How to use nilValue method in fast-check-monorepo

Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo


Source:EbxViewer.js Github


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1// Types that we can render directly.2var g_SimpleTypes = {3 "String": 1,4 "CString": 1,5 "Boolean": 2,6 "Int8": 1,7 "UInt8": 1,8 "Uint8": 1,9 "SByte": 1,10 "Int16": 1,11 "UInt16": 1,12 "Uint16": 1,13 "Int32": 3,14 "UInt32": 3,15 "Uint32": 3,16 "Int64": 1,17 "UInt64": 1,18 "Uint64": 1,19 "Float32": 1,20 "Single": 1,21 "Float64": 1,22 "Double": 1,23 "MathOp": 124}25var g_AdvancedTypes =26{27 "Vec2": ParseVec2,28 "Vec3": ParseVec3,29 "Vec4": ParseVec4,30 //"GUID": true,31 //"Guid": true,32 //"SHA1": true,33 //"Sha1": true,34 //"FileRef": true,35 //"ResourceRef": true,36 "LinearTransform": ParseLinearTransform,37 //"EventSpec": true,38 //"DynamicEvent": true39}40function StringToUInt8(string)41{42 var DataArray = new Uint8Array(string.length);43 for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) 44 DataArray[i] = string.charCodeAt(i);45}46function Uint8ArrayToString( array )47{48 var Result = "";49 for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) 50 Result += String.fromCharCode(array[i]);51 return Result;52}53function DecryptEEString(inputString, guidString, offset) 54{55 if (guidString.length == 0)56 return null;57 if (inputString.length == 0)58 return null;59 var result = new Uint8Array(inputString.length);60 for (var i = 0; i < inputString.length; i++) 61 {62 var GuidIndex = (i + offset) % guidString.length;63 var InputStringChar = inputString[i];64 var InputGuidChar = guidString[GuidIndex];65 var Char = InputStringChar - InputGuidChar + 0xFF;66 result[i] = ((Char % 0xFF) + 1);67 }68 return result;69}70function Utf16ArrayToString(inputString)71{72 var Result = "";73 for (var i = 0; i < inputString.length; i += 2) 74 {75 if (i + 1 == inputString.length)76 {77 Result += String.fromCharCode(inputString.charCodeAt(i))78 }79 else80 {81 var Byte1 = inputString.charCodeAt(i);82 var Byte2 = inputString.charCodeAt(i + 1);83 Result += String.fromCharCode(((Byte2 << 8) & 0xFF00) + (Byte1 & 0x00FF));84 }85 }86 return Result;87}88var g_TypeFieldHandlers =89{90 "RngCharEntityData": function (classInstance)91 {92 var GuidString = classInstance["$guid"];93 if ((classInstance["$fields"]["Flags"]["$value"] & 0x100) == 0)94 GuidString = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";95 var ClassDataArray = StringToUInt8(classInstance["$fields"]["In"]["$value"]);96 var GuidDataArray = StringToUInt8(GuidString);97 var String1 = DecryptEEString(ClassDataArray, GuidDataArray, GuidString.charCodeAt(12)); // classInstance["$fields"]["In"]["$value"]98 var DecryptedString = DecryptEEString(String1, StringToUInt8("xI&O45@3HUhgdfI!I45u&dhs@9U35df3!56IYOhdfI&31@48*56U!uiH)s+e&f-y"), GuidString.charCodeAt(20))99 console.log("String1: " + Uint8ArrayToString(String1));100 console.log("DecryptedString: " + Uint8ArrayToString(DecryptedString));101 //console.log("FindalSize: " + (Math.floor( fieldInstance["$value"].length / 2) + ( fieldInstance["$value"].length % 2 ) ) );102 return "In-Decrypted: " + Uint8ArrayToString(DecryptedString);103 },104 "SFBMEEntityData": function (classInstance, fieldInstance, fieldName)105 {106 if (fieldName != "In")107 return "";108 var GuidString = classInstance["$guid"];109 var ClassDataArray = StringToUInt8(fieldInstance["$value"]);110 var GuidDataArray = StringToUInt8(GuidString);111 var String1 = DecryptEEString(ClassDataArray, GuidDataArray, GuidString.charCodeAt(12));112 var DecryptedString = DecryptEEString(String1, StringToUInt8("xI&O45@3HUhgdfI!I45u&dhs@9U35df3!56IYOhdfI&31@48*56U!uiH)s+e&f-y"), GuidString.charCodeAt(20))113 console.log("DecryptedString: " + Uint8ArrayToString(DecryptedString));114 return fieldName + "-Decrypted: " + Uint8ArrayToString(DecryptedString );115 }116}117class EbxViewer118{119 constructor()120 {121 this.m_EbxCache = [];122 this.m_TypeHandlers = {};123 }124 AddToCache(key, data)125 {126 this.m_EbxCache[key] = data;127 }128 GetFromCache(key)129 {130 return this.m_EbxCache[key]131 }132 BuildInstance(partitionGuid, instanceGuid, parentPartition = null)133 {134 let s_Cached = this.GetFromCache(partitionGuid + instanceGuid)135 if (s_Cached != null)136 {137 console.log("Using cached ebx: [partition | instance]" + partitionGuid + " | " + instanceGuid);138 return s_Cached;139 }140 var Instance = s_EbxManager.FindInstance(partitionGuid, instanceGuid)141 if (Instance == null)142 return null;143 let content = "";144 content += `<h1 class="${(partitionGuid == parentPartition) ? "localRef" : "remoteRef"}">145 ${Instance["$type"]}146 ${(partitionGuid == parentPartition) ? `<partitionReference>${s_EbxManager.GetPartitionGuidPath(partitionGuid)}</partitionReference>` : ""}147 </h1>`148 content += `<div class="GuidReferences">149 <label>Partition: </label>150 <div class="guidReference">${partitionGuid.toUpperCase()}</div>151 <label>Instance: </label>152 <div class="guidReference">${instanceGuid.toUpperCase()}</div>153 </div>`;154 if (g_TypeFieldHandlers[Instance["$type"]] != null)155 current += g_TypeFieldHandlers[Instance["$type"]](Instance)156 content += `<ul type="first">157 ${(this.m_TypeHandlers[Instance["$type"]] != null) ? this.m_TypeHandlers[Instance["$type"]]() : ""}`;158 for (let FieldName in Instance["$fields"])159 content += this.HandleField(Instance["$fields"][FieldName], FieldName);160 161 162 content +=`</ul>`;163 this.AddToCache(partitionGuid + instanceGuid, content);164 return content;165 }166 HandleField(instance, field = null, subField = false, includeType = false) 167 {168 if (instance == null)169 return "";170 var content = "";171 var s_TypeElement = "";172 if (includeType && instance["$type"] != null)173 s_TypeElement = `<type class="aligned">${instance["$type"]}</type> `;174 content += 175 `<li class="${(instance["$array"] != null) ? "minimized" : ""}">176 ${s_TypeElement}`;177 if( field != null)178 content += `<field class="${subField ? "subField" : ""}">${field}</field>: `;179 if (instance["$array"] != null) // Handle array180 {181 content += ":";182 content += this.HandleArray(instance);183 }184 else if (instance["$ref"] != null) // Handle reference185 {186 content += this.HandleReference(instance);187 }188 else if (instance["$type"] != null && g_SimpleTypes[instance["$type"]]) // Handle simple189 {190 content += this.HandleSimple(instance["$value"], instance["$type"]);191 }192 else if (instance["$type"] != null && g_AdvancedTypes[instance["$type"]] != null) // Handle advanced193 {194 content += this.HandleAdvanced(instance["$value"], instance["$type"]);195 }196 else if (instance["$enum"] != null)197 {198 content += this.HandleEnum(instance["$enumValue"]);199 }200 else if ( typeof(instance) == "string" || 201 instance instanceof String || 202 typeof(instance) == "number" || 203 instance instanceof Number)204 content += this.HandleSimple(instance, null);205 else 206 {207 //if this is a ValueType, we fix it208 if (instance["$value"] != null)209 {210 content += `<label>${instance["$type"]}</label>`;211 content += `<ul type="2nd">`;212 content += this.HandleField(instance["$value"], null, true); //213 content += `</ul>`;214 }215 else216 {217 //content += `<ul type="2nd">`;218 //just do it, i think array uses this219 for (let key in instance)220 {221 content += this.HandleField(instance[key], key)222 }223 //content += `</ul>`;224 }225 }226 content += "</li>";227 if (content.indexOf("undefined") != -1)228 {229 console.log("Something went wrong. Debug!");230 debugger;231 }232 return content;233 }234 /*235 HandleSubField(instance)236 {237 var content = "";238 if (instance["$value"] != null)239 {240 content += this.HandleField(instance["$value"], null, false); //241 }242 else243 {244 //if (instance["$type"] == null)245 // return;246 content += '<ul type="2nd">';247 for( let key in instance)248 content += HandleField(instance[key], subField);249 content += "</ul>";250 }251 return content;252 }253 */254 HandleReference(instance, direct, directType)255 {256 // updated json support257 if (direct && instance != null && instance["$value"] != null)258 instance = instance["$value"];259 var content = "";260 let PartitionGuid = null;261 let InstanceGuid = null;262 if (instance != null)263 {264 if (direct &&265 instance['$partitionGuid'] != null &&266 instance['$instanceGuid'] != null)267 {268 PartitionGuid = instance["$partitionGuid"];269 InstanceGuid = instance["$instanceGuid"];270 instance["$type"] = directType;271 }272 else if (instance["$value"] != null && 273 instance["$value"]["$partitionGuid"] != null && 274 instance["$value"]["$instanceGuid"] != null)275 {276 PartitionGuid = instance["$value"]["$partitionGuid"];277 InstanceGuid = instance["$value"]["$instanceGuid"];278 }279 }280 if (PartitionGuid == null || InstanceGuid == null)281 return '<div class="ref"><nilValue>*nullRef*</nilValue></div>'282 content += `<div class="ref" partitionGuid="${PartitionGuid}" 283 instanceGuid="${InstanceGuid}" 284 parentPartition="${currentPartition}">`;285 content += `<h1 class="${(PartitionGuid == currentPartition) ? "localRef" : "remoteRef"}">`;286 var Instance = s_EbxManager.FindInstance(PartitionGuid, InstanceGuid, false);287 if (Instance != null)288 {289 content += `${Instance["$type"]}290 </h1>291 292 <div class="GuidReferences">293 <label>Partition:</label>294 <div class="guidReference">${PartitionGuid.toUpperCase()}</div>295 296 <label>Instance:</label>297 <div class="guidReference">${InstanceGuid.toUpperCase()}</div>298 </div>`;299 }300 else301 {302 content += `${instance["$type"]}303 <partitionReference>${s_EbxManager.GetPartitionGuidPath(PartitionGuid)}</partitionReference>304 </h1>305 306 <div class="GuidReferences">307 <label>Partition:</label>308 <div class="guidReference">${PartitionGuid.toUpperCase()}</div>309 310 <label>Instance:</label>311 <div class="guidReference">${InstanceGuid.toUpperCase()}</div>312 </div>`;313 return content;314 }315 content += '</div>';316 return content;317 }318 HandleReferencePost(partitionGuid, instanceGuid, parentPartition)319 {320 var content = "";321 var Instance = s_EbxManager.FindInstance(partitionGuid, instanceGuid);322 if (Instance != null)323 content += this.BuildInstance(partitionGuid, instanceGuid, parentPartition);324 else325 content += "<nilValue>Failed to fetch</nilValue>";326 return content;327 }328 HandleArray(instance)329 {330 if (instance['$value'] == null || 331 Object.values(instance['$value']).length == 0)332 return `<nilValue>*nullArray*</nilValue> \t| ${instance["$type"]}`;333 var content = "";334 // array length335 content += " <count>(" + Object.values(instance['$value']).length + ")</count>";336 // Array field type337 content += ` \t| ${instance["$type"]}`;338 content += '<ul class="array">';339 var i = 0;340 for( let key in instance['$value'])341 {342 let refInstance = instance['$value'][key];343 content += `<li><index>[${key}]</index>`;344 content += `<ul type="2nd">`;345 if (instance["$ref"] != null) // Handle ref346 content += this.HandleReference(refInstance, true, instance['$type']);347 else348 content += this.HandleField(refInstance);349 350 content += `</ul>`;351 content += "</li>";352 i++;353 }354 content += "</ul>";355 return content;356 }357 HandleSimple(value, type)358 {359 // If the value is not null or empty360 var content = "";361 if (g_SimpleTypes[type] != null &&362 g_SimpleTypes[type] == 2)363 content += `<value contenteditable="false" class="Boolean">${value}</value>`;364 else if (g_SimpleTypes[type] != null &&365 g_SimpleTypes[type] == 3 &&366 s_HashManager.ForceGetHash(value) != null)367 content += `<value class="Hash">${value} (\"${s_HashManager.ForceGetHash(value)}\")</value>`;368 else if (value !== null)369 content = `<value contenteditable="false" class="${type}">${value}</value>`;370 else371 content = `<nilValue class="${type}">0</nilValue>`;372 return content;373 }374 HandleAdvanced(value, type)375 {376 // If the value is not null or empty377 var content = "";378 if( !value)379 return "<nilValue>*null*</nilValue>";380 if (value)381 content = `<value class="${type}">`;382 if (g_AdvancedTypes[type] != null && g_AdvancedTypes[type] != true)383 content += g_AdvancedTypes[type](value);384 else385 content += value;386 content += "</value>";387 388 return content;389 }390 HandleEnum(enumValue)391 {392 if (enumValue != null)393 return `<value class="enum">${enumValue}</value>`;394 395 return "<nilValue>*unknownEnum*</nilValue";396 }397}398var g_EbxViewer = new EbxViewer();399/*400function BuildInstance(partitionGuid, instanceGuid, parentPartition = null)401{402 var current = "";403 if (CurrentlyLoaded[partitionGuid + instanceGuid] != null)404 {405 console.log("Using previously built instance:" + partitionGuid + instanceGuid);406 return CurrentlyLoaded[partitionGuid + instanceGuid];407 }408 console.log("Building instance: " + partitionGuid + " | " + instanceGuid);409 var Instance = s_EbxManager.FindInstance(partitionGuid, instanceGuid)410 if (Instance == null)411 return "*null*"412 // add TypeName 413 if (partitionGuid == parentPartition)414 {415 current += `<h1 class="localRef">${Instance["$type"]}</h1>`;416/*417current += 418`<div class="GuidReferences">419<label>Partition:</label>420<div class="guidReference">${partitionGuid.toUpperCase()}421</div> 422<label>Instance: </label>423<div class="guidReference">${instanceGuid.toUpperCase()}</div>424</div>`;425*426 }427 else428 {429 current += 430`<h1 class="remoteRef">${Instance["$type"]}431 <partitionReference>${s_EbxManager.GetPartitionGuidPath(partitionGuid)}</partitionReference>432</h1>`;433 }434 current += 435`<div class="GuidReferences">436 <label>Partition:</label>437 <div class="guidReference">${partitionGuid.toUpperCase()}</div> 438 <label>Instance: </label>439 <div class="guidReference">${instanceGuid.toUpperCase()}</div>440</div>`;441 current += '<ul type="first">';442 {443 keys = Object.keys(Instance["$fields"]);444 if (g_TypeFieldHandlers[Instance["$type"]] != null)445 current += g_TypeFieldHandlers[Instance["$type"]](Instance)446 keys.forEach(function (fieldName)447 {448 var FieldInstance = Instance["$fields"][fieldName];449 current += HandleField(FieldInstance, fieldName);450 });451 }452 current += "</ul>";453 CurrentlyLoaded[partitionGuid + instanceGuid] = current;454 return current;455}456function HandleField(instance, field = null, subField = false, includeType = false)457{458 var content = "";459 if (field != null && subField == false)460 {461 if( includeType )462 content += `<li><type>${instance["$type"]}</type> `;463 content += `<field>${field}</field>: `;464 }465 if (field != null && subField)466 content += ":<subfield>" + field + "</subfield>";467 if (instance["$array"] != null) // Handle array468 {469 content = '<li class="minimized"><type>' + instance["$type"] + '</type> <field>' + field + "</field>: ";470 content += HandleArray(instance);471 content += "</li>"472 }473 else if (instance["$ref"] != null) // Handle reference474 {475 content += HandleReference(instance);476 }477 else if (instance["$type"] != null && simpleTypes[instance["$type"]]) // Handle simple478 {479 content += HandleSimple(instance["$value"], instance["$type"]);480 }481 else if (instance["$type"] != null && advancedTypes[instance["$type"]] != null) // Handle advanced482 {483 content += HandleAdvanced(instance["$value"], instance["$type"]);484 }485 else if (instance["$enum"] != null)486 {487 content += HandleEnum(instance["$enumValue"]);488 }489 else if (typeof instance == "string" || instance instanceof String)490 content += instance;491 else if (typeof instance == "number" || instance instanceof Number)492 content += instance;493 else494 content += HandleSubField(instance);495 if (content.indexOf("undefined") != -1)496 {497 console.log("Something went wrong. Debug!");498 }499 return content;500}501function HandleSubField(instance)502{503 var content = "";504 if (instance["$value"] != null)505 {506 content += HandleField(instance["$value"], null, true); //507 }508 else509 {510 //if (instance["$type"] == null)511 // return;512 content += '<ul type="2nd">';513 Object.keys(instance).forEach(function (subField)514 {515 content += HandleField(this[subField], subField);516 }, instance);517 content += "</ul>";518 }519 return content;520}521function HandleReference(instance, direct, directType)522{523 var content = "";524 if (instance != null)525 {526 if (direct &&527 instance['$partitionGuid'] != null &&528 instance['$instanceGuid'] != null)529 {530 var PartitionGuid = instance["$partitionGuid"];531 var InstanceGuid = instance["$instanceGuid"];532 instance["$type"] = directType;533 }534 else535 {536 if (instance["$value"] != null && instance["$value"]["$partitionGuid"] != null && instance["$value"]["$instanceGuid"] != null)537 {538 var PartitionGuid = instance["$value"]["$partitionGuid"];539 var InstanceGuid = instance["$value"]["$instanceGuid"];540 }541 }542 }543 if (PartitionGuid == null || InstanceGuid == null)544 {545 return '<div class="ref" ' + "><nilValue>*nullRef*</nilValue></div>"546 }547 content += `<div class="ref" partitionGuid="${PartitionGuid}" 548 instanceGuid="${InstanceGuid}" 549 parentPartition="${currentPartition}">`;550 content += `<h1 class="${(PartitionGuid == currentPartition) ? "localRef" : "remoteRef"}">`;551 var Instance = s_EbxManager.FindInstance(PartitionGuid, InstanceGuid, false);552 if (Instance != null)553 {554 //content += BuildInstance(loadedPartitions[partitionGuid][instanceGuid]);555 content += Instance["$type"] +556 '</h1>' +557 '<div class="GuidReferences">' +558 '<label>Partition:</label>' +559 '<div class="guidReference">' + PartitionGuid.toUpperCase() + '</div>' +560 ' ' +561 '<div class="GuidReferences">' +562 '<label>Instance:</label>' +563 '<div class="guidReference">' + InstanceGuid.toUpperCase() + '</div>' +564 '</div>';565 }566 else567 {568 /*569 if (loadedPartitions[partitionGuid] == null) 570 {571 *572 content += instance["$type"] +573 ' <partitionReference>' + s_EbxManager.GetPartitionGuidPath(PartitionGuid) + '</partitionReference>' +574 '</h1>' +575 '<div class="GuidReferences">' +576 '<label>Partition:</label>' +577 '<div class="guidReference">' + PartitionGuid.toUpperCase() + '</div>' +578 ' <div class="GuidReferences">' +579 '<label>Instance:</label>' +580 '<div class="guidReference">' + InstanceGuid.toUpperCase() + '</div>' +581 '</div>';582 return content;583 /*584 }585 if (loadedPartitions[partitionGuid][instanceGuid] != null) {586 content += loadedPartitions[partitionGuid][instanceGuid]["$type"] + ' <partitionReference>' + TryGetPartitionName(partitionGuid) + '</partitionReference></h1><div class="GuidReferences"><label>Partition:</label><div class="guidReference">' + partitionGuid.toUpperCase() + '</div> <div class="GuidReferences"><label>Instance:</label><div class="guidReference">' + instanceGuid.toUpperCase() + '</div></div>';587 //content += BuildInstance(loadedPartitions[partitionGuid][instanceGuid])588 } else {589 content += "<nilValue>Failed to fetch</nilValue>";590 }591 *592 }593 content += '</div>';594 return content;595}596function HandleReferencePost(partitionGuid, instanceGuid, parentPartition)597{598 var content = ""599 var Instance = s_EbxManager.FindInstance(partitionGuid, instanceGuid);600 if (Instance != null)601 content += BuildInstance(partitionGuid, instanceGuid, parentPartition);602 else603 content += "<nilValue>Failed to fetch</nilValue>";604 return content;605}606function HandleArray(instance)607{608 var content = "";609 content = " <count>(" + Object.values(instance['$value']).length + ")</count>";610 if (Object.values(instance['$value']).length == 0)611 {612 return content + "<nilValue>*nullArray*</nilValue>";613 }614 content += '<ul class="array">';615 var i = 1;616 Object.values(instance['$value']).forEach(function (refInstance)617 {618 if (instance["$ref"] != null) // Handle ref619 {620 content += "<li><index>[" + i + "]</index>";621 content += HandleReference(refInstance, true, instance['$type']);622 content += "</li>"623 }624 else625 {626 content += "<li><index>[" + i + "]</index>";627 content += HandleField(refInstance);628 content += "</li>";629 }630 /*631 if (instance["$ref"] != null) { // Handle ref632 content += "<li><index>[" + i + "]</index>";633 content += HandleReference(refInstance, true, instance['$type']);634 content += "</li>"635 } else { // Handle other types.636 if (simpleTypes[instance["$type"]]) { // Handle simple637 content += "<li><index>[" + i + "]</index>";638 content += HandleSimple(refInstance, instance["$type"]);639 content += "</li>"640 } else if (advancedTypes[instance["$type"]]) { // Handle simple641 content += "<li><index>[" + i + "]</index>";642 content += HandleAdvanced(refInstance, instance["$type"]);643 content += "</li>"644 } else {645 content += "<li><index>[" + i + "]</index>";646 content += HandleField(refInstance)647 content += "</li>"648 }649 }650 *651 i++;652 });653 content += "</ul>";654 return content;655}656function HandleEnum(enumValue)657{658 if (enumValue != null)659 {660 return '<value class="enum">' + enumValue + "</value>";661 }662 else663 {664 return "<nilValue>*unknownEnum*</nilValue";665 }666}667function HandleSimple(value, type)668{669 // If the value is not null or empty670 var content = "";671 if (simpleTypes[type] != null &&672 simpleTypes[type] == 2)673 content += '<value contenteditable="true" class="Boolean">' + value + "</value>";674 else if (simpleTypes[type] != null &&675 simpleTypes[type] == 3 &&676 s_HashManager.GetHashResult(value) != null)677 content += '<value class="Hash">' + s_HashManager.GetHashResult(value) + '</value>';678 else if (value !== null)679 content = '<value contenteditable="true" class="' + type + '">' + value + "</value>";680 else681 content = '<nilValue class="' + type + '">0</nilValue>';682 return content;683}684function HandleAdvanced(value, type)685{686 // If the value is not null or empty687 var content = "";688 if (value)689 {690 content = '<value class="' + type + '">';691 }692 if (advancedTypes[type] != null && advancedTypes[type] != true)693 content += advancedTypes[type](value);694 else695 content += value;696 if (content != '<value class="' + type + '">')697 {698 content += "</value>"699 }700 else701 { //Value is null or empty.702 content = "<nilValue>*null*</nilValue>";703 }704 return content;705}706function HandleEvent(value)707{708 var content = ':<subfield>EventSpec</subfield><ul type="2nd">';709 content += '<li><field>Id</field><value class="EventSpec">';710 if (GetHashResult([value["Id"]["$value"]]) != null)711 content += GetHashResult([value["Id"]["$value"]]);712 else713 content += value["Id"]["$value"];714 content += "</value></li></ul>";715 return content;716}717*/718function ParseVec2(value, raw = false)719{720 if (value == null)721 return "<nilValue>*null*</nilValue>";722 var content = "";723 if (raw == true)724 content += "Vec3(";725 content += value["x"]["$value"] + ", " + value["y"]["$value"];726 if (raw == true)727 content += ")";728 return content;729}730function ParseVec3(value, raw = false)731{732 if (value == null)733 return "<nilValue>*null*</nilValue>";734 var content = "";735 if (raw == true)736 content += "Vec3(";737 content += value["x"]["$value"] + ", " + value["y"]["$value"] + ", " + value["z"]["$value"];738 if (raw == true)739 content += ")";740 return content;741}742function ParseVec4(value, raw = false)743{744 if (value == null)745 return "<nilValue>*null*</nilValue>";746 var content = "";747 if (raw == true)748 content += "Vec4(";749 content += value["x"]["$value"] + ", " + value["y"]["$value"] + ", " + value["z"]["$value"] + ", " + value["w"]["$value"];750 if (raw == true)751 content += ")";752 return content;753}754function ParseLinearTransform(value)755{756 if (value == null)757 return "<nilValue>*null*</nilValue>";758 // Fix for uppercase members759 let s_Right = null;760 let s_Up = null;761 let s_Forward = null;762 let s_Trans = null;763 if (value["right"] != null)764 {765 s_Right = value["right"]["$value"];766 s_Up = value["up"]["$value"];767 s_Forward = value["forward"]["$value"];768 s_Trans = value["trans"]["$value"];769 }770 else771 {772 s_Right = value["Right"]["$value"];773 s_Up = value["Up"]["$value"];774 s_Forward = value["Forward"]["$value"];775 s_Trans = value["Trans"]["$value"];776 }777 var content = '<ul type="2nd">' +778 '<value class="LinearTransform">' +779 '<li>LinearTransform(';780 content += '<li>' + ParseVec3(s_Right) + ",</li>";781 content += '<li>' + ParseVec3(s_Up) + ",</li>";;782 content += '<li>' + ParseVec3(s_Forward) + ",</li>";783 content += '<li>' + ParseVec3(s_Trans) + "</li>";784 content += ')</li>' +785 '</value>' +786 '</ul>';787 return content;...

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Source:Interpreter.ts Github


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1import { ExecutionContext } from './ExecutionContext';2import { ParsingContext } from '../compiler/ParsingContext';3import { Nodes, PhaseFlags } from '../compiler/nodes';4import { BuiltInFunction } from './Value';5import { LysSemanticError, PositionCapableError } from '../compiler/NodeError';6import { last } from '../compiler/helpers';7const NilValue = Nodes.Nil.instance;8const builtIns: Record<string, BuiltInFunction> = {9 include: async function(_input, _context, _parsingContext) {10 return NilValue; // a interpret(parse(`()`), context, parsingContext);11 },12 'fn*': async function(input, context, _) {13 return new Nodes.FunctionNode(input.values.splice(1), context);14 },15 def: async function(input, context, parsingContext) {16 const sym = input.values[1];17 const value = input.values.length > 2 ? input.values[input.values.length - 1] : null;18 if (sym instanceof Nodes.SymbolNode) {19 const variable = new Nodes.Var(sym, async () =>20 value ? (await interpret(value, context, parsingContext)) || NilValue : NilValue21 );22 context.scope.set(, variable);23 return variable;24 } else {25 throw parsingContext.messageCollector.error(new LysSemanticError('Invalid symbol', sym));26 }27 },28 'core/list': async function(input, context, parsingContext) {29 const list: Nodes.Atom[] = [];30 for (let i = 0; i < input.values.length; i++) {31 list.push(await interpret(input.values[i], context, parsingContext));32 }33 return new Nodes.List(list);34 },35 'core/deref': async function(input, context, parsingContext) {36 const arg: Nodes.Atom = input.values[1];37 if (!arg) {38 throw parsingContext.messageCollector.error(new LysSemanticError(`(deref .) requires an argument`, input));39 }40 let argValue = await interpret(arg, context, parsingContext);41 if (argValue instanceof Nodes.Var) {42 return argValue.getValue();43 } else {44 throw parsingContext.messageCollector.error(45 new LysSemanticError(`(deref .): A var is required, got ${argValue}`, argValue)46 );47 }48 },49 'core/var': async function(input, context, parsingContext) {50 const symbol: Nodes.Atom = input.values[1];51 if (!symbol) {52 throw parsingContext.messageCollector.error(new LysSemanticError(`Missing symbol`, input));53 }54 if (symbol instanceof Nodes.SymbolNode) {55 const resolved = context.get(symbol);56 if (!resolved) {57 throw parsingContext.messageCollector.error(new LysSemanticError(`Cannot resolve symbol`, symbol));58 }59 if (resolved instanceof Nodes.Var) {60 return resolved;61 }62 throw parsingContext.messageCollector.error(new LysSemanticError(`Not a symbol (${resolved})`, symbol));63 } else {64 throw parsingContext.messageCollector.error(65 new LysSemanticError(`(var .): A symbol is required, got ${symbol}`, symbol)66 );67 }68 },69 meta: async function(input, context, parsingContext) {70 const arg: Nodes.Atom = input.values[1];71 if (!arg) {72 throw parsingContext.messageCollector.error(new LysSemanticError(`(meta .): Missing argument`, input));73 }74 let argValue = await interpret(arg, context, parsingContext);75 if (argValue instanceof Nodes.Var) {76 return argValue.meta || NilValue;77 }78 return NilValue;79 },80 if: async function(input, context, parsingContext) {81 if (await interpret(input.values[1], context, parsingContext)) {82 return interpret(input.values[2], context, parsingContext);83 }84 return input.values[3] ? interpret(input.values[3], context, parsingContext) : NilValue;85 },86 'core/document': async function(input, context, parsingContext) {87 let result: Nodes.Atom[] = [];88 try {89 for (let i = 1; i < input.values.length; i++) {90 result.push(await interpret(input.values[i], context, parsingContext));91 }92 } catch (e) {93 throw parsingContext.messageCollector.error(e);94 }95 return new Nodes.PersistentVector(result);96 },97 'core/quote': async function(input, _, parsingContext) {98 if (input.values.length < 1) {99 throw parsingContext.messageCollector.error(new LysSemanticError(`(core/quote .): Missing argument`, input));100 }101 return input.values[1] || NilValue;102 }103};104async function interpretList(input: Nodes.List, context: ExecutionContext, parsingContext: ParsingContext) {105 if (input.values.length > 0) {106 const first = input.values[0];107 if (first instanceof Nodes.SymbolNode) {108 const varFromContext = context.get(first);109 if (varFromContext) {110 return call(await varFromContext.getValue(), input, context, parsingContext);111 }112 if (first.fqn in builtIns) {113 return builtIns[first.fqn](input, context, parsingContext);114 }115 throw parsingContext.messageCollector.error(new LysSemanticError(`Cannot resolve symbol "${first}"`, first));116 } else {117 const fn = await interpret(first, context, parsingContext);118 return call(fn, input, context, parsingContext);119 }120 } else {121 return Nodes.List.EMPTY;122 }123}124async function call(fn: Nodes.Atom, input: Nodes.List, context: ExecutionContext, parsingContext: ParsingContext) {125 if (fn instanceof Nodes.FunctionNode) {126 const scope = new Map();127 const childContext = new ExecutionContext(scope, fn.context);128 fn.params.values.forEach((sym, ix) => {129 if (sym instanceof Nodes.SymbolNode) {130 const value = input.values[ix + 1];131 const variable = new Nodes.Var(sym, async () =>132 value ? (await interpret(value, context, parsingContext)) || NilValue : NilValue133 );134 context.scope.set(, variable);135 return variable;136 } else {137 throw parsingContext.messageCollector.error(new LysSemanticError(`Parameters must be Symbol`, sym));138 }139 });140 const list: Nodes.Atom[] = [];141 const body = fn.body;142 for (let i = 0; i < body.length; i++) {143 list.push(await interpret(body[i], childContext, parsingContext));144 }145 return last(list) || NilValue;146 }147 if (fn instanceof Nodes.Keyword) {148 if (input.values.length === 1) {149 throw parsingContext.messageCollector.error(new LysSemanticError(`Keyword selector: invalid arity`, input));150 }151 const first = await interpret(input.values[1], context, parsingContext);152 if (first instanceof Nodes.PersistentArrayMap) {153 return first.getValue(fn) || NilValue;154 } else if (first instanceof Nodes.PersistentSet) {155 return first.getValue(fn) || NilValue;156 }157 return NilValue;158 }159 throw parsingContext.messageCollector.error(new LysSemanticError(`${fn} is not a function`, input.values[0]));160}161async function interpret(162 input: Nodes.Atom,163 context: ExecutionContext,164 parsingContext: ParsingContext165): Promise<Nodes.Atom> {166 if (!input) {167 console.warn('Lisp', 'error', context.scope);168 return NilValue;169 }170 if (input instanceof Nodes.PersistentVector) {171 const list: Nodes.Atom[] = [];172 for (let i = 0; i < input.values.length; i++) {173 list.push(await interpret(input.values[i], context, parsingContext));174 }175 return new Nodes.PersistentVector(list);176 } else if (input instanceof Nodes.PersistentArrayMap) {177 const list: Nodes.Atom[] = [];178 for (let i = 0; i < input.values.length; i++) {179 list.push(await interpret(input.values[i], context, parsingContext));180 }181 return Nodes.PersistentArrayMap.fromValues(list, input.values);182 } else if (input instanceof Nodes.PersistentSet) {183 const list: Nodes.Atom[] = [];184 for (let i = 0; i < input.values.length; i++) {185 list.push(await interpret(input.values[i], context, parsingContext));186 }187 return Nodes.PersistentSet.fromValues(list, input.values);188 } else if (input instanceof Nodes.List) {189 return interpretList(input, context, parsingContext);190 } else if (input instanceof Nodes.SymbolNode) {191 const variable = context.get(input);192 if (variable) {193 return variable.getValue();194 }195 return NilValue;196 }197 return input;198}199export class Interpreter {200 lib = new Map<string, any>();201 private evalCounter = 0;202 constructor(public parsingContext: ParsingContext, lib: Record<string, any> = {}) {203 for (let i in lib) {204 this.lib.set(i, lib[i]);205 }206 }207 async eval(input: string) {208 const moduleName = `eval_${this.evalCounter++}`;209 this.parsingContext.invalidateModule(moduleName);210 this.parsingContext.getParsingPhaseForContent(moduleName, input);211 return;212 }213 async run(moduleName: string) {214 const atom = this.parsingContext.getPhase(moduleName, PhaseFlags.Semantic, true);215 try {216 return interpret(atom, new ExecutionContext(this.lib), this.parsingContext);217 } catch (e) {218 console.error(e);219 console.dir(e);220 if (e instanceof PositionCapableError) {221 this.parsingContext.messageCollector.errors.push(e);222 }223 throw e;224 }225 }...

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Source:NilValues.ts Github


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1/*2 * This file is part of rasdaman community.3 *4 * Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify5 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by6 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or7 * (at your option) any later version.8 *9 * Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of11 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the12 * GNU General Public License for more details.13 *14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License15 * along with rasdaman community. If not, see <>.16 *17 * Copyright 2003 - 2019 Peter Baumann /18 rasdaman GmbH.19 *20 * For more information please see <>21 * or contact Peter Baumann via <>.22 */23///<reference path="../../../common/_common.ts"/>24///<reference path="NilValue.ts"/>25/*26e.g:27<swe:NilValues>28 <swe:nilValue reason="">-INF</swe:nilValue>29 <swe:nilValue reason="">INF</swe:nilValue>30</swe:NilValues>31*/32module swe {33 export class NilValues {34 public nilValues:NilValue[];35 public constructor(source:rasdaman.common.ISerializedObject) {36 rasdaman.common.ArgumentValidator.isNotNull(source, "source");37 this.nilValues = [];38 source.getChildrenAsSerializedObjects("swe:NilValues").forEach(o => {39 this.nilValues.push(new NilValue(o));40 });41 }42 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { nilValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2console.log(nilValue());3const { nilValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');4console.log(nilValue());5const { nilValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');6console.log(nilValue());

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { nilValue } = require("fast-check-monorepo");2console.log(nilValue);3const { nilValue } = require("fast-check-monorepo");4console.log(nilValue);5const { nilValue } = require("fast-check-monorepo");6console.log(nilValue);7const { nilValue } = require("fast-check-monorepo");8console.log(nilValue);9const { nilValue } = require("fast-check-monorepo");10console.log(nilValue);11const { nilValue } = require("fast-check-monorepo");12console.log(nilValue);13const { nilValue } = require("fast-check-monorepo");14console.log(nilValue);15const { nilValue } = require("fast-check-monorepo");16console.log(nilValue);17const { nilValue } = require("fast-check-monorepo");18console.log(nilValue);19const { nilValue } = require("fast-check-monorepo");20console.log(nilValue);21const { nilValue } = require("fast-check-monorepo");22console.log(nilValue);23const { nilValue } = require("fast-check-monorepo");24console.log(nilValue);25const { nilValue } = require("fast-check-monorepo");26console.log(nilValue

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {nilValue} = require('fast-check-monorepo');2console.log(nilValue());3const {nilValue} = require('fast-check-monorepo');4console.log(nilValue());5const {nilValue} = require('fast-check-monorepo');6console.log(nilValue());7const {nilValue} = require('fast-check-monorepo');8console.log(nilValue());9const {nilValue} = require('fast-check-monorepo');10console.log(nilValue());

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { nilValue } from 'fast-check-monorepo';2const nil = nilValue();3import { nilValue } from 'fast-check';4const nil = nilValue();5import { nilValue } from 'fast-check-monorepo';6const nil = nilValue();7import { nilValue } from 'fast-check';8const nil = nilValue();92. In your test file, import the methods you want to use from `fast-check-monorepo`:10import { nilValue } from 'fast-check-monorepo';11const nil = nilValue();122. In your test file, import the methods you want to use from `fast-check`:13import { nilValue } from 'fast-check';14const nil = nilValue();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { nilValue } from 'fast-check';2import { nilValue } from 'fast-check';3import { nilValue } from 'fast-check';4import { nilValue } from 'fast-check';5import { nilValue } from 'fast-check';6I expect to see only one import of `nilValue` method from `fast-check` library7import { nilValue } from 'fast-check';8I see multiple imports of `nilValue` method from `fast-check` library9import { nilValue } from 'fast-check';10import { nilValue } from 'fast-check';11import { nilValue } from 'fast-check';12import { nilValue } from 'fast-check';

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { nilValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const nilValue = require('fast-check-monorepo').nilValue;3const nilValue = require('fast-check-monorepo').nilValue;4const { nilValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');5const nilValue = require('fast-check-monorepo').nilValue;6const nilValue = require('fast-check-monorepo').nilValue;7const { nilValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');8const nilValue = require('fast-check-monorepo').nilValue;9const nilValue = require('fast-check-monorepo').nilValue;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { nilValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const nil = nilValue();3console.log(nil);4const { nilValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');5const nil = nilValue();6console.log(nil);7const { nilValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');8const nil = nilValue();9console.log(nil);10const { nilValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');11const nil = nilValue();12console.log(nil);13const { nilValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');14const nil = nilValue();15console.log(nil);16const { nilValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');17const nil = nilValue();18console.log(nil);19const { nilValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');20const nil = nilValue();21console.log(nil);22const { nilValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');23const nil = nilValue();24console.log(nil);25const { nilValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');26const nil = nilValue();27console.log(nil);28const { nilValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');29const nil = nilValue();30console.log(nil);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { nilValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2test('should return null', () => {3 const result = nilValue();4 expect(result).toBeNull();5});6const { nilValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');7test('should return null', () => {8 const result = nilValue();9 expect(result).toBeNull();10});11const { nilValue } = require('fast-check-monorepo');12test('should return null', () => {13 const result = nilValue();14 expect(result).toBeNull();15});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {nilValue} = require('fast-check');2const nil = nilValue();3console.log(`nil: ${nil}`);4const {nilValue} = require('fast-check');5const nil = nilValue();6console.log(`nil: ${nil}`);7const {nilValue} = require('fast-check');8const nil = nilValue();9console.log(`nil: ${nil}`);10const {nilValue} = require('fast-check');11const nil = nilValue();12console.log(`nil: ${nil}`);13const {nilValue} = require('fast-check');14const nil = nilValue();15console.log(`nil: ${nil}`);16const {nilValue} = require('fast-check');17const nil = nilValue();18console.log(`nil: ${nil}`);19const {nilValue} = require('fast-check');20const nil = nilValue();21console.log(`nil: ${nil}`);22const {nilValue} = require('fast-check');23const nil = nilValue();24console.log(`nil: ${nil}`);25const {nilValue} = require('fast-check');26const nil = nilValue();27console.log(`nil: ${nil}`);28const {nilValue} = require('fast-check');

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