How to use getComponentTypeName method in Playwright Internal

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...343 // NOTE: Although this checks the prototype chain on EVERY add, it only344 // checks on the class object, which should NOT have a chain.345 if (!('create' in componentType))346 {347 throw new Error(`Instanced component class '${getComponentTypeName(componentType)}' must at least have a static create() function.`);348 }349 component = componentType.create(this);350 }351 else if (type === 'function')352 {353 // HACK: This is a hack debugging tool to stop wrong use.354 if (componentType.prototype instanceof EntityComponent$1)355 {356 throw new Error('This component cannot be added to an existing entity; it can only initialize itself.');357 }358 component = new componentType(this);359 }360 else if (type === 'symbol')361 {362 // NOTE: Symbols lose their immutability when converted into a component363 // (their equality is checked by their toString() when computing its key)364 throw new Error('Symbols are not yet supported as components.');365 }366 else367 {368 // NOTE: This means that these can be numbers and strings.369 // HOWEVER, I caution against using numbers. Numbers can often be confused370 // with other operations (particularly when computation is involved).371 component = componentType;372 }373 // Initialize the component...374 if (initialValues)375 {376 this.copyComponent(componentType, component, initialValues);377 }378 379 return component;380 }381 putComponent(entityId, componentType, component = componentType, initialValues = undefined)382 {383 let componentInstanceMap;384 if (this.componentTypeInstanceMap.has(componentType))385 {386 componentInstanceMap = this.componentTypeInstanceMap.get(componentType);387 }388 else389 {390 this.componentTypeInstanceMap.set(componentType, componentInstanceMap = new Map());391 }392 if (componentInstanceMap.has(entityId))393 {394 throw new Error(`Cannot add more than one instance of component class '${getComponentTypeName(componentType)}' for entity '${entityId}'.`);395 }396 componentInstanceMap.set(entityId, component);397 this._entityHandler.dispatchEntityEvent(entityId, 'componentadd', [entityId, componentType, component, initialValues]);398 }399 deleteComponent(entityId, componentType, component)400 {401 this.componentTypeInstanceMap.get(componentType).delete(entityId);402 403 let reusable;404 // It's a tag. No reuse.405 if (componentType === component)406 {407 reusable = false;408 }409 // Try user-defined static reset...410 else if ('reset' in componentType)411 {412 reusable = componentType.reset(component);413 }414 // Try user-defined instance reset...415 else if ('reset' in component)416 {417 reusable = component.reset();418 }419 // Try default reset...420 else421 {422 // Do nothing. It cannot be reset.423 reusable = false;424 }425 this._entityHandler.dispatchEntityEvent(entityId, 'componentremove', [entityId, componentType, component]);426 return component;427 }428 copyComponent(componentType, component, targetValues)429 {430 // It's a tag. No need to copy.431 if (componentType === component)432 {433 return;434 }435 // Try user-defined static copy...436 else if ('copy' in componentType)437 {438 componentType.copy(component, targetValues);439 }440 // Try user-defined instance copy...441 else if ('copy' in component)442 {443 component.copy(targetValues);444 }445 // Try default copy...446 else447 {448 for(let key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(targetValues))449 {450 component[key] = targetValues[key];451 }452 }453 }454 hasComponentType(componentType)455 {456 return this.componentTypeInstanceMap.has(componentType);457 }458 getComponentTypes()459 {460 return this.componentTypeInstanceMap.keys();461 }462 getComponentInstanceMapByType(componentType)463 {464 return this.componentTypeInstanceMap.get(componentType);465 }466 getComponentInstanceMaps()467 {468 return this.componentTypeInstanceMap.values();469 }470 }471 /**472 * @typedef EntityId473 * The unique id for every entity in a world.474 */475 /**476 * Manages all entities.477 */478 class EntityManager479 {480 constructor()481 {482 this.entityHandler = new EntityHandler();483 this.componentHandler = new ComponentHandler(this.entityHandler);484 }485 clear()486 {487 for(let entityId of this.entityHandler.getEntityIds())488 {489 this.destroyEntity(entityId);490 }491 }492 /** Creates a unique entity with passed-in components (without initial values). */493 createEntity(...components)494 {495 const entityId = this.entityHandler.getNextAvailableEntityId();496 this.entityHandler.addEntityId(entityId);497 for(let component of components)498 {499 this.addComponent(entityId, component);500 }501 return entityId;502 }503 /** Destroys the passed-in entity (and its components). */504 destroyEntity(entityId)505 {506 // Remove entity components from world507 for(let componentType of this.componentHandler.getComponentTypes())508 {509 if (this.componentHandler.getComponentInstanceMapByType(componentType).has(entityId))510 {511 this.removeComponent(entityId, componentType);512 }513 }514 // Remove entity from world515 this.entityHandler.deleteEntityId(entityId);516 }517 hasEntity(entityId)518 {519 return this.entityHandler.hasEntityId(entityId);520 }521 getEntityIds()522 {523 return this.entityHandler.getEntityIds();524 }525 526 /**527 * 528 * @param {import('./Entity.js').EntityId} entityId The id of the entity to add to.529 * @param {FunctionConstructor|import('./Component.js').ComponentFactory|String|Number} componentType The component type.530 * Can either be a component class or a component factory.531 * @param {Object} [initialValues] The initial values for the component. Can be an object532 * map of all defined key-value pairs or another instance of the same component. This533 * must be undefined for tag-like components.534 */535 addComponent(entityId, componentType, initialValues = undefined)536 {537 try538 {539 let component = this.componentHandler.createComponent(componentType, initialValues);540 this.componentHandler.putComponent(entityId, componentType, component, initialValues);541 return component;542 }543 catch(e)544 {545 console.error(`Failed to add component '${getComponentTypeName$1(componentType)}' to entity '${entityId}'.`);546 console.error(e);547 }548 }549 addTagComponent(entityId, componentType)550 {551 try552 {553 let type = typeof componentType;554 if (type === 'symbol')555 {556 throw new Error('Symbols are not yet supported as tag components.');557 }558 else if (type === 'number')559 {560 throw new Error('Numbers are not yet supported as tag components.');561 }562 else if (type === 'string')563 {564 this.componentHandler.putComponent(entityId, componentType);565 }566 else567 {568 throw new Error(`Component of type '${type}' cannot be a tag component.`);569 }570 return componentType;571 }572 catch(e)573 {574 console.error(`Failed to add tag component '${getComponentTypeName$1(componentType)}' to entity '${entityId}'.`);575 console.error(e);576 }577 }578 579 removeComponent(entityId, componentType)580 {581 try582 {583 let component = this.getComponent(entityId, componentType);584 this.componentHandler.deleteComponent(entityId, componentType, component);585 return component;586 }587 catch(e)588 {589 console.error(`Failed to remove component '${getComponentTypeName$1(componentType)}' from entity '${entityId}'.`);590 console.error(e);591 }592 }593 clearComponents(entityId)594 {595 for(let componentInstanceMap of this.componentHandler.getComponentInstanceMaps())596 {597 if (componentInstanceMap.has(entityId))598 {599 let component = componentInstanceMap.get(entityId);600 this.componentHandler.deleteComponent(entityId, componentType, component);601 }602 }603 }604 getComponentTypesByEntityId(entityId)605 {606 let dst = [];607 for(let componentType of this.componentHandler.getComponentTypes())608 {609 let componentInstanceMap = this.componentHandler.getComponentInstanceMapByType(componentType);610 if (componentInstanceMap.has(entityId))611 {612 dst.push(componentType);613 }614 }615 return dst;616 }617 getComponent(entityId, componentType)618 {619 return this.componentHandler.getComponentInstanceMapByType(componentType).get(entityId);620 }621 hasComponent(entityId, ...componentTypes)622 {623 for(let componentType of componentTypes)624 {625 if (!this.componentHandler.hasComponentType(componentType)) return false;626 if (!this.componentHandler.getComponentInstanceMapByType(componentType).has(entityId)) return false;627 }628 return true;629 }630 countComponents(entityId)631 {632 let count = 0;633 for(let componentInstanceMap of this.componentHandler.getComponentInstanceMaps())634 {635 if (componentInstanceMap.has(entityId))636 {637 ++count;638 }639 }640 return count;641 }642 /**643 * Immediately find entity ids by its components. This is simply an alias for * @param {Array<Component>} components The component list to match entities to.645 * @returns {Iterable<EntityId>} A collection of all matching entity ids.646 */647 find(components)648 {649 return, components);650 }651 [Symbol.iterator]()652 {653 return this.getEntityIds()[Symbol.iterator]();654 }655 }656 function createQueryOperator(handler, key = Symbol( {658 let result = function(componentType) {659 return { [OPERATOR]: key, [HANDLER]: handler, component: componentType };660 };661 // Dynamic renaming of function for debugging purposes662 // Object.defineProperty(result, 'name', {664 value: name,665 configurable: true,666 });667 return result;668 }669 const Not = createQueryOperator(670 function NotOperator(world, entityId, componentTypees)671 {672 return !(world.hasComponent(entityId, ...componentTypees));673 },674 Symbol('!')675 );676 var QueryOperator = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({677 __proto__: null,678 createQueryOperator: createQueryOperator,679 Not: Not680 });681 /**682 * Creates a new component instance for this component type.683 * @callback create684 * @param {import('../World.js').World} world The world the component will be added to.685 * @param {import('../entity/Entity.js').EntityId} entityId The id of the entity this component is added to.686 */687 /**688 * Copies a component instance from values.689 * @callback copy690 * @param {Object} dst The target component instance to modify.691 * @param {Object} values The source values to copy from.692 */693 /**694 * Resets a component instance to be re-used or deleted.695 * @callback reset696 * @param {Object} dst The target component instance to reset.697 */698 /**699 * @typedef ComponentFactory700 * A component factory handles the creation, modification, and deletion of component instances.701 * 702 * @property {create} create Creates a new component instance for this type.703 * @property {copy} [copy] Copies a component instance from values.704 * @property {reset} [reset] Resets a component instance to be re-used or deleted.705 */706 /**707 * Creates a component factory given the passed-in handlers. This is not required708 * to create a component factory; any object with create(), copy(), and reset() can709 * be considered a component factory and used as is without this function. This710 * function is mostly for ease of use and readability.711 * 712 * @param {String} name The name of the component. This should be unique; it is used as its hash key.713 * @param {create} [create=defaultCreate] The function to create new components.714 * @param {copy} [copy=defaultCopy] The function to copy new components from values.715 * @param {reset} [reset=defaultReset] The function to reset a component to be re-used or deleted.716 * @returns {ComponentFactory} The created component factory.717 */718 function createComponentFactory(name, create = defaultCreate, copy = defaultCopy, reset = defaultReset)719 {720 return {721 name,722 create,723 copy,724 reset725 };726 }727 function defaultCreate(world, entityId) { return {}; }728 function defaultCopy(dst, values) { Object.assign(dst, values); }729 function defaultReset(dst) { Object.getOwnPropertyNames(dst).forEach(value => delete dst[value]); }730 var ComponentFactory = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({731 __proto__: null,732 createComponentFactory: createComponentFactory733 });734 /**735 * A class to represent a component. This class is not required to736 * create a component; any class can be considered a component. To737 * override reset or copy behavior, simply implement the reset()738 * or copy() functions respectively for that class.739 * 740 * This class serves mostly as a quick and dirty default fallback. It741 * has defaults for all functionality except its properties (which are742 * usually unique to each component type).743 * 744 * Usually, you will use this class like so:745 * @example746 * class MyComponent extends ComponentBase747 * {748 * constructor()749 * {750 * super();751 * this.myValue = true;752 * this.myString = 'Hello World';753 * }754 * 755 * // Feel free to override any default functionality when needed...756 * }757 */758 const DEFAULT_UNDEFINED = Symbol('defaultUndefined');759 class ComponentBase760 {761 static get defaultValues() { return null; }762 constructor(world, entityId, resetAsSelfConstructor = true)763 {764 if (!('defaultValues' in this.constructor))765 {766 if (resetAsSelfConstructor)767 {768 // NOTE: Must make sure 'defaultValues' exists before recursing into the constructor.769 this.constructor.defaultValues = null;770 this.constructor.defaultValues = new (this.constructor)();771 }772 else773 {774 this.constructor.defaultValues = DEFAULT_UNDEFINED;775 }776 }777 }778 779 copy(values)780 {781 for(let key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(values))782 {783 this[key] = values[key];784 }785 }786 reset()787 {788 if ('defaultValues' in this.constructor)789 {790 let defaultValues = this.constructor.defaultValues;791 if (defaultValues === DEFAULT_UNDEFINED)792 {793 for(let key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this))794 {795 this[key] = undefined;796 }797 return true;798 }799 else if (defaultValues)800 {801 this.copy(this, this.constructor.defaultValues);802 return true;803 }804 else805 {806 return false;807 }808 }809 else810 {811 return false;812 }813 }814 }815 /**816 * A class to represent a component with no data, also known as a tag.817 * This class is not required to create a tag component; any class is818 * considered a tag, if:819 * 820 * - It does not implement reset() or reset() always returns false.821 * - And its instances do not own any properties.822 * 823 * This class is mostly for ease of use and readability.824 */825 class TagComponent {}826 class EntityBase extends EntityComponent$1827 {828 constructor(entityManager)829 {830 super(entityManager);831 this.entityManager = entityManager;832 }833 destroy()834 {835 this.entityManager.destroyEntity(;836 }837 addComponent(componentType, initialValues = undefined)838 {839 this.entityManager.addComponent(, componentType, initialValues);840 return this;841 }842 addTagComponent(componentType)843 {844 this.entityManager.addTagComponent(, componentType);845 return this;846 }847 removeComponent(componentType)848 {849 this.entityManager.removeComponent(, componentType);850 return this;851 }852 hasComponent(componentType)853 {854 return this.entityManager.hasComponent(, componentType);855 }856 getComponent(componentType)857 {858 return this.entityManager.getComponent(, componentType);859 }860 }861 class ReflexiveEntity extends EntityBase862 {863 constructor(entityManager)864 {865 super(entityManager);866 this.onComponentAdd = this.onComponentAdd.bind(this);867 this.onComponentRemove = this.onComponentRemove.bind(this);868 this.entityManager.entityHandler.addEntityListener(, 'componentadd', this.onComponentAdd);869 this.entityManager.entityHandler.addEntityListener(, 'componentremove', this.onComponentRemove);870 }871 872 /** @abstract */873 onDestroy() {}874 onComponentAdd(entityId, componentType, component, initialValues)875 {876 if ( !== entityId) return;877 // NOTE: Since this callback is connected only AFTER EntityComponent has been added878 // we can safely assume that it cannot be added again.879 addComponentProperties(this, componentType, component);880 }881 onComponentRemove(entityId, componentType, component)882 {883 if ( !== entityId) return;884 885 if (componentType === EntityComponent$1)886 {887 this.entityManager.entityHandler.removeEntityListener(, 'componentadd', this.onComponentAdd);888 this.entityManager.entityHandler.removeEntityListener(, 'componentremove', this.onComponentRemove);889 890 this.onDestroy();891 }892 else893 {894 removeComponentProperties(this, componentType, component);895 }896 }897 }898 function addComponentProperties(target, componentType, component)899 {900 if (typeof component === 'object')901 {902 let ownProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target);903 let newProps = {};904 for(let prop of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(component))905 {906 if (ownProps.includes(prop))907 {908 throw new Error(`Conflicting property names in entity for component '${getComponentTypeName(componentType)}'.`);909 }910 newProps[prop] = {911 get() { return component[prop]; },912 set(value) { component[prop] = value; },913 configurable: true,914 };915 }916 Object.defineProperties(target, newProps);917 }918 }919 function removeComponentProperties(target, componentType, component)920 {921 if (typeof component === 'object')922 {...

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Source:EntityManager.js Github


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...153 add(componentType, entityId, props = undefined) {154 if (this.strictMode) {155 if (!componentType) {156 throw new Error(157 `Cannot add null or undefined component type ${getComponentTypeName(158 componentType159 )}`160 );161 }162 if (typeof componentType !== 'string' && !('name' in componentType)) {163 throw new Error(164 `Unnamed component types are not supported - ${JSON.stringify(165 componentType166 )}`167 );168 }169 if (!this.components.has(componentType)) {170 if (typeof componentType === 'string') {171 throw new Error(172 `Found unregistered tag component ${getComponentTypeName(173 componentType174 )}.`175 );176 } else {177 throw new Error(178 `Missing component factory for ${getComponentTypeName(179 componentType180 )}.`181 );182 }183 }184 if (typeof entityId !== 'string') {185 throw new Error(186 `Invalid entity id type; expected string but found ${typeof entityId} instead.`187 );188 }189 if (!this.entities.has(entityId)) {190 throw new Error(`Entity '${entityId}' does not exist.`);191 }192 }193 let factory = this.components.get(componentType);194 let component = factory.add(entityId, props || DEFAULT_PROPS);195 return component;196 }197 /**198 * Removes the associated instance of the given component type from199 * the entity and destroys it using its own factory.200 *201 * If the component is non-singular, it will remove one instance by202 * insertion order.203 *204 * @param {ComponentType} componentType The component type to remove for.205 * @param {EntityId} entityId The entity id to remove the component from.206 * @returns {Boolean} Whether a component was removed by this call.207 */208 remove(componentType, entityId) {209 if (this.strictMode) {210 if (!this.components.has(componentType)) {211 throw new Error(212 `Missing component factory for ${getComponentTypeName(213 componentType214 )}.`215 );216 }217 }218 let factory = this.components.get(componentType);219 let component = factory.get(entityId);220 if (component) {221 factory.delete(entityId);222 return true;223 }224 return false;225 }226 /**227 * Finds the component for the given entity. Assumes the component228 * exists for the entity.229 *230 * If the component is non-singular, it will return the first,231 * non-removed instance.232 *233 * @param {ComponentType} componentType The target component type.234 * @param {EntityId} entityId The id of the entity to look in.235 * @returns {Object} The component found. If it does not exist, null236 * is returned instead.237 */238 get(componentType, entityId) {239 if (this.strictMode) {240 if (!this.components.has(componentType)) {241 throw new Error(242 `Missing component factory for ${getComponentTypeName(243 componentType244 )}.`245 );246 }247 }248 let factory = this.components.get(componentType);249 return factory.get(entityId);250 }251 /**252 * Finds all the components for the given entity. Assumes the component253 * type exists for the entity.254 *255 * If the component is non-multiple, it will return an array of the only256 * associated instance.257 *258 * @param {ComponentType} componentType The target component type.259 * @param {EntityId} entityId The id of the entity to look in.260 * @returns {Object} The component found. If it does not exist, null261 * is returned instead.262 */263 getAll(componentType, entityId) {264 if (this.strictMode) {265 if (!this.components.has(componentType)) {266 throw new Error(267 `Missing component factory for ${getComponentTypeName(268 componentType269 )}.`270 );271 }272 }273 let factory = this.components.get(componentType);274 return factory.getAll(entityId);275 }276 /**277 * Checks whether the entity has the component.278 *279 * @param {ComponentType} componentType The target component type.280 * @param {EntityId} entityId The id of the entity to look in.281 * @returns {Boolean} Whether the component exists for the entity.282 */283 has(componentType, entityId) {284 let factory = this.components.get(componentType);285 return factory && Boolean(factory.get(entityId));286 }287 clear(componentType = undefined) {288 if (this.strictMode) {289 if (!this.components.has(componentType)) {290 throw new Error(291 `Missing component factory for ${getComponentTypeName(292 componentType293 )}.`294 );295 }296 }297 if (!componentType) {298 for (let componentType of this.components.keys()) {299 this.clear(componentType);300 }301 } else {302 let factory = this.components.get(componentType);303 factory.clear();304 }305 }306 /**307 * Gets all the entity ids.308 *309 * @returns {Set<EntityId>} The set of entity ids.310 */311 getEntityIds() {312 return this.entities;313 }314 /**315 * @param {ComponentType} componentType316 * @returns {import('./ComponentFactory.js').ComponentFactory} The component factory for the given component type.317 */318 getComponentFactory(componentType) {319 return this.components.get(componentType);320 }321 getComponentTypes() {322 return this.components.keys();323 }324 /**325 * Gets all the current entity ids of the given component type.326 *327 * @param {ComponentType} componentType The component type to get entity ids for.328 * @returns {Array<EntityId>} The list of all entity ids for the component type.329 */330 getComponentEntityIds(componentType) {331 if (this.strictMode) {332 if (!this.components.has(componentType)) {333 throw new Error(334 `Missing component factory for ${getComponentTypeName(335 componentType336 )}.`337 );338 }339 }340 let factory = this.components.get(componentType);341 return factory.keys();342 }343 /**344 * Gets all the current instances of the given component type.345 *346 * @param {ComponentType} componentType The component type to get instances for.347 * @returns {Array<Object>} The list of all instances, or instance lists, for348 * the component type.349 */350 getComponentInstances(componentType) {351 if (this.strictMode) {352 if (!this.components.has(componentType)) {353 throw new Error(354 `Missing component factory for ${getComponentTypeName(355 componentType356 )}.`357 );358 }359 }360 let factory = this.components.get(componentType);361 return factory.values();362 }363}364/**365 * @param {*} componentType The component type.366 * @returns {String} The name of the component type.367 */368function getComponentTypeName(componentType) {369 switch (typeof componentType) {370 case 'string':371 return `'${componentType}'`;372 case 'object':373 case 'function':374 return || componentType;375 default:376 return componentType;377 }...

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...16 for(let component of components)17 {18 if (typeof component === 'object' && OPERATOR in component)19 {20 result.push(component[OPERATOR].toString() + getComponentTypeName(component));21 }22 else23 {24 result.push(getComponentTypeName(component));25 }26 }27 return result.sort().join('-');28 }29 constructor(components, persistent = true)30 {31 this._included = [];32 this._operated = {};33 for(let component of components)34 {35 if (typeof component === 'object' && OPERATOR in component)36 {37 const operator = component[OPERATOR];38 if (operator in this._operated)...

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Source:ComponentHandler.js Github


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...20 // NOTE: Although this checks the prototype chain on EVERY add, it only21 // checks on the class object, which should NOT have a chain.22 if (!('create' in componentType))23 {24 throw new Error(`Instanced component class '${getComponentTypeName(componentType)}' must at least have a static create() function.`);25 }26 component = componentType.create(this);27 }28 else if (type === 'function')29 {30 // HACK: This is a hack debugging tool to stop wrong use.31 if (componentType.prototype instanceof EntityComponent)32 {33 throw new Error('This component cannot be added to an existing entity; it can only initialize itself.');34 }35 component = new componentType(this);36 }37 else if (type === 'symbol')38 {39 // NOTE: Symbols lose their immutability when converted into a component40 // (their equality is checked by their toString() when computing its key)41 throw new Error('Symbols are not yet supported as components.');42 }43 else44 {45 // NOTE: This means that these can be numbers and strings.46 // HOWEVER, I caution against using numbers. Numbers can often be confused47 // with other operations (particularly when computation is involved).48 component = componentType;49 }50 // Initialize the component...51 if (initialValues)52 {53 this.copyComponent(componentType, component, initialValues);54 }55 56 return component;57 }58 putComponent(entityId, componentType, component = componentType, initialValues = undefined)59 {60 let componentInstanceMap;61 if (this.componentTypeInstanceMap.has(componentType))62 {63 componentInstanceMap = this.componentTypeInstanceMap.get(componentType);64 }65 else66 {67 this.componentTypeInstanceMap.set(componentType, componentInstanceMap = new Map());68 }69 if (componentInstanceMap.has(entityId))70 {71 throw new Error(`Cannot add more than one instance of component class '${getComponentTypeName(componentType)}' for entity '${entityId}'.`);72 }73 componentInstanceMap.set(entityId, component);74 this._entityHandler.dispatchEntityEvent(entityId, 'componentadd', [entityId, componentType, component, initialValues]);75 }76 deleteComponent(entityId, componentType, component)77 {78 this.componentTypeInstanceMap.get(componentType).delete(entityId);79 80 let reusable;81 // It's a tag. No reuse.82 if (componentType === component)83 {84 reusable = false;85 }...

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Source:array_reference.js Github


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...107 }108 const setValues = [];109 const arrayType = await this.getType();110 const componentType = await arrayType.componentType();111 const componentTypeName = await arrayType.getComponentTypeName();112 const componentSignature = await arrayType.getComponentSignature();113 for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {114 const value = values[0];115 setValues.push(await Value.prepareForAssignment(value, {116 signature: componentSignature,117 typeName: componentTypeName,118 type: componentType,119 }));120 }121 await this.vm.send(new SetValues({122 arrayObject: this.ref,123 firstIndex: index,124 values: setValues,125 }));...

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...11 async getComponentSignature() {12 const signature = await this.getSignature();13 return signature.slice(1); // Just skip the leading '['14 }15 async getComponentTypeName() {16 const parser = new JNITypeParser(await this.getComponentSignature());17 return parser.typeName;18 }19 async findComponentType(signature) {20 const tag = signature.charCodeAt(0);21 if (isObjectTag(tag)) {22 const parser = new JNITypeParser(await this.getComponentSignature());23 const list = await this.vm.classesByName(parser.typeName);24 const cl1 = await this.getClassLoader();25 for (const type of list) {26 const cl2 = await type.getClassLoader();27 if (cl2) {28 if (cl2.equals(cl1)) return type;29 } else {30 if (!cl1) return type;31 }32 }33 throw new Error(await this.getComponentTypeName() + ' class not loaded');34 }35 return this.vm.primitiveType(tag);36 }37 async componentType() {38 return await this.findComponentType(await this.getComponentSignature());39 }40 async newInstance(length) {41 const { newArray } = await this.vm.send(new NewInstance({42 arrType: this.ref,43 length,44 }));45 return this.vm.objectMirror(newArray.objectId, newArray.tag);46 }47 async isComponentAssignable(destination, source) {...

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...10 * Get the name of a component TYPE11 * @param {React.ComponentType} component12 * @returns {string}13 */14export function getComponentTypeName(component) {15 return component.displayName || || 'Component'...

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1export function getComponentTypeName(componentType)2{3 return || componentType.toString();...

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1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const userAgent = await page.evaluate(() => navigator.userAgent);7 console.log(userAgent);8 await browser.close();9})();

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1const { getComponentTypeName } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frames');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 const handle = await page.$('text="Get started"');8 const componentName = await getComponentTypeName(handle);9 console.log(componentName);10 await browser.close();11})();12const { chromium } = require('playwright');13(async () => {14 const browser = await chromium.launch();15 const context = await browser.newContext();16 const page = await context.newPage();17 const handle = await page.$('text="Get started"');18 const componentName = await handle.evaluate((node) => {19 return node.getAttribute('data-component-name');20 });21 console.log(componentName);22 await browser.close();23})();24### `getComponentTypeName(handle)`

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { getComponentTypeName } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frames');2const { Page } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/page');3const { Frame } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frame');4const { getComponentTypeName } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frames');5const { Page } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/page');6const { Frame } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frame');7const { getComponentTypeName } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frames');8const { Page } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/page');9const { Frame } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frame');10const { getComponentTypeName } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frames');11const { Page } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/page');12const { Frame } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frame');13const { getComponentTypeName } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frames');14const { Page } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/page');15const { Frame } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frame');16const { getComponentTypeName } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frames');17const { Page } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/page');18const { Frame } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frame');19const { getComponentTypeName } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frames');20const { Page } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/page');21const { Frame } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frame');22const { getComponentTypeName } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frames');23const { Page } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/page');24const { Frame } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frame');25const { getComponentTypeName } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frames');26const { Page } = require('@play

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { getComponentTypeName } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/internal');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 const elementHandle = await page.$('css=selector');5 const componentType = getComponentTypeName(elementHandle);6 console.log(componentType);7});8const { test } = require('@playwright/test');9test('test', async ({ page }) => {10 const elementHandle = await page.$('css=selector');11 const componentType = await elementHandle.getAttribute('componentType');12 console.log(componentType);13});14import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';15import { ElementHandle } from 'playwright';16test('test', async ({ page }) => {17 const elementHandle = await page.$('css=selector');18 const componentType = await elementHandle.getAttribute('componentType');19 expect(componentType).toBe('Button');20});21import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';22import { ElementHandle } from 'playwright';23type CustomElementHandle = ElementHandle & {24 getAttribute: (name: string) => Promise<string | null>;25};26test('test', async ({ page }) => {27 const elementHandle = await page.$('css=selector');28 const customElementHandle = elementHandle as CustomElementHandle;29 const componentType = await customElementHandle.getAttribute('componentType');30 expect(componentType).toBe('Button');31});32import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';33import { ElementHandle } from 'playwright';

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { getComponentTypeName } = require('@playwright/test/lib/autotools');2const { expect } = require('chai');3describe('getComponentTypeName', () => {4 it('should return the component type name', () => {5 expect(getComponentTypeName({ name: 'foo', displayName: 'Foo' })).to.equal('foo');6 });7});8[MIT](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { getComponentTypeName } = require("playwright");2const { test, expect } = require("@playwright/test");3test("basic test", async ({ page }) => {4 const title = page.locator(".navbar__inner .navbar__title");5 await expect(title).toHaveText("Playwright");6});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { getComponentTypeName } = require('playwright/lib/internal');2console.log(getComponentTypeName('button'));3console.log(getComponentTypeName('input'));4console.log(getComponentTypeName('div'));5const { getComponentTypeName } = require('playwright/lib/internal');6console.log(getComponentTypeName('button'));7console.log(getComponentTypeName('input'));8console.log(getComponentTypeName('div'));9const { getComponentTypeName } = require('playwright/lib/internal');10console.log(getComponentTypeName('button'));11console.log(getComponentTypeName('input'));12console.log(getComponentTypeName('div'));13const { getComponentTypeName } = require('playwright/lib/internal');14console.log(getComponentTypeName('button'));15console.log(getComponentTypeName('input'));16console.log(getComponentTypeName('div'));17const { getComponentTypeName } = require('playwright/lib/internal');18console.log(getComponentTypeName('button'));19console.log(getComponentTypeName('input'));20console.log(getComponentTypeName('div'));21const { getComponentTypeName } = require('playwright/lib/internal');22console.log(getComponentTypeName('button'));23console.log(getComponentTypeName('input'));24console.log(getComponentTypeName('div'));

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Playwright tutorial

LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.


  1. What is Playwright : Playwright is comparatively new but has gained good popularity. Get to know some history of the Playwright with some interesting facts connected with it.
  2. How To Install Playwright : Learn in detail about what basic configuration and dependencies are required for installing Playwright and run a test. Get a step-by-step direction for installing the Playwright automation framework.
  3. Playwright Futuristic Features: Launched in 2020, Playwright gained huge popularity quickly because of some obliging features such as Playwright Test Generator and Inspector, Playwright Reporter, Playwright auto-waiting mechanism and etc. Read up on those features to master Playwright testing.
  4. What is Component Testing: Component testing in Playwright is a unique feature that allows a tester to test a single component of a web application without integrating them with other elements. Learn how to perform Component testing on the Playwright automation framework.
  5. Inputs And Buttons In Playwright: Every website has Input boxes and buttons; learn about testing inputs and buttons with different scenarios and examples.
  6. Functions and Selectors in Playwright: Learn how to launch the Chromium browser with Playwright. Also, gain a better understanding of some important functions like “BrowserContext,” which allows you to run multiple browser sessions, and “newPage” which interacts with a page.
  7. Handling Alerts and Dropdowns in Playwright : Playwright interact with different types of alerts and pop-ups, such as simple, confirmation, and prompt, and different types of dropdowns, such as single selector and multi-selector get your hands-on with handling alerts and dropdown in Playright testing.
  8. Playwright vs Puppeteer: Get to know about the difference between two testing frameworks and how they are different than one another, which browsers they support, and what features they provide.
  9. Run Playwright Tests on LambdaTest: Playwright testing with LambdaTest leverages test performance to the utmost. You can run multiple Playwright tests in Parallel with the LammbdaTest test cloud. Get a step-by-step guide to run your Playwright test on the LambdaTest platform.
  10. Playwright Python Tutorial: Playwright automation framework support all major languages such as Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, .NET and etc. However, there are various advantages to Python end-to-end testing with Playwright because of its versatile utility. Get the hang of Playwright python testing with this chapter.
  11. Playwright End To End Testing Tutorial: Get your hands on with Playwright end-to-end testing and learn to use some exciting features such as TraceViewer, Debugging, Networking, Component testing, Visual testing, and many more.
  12. Playwright Video Tutorial: Watch the video tutorials on Playwright testing from experts and get a consecutive in-depth explanation of Playwright automation testing.

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