Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...35 bodyParts.push(fs.readFileSync(path.join(apiDir, name)).toString());36 }37 const body = md.parse(bodyParts.join('\n'));38 const params = paramsPath ? md.parse(fs.readFileSync(paramsPath).toString()) : null;39 checkNoDuplicateParamEntries(params);40 const api = params ? applyTemplates(body, params) : body;41 /** @type {Map<string, Documentation.Class>} */42 this.classes = new Map();43 md.visitAll(api, node => {44 if (node.type === 'h1')45 this.parseClass(node);46 });47 md.visitAll(api, node => {48 if (node.type === 'h2')49 this.parseMember(node);50 });51 md.visitAll(api, node => {52 if (node.type === 'h3')53 this.parseArgument(node);54 });55 this.documentation = new Documentation([...this.classes.values()]);56 this.documentation.index();57 }58 /**59 * @param {MarkdownNode} node60 */61 parseClass(node) {62 let extendsName = null;63 const name = node.text.substring('class: '.length);64 for (const member of node.children) {65 if (member.type.startsWith('h'))66 continue;67 if (member.type === 'li' && member.liType === 'bullet' && member.text.startsWith('extends: [')) {68 extendsName = member.text.substring('extends: ['.length, member.text.indexOf(']'));69 continue;70 }71 }72 const clazz = new Documentation.Class(extractLangs(node), extractExperimental(node), name, [], extendsName, extractComments(node));73 this.classes.set(, clazz);74 }75 /**76 * @param {MarkdownNode} spec77 */78 parseMember(spec) {79 const match = spec.text.match(/(event|method|property|async method|optional method|optional async method): ([^.]+)\.(.*)/);80 if (!match)81 throw new Error('Invalid member: ' + spec.text);82 const name = match[3];83 let returnType = null;84 let optional = false;85 for (const item of spec.children || []) {86 if (item.type === 'li' && item.liType === 'default') {87 const parsed = this.parseType(item);88 returnType = parsed.type;89 optional = parsed.optional;90 }91 }92 if (!returnType)93 returnType = new Documentation.Type('void');94 const comments = extractComments(spec);95 let member;96 if (match[1] === 'event')97 member = Documentation.Member.createEvent(extractLangs(spec), extractExperimental(spec), name, returnType, comments);98 if (match[1] === 'property')99 member = Documentation.Member.createProperty(extractLangs(spec), extractExperimental(spec), name, returnType, comments, !optional);100 if (['method', 'async method', 'optional method', 'optional async method'].includes(match[1])) {101 member = Documentation.Member.createMethod(extractLangs(spec), extractExperimental(spec), name, [], returnType, comments);102 if (match[1].includes('async'))103 member.async = true;104 if (match[1].includes('optional'))105 member.required = false;106 }107 const clazz = this.classes.get(match[2]);108 const existingMember = clazz.membersArray.find(m => === name && m.kind === member.kind);109 if (existingMember && isTypeOverride(existingMember, member)) {110 for (const lang of member.langs.only) {111 existingMember.langs.types = existingMember.langs.types || {};112 existingMember.langs.types[lang] = returnType;113 }114 } else {115 clazz.membersArray.push(member);116 }117 }118 /**119 * @param {MarkdownNode} spec120 */121 parseArgument(spec) {122 const match = spec.text.match(/(param|option): (.*)/);123 if (!match)124 throw `Something went wrong with matching ${spec.text}`;125 // For "test.describe.only.title":126 // - className is "test"127 // - methodName is "describe.only"128 // - argument name is "title"129 const parts = match[2].split('.');130 const className = parts[0];131 const name = parts[parts.length - 1];132 const methodName = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 1).join('.');133 const clazz = this.classes.get(className);134 if (!clazz)135 throw new Error('Invalid class ' + className);136 const method = clazz.membersArray.find(m => m.kind === 'method' && === methodName);137 if (!method)138 throw new Error(`Invalid method ${className}.${methodName} when parsing: ${match[0]}`);139 if (!name)140 throw new Error('Invalid member name ' + spec.text);141 if (match[1] === 'param') {142 const arg = this.parseProperty(spec);143 = name;144 const existingArg = method.argsArray.find(m => ===;145 if (existingArg && isTypeOverride(existingArg, arg)) {146 if (!arg.langs || !arg.langs.only)147 throw new Error('Override does not have lang: ' + spec.text);148 for (const lang of arg.langs.only) {149 existingArg.langs.overrides = existingArg.langs.overrides || {};150 existingArg.langs.overrides[lang] = arg;151 }152 } else {153 method.argsArray.push(arg);154 }155 } else {156 // match[1] === 'option'157 let options = method.argsArray.find(o => === 'options');158 if (!options) {159 const type = new Documentation.Type('Object', []);160 options = Documentation.Member.createProperty({}, false /* experimental */, 'options', type, undefined, false);161 method.argsArray.push(options);162 }163 const p = this.parseProperty(spec);164 p.required = false;165;166 }167 }168 /**169 * @param {MarkdownNode} spec170 */171 parseProperty(spec) {172 const param = childrenWithoutProperties(spec)[0];173 const text = param.text;174 let typeStart = text.indexOf('<');175 while ('?e'.includes(text[typeStart - 1]))176 typeStart--;177 const name = text.substring(0, typeStart).replace(/\`/g, '').trim();178 const comments = extractComments(spec);179 const { type, optional } = this.parseType(param);180 return Documentation.Member.createProperty(extractLangs(spec), extractExperimental(spec), name, type, comments, !optional);181 }182 /**183 * @param {MarkdownNode=} spec184 * @return {{ type: Documentation.Type, optional: boolean, experimental: boolean }}185 */186 parseType(spec) {187 const arg = parseVariable(spec.text);188 const properties = [];189 for (const child of spec.children || []) {190 const { name, text } = parseVariable(child.text);191 const comments = /** @type {MarkdownNode[]} */ ([{ type: 'text', text }]);192 const childType = this.parseType(child);193 properties.push(Documentation.Member.createProperty({}, childType.experimental, name, childType.type, comments, !childType.optional));194 }195 const type = Documentation.Type.parse(arg.type, properties);196 return { type, optional: arg.optional, experimental: arg.experimental };197 }198}199/**200 * @param {string} line201 * @returns {{ name: string, type: string, text: string, optional: boolean, experimental: boolean }}202 */203function parseVariable(line) {204 let match = line.match(/^`([^`]+)` (.*)/);205 if (!match)206 match = line.match(/^(returns): (.*)/);207 if (!match)208 match = line.match(/^(type): (.*)/);209 if (!match)210 match = line.match(/^(argument): (.*)/);211 if (!match)212 throw new Error('Invalid argument: ' + line);213 const name = match[1];214 let remainder = match[2];215 let optional = false;216 let experimental = false;217 while ('?e'.includes(remainder[0])) {218 if (remainder[0] === '?')219 optional = true;220 else if (remainder[0] === 'e')221 experimental = true;222 remainder = remainder.substring(1);223 }224 if (!remainder.startsWith('<'))225 throw new Error(`Bad argument: "${name}" in "${line}"`);226 let depth = 0;227 for (let i = 0; i < remainder.length; ++i) {228 const c = remainder.charAt(i);229 if (c === '<')230 ++depth;231 if (c === '>')232 --depth;233 if (depth === 0)234 return { name, type: remainder.substring(1, i), text: remainder.substring(i + 2), optional, experimental };235 }236 throw new Error('Should not be reached');237}238/**239 * @param {MarkdownNode[]} body240 * @param {MarkdownNode[]} params241 */242function applyTemplates(body, params) {243 const paramsMap = new Map();244 for (const node of params)245 paramsMap.set('%%-' + node.text + '-%%', node);246 const visit = (node, parent) => {247 if (node.text && node.text.includes('-inline- = %%')) {248 const [name, key] = node.text.split('-inline- = ');249 const list = paramsMap.get(key);250 const newChildren = [];251 if (!list)252 throw new Error('Bad template: ' + key);253 for (const prop of list.children) {254 const template = paramsMap.get(prop.text);255 if (!template)256 throw new Error('Bad template: ' + prop.text);257 const children = childrenWithoutProperties(template);258 const { name: argName } = parseVariable(children[0].text);259 newChildren.push({260 type: node.type,261 text: name + argName,262 children: => md.clone(c))263 });264 }265 const nodeIndex = parent.children.indexOf(node);266 parent.children = [...parent.children.slice(0, nodeIndex), ...newChildren, ...parent.children.slice(nodeIndex + 1)];267 } else if (node.text && node.text.includes(' = %%')) {268 const [name, key] = node.text.split(' = ');269 node.text = name;270 const template = paramsMap.get(key);271 if (!template)272 throw new Error('Bad template: ' + key);273 node.children.push( => md.clone(c)));274 }275 for (const child of node.children || [])276 visit(child, node);277 if (node.children)278 node.children = node.children.filter(child => !child.text || !child.text.includes('-inline- = %%'));279 };280 for (const node of body)281 visit(node, null);282 return body;283}284/**285 * @param {MarkdownNode} item286 * @returns {MarkdownNode[]}287 */288function extractComments(item) {289 return childrenWithoutProperties(item).filter(c => {290 if (c.type.startsWith('h'))291 return false;292 if (c.type === 'li' && c.liType === 'default')293 return false;294 return true;295 });296}297/**298 * @param {string} apiDir299 * @param {string=} paramsPath300 */301function parseApi(apiDir, paramsPath) {302 return new ApiParser(apiDir, paramsPath).documentation;303}304/**305 * @param {MarkdownNode} spec306 * @returns {import('./documentation').Langs}307 */308function extractLangs(spec) {309 for (const child of spec.children) {310 if (child.type !== 'li' || child.liType !== 'bullet' || !child.text.startsWith('langs:'))311 continue;312 const only = child.text.substring('langs:'.length).trim();313 /** @type {Object<string, string>} */314 const aliases = {};315 for (const p of child.children || []) {316 const match = p.text.match(/alias-(\w+)[\s]*:(.*)/);317 if (match)318 aliases[match[1].trim()] = match[2].trim();319 }320 return {321 only: only ? only.split(',').map(l => l.trim()) : undefined,322 aliases,323 types: {},324 overrides: {}325 };326 }327 return {};328}329/**330 * @param {MarkdownNode} spec331 * @returns {boolean}332 */333 function extractExperimental(spec) {334 for (const child of spec.children) {335 if (child.type === 'li' && child.liType === 'bullet' && child.text === 'experimental')336 return true;337 }338 return false;339}340/**341 * @param {MarkdownNode} spec342 * @returns {MarkdownNode[]}343 */344function childrenWithoutProperties(spec) {345 return (spec.children || []).filter(c => {346 const isProperty = c.liType === 'bullet' && (c.text.startsWith('langs:') || c.text === 'experimental');347 return !isProperty;348 });349}350/**351 * @param {Documentation.Member} existingMember352 * @param {Documentation.Member} member353 * @returns {boolean}354 */355function isTypeOverride(existingMember, member) {356 if (!existingMember.langs.only)357 return true;358 if (member.langs.only.every(l => existingMember.langs.only.includes(l))) {359 return true;360 } else if (member.langs.only.some(l => existingMember.langs.only.includes(l))) {361 throw new Error(`Ambiguous language override for: ${}`);362 }363 return false;364}365/**366 * @param {MarkdownNode[]=} params367 */368function checkNoDuplicateParamEntries(params) {369 if (!params)370 return;371 const entries = new Set();372 for (const node of params) {373 if (entries.has(node.text))374 throw new Error('Duplicate param entry, for language-specific params use prefix (e.g. js-...): ' + node.text);375 entries.add(node.text);376 }377}...
Using AI Code Generation
1const {checkNoDuplicateParamEntries} = require('playwright/internal/utils/utils');2const {checkNoDuplicateParamEntries} = require('playwright/internal/utils/utils');3const {checkNoDuplicateParamEntries} = require('playwright/internal/utils/utils');4const {checkNoDuplicateParamEntries} = require('playwright/internal/utils/utils');5const {checkNoDuplicateParamEntries} = require('playwright/internal/utils/utils');6const {checkNoDuplicateParamEntries} = require('playwright/internal/utils/utils');7const {checkNoDuplicateParamEntries} = require('playwright/internal/utils/utils');8const {checkNoDuplicateParamEntries} = require('playwright/internal/utils/utils');9const {checkNoDuplicateParamEntries} = require('playwright/internal/utils/utils');10const {checkNoDuplicateParamEntries} = require('playwright/internal/utils/utils');11const {checkNoDuplicateParamEntries} = require('playwright/internal/utils/utils');12const {checkNoDuplicateParamEntries} = require('playwright/internal/utils/utils');13const {checkNoDuplicateParamEntries} = require('playwright/internal/utils/utils');14const {checkNoDuplicateParamEntries} = require('playwright/internal/utils/utils');15const {checkNoDuplicateParamEntries} = require('playwright/internal/utils/utils');16const {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { checkNoDuplicateParamEntries } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/traceViewer/traceModel');2const trace = require('./trace.json');3const { contextEntries, pageEntries } = checkNoDuplicateParamEntries(trace.traceEvents);4console.log(contextEntries, pageEntries);5const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');6test('basic test', async ({ page }) => {7 expect(await page.title()).toBe('Playwright');8});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { checkNoDuplicateParamEntries } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3const { expect } = require('@playwright/test');4test('test to check checkNoDuplicateParamEntries', () => {5 { name: 'foo', value: 'bar' },6 { name: 'foo', value: 'bar' },7 { name: 'baz', value: 'qux' },8 ];9 expect(() => checkNoDuplicateParamEntries(params)).toThrow();10});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { checkNoDuplicateParamEntries } = require('playwright/lib/server/api');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 const request = await page.waitForRequest(request => request.url().includes(''));5 checkNoDuplicateParamEntries(request.postDataJSON(), request.postDataJSON());6});7import { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '@playwright/test';8const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {9 use: {10 viewport: { width: 1280, height: 720 },11 },12 {13 use: {14 },15 },16};17export default config;18const request = await page.waitForRequest(request => request.url().includes(''));19const json = request.postDataJSON();20checkNoDuplicateParamEntries(json, json);21const json = request.postDataJSON();22checkNoDuplicateParamEntries(json, json);23const { checkNoDuplicateParamEntries } = require('playwright/lib/server/api');24const { test } = require('@playwright/test');25test('test', async ({ page }) => {26 const request = await page.waitForRequest(request => request.url().includes(''));27 const json = request.postDataJSON();28 checkNoDuplicateParamEntries(json, json);29});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { checkNoDuplicateParamEntries } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/utils');2const assert = require('assert');3try {4 checkNoDuplicateParamEntries(new URL(url));5} catch (err) {6 assert.strictEqual(err.message, `URL has duplicate query parameters: ${url}`);7}8const { checkNoDuplicateParamEntries } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/utils');9const assert = require('assert');10assert.doesNotThrow(() => checkNoDuplicateParamEntries(new URL(url)));11const { checkNoDuplicateParamEntries } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/utils');12const assert = require('assert');13assert.doesNotThrow(() => checkNoDuplicateParamEntries(new URL(url)));
Using AI Code Generation
1const {chromium} = require('playwright');2const {checkNoDuplicateParamEntries} = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch({headless: false});5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await checkNoDuplicateParamEntries(page.url());8 await browser.close();9})();
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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