Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
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}10213 }10214];...
1import React from 'react'2import PropTypes from 'prop-types'3import styled from 'styled-components'4import { patchEmptyFields } from '../utils'5import * as proj from '../utils/projections'6import * as trans from '../utils/translations'7import { Vector2 } from '../utils/vectors'8import { COLORS } from '../utils/colors'9import { BBOX_CATEGORY } from '../utils/boundingBox'10const Container = styled.div`11 position: absolute;12 top: ${props => ( ? `${}px` : 0)};13 left: ${props => (props.left ? `${props.left}px` : 0)};14 width: ${props => (props.width ? `${props.width}px` : '100%')};15 height: ${props => (props.height ? `${props.height}px` : '100%')};16 display: ${props => (props.visible ? 'block' : 'none')};17 z-index: 450;18 user-select: none;19 & > canvas {20 position: absolute;21 top: 0;22 left: 0;23 }24 & > canvas[name='bounding-boxes'] {25 z-index: 101;26 }27 & > canvas[name='3d-bounding-boxes'] {28 z-index: 102;29 }30 & > canvas[name='distortion-grid'] {31 z-index: 100;32 }33 & > canvas[name='ground-plane'] {34 z-index: 90;35 }36`37class WebGL extends React.Component {38 static propTypes = {39 top: PropTypes.number,40 left: PropTypes.number,41 width: PropTypes.number,42 height: PropTypes.number,43 visible: PropTypes.bool,44 manifest: PropTypes.object.isRequired,45 displayDistortionGrid: PropTypes.bool,46 displayGroundPlane: PropTypes.bool,47 displayBoundingBoxes: PropTypes.bool,48 display3dBoundingBoxes: PropTypes.bool,49 displayConvexHulls: PropTypes.bool,50 boundingBoxes: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object),51 boundingBoxes3d: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object),52 convexHulls: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object)53 }54 static defaultProps = {55 top: 0,56 left: 0,57 width: null,58 height: null,59 visible: true,60 displayDistortionGrid: true,61 displayGroundPlane: false,62 displayBoundingBoxes: false,63 display3dBoundingBoxes: false,64 displayConvexHulls: false,65 boundingBoxes: [],66 boundingBoxes3d: [],67 convexHulls: []68 }69 constructor(props) {70 super(props)71 this.canvasGndPlane = null72 this.canvasDistGrid = null73 = null74 this.canvasWidth = window.innerWidth75 this.canvasHeight = window.innerHeight76 this.colorIndex = 077 }78 componentDidMount() {79 // Redraw the canvas when we re-render (which is triggered when the video is80 // resized)81 this.readjustCanvasSize()82 this.drawCanvas()83 this.drawBoundingBoxes()84 this.drawBoundingBoxes3d()85 this.drawConvexHulls()86 }87 componentDidUpdate() {88 // Redraw the canvas when we re-render (which is triggered when the video is89 // resized)90 this.readjustCanvasSize()91 this.drawCanvas()92 this.drawBoundingBoxes()93 this.drawBoundingBoxes3d()94 this.drawConvexHulls()95 }96 drawCanvas = () => {97 if (!this.canvasGndPlane || !this.canvasDistGrid) return98 const ctxGP = this.canvasGndPlane.getContext('2d')99 const ctxDG = this.canvasDistGrid.getContext('2d')100 // Disable anti-aliasing101 ctxGP.imageSmoothingEnabled = false102 ctxDG.imageSmoothingEnabled = false103 // Ground plane104 this.drawGrid(ctxGP, this.calibratedPtTranslator, 0.25, 0, 10, -8, 8)105 // Distortion grid106 this.drawPointBox(107 ctxDG,108 this.calibratedPtTranslator,109 0.25,110 -10,111 10,112 -10,113 10114 )115 }116 drawScaledPixel = (ctx, vector, color = 'white') => {117 const { resolution } = this.state118 ctx.lineWidth = 1119 ctx.fillStyle = color120 ctx.beginPath()121 // console.log(`input (${vector.x}, ${vector.y})`)122 const scaledVector = trans.scaleImageToCanvas(123 vector,124 resolution.x,125 resolution.y,126 this.canvasWidth,127 this.canvasHeight128 )129 // console.log(`drawing pixel at (${scaledVector.x}, ${scaledVector.y})`)130 ctx.fillRect(scaledVector.x, scaledVector.y, 2, 2)131 // ctx.arc(scaledVector.x, scaledVector.y, 1, 0, 2 * Math.PI)132 ctx.closePath()133 }134 drawGrid = (ctx, translator, stepSize, zMin, zMax, xMin, xMax) => {135 const y = 1136 let coord137 let calibratedPt138 const baseRgb = '151, 151, 151'139 ctx.lineWidth = 1140 // VERTICAL GRID LINES & POINTS @ INTERSECTIONS141 for (let x = xMin; x <= xMax; x += stepSize) {142 ctx.beginPath()143 let firstZ144 let lastZ145 let alpha146 for (let z = zMin; z <= zMax; z += stepSize) {147 calibratedPt = new Vector2(x / z, y / z)148 // Passing in "true" as the third arg will validate the camera149 // coordinate by projecting & unprojecting and checking if it's within a150 // pre-defined tolerance. Invaild points will return null.151 coord = translator(calibratedPt.x, calibratedPt.y, true)152 // Only draw if the point is valid153 if (coord.x != null && coord.y !== null) {154 // Adjust the alpha of the point to be drawn depending on the depth (z)155 alpha = Math.max(((zMax - z - zMin) / (zMax - zMin)).toFixed(2), 0.2)156 ctx.fillStyle = `rgba(${baseRgb}, ${alpha})`157 // console.log(`at z ${z}, @ ${alpha}`)158 // ctx.fillRect(coord.x, coord.y, 2, 2)159 ctx.lineTo(coord.x, coord.y)160 }161 // Store the first and last coordinate to use in our gradient for162 // drawing vertical lines163 if (coord.x !== null && !firstZ) {164 firstZ = Object.assign({}, coord)165 }166 if (coord.x) {167 lastZ = Object.assign({}, coord)168 }169 }170 // If the first and last coordinates were captured...171 if (firstZ && lastZ) {172 // Create a gradient from point firstZ to lastZ and draw the stroke173 const gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(174 firstZ.x,175 firstZ.y,176 lastZ.x,177 lastZ.y178 )179 gradient.addColorStop(0, `rgba(${baseRgb}, 1)`)180 gradient.addColorStop(1, `rgba(${baseRgb}, 0)`)181 ctx.strokeStyle = gradient182 ctx.lineWidth = 4183 ctx.moveTo(firstZ.x, firstZ.y)184 ctx.lineTo(lastZ.x, lastZ.y)185 ctx.lineWidth = 1186 }187 ctx.stroke()188 ctx.closePath()189 }190 // HORIZONTAL GRID LINES191 for (let z = zMin; z <= zMax; z += stepSize) {192 let previousPt193 ctx.beginPath()194 let alpha = Math.max(((zMax - z - zMin) / (zMax - zMin)).toFixed(2), 0.2)195 // Step the alpha of the horizontal lines for every z196 ctx.strokeStyle = `rgba(${baseRgb}, ${alpha})`197 for (let x = xMin; x <= xMax; x += stepSize) {198 calibratedPt = new Vector2(x / z, y / z)199 // Passing in true will filter out invalid points200 coord = translator(calibratedPt.x, calibratedPt.y, true)201 // Only draw if the point returned in valid202 if (coord.x != null && coord.y !== null) {203 if (!previousPt) {204 ctx.lineTo(coord.x, coord.y)205 } else {206 ctx.quadraticCurveTo(coord.x, coord.y, coord.x, coord.y)207 }208 previousPt = {209 x: coord.x,210 y: coord.y211 }212 }213 }214 ctx.stroke()215 ctx.closePath()216 }217 }218 drawPointBox = (219 ctx,220 translator,221 size = 1 / 10,222 xMin = -3,223 xMax = 3,224 yMin = -3,225 yMax = 3226 ) => {227 let coord228 ctx.lineWidth = 1229 ctx.strokeStyle = 'lightgrey'230 ctx.fillStyle = 'green'231 // Horizontal232 for (let j = yMin; j < yMax; j += size) {233 ctx.beginPath()234 for (let k = xMin; k < xMax; k += size) {235 coord = translator(k, j)236 ctx.fillRect(coord.x, coord.y, 2, 2)237 ctx.lineTo(coord.x, coord.y)238 }239 ctx.stroke()240 ctx.closePath()241 }242 // Vertical243 for (let k = xMin; k < xMax; k += size) {244 ctx.beginPath()245 for (let j = yMin; j < yMax; j += size) {246 coord = translator(k, j)247 ctx.fillRect(coord.x, coord.y, 2, 2)248 ctx.lineTo(coord.x, coord.y)249 }250 ctx.stroke()251 ctx.closePath()252 }253 }254 calibratedPtTranslator = (x, y, validate = false) => {255 const {256 manifest: { intrinsics: { resolution, focalLength, cameraCenter, kVals } }257 } = this.props258 const calibratedPoint = new Vector2(x, y)259 const result = proj.ProjectCalibratedPointToImage(260 calibratedPoint,261 focalLength,262 cameraCenter,263 kVals264 )265 let pixel = result266 // If we're validating the traversal (projecting and unprojecting), return267 // a null vector if we're beyond the tolerances268 if (validate === true) {269 pixel = this.calibratedValidator(calibratedPoint, result)270 if (pixel.x === null || pixel.y === null) {271 return pixel272 }273 }274 return trans.scaleImageToCanvas(275 pixel,276 resolution.x,277 resolution.y,278 this.canvasWidth,279 this.canvasHeight280 )281 }282 /**283 * Given a calibrated point and a pixel point, use the unproject function to284 * make sure it's a valid point within a certain margin of error; otherwise,285 * return null (and don't render the point)286 * @param {Object} calibratedPt Vector2 of the calibrated point's (x, y)287 * @param {Object} pixelPt Vector2 of the pixel point's (x, y)288 * @param {Number} tolerance Tolerance289 * @return {Object} Vector2 of the pixel point if valid290 */291 calibratedValidator = (calibratedPt, pixelPt, tolerance = 4) => {292 const {293 manifest: { intrinsics: { focalLength, cameraCenter, kVals } }294 } = this.props295 const unprojCalibratedPt = proj.UnprojectImageToCalibratedPoint(296 pixelPt,297 focalLength,298 cameraCenter,299 kVals300 )301 // Check if it the value is within the tolerances302 if (303 Math.abs(unprojCalibratedPt.x) - Math.abs(tolerance) <=304 Math.abs(calibratedPt.x) &&305 Math.abs(calibratedPt.x) <=306 Math.abs(unprojCalibratedPt.x) + Math.abs(tolerance) &&307 Math.abs(unprojCalibratedPt.y) - Math.abs(tolerance) <=308 Math.abs(calibratedPt.y) &&309 Math.abs(calibratedPt.y) <=310 Math.abs(unprojCalibratedPt.y) + Math.abs(tolerance)311 ) {312 return pixelPt313 } else {314 return new Vector2(null, null)315 }316 }317 /**318 * Update all canvases on the component to match the dimensions passed in from319 * props320 */321 readjustCanvasSize = () => {322 const { width, height } = this.props323 this.canvasWidth = width ? width : window.innerWidth324 this.canvasHeight = height ? height : window.innerHeight325 if (this.canvasGndPlane) {326 this.canvasGndPlane.width = width ? width : window.innerWidth327 this.canvasGndPlane.height = height ? height : window.innerHeight328 }329 if (this.canvasDistGrid) {330 this.canvasDistGrid.width = width ? width : window.innerWidth331 this.canvasDistGrid.height = height ? height : window.innerHeight332 }333 if (this.canvasBBox) {334 this.canvasBBox.width = width ? width : window.innerWidth335 this.canvasBBox.height = height ? height : window.innerHeight336 }337 if (this.canvas3dBBox) {338 this.canvas3dBBox.width = width ? width : window.innerWidth339 this.canvas3dBBox.height = height ? height : window.innerHeight340 }341 }342 /**343 * Decodes a bounding box category to a color344 * @param {String} categoryName Category name345 * @return {String} Color name346 */347 static decodeBBoxCategoryToColor(categoryName) {348 const name = categoryName ? categoryName.toUpperCase() : ''349 switch (name) {350 case 'PERSON':351 return 'green'352 case 'ANIMAL':353 return 'pink'354 case 'BICYCLE':355 return 'DarkCyan'356 case 'MOTORBIKE':357 return 'GoldenRod'358 case 'CAR':359 return 'DarkOrchid'360 case 'BUS':361 return 'OrangeRed'362 case 'TRUCK':363 return 'LightYellow'364 default:365 return 'white'366 }367 }368 /**369 * Draws a set of bounding boxes on the canvas from the boundingBoxes props370 * (Array)371 */372 drawBoundingBoxes = () => {373 const {374 boundingBoxes,375 manifest: { intrinsics: { resolution } }376 } = this.props377 const INNER_BBOX_OFFSET = 7378 if (this.canvasBBox) {379 // Get the canvas context380 const ctx = this.canvasBBox.getContext('2d')381 // Make sure it's an array before iterating382 if (!Array.isArray(boundingBoxes)) {383 console.log(384 'Cannot render bounding boxes; boundingBoxes is not an array'385 )386 return387 }388 let boundingBox = null389 let color = null390 let canvasCoordTopLeft391 let canvasCoordBottomRight392 let boxWidthInCanvas393 let boxHeightInCanvas394 let label395 for (let k = 0; k < boundingBoxes.length; k++) {396 boundingBox = boundingBoxes[k]397 patchEmptyFields(boundingBox.category, ['type'], 'UNKNOWN')398 // Get the top left (x, y) and convert it to a canvas coordinate399 canvasCoordTopLeft = trans.scaleImageToCanvas(400 new Vector2(boundingBox.topLeftX, boundingBox.topLeftY),401 resolution.x,402 resolution.y,403 this.canvasWidth,404 this.canvasHeight405 )406 // Calculate the bottom right (x, y) and convert it to a canvas407 // coordinate408 canvasCoordBottomRight = trans.scaleImageToCanvas(409 new Vector2(410 boundingBox.topLeftX + boundingBox.extentsX,411 boundingBox.topLeftY + boundingBox.extentsY412 ),413 resolution.x,414 resolution.y,415 this.canvasWidth,416 this.canvasHeight417 )418 // Derive the width of the box in canvas coordinates419 boxWidthInCanvas = Math.abs(420 canvasCoordTopLeft.x - canvasCoordBottomRight.x421 )422 boxHeightInCanvas = Math.abs(423 canvasCoordTopLeft.y - canvasCoordBottomRight.y424 )425 // Draw the outer bounding box with the color varying depending on its426 // category427 color = WebGL.decodeBBoxCategoryToColor(boundingBox.category.type)428 WebGL.drawBoxStroke(429 ctx,430 canvasCoordTopLeft.x,431 canvasCoordTopLeft.y,432 boxWidthInCanvas,433 boxHeightInCanvas,434 color,435 5,436 []437 )438 // Draw a label with the category name on top of the outer bounding439 // box440 label = BBOX_CATEGORY[boundingBox.category.type]441 label += ` (${boundingBox.instanceId ? boundingBox.instanceId : '-1'})`442 WebGL.drawBoxLabel(443 ctx,444 canvasCoordTopLeft.x,445 canvasCoordTopLeft.y - 5,446 color, // Inherits the color from the decode above447 label448 )449 // Draw an inner bounding box that's smaller by a certain offset450 // (INNER_BBOX_OFFSET) and is color-coded depending on the instance ID451 color = COLORS[boundingBox.instanceId % COLORS.length]452 WebGL.drawBoxStroke(453 ctx,454 canvasCoordTopLeft.x + INNER_BBOX_OFFSET,455 canvasCoordTopLeft.y + INNER_BBOX_OFFSET,456 boxWidthInCanvas - INNER_BBOX_OFFSET * 2,457 boxHeightInCanvas - INNER_BBOX_OFFSET * 2,458 color,459 2,460 [5, 1]461 )462 }463 }464 }465 /**466 * Draws a set of 3D bounding boxes on the canvas from the boundingBoxes props467 * (Array)468 */469 drawBoundingBoxes3d = () => {470 const {471 boundingBoxes3d,472 manifest: {473 intrinsics: { resolution, focalLength, cameraCenter, kVals }474 },475 display3dBoundingBoxes476 } = this.props477 if (display3dBoundingBoxes && this.canvas3dBBox) {478 // Get the canvas context479 const ctx = this.canvas3dBBox.getContext('2d')480 const SAMPLE_SIZE = 28 // Should be an even number for the best results481 // Make sure it's an array before iterating482 if (!Array.isArray(boundingBoxes3d)) {483 console.log(484 'Cannot render bounding boxes; boundingBoxes3d is not an array'485 )486 return487 }488 let boundingBox = null489 let color = null490 let label491 let vertices = []492 let calibratedVertices = []493 let scaledVertices = []494 let path495 for (let k = 0; k < boundingBoxes3d.length; k++) {496 boundingBox = boundingBoxes3d[k]497 patchEmptyFields(boundingBox, ['extentsX', 'extentsY', 'extentsZ'])498 patchEmptyFields(boundingBox.pose, [499 'translationX',500 'translationY',501 'translationZ'502 ])503 // Convert meter-space coordinates into the camera space via504 // (x,y,z) => (x/z, y/z)505 // (Near) Top left => top right506 for (507 let n = -boundingBox.extentsX / 2;508 n <= boundingBox.extentsX / 2;509 n += boundingBox.extentsX / SAMPLE_SIZE510 ) {511 vertices.push(512 new Vector2(513 (boundingBox.pose.translationX + n) /514 Math.max(515 0.25,516 boundingBox.pose.translationZ - boundingBox.extentsZ / 2517 ),518 (boundingBox.pose.translationY - boundingBox.extentsY / 2) /519 Math.max(520 0.25,521 boundingBox.pose.translationZ - boundingBox.extentsZ / 2522 )523 )524 )525 }526 // (Near) Top right => bottom right527 for (528 let n = -boundingBox.extentsY / 2;529 n <= boundingBox.extentsY / 2;530 n += boundingBox.extentsY / SAMPLE_SIZE531 ) {532 vertices.push(533 new Vector2(534 (boundingBox.pose.translationX + boundingBox.extentsX / 2) /535 Math.max(536 0.25,537 boundingBox.pose.translationZ - boundingBox.extentsZ / 2538 ),539 (boundingBox.pose.translationY + n) /540 Math.max(541 0.25,542 boundingBox.pose.translationZ - boundingBox.extentsZ / 2543 )544 )545 )546 }547 // (Near) Bottom right => bottom left548 for (549 let n = boundingBox.extentsX / 2;550 n >= -boundingBox.extentsX / 2;551 n -= boundingBox.extentsX / SAMPLE_SIZE552 ) {553 vertices.push(554 new Vector2(555 (boundingBox.pose.translationX + n) /556 Math.max(557 0.25,558 boundingBox.pose.translationZ - boundingBox.extentsZ / 2559 ),560 (boundingBox.pose.translationY + boundingBox.extentsY / 2) /561 Math.max(562 0.25,563 boundingBox.pose.translationZ - boundingBox.extentsZ / 2564 )565 )566 )567 }568 // (Near) Bottom left => top left569 for (570 let n = boundingBox.extentsY / 2;571 n >= -boundingBox.extentsY / 2;572 n -= boundingBox.extentsY / SAMPLE_SIZE573 ) {574 vertices.push(575 new Vector2(576 (boundingBox.pose.translationX - boundingBox.extentsX / 2) /577 Math.max(578 0.25,579 boundingBox.pose.translationZ - boundingBox.extentsZ / 2580 ),581 (boundingBox.pose.translationY + n) /582 Math.max(583 0.25,584 boundingBox.pose.translationZ - boundingBox.extentsZ / 2585 )586 )587 )588 }589 // (Near) Top left => (Far) Top left590 for (591 let n = -boundingBox.extentsZ / 2;592 n <= boundingBox.extentsZ / 2;593 n += boundingBox.extentsZ / SAMPLE_SIZE594 ) {595 vertices.push(596 new Vector2(597 (boundingBox.pose.translationX - boundingBox.extentsX / 2) /598 Math.max(0.25, boundingBox.pose.translationZ + n),599 (boundingBox.pose.translationY - boundingBox.extentsY / 2) /600 Math.max(0.25, boundingBox.pose.translationZ + n)601 )602 )603 }604 // (Far) Top left => top right605 for (606 let n = -boundingBox.extentsX / 2;607 n <= boundingBox.extentsX / 2;608 n += boundingBox.extentsX / SAMPLE_SIZE609 ) {610 vertices.push(611 new Vector2(612 (boundingBox.pose.translationX + n) /613 Math.max(614 0.25,615 boundingBox.pose.translationZ + boundingBox.extentsZ / 2616 ),617 (boundingBox.pose.translationY - boundingBox.extentsY / 2) /618 Math.max(619 0.25,620 boundingBox.pose.translationZ + boundingBox.extentsZ / 2621 )622 )623 )624 }625 // are we missing one here?626 // (Far) Top right => (Near) top right => (Far) Top right627 for (628 let n = -boundingBox.extentsZ / 2;629 n <= boundingBox.extentsZ / 2;630 n += boundingBox.extentsZ / SAMPLE_SIZE631 ) {632 vertices.push(633 new Vector2(634 (boundingBox.pose.translationX + boundingBox.extentsX / 2) /635 Math.max(0.25, boundingBox.pose.translationZ + n),636 (boundingBox.pose.translationY - boundingBox.extentsY / 2) /637 Math.max(0.25, boundingBox.pose.translationZ + n)638 )639 )640 }641 for (642 let n = boundingBox.extentsZ / 2;643 n >= -boundingBox.extentsZ / 2;644 n -= boundingBox.extentsZ / SAMPLE_SIZE645 ) {646 vertices.push(647 new Vector2(648 (boundingBox.pose.translationX + boundingBox.extentsX / 2) /649 Math.max(0.25, boundingBox.pose.translationZ + n),650 (boundingBox.pose.translationY - boundingBox.extentsY / 2) /651 Math.max(0.25, boundingBox.pose.translationZ + n)652 )653 )654 }655 // (Far) Top right => bottom right656 for (657 let n = -boundingBox.extentsY / 2;658 n <= boundingBox.extentsY / 2;659 n += boundingBox.extentsY / SAMPLE_SIZE660 ) {661 vertices.push(662 new Vector2(663 (boundingBox.pose.translationX + boundingBox.extentsX / 2) /664 Math.max(665 0.25,666 boundingBox.pose.translationZ + boundingBox.extentsZ / 2667 ),668 (boundingBox.pose.translationY + n) /669 Math.max(670 0.25,671 boundingBox.pose.translationZ + boundingBox.extentsZ / 2672 )673 )674 )675 }676 // (Far) Bottom right => (Near) Bottom right => (Far) Bottom right677 for (678 let n = -boundingBox.extentsZ / 2;679 n <= boundingBox.extentsZ / 2;680 n += boundingBox.extentsZ / SAMPLE_SIZE681 ) {682 vertices.push(683 new Vector2(684 (boundingBox.pose.translationX + boundingBox.extentsX / 2) /685 Math.max(0.25, boundingBox.pose.translationZ + n),686 (boundingBox.pose.translationY + boundingBox.extentsY / 2) /687 Math.max(0.25, boundingBox.pose.translationZ + n)688 )689 )690 }691 for (692 let n = boundingBox.extentsZ / 2;693 n >= -boundingBox.extentsZ / 2;694 n -= boundingBox.extentsZ / SAMPLE_SIZE695 ) {696 vertices.push(697 new Vector2(698 (boundingBox.pose.translationX + boundingBox.extentsX / 2) /699 Math.max(0.25, boundingBox.pose.translationZ + n),700 (boundingBox.pose.translationY + boundingBox.extentsY / 2) /701 Math.max(0.25, boundingBox.pose.translationZ + n)702 )703 )704 }705 // (Far) Bottom right => bottom left706 for (707 let n = boundingBox.extentsX / 2;708 n >= -boundingBox.extentsX / 2;709 n -= boundingBox.extentsX / SAMPLE_SIZE710 ) {711 vertices.push(712 new Vector2(713 (boundingBox.pose.translationX + n) /714 Math.max(715 0.25,716 boundingBox.pose.translationZ + boundingBox.extentsZ / 2717 ),718 (boundingBox.pose.translationY + boundingBox.extentsY / 2) /719 Math.max(720 0.25,721 boundingBox.pose.translationZ + boundingBox.extentsZ / 2722 )723 )724 )725 }726 // (Far) Bottom left => (Near) Bottom left => (Far) Bottom left727 for (728 let n = -boundingBox.extentsZ / 2;729 n <= boundingBox.extentsZ / 2;730 n += boundingBox.extentsZ / SAMPLE_SIZE731 ) {732 vertices.push(733 new Vector2(734 (boundingBox.pose.translationX - boundingBox.extentsX / 2) /735 Math.max(0.25, boundingBox.pose.translationZ + n),736 (boundingBox.pose.translationY + boundingBox.extentsY / 2) /737 Math.max(0.25, boundingBox.pose.translationZ + n)738 )739 )740 }741 for (742 let n = boundingBox.extentsZ / 2;743 n >= -boundingBox.extentsZ / 2;744 n -= boundingBox.extentsZ / SAMPLE_SIZE745 ) {746 vertices.push(747 new Vector2(748 (boundingBox.pose.translationX - boundingBox.extentsX / 2) /749 Math.max(0.25, boundingBox.pose.translationZ + n),750 (boundingBox.pose.translationY + boundingBox.extentsY / 2) /751 Math.max(0.25, boundingBox.pose.translationZ + n)752 )753 )754 }755 // (Far) Bottom left => top left756 for (757 let n = boundingBox.extentsY / 2;758 n >= -boundingBox.extentsY / 2;759 n -= boundingBox.extentsY / SAMPLE_SIZE760 ) {761 vertices.push(762 new Vector2(763 (boundingBox.pose.translationX - boundingBox.extentsX / 2) /764 Math.max(765 0.25,766 boundingBox.pose.translationZ + boundingBox.extentsZ / 2767 ),768 (boundingBox.pose.translationY + n) /769 Math.max(770 0.25,771 boundingBox.pose.translationZ + boundingBox.extentsZ / 2772 )773 )774 )775 }776 calibratedVertices =, i) =>777 proj.ProjectCalibratedPointToImage(778 v,779 focalLength,780 cameraCenter,781 kVals782 )783 )784 scaledVertices =, i) =>785 trans.scaleImageToCanvas(786 v,787 resolution.x,788 resolution.y,789 this.canvasWidth,790 this.canvasHeight791 )792 )793 // Draw the outer bounding box with the color varying depending on its794 // category795 color = WebGL.decodeBBoxCategoryToColor(boundingBox.category.type)796 path = new Path2D()797 scaledVertices.forEach(v => path.lineTo(v.x, v.y))798 ctx.lineWidth = 2799 ctx.strokeStyle = color800 ctx.stroke(path)801 // Draw a label with the category name on top of the outer bounding802 // box803 label = BBOX_CATEGORY[boundingBox.category.type]804 ? BBOX_CATEGORY[boundingBox.category.type]805 : 'Unknown'806 label += ` (${boundingBox.instanceId})`807 WebGL.drawBoxLabel(808 ctx,809 scaledVertices[0].x,810 scaledVertices[0].y - 10,811 color, // Inherits the color from the decode above812 label813 )814 // Clear the array for the next bounding box815 vertices = []816 }817 }818 }819 /**820 * Draws a convex hull around objects821 * @return {[type]} [description]822 */823 drawConvexHulls = () => {824 const {825 convexHulls,826 manifest: {827 intrinsics: { resolution, focalLength, cameraCenter, kVals }828 },829 displayConvexHulls830 } = this.props831 if (displayConvexHulls && this.canvas3dBBox) {832 // Get the canvas context833 const ctx = this.canvas3dBBox.getContext('2d')834 // Make sure it's an array before iterating835 if (!Array.isArray(convexHulls)) {836 console.log('Cannot render convex hulls; convexHulls is not an array')837 return838 }839 let convexHull840 let color841 let path842 let label843 let hullUpperVertices = []844 let hullLowerVertices = []845 let hullEdges = []846 for (let k = 0; k < convexHulls.length; k++) {847 convexHull = convexHulls[k]848 patchEmptyFields(convexHulls, ['xs', 'extentsY', 'zs'])849 patchEmptyFields(convexHulls.pose, [850 'translationX',851 'translationY',852 'translationZ'853 ])854 for (let n = 0; n < convexHull.xs.length; n++) {855 let x = convexHull.xs[n]856 let z = convexHull.zs[n]857 let upper = new Vector2(858 x / z,859 convexHull.pose.translationY - convexHull.extentsY / z860 )861 let lower = new Vector2(862 x / z,863 convexHull.pose.translationY + convexHull.extentsY / z864 )865 hullUpperVertices.push(upper)866 hullLowerVertices.push(lower)867 hullEdges.push(upper)868 hullEdges.push(lower)869 }870 hullUpperVertices = hullUpperVertices871 .map((v, i) =>872 proj.ProjectCalibratedPointToImage(873 v,874 focalLength,875 cameraCenter,876 kVals877 )878 )879 .map((v, i) =>880 trans.scaleImageToCanvas(881 v,882 resolution.x,883 resolution.y,884 this.canvasWidth,885 this.canvasHeight886 )887 )888 hullLowerVertices = hullLowerVertices889 .map((v, i) =>890 proj.ProjectCalibratedPointToImage(891 v,892 focalLength,893 cameraCenter,894 kVals895 )896 )897 .map((v, i) =>898 trans.scaleImageToCanvas(899 v,900 resolution.x,901 resolution.y,902 this.canvasWidth,903 this.canvasHeight904 )905 )906 hullEdges = hullEdges907 .map((v, i) =>908 proj.ProjectCalibratedPointToImage(909 v,910 focalLength,911 cameraCenter,912 kVals913 )914 )915 .map((v, i) =>916 trans.scaleImageToCanvas(917 v,918 resolution.x,919 resolution.y,920 this.canvasWidth,921 this.canvasHeight922 )923 )924 color = WebGL.decodeBBoxCategoryToColor(convexHull.category.type)925 ctx.lineWidth = 2926 ctx.strokeStyle = color927 // Upper928 path = new Path2D()929 hullUpperVertices.forEach(v => path.lineTo(v.x, v.y))930 path.closePath()931 ctx.stroke(path)932 // Lower933 path = new Path2D()934 hullLowerVertices.forEach(v => path.lineTo(v.x, v.y))935 path.closePath()936 ctx.stroke(path)937 // Edges938 path = new Path2D()939 for (let n = 0; n < hullEdges.length; n += 2) {940 let u = hullEdges[n]941 let v = hullEdges[n + 1]942 path.moveTo(u.x, u.y)943 path.lineTo(v.x, v.y)944 }945 ctx.stroke(path)946 // Draw a label with the category name on top of the outer bounding947 // box948 label = BBOX_CATEGORY[convexHull.category.type]949 ? BBOX_CATEGORY[convexHull.category.type]950 : 'Unknown'951 label += ` (${convexHull.instanceId})`952 WebGL.drawBoxLabel(953 ctx,954 hullUpperVertices[0].x,955 hullUpperVertices[0].y - 10,956 color, // Inherits the color from the decode above957 label958 )959 // Clear the array for the next bounding box960 hullEdges = []961 hullUpperVertices = []962 hullLowerVertices = []963 }964 }965 }966 /**967 * Draws a box on the given canvas context968 * @param {Object} ctx Canvas context969 * @param {Number} x x image coordinate970 * @param {Number} y y image coordinate971 * @param {Number} width Width in image coordinates972 * @param {Number} height Height in image coordinates973 * @param {String} color Color of the box's stroke974 * @param {Number} lineWidth Line width975 * @param {Array} dash Dash pattern for the stroke976 */977 static drawBoxStroke(978 ctx,979 x,980 y,981 width,982 height,983 color = 'white',984 lineWidth = 5,985 dash = []986 ) {987 ctx.strokeStyle = color ? color : 'white'988 ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth989 ctx.setLineDash(dash)990 ctx.strokeRect(x, y, width, height)991 }992 /**993 * Draws a label above the bounding box994 * @param {Object} ctx Canvas context995 * @param {Number} x x image coordinate996 * @param {Number} y y image coordinate997 * @param {String} color Color for text998 * @param {String} text Text to display999 */1000 static drawBoxLabel(ctx, x, y, color = null, text = '') {1001 ctx.fillStyle = color1002 ctx.font = '14px Helvetica, serif'1003 ctx.fillText(text, x, y)1004 }1005 render() {1006 const {1007 top,1008 left,1009 width,1010 height,1011 visible,1012 displayGroundPlane,1013 displayDistortionGrid,1014 displayBoundingBoxes,1015 display3dBoundingBoxes1016 } = this.props1017 return (1018 <Container1019 visible={visible}1020 top={top}1021 left={left}1022 width={width}1023 height={height}1024 >1025 <canvas1026 name="bounding-boxes"1027 ref={c => (this.canvasBBox = c)}1028 style={{ display: displayBoundingBoxes ? 'block' : 'none' }}1029 />1030 <canvas1031 name="3d-bounding-boxes"1032 ref={c => (this.canvas3dBBox = c)}1033 style={{ display: display3dBoundingBoxes ? 'block' : 'none' }}1034 />1035 <canvas1036 name="ground-plane"1037 ref={c => (this.canvasGndPlane = c)}1038 style={{ display: displayGroundPlane ? 'block' : 'none' }}1039 />1040 <canvas1041 name="distortion-grid"1042 ref={c => (this.canvasDistGrid = c)}1043 style={{ display: displayDistortionGrid ? 'block' : 'none' }}1044 />1045 </Container>1046 )1047 }1048}...
1YUI.add('datatable-scroll-tests', function(Y) {2var suite = new Y.Test.Suite("DataTable: Scroll"),3 keys = Y.Object.keys;4suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({5 name: "lifecycle and instantiation",6 "Y.DataTable should be augmented": function () {7 Y.Assert.isTrue(8 new Y.DataTable().hasImpl(Y.DataTable.Scrollable));9 },10 "Y.DataTable.Base should not be augmented": function () {11 Y.Assert.isFalse(12 new Y.DataTable.Base().hasImpl(Y.DataTable.Scrollable));13 },14 "Y.DataTable constructor should not error": function () {15 var table = new Y.DataTable({16 columns: ['a'],17 data: [{a:1}]18 });19 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.DataTable, table);20 Y.Assert.isTrue(table.hasImpl(Y.DataTable.Scrollable));21 }22}));23suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({24 name: "scrollable attribute",25 tearDown: function () {26 if (this.table) {27 this.table.destroy();28 }29 },30 "test scrollable values": function () {31 var config = {32 columns: ['a'],33 data: [{a:1}]34 }, table;35 table = new Y.DataTable(config);36 Y.Assert.isFalse(table.get('scrollable'));37 config.scrollable = false;38 table = new Y.DataTable(config);39 Y.Assert.isFalse(table.get('scrollable'));40 config.scrollable = true;41 table = new Y.DataTable(config);42 Y.Assert.areSame('xy', table.get('scrollable'));43 config.scrollable = 'x';44 table = new Y.DataTable(config);45 Y.Assert.areSame('x', table.get('scrollable'));46 config.scrollable = 'y';47 table = new Y.DataTable(config);48 Y.Assert.areSame('y', table.get('scrollable'));49 config.scrollable = 'xy';50 table = new Y.DataTable(config);51 Y.Assert.areSame('xy', table.get('scrollable'));52 /*53 * Commented out until #2528732 is fixed54 config.scrollable = 'ab';55 table = new Y.DataTable(config);56 Y.Assert.isFalse(table.get('scrollable'));57 config.scrollable = ['x', 'y'];58 table = new Y.DataTable(config);59 Y.Assert.isFalse(table.get('scrollable'));60 config.scrollable = { x: true };61 table = new Y.DataTable(config);62 Y.Assert.isFalse(table.get('scrollable'));63 */64 },65 "test set('scrollable')": function () {66 var table = this.table = new Y.DataTable({67 columns: ['a'],68 data: [{a:1}]69 });70 Y.Assert.isFalse(table.get('scrollable'));71 table.set('scrollable', false);72 Y.Assert.isFalse(table.get('scrollable'));73 table.set('scrollable', true);74 Y.Assert.areSame('xy', table.get('scrollable'));75 table.set('scrollable', 'x');76 Y.Assert.areSame('x', table.get('scrollable'));77 table.set('scrollable', 'y');78 Y.Assert.areSame('y', table.get('scrollable'));79 table.set('scrollable', 'xy');80 Y.Assert.areSame('xy', table.get('scrollable'));81 table.set('scrollable', ['x','y']);82 Y.Assert.areSame('xy', table.get('scrollable'));83 table.set('scrollable', { x: true });84 Y.Assert.areSame('xy', table.get('scrollable'));85 table.set('scrollable', false);86 Y.Assert.isFalse(table.get('scrollable'));87 },88 "render() with 'scrollable' unset should not include scrolling UI": function () {89 var table = this.table = new Y.DataTable({90 columns: ['a'],91 data: [{a:1}]92 }).render(),93 boundingBox = table.get('boundingBox');94 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-x-scroller'),95 'Default table has X scroll node');96 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-y-scroller'),97 'Default table has Y scroll node');98 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-y-scroller-container'),99 'Default table has Y scroll container node');100 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-scrollbar'),101 'Default table has virtual scrollbar node');102 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-caption-table'),103 'Default table has caption table node');104 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-scroll-columns'),105 'Default table has fixed header node');106 Y.Assert.isFalse(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-x'),107 'Default table has scrollable-x class');108 Y.Assert.isFalse(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-y'),109 'Default table has scrollable-y class');110 },111 "render() with scrollable set, but neither width/height should not render scroll UI": function () {112 var table = this.table = new Y.DataTable({113 columns: ['a'],114 data: [{a:1}],115 scrollable: 'x'116 }).render(),117 boundingBox = table.get('boundingBox');118 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-x-scroller'),119 'Default table has X scroll node');120 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-y-scroller'),121 'Default table has Y scroll node');122 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-y-scroller-container'),123 'Default table has Y scroll container node');124 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-scrollbar'),125 'Default table has virtual scrollbar node');126 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-caption-table'),127 'Default table has caption table node');128 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-scroll-columns'),129 'Default table has fixed header node');130 Y.Assert.isFalse(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-x'),131 'Default table has scrollable-x class');132 Y.Assert.isFalse(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-y'),133 'Default table has scrollable-y class');134 table.destroy();135 table = this.table = new Y.DataTable({136 columns: ['a'],137 data: [{a:1}],138 scrollable: 'y'139 }).render();140 boundingBox = table.get('boundingBox');141 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-x-scroller'),142 'Default table has X scroll node');143 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-y-scroller'),144 'Default table has Y scroll node');145 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-y-scroller-container'),146 'Default table has Y scroll container node');147 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-scrollbar'),148 'Default table has virtual scrollbar node');149 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-caption-table'),150 'Default table has caption table node');151 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-scroll-columns'),152 'Default table has fixed header node');153 Y.Assert.isFalse(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-x'),154 'Default table has scrollable-x class');155 Y.Assert.isFalse(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-y'),156 'Default table has scrollable-y class');157 table.destroy();158 table = this.table = new Y.DataTable({159 columns: ['a'],160 data: [{a:1}],161 scrollable: 'xy'162 }).render();163 boundingBox = table.get('boundingBox');164 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-x-scroller'),165 'Default table has X scroll node');166 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-y-scroller'),167 'Default table has Y scroll node');168 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-y-scroller-container'),169 'Default table has Y scroll container node');170 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-scrollbar'),171 'Default table has virtual scrollbar node');172 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-caption-table'),173 'Default table has caption table node');174 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-scroll-columns'),175 'Default table has fixed header node');176 Y.Assert.isFalse(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-x'),177 'Default table has scrollable-x class');178 Y.Assert.isFalse(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-y'),179 'Default table has scrollable-y class');180 },181 "render() with scrollable: x + width should render x scroller": function () {182 var table = this.table = new Y.DataTable({183 columns: ['a'],184 data: [{a:1}],185 scrollable: 'x',186 width: '100px'187 }).render(),188 boundingBox = table.get('boundingBox');189 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-x-scroller'),190 'X scrolling table missing X scroll node');191 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-y-scroller'),192 'X scrolling table has Y scroll node');193 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-y-scroller-container'),194 'X scrolling table has Y scroll container node');195 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-scrollbar'),196 'X scrolling table has virtual scrollbar node');197 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-caption-table'),198 'X scrolling table has caption table node');199 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-scroll-columns'),200 'X scrolling table has fixed header node');201 Y.Assert.isTrue(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-x'),202 'X scrolling table missing scrollable-x class');203 Y.Assert.isFalse(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-y'),204 'X scrolling table has scrollable-y class');205 },206 "render() with scrollable: y + height should render y scroll DOM": function () {207 var table = this.table = new Y.DataTable({208 columns: ['a'],209 data: [{a:1}],210 scrollable: 'y',211 height: '100px'212 }).render(),213 boundingBox = table.get('boundingBox');214 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-x-scroller'),215 'Y scrolling table has X scroll node');216 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-y-scroller'),217 'Y scrolling table missing Y scroll node');218 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-y-scroller-container'),219 'Y scrolling table missing Y scroll container node');220 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-scrollbar'),221 'Y scrolling table missing virtual scrollbar node');222 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-caption-table'),223 'Y scrolling table has caption table node');224 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-scroll-columns'),225 'Y scrolling table missing fixed header node');226 Y.Assert.isFalse(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-x'),227 'Y scrolling table has scrollable-x class');228 Y.Assert.isTrue(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-y'),229 'Y scrolling table missing scrollable-y class');230 },231 "render() with scrollable: xy + height, width should render x and y scroll DOM": function () {232 var table = this.table = new Y.DataTable({233 columns: ['a'],234 data: [{a:1}],235 scrollable: 'xy',236 height: '100px',237 width: '100px'238 }).render(),239 boundingBox = table.get('boundingBox');240 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-x-scroller'),241 'XY scrolling table missing X scroll node');242 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-y-scroller'),243 'XY scrolling table missing Y scroll node');244 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-y-scroller-container'),245 'XY scrolling table missing Y scroll container node');246 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-scrollbar'),247 'XY scrolling table missing virtual scrollbar node');248 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-caption-table'),249 'XY scrolling table has caption table node');250 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-scroll-columns'),251 'XY scrolling table missing fixed header node');252 Y.Assert.isTrue(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-x'),253 'XY scrolling table missing scrollable-x class');254 Y.Assert.isTrue(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-y'),255 'XY scrolling table missing scrollable-y class');256 },257 "set('scrollable', 'x') after render() should add x scroll DOM": function () {258 var table = this.table = new Y.DataTable({259 columns: ['a'],260 data: [{a:1}],261 width: '100px'262 }).render(),263 boundingBox = table.get('boundingBox');264 table.set('scrollable', 'x');265 Y.Assert.isTrue(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-x'),266 'X scrolling table missing scrollable-x class');267 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-x-scroller'),268 'X scrolling table missing X scroll node');269 },270 "set('scrollable', 'y') after render() should add y scroll DOM": function () {271 var table = this.table = new Y.DataTable({272 columns: ['a'],273 data: [{a:1}],274 height: '100px'275 }).render(),276 boundingBox = table.get('boundingBox');277 table.set('scrollable', 'y');278 Y.Assert.isTrue(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-y'),279 'Y scrolling table missing scrollable-y class');280 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-y-scroller-container'),281 'Y scrolling table missing Y scroll container node');282 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-scroll-columns'),283 'Y scrolling table missing Y scroll fixed header node');284 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-y-scroller'),285 'Y scrolling table missing Y scroll node');286 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-scrollbar'),287 'Y scrolling table missing virtual scrollbar node');288 },289 "set('scrollable', 'xy') after render() should add y scroll DOM": function () {290 var table = this.table = new Y.DataTable({291 columns: ['a'],292 data: [{a:1}],293 height: '100px',294 width: '100px'295 }).render(),296 boundingBox = table.get('boundingBox');297 table.set('scrollable', 'xy');298 Y.Assert.isTrue(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-x'),299 'XY scrolling table missing scrollable-x class');300 Y.Assert.isTrue(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-y'),301 'XY scrolling table missing scrollable-y class');302 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-x-scroller'),303 'XY scrolling table missing X scroll node');304 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-y-scroller-container'),305 'XY scrolling table missing Y scroll container node');306 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-scroll-columns'),307 'XY scrolling table missing Y scroll fixed header node');308 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-y-scroller'),309 'XY scrolling table missing Y scroll node');310 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-scrollbar'),311 'XY scrolling table missing virtual scrollbar node');312 },313 "set('scrollable', 'x') from 'xy' should remove y scroll DOM": function () {314 var table = this.table = new Y.DataTable({315 columns: ['a'],316 data: [{a:1}],317 height: '100px',318 width: '100px',319 scrollable: 'xy'320 }).render(),321 boundingBox = table.get('boundingBox');322 table.set('scrollable', 'x');323 Y.Assert.isTrue(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-x'),324 'X scrolling table missing scrollable-x class');325 Y.Assert.isFalse(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-y'),326 'X scrolling table has scrollable-y class');327 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-x-scroller'),328 'X scrolling table missing X scroll node');329 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-y-scroller-container'),330 'X scrolling table has Y scroll container node');331 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-scroll-columns'),332 'X scrolling table has Y scroll fixed header node');333 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-y-scroller'),334 'X scrolling table has Y scroll node');335 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-scrollbar'),336 'X scrolling table has virtual scrollbar node');337 },338 "set('scrollable', 'y') from 'xy' should remove x scroll DOM": function () {339 var table = this.table = new Y.DataTable({340 columns: ['a'],341 data: [{a:1}],342 height: '100px',343 width: '100px',344 scrollable: 'xy'345 }).render(),346 boundingBox = table.get('boundingBox');347 table.set('scrollable', 'y');348 Y.Assert.isFalse(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-x'),349 'Y scrolling table has scrollable-x class');350 Y.Assert.isTrue(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-y'),351 'Y scrolling table missing scrollable-y class');352 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-x-scroller'),353 'Y scrolling table has X scroll node');354 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-y-scroller-container'),355 'Y scrolling table missing Y scroll container node');356 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-scroll-columns'),357 'Y scrolling table missing Y scroll fixed header node');358 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-y-scroller'),359 'Y scrolling table missing Y scroll node');360 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-scrollbar'),361 'Y scrolling table missing virtual scrollbar node');362 },363 "set('scrollable', false) from 'x' should remove x scroll DOM": function () {364 var table = this.table = new Y.DataTable({365 columns: ['a'],366 data: [{a:1}],367 width: '100px',368 scrollable: 'x'369 }).render(),370 boundingBox = table.get('boundingBox');371 table.set('scrollable', false);372 Y.Assert.isFalse(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-x'),373 'Non-scrolling table has scrollable-x class');374 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-x-scroller'),375 'Non-scrolling table has X scroll node');376 },377 "set('scrollable', false) from 'y' should remove y scroll DOM": function () {378 var table = this.table = new Y.DataTable({379 columns: ['a'],380 data: [{a:1}],381 height: '100px',382 scrollable: 'y'383 }).render(),384 boundingBox = table.get('boundingBox');385 table.set('scrollable', false);386 Y.Assert.isFalse(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-y'),387 'Non-scrolling table has scrollable-y class');388 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-y-scroller-container'),389 'Non-scrolling table has Y scroll container node');390 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-scroll-columns'),391 'Non-scrolling table has Y scroll fixed header node');392 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-y-scroller'),393 'Non-scrolling table has Y scroll node');394 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-scrollbar'),395 'Non-scrolling table has virtual scrollbar node');396 },397 "set('scrollable', false) from 'xy' should remove x and y scroll DOM": function () {398 var table = this.table = new Y.DataTable({399 columns: ['a'],400 data: [{a:1}],401 height: '100px',402 width: '100px',403 scrollable: 'xy'404 }).render(),405 boundingBox = table.get('boundingBox');406 table.set('scrollable', false);407 Y.Assert.isFalse(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-x'),408 'Non-scrolling table has scrollable-x class');409 Y.Assert.isFalse(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-y'),410 'Non-scrolling table has scrollable-y class');411 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-x-scroller'),412 'Non-scrolling table has X scroll node');413 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-y-scroller-container'),414 'Non-scrolling table has Y scroll container node');415 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-scroll-columns'),416 'Non-scrolling table has Y scroll fixed header node');417 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-y-scroller'),418 'Non-scrolling table has Y scroll node');419 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-scrollbar'),420 'Non-scrolling table has virtual scrollbar node');421 },422 "set('scrollable', 'x') from 'y' should add x scroll DOM and remove y scroll DOM": function () {423 var table = this.table = new Y.DataTable({424 columns: ['a'],425 data: [{a:1}],426 height: '100px',427 width: '100px',428 scrollable: 'y'429 }).render(),430 boundingBox = table.get('boundingBox');431 table.set('scrollable', 'x');432 Y.Assert.isTrue(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-x'),433 'X scrolling table missing scrollable-x class');434 Y.Assert.isFalse(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-y'),435 'X scrolling table has scrollable-y class');436 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-x-scroller'),437 'X scrolling table missing X scroll node');438 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-y-scroller-container'),439 'X scrolling table has Y scroll container node');440 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-scroll-columns'),441 'X scrolling table has Y scroll fixed header node');442 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-y-scroller'),443 'X scrolling table has Y scroll node');444 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-scrollbar'),445 'X scrolling table has virtual scrollbar node');446 },447 "set('scrollable', 'y') from 'x' should add y scroll DOM and remove x scroll DOM": function () {448 var table = this.table = new Y.DataTable({449 columns: ['a'],450 data: [{a:1}],451 height: '100px',452 width: '100px',453 scrollable: 'x'454 }).render(),455 boundingBox = table.get('boundingBox');456 table.set('scrollable', 'y');457 Y.Assert.isFalse(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-x'),458 'Y scrolling table has scrollable-x class');459 Y.Assert.isTrue(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-y'),460 'Y scrolling table missing scrollable-y class');461 Y.Assert.isNull('.yui3-datatable-x-scroller'),462 'Y scrolling table has X scroll node');463 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-y-scroller-container'),464 'Y scrolling table missing Y scroll container node');465 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-scroll-columns'),466 'Y scrolling table missing Y scroll fixed header node');467 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-y-scroller'),468 'Y scrolling table missing Y scroll node');469 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-scrollbar'),470 'Y scrolling table missing virtual scrollbar node');471 },472 "set('scrollable', 'xy') from 'y' should add x scroll DOM outside y scroll DOM": function () {473 var table = this.table = new Y.DataTable({474 columns: ['a'],475 data: [{a:1}],476 height: '100px',477 width: '100px',478 scrollable: 'y'479 }).render(),480 boundingBox = table.get('boundingBox');481 table.set('scrollable', 'xy');482 Y.Assert.isTrue(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-x'),483 'XY scrolling table missing scrollable-x class');484 Y.Assert.isTrue(boundingBox.hasClass('yui3-datatable-scrollable-y'),485 'XY scrolling table missing scrollable-y class');486 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-x-scroller'),487 'XY scrolling table missing X scroll node');488 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-y-scroller-container'),489 'XY scrolling table missing Y scroll container node');490 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-scroll-columns'),491 'XY scrolling table missing Y scroll fixed header node');492 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-y-scroller'),493 'XY scrolling table missing Y scroll node');494 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node,'.yui3-datatable-scrollbar'),495 'XY scrolling table missing virtual scrollbar node');496 Y.Assert.isTrue('.yui3-datatable-y-scroller-container')497 .get('parentNode').test('.yui3-datatable-x-scroller'),498 "X scroll container didn't wrap Y scroll DOM");499 }500}));501Y.Test.Runner.add(suite);502suite = new Y.Test.Suite("y scrollable");503suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({504 name: "scrollTo",505 setUp: function () {506 var data = [], i;507 for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {508 data.push({ a: i, b: i, c: i });509 }510 this.shortData = data.slice();511 for (; i < 100; ++i) {512 data.push({ a: i, b: i, c: i });513 }514 this.longData = data;515 },516 "": function () {517 }518}));519suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({520 name: "y scroll",521 _should: {522 ignore: {523 "virtual scrollbar syncs scrollTop with y scroller": !Y.DOM.getScrollbarWidth(),524 "test scroll lock between virtual scrollbar and y scroller": !Y.DOM.getScrollbarWidth()525 }526 },527 setUp: function () {528 var data = [], i;529 for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {530 data.push({ a: i });531 }532 this.table = new Y.DataTable({533 columns: ['a'],534 data: data,535 scrollable: 'y',536 height: '100px'537 }).render();538 },539 tearDown: function () {540 this.table.destroy();541 },542 "test scroll lock between virtual scrollbar and y scroller": function () {543 var test = this,544 table = this.table,545 scrollbar = table._scrollbarNode,546 scroller = table._yScrollNode;547 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node, scrollbar);548 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node, scroller);549 Y.Assert.areSame(scrollbar.get('scrollTop'), scroller.get('scrollTop'));550 var handle = scrollbar.on('scroll', function () {551 handle.detach();552 test.resume(function () {553 Y.Assert.areSame(50, scroller.get('scrollTop'));554 handle = scroller.once('scroll', function () {555 test.resume(function () {556 Y.Assert.areSame(50, scrollbar.get('scrollTop'),557 "scroll lock should have prevented an update of " +558 "the scrollbar.scrollTop for 300ms");559 });560 });561 scroller.set('scrollTop', 80);562 test.wait();563 });564 });565 scrollbar.set('scrollTop', 50);566 test.wait();567 },568 "virtual scrollbar syncs scrollTop with y scroller": function () {569 var test = this,570 table = this.table,571 scrollbar = table._scrollbarNode,572 scroller = table._yScrollNode;573 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node, scrollbar);574 Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Node, scroller);575 Y.Assert.areSame(scrollbar.get('scrollTop'), scroller.get('scrollTop'));576 var handle = scrollbar.on('scroll', function () {577 handle.detach();578 test.resume(function () {579 Y.Assert.areSame(50, scroller.get('scrollTop'));580 // Allow the scroll lock to lapse581 Y.later(500, {}, function () {582 scroller.set('scrollTop', 80);583 handle = scroller.once('scroll', function () {584 test.resume(function () {585 Y.Assert.areSame(80, scrollbar.get('scrollTop'));586 });587 });588 });589 test.wait();590 });591 });592 scrollbar.set('scrollTop', 50);593 test.wait();594 }595}));596suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({597 name: "x scroll",598 "": function () {599 }600}));601suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({602 name: "xy scroll",603 "": function () {604 }605}));606Y.Test.Runner.add(suite);...
1/*2 * Copyright 2015-2017 WorldWind Contributors3 * 4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at7 * 8 * * 10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and14 * limitations under the License.15 */16define([17 'src/geom/BoundingBox',18 'src/geom/Vec3',19 'src/geom/Plane',20 'src/globe/Globe',21 'src/globe/EarthElevationModel',22 'src/geom/Sector'23], function (BoundingBox, Vec3, Plane, Globe, EarthElevationModel, Sector) {24 "use strict";25 describe("BoundingBox Tests", function () {26 it("Should have the basic bounding box properties.", function () {27 var boundingBox = new BoundingBox();28 expect( Vec3(0, 0, 0));29 expect(boundingBox.bottomCenter).toEqual(new Vec3(-0.5, 0, 0));30 expect(boundingBox.topCenter).toEqual(new Vec3(0.5, 0, 0));31 expect(boundingBox.r).toEqual(new Vec3(1, 0, 0));32 expect(boundingBox.s).toEqual(new Vec3(0, 1, 0));33 expect(boundingBox.t).toEqual(new Vec3(0, 0, 1));34 expect(boundingBox.radius).toEqual(Math.sqrt(3));35 expect(boundingBox.tmp1).toEqual(new Vec3(0, 0, 0));36 expect(boundingBox.tmp2).toEqual(new Vec3(0, 0, 0));37 expect(boundingBox.tmp3).toEqual(new Vec3(0, 0, 0));38 expect(boundingBox.scratchElevations).toEqual(new Float64Array(9));39 expect(boundingBox.scratchPoints).toEqual(new Float64Array(3 * boundingBox.scratchElevations.length));40 });41 describe("Set to points method", function () {42 it("Sets this bounding box such that it minimally encloses a specified collection of points", function () {43 var boundingBox = new BoundingBox();44 var samplePoints = new Float32Array([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]);45 expect(boundingBox.setToPoints(samplePoints).radius).toEqual(1.0606601717798212);46 });47 it("Should throw an exception because only two points provided", function () {48 var boundingBox = new BoundingBox();49 expect(function () {50 boundingBox.setToPoints(new Float32Array(2))51 }).toThrow();52 });53 it("Should throw an exception because of the wrong input", function () { //no points provided54 var boundingBox = new BoundingBox();55 expect(function () {56 boundingBox.setToPoints(null)57 }).toThrow();58 });59 // Vec3 variations60 it("Sets this bounding box such that it minimally encloses a specified collection of points", function () {61 var boundingBox = new BoundingBox();62 var vecPoints = [];63 vecPoints.push(new Vec3(1, 0, 0));64 vecPoints.push(new Vec3(0, 1, 0));65 vecPoints.push(new Vec3(0, 0, 1));66 expect(boundingBox.setToVec3Points(vecPoints).radius).toEqual(1.0606601717798212);67 });68 it("Should throw an exception because of the wrong input", function () { //no points provided69 var boundingBox = new BoundingBox();70 expect(function () {71 boundingBox.setToVec3Points(null)72 }).toThrow();73 });74 });75 describe("Get corners method", function () {76 it("Creates a box, verifies correct corners retrieved", function () {77 var points = [];78 points.push(new Vec3(7, 8, 15));79 points.push(new Vec3(-4, 3, 7));80 points.push(new Vec3(-4, -5, 9));81 points.push(new Vec3(6, -12, 18));82 points.push(new Vec3(-7, -8, -15));83 points.push(new Vec3(4, -3, -7));84 points.push(new Vec3(4, 5, -9));85 points.push(new Vec3(-6, 12, -18));86 var boundingBox = new BoundingBox();87 boundingBox.setToVec3Points(points);88 var corners = boundingBox.getCorners();89 var results = [-13.006629, -5.673621, -20.605725, -1.367193, -7.460613, -23.841735, 3.368652, 15.397291, -19.430232,90 -8.270784, 17.184283, -16.194222, -3.368652, -15.397291, 19.430232, 8.270784, -17.184283, 16.194222,91 13.006629, 5.673621, 20.605725, 1.367193, 7.460613, 23.841735];92 var resultCount = 0;93 for (var i = 0; i < corners.length; i++) {94 var vec = corners[i];95 for (var j = 0; j < vec.length; j++) {96 expect(vec[j]).toBeCloseTo(results[resultCount], 3);97 resultCount++;98 }99 }100 });101 });102 describe("Set to sector method", function () {103 it("Sets this bounding box to contain a specified sector with min and max elevation", function () {104 var boundingBox = new BoundingBox();105 var globe = new Globe(new EarthElevationModel());106 var sector = new Sector(-90, 90, -180, 180);107 expect(boundingBox.setToSector(sector, globe, 10, 1000).radius).toBeCloseTo(9006353.499282671, 3);108 });109 it("Should throw an exception because no globe is provided", function () {110 var boundingBox = new BoundingBox();111 expect(function () {112 boundingBox.setToSector(sector, null, 10, 1000)113 }).toThrow();114 });115 it("Should throw an exception because no sector is provided", function () {116 expect(function () {117 boundingBox.setToSector(null, globe, 10, 1000)118 }).toThrow();119 });120 });121 describe("Translates this bounding box by a specified translation vector", function () {122 it("Should return the translated bounding box", function () {123 var boundingBox = new BoundingBox();124 boundingBox.translate(new Vec3(1, 2, 3));125 expect( Vec3(1, 2, 3));126 expect(boundingBox.bottomCenter).toEqual(new Vec3(0.5, 2, 3));127 expect(boundingBox.topCenter).toEqual(new Vec3(1.5, 2, 3));128 });129 it("Should throw an error on null vector", function () {130 var boundingBox = new BoundingBox();131 expect(function () {132 boundingBox.translate(null)133 }).toThrow();134 });135 });136 describe("Computes the approximate distance between this bounding box and a specified point", function () {137 it("Should return the correct distance", function () {138 var boundingBox = new BoundingBox();139 var point = new Vec3(3, 2, 5);140 expect(boundingBox.distanceTo(point)).toBeCloseTo(4.432, 3);141 });142 it("Should throw an error on null point", function () {143 var boundingBox = new BoundingBox();144 expect(function () {145 boundingBox.distanceTo(null)146 }).toThrow();147 });148 });149 describe("Computes the effective radius of this bounding box relative to a specified plane", function () {150 it("Should return the correct radius", function () {151 var boundingBox = new BoundingBox();152 var plane = {normal: new Vec3(1, 2, 3)};153 expect(boundingBox.effectiveRadius(plane)).toEqual(3);154 });155 it("Should throw an error on null plane", function () {156 var boundingBox = new BoundingBox();157 expect(function () {158 boundingBox.effectiveRadius(null)159 }).toThrow();160 });161 });162 describe("Indicates whether this bounding box intersects a specified frustum", function () {163 var boundingBox = new BoundingBox();164 var plane = new Plane(-1, 0, -1, -1),165 p1 = new Vec3(1, 2, 3),166 p2 = new Vec3(3, 4, 5);167 it("Indicates where the BoundingBox intersects a point", function () {168 expect(boundingBox.intersectsAt(plane, 1000, p1, p2)).toEqual(0);169 });170 it("Indicates the point intersection with the BoundingBox", function () {171 expect(boundingBox.intersectionPoint(plane)).toEqual(-1);172 });173 it("Should return a false intersection", function () {174 var frustum = {near: plane};175 expect(boundingBox.intersectsFrustum(frustum)).toEqual(false);176 });177 it("Should return a positive intersection", function () {178 var p = new Plane(0.8, -0.5, 0.3, 10000000);179 var frustum = {near: p, far: p, top: p, left: p, right: p, bottom: p};180 expect(boundingBox.intersectsFrustum(frustum)).toEqual(true);181 });182 it("Should throw an error on null frustum", function () {183 expect(function () {184 boundingBox.intersectsFrustum(null)185 }).toThrow();186 });187 });188 });...
1/**2 * Sample React Native App3 * */5'use strict';6import React, { Component } from 'react';7import {8 AppRegistry,9 StyleSheet,10 Text,11 View12} from 'react-native';13import {14 ViroAnimatedComponent,15 ViroSceneNavigator,16 ViroScene,17 ViroBox,18 ViroMaterials,19 ViroNode,20 ViroOrbitCamera,21 ViroCamera,22 ViroAmbientLight,23 ViroOmniLight,24 ViroSpotLight,25 ViroDirectionalLight,26 ViroImage,27 ViroVideo,28 Viro360Image,29 Viro360Video,30 ViroFlexView,31 ViroUtils,32 ViroText,33 ViroAnimations,34 ViroQuad,35 ViroSkyBox,36 ViroSphere,37 Viro3DObject,38} from 'react-viro';39var createReactClass = require('create-react-class');40let polarToCartesian = ViroUtils.polarToCartesian;41var ReleaseMenu = require("./ReleaseMenu.js");42var Viro3DObjectTest = createReactClass({43 getInitialState() {44 return {45 runAnimation1:false,46 runAnimation2:false,47 runAnimation3:false,48 setVisibility:true,49 runAnimation4:false,50 };51 },52 render: function() {53 return (54 <ViroScene>55 <ReleaseMenu sceneNavigator={this.props.sceneNavigator}/>56 <ViroOmniLight position={[0, 0, 0]} color="#ffffff" attenuationStartDistance={40} attenuationEndDistance={50}/>57 <ViroImage source={require('./res/poi_dot.png')} position={[-1, 0, 0]} transformBehaviors={["billboard"]}58 onClick={this._showNext} />59 <Viro3DObject ref={(obj)=>{this.destroyer = obj}}60 source={require('./res/destroyer.obj')}61 position={[0, 5, 0]}62 materials={["grey"]}63 rotation={[0, 45, 0]}64 scale={[.1, .1, .1]}65 type="OBJ"66 onHover={this._startAnimation1}67 onLoadEnd={this._getDestroyerBounds}68 animation={{name:"loopRotate",69 run:this.state.runAnimation1 }}70 />71 <Viro3DObject source={{"uri" : ""}}72 scale={[1.8, 1.8, 1.8]}73 position={[-2, 1, 0]}74 type="OBJ"75 materials="heart"/>76 <Viro3DObject ref={(obj)=>{this.ball = obj}}77 source={require('./res/object_basketball.vrx')}78 position={[0, 0, -2.0]}79 rotation={[0, 0, 0]}80 resources={[require('./res/object_basketball_diffuse.png'),81 require('./res/object_basketball_normal.png'),82 require('./res/object_basketball_specular.png')]}83 type="VRX"84 onLoadEnd={this._getBallBounds} />85 <Viro3DObject source={require('./res/xwing.obj')}86 resources={[require("./res/star-wars-x-wing.mtl")]}87 position={[2, -2, -5]}88 materials={["grey"]}89 rotation={[0,0,0]}90 scale={[.3,.3,.3]}91 type="OBJ"92 onClick={this._startAnimation2}93 onLoadStart={this._startAnimation3}94 animation={{name:"loopRotate",95 run:this.state.runAnimation2 }}96 />97 <ViroAnimatedComponent animation="loopRotate" run={this.state.runAnimation4} >98 <Viro3DObject source={require('./res/object_star_anim.vrx')}99 resources={[require("./res/object_star_diffuse.png"),100 require("./res/object_star_specular.png")]}101 position={[-2, -2, -5]}102 type="VRX"103 rotation={[0,0,0]}104 scale={[1,1,1]}105 animation={{name:"02_spin", delay:0, loop:true, run:true}}106 />107 </ViroAnimatedComponent>108 <Viro3DObject ref={(obj)=>{ = obj}}109 source={require('./res/earth_obj.obj')}110 resources={[require('./res/earth_jpg.jpg'),111 require('./res/earth_normal.jpg')]}112 position={[2.0, 0.0, 5.0]}113 scale={[0.01, 0.01, 0.01]}114 materials={["earth"]}115 type="OBJ"116 onLoadEnd={this._getEarthBounds}117 />118 <ViroText position={[.7,0,-2]} text={this._getBallBoundingBoxText()}119 style={styles.elementText} onClick={this._startStopRecording} transformBehaviors={["billboard"]}/>120 <ViroText position={[-.7,0,-2]} text={this._getEarthBoundingBoxText()}121 style={styles.elementText} onClick={this._startStopRecording} transformBehaviors={["billboard"]}/>122 <ViroImage source={require('./res/icon_left_w.png')} position={[-2, -4, -3]} scale={[1, 1, 1]} transformBehaviors={["billboard"]} onClick={this._showPrevious} />123 <ViroText text="Viro3DObject" position={[0, -5, -3]} transformBehaviors={["billboard"]} />124 <ViroImage source={require('./res/icon_right_w.png')} position={[2, -4, -3]} scale={[1, 1, 1]} transformBehaviors={["billboard"]} onClick={this._showNext} />125 </ViroScene>126 );127 },128 _getBallBoundingBoxText() {129 if (this.state.boundingBox == undefined) {130 return "Loading basketball..."131 } else {132 let boundingBox = this.state.boundingBox;133 return "Basketball Bounds: " + boundingBox.minX + ", " + boundingBox.maxX +", " + boundingBox.minY + ", " + boundingBox.maxY + ", " + boundingBox.minZ + ", " + boundingBox.maxZ;134 }135 },136 _getEarthBoundingBoxText() {137 if (this.state.earthBoundingBox == undefined) {138 return "Loading earth..."139 } else {140 let boundingBox = this.state.earthBoundingBox;141 return "Earth bounds: " + boundingBox.minX.toFixed(2) + ", " + boundingBox.maxX.toFixed(2) + ", " + boundingBox.minY.toFixed(2) + ", " + boundingBox.maxY.toFixed(2) + ", " + boundingBox.minZ.toFixed(2) + ", " + boundingBox.maxZ.toFixed(2);142 }143 },144 _getBallBounds() {145 this.ball.getBoundingBoxAsync().then((retMap)=>{146 let boundingBox = retMap.boundingBox;147 console.log("3dobjtest ball boundingBox is: " + boundingBox.minX + ", " + boundingBox.maxX +", " + boundingBox.minY + ", " + boundingBox.maxY + ", " + boundingBox.minZ + ", " + boundingBox.maxZ);148 this.setState({149 boundingBox : retMap.boundingBox150 })151 })152 },153 _getEarthBounds() {154>{155 let boundingBox = retMap.boundingBox;156 console.log("3dobjtest earth boundingBox is: " + boundingBox.minX + ", " + boundingBox.maxX +", " + boundingBox.minY + ", " + boundingBox.maxY + ", " + boundingBox.minZ + ", " + boundingBox.maxZ);157 this.setState({158 earthBoundingBox : retMap.boundingBox159 })160 })161 },162 _showNext() {163 this.props.sceneNavigator.replace({scene:require('./ViroCameraTest')});164 },165 _showPrevious() {166 this.props.sceneNavigator.pop();167 },168 _onAnimStart() {169 console.log("Viro3DObjectTest: _onAnimStart");170 },171 _onAnimEnd() {172 console.log("Viro3DObjectTest: _onAnimEnd");173 },174 _startAnimation1() {175 this.setState({176 runAnimation1:true,177 });178 },179 _startAnimation2() {180 this.setState({181 runAnimation2:true,182 });183 },184 _startAnimation3() {185 this.setState({186 runAnimation3:true,187 });188 },189 _setVisibility() {190 this.setState({191 setVisibility:!this.state.setVisibility,192 });193 },194 _startAnimation4() {195 this.setState({196 runAnimation4:true,197 });198 },199});200ViroAnimations.registerAnimations({201 loopRotate:{properties:{rotateY:"+=2"}, duration:250},202 scaleSphere:{properties:{scaleX:1.1, scaleY:1.1, scaleZ:1.1}, duration:300},203 spinSphere:[204 ["loopRotate"],205 ["scaleSphere"],206 ],207});208var styles = StyleSheet.create({209 container: {210 flex: 1,211 justifyContent: 'center',212 alignItems: 'center',213 },214 elementText: {215 fontFamily: 'HelveticaNeue-Medium',216 fontSize: 10,217 color: '#ffffff',218 textAlign: 'center',219 },220});221ViroMaterials.createMaterials({222 heart: {223 lightingModel: "Constant",224 diffuseTexture: { "uri" : "" },225 },226 grey: {227 shininess : 2.0,228 lightingModel: "Blinn",229 diffuseTexture: require('./res/grey.jpg'),230 },231 earth: {232 lightingModel: "Blinn",233 diffuseTexture: require('./res/earth_jpg.jpg'),234 normalTexture: require('./res/earth_normal.jpg'),235 }236});...
1import { CompositeLayer, COORDINATE_SYSTEM } from '';2import { LineLayer, TextLayer } from '';3import { range } from './utils';4import { makeBoundingBox } from '../views/utils';5import { DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY } from '../constants';6function getPosition(boundingBox, position, length) {7 const viewLength = boundingBox[2][0] - boundingBox[0][0];8 switch (position) {9 case 'bottom-right': {10 const yCoord =11 boundingBox[2][1] - (boundingBox[2][1] - boundingBox[0][1]) * length;12 const xLeftCoord = boundingBox[2][0] - viewLength * length;13 return [yCoord, xLeftCoord];14 }15 case 'top-right': {16 const yCoord = (boundingBox[2][1] - boundingBox[0][1]) * length;17 const xLeftCoord = boundingBox[2][0] - viewLength * length;18 return [yCoord, xLeftCoord];19 }20 case 'top-left': {21 const yCoord = (boundingBox[2][1] - boundingBox[0][1]) * length;22 const xLeftCoord = viewLength * length;23 return [yCoord, xLeftCoord];24 }25 case 'bottom-left': {26 const yCoord =27 boundingBox[2][1] - (boundingBox[2][1] - boundingBox[0][1]) * length;28 const xLeftCoord = viewLength * length;29 return [yCoord, xLeftCoord];30 }31 default: {32 throw new Error(`Position ${position} not found`);33 }34 }35}36const defaultProps = {37 pickable: { type: 'boolean', value: true, compare: true },38 viewState: {39 type: 'object',40 value: { zoom: 0, target: [0, 0, 0] },41 compare: true42 },43 unit: { type: 'string', value: '', compare: true },44 size: { type: 'number', value: 1, compare: true },45 position: { type: 'string', value: 'bottom-right', compare: true },46 length: { type: 'number', value: 0.085, compare: true }47};48/**49 * @typedef LayerProps50 * @type {Object}51 * @property {String} unit Physical unit size per pixel at full resolution.52 * @property {Number} size Physical size of a pixel.53 * @property {Object} viewState The current viewState for the desired view. We cannot internally use this.context.viewport because it is one frame behind:54 * * @property {Array=} boundingBox Boudning box of the view in which this should render.56 * @property {string=} id Id from the parent layer.57 * @property {number=} length Value from 0 to 1 representing the portion of the view to be used for the length part of the scale bar.58 */59/**60 * @type {{ new(...props: LayerProps[]) }}61 * @ignore62 */63const ScaleBarLayer = class extends CompositeLayer {64 renderLayers() {65 const { id, unit, size, position, viewState, length } = this.props;66 const boundingBox = makeBoundingBox(viewState);67 const { zoom } = viewState;68 const viewLength = boundingBox[2][0] - boundingBox[0][0];69 const barLength = viewLength * 0.05;70 // This is a good heuristic for stopping the bar tick marks from getting too small71 // and/or the text squishing up into the bar.72 const barHeight = Math.max(73 2 ** (-zoom + 1.5),74 (boundingBox[2][1] - boundingBox[0][1]) * 0.00775 );76 const numUnits = barLength * size;77 const [yCoord, xLeftCoord] = getPosition(boundingBox, position, length);78 const lengthBar = new LineLayer({79 id: `scale-bar-length-${id}`,80 coordinateSystem: COORDINATE_SYSTEM.CARTESIAN,81 data: [82 [83 [xLeftCoord, yCoord],84 [xLeftCoord + barLength, yCoord]85 ]86 ],87 getSourcePosition: d => d[0],88 getTargetPosition: d => d[1],89 getWidth: 2,90 getColor: [220, 220, 220]91 });92 const tickBoundsLeft = new LineLayer({93 id: `scale-bar-height-left-${id}`,94 coordinateSystem: COORDINATE_SYSTEM.CARTESIAN,95 data: [96 [97 [xLeftCoord, yCoord - barHeight],98 [xLeftCoord, yCoord + barHeight]99 ]100 ],101 getSourcePosition: d => d[0],102 getTargetPosition: d => d[1],103 getWidth: 2,104 getColor: [220, 220, 220]105 });106 const tickBoundsRight = new LineLayer({107 id: `scale-bar-height-right-${id}`,108 coordinateSystem: COORDINATE_SYSTEM.CARTESIAN,109 data: [110 [111 [xLeftCoord + barLength, yCoord - barHeight],112 [xLeftCoord + barLength, yCoord + barHeight]113 ]114 ],115 getSourcePosition: d => d[0],116 getTargetPosition: d => d[1],117 getWidth: 2,118 getColor: [220, 220, 220]119 });120 const textLayer = new TextLayer({121 id: `units-label-layer-${id}`,122 coordinateSystem: COORDINATE_SYSTEM.CARTESIAN,123 data: [124 {125 text: numUnits.toPrecision(5) + unit,126 position: [xLeftCoord + barLength * 0.5, yCoord + barHeight * 4]127 }128 ],129 getColor: [220, 220, 220, 255],130 getSize: 12,131 fontFamily: DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY,132 sizeUnits: 'meters',133 sizeScale: 2 ** -zoom,134 characterSet: [135 ...unit.split(''),136 ...range(10).map(i => String(i)),137 '.',138 'e',139 '+'140 ]141 });142 return [lengthBar, tickBoundsLeft, tickBoundsRight, textLayer];143 }144};145ScaleBarLayer.layerName = 'ScaleBarLayer';146ScaleBarLayer.defaultProps = defaultProps;...
1/* 2 * File: BoundingBox.js3 * Encapsulates an axis aligned box4 */5/*jslint node: true, vars: true, bitwise: true */6/*global vec2 */7/* find out more about jslint: */8"use strict";9/**10 * Default Constructor11 * Encapsulates an axis aligned box12 * @memberOf BoundingBox13 * @param {vec2} centerPos Center postion of the bounding box14 * @param {Number} w Width of the bounding box15 * @param {Number} h Height of the bounding box16 * @returns {BoundingBox} New instance of BoundingBox17 */18function BoundingBox(centerPos, w, h) {19 this.mLL = vec2.fromValues(0, 0);20 this.setBounds(centerPos, w, h);21}22/**23 * Collision Status values24 * @memberOf BoundingBox25 * @type {enum|eboundCollideStatus}26 */27BoundingBox.eboundCollideStatus = Object.freeze({28 eCollideLeft: 1,29 eCollideRight: 2,30 eCollideTop: 4,31 eCollideBottom: 8,32 eInside : 16,33 eOutside: 034});35/**36 * Set the BoundingBox Location and Size. rotation is ignored.37 * @memberOf BoundingBox38 * @param {vec2} centerPos Center postion of the bounding box39 * @param {Number} w Width of the bounding box40 * @param {Number} h Height of the bounding box41 * @returns {void}42 */43BoundingBox.prototype.setBounds = function (centerPos, w, h) {44 this.mWidth = w;45 this.mHeight = h;46 this.mLL[0] = centerPos[0] - (w / 2);47 this.mLL[1] = centerPos[1] - (h / 2);48};49/**50 * Determines if x,y point is inside BoundingBox51 * @memberOf BoundingBox52 * @param {type} x X location to check53 * @param {type} y Y location to check54 * @returns {Boolean} true if x,y point is inside this BoundingBox55 */56BoundingBox.prototype.containsPoint = function (x, y) {57 return ((x > this.minX()) && (x < this.maxX()) &&58 (y > this.minY()) && (y < this.maxY()));59};60/**61 * Determines if parameter BoundingBox intersects with this BoundingBox62 * @memberOf BoundingBox63 * @param {BoundingBox} otherBound to check intersect status64 * @returns {Boolean} true if paramater intersects this BoundingBox65 */66BoundingBox.prototype.intersectsBound = function (otherBound) {67 return ((this.minX() < otherBound.maxX()) &&68 (this.maxX() > otherBound.minX()) &&69 (this.minY() < otherBound.maxY()) &&70 (this.maxY() > otherBound.minY()));71};72/**73 * Return the collision status of parameter BoundingBox74 * @memberOf BoundingBox75 * @param {BoundingBox} otherBound to check collision status76 * @returns {eboundCollideStatus} collision status77 */78// returns the status of otherBound wrt to this.79BoundingBox.prototype.boundCollideStatus = function (otherBound) {80 var status = BoundingBox.eboundCollideStatus.eOutside;81 if (this.intersectsBound(otherBound)) {82 if (otherBound.minX() < this.minX()) {83 status |= BoundingBox.eboundCollideStatus.eCollideLeft;84 }85 if (otherBound.maxX() > this.maxX()) {86 status |= BoundingBox.eboundCollideStatus.eCollideRight;87 }88 if (otherBound.minY() < this.minY()) {89 status |= BoundingBox.eboundCollideStatus.eCollideBottom;90 }91 if (otherBound.maxY() > this.maxY()) {92 status |= BoundingBox.eboundCollideStatus.eCollideTop;93 }94 // if the bounds intersects and yet none of the sides overlaps95 // otherBound is completely inside thisBound96 if (status === BoundingBox.eboundCollideStatus.eOutside) {97 status = BoundingBox.eboundCollideStatus.eInside;98 }99 }100 return status;101};102/**103 * Return the left position of the BoundingBox104 * @memberOf BoundingBox105 * @returns {Number} left position106 */107BoundingBox.prototype.minX = function () { return this.mLL[0]; };108/**109 * Return the right position of the BoundingBox110 * @memberOf BoundingBox111 * @returns {Number} right position112 */113BoundingBox.prototype.maxX = function () { return this.mLL[0] + this.mWidth; };114/**115 * Return the bottom position of the BoundingBox116 * @memberOf BoundingBox117 * @returns {Number} bottom position118 */119BoundingBox.prototype.minY = function () { return this.mLL[1]; };120/**121 * Return the top position of the BoundingBox122 * @memberOf BoundingBox123 * @returns {Number} top position124 */125BoundingBox.prototype.maxY = function () { return this.mLL[1] + this.mHeight; };...
1function Character(properties){2 if(typeof properties.mesh === 'undefined') throw "TypeError: Invalid character: mesh is undefined";3 this.mesh = properties.mesh;4 this.animationMixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer(properties.mesh);5 this.raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster();6 var animations = properties.mesh.geometry.animations;7 if(typeof animations !== 'undefined'){8 for(var i = 0; i < animations.length; i++){9 THREE.AnimationAction(animations[i]));10 }11 }12 this.intersectsObjects = function(objects){13 var rays = [14 new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1),15 new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, -1),16 new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0),17 new THREE.Vector3(0, -1, 0),18 new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 1),19 new THREE.Vector3(0, -1, 1),20 new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, -1),21 new THREE.Vector3(0, -1, -1)22 ];23 for(var h = 0; h < objects.length; h++){24 objects[h].geometry.computeBoundingBox();25 var boundingBox = objects[h].geometry.boundingBox;26 var characterBoundingBox = this.mesh.geometry.boundingBox;27 if(Math.abs(this.mesh.position.z - objects[h].position.z) < 10){28 console.log('checkig');29 var boundaries = [30 boundingBox.max.z,31 boundingBox.max.z,32 boundingBox.max.y,33 boundingBox.max.y,34 Math.sqrt(Math.pow(boundingBox.max.y, 2) + Math.pow(boundingBox.max.z, 2)),35 Math.sqrt(Math.pow(boundingBox.max.y, 2) + Math.pow(boundingBox.max.z, 2)),36 Math.sqrt(Math.pow(boundingBox.max.y, 2) + Math.pow(boundingBox.max.z, 2)),37 Math.sqrt(Math.pow(boundingBox.max.y, 2) + Math.pow(boundingBox.max.z, 2))38 ];39 for(var i = 0; i < rays.length; i++){40 this.raycaster.set(objects[h].position, rays[i]);41 var intersections = this.raycaster.intersectObject(this.mesh);42 if(intersections.length > 0 && intersections[0].distance <= boundaries[i]){43 return true;44 }45 }46 }47 }48 return false;49 }50 this.position = this.mesh.position;51 this.height = function(){52 this.mesh.geometry.computeBoundingBox();53 return Math.abs(this.mesh.geometry.boundingBox.max.y - this.mesh.geometry.boundingBox.min.y);54 };...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const boundingBox = await page.evaluateHandle(() => {7 const element = document.querySelector('text=Get started');8 return element.boundingBox();9 });10 console.log(await boundingBox.jsonValue());11 await browser.close();12})();13const { chromium } = require('playwright');14(async () => {15 const browser = await chromium.launch();16 const context = await browser.newContext();17 const page = await context.newPage();18 const boundingBox = await page.evaluateHandle(() => {19 const element = document.querySelector('text=Get started');20 return element.boundingBox();21 });22 console.log(await boundingBox.jsonValue());23 await browser.close();24})();25const { chromium } = require('playwright');26(async () => {27 const browser = await chromium.launch();28 const context = await browser.newContext();29 const page = await context.newPage();30 const boundingBox = await page.evaluateHandle(() => {31 const element = document.querySelector('text=Get started');32 return element.boundingBox();33 });34 console.log(await boundingBox.jsonValue());35 await browser.close();36})();37const { chromium } = require('playwright');38(async () => {39 const browser = await chromium.launch();40 const context = await browser.newContext();41 const page = await context.newPage();42 const boundingBox = await page.evaluateHandle(() => {43 const element = document.querySelector('text=Get started');44 return element.boundingBox();45 });46 console.log(await boundingBox.jsonValue());47 await browser.close();48})();49const { chromium } = require('playwright');50(async () => {51 const browser = await chromium.launch();
Using AI Code Generation
1const {chromium} = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const boundingBox = await page.evaluateHandle(() => {7 const div = document.createElement('div');8 div.textContent = 'Hello world';9 document.body.appendChild(div);10 return div;11 }).then(handle => handle.boundingBox());12 console.log(boundingBox);13 await browser.close();14})();15const {chromium} = require('playwright');16(async () => {17 const browser = await chromium.launch();18 const context = await browser.newContext();19 const page = await context.newPage();20 const boundingBox = await page.evaluateHandle(() => {21 const div = document.createElement('div');22 div.textContent = 'Hello world';23 document.body.appendChild(div);24 return div;25 }).then(handle => handle.boundingBox());26 console.log(boundingBox);27 await browser.close();28})();29const {chromium} = require('playwright');30(async () => {31 const browser = await chromium.launch();32 const context = await browser.newContext();33 const page = await context.newPage();34 const boundingBox = await page.evaluateHandle(() => {35 const div = document.createElement('div');36 div.textContent = 'Hello world';37 document.body.appendChild(div);38 return div;39 }).then(handle => handle.boundingBox());40 console.log(boundingBox);41 await browser.close();42})();43const {chromium} = require('playwright');44(async () => {45 const browser = await chromium.launch();46 const context = await browser.newContext();47 const page = await context.newPage();48 const boundingBox = await page.evaluateHandle(() => {49 const div = document.createElement('div');50 div.textContent = 'Hello world';51 document.body.appendChild(div);52 return div;53 }).then(handle => handle.boundingBox());54 console.log(boundingBox);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const elementHandle = await page.$('input[type="text"]');7 const boundingBox = await elementHandle.boundingBox();8 console.log(boundingBox);9 await browser.close();10})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2const fs = require('fs');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 const element = await page.$('input[name="q"]');8 const boundingBox = await element.boundingBox();9 const screenshot = await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });10 fs.writeFileSync('boundingBox.json', JSON.stringify(boundingBox));11 await browser.close();12})();13const { chromium } = require('playwright');14const fs = require('fs');15(async () => {16 const browser = await chromium.launch();17 const context = await browser.newContext();18 const page = await context.newPage();19 const element = await page.$('input[name="q"]');20 const boundingBox = await element.boundingBox();21 const screenshot = await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });22 fs.writeFileSync('boundingBox2.json', JSON.stringify(boundingBox));23 await browser.close();24})();25const { chromium } = require('playwright');26const fs = require('fs');27(async () => {28 const browser = await chromium.launch();29 const context = await browser.newContext();30 const page = await context.newPage();31 const element = await page.$('input[name="q"]');32 const boundingBox = await element.boundingBox();33 const screenshot = await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });34 fs.writeFileSync('boundingBox3.json', JSON.stringify(boundingBox));35 await browser.close();36})();37const { chromium } = require('playwright');38const fs = require('fs');39(async () => {40 const browser = await chromium.launch();41 const context = await browser.newContext();42 const page = await context.newPage();43 const element = await page.$('input[name="q"]');44 const boundingBox = await element.boundingBox();
Using AI Code Generation
1const {chromium} = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({headless: false});4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const box = await page.evaluateHandle(() => {7 return document.querySelector('text=Get started').boundingBox();8 });9 const {x, y, width, height} = await box.jsonValue();10 await page.screenshot({path: 'bounding-box.png', clip: {x, y, width, height}});11 await browser.close();12})();13const {chromium} = require('playwright');14(async () => {15 const browser = await chromium.launch({headless: false});16 const context = await browser.newContext();17 const page = await context.newPage();18 const box = await page.$eval('text=Get started', element => {19 return element.boundingBox();20 });21 const {x, y, width, height} = box;22 await page.screenshot({path: 'bounding-box.png', clip: {x, y, width, height}});23 await browser.close();24})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { boundingBox } = require('playwright/lib/protocol/dom');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });8 const element = await page.$('input[name="q"]');9 const box = await boundingBox(element);10 console.log(box);11 await browser.close();12})();
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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