How to use numberedIndex method in fast-check-monorepo

Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo


Source:parser.ts Github


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1import { normalizeTemplateParams } from "./templates"2const P_START = '{{'3const P_SEPARATOR = '|'4const P_ASSIGN = '='5const P_END = '}}'6const LINK_START = '[['7const LINK_END = ']]'8const NOWIKI_START = '<nowiki>'9const NOWIKI_END = '</nowiki>'10const PRE_START = '<pre>'11const PRE_END = '</pre>'12const COMMENT_START = '<!--'13const COMMENT_END = '-->'14const STATE_PARAMETER_NAME = 115const STATE_PARAMETER_VALUE = 216export const parseTemplate = (input: string) => {17 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define18 const subParsers = getSubParsers()19 input = input.replace(/&gt;/g, '>')20 input = input.replace(/&lt;/g, '<')21 input = input.replace(/<br>/g, '\n')22 input = input.replace(/<code>/g, '')23 input = input.replace(/<\/code>/g, '')24 if (input.substr(0, 2) !== P_START) {25 throw new Error(`Template has to start with ${P_START}`)26 }27 input = input.substr(2)28 const nextSeparator = input.indexOf(P_SEPARATOR)29 if (nextSeparator < 0) {30 const end = input.indexOf(P_END)31 if (end < 0) {32 throw new Error(`Failed to find end of template block: ${P_END}`)33 }34 return { name: input.substr(0, end), parameters: {} }35 }36 const templateName = input.substr(0, nextSeparator).trim()37 const parameters = {}38 let paramName = ''39 let buffer = ''40 let index = nextSeparator + 141 let state = STATE_PARAMETER_NAME42 let numberedIndex = 143 const depth = 044 while (index < input.length) {45 const eof = depth == 0 && input.substr(index, 2) === P_END46 // Sub parsers47 let continueBlocks = true48 while (continueBlocks) {49 continueBlocks = false50 for (const [start, callback] of subParsers) {51 if (input.substr(index, start.length) === start) {52 const ref = { index }53 const block = callback(input, ref)54 buffer += block55 index = ref.index56 continueBlocks = true57 break58 }59 }60 }61 const currentChar = input.charAt(index)62 63 switch (state) {64 case STATE_PARAMETER_NAME: {65 if (currentChar === P_ASSIGN) {66 paramName = buffer.trim()67 buffer = ''68 state = STATE_PARAMETER_VALUE69 } else if (currentChar === P_SEPARATOR || eof) {70 parameters[numberedIndex] = buffer.trim()71 numberedIndex++72 buffer = ''73 state = STATE_PARAMETER_NAME74 } else {75 buffer += currentChar76 }77 break78 }79 case STATE_PARAMETER_VALUE: {80 if (currentChar === P_SEPARATOR || eof) {81 parameters[paramName] = buffer.trim()82 buffer = ''83 state = STATE_PARAMETER_NAME84 } else {85 buffer += currentChar86 }87 break88 }89 }90 index++91 }92 return {93 name: templateName,94 parameters: normalizeTemplateParams(templateName, parameters)95 }96}97export const skipBlock = (start: string, end: string, contents: string, ref: { index: number }, skipTags: boolean) => {98 let buffer = ''99 let depth = 0100 while (ref.index < contents.length) {101 if (contents.substr(ref.index, end.length) === end) {102 depth--103 if (!skipTags) {104 buffer += contents.substr(ref.index, end.length)105 }106 ref.index += end.length107 } else if (contents.substr(ref.index, start.length) === start) {108 depth++109 if (!skipTags) {110 buffer += contents.substr(ref.index, start.length)111 }112 ref.index += start.length113 } else {114 buffer += contents.charAt(ref.index)115 ref.index++116 }117 if (depth === 0) {118 return buffer119 }120 }121 return buffer122}123export const parseLink = (contents: string, ref: { index: number }) => {124 const data = skipBlock(LINK_START, LINK_END, contents, ref, true)125 // Skip images126 if (data.startsWith('File:')) {127 return ''128 }129 const index = data.lastIndexOf(P_SEPARATOR)130 if (index < 0) {131 return data132 }133 return data.substr(index + 1)134}135export const parseComment = (contents: string, ref: { index: number }) => {136 skipBlock(COMMENT_START, COMMENT_END, contents, ref, false)137 return ''138}139export const parseNoWiki = (contents: string, ref: { index: number }) => {140 return skipBlock(NOWIKI_START, NOWIKI_END, contents, ref, true)141}142export const parsePre = (contents: string, ref: { index: number }) => {143 return skipBlock(PRE_START, PRE_END, contents, ref, false)144}145export const parseTemplateCommand = (contents: string, ref: { index: number }) => {146 const data = skipBlock(P_START, P_END, contents, ref, false)147 const template = parseTemplate(data)148 // TODO: This could use some improvements, there's like 100 different templates149 switch ( {150 case 'Feature AFM':151 case 'Feature arma3contact':152 case 'Feature arma3oldman':153 case 'Feature dayz':154 case 'Feature Eden Editor':155 case 'Feature arma3':156 case 'Important':157 case 'Informative':158 return template.parameters[1]159 case 'since':160 return `since ${template.parameters[1]} ${template.parameters[2]}`161 default:162 if (Object.keys(template.parameters).length === 0) {163 return template.name164 }165 return ''166 }167}168const getSubParsers = () => ([169 [P_START, parseTemplateCommand] as const,170 [LINK_START, parseLink] as const,171 [NOWIKI_START, parseNoWiki] as const,172 [COMMENT_START, parseComment] as const,173 [PRE_START, parsePre] as const,...

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Source:heading-numbering.js Github


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1/**2 * Default config.3 * @private4 */5const _defaultOptions = {6 separator: '.',7 prefix: '',8 suffix: ' '9};10/**11 * Merge user options with default options.12 * @private13 * @param config {Object}14 * @return {Object}15 */16function _mergeOptions(config) {17 const options = config || {};18 for (const key of Object.keys(_defaultOptions)) {19 if ('undefined' === typeof options[key]) {20 options[key] = _defaultOptions[key];21 }22 }23 return options;24}25/**26 * @private27 */28const _regexHeadingLine = /^(#+)\s+(.*)$/;29/**30 * @param content {string}31 * @param config {Object}32 * @param logger {Object}33 * @return {string}34 */35function _process(content, config, logger) {36 const options = _mergeOptions(config)37 let inCodeBlock = false;38 const crumbs = [];39 const lines = content.split('\n');40 for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) {41 let line = lines[i];42 if (line.startsWith('<hexoPostRenderCodeBlock>')) {43 if (!line.endsWith('</hexoPostRenderCodeBlock>')) {44 inCodeBlock = true;45 }46 } else if (line.endsWith('</hexoPostRenderCodeBlock>')) {47 inCodeBlock = false;48 } else if (!inCodeBlock) {49 const m = line.match(_regexHeadingLine);50 if(m === null) {51 continue;52 }53 const tag = m[1], title = m[2];54 // Update crumbs55 const level = tag.length;56 if (crumbs.length > level) {57 crumbs.splice(level);58 }59 for (let j = 0; j < level; ++j) {60 if ('undefined' === typeof crumbs[j]) {61 crumbs[j] = 1;62 } else if (level - 1 === j) {63 crumbs[j] += 1;64 }65 }66 // Update heading67 const numberedIndex = crumbs.join(options.separator);68 lines[i] = `${tag} ${options.prefix}${numberedIndex}${options.suffix}${title}`;69 }70 }71 return lines.join('\n');72}73module.exports = {74 process: _process...

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Source:numbered-index.js Github


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1const numberedIndexes = document.querySelectorAll('.numbered-index');2numberedIndexes.forEach(function(numberedIndex){3 const nr = numberedIndex.getAttribute("data-number");4 const nrContainer = document.createElement("span");5 nrContainer.innerHTML = nr;6 nrContainer.classList.add("number");7 numberedIndex.appendChild(nrContainer);...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1- [Arbitrary](#arbitrary)2 - [Parameters](#parameters)3 - [Properties](#properties)4 - [Examples](#examples)5- [ArbitraryWithShrink](#arbitrarywithshrink)6 - [Parameters](#parameters-1)7 - [Properties](#properties-1)8 - [Examples](#examples-1)9- [ArbitraryWithBias](#arbitrarywithbias)10 - [Parameters](#parameters-2)11 - [Properties](#properties-2)12 - [Examples](#examples-2)13- [ArbitraryWithFrequency](#arbitrarywithfrequency)14 - [Parameters](#parameters-3)15 - [Properties](#properties-3)16 - [Examples](#examples-3)17- [ArbitraryWithShrinkableArray](#arbitrarywithshrinkablearray)18 - [Parameters](#parameters-4)19 - [Properties](#properties-4)20 - [Examples](#examples-4)21- [ArbitraryWithShrinkableMap](#arbitrarywithshrinkablemap)22 - [Parameters](#parameters-5)23 - [Properties](#properties-5)24 - [Examples](#examples-5)25- [ArbitraryWithShrinkableSet](#arbitrarywithshrinkableset)26 - [Parameters](#parameters-6)27 - [Properties](#properties-6)28 - [Examples](#examples-6)29- [ArbitraryWithShrinkableString](#arbitrarywithshrinkablestring)30 - [Parameters](#parameters-7)31 - [Properties](#properties-7)32 - [Examples](#examples-7)33- [ArbitraryWithShrinkableNumber](#arbitrarywithshrinkablenumber)34 - [Parameters](#parameters-8)35 - [Properties](#properties-8)36 - [Examples](#examples-8)37- [ArbitraryWithShrinkableBigInt](#arbitrarywithshrinkablebigint)38 - [Parameters](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const { number } = require('fast-check');3const { array } = require('fast-check');4const { property } = require('fast-check');5const { string } = require('fast-check');6const { tuple } = require('fast-check');7const { record } = require('fast-check');8const { constantFrom } = require('fast-check');9const { oneof } = require('fast-check');10const { option } = require('fast-check');11const { mapToConstant } = require('fast-check');12const { map } = require('fast-check');13const { filter } = require('fast-check');14const { set } = require('fast-check');15const { dictionary } = require('fast-check');16const { subarray } = require('fast-check');17const { subarrayBy } = require('fast-check');18const { subarrayByIndex } = require('fast-check');19const { subarrayByIndex2 } = require('fast-check');20const { subarrayByIndex3 } = require('fast-check');21const { subarrayByIndex4 } = require('fast-check');22const { subarrayByIndex5 } = require('fast-check');23const { subarrayByIndex6 } = require('fast-check');24const { subarrayByIndex7 } = require('fast-check');25const { subarrayByIndex8 } = require('fast-check');26const { subarrayByIndex9 } = require('fast-check');27const { subarrayByIndex10 } = require('fast-check');28const { subarrayByIndex11 } = require('fast-check');29const { subarrayByIndex12 } = require('fast-check');30const { subarrayByIndex13 } = require('fast-check');31const { subarrayByIndex14 } = require('fast-check');32const { subarrayByIndex15 } = require('fast-check');33const { subarrayByIndex16 } = require('fast-check');34const { subarrayByIndex17 } = require('fast-check');35const { subarrayByIndex18 } = require('fast-check');36const { subarrayByIndex19 } = require('fast-check');37const { subarrayByIndex20 } = require('fast-check');38const { subarrayByIndex21 } = require('fast-check');39const { subarrayByIndex22 } = require('fast-check');40const { subarrayByIndex23 } = require('fast-check');41const {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { Property } = require('fast-check');2const { property } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/Property');3const { property: property2 } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/Property');4const { property: property3 } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/Property');5const { property: property4 } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/Property');6const { property: property5 } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/Property');7const { property: property6 } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/Property');8const { property: property7 } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/Property');9const { property: property8 } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/Property');10const { property: property9 } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/Property');11const { property: property10 } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/Property');12const { property: property11 } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/Property');13const { property: property12 } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/Property');14const { property: property13 } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/Property');15const { property: property14 } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/Property');16const { property: property15 } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/Property');17const { property: property16 } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/Property');18const { property: property17 } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/Property');19const { property: property18 } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/Property');20const { property: property19 } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/Property');21const { property: property20 } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/Property');22const { property: property21 } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/Property');23const { property: property22 } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/Property');24const { property: property23 } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/Property');25const { property: property24 } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/Property');26const { property: property25 } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/Property');27const { property: property26 } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { numberIndex } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const { property } = require('fast-check');3property(numberIndex(3), (i) => {4 return i >= 0 && i < 3;5});6function numberIndex(max: number): Arbitrary<number>;7function numberIndexFrom(min: number, max: number): Arbitrary<number>;8function numberIndexFromTo(min: number, max: number): Arbitrary<number>;9function stringIndex(max: number): Arbitrary<string>;10function stringIndexFrom(min: number, max: number): Arbitrary<string>;11function stringIndexFromTo(min: number, max: number): Arbitrary<string>;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { fastCheck } = require("fast-check");2const { numberedIndex } = require("fast-check-monorepo");3const fc = fastCheck();4const myArb = fc.array(fc.integer()).filter((arr) => arr.length > 0);5fc.assert(6, (arr) => {7 const index = numberedIndex(arr);8 const [i, v] = arr[index];9 return arr[i] === v;10 })11);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { numberIndex } = require("fast-check-monorepo");2const test3 = () => {3 const test3 = numberIndex(2, 5);4 console.log(test3);5};6test3();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { numberIndex } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const { property } = require('fast-check');3property(numberIndex, (index) => {4});5const { numberIndex } = require('fast-check-monorepo');6const { numberIndexInRange } = require('fast-check-monorepo');7const { stringIndex } = require('fast-check-monorepo');8const { stringIndexInRange } = require('fast-check-monorepo');9const { stringIndexInArray } = require('fast-check-monorepo');10const { stringIndexInArrayInRange } = require('fast-check-monorepo');11const { stringIndexInArrayWithLength } = require('fast-check-monorepo');12const { stringIndexInArrayWithLengthInRange } = require('fast-check-monorepo');13const { stringIndexInArrayWithLengths } = require('fast-check-monorepo');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const { numberIndex } = require('fast-check-monorepo');3 .array(fc.integer(), { minLength: 1 })4 .map((arr) => numberIndex(arr, 0, arr.length - 1));5fc.assert(, (x) => x >= 0 && x < 10));6function numberIndex(array: number[], min: number, max: number): number7function stringIndex(array: string[], min: number, max: number): number8function objectKey(object: { [key: string]: unknown }, min: number, max: number): number9function objectKey(object: { [key: string]: unknown }, min: number, max: number): number10function objectKey(object: { [key: string]: unknown }, min: number, max: number): number11function objectKey(object: { [key: string]: unknown }, min: number, max: number): number12function objectKey(object: { [key: string]: unknown }, min: number, max: number): number

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