Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1import { Button, Container, Grid } from '@material-ui/core';2import { useTheme } from '@material-ui/core/styles';3import useMediaQuery from '@material-ui/core/useMediaQuery';4import { Done, Lock as LockIcon, PlayArrow } from '@material-ui/icons';5import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';6import { getTestInfoByAppId, setTestInfoPlaying, endTest, getTopicsByParentId, getTestInfoByAppIdAndParentId } from "../../redux/actions/index";7import SelectStatePopup from '../../components/SelectStatePopup';8import { LoadingWidget } from '../../components/Widgets';9import Config from '../../config';10import CloseIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Close';11import { scrollToTop } from '../../models/Utils';12import ReactGA from 'react-ga';13import { connect } from 'react-redux';14import Header from "../../components/Header"15import { AlertDialogSlide, DialogInfo, ShowImage } from '../../components/Dialog';16import { ButtonLevel, TestProgressPanel, TestQuestionPanel } from './TestComponent';17import EndTestView from "./EndTest";18import ArrowRightAltIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ArrowRightAlt';19import SelectTopicPopUp from '../../components/SelectTopicPopUp';20import Footer from '../../components/Footer';21import { CongratulationAlert } from "../game/Game.ViewTS"22const TestViewScreen = ({ appInfoState, topicId = -1 }) => {23 const theme = useTheme()24 const isMobile = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.down('sm'));25 useEffect(() => {26 if (isMobile) {27 scrollToTop();28 }29 }, [isMobile]);30 let appInfo = appInfoState;31 useEffect(() => {32 ReactGA.pageview('/testpage/' + appInfo.title);33 }, []);34 if (!appInfo) {35 return React.createElement(LoadingWidget, null);36 }37 return (38 <TestView appInfoState={appInfoState} topicId={topicId}></TestView>39 )40};41const TestViewUI = ({ stateInfoState, testInfoState, appInfoState, getTestInfoByAppId = () => { }, gameState, getTestInfoByAppIdAndParentId = () => { }, setTestInfoPlaying = () => { }, endTest, getTopicsByParentId }) => {42 let loading = gameState.isLoading === 2;43 const [dialogInfo, setDialogInfo] = useState(DialogInfo.init());44 const [selectedState, setSelectedState] = useState(true);45 const [openPopupChangeState, setOpenPopupChangeState] = useState(false);46 const [currentTestInfo, setCurrentTestInfo] = useState(null);47 const [showGame, setShowGame] = useState(false);48 const [openSelectTopic, setOpenSelectTopic] = useState(false);49 const theme = useTheme();50 const [showLeftPanel, setShowLeftPanel] = useState(false);51 const isMobile = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.between(0, 780));52 let isHaveRightPanel = !((gameState.isFinish && loading) || (gameState.currentQuestion && loading) || (gameState.level < 0));53 useEffect(() => {54 if (Config.LISTBUCKET.indexOf(appInfoState.bucket) !== -1) {55 if (testInfoState.currentTopic[]) {56 getTestInfoByAppIdAndParentId( } else {58 return59 }60 } else {61 if (appInfoState.hasState) {62 if (stateInfoState.mapCurrentStateInfo[]) {63 getTestInfoByAppId(, stateInfoState.mapCurrentStateInfo[].id);64 getTopicsByParentId(stateInfoState.mapCurrentStateInfo[].id);65 }66 } else {67 getTestInfoByAppId(;68 getTopicsByParentId(;69 }70 }71 }, [, getTestInfoByAppId, setTestInfoPlaying, setCurrentTestInfo, getTestInfoByAppIdAndParentId, testInfoState.currentTopic[], stateInfoState.mapCurrentStateInfo[]]);72 if (isMobile) {73 return (74 <div className="body-panel test-page">75 <Container className="test-game-panel">76 {showGame ?77 <>78 {(gameState.isFinish && gameState.isLoading === 7 && !showLeftPanel) ? <EndTestView setShowLeftPanel={() => setShowLeftPanel(true)} bucket={appInfoState.bucket}></EndTestView>79 : null}80 <Grid item xs={12} sm={12} md={7} lg={8} className="right-panel" style={{ display: isHaveRightPanel && !showLeftPanel && gameState.isLoading !== 7 ? "block" : "none" }}>81 <div className="box-question-panel">82 {gameState.isFinish ? null : <TestProgressPanel setShowLeftPanel={() => setShowLeftPanel(true)} appInfo={appInfoState}></TestProgressPanel>}83 <TestQuestionPanel84 className="question-view-study-game"85 testInfoId={}86 appId={}87 timeTest={currentTestInfo.timeTest}88 passPercent={currentTestInfo.passPercent}89 questionIds={currentTestInfo.questionIds}90 appInfoState={appInfoState}91 showLeftPanel={showLeftPanel}92 setShowLeftPanel={() => setShowLeftPanel(true)}93 ></TestQuestionPanel>94 </div>95 </Grid>96 <ButtonLevel97 isHaveRightPanel={isHaveRightPanel}98 testInfoId={currentTestInfo ? : -1}99 appId={}100 timeTest={currentTestInfo.timeTest}101 passPercent={currentTestInfo.passPercent}102 questionIds={currentTestInfo.questionIds}103 setDialogInfo={setDialogInfo}104 gameStateId={}105 level={gameState.level}106 showLeftPanel={showLeftPanel}107 setShowLeftPanel={() => setShowLeftPanel(false)}108 isFinish={gameState.isFinish}109 setShowGame={() => setShowGame(false)}>110 </ButtonLevel>111 </> : (112 <>113 <div style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "center" }}>114 {appInfoState.hasState ? <Button115 variant="contained"116 color="primary"117 style={{ background: "#8496EA", color: "#fff", marginTop: isMobile ? "16px" : "", borderRadius: "20px", marginBottom: "16px", display: "block", marginRight: "16px" }}118 onClick={() => setOpenPopupChangeState(true)}119 >Change State</Button> : null}120 {Config.LISTBUCKET.indexOf(appInfoState.bucket) !== -1 ? <Button121 variant="contained"122 color="primary"123 style={{ background: "#8496EA", color: "#fff", marginTop: isMobile ? "16px" : "", borderRadius: "20px", marginBottom: "16px", display: "block", marginRight: "16px" }}124 onClick={() => setOpenSelectTopic(true)}125 >Change Topic</Button> : null}126 </div>127 <ListTestInfo appId={}128 onChangeTestInfo={(testInfo) => {129 if (!testInfo.playing) {130 setCurrentTestInfo(testInfo);131 if (currentTestInfo) {132 setTestInfoPlaying(, }134 }135 setShowGame(true);136 }}137 level={gameState.level}138 bucket={appInfoState.bucket}>139 </ListTestInfo>140 </>141 )}142 {((Config.LISTBUCKET.indexOf(appInfoState.bucket) !== -1 && !testInfoState.currentTopic[]) || openSelectTopic === true) ?143 <SelectTopicPopUp appInfoState={appInfoState}144 openSelectTopic={openSelectTopic}145 setOpenSelectTopic={() => setOpenSelectTopic(false)}>146 </SelectTopicPopUp> : null}147 {appInfoState && appInfoState.hasState ?148 <SelectStatePopup149 onLoaded={(selectedState) => {150 setSelectedState(selectedState)151 }}152 openDefault={false}153 appInfo={appInfoState}154 openPopupChangeState={openPopupChangeState}155 onHidden={() => {156 setOpenPopupChangeState(false);157 setOpenSelectTopic(true);158 }} /> : ''}159 </Container>160 {showGame ? null : <Footer isStudy={true}></Footer>}161 </div>162 )163 }164 return (165 <div className="body-panel test-page">166 <Header isStudy={true} appInfo={appInfoState}></Header>167 <Container className="test-game-panel">168 {dialogInfo ? <AlertDialogSlide dialogInfo={dialogInfo} /> : ''}169 {showGame ? (170 <>171 <ButtonLevel testInfoId={currentTestInfo ? : -1}172 appId={}173 timeTest={currentTestInfo ? currentTestInfo.timeTest : -1}174 passPercent={currentTestInfo ? currentTestInfo.passPercent : -1}175 questionIds={currentTestInfo ? currentTestInfo.questionIds : null}176 setDialogInfo={setDialogInfo}177 gameStateId={}178 level={gameState.level}179 setShowLeftPanel={() => setShowLeftPanel(false)}180 isFinish={gameState.isFinish}181 setShowGame={() => setShowGame(false)}>182 </ButtonLevel>183 <div className="spacer-height-test"></div>184 <Grid185 container186 alignItems="stretch"187 spacing={4}188 style={isHaveRightPanel ? {} : { display: "none" }}189 className="main-test-game-panel"190 >191 <Grid item xs={12} sm={12} md={5} lg={4} className="left-panel border-box">192 {(gameState.isFinish && gameState.isLoading !== 2) ? (193 <EndTestView bucket={appInfoState.bucket}></EndTestView>194 ) : (195 <div className="left-panel-box border-box">196 <div className="left-panel-content">197 <div className="description">198 You are about to take the199 simulator test. If you pass this200 test at least 5 times,201 congratulations! You are ready202 for your real test203 </div>204 <ul className="list-content">205 <li>As close as it gets to the actual test.</li>206 <li>{gameState.questions.length} questions</li>207 <li>{ - Math.round( * gameState.passPercent / 100)} mistakes allowed</li>208 <li>New questions every time you re-take.</li>209 <li>Stop as soon as you have reached the failing score</li>210 </ul>211 </div>212 <Button213 variant="contained"214 color="primary"215 onClick={() => {216 endTest();217 }}218 style={219 {220 display: ((gameState.isFinish && loading) || (gameState.currentQuestion && loading) || (gameState.level < 0)) ? "none" : "block",221 background: "#EF7352",222 boxShadow: "inset 0px 4px 4px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25)",223 borderRadius: "20px",224 width: "240px",225 marginLeft: "auto",226 marginRight: "auto"227 }228 }>End Test</Button>229 </div>230 )}231 </Grid>232 <Grid item xs={12} sm={12} md={7} lg={8} className="right-panel border-box">233 <div className="box-question-panel border-box">234 {gameState.isFinish ? null : <TestProgressPanel setShowLeftPanel={() => setShowLeftPanel(true)} appInfo={appInfoState}></TestProgressPanel>}235 <TestQuestionPanel236 className="question-view-study-game border-box"237 testInfoId={currentTestInfo ? : -1}238 appId={}239 timeTest={currentTestInfo.timeTest}240 passPercent={currentTestInfo.passPercent}241 questionIds={currentTestInfo.questionIds}242 appInfoState={appInfoState}243 ></TestQuestionPanel>244 </div>245 </Grid>246 </Grid>247 </>248 ) : (249 <>250 <div style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "center" }}>251 {appInfoState.hasState ? <Button252 variant="contained"253 color="primary"254 style={{ background: "#8496EA", color: "#fff", marginTop: isMobile ? "16px" : "", borderRadius: "20px", marginBottom: "16px", display: "block", marginRight: "16px" }}255 onClick={() => setOpenPopupChangeState(true)}256 >Change State</Button> : null}257 {Config.LISTBUCKET.indexOf(appInfoState.bucket) !== -1 ? <Button258 variant="contained"259 color="primary"260 style={{ background: "#8496EA", color: "#fff", marginTop: isMobile ? "16px" : "", borderRadius: "20px", marginBottom: "16px", display: "block" }}261 onClick={() => setOpenSelectTopic(true)}262 >Change Topic</Button> : null}263 </div>264 <ListTestInfo appId={}265 onChangeTestInfo={(testInfo) => {266 if (!testInfo.playing) {267 setCurrentTestInfo(testInfo);268 if (currentTestInfo) {269 setTestInfoPlaying(, }271 }272 setShowGame(true);273 }}274 level={gameState.level}275 bucket={appInfoState.bucket}>276 </ListTestInfo>277 </>)}278 {((Config.LISTBUCKET.indexOf(appInfoState.bucket) !== -1 && !testInfoState.currentTopic[]) || openSelectTopic === true) ?279 <SelectTopicPopUp appInfoState={appInfoState}280 openSelectTopic={openSelectTopic}281 setOpenSelectTopic={() => setOpenSelectTopic(false)}>282 </SelectTopicPopUp> : null}283 {appInfoState && appInfoState.hasState ?284 <SelectStatePopup285 onLoaded={(selectedState) => {286 setSelectedState(selectedState)287 }}288 openDefault={false}289 appInfo={appInfoState}290 openPopupChangeState={openPopupChangeState}291 onHidden={() => {292 setOpenPopupChangeState(false);293 setOpenSelectTopic(true)294 }} /> : ''}295 </Container >296 <ShowImage></ShowImage>297 </div >298 )299}300const ListTestInfoUI = ({ testInfoState, appId, onChangeTestInfo, level, bucket }) => {301 let testInfos = new Array();302 const theme = useTheme();303 const isMobile = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.between(0, 600))304 const isIPad = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.between(600, 780))305 if (!testInfoState || testInfoState.loading) {306 return <LoadingWidget></LoadingWidget>307 }308 let widget = [], childs = [];309 if (Config.LISTBUCKET.indexOf(bucket) !== -1) {310 if (testInfoState.list.length > 0) {311 testInfoState.list.forEach(el => {312 if (el.topicId === testInfoState.currentTopic[appId]) {313 testInfos.push(el);314 }315 })316 }317 } else {318 if (testInfoState.list.length > 0) {319 testInfoState.list.forEach(el => {320 if (el.appId === appId) {321 testInfos.push(el)322 }323 })324 }325 }326 console.log("xxxxx testInfos", testInfos.length)327 testInfos.sort((a, b) => a.index - b.index).forEach((el, index) => {328 let indexInt = isMobile ? parseInt(index / 2) : (isIPad ? parseInt(index / 4) : parseInt(index / 6));329 let testInfoItem = <TestInfoItem330 onChangeTestInfo={onChangeTestInfo}331 testInfo={el}332 key={}333 index={index}334 level={level}335 length={testInfos.length}336 reverse={indexInt % 2 === 0 ? false : true} >337 </TestInfoItem>338 childs.push(testInfoItem);339 if (isMobile ? (childs.length === 2 || childs.length === (testInfos.length - widget.length * 2)) : (isIPad ? (childs.length === 4 || childs.length === (testInfos.length - widget.length * 4)) : (childs.length === 6 || childs.length === (testInfos.length - widget.length * 6)))) {340 let container341 if (indexInt % 2 === 0) {342 container = <Grid container spacing={2} key={"container " + indexInt} style={{ justifyContent: (isMobile && childs.length === 2) ? "center" : "", marginBottom: isIPad ? "20px" : "12px", width: "100%", marginLeft: (isMobile && childs.length === 1) ? "calc((100% - 360px)/2)" : "auto", marginRight: "auto", marginTop: (isMobile && indexInt === 0) ? "20px" : "0px" }}>{[...childs]}</Grid>343 } else {344 container = <Grid container spacing={2} key={"container " + indexInt} style={{ justifyContent: (isMobile && childs.length === 2) ? "center" : "", margin: isIPad ? "0 auto 20px" : "0 auto 12px", flexDirection: "row-reverse", width: "100%", marginLeft: (isMobile && childs.length === 1) ? "calc((360px - 100%)/2)" : "auto" }}>{[...childs]}</Grid>345 }346 widget.push(container);347 childs = []348 }349 })350 console.log("xxx widget", widget)351 return (352 <>353 { widget}354 </>355 )356}357const TestInfoItem = ({ testInfo, onChangeTestInfo, index, level, reverse, length }) => {358 let status = testInfo.statusProgress359 const theme = useTheme();360 const [showAlert, setShowAlert] = useState();361 const isMobile = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.between(0, 600));362 const isIPad = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.between(600, 780));363 return (364 <Grid item xs={isMobile ? 6 : (isIPad ? 3 : 2)} style={{ maxWidth: isMobile ? "180px" : (isIPad ? "" : "") }} onClick={() => {365 if (testInfo.lock) {366 setShowAlert(true)367 } else {368 onChangeTestInfo(testInfo)369 }370 }} className="test-info-item" >371 <div className="test-info-item-container" style={(isMobile && index % 2 === 0 || isIPad && index % 4 !== 3 || !isMobile && !isIPad && index % 6 !== 5) ? { display: "block" } : { display: "flex", width: (isMobile || isIPad) ? "154px" : "" }}>372 {showAlert ? <CongratulationAlert page="test" onClose={() => setShowAlert(false)}></CongratulationAlert> : null}373 {((!isMobile && !isIPad && index % 6 !== 5) || (isMobile && index % 2 === 0) || (isIPad && index % 4 !== 3) ? (374 <>375 <div className="test-info-item-top" style={{ border: index === 0 ? "2px solid #4e63bd" : "2px dashed #4e63bd" }}></div>376 <div className="test-info-item-bottom" style={{ border: index === 0 ? "2px dashed #4e63bd" : "2px solid #4e63bd" }}></div>377 </>378 ) : (379 <>380 <div className="test-info-item-left" style={{ border: reverse ? "2px dashed #4e63bd" : "2px solid #4e63bd" }}></div>381 <div className="test-info-item-right" style={{ border: reverse ? "2px solid #4e63bd" : "2px dashed #4e63bd" }}></div>382 </>383 ))}384 <div className="test-info-item-content">385 <div className="circle-progress">386 {testInfo.lock ? null : <div className="circle-progress-content" style={status === Config.GAME_STATUS_FAILED ? { background: "#FE6D6D", boxShadow: "none" } : { background: "linear-gradient(108.3deg, #3a95dc 23.49%, #96d9ff 76.7%)" }}>{status === Config.TEST_STATUS_NOTHING ? <PlayArrow style={{ margin: "auto" }}></PlayArrow> : (387 status === Config.GAME_STATUS_PASSED ? <Done></Done> : (status === Config.GAME_STATUS_FAILED ? <CloseIcon style={{ color: "#fff" }}></CloseIcon> : (level === -1 ? testInfo.progress + "%" : testInfo.calculateProgress(level) + "%"))388 )}</div>}389 {testInfo.lock ? <LockIcon style={{ color: "#DADADA", margin: "auto" }}></LockIcon> : null}390 </div>391 <div className="test-info-title">{testInfo.title + " " + (index + 1).toString()}</div>392 </div>393 {index === length - 1 ? null : <ArrowRightAltIcon style={394 isMobile ? (index % 2 === 0 ?395 {396 color: "#4E63BD",397 position: "absolute",398 top: "42%",399 right: reverse ? "" : "-37px",400 left: reverse ? "-33px" : "",401 fontSize: "40px",402 transform: reverse ? "rotate(180deg)" : ""403 } :404 {405 color: "#4E63BD",406 position: "absolute",407 top: "97%",408 left: "38%",409 fontSize: "40px",410 transform: "rotate(90deg)"411 }) : (isIPad ?412 (413 index % 4 === 3 ?414 {415 color: "#4E63BD",416 position: "absolute",417 top: "96%",418 left: "37%",419 fontSize: "51px",420 transform: "rotate(90deg)"421 } :422 {423 color: "#4E63BD",424 position: "absolute",425 top: "37%",426 right: (reverse ? "" : "-51px"),427 left: (reverse ? "-48px" : ""),428 fontSize: "57px",429 transform: (reverse ? "rotate(180deg)" : "")430 }431 ) :432 (433 (index % 6 === 5 ?434 {435 color: "#4E63BD",436 position: "absolute",437 top: "100%",438 right: "",439 left: "42%",440 fontSize: "34px",441 transform: "rotate(90deg)"442 } :443 {444 color: "#4E63BD",445 position: "absolute",446 top: "42%",447 right: (reverse ? "" : "-31px"),448 left: (reverse ? "-28px" : ""),449 fontSize: "34px",450 transform: (reverse ? "rotate(180deg)" : "")451 })452 ))453 }></ArrowRightAltIcon>}454 </div>455 </Grid >456 )457}458const ListTestInfo = connect((state, ownProps) => {459 return {460 testInfoState: state.testInfoReducer,461 ...ownProps462 }463}, null)(ListTestInfoUI)464const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {465 return {466 testInfoState: state.testInfoReducer,467 gameState: state.gameState,468 stateInfoState: state.stateInfoState,469 ...ownProps470 };471}472const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({473 getTestInfoByAppId: (appId, stateId) => dispatch(getTestInfoByAppId(appId, stateId)),474 endTest: () => dispatch(endTest()),475 getTopicsByParentId: (appId) => dispatch(getTopicsByParentId(appId)),476 setTestInfoPlaying: (prevId, nextId) => dispatch(setTestInfoPlaying(prevId, nextId)),477 getTestInfoByAppIdAndParentId: (appId) => dispatch(getTestInfoByAppIdAndParentId(appId))478});479const TestView = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(TestViewUI)...
1var ReflectionHarness = {};2// @private3ReflectionHarness.passed = document.getElementById("passed");4ReflectionHarness.failed = document.getElementById("failed");5/**6 * In conformance testing mode, all tests will be run. Otherwise, we'll skip7 * tests for attributes that have an entirely incorrect type.8 */9ReflectionHarness.conformanceTesting = false;10/**11 * Returns a string representing val. Basically just adds quotes for strings,12 * and passes through other recognized types literally.13 *14 * @public15 */16ReflectionHarness.stringRep = function(val) {17 if (val === null) {18 // typeof is object, so the switch isn't useful19 return "null";20 }21 // In JavaScript, -0 === 0 and String(-0) == "0", so we have to22 // special-case.23 if (val === -0 && 1/val === -Infinity) {24 return "-0";25 }26 switch (typeof val) {27 case "string":28 for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) {29 var replace = "\\";30 switch (i) {31 case 0: replace += "0"; break;32 case 1: replace += "x01"; break;33 case 2: replace += "x02"; break;34 case 3: replace += "x03"; break;35 case 4: replace += "x04"; break;36 case 5: replace += "x05"; break;37 case 6: replace += "x06"; break;38 case 7: replace += "x07"; break;39 case 8: replace += "b"; break;40 case 9: replace += "t"; break;41 case 10: replace += "n"; break;42 case 11: replace += "v"; break;43 case 12: replace += "f"; break;44 case 13: replace += "r"; break;45 case 14: replace += "x0e"; break;46 case 15: replace += "x0f"; break;47 case 16: replace += "x10"; break;48 case 17: replace += "x11"; break;49 case 18: replace += "x12"; break;50 case 19: replace += "x13"; break;51 case 20: replace += "x14"; break;52 case 21: replace += "x15"; break;53 case 22: replace += "x16"; break;54 case 23: replace += "x17"; break;55 case 24: replace += "x18"; break;56 case 25: replace += "x19"; break;57 case 26: replace += "x1a"; break;58 case 27: replace += "x1b"; break;59 case 28: replace += "x1c"; break;60 case 29: replace += "x1d"; break;61 case 30: replace += "x1e"; break;62 case 31: replace += "x1f"; break;63 }64 val = val.replace(String.fromCharCode(i), replace);65 }66 return '"' + val.replace('"', '\\"') + '"';67 case "boolean":68 case "undefined":69 case "number":70 return val + "";71 default:72 return typeof val + ' "' + val + '"';73 }74}75/**76 * An object representing info about the current test, used for printing out77 * nice messages and so forth.78 */79ReflectionHarness.currentTestInfo = {};80/**81 * .test() sets this, and it's used by .assertEquals()/.assertThrows().82 * Calling .test() recursively is an error.83 */84ReflectionHarness.currentTestDescription = null;85/**86 * Run a group of one or more assertions. If any exceptions are thrown, catch87 * them and report a failure.88 */89ReflectionHarness.test = function(fn, description) {90 if (this.currentTestDescription) {91 throw "TEST BUG: test() may not be called recursively!";92 }93 this.currentTestDescription = description;94 try {95 fn();96 // Not throwing is a success97 this.success();98 } catch(err) {99 this.failure("Exception thrown during tests with " + description);100 }101 this.currentTestDescription = null;102}103/**104 * If question === answer, output a success, else report a failure with the105 * given description. Currently success and failure both increment counters,106 * and failures output a message to a <ul>. Which <ul> is decided by the type107 * parameter -- different attribute types are separated for readability.108 *109 * @public110 */111ReflectionHarness.assertEquals = function(expected, actual, description) {112 // Special-case -0 yay!113 if (expected === 0 && actual === 0 && 1/expected === 1/actual) {114 this.increment(this.passed);115 } else if (expected === actual) {116 this.increment(this.passed);117 } else {118 this.increment(this.failed);119 this.reportFailure(this.currentTestDescription +120 (description ? " followed by " + description : "") +121 ' (expected ' + this.stringRep(actual) + ', got ' +122 this.stringRep(expected) + ')');123 }124}125/**126 * If calling fn causes a DOMException of the type given by the string127 * exceptionName (e.g., "IndexSizeError"), output a success. Otherwise, report128 * a failure.129 *130 * @public131 */132ReflectionHarness.assertThrows = function(exceptionName, fn) {133 try {134 fn();135 } catch (e) {136 if (e instanceof DOMException && e.code == DOMException[exceptionName]) {137 this.increment(this.passed);138 return true;139 }140 }141 this.increment(this.failed);142 this.reportFailure(this.currentTestDescription + " must throw " +143 exceptionName);144 return false;145}146/**147 * Get a description of the current type, e.g., "a.href".148 */149ReflectionHarness.getTypeDescription = function() {150 var domNode = this.currentTestInfo.domObj.tagName.toLowerCase();151 var idlNode = this.currentTestInfo.idlObj.nodeName.toLowerCase();152 var domName = this.currentTestInfo.domName;153 var idlName = this.currentTestInfo.idlName;154 var comment =;155 var typeDesc = idlNode + "." + idlName;156 if (!comment && (domNode != idlNode || domName != idlName)) {157 comment = "<" + domNode + " " + domName + ">";158 }159 if (comment) {160 typeDesc += " (" + comment + ")";161 }162 return typeDesc;163}164/**165 * Report a failure with the given description, adding context from the166 * currentTestInfo member.167 *168 * @private169 */170ReflectionHarness.reportFailure = function(description) {171 var typeDesc = this.getTypeDescription();172 var idlName = this.currentTestInfo.idlName;173 var comment =;174 typeDesc = typeDesc.replace("&", "&").replace("<", "<");175 description = description.replace("&", "&").replace("<", "<");176 var type =;177 // Special case for undefined attributes, which we don't want getting in178 // the way of everything else.179 if ('^typeof IDL attribute \\(expected ".*", got "undefined"\\)$') != -1) {180 type = "undefined";181 }182 var done = false;183 var ul = document.getElementById("errors-" + type.replace(" ", "-"));184 if (ul === null) {185 ul = document.createElement("ul");186 = "errors-" + type.replace(" ", "-");187 var div = document.getElementById("errors");188 p = document.createElement("p");189 if (type == "undefined") {190 div.parentNode.insertBefore(ul, div.nextSibling);191 p.innerHTML = "These IDL attributes were of undefined type, presumably representing unimplemented features (cordoned off into a separate section for tidiness):";192 } else {193 div.appendChild(ul);194 p.innerHTML = "Errors for type " + type + ":";195 }196 ul.parentNode.insertBefore(p, ul);197 } else if (type != "undefined") {198 var existingErrors = ul.getElementsByClassName("desc");199 for (var i = 0; i < existingErrors.length; i++) {200 if (existingErrors[i].innerHTML == description) {201 var typeSpan = existingErrors[i].parentNode.getElementsByClassName("type")[0];202 // Check if we have lots of the same error for the same203 // attribute. If so, we want to collapse them -- the exact204 // elements that exhibit the error aren't going to be important205 // to report in this case, and it can take a lot of space if206 // there's an error in a global attribute like dir or id.207 var types = typeSpan.innerHTML.split(", ");208 var count = 0;209 for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {210 if (types[i].search("^\\([0-9]* elements\\)\\." + idlName + "$") != -1) {211 types[i] = "(" + (1 + parseInt(/[0-9]+/.exec(types[i])[0])) + " elements)." + idlName;212 typeSpan.innerHTML = types.join(", ");213 return;214 } else if (types[i].search("\\." + idlName + "$") != -1) {215 count++;216 }217 }218 if (comment || count < 10) {219 // Just add the extra error to the end, not many duplicates220 // (or we have a comment)221 typeSpan.innerHTML += ", " + typeDesc;222 } else {223 var filteredTypes = types.filter(function(type) { return"\\." + idlName + "$") == -1; });224 if (filteredTypes.length) {225 typeSpan.innerHTML = filteredTypes.join(", ") + ", ";226 } else {227 typeSpan.innerHTML = "";228 }229 typeSpan.innerHTML += "(" + (types.length - filteredTypes.length) + " elements)." + idlName;230 }231 return;232 }233 }234 }235 if (type == "undefined") {236 ul.innerHTML += "<li>" + typeDesc;237 } else {238 ul.innerHTML += "<li><span class=\"type\">" + typeDesc + "</span>: <span class=\"desc\">" + description + "</span>";239 }240}241/**242 * Shorthand function for when we have a failure outside of243 * assertEquals()/assertThrows(). Generally used when the failure is an244 * exception thrown unexpectedly or such, something not equality-based.245 *246 * @public247 */248ReflectionHarness.failure = function(message) {249 this.increment(this.failed);250 this.reportFailure(message);251}252/**253 * Shorthand function for when we have a success outside of254 * assertEquals()/assertThrows().255 *256 * @public257 */258ReflectionHarness.success = function() {259 this.increment(this.passed);260}261/**262 * Increment the count in either "passed" or "failed". el should always be one263 * of those two variables. The implementation of this function amuses me.264 *265 * @private266 */267ReflectionHarness.increment = function(el) {268 el.innerHTML = parseInt(el.innerHTML) + 1;269 var percent = document.getElementById("percent");270 var passed = document.getElementById("passed");271 var failed = document.getElementById("failed");272 percent.innerHTML = (parseInt(passed.innerHTML)/(parseInt(passed.innerHTML) + parseInt(failed.innerHTML))*100).toPrecision(3);273}274/**275 * Hide all displayed errors matching a given regex, so it's easier to filter276 * out repetitive failures. TODO: Fix this so it works right with the new277 * "lump many errors in one <li>" thing.278 *279 * @private (kind of, only called in the original reflection.html)280 */281ReflectionHarness.maskErrors = function(regex) {282 var uls = document.getElementsByTagName("ul");283 for (var i = 0; i < uls.length; i++) {284 var lis = uls[i].children;285 for (var j = 0; j < lis.length; j++) {286 if (regex !== "" && lis[j].innerHTML.match(regex)) {287 lis[j].style.display = "none";288 } else {289 lis[j].style.display = "list-item";290 }291 }292 }293}294// Now for some stuff that has nothing to do with ReflectionHarness and295// everything to do with initialization needed for reflection.js, which seems296// pointless to put in an extra file.297var elements = {};298var extraTests = [];299/**300 * Used for combining a number of small arrays of element data into one big301 * one.302 */303function mergeElements(src) {304 for (var key in src) {305 if (!src.hasOwnProperty(key)) {306 // This is inherited from a prototype or something.307 continue;308 }309 if (key in elements) {310 elements[key] = elements[key].concat(src[key]);311 } else {312 elements[key] = src[key];313 }314 }...
1// libraries and hooks2import { createContext, useContext } from "react";3// algorithm4import { GameContext } from "@context/GameContext";56export const MinimaxContext = createContext();78export const MinimaxContextProvider = ({ children }) => {9 const AIMark = "O";10 const humanMark = "X";1112 const { findEmptyCells, checkWinner } = useContext(GameContext);1314 const findBestMove = (board, playerMark) => {15 // the algorithm gets the indexes of all the empty cells.16 const availableCells = findEmptyCells(board);1718 // the algorithm checks whether someone has already won.19 if (checkWinner(board, humanMark)) {20 // if the human wins, then return -121 return { score: -1 };22 } else if (checkWinner(board, AIMark)) {23 // if the AI wins, then return 124 return { score: 1 };25 } else if (availableCells.length === 0) {26 // finally, if there are no more available cells, it means the game has ended in a tie, therefore return 0.27 return { score: 0 };28 }2930 // this array will save the information of all the tests.31 const allTestsInformation = [];3233 for (let i = 0; i < availableCells.length; i++) {34 // now we will iterate upon all the available cells.35 const currentTestInfo = {}; //this variable saves the info of the current test.36 currentTestInfo.index = board[availableCells[i].index].index;37 // then we will place the player mark in the current available cell.38 board[availableCells[i].index].isMarked = true;39 board[availableCells[i].index].markedBy = playerMark;40 //is the AI the current player?41 if (playerMark === AIMark) {42 //if so, recursively run the algorithm with the new board state and with the humanMark (the next player) and save its result in the result variable.43 const result = findBestMove(board, humanMark);44 // and add this result info to the currentTestInfo object.45 currentTestInfo.score = result.score;46 } else {47 //else, recursively run the algorithm with the new board state and with the AImark (the next player) and save its result in the result variable.48 const result = findBestMove(board, AIMark);49 // and add this result info to the currentTestInfo object.50 currentTestInfo.score = result.score;51 }52 // now delete the player mark from the current cell.53 board[availableCells[i].index].isMarked = false;54 board[availableCells[i].index].markedBy = null;55 // and push the currentTestInfo to the array with all the tests.56 allTestsInformation.push(currentTestInfo);57 }5859 // this is the variable that we will return later on.60 let bestPlay = null;6162 // is the AI (the maximizer) the current player?63 if (playerMark === AIMark) {64 // if so, then:65 let bestScore = -9999999; //the best score is initialized with a negative number.66 for (let i = 0; i < allTestsInformation.length; i++) {67 //we'll iterate upon the array with all the tests.68 if (allTestsInformation[i].score > bestScore) {69 // if the score of the test at i position is greater than bestScore, then:70 // bestScore will change its value to the score of the test at position i.71 bestScore = allTestsInformation[i].score;72 // and the best play for the maximizer will be equal to the test at i position.73 bestPlay = i;74 }75 }76 } else {77 // else, it means the current player is the human (the minimizer)78 let bestScore = 9999999; // for the minimizer, we'll start its best value as a positive number.79 for (let i = 0; i < allTestsInformation.length; i++) {80 //we'll iterate upon the array with all the tests.81 if (allTestsInformation[i].score < bestScore) {82 // if the score of the test at i position is lesser than bestScore, then:83 // bestScore will change its value to the score of the test at position i.84 bestScore = allTestsInformation[i].score;85 // and the best play for the minimizer will be equal to the test at i position.86 bestPlay = i;87 }88 }89 }90 // finally, return the best play found in the tests array.91 return allTestsInformation[bestPlay];92 };9394 return (95 <MinimaxContext.Provider value={{ findBestMove }}>96 {children}97 </MinimaxContext.Provider>98 );
1import { useCallback } from 'react';2import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';3import { useLocation } from 'react-router';4import { useEffect } from 'react';5import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux';6import PropTypes from 'prop-types';7import Container from '../../components/Container';8import TestResult from '../../components/TestResult';9import { testScoreOperations } from '../../redux/testScore';10import { getTestInfo } from '../../redux/testScore/test-selectors.js';11import { currentTestInfoSlice } from '../../redux/testScore/test-reducers.js';12import s from './ResultsView.module.css';13import { authActions } from 'redux/auth';14const ResultsView = () => {15 const currentTestInfo = useSelector(getTestInfo);16 const dispatch = useDispatch();17 const location = useLocation();18 useEffect(() => {19 dispatch(authActions.setUserLocation(location.pathname));20 // eslint-disable-next-line21 }, []);22 const handleRetryBtnClick = useCallback(23 (url, info) => {24 dispatch(testScoreOperations.getQuestions(url));25 dispatch(currentTestInfoSlice.actions.setInfo(info));26 },27 [dispatch],28 );29 return (30 <Container>31 <div className={s.content}>32 <h1 className={s.mainTitle}>Results</h1>33 <h2 className={s.mainSubtitle}>[ {currentTestInfo.quizName}_]</h2>34 <TestResult />35 <Link36 to={{37 pathname: '/test',38 state: {39 quizName: currentTestInfo.quizName,40 url: currentTestInfo.url,41 },42 }}43 className={s.btnRetry}44 onClick={() =>45 handleRetryBtnClick(currentTestInfo.url, {46 quizName: currentTestInfo.quizName,47 url: currentTestInfo.url,48 })49 }50 >51 Try again52 </Link>53 </div>54 </Container>55 );56};57ResultsView.propTypes = {58 currentTestInfo: PropTypes.objectOf(59 PropTypes.exact({60 quizName: PropTypes.string.isRequired,61 url: PropTypes.string.isRequired,62 }),63 ),64};...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { test } = require('@playwright/test');2test.describe('test', () => {3 test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 const title = page.currentTestInfo().title;5 console.log(title);6 });7});8const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');9test.use({10 reporter: new (require('@playwright/test/lib/reporters/list'))(),11});12test('test', async ({ page }) => {13 const title = page.currentTestInfo().title;14 console.log(title);15});16const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');17test.use({18 runner: new (require('@playwright/test/lib/runner'))(),19});20test('test', async ({ page }) => {21 const title = page.currentTestInfo().title;22 console.log(title);23});24const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');25test.use({26 runner: new (require('@playwright/test/lib/runner'))(),27 reporter: new (require('@playwright/test/lib/reporters/list'))(),28});29test('test', async ({ page }) => {30 const title = page.currentTestInfo().title;31 console.log(title
Using AI Code Generation
1const { currentTestInfo } = require('@playwright/test');2const test = currentTestInfo();3const title = test.title;4console.log(title);5const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');6test('My test', async ({ page }) => {7 expect(page.title()).toBe('Playwright');8});9const context = await browser.newContext();10const context = await browser.newContext({11 userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36',12 viewport: { width: 1280, height: 720 }13});14| `deviceScaleFactor` | `number` | `1` | Specify device scale factor (can be thought of as dpr). |15| `geolocation` | `{ latitude: number, longitude: number, accuracy?: number }` | `null` | A geolocation to use. |
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