Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...132/* 133* standart redis functions 134* you can find info on* some commands like PUBLISH SUBSCRIPE MONITOR are omited136* if some command missing you can use redis._run("missing_command","arg1","arg2")137*/138redis.append = function(key,value){139 return this._run('APPEND',key,value);140}141redis.bgrewriteaof = function(){142 return this._run('BGREWRITEAOF');143}144redis.bgsave = function(){145 return this._run('BGSAVE');146}147redis.bitcount = function(key){148 if(arguments.length==1){149 return this._run('BITCOUNT',key);150 }151 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);152 args[0] = 'BITCOUNT';153 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)154 args[i+1] = arguments[i];155 return this._run.apply(this,args);156}157redis.bitop = function(operation,destkey,key){158 if(arguments.length==3){159 return this._run('BITOP',operation,destkey,key);160 }161 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);162 args[0] = 'BITOP';163 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)164 args[i+1] = arguments[i];165 return this._run.apply(this,args);166}167redis.blpop = function(key,timeout){168 if(arguments.length==2){169 return this._run('BLPOP',key,timeout);170 }171 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);172 args[0] = 'BLPOP';173 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)174 args[i+1] = arguments[i];175 return this._run.apply(this,args);176}177redis.brpop = function(key,timeout){178 if(arguments.length==2){179 return this._run('BRPOP',key,timeout);180 }181 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);182 args[0] = 'BRPOP';183 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)184 args[i+1] = arguments[i];185 return this._run.apply(this,args);186}187redis.brpoplpush = function(source,destination,timeout){188 return this._run('BRPOPLPUSH',source,destination,timeout);189}190redis.client_kill = function(ip_port){191 return this._run('CLIENT','KILL',ip_port);192}193redis.client_list = function(){194 return this._run('CLIENT','LIST');195}196redis.client_getname = function(){197 return this._run('CLIENT','GETNAME');198}199redis.client_setname = function(name){200 return this._run('CLIENT','SETNAME',name);201}202redis.config_get = function(parameter){203 return this._run('CONFIG','GET',parameter);204}205redis.config_set = function(parameter,value){206 return this._run('CONFIG','SET',parameter,value);207}208redis.config_resetstat = function(){209 return this._run('CONFIG','RESETSTAT');210}211redis.dbsize = function(){212 return this._run('DBSIZE');213}214redis.bgsave = function(){215 return this._run('BGSAVE');216}217redis.debug_object = function(key){218 return this._run('DEBUG','OBJECT',key);219}220redis.debug_segfault = function(){221 return this._run('DEBUG','SEGFAULT');222}223redis.decr = function(key) {224 if(typeof key != 'string' || key.length<1){225 redis.last_error = '-Not specified key';226 return false;227 }228 redis._runcounter++;229 redis.last_error = '';230 redis.str = this.__incrby(key,-1);231 if(redis.str===false){232 redis.last_error = redis.getLastError();233 }234 return redis.str;235}236redis.decrby = function(key,decrement) {237 if(typeof key != 'string' || key.length<1){238 redis.last_error = '-Not specified key';239 return false;240 }241 redis._runcounter++;242 redis.last_error = '';243 redis.str = this.__incrby(key,-decrement);244 if(redis.str===false){245 redis.last_error = redis.getLastError();246 }247 return redis.str;248}249redis.del = function(key){250 if(arguments.length>1){251 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)252 this._run('DEL',arguments[i]);253 return;254 }255 return this._run('DEL',key);256}257redis.dump = function(key){258 redis.last_error = 'cant handle binary data, not implemented yet';259 return false;260 261 redis._runcounter++;262 redis.last_error = '';263 var rez = this.__run('dump',key);264 rez ={265 return escape(String.fromCharCode(char));266 })267 return rez.join('');268}269redis.echo = function(message){270 return this._run('ECHO',message);271}272redis.eval = function(){273 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);274 args[0] = 'EVAL';275 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)276 args[i+1] = arguments[i];277 return this._run.apply(this,args);278}279redis.evalsha = function(){280 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);281 args[0] = 'EVALSHA';282 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)283 args[i+1] = arguments[i];284 return this._run.apply(this,args);285}286redis.exists = function(key){287 return this._run('EXISTS',key);288}289redis.expire = function(key,seconds){290 return this._run('EXPIRE',key,seconds);291}292redis.expireat = function(key,timestamp){293 return this._run('EXPIREAT',key,timestamp);294}295redis.flushall = function(){296 return this._run('FLUSHALL');297}298redis.flushdb = function(){299 return this._run('FLUSHDB');300}301redis._get = function(key) {302 redis._runcounter++;303 redis.last_error = '';304 redis.str = redis.__run('GET',key);305 if(redis.str===false){306 redis.last_error = redis.getLastError();307 }308 return redis.str;309}310redis.get = function(key){311 if(typeof key != 'string' || key.length<1){312 return this._get(key);313 }314 redis._runcounter++;315 redis.last_error = '';316 return this.__get(key);317}318redis.getbit = function(key,offset){319 return this._run('GETBIT',key,offset);320}321redis.getrange = function(key,start,end){322 return this._run('GETRANGE',key,start,end);323}324redis.getset = function(key,value){325 return this._run('GETSET',key,value);326}327redis.hdel = function(key,field){328 if(arguments.length==2){329 return this._run('HDEL',key,field);330 }331 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);332 args[0] = 'HDEL';333 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)334 args[i+1] = arguments[i];335 return this._run.apply(this,args);336}337redis.hexists = function(key,field){338 return this._run('HEXISTS',key,field);339}340redis.hget = function(key,field){341 return this._run('HGET',key,field);342}343redis.hgetall = function(key){344 redis._runcounter++;345 redis.last_error = '';346 redis.str = redis.__run.apply(this,['HGETALL',key]);347 348 if(redis.str.length<1) return null;349 350 var resp = redis.str;351 var ret = {};352 for(var i=0; i<resp.length; i+=2){353 ret[resp[i]] = resp[i+1];354 }355 return ret;356}357redis.hincrby = function(key,field,increment){358 return this._run('HINCRBY',key,field,increment)359}360redis.hincrbyfloat = function(key,field,increment){361 return this._run('HINCRBYFLOAT',key,field,increment);362}363redis.hkeys = function(key){364 return this._run('HKEYS',key);365}366redis.hlen = function(key){367 return this._run('HLEN',key);368}369redis.hmget = function(key,fields){370 redis._runcounter++;371 redis.last_error = '';372 var args = fields;373 if(Array.isArray(fields)){374 args.unshift(key);375 args.unshift('HMGET');376 } else {377 args = Array(arguments.length+1);378 args[0] = 'HMGET';379 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)380 args[i+1] = arguments[i];381 }382 redis.str = redis.__run.apply(this,args);383 384 var resp = redis.str;385 var ret = {};386 for(var i=0;i<resp.length;i++)387 ret[args[i+2]] = resp[i];388 return ret;389}390redis.hmset = function(key, obj){391 var f = ['HMSET',key];392 for(var k in obj){393 f.push(k);394 f.push(obj[k]);395 }396 return this._run.apply(this,f);397}398redis.hset = function(key,field,value){399 return this._run('HSET',key,field,value);400}401redis.hsetnx = function(key,field,value){402 return this._run('HSETNX',key,field,value);403}404redis.hvals = function(key){405 return this._run('HVALS',key);406}407redis.incr = function(key){408 if(typeof key != 'string' || key.length<1){409 redis.last_error = '-Not specified key';410 return false;411 }412 redis._runcounter++;413 redis.last_error = '';414 redis.str = this.__incrby(key,1);415 if(redis.str===false){416 redis.last_error = redis.getLastError();417 }418 return redis.str;419}420redis.incrby = function(key,increment){421 if(typeof key != 'string' || key.length<1){422 redis.last_error = '-Not specified key';423 return false;424 }425 redis._runcounter++;426 redis.last_error = '';427 redis.str = this.__incrby(key,increment);428 if(redis.str===false){429 redis.last_error = redis.getLastError();430 }431 return redis.str;432}433redis.incrbyfloat = function(key,increment){434 return this._run('INCRBYFLOAT',key,increment);435} = function(){437 if(arguments.length==0){438 return this._run('INFO');439 }440 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);441 args[0] = 'INFO';442 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)443 args[i+1] = arguments[i];444 return this._run.apply(this,args);445}446redis.keys = function(pattern){447 return this._run('KEYS',pattern);448}449redis.lastsave = function(){450 return this._run('LASTSAVE');451}452redis.lindex = function(key,index){453 return this._run('LINDEX',key,index);454}455redis.linsert = function(key,before_after,pivot,value){456 return this._run('LINSERT',key,before_after,pivot,value);457}458redis.llen = function(key){459 return this._run('LLEN',key);460}461redis.lpop = function(key){462 return this._run('LPOP',key);463}464redis.lpush = function(key,value){465 if(arguments.length==2){466 return this._run('LPUSH',key,value);467 }468 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);469 args[0] = 'LPUSH';470 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)471 args[i+1] = arguments[i];472 return this._run.apply(this,args);473}474redis.lpushhx = function(key,value){475 return this._run('LPUSHX',key,value);476}477redis.lrange = function(key,start,stop){478 return this._run('LRANGE',key,start,stop);479}480redis.lrem = function(key,count,value){481 return this._run('LREM',key,count,value);482}483redis.lset = function(key,index,value){484 return this._run('LSET',key,index,value);485}486redis.ltrim = function(key,start,stop){487 return this._run('LTRIM',key,start,stop);488}489redis.mget = function(key){490 if(arguments.length==1){491 return this._run('MGET',key);492 }493 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);494 args[0] = 'MGET';495 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)496 args[i+1] = arguments[i];497 return this._run.apply(this,args);498}499// MIGRATE host port key destination-db timeout500redis.migrate = function(){501 this.last_error = 'not supported yet';502 return false;503}504redis.move = function(key,db){505 return this._run('MOVE',key,db);506}507redis.mset = function(key,value){508 if(arguments.length==2){509 return this._run('MSET',key,value);510 }511 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);512 args[0] = 'MSET';513 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)514 args[i+1] = arguments[i];515 return this._run.apply(this,args);516}517redis.msetnx = function(key,value){518 if(arguments.length==2){519 return this._run('MSETNX',key,value);520 }521 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);522 args[0] = 'MSETNX';523 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)524 args[i+1] = arguments[i];525 return this._run.apply(this,args);526}527redis.object = function(subcommand){528 if(arguments.length==1){529 return this._run('OBJECT',subcommand);530 }531 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);532 args[0] = 'OBJECT';533 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)534 args[i+1] = arguments[i];535 return this._run.apply(this,args);536}537redis.persist = function(key){538 return this._run('PERSIST',key);539}540redis.pexpire = function(key,milliseconds){541 return this._run('PEXPIRE',key,milliseconds);542}543redis.pexpireat = function(key,milliseconds){544 return this._run('PEXPIREAT',key,milliseconds);545} = function(){547 return this._run('PING');548}549redis.psetex = function(key,milliseconds,value){550 return this._run('PSETEX',key,milliseconds,value);551}552redis.pttl = function(key){553 return this._run('PTTL',key);554}555redis.randomkey = function(){556 return this._run('RANDOMKEY');557}558redis.rename = function(key,newkey){559 return this._run('RENAME',key,newkey);560}561redis.renamenx = function(key,newkey){562 return this._run('RENAMENX',key,newkey);563}564// RESTORE key ttl serialized-value565redis.restore = function(key,ttl,serialized_value){566 redis.last_error = 'cant handle binary data, not implemented yet';567 return false;568}569redis.rpop = function(key){570 return this._run('RPOP',key);571}572redis.rpoplpush = function(source,destination){573 return this._run('RPOPLPUSH',source,destination);574}575redis.rpush = function(key,value){576 if(arguments.length==2){577 return this._run('RPUSH',key,value);578 }579 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);580 args[0] = 'RPUSH';581 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)582 args[i+1] = arguments[i];583 return this._run.apply(this,args);584}585redis.rpushx = function(key,value){586 return this._run('RPUSHX',key,value);587}588redis.sadd = function(key,member){589 if(arguments.length==2){590 return this._run('SADD',key,value);591 }592 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);593 args[0] = 'SADD';594 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)595 args[i+1] = arguments[i];596 return this._run.apply(this,args);597} = function(){599 return this._run('SAVE');600}601redis.scard = function(key){602 return this._run('SCARD',key);603}604redis.script_exists = function(script){605 if(arguments.length==1){606 return this._run('SCRIPT','EXISTS',script);607 }608 var args = Array(arguments.length+2);609 args[0] = 'SCRIPT';610 args[1] = 'EXISTS';611 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)612 args[i+2] = arguments[i];613 return this._run.apply(this,args);614}615redis.script_flush = function(){616 return this._run('SCRIPT','FLUSH');617}618redis.script_kill = function(){619 return this._run('SCRIPT','KILL');620}621redis.script_load = function(script){622 return this._run('SCRIPT','LOAD',script);623}624redis.sdiff = function(key){625 if(arguments.length==1){626 return this._run('SDIFF',key);627 }628 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);629 args[0] = 'SDIFF';630 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)631 args[i+1] = arguments[i];632 return this._run.apply(this,args);633}634redis.sdiffstore = function(destination,key){635 if(arguments.length==2){636 return this._run('SDIFFSTORE',destination,key);637 }638 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);639 args[0] = 'SDIFFSTORE';640 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)641 args[i+1] = arguments[i];642 return this._run.apply(this,args);643} = function(index){645 return this._run('SELECT',index);646}647redis._set = function(key,value){648 if(arguments.length>2){649 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);650 args[0] = 'SET';651 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)652 args[i+1] = arguments[i];653 return this._run.apply(this,args);654 }655 redis._runcounter++;656 redis.last_error = '';657 redis.str = redis.__run('SET',key,value);658 if(redis.str===false){659 redis.last_error = redis.getLastError();660 }661 return redis.str;662}663// SET key value [EX seconds] [PX milliseconds] [NX|XX]664redis.set = function(key,value){665 if(arguments.length>2 || typeof key != 'string' || typeof value != 'string')666 return this._set.apply(this,arguments);667 redis._runcounter++;668 redis.last_error = '';669 return this.__set(key,value);670}671redis.setbit = function(key,offset,value){672 return this._run('SETBIT',key,offset,value);673}674redis.setex = function(key,expire,value){675 return this._run('SETEX',key,expire,value);676}677redis.setnx = function(key,value){678 return this._run('SETNX',key,value);679}680redis.setrange = function(key,offset,value){681 return this._run('SETRANGE',key,offset,value);682}683redis.shutdown = function(){684 if(arguments.length==1){685 return this._run('SHUTDOWN');686 }687 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);688 args[0] = 'SHUTDOWN';689 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)690 args[i+1] = arguments[i];691 return this._run.apply(this,args);692}693redis.sinter = function(key){694 if(arguments.length==1){695 return this._run('SINTER',key);696 }697 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);698 args[0] = 'SINTER';699 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)700 args[i+1] = arguments[i];701 return this._run.apply(this,args);702}703redis.sinterstore = function(destination,key){704 if(arguments.length==2){705 return this._run('SINTERSTORE',destination,key);706 }707 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);708 args[0] = 'SINTERSTORE';709 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)710 args[i+1] = arguments[i];711 return this._run.apply(this,args);712}713redis.sismember = function(key,member){714 return this._run('SISMEMBER',key,member);715}716redis.slowlog = function(subcommand){717 if(arguments.length==1){718 return this._run('SLOWLOG',subcommand);719 }720 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);721 args[0] = 'SLOWLOG';722 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)723 args[i+1] = arguments[i];724 return this._run.apply(this,args);725}726redis.smembers = function(key){727 return this._run('SMEMBERS',key);728}729redis.smove = function(source,destination,member){730 return this._run('SMOVE',source,destination,member);731}732redis.sort = function(key){733 if(arguments.length==1){734 return this._run('SORT',key);735 }736 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);737 args[0] = 'SORT';738 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)739 args[i+1] = arguments[i];740 return this._run.apply(this,args);741}742redis.spop = function(key){743 return this._run('SPOP',key);744}745redis.srandmember = function(key,count){746 if(argument.length==1)747 return this._run('SRANDMEMBER',key);748 return this._run('SRANDMEMBER',key,count);749}750redis.srem = function(key,member){751 if(arguments.length==2){752 return this._run('SREM',key,value);753 }754 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);755 args[0] = 'SREM';756 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)757 args[i+1] = arguments[i];758 return this._run.apply(this,args);759}760redis.strlen = function(key){761 return this._run('STRLEN',key);762}763redis.sunion = function(key){764 if(arguments.length==1){765 return this._run('SUNION',key);766 }767 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);768 args[0] = 'SUNION';769 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)770 args[i+1] = arguments[i];771 return this._run.apply(this,args);772}773redis.sunionstore = function(destination,key){774 if(arguments.length==2){775 return this._run('SUNIONSTORE',destination,key);776 }777 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);778 args[0] = 'SUNIONSTORE';779 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)780 args[i+1] = arguments[i];781 return this._run.apply(this,args);782}783redis.sync = function(){784 return this._run('SYNC');785}786redis.time = function(){787 return this._run('TIME');788}789redis.ttl = function(key){790 return this._run('TTL',key);791}792redis.type = function(key){793 return this._run('TYPE',key);794}795redis.zadd = function(key,score,value){796 if(arguments.length>2){797 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);798 args[0] = 'ZADD';799 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)800 args[i+1] = arguments[i];801 return this._run.apply(this,args);802 }803 return this._run('ZADD',key,score,value);804}805redis.zcard = function(key){806 return this._run('ZCARD',key);807}808redis.zcount = function(key,min,max){809 return this._run('ZCOUNT',key,min,max);810}811redis.zincrby = function(key,increment,member){812 return this._run('ZINCRBY',key,increment,member);813}814redis.zinterstore = function(destination,numkeys,key){815 if(arguments.length==3){816 return this._run('ZINTERSTORE',destination,numkeys,key);817 }818 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);819 args[0] = 'ZUNIONSTORE';820 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)821 args[i+1] = arguments[i];822 return this._run.apply(this,args);823}824redis.zrange = function(key,start,stop,withscores){825 if(arguments.length==4)826 return this._run('ZRANGE',key,start,stop,'WITHSCORES');827 return this._run('ZRANGE',key,start,stop);828}829redis.zrangebyscore = function(key,min,max){830 if(arguments.length==3){831 return this._run('ZRANGEBYSCORE',key,min,max);832 }833 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);834 args[0] = 'ZRANGEBYSCORE';835 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)836 args[i+1] = arguments[i];837 return this._run.apply(this,args);838}839redis.zrank = function(key,member){840 return this._run('ZRANK',key,member);841}842redis.zrem = function(key,value){843 if(arguments.length>2){844 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);845 args[0] = 'ZREM';846 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)847 args[i+1] = arguments[i];848 return this._run.apply(this,args);849 }850 return this._run('ZREM',key,value);851}852redis.zremrangebyrank = function(key,start,stop){853 return this._run('ZREMRANGEBYRANK',key,start,stop);854}855redis.zremrangebyscore = function(key,min,max){856 return this._run('ZREMRANGEBYSCORE',key,min,max);857}858redis.zrevrange = function(key,start,stop,withscores){859 if(typeof withscores != 'undefined')860 return this._run('ZREVRANGE',key,start,stop,'WITHSCORES');861 return this._run('ZREVRANGE',key,start,stop);862}863redis.zrevrangebyscore = function(key,min,max){864 if(arguments.length==3){865 return this._run('ZREVRANGEBYSCORE',key,min,max);866 }867 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);868 args[0] = 'ZREVRANGEBYSCORE';869 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)870 args[i+1] = arguments[i];871 return this._run.apply(this,args);872}873redis.zrevrank = function(key,member){874 return this._run('ZREVRANK',key,member);875}876redis.zscore = function(key,member){877 return this._run('ZSCORE',key,member);878}879redis.zunionstore = function(destination,numkeys,key){880 if(arguments.length==3){881 return this._run('ZUNIONSTORE',destination,numkeys,key);882 }883 var args = Array(arguments.length+1);884 args[0] = 'ZUNIONSTORE';885 for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)886 args[i+1] = arguments[i];887 return this._run.apply(this,args);888}889/* Redis Log levels890#define REDIS_DEBUG 0891#define REDIS_VERBOSE 1892#define REDIS_NOTICE 2893#define REDIS_WARNING 3894*/895console = {...
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Edge.launchComposition(compId);856});...
...180 if (this._handle) {181 // Configure things so we can do a final run to update UI and reset state.182 this._handle = null;183 this._iters = this._ii;184 this._run();185 }186 },187});188exports.framework = 'React';189exports.title = 'Timers, TimerMixin';190exports.description =191 'The TimerMixin provides timer functions for executing ' +192 'code in the future that are safely cleaned up when the component unmounts.';193exports.examples = [194 {195 title: 'this.setTimeout(fn, t)',196 description:197 'Execute function fn t milliseconds in the future. If ' +198 't === 0, it will be enqueued immediately in the next event loop. ' +...
...23 ROOT_DIR.joinpath(""),24 Path(__file__),25]26PYTHON_TARGETS_STR = " ".join([str(p) for p in PYTHON_TARGETS])27def _run(c: Context, command: str) -> Result:28 return, pty=platform.system() != "Windows")29@task()30def clean_build(c):31 # type: (Context) -> None32 """Clean up files from package building."""33 _run(c, "rm -fr build/")34 _run(c, "rm -fr dist/")35 _run(c, "rm -fr .eggs/")36 _run(c, "find . -name '*.egg-info' -exec rm -fr {} +")37 _run(c, "find . -name '*.egg' -exec rm -f {} +")38@task()39def clean_python(c):40 # type: (Context) -> None41 """Clean up python file artifacts."""42 _run(c, "find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm -f {} +")43 _run(c, "find . -name '*.pyo' -exec rm -f {} +")44 _run(c, "find . -name '*~' -exec rm -f {} +")45 _run(c, "find . -name '__pycache__' -exec rm -fr {} +")46@task()47def clean_tests(c):48 # type: (Context) -> None49 """Clean up files from testing."""50 _run(c, f"rm -f {COVERAGE_FILE}")51 _run(c, f"rm -fr {COVERAGE_DIR}")52 _run(c, "rm -fr .pytest_cache")53@task()54def clean_docs(c):55 # type: (Context) -> None56 """Clean up files from documentation builds."""57 _run(c, f"rm -fr {DOCS_BUILD_DIR}")58@task(pre=[clean_build, clean_python, clean_tests, clean_docs])59def clean(c):60 # type: (Context) -> None61 """Run all clean sub-tasks."""62@task()63def install_hooks(c):64 # type: (Context) -> None65 """Install pre-commit hooks."""66 _run(c, "poetry run pre-commit install")67@task()68def hooks(c):69 # type: (Context) -> None70 """Run pre-commit hooks."""71 _run(c, "poetry run pre-commit run --all-files")72@task(name="format", help={"check": "Checks if source is formatted without applying changes"})73def format_(c, check=False):74 # type: (Context, bool) -> None75 """Format code."""76 isort_options = ["--check-only", "--diff"] if check else []77 _run(c, f"poetry run isort {' '.join(isort_options)} {PYTHON_TARGETS_STR}")78 black_options = ["--diff", "--check"] if check else ["--quiet"]79 _run(c, f"poetry run black {' '.join(black_options)} {PYTHON_TARGETS_STR}")80@task()81def flake8(c):82 # type: (Context) -> None83 """Run flake8."""84 _run(c, f"poetry run flakehell lint {PYTHON_TARGETS_STR}")85@task()86def safety(c):87 # type: (Context) -> None88 """Run safety."""89 _run(90 c,91 "poetry export --dev --format=requirements.txt --without-hashes | "92 "poetry run safety check --stdin --full-report",93 )94@task(pre=[flake8, safety, call(format_, check=True)])95def lint(c):96 # type: (Context) -> None97 """Run all linting."""98@task()99def mypy(c):100 # type: (Context) -> None101 """Run mypy."""102 _run(c, f"poetry run mypy {PYTHON_TARGETS_STR}")103@task()104def tests(c):105 # type: (Context) -> None106 """Run tests."""107 pytest_options = ["--xdoctest", "--cov", "--cov-report=", "--cov-fail-under=0"]108 _run(c, f"poetry run pytest {' '.join(pytest_options)} {TEST_DIR} {SOURCE_DIR}")109@task(110 help={111 "fmt": "Build a local report: report, html, json, annotate, html, xml.",112 "open_browser": "Open the coverage report in the web browser (requires --fmt html)",113 }114)115def coverage(c, fmt="report", open_browser=False):116 # type: (Context, str, bool) -> None117 """Create coverage report."""118 if any(Path().glob(".coverage.*")):119 _run(c, "poetry run coverage combine")120 _run(c, f"poetry run coverage {fmt} -i")121 if fmt == "html" and open_browser:122 help={125 "serve": "Build the docs watching for changes",126 "open_browser": "Open the docs in the web browser",127 }128)129def docs(c, serve=False, open_browser=False):130 # type: (Context, bool, bool) -> None131 """Build documentation."""132 _run(c, f"sphinx-apidoc -o {DOCS_DIR} {SOURCE_DIR}")133 build_docs = f"sphinx-build -b html {DOCS_DIR} {DOCS_BUILD_DIR}"134 _run(c, build_docs)135 if open_browser:136 if serve:138 _run(c, f"poetry run watchmedo shell-command -p '*.rst;*.md' -c '{build_docs}' -R -D .")139@task(140 help={141 "part": "Part of the version to be bumped.",142 "dry_run": "Don't write any files, just pretend. (default: False)",143 }144)145def version(c, part, dry_run=False):146 # type: (Context, str, bool) -> None147 """Bump version."""148 bump_options = ["--dry-run"] if dry_run else []...
...27 f.fn.apply(that, [that]);28 29 if (!f.isParallel)30 if (paused === false) {31 _run();32 }33 inQueue --;34 if (inQueue == 0 && queue.length == 0)35 _complete();36 }, f.timeOut); 37 38 if (f.isParallel)39 if (paused === false) {40 _run();41 }42 }43 };44 45 _complete = function(){46 if (completeFunc)47 completeFunc.apply(that, [that]);48 };49 this.onComplete = function(func) {50 completeFunc = func;51 };52 53 this.onFailure = function(func) {54 failureFunc = func;55 };56 this.add = function(func) {57 // TODO: add callback for queue[i] complete58 59 var obj = arguments[0];60 if (obj && === "[object Array]") {61 var fn = arguments[1];62 var timeOut = (typeof(arguments[2]) != "undefined")? arguments[2] : defaultTimeOut;63 if (typeof(fn) == "function") {64 for(var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {65 var f = function(objx){66 queue.push({isParallel: true, fn: function(){fn.apply(that, [that, objx]);}, timeOut: timeOut});67 }(obj[i])68 }69 }70 } else {71 var fn = arguments[0];72 var timeOut = (typeof(arguments[1]) != "undefined")? arguments[2] : defaultTimeOut;73 queue.push({isParallel: false, fn: func, timeOut: timeOut});74 }75 return this;76 };77 78 this.addParallel = function(func, timeOut) {79 // TODO: add callback for queue[i] complete80 81 queue.push({isParallel: true, fn: func, timeOut: timeOut});82 return this;83 };84 this.storeData = function(dataObject) {85 lastCallbackData = dataObject;86 return this;87 };88 this.lastCallbackData = function () {89 return lastCallbackData;90 };91 = function()Â {92 paused = false;93 _run();94 };95 this.pause = function () {96 paused = true;97 return this;98 };99 this.failure = function() {100 paused = true;101 if (failureFunc) {102 var args = [that];103 for(i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {104 args.push(arguments[i]);105 }106 failureFunc.apply(that, args);107 }...
Source:robotx.js"px";46}47if(_1.contentWindow.dojo){48_1.contentWindow.dojo.addOnLoad(function(){49doh.robot._run(_7);50});51}else{52doh.robot._run(_7);53}54};55var _d=function(){56if(_a){57_a();58}59var _e=dojo.connect(dojo.body(),"onunload",function(){;61dojo.doc=document;62dojo.disconnect(_e);63});64};65dojo.config.debugContainerId="robotconsole";66dojo.config.debugHeight=dojo.config.debugHeight||200;...
...17];18arrayAddMethods.forEach(function(method) {19 Queue.prototype[method] = function() {20 var methodResult = Array.prototype[method].apply(, arguments);21 this._run();22 return methodResult;23 };24});25Object.defineProperty(Queue.prototype, 'length', {26 get: function() {27 return this.pending +;28 }29});30Queue.prototype._run = function() {31 if (this.pending === this.concurrency) {32 return;33 }34 if ( {35 var job =;36 this.pending++;37 job(this._done);38 this._run();39 }40 if (this.pending === 0) {41 while ( !== 0) {42 var cb =;43 process.nextTick(cb);44 }45 }46};47Queue.prototype.onDone = function(cb) {48 if (typeof cb === 'function') {49;50 this._run();51 }52};53function done() {54 this.pending--;55 this._run();56}...
...14 };15 }16 17 Game.prototype.start = function(){18 this._run();19 };20 21 Game.prototype.pause = function(){ 22 this.status = 'pause';23 };24 25 Game.prototype.resume = function(){ 26 this.status = 'running';27 this._run();28 };29 30 Game.prototype._run = function(){ 31 var me = this;32 var now =; 33 var last = this.timer.last =;34 = now;35 this.timer.step = (now - last)/1000;36 37 me.stage.step(this.timer);38 if(this.status == 'pause'){39 clearTimeout(this._interval);40 }else{41 this._interval = setTimeout(function(){42 me._run();43 }, 1000/this.FPS);44 } 45 };...
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const fs = require('fs');3(async () => {4 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();5 const page = await browser.newPage();6 const internal = page._client;7 const script = fs.readFileSync('./script.js', 'utf8');8 const result = await internal._doRawRequest('Runtime.evaluate', {9 });10 console.log(result.result.value);11 await browser.close();12})();13const fs = require('fs');14const path = require('path');15const script = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'script.js'), 'utf8');16const result = await _run(script);17console.log(result);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { _run } = require('playwright/lib/server/inspector');2const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');3const { Frame } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crFrame');4const { Worker } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crWorker');5async function main() {6 const page = await browser.newPage();7 const result = await _run(page, async (injected, options) => {8 const document = await injected(() => document);9 return document.location.href;10 });11 const frame = page.mainFrame();12 const result = await _run(frame, async (injected, options) => {13 const document = await injected(() => document);14 return document.location.href;15 });16 const worker = page.serviceWorker();17 const result = await _run(worker, async (injected, options) => {18 const document = await injected(() => document);19 return document.location.href;20 });21}22const { Playwright } = require('playwright/lib/server/inspector');23const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');24const { Frame } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crFrame');25const { Worker } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crWorker');26async function main() {27 const playwright = new Playwright();28 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();29 const page = await browser.newPage();30 const result = await page._run(async (injected, options) => {31 const document = await injected(() => document);32 return document.location.href;33 });
Using AI Code Generation
1const { _run } = require('playwright/lib/server/webkit');2async function main() {3 const { transport, context } = await _run({4 });5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });7 await transport.close();8}9main();10module.exports = {11 launchOptions: {12 },13 serverOptions: {14 },15};16describe("sample test", () => {17 it("should open google", async () => {18 await page.screenshot({ path: "google.png" });19 });20});21module.exports = {22 launchOptions: {23 },24 serverOptions: {
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const { _run } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserType');3async function main() {4 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();5 const { wsEndpoint } = browser;6 const browserContext = await browser.newContext();7 const page = await browserContext.newPage();8 const result = await _run(wsEndpoint, async (browser) => {9 const page = await browser.newPage();10 return await page.content();11 });12 console.log(result);13 await browser.close();14}15main();16const playwright = require('playwright');17const { _run } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserType');18async function main() {19 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();20 const { wsEndpoint } = browser;21 const browserContext = await browser.newContext();22 const page = await browserContext.newPage();23 const result = await _run(wsEndpoint, async (browser) => {24 const context = await browser.newContext();25 const page = await context.newPage();26 return await page.content();27 });28 console.log(result);29 await browser.close();30}31main();32const playwright = require('playwright');33const { _run } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserType');34async function main() {35 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();36 const { wsEndpoint } = browser;37 const browserContext = await browser.newContext();38 const page = await browserContext.newPage();39 const result = await _run(wsEndpoint, async (browser) => {40 const context = await browser.newContext();41 const page = await context.newPage();42 return await page.content();43 });
Using AI Code Generation
1const { Playwright } = require('playwright/lib/server/playwright');2const playwright = new Playwright();3const browser = await playwright.chromium._launchServer();4const { BrowserServer } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserServer');5const browserServer = new BrowserServer(browser, {});6const wsEndpoint = await browserServer._run();7const { BrowserContext } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');8const browserContext = new BrowserContext(browser, {});9await browserContext._run();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { _run } = require('playwright/lib/server/webkit/wkBrowser');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3const { expect } = require('chai');4test('test', async ({ page }) => {5 const result = await _run(page, 'test');6 expect(result).to.equal('test');7});8[MIT](LICENSE)
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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