How to use validateBrowser method in Karma

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Source:customx.js Github


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1var defaultUpline = "TKRefiBNvYQ8CcUZ78ksjLhMS2ZJTkTFSD";23var cbrate = 0;45function getFormattedDate(date) {6 let hour = ('0' + date.getUTCHours()).slice(-2);7 let minute = ('0' + date.getUTCMinutes()).slice(-2);8 let day = ('0' + date.getUTCDate()).slice(-2);9 let month = ('0' + (date.getUTCMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);10 let year = date.getUTCFullYear();11 return hour + ':' + minute + ' ' + day + '.' + month + '.' + year12}1314function validatebrowser() {1516 const loadWatcher = setInterval(() => {17 if (window.tronWeb && window.tronWeb.ready) {1819 document.getElementById("wltdata").style.display = "block";20 document.getElementById("rfid").style.display = "inline";2122 //document.getElementById("tdeposit").value = 100;2324 var dat = document.getElementById("tdeposit").value.length;2526 console.log(dat)2728 if (dat > 30) {29 document.getElementById("tdeposit").value = 100;30 }313233 tronWeb: window.tronWeb34 console.log("Tronweb Available");35 console.log("Address : " + window.tronWeb.defaultAddress.base58);3637 var addrs = window.tronWeb.defaultAddress.base58;3839 if (addrs.length > 0) {40 document.getElementById("reflnk").innerHTML = "" + addrs;4142 document.getElementById("tref").value = "" + addrs;4344 document.getElementById("ttrwlt").value = addrs;45 } else {46 document.getElementById("ttrwlt").value = "Please connect your tron wallet.";4748 document.getElementById("reflnk").innerHTML = "-";49 }5051 let instance = window.tronWeb.contract(abi, address);525354 instance.getContractBalanceRate().call().then(function(result) {5556 document.getElementById("cbalrate").innerHTML = "+" + ((result - 15) / 10) + "%"5758 cbrate = result;5960 });6162 instance.getUserPercentRate(addrs).call().then(function(result) {63 document.getElementById("usrrate").innerHTML = "+" + (result / 10) + "%";6465 document.getElementById("holdbonus").innerHTML = "+" + ((result - cbrate) / 10) + "%";66 });6768 instance.getUserTotalEarned(addrs).call().then(function(result) {69 document.getElementById("usrdiv").innerHTML = result / 1000000;70 });717273 //TOTAL74 instance.getUserTotalReferralBonus(addrs).call().then(result => document.getElementById("refbonus").innerHTML = result / 1000000);7576 instance.getUserAvailable(addrs).call().then(result => document.getElementById("usrav").innerHTML = result / 1000000);7778 instance.getUserAmountOfDeposits(addrs).call().then(result => document.getElementById("totaldp").innerHTML = result);7980 instance.getUserTotalDeposits(addrs).call().then(result => document.getElementById("totaldpval").innerHTML = result / 1000000);8182 instance.getUserTotalWithdrawn(addrs).call().then(result => document.getElementById("totalw").innerHTML = result / 1000000);8384 instance.getUserTotalDeposits(addrs).call().then(function(result) {85 if (result > 0) {86 var datadate = 0;8788 instance.getUserCheckpoint(addrs).call().then(function getdate(result) {89 datadate = tronWeb.toDecimal(result[2]);90 document.getElementById("usrchkpnt").innerHTML = getFormattedDate(new Date(result * 1000));91 });92 } else {93 document.getElementById("usrchkpnt").innerHTML = "---";94 }95 });96979899100 instance.getUserDownlineCount(addrs).call().then(function getdata(result) {101 document.getElementById("lone").innerHTML = result[0];102 document.getElementById("ltwo").innerHTML = result[1];103 document.getElementById("lthree").innerHTML = result[2];104 document.getElementById("lfour").innerHTML = result[3];105 document.getElementById("lfive").innerHTML = result[4];106 document.getElementById("lsix").innerHTML = result[5];107 document.getElementById("lsvn").innerHTML = result[6];108 });109110111112 const urlP = new URLSearchParams(;113 var myUpl = urlP.get('ref');114115 if (myUpl == null) {116 console.log("No ref present in url");117118 instance.getUserReferrer(addrs).call().then(function(result) {119120 var gotref = tronWeb.address.fromHex(result);121122 //console.log("returned ref : " + gotref);123124 if (gotref != "T9yD14Nj9j7xAB4dbGeiX9h8unkKHxuWwb") {125 //console.log("Empty ref returned Wwb | set to default");126 document.getElementById("upline").innerHTML = gotref;127 } else {128 //console.log("Valid ref returned");129 document.getElementById("upline").innerHTML = defaultUpline;130 }131 });132 } else {133 if (!tronWeb.isAddress(myUpl) || myUpl == addrs) {134 document.getElementById("upline").innerHTML = defaultUpline;135 } else {136 instance.getUserTotalDeposits(myUpl).call().then(137 function(result) {138139 if (result > 0) {140 //console.log("Valid upline | exist " + myUpl);141 document.getElementById("upline").innerHTML = myUpl;142 } else { //console.log("INValid upline | Not exist " + myUpl);143 document.getElementById("upline").innerHTML = defaultUpline;144 }145 });146 }147 }148149 ////clearInterval(loadWatcher);150 } else {151 console.log("Tronweb Unavailable");152153 document.getElementById("wltdata").style.display = "none";154155 document.getElementById("rfid").style.display = "none";156157 document.getElementById("ttrwlt").value = "Please connect your tron wallet.";158159 document.getElementById("tdeposit").value = "Please connect your tron wallet.";160161 document.getElementById("reflnk").innerHTML = "-";162163164165 }166 }, 3000);167}168169170async function awaitTx(tx) {171172 const loadWatcher = setInterval(() => {173174 tronWeb.trx.getTransactionInfo(tx).then(result => {175 if (result.blockNumber > 0) {176 console.log("Got Fecthed Block Number");177178 clearInterval(loadWatcher);179 }180181 }).catch(function(error) {182 console.log("Not Confirmed yet : Errored " + error)183 });184 }, 2000);185186187}188189async function trysend() {190191 if (window.tronWeb && window.tronWeb.ready) {192 console.log("Yes, catch it:", window.tronWeb.defaultAddress.base58);193194 var addrs = window.tronWeb.defaultAddress.base58;195196 let instance = await window.tronWeb.contract(abi, address);197198 var setdefaultUpline = "TKRefiBNvYQ8CcUZ78ksjLhMS2ZJTkTFSD";199200 //Validate upline201 var urlP = new URLSearchParams(;202 var myUpl = urlP.get('ref');203204 if (myUpl == null) {205 await instance.getUserReferrer(addrs).call().then(function(result) {206207 var gotref = tronWeb.address.fromHex(result);208209 if (gotref != "T9yD14Nj9j7xAB4dbGeiX9h8unkKHxuWwb") {210211 document.getElementById("upline").innerHTML = gotref;212213 myUpl = gotref;214 } else {215 document.getElementById("upline").innerHTML = setdefaultUpline;216 myUpl = setdefaultUpline;217218 }219 });220 } else {221 if (!tronWeb.isAddress(myUpl) || myUpl == addrs) {222 document.getElementById("upline").innerHTML = setdefaultUpline;223 myUpl = setdefaultUpline;224 } else {225 await instance.getUserTotalDeposits(myUpl).call().then(226 function(result) {227 if (result > 0) {228 document.getElementById("upline").innerHTML = myUpl;229 } else {230 document.getElementById("upline").innerHTML = setdefaultUpline;231 myUpl = setdefaultUpline;232 }233 });234 }235 }236237 var amount = Math.trunc(document.getElementById("tdeposit").value);238239 if (amount >= 100) {240 try {241 var amtinvest = tronWeb.toSun(amount);242243 await instance.invest(myUpl).send({244 callValue: amtinvest245 }).then(function(tx) {246 console.log("Transaction was successfully sent. Wait confirming.. ", tx);247248 validatebrowser();249250 $("#showstats")[0].click();251 //this.awaitTx(tx).then(function(data){252 // validatebrowser();253 //});254 }).catch(function(error) {255 console.log("in catch Errored " + error)256 });257 } catch (error) {}258 } else {259 alert("Minimum investment amount 100 trx");260 }261 } else {262 console.log("Connect to tron wallet");263 alert('Please connect your tron wallet / tron browser extension.');264 }265}266267async function rqwithdraw() {268269 if (window.tronWeb && window.tronWeb.ready) {270 console.log("Yes, catch it:", window.tronWeb.defaultAddress.base58);271272 try {273 let instance = await window.tronWeb.contract(abi, address);274275 await instance.withdraw().send({276 callValue: 0277 }).then(function(tx) {278 console.log("Transaction was successfully sent. Wait confirming.. ", tx);279280 validatebrowser();281282 //this.awaitTx(tx).then(function(data){283 // validatebrowser();284 //});285286 }).catch(function(error) {287 console.log("Errored " + error)288 //alert("Errored " + error);289 });290 } catch (error) {}291292 } else {} ...

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Source:values.js Github


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...35 static validatePlatform(config, browser, testType) {36 validateOs(config[''+testType], browser)37 validateOsVersion(config[''+testType][''+browser.os], browser)38 let osVersion = browser.osVersion ? ''+browser.osVersion : 'None'39 validateBrowser(config[''+testType][''+browser.os][osVersion], browser)40 validateBrowserVersion(config[''+testType][''+browser.os][osVersion][''+browser.browser], browser)41 let browserVersion = browser.browserVersion ? ''+browser.browserVersion : 'None'42 validateDevice(config[''+testType][''+browser.os][osVersion][''+browser.browser][browserVersion], browser)43 }44 static convertValue(config, key, input, all) {45 try {46 return config.get('conversions.' + key, input[key], all) || input[key]47 }48 catch(e) {49 return input[key]50 }51 }52 static convertKeys(params, conversions) {53 let out = { }54 Object.keys(params).forEach(param => {55 out[conversions[param]] = params[param]56 })57 return out58 }59}60function validateOs(config, browser) {61 if(!(''+browser.os in config)) {62 throw new InputError('Platforms.Core.Values: invalid os "' + browser.os + '"')63 }64}65function validateOsVersion(config, browser) {66 if(null !== browser.osVersion && !(''+browser.osVersion in config)) {67 throw new InputError('Platforms.Core.Values: invalid osVersion "' + browser.osVersion + '" for os "' + browser.os + '"')68 }69}70function validateBrowser(config, browser) {71 if(!(''+browser.browser in config)) {72 throw new InputError('Platforms.Core.Values: invalid browser "' + browser.browser + '" for osVersion "' + browser.osVersion + '" for os "' + browser.os + '"')73 }74}75function validateBrowserVersion(config, browser) {76 if(null !== browser.browserVersion && !(''+browser.browserVersion in config)) {77 throw new InputError('Platforms.Core.Values: invalid version "' + browser.browserVersion + '" for browser "' + browser.browser + '" for osVersion "' + browser.osVersion + '" for os "' + browser.os + '"')78 }79}80function validateDevice(config, browser) {81 if(browser.device && -1 === config.indexOf(''+browser.device)) {82 throw new InputError('Platforms.Core.Values: invalid device "' + browser.device + '" for version "' + browser.browserVersion + '" for browser "' + browser.browser + '" for osVersion "' + browser.osVersion + '" for os "' + browser.os + '"')83 }84}...

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Source:ui.tests.js Github


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...23 });24 it('validateBrowser shows banner in IE', async () => {25 const commit = jest.fn();26 const state = {};27 await actions.validateBrowser({28 commit,29 state,30 getters: {31 isBrowserIE: jest.fn(() => true),32 },33 });34 expect(commit.mock.calls).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`35 Array [36 Array [37 "SET_BANNER",38 Object {39 "enabled": true,40 "text": "info.ie_not_supported",41 "type": "ERROR",42 },43 ],44 ]45 `);46 });47 it('validateBrowser does not show banner outside IE', async () => {48 const commit = jest.fn();49 const state = {};50 await actions.validateBrowser({51 commit,52 state,53 getters: { isBrowserIE: false },54 });55 expect(commit.mock.calls.length).toBe(0);56 });57 it('dismissBrowser closes banner', async () => {58 const commit = jest.fn();59 const state = { siteBanner: { enabled: true } };60 await actions.dismissBanner({ commit, state });61 expect(commit.mock.calls).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`62 Array [63 Array [64 "SET_BANNER",...

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Source:ui-validation-utils.js Github


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1import log from '../log';2import settings from '../settings';3/**4 * Utils that checks environment for compatibility with assistant5 * @returns {{6 * checkVisibleAreaSize: checkVisibleAreaSize,7 * validateBrowser: validateBrowser,8 * validatePage: validatePage,9 * getViewPort: getViewPort10 * }}11 * @constructor12 */13function UIValidationUtils() {14 const { document } = window;15 const getViewPort = () => {16 const width = window.innerWidth;17 const height = window.innerHeight;18 return { width, height };19 };20 /**21 * Check if visible area are enough to show menu.22 * @returns boolean. True if area enough23 */24 const checkVisibleAreaSize = () => {25 const viewPort = getViewPort();26 // eslint-disable-next-line max-len27 const visibleAreaSize = viewPort.height > settings.Constants.MINIMUM_VISIBLE_HEIGHT_TO_SHOW_BUTTON;28 if (!visibleAreaSize) {29 log.error(`Viewport height is too small: ${viewPort.height}`);30 }31 return visibleAreaSize;32 };33 /**34 * Checks if browser is valid for Adguard assistant35 * @returns boolean. True if browser valid36 */37 const validateBrowser = () => {38 const valid = !document.documentMode39 || (document.documentMode > settings.Constants.MINIMUM_IE_SUPPORTED_VERSION);40 if (!valid) {41 log.error(`IE version is ${document.documentMode}`);42 }43 return valid;44 };45 /**46 * Checks if page is valid for Adguard assistant to work here.47 */48 const validatePage = () => {49 // Assistant do not work in iframes50 if (window.window !== {51 return false;52 }53 return true;54 };55 return {56 checkVisibleAreaSize,57 validateBrowser,58 validatePage,59 getViewPort,60 };61}62const uiValidationUtils = new UIValidationUtils();...

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Source:browser.js Github


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...20 buttons.parentNode.removeChild(buttons);21 }22 return;23 }24 const state = validateBrowser();25 if (!state) {26 postMessage(UiMessage(POPUP.HANDSHAKE));27 return;28 }29 if ( {30 showView('smartphones-not-supported');31 return;32 }33 showView('browser-not-supported');34 const h3 = container.getElementsByTagName('h3')[0];35 const ackButton = container.getElementsByClassName('cancel')[0];36 const rememberCheckbox: HTMLInputElement = (container.getElementsByClassName(37 'remember-permissions',38 )[0]: any);...

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Source:document-ready.js Github


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...14 return true;15 }16 return false;17 }18 function validateBrowser() {19 if (!isIEBelow11()) {20 return;21 }22 // Show the Browser Validation dialog.23 global.document.getElementById('browser-detect').style.display = 'block';24 }25 // Subscribe to the event that fires for document ready.26 if (global.document.addEventListener) {27 global.document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', validateBrowser);28 } else if (global.document.attachEvent) {29 // For IE8... global.document.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', validateBrowser);31 }32})(window); // eslint-disable-line no-undef

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Source:validate_browser.js Github


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1"use strict";2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {3 value: true4});5exports.validateBrowser = void 0;6var _constants = require("../../../common/constants");7/*8 * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one9 * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;10 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.11 */12/*13 * Validate the Reporting headless browser can launch, and that it can connect14 * to the locally running Kibana instance.15 */16const validateBrowser = async (server, browserFactory, logger) => {17 if (browserFactory.type === _constants.BROWSER_TYPE) {18 return browserFactory.test(logger).then(browser => {19 if (browser && browser.close) {20 browser.close();21 } else {22 throw new Error('Could not close browser client handle!');23 }24 });25 }26};...

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Source:actions.js Github


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1/**2 * UI Store Actions.3 *4 */5import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser';6import Logger from '@/utils/log';7import * as types from './types';8const Log = Logger({9 name: '',10 middlewares: [11 (result) => {12 result.unshift('[] ');13 return result;14 },15 ],16});17const validateBrowser = async ({ commit, getters: { isBrowserIE } }) => {18 if (isBrowserIE) {19 Log.warn('unsupported browser detected!');20 Sentry.setExtra('site_banner', 'browser_unsupported');21 commit(types.SET_BANNER, {22 enabled: true,23 text: 'info.ie_not_supported',24 type: types.BannerTypes.ERROR,25 });26 }27};28const dismissBanner = async ({ commit }) => {29 Log.debug('dismissing banner!');30 commit(types.SET_BANNER, {31 enabled: false,32 });33};34export default {35 validateBrowser,36 dismissBanner,...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('my app', function() {2 it('should always pass', function() {3 expect(true).toBe(true);4 });5 it('should always fail', function() {6 expect(true).toBe(false);7 });8 it('should always pass', function() {9 expect(true).toBe(true);10 });11 it('should always fail', function() {12 expect(true).toBe(false);13 });14 it('should always pass', function() {15 expect(true).toBe(true);16 });17 it('should always fail', function() {18 expect(true).toBe(false);19 });20 it('should always pass', function() {21 expect(true).toBe(true);22 });23 it('should always fail', function() {24 expect(true).toBe(false);25 });26 it('should always pass', function() {27 expect(true).toBe(true);28 });29 it('should always fail', function() {30 expect(true).toBe(false);31 });32 it('should always pass', function() {33 expect(true).toBe(true);34 });35 it('should always fail', function() {36 expect(true).toBe(false);37 });38 it('should always pass', function() {39 expect(true).toBe(true);40 });41 it('should always fail', function() {42 expect(true).toBe(false);43 });44 it('should always pass', function() {45 expect(true).toBe(true);46 });47 it('should always fail', function() {48 expect(true).toBe(false);49 });50 it('should always pass', function() {51 expect(true).toBe(true);52 });53 it('should always fail', function() {54 expect(true).toBe(false);55 });56 it('should always pass', function() {57 expect(true).toBe(true);58 });59 it('should always fail', function() {60 expect(true).toBe(false);61 });62 it('should always pass', function() {63 expect(true).toBe(true);64 });65 it('should always fail', function() {66 expect(true).toBe(false);67 });68 it('should always pass', function() {69 expect(true).toBe(true);70 });71 it('should always fail', function() {72 expect(true).toBe(false);73 });74 it('should always pass', function() {75 expect(true).toBe(true);76 });77 it('should always fail', function() {78 expect(true).toBe(false

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var isChrome = validateBrowser('Chrome');2var isFirefox = validateBrowser('Firefox');3var isIE = validateBrowser('IE');4var isSafari = validateBrowser('Safari');5var isPhantomJS = validateBrowser('PhantomJS');6var isOpera = validateBrowser('Opera');7var isAndroid = validateBrowser('Android');8var isiOS = validateBrowser('iOS');9var isChromeMobile = validateBrowser('ChromeMobile');10var isChromeMobileIOS = validateBrowser('ChromeMobileIOS');11var isFirefoxMobile = validateBrowser('FirefoxMobile');12var isOperaMobile = validateBrowser('OperaMobile');13var isSafariMobile = validateBrowser('SafariMobile');14var isEdge = validateBrowser('Edge');15var isIE9 = validateBrowser('IE9');16var isIE10 = validateBrowser('IE10');17var isIE11 = validateBrowser('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var validateBrowser = require('karma/lib/browser').validateBrowser;2var launch = require('karma/lib/browser').launch;3var server = require('karma/lib/server');4var config = {5};6launch(config.browsers[0], config, function (exitCode) {7 console.log('Browser exited with code: ' + exitCode);8});9validateBrowser(config.browsers[0], config, function (result) {10 console.log('Browser validation result: ' + result);11});12server.start(config, function (exitCode) {13 console.log('Karma has exited with ' + exitCode);14});15at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:336:15)16at Function.Module._load (module.js:278:25)17at Module.require (module.js:365:17)18at require (module.js:384:17)19at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\user\Documents\test.js:3:23)20at Module._compile (module.js:460:26)21at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:478:10)22at Module.load (module.js:355:32)23at Function.Module._load (module.js:310:12)24at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:501:10)25Your name to display (optional):26Your name to display (optional):27var server = require('k

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('Validate Browser', function() {2 it('should validate browser', function() {3 var browser = new Browser();4 browser.validateBrowser();5 });6});7describe('Validate Browser', function() {8 it('should validate browser', function() {9 var browser = new Browser();10 browser.validateBrowser();11 });12});13var Browser = function() {14 this.validateBrowser = function() {15 console.log('Validating browser');16 };17};18module.exports = Browser;19module.exports = function(config) {20 config.set({21 preprocessors: {22 },23 ngHtml2JsPreprocessor: {24 },25 });26};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var utils = require('KarmaUtils');2var isValid = utils.validateBrowser('chrome');3console.log(isValid);4module.exports = function(config) {5 config.set({6 {7 'preprocessor:myPreprocessor': ['factory', function() {8 return function(content, file, done) {9 done(content);10 };11 }]12 }13 });14};15module.exports = function(config) {16 config.set({17 {18 'preprocessor:myPreprocessor': ['factory', function() {19 return function(content, file, done) {20 done(content);21 };22 }]23 }24 });25};26module.exports = function(config) {27 config.set({28 {29 'preprocessor:myPreprocessor': ['factory', function() {30 return function(content, file, done) {31 done(content);32 };33 }]34 }35 });36};37module.exports = function(config) {38 config.set({39 {40 'preprocessor:myPreprocessor': ['factory', function() {41 return function(content, file, done) {42 done(content);43 };44 }]45 }46 });47};48module.exports = function(config) {49 config.set({50 {51 'preprocessor:myPreprocessor': ['factory', function() {52 return function(content, file, done) {53 done(content);54 };55 }]56 }57 });58};59module.exports = function(config) {60 config.set({61 {62 'preprocessor:myPreprocessor': ['factory', function() {63 return function(content, file, done) {64 done(content);65 };66 }]67 }68 });69};70module.exports = function(config) {71 config.set({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1karmaUtils.validateBrowser(browserName, browserVersion, osName, osVersion, deviceName, callback);2karmaUtils.validateBrowser(browserName, browserVersion, osName, osVersion, deviceName, callback);3karmaUtils.validateBrowser(browserName, browserVersion, osName, osVersion, deviceName, callback);4karmaUtils.validateBrowser(browserName, browserVersion, osName, osVersion, deviceName, callback);5karmaUtils.validateBrowser(browserName, browserVersion, osName, osVersion, deviceName, callback);6karmaUtils.validateBrowser(browserName, browserVersion, osName, osVersion, deviceName, callback);7karmaUtils.validateBrowser(browserName, browserVersion, osName, osVersion, deviceName, callback);8karmaUtils.validateBrowser(browserName, browserVersion, osName, osVersion, deviceName, callback);9karmaUtils.validateBrowser(browserName, browserVersion, osName, osVersion, deviceName, callback);10karmaUtils.validateBrowser(browserName, browserVersion, osName, osVersion, deviceName, callback);

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