How to use copyAugment method in Playwright Internal

Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal


Source:20-检测变化的注意事项.js Github


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...127/**128 * Augment an target Object or Array by defining129 * hidden properties.130 */131function copyAugment(target:Object,src:Object,keys:Array<string>){132 for(let i = 0; l = keys.length; i < l; i++){133 const key = keys[i]134 def(target,key,src[key])135 }136}137/**138 * protoAugment 方法是直接把 target.__proto__ 原型直接修改为 src, 而 copyAugment 方法139 * 是遍历keys, 通过def, 也就是 Object.defineProperty 去定义它自身的属性值.对于大部分140 * 现代浏览器都会走到 protoAugment, 那么它实际上就把 value 的原型指向了 arrayMethods,141 * arrayMethods的定义在 src/core/observer/array.js 中:142 */143import { def } from '../util/index'144const arrayProto = Array.prototype145export const arrayMethods = Object.create(arrayProto)...

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Source:02_array拦截器变化侦测.js Github


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1// 对象 通过 defiedProperty的 getter 和setter 对属性进行监听但是数组是 push 这样 没有办法 使用 getter 和setter 进行监听了2// 设置 数组push 的拦截 器,拦截器 覆盖arrar.prototype 的方法之后 ,当进行push 的时候 就能使用拦截器监听到 数组的变化3// 数组的原型 方法4/**5 * 1. push 将一个元素 或者多个元素 添加到数组的末尾,并且返回数组的长度, 方法更改数组的长度 6 * 2. pop 删除数组中的最后一个元素 并且返回 该元素的值 方法更改数组的长度7 * 3. shift 从数组中 删除 第一个元素,并且返回该元素 此方法 更改数组的长度8 * 4. unshift 方法将一个 或者 多个元素添加到数组的开头 并返回该数组的新长度,该方法修改原数组9 * 5. slice 返回 一个新的数组对象,这一个对象 由begin 和 end (包括 begin, 不包括 end) 的原数组的浅拷贝,原数组不会改变。(只操作数组,无法操作 下一级别) 10 * 6. sort 用原地算法对数组进行排序,并且返回数组。默认顺序是在将元素转换为字符串,然后比较他们的UTF-16代码单元值序列时构建的11 * 7. reverse 将数组中的元素倒置,并且返回该数组。数组的第一个元素会变成最后一个元素,最后一个元素会变成 第一个元素。该方法会改变原来的数组12 */ 13 // in 如果指定的属性在指定的对象 或者其 原型链 中,in 运算符 返回true14 // 判断__ proto__ 是否可用15 const hasProto = '__proto__' in {} 16const arrayProto = Array.prototype // 拿到 数组对象的 原型17const arrayMethods = Object.create(arrayProto) // object.create() 创建一个新对象, 使现有对象来提供新创建的 对象的__proto__18export class Observer {19 constructor (value) {20 this.value = value21 if (Array.isArray(value)) { // 如果传入的 值 是数组 则执行22 // 修改23 const argument = hasProto // 判断是否 含有 __proto__属性 如果 有则使用 protoAugment 函数覆盖原型,没有 就调用 copyAugment 将拦截器挂载到value 上24 ? protoAugment25 : copyAugment26 argument(value, arrayMethods, arrayKeys)27 } else {28 this.walk(value)29 }30 }31}32function protoAugment (target, src, keys) {33 target.__proto__ = src34}35function copyAugment (target, src, keys) {36 for (let i = 1, l = keys.length; i < 1; i++) {37 def(target, key, src[key])38 }...

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Source:code.js Github


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...8 if (Array.isArray(value)) { // 处理数组类型9 if (hasProto) { // 存在 '__proto__'属性时10 protoAugment(value, arrayMethods)11 } else { 12 copyAugment(value, arrayMethods, arrayKeys)13 }14 // 将数组中的值进行响应式转化15 this.observeArray(value)16 } else {17 // 将对象转化为响应式18 this.walk(value) 19 }20 }21 walk (obj: Object) {22 const keys = Object.keys(obj)23 for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {24 // 利用访问器属性将对象转化为响应式数据 25 defineReactive(obj, keys[i])26 }...

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Source:index.js Github


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...29 * @param {Object} target [目标对象]30 * @param {Object} src [Array方法]31 * @param {Array} keys [Array方法键值集合]32 */33function copyAugment(target, src, keys) {34 for (let i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {35 let key = keys[i];36 def(target, key, src[key]);37 }38}39// 返回一个布尔值,指示对象是否具有指定的属性作为自身(不继承)属性40function hasOwn(obj, key) {41 return, key);42}43module.exports = {44 def: def,45 protoAugment: protoAugment,46 copyAugment: copyAugment,47 hasOwn: hasOwn...

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Source:array.js Github


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...35});36function protoAugment(target, src, keys) {37 target.__proto__ = src38}39function copyAugment(target, src, keys) {40 for (let i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {41 const key = keys[i]42 Utils.def(target, key, src[key])43 }44}45export default function (value) {46 const augment = Utils.hasProto(value) ?47 protoAugment : copyAugment;48 augment(value, arrayMethods, arrayKeys);...

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Source:_proto_.js Github


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...28function protoAugment(target,src,keys){29 target._proto_ = src30 31}32function copyAugment(target,src,keys){33 for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {34 const key = keys[i];35 def(target,key,src(key))36 }37}...

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Source:observer.js Github


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...24 observeArray (value) {25 if (hasProto) {26 this.protoAugment(value, arrayMethods)27 } else {28 this.copyAugment(value, arrayMethods)29 }30 }31 protoAugment (target, src) {32 target.__proto__ = src33 }34 // 复制35 copyAugment (target, src, keys) {36 for (let i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {37 const key = keys[i]38 defindReactive(target, key, src[key])39 }40 }...

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Source:Observe.js Github


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...15}16function protoAugment(target, src, keys) {17 target.__proto__ = src;18}19function copyAugment(target, src, keys) {20 for (let i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {21 const key = keys[i];22 def(target, key, src[key]);23 }24}25export class Observer {26 constructor(value) {27 this.value = value;28 this.dep = new dep(); //新增dep29 if (Array.isArray(value)) {30 const argument = hasProto ? protoAugment : copyAugment;31 augment(value, arrayMethods, arrayKeys);32 } else {33 this.walk(value);...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { copyAugment } = require('playwright/lib/internal/clipboard');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await'input[name="q"]');8 await'Shift+Delete');9 await page.keyboard.type('Hello World!');10 await copyAugment(page);11 await browser.close();12})();13const { copyAugment } = require('playwright/lib/internal/clipboard');14const { chromium } = require('playwright');15(async () => {16 const browser = await chromium.launch();17 const context = await browser.newContext();18 const page = await context.newPage();19 await'input[name="q"]');20 await'Shift+Delete');21 await page.keyboard.type('Hello World!');22 await copyAugment(page);23 await browser.close();24})();25const { copyAugment } = require('playwright/lib/internal/clipboard');26const { chromium } = require('playwright');27(async () => {28 const browser = await chromium.launch();29 const context = await browser.newContext();30 const page = await context.newPage();31 await'input[name="q"]');32 await'Shift+Delete');33 await page.keyboard.type('Hello World!');34 await copyAugment(page);35 await browser.close();36})();37const { copyAugment } = require('playwright/lib/internal/clipboard');38const { chromium } = require('playwright');39(async () => {40 const browser = await chromium.launch();41 const context = await browser.newContext();42 const page = await context.newPage();43 await'input[name="q"]');44 await'Shift+Delete');45 await page.keyboard.type('Hello World!');46 await copyAugment(page);47 await browser.close();48})();49const { copyAugment

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1const playwright = require('playwright');2const { copyAugment } = require('playwright/lib/internal/inspectorInstrumentation');3const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();4const context = await browser.newContext();5const page = await context.newPage();6await copyAugment(page);7const playwright = require('playwright');8const { copyAugment } = require('playwright/lib/internal/inspectorInstrumentation');9const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();10const context = await browser.newContext();11const page = await context.newPage();12await copyAugment(page);13const playwright = require('playwright');14const { copyAugment } = require('playwright/lib/internal/inspectorInstrumentation');15const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();16const context = await browser.newContext();17const page = await context.newPage();18await copyAugment(page);19const playwright = require('playwright');20const { copyAugment } = require('playwright/lib/internal/inspectorInstrumentation');21const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();22const context = await browser.newContext();23const page = await context.newPage();24await copyAugment(page);25const playwright = require('playwright');26const { copyAugment } = require('playwright/lib/internal/inspectorInstrumentation');27const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();28const context = await browser.newContext();29const page = await context.newPage();30await copyAugment(page);31const playwright = require('playwright');32const { copyAugment } = require('playwright/lib/internal/inspectorInstrumentation');33const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();34const context = await browser.newContext();35const page = await context.newPage();36await copyAugment(page);37const playwright = require('playwright');38const { copyAugment } = require('playwright/lib/internal/inspectorInstrumentation');39const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();40const context = await browser.newContext();41const page = await context.newPage();42await copyAugment(page);

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1const { copyAugment } = require('playwright/lib/internal/utils');2const { copyAugment } = require('playwright-core/lib/internal/utils');3const { copyAugment } = require('playwright-chromium/lib/internal/utils');4const { copyAugment } = require('playwright-firefox/lib/internal/utils');5const { copyAugment } = require('playwright-webkit/lib/internal/utils');6const { copyAugment } = require('playwright/lib/internal/utils');7const { copyAugment } = require('playwright-core/lib/internal/utils');8const { copyAugment } = require('playwright-chromium/lib/internal/utils');9const { copyAugment } = require('playwright-firefox/lib/internal/utils');10const { copyAugment } = require('playwright-webkit/lib/internal/utils');11const { copyAugment } = require('playwright/lib/internal/utils');12const { copyAugment } = require('playwright-core/lib/internal/utils');13const { copyAugment } = require('playwright-chromium/lib/internal/utils');14const { copyAugment } = require('playwright-firefox/lib/internal/utils');15const { copyAugment } = require('playwright-webkit/lib/internal/utils');16const { copyAugment } = require('playwright/lib/internal/utils');17const { copyAugment } = require

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1const { copyAugment } = require('playwright/lib/utils/stackTrace');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 const stackTrace = copyAugment(new Error().stack);5 console.log(stackTrace);6});7 at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/username/playwright-test/test.js:10:20)8 at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/username/playwright-test/test.js:12:1)9 at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/username/playwright-test/test.js:13:1)10 at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1137:30)11 at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1157:10)12 at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:985:32)13 at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:878:14)14 at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:71:12)15 at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/username/playwright-test/test.js:13:1)16 at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1137:30)17 at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1157:10)18 at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:985:32)19 at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:878:14)20 at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:71:12)

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1const {copyAugment} = require('playwright/lib/client/helper');2const {launch} = require('playwright');3const path = require('path');4(async () => {5 const browser = await launch({6 });7 const page = await browser.newPage();8 const input = await page.$('input[name="q"]');9 await input.type('hello world');10 await page.screenshot({path: 'google.png'});11 const input2 = await page.$('input[name="q"]');12 await input2.type('hello world');13 await page.screenshot({path: 'google2.png'});14 await browser.close();15})();16const {copyAugment} = require('playwright/lib/client/helper');17const {launch} = require('playwright');18const path = require('path');19(async () => {20 const browser = await launch({21 });22 const page = await browser.newPage();23 const input = await page.$('input[name="q"]');24 await input.type('hello world');25 await page.screenshot({path: 'google.png'});26 const input2 = await page.$('input[name="q"]');27 await input2.type('hello world');28 await page.screenshot({path: 'google2.png'});29 await browser.close();30})();31const {copyAugment} = require('playwright/lib/client/helper');32const {launch} = require('playwright');33const path = require('path');34(async () => {35 const browser = await launch({36 });37 const page = await browser.newPage();38 const input = await page.$('input[name="q"]');39 await input.type('hello world');40 await page.screenshot({path: 'google.png'});41 const input2 = await page.$('input[name="q"]');42 await input2.type('hello world');43 await page.screenshot({path: 'google2.png'});44 await browser.close();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { copyAugment } = require('playwright/lib/server/cjs/browserContext');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3const fs = require('fs');4(async () => {5 const browser = await chromium.launch();6 const context = await browser.newContext();7 const page = await context.newPage();8 await page.screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' });9 await browser.close();10 const context2 = await copyAugment(context);11 const page2 = await context2.newPage();12 await page2.screenshot({ path: 'screenshot2.png' });13 await context2.close();14})();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { copyAugment } = require('playwright/lib/internal/inspectorInstrumentation');2const { createWriteStream } = require('fs');3const { join } = require('path');4const { Page } = require('playwright');5const { chromium } = require('playwright');6const outputPath = join(__dirname, 'output');7(async () => {8 const browser = await chromium.launch();9 const page = await browser.newPage();10 const wsEndpoint = page._delegate._connection._transport._wsEndpoint;11 copyAugment(outputPath, wsEndpoint);12 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });13 await browser.close();14})();15const playwrightInternal = {16 on: () => {},17 off: () => {},18 emit: () => {},19 debugProtocol: () => {},20 debugSockets: () => {},21};22module.exports = playwrightInternal;23const playwrightInternal = {24 on: () => {},25 off: () => {},26 emit: () => {},27 debugProtocol: () => {},28 debugSockets: () => {},29};30module.exports = playwrightInternal;31const playwrightInternal = {32 on: () => {},33 off: () => {},34 emit: () => {},35 debugProtocol: () => {},36 debugSockets: () => {},37};38module.exports = playwrightInternal;39const playwrightInternal = {40 on: () => {},41 off: () => {},42 emit: () => {},43 debugProtocol: () => {},44 debugSockets: () => {},

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1const { copyAugment } = require('playwright/lib/server/common/processLauncher');2copyAugment('/path/to/extension', '/path/to/extension2');3await browserType.launch({ extensions: [ '/path/to/extension', '/path/to/extension2' ] });4const { copyAugment } = require('playwright/lib/server/common/processLauncher');5copyAugment('/path/to/extension', '/path/to/extension2');6await browserType.launch({ extensions: [ '/path/to/extension', '/path/to/extension2' ] });7const { copyAugment } = require('playwright/lib/server/common/processLauncher');8copyAugment('/path/to/extension', '/path/to/extension2');9await browserType.launch({ extensions: [ '/path/to/extension', '/path/to/extension2' ] });10const { copyAugment } = require('playwright/lib/server/common/processLauncher');11copyAugment('/path/to/extension', '/path/to/extension2');12await browserType.launch({ extensions: [ '/path/to/extension', '/path/to/extension2' ] });13const { copyAugment } = require('playwright/lib/server/common/processLauncher');14copyAugment('/path/to/extension', '/path/to/extension2');15await browserType.launch({ extensions: [ '/path/to/extension', '/path/to/extension2' ]

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1const { copyAugment } = require('playwright/lib/server/crBrowser');2await copyAugment(page);3await'text=Click me');4await'text=Click me');5await'text=Click me');6Error: Protocol error (DOM.performSearch): Tracing is not started7await page.tracing.start({ screenshots: true, snapshots: true });8await'text=Click me');9await page.tracing.stop();10await page.tracing.stop();11await'text=Click me');12await page.tracing.stop();13await page.tracing.start({ screenshots: true, snapshots: true });14await'text=Click me');15await page.tracing.stop();16await page.tracing.start({ screenshots: true, snapshots: true });17await page.tracing.stop();18await'text=Click me');19await page.tracing.stop();20await page.tracing.start({ screenshots: true, snapshots: true });21await page.tracing.stop();22await'text=Click me');23await page.tracing.start({ screenshots: true, snapshots: true });24await page.tracing.stop();25await page.tracing.start({ screenshots: true, snapshots: true });26await page.tracing.stop();27await'text

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1const { internalCallMetadata } = require('@playwright/test');2const { ElementHandle } = require('playwright');3const copyAugment = internalCallMetadata().copyAugment;4copyAugment(ElementHandle, 'scrollToCenter', async function () {5 await this.evaluate((element) => {6 const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();7 const viewPortHeight = Math.max(8 );9 window.scrollTo(0, - viewPortHeight / 2);10 });11});12const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');13test('test', async ({ page }) => {14 const link = await page.locator('text=Get started');15 await link.scrollToCenter();16 const screenshot = await page.screenshot();17 expect(screenshot).toMatchSnapshot('scroll-to-center.png');18});19### `test.fixme()`20test('test', async ({ page }) => {21 const link = await page.locator('text=Get started');22 await;23});24test.fixme()('test', async ({ page }) => {25 const link = await page.locator('text=Get started');26 await;27});28### `test.expect()`29test('test', async ({ page }) => {30 const title = await page.locator('text=Get started').first().innerText();31 test.expect(title).toBe('Get started');

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Playwright tutorial

LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.


  1. What is Playwright : Playwright is comparatively new but has gained good popularity. Get to know some history of the Playwright with some interesting facts connected with it.
  2. How To Install Playwright : Learn in detail about what basic configuration and dependencies are required for installing Playwright and run a test. Get a step-by-step direction for installing the Playwright automation framework.
  3. Playwright Futuristic Features: Launched in 2020, Playwright gained huge popularity quickly because of some obliging features such as Playwright Test Generator and Inspector, Playwright Reporter, Playwright auto-waiting mechanism and etc. Read up on those features to master Playwright testing.
  4. What is Component Testing: Component testing in Playwright is a unique feature that allows a tester to test a single component of a web application without integrating them with other elements. Learn how to perform Component testing on the Playwright automation framework.
  5. Inputs And Buttons In Playwright: Every website has Input boxes and buttons; learn about testing inputs and buttons with different scenarios and examples.
  6. Functions and Selectors in Playwright: Learn how to launch the Chromium browser with Playwright. Also, gain a better understanding of some important functions like “BrowserContext,” which allows you to run multiple browser sessions, and “newPage” which interacts with a page.
  7. Handling Alerts and Dropdowns in Playwright : Playwright interact with different types of alerts and pop-ups, such as simple, confirmation, and prompt, and different types of dropdowns, such as single selector and multi-selector get your hands-on with handling alerts and dropdown in Playright testing.
  8. Playwright vs Puppeteer: Get to know about the difference between two testing frameworks and how they are different than one another, which browsers they support, and what features they provide.
  9. Run Playwright Tests on LambdaTest: Playwright testing with LambdaTest leverages test performance to the utmost. You can run multiple Playwright tests in Parallel with the LammbdaTest test cloud. Get a step-by-step guide to run your Playwright test on the LambdaTest platform.
  10. Playwright Python Tutorial: Playwright automation framework support all major languages such as Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, .NET and etc. However, there are various advantages to Python end-to-end testing with Playwright because of its versatile utility. Get the hang of Playwright python testing with this chapter.
  11. Playwright End To End Testing Tutorial: Get your hands on with Playwright end-to-end testing and learn to use some exciting features such as TraceViewer, Debugging, Networking, Component testing, Visual testing, and many more.
  12. Playwright Video Tutorial: Watch the video tutorials on Playwright testing from experts and get a consecutive in-depth explanation of Playwright automation testing.

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