Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...21const SET_MYSERVICE = 'SET_MYSERVICE';22const RESET_NEWSERVICE = 'RESET_NEWSERVICE';23const SET_LABELTYPES = 'SET_LABELTYPES';24const SET_ALTERNATIVELABELS = 'SET_ALTERNATIVELABELS';25function commitRoot(commit, type, payload) {26 commit(type, payload, { root: true });27}28const initialState = {29 newService: {30 name: '',31 },32 currentMyService: {33 name: '',34 competentAuthority: '',35 isSubsidy: false,36 currentLifeCycleStageTypeName: '',37 ipdcCode: '',38 legislativeDocumentId: '',39 },40 servicesFilter: {41 name: '',42 dvrCode: '',43 competentAuthority: '',44 },45 services: [],46 labelTypes: [],47 listProperties: {48 sorting: {49 field: '',50 direction: 'ascending',51 },52 paging: {53 offset: 0,54 totalItems: 0,55 limit: 10,56 },57 },58 alternativeLabels: [],59};60// getters61const getters = {62 newServiceName: state =>,63 servicesFilter: state => state.servicesFilter,64 allServices: state => || [],65 numberOfServices: state => ( || []).length,66 currentMyService: state => state.currentMyService,67 currentMyServiceId: state =>,68 currentMyServiceName: state =>,69 currentMyServiceCompetentAuthority: state => state.currentMyService.competentAuthority,70 currentMyServiceIsSubsidy: state => state.currentMyService.isSubsidy,71 currentMyServiceCurrentLifeCycleStageTypeName: state => state.currentMyService.currentLifeCycleStageTypeName,72 currentMyServiceIpdcCode: state => state.currentMyService.ipdcCode,73 currentMyServiceLegislativeDocumentId: state => state.currentMyService.legislativeDocumentId,74 sortColumn: (state) => {75 const sorting = state.listProperties.sorting;76 return {77 sortField: sorting.field,78 direction: sorting.direction,79 };80 },81 paging: state => state.listProperties.paging,82 labelTypes: state => =>,83 alternativeLabels: state => _.reduce(state.alternativeLabels, (result, value) => {84 // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign85 result = result || {};86 // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign87 result[value.labelType] = value.labelValue;88 return result;89 }, {}),90};91const mutations = {92 [RECEIVE_ALL_SERVICES](state, services) {93 = services;94 },95 [RECEIVE_SORTING](state, receivedSorting = {}) {96 const sorting = {97 field: receivedSorting.sortBy || '',98 direction: receivedSorting.sortOrder || 'ascending',99 };100 state.listProperties = {101 ...state.listProperties,102 sorting,103 };104 },105 [RECEIVE_PAGING](state, pagingPayload = {}) {106 const paging = {107 offset: pagingPayload.offset || 0,108 totalItems: pagingPayload.totalItems || 0,109 limit: pagingPayload.limit || 10,110 };111 state.listProperties = {112 ...state.listProperties,113 paging,114 };115 },116 [UPDATE_MYSERVICE_NAME](state, name) {117 = `${name}`;118 },119 [UPDATE_ALLSERVICES_FILTER_NAME](state, value) {120 = `${value}`;121 },122 [UPDATE_ALLSERVICES_FILTER_DVRCODE](state, value) {123 state.servicesFilter.dvrCode = `${value}`;124 },125 [UPDATE_ALLSERVICES_FILTER_COMPETENTAUTHORITY](state, value) {126 state.servicesFilter.competentAuthority = `${value}`;127 },128 [UPDATE_MYSERVICE_COMPETENTAUTHORITY](state, value) {129 state.currentMyService.competentAuthority = `${value}`;130 },131 [UPDATE_MYSERVICE_ISSUBSIDY](state, isSubsidy) {132 state.currentMyService.isSubsidy = !!isSubsidy;133 },134 [RESET_NEWSERVICE](state) {135 = '';136 },137 [SET_MYSERVICE](state, myService) {138 =;139 = myService.naam;140 state.currentMyService.competentAuthority = myService.verantwoordelijkeAutoriteitCode;141 state.currentMyService.isSubsidy = myService.exportNaarOrafin;142 state.currentMyService.currentLifeCycleStageTypeName = myService.huidigeLevensloopfaseTypeNaam;143 state.currentMyService.ipdcCode = myService.ipdcCode;144 state.currentMyService.legislativeDocumentId = myService.wetgevendDocumentId;145 },146 [SET_LABELTYPES](state, labelTypes) {147 state.labelTypes = labelTypes;148 },149 [SET_ALTERNATIVELABELS](state, alternativeLabels) {150 state.alternativeLabels = alternativeLabels;151 },152};153export default class {154 actions;155 namespaced = true;156 state = initialState;157 getters = getters;158 mutations = mutations;159 constructor(router, lifeCycleStore) {160 this.modules = {161 lifeCycle: lifeCycleStore,162 };163 this.actions = {164 save({ commit }, payload) {165 commitRoot(commit, LOADING_ON);166 const myService = {167 id: uuid.v4(),168 naam:,169 };170 api171 .createMyService(myService)172 .then((response) => {173 commitRoot(commit, LOADING_OFF);174 commit(RESET_NEWSERVICE);175 const dvrCodeRegex = /\/v[0-9]\/dienstverleningen\/(.*)/;176 const dvrCode = dvrCodeRegex.exec(response.headers.location)[1];177 router.push({ name: 'my-service-info', params: { id: dvrCode, lop: } });178 commitRoot(commit, SET_ALERT, success.dienstverleningAangemaakt);179 })180 .catch((error) => {181 commitRoot(commit, SET_ALERT, alerts.toAlert(error));182 commitRoot(commit, LOADING_OFF);183 });184 },185 loadMyService({ commit }, { id, lop }) {186 commitRoot(commit, LOADING_ON);187 return api.getMyService(id, lop)188 .then((result) => {189 commit(SET_MYSERVICE,;190 })191 .catch((error) => {192 commitRoot(commit, SET_ALERT, alerts.toAlert(error));193 })194 .finally(() => {195 commitRoot(commit, LOADING_OFF);196 });197 },198 loadAlternativeLabels({ commit }, { id }) {199 commitRoot(commit, LOADING_ON);200 return api.getAlternativeLabels(id)201 .then(alternativeLabels => commit(SET_ALTERNATIVELABELS, .catch(error => commitRoot(commit, SET_ALERT, alerts.toAlert(error)))203 .finally(() => commitRoot(commit, LOADING_OFF));204 },205 saveAlternativeLabels({ commit }, { params: { id }, labels }) {206 commitRoot(commit, LOADING_ON);207 api208 .updateAlternativeLabels(id, labels)209 .then(() => {210 // todo: in the new ui, we will go to a 'read' page which expects the lop to have been reached.211 // router.push({ name: 'my-service', params: { id:, lop: } });212 commitRoot(commit, SET_ALERT, success.dienstverleningAangepast);213 })214 .catch((error) => {215 commitRoot(commit, SET_ALERT, alerts.toAlert(error));216 })217 .finally(() => commitRoot(commit, LOADING_OFF));218 },219 saveMyService({ commit, state }) {220 commitRoot(commit, LOADING_ON);221 const myService = {222 id:,223 naam:,224 bevoegdeAutoriteitOvoNummer: state.currentMyService.competentAuthority,225 isSubsidie: state.currentMyService.isSubsidy,226 };227 api228 .updateMyService(myService)229 .then(() => {230 commit(RESET_NEWSERVICE);231 // todo: in the new ui, we will go to a 'read' page which expects the lop to have been reached.232 // router.push({ name: 'my-service', params: { id:, lop: } });233 commitRoot(commit, SET_ALERT, success.dienstverleningAangepast);234 })235 .catch((error) => {236 commitRoot(commit, SET_ALERT, alerts.toAlert(error));237 })238 .finally(() => commitRoot(commit, LOADING_OFF));239 },240 removeService({ commit }, { params: { id }, reasonForRemoval }) {241 commitRoot(commit, LOADING_ON);242 api243 .removeService(id, reasonForRemoval)244 .then((response) => {245 router.push({ name: 'all-services', params: { lop: } });246 commitRoot(commit, SET_ALERT, success.dienstverleningAangepast);247 })248 .catch(error => commitRoot(commit, SET_ALERT, alerts.toAlert(error)))249 .finally(() => commitRoot(commit, LOADING_OFF));250 },251 getAllServices({ commit, state }, payload = {}) {252 commit(RECEIVE_ALL_SERVICES, {});253 commit(RECEIVE_SORTING, {});254 commitRoot(commit, LOADING_ON);255 api.getAllServices(256 state.servicesFilter,257 payload.sortOrder,258 payload.paging || state.listProperties.paging,259 payload.routerParams)260 .then(({ data, headers }) => {261 commit(RECEIVE_ALL_SERVICES, data);262 commit(RECEIVE_SORTING, JSON.parse(headers['x-sorting'] || null));263 commit(RECEIVE_PAGING, JSON.parse(headers['x-pagination'] || null));264 })265 .catch((error) => {266 commitRoot(commit, SET_ALERT, alerts.toAlert(error));267 })268 .finally(() => commitRoot(commit, LOADING_OFF));269 },270 filterServices({ dispatch, commit }, payload) {271 commit(UPDATE_ALLSERVICES_FILTER_DVRCODE, payload.dvrCode);272 commit(UPDATE_ALLSERVICES_FILTER_NAME, payload.serviceName);273 commit(UPDATE_ALLSERVICES_FILTER_COMPETENTAUTHORITY, payload.competentAuthority);274 dispatch('getAllServices');275 },276 exportServicesAsCsv({ commit, state }) {277 commit(RECEIVE_ALL_SERVICES, {});278 commit(RECEIVE_SORTING, {});279 commitRoot(commit, LOADING_ON);280 api.getAllServicesAsCsv(state.servicesFilter)281 .then((r) => {282 csvExporter.export(;283 })284 .catch((error) => {285 commitRoot(commit, SET_ALERT, alerts.toAlert(error));286 })287 .finally(() => commitRoot(commit, LOADING_OFF));288 },289 };290 }...
...21 this.handleError = {22 insert(e, _id) {23 console.error(e)24 this.state = 'insert error'25 if (e.message.includes('conflict')) this.commitRoot('pushToasts', { severity: 'error', summary: 'CONFLICT', detail: `${_id} existed`, life: 10000 })26 else this.commitRoot('pushToasts', { severity: 'error', summary: 'ERROR', detail: `${e.message}`, life: 10000 })27 },28 state(e, state) {29 this.state = state30 console.error(state, e)31 this.commitRoot('pushToasts', { severity: 'error', summary: state.toUpperCase(), detail: `${e.message}`, life: 10000 })32 },33 }34 }35 commitList(colName) {36 console.log(`(commitList) list.${colName}`, this.list[colName])37 return Promise.resolve(this.commit('setStates', { keys: ['loading', 'list'], datas: [false, this.list[colName]] }, colName))38 }39 commitListAll() {40 console.log('(commitListAll) list', this.list)41 return Promise.all(Object.keys(this.list).map(colName => this.commitList(colName)))42 }43 init(opts, selectorParams) {44 console.log('(init) opts', opts)45 this.state = 'init'46 const _preInsert = (docObj, user_id) => {47 docObj.createdAt = docObj.createdBy = user_id49 docObj.status = 'Created'50 // if (docObj.processes) docObj.processes = => process.key)51 docObj.logs.unshift({ type: 'Insert', _rev: '', at: docObj.createdAt, by: user_id, note: docObj.note })52 delete docObj.note53 }54 return Promise.all(55 Object.values(opts).map(opt => {56 const { colName, checkKeys, endpoint, sort, childs, prepare, preInsert } = opt || {}57 this.endpoint[colName] = endpoint58 this.sort[colName] = sort59 this.childs[colName] = childs60 this.prepare[colName] = prepare61 this.preInsert[colName] = preInsert || _preInsert62 if (selectorParams?.[colName]) this.selector[colName] = opt.createSelector(selectorParams[colName])63 else this.selector[colName] = opt.createSelector()64 opt.selector = this.selector[colName]65 console.log(`${this.dbName} ${colName} init selector`, opt.selector)66 return initDb(this.dbName, opt, this.token)67 .then(({ rxCol, sync }) => {68 this.RxCol[colName] = rxCol69 const _RxCol = this.RxCol[colName]70 _RxCol.preInsert(docObj => this.preInsert[colName](docObj, this.userId), true)71 _RxCol.preSave((plainData, rxDocument) => this.preSave(plainData, rxDocument, this.userId), true)72 _RxCol.insert$.subscribe(changeEvent => this.insert$(changeEvent, colName))73 _RxCol.update$.subscribe(changeEvent => this.update$(changeEvent, checkKeys, colName))74 sync.denied$.subscribe(docData => this.handleError.state(docData, 'denied$ error'))75 sync.error$.subscribe(error => this.handleError.state(error, 'error$ error'))76 this.colNames.push(colName)77 return (this.state = 'ready')78 })79 .catch(e => this.handleError.state(e, 'init error'))80 }),81 )82 }83 pullList(colName, selector, sort) {84 selector = selector || this.selector[colName]85 sort = sort || this.sort[colName]86 const query = { selector, sort }87 return new Promise(resolve =>88 this.RxCol[colName]89 .find(query)90 // .sort(sort || this.sort[colName])91 .exec()92 .then(rxDocs => resolve((this.list[colName] = => rxDoc.toJSON(true)))))93 .catch(e => this.handleError.state(e, `pullList ${colName} error`)),94 )95 }96 pullListAll(selectors, sorts) {97 return Promise.all( => this.pullList(colName, selectors?.[colName], sorts?.[colName])))98 }99 insert$(changeEvent, colName) {100 console.log('insert$: ', changeEvent)101 const _$doc = { ...changeEvent.documentData }102 this.list[colName].unshift(_$doc)103 this.commit('unshift', { key: 'list', data: _$doc }, colName)104 // return this.pullList(colName)105 }106 update$(changeEvent, _checkKeys, colName) {107 console.log('update$:', changeEvent)108 const _$doc = { ...changeEvent.documentData }109 const { doc, index } = queryBy_id(_$doc._id, this.list[colName])110 let _needUpdateUserState = false111 if (!_$doc.dropped) {112 const payload = { colPath: `${year}.${this.dbName}.${colName}`, _id: _$doc._id, changes: {} }113 const lastUpdate = _$doc.logs[0].update114 const record = key => {115 const _change = { old: doc[key], new: _$doc[key], logs: filter_rev(_$doc.logs, doc._rev) }116 payload.changes[key] = _change117 _needUpdateUserState = true118 }119 if (lastUpdate) {120 const updatedKeys = Object.values(lastUpdate).flatMap(keysObj => Object.keys(keysObj))121 => (_checkKeys.includes(key) ? record(key) : ''))122 } else => (isEqual(doc[key], _$doc[key]) ? '' : record(key)))123 if (_needUpdateUserState) this.commitRoot('user/Worker', { name: 'change', payload })124 }125 this.list[colName][index] = _$doc126 this.commit('replace', { key: 'list', data: _$doc, field: '_id' }, colName)127 }128 insert = (doc, colName) =>129 this.RxCol[colName]130 .insert(doc)131 .then(() => {132 this.commit('setState', { key: 'new', data: null }, colName)133 return this.commitCloseDialog('Create')134 })135 .catch(e => this.handleError.insert(e, doc._id))136 inserts = (docs, colName) =>137 Promise.all( => this.RxCol[colName].insert(this.prepare[colName](doc)).catch(e => this.handleError.insert(e, doc._id))))138 .then(_docs => {139 const _docOks = _docs.reduce((pre, _doc) => [...pre, ...(_doc ? [_doc._id] : [])], [])140 return _docOks.length ? this.commitCloseDialog(`${_docOks.join(', ')} created`) : this.commitCloseDialog(`Nothing created`)141 })142 .catch(e => this.handleError.state(e, 'inserts error'))143 drop = ({ docs, note }, colName) => {144 const _ids = => doc._id)145 const selector = { _id: { $in: _ids } }146 return this.RxCol[colName]147 .find({ selector })148 .update({ update: { $now: { dropped: 'now' } }, type: 'Drop', note })149 .then(() => this.commitCloseDialog('Delete'))150 .catch(e => this.handleError.state(e, 'drop error'))151 }152 update({ _id, updateObj, note }, colName) {153 console.log('(update) updateObj', updateObj)154 this.RxCol[colName]155 .findOne(_id)156 .update({ update: updateObj, type: 'Update', note })157 .then(() => this.commitCloseDialog('Update: ' + updateObj))158 .catch(e => console.error(e))159 }160 add({ parent_id, child, value, note }, colName) {161 console.log('(add) child', child)162 this.RxCol[colName]163 .findOne(parent_id)164 .update({ update: { $unshift: { [child]: value } }, type: 'Add', note })165 .then(() => this.commitCloseDialog('Add'))166 .catch(e => console.error(e))167 }168 adds({ parent_id, child, value, note }, colName) {169 console.log(child)170 this.RxCol[colName]171 .findOne(parent_id)172 .update({ update: { $concat_start: { [child]: value } }, type: 'Adds', note })173 .then(() => this.commitCloseDialog('Adds'))174 .catch(e => console.error(e))175 }176 preSave = (plainData, rxDocument, userId) => {177 const { type, note, update } = plainData178 plainData.logs.unshift({ type: type || 'Update', _rev: rxDocument._rev, at:, by: userId, note, update })179 delete plainData.note180 delete plainData.type181 delete plainData.update182 }183 commitCloseDialog = mess => {184 this.commitRoot('dialog/setState', { key: 'loading', data: false })185 if (mess) {186 // this.commitRoot('dialog/setMess', { text: `${mess} Success`, severity: 'success' })187 this.commitRoot('pushToasts', { severity: 'success', summary: 'SUCCESS', detail: `${mess} Success`, life: 15000 })188 this.commitRoot('dialog/setState', { key: 'isOpen', data: false })189 }190 // setTimeout(() => {191 // this.commitRoot('dialog/setMess', { text: '', severity: '' })192 // this.commitRoot('dialog/setState', { key: 'isOpen', data: false })193 // }, 1000)194 }195 sync = (selector, colName, sort) => {196 selector = selector || this.selector[colName]197 console.log('(resync) selector', selector)198 return pullData(this.RxCol[colName], this.endpoint[colName], selector, this.token)199 .then(() => this.pullList(colName, selector, sort))200 .catch(e => this.handleError.state(e, 'resync error'))201 }...
...105 while(nextUnitOfWork && deadline.timeRemaining() > 1) {106 nextUnitOfWork = performUnitOfWork(nextUnitOfWork);107 }108 if (!nextUnitOfWork && wipRoot) {109 commitRoot(wipRoot.child);110 }111 debugger112 wipRoot = null;113}114function commitRoot(fiber) {115 if (!fiber) return;116 let parentFiber = fiber.return;117 while(!parentFiber.node) {118 parentFiber = parentFiber.return;119 }120 const parentNode = parentFiber.node;121 if (fiber.effectTag === 'ADD' && fiber.node !== null) {122 parentNode.appendChild(fiber.node);123 }124 commitRoot(fiber.child);125 commitRoot(fiber.sibling);126}127requestIdleCallback(workLoop)...
...17 nextUnitOfWork = performUnitOfWork(nextUnitOfWork)18 shouldYield = deadline.timeRemaining() < 119 }20 if (!nextUnitOfWork && wipRoot) {21 commitRoot()22 }23 requestIdleCallback(workLoop)24}25function performUnitOfWork(fiber) {26 if (!fiber.dom) {27 fiber.dom = createDom(fiber)28 }29 const elements = fiber.props.children30 let index = 031 let prevSibling = null32 while (index < elements.length) {33 const element = elements[index]34 const newFiber = {35 type: element.type,36 props: element.props,37 parent: fiber,38 dom: null,39 }40 if (index === 0) {41 fiber.child = newFiber42 } else {43 prevSibling.sibling = newFiber44 }45 prevSibling = newFiber46 index++47 }48 if (fiber.child) {49 return fiber.child50 }51 let nextFiber = fiber52 while (nextFiber) {53 if (nextFiber.sibling) {54 return nextFiber.sibling55 }56 nextFiber = nextFiber.parent57 }58}59function commitRoot() {60 commitWork(wipRoot.child)61 wipRoot = null62}63function commitWork(fiber) {64 if (!fiber) {65 return66 }67 const domParent = fiber.parent.dom68 domParent.appendChild(fiber.dom)69 commitWork(fiber.child)70 commitWork(fiber.sibling)71}72export {73 render...
...21 logNewLine()22 log('ð¾ Generating and commit lunr.json')23 execSync('yarn run build:search')24 await addRoot('./*')25 await commitRoot('Update search content in lunr.json')26 await pushRoot('origin', 'master')27 logNewLine()28 log('ð¾ Generating site')29 execSync('hugo')30 logNewLine()31 log('ð¾ Updating gh-pages branch...')32 await addPublic('./*')33 await commitPublic('Publishing to gh-pages')34 await pushPublic('origin', 'master')35 log('Done')36}...
...7 nextUnitOfWork = performUnitOfWork(nextUnitOfWork)8 shouldYield = deadline.timeRemaining() < 19 }10 if (!nextUnitOfWork && wipRoot) {11 commitRoot()12 }13 requestIdleCallback(workLoop)...
...7 Reflect.set(nextUnitOfWork, 'value', performUnitOfWork(8 nextUnitOfWork.value9 ));10 }11 commitRoot(effect, cb);
...9 if (!isNull(firstBatch)) {10 }11 root.finishedWork = null;12 13 commitRoot(14 root, 15 finishedWork16 );...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });6 await browser.close();7})();8const { chromium } = require('playwright');9(async () => {10 const browser = await chromium.launch();11 const page = await browser.newPage();12 const element = await page.$('input[name="q"]');13 await element.screenshot({ path: 'google-search.png' });14 await browser.close();15})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });6 await browser.close();7})();8const { chromium } = require('playwright');9(async () => {10 const browser = await chromium.launch();11 const page = await browser.newPage();12 await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });13 await browser.close();14})();15const { chromium } = require('playwright');16(async () => {17 const browser = await chromium.launch();18 const page = await browser.newPage();19 await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });20 await browser.close();21})();22const { chromium } = require('playwright');23(async () => {24 const browser = await chromium.launch();25 const page = await browser.newPage();26 await page.waitForSelector('input[title="Search"]');
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2const { commitRoot } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 await commitRoot(context, 'test');7 await browser.close();8})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 const root = await page._delegate._frameManager.mainFrame()._context._commitRoot();6 console.log(root);7 await browser.close();8})();9{10 attributes: {11 },12 {13 attributes: {},14 {15 attributes: {16 },17 },18 {19 attributes: {20 },21 },22 {23 attributes: {24 },25 },26 {27 attributes: {28 },29 },30 {
Using AI Code Generation
1import { chromium } from 'playwright';2import { commitRoot } from 'playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser';3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const page = await browser.newPage();6 const element = await page.$('text=Get started');7 await commitRoot(page, element);8 await browser.close();9})();10Your name to display (optional):11Your name to display (optional):12import { chromium } from 'playwright';13(async () => {14 const browser = await chromium.launch();15 const page = await browser.newPage();16 const element = await page.$('text=Get started');17 await;18 await browser.close();19})();20Your name to display (optional):21Your name to display (optional):22Your name to display (optional):23Your name to display (optional):
Using AI Code Generation
1const { commitRoot } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frames');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const page = await browser.newPage();6 await commitRoot(page.mainFrame());7 await browser.close();8})();9You can use the global commitRoot method by importing the commitRoot method from the Playwright Test library. The following code shows how to use the global commitRoot method:10const { chromium } = require('playwright');11const { commitRoot } = require('@playwright/test');12(async () => {13 const browser = await chromium.launch();14 const page = await browser.newPage();15 await commitRoot(page.mainFrame());16 await browser.close();17})();18const { chromium } = require('playwright');19const { test } = require('@playwright/test');20test('My test', async ({ page }) => {21 await commitRoot(page.mainFrame());22});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { commitRoot } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/webServer');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await commitRoot(page, 'body', 'Hello World');8 await browser.close();9})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { commitRoot } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement.js');2commitRoot();3const { commitRoot } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement.js');4commitRoot();5const { commitRoot } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement.js');6commitRoot();7const { commitRoot } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement.js');8commitRoot();9const { commitRoot } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement.js');10commitRoot();11const { commitRoot } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement.js');12commitRoot();13const { commitRoot } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement.js');14commitRoot();15const { commitRoot } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement.js');16commitRoot();17const { commitRoot } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement.js');18commitRoot();19const { commitRoot } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement.js');20commitRoot();21const { commitRoot } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement.js');22commitRoot();23const { commitRoot } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement.js');24commitRoot();25const { commitRoot } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement.js');26commitRoot();
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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