Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...44 timeoutID = -1;45 endOfFrame = currentTime + frameSize;46 try {47 isFlushing = true;48 _flushWork(false);49 } finally {50 isFlushing = false;51 endOfFrame = -1;52 if (hasMicrotask) {53 onTimeout();54 }55 }56 const yields = yieldedValues;57 yieldedValues = [];58 return yields;59 };60 advanceTime = ms => {61 currentTime += ms;62 jest.advanceTimersByTime(ms);63 };64 doWork = (label, timeCost) => {65 if (typeof timeCost !== 'number') {66 throw new Error('Second arg must be a number.');67 }68 advanceTime(timeCost);69 yieldValue(label);70 };71 yieldedValues = [];72 yieldValue = value => {73 yieldedValues.push(value);74 };75 clearYieldedValues = () => {76 const yields = yieldedValues;77 yieldedValues = [];78 return yields;79 };80 function onTimeout() {81 if (_flushWork === null) {82 return;83 }84 if (isFlushing) {85 hasMicrotask = true;86 } else {87 try {88 isFlushing = true;89 _flushWork(true);90 } finally {91 hasMicrotask = false;92 isFlushing = false;93 }94 }95 }96 function requestHostCallback(fw, absoluteTimeout) {97 if (_flushWork !== null) {98 throw new Error('Work is already scheduled.');99 }100 _flushWork = fw;101 timeoutID = setTimeout(onTimeout, absoluteTimeout - currentTime);102 }103 function cancelHostCallback() {104 if (_flushWork === null) {105 throw new Error('No work is scheduled.');106 }107 _flushWork = null;108 clearTimeout(timeoutID);109 }110 function getTimeRemaining() {111 return endOfFrame;112 }113 // Override host implementation114 delete global.performance;115 = () => {116 return currentTime;117 };118 window._schedMock = [119 requestHostCallback,120 cancelHostCallback,121 getTimeRemaining,122 ];123 const Schedule = require('scheduler');124 runWithPriority = Schedule.unstable_runWithPriority;125 ImmediatePriority = Schedule.unstable_ImmediatePriority;126 UserBlockingPriority = Schedule.unstable_UserBlockingPriority;127 NormalPriority = Schedule.unstable_NormalPriority;128 scheduleCallback = Schedule.unstable_scheduleCallback;129 cancelCallback = Schedule.unstable_cancelCallback;130 wrapCallback = Schedule.unstable_wrapCallback;131 getCurrentPriorityLevel = Schedule.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel;132 });133 it('flushes work incrementally', () => {134 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('A', 100));135 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('B', 200));136 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('C', 300));137 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('D', 400));138 expect(flushWork(300)).toEqual(['A', 'B']);139 expect(flushWork(300)).toEqual(['C']);140 expect(flushWork(400)).toEqual(['D']);141 });142 it('flushes work until framesize reached', () => {143 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('A1_100', 100));144 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('A2_200', 200));145 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('B1_100', 100));146 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('B2_200', 200));147 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('C1_300', 300));148 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('C2_300', 300));149 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('D_3000', 3000));150 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('E1_300', 300));151 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('E2_200', 200));152 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('F1_200', 200));153 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('F2_200', 200));154 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('F3_300', 300));155 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('F4_500', 500));156 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('F5_200', 200));157 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('F6_20', 20));158 expect(;159 // No time left after A1_100 and A2_200 are run160 expect(flushWork(300)).toEqual(['A1_100', 'A2_200']);161 expect(;162 // B2_200 is started as there is still time left after B1_100163 expect(flushWork(101)).toEqual(['B1_100', 'B2_200']);164 expect(;165 // C1_300 is started as there is even a little frame time166 expect(flushWork(1)).toEqual(['C1_300']);167 expect(;168 // C2_300 is started even though there is no frame time169 expect(flushWork(0)).toEqual(['C2_300']);170 expect(;171 // D_3000 is very slow, but won't affect next flushes (if no172 // timeouts happen)173 expect(flushWork(100)).toEqual(['D_3000']);174 expect(;175 expect(flushWork(400)).toEqual(['E1_300', 'E2_200']);176 expect(;177 // Default timeout is 5000, so during F2_200, work will timeout and are done178 // in reverse, including F2_200179 expect(flushWork(1000)).toEqual([180 'F1_200',181 'F2_200',182 'F3_300',183 'F4_500',184 'F5_200',185 'F6_20',186 ]);187 expect(;188 });189 it('cancels work', () => {190 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('A', 100));191 const callbackHandleB = scheduleCallback(() => doWork('B', 200));192 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('C', 300));193 cancelCallback(callbackHandleB);194 expect(flushWork()).toEqual([195 'A',196 // B should have been cancelled197 'C',198 ]);199 });200 it('executes the highest priority callbacks first', () => {201 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('A', 100));202 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('B', 100));203 // Yield before B is flushed204 expect(flushWork(100)).toEqual(['A']);205 runWithPriority(UserBlockingPriority, () => {206 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('C', 100));207 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('D', 100));208 });209 // C and D should come first, because they are higher priority210 expect(flushWork()).toEqual(['C', 'D', 'B']);211 });212 it('expires work', () => {213 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('A', 100));214 runWithPriority(UserBlockingPriority, () => {215 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('B', 100));216 });217 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('C', 100));218 runWithPriority(UserBlockingPriority, () => {219 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('D', 100));220 });221 // Advance time, but not by enough to expire any work222 advanceTime(249);223 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual([]);224 // Advance by just a bit more to expire the high pri callbacks225 advanceTime(1);226 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['B', 'D']);227 // Expire the rest228 advanceTime(10000);229 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['A', 'C']);230 });231 it('has a default expiration of ~5 seconds', () => {232 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('A', 100));233 advanceTime(4999);234 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual([]);235 advanceTime(1);236 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['A']);237 });238 it('continues working on same task after yielding', () => {239 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('A', 100));240 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('B', 100));241 const tasks = [['C1', 100], ['C2', 100], ['C3', 100]];242 const C = deadline => {243 while (tasks.length > 0) {244 doWork(...tasks.shift());245 if (246 tasks.length > 0 &&247 !deadline.didTimeout &&248 deadline.timeRemaining() <= 0249 ) {250 yieldValue('Yield!');251 return C;252 }253 }254 };255 scheduleCallback(C);256 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('D', 100));257 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('E', 100));258 expect(flushWork(300)).toEqual(['A', 'B', 'C1', 'Yield!']);259 expect(flushWork()).toEqual(['C2', 'C3', 'D', 'E']);260 });261 it('continuation callbacks inherit the expiration of the previous callback', () => {262 const tasks = [['A', 125], ['B', 124], ['C', 100], ['D', 100]];263 const work = deadline => {264 while (tasks.length > 0) {265 doWork(...tasks.shift());266 if (267 tasks.length > 0 &&268 !deadline.didTimeout &&269 deadline.timeRemaining() <= 0270 ) {271 yieldValue('Yield!');272 return work;273 }274 }275 };276 // Schedule a high priority callback277 runWithPriority(UserBlockingPriority, () => scheduleCallback(work));278 // Flush until just before the expiration time279 expect(flushWork(249)).toEqual(['A', 'B', 'Yield!']);280 // Advance time by just a bit more. This should expire all the remaining work.281 advanceTime(1);282 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['C', 'D']);283 });284 it('nested callbacks inherit the priority of the currently executing callback', () => {285 runWithPriority(UserBlockingPriority, () => {286 scheduleCallback(() => {287 doWork('Parent callback', 100);288 scheduleCallback(() => {289 doWork('Nested callback', 100);290 });291 });292 });293 expect(flushWork(100)).toEqual(['Parent callback']);294 // The nested callback has user-blocking priority, so it should295 // expire quickly.296 advanceTime(250 + 100);297 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['Nested callback']);298 });299 it('continuations are interrupted by higher priority work', () => {300 const tasks = [['A', 100], ['B', 100], ['C', 100], ['D', 100]];301 const work = deadline => {302 while (tasks.length > 0) {303 doWork(...tasks.shift());304 if (305 tasks.length > 0 &&306 !deadline.didTimeout &&307 deadline.timeRemaining() <= 0308 ) {309 yieldValue('Yield!');310 return work;311 }312 }313 };314 scheduleCallback(work);315 expect(flushWork(100)).toEqual(['A', 'Yield!']);316 runWithPriority(UserBlockingPriority, () => {317 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('High pri', 100));318 });319 expect(flushWork()).toEqual(['High pri', 'B', 'C', 'D']);320 });321 it(322 'continutations are interrupted by higher priority work scheduled ' +323 'inside an executing callback',324 () => {325 const tasks = [['A', 100], ['B', 100], ['C', 100], ['D', 100]];326 const work = deadline => {327 while (tasks.length > 0) {328 const task = tasks.shift();329 doWork(...task);330 if (task[0] === 'B') {331 // Schedule high pri work from inside another callback332 yieldValue('Schedule high pri');333 runWithPriority(UserBlockingPriority, () =>334 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('High pri', 100)),335 );336 }337 if (338 tasks.length > 0 &&339 !deadline.didTimeout &&340 deadline.timeRemaining() <= 0341 ) {342 yieldValue('Yield!');343 return work;344 }345 }346 };347 scheduleCallback(work);348 expect(flushWork()).toEqual([349 'A',350 'B',351 'Schedule high pri',352 // Even though there's time left in the frame, the low pri callback353 // should yield to the high pri callback354 'Yield!',355 'High pri',356 // Continue low pri work357 'C',358 'D',359 ]);360 },361 );362 it('immediate callbacks fire at the end of outermost event', () => {363 runWithPriority(ImmediatePriority, () => {364 scheduleCallback(() => yieldValue('A'));365 scheduleCallback(() => yieldValue('B'));366 // Nested event367 runWithPriority(ImmediatePriority, () => {368 scheduleCallback(() => yieldValue('C'));369 // Nothing should have fired yet370 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual([]);371 });372 // Nothing should have fired yet373 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual([]);374 });375 // The callbacks were called at the end of the outer event376 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['A', 'B', 'C']);377 });378 it('wrapped callbacks have same signature as original callback', () => {379 const wrappedCallback = wrapCallback((...args) => ({args}));380 expect(wrappedCallback('a', 'b')).toEqual({args: ['a', 'b']});381 });382 it('wrapped callbacks inherit the current priority', () => {383 const wrappedCallback = wrapCallback(() => {384 scheduleCallback(() => {385 doWork('Normal', 100);386 });387 });388 const wrappedInteractiveCallback = runWithPriority(389 UserBlockingPriority,390 () =>391 wrapCallback(() => {392 scheduleCallback(() => {393 doWork('User-blocking', 100);394 });395 }),396 );397 // This should schedule a normal callback398 wrappedCallback();399 // This should schedule an user-blocking callback400 wrappedInteractiveCallback();401 advanceTime(249);402 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual([]);403 advanceTime(1);404 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['User-blocking']);405 advanceTime(10000);406 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['Normal']);407 });408 it('wrapped callbacks inherit the current priority even when nested', () => {409 const wrappedCallback = wrapCallback(() => {410 scheduleCallback(() => {411 doWork('Normal', 100);412 });413 });414 const wrappedInteractiveCallback = runWithPriority(415 UserBlockingPriority,416 () =>417 wrapCallback(() => {418 scheduleCallback(() => {419 doWork('User-blocking', 100);420 });421 }),422 );423 runWithPriority(UserBlockingPriority, () => {424 // This should schedule a normal callback425 wrappedCallback();426 // This should schedule an user-blocking callback427 wrappedInteractiveCallback();428 });429 advanceTime(249);430 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual([]);431 advanceTime(1);432 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['User-blocking']);433 advanceTime(10000);434 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['Normal']);435 });436 it('immediate callbacks fire at the end of callback', () => {437 const immediateCallback = runWithPriority(ImmediatePriority, () =>438 wrapCallback(() => {439 scheduleCallback(() => yieldValue('callback'));440 }),441 );442 immediateCallback();443 // The callback was called at the end of the outer event444 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['callback']);445 });446 it("immediate callbacks fire even if there's an error", () => {447 expect(() => {448 runWithPriority(ImmediatePriority, () => {449 scheduleCallback(() => {450 yieldValue('A');451 throw new Error('Oops A');452 });453 scheduleCallback(() => {454 yieldValue('B');455 });456 scheduleCallback(() => {457 yieldValue('C');458 throw new Error('Oops C');459 });460 });461 }).toThrow('Oops A');462 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['A']);463 // B and C flush in a subsequent event. That way, the second error is not464 // swallowed.465 expect(() => flushWork(0)).toThrow('Oops C');466 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['B', 'C']);467 });468 it('exposes the current priority level', () => {469 yieldValue(getCurrentPriorityLevel());470 runWithPriority(ImmediatePriority, () => {471 yieldValue(getCurrentPriorityLevel());472 runWithPriority(NormalPriority, () => {473 yieldValue(getCurrentPriorityLevel());474 runWithPriority(UserBlockingPriority, () => {475 yieldValue(getCurrentPriorityLevel());476 });477 });478 yieldValue(getCurrentPriorityLevel());479 });...
...47 timeoutID = -1;48 endOfFrame = currentTime + frameSize;49 try {50 isFlushing = true;51 _flushWork(false);52 } finally {53 isFlushing = false;54 endOfFrame = -1;55 if (hasMicrotask) {56 onTimeout();57 }58 }59 const yields = yieldedValues;60 yieldedValues = [];61 return yields;62 };63 advanceTime = ms => {64 currentTime += ms;65 jest.advanceTimersByTime(ms);66 };67 doWork = (label, timeCost) => {68 if (typeof timeCost !== 'number') {69 throw new Error('Second arg must be a number.');70 }71 advanceTime(timeCost);72 yieldValue(label);73 };74 yieldedValues = [];75 yieldValue = value => {76 yieldedValues.push(value);77 };78 clearYieldedValues = () => {79 const yields = yieldedValues;80 yieldedValues = [];81 return yields;82 };83 function onTimeout() {84 if (_flushWork === null) {85 return;86 }87 if (isFlushing) {88 hasMicrotask = true;89 } else {90 try {91 isFlushing = true;92 _flushWork(true);93 } finally {94 hasMicrotask = false;95 isFlushing = false;96 }97 }98 }99 function requestHostCallback(fw, absoluteTimeout) {100 if (_flushWork !== null) {101 throw new Error('Work is already scheduled.');102 }103 _flushWork = fw;104 timeoutID = setTimeout(onTimeout, absoluteTimeout - currentTime);105 }106 function cancelHostCallback() {107 if (_flushWork === null) {108 throw new Error('No work is scheduled.');109 }110 _flushWork = null;111 clearTimeout(timeoutID);112 }113 function shouldYieldToHost() {114 return endOfFrame <= currentTime;115 }116 function getCurrentTime() {117 return currentTime;118 }119 // Override host implementation120 delete global.performance;121 = () => {122 return currentTime;123 };124 window._schedMock = [125 requestHostCallback,126 cancelHostCallback,127 shouldYieldToHost,128 getCurrentTime,129 ];130 const Schedule = require('scheduler');131 runWithPriority = Schedule.unstable_runWithPriority;132 ImmediatePriority = Schedule.unstable_ImmediatePriority;133 UserBlockingPriority = Schedule.unstable_UserBlockingPriority;134 NormalPriority = Schedule.unstable_NormalPriority;135 scheduleCallback = Schedule.unstable_scheduleCallback;136 cancelCallback = Schedule.unstable_cancelCallback;137 wrapCallback = Schedule.unstable_wrapCallback;138 getCurrentPriorityLevel = Schedule.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel;139 shouldYield = Schedule.unstable_shouldYield;140 });141 it('flushes work incrementally', () => {142 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('A', 100));143 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('B', 200));144 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('C', 300));145 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('D', 400));146 expect(flushWork(300)).toEqual(['A', 'B']);147 expect(flushWork(300)).toEqual(['C']);148 expect(flushWork(400)).toEqual(['D']);149 });150 it('flushes work until framesize reached', () => {151 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('A1_100', 100));152 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('A2_200', 200));153 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('B1_100', 100));154 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('B2_200', 200));155 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('C1_300', 300));156 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('C2_300', 300));157 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('D_3000', 3000));158 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('E1_300', 300));159 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('E2_200', 200));160 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('F1_200', 200));161 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('F2_200', 200));162 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('F3_300', 300));163 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('F4_500', 500));164 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('F5_200', 200));165 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('F6_20', 20));166 expect(;167 // No time left after A1_100 and A2_200 are run168 expect(flushWork(300)).toEqual(['A1_100', 'A2_200']);169 expect(;170 // B2_200 is started as there is still time left after B1_100171 expect(flushWork(101)).toEqual(['B1_100', 'B2_200']);172 expect(;173 // C1_300 is started as there is even a little frame time174 expect(flushWork(1)).toEqual(['C1_300']);175 expect(;176 // C2_300 is started even though there is no frame time177 expect(flushWork(0)).toEqual(['C2_300']);178 expect(;179 // D_3000 is very slow, but won't affect next flushes (if no180 // timeouts happen)181 expect(flushWork(100)).toEqual(['D_3000']);182 expect(;183 expect(flushWork(400)).toEqual(['E1_300', 'E2_200']);184 expect(;185 // Default timeout is 5000, so during F2_200, work will timeout and are done186 // in reverse, including F2_200187 expect(flushWork(1000)).toEqual([188 'F1_200',189 'F2_200',190 'F3_300',191 'F4_500',192 'F5_200',193 'F6_20',194 ]);195 expect(;196 });197 it('cancels work', () => {198 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('A', 100));199 const callbackHandleB = scheduleCallback(() => doWork('B', 200));200 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('C', 300));201 cancelCallback(callbackHandleB);202 expect(flushWork()).toEqual([203 'A',204 // B should have been cancelled205 'C',206 ]);207 });208 it('executes the highest priority callbacks first', () => {209 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('A', 100));210 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('B', 100));211 // Yield before B is flushed212 expect(flushWork(100)).toEqual(['A']);213 runWithPriority(UserBlockingPriority, () => {214 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('C', 100));215 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('D', 100));216 });217 // C and D should come first, because they are higher priority218 expect(flushWork()).toEqual(['C', 'D', 'B']);219 });220 it('expires work', () => {221 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('A', 100));222 runWithPriority(UserBlockingPriority, () => {223 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('B', 100));224 });225 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('C', 100));226 runWithPriority(UserBlockingPriority, () => {227 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('D', 100));228 });229 // Advance time, but not by enough to expire any work230 advanceTime(249);231 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual([]);232 // Advance by just a bit more to expire the high pri callbacks233 advanceTime(1);234 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['B', 'D']);235 // Expire the rest236 advanceTime(10000);237 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['A', 'C']);238 });239 it('has a default expiration of ~5 seconds', () => {240 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('A', 100));241 advanceTime(4999);242 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual([]);243 advanceTime(1);244 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['A']);245 });246 it('continues working on same task after yielding', () => {247 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('A', 100));248 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('B', 100));249 const tasks = [['C1', 100], ['C2', 100], ['C3', 100]];250 const C = () => {251 while (tasks.length > 0) {252 doWork(...tasks.shift());253 if (shouldYield()) {254 yieldValue('Yield!');255 return C;256 }257 }258 };259 scheduleCallback(C);260 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('D', 100));261 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('E', 100));262 expect(flushWork(300)).toEqual(['A', 'B', 'C1', 'Yield!']);263 expect(flushWork()).toEqual(['C2', 'C3', 'D', 'E']);264 });265 it('continuation callbacks inherit the expiration of the previous callback', () => {266 const tasks = [['A', 125], ['B', 124], ['C', 100], ['D', 100]];267 const work = () => {268 while (tasks.length > 0) {269 doWork(...tasks.shift());270 if (shouldYield()) {271 yieldValue('Yield!');272 return work;273 }274 }275 };276 // Schedule a high priority callback277 runWithPriority(UserBlockingPriority, () => scheduleCallback(work));278 // Flush until just before the expiration time279 expect(flushWork(249)).toEqual(['A', 'B', 'Yield!']);280 // Advance time by just a bit more. This should expire all the remaining work.281 advanceTime(1);282 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['C', 'D']);283 });284 it('nested callbacks inherit the priority of the currently executing callback', () => {285 runWithPriority(UserBlockingPriority, () => {286 scheduleCallback(() => {287 doWork('Parent callback', 100);288 scheduleCallback(() => {289 doWork('Nested callback', 100);290 });291 });292 });293 expect(flushWork(100)).toEqual(['Parent callback']);294 // The nested callback has user-blocking priority, so it should295 // expire quickly.296 advanceTime(250 + 100);297 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['Nested callback']);298 });299 it('continuations are interrupted by higher priority work', () => {300 const tasks = [['A', 100], ['B', 100], ['C', 100], ['D', 100]];301 const work = () => {302 while (tasks.length > 0) {303 doWork(...tasks.shift());304 if (tasks.length > 0 && shouldYield()) {305 yieldValue('Yield!');306 return work;307 }308 }309 };310 scheduleCallback(work);311 expect(flushWork(100)).toEqual(['A', 'Yield!']);312 runWithPriority(UserBlockingPriority, () => {313 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('High pri', 100));314 });315 expect(flushWork()).toEqual(['High pri', 'B', 'C', 'D']);316 });317 it(318 'continutations are interrupted by higher priority work scheduled ' +319 'inside an executing callback',320 () => {321 const tasks = [['A', 100], ['B', 100], ['C', 100], ['D', 100]];322 const work = () => {323 while (tasks.length > 0) {324 const task = tasks.shift();325 doWork(...task);326 if (task[0] === 'B') {327 // Schedule high pri work from inside another callback328 yieldValue('Schedule high pri');329 runWithPriority(UserBlockingPriority, () =>330 scheduleCallback(() => doWork('High pri', 100)),331 );332 }333 if (tasks.length > 0 && shouldYield()) {334 yieldValue('Yield!');335 return work;336 }337 }338 };339 scheduleCallback(work);340 expect(flushWork()).toEqual([341 'A',342 'B',343 'Schedule high pri',344 // Even though there's time left in the frame, the low pri callback345 // should yield to the high pri callback346 'Yield!',347 'High pri',348 // Continue low pri work349 'C',350 'D',351 ]);352 },353 );354 it('immediate callbacks fire at the end of outermost event', () => {355 runWithPriority(ImmediatePriority, () => {356 scheduleCallback(() => yieldValue('A'));357 scheduleCallback(() => yieldValue('B'));358 // Nested event359 runWithPriority(ImmediatePriority, () => {360 scheduleCallback(() => yieldValue('C'));361 // Nothing should have fired yet362 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual([]);363 });364 // Nothing should have fired yet365 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual([]);366 });367 // The callbacks were called at the end of the outer event368 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['A', 'B', 'C']);369 });370 it('wrapped callbacks have same signature as original callback', () => {371 const wrappedCallback = wrapCallback((...args) => ({args}));372 expect(wrappedCallback('a', 'b')).toEqual({args: ['a', 'b']});373 });374 it('wrapped callbacks inherit the current priority', () => {375 const wrappedCallback = wrapCallback(() => {376 scheduleCallback(() => {377 doWork('Normal', 100);378 });379 });380 const wrappedInteractiveCallback = runWithPriority(381 UserBlockingPriority,382 () =>383 wrapCallback(() => {384 scheduleCallback(() => {385 doWork('User-blocking', 100);386 });387 }),388 );389 // This should schedule a normal callback390 wrappedCallback();391 // This should schedule an user-blocking callback392 wrappedInteractiveCallback();393 advanceTime(249);394 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual([]);395 advanceTime(1);396 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['User-blocking']);397 advanceTime(10000);398 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['Normal']);399 });400 it('wrapped callbacks inherit the current priority even when nested', () => {401 const wrappedCallback = wrapCallback(() => {402 scheduleCallback(() => {403 doWork('Normal', 100);404 });405 });406 const wrappedInteractiveCallback = runWithPriority(407 UserBlockingPriority,408 () =>409 wrapCallback(() => {410 scheduleCallback(() => {411 doWork('User-blocking', 100);412 });413 }),414 );415 runWithPriority(UserBlockingPriority, () => {416 // This should schedule a normal callback417 wrappedCallback();418 // This should schedule an user-blocking callback419 wrappedInteractiveCallback();420 });421 advanceTime(249);422 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual([]);423 advanceTime(1);424 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['User-blocking']);425 advanceTime(10000);426 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['Normal']);427 });428 it('immediate callbacks fire at the end of callback', () => {429 const immediateCallback = runWithPriority(ImmediatePriority, () =>430 wrapCallback(() => {431 scheduleCallback(() => yieldValue('callback'));432 }),433 );434 immediateCallback();435 // The callback was called at the end of the outer event436 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['callback']);437 });438 it("immediate callbacks fire even if there's an error", () => {439 expect(() => {440 runWithPriority(ImmediatePriority, () => {441 scheduleCallback(() => {442 yieldValue('A');443 throw new Error('Oops A');444 });445 scheduleCallback(() => {446 yieldValue('B');447 });448 scheduleCallback(() => {449 yieldValue('C');450 throw new Error('Oops C');451 });452 });453 }).toThrow('Oops A');454 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['A']);455 // B and C flush in a subsequent event. That way, the second error is not456 // swallowed.457 expect(() => flushWork(0)).toThrow('Oops C');458 expect(clearYieldedValues()).toEqual(['B', 'C']);459 });460 it('exposes the current priority level', () => {461 yieldValue(getCurrentPriorityLevel());462 runWithPriority(ImmediatePriority, () => {463 yieldValue(getCurrentPriorityLevel());464 runWithPriority(NormalPriority, () => {465 yieldValue(getCurrentPriorityLevel());466 runWithPriority(UserBlockingPriority, () => {467 yieldValue(getCurrentPriorityLevel());468 });469 });470 yieldValue(getCurrentPriorityLevel());471 });...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.evaluate(() => {7 window.flushWork();8 });9 await page.screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' });10 await browser.close();11})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.evaluate(() => {7 window.flushWork();8 window.flushWork(1000);9 });10 await browser.close();11})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await playwright['chromium'].launch({headless: false});4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.screenshot({path: 'example.png'});7 await page.close();8 await context.close();9 await browser.close();10})();11 at CDPSession.send (C:\Users\test\playwright\playwright\lib\cdp.js:83:19)12 at CDPSession.send (C:\Users\test\playwright\playwright\lib\cdp.js:83:19)13 at CDPSession.send (C:\Users\test\playwright\playwright\lib\cdp.js:83:19)14 at CDPSession.send (C:\Users\test\playwright\playwright\lib\cdp.js:83:19)15 at CDPSession.send (C:\Users\test\playwright\playwright\lib\cdp.js:83:19)16 at CDPSession.send (C:\Users\test\playwright\playwright\lib\cdp.js:83:19)17 at CDPSession.send (C:\Users\test\playwright\playwright\lib\cdp.js:83:19)18 at CDPSession.send (C:\Users\test\playwright\playwright\lib\cdp.js:83:19)19 at CDPSession.send (C:\Users\test\playwright\playwright\lib\cdp.js:83:19)20 at CDPSession.send (C:\Users\test\playwright\playwright\lib\cdp.js:83:19)
Using AI Code Generation
1const {chromium} = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const element = await page.$('input[name="q"]');7 await element.type('Hello World');8 await page.flushWork();9 await browser.close();10})();11const {chromium} = require('playwright');12(async () => {13 const browser = await chromium.launch();14 const context = await browser.newContext();15 const page = await context.newPage();16 const element = await page.$('input[name="q"]');17 await element.type('Hello World');18 await page.flushWork();19 await browser.close();20})();21const {chromium} = require('playwright');22(async () => {23 const browser = await chromium.launch();24 const context = await browser.newContext();25 const page = await context.newPage();26 const element = await page.$('input[name="q"]');27 await element.type('Hello World');28 await page.flushWork();29 await browser.close();30})();31const {chromium} = require('playwright');32(async () => {33 const browser = await chromium.launch();34 const context = await browser.newContext();35 const page = await context.newPage();36 const element = await page.$('input[name="q"]');37 await element.type('Hello World');38 await page.flushWork();39 await browser.close();40})();41const {chromium} = require('playwright');42(async () => {43 const browser = await chromium.launch();44 const context = await browser.newContext();45 const page = await context.newPage();46 const element = await page.$('input[name="q"]');47 await element.type('Hello World');48 await page.flushWork();
Using AI Code Generation
1const {chromium} = require("playwright");2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({headless: false});4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.waitForSelector("input[name=q]");7 await page.fill("input[name=q]", "playwright");8 await"Enter");9 await page.waitForSelector("text=Playwright");10 await"text=Playwright");11 await page.waitForSelector("text=Playwright is a Node library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.");12 await"text=Playwright is a Node library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.");13 await page.waitForSelector("text=GitHub - microsoft/playwright: Node library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API");14 await"text=GitHub - microsoft/playwright: Node library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API");15 await page.waitForTimeout(5000);16 await page.screenshot({path: "screenshot.png"});17 await browser.close();18})();19const {chromium} = require("playwright");20(async () => {21 const browser = await chromium.launch({headless: false});22 const context = await browser.newContext();23 const page = await context.newPage();24 await page.waitForSelector("input[name=q]");25 await page.fill("input[name=q]", "playwright");26 await"Enter");27 await page.waitForSelector("text=Playwright");28 await"text=Playwright");29 await page.waitForSelector("text=Playwright is a Node library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.");30 await"text=Playwright is a Node library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.");31 await page.waitForSelector("text=GitHub - microsoft/playwright: Node library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API");32 await"text=GitHub - microsoft/playwright: Node library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API");33 await page.waitForTimeout(5000);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { flushWork } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserType');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await flushWork(page);8 await browser.close();9})();10const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');11test('test', async ({ page }) => {12 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });13 expect(true).toBe(true);14});15const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');16test('test', async ({ page }) => {17 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });18 expect(true).toBe(true);19});20const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');21test('test', async ({ page }) => {22 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });23 expect(true).toBe(true);24});25const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');26test('test', async ({ page }) => {27 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });28 expect(true).toBe(true);29});30const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');31test('test', async ({ page }) => {32 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });33 expect(true).toBe(true);34});35const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');36test('test', async ({ page }) => {37 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });38 expect(true).toBe(true);39});40const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');41test('test', async ({ page }) => {42 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const { flushWork } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');3(async () => {4 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({ headless: false });5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await'input[name="q"]');8 await page.fill('input[name="q"]', 'Hello World!');9 await'input[name="q"]', 'Enter');10 await flushWork(page);11 await browser.close();12})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { flushWork } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');2const { flushWork } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');3flushWork().then(() => console.log('done'));4const { flushWork } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');5flushWork().then(() => console.log('done'));6Hi, I am trying to use the flushWork method of the playwright internal API to wait for the page to finish loading. I am using the playwright library directly (not the test runner) and I am trying to run this code:7const { flushWork } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');8flushWork().then(() => console.log('done'));9Hi, I am trying to use the flushWork method of the playwright internal API to wait for the page to finish loading. I am using the playwright library directly (not the test runner) and I am trying to run this code:10const { flushWork } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');11flushWork().then(() => console.log('done'));12Hi, I am trying to use the flushWork method of the playwright internal API to wait for the page to finish loading. I am using the playwright library directly (not the test runner) and I am trying to run this code:13const { flushWork } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');14flushWork().then(() => console.log('done'));15I am getting an error saying that flushWork is not a function. I am using the latest version of playwright (1.11.1). I am running this code in
Using AI Code Generation
1const { flushWork } = require("playwright-core/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderApp");2flushWork();3const { flushWork } = require("playwright-core/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderApp");4flushWork();5const { flushWork } = require("playwright-core/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderApp");6flushWork();
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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