwie Malmsteem',117 choice2:'Steve Vai',118 choice3:'Eddie Van Halen',119 choice4:'Kirk Hammet',120 answer:3121 },122 {123 question:'Slowhand is his nickname but also one of his solo albums. Who is this legend?',124 choice1:'Chuck Berry',125 choice2:'Eric Clapton',126 choice3:'Buddy Guy',127 choice4:'Mark Knopfler',128 answer:2129 },130 {131 question:"Who didn't play with Ozzy Osbourne on his solo recordings?",132 choice1:'Glen Buxton',133 choice2:'Jake E. Lee',134 choice3:'Zakk Wylde',135 choice4:'Randy Rhoads',136 answer:1137 },138 {139 question:'His essential recording is "Maggot Brain". Who is this great player?',140 choice1:'Ali Farka Toure',141 choice2:'Vernon Reid',142 choice3:'Eddie Hazel',143 choice4:'Robert Randolph',144 answer:3145 },146 {147 question:' Greatest slide guitar player of all time. His name is:',148 choice1:'Santana',149 choice2:'Ry Cooder',150 choice3:'Derek Trucks',151 choice4:'Duane Allman',152 answer:4153 },154 {155 question:'Where did the guitar originate?',156 choice1:'Portugal',157 choice2:'Greece',158 choice3:'Spain',159 choice4:'Turkey',160 answer:3161 },162 {163 question:'These are the steel pieces that you spread your fingers over when you play?',164 choice1:'Frets',165 choice2:'Sound Hole',166 choice3:'Mahogany',167 choice4:'Bridge',168 answer:1169 },170 {171 question:'In an electric guitar these are the "microphones"?',172 choice1:'Cans',173 choice2:'Pickups',174 choice3:'Potentiometers',175 choice4:'Bridge',176 answer:2177 },178 {179 question:'Which of the woods listed is considered as suitable for a fingerboard?',180 choice1:'Gidgee.',181 choice2:'Spruce',182 choice3:'Balsa.',183 choice4:'Tallowood.',184 answer:1185 },186 {187 question:'Which animal body part is not the name of a guitar part?',188 choice1:'Horn',189 choice2:'Head',190 choice3:'Neck',191 choice4:'Foot',192 answer:4193 },194 {195 question:'Which of these men can be considered a virtuoso of classical guitar?',196 choice1:'Ritchie Blackmore',197 choice2:'Andres Segovia',198 choice3:'Frank Zappa',199 choice4:'Edward Van Halen',200 answer:2201 },202 {203 question:'How many studio albums did Nirvana release?',204 choice1:'four',205 choice2:'five',206 choice3:'three',207 choice4:'one',208 answer:3209 },210 {211 question:'Which Guns n Roses guitarist performs the guitar solo on Sweet Child O Mine?',212 choice1:'Izzy',213 choice2:'Duff',214 choice3:'Gillby',215 choice4:'Slash',216 answer:4217 },218 {219 question:'Who was the original lead guitarist for Bon Jovi?',220 choice1:'Richie Sambora.',221 choice2:'Phil X',222 choice3:'Bon Jovi',223 choice4:'Joe Perry',224 answer:1225 }226 227];...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check')2const { choice3 } = require('fast-check-monorepo')3fc.assert(4 fc.integer(),6 fc.integer(),7 fc.integer(),8 (a, b, c) => choice3(a, b, c) === a || choice3(a, b, c) === b || choice3(a, b, c) === c9const fc = require('fast-check')10const { choice3 } = require('fast-check')11fc.assert(12 fc.integer(),14 fc.integer(),15 fc.integer(),16 (a, b, c) => choice3(a, b, c) === a || choice3(a, b, c) === b || choice3(a, b, c) === c

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { choice3 } = require("fast-check");2const { choice } = require("fast-check");3const { integer } = require("fast-check");4const { constant } = require("fast-check");5const { array } = require("fast-check");6const { tuple } = require("fast-check");7const { record } = require("fast-check");8const { set } = require("fast-check");9const { map } = require("fast-check");10const { option } = require("fast-check");11const { oneof } = require("fast-check");12const { string } = require("fast-check");13const { unicode } = require("fast-check");14const { char } = require("fast-check");15const { fullUnicode } = require("fast-check");16const { base64 } = require("fast-check");17const { hexa } = require("fast-check");18const { ascii } = require("fast-check");19const { base16 } = require("fast-check");20const { base32 } = require("fast-check");21const { base58 } = require("fast-check");22const { base64json } = require("fast-check");23const { base64url } = require("fast-check");24const { base91 } = require("fast-check");25const { asciiPrintable } = require("fast-check");26const { base64pad } = require("fast-check");27const { base64mime } = require("fast-check");28const { base32hex } = require("fast-check");29const { base32hexpad } = require("fast-check");30const { base32hexpadupper } = require("fast-check");31const { base32hexpadlower } = require("fast-check");32const { base32upper } = require("fast-check");33const { base32pad } = require("fast-check");34const { base32padupper } = require("fast-check");35const { base32padlower } = require("fast-check");36const { base58flickr } = require("fast-check");37const { base58btc } = require("fast-check");38const { uuid } = require("fast-check");39const { mac } = require("fast-check");40const { ipV4 } = require("fast-check");41const { ipV6 } = require("fast-check");42const { ipV4Extended } = require("fast-check");43const { ipV6Extended } = require("fast-check");44const { host } = require("fast

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {choice3} = require('fast-check');2const {frequency} = require('fast-check');3const arb1 = frequency({weight: 1, arbitrary: choice3('a', 'b', 'c')});4const arb2 = frequency({weight: 1, arbitrary: choice3('d', 'e', 'f')});5const arb3 = frequency({weight: 1, arbitrary: choice3(arb1, arb2)});6const arb4 = frequency({weight: 1, arbitrary: choice3(arb1, arb2, arb3)});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { choice3 } from 'fast-check-monorepo';2test('choice3', () => {3 const result = choice3([1,2,3]);4});5import { choice3 } from 'fast-check';6test('choice3', () => {7 const result = choice3([1,2,3]);8});

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