Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1(function ($s, $slate) {2 $slate.fn._multiselection = function () {3 var _self = this, selRect = null, ox, oy, _init, marker = null, selectedNodes = [], origPos = null, resizer = null, minSize = 100;45 _self.init = function () {6 var c = _self._.options.container;7 _init = document.createElement("div");8 = "absolute";9 = "18px";10 = '1px';11 = "#081272";12 = "11pt";13 = "trebuchet ms";14 = "1px";15 = "block";16 = "5px";17 = "#f8f8f8";18 = "pointer";19 _init.innerHTML = "[multi-select]";20 c.appendChild(_init);2122 $s.addEvent(_init, "click", function (e) {23 switch (_init.innerHTML) {24 case "[multi-select]":25 _self.start();26 break;27 case "selecting [click to stop]...":28 _self.end();29 break;30 }31 });32 };3334 _self.hide = function () {35 if (_init) = "none";36 };3738 = function () {39 if (_init) = "block";40 };4142 _self.start = function () {43 _self._.disable(); // options.viewPort.allowDrag = false;44 _init.innerHTML = "selecting [click to stop]...";45 _self._.onSelectionStart = function (e) {46 var p = xy(e);47 selRect = _self._.paper.rect(p.x, p.y, 10, 10).attr({ "stroke-dasharray": "-" });48 $s.addEvent(_self._.canvas.get(), "mousemove", _move);49 $s.addEvent(_self._.canvas.get(), "mouseup", _select);50 ox = p.x;51 oy = p.y;52 };53 };5455 _self.isSelecting = function () {56 return (marker !== null);57 };5859 _self.del = function () {60 if (confirm('Are you sure you want to remove the selected nodes?')) {61 $s.each(selectedNodes, function () {62 this.toolbar.del();63 });64 _self.end();65 }66 };6768 _self.end = function () {69 if (marker !== null) {70 resizer.unmouseover(_resizeHover);71 //marker.undrag(markerEvents.move, markerEvents.init, markerEvents.up);72 //resizer.undrag(resizeEvents.move, resizeEvents.init, resizeEvents.up);73 marker.remove();74 resizer.remove();75 marker = null;76 _self._.keyboard && _self._.keyboard.end();77 }78 if (_init) _init.innerHTML = "[multi-select]";79 };8081 _self.endSelection = function () {82 selRect && selRect.remove();83 _self._.enable();84 _self._.onSelectionStart = null;85 $s.removeEvent(_self._.canvas.get(), "mousemove", _move);86 $s.removeEvent(_self._.canvas.get(), "mouseup", _select);87 };8889 var xy = function (e) {90 var mp = $s.mousePos(e);91 var off = $s.positionedOffset(_self._.options.container);92 var _x = mp.x + _self._.options.viewPort.left - off.left;93 var _y = mp.y + -;94 var z = _self._.options.viewPort.zoom.r;95 return { x: _x / z, y: _y / z };96 };9798 var _move = function (e) {99 p = xy(e);100 var height = p.y - oy;101 var width = p.x - ox;102103 if (height > 0) {104 selRect.attr({ height: height });105 } else {106 selRect.attr({ y: p.y, height: (oy - p.y) });107 }108 if (width > 0) {109 selRect.attr({ width: width });110 } else {111 selRect.attr({ x: p.x, width: (ox - p.x) });112 }113 };114115 var _select = function (e) {116 var sr = selRect.getBBox();117 var l = _self._.options.viewPort.left;118 var t =;119 var z = _self._.options.viewPort.zoom.r;120 selectedNodes = _.filter(_self._.nodes.allNodes, function (n) {121 return ((n.options.xPos + n.options.width > sr.x && n.options.xPos < sr.x + sr.width) && (n.options.yPos + n.options.height > sr.y && n.options.yPos < sr.y + sr.height))122 });123124 if (selectedNodes.length > 1) {125 var orient = _self._.getOrientation(selectedNodes);126 var w = orient.width / z;127 var h = orient.height / z;128 if (w < minSize) w = minSize;129 if (h < minSize) h = minSize;130131 marker = _self._.paper.rect(orient.left / z, / z, w, h).attr({ "stroke-dasharray": "-", "fill": "#f8f8f8" });132 marker.toBack();133 origPos = marker.getBBox();134135 _self.endSelection();136137 //resizer138 var _nx = origPos.x + origPos.width;139 var _ny = origPos.y + origPos.height;140141 resizer = _self._.paper.resize(_self._.options.imageFolder + "2_lines.png").transform(["t", _nx - 5, ",", _ny - 5].join()).attr({ fill: "#fff", "stroke": "#000" });142 resizer.mouseover(_resizeHover);143 marker.drag(markerEvents.move, markerEvents.init, markerEvents.up);144 resizer.drag(resizeEvents.move, resizeEvents.init, resizeEvents.up);145146 //hiding resizer for now147 //resizer.hide();148149 //unmark all and remove connectors150 _self._.unMarkAll();151152 $s.each(selectedNodes, function () {153 this.connectors.remove();154 this.resize.hide();155 });156157 //activate keyboard shortcuts for this group...158 _self._.keyboard && _self._.keyboard.start();159160 } else if (selectedNodes.length === 1) {161 selectedNodes[0];162 selectedNodes[0].mark();163 _self.endSelection();164 _self.end();165 } else {166 _self.endSelection();167 _self.end();168 }169 };170171 var _resizeHover = function (e) { resizer.attr({ cursor: 'nw-resize' }); };172173 var markerEvents = {174 init: function (x, y) {175 _self._.options.viewPort.allowDrag = false;176 marker.ox = marker.attr("x");177 marker.oy = marker.attr("y");178 $s.each(selectedNodes, function () {179 this.vect.ox = this.vect.type == "rect" ? this.vect.attr("x") : this.vect.attr("cx");180 this.vect.oy = this.vect.type == "rect" ? this.vect.attr("y") : this.vect.attr("cy");181 });182 }183 , move: function (dx, dy) {184 var _zr = _self._.options.viewPort.zoom.r;185 dx = dx + ((dx / _zr) - dx);186 dy = dy + ((dy / _zr) - dy);187188 var att = { x: marker.ox + dx, y: marker.oy + dy };189 marker.attr(att);190191 $s.each(selectedNodes, function () {192 this.setPosition({ x: this.vect.ox + dx, y: this.vect.oy + dy });193 });194195 var _nx = origPos.x + origPos.width + dx - 5;196 var _ny = origPos.y + origPos.height + dy - 5;197 resizer.transform(["t", _nx, ",", _ny].join(""));198 }199 , up: function (e) {200 _self._.options.viewPort.allowDrag = true;201 _self._.birdseye && _self._.birdseye.refresh(true);202203 var _sids = _(selectedNodes).chain().pluck('options').pluck('id').value();204205 $s.each(selectedNodes, function () {206207 if (this.options.isPinnedExact) {208 //if the parent is NOT in the group of selected nodes, then detatch it...209 var _allParents = _(this.relationships.parents).chain().pluck('parent').pluck('options').pluck('id').value();210 if (_.intersect(_sids, _allParents).length === 0) {211 this.relationships.detatch(true);212 var detPkg = { type: 'onNodeDetatched', data: { id:} };213 _self._.signalr && _self._.signalr.send(detPkg);214 _self._.birdseye && _self._.birdseye.nodeDetatched(detPkg);215 this.refresh();216 }217 }218219 broadcastMove(this);220 });221222 origPos = marker.getBBox();223 }224 };225226 function _resize() {227 var mbb = marker.getBBox();228229 var xStatic = mbb.x + mbb.width / 2;230 var yStatic = mbb.y + mbb.height / 2;231 var yScale = mbb.height / origPos.height;232 var xScale = mbb.width / origPos.width;233234 $s.each(selectedNodes, function () {235 var nx = xStatic + (xScale * (this.options.xPos - xStatic));236 var ny = yStatic + (yScale * (this.options.yPos - yStatic));237238 this.setPosition({ x: nx, y: ny });239240 var nw = xScale * this.options.width; // ((mbb.width * this.options.width) / origPos.width);241 var nh = yScale * this.options.height; // ((mbb.height * this.options.height) / origPos.height);242 this.resize.set(nw, nh, 0);243 });244 };245246 function broadcastMove(node) {247 _self._.signalr && _self._.signalr.send({248 type: "onNodeMove"249 , data: {250 id: node.options.id251 , x: node.options.xPos252 , y: node.options.yPos253 }254 });255 };256257 var resizeEvents = {258 init: function () {259 _self._.disable();260 $s.each(selectedNodes, function () {261 this.vect.ox = this.vect.type == "rect" ? this.vect.attr("x") : this.vect.attr("cx");262 this.vect.oy = this.vect.type == "rect" ? this.vect.attr("y") : this.vect.attr("cy");263 });264 }265 , move: function (dx, dy) {266267 var _zr = _self._.options.viewPort.zoom.r;268 dx = dx + ((dx / _zr) - dx);269 dy = dy + ((dy / _zr) - dy);270271 var _width = origPos.width + (dx * 2);272 var _height = origPos.height + (dy * 2);273274 var _nx = origPos.x + origPos.width + dx - 5;275 var _ny = origPos.y + origPos.height + dy - 5;276 var rw = true, rh = true;277 if (_width < minSize) { _width = minSize; rw = false; }278 if (_height < minSize) { _height = minSize; rh = false; }279280 resizer.transform(["t", _nx, ",", _ny].join(""));281282 var att = { width: _width, height: _height };283 rw && $s.extend(att, { x: origPos.x - dx });284 rh && $s.extend(att, { y: origPos.y - dy });285286 marker.attr(att);287 }288 , up: function () {289 _self._.enable();290 _resize();291292 $s.each(selectedNodes, function () {293 this.resize.send();294 broadcastMove(this);295 });296297 _self._.birdseye && _self._.birdseye.refresh(true);298299 origPos = marker.getBBox();300 var _nx = origPos.x + origPos.width;301 var _ny = origPos.y + origPos.height;302 resizer.transform(["t", _nx - 5, ",", _ny - 5].join(""));303 }304 };305306 return _self;307 }
1define([2 '$',3 'plugin'4], function($, Plugin) {5 var $element;6 describe('Plugin factory', function() {7 beforeEach(function() {8 $element = $('<div class="subplugin" />');9 });10 describe('Plugin create', function() {11 it('creates create function', function() {12 assert.isDefined(Plugin.create);13 });14 it('creates Plugin.create as a function', function() {15 assert.isFunction(Plugin.create);16 });17 });18 describe('Plugin creation with single depth inheritance', function() {19 it('extends sub-object prototype with the name property', function() {20 function SubPlugin(element, options) {21, element, options);22 }23 Plugin.create('subplugin', SubPlugin, {24 _init: function() {25 }26 });27 assert.isDefined(;28 assert.equal(, 'subplugin');29 });30 it('extends sub-object prototype', function() {31 function SubPlugin(element, options) {32, element, options);33 }34 Plugin.create('subplugin', SubPlugin, {35 _init: function() {36 },37 foo: function() {38 },39 bar: function() {40 }41 });42 assert.isDefined(SubPlugin.prototype._init);43 assert.isDefined(;44 assert.isDefined(;45 });46 it('extends $.fn with the plugin function', function() {47 function SubPlugin(element, options) {48, element, options);49 }50 Plugin.create('subplugin', SubPlugin, {51 _init: function() {52 }53 });54 assert.isDefined($.fn.subplugin);55 });56 it('invokes the _init function when creating the plugin', function(done) {57 function SubPlugin(element, options) {58, element, options);59 }60 Plugin.create('subplugin', SubPlugin, {61 _init: function() {62 done();63 }64 });65 $element.subplugin();66 });67 });68 describe('Plugin creation with three level deep inheritance', function() {69 it('extends sub-object prototype with the name property', function() {70 function SuperPlugin(element, options) {71, element, options);72 }73 Plugin.create('superplugin', SuperPlugin, {74 _init: function() {75 }76 });77 function SubPlugin(element, options) {78, element, options);79 }80 Plugin.create('subplugin', SubPlugin, SuperPlugin, {81 _init: function() {82 }83 });84 assert.isDefined(;85 assert.equal(, 'subplugin');86 });87 it('extends sub-object prototype', function() {88 function SuperPlugin(element, options) {89, element, options);90 }91 Plugin.create('superplugin', SuperPlugin, {92 _init: function() {},93 superMethod: function() {}94 });95 function SubPlugin(element, options) {96, element, options);97 }98 Plugin.create('subplugin', SubPlugin, SuperPlugin, {99 _init: function() {100 },101 foo: function() {102 },103 bar: function() {104 }105 });106 assert.isDefined(SubPlugin.prototype._init);107 assert.isDefined(;108 assert.isDefined(;109 assert.isDefined(SubPlugin.prototype.superMethod);110 });111 });112 describe('Plugin creation with four level deep inheritance', function() {113 it('extends sub-object prototype with the name property', function() {114 function Level2Plugin(element, options) {115, element, options);116 }117 Plugin.create('level2plugin', Level2Plugin, {118 _init: function() {119 },120 level2Method: function() {}121 });122 function Level3Plugin(element, options) {123, element, options);124 }125 Plugin.create('level3plugin', Level3Plugin, Level2Plugin, {126 _init: function() {127 },128 level3Method: function() {}129 });130 function SubPlugin(element, options) {131, element, options);132 }133 Plugin.create('subplugin', SubPlugin, Level3Plugin, {134 _init: function() {135 }136 });137 assert.isDefined(;138 assert.equal(, 'subplugin');139 });140 it('extends sub-object prototype', function() {141 function Level2Plugin(element, options) {142, element, options);143 }144 Plugin.create('level2plugin', Level2Plugin, {145 _init: function() {146 },147 level2Method: function() {}148 });149 function Level3Plugin(element, options) {150, element, options);151 }152 Plugin.create('level3plugin', Level3Plugin, Level2Plugin, {153 _init: function() {154 },155 level3Method: function() {}156 });157 function SubPlugin(element, options) {158, element, options);159 }160 Plugin.create('subplugin', SubPlugin, Level3Plugin, {161 _init: function() {162 },163 foo: function() {164 },165 bar: function() {166 }167 });168 assert.isDefined(SubPlugin.prototype._init);169 assert.isDefined(;170 assert.isDefined(;171 assert.isDefined(SubPlugin.prototype.level2Method);172 assert.isDefined(SubPlugin.prototype.level3Method);173 });174 });175 describe('multiple plugin types', function() {176 it('creates types correctly by extending Plugin.prototype', function() {177 var plugin1Init = function(element) { var $element1 = element; };178 var plugin2Init = function(element) { var $element2 = element; };179 function Plugin1(element, options) {180, element, options, {181 plugin1Option: true182 });183 }184 Plugin.create('plugin1', Plugin1, {185 _init: plugin1Init,186 firstUniqueMethod: function() {187 return true;188 }189 });190 function Plugin2(element, options) {191, element, options, {192 plugin2Option: true193 });194 }195 Plugin.create('plugin2', Plugin2, {196 _init: plugin2Init,197 secondUniqueMethod: function() {198 return false;199 }200 });201 var $plugin1 = $('<div/>').plugin1();202 var $plugin2 = $('<div/>').plugin2();203 var plugin1 = $'plugin1');204 var plugin2 = $'plugin2');205 assert.equal(Plugin1.prototype._init, plugin1Init);206 assert.isDefined(plugin1.options.plugin1Option);207 assert.isDefined(plugin1.firstUniqueMethod);208 assert.isUndefined(plugin1.secondUniqueMethod);209 assert.equal(Plugin2.prototype._init, plugin2Init);210 assert.isDefined(plugin2.options.plugin2Option);211 assert.isDefined(plugin2.secondUniqueMethod);212 assert.isUndefined(plugin2.firstUniqueMethod);213 });214 });215 });...
1/**2 * Created by ismar on 01/02/2017.3 */4QUnit.test( "LD_R1_R2", function( assert ) {5 CPU._init();6 //Sum a and e7 CPU._r.a = 0x5;8 CPU._r.e = 0x1;9 var inst = {10 opcode: 0x2,11 r1: 0x3, //Destination (r1) is E12 r2: 0x7, //Source (r2) is A13 n: 014 };15 CPU.ld_r1_r2(inst);16 assert.equal( CPU._r.e, CPU._r.a,"Correct");17});18QUnit.test( "LD_R_HL", function( assert ) {19 CPU._init();20 //Sum a and e21 CPU._r.h = 0xBE;22 CPU._r.l = 0xBA;23 MEM._m[0xBEBA] = 0xCA;24 var inst = {25 opcode: 0x2,26 r1: 0x4, //Destination (r1) is H27 r2: 0x0, //Don't care28 n: 029 };30 CPU.ld_r_HL(inst);31 assert.equal( CPU._r.h,0xCA,"Correct");32});33QUnit.test( "LD_R_N", function( assert ) {34 CPU._init();35 //Sum a and e36 CPU._r.b = 0xFF;37 var inst = {38 opcode: 0x2,39 r1: 0x0, //Destination (r1) is B40 r2: 0x0, //Don't care41 n: 0xAB // To load 0xAB into register B42 };43 CPU.ld_r_n(inst);44 assert.equal( CPU._r.b,0xAB,"Correct");45});46QUnit.test( "LD_HL_r", function( assert ) {47 CPU._init();48 MEM._init();49 CPU._r.a = 0xBE;50 CPU._r.h = 0xDE;51 CPU._r.l = 0xAD;52 var inst = {53 opcode: 0x2,54 r1: 0x0, //Don't care55 r2: 0x7, //So content of A is stored56 n: 0x0 //Don't care57 };58 CPU.ld_HL_r(inst);59 //@DEAD = 0xBE60 assert.equal( MEM.readByte(0xDEAD),0xBE,"Correct");61});62QUnit.test( "LD_HL_n", function( assert ) {63 CPU._init();64 MEM._init();65 //Sum a and e66 CPU._r.h = 0xDE;67 CPU._r.l = 0xAD;68 var inst = {69 opcode: 0x2,70 r1: 0x0, //Don't care71 r2: 0x7, //Don't care72 n: 0xCC // To load 0xAB into register B73 };74 CPU.ld_HL_n(inst);75 //@DEAD = 0xBE76 assert.equal( MEM.readByte(0xDEAD),0xCC,"Correct");77});78QUnit.test( "LD_A_BC", function( assert ) {79 CPU._init();80 MEM._init();81 //Sum a and e82 CPU._r.a = 0xFF;83 CPU._r.b = 0xBE;84 CPU._r.c = 0xBA;85 MEM._m[0xBEBA] = 0xCA;86 var inst = {87 opcode: 0x2,88 r1: 0x0, //Don't care89 r2: 0x0, //Don't care90 n: 0x0 //Don't care91 };92 CPU.ld_A_BC(inst);93 //@DEAD = 0xBE94 assert.equal( CPU._r.a,0xCA,"Correct");95});96QUnit.test( "LD_A_DE", function( assert ) {97 CPU._init();98 MEM._init();99 //Sum a and e100 CPU._r.a = 0xFF;101 CPU._r.d = 0xBE;102 CPU._r.e = 0xBA;103 MEM._m[0xBEBA] = 0xCA;104 var inst = {105 opcode: 0x2,106 r1: 0x0, //Don't care107 r2: 0x0, //Don't care108 n: 0x0 //Don't care109 };110 CPU.ld_A_DE(inst);111 //@DEAD = 0xBE112 assert.equal( CPU._r.a,0xCA,"Correct");113});114QUnit.test( "LD_A_nn", function( assert ) {115 CPU._init();116 MEM._init();117 //Sum a and e118 CPU._r.a = 0xFF;119 MEM._m[0xDEAD] = 0xAB;120 var inst = {121 opcode: 0x2,122 r1: 0x0, //Don't care123 r2: 0x0, //Don't care124 n: 0xDE,125 nn:0xDEAD126 };127 CPU.ld_A_nn(inst);128 //@DEAD = 0xBE129 assert.equal( CPU._r.a,0xAB,"Correct");130});131QUnit.test( "LD_BC_A", function( assert ) {132 CPU._init();133 MEM._init();134 //Sum a and e135 CPU._r.a = 0xCF;136 CPU._r.b = 0xBE;137 CPU._r.c = 0xBA;138 var inst = {139 opcode: 0x2,140 r1: 0x0, //Don't care141 r2: 0x0, //Don't care142 n: 0x0, //Don't care143 nn:0x0 //Don't care144 };145 CPU.ld_BC_A(inst);146 assert.equal( MEM.readByte(0xBEBA),0xCF,"Correct");147});148QUnit.test( "LD_DE_A", function( assert ) {149 CPU._init();150 MEM._init();151 //Sum a and e152 CPU._r.a = 0xCF;153 CPU._r.d = 0xBE;154 CPU._r.e = 0xBA;155 var inst = {156 opcode: 0x2,157 r1: 0x0, //Don't care158 r2: 0x0, //Don't care159 n: 0x0, //Don't care160 nn:0x0 //Don't care161 };162 CPU.ld_DE_A(inst);163 assert.equal( MEM.readByte(0xBEBA),0xCF,"Correct");164});165QUnit.test( "LD_nn_A", function( assert ) {166 CPU._init();167 MEM._init();168 CPU._r.a = 0xAB;169 var inst = {170 opcode: 0x2,171 r1: 0x0, //Don't care172 r2: 0x0, //Don't care173 n: 0x0, //Don't care174 nn:0xBEBA175 };176 CPU.ld_nn_A(inst);177 assert.equal( MEM.readByte(0xBEBA),0xAB,"Correct");178});179QUnit.test( "LD_A_ff00_n", function( assert ) {180 CPU._init();181 MEM._init();182 CPU._r.a = 0xFF;183 MEM.writeByte(0xFF34,0xAB); //$0xFF34 = 0xAB184 var inst = {185 opcode: 0x2,186 r1: 0x0, //Don't care187 r2: 0x0, //Don't care188 n: 0x34,189 nn:0x0 //Don't care190 };191 CPU.ld_A_ff00_n(inst);192 assert.equal( CPU._r.a,0xAB,"Correct");193});194QUnit.test( "LD_ff00_n_A", function( assert ) {195 CPU._init();196 MEM._init();197 CPU._r.a = 0xAB;198 var inst = {199 opcode: 0x2,200 r1: 0x0, //Don't care201 r2: 0x0, //Don't care202 n: 0x34,203 nn:0x0 //Don't care204 };205 CPU.ld_ff00_n_A(inst);206 assert.equal( MEM.readByte(0xFF34),0xAB,"Correct");207});208QUnit.test( "LD_A_ff00_C", function( assert ) {209 CPU._init();210 MEM._init();211 CPU._r.a = 0xFF;212 CPU._r.c = 0x34;213 MEM.writeByte(0xFF34,0xAB); //$0xFF34 = 0xAB214 var inst = {215 opcode: 0x2,216 r1: 0x0, //Don't care217 r2: 0x0, //Don't care218 n: 0x00, //Don't care219 nn:0x0 //Don't care220 };221 CPU.ld_A_ff00_C(inst);222 assert.equal( CPU._r.a,0xAB,"Correct");223});224QUnit.test( "LD_ff00_C_A", function( assert ) {225 CPU._init();226 MEM._init();227 CPU._r.a = 0xAB;228 CPU._r.c = 0x34;229 var inst = {230 opcode: 0x2,231 r1: 0x0, //Don't care232 r2: 0x0, //Don't care233 n: 0x0, //Don't care234 nn:0x0 //Don't care235 };236 CPU.ld_ff00_C_A(inst);237 assert.equal( MEM.readByte(0xFF34),0xAB,"Correct");238});239QUnit.test( "LDI_HL_A", function( assert ) {240 CPU._init();241 MEM._init();242 CPU._r.a = 0x56;243 CPU._r.h = 0xBE;244 CPU._r.l = 0xBA;245 var inst = {246 opcode: 0x2,247 r1: 0x0, //Don't care248 r2: 0x0, //Don't care249 n: 0x0, //Don't care250 nn:0x0 //Don't care251 };252 CPU.ldi_hl_a(inst);253 assert.equal( MEM.readByte(0xBEBA),0x56,"Written in memory");254 assert.equal(CPU.getDoubleRegisterFromCode(2),0xBEBB,"Was incremented");255});256QUnit.test( "LDD_HL_A", function( assert ) {257 CPU._init();258 MEM._init();259 CPU._r.a = 0x5;260 CPU._r.h = 0x40;261 CPU._r.l = 0x00;262 var inst = {263 opcode: 0x2,264 r1: 0x0, //Don't care265 r2: 0x0, //Don't care266 n: 0x0, //Don't care267 nn:0x0 //Don't care268 };269 CPU.ldd_hl_a(inst);270 assert.equal( MEM.readByte(0x4000),0x5,"Written in memory");271 assert.equal(CPU.getDoubleRegisterFromCode(2),0x3FFF, "Was decremented");272});273QUnit.test( "LDI_A_HL", function( assert ) {274 CPU._init();275 MEM._init();276 CPU._r.a = 0xFF;277 CPU._r.h = 0x01;278 CPU._r.l = 0xFF;279 MEM._m[0x1FF] = 0X56;280 var inst = {281 opcode: 0x2,282 r1: 0x0, //Don't care283 r2: 0x0, //Don't care284 n: 0x0, //Don't care285 nn:0x0 //Don't care286 };287 CPU.ldi_a_hl(inst);288 assert.equal(CPU._r.a,0x56,"Read from memory");289 assert.equal(CPU.getDoubleRegisterFromCode(2),0x200, "Was incremented");290});291QUnit.test( "LDD_A_HL", function( assert ) {292 CPU._init();293 MEM._init();294 CPU._r.a = 0xFF;295 CPU._r.h = 0x8A;296 CPU._r.l = 0x5C;297 MEM._m[0x8A5C] = 0X3C;298 var inst = {299 opcode: 0x2,300 r1: 0x0, //Don't care301 r2: 0x0, //Don't care302 n: 0x0, //Don't care303 nn:0x0 //Don't care304 };305 CPU.ldd_a_hl(inst);306 assert.equal(CPU._r.a,0x3C,"Read from memory");307 assert.equal(CPU.getDoubleRegisterFromCode(2),0x8A5B, "Was incremented");...
...31const Search =;32// FIXME: The subject cache is never being emptied.33let ZeitgeistSubjectCache = {};34function ZeitgeistAsyncSearchProvider(title, interpretations) {35 this._init(title, interpretations);36}37ZeitgeistAsyncSearchProvider.prototype = {38 __proto__: Search.SearchProvider.prototype,39 _init: function(title, interpretations) {40, title);41 this._buildTemplates(interpretations);42 },43 _buildTemplates: function(interpretations) {44 this.templates = [];45 for (let i = 0; i < interpretations.length; i++) {46 let subject = new Zeitgeist.Subject('', interpretations[i], '', '', '', '', '');47 let event = new Zeitgeist.Event('', '', '', [subject], []);48 this.templates.push(event);49 }50 },51 _search: function(terms) {52 this._search_terms = terms;53 Zeitgeist.fullTextSearch(terms[0]+'*',54 this.templates,55 Lang.bind(this, function(events) {56 if (terms == this._search_terms)57 this._asyncCallback(events);58 }));59 },60 _asyncCancelled: function() {61 this._search_terms = null;62 },63 getInitialResultSet: function(terms) {64 this._search(terms);65 return [];66 },67 getSubsearchResultSet: function(previousResults, terms) {68 this.tryCancelAsync();69 return this.getInitialResultSet(terms);70 },71 getResultMeta: function(resultId) {72 return { 'id': ZeitgeistSubjectCache[resultId].uri,73 'name': ZeitgeistSubjectCache[resultId].name,74 'createIcon': function (size) {75 return ZeitgeistSubjectCache[resultId].createIcon(size);76 },77 };78 },79 activateResult: function(resultId) {80 Gio.app_info_launch_default_for_uri(resultId,81 global.create_app_launch_context());82 },83 _asyncCallback: function(events) {84 let items = [];85 for (let i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {86 let event = events[i];87 let subject = event.subjects[0];88 let uri = subject.uri.replace('file://', '');89 uri = GLib.uri_unescape_string(uri, '');90 if (GLib.file_test(uri, GLib.FileTest.EXISTS)) {91 if (!ZeitgeistSubjectCache.hasOwnProperty(subject.uri)) {92 let info = new DocInfo.ZeitgeistItemInfo(event);93 ZeitgeistSubjectCache[info.uri] = info;94 }95 items.push(subject.uri);96 }97 }98 this.addItems(items);99 }100};101function DocumentsAsyncSearchProvider() {102 this._init();103}104DocumentsAsyncSearchProvider.prototype = {105 __proto__: ZeitgeistAsyncSearchProvider.prototype,106 _init: function() {107 let interpretations = [Semantic.NFO_DOCUMENT];108, _("DOCUMENTS"), interpretations);109 }110};111function VideosAsyncSearchProvider() {112 this._init();113}114VideosAsyncSearchProvider.prototype = {115 __proto__: ZeitgeistAsyncSearchProvider.prototype,116 _init: function() {117 let interpretations = [Semantic.NFO_VIDEO];118, _("VIDEOS"), interpretations);119 }120};121function MusicAsyncSearchProvider() {122 this._init();123}124MusicAsyncSearchProvider.prototype = {125 __proto__: ZeitgeistAsyncSearchProvider.prototype,126 _init: function() {127 let interpretations = [128 Semantic.NFO_AUDIO,129 Semantic.NMM_MUSIC_PIECE];130, _("MUSIC"), interpretations);131 }132};133function PicturesAsyncSearchProvider() {134 this._init();135}136PicturesAsyncSearchProvider.prototype = {137 __proto__: ZeitgeistAsyncSearchProvider.prototype,138 _init: function() {139 let interpretations = [Semantic.NFO_IMAGE];140, _("PICTURES"), interpretations);141 }142};143function OtherAsyncSearchProvider() {144 this._init();145}146OtherAsyncSearchProvider.prototype = {147 __proto__: ZeitgeistAsyncSearchProvider.prototype,148 _init: function() {149 let interpretations = [150 '!' + Semantic.NFO_IMAGE,151 '!' + Semantic.NFO_DOCUMENT,152 '!' + Semantic.NFO_VIDEO,153 '!' + Semantic.NFO_AUDIO,154 '!' + Semantic.NMM_MUSIC_PIECE];155, _("OTHER"), interpretations);156 },157 _buildTemplates: function(interpretations) {158 // Here we want to get everything matching all of the templates, and...
...7 "dojo/_base/Deferred"8], function(dojo, _Cache){9 return dojo.declare('demos.gridx.src.core.model.SyncCache', _Cache, {10 constructor: function(){11 this._init();12 },13 clear: function(){14 this._idMap = {};15 this._indexMap = [];16 this._cache = {};17 this.totalCount = -1;18 },19 index: function(index){20 this._init();21 return this._cache[this._indexMap[index]];22 },23 id: function(id){24 this._init();25 return this._cache[id];26 },27 indexToId: function(index){28 this._init();29 return this._indexMap[index];30 },31 idToIndex: function(id){32 this._init();33 return this._idMap[id];34 },35 size: function(){36 this._init();37 return this.totalCount;38 },39 when: function(args, callback){40 this._init();41 var d = new dojo.Deferred();42 try{43 if(callback){44 callback(args);45 }46 d.callback();47 }catch(e){48 d.errback(e);49 }50 return d;51 },52 53 //--------------------------------------------------------------------54 _init: function(){55 if(this.totalCount >= 0){ return; }56 this.onBeforeFetch();57 var _this = this, s =,58 req = dojo.mixin({start: 0}, this.options || {});59 var onBegin = function(size){60 var oldSize = _this.totalCount;61 _this.totalCount = parseInt(size, 10);62 if(oldSize !== _this.totalCount){63 _this.onSizeChange(_this.totalCount, oldSize);64 }65 };66 var onComplete = function(items){67 dojo.forEach(items, _this._addRow, _this);68 _this.onAfterFetch();69 };70 var onError = function(e){71 _this.onAfterFetch();72 console.error(e);73 };74 if(s.fetch){75 s.fetch(dojo.mixin(req, {76 onBegin: onBegin,77 onComplete: onComplete,78 onError: onError79 }));80 }else{81 var results = s.query(req.query, req);82 dojo.when(, onBegin);83 onComplete(results);84 }85 },86 _addRow: function(item, idx){87 var id =;88 var rowData = this._itemToObject(item);89 this._idMap[id] = idx;90 this._indexMap[idx] = id;91 this._cache[id] = {92 data: this._formatRow(rowData),93 rawData: rowData,94 item: item95 };96 },97 _onNew: function(item){98 if(this.totalCount < 0){99 this._init();100 }else{101 this._addRow(item, this.totalCount++);102 }103 var id =;104 this.onSizeChange(this.totalCount, this.totalCount - 1);105 this.onNew(id, this.totalCount - 1, this._cache[id]);106 },107 _onSet: function(item){108 this._init();109 var id =, index = this._idMap[id];110 this._addRow(item, index);111 this.onSet(id, index, this._cache[id]);112 },113 _onDelete: function(item){114 var id = ? : item,115 idx = this._idMap[id], i;116 if(idx >= 0){117 delete this._cache[id];118 delete this._idMap[id];119 this._indexMap.splice(idx, 1);120 for(i = idx; i < this._indexMap.length; ++i){121 this._idMap[this._indexMap[i]] = i;122 }...
1/* eslint-disable max-classes-per-file */2import reload from '@/assets/js/reload';3class ApiError extends Error {}4function isJson(res) {5 const contentType = res.headers.get('content-type');6 return contentType && contentType.includes('application/json');7}8async function handleResponse(res) {9 if (isJson(res)) {10 const json = await res.json();11 if (!res.ok) {12 const { error } = json;13 if (error !== undefined) {14 throw new ApiError(error);15 }16 throw ApiError(res.status);17 }18 return json;19 }20 return res.status;21}22class Fetcher {23 constructor({ failOnError = true, isError = () => true } = {}) {24 this.failOnError = failOnError;25 this.isError = isError;26 }27 async fetch(resource, _init) {28 try {29 const init = _init || {};30 init.credentials = 'same-origin';31 return handleResponse(await fetch(resource, init));32 } catch (e) {33 if (e instanceof ApiError) {34 throw e;35 }36 if (this.failOnError && this.isError(e)) {37 console.log(`got error â failing over`);38 reload();39 }40 throw e;41 }42 }43 async put(resource, data, _init) {44 try {45 const init = _init || {};46 init.credentials = 'same-origin';47 const res = await fetch(resource, {48 method: 'PUT',49 headers: {50 'Content-Type': 'application/json',51 },52 body: JSON.stringify(data),53 });54 return handleResponse(res);55 } catch (e) {56 if (e instanceof ApiError) {57 throw e;58 }59 console.log('error: ', e);60 if (this.failOnError && this.isError(e)) {61 console.log(`got error â failing over`);62 // reload();63 }64 throw e;65 }66 }67 async post(resource, data, _init) {68 try {69 const init = _init || {};70 init.credentials = 'same-origin';71 const res = await fetch(resource, {72 method: 'POST',73 headers: {74 'Content-Type': 'application/json',75 },76 body: JSON.stringify(data),77 });78 return handleResponse(res);79 } catch (e) {80 if (e instanceof ApiError) {81 throw e;82 }83 console.log('error: ', e);84 if (this.failOnError && this.isError(e)) {85 console.log(`got error â failing over`);86 // reload();87 }88 throw e;89 }90 }91 async delete(resource, data, _init) {92 try {93 const init = _init || {};94 init.credentials = 'same-origin';95 const res = await fetch(resource, {96 method: 'DELETE',97 });98 return handleResponse(res);99 } catch (e) {100 if (e instanceof ApiError) {101 throw e;102 }103 console.log('error: ', e);104 if (this.failOnError && this.isError(e)) {105 console.log(`got error â failing over`);106 // reload();107 }108 throw e;109 }110 }111}...
...15 },16 17 //ç¨æ·ç³»ç»18 _userPlugin:function() {19 //this._init();20 //var user_plugin = this.agent.getUserPlugin(); //ç¨æ·ç³»ç»21 },22 23 //æ¯ä»ç³»ç»24 _iapPlugin:function() {25 //this._init();26 //var iap_plugins = this.agent.getIAPPlugin(); //æ¯ä»ç³»ç»27 },28 29 //å享系ç»30 _sharePlugin:function() {31 //this._init();32 //var share_plugin = this.agent.getSharePlugin(); //å享系ç»33 },34 35 //广åç³»ç»36 _adsPlugin:function() {37 if (this.agent == null) {38 this._init();39 }40 var ads_plugin = this.agent.getAdsPlugin(); //广åç³»ç»41 return ads_plugin;42 },43 44 //社交系ç»45 _socialPlugin:function() {46 //this._init();47 //var social_plugin = this.agent.getSocialPlugin(); //社交系ç»48 },49 50 //æ¨éç³»ç»51 _pushPlugin:function() {52 //this._init();53 //var push_plugin = this.agent.getPushPlugin(); //æ¨éç³»ç»54 },55 56 //ç»è®¡ç³»ç»57 _analyticsPlugin:function() {58 this._init();59 var analytics_plugin = this.agent.getAnalyticsPlugin(); //ç»è®¡ç³»ç»60 return analytics_plugin;61 },62 63 //å´©æºåæç³»ç»64 _crashPlugin:function() {65 //this._init();66 //var crash_plugin = this.agent.getCrashPlugin(); //å´©æºåæç³»ç»67 },68 69 //å½å±å享系ç»70 _recPlugin:function() {71 //this._init();72 //var rec_plugin = this.agent.getRECPlugin(); //å½å±å享系ç»73 },74 75 //èªå®ä¹ç³»ç»76 _customPlugin:function() {77 //this._init();78 //var custom_plugin = this.agent.getCustomPlugin(); //èªå®ä¹ç³»ç»79 },80 81 _unloadPlugin:function() {82 this.agent.unloadAllPlugins();83 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3const { webkit } = require('playwright');4const { firefox } = require('playwright');5const { devices } = require('playwright');6const { Browser } = require('playwright');7(async () => {8 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });9 const context = await browser.newContext();10 const page = await context.newPage();11 await browser.close();12})();13const { chromium } = require('playwright');14const { webkit } = require('playwright');15const { firefox } = require('playwright');16const { devices } = require('playwright');17const { Browser } = require('playwright');18(async () => {19 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });20 const context = await browser.newContext();21 const page = await context.newPage();22 await browser.close();23})();24const { chromium } = require('playwright');25const { webkit } = require('playwright');26const { firefox } = require('playwright');27const { devices } = require('playwright');28const { Browser } = require('playwright');29(async () => {30 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });31 const context = await browser.newContext();32 const page = await context.newPage();33 await browser.close();34})();35const { chromium } = require('playwright');36const { webkit } = require('playwright');37const { firefox } = require('playwright');38const { devices } = require('playwright');39const { Browser } = require('playwright');40(async () => {41 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });42 const context = await browser.newContext();43 const page = await context.newPage();44 await browser.close();45})();46const { chromium } = require('playwright');47const { webkit } = require('playwright');48const { firefox } = require('play
Using AI Code Generation
1const { _init } = require('playwright');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3async function main() {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });8 await browser.close();9}10(async () => {11 await _init({12 });13 await main();14})();15### _init(options)16[Apache 2.0](LICENSE)
Using AI Code Generation
1const { _init } = require('playwright');2async function main() {3 const browser = await _init.launchBrowser({4 });5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });8 await browser.close();9}10main();11const { _init } = require('playwright');12async function main() {13 const browser = await _init.launchBrowser({14 });15 const context = await browser.newContext();16 const page = await context.newPage();17 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });18 await browser.close();19}20main();21const { _init } = require('playwright');22async function main() {23 const browser = await _init.launchBrowser({24 });25 const context = await browser.newContext();26 const page = await context.newPage();27 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });28 await browser.close();29}30main();31const { _init } = require('playwright');32async function main() {33 const browser = await _init.launchBrowser({34 });35 const context = await browser.newContext();36 const page = await context.newPage();37 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });38 await browser.close();39}40main();41const { _init } = require('playwright');42async function main() {43 const browser = await _init.launchBrowser({
Using AI Code Generation
1const { _init } = require('@playwright/test');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3const { expect } = require('chai');4(async () => {5 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });6 const context = await browser.newContext();7 const page = await context.newPage();8 const title = await page.title();9 expect(title).to.equal('Google');10 await browser.close();11})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { _init } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await _init.launchChromium();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });7 await browser.close();8})();9const { _init } = require('playwright');10(async () => {11 const browser = await _init.launchChromium();12 const context = await browser.newContext();13 const page = await context.newPage();14 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });15 await browser.close();16})();17const { _init } = require('playwright');18(async () => {19 const browser = await _init.launchChromium();20 const context = await browser.newContext();21 const page = await context.newPage();22 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });23 await browser.close();24})();25const { _init } = require('playwright');26(async () => {27 const browser = await _init.launchChromium();28 const context = await browser.newContext();29 const page = await context.newPage();30 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });
Using AI Code Generation
1const { _init } = require('@playwright/test');2const { expect } = require('chai');3const { test, expect: expectPlaywright } = require('@playwright/test');4const { Page } = require('playwright');5_init();6const { testInfo } = test;7const { testTitle } = testInfo;8const { testFilePath } = testInfo;9const { testDuration } = testInfo;10const { testRetry } = testInfo;11const { testAnnotations } = testInfo;12const { testExpectedStatus } = testInfo;13const { testTimeout } = testInfo;14const { testFixtures } = testInfo;15const { testSpec } = testInfo;16const { testWorkerIndex } = testInfo;17const { testWorkerCount } = testInfo;18const { testModifier } = testInfo;19const { testModifierFn } = testInfo;20const { testModifierParams } = testInfo;21const { testSkip } = testInfo;22const { testSkipReason } = testInfo;23const { testSlow } = testInfo;24const { testSnapshotSuffix } = testInfo;25const { testSnapshotDir } = testInfo;26const { testSnapshotDirRelative } = testInfo;27const { testSnapshotPath } = testInfo;28const { testSnapshotPathRelative } = testInfo;29const { testSnapshotName } = testInfo;30const { testSnapshotNameRelative } = testInfo;31const { testSnapshotStoragePath } = testInfo;32const { testSnapshotStoragePathRelative } = testInfo;33const { testSnapshotStorageDir } = testInfo;34const { testSnapshotStorageDirRelative } = testInfo;35const { testSnapshotStorageName } = testInfo;36const { testSnapshotStorageNameRelative } = testInfo;37const { testSnapshotStorageSuffix } = testInfo;38const { testOutputDir } = testInfo;39const { testOutputDirRelative } = testInfo;40const { testOutputPath } = testInfo;41const { testOutputPathRelative } = testInfo;42const { testOutputName } = testInfo;43const { testOutputNameRelative } = testInfo;44const { testOutputSuffix } = testInfo;45const { testOutputStoragePath } = testInfo;46const { testOutputStoragePathRelative } = testInfo;47const { testOutputStorageDir } = testInfo;
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require("playwright");2const { expect } = require("chai");3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false, slowMo: 50 });5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await page._init();8 await page.setViewportSize({ width: 1920, height: 1080 });9 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });10 await browser.close();11})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { Page } = require('playwright');2const { PageObject } = require('@playwright/test');3class MyPage extends PageObject {4 constructor(page) {5 super(page);6 }7 async _init() {8 }9}10const { Page } = require('playwright');11const { PageObject } = require('@playwright/test');12class MyPage extends PageObject {13 constructor(page) {14 super(page);15 }16 async _init() {17 }18}19const { Page } = require('playwright');20const { PageObject } = require('@playwright/test');21class MyPage extends PageObject {22 constructor(page) {23 super(page);24 }25 async _init() {26 }27}28const { Page } = require('playwright');29const { PageObject } = require('@playwright/test');30class MyPage extends PageObject {31 constructor(page) {32 super(page);33 }34 async _init() {35 }36}
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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