How to use valueArbitrary method in fast-check-monorepo

Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo


Source:game.js Github


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1(function init()2{3 document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (event) =>4 {5 const MIN = 1;6 const MAX = 100;7 const MAX_TURNS = 10;8 let countTurns = 0;9 let valueArbitrary = getRandomArbitrary(MIN, MAX);10 11 const nodeGuess = document.getElementById("guess");12 const lastGuess = document.getElementById("last_guess");13 const btnStart = document.getElementById("btn_start");14 const btnGuess = document.getElementById("btn_guess");15 const previousGuess = document.getElementById("prev_guess");16 const statusGame = document.getElementById("status");17 const turn = document.getElementById("turn");18 const blkGuess = document.getElementById("blk_guess");19 20 /* When the player enters his guess. */21 btnGuess.addEventListener("click", (event) => 22 {23 if(++countTurns == 1)24 {25 = "350px";26 prev_guess.innerHTML = "Previous guesses: ";27 = "block";28 }29 30 const valueGuess = parseInt(nodeGuess.value, 10);31 previousGuess.innerHTML += valueGuess + " ";32 nodeGuess.value = "";33 nodeGuess.focus();34 turn.innerHTML = "Turn: " + countTurns;35 36 if(valueGuess === valueArbitrary)37 setEndGame("Congratulations! You got it right!", "win");38 else if(countTurns === MAX_TURNS)39 setEndGame("!!!GAME OVER!!!", "lose");40 else 41 {42 statusGame.innerText = "Wrong!";43 = "lose";44 lastGuess.innerText = (valueGuess > valueArbitrary) ? "Last guess was too high!" : "Last guess was too low!";45 }46 });47 48 /* When the player wants to restart the game. */49 btnStart.addEventListener("click", (event) => 50 {51 statusGame.innerHTML = "";52 lastGuess.innerHTML = "";53 prev_guess.innerHTML = "";54 turn.innerHTML = "";55 = "200px";56 = "block";57 = "none";58 = "none";59 nodeGuess.disabled = false;60 nodeGuess.focus();61 btnGuess.disabled = false;62 countTurns = 0;63 valueArbitrary = getRandomArbitrary(MIN, MAX);64 });65 66 function getRandomArbitrary(min, max) 67 {68 return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);69 }70 71 function setEndGame(textnode, id)72 {73 = "none";74 = "block";75 nodeGuess.disabled = true;76 nodeGuess.value = "";77 btnGuess.disabled = true;78 statusGame.innerText = textnode;79 = id;80 }81 });...

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Source:BinaryTreeArbitrary.ts Github


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1import fc from 'fast-check';2import { Tree } from '../src/isSearchTree';3export const binaryTreeWithMaxDepth = (maxDepth: number): fc.Arbitrary<Tree<number>> => {4 const { tree } = fc.letrec((tie) => ({5 leaf: fc.record({6 value: fc.integer(),7 left: fc.constant(null),8 right: fc.constant(null),9 }),10 node: fc.record({ value: fc.integer(), left: tie('tree'), right: tie('tree') }),11 tree: fc.oneof({ maxDepth }, tie('leaf'), tie('node')),12 }));13 return tree as fc.Arbitrary<Tree<number>>;14};15export const binaryTreeWithoutMaxDepth = (): fc.Arbitrary<Tree<number>> => {16 const { tree } = fc.letrec((tie) => ({17 leaf: fc.record({18 value: fc.integer(),19 left: fc.constant(null),20 right: fc.constant(null),21 }),22 node: fc.record({ value: fc.integer(), left: tie('tree'), right: tie('tree') }),23 tree: fc.oneof({ depthSize: 'small' }, tie('leaf'), tie('node')),24 }));25 return tree as fc.Arbitrary<Tree<number>>;26};27// Alternative solutions28// Prefer one of the implementation above.29export const binaryTreeWithMaxDepthMemoBased = (maxDepth: number): fc.Arbitrary<Tree<number>> => {30 // Prefer letrec implementation: arbitrary is less expensive to build31 const leaf: fc.Arbitrary<Tree<number>> = fc.record({32 value: fc.integer(),33 left: fc.constant(null),34 right: fc.constant(null),35 });36 const node: fc.Memo<Tree<number>> = fc.memo((n) => {37 if (n <= 1) return leaf;38 return fc.record({ value: fc.integer(), left: tree(n - 1), right: tree(n - 1) });39 });40 const tree: fc.Memo<Tree<number>> = fc.memo((n) => fc.oneof(leaf, node(n)));41 return tree(maxDepth);42};43export function binaryTreeWithMaxDepthOldWay(maxDepth: number): fc.Arbitrary<Tree<number>> {44 const valueArbitrary = fc.integer();45 if (maxDepth <= 0) {46 return fc.record({47 value: valueArbitrary,48 left: fc.constant(null),49 right: fc.constant(null),50 });51 }52 const subTree = fc.oneof(fc.constant(null), binaryTreeWithMaxDepthOldWay(maxDepth - 1));53 return fc.record({54 value: valueArbitrary,55 left: subTree,56 right: subTree,57 });...

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Source:BinarySearchTreeArbitrary.ts Github


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1import fc from 'fast-check';2import { Tree } from '../src/isSearchTree';3export const binarySearchTreeWithMaxDepth = (maxDepth: number): fc.Arbitrary<Tree<number>> => {4 const leaf = (minValue: number, maxValue: number): fc.Arbitrary<Tree<number>> =>5 fc.record({6 value: fc.integer({ min: minValue, max: maxValue }),7 left: fc.constant(null),8 right: fc.constant(null),9 });10 const node = (minValue: number, maxValue: number): fc.Memo<Tree<number>> =>11 fc.memo((n) => {12 if (n <= 1) return leaf(minValue, maxValue);13 return fc.integer({ min: minValue, max: maxValue }).chain((v) => {14 // tree(minValue, v)(n - 1) is equivalent to tree(minValue, v)()15 return fc.record({16 value: fc.constant(v),17 left: minValue <= v ? tree(minValue, v)(n - 1) : fc.constant(null),18 right: v + 1 <= maxValue ? tree(v + 1, maxValue)(n - 1) : fc.constant(null),19 });20 });21 });22 const tree = (minValue: number, maxValue: number): fc.Memo<Tree<number>> =>23 fc.memo((n) => fc.oneof(leaf(minValue, maxValue), node(minValue, maxValue)(n)));24 return tree(Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)(maxDepth);25};26export const binarySearchTreeWithMaxDepthOldWay = (27 maxDepth: number,28 minValue: number = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER,29 maxValue: number = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER30): fc.Arbitrary<Tree<number>> => {31 const valueArbitrary = fc.integer({ min: minValue, max: maxValue });32 if (maxDepth <= 0) {33 return fc.record({34 value: valueArbitrary,35 left: fc.constant(null),36 right: fc.constant(null),37 });38 }39 return valueArbitrary.chain((rootValue) => {40 const leftArb = binarySearchTreeWithMaxDepthOldWay(maxDepth - 1, minValue, rootValue);41 const rightArb =42 rootValue < maxValue43 ? binarySearchTreeWithMaxDepthOldWay(maxDepth - 1, rootValue + 1, maxValue)44 : fc.constant(null);45 return fc.record({46 value: fc.constant(rootValue),47 left: fc.oneof(fc.constant(null), leftArb),48 right: fc.oneof(fc.constant(null), rightArb),49 });50 });...

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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const { valueArbitrary } = require('fast-check-monorepo');3const valueArb = valueArbitrary();4fc.assert(5, (value) => {6 console.log(value);7 return true;8 })9);10const fc = require('fast-check');11const { valueArbitrary } = require('fast-check');12const valueArb = valueArbitrary();13fc.assert(14, (value) => {15 console.log(value);16 return true;17 })18);19{ value: 1, hasValue: true }20{ value: 2, hasValue: true }21{ value: 3, hasValue: true }22{ value: 4, hasValue: true }23{ value: 5, hasValue: true }24{ value: 6, hasValue: true }25{ value: 7, hasValue: true }26{ value: 8, hasValue: true }27{ value: 9, hasValue: true }28{ value: 10, hasValue: true }29{ value: 11, hasValue: true }30{ value: 12, hasValue: true }31{ value: 13, hasValue: true }32{ value: 14, hasValue: true }33{ value: 15, hasValue: true }34{ value: 16, hasValue: true }35{ value: 17, hasValue: true }36{ value: 18, hasValue: true }37{ value: 19, hasValue: true }38{ value: 20, hasValue: true }39{ value: 21, hasValue: true }40{ value: 22, hasValue: true }41{ value: 23, hasValue: true }42{ value: 24, hasValue: true }43{ value: 25, hasValue: true }44{ value: 26, hasValue: true }45{ value: 27, hasValue: true }46{ value: 28, hasValue: true }47{ value: 29, hasValue: true }48{ value: 30, hasValue: true }49{ value: 31, hasValue: true }50{ value: 32, hasValue: true }51{ value:

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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const {valueArbitrary} = require('fast-check-monorepo');3const {valueArbitrary: valueArbitrary2} = require('fast-check-monorepo');4const myArbitrary = valueArbitrary(fc.nat(10), fc.nat(100), fc.nat(1000));5fc.assert(6, (v) => {7 console.log(v);8 return true;9 })10);11const myArbitrary2 = valueArbitrary2(fc.nat(10), fc.nat(100

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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const valueArbitrary = require('fast-check/lib/arbitrary/valueArbitrary.js');3const valueArb = valueArbitrary.valueArbitrary;4const value = valueArb().generate(fc.random(0));5console.log(value);6const fc = require('fast-check');7const valueArbitrary = require('fast-check/lib/arbitrary/valueArbitrary.js');8const valueArb = valueArbitrary.valueArbitrary;9const value = valueArb().generate(fc.random(0));10console.log(value);11const fc = require('fast-check');12const valueArbitrary = require('fast-check/lib/arbitrary/valueArbitrary.js');13const valueArb = valueArbitrary.valueArbitrary;14const value = valueArb().generate(fc.random(0));15console.log(value);16const fc = require('fast-check');17const valueArbitrary = require('fast-check/lib/arbitrary/valueArbitrary.js');18const valueArb = valueArbitrary.valueArbitrary;19const value = valueArb().generate(fc.random(0));20console.log(value);21const fc = require('fast-check');22const valueArbitrary = require('fast-check/lib/arbitrary/valueArbitrary.js');23const valueArb = valueArbitrary.valueArbitrary;24const value = valueArb().generate(fc.random(0));25console.log(value);26const fc = require('fast-check');27const valueArbitrary = require('fast-check/lib/arbitrary/valueArbitrary.js');28const valueArb = valueArbitrary.valueArbitrary;29const value = valueArb().generate(fc.random(0));30console.log(value);31const fc = require('fast-check');32const valueArbitrary = require('fast-check/lib/arbitrary/valueArbitrary.js');33const valueArb = valueArbitrary.valueArbitrary;

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1const fc = require("fast-check");2const assert = require("assert");3const { valueArbitrary } = require("./valueArbitrary");4const { isValue } = require("./isValue");5describe("valueArbitrary", () => {6 it("should generate values", () => {7 const arb = valueArbitrary();8 fc.assert(, isValue));9 });10});11const fc = require("fast-check");12const assert = require("assert");13const { valueArbitrary } = require("./valueArbitrary");14const { isValue } = require("./isValue");15describe("valueArbitrary", () => {16 it("should generate values", () => {17 const arb = valueArbitrary();18 fc.assert(, isValue));19 });20});21const fc = require("fast-check");22const assert = require("assert");23const { valueArbitrary } = require("./valueArbitrary");24const { isValue } = require("./isValue");25describe("valueArbitrary", () => {26 it("should generate values", () => {27 const arb = valueArbitrary();28 fc.assert(, isValue));29 });30});31const fc = require("fast-check");32const assert = require("assert");33const { valueArbitrary } = require("./valueArbitrary");34const { isValue } = require("./isValue");35describe("valueArbitrary", () => {36 it("should generate values", () => {37 const arb = valueArbitrary();38 fc.assert(, isValue));39 });40});41const fc = require("fast-check");42const assert = require("assert");43const { valueArbitrary } = require("./valueArbitrary");44const { isValue } = require("./isValue");45describe("valueArbitrary", () => {46 it("should generate values", () => {47 const arb = valueArbitrary();48 fc.assert(, isValue));49 });50});

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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const { valueArbitrary } = require('fast-check-monorepo');3const valueArb = valueArbitrary({4 value: fc.nat(),5 weight: fc.nat(),6});7fc.assert(8, v => {9 return v.value >= 0 && v.weight >= 0;10 })11);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require("fast-check");2const {valueArbitrary} = require("fast-check-monorepo");3const arb = valueArbitrary(fc.fullUnicodeString(), (s) => s.length > 10);4fc.assert(, (s) => s.length > 10));5const fc = require("fast-check");6const {valueArbitrary} = require("fast-check-monorepo");7const arb = valueArbitrary(fc.fullUnicodeString(), (s) => s.length > 10);8fc.assert(, (s) => s.length > 10));9const fc = require("fast-check");10const {valueArbitrary} = require("fast-check-monorepo");11const arb = valueArbitrary(fc.fullUnicodeString(), (s) => s.length > 10);12fc.assert(, (s) => s.length > 10));13const fc = require("fast-check");14const {valueArbitrary} = require("fast-check-monorepo");15const arb = valueArbitrary(fc.fullUnicodeString(), (s) => s.length > 10);16fc.assert(, (s) => s.length > 10));17const fc = require("fast-check");18const {valueArbitrary} = require("fast-check-monorepo");19const arb = valueArbitrary(fc.fullUnicodeString(), (s) => s.length > 10);20fc.assert(, (s) => s.length > 10));21const fc = require("fast-check");22const {valueArbitrary} = require("fast-check-monorepo");23const arb = valueArbitrary(fc.fullUnicodeString(), (s) => s.length > 10);24fc.assert(, (s) => s.length > 10));

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { valueArbitrary } from 'fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/ValueArbitrary.js';2const arb = valueArbitrary(42);3const gen = arb.generator;4const value =;5console.log(value);6import { valueArbitrary } from 'fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/ValueArbitrary.js';7const arb = valueArbitrary(42);8const gen = arb.generator;9const value =;10console.log(value);11import { valueArbitrary } from 'fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/ValueArbitrary.js';12const arb = valueArbitrary(42);13const gen = arb.generator;14const value =;15console.log(value);16import { valueArbitrary } from 'fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/ValueArbitrary.js';17const arb = valueArbitrary(42);18const gen = arb.generator;19const value =;20console.log(value);21import { valueArbitrary } from 'fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/ValueArbitrary.js';22const arb = valueArbitrary(42);23const gen = arb.generator;24const value =;25console.log(value);26import { valueArbitrary } from 'fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/ValueArbitrary.js';27const arb = valueArbitrary(42);28const gen = arb.generator;29const value =;30console.log(value);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2fc.assert(3 fc.oneof(5 (v) => {6 return true;7 }8);9const fc = require('fast-check');10fc.assert(11 fc.oneof(13 (v) => {14 return true;15 }16);17const fc = require('fast-check');18fc.assert(19 fc.oneof(21 (v) => {22 return true;23 }24);25const fc = require('fast-check');26fc.assert(27 fc.oneof(29 (v) => {30 return true;31 }32);33const fc = require('fast-check');34fc.assert(35 fc.oneof(37 (v) => {38 return true;39 }40);41const fc = require('fast-check');42fc.assert(43 fc.oneof(

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