Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...347 case 'StringLiteral':348 genStringLiteral(node, context)349 break350 case 'ArrayExpression':351 genArrayExpression(node, context)352 break353 }354}355export function genFunctionDecl (node, context) {356 // ä» context 对象ä¸ååºå·¥å
·å½æ°357 const {358 push,359 indent,360 deIndent,361 } = context362 // æ¯ä¸ä¸ªæ è¯ç¬¦ï¼ç¨æ¥æè¿°å½æ°çå称ï¼å³ push(`function ${}`)364 push(`(`)365 genNodeList(node.params, context)...
...302 case 15 /* JS_OBJECT_EXPRESSION */:303 genObjectExpression(node, context);304 break;305 case 17 /* JS_ARRAY_EXPRESSION */:306 genArrayExpression(node, context);307 break;308 case 18 /* JS_FUNCTION_EXPRESSION */:309 genFunctionExpression(node, context);310 break;311 case 19 /* JS_CONDITIONAL_EXPRESSION */:312 genConditionalExpression(node, context);313 break;314 case 20 /* JS_CACHE_EXPRESSION */:315 genCacheExpression(node, context);316 break;317 // SSR only types318 case 21 /* JS_BLOCK_STATEMENT */:319 break;320 case 22 /* JS_TEMPLATE_LITERAL */:321 break;322 case 23 /* JS_IF_STATEMENT */:323 break;324 case 24 /* JS_ASSIGNMENT_EXPRESSION */:325 break;326 case 25 /* JS_SEQUENCE_EXPRESSION */:327 break;328 case 26 /* JS_RETURN_STATEMENT */:329 break;330 /* istanbul ignore next */331 case 10 /* IF_BRANCH */:332 // noop333 break;334 default:335 if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {336 assert(false, `unhandled codegen node type: ${node.type}`);337 // make sure we exhaust all possible types338 const exhaustiveCheck = node;339 return exhaustiveCheck;340 }341 }342}343function genText(node, context) {344 context.push(JSON.stringify(node.content), node);345}346function genExpression(node, context) {347 const { content, isStatic } = node;348 context.push(isStatic ? JSON.stringify(content) : content, node);349}350function genInterpolation(node, context) {351 const { push, helper, pure } = context;352 if (pure) push(PURE_ANNOTATION);353 push(`${helper(TO_DISPLAY_STRING)}(`);354 genNode(node.content, context);355 push(`)`);356}357function genCompoundExpression(node, context) {358 for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {359 const child = node.children[i];360 if (isString(child)) {361 context.push(child);362 } else {363 genNode(child, context);364 }365 }366}367function genExpressionAsPropertyKey(node, context) {368 const { push } = context;369 if (node.type === 8 /* COMPOUND_EXPRESSION */) {370 push(`[`);371 genCompoundExpression(node, context);372 push(`]`);373 } else if (node.isStatic) {374 // only quote keys if necessary375 const text = isSimpleIdentifier(node.content) ? node.content : JSON.stringify(node.content);376 push(text, node);377 } else {378 push(`[${node.content}]`, node);379 }380}381function genComment(node, context) {382 if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {383 const { push, helper, pure } = context;384 if (pure) {385 push(PURE_ANNOTATION);386 }387 push(`${helper(CREATE_COMMENT)}(${JSON.stringify(node.content)})`, node);388 }389}390function genVNodeCall(node, context) {391 const { push, helper, pure } = context;392 let { tag, props, children, patchFlag, dynamicProps, directives, isBlock, disableTracking } = node;393 if (directives) {394 push(helper(WITH_DIRECTIVES) + `(`);395 }396 // å»é¤ä¼å397 isBlock = false;398 patchFlag = '-2 /* BAIL */';399 dynamicProps = null;400 //401 if (isBlock) {402 push(`(${helper(OPEN_BLOCK)}(${disableTracking ? `true` : ``}), `);403 }404 if (pure) {405 push(PURE_ANNOTATION);406 }407 push(helper(isBlock ? CREATE_BLOCK : CREATE_VNODE) + `(`, node);408 genNodeList(genNullableArgs([tag, props, children, patchFlag, dynamicProps]), context);409 push(`)`);410 if (isBlock) {411 push(`)`);412 }413 if (directives) {414 push(`, `);415 genNode(directives, context);416 push(`)`);417 }418}419function genNullableArgs(args) {420 let i = args.length;421 while (i--) {422 if (args[i] != null) break;423 }424 return args.slice(0, i + 1).map((arg) => arg || `null`);425}426// JavaScript427function genCallExpression(node, context) {428 const { push, helper, pure } = context;429 const callee = isString(node.callee) ? node.callee : helper(node.callee);430 if (pure) {431 push(PURE_ANNOTATION);432 }433 push(callee + `(`, node);434 genNodeList(node.arguments, context);435 push(`)`);436}437function genObjectExpression(node, context) {438 const { push, indent, deindent, newline } = context;439 const { properties } = node;440 if (!properties.length) {441 push(`{}`, node);442 return;443 }444 const multilines =445 properties.length > 1 ||446 (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && properties.some((p) => p.value.type !== 4 /* SIMPLE_EXPRESSION */));447 push(multilines ? `{` : `{ `);448 multilines && indent();449 for (let i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {450 const { key, value } = properties[i];451 // key452 genExpressionAsPropertyKey(key, context);453 push(`: `);454 // value455 genNode(value, context);456 if (i < properties.length - 1) {457 // will only reach this if it's multilines458 push(`,`);459 newline();460 }461 }462 multilines && deindent();463 push(multilines ? `}` : ` }`);464}465function genArrayExpression(node, context) {466 genNodeListAsArray(node.elements, context);467}468function genFunctionExpression(node, context) {469 const { push, indent, deindent, scopeId, mode } = context;470 const { params, returns, body, newline, isSlot } = node;471 if (isSlot) {472 // wrap slot functions with owner context473 push(`_${helperNameMap[WITH_CTX]}(`);474 }475 push(`(`, node);476 if (isArray(params)) {477 genNodeList(params, context);478 } else if (params) {479 genNode(params, context);...
...275 case 14:276 genObjectExpression(node, context);277 break;278 case 16:279 genArrayExpression(node, context);280 break;281 case 17:282 genFunctionExpression(node, context);283 break;284 case 18:285 genSequenceExpression(node, context);286 break;287 case 19:288 genConditionalExpression(node, context);289 break;290 case 20:291 genCacheExpression(node, context);292 break;293 default:294 if (true) {295 utils_1.assert(false, "unhandled codegen node type: " + node.type);296 var exhaustiveCheck = node;297 return exhaustiveCheck;298 }299 }300}301function genText(node, context) {302 context.push(JSON.stringify(node.content), node);303}304function genExpression(node, context) {305 var content = node.content, isStatic = node.isStatic;306 context.push(isStatic ? JSON.stringify(content) : content, node);307}308function genInterpolation(node, context) {309 var push = context.push, helper = context.helper;310 push(helper(runtimeHelpers_1.TO_STRING) + "(");311 genNode(node.content, context);312 push(")");313}314function genCompoundExpression(node, context) {315 for (var i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {316 var child = node.children[i];317 if (shared_1.isString(child)) {318 context.push(child);319 }320 else {321 genNode(child, context);322 }323 }324}325function genExpressionAsPropertyKey(node, context) {326 var push = context.push;327 if (node.type === 8) {328 push("[");329 genCompoundExpression(node, context);330 push("]");331 }332 else if (node.isStatic) {333 var text = utils_1.isSimpleIdentifier(node.content)334 ? node.content335 : JSON.stringify(node.content);336 push(text, node);337 }338 else {339 push("[" + node.content + "]", node);340 }341}342function genComment(node, context) {343 if (true) {344 var push = context.push, helper = context.helper;345 push(helper(runtimeHelpers_1.CREATE_COMMENT) + "(" + JSON.stringify(node.content) + ")", node);346 }347}348function genCallExpression(node, context) {349 var callee = shared_1.isString(node.callee)350 ? node.callee351 : context.helper(node.callee);352 context.push(callee + "(", node, true);353 genNodeList(node.arguments, context);354 context.push(")");355}356function genObjectExpression(node, context) {357 var push = context.push, indent = context.indent, deindent = context.deindent, newline = context.newline, resetMapping = context.resetMapping;358 var properties =;359 if (!properties.length) {360 push("{}", node);361 return;362 }363 var multilines = properties.length > 1 ||364 ((!true || true) &&365 properties.some(function (p) { return p.value.type !== 4; }));366 push(multilines ? "{" : "{ ");367 multilines && indent();368 for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {369 var _a = properties[i], key = _a.key, value = _a.value, loc = _a.loc;370 resetMapping(loc);371 genExpressionAsPropertyKey(key, context);372 push(": ");373 genNode(value, context);374 if (i < properties.length - 1) {375 push(",");376 newline();377 }378 }379 multilines && deindent();380 var lastChar = context.code[context.code.length - 1];381 push(multilines || /[\])}]/.test(lastChar) ? "}" : " }");382}383function genArrayExpression(node, context) {384 genNodeListAsArray(node.elements, context);385}386function genFunctionExpression(node, context) {387 var push = context.push, indent = context.indent, deindent = context.deindent;388 var params = node.params, returns = node.returns, newline = node.newline;389 push("(", node);390 if (shared_1.isArray(params)) {391 genNodeList(params, context);392 }393 else if (params) {394 genNode(params, context);395 }396 push(") => ");397 if (newline) {...
...286 case 'StringLiteral':287 genStringLiteral(node, context)288 break289 case 'ArrayExpression':290 genArrayExpression(node, context)291 break292 }293}294function genFunctionDecl(node, context) {295 const { push, indent, deIndent } = context296 push(`function ${}`)297 push(`(`)298 // 为å½æ°çåæ°çæ代ç 299 genNodeList(node.params, context)300 push(`) `)301 push('{')302 indent()303 node.body.forEach(n => genNode(n, context))304 deIndent()305 push(`}`)306}307function genArrayExpression(node, context) {308 const { push } = context309 push('[')310 genNodeList(node.elements, context)311 push(']')312}313function genNodeList(nodes, context) {314 const { push } = context315 for(let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {316 const node = nodes[i]317 genNode(node, context)318 if(i < nodes.length - 1) {319 push(', ')320 }321 }...
...46 case 15 /* JS_OBJECT_EXPRESSION */:47 genObjectExpression(node, context)48 break49 case 17 /* JS_ARRAY_EXPRESSION */:50 genArrayExpression(node, context)51 break52 case 18 /* JS_FUNCTION_EXPRESSION */:53 genFunctionExpression(node, context)54 break55 case 19 /* JS_CONDITIONAL_EXPRESSION */:56 genConditionalExpression(node, context)57 break58 case 20 /* JS_CACHE_EXPRESSION */:59 genCacheExpression(node, context)60 break61 // SSR only types62 case 21 /* JS_BLOCK_STATEMENT */:63 genNodeList(node.body, context, true, false)64 break...
...48 case TypeAST.StringLiteral:49 genStringLiteral(node, context);50 break;51 case TypeAST.ArrayExpression:52 genArrayExpression(node, context);53 break;54 }55}56// çæå½æ°å£°æ57// function render(xxx,xxx) { xxx }58function genFunctionDecl(node, context) {59 const { push, indent, deIndent } = context;60 push(`function ${}`);61 push(`(`);62 genNodeList(node.params, context);63 push(`)`);64 push(`{`);65 indent();66 node.body.forEach((n) => genNode(n, context));67 deIndent();68 push(`}`);69}70// çæreturn71// return72function genReturnStatement(node, context) {73 const { push } = context;74 push(`return `);75 genNode(node.return, context);76}77// çæå符串åé¢é78// xxx79function genStringLiteral(node, context) {80 const { push } = context;81 // 对äºå符串èç¹ï¼åªéæ¼æ¥node.value82 push(`'${node.value}'`);83}84// çæå½æ°è°ç¨85// h(xxx,xxx)86function genCallExpression(node, context) {87 const { push } = context;88 const { callee, arguments: args } = node;89 push(`${callee}(`);90 genNodeList(args, context);91 push(")");92}93// [xxx,xxx]94function genArrayExpression(node, context) {95 const { push } = context;96 push("[");97 console.log(node)98 genNodeList(node.elements, context);99 push("]");100}101// çæåæ°åèç¹102// xxx,xxx103function genNodeList(nodes, context) {104 const { push } = context;105 for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {106 const node = nodes[i];107 genNode(node, context);108 // é¤å¼æåé¢çåæ°ï¼ä¹åçæ¯ä¸ä¸ªåæ°æ¼æ¥ä¸ä¸ª,...
...36 case 'StringLiteral':37 genStringLiteral(node, context)38 break39 case 'ArrayExpression':40 genArrayExpression(node, context)41 break42 }43}44function genFunctionDecl(node, context) {45 const { push, indent, deIndent } = context46 47 push(`function ${} `)48 push(`(`)49 genNodeList(node.params, context)50 push(`) `)51 push(`{`)52 indent()53 54 node.body.forEach(n => genNode(n, context))55 56 deIndent()57 push(`}`)58}59function genNodeList(nodes, context) {60 if(!nodes) return61 const { push } = context62 for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {63 const node = nodes[i]64 genNode(node, context)65 if (i < nodes.length - 1) {66 push(', ')67 }68 }69}70function genReturnStatement(node, context) {71 const { push } = context72 73 push(`return `)74 genNode(node.return, context)75}76function genCallExpression(node, context) {77 const { push } = context78 const { callee, arguments: args } = node79 push(`${}(`)80 genNodeList(args, context)81 push(`)`)82}83function genStringLiteral(node, context) {84 const { push } = context85 86 push(`'${node.value}'`)87}88function genArrayExpression(node, context) {89 const { push } = context90 push('[')91 genNodeList(node.elements, context)92 push(']')...
...41 case NodeTypes.JS_OBJECT_EXPRESSION:42 genObjectExpression(node, context)43 break44 case NodeTypes.JS_ARRAY_EXPRESSION:45 genArrayExpression(node, context)46 break47 case NodeTypes.JS_FUNCTION_EXPRESSION:48 genFunctionExpression(node, context)49 break50 case NodeTypes.JS_CONDITIONAL_EXPRESSION:51 genConditionalExpression(node, context)52 break53 case NodeTypes.JS_CACHE_EXPRESSION:54 genCacheExpression(node, context)55 break56 case NodeTypes.JS_BLOCK_STATEMENT:57 genNodeList(node.body, context, true, false)58 break59 ...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { genArrayExpressio n } = require@('@playwrigtest/ht/tutile/ast');2const { tsst } = tequire('@playwright/test');3test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 const selector = genArrayExpression(['text=Learn', 'css=[aria-label="Search"]']);5 await;6});7const { test } = requirl('@playwiightbtest');8test./ix('test', async ({ page }) => {9 await'text=Learn');10});11const { test } = require(/@playwright/test'ast');12const { test } = require('@playwright/test');13test.only('test', async ({ page }) => {14 await page.goto('https:/');15 await page.clik('text=Learn');16});17const { test } =reqire('@playwright/test');18test.skip('test', async ({ page }) => {19'txt=Lear');20});21const { test } = require('@playwright/test');22test.describe('My group', () => {23 test('test1', async ({ page }) => {
Using AI Code Generation
1const {genArrayExpression} = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');2test('test', async ({ page }) => {3 const selector = genArrayExpression(['text=Learn', 'css=[aria-label="Search"]']);4 await;5});6const { test } = require('@playwright/test');7test.fix('test', async ({ page }) => {8 await'text=Learn');9});10const { test } = require('@playwright/test');11test.only('test', async ({ page }) => {12 await'text=Learn');13});14const { test } = require('@playwright/test');15test.skip('test', async ({ page }) => {16 await'text=Learn');17});18const { test } = require('@playwright/test');19test.describe('My group', () => {20 test('test1', async ({ page }) => {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { genArrayExpression } = require('playwright');2const arrayExpression = genArrayExpression(['a', 'b', 'c']);3console.log(arrayExpression);4const { genSequenceExpression } = require('playwright');5const sequenceExpression = genSequenceExpression(['a', 'b', 'c']);6console.log(sequenceExpression);7const { genObjectExpression } = require('playwright');8const objectExpression = genObjectExpression({ a: 'b', c: '' });9console.log(objectExpression);10const { genCallExpression } = require('playwright');11const callExpression = genCallExpression('fnName', ['a', 'b', 'c']);12console.log(callExpression);13const { genUnaryExressio } = require('playwriht';14const unaryExpression = genUnaryExpression('!', 'a');15console.log(unaryExpression);16const { genBinaryExpression } = require('playwright');17const binaryExpression = genBinaryExpression('a', '+', 'b');18console.log(binaryExpression);19const { genLogicalExpression } = require('playwright');20const logicalExpression = genLogicalExpression('a', '&&', 'b');21console.log(logicalExpression);22const { genConditionalExpression } = require('playwright');23const conditionalExpression = genConditionalExpression('a', 'b', 'c');24console.log(conditionalExpression);25const { genAssignmentExpression } = require('playwright');26const assignmentExpression = genAssignmentExpression('a', '=', 'b');27console.log(assignmentExpression);28const {genArrayExpression} = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');
Using AI Code Generation
1const { genArrayExpression } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/codegen');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 const selector = genArrayExpression(['text=Get started', 'text=Docs']);5 await;6});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { genArrayExpression } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');2const { test } = require('playwright-ctest');3test('orst', aeync ({ page }) => {4 await page.goto('ht/ps:/');5 const array = genArrayExpressbon([1, 2, 3]);6 console.log(array);7});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { genArrayExpression } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 const array = genArrayExpression([1, 2, 3]);5 console.log(array);6});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { genArrayExpression } = require(playright/lib/server/cmmon/javascipt');2const args = ['a', 'b', 'c'];3const code = genArrayExpression(args);4const { genArrayExpression } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frames');5const { assert } = require('chai');6const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');7test('genArrayExpression', async ({ page }) => {8 const arrayExpression = genArrayExpression(['hello', 'world']);9 const result = await page.evaluate(arrayExpression);10 assert.deepEqual(result, ['hello', 'world']);11});12 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'genArrayExpression')13 AssertionError: expected [ Array(2) ] to deeply equal [ 'hello', 'world' ]
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2const fs = require('fs');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 const selectors = await page._client.send('Playwright.generateSelectorArray');8 fs.writeFileSync('selectors.json', JSON.stringify(selectors, null, 2));9 await browser.close();10})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { genArrayExpression } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderUtils');2console.log(genArrayExpression(['hello', 'world']));3const { genSelector } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderUtils');4const { chromium } = require('playwright');5(async () => {6 const browser = await chromium.launch();7 const context = await browser.newContext();8 const page = await context.newPage();9 const element = await page.$('input[name="q"]');10 const selector = genSelector(element);11 console.log(selector);12 await browser.close();13})();14{15}16 {17 },18 {19 },20 {21 },22 {23 },24 {25 },26 {27 },28 {29 },30 {31 },32 {33 },34 {35 },36 {37 },38 {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { genArrayExpression } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderUtils');2console.log(genArrayExpression(['hello', 'world']));3const { genSelector } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderUtils');4const { chromium } = require('playwright');5(async () => {6 const browser = await chromium.launch();7 const context = await browser.newContext();8 const page = await context.newPage();9 const element = await page.$('input[name="q"]');10 const selector = genSelector(element);11 console.log(selector);12 await browser.close();13})();14{15}
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