How to use p3 method in fast-check-monorepo

Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo


Source:Export3D.js Github


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1Clazz.declarePackage ("J.export");2Clazz.load (["J.api.JmolRendererInterface", "JU.P3"], "J.export.Export3D", ["J.api.Interface", "J.g3d.HermiteRenderer"], function () {3c$ = Clazz.decorateAsClass (function () {4this.exporter = null;5this.privateKey = 0;6this.gdata = null;7this.colix = 0;8this.hermite3d = null;9this.width = 0;10this.height = 0;11this.slab = 0;12this.depth = 0;13this.exportName = null;14this.webGL = false;15this.isCartesian = false;16this.ptA = null;17this.ptB = null;18this.ptC = null;19this.ptD = null;20Clazz.instantialize (this, arguments);21}, J["export"], "Export3D", null, J.api.JmolRendererInterface);22Clazz.prepareFields (c$, function () {23this.ptA = new JU.P3 ();24this.ptB = new JU.P3 ();25this.ptC = new JU.P3 ();26this.ptD = new JU.P3 ();27});28Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "isWebGL", 29function () {30return this.webGL;31});32Clazz.makeConstructor (c$, 33function () {34});35Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "initializeExporter", 36function (vwr, privateKey, gdata, params) {37this.exportName = params.get ("type");38this.webGL = this.exportName.equals ("JS");39if ((this.exporter = J.api.Interface.getOption ("export." + (this.webGL ? "" : "_") + this.exportName + "Exporter", vwr, "export")) == null) return null;40this.exporter.export3D = this;41this.isCartesian = (this.exporter.exportType == 1);42this.gdata = gdata;43gdata.setNewWindowParametersForExport ();44this.slab = gdata.slab;45this.width = gdata.width;46this.height = gdata.height;47this.privateKey = privateKey;48return (this.initializeOutput (vwr, privateKey, params) ? this.exporter : null);49}, "JV.Viewer,~N,JU.GData,java.util.Map");50Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "initializeOutput", 51function (vwr, privateKey, params) {52return this.exporter.initializeOutput (vwr, privateKey, this.gdata, params);53}, "JV.Viewer,~N,java.util.Map");54Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "getExportType", 55function () {56return this.exporter.exportType;57});58Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "getExportName", 59function () {60return this.exportName;61});62Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "finalizeOutput", 63function () {64return this.exporter.finalizeOutput ();65});66Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "setSlab", 67function (slabValue) {68this.gdata.setSlab (slabValue);69this.slab = this.gdata.slab;70}, "~N");71Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "setSlabAndZShade", 72function (slabValue, depthValue, zSlab, zDepth, zPower) {73this.gdata.setSlab (slabValue);74this.slab = this.gdata.slab;75this.gdata.setDepth (depthValue);76this.depth = this.gdata.depth;77}, "~N,~N,~N,~N,~N");78Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "renderBackground", 79function (me) {80if (!this.isCartesian) this.gdata.renderBackground (me);81}, "J.api.JmolRendererInterface");82Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "drawAtom", 83function (atom, radius) {84this.exporter.drawAtom (atom, radius);85}, "JM.Atom,~N");86Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "drawRect", 87function (x, y, z, zSlab, rWidth, rHeight) {88if (this.webGL) {89return;90}if (zSlab != 0 && this.gdata.isClippedZ (zSlab)) return;91var w = rWidth - 1;92var h = rHeight - 1;93var xRight = x + w;94var yBottom = y + h;95if (y >= 0 && y < this.height) this.drawHLine (x, y, z, w);96if (yBottom >= 0 && yBottom < this.height) this.drawHLine (x, yBottom, z, w);97if (x >= 0 && x < this.width) this.drawVLine (x, y, z, h);98if (xRight >= 0 && xRight < this.width) this.drawVLine (xRight, y, z, h);99}, "~N,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N");100Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "drawHLine", 101 function (x, y, z, w) {102var argbCurrent = this.gdata.getColorArgbOrGray (this.colix);103if (w < 0) {104x += w;105w = -w;106}for (var i = 0; i <= w; i++) {107this.exporter.drawTextPixel (argbCurrent, x + i, y, z);108}109}, "~N,~N,~N,~N");110Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "drawVLine", 111 function (x, y, z, h) {112var argbCurrent = this.gdata.getColorArgbOrGray (this.colix);113if (h < 0) {114y += h;115h = -h;116}for (var i = 0; i <= h; i++) {117this.exporter.drawTextPixel (argbCurrent, x, y + i, z);118}119}, "~N,~N,~N,~N");120Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "drawFilledCircle", 121function (colixRing, colixFill, diameter, x, y, z) {122if (!this.gdata.isClippedZ (z)) this.exporter.drawFilledCircle (colixRing, colixFill, diameter, x, y, z);123}, "~N,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N");124Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "drawCircle", 125function (colix, diameter, x, y, z, doFill) {126if (!this.gdata.isClippedZ (z)) this.exporter.drawCircle (x, y, z, diameter, colix, doFill);127}, "~N,~N,~N,~N,~N,~B");128Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "fillSphereXYZ", 129function (diameter, x, y, z) {130this.ptA.set (x, y, z);131this.fillSphereBits (diameter, this.ptA);132}, "~N,~N,~N,~N");133Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "fillSphereI", 134function (diameter, center) {135this.ptA.set (center.x, center.y, center.z);136this.fillSphereBits (diameter, this.ptA);137}, "~N,JU.P3i");138Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "fillSphereBits", 139function (diameter, center) {140if (diameter != 0) this.exporter.fillSphere (this.colix, diameter, center);141}, "~N,JU.P3");142Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "fillTextRect", 143function (x, y, z, zSlab, widthFill, heightFill) {144if (this.isCartesian || this.gdata.isClippedZ (zSlab)) return;145z = this.exporter.fixScreenZ (z);146this.ptA.set (x, y, z);147this.ptB.set (x + widthFill, y, z);148this.ptC.set (x + widthFill, y + heightFill, z);149this.ptD.set (x, y + heightFill, z);150this.fillQuadrilateral (this.ptA, this.ptB, this.ptC, this.ptD, false);151}, "~N,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N");152Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "drawString", 153function (str, font3d, xBaseline, yBaseline, z, zSlab, bgcolix) {154if (str != null && !this.gdata.isClippedZ (zSlab)) this.drawStringNoSlab (str, font3d, xBaseline, yBaseline, z, bgcolix);155}, "~S,javajs.awt.Font,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N");156Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "drawStringNoSlab", 157function (str, font3d, xBaseline, yBaseline, z, bgcolix) {158if (str == null) return;159z = Math.max (this.slab, z);160if (font3d == null) font3d = this.gdata.getFont3DCurrent ();161 else this.gdata.setFont (font3d);162this.exporter.plotText (xBaseline, yBaseline, z, this.colix, str, font3d);163}, "~S,javajs.awt.Font,~N,~N,~N,~N");164Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "drawImage", 165function (objImage, x, y, z, zSlab, bgcolix, width, height) {166if (this.isCartesian || objImage == null || width == 0 || height == 0 || this.gdata.isClippedZ (zSlab)) return;167z = Math.max (this.slab, z);168this.exporter.plotImage (x, y, z, objImage, bgcolix, width, height);169}, "~O,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N");170Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "drawPixel", 171function (x, y, z) {172this.plotPixelClipped (x, y, z);173}, "~N,~N,~N");174Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "plotPixelClipped", 175function (x, y, z) {176if (this.isClipped (x, y, z)) return;177this.exporter.drawPixel (this.colix, x, y, z, 1);178}, "~N,~N,~N");179Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "plotPixelClippedP3i", 180function (screen) {181if (this.isClipped (screen.x, screen.y, screen.z)) return;182this.exporter.drawPixel (this.colix, screen.x, screen.y, screen.z, 1);183}, "JU.P3i");184Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "drawPoints", 185function (count, coordinates, scale) {186for (var i = count * 3; i > 0; ) {187var z = coordinates[--i];188var y = coordinates[--i];189var x = coordinates[--i];190if (this.isClipped (x, y, z)) continue;191this.exporter.drawPixel (this.colix, x, y, z, scale);192}193}, "~N,~A,~N");194Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "drawDashedLineBits", 195function (run, rise, pointA, pointB) {196this.exporter.fillCylinderScreenMad (this.colix, 2, this.exporter.lineWidthMad, pointA, pointB);197}, "~N,~N,JU.P3,JU.P3");198Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "drawLineXYZ", 199function (x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) {200this.ptA.set (x1, y1, z1);201this.ptB.set (x2, y2, z2);202this.exporter.fillCylinderScreenMad (this.colix, 2, this.exporter.lineWidthMad, this.ptA, this.ptB);203}, "~N,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N");204Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "drawLine", 205function (colixA, colixB, xA, yA, zA, xB, yB, zB) {206this.fillCylinderXYZ (colixA, colixB, 2, this.exporter.lineWidthMad, xA, yA, zA, xB, yB, zB);207}, "~N,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N");208Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "drawLineBits", 209function (colixA, colixB, pointA, pointB) {210this.fillCylinderBits2 (colixA, colixB, 2, this.exporter.lineWidthMad, pointA, pointB);211}, "~N,~N,JU.P3,JU.P3");212Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "drawLineAB", 213function (pointA, pointB) {214this.exporter.fillCylinderScreenMad (this.colix, 2, this.exporter.lineWidthMad, pointA, pointB);215}, "JU.P3,JU.P3");216Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "drawBond", 217function (atomA, atomB, colixA, colixB, endcaps, mad, bondOrder) {218if (mad == 1) mad = this.exporter.lineWidthMad;219this.exporter.drawCylinder (atomA, atomB, colixA, colixB, endcaps, mad, bondOrder);220}, "JU.P3,JU.P3,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N");221Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "fillCylinderXYZ", 222function (colixA, colixB, endcaps, mad, xA, yA, zA, xB, yB, zB) {223this.ptA.set (xA, yA, zA);224this.ptB.set (xB, yB, zB);225this.exporter.drawCylinder (this.ptA, this.ptB, colixA, colixB, endcaps, mad, 1);226}, "~N,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N");227Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "fillCylinderScreen3I", 228function (endcaps, diameter, pointA, pointB, pt0f, pt1f, radius) {229if (diameter <= 0) return;230this.exporter.fillCylinderScreen (this.colix, endcaps, diameter, pointA, pointB, pt0f, pt1f, radius);231}, "~N,~N,JU.P3,JU.P3,JU.P3,JU.P3,~N");232Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "fillCylinder", 233function (endcaps, diameter, pointA, pointB) {234if (diameter <= 0) return;235this.ptA.set (pointA.x, pointA.y, pointA.z);236this.ptB.set (pointB.x, pointB.y, pointB.z);237this.exporter.fillCylinderScreenMad (this.colix, endcaps, diameter, this.ptA, this.ptB);238}, "~N,~N,JU.P3i,JU.P3i");239Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "fillCylinderBits", 240function (endcaps, diameter, pointA, pointB) {241if (diameter <= 0) return;242if (this.isCartesian) {243this.exporter.fillCylinderScreen (this.colix, endcaps, diameter, pointA, pointB, null, null, 0);244} else {245this.exporter.fillCylinderScreenMad (this.colix, endcaps, diameter, pointA, pointB);246}}, "~N,~N,JU.P3,JU.P3");247Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "fillConeScreen3f", 248function (endcap, screenDiameter, pointBase, screenTip, isBarb) {249this.exporter.fillConeScreen (this.colix, endcap, screenDiameter, pointBase, screenTip, isBarb);250}, "~N,~N,JU.P3,JU.P3,~B");251Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "drawHermite4", 252function (tension, s0, s1, s2, s3) {253this.hermite3d.renderHermiteRope (false, tension, 0, 0, 0, s0, s1, s2, s3);254}, "~N,JU.P3,JU.P3,JU.P3,JU.P3");255Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "fillHermite", 256function (tension, diameterBeg, diameterMid, diameterEnd, s0, s1, s2, s3) {257this.hermite3d.renderHermiteRope (true, tension, diameterBeg, diameterMid, diameterEnd, s0, s1, s2, s3);258}, "~N,~N,~N,~N,JU.P3,JU.P3,JU.P3,JU.P3");259Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "drawTriangle3C", 260function (screenA, colixA, screenB, colixB, screenC, colixC, check) {261if ((check & 1) == 1) this.drawLine (colixA, colixB, screenA.x, screenA.y, screenA.z, screenB.x, screenB.y, screenB.z);262if ((check & 2) == 2) this.drawLine (colixB, colixC, screenB.x, screenB.y, screenB.z, screenC.x, screenC.y, screenC.z);263if ((check & 4) == 4) this.drawLine (colixA, colixC, screenA.x, screenA.y, screenA.z, screenC.x, screenC.y, screenC.z);264}, "JU.P3i,~N,JU.P3i,~N,JU.P3i,~N,~N");265Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "drawLineBits", 266function (screenA, screenB, colixA, colixB) {267this.exporter.drawCylinder (screenA, screenB, colixA, colixB, 2, this.exporter.lineWidthMad, 1);268}, "JU.P3,JU.P3,~N,~N");269Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "fillCylinderBits2", 270function (colixA, colixB, endcaps, mad, screenA, screenB) {271this.exporter.drawCylinder (screenA, screenB, colixA, colixB, endcaps, mad, 1);272}, "~N,~N,~N,~N,JU.P3,JU.P3");273Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "fillTriangle3CNBits", 274function (pA, colixA, nA, pB, colixB, nB, pC, colixC, nC, twoSided) {275if (colixA != colixB || colixB != colixC) {276return;277}this.exporter.fillTriangle (colixA, pA, pB, pC, twoSided);278}, "JU.P3,~N,~N,JU.P3,~N,~N,JU.P3,~N,~N,~B");279Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "fillTriangle3CN", 280function (pointA, colixA, normixA, pointB, colixB, normixB, pointC, colixC, normixC) {281}, "JU.P3i,~N,~N,JU.P3i,~N,~N,JU.P3i,~N,~N");282Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "fillTriangleTwoSided", 283function (normix, a, b, c) {284this.exporter.fillTriangle (this.colix, a, b, c, true);285}, "~N,JU.P3,JU.P3,JU.P3");286Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "fillTriangle3f", 287function (pointA, pointB, pointC, setNoisy) {288this.exporter.fillTriangle (this.colix, pointA, pointB, pointC, false);289}, "JU.P3,JU.P3,JU.P3,~B");290Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "fillTriangle3i", 291function (screenA, screenB, screenC, ptA0, ptB0, ptC0, doShade) {292this.exporter.fillTriangle (this.colix, screenA, screenB, screenC, true);293}, "JU.P3,JU.P3,JU.P3,JU.T3,JU.T3,JU.T3,~B");294Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "fillQuadrilateral", 295function (pointA, pointB, pointC, pointD, isSolid) {296this.exporter.fillTriangle (this.colix, pointA, pointB, pointC, false);297this.exporter.fillTriangle (this.colix, pointA, pointC, pointD, false);298}, "JU.P3,JU.P3,JU.P3,JU.P3,~B");299Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "drawSurface", 300function (meshSurface, colix) {301this.exporter.drawSurface (meshSurface, colix);302}, "JU.MeshSurface,~N");303Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "fillEllipsoid", 304function (center, points, x, y, z, diameter, mToEllipsoidal, coef, mDeriv, selectedOctant, octantPoints) {305this.exporter.fillEllipsoid (center, points, this.colix, x, y, z, diameter, mToEllipsoidal, coef, mDeriv, octantPoints);306}, "JU.P3,~A,~N,~N,~N,~N,JU.M3,~A,JU.M4,~N,~A");307Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "drawEllipse", 308function (ptAtom, ptX, ptY, fillArc, wireframeOnly) {309return this.exporter.drawEllipse (ptAtom, ptX, ptY, this.colix, fillArc);310}, "JU.P3,JU.P3,JU.P3,~B,~B");311Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "isAntialiased", 312function () {313return false;314});315Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "checkTranslucent", 316function (isAlphaTranslucent) {317return true;318}, "~B");319Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "haveTranslucentObjects", 320function () {321return true;322});323Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "setC", 324function (colix) {325this.colix = colix;326this.gdata.setC (colix);327return true;328}, "~N");329Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "isInDisplayRange", 330function (x, y) {331return (this.isCartesian || this.gdata.isInDisplayRange (x, y));332}, "~N,~N");333Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "clipCode", 334function (x, y, z) {335return (this.isCartesian ? this.gdata.clipCode (z) : this.gdata.clipCode3 (x, y, z));336}, "~N,~N,~N");337Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "isClippedXY", 338function (diameter, x, y) {339return (!this.isCartesian && this.gdata.isClippedXY (diameter, x, y));340}, "~N,~N,~N");341Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isClipped", 342function (x, y, z) {343return (this.gdata.isClippedZ (z) || this.isClipped (x, y));344}, "~N,~N,~N");345Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "isClipped", 346function (x, y) {347return (!this.isCartesian && this.gdata.isClipped (x, y));348}, "~N,~N");349Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getPrivateKey", 350function () {351return this.privateKey;352});353Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "volumeRender4", 354function (diam, x, y, z) {355this.fillSphereXYZ (diam, x, y, z);356}, "~N,~N,~N,~N");357Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "renderCrossHairs", 358function (minMax, screenWidth, screenHeight, navigationOffset, navigationDepthPercent) {359}, "~A,~N,~N,JU.P3,~N");360Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "volumeRender", 361function (TF) {362}, "~B");363Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "addRenderer", 364function (tok) {365if (tok == 553648146) this.hermite3d = new J.g3d.HermiteRenderer ().set (this, this.gdata);366}, "~N");367Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "plotImagePixel", 368function (argb, x, y, z, shade, bgargb, width, height, pbuf, p, transpLog) {369if (this.webGL) return;370z = Math.max (this.slab, z);371if (shade != 0) {372var a = (shade == 8 ? 0xFF : ((8 - shade) << 4) + (8 - shade));373argb = (argb & 0xFFFFFF) | (a << 24);374}this.exporter.drawTextPixel (argb, x, y, z);375}, "~N,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N,~A,~O,~N");376Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "drawHermite7", 377function (fill, border, tension, s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, aspectRatio, colixBack) {378if (colixBack == 0 || this.webGL) {379this.hermite3d.renderHermiteRibbon (fill, border, tension, s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, aspectRatio, 0);380return;381}this.hermite3d.renderHermiteRibbon (fill, border, tension, s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, aspectRatio, 1);382var colix = this.colix;383this.setC (colixBack);384this.hermite3d.renderHermiteRibbon (fill, border, tension, s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, aspectRatio, -1);385this.setC (colix);386}, "~B,~B,~N,JU.P3,JU.P3,JU.P3,JU.P3,JU.P3,JU.P3,JU.P3,JU.P3,~N,~N");387Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "renderAllStrings", 388function (jr) {389if (this.webGL) {390return;391}this.gdata.renderAllStrings (this);392}, "~O");...

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Source:__CartesianExporter.js Github


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1Clazz.declarePackage ("J.export");2Clazz.load (["J.export.___Exporter", "JU.A4", "$.M4"], "J.export.__CartesianExporter", ["java.lang.Float", "java.util.Hashtable", "JU.M3", "$.P3", "JU.C", "$.Logger"], function () {3c$ = Clazz.decorateAsClass (function () {4this.viewpoint = null;5this.canCapCylinders = false;6this.noColor = false;7this.sphereMatrix = null;8Clazz.instantialize (this, arguments);9}, J["export"], "__CartesianExporter", J["export"].___Exporter);10Clazz.prepareFields (c$, function () {11this.viewpoint = new JU.A4 ();12this.sphereMatrix = new JU.M4 ();13});14Clazz.makeConstructor (c$, 15function () {16Clazz.superConstructor (this, J["export"].__CartesianExporter, []);17this.exportType = 1;18this.lineWidthMad = 100;19});20Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getModelCenter", 21function () {22return this.referenceCenter;23});24Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getCameraPosition", 25function () {26var ptCamera = new JU.P3 ();27var pt = JU.P3.new3 (Clazz.doubleToInt (this.screenWidth / 2), Clazz.doubleToInt (this.screenHeight / 2), 0); (pt, ptCamera);29ptCamera.sub (;30this.tempP3.set (Clazz.doubleToInt (this.screenWidth / 2), Clazz.doubleToInt (this.screenHeight / 2), this.cameraDistance * this.scalePixelsPerAngstrom); (this.tempP3, this.tempP3);32this.tempP3.sub (;33ptCamera.add (this.tempP3);34return this.cameraPosition;35});36Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setTempPoints", 37 function (ptA, ptB, isCartesian) {38if (isCartesian) {39this.tempP1.setT (ptA);40this.tempP2.setT (ptB);41} else { (ptA, this.tempP1); (ptB, this.tempP2);44}}, "JU.P3,JU.P3,~B");45Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getCoordinateMap", 46function (vertices, coordMap, bsValid) {47var n = 0;48for (var i = 0; i < coordMap.length; i++) {49if (bsValid != null && !bsValid.get (i) || Float.isNaN (vertices[i].x)) {50if (bsValid != null) bsValid.clear (i);51continue;52}coordMap[i] = n++;53}54return n;55}, "~A,~A,JU.BS");56Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "getNormalMap", 57function (normals, nNormals, bsValid, vNormals) {58var htNormals = new java.util.Hashtable ();59var normalMap = Clazz.newIntArray (nNormals, 0);60for (var i = 0; i < nNormals; i++) {61var s;62if (bsValid != null && !bsValid.get (i) || Float.isNaN (normals[i].x)) {63if (bsValid != null) bsValid.clear (i);64continue;65}s = this.getTriad (normals[i]) + "\n";66if (htNormals.containsKey (s)) {67normalMap[i] = htNormals.get (s).intValue ();68} else {69normalMap[i] = vNormals.size ();70vNormals.addLast (s);71htNormals.put (s, Integer.$valueOf (normalMap[i]));72}}73return normalMap;74}, "~A,~N,JU.BS,JU.Lst");75Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "outputIndices", 76function (indices, map, nPolygons, bsPolygons, faceVertexMax) {77var isAll = (bsPolygons == null);78var i0 = (isAll ? nPolygons - 1 : bsPolygons.nextSetBit (0));79for (var i = i0; i >= 0; i = (isAll ? i - 1 : bsPolygons.nextSetBit (i + 1))) this.outputFace (indices[i], map, faceVertexMax);80}, "~A,~A,~N,JU.BS,~N");81Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "plotText", 82function (x, y, z, colix, text, font3d) {83this.gdata.plotText (x, y, z, this.gdata.getColorArgbOrGray (colix), 0, text, font3d, this.export3D);84}, "~N,~N,~N,~N,~S,javajs.awt.Font");85Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "plotImage", 86function (x, y, z, image, bgcolix, width, height) {87}, "~N,~N,~N,~O,~N,~N,~N");88Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "drawAtom", 89function (atom, radius) {90if (JU.Logger.debugging) this.outputComment ("atom " + atom);91var colix = atom.colixAtom;92this.outputSphere (atom, radius == 0 ? atom.madAtom / 2000 : radius, colix, JU.C.isColixTranslucent (colix));93}, "JM.Atom,~N");94Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "drawCircle", 95function (x, y, z, diameter, colix, doFill) {96this.tempP3.set (x, y, z); (this.tempP3, this.tempP1);98var radius = (z, diameter) / 2;99this.tempP3.set (x, y, z + 1); (this.tempP3, this.tempP3);101this.outputCircle (this.tempP1, this.tempP3, radius, colix, doFill);102}, "~N,~N,~N,~N,~N,~B");103Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "drawEllipse", 104function (ptCenter, ptX, ptY, colix, doFill) {105this.tempV1.sub2 (ptX, ptCenter);106this.tempV2.sub2 (ptY, ptCenter);107this.tempV2.cross (this.tempV1, this.tempV2);108this.tempV2.normalize ();109this.tempV2.scale (doFill ? 0.002 : 0.005);110this.tempP1.sub2 (ptCenter, this.tempV2);111this.tempP2.add2 (ptCenter, this.tempV2);112return this.outputCylinder (ptCenter, this.tempP1, this.tempP2, colix, doFill ? 2 : 0, 1.01, ptX, ptY, true);113}, "JU.P3,JU.P3,JU.P3,~N,~B");114Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "drawPixel", 115function (colix, x, y, z, scale) {116this.tempP3.set (x, y, z); (this.tempP3, this.tempP1);118this.outputSphere (this.tempP1, 0.02 * scale, colix, true);119}, "~N,~N,~N,~N,~N");120Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "drawTextPixel", 121function (argb, x, y, z) {122this.tempP3.set (x, y, z); (this.tempP3, this.tempP1);124this.outputTextPixel (this.tempP1, argb);125}, "~N,~N,~N,~N");126Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "fillConeScreen", 127function (colix, endcap, screenDiameter, screenBase, screenTip, isBarb) { (screenBase, this.tempP1); (screenTip, this.tempP2);130var radius = (screenBase.z, screenDiameter) / 2;131if (radius < 0.05) radius = 0.05;132this.outputCone (this.tempP1, this.tempP2, radius, colix);133}, "~N,~N,~N,JU.P3,JU.P3,~B");134Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "drawCylinder", 135function (ptA, ptB, colix1, colix2, endcaps, mad, bondOrder) {136this.setTempPoints (ptA, ptB, bondOrder < 0);137var radius = mad / 2000;138if (JU.Logger.debugging) this.outputComment ("bond " + ptA + " " + ptB);139if (colix1 == colix2 || this.noColor) {140this.outputCylinder (null, this.tempP1, this.tempP2, colix1, endcaps, radius, null, null, bondOrder != -1);141} else {142this.tempV2.ave (this.tempP2, this.tempP1);143this.tempP3.setT (this.tempV2);144if (this.solidOnly && endcaps == 0) endcaps = 2;145 else if (this.canCapCylinders && endcaps == 3) endcaps = (this.solidOnly ? 5 : 4);146this.outputCylinder (null, this.tempP3, this.tempP1, colix1, (endcaps == 3 ? 0 : endcaps), radius, null, null, true);147this.outputCylinder (null, this.tempP3, this.tempP2, colix2, (endcaps == 3 ? 0 : endcaps), radius, null, null, true);148if (endcaps == 3) {149this.outputSphere (this.tempP1, radius * 1.01, colix1, bondOrder != -2);150this.outputSphere (this.tempP2, radius * 1.01, colix2, bondOrder != -2);151}}}, "JU.P3,JU.P3,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N");152Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "fillCylinderScreenMad", 153function (colix, endcaps, mad, screenA, screenB) {154var radius = mad / 2000;155this.setTempPoints (screenA, screenB, false);156this.outputCylinder (null, this.tempP1, this.tempP2, colix, endcaps, radius, null, null, true);157}, "~N,~N,~N,JU.P3,JU.P3");158Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "fillCylinderScreen", 159function (colix, endcaps, screenDiameter, screenA, screenB, ptA, ptB, radius) {160if (ptA != null) {161this.drawCylinder (ptA, ptB, colix, colix, endcaps, Math.round (radius * 2000), -1);162return;163}var mad = Math.round ( ((screenA.z + screenB.z) / 2, screenDiameter) * 1000);164this.fillCylinderScreenMad (colix, endcaps, mad, screenA, screenB);165}, "~N,~N,~N,JU.P3,JU.P3,JU.P3,JU.P3,~N");166Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "fillEllipsoid", 167function (center, points, colix, x, y, z, diameter, toEllipsoidal, coef, deriv, octantPoints) {168this.outputEllipsoid (center, points, colix);169}, "JU.P3,~A,~N,~N,~N,~N,~N,JU.M3,~A,JU.M4,~A");170Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "fillSphere", 171function (colix, diameter, pt) { (pt, this.tempP1);173this.outputSphere (this.tempP1, (pt.z, diameter) / 2, colix, true);174}, "~N,~N,JU.P3");175Clazz.overrideMethod (c$, "fillTriangle", 176function (colix, ptA, ptB, ptC, twoSided) { (ptA, this.tempP1); (ptB, this.tempP2); (ptC, this.tempP3);180if (this.solidOnly) {181this.outputSolidPlate (this.tempP1, this.tempP2, this.tempP3, colix);182} else {183this.outputTriangle (this.tempP1, this.tempP2, this.tempP3, colix);184if (twoSided) this.outputTriangle (this.tempP1, this.tempP3, this.tempP2, colix);185}}, "~N,JU.T3,JU.T3,JU.T3,~B");186Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "outputSolidPlate", 187function (tempP1, tempP2, tempP3, colix) {188}, "JU.P3,JU.P3,JU.P3,~N");189Clazz.defineMethod (c$, "setSphereMatrix", 190function (center, rx, ry, rz, a, sphereMatrix) {191if (a != null) {192var m = new JU.M3 ();193m.m00 = rx;194m.m11 = ry;195m.m22 = rz;196var mq = new JU.M3 ().setAA (a);197mq.mul (m);198sphereMatrix.setToM3 (mq);199} else {200sphereMatrix.setIdentity ();201sphereMatrix.m00 = rx;202sphereMatrix.m11 = ry;203sphereMatrix.m22 = rz;204}sphereMatrix.m03 = center.x;205sphereMatrix.m13 = center.y;206sphereMatrix.m23 = center.z;207sphereMatrix.m33 = 1;208}, "JU.T3,~N,~N,~N,JU.A4,JU.M4");...

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Source:browser_gcli_string.js Github


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1/*2 * Copyright 2012, Mozilla Foundation and contributors3 *4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at7 *8 * *10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and14 * limitations under the License.15 */16'use strict';17// THIS FILE IS GENERATED FROM SOURCE IN THE GCLI PROJECT18// PLEASE TALK TO SOMEONE IN DEVELOPER TOOLS BEFORE EDITING IT19const exports = {};20function test() {21 helpers.runTestModule(exports, "browser_gcli_string.js");22}23// var helpers = require('./helpers');24exports.testNewLine = function(options) {25 return helpers.audit(options, [26 {27 setup: 'echo a\\nb',28 check: {29 input: 'echo a\\nb',30 hints: '',31 markup: 'VVVVVVVVV',32 cursor: 9,33 current: 'message',34 status: 'VALID',35 args: {36 command: { name: 'echo' },37 message: {38 value: 'a\nb',39 arg: ' a\\nb',40 status: 'VALID',41 message: ''42 }43 }44 }45 }46 ]);47};48exports.testTab = function(options) {49 return helpers.audit(options, [50 {51 setup: 'echo a\\tb',52 check: {53 input: 'echo a\\tb',54 hints: '',55 markup: 'VVVVVVVVV',56 cursor: 9,57 current: 'message',58 status: 'VALID',59 args: {60 command: { name: 'echo' },61 message: {62 value: 'a\tb',63 arg: ' a\\tb',64 status: 'VALID',65 message: ''66 }67 }68 }69 }70 ]);71};72exports.testEscape = function(options) {73 return helpers.audit(options, [74 {75 // What's typed is actually:76 // tsrsrsr a\\ b c77 setup: 'tsrsrsr a\\\\ b c',78 check: {79 input: 'tsrsrsr a\\\\ b c',80 hints: '',81 markup: 'VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV',82 status: 'VALID',83 message: '',84 args: {85 command: { name: 'tsrsrsr' },86 p1: { value: 'a\\', arg: ' a\\\\', status: 'VALID', message: '' },87 p2: { value: 'b', arg: ' b', status: 'VALID', message: '' },88 p3: { value: 'c', arg: ' c', status: 'VALID', message: '' },89 }90 }91 },92 {93 // What's typed is actually:94 // tsrsrsr abc\\ndef asd asd95 setup: 'tsrsrsr abc\\\\ndef asd asd',96 check: {97 input: 'tsrsrsr abc\\\\ndef asd asd',98 hints: '',99 markup: 'VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV',100 status: 'VALID',101 message: '',102 args: {103 command: { name: 'tsrsrsr' },104 p1: {105 value: 'abc\\ndef',106 arg: ' abc\\\\ndef',107 status: 'VALID',108 message: ''109 },110 p2: { value: 'asd', arg: ' asd', status: 'VALID', message: '' },111 p3: { value: 'asd', arg: ' asd', status: 'VALID', message: '' },112 }113 }114 }115 ]);116};117exports.testBlank = function(options) {118 return helpers.audit(options, [119 {120 setup: 'tsrsrsr a "" c',121 check: {122 input: 'tsrsrsr a "" c',123 hints: '',124 markup: 'VVVVVVVVVVVVVV',125 cursor: 14,126 current: 'p3',127 status: 'ERROR',128 message: '',129 args: {130 command: { name: 'tsrsrsr' },131 p1: {132 value: 'a',133 arg: ' a',134 status: 'VALID',135 message: ''136 },137 p2: {138 value: undefined,139 arg: ' ""',140 status: 'INCOMPLETE'141 },142 p3: {143 value: 'c',144 arg: ' c',145 status: 'VALID',146 message: ''147 }148 }149 }150 },151 {152 setup: 'tsrsrsr a b ""',153 check: {154 input: 'tsrsrsr a b ""',155 hints: '',156 markup: 'VVVVVVVVVVVVVV',157 cursor: 14,158 current: 'p3',159 status: 'VALID',160 message: '',161 args: {162 command: { name: 'tsrsrsr' },163 p1: {164 value: 'a',165 arg: ' a',166 status:'VALID',167 message: '' },168 p2: {169 value: 'b',170 arg: ' b',171 status: 'VALID',172 message: ''173 },174 p3: {175 value: '',176 arg: ' ""',177 status: 'VALID',178 message: ''179 }180 }181 }182 }183 ]);184};185exports.testBlankWithParam = function(options) {186 return helpers.audit(options, [187 {188 setup: 'tsrsrsr a --p3',189 check: {190 input: 'tsrsrsr a --p3',191 hints: ' <string> <p2>',192 markup: 'VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV',193 cursor: 15,194 current: 'p3',195 status: 'ERROR',196 message: '',197 args: {198 command: { name: 'tsrsrsr' },199 p1: { value: 'a', arg: ' a', status: 'VALID', message: '' },200 p2: { value: undefined, arg: '', status: 'INCOMPLETE' },201 p3: { value: '', arg: ' --p3', status: 'VALID', message: '' },202 }203 }204 },205 {206 setup: 'tsrsrsr a --p3 ',207 check: {208 input: 'tsrsrsr a --p3 ',209 hints: '<string> <p2>',210 markup: 'VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV',211 cursor: 16,212 current: 'p3',213 status: 'ERROR',214 message: '',215 args: {216 command: { name: 'tsrsrsr' },217 p1: { value: 'a', arg: ' a', status: 'VALID', message: '' },218 p2: { value: undefined, arg: '', status: 'INCOMPLETE' },219 p3: { value: '', arg: ' --p3 ', status: 'VALID', message: '' },220 }221 }222 },223 {224 setup: 'tsrsrsr a --p3 "',225 check: {226 input: 'tsrsrsr a --p3 "',227 hints: ' <p2>',228 markup: 'VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV',229 cursor: 17,230 current: 'p3',231 status: 'ERROR',232 message: '',233 args: {234 command: { name: 'tsrsrsr' },235 p1: { value: 'a', arg: ' a', status: 'VALID', message: '' },236 p2: { value: undefined, arg: '', status: 'INCOMPLETE' },237 p3: { value: '', arg: ' --p3 "', status: 'VALID', message: '' },238 }239 }240 },241 {242 setup: 'tsrsrsr a --p3 ""',243 check: {244 input: 'tsrsrsr a --p3 ""',245 hints: ' <p2>',246 markup: 'VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV',247 cursor: 18,248 current: 'p3',249 status: 'ERROR',250 message: '',251 args: {252 command: { name: 'tsrsrsr' },253 p1: { value: 'a', arg: ' a', status: 'VALID', message: '' },254 p2: { value: undefined, arg: '', status: 'INCOMPLETE' },255 p3: { value: '', arg: ' --p3 ""', status: 'VALID', message: '' },256 }257 }258 }259 ]);...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const p3 = require('fast-check-monorepo/p3')2const p2 = require('fast-check-monorepo/p2')3const p1 = require('fast-check-monorepo/p1')4const p0 = require('fast-check-monorepo/p0')5p3()6p2()7p1()8p0()9{10 "scripts": {11 },12 "dependencies": {

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1import { p3 } from 'fast-check-monorepo'2console.log(p3)3{4 "scripts": {5 },6 "dependencies": {7 }8}9The problem is that when you run npm install , the package will be installed in node_modules/fast-check-monorepo and not in node_modules/fast-check . That's why you need to use the following import statement:10import { p3 } from 'fast-check-monorepo'11Then you can use the following import statement:12import { p3 } from 'fast-check'13Then you can use the following import statement:14import { p3 } from 'fast-check'15import { p3 } from 'fast-check-monorepo'16import { p3 } from 'fast-check-monorepo'17The problem is that when you run npm install , the package will be installed in node_modules/fast-check-monorepo and not in node_modules/fast-check . That's why you need to use the following import statement:18import { p3 } from 'fast-check-monorepo'19Then you can use the following import statement:20import { p3 } from 'fast-check'21import { p3 } from 'fast-check-monorepo'22import { p3 } from 'fast-check-monorepo'

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const p3 = require("fast-check-monorepo/p3");2p3();3const p3 = require("fast-check-monorepo/p3");4p3();5const p3 = require("fast-check-monorepo/p3");6p3();7const p3 = require("fast-check-monorepo/p3");8p3();9const p3 = require("fast-check-monorepo/p3");10p3();11const p3 = require("fast-check-monorepo/p3");12p3();13const p3 = require("fast-check-monorepo/p3");14p3();15const p3 = require("fast-check-monorepo/p3");16p3();17const p3 = require("fast-check-monorepo/p3");18p3();19const p3 = require("fast-check-monorepo/p3");20p3();21const p3 = require("fast-check-monorepo/p3");22p3();23const p3 = require("fast-check-monorepo/p3");24p3();25const p3 = require("fast-check-monorepo/p3");26p3();27const p3 = require("fast-check-monorepo/p3");28p3();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import p3 from 'fast-check';2import p3 from 'fast-check';3import p3 from 'fast-check';4import p3 from 'fast-check';5import p3 from 'fast-check';6import p3 from 'fast-check';7import p3 from 'fast-check';8import p3 from 'fast-check';9import p3 from 'fast-check';10import p3 from 'fast-check';

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const p3 = require('fast-check-monorepo/dist/p3')2console.log(p3(1,2))3const p3 = require('fast-check/dist/p3')4console.log(p3(1,2))5I have a project with a dependency on the fast-check library. I want to use the p3 method of fast-check-monorepo in my project. I tried to import it in the following ways:6I also tried to use the following import statement:7const p3 = require('fast-check-monorepo/dist/p3')8I have a project with a dependency on the fast-check library. I want to use the p3 method of fast-check-monorepo in my project. I tried to import it in the following ways: But it doesn’t work. I also tried to use the following import statement: const p3 = require('fast-check-monorepo/dist/p3') But it gives the following error: Error: Cannot find module 'fast-check-monorepo/dist/p3' How can I achieve this?9I am trying to use the fast-check library in my project. I want to use the p3 method of fast-check-monorepo in my project. I tried to import it in the following ways: But it doesn’t work. I also tried to use the following import statement: const p3 = require('fast-check-monorepo/dist/p3') But it gives the following error: Error: Cannot find module 'fast-check-monorepo/dist/p3' How can I achieve this?10I am trying to use the fast-check library in my project. I want to use the p3 method of fast-check-monorepo in my project. I tried to import it in the following ways: But it doesn’t work. I also tried to use the following import statement: const p3 = require('fast-check-monorepo/dist/p3') But it gives the following error: Error: Cannot find module 'fast-check-monorepo/dist/p3' How can I achieve this?

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { p3 } = require('fast-check');2const { p3 } = require('fast-check-monorepo');3const { p3 } = require('fast-check');4const { p3 } = require('fast-check-monorepo');5const { p3 } = require('fast-check');6const { p3 } = require('fast-check-monorepo');7If you are using the dist folder, you need to use require('fast-check-monorepo') instead of require('fast-check-monorepo/dist/p

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1import { p3 } from 'fast-check-monorepo';2test('p3', () => {3 expect(p3(2, 3)).toBe(8);4});5import { p3 } from 'fast-check-monorepo';6test('p3', () => {7 expect(p3(2, 3)).toBe(8);8});9import { p3 } from 'fast-check-monorepo';10test('p3', () => {11 expect(p3(2, 3)).toBe(8);12});13import { p3 } from 'fast-check-monorepo';14test('p3', () => {15 expect(p3(2, 3)).toBe(8);16});17import { p3 } from 'fast-check-monorepo';18test('p3', () => {19 expect(p3(2, 3)).toBe(8);20});21import { p3 } from 'fast-check-monorepo';22test('p3', () => {23 expect(p3(2, 3)).toBe(8);24});25import { p3 } from 'fast-check-monorepo';26test('p3', () => {27 expect(p3(2, 3)).toBe(8);28});29import { p3 } from 'fast-check-monorepo';30test('p3', () => {31 expect(p3(2, 3)).toBe(8);32});33import { p3 } from 'fast-check-monorepo';34test('p3', () => {35 expect(p3(2, 3)).toBe(8);36});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { p3 } from 'fast-check-monorepo'2test('p3', () => {3 expect(p3()).toBe(3)4})5"workspaces": {6}7"workspaces": {8}9"workspaces": {10}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const p3 = require('fast-check').property2p3(3 fc.integer(),4 fc.integer(),5 (a, b) => {6 }7p3(8 fc.integer(),9 fc.integer(),10 (a, b) => {11 }12p3(13 fc.integer(),14 fc.integer(),15 (a, b) => {16 }17p3(18 fc.integer(),19 fc.integer(),20 (a, b) => {21 }22p3(23 fc.integer(),24 fc.integer(),25 (a, b) => {26 }27p3(28 fc.integer(),29 fc.integer(),30 (a, b) => {31 }32p3(33 fc.integer(),34 fc.integer(),35 (a, b) => {36 }37p3(38 fc.integer(),39 fc.integer(),40 (a, b) => {41 }42p3(43 fc.integer(),44 fc.integer(),45 (a, b) => {46 }47p3(48 fc.integer(),49 fc.integer(),50 (a, b) => {51 }52p3(53 fc.integer(),54 fc.integer(),55 (a, b) => {56 }57p3(58 fc.integer(),59 fc.integer(),60 (a, b) => {61 }62p3(63 fc.integer(),64 fc.integer(),65 (a, b) => {66 }67p3(68 fc.integer(),69 fc.integer(),70 (a, b) => {71 }

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