Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1(function ($) {2"use strict";3$.report = $.report || {};4$.extend($.report,{5 init: function(action, options){6 var me = this;7 me[action].call(me);8 },9 bindSearchForm: function(form, searchBtn, resetBtn,options){10 var grid = this;11 grid.searchFormFields = [];12 $.each($('input', $(form)), function(i, n){13 var item = $(n);14 if (item.attr('name') && item.attr('searchType')){15 grid.searchFormFields.push({16 elem: item,17 op: item.attr('searchType'),18 name: item.attr('name')19 });20 }21 });22 if (searchBtn){23 $(searchBtn).click(function(){24 var ruleGroup = "{\"groupOp\":\"AND\",\"rules\":[";25 var gi=0;26 $.each(grid.searchFormFields, function(i, item){27 var value = item.elem.val();28 if (value){29 if (gi > 0) {30 ruleGroup += ",";31 }32 ruleGroup += "{\"field\":\"" + + "\",";33 ruleGroup += "\"op\":\"" + item.op + "\",";34 ruleGroup += "\"data\":\"" + value.replace(/\\/g,'\\\\').replace(/\"/g,'\\"') + "\"}";35 gi++;36 }37 });38 ruleGroup += "]}";39"filters="+ruleGroup;40 if($.fields.validateForm("#search")){41 $.ajax(options);42 }43 });44 }45 if (resetBtn){46 $(resetBtn).click(function(){47 $.each($(form + ' input'), function(i, n){48 var item = $(n);49 if (item.attr('name') && item.attr('searchType') && 'true' != item.attr('noreset')){50 item.val('').trigger('valuechange');51 }52 });53 //ææä¸æå表-å·²åºå¼54 if (searchBtn){55"filters=";56 $(searchBtn).click();57 }58 else{59"filters=";60 $.ajax(options);61 }62 });63 }64 },65 insertField : function(tr, field){66 var makers = {//ç®åè¾å
¼å®¹67 integer : $.fields.integer,68 number : $.fields.number,69 date : $.fields.datepicker,70 time : $.fields.timepicker,71 yearmonth : $.fields.yearmonthpicker,72 dictionary : $.fields.dict_combobox,73 organization: $.fields.org_combobox,74 select:$.fields.select75 };76 var maker = makers[field.searchInput || field.formatter];77 if (!maker){//å¹é
¥æ¡ç±»å78 maker = $.fields[field.searchInput];79 }80 if (!maker){81 maker = $.fields.text;82 }83 tr.append('<td class="search-form-label" nowrap="nowrap">' + field.label + '</td>');84 var td = $('<td class="search-form-field-container" nowrap="nowrap"/>');85 tr.append(td);86 var fieldAttr = $.extend({87 attr:{88 maxLength: 30,89 name :,90 searchType : field.searchType,91 required:field.required92 },93 name :,94 fieldClass: 'in' == field.searchType ? 'search-form-field-half' : 'search-form-field'95 }, field.formatoptions || {});96 fieldAttr = $.extend(fieldAttr, field.searchOption || {});97 if ('in' == field.searchType){98 fieldAttr.attr.searchType = 'ge';99"s";100 fieldAttr.attr.lable="å¼å§æ¶é´";101 fieldAttr.maxdate={type:'id',data:"e"};102 fieldAttr.defValue=field.miValue;103 maker(td, fieldAttr);104 td.append('è³');105 fieldAttr.attr.searchType = 'le';106"e";107 fieldAttr.attr.lable="ç»ææ¶é´";108 fieldAttr.defValue=field.mValue;109 fieldAttr.maxdate={type:'other',data:'$'};110 fieldAttr.mindate={type:'id',data:"s"};111 maker(td, fieldAttr);112 }113 else{114 maker(td, fieldAttr);115 }116 },117 addSearchForm : function(elem,celModel,options){118 var fields = [];119 for (var i in celModel){120 var model = celModel[i];121 if (model.searchType){122 model.label = model.label ? model.label : colNames[i];123 fields.push(model);124 }125 }126 if (fields.length > 0){127 var idPrefix = elem.replace('#', '');128 var formId = idPrefix + '_form';129 var searchBtnId = idPrefix + '_searchBtn';130 var resetBtnId = idPrefix + '_resetBtn';131 var formContainer = $('<div><form id="' + formId + '"><table class="search-table"></table></form></div>');132 $(elem).addClass("search-container");133 $(elem).append(formContainer);134 formContainer.addClass("search-form-container");135 var table = $('#' + formId + ' table[class="search-table"]');136 var line = 0;137 var trs = [];138 for (var j in fields){139 if (j % 3 == 0){140 var tr = $('<tr></tr>');141 trs.push(tr);142 table.append(tr);143 }144 this.insertField(tr, fields[j]);145 }146 var j = fields.length % 3;147 j = j ? (3 - j) : 0;//å¦æä¸æ¯3çåæ°ï¼åéè¦è¡¥é½148 for (var k = 0; k < j;){149 tr.append('<td></td><td></td>');150 k += 1;151 }152 if (trs.length > 0){153 trs[0].append('<td class="search-btns-container"><input id="' + searchBtnId + '" type="button" class="bttn bicon-search" value="æ¥è¯¢"/></td>');154 trs[trs.length - 1].append('<td class="search-btns-container"><input id="' + resetBtnId + '" type="button" class="bttn bicon-reset" value="éç½®"/></td>');155 for (var i = 1; i < trs.length - 1;){156 trs[i].append('<td class="search-btns-container"></td>');157 i += 1;158 }159 }160 this.bindSearchForm('#' + formId, '#' + searchBtnId, '#' + resetBtnId,options);161 }162 },163 fusioncharts:function(opts){164 var option = $.extend({165 width:'100%',166 height:'450',167 renderAt:'',168 dataFormat:'json',169 dataSource:{170 chart:{171 caption:opts.title||"",172 formatNumberScale:false,173 },174,175 categories:opts.categories,176 dataset:opts.dataset177 }178 }, opts || {});179 $("#"+opts.renderAt).children().remove();180 FusionCharts.ready(function () {181 var tempVsSalesChart = new FusionCharts(option);182 tempVsSalesChart.render();183 });184 },185 orgFusionCharts:function(title,url,formatter){186 var me=this;187 $.container.generate(".chart",{188 type: 'row',189 items:[{fieldCols: 2,fields:[{},{}]}]190 });191 $(".chart").find("td").first().attr("id","chart-container");192 $(".chart").find("td").last().attr("id","chart-container1");193 var obj = [];194 var options = {195 type: 'POST',196 title:title,197 async:true,198 url: CONTEXT_PATH+'/data/jzgl/cxtj/sjfx/'+url,199 cache: false,200 dataType: 'json',201 success: function(data, success, http){202 if (data){203 obj = [];204 if(data.length>0){205 for(var i in data){206 var name =data[i][1];207 if(formatter){208 name=formatter(data[i][1]);209 }210 var temp={211 name: name,212 value:data[i][0]213 };214 obj.push(temp);215 }216 }else{217 obj=[{}];218 }219 }220 else{221 $.dialog.error('è·å' + (options.title || '') + 'ä¿¡æ¯å¤±è´¥ï¼è¯·ç¨ååè¯ .');222 }223 },224 error: function(){225 $.dialog.error('è·å' + (options.title || '') + 'ä¿¡æ¯å¤±è´¥ï¼è¯·ç¨ååè¯ .');226 },227 complete:function(){228 me.fusioncharts({type: 'column3d',renderAt:'chart-container',title:title+"æ±ç¶å¾",data:obj});229 me.fusioncharts({type: 'pie3d',renderAt:'chart-container1',title:title+"饼å¾",data:obj});230 }231 };232 $.ajax(options);233 return options;234 },235 fzlx:function(){236 var me=this;237 var options=me.orgFusionCharts("ç¯ç½ªç±»ååæ","fzlxReport.action",$.dictionary.formatter("FZLX", 'ä¸è¯¦'));238 var celModel = [ {239 name : 'responseOrg',240 label : 'ç«æ£æºæ',241 formatter : 'organization',242 searchType : 'cn',243 searchOption : {244 useCOrg : true,245 notShowType : '1,4,5,6,7,8,9',246 level : 2,247 showRoot : false,248 allowSearch : true249 }250 },{251 name : 'adjustType',252 label : 'ç«æ£ç±»å',253 formatter : 'dictionary',254 formatoptions : {code : 'JZLB'},255 searchType : 'eq'256 }, {257 name : 'sex',258 label : 'æ§å«',259 formatter : 'dictionary',260 formatoptions : {code : 'XB'},261 searchType : 'eq'262 }, {263 name : 'educationDegree',264 label : 'æåç¨åº¦',265 formatter : 'dictionary',266 formatoptions : {267 code : 'WHCD',268 allowSearch : true269 },270 searchType : 'eq'271 }, {272 name : 'workState',273 label : 'å°±ä¸å°±å¦æ
åµ',274 formatter : 'dictionary',275 formatoptions : {276 code : 'JYJX',277 allowSearch : true278 },279 searchType : 'eq',280 } , {281 name : 'natureHome',282 label : 'æ·ç±æ§è´¨',283 formatter : 'dictionary',284 formatoptions : {285 code : 'HJXZ',286 allowSearch : true287 },288 searchType : 'eq'289 },{290 name : 'state',291 label : '人åç¶åµ',292 formatter : 'dictionary',293 formatoptions: {code:'JZRYZT',filter:'5,999'},294 searchType : 'eq'295 }];296 this.addSearchForm("#search", celModel,options);297 },298 jyjx:function(){299 var me=this;300 var options=me.orgFusionCharts("å°±ä¸å°±å¦åæ","jyjxReport.action",$.dictionary.formatter("JYJX", 'ä¸è¯¦'));301 var celModel = [ {302 name : 'responseOrg',303 label : 'ç«æ£æºæ',304 formatter : 'organization',305 searchType : 'cn',306 searchOption : {307 useCOrg : true,308 notShowType : '1,4,5,6,7,8,9',309 level : 2,310 showRoot : false,311 allowSearch : true312 }313 },{314 name : 'adjustType',315 label : 'ç«æ£ç±»å',316 formatter : 'dictionary',317 formatoptions : {code : 'JZLB'},318 searchType : 'eq'319 }, {320 name : 'sex',321 label : 'æ§å«',322 formatter : 'dictionary',323 formatoptions : {code : 'XB'},324 searchType : 'eq'325 }, {326 name : 'crimeType',327 label : 'ç¯ç½ªç±»å',328 formatter : 'dictionary',329 formatoptions : {330 code : 'FZLX',331 allowSearch : true332 },333 searchType : 'eq'334 } , {335 name : 'educationDegree',336 label : 'æåç¨åº¦',337 formatter : 'dictionary',338 formatoptions : {339 code : 'WHCD',340 allowSearch : true341 },342 searchType : 'eq'343 }, {344 name : 'natureHome',345 label : 'æ·ç±æ§è´¨',346 formatter : 'dictionary',347 formatoptions : {348 code : 'HJXZ',349 allowSearch : true350 },351 searchType : 'eq'352 },{353 name : 'state',354 label : '人åç¶åµ',355 formatter : 'dictionary',356 formatoptions: {code:'JZRYZT',filter:'5,999'},357 searchType : 'eq'358 }];359 this.addSearchForm("#search", celModel,options);360 },361 whcd:function(){362 var me=this;363 var options=me.orgFusionCharts("æåç¨åº¦åæ","whcdReport.action",$.dictionary.formatter("WHCD", 'ä¸è¯¦'));364 var celModel = [ {365 name : 'responseOrg',366 label : 'ç«æ£æºæ',367 formatter : 'organization',368 searchType : 'cn',369 searchOption : {370 useCOrg : true,371 notShowType : '1,4,5,6,7,8,9',372 level : 2,373 showRoot : false,374 allowSearch : true375 }376 },{377 name : 'adjustType',378 label : 'ç«æ£ç±»å',379 formatter : 'dictionary',380 formatoptions : {code : 'JZLB'},381 searchType : 'eq'382 }, {383 name : 'sex',384 label : 'æ§å«',385 formatter : 'dictionary',386 formatoptions : {code : 'XB'},387 searchType : 'eq'388 }, {389 name : 'crimeType',390 label : 'ç¯ç½ªç±»å',391 formatter : 'dictionary',392 formatoptions : {393 code : 'FZLX',394 allowSearch : true395 },396 searchType : 'eq'397 } , {398 name : 'workState',399 label : 'å°±ä¸å°±å¦æ
åµ',400 formatter : 'dictionary',401 formatoptions : {402 code : 'JYJX',403 allowSearch : true404 },405 searchType : 'eq'406 } , {407 name : 'natureHome',408 label : 'æ·ç±æ§è´¨',409 formatter : 'dictionary',410 formatoptions : {411 code : 'HJXZ',412 allowSearch : true413 },414 searchType : 'eq'415 },{416 name : 'state',417 label : '人åç¶åµ',418 formatter : 'dictionary',419 formatoptions: {code:'JZRYZT',filter:'5,999'},420 searchType : 'eq'421 }];422 this.addSearchForm("#search", celModel,options);423 },424 hjxz:function(){425 var me=this;426 var options=me.orgFusionCharts("æ·ç±æ§è´¨åæ","hjxzReport.action",$.dictionary.formatter("HJXZ", 'ä¸è¯¦'));427 var celModel = [ {428 name : 'responseOrg',429 label : 'ç«æ£æºæ',430 formatter : 'organization',431 searchType : 'cn',432 searchOption : {433 useCOrg : true,434 notShowType : '1,4,5,6,7,8,9',435 level : 2,436 showRoot : false,437 allowSearch : true438 }439 },{440 name : 'adjustType',441 label : 'ç«æ£ç±»å',442 formatter : 'dictionary',443 formatoptions : {code : 'JZLB'},444 searchType : 'eq'445 }, {446 name : 'sex',447 label : 'æ§å«',448 formatter : 'dictionary',449 formatoptions : {code : 'XB'},450 searchType : 'eq'451 }, {452 name : 'crimeType',453 label : 'ç¯ç½ªç±»å',454 formatter : 'dictionary',455 formatoptions : {456 code : 'FZLX',457 allowSearch : true458 },459 searchType : 'eq'460 } , {461 name : 'workState',462 label : 'å°±ä¸å°±å¦æ
åµ',463 formatter : 'dictionary',464 formatoptions : {465 code : 'JYJX',466 allowSearch : true467 },468 searchType : 'eq'469 } , {470 name : 'educationDegree',471 label : 'æåç¨åº¦',472 formatter : 'dictionary',473 formatoptions : {474 code : 'WHCD',475 allowSearch : true476 },477 searchType : 'eq'478 },{479 name : 'state',480 label : '人åç¶åµ',481 formatter : 'dictionary',482 formatoptions: {code:'JZRYZT',filter:'5,999'},483 searchType : 'eq'484 }];485 this.addSearchForm("#search", celModel,options);486 },487 nld:function(){488 var me=this;489 var options=me.orgFusionCharts("å¹´é¾æ®µåæ","nldReport.action");490 var celModel = [ {491 name : 'responseOrg',492 label : 'ç«æ£æºæ',493 formatter : 'organization',494 searchType : 'cn',495 searchOption : {496 useCOrg : true,497 notShowType : '1,4,5,6,7,8,9',498 level : 2,499 showRoot : false,500 allowSearch : true501 }502 },{503 name : 'adjustType',504 label : 'ç«æ£ç±»å',505 formatter : 'dictionary',506 formatoptions : {code : 'JZLB'},507 searchType : 'eq'508 }, {509 name : 'sex',510 label : 'æ§å«',511 formatter : 'dictionary',512 formatoptions : {code : 'XB'},513 searchType : 'eq'514 }, {515 name : 'crimeType',516 label : 'ç¯ç½ªç±»å',517 formatter : 'dictionary',518 formatoptions : {519 code : 'FZLX',520 allowSearch : true521 },522 searchType : 'eq'523 } , {524 name : 'workState',525 label : 'å°±ä¸å°±å¦æ
åµ',526 formatter : 'dictionary',527 formatoptions : {528 code : 'JYJX',529 allowSearch : true530 },531 searchType : 'eq'532 } , {533 name : 'educationDegree',534 label : 'æåç¨åº¦',535 formatter : 'dictionary',536 formatoptions : {537 code : 'WHCD',538 allowSearch : true539 },540 searchType : 'eq'541 }, {542 name : 'natureHome',543 label : 'æ·ç±æ§è´¨',544 formatter : 'dictionary',545 formatoptions : {546 code : 'HJXZ',547 allowSearch : true548 },549 searchType : 'eq'550 },{551 name : 'state',552 label : '人åç¶åµ',553 formatter : 'dictionary',554 formatoptions: {code:'JZRYZT',filter:'5,999'},555 searchType : 'eq'556 }];557 this.addSearchForm("#search", celModel,options);558 },559 jzlx:function(){560 var me=this;561 var options=me.orgFusionCharts("ç«æ£ç±»ååæ","jzlxReport.action",$.dictionary.formatter("JZLB", 'ä¸è¯¦'));562 var celModel = [ {563 name : 'responseOrg',564 label : 'ç«æ£æºæ',565 formatter : 'organization',566 searchType : 'cn',567 searchOption : {568 useCOrg : true,569 notShowType : '1,4,5,6,7,8,9',570 level : 2,571 showRoot : false,572 allowSearch : true573 }574 }, {575 name : 'sex',576 label : 'æ§å«',577 formatter : 'dictionary',578 formatoptions : {code : 'XB'},579 searchType : 'eq'580 }, {581 name : 'crimeType',582 label : 'ç¯ç½ªç±»å',583 formatter : 'dictionary',584 formatoptions : {585 code : 'FZLX',586 allowSearch : true587 },588 searchType : 'eq'589 } , {590 name : 'workState',591 label : 'å°±ä¸å°±å¦æ
åµ',592 formatter : 'dictionary',593 formatoptions : {594 code : 'JYJX',595 allowSearch : true596 },597 searchType : 'eq'598 } , {599 name : 'educationDegree',600 label : 'æåç¨åº¦',601 formatter : 'dictionary',602 formatoptions : {603 code : 'WHCD',604 allowSearch : true605 },606 searchType : 'eq'607 }, {608 name : 'natureHome',609 label : 'æ·ç±æ§è´¨',610 formatter : 'dictionary',611 formatoptions : {612 code : 'HJXZ',613 allowSearch : true614 },615 searchType : 'eq'616 },{617 name : 'state',618 label : '人åç¶åµ',619 formatter : 'dictionary',620 formatoptions: {code:'JZRYZT',filter:'5,999'},621 searchType : 'eq'622 }];623 this.addSearchForm("#search", celModel,options);624 },625 rysl:function(){626 var me=this;627 $.container.generate(".chart",{628 type: 'row',629 items:[{fieldCols: 1,fields:[{}]}]630 });631 $(".chart").find("td").first().attr("id","chart-container");632 var dataset = [];633 var categories=[];634 var options = {635 type: 'POST',636 title:"å¨ç«äººåè¶å¿åæ",637 async:true,638 url: CONTEXT_PATH+'/data/jzgl/cxtj/sjfx/'+'ryslReport.action',639 cache: false,640 dataType: 'json',641 success: function(data, success, http){642 if (data){643 if(data.category){644 categories=[{category:data.category}];645 }646 if(data.dataset){647 dataset=data.dataset;648 }649 }650 else{651 $.dialog.error('è·å' + (options.title || '') + 'ä¿¡æ¯å¤±è´¥ï¼è¯·ç¨ååè¯ .');652 }653 },654 error: function(){655 $.dialog.error('è·å' + (options.title || '') + 'ä¿¡æ¯å¤±è´¥ï¼è¯·ç¨ååè¯ .');656 },657 complete:function(){658 me.fusioncharts({type: 'msline',renderAt:'chart-container',title:"å¨ç«äººåè¶å¿å¾",categories:categories,dataset:dataset});659 }660 };661 var date=new Date();662 var month=date.getMonth();663 if(month<10){664 month="0"+month;665 }666 var celModel = [ {667 name : 'time',668 label : 'ç»è®¡æ¶é´',669 searchType : 'in',670 searchInput : 'yearmonth',671 required:true,672 mValue:date.getFullYear()+"-"+month,673 miValue:(date.getFullYear()-1)+"-"+month674 }];675 this.addSearchForm("#search", celModel,options);676 $("#search_searchBtn").click();677 $("#search_resetBtn").unbind("click");678 $("#search_resetBtn").click(function(){679 $("#stime").val(date.getFullYear()-1+"-"+month);680 $("#etime").val(date.getFullYear()+"-"+month);681 $("#search_searchBtn").click();682 });683 }684});...
1/*2**3 * formatter for values but most of the values if for jqGrid4 * Some of this was inspired and based on how YUI does the table datagrid but in jQuery fashion5 * we are trying to keep it as light as possible6 * Joshua Burnett 7 * http://www.greenbill.com8 *9 * Changes from Tony Tomov tony@trirand.com10 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:11 * * * 14**/15/*jshint eqeqeq:false */16/*global jQuery, define */17(function( factory ) {18 "use strict";19 if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {20 // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.21 define([22 "jquery",23 "./grid.base"24 ], factory );25 } else {26 // Browser globals27 factory( jQuery );28 }29}(function( $ ) {30"use strict";31//module begin32 $.fmatter = {};33 //opts can be id:row id for the row, rowdata:the data for the row, colmodel:the column model for this column34 //example {id:1234,}35 $.extend($.fmatter,{36 isBoolean : function(o) {37 return typeof o === 'boolean';38 },39 isObject : function(o) {40 return (o && (typeof o === 'object' || $.isFunction(o))) || false;41 },42 isString : function(o) {43 return typeof o === 'string';44 },45 isNumber : function(o) {46 return typeof o === 'number' && isFinite(o);47 },48 isValue : function (o) {49 return (this.isObject(o) || this.isString(o) || this.isNumber(o) || this.isBoolean(o));50 },51 isEmpty : function(o) {52 if(!this.isString(o) && this.isValue(o)) {53 return false;54 }55 if (!this.isValue(o)){56 return true;57 }58 o = $.trim(o).replace(/\ \;/ig,'').replace(/\ \;/ig,'');59 return o===""; 60 }61 });62 $.fn.fmatter = function(formatType, cellval, opts, rwd, act) {63 // build main options before element iteration64 var v=cellval;65 opts = $.extend({}, $.jgrid.getRegional(this, 'formatter') , opts);66 try {67 v = $.fn.fmatter[formatType].call(this, cellval, opts, rwd, act);68 } catch(fe){}69 return v;70 };71 $.fmatter.util = {72 // Taken from YAHOO utils73 NumberFormat : function(nData,opts) {74 if(!$.fmatter.isNumber(nData)) {75 nData *= 1;76 }77 if($.fmatter.isNumber(nData)) {78 var bNegative = (nData < 0);79 var sOutput = String(nData);80 var sDecimalSeparator = opts.decimalSeparator || ".";81 var nDotIndex;82 if($.fmatter.isNumber(opts.decimalPlaces)) {83 // Round to the correct decimal place84 var nDecimalPlaces = opts.decimalPlaces;85 var nDecimal = Math.pow(10, nDecimalPlaces);86 sOutput = String(Math.round(nData*nDecimal)/nDecimal);87 nDotIndex = sOutput.lastIndexOf(".");88 if(nDecimalPlaces > 0) {89 // Add the decimal separator90 if(nDotIndex < 0) {91 sOutput += sDecimalSeparator;92 nDotIndex = sOutput.length-1;93 }94 // Replace the "."95 else if(sDecimalSeparator !== "."){96 sOutput = sOutput.replace(".",sDecimalSeparator);97 }98 // Add missing zeros99 while((sOutput.length - 1 - nDotIndex) < nDecimalPlaces) {100 sOutput += "0";101 }102 }103 }104 if(opts.thousandsSeparator) {105 var sThousandsSeparator = opts.thousandsSeparator;106 nDotIndex = sOutput.lastIndexOf(sDecimalSeparator);107 nDotIndex = (nDotIndex > -1) ? nDotIndex : sOutput.length;108 var sNewOutput = sOutput.substring(nDotIndex);109 var nCount = -1, i;110 for (i=nDotIndex; i>0; i--) {111 nCount++;112 if ((nCount%3 === 0) && (i !== nDotIndex) && (!bNegative || (i > 1))) {113 sNewOutput = sThousandsSeparator + sNewOutput;114 }115 sNewOutput = sOutput.charAt(i-1) + sNewOutput;116 }117 sOutput = sNewOutput;118 }119 // Prepend prefix120 sOutput = (opts.prefix) ? opts.prefix + sOutput : sOutput;121 // Append suffix122 sOutput = (opts.suffix) ? sOutput + opts.suffix : sOutput;123 return sOutput;124 125 }126 return nData;127 }128 };129 $.fn.fmatter.defaultFormat = function(cellval, opts) {130 return ($.fmatter.isValue(cellval) && cellval!=="" ) ? cellval : opts.defaultValue || " ";131 };132 $ = function(cellval, opts) {133 if(!$.fmatter.isEmpty(cellval)) {134 return "<a href=\"mailto:" + cellval + "\">" + cellval + "</a>";135 }136 return $.fn.fmatter.defaultFormat(cellval,opts );137 };138 $.fn.fmatter.checkbox =function(cval, opts) {139 var op = $.extend({},opts.checkbox), ds;140 if(opts.colModel !== undefined && opts.colModel.formatoptions !== undefined) {141 op = $.extend({},op,opts.colModel.formatoptions);142 }143 if(op.disabled===true) {ds = "disabled=\"disabled\"";} else {ds="";}144 if($.fmatter.isEmpty(cval) || cval === undefined ) {cval = $.fn.fmatter.defaultFormat(cval,op);}145 cval=String(cval);146 cval=(cval+"").toLowerCase();147 var bchk =|f|0|no|n|off|undefined)/i)<0 ? " checked='checked' " : "";148 return "<input type=\"checkbox\" " + bchk + " value=\""+ cval+"\" offval=\"no\" "+ds+ "/>";149 };150 $ = function(cellval, opts) {151 var op = {};152 var target = "";153 if(opts.colModel !== undefined && opts.colModel.formatoptions !== undefined) {154 op = $.extend({},op,opts.colModel.formatoptions);155 }156 if( {target = 'target=' +;}157 if(!$.fmatter.isEmpty(cellval)) {158 return "<a "+target+" href=\"" + cellval + "\">" + cellval + "</a>";159 }160 return $.fn.fmatter.defaultFormat(cellval,opts);161 };162 $.fn.fmatter.showlink = function(cellval, opts) {163 var op = {baseLinkUrl: opts.baseLinkUrl,showAction:opts.showAction, addParam: opts.addParam || "", target:, idName: opts.idName},164 target = "", idUrl;165 if(opts.colModel !== undefined && opts.colModel.formatoptions !== undefined) {166 op = $.extend({},op,opts.colModel.formatoptions);167 }168 if( {target = 'target=' +;}169 idUrl = op.baseLinkUrl+op.showAction + '?'+ op.idName+'='+opts.rowId+op.addParam;170 if($.fmatter.isString(cellval) || $.fmatter.isNumber(cellval)) { //add this one even if its blank string171 return "<a "+target+" href=\"" + idUrl + "\">" + cellval + "</a>";172 }173 return $.fn.fmatter.defaultFormat(cellval,opts);174 };175 $.fn.fmatter.integer = function(cellval, opts) {176 var op = $.extend({},opts.integer);177 if(opts.colModel !== undefined && opts.colModel.formatoptions !== undefined) {178 op = $.extend({},op,opts.colModel.formatoptions);179 }180 if($.fmatter.isEmpty(cellval)) {181 return op.defaultValue;182 }183 return $.fmatter.util.NumberFormat(cellval,op);184 };185 $.fn.fmatter.number = function (cellval, opts) {186 var op = $.extend({},opts.number);187 if(opts.colModel !== undefined && opts.colModel.formatoptions !== undefined) {188 op = $.extend({},op,opts.colModel.formatoptions);189 }190 if($.fmatter.isEmpty(cellval)) {191 return op.defaultValue;192 }193 return $.fmatter.util.NumberFormat(cellval,op);194 };195 $.fn.fmatter.currency = function (cellval, opts) {196 var op = $.extend({},opts.currency);197 if(opts.colModel !== undefined && opts.colModel.formatoptions !== undefined) {198 op = $.extend({},op,opts.colModel.formatoptions);199 }200 if($.fmatter.isEmpty(cellval)) {201 return op.defaultValue;202 }203 return $.fmatter.util.NumberFormat(cellval,op);204 };205 $ = function (cellval, opts, rwd, act) {206 var op = $.extend({},;207 if(opts.colModel !== undefined && opts.colModel.formatoptions !== undefined) {208 op = $.extend({},op,opts.colModel.formatoptions);209 }210 if(!op.reformatAfterEdit && act === 'edit'){211 return $.fn.fmatter.defaultFormat(cellval, opts);212 }213 if(!$.fmatter.isEmpty(cellval)) {214 return $, op.srcformat,cellval,op.newformat,op);215 }216 return $.fn.fmatter.defaultFormat(cellval, opts);217 };218 $ = function (cellval,opts) {219 // jqGrid specific220 cellval = String(cellval);221 var oSelect = false, ret=[], sep, delim;222 if(opts.colModel.formatoptions !== undefined){223 oSelect= opts.colModel.formatoptions.value;224 sep = opts.colModel.formatoptions.separator === undefined ? ":" : opts.colModel.formatoptions.separator;225 delim = opts.colModel.formatoptions.delimiter === undefined ? ";" : opts.colModel.formatoptions.delimiter;226 } else if(opts.colModel.editoptions !== undefined){227 oSelect= opts.colModel.editoptions.value;228 sep = opts.colModel.editoptions.separator === undefined ? ":" : opts.colModel.editoptions.separator;229 delim = opts.colModel.editoptions.delimiter === undefined ? ";" : opts.colModel.editoptions.delimiter;230 }231 if (oSelect) {232 var msl = (opts.colModel.editoptions != null && opts.colModel.editoptions.multiple === true) === true ? true : false,233 scell = [], sv;234 if(msl) {scell = cellval.split(",");scell = $.map(scell,function(n){return $.trim(n);});}235 if ($.fmatter.isString(oSelect)) {236 // mybe here we can use some caching with care ????237 var so = oSelect.split(delim), j=0, i;238 for(i=0; i<so.length;i++){239 sv = so[i].split(sep);240 if(sv.length > 2 ) {241 sv[1] = $.map(sv,function(n,i){if(i>0) {return n;}}).join(sep);242 }243 if(msl) {244 if($.inArray(sv[0],scell)>-1) {245 ret[j] = sv[1];246 j++;247 }248 } else if($.trim(sv[0]) === $.trim(cellval)) {249 ret[0] = sv[1];250 break;251 }252 }253 } else if($.fmatter.isObject(oSelect)) {254 // this is quicker255 if(msl) {256 ret = $.map(scell, function(n){257 return oSelect[n];258 });259 } else {260 ret[0] = oSelect[cellval] || "";261 }262 }263 }264 cellval = ret.join(", ");265 return cellval === "" ? $.fn.fmatter.defaultFormat(cellval,opts) : cellval;266 };267 $.fn.fmatter.rowactions = function(act) {268 var $tr = $(this).closest("tr.jqgrow"),269 rid = $tr.attr("id"),270 $id = $(this).closest("table.ui-jqgrid-btable").attr('id').replace(/_frozen([^_]*)$/,'$1'),271 $grid = $("#"+$id),272 $t = $grid[0],273 p = $t.p,274 cm = p.colModel[$.jgrid.getCellIndex(this)],275 $actionsDiv = cm.frozen ? $("tr#"+rid+" td:eq("+$.jgrid.getCellIndex(this)+") > div",$grid) :$(this).parent(),276 op = {277 extraparam: {}278 },279 saverow = function(rowid, res) {280 if($.isFunction(op.afterSave)) {$t, rowid, res); }281 $actionsDiv.find("div.ui-inline-edit,div.ui-inline-del").show();282 $actionsDiv.find("div.ui-inline-save,div.ui-inline-cancel").hide();283 },284 restorerow = function(rowid) {285 if($.isFunction(op.afterRestore)) {$t, rowid); }286 $actionsDiv.find("div.ui-inline-edit,div.ui-inline-del").show();287 $actionsDiv.find("div.ui-inline-save,div.ui-inline-cancel").hide();288 };289 if (cm.formatoptions !== undefined) {290 op = $.extend(op,cm.formatoptions);291 }292 if (p.editOptions !== undefined) {293 op.editOptions = p.editOptions;294 }295 if (p.delOptions !== undefined) {296 op.delOptions = p.delOptions;297 }298 if ($tr.hasClass("jqgrid-new-row")){299 op.extraparam[p.prmNames.oper] = p.prmNames.addoper;300 }301 var actop = {302 keys: op.keys,303 oneditfunc: op.onEdit,304 successfunc: op.onSuccess,305 url: op.url,306 extraparam: op.extraparam,307 aftersavefunc: saverow,308 errorfunc: op.onError,309 afterrestorefunc: restorerow,310 restoreAfterError: op.restoreAfterError,311 mtype: op.mtype312 };313 switch(act)314 {315 case 'edit':316 $grid.jqGrid('editRow', rid, actop);317 $actionsDiv.find("div.ui-inline-edit,div.ui-inline-del").hide();318 $actionsDiv.find("div.ui-inline-save,div.ui-inline-cancel").show();319 $grid.triggerHandler("jqGridAfterGridComplete");320 break;321 case 'save':322 if ($grid.jqGrid('saveRow', rid, actop)) {323 $actionsDiv.find("div.ui-inline-edit,div.ui-inline-del").show();324 $actionsDiv.find("div.ui-inline-save,div.ui-inline-cancel").hide();325 $grid.triggerHandler("jqGridAfterGridComplete");326 }327 break;328 case 'cancel' :329 $grid.jqGrid('restoreRow', rid, restorerow);330 $actionsDiv.find("div.ui-inline-edit,div.ui-inline-del").show();331 $actionsDiv.find("div.ui-inline-save,div.ui-inline-cancel").hide();332 $grid.triggerHandler("jqGridAfterGridComplete");333 break;334 case 'del':335 $grid.jqGrid('delGridRow', rid, op.delOptions);336 break;337 case 'formedit':338 $grid.jqGrid('setSelection', rid);339 $grid.jqGrid('editGridRow', rid, op.editOptions);340 break;341 }342 };343 $.fn.fmatter.actions = function(cellval,opts) {344 var op={keys:false, editbutton:true, delbutton:true, editformbutton: false},345 rowid=opts.rowId, str="",ocl,346 nav = $.jgrid.getRegional(this, 'nav'),347 classes = $.jgrid.styleUI[(opts.styleUI || 'jQueryUI')].fmatter,348 common = $.jgrid.styleUI[(opts.styleUI || 'jQueryUI')].common;349 if(opts.colModel.formatoptions !== undefined) {350 op = $.extend(op,opts.colModel.formatoptions);351 }352 if(rowid === undefined || $.fmatter.isEmpty(rowid)) {return "";}353 var hover = "onmouseover=jQuery(this).addClass('" + common.hover +"'); onmouseout=jQuery(this).removeClass('" + common.hover +"'); ";354 if(op.editformbutton){ 355 ocl = "id='jEditButton_"+rowid+"','formedit'); " + hover;356 str += "<div title='"+nav.edittitle+"' style='float:left;cursor:pointer;' class='ui-pg-div ui-inline-edit' "+ocl+"><span class='" + common.icon_base +" "+classes.icon_edit +"'></span></div>";357 } else if(op.editbutton){358 ocl = "id='jEditButton_"+rowid+"','edit'); " + hover;359 str += "<div title='"+nav.edittitle+"' style='float:left;cursor:pointer;' class='ui-pg-div ui-inline-edit' "+ocl+"><span class='" + common.icon_base +" "+classes.icon_edit +"'></span></div>";360 }361 if(op.delbutton) {362 ocl = "id='jDeleteButton_"+rowid+"','del'); " + hover;363 str += "<div title='"+nav.deltitle+"' style='float:left;' class='ui-pg-div ui-inline-del' "+ocl+"><span class='" + common.icon_base +" "+classes.icon_del +"'></span></div>";364 }365 ocl = "id='jSaveButton_"+rowid+"','save'); " + hover;366 str += "<div title='"+nav.savetitle+"' style='float:left;display:none' class='ui-pg-div ui-inline-save' "+ocl+"><span class='" + common.icon_base +" "+classes.icon_save +"'></span></div>";367 ocl = "id='jCancelButton_"+rowid+"','cancel'); " + hover;368 str += "<div title='"+nav.canceltitle+"' style='float:left;display:none;' class='ui-pg-div ui-inline-cancel' "+ocl+"><span class='" + common.icon_base +" "+classes.icon_cancel +"'></span></div>";369 return "<div style='margin-left:8px;'>" + str + "</div>";370 };371 $.unformat = function (cellval,options,pos,cnt) {372 // specific for jqGrid only373 var ret, formatType = options.colModel.formatter,374 op =options.colModel.formatoptions || {}, sep,375 re = /([\.\*\_\'\(\)\{\}\+\?\\])/g,376 unformatFunc = options.colModel.unformat||($.fn.fmatter[formatType] && $.fn.fmatter[formatType].unformat);377 if(unformatFunc !== undefined && $.isFunction(unformatFunc) ) {378 ret =, $(cellval).text(), options, cellval);379 } else if(formatType !== undefined && $.fmatter.isString(formatType) ) {380 var opts = $.jgrid.getRegional(this, 'formatter') || {}, stripTag;381 switch(formatType) {382 case 'integer' :383 op = $.extend({},opts.integer,op);384 sep = op.thousandsSeparator.replace(re,"\\$1");385 stripTag = new RegExp(sep, "g");386 ret = $(cellval).text().replace(stripTag,'');387 break;388 case 'number' :389 op = $.extend({},opts.number,op);390 sep = op.thousandsSeparator.replace(re,"\\$1");391 stripTag = new RegExp(sep, "g");392 ret = $(cellval).text().replace(stripTag,"").replace(op.decimalSeparator,'.');393 break;394 case 'currency':395 op = $.extend({},opts.currency,op);396 sep = op.thousandsSeparator.replace(re,"\\$1");397 stripTag = new RegExp(sep, "g");398 ret = $(cellval).text();399 if (op.prefix && op.prefix.length) {400 ret = ret.substr(op.prefix.length);401 }402 if (op.suffix && op.suffix.length) {403 ret = ret.substr(0, ret.length - op.suffix.length);404 }405 ret = ret.replace(stripTag,'').replace(op.decimalSeparator,'.');406 break;407 case 'checkbox':408 var cbv = (options.colModel.editoptions) ? options.colModel.editoptions.value.split(":") : ["Yes","No"];409 ret = $('input',cellval).is(":checked") ? cbv[0] : cbv[1];410 break;411 case 'select' :412 ret = $,options,pos,cnt);413 break;414 case 'actions':415 return "";416 default:417 ret= $(cellval).text();418 }419 }420 return ret !== undefined ? ret : cnt===true ? $(cellval).text() : $.jgrid.htmlDecode($(cellval).html());421 };422 $ = function (cellval,options,pos,cnt) {423 // Spacial case when we have local data and perform a sort424 // cnt is set to true only in sortDataArray425 var ret = [];426 var cell = $(cellval).text();427 if(cnt===true) {return cell;}428 var op = $.extend({}, options.colModel.formatoptions !== undefined ? options.colModel.formatoptions: options.colModel.editoptions),429 sep = op.separator === undefined ? ":" : op.separator,430 delim = op.delimiter === undefined ? ";" : op.delimiter;431 432 if(op.value){433 var oSelect = op.value,434 msl = op.multiple === true ? true : false,435 scell = [], sv;436 if(msl) {scell = cell.split(",");scell = $.map(scell,function(n){return $.trim(n);});}437 if ($.fmatter.isString(oSelect)) {438 var so = oSelect.split(delim), j=0, i;439 for(i=0; i<so.length;i++){440 sv = so[i].split(sep);441 if(sv.length > 2 ) {442 sv[1] = $.map(sv,function(n,i){if(i>0) {return n;}}).join(sep);443 } 444 if(msl) {445 if($.inArray($.trim(sv[1]),scell)>-1) {446 ret[j] = sv[0];447 j++;448 }449 } else if($.trim(sv[1]) === $.trim(cell)) {450 ret[0] = sv[0];451 break;452 }453 }454 } else if($.fmatter.isObject(oSelect) || $.isArray(oSelect) ){455 if(!msl) {scell[0] = cell;}456 ret = $.map(scell, function(n){457 var rv;458 $.each(oSelect, function(i,val){459 if (val === n) {460 rv = i;461 return false;462 }463 });464 if( rv !== undefined ) {return rv;}465 });466 }467 return ret.join(", ");468 }469 return cell || "";470 };471 $ = function (cellval, opts) {472 var op = $.jgrid.getRegional(this, '') || {};473 if(opts.formatoptions !== undefined) {474 op = $.extend({},op,opts.formatoptions);475 } 476 if(!$.fmatter.isEmpty(cellval)) {477 return $, op.newformat,cellval,op.srcformat,op);478 }479 return $.fn.fmatter.defaultFormat(cellval, opts);480 };481//module end...
1/*2 * Copyright 2012 Shared Learning Collaborative, LLC3 *4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at7 *8 * *10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and14 * limitations under the License.15 */16/*17 * SLC grid formatters18 * Handles all the methods for displaying cutpoints, lozenge, fuelGauge, grade and teardrop in the grid19 */20/*global SLC $ */21SLC.namespace('SLC.grid.formatters', (function () {22 23 var grid = SLC.grid,24 util = SLC.util;25 /* formatoptions : {1:{color:'green'}, 2:{color:'grey'},...} */26 function CutPoint(value, options, rowObject) {27 var cutPoints = util.sortObject(options.colModel.formatoptions.cutPoints, util.compareInt),28 style,29 cutPoint;30 31 if (!value && value !== 0) {32 return '';33 }34 for (cutPoint in cutPoints) {35 if (cutPoints.hasOwnProperty(cutPoint)) {36 style = cutPoints[cutPoint].style;37 if (value - cutPoint <= 0) {38 break;39 }40 }41 }42 43 return "<span class='" + cutPoints[cutPoint].style + "'>" + value + "</span>";44 }45 46 function CutPointReverse(value, options, rowObject) {47 var cutPoints = util.sortObject(options.colModel.formatoptions.cutPoints, util.compareInt),48 style;49 50 if (!value && value !== 0) {51 return '';52 }53 54 for (var cutPoint in cutPoints) {55 if (cutPoints.hasOwnProperty(cutPoint)) {56 if (value - cutPoint < 0) {57 break;58 }59 style = cutPoints[cutPoint].style;60 }61 }62 return "<span class='" + style + "'>" + value + "</span>";63 }64 65 function PercentBar(value, options, rowObject) {66 var color,67 colorValue = value,68 formatoptions = options.colModel.formatoptions,69 low = 30, 70 medium = 70;71 72 if (value === null || value === "") {73 return "";74 }75 76 if (formatoptions && formatoptions.reverse === true) {77 colorValue = 100 - value;78 }79 80 if (formatoptions && formatoptions.low) {81 low = formatoptions.low;82 }83 84 if (formatoptions && formatoptions.medium) {85 medium = formatoptions.medium;86 }87 88 if (colorValue < low) {89 color = "red";90 } else if (colorValue < medium) {91 color = "silver";92 } else {93 color = "green";94 }95 96 return "<span style='display: inline-block;height: 6px;-moz-border-radius: 3px;-webkit-border-radius: 3px;background:" + color + ";width:" + value * 0.9 + "%'></span>";97 }98 99 function Lozenge(value, options, rowObject) { 100 return util.renderLozenges(rowObject);101 }102 103 function FuelGauge(value, options, rowObject) {104 var name =,105 valueField = options.colModel.formatoptions.valueField,106 assessments = (name) ? rowObject.assessments[name]: rowObject.assessments,107 score, fieldName, cutPoints, cutPointsArray, perfLevel, perfLevelClass, divId,108 returnValue, width, height;109 if (!assessments || assessments === undefined) {110 return "" ;111 }112 113 score = (assessments[valueField]) ? assessments[valueField] : rowObject[valueField];114 115 if (!score || score === undefined || value === undefined || value === null) {116 score = 0;117 }118 119 fieldName = options.colModel.formatoptions.fieldName;120 cutPoints = (assessments.assessments) ? assessments.assessments.assessmentPerformanceLevel : assessments.assessmentPerformanceLevel;121 cutPointsArray = options.colModel.formatoptions.cutPointsArray;122 123 if (cutPointsArray === null || cutPointsArray === undefined) {124 cutPointsArray = grid.cutPoints.toArray(cutPoints);125 }126 127 perfLevel = options.colModel.formatoptions.perfLevel;128 129 if (perfLevel === null || perfLevel === undefined ) {130 perfLevel = grid.cutPoints.getLevelFromArray(cutPointsArray, score);131 }132 133 perfLevelClass = options.colModel.formatoptions.perfLevelClass;134 135 if (perfLevelClass === null || perfLevelClass === undefined) {136 var cutPointLevel = options.colModel.formatoptions.cutPoints[perfLevel];137 if (cutPointLevel !== null && cutPointLevel !== undefined) {138 perfLevelClass =;139 } else {140 perfLevelClass = "";141 }142 }143 144 divId = fieldName + util.counter();145 returnValue = "<div id='" + divId + "' class='fuelGauge " + perfLevelClass + "' >";146 147 returnValue += "<script>";148 returnValue += "var cutPoints = new Array(" + grid.cutPoints.getArrayToString(cutPointsArray) + ");";149 returnValue += "$('#" + divId + "').parent().attr('title', '" + score + "');"; 150 returnValue += "var fuelGauge = new SLC.grid.FuelGauge ('" + divId + "', " + score + ", cutPoints);";151 152 width = options.colModel.formatoptions.fuelGaugeWidth;153 154 if (width === null || width === undefined) {155 width = options.colModel.width;156 if (width !== null && width !== undefined) {157 width = Math.round(width * 9 / 100) * 10;158 } else {159 width = 0;160 }161 }162 163 height = Math.sqrt(width);164 height -= height % 1;//removing the decimals.165 166 returnValue += "fuelGauge.setSize('" + width + "', '" + height + "');";167 returnValue += "fuelGauge.create();";168 returnValue += "</script>";169 returnValue += "</div>";170 171 return returnValue;172 }173 174 function FuelGaugeWithScore(value, options, rowObject) {175 var perfLevelClass = "",176 name =,177 valueField = options.colModel.formatoptions.valueField,178 assessments = (name) ? rowObject.assessments[name]: rowObject.assessments,179 score, cutPoints, cutPointsArray, perfLevel, defaultCutPointsSettings,180 cutPointsSettings, cutPointLevel, width;181 182 if (value === undefined || value === null) {183 return "<span class='fuelGauge-perfLevel'></span>";184 }185 186 if (!assessments || assessments === undefined) {187 188 if (value === undefined || value === null) {189 value = "!";190 }191 return "<span class='fuelGauge-perfLevel'>" + value + "</span>" ;192 }193 194 score = (assessments[valueField]) ? assessments[valueField] : rowObject[valueField];195 196 if (!score || score === undefined) {197 return "<span class='fuelGauge-perfLevel'>" + value + "</span>" ;198 }199 200 cutPoints = (assessments.assessments) ? assessments.assessments.assessmentPerformanceLevel : assessments.assessmentPerformanceLevel;201 cutPointsArray = grid.cutPoints.toArray(cutPoints);202 perfLevel = grid.cutPoints.getLevelFromArray(cutPointsArray, score);203 defaultCutPointsSettings = { 5:{style:'color-widget-darkgreen'}, 4:{style:'color-widget-green'}, 3:{style:'color-widget-yellow'}, 2:{style:'color-widget-orange'}, 1:{style:'color-widget-red'}};204 cutPointsSettings = (options.colModel.formatoptions.cutPoints) ? options.colModel.formatoptions.cutPoints : defaultCutPointsSettings;205 cutPointLevel = cutPointsSettings[perfLevel];206 207 if (cutPointLevel !== null && cutPointLevel !== undefined) {208 perfLevelClass =;209 }210 211 width = options.colModel.width;212 213 if (width !== null && width !== undefined) {214 options.colModel.formatoptions.fuelGaugeWidth = Math.round(width * 3/400) * 100;215 }216 217 options.colModel.formatoptions.cutPointsArray = cutPointsArray;218 options.colModel.formatoptions.perfLevel = perfLevel;219 options.colModel.formatoptions.perfLevelClass = perfLevelClass;220 221 return "<span class='" + perfLevelClass + " fuelGauge-perfLevel'>" + $.jgrid.htmlEncode(value) + "</span>" + FuelGauge(value, options, rowObject);222 }223 224 function Grade(value, options, rowobject) {225 var div = "<div class=\"",226 closeDiv = "\">",227 endDiv = "</div>",228 styleClass = "",229 innerHtml = "";230 231 if (value === undefined || value === null) {232 return div + styleClass + closeDiv + innerHtml + endDiv;233 }234 235 if (value.gradeEarned !== null && value.gradeEarned !== undefined) {236 innerHtml = value.gradeEarned;237 if (isNaN(value.gradeEarned)) {238 styleClass = grid.teardrop.getStyle(value.gradeEarned, null); 239 } else {240 styleClass = "numericGradeColumn"; 241 }242 } 243 244 return div + styleClass + closeDiv + $.jgrid.htmlEncode(innerHtml) + endDiv;245 }246 247 function TearDrop(value, options, rowObject) {248 var div = "<div class=\"",249 closeDiv = "\">",250 endDiv = "</div>",251 styleClass = "",252 innerHtml = "",253 divs = "",254 courseIndex;255 256 if (value === undefined || value === null) {257 return divs;258 }259 260 for(courseIndex = 0; courseIndex < value.length; courseIndex++){261 innerHtml = "";262 styleClass = "";263 var course = value[courseIndex];264 if(course.letterGrade !== null && course.letterGrade !== undefined) {265 innerHtml = course.letterGrade;266 styleClass = grid.teardrop.getStyle(course.letterGrade, null);267 divs = divs + div + styleClass + closeDiv + $.jgrid.htmlEncode(innerHtml) + endDiv;268 }269 }270 return divs;271 }272 273 function restLink(value, options, rowObject) {274 var link =,275 level = options.colModel.formatoptions.level,276 contextRootPath = util.getContextRootPath();277 278 if (typeof link !== 'string') {279 return value;280 }281 282 if (level != null && level !== undefined && rowObject.level != null && rowObject.level !== undefined &&283 level !== rowObject.level) {284 return value;285 }286 287 return '<a href="' + util.getLayoutLink(link, +'">'+$.jgrid.htmlEncode(value)+'</a>';288 }289 290 function dataColorBox(value, options, rowObject) {291 var cssClass =;292 293 if (typeof cssClass === 'string') {294 return '<span class=' + cssClass + '>' + value + '</span>';295 } else {296 return value;297 }298 }299 300 return {301 CutPoint: CutPoint,302 CutPointReverse: CutPointReverse,303 PercentBar: PercentBar,304 Lozenge: Lozenge,305 FuelGaugeWithScore: FuelGaugeWithScore,306 FuelGauge: FuelGauge,307 Grade: Grade,308 TearDrop: TearDrop,309 restLink: restLink,310 dataColorBox: dataColorBox311 };312 }())...
1var assert = require('assert');2var vows = require('vows');3var formatFrom = require('../../lib/options/format').formatFrom;4vows.describe(formatFrom)5 .addBatch({6 'undefined': {7 'topic': function () {8 return formatFrom(undefined);9 },10 'is false': function (formatOptions) {11 assert.deepEqual(formatOptions, false);12 }13 },14 'false': {15 'topic': function () {16 return formatFrom(false);17 },18 'is false': function (formatOptions) {19 assert.deepEqual(formatOptions, false);20 }21 },22 'true': {23 'topic': function () {24 return formatFrom(true);25 },26 'is default': function (formatOptions) {27 assert.deepEqual(formatOptions, {28 breaks: {29 afterAtRule: false,30 afterBlockBegins: false,31 afterBlockEnds: false,32 afterComment: false,33 afterProperty: false,34 afterRuleBegins: false,35 afterRuleEnds: false,36 beforeBlockEnds: false,37 betweenSelectors: false38 },39 indentBy: 0,40 indentWith: ' ',41 spaces: {42 aroundSelectorRelation: false,43 beforeBlockBegins: false,44 beforeValue: false45 },46 wrapAt: false,47 semicolonAfterLastProperty: false48 });49 }50 },51 'hash': {52 'topic': function () {53 return formatFrom({ breaks: { afterProperty: true }, indentBy: 1 });54 },55 'is merged with default': function (formatOptions) {56 assert.deepEqual(formatOptions, {57 breaks: {58 afterAtRule: false,59 afterBlockBegins: false,60 afterBlockEnds: false,61 afterComment: false,62 afterProperty: true,63 afterRuleBegins: false,64 afterRuleEnds: false,65 beforeBlockEnds: false,66 betweenSelectors: false67 },68 indentBy: 1,69 indentWith: ' ',70 spaces: {71 aroundSelectorRelation: false,72 beforeBlockBegins: false,73 beforeValue: false74 },75 wrapAt: false,76 semicolonAfterLastProperty: false77 });78 }79 },80 'hash with indentBy as string': {81 'topic': function () {82 return formatFrom({ indentBy: '2' });83 },84 'is merged with default': function (formatOptions) {85 assert.deepEqual(formatOptions, {86 breaks: {87 afterAtRule: false,88 afterBlockBegins: false,89 afterBlockEnds: false,90 afterComment: false,91 afterProperty: false,92 afterRuleBegins: false,93 afterRuleEnds: false,94 beforeBlockEnds: false,95 betweenSelectors: false96 },97 indentBy: 2,98 indentWith: ' ',99 spaces: {100 aroundSelectorRelation: false,101 beforeBlockBegins: false,102 beforeValue: false103 },104 wrapAt: false,105 semicolonAfterLastProperty: false106 });107 }108 },109 'hash with explicit indentWith': {110 'topic': function () {111 return formatFrom({ indentWith: '\t' });112 },113 'is merged with default': function (formatOptions) {114 assert.deepEqual(formatOptions, {115 breaks: {116 afterAtRule: false,117 afterBlockBegins: false,118 afterBlockEnds: false,119 afterComment: false,120 afterProperty: false,121 afterRuleBegins: false,122 afterRuleEnds: false,123 beforeBlockEnds: false,124 betweenSelectors: false125 },126 indentBy: 0,127 indentWith: '\t',128 spaces: {129 aroundSelectorRelation: false,130 beforeBlockBegins: false,131 beforeValue: false132 },133 wrapAt: false,134 semicolonAfterLastProperty: false135 });136 }137 },138 'hash with implicit indentWith': {139 'topic': function () {140 return formatFrom({ indentWith: 'tab' });141 },142 'is merged with default': function (formatOptions) {143 assert.deepEqual(formatOptions, {144 breaks: {145 afterAtRule: false,146 afterBlockBegins: false,147 afterBlockEnds: false,148 afterComment: false,149 afterProperty: false,150 afterRuleBegins: false,151 afterRuleEnds: false,152 beforeBlockEnds: false,153 betweenSelectors: false154 },155 indentBy: 0,156 indentWith: '\t',157 spaces: {158 aroundSelectorRelation: false,159 beforeBlockBegins: false,160 beforeValue: false161 },162 wrapAt: false,163 semicolonAfterLastProperty: false164 });165 }166 },167 'string': {168 'topic': function () {169 return formatFrom('breaks:afterProperty=on;indentBy:3;wrapAt:25');170 },171 'is merged with default': function (formatOptions) {172 assert.deepEqual(formatOptions, {173 breaks: {174 afterAtRule: false,175 afterBlockBegins: false,176 afterBlockEnds: false,177 afterComment: false,178 afterProperty: true,179 afterRuleBegins: false,180 afterRuleEnds: false,181 beforeBlockEnds: false,182 betweenSelectors: false183 },184 indentBy: 3,185 indentWith: ' ',186 spaces: {187 aroundSelectorRelation: false,188 beforeBlockBegins: false,189 beforeValue: false190 },191 wrapAt: 25,192 semicolonAfterLastProperty: false193 });194 }195 },196 'string with indentWith': {197 'topic': function () {198 return formatFrom('indentWith:tab');199 },200 'is merged with default': function (formatOptions) {201 assert.deepEqual(formatOptions, {202 breaks: {203 afterAtRule: false,204 afterBlockBegins: false,205 afterBlockEnds: false,206 afterComment: false,207 afterProperty: false,208 afterRuleBegins: false,209 afterRuleEnds: false,210 beforeBlockEnds: false,211 betweenSelectors: false212 },213 indentBy: 0,214 indentWith: '\t',215 spaces: {216 aroundSelectorRelation: false,217 beforeBlockBegins: false,218 beforeValue: false219 },220 wrapAt: false,221 semicolonAfterLastProperty: false222 });223 }224 },225 'beautify keyword': {226 'topic': function () {227 return formatFrom('beautify');228 },229 'resolves correctly': function (formatOptions) {230 assert.deepEqual(formatOptions, {231 breaks: {232 afterAtRule: true,233 afterBlockBegins: true,234 afterBlockEnds: true,235 afterComment: true,236 afterProperty: true,237 afterRuleBegins: true,238 afterRuleEnds: true,239 beforeBlockEnds: true,240 betweenSelectors: true241 },242 indentBy: 2,243 indentWith: ' ',244 spaces: {245 aroundSelectorRelation: true,246 beforeBlockBegins: true,247 beforeValue: true248 },249 wrapAt: false,250 semicolonAfterLastProperty: false251 });252 }253 },254 'keep-breaks keyword': {255 'topic': function () {256 return formatFrom('keep-breaks');257 },258 'resolves correctly': function (formatOptions) {259 assert.deepEqual(formatOptions, {260 breaks: {261 afterAtRule: true,262 afterBlockBegins: true,263 afterBlockEnds: true,264 afterComment: true,265 afterProperty: false,266 afterRuleBegins: false,267 afterRuleEnds: true,268 beforeBlockEnds: true,269 betweenSelectors: false270 },271 indentBy: 0,272 indentWith: ' ',273 spaces: {274 aroundSelectorRelation: false,275 beforeBlockBegins: false,276 beforeValue: false277 },278 wrapAt: false,279 semicolonAfterLastProperty: false280 });281 }282 }283 })...
1/*2 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved3 */4// Provides class"");"sap.ui.core.format.NumberFormat");"sap.ui.core.LocaleData");8sap.ui.base.Object.extend("", {}); = function(str) {10 // Regexp for detecting hexadecimal prefix => requires parseInt instead of parseFloat11 var hexaDetect = /^\s*[\+-]?0[xX]/;12 if (hexaDetect.test(str)) {13 return parseInt(str, 16);14 }15 else {16 return parseFloat(str);17 }18}; = function(obj) {20 if ((obj === null) || (obj === undefined)) {21 return NaN;22 }23 var t = typeof obj;24 var result;25 switch (t) {26 case "number":27 result = obj;28 break;29 case "string":30 result =;31 break;32 case "object":33 var v = obj.valueOf();34 if (typeof v === "number") {35 // Value object (e.g. Number)36 result = v;37 }38 else if (Array.isArray(obj)) {39 result = NaN;40 }41 else {42 result =;43 }44 break;45 default:46 result = NaN;47 break;48 }49 return result;50}; = function(obj) {52 return isFinite(;53}; = function(options, locale) {55 var formatOptions = {};56 formatOptions.locale = locale;57 var t = typeof options;58 switch (t) {59 case "number":60 formatOptions.decimals = options;61 break;62 case "object":63 if (typeof options.locale === "string") {64 formatOptions.locale = new sap.ui.core.Locale(options.locale);65 }66 else if (options.locale) {67 formatOptions.locale = options.locale;68 }69 formatOptions.decimals = options.decimals;70 formatOptions.rounding = options.rounding;71 formatOptions.formatStyle = options.formatStyle;72 formatOptions.shortDecimals = options.shortDecimals;73 formatOptions.shortRounding = options.shortRounding;74 break;75 }76 if (!formatOptions.locale) {77 if (sap.ui.getCore().getConfiguration().getLanguage() == "ZH") {78 formatOptions.locale = new sap.ui.core.Locale("zh_CN");79 }80 else {81 formatOptions.locale = sap.ui.getCore().getConfiguration().getFormatSettings().getFormatLocale();82 }83 }84 return formatOptions;85}; = function (options) {87 var rounding;88 if (options !== undefined) {89 if (typeof options === "number") {90 rounding = true;91 }92 else {93 if (options.formatStyle === "short") {94 rounding = (options.shortDecimals !== undefined) || (options.shortRounding !== undefined);95 }96 else {97 rounding = (options.decimals !== undefined) || (options.rounding !== undefined);98 }99 }100 }101 else {102 rounding = false;103 }104 return rounding;105}; = function(number, options) {107 options = options || {};108 var roundedNumber;109 var fRounding, oDecimals;110 if (options.formatStyle === "short") {111 fRounding = options.shortRounding;112 oDecimals = options.shortDecimals;113 }114 else {115 fRounding = options.rounding;116 oDecimals = options.decimals;117 }118 if (fRounding) {119 roundedNumber = fRounding(number);120 }121 // WARNING: oDecimals can be 0 => we cannot simply test (oDecimals)122 else if (oDecimals !== undefined) {123 var decimals =, number);124 roundedNumber = number.toFixed(decimals);125 }126 else {127 roundedNumber = number;128 }129 return roundedNumber;130}; = function (oDecimals, number) {132 var decimals;133 if (typeof oDecimals === "function") {134 decimals = oDecimals(number);135 }136 else {137 decimals = oDecimals;138 }139 return decimals;140};141/**142 * Fix for Id4019bf373d32035a8061baa59a436e55f1872ea143 */ = function (formatOptions, numValue, number) {145 var ui5FormatOptions = {};146 var oDecimals = null;147 if (formatOptions.formatStyle === "short") {148 oDecimals = formatOptions.shortDecimals;149 }150 else if (formatOptions.decimals || formatOptions.decimals === 0) {151 oDecimals = formatOptions.decimals;152 }153 if (oDecimals !== null) {154 var iDecimals =, numValue);155 ui5FormatOptions.minFractionDigits = iDecimals;156 ui5FormatOptions.maxFractionDigits = iDecimals;157 }158 else if (typeof number === "string") {159 // If decimals format options are not set then preserve server side formatting.160 var decimalPos = number.indexOf(".");161 var iDecimalsCount = (decimalPos > -1) ? Math.max(number.length - decimalPos - 1, 0) : 0;162 ui5FormatOptions.minFractionDigits = iDecimalsCount;163 ui5FormatOptions.maxFractionDigits = iDecimalsCount;164 }165 return ui5FormatOptions;166};167// TODO: handle NaN and Infinity through "symbols-latn-infinity" and "symbols-latn-nan" = function(number, options) {169 var numValue =;170 if (!isFinite(numValue)) {171 return "";172 }173 var formatOptions =;174 var ui5FormatOptions =, numValue, number);175 var numberFormatter = sap.ui.core.format.NumberFormat.getFloatInstance(ui5FormatOptions, formatOptions.locale);176 if ( {177 numValue =, formatOptions);178 return numberFormatter.format(numValue);179 }180 else {181 // If no rounding is specified, pass the initial parameter to UI5 as it could be pre-formatted182 return numberFormatter.format(number);183 }184}; = function(number) {186 // Currently, only supported multiples are { k, M, G, T }187 var _magnitudes = [188 { value: 1e3, suffix: "Kilo" }189 , { value: 1e6, suffix: "Mega" }190 , { value: 1e9, suffix: "Giga" }191 , { value: 1e12, suffix: "Tera" }192 , { value: 1e15, suffix: "Peta" }193 , { value: 1e18, suffix: "Exa" }194 , { value: 1e21, suffix: "Zetta" }195 , { value: 1e24, suffix: "Yotta" }196 ];197 var num = (number >= 0 ? number : -number);198 for (var idx = _magnitudes.length - 1; idx >= 0; --idx) {199 var mag = _magnitudes[idx];200 if (num >= mag.value) {201 return mag;202 }203 }204 return { value: 1, suffix: "" };...
1import requiredArgs from "../_lib/requiredArgs/index.js";2/**3 * @name intlFormat4 * @category Common Helpers5 * @summary Format the date with Intl.DateTimeFormat ( *7 * @description8 * Return the formatted date string in the given format.9 * The method uses [`Intl.DateTimeFormat`]( inside.10 * formatOptions are the same as [`Intl.DateTimeFormat` options]( *12 * > â ï¸ Please note that before Node version 13.0.0, only the locale data for en-US is available by default.13 *14 * @param {Date|Number} argument - the original date.15 * @param {Object} [formatOptions] - an object with options.16 * @param {'lookup'|'best fit'} [formatOptions.localeMatcher='best fit'] - locale selection algorithm.17 * @param {'narrow'|'short'|'long'} [formatOptions.weekday] - representation the days of the week.18 * @param {'narrow'|'short'|'long'} [formatOptions.era] - representation of eras.19 * @param {'numeric'|'2-digit'} [formatOptions.year] - representation of years.20 * @param {'numeric'|'2-digit'|'narrow'|'short'|'long'} [formatOptions.month='numeric'] - representation of month.21 * @param {'numeric'|'2-digit'} ['numeric'] - representation of day.22 * @param {'numeric'|'2-digit'} [formatOptions.hour='numeric'] - representation of hours.23 * @param {'numeric'|'2-digit'} [formatOptions.minute] - representation of minutes.24 * @param {'numeric'|'2-digit'} [formatOptions.second] - representation of seconds.25 * @param {'short'|'long'} [formatOptions.timeZoneName] - representation of names of time zones.26 * @param {'basic'|'best fit'} [formatOptions.formatMatcher='best fit'] - format selection algorithm.27 * @param {Boolean} [formatOptions.hour12] - determines whether to use 12-hour time format.28 * @param {String} [formatOptions.timeZone] - the time zone to use.29 * @param {Object} [localeOptions] - an object with locale.30 * @param {String|String[]} [localeOptions.locale] - the locale code31 * @returns {String} the formatted date string.32 * @throws {TypeError} 1 argument required.33 * @throws {RangeError} `date` must not be Invalid Date34 *35 * @example36 * // Represent 10 October 2019 in German.37 * // Convert the date with format's options and locale's options.38 * const result = intlFormat(new Date(2019, 9, 4, 12, 30, 13, 456), {39 * weekday: 'long',40 * year: 'numeric',41 * month: 'long',42 * day: 'numeric',43 * }, {44 * locale: 'de-DE',45 * })46 * //=> Freitag, 4. Oktober 201947 *48 * @example49 * // Represent 10 October 2019.50 * // Convert the date with format's options.51 * const result = intlFormat.default(new Date(2019, 9, 4, 12, 30, 13, 456), {52 * year: 'numeric',53 * month: 'numeric',54 * day: 'numeric',55 * hour: 'numeric',56 * })57 * //=> 10/4/2019, 12 PM58 *59 * @example60 * // Represent 10 October 2019 in Korean.61 * // Convert the date with locale's options.62 * const result = intlFormat(new Date(2019, 9, 4, 12, 30, 13, 456), {63 * locale: 'ko-KR',64 * })65 * //=> 2019. 10. 4.66 *67 * @example68 * // Represent 10 October 2019 in middle-endian format:69 * const result = intlFormat(new Date(2019, 9, 4, 12, 30, 13, 456))70 * //=> 10/4/201971 */72export default function intlFormat(date, formatOrLocale, localeOptions) {73 var _localeOptions;74 requiredArgs(1, arguments);75 var formatOptions;76 if (isFormatOptions(formatOrLocale)) {77 formatOptions = formatOrLocale;78 } else {79 localeOptions = formatOrLocale;80 }81 return new Intl.DateTimeFormat((_localeOptions = localeOptions) === null || _localeOptions === void 0 ? void 0 : _localeOptions.locale, formatOptions).format(date);82}83function isFormatOptions(opts) {84 return opts !== undefined && !('locale' in opts);...
1import { format as currencyFormatter } from 'currency-formatter';2import {3 ITableDataItem,4 ITableFieldMetaData,5 ITableFields,6} from '@common/core/types';7const DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE = 'EUR';8export interface ICurrencyFormatterOptions {9 code?: string;10 locale?: string;11 // tslint:disable-next-line no-reserved-keywords12 symbol?: string;13 decimal?: string;14 thousand?: string;15 precision?: number;16 format?: string | {17 pos: string;18 neg: string;19 zero: string;20 };21}22export class CurrencyFormatter {23 private value: number;24 private formatOptions: ICurrencyFormatterOptions;25 constructor (26 value: string,27 field: ITableFieldMetaData,28 row: ITableDataItem,29 fields: ITableFields,30 ) {31 const formatOptions: ICurrencyFormatterOptions = {};32 const { fieldTypeFormatterOptions, precision: fieldPrecision } = field;33 if (fieldTypeFormatterOptions) {34 const { code, codeFieldName, codeFieldValueExtract } = fieldTypeFormatterOptions;35 if (code) {36 formatOptions.code = code;37 } else if (codeFieldName) {38 const codeFieldMetaData = fields.find(39 ({ fieldName }) => fieldName === codeFieldName,40 );41 if (codeFieldMetaData) {42 const codeRawValue = row[codeFieldMetaData.fieldName];43 if (codeRawValue != null && typeof codeRawValue === 'string') {44 if (codeFieldValueExtract) {45 const extracted = codeRawValue.match(codeFieldValueExtract);46 formatOptions.code = extracted ? extracted[1] : codeRawValue;47 } else {48 formatOptions.code = codeRawValue;49 }50 }51 }52 }53 }54 if (typeof fieldPrecision === 'number') {55 formatOptions.precision = fieldPrecision;56 } else if (typeof fieldPrecision === 'function') {57 formatOptions.precision = fieldPrecision(row, fields, field);58 }59 this.value = Number(String(value || '0.0'));60 this.formatOptions = formatOptions;61 }62 public static format(63 value: number,64 options: ICurrencyFormatterOptions = {},65 ): string {66 return currencyFormatter(value, {67 symbol: options.code ? void 0 : '', // default symbol placeholder68 code: DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE,69 ...options,70 });71 }72 public toString(): string {73 return CurrencyFormatter.format(this.value, this.formatOptions);74 }...
1const HTML = DOM.find("html");2const DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = HTML.get("lang") || void 0;3const globalFormatters = DOM.findAll("meta[name^='data-format:']").reduce((globalFormatters, meta) => {4 const key = meta.get("name").split(":")[1].trim();5 const formatOptions = JSON.parse(meta.get("content"));6 if (key) {7 try {8 globalFormatters[key] = new window.Intl.DateTimeFormat(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, formatOptions);9 } catch(err) {}10 }11 return globalFormatters;12}, {});13DOM.extend("local-time", {14 constructor() {15 const lang = this.get("lang") || DEFAULT_LANGUAGE;16 const dateValue = new Date(this.get("datetime"));17 const formatOptions = this.get("data-format");18 this.value(this._formatDate(dateValue, lang, formatOptions));19 },20 _formatDate(dateValue, lang, formatOptions) {21 const formatter = globalFormatters[formatOptions];22 try {23 if (formatter && lang === DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) {24 return formatter.format(dateValue);25 } else {26 return dateValue.toLocaleString(lang, formatOptions ? JSON.parse(formatOptions) : {});27 }28 } catch (err) {29 return dateValue.toLocaleString();30 }31 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { formatOptions } = require('playwright/lib/utils/converters');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext(formatOptions({6 userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/86.0.4240.111 Chrome/86.0.4240.111 Safari/537.36',7 }));8 const page = await context.newPage();9 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });10 await browser.close();11})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { formatOptions } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crConnection');2const options = formatOptions({3 'defaultViewport': {4 },5});6console.log(options);7const { formatOptions } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crConnection');8const options = formatOptions({9 'defaultViewport': {10 },11});12console.log(options);13const { formatOptions } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crConnection');14const options = formatOptions({15 'defaultViewport': {16 },17});18console.log(options);19const { formatOptions } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crConnection');20const options = formatOptions({21 'defaultViewport': {22 },
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