How to use title method in istanbul

Best JavaScript code snippet using istanbul


Source:menu.js Github


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1export function systemMenuList() {2 return [3 { id: 'zdfx', title: '终端分析系统', icon: 'icon-kefu', href: '' },4 /​/​ {5 /​/​ id: "qyhj",6 /​/​ title: "企业函件管理",7 /​/​ icon: "icon-peoplelist",8 /​/​ href: ""9 /​/​ },10 /​/​ { id: "gdxt", title: "工单管理系统", icon: "icon-mail", href: "" },11 { id: 'wxgl', title: '维修管理系统', icon: 'icon-label', href: '' },12 { id: 'dldd', title: '运力调度管理', icon: 'icon-find', href: '' },13 { id: 'fwpt', title: '服务平台管理', icon: 'icon-monitor', href: '' },14 { id: 'hyyx', title: '行业运行情况', icon: 'icon-taxi', href: '' },15 { id: 'sjdj', title: '运政数据接入', icon: 'icon-report', href: '' },16 { id: 'zffw', title: '支付服务', icon: 'icon-form', href: '' }17 /​/​ {id:'swxc', title:'导航屏升级', icon: 'icon-consultation', href: ''}18 ]19}20export function childrenMenuList() {21 return {22 zdfx: [23 { id: 'zjgz', title: '主机故障', icon: 'icon-gzxx', href: '/​zdfx/​zjgz' },24 {25 id: 'zdyc',26 title: '终端异常告警',27 icon: 'icon-zdxx',28 href: '/​zdfx/​zdyc'29 },30 {31 id: 'whltj',32 title: '完好率统计',33 icon: 'icon-tjxx',34 href: '/​zdfx/​whltj'35 },36 {37 id: 'clgl',38 title: '车辆管理',39 icon: 'icon-manage',40 fullPath: '/​zdfx/​clgl',41 children: [42 {43 id: 'zxcltj',44 title: '在线车辆统计',45 icon: 'icon-tjxx',46 href: '/​zdfx/​clgl/​zxcltj'47 },48 {49 id: 'wsxclcx',50 title: '未上线车辆查询',51 icon: 'icon-cxxx',52 href: '/​zdfx/​clgl/​wsxclcx'53 },54 {55 id: 'wyysjcl',56 title: '无营运数据车辆',57 icon: 'icon-cxxx',58 href: '/​zdfx/​clgl/​wyysjcl'59 },60 {61 id: 'wqdqt',62 title: '无签到签退',63 icon: 'icon-cxxx',64 href: '/​zdfx/​clgl/​wqdqt'65 }66 ]67 },68 {69 id: 'gsglysjhgl',70 title: '公司管理员手机号管理',71 icon: 'icon-wxxx',72 href: '/​zdfx/​gsglysjhgl'73 },74 /​/​ {75 /​/​ id: "spyc",76 /​/​ title: "视频异常",77 /​/​ icon: "icon-ycxx",78 /​/​ href: "/​zdfx/​spyc"79 /​/​ },80 {81 id: 'spyw',82 title: '视频异常巡检',83 icon: 'icon-xcxx',84 href: '/​zdfx/​spyw'85 },86 {87 id: 'wxgdcx',88 title: '维修工单',89 icon: 'icon-wxxx',90 href: '/​zdfx/​wxgdcx'91 },92 {93 id: 'zjgzlsjl',94 title: '主机故障历史记录',95 icon: 'icon-lsxx',96 href: '/​zdfx/​zjgzlsjl'97 },98 {99 id: 'ofdxcl',100 title: '偶发掉线车辆',101 icon: 'icon-manage',102 fullPath: '/​zdfx/​ofdxcl',103 children: [104 {105 id: 'ofdxclcx',106 title: '偶发掉线车辆查询',107 icon: 'icon-cxxx',108 href: '/​zdfx/​ofdxcl/​ofdxclcx'109 },110 {111 id: 'ofdxcltj',112 title: '偶发掉线车辆统计',113 icon: 'icon-tjxx',114 href: '/​zdfx/​ofdxcl/​ofdxcltj'115 }116 ]117 },118 {119 id: 'zdqy',120 title: '重点区域',121 icon: 'icon-manage',122 fullPath: '/​zdfx/​zdqy',123 children: [124 {125 id: 'zdqygl',126 title: '重点区域管理',127 icon: 'icon-manage',128 href: '/​zdfx/​zdqy/​zdqygl'129 },130 {131 id: 'zdqyclslssfx',132 title: '区域车辆数量实时分析',133 icon: 'icon-cxxx',134 href: '/​zdfx/​zdqy/​zdqyclslssfx'135 },136 {137 id: 'zdqyclslybb',138 title: '区域车辆数量月报表',139 icon: 'icon-cxxx',140 href: '/​zdfx/​zdqy/​zdqyclslybb'141 },142 {143 id: 'zdqyclslbnbb',144 title: '区域车辆数量半年报表',145 icon: 'icon-cxxx',146 href: '/​zdfx/​zdqy/​zdqyclslbnbb'147 },148 {149 id: 'zdqyclslnbb',150 title: '区域车辆数量年报表',151 icon: 'icon-cxxx',152 href: '/​zdfx/​zdqy/​zdqyclslnbb'153 },154 {155 id: 'zdjkqyczcslyj',156 title: '监控区域出租车数量预警',157 icon: 'icon-manage',158 href: '/​zdfx/​zdqy/​zdjkqyczcslyj'159 },160 {161 id: 'ycczgctjcl',162 title: '异常处置过程添加处理',163 icon: 'icon-manage',164 href: '/​zdfx/​zdqy/​ycczgctjcl'165 },166 {167 id: 'ycczbg',168 title: '异常处置报告',169 icon: 'icon-manage',170 href: '/​zdfx/​zdqy/​ycczbg'171 }172 ]173 },174 {175 id: 'ycfx',176 title: '异常分析',177 icon: 'icon-manage',178 fullPath: '/​zdfx/​ycfx',179 children: [180 {181 id: 'ycsjbj',182 title: '异常数据查询',183 icon: 'icon-cxxx',184 href: '/​zdfx/​ycfx/​ycsjbj'185 },186 {187 id: 'nczcbylfx',188 title: '年出租车保有量分析',189 icon: 'icon-cxxx',190 href: '/​zdfx/​ycfx/​nczcbylfx'191 },192 {193 id: 'jjqycyyfx',194 title: '计价器异常营运分析',195 icon: 'icon-cxxx',196 href: '/​zdfx/​ycfx/​jjqycyyfx'197 },198 {199 id: 'yylcycfx',200 title: '营运里程异常分析',201 icon: 'icon-cxxx',202 href: '/​zdfx/​ycfx/​yylcycfx'203 },204 {205 id: 'yydcycfx',206 title: '营运单次异常分析',207 icon: 'icon-cxxx',208 href: '/​zdfx/​ycfx/​yydcycfx'209 },210 {211 id: 'ystp',212 title: '疑似套牌',213 icon: 'icon-cxxx',214 href: '/​zdfx/​ycfx/​ystp'215 },216 {217 id: 'yshc',218 title: '疑似黑车',219 icon: 'icon-cxxx',220 href: '/​zdfx/​ycfx/​yshc'221 },222 {223 id: 'zdclyywzsjts',224 title: '车辆营运违章数据推送',225 icon: 'icon-cxxx',226 href: '/​zdfx/​ycfx/​zdclyywzsjts'227 },228 {229 id: 'sjycgd',230 title: '数据异常工单',231 icon: 'icon-cxxx',232 href: '/​zdfx/​ycfx/​sjycgd'233 },234 {235 id: 'zdclyywzjc',236 title: '重点车辆营运违章稽查',237 icon: 'icon-manage',238 href: '/​zdfx/​ycfx/​zdclyywzjc'239 }240 ]241 },242 {243 id: 'sjzl',244 title: '数据质量',245 icon: 'icon-manage',246 fullPath: '/​zdfx/​sjzl',247 children: [248 {249 id: 'ycsjbjzgbb',250 title: '异常数据报警整改报表',251 icon: 'icon-cxxx',252 href: '/​zdfx/​sjzl/​ycsjbjzgbb'253 },254 {255 id: 'sjzlzb',256 title: '数据质量周报',257 icon: 'icon-tjxx',258 href: '/​zdfx/​sjzl/​sjzlzb'259 },260 {261 id: 'sjzlyb',262 title: '数据质量月报',263 icon: 'icon-tjxx',264 href: '/​zdfx/​sjzl/​sjzlyb'265 },266 {267 id: 'sjzlbnb',268 title: '数据质量半年报',269 icon: 'icon-tjxx',270 href: '/​zdfx/​sjzl/​sjzlbnb'271 },272 {273 id: 'sjzlnb',274 title: '数据质量年报',275 icon: 'icon-tjxx',276 href: '/​zdfx/​sjzl/​sjzlnb'277 }278 ]279 }280 ],281 qyhj: [282 {283 id: 'hjtj',284 title: '函件添加',285 icon: 'el-icon-plus',286 href: '/​qyhj/​hjtj'287 },288 { id: 'hjfs', title: '函件发送', icon: 'icon-fsxx', href: '/​qyhj/​hjfs' },289 { id: 'hjcx', title: '函件查询', icon: 'icon-cxxx', href: '/​qyhj/​hjcx' },290 { id: 'hjsh', title: '函件审核', icon: 'icon-shxx', href: '/​qyhj/​hjsh' },291 { id: 'hjfw', title: '函件服务', icon: 'icon-kefu', href: '/​qyhj/​hjfw' },292 {293 id: 'hjfwtj',294 title: '函件服务统计',295 icon: 'icon-tjxx',296 href: '/​qyhj/​hjfwtj'297 },298 {299 id: 'btclgl',300 title: '报停车辆管理',301 icon: 'icon-manage',302 href: '/​qyhj/​btclgl'303 },304 {305 id: 'btcltj',306 title: '报停车辆统计',307 icon: 'icon-tjxx',308 href: '/​qyhj/​btcltj'309 }310 ],311 gdxt: [312 { id: 'gdpf', title: '工单派发', icon: 'icon-pfxx', href: '/​gdxt/​gdpf' },313 {314 id: 'gdgl',315 title: '工单管理',316 icon: 'icon-manage',317 href: '/​gdxt/​gdgl'318 },319 { id: 'gdtj', title: '工单统计', icon: 'icon-tjxx', href: '/​gdxt/​gdtj' }320 ],321 wxgl: [322 {323 id: 'wxzlbg',324 title: '维修质量报告',325 icon: 'icon-form',326 href: '/​wxgl/​wxzlbg'327 },328 {329 id: 'wxjlcx',330 title: '维修记录查询',331 icon: 'icon-cxxx',332 href: '/​wxgl/​wxjlcx'333 },334 {335 id: 'wxjltj',336 title: '维修记录统计',337 icon: 'icon-tjxx',338 href: '/​wxgl/​wxjltj'339 }340 ],341 dldd: [342 {343 id: 'dlddcx',344 title: '运力调度查询',345 icon: 'icon-cxxx',346 href: '/​dldd/​dlddcx'347 },348 {349 id: 'dlddtj',350 title: '运力调度统计',351 icon: 'icon-tjxx',352 href: '/​dldd/​dlddtj'353 }354 ],355 fwpt: [356 {357 id: 'qyfzxcx',358 title: '企业分中心查询',359 icon: 'icon-cxxx',360 href: '/​fwpt/​qyfzxcx'361 },362 {363 id: 'qyfzxtj',364 title: '企业分中心统计',365 icon: 'icon-tjxx',366 href: '/​fwpt/​qyfzxtj'367 },368 {369 id: 'scfzxcx',370 title: '手持分中心查询',371 icon: 'icon-cxxx',372 href: '/​fwpt/​scfzxcx'373 },374 {375 id: 'scfzxtj',376 title: '手持分中心统计',377 icon: 'icon-tjxx',378 href: '/​fwpt/​scfzxtj'379 },380 {381 id: 'wxglcx',382 title: '维修管理查询',383 icon: 'icon-cxxx',384 href: '/​fwpt/​wxglcx'385 },386 {387 id: 'wxgltj',388 title: '维修管理统计',389 icon: 'icon-tjxx',390 href: '/​fwpt/​wxgltj'391 },392 {393 id: 'wazcx',394 title: '终端未安装查询',395 icon: 'icon-cxxx',396 href: '/​fwpt/​wazcx'397 },398 {399 id: 'aztj',400 title: '安装情况统计',401 icon: 'icon-tjxx',402 href: '/​fwpt/​aztj'403 },404 {405 id: 'ydaz',406 title: '月度安装分析',407 icon: 'icon-fxxx',408 href: '/​fwpt/​ydaz'409 },410 {411 id: 'spgl',412 title: '审批管理',413 icon: 'icon-manage',414 fullPath: '/​fwpt/​spgl',415 children: [416 {417 id: 'clzrsp',418 title: '车辆转入审批',419 icon: 'icon-shxx',420 href: '/​fwpt/​spgl/​clzrsp'421 },422 {423 id: 'cpbgsp',424 title: '车牌号变更审批',425 icon: 'icon-shxx',426 href: '/​fwpt/​spgl/​cpbgsp'427 },428 {429 id: 'cpbtsp',430 title: '车辆报停审批',431 icon: 'icon-shxx',432 href: '/​fwpt/​spgl/​cpbtsp'433 },434 {435 id: 'clzcsp',436 title: '车辆转出审批',437 icon: 'icon-shxx',438 href: '/​fwpt/​spgl/​clzcsp'439 },440 {441 id: 'sjjrsp',442 title: '数据接入审批',443 icon: 'icon-shxx',444 href: '/​fwpt/​spgl/​sjjrsp'445 },446 {447 id: 'axywycjlsp',448 title: '爱心业务用车记录审批',449 icon: 'icon-shxx',450 href: '/​fwpt/​spgl/​axywycjlsp'451 },452 {453 id: 'tyxcsp',454 title: '停运协查审批',455 icon: 'icon-shxx',456 href: '/​fwpt/​spgl/​tyxcsp'457 },458 {459 id: 'clzrtj',460 title: '车辆转入统计',461 icon: 'icon-tjxx',462 href: '/​fwpt/​spgl/​clzrtj'463 },464 {465 id: 'cphbgtj',466 title: '车牌号变更统计',467 icon: 'icon-tjxx',468 href: '/​fwpt/​spgl/​cphbgtj'469 },470 {471 id: 'btcltj',472 title: '报停车辆统计',473 icon: 'icon-tjxx',474 href: '/​fwpt/​spgl/​btcltj'475 },476 {477 id: 'clzctj',478 title: '车辆转出统计',479 icon: 'icon-tjxx',480 href: '/​fwpt/​spgl/​clzctj'481 }482 ]483 },484 {485 id: 'hcgl',486 title: '回场管理',487 icon: 'icon-manage',488 fullPath: '/​fwpt/​hcgl',489 children: [490 {491 id: 'hcclcx',492 title: '回场车辆查询',493 icon: 'icon-cxxx',494 href: '/​fwpt/​hcgl/​hcclcx'495 },496 {497 id: 'hcbbtj',498 title: '回场报表统计',499 icon: 'icon-tjxx',500 href: '/​fwpt/​hcgl/​hcbbtj'501 },502 {503 id: 'washcclcx',504 title: '未按时回场车辆查询',505 icon: 'icon-cxxx',506 href: '/​fwpt/​hcgl/​washcclcx'507 },508 {509 id: 'hcgssz',510 title: '回场公司设置',511 icon: 'icon-wxxx',512 href: '/​fwpt/​hcgl/​hcgssz'513 },514 {515 id: 'hcqysz',516 title: '回场区域设置',517 icon: 'icon-wxxx',518 href: '/​fwpt/​hcgl/​hcqysz'519 }520 ]521 }522 ],523 hyyx: [524 {525 id: 'dcyyqk',526 title: '单车营运情况',527 icon: 'icon-qkxx',528 href: '/​hyyx/​dcyyqk'529 },530 {531 id: 'hyyyqk',532 title: '行业营运情况',533 icon: 'icon-qkxx',534 href: '/​hyyx/​hyyyqk'535 },536 {537 id: 'hypjyxqk',538 title: '行业平均运行情况',539 icon: 'icon-qkxx',540 href: '/​hyyx/​hypjyxqk'541 },542 {543 id: 'qyclyyqk',544 title: '企业车辆营运情况',545 icon: 'icon-qkxx',546 href: '/​hyyx/​qyclyyqk'547 },548 {549 id: 'jsysrqk',550 title: '驾驶员收入情况',551 icon: 'icon-qkxx',552 href: '/​hyyx/​jsysrqk'553 },554 {555 id: 'clyxph',556 title: '车辆运行排行',557 icon: 'icon-phxx',558 href: '/​hyyx/​clyxph'559 },560 {561 id: 'ylxqrd',562 title: '运力需求热点',563 icon: 'icon-rdxx',564 href: '/​hyyx/​ylxqrd'565 },566 {567 id: 'dcrdod',568 title: '打车热点OD分析',569 icon: 'icon-fxxx',570 fullPath: '/​hyyx/​dcrdod',571 children: [572 {573 id: 'odyysj',574 title: 'OD营运数据分析',575 icon: 'icon-fxxx',576 href: '/​hyyx/​dcrdod/​odyysj'577 },578 {579 id: 'odlxtj',580 title: 'OD流向统计',581 icon: 'icon-tjxx',582 href: '/​hyyx/​dcrdod/​odlxtj'583 },584 {585 id: 'odlxt',586 title: 'OD流向图',587 icon: 'icon-kefu',588 href: '/​hyyx/​dcrdod/​odlxt'589 }590 ]591 },592 {593 id: 'yjtfwz',594 title: '夜间停放位置分析',595 icon: 'icon-fxxx',596 href: '/​hyyx/​yjtfwz'597 },598 {599 id: 'dcxqrdwz',600 title: '打车需求热点位置分析',601 icon: 'icon-fxxx',602 href: '/​hyyx/​dcxqrdwz'603 },604 {605 id: 'cllxwz',606 title: '车辆流向位置分析',607 icon: 'icon-fxxx',608 href: '/​hyyx/​cllxwz'609 },610 {611 id: 'jsywftj',612 title: '驾驶员违法统计',613 icon: 'icon-tjxx',614 href: '/​hyyx/​jsywftj'615 },616 { id: 'tscx', title: '投诉查询', icon: 'icon-cxxx', href: '/​hyyx/​tscx' },617 {618 id: 'yxzbzxcl',619 title: '运行中不在线车辆',620 icon: 'icon-cxxx',621 href: '/​hyyx/​yxzbzxcl'622 },623 {624 id: 'yxzbzxcltj',625 title: '运行中不在线车辆统计',626 icon: 'icon-tjxx',627 href: '/​hyyx/​yxzbzxcltj'628 },629 {630 id: 'sjqdqtcx',631 title: '司机签到签退查询',632 icon: 'icon-cxxx',633 href: '/​hyyx/​sjqdqtcx'634 },635 {636 id: 'zpsj',637 title: '抓拍数据',638 icon: 'icon-sjxx',639 fullPath: '/​hyyx/​zpsj',640 children: [641 {642 id: 'zpsjcx',643 title: '抓拍数据查询',644 icon: 'icon-cxxx',645 href: '/​hyyx/​zpsj/​zpsjcx'646 },647 {648 id: 'calltj',649 title: '场站流量统计',650 icon: 'icon-tjxx',651 href: '/​hyyx/​zpsj/​calltj'652 },653 {654 id: 'rlltj',655 title: '日流量统计',656 icon: 'icon-tjxx',657 href: '/​hyyx/​zpsj/​rlltj'658 },659 {660 id: 'fdlltj',661 title: '分段流量统计',662 icon: 'icon-tjxx',663 href: '/​hyyx/​zpsj/​fdlltj'664 }665 ]666 }667 ],668 sjdj: [669 { id: 'clxx', title: '车辆信息', icon: 'icon-taxi', href: '/​sjdj/​clxx' },670 {671 id: 'jsyxx',672 title: '驾驶员信息',673 icon: 'icon-user',674 href: '/​sjdj/​jsyxx'675 },676 { id: 'gsxx', title: '公司信息', icon: 'icon-gsxx', href: '/​sjdj/​gsxx' },677 { id: 'jbxx', title: '交班信息', icon: 'icon-jbxx', href: '/​sjdj/​jbxx' },678 {679 id: 'fwzlpt',680 title: '服务质量平台',681 icon: 'icon-kefu',682 href: '/​sjdj/​fwzlpt'683 }684 ],685 zffw: [686 {687 id: 'zfmxcx',688 title: '支付明细查询',689 icon: 'icon-cxxx',690 href: '/​zffw/​zfmxcx'691 },692 {693 id: 'zfzdtf',694 title: '支付账单统计',695 icon: 'icon-tjxx',696 href: '/​zffw/​zfzdtf'697 }698 ]699 }...

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Source:sites.js Github


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1const sites = [2 {3 key: 'subo',4 name: '速播资源站',5 url: 'https:/​/​',6 new: 'https:/​/​​?m=vod-index-pg-{page}.html',7 view: 'https:/​/​​?m=vod-type-id-{id}-pg-{page}.html',8 search: 'https:/​/​​index.php?m=vod-search-pg-{page}-wd-{keywords}.html',9 type: 0,10 tags: [11 {12 title: '最新',13 id: 0,14 children: []15 },16 {17 title: '电影',18 id: 1,19 children: [20 {21 title: '动作片',22 id: 523 },24 {25 title: '喜剧片',26 id: 627 },28 {29 title: '爱情片',30 id: 731 },32 {33 title: '科幻片',34 id: 835 },36 {37 title: '恐怖片',38 id: 939 },40 {41 title: '剧情片',42 id: 1043 },44 {45 title: '战争片',46 id: 1147 },48 {49 title: '伦理片',50 id: 1651 }52 ]53 },54 {55 title: '连续剧',56 id: 2,57 children: [58 {59 title: '国产剧',60 id: 1261 },62 {63 title: '香港剧',64 id: 1365 },66 {67 title: '日本剧',68 id: 1469 },70 {71 title: '欧美剧',72 id: 1573 },74 {75 title: '台湾剧',76 id: 1777 },78 {79 title: '韩国剧',80 id: 1881 },82 {83 title: '海外剧',84 id: 1985 }86 ]87 },88 {89 title: '综艺',90 id: 3,91 children: []92 },93 {94 title: '动漫',95 id: 4,96 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Source:skills.js Github


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1const mapSkills = (skills) => {2 let dict = {}3 skills.forEach(skill => {4 const title = skill.title.split(' ').join('_')5 dict[`${title}`] = skill6 })7 return dict8}9const skillList = [{10 'title': 'kubernetes',11 'template': true12}, {13 'title': 'uxpin',14 'template': true15}, {16 'title': 'neural_network',17 'template': true18}, {19 'title': 'wordpress',20 'template': true21}, {22 'title': 'xcode',23 'template': true24}, {25 'title': 'spring',26 'template': true27}, {28 'title': '',29 'template': true30}, {31 'title': 'windows',32 'template': true33}, {34 'title': 'eclipse',35 'template': true36}, {37 'title': 'html5',38 'template': true39}, {40 'title': 'multithreading',41 'template': true42}, {43 'title': 'git',44 'template': true45}, {46 'title': 'bash',47 'template': true48}, {49 'title': 'oracle',50 'template': true51}, {52 'title': 'mongodb',53 'template': true54}, {55 'title': 'vba',56 'template': true57}, {58 'title': 'bootstrap',59 'template': true60}, {61 'title': 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Source:plugin.title.tests.js Github


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1/​/​ Test the rectangle element2describe('Title block tests', function() {3 it('Should be constructed', function() {4 var title = new Chart.Title({});5 expect(title).not.toBe(undefined);6 });7 it('Should have the correct default config', function() {8 expect({9 display: false,10 position: 'top',11 fullWidth: true,12 weight: 2000,13 fontStyle: 'bold',14 lineHeight: 1.2,15 padding: 10,16 text: ''17 });18 });19 it('should update correctly', function() {20 var chart = {};21 var options = Chart.helpers.clone(;22 options.text = 'My title';23 var title = new Chart.Title({24 chart: chart,25 options: options26 });27 var minSize = title.update(400, 200);28 expect(minSize).toEqual({29 width: 400,30 height: 031 });32 /​/​ Now we have a height since we display33 title.options.display = true;34 minSize = title.update(400, 200);35 expect(minSize).toEqual({36 width: 400,37 height: 34.438 });39 });40 it('should update correctly when vertical', function() {41 var chart = {};42 var options = Chart.helpers.clone(;43 options.text = 'My title';44 options.position = 'left';45 var title = new Chart.Title({46 chart: chart,47 options: options48 });49 var minSize = title.update(200, 400);50 expect(minSize).toEqual({51 width: 0,52 height: 40053 });54 /​/​ Now we have a height since we display55 title.options.display = true;56 minSize = title.update(200, 400);57 expect(minSize).toEqual({58 width: 34.4,59 height: 40060 });61 });62 it('should have the correct size when there are multiple lines of text', function() {63 var chart = {};64 var options = Chart.helpers.clone(;65 options.text = ['line1', 'line2'];66 options.position = 'left';67 options.display = true;68 options.lineHeight = 1.5;69 var title = new Chart.Title({70 chart: chart,71 options: options72 });73 var minSize = title.update(200, 400);74 expect(minSize).toEqual({75 width: 56,76 height: 40077 });78 });79 it('should draw correctly horizontally', function() {80 var chart = {};81 var context = window.createMockContext();82 var options = Chart.helpers.clone(;83 options.text = 'My title';84 var title = new Chart.Title({85 chart: chart,86 options: options,87 ctx: context88 });89 title.update(400, 200);90 title.draw();91 expect(context.getCalls()).toEqual([]);92 /​/​ Now we have a height since we display93 title.options.display = true;94 var minSize = title.update(400, 200);95 = 50;96 title.left = 100;97 title.bottom = + minSize.height;98 title.right = title.left + minSize.width;99 title.draw();100 expect(context.getCalls()).toEqual([{101 name: 'setFillStyle',102 args: ['#666']103 }, {104 name: 'save',105 args: []106 }, {107 name: 'translate',108 args: [300, 67.2]109 }, {110 name: 'rotate',111 args: [0]112 }, {113 name: 'fillText',114 args: ['My title', 0, 0, 400]115 }, {116 name: 'restore',117 args: []118 }]);119 });120 it ('should draw correctly vertically', function() {121 var chart = {};122 var context = window.createMockContext();123 var options = Chart.helpers.clone(;124 options.text = 'My title';125 options.position = 'left';126 var title = new Chart.Title({127 chart: chart,128 options: options,129 ctx: context130 });131 title.update(200, 400);132 title.draw();133 expect(context.getCalls()).toEqual([]);134 /​/​ Now we have a height since we display135 title.options.display = true;136 var minSize = title.update(200, 400);137 = 50;138 title.left = 100;139 title.bottom = + minSize.height;140 title.right = title.left + minSize.width;141 title.draw();142 expect(context.getCalls()).toEqual([{143 name: 'setFillStyle',144 args: ['#666']145 }, {146 name: 'save',147 args: []148 }, {149 name: 'translate',150 args: [117.2, 250]151 }, {152 name: 'rotate',153 args: [-0.5 * Math.PI]154 }, {155 name: 'fillText',156 args: ['My title', 0, 0, 400]157 }, {158 name: 'restore',159 args: []160 }]);161 /​/​ Rotation is other way on right side162 title.options.position = 'right';163 /​/​ Reset call tracker164 context.resetCalls();165 minSize = title.update(200, 400);166 = 50;167 title.left = 100;168 title.bottom = + minSize.height;169 title.right = title.left + minSize.width;170 title.draw();171 expect(context.getCalls()).toEqual([{172 name: 'setFillStyle',173 args: ['#666']174 }, {175 name: 'save',176 args: []177 }, {178 name: 'translate',179 args: [117.2, 250]180 }, {181 name: 'rotate',182 args: [0.5 * Math.PI]183 }, {184 name: 'fillText',185 args: ['My title', 0, 0, 400]186 }, {187 name: 'restore',188 args: []189 }]);190 });191 describe('config update', function() {192 it ('should update the options', function() {193 var chart = acquireChart({194 type: 'line',195 data: {196 labels: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],197 datasets: [{198 data: [10, 20, 30, 100]199 }]200 },201 options: {202 title: {203 display: true204 }205 }206 });207 expect(chart.titleBlock.options.display).toBe(true);208 chart.options.title.display = false;209 chart.update();210 expect(chart.titleBlock.options.display).toBe(false);211 });212 it ('should update the associated layout item', function() {213 var chart = acquireChart({214 type: 'line',215 data: {},216 options: {217 title: {218 fullWidth: true,219 position: 'top',220 weight: 150221 }222 }223 });224 expect(chart.titleBlock.fullWidth).toBe(true);225 expect(chart.titleBlock.position).toBe('top');226 expect(chart.titleBlock.weight).toBe(150);227 chart.options.title.fullWidth = false;228 chart.options.title.position = 'left';229 chart.options.title.weight = 42;230 chart.update();231 expect(chart.titleBlock.fullWidth).toBe(false);232 expect(chart.titleBlock.position).toBe('left');233 expect(chart.titleBlock.weight).toBe(42);234 });235 it ('should remove the title if the new options are false', function() {236 var chart = acquireChart({237 type: 'line',238 data: {239 labels: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],240 datasets: [{241 data: [10, 20, 30, 100]242 }]243 }244 });245 expect(chart.titleBlock).not.toBe(undefined);246 chart.options.title = false;247 chart.update();248 expect(chart.titleBlock).toBe(undefined);249 });250 it ('should create the title if the title options are changed to exist', function() {251 var chart = acquireChart({252 type: 'line',253 data: {254 labels: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],255 datasets: [{256 data: [10, 20, 30, 100]257 }]258 },259 options: {260 title: false261 }262 });263 expect(chart.titleBlock).toBe(undefined);264 chart.options.title = {};265 chart.update();266 expect(chart.titleBlock).not.toBe(undefined);267 expect(chart.titleBlock.options).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining(;268 });269 });...

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Source:tests.js Github


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1provide([2 [3 {"title": "Editor tests", "tests": [4 {"title": "Core API", "url": "api.html"},5 {"title": "Basic functionality", "url": "basic.html"},6 {"title": "Remove", "url": "remove.html", "jsrobot": true},7 {"title": "Undo", "url": "undo.html", "jsrobot": true}8 /​/​{"title": "Asynchronous Loading", "url": "async.html"}9 ]},10 {"title": "Plugins tests", "tests": [11 {"title": "Media plugin", "url": "media.html"},12 {"title": "Noneditable plugin", "url": "noneditable.html"},13 {"title": "Paste plugin", "url": "paste.html"},14 {"title": "Table plugin", "url": "table.html", "jsrobot": true},15 {"title": "jQuery plugin", "url": "jquery_plugin.html"},16 {"title": "Autolink plugin", "url": "autolink.html", "jsrobot": true},17 {"title": "Wordcount plugin", "url": "wordcount.html"},18 {"title": "Fullpage plugin", "url": "fullpage.html"},19 {"title": "Legacyoutput plugin", "url": "legacyoutput.html"},20 {"title": "Plugin Dependencies", "url": "plugin_dependency_simple.html"},21 {"title": "Plugin Dependency Chain", "url": "plugin_dependency_chain.html"},22 {"title": "Plugin Dependency Chain Legacy", "url": "plugin_dependency_chain_legacy.html"},23 {"title": "Dependency Chain Init Call Order", "url": "plugin_dependency_init_call_order.html"},24 {"title": "Dependency With Specific Location", "url": "plugin_dependency_specific_location.html"}25 ]},26 {"title": "tinymce.dom", "tests": [27 {"title": "Selection", "url": "tinymce.dom.Selection.html"},28 {"title": "TridentSelection (IE)", "url": "tinymce.dom.TridentSelection.html"},29 {"title": "Range (IE/​Native)", "url": "tinymce.dom.Range.html"},30 {"title": "Serializer", "url": "tinymce.dom.Serializer.html"},31 {"title": "DOMUtils", "url": "tinymce.dom.DOMUtils.html"},32 {"title": "DOMUtils (jQuery)", "url": "tinymce.dom.DOMUtils_jquery.html"},33 {"title": "EventUtils", "url": "tinymce.dom.EventUtils.html"}34 ]},35 {"title": "tinymce", "tests": [36 {"title": "UndoManager", "url": "tinymce.UndoManager.html"},37 {"title": "EditorCommands", "url": "tinymce.EditorCommands.html"},38 {"title": "ForceBlocks", "url": "tinymce.ForceBlocks.html"},39 {"title": "EnterKey", "url": "tinymce.EnterKey.html"}40 ]}41 ], [42 {"title": "tinymce.html", "tests": [43 {"title": "Entities", "url": "tinymce.html.Entities.html"},44 {"title": "Styles", "url": "tinymce.html.Styles.html"},45 {"title": "Schema", "url": "tinymce.html.Schema.html"},46 {"title": "SaxParser", "url": "tinymce.html.SaxParser.html"},47 {"title": "Node", "url": "tinymce.html.Node.html"},48 {"title": "DomParser", "url": "tinymce.html.DomParser.html"},49 {"title": "Writer", "url": "tinymce.html.Writer.html"},50 {"title": "Serializer", "url": "tinymce.html.Serializer.html"}51 ]},52 {"title": "tinymce.Formatter", "tests": [53 {"title": "Apply formatting", "url": "tinymce.Formatter_apply.html"},54 {"title": "Remove formatting", "url": "tinymce.Formatter_remove.html"},55 {"title": "Check formatting", "url": "tinymce.Formatter_check.html"},56 {"title": "Formatting jsrobot tests", "url": "format.robot.html", "jsrobot":true}57 ]},58 {"title": "tinymce.util", "tests": [59 {"title": "URI", "url": "tinymce.util.URI.html"},60 {"title": "Dispatcher", "url": "tinymce.util.Dispatcher.html"},61 {"title": "Cookie", "url": "tinymce.util.Cookie.html"},62 {"title": "JSON", "url": "tinymce.util.JSON.html"},63 {"title": "XHR", "url": "tinymce.util.XHR.html"},64 {"title": "JSONRequest", "url": "tinymce.util.JSONRequest.html"}65 ]},66 {"title": "List tests", "tests": [67 {"title": "Applying lists", "url": "lists_applying.html", "jsrobot": true},68 {"title": "Indenting lists", "url": "lists_indenting.html", "jsrobot": true},69 {"title": "Forced BRs", "url": "lists_forced_brs.html", "jsrobot": true},70 {"title": "General", "url": "lists_general.html", "jsrobot": true}71 ]},72 {"title": "Quirks", "tests": [73 {"title": "All browser types", "url": "quirk_all.html", "jsrobot": true},74 {"title": "Firefox", "url": "quirk_firefox.html", "jsrobot": true},75 {"title": "Internet Explorer 8", "url": "quirk_ie8.html", "jsrobot": true},76 {"title": "Webkit", "url": "quirk_webkit.html", "jsrobot": true}77 ]}78 ]...

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Source:samples.js Github


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1(function(global) {2 var Samples = global.Samples || (global.Samples = {});3 Samples.items = [{4 title: 'Bar charts',5 items: [{6 title: 'Vertical',7 path: 'charts/​bar/​vertical.html'8 }, {9 title: 'Horizontal',10 path: 'charts/​bar/​horizontal.html'11 }, {12 title: 'Multi axis',13 path: 'charts/​bar/​multi-axis.html'14 }, {15 title: 'Stacked',16 path: 'charts/​bar/​stacked.html'17 }, {18 title: 'Stacked groups',19 path: 'charts/​bar/​stacked-group.html'20 }]21 }, {22 title: 'Line charts',23 items: [{24 title: 'Basic',25 path: 'charts/​line/​basic.html'26 }, {27 title: 'Multi axis',28 path: 'charts/​line/​multi-axis.html'29 }, {30 title: 'Stepped',31 path: 'charts/​line/​stepped.html'32 }, {33 title: 'Interpolation',34 path: 'charts/​line/​interpolation-modes.html'35 }, {36 title: 'Line styles',37 path: 'charts/​line/​line-styles.html'38 }, {39 title: 'Point styles',40 path: 'charts/​line/​point-styles.html'41 }, {42 title: 'Point sizes',43 path: 'charts/​line/​point-sizes.html'44 }]45 }, {46 title: 'Area charts',47 items: [{48 title: 'Boundaries (line)',49 path: 'charts/​area/​line-boundaries.html'50 }, {51 title: 'Datasets (line)',52 path: 'charts/​area/​line-datasets.html'53 }, {54 title: 'Stacked (line)',55 path: 'charts/​area/​line-stacked.html'56 }, {57 title: 'Radar',58 path: 'charts/​area/​radar.html'59 }]60 }, {61 title: 'Other charts',62 items: [{63 title: 'Scatter',64 path: 'charts/​scatter/​basic.html'65 }, {66 title: 'Scatter - Multi axis',67 path: 'charts/​scatter/​multi-axis.html'68 }, {69 title: 'Doughnut',70 path: 'charts/​doughnut.html'71 }, {72 title: 'Pie',73 path: 'charts/​pie.html'74 }, {75 title: 'Polar area',76 path: 'charts/​polar-area.html'77 }, {78 title: 'Radar',79 path: 'charts/​radar.html'80 }, {81 title: 'Combo bar/​line',82 path: 'charts/​combo-bar-line.html'83 }]84 }, {85 title: 'Linear scale',86 items: [{87 title: 'Step size',88 path: 'scales/​linear/​step-size.html'89 }, {90 title: 'Min & max',91 path: 'scales/​linear/​min-max.html'92 }, {93 title: 'Min & max (suggested)',94 path: 'scales/​linear/​min-max-suggested.html'95 }]96 }, {97 title: 'Logarithmic scale',98 items: [{99 title: 'Line',100 path: 'scales/​logarithmic/​line.html'101 }, {102 title: 'Scatter',103 path: 'scales/​logarithmic/​scatter.html'104 }]105 }, {106 title: 'Time scale',107 items: [{108 title: 'Line',109 path: 'scales/​time/​line.html'110 }, {111 title: 'Line (point data)',112 path: 'scales/​time/​line-point-data.html'113 }, {114 title: 'Time Series',115 path: 'scales/​time/​financial.html'116 }, {117 title: 'Combo',118 path: 'scales/​time/​combo.html'119 }]120 }, {121 title: 'Scale options',122 items: [{123 title: 'Grid lines display',124 path: 'scales/​gridlines-display.html'125 }, {126 title: 'Grid lines style',127 path: 'scales/​gridlines-style.html'128 }, {129 title: 'Multiline labels',130 path: 'scales/​multiline-labels.html'131 }, {132 title: 'Filtering Labels',133 path: 'scales/​filtering-labels.html'134 }, {135 title: 'Non numeric Y Axis',136 path: 'scales/​non-numeric-y.html'137 }]138 }, {139 title: 'Legend',140 items: [{141 title: 'Positioning',142 path: 'legend/​positioning.html'143 }, {144 title: 'Point style',145 path: 'legend/​point-style.html'146 }]147 }, {148 title: 'Tooltip',149 items: [{150 title: 'Positioning',151 path: 'tooltips/​positioning.html'152 }, {153 title: 'Interactions',154 path: 'tooltips/​interactions.html'155 }, {156 title: 'Callbacks',157 path: 'tooltips/​callbacks.html'158 }, {159 title: 'Border',160 path: 'tooltips/​border.html'161 }, {162 title: 'HTML tooltips (line)',163 path: 'tooltips/​custom-line.html'164 }, {165 title: 'HTML tooltips (pie)',166 path: 'tooltips/​custom-pie.html'167 }, {168 title: 'HTML tooltips (points)',169 path: 'tooltips/​custom-points.html'170 }]171 }, {172 title: 'Scriptable',173 items: [{174 title: 'Bubble Chart',175 path: 'scriptable/​bubble.html'176 }]177 }, {178 title: 'Advanced',179 items: [{180 title: 'Progress bar',181 path: 'advanced/​progress-bar.html'182 }, {183 title: 'Data labelling (plugin)',184 path: 'advanced/​data-labelling.html'185 }]186 }];...

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Source:Title-dbg.js Github


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1/​*!2 * SAP UI development toolkit for HTML5 (SAPUI5/​OpenUI5)3 * (c) Copyright 2009-2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt.5 */​6/​/​ Provides control sap.m.Title.7sap.ui.define(['', 'sap/​ui/​core/​Control', 'sap/​ui/​Device', './​library'],8 function(jQuery, Control, Device, library) {9 "use strict";10 /​**11 * Constructor for a new Title Text Control.12 *13 * @param {string} [sId] id for the new control, generated automatically if no id is given14 * @param {object} [mSettings] initial settings for the new control15 *16 * @class17 * Title control is used for header texts and title.18 * @extends sap.ui.core.Control19 * @implements sap.ui.core.IShrinkable20 *21 * @author SAP SE22 * @version 1.28.1123 * @since 1.27.024 *25 * @constructor26 * @public27 * @alias sap.m.Title28 * @ui5-metamodel This control/​element also will be described in the UI5 (legacy) designtime metamodel29 */​30 var Title = Control.extend("sap.m.Title", /​** @lends sap.m.Title.prototype */​ { metadata : {31 library : "sap.m",32 interfaces : [33 "sap.ui.core.IShrinkable"34 ],35 properties : {36 /​**37 * Title Text to be displayed38 */​39 text : {type : "string", group : "Appearance", defaultValue : null},40 /​**41 * Defines the semantic level of the title. Using 'Auto' no explicit level information is written.42 */​43 level : {type : "sap.ui.core.TitleLevel", group : "Appearance", defaultValue : sap.ui.core.TitleLevel.Auto},44 /​**45 * Sets the style of the Title. Using 'Auto' the style is automatically set based on the current position of the title and the current theming.46 */​47 titleStyle : {type : "sap.ui.core.TitleLevel", group : "Appearance", defaultValue : sap.ui.core.TitleLevel.Auto},48 /​**49 * Defines the width of the Title.50 */​51 width : {type : "sap.ui.core.CSSSize", group : "Dimension", defaultValue : null},52 /​**53 * Available alignment settings are "Begin", "Center", "End", "Left", and "Right".54 */​55 textAlign : {type : "sap.ui.core.TextAlign", group : "Appearance", defaultValue : sap.ui.core.TextAlign.Initial}56 },57 associations : {58 /​**59 * Association to a generic title description.60 * If such a title element is associated the properties text, level and tooltip (text only) of this element are consumed.61 * The corresponding properties of the title control are ignored.62 */​63 title : {type : "sap.ui.core.Title", multiple : false}64 }65 }});66 /​/​ Returns the instance of the associated sap.ui.core.Title if exists67 Title.prototype._getTitle = function(){68 var sTitle = this.getTitle();69 if (sTitle) {70 var oTitle = sap.ui.getCore().byId(sTitle);71 if (oTitle && oTitle instanceof sap.ui.core.Title) {72 return oTitle;73 }74 }75 return null;76 };77 Title.prototype._onTitleChanged = function(){78 this.invalidate();79 };80 Title.prototype.setTitle = function(vTitle){81 var that = this;82 var oOldTitle = this._getTitle();83 if (oOldTitle) {84 oOldTitle.invalidate = oOldTitle.__sapui5_title_originvalidate;85 oOldTitle.exit = oOldTitle.__sapui5_title_origexit;86 delete oOldTitle.__sapui5_title_origexit;87 delete oOldTitle.__sapui5_title_originvalidate;88 }89 this.setAssociation("title", vTitle);90 var oNewTitle = this._getTitle();91 if (oNewTitle) {92 oNewTitle.__sapui5_title_originvalidate = oNewTitle.invalidate;93 oNewTitle.__sapui5_title_origexit = oNewTitle.exit;94 oNewTitle.exit = function() {95 that._onTitleChanged();96 if (this.__sapui5_title_origexit) {97 this.__sapui5_title_origexit.apply(this, arguments);98 }99 };100 oNewTitle.invalidate = function() {101 that._onTitleChanged();102 this.__sapui5_title_originvalidate.apply(this, arguments);103 };104 }105 return this;106 };107 return Title;...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var title = require('../​lib/​title.js');2var expect = require('chai').expect;3describe('title', function() {4 it('should return a title case version of a string', function() {5 var input = 'the great mouse detective';6 var output = title(input);7 var expected = 'The Great Mouse Detective';8 expect(output).to.equal(expected);9 });10});11var title = function(str) {12 var words = str.split(' ');13 var caps = {14 return word[0].toUpperCase() + word.slice(1);15 });16 return caps.join(' ');17};18module.exports = title;19{20 "scripts": {21 },22 "dependencies": {23 },24 "devDependencies": {25 }26}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var title = require('title');2title('I love Istanbul');3var title = require('title');4title('I love Istanbul');5var title = require('title');6title('I love Istanbul');7var title = require('title');8title('I love Istanbul');9var title = require('title');10title('I love Istanbul');11var title = require('title');12title('I love Istanbul');13var title = require('title');14title('I love Istanbul');15var title = require('title');16title('I love Istanbul');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var title = require('./​title.js');2console.log(title('istanbul'));3module.exports = function (str) {4 return str.toUpperCase();5};6{7 "scripts": {8 },9 "devDependencies": {10 }11}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var title = require('./​title.js');2title('My Application');3var istanbul = require('istanbul');4var instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter();5var fs = require('fs');6module.exports = function(title) {7 var file = fs.readFileSync('./​app.js', 'utf8');8 var instrumentedCode = instrumenter.instrumentSync(file, './​app.js');9 fs.writeFileSync('./​instrumented/​app.js', instrumentedCode);10 console.log('Instrumented file written to disk');11};12var express = require('express');13var app = express();14app.get('/​', function(req, res) {15 res.send('Hello World');16});17app.listen(3000);18var title = require('./​title.js');19title('My Application');20var istanbul = require('istanbul');21var instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter();22var fs = require('fs');23module.exports = function(title) {24 var file = fs.readFileSync('./​app.js', 'utf8');25 var instrumentedCode = instrumenter.instrumentSync(file, './​app.js');26 fs.writeFileSync('./​instrumented/​app.js', instrumentedCode);27 console.log('Instrumented file written to disk');28};29var express = require('express');30var app = express();31app.get('/​', function(req, res) {32 res.send('Hello World');33});34app.listen(3000);35var title = require('./​title.js');36title('My Application');37var istanbul = require('istanbul');38var instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter();39var fs = require('fs');40module.exports = function(title) {41 var file = fs.readFileSync('./​app.js', 'utf8');42 var instrumentedCode = instrumenter.instrumentSync(file, './​app.js');43 fs.writeFileSync('./​instrumented/​app.js', instrumentedCode);44 console.log('Instrumented file written to disk');45};46var express = require('express');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var title = require('./​title');2title('test');3module.exports = function (str) {4 return str.toUpperCase();5};6var title = require('./​title');7title('test');8module.exports = function (str) {9 return str.toUpperCase();10};11var title = require('./​title');12title('test');13module.exports = function (str) {14 return str.toUpperCase();15};16var title = require('./​title');17title('test');18module.exports = function (str) {19 return str.toUpperCase();20};21var title = require('./​title');22title('test');23module.exports = function (str) {24 return str.toUpperCase();25};26var title = require('./​title');27title('test');28module.exports = function (str) {29 return str.toUpperCase();30};31var title = require('./​title');32title('test');33module.exports = function (str) {34 return str.toUpperCase();35};36var title = require('./​title');37title('test');38module.exports = function (str) {39 return str.toUpperCase();40};41var title = require('./​title');42title('test');43module.exports = function (str)

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