Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1/**2 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.3 *4 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the5 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.6 *7 * @format8 * @flow9 */10'use strict';11const RNTesterButton = require('../../components/RNTesterButton');12const React = require('react');13const {Alert, Platform, ToastAndroid, Text, View} = require('react-native');14function burnCPU(milliseconds) {15 const start =;16 while ( < start + milliseconds) {}17}18type RequestIdleCallbackTesterProps = $ReadOnly<{||}>;19type RequestIdleCallbackTesterState = {|message: string|};20class RequestIdleCallbackTester extends React.Component<21 RequestIdleCallbackTesterProps,22 RequestIdleCallbackTesterState,23> {24 state = {25 message: '-',26 };27 _idleTimer: ?IdleCallbackID = null;28 _iters = 0;29 componentWillUnmount() {30 if (this._idleTimer != null) {31 cancelIdleCallback(this._idleTimer);32 this._idleTimer = null;33 }34 }35 render() {36 return (37 <View>38 <RNTesterButton onPress={this._run.bind(this, false)}>39 Run requestIdleCallback40 </RNTesterButton>41 <RNTesterButton onPress={this._run.bind(this, true)}>42 Burn CPU inside of requestIdleCallback43 </RNTesterButton>44 <RNTesterButton onPress={this._runWithTimeout}>45 Run requestIdleCallback with timeout option46 </RNTesterButton>47 <RNTesterButton onPress={this._runBackground}>48 Run background task49 </RNTesterButton>50 <RNTesterButton onPress={this._stopBackground}>51 Stop background task52 </RNTesterButton>53 <Text>{this.state.message}</Text>54 </View>55 );56 }57 _run(shouldBurnCPU: boolean) {58 if (this._idleTimer != null) {59 cancelIdleCallback(this._idleTimer);60 this._idleTimer = null;61 }62 this._idleTimer = requestIdleCallback(deadline => {63 let message = '';64 if (shouldBurnCPU) {65 burnCPU(10);66 message = 'Burned CPU for 10ms,';67 }68 this.setState({69 message: `${message} ${deadline.timeRemaining()}ms remaining in frame`,70 });71 });72 }73 _runWithTimeout = () => {74 if (this._idleTimer != null) {75 cancelIdleCallback(this._idleTimer);76 this._idleTimer = null;77 }78 this._idleTimer = requestIdleCallback(79 deadline => {80 this.setState({81 message: `${deadline.timeRemaining()}ms remaining in frame, it did timeout: ${82 deadline.didTimeout ? 'yes' : 'no'83 }`,84 });85 },86 {timeout: 100},87 );88 burnCPU(100);89 };90 _runBackground = () => {91 if (this._idleTimer != null) {92 cancelIdleCallback(this._idleTimer);93 this._idleTimer = null;94 }95 const handler = deadline => {96 while (deadline.timeRemaining() > 5) {97 burnCPU(5);98 this.setState({99 message: `Burned CPU for 5ms ${this100 ._iters++} times, ${deadline.timeRemaining()}ms remaining in frame`,101 });102 }103 this._idleTimer = requestIdleCallback(handler);104 };105 this._idleTimer = requestIdleCallback(handler);106 };107 _stopBackground = () => {108 this._iters = 0;109 if (this._idleTimer != null) {110 cancelIdleCallback(this._idleTimer);111 this._idleTimer = null;112 }113 };114}115type TimerTesterProps = $ReadOnly<{|116 dt?: number,117 type: string,118|}>;119class TimerTester extends React.Component<TimerTesterProps> {120 _ii = 0;121 _iters = 0;122 _start = 0;123 _timerId: ?TimeoutID = null;124 _rafId: ?AnimationFrameID = null;125 _intervalId: ?IntervalID = null;126 _immediateId: ?Object = null;127 _timerFn: ?() => any = null;128 render() {129 const args =130 'fn' + (this.props.dt !== undefined ? ', ' + this.props.dt : '');131 return (132 <RNTesterButton onPress={this._run}>133 Measure: {this.props.type}({args}) - {this._ii || 0}134 </RNTesterButton>135 );136 }137 componentWillUnmount() {138 if (this._timerId != null) {139 clearTimeout(this._timerId);140 this._timerId = null;141 }142 if (this._rafId != null) {143 cancelAnimationFrame(this._rafId);144 this._rafId = null;145 }146 if (this._immediateId != null) {147 clearImmediate(this._immediateId);148 this._immediateId = null;149 }150 if (this._intervalId != null) {151 clearInterval(this._intervalId);152 this._intervalId = null;153 }154 }155 _run = () => {156 if (!this._start) {157 const d = new Date();158 this._start = d.getTime();159 this._iters = 100;160 this._ii = 0;161 if (this.props.type === 'setTimeout') {162 if (this.props.dt !== undefined && this.props.dt < 1) {163 this._iters = 5000;164 } else if (this.props.dt !== undefined && this.props.dt > 20) {165 this._iters = 10;166 }167 this._timerFn = () => {168 this._timerId = setTimeout(this._run, this.props.dt);169 };170 } else if (this.props.type === 'requestAnimationFrame') {171 this._timerFn = () => {172 this._rafId = requestAnimationFrame(this._run);173 };174 } else if (this.props.type === 'setImmediate') {175 this._iters = 5000;176 this._timerFn = () => {177 this._immediateId = setImmediate(this._run);178 };179 } else if (this.props.type === 'setInterval') {180 this._iters = 30; // Only used for forceUpdate periodicity181 this._timerFn = null;182 this._intervalId = setInterval(this._run, this.props.dt);183 }184 }185 if (this._ii >= this._iters && this._intervalId == null) {186 const d = new Date();187 const e = d.getTime() - this._start;188 const msg =189 'Finished ' +190 this._ii +191 ' ' +192 this.props.type +193 ' calls.\n' +194 'Elapsed time: ' +195 e +196 ' ms\n' +197 e / this._ii +198 ' ms / iter';199 console.log(msg);200 if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {201 Alert.alert(msg);202 } else if (Platform.OS === 'android') {203, ToastAndroid.SHORT);204 }205 this._start = 0;206 this.forceUpdate(() => {207 this._ii = 0;208 });209 return;210 }211 this._ii++;212 // Only re-render occasionally so we don't slow down timers.213 if (this._ii % (this._iters / 5) === 0) {214 this.forceUpdate();215 }216 if (this._timerFn) {217 this._timerId = this._timerFn();218 }219 };220 clear = () => {221 if (this._intervalId != null) {222 clearInterval(this._intervalId);223 // Configure things so we can do a final run to update UI and reset state.224 this._intervalId = null;225 this._iters = this._ii;226 this._run();227 }228 };229}230exports.framework = 'React';231exports.title = 'Timers';232exports.category = 'UI';233exports.description = 'A demonstration of Timers in React Native.';234exports.examples = [235 {236 title: 'this.setTimeout(fn, t)',237 description: ('Execute function fn t milliseconds in the future. If ' +238 't === 0, it will be enqueued immediately in the next event loop. ' +239 'Larger values will fire on the closest frame.': string),240 render: function(): React.Node {241 return (242 <View>243 <TimerTester type="setTimeout" dt={0} />244 <TimerTester type="setTimeout" dt={1} />245 <TimerTester type="setTimeout" dt={100} />246 </View>247 );248 },249 },250 {251 title: 'this.requestAnimationFrame(fn)',252 description: 'Execute function fn on the next frame.',253 render: function(): React.Node {254 return (255 <View>256 <TimerTester type="requestAnimationFrame" />257 </View>258 );259 },260 },261 {262 title: 'this.requestIdleCallback(fn)',263 description: 'Execute function fn on the next JS frame that has idle time',264 render: function(): React.Node {265 return (266 <View>267 <RequestIdleCallbackTester />268 </View>269 );270 },271 },272 {273 title: 'this.setImmediate(fn)',274 description: 'Execute function fn at the end of the current JS event loop.',275 render: function(): React.Node {276 return (277 <View>278 <TimerTester type="setImmediate" />279 </View>280 );281 },282 },283 {284 title: 'this.setInterval(fn, t)',285 description: ('Execute function fn every t milliseconds until cancelled ' +286 'or component is unmounted.': string),287 render: function(): React.Node {288 type IntervalExampleProps = $ReadOnly<{||}>;289 type IntervalExampleState = {|290 showTimer: boolean,291 |};292 class IntervalExample extends React.Component<293 IntervalExampleProps,294 IntervalExampleState,295 > {296 state = {297 showTimer: true,298 };299 _timerTester: ?React.ElementRef<typeof TimerTester>;300 render() {301 return (302 <View>303 {this.state.showTimer && this._renderTimer()}304 <RNTesterButton onPress={this._toggleTimer}>305 {this.state.showTimer ? 'Unmount timer' : 'Mount new timer'}306 </RNTesterButton>307 </View>308 );309 }310 _renderTimer = () => {311 return (312 <View>313 <TimerTester314 ref={ref => (this._timerTester = ref)}315 dt={25}316 type="setInterval"317 />318 <RNTesterButton319 onPress={() => this._timerTester && this._timerTester.clear()}>320 Clear interval321 </RNTesterButton>322 </View>323 );324 };325 _toggleTimer = () => {326 this.setState({showTimer: !this.state.showTimer});327 };328 }329 return <IntervalExample />;330 },331 },...
1"use strict";2exports.__esModule = true;3exports.default = void 0;4var _isPlainObj = _interopRequireDefault(require("is-plain-obj"));5var _parse = _interopRequireDefault(require("./parse"));6var _export = _interopRequireDefault(require("../util/export"));7var _getTypes = _interopRequireDefault(require("../types/getTypes"));8var _getModelFieldLimit = _interopRequireDefault(require("../util/getModelFieldLimit"));9var _runWithTimeout = _interopRequireDefault(require("../util/runWithTimeout"));10function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }11class Query {12 constructor(obj, options = {}) {13 this.update = fn => {14 if ((0, _isPlainObj.default)(fn)) return this.update(v => ({ ...v,15 ...fn16 }));17 if (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new Error('Missing update function!'); // update instance query18 const newInstanceValue = fn(this._parsed);19 if (!newInstanceValue || typeof newInstanceValue !== 'object') throw new Error('Invalid update function! Must return an object.');20 this._parsed = newInstanceValue; // update non-instance query21 const newCollectionValue = fn(this._parsedCollection);22 if (!newCollectionValue || typeof newCollectionValue !== 'object') throw new Error('Invalid update function! Must return an object.');23 this._parsedCollection = newCollectionValue;24 return this;25 };26 this.constrain = ({27 defaultLimit,28 maxLimit,29 attributes,30 where31 } = {}) => {32 if (where && !Array.isArray(where)) throw new Error('Invalid where array!');33 if (attributes && !Array.isArray(attributes)) throw new Error('Invalid attributes array!');34 return this.update(v => {35 const limit = v.limit || defaultLimit;36 return { ...v,37 attributes: attributes || v.attributes,38 where: where ? [...v.where, ...where] : v.where,39 limit: maxLimit ? limit ? Math.min(limit, maxLimit) : maxLimit : limit40 };41 });42 };43 this.value = ({44 instanceQuery = true45 } = {}) => instanceQuery ? this._parsed : this._parsedCollection;46 this.toJSON = () => this.input;47 this.getOutputSchema = () => {48 let fieldLimit = this.options.fieldLimit || (0, _getModelFieldLimit.default)(this.options.model);49 if (this.input.exclusions) {50 fieldLimit = fieldLimit.filter(i => !this.input.exclusions.includes(i.field));51 }52 return fieldLimit.reduce((acc, f) => {53 acc[f.field] = (0, _getTypes.default)({54 field: f.field55 }, this.options)[0];56 return acc;57 }, {});58 };59 this.execute = async ({60 raw = false,61 useMaster,62 debug = this.options.model.sequelize.options.logging,63 timeout64 } = {}) => {65 const fn = this.options.count !== false ? 'findAndCountAll' : 'findAll';66 const exec = transaction => this.options.model[fn]({67 raw,68 useMaster,69 logging: debug,70 transaction,71 ...this.value()72 });73 if (!timeout) return exec();74 return (0, _runWithTimeout.default)(exec, {75 sequelize: this.options.model.sequelize,76 timeout77 });78 };79 this.executeStream = async ({80 onError,81 format,82 tupleFraction,83 transform,84 useMaster,85 debug = this.options.model.sequelize.options.logging,86 timeout,87 finishTimeout88 } = {}) => (0, _export.default)({89 timeout,90 finishTimeout,91 useMaster,92 tupleFraction,93 format,94 transform,95 onError,96 debug,97 model: this.options.model,98 value: this.value()99 });100 this.count = async ({101 useMaster,102 timeout,103 debug = this.options.model.sequelize.options.logging104 } = {}) => {105 const exec = transaction => this.options.model.count({106 useMaster,107 transaction,108 logging: debug,109 ...this.value()110 });111 if (!timeout) return exec();112 return (0, _runWithTimeout.default)(exec, {113 sequelize: this.options.model.sequelize,114 timeout115 });116 };117 this.destroy = async ({118 debug = this.options.model.sequelize.options.logging,119 timeout120 } = {}) => {121 const exec = transaction => this.options.model.destroy({122 logging: debug,123 transaction,124 ...this.value({125 instanceQuery: false126 })127 });128 if (!timeout) return exec();129 return (0, _runWithTimeout.default)(exec, {130 sequelize: this.options.model.sequelize,131 timeout132 });133 };134 if (!obj) throw new Error('Missing query!');135 if (!options.model || !options.model.rawAttributes) throw new Error('Missing model!');136 if (options.fieldLimit && !Array.isArray(options.fieldLimit)) throw new Error('Invalid fieldLimit!');137 this.input = obj;138 this.options = options;139 this._parsed = (0, _parse.default)(obj, options);140 this._parsedCollection = (0, _parse.default)(obj, { ...options,141 instanceQuery: false142 });143 }144}145exports.default = Query;...
...38 this.runTask(nextTask);39 // call next to run multiple tasks concurrently40;41 }42 _runWithTimeout(task) {43 return new Promise((resolve, reject)=> {44 const timer = setTimeout(()=> {45 const err = new Error('Timeout');46 err.code = 'ETIMEDOUT';47 reject(err);48 }, this.timeout);49 Promise.resolve()50 .then(task)51 .then(resolve)52 .catch(reject)53 .finally(()=> clearTimeout(timer));54 });55 }56 async runTask(task) {57 let result, error;58 this.emitter.emit('will-run', task);59 try {60 result = await (this.timeout? this._runWithTimeout(task): task());61 } catch(err) {62 error = err;63 }64 // ignore task if the queue has been cleared65 if(!this.runningTasks.includes(task)) return;66 // remove task from running task list67 this.runningTasks.splice(this.runningTasks.indexOf(task), 1);68 // notify failure or success69 if(error) {70 this.emitter.emit('did-fail', { task, error });71 } else {72 this.emitter.emit('did-run', { task , result });73 }74 // run next task...
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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