How to use annotateLines method in istanbul

Best JavaScript code snippet using istanbul


Source:config.js Github


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...43 maxEventCount: 0,44 minEventCount: eventCountUpperBound,45 };46 const annotatedLines = [];47 const policyAnalysis = annotateLines(48 requestData.policy,49 eventCountUpperBound,50 countMeta,51 true,52 annotatedLines53 );54 const defaultPolicyLines = `- capability: [setUID]\n- net: server`;55 const defaultPolicyAnalysis = annotateLines(56 defaultPolicyLines,57 eventCountUpperBound,58 countMeta,59 false,60 annotatedLines61 );62 return {63 data: annotatedLines,64 meta: {65 ...countMeta,66 includedByPolicyEventTotal: policyAnalysis.eventTotal,67 defaultPolicyEventTotal: defaultPolicyAnalysis.eventTotal,68 },69 };70 });71}72// Split up lines of the policy into annotated lines (policy-line models)73function annotateLines(74 policy, // Raw policy75 eventCountUpperBound, // How high event counts can go76 countMeta, // Largest/smallest event count seen thus far77 includedByPolicy,78 annotatedLines79) {80 const policyLines = policy.split('\n');81 var eventTotal = 0;82 policyLines.forEach((line, index) => {83 var lineToAdd = {84 id: faker.datatype.uuid(),85 type: 'policyLine',86 attributes: {87 line: line,...

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Source:prism.annotate.js Github


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...28}29var CRLF = crlf = /\r?\n|\r/g,30 currentLineCount = 0;31 32function annotateLines(pre, lines, classes) {33 var ranges = lines.replace(/\s+/g, '').split(','),34 offset = +pre.getAttribute('data-annotations-offset') || 0,35 allLines = lines.split("|"),36 tmp, range, text;37 offset -= 1;38 39 var lineHeight = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(pre).lineHeight);40 // 95% height for some reason?41 lineHeight *= 0.95;42 for(var j = 0; j < allLines.length; j += 1) {43 tmp = allLines[j].split("`");44 range = tmp[0];45 text = tmp[1];46 range = range.split('-');47 var start = +range[0],48 end = +range[1] || start,49 line = document.createElement('div');50 51 // Add line breaks52 line.textContent = Array(end - start + 2).join(' \r\n');53 $(line).addClass((classes || '') + ' line-annotate hint');54 // Add hint text and set offset55 line.setAttribute('data-hint', text);56 // TODO: Work out why this is not ligning up properly - probably needs to take into 57 // account margin and padding, etc...58 = (((start - offset - 1) * lineHeight)) + 'px';59 $(pre).append(line);60 // Tool tip interaction61 $(line).on('mouseenter', function(){62 var hint = $(this).data('hint');63 $('<p class="annotate-tooltip"></p>')64 .html(hint)65 .appendTo('body')66 .fadeIn('slow');67 });68 $(line).on('mouseleave', function(){69 $('.annotate-tooltip')70 .remove();71 });72 $(line).on('mousemove', function(e){73 var x = e.pageX + 20,74 y = e.pageY + 10;75 $('.annotate-tooltip')76 .css({ top: y, left: x })77 });78 }79}80Prism.hooks.add('after-highlight', function(env) {81 var pre = env.element.parentNode,82 lines = pre && pre.getAttribute('data-annotations');83 84 if (!pre || !lines || !/pre/i.test(pre.nodeName)) {85 return;86 }87 88 $$('.line-annotate', pre).forEach(function (line) {89 line.parentNode.removeChild(line);90 });91 92 annotateLines(pre, lines);93});94Prism.hooks.add('before-highlight', function(env) {95 currentLineCount = env.code.split(CRLF).length96});...

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Source:@utils.js Github


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...23 let firstAndLastLinesRegex = /^(?:((?:.*\r?\n){3})[^]*?((?:.*\r?\n){3})|([^]*))$/;24 process.stdout.write('\n');25 for (let [index, diff] of diffs.entries()) {26 if (diff.added) {27 process.stdout.write(, '+')));28 } else if (diff.removed) {29 process.stdout.write(, '-')));30 } else {31 let excerpts =32 index === 033 ? diff.value.match(lastLinesRegex).slice(0, 1)34 : index === diffs.length - 135 ? diff.value.match(firstLinesRegex).slice(0, 1)36 : diff.value37 .match(firstAndLastLinesRegex)38 .slice(1, 4)39 .filter(part => !!part);40 process.stdout.write(41 Chalk.dim(annotateLines(excerpts.join('\n...\n\n'))),42 );43 }44 }45 process.stdout.write('\n');46 function annotateLines(text, type) {47 let prefix;48 let color;49 let bgColor;50 switch (type) {51 case '+':52 prefix = '+ ';53 color = 'green';54 bgColor = 'bgGreen';55 break;56 case '-':57 prefix = '- ';58 color = 'red';59 bgColor = 'bgRed';60 break;...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var istanbul = require('istanbul');2var instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter();3var fs = require('fs');4var path = require('path');5var code = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'test.js'), 'utf8');6var instrumentedCode = instrumenter.instrumentSync(code, 'test.js');7console.log(instrumentedCode);8var map = instrumenter.lastSourceMap();9console.log(map);10var annotatedCode = istanbul.SourceMapConsumer.with(map, null, function(sm) {11 return instrumenter.annotateLines(code, sm);12});13console.log(annotatedCode);14var __cov_1t7f9yf5u = (Function('return this'))();15if (!__cov_1t7f9yf5u.__coverage__) { __cov_1t7f9yf5u.__coverage__ = {}; }16__cov_1t7f9yf5u = __cov_1t7f9yf5u.__coverage__;17if (!(__cov_1t7f9yf5u['test.js'])) {18 __cov_1t7f9yf5u['test.js'] = {"path":"test.js","s":{"1":0},"b":{},"f":{},"fnMap":{},"statementMap":{"1":{"start":{"line":1,"column":0},"end":{"line":1,"column":16}}},"branchMap":{}};19}20__cov_1t7f9yf5u = __cov_1t7f9yf5u['test.js'];21__cov_1t7f9yf5u.s['1']++;console.log('Hello World');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var istanbul = require('istanbul');2var instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter();3var code = "function foo() { return 'bar'; }";4var annotatedCode = instrumenter.annotateLines(code);5console.log(annotatedCode);6function foo() { return 'bar'; }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var istanbul = require('istanbul');2var instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter();3var fs = require('fs');4var sourceCode = fs.readFileSync('test.js', 'utf8');5var annotatedSourceCode = instrumenter.instrumentSync(sourceCode, 'test.js');6var annotatedLines = instrumenter.lastFileCoverage().s;7console.log(annotatedLines);8{ '1': 1,

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const instrument = require('istanbul-lib-instrument');2const fs = require('fs');3const code = fs.readFileSync('test.js', 'utf-8');4const instrumenter = instrument.createInstrumenter();5const annotatedCode = instrumenter.instrumentSync(code, 'test.js');6const annotatedLines = instrumenter.annotateLinesSync(annotatedCode);7console.log(annotatedLines);8[ { line: 'var instrument = require(\'istanbul-lib-instrument\');',9 skip: false },10 { line: 'const fs = require(\'fs\');',11 skip: false },12 { line: 'const code = fs.readFileSync(\'test.js\', \'utf-8\');',13 skip: false },14 { line: 'const instrumenter = instrument.createInstrumenter();',15 skip: false },16 { line: 'const annotatedCode = instrumenter.instrumentSync(code, \'test.js\');',17 skip: false },18 { line: 'const annotatedLines = instrumenter.annotateLinesSync(annotatedCode);',19 skip: false },20 { line: 'console.log(annotatedLines);',21 skip: false } ]

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var istanbul = require('istanbul');2var instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter();3var fs = require('fs');4var sync = require('synchronize');5var source = fs.readFileSync('test.js', 'utf8');6var instrumented = instrumenter.instrumentSync(source, 'test.js');7var instrumentedLines = instrumented.split('\n');8var sourceLines = source.split('\n');9var annotated = istanbul.utils.annotateSourceCode(instrumentedLines, sourceLines);10console.log(annotated);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var annotateLines = require('istanbul').utils.annotateLines;2var code = 'function foo() {\n' +3 'var x = 1;\n' +4 'return x;\n' +5 '}\n';6var map = annotateLines(code);7var annotateSource = require('istanbul').utils.annotateSource;8var code = 'function foo() {\n' +9 'var x = 1;\n' +10 'return x;\n' +11 '}\n';12var map = annotateSource(code);13var generateSourceMap = require('istanbul').utils.generateSourceMap;14var code = 'function foo() {\n' +15 'var x = 1;\n' +16 'return x;\n' +17 '}\n';18var map = generateSourceMap(code);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var istanbul = require('istanbul');2var instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter();3var fs = require('fs');4var source = fs.readFileSync('input.js', 'utf8');5var coverage = instrumenter.instrumentSync(source, 'input.js');6var coverageObject = JSON.parse(coverage);7var annotatedCode = istanbul.utils.annotateSource(source, coverageObject);8console.log(annotatedCode);9var mm = 39;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var inst = require("istanbul-lib-instrument");2var code = "function hello() { console.log('hello world'); }";3var instrumentedCode = inst.createInstrumenter().instrumentSync(code, "test.js");4var annotatedCode = inst.createInstrumenter().annotateLinesSync(code, "test.js");5console.log(instrumentedCode);6console.log(annotatedCode);7- [Instrumenter](#instrumenter)8 - [Parameters](#parameters)9 - [instrument](#instrument)10 - [Parameters](#parameters-1)11 - [Examples](#examples)12 - [annotateLines](#annotatelines)13 - [Parameters](#parameters-2)14 - [Examples](#examples-1)15 - [instrumentSync](#instrumentsync)16 - [Parameters](#parameters-3)17 - [Examples](#examples-2)18 - [annotateLinesSync](#annotatelinessync)19 - [Parameters](#parameters-4)20 - [Examples](#examples-3)21- [FileCoverage](#filecoverage)22 - [Parameters](#parameters-5)23- [CoverageMap](#coveragemap)24 - [Parameters](#parameters-6)25 - [addFileCoverage](#addfilecoverage)26 - [Parameters](#parameters-7)27 - [merge](#merge)28 - [Parameters](#parameters-8)29 - [getCoverageSummary](#getcoveragesummary)30 - [toJSON](#tojson)31- [CoverageSummary](#coveragesummary)32 - [Parameters](#parameters-9)33 - [getTotalCoveredLines](#gettotalcoveredlines)34 - [getTotalLines](#gettotallines)35 - [getTotalCoveredFunctions](#gettotalcoveredfunctions)36 - [getTotalFunctions](#gettotalfunctions)37 - [getTotalCoveredStatements](#gettotalcoveredstatements)38 - [getTotalStatements](#gettotalstatements)39 - [getTotalBranches](#gettotalbranches)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var annotate = require('istanbul').utils.annotate;2var code = 'function foo() {\n' +3 ' bar();\n' +4 ' return 1;\n' +5 '}';6var map = { '1': 1, '3': 1 };7console.log(annotate(code, map));8function foo() {9 bar(); /* istanbul ignore next */10 return 1;11}12### annotate(code, map)13### annotateLines(code, map)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var instrumenter = new istanbulLibInstrument.Instrumenter();2var code = fs.readFileSync('test.js', 'utf8');3var annotatedCode = instrumenter.annotateLines(code);4console.log(annotatedCode);5var instrumenter = new istanbulLibInstrument.Instrumenter();6var code = fs.readFileSync('test.js', 'utf8');7var annotatedCode = instrumenter.annotateStatements(code);8console.log(annotatedCode);9var instrumenter = new istanbulLibInstrument.Instrumenter();10var code = fs.readFileSync('test.js', 'utf8');11var instrumentedCode = instrumenter.instrumentSync(code, 'test.js');12console.log(instrumentedCode);13var instrumenter = new istanbulLibInstrument.Instrumenter();14var code = fs.readFileSync('test.js', 'utf8');15instrumenter.instrument(code, 'test.js', function(err, instrumentedCode) {16 console.log(instrumentedCode);17});18var instrumenter = new istanbulLibInstrument.Instrumenter();19var code = fs.readFileSync('test.js', 'utf8');20var instrumentedCode = instrumenter.instrumentAllFilesSync('test.js');21console.log(instrumentedCode);22var instrumenter = new istanbulLibInstrument.Instrumenter();23var code = fs.readFileSync('test.js', 'utf8');24instrumenter.instrumentAllFiles('test.js', function(err, instrumentedCode) {25 console.log(instrumentedCode);26});27var instrumenter = new istanbulLibInstrument.Instrumenter();28var code = fs.readFileSync('test.js', 'utf8');

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