Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...46 },47 _createZoomIn: function(t) {48 var e = document.createElementNS(o.svgNS, "g");49 e.setAttribute("id", "svg-pan-zoom-zoom-in"), e.setAttribute("transform", "translate(30.5 5) scale(0.015)"), e.setAttribute("class", "svg-pan-zoom-control"), e.addEventListener("click", function() {50 t.getPublicInstance().zoomIn()51 }, !1), e.addEventListener("touchstart", function() {52 t.getPublicInstance().zoomIn()53 }, !1);54 var n = document.createElementNS(o.svgNS, "rect");55 n.setAttribute("x", "0"), n.setAttribute("y", "0"), n.setAttribute("width", "1500"), n.setAttribute("height", "1400"), n.setAttribute("class", "svg-pan-zoom-control-background"), e.appendChild(n);56 var i = document.createElementNS(o.svgNS, "path");57 return i.setAttribute("d", "M1280 576v128q0 26 -19 45t-45 19h-320v320q0 26 -19 45t-45 19h-128q-26 0 -45 -19t-19 -45v-320h-320q-26 0 -45 -19t-19 -45v-128q0 -26 19 -45t45 -19h320v-320q0 -26 19 -45t45 -19h128q26 0 45 19t19 45v320h320q26 0 45 19t19 45zM1536 1120v-960 q0 -119 -84.5 -203.5t-203.5 -84.5h-960q-119 0 -203.5 84.5t-84.5 203.5v960q0 119 84.5 203.5t203.5 84.5h960q119 0 203.5 -84.5t84.5 -203.5z"), i.setAttribute("class", "svg-pan-zoom-control-element"), e.appendChild(i), e58 },59 _createZoomReset: function(t) {60 var e = document.createElementNS(o.svgNS, "g");61 e.setAttribute("id", "svg-pan-zoom-reset-pan-zoom"), e.setAttribute("transform", "translate(5 35) scale(0.4)"), e.setAttribute("class", "svg-pan-zoom-control"), e.addEventListener("click", function() {62 t.getPublicInstance().reset()63 }, !1), e.addEventListener("touchstart", function() {64 t.getPublicInstance().reset()65 }, !1);66 var n = document.createElementNS(o.svgNS, "rect");67 n.setAttribute("x", "2"), n.setAttribute("y", "2"), n.setAttribute("width", "182"), n.setAttribute("height", "58"), n.setAttribute("class", "svg-pan-zoom-control-background"), e.appendChild(n);68 var i = document.createElementNS(o.svgNS, "path");69 i.setAttribute("d", 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this.updateCTM()113 }, i.prototype.cacheViewBox = function() {114 var t = this.options.svg.getAttribute("viewBox");115 if (t) {116 var e = t.split(/[\s\,]/).filter(function(t) {117 return t118 }).map(parseFloat);119 this.viewBox.x = e[0], this.viewBox.y = e[1], this.viewBox.width = e[2], this.viewBox.height = e[3];120 var o = Math.min(this.options.width / this.viewBox.width, this.options.height / this.viewBox.height);121 this.activeState.zoom = o, this.activeState.x = (this.options.width - this.viewBox.width * o) / 2, this.activeState.y = (this.options.height - this.viewBox.height * o) / 2, this.updateCTMOnNextFrame(), this.options.svg.removeAttribute("viewBox")122 } else {123 var n = this.viewport.getBBox();124 this.viewBox.x = n.x, this.viewBox.y = n.y, this.viewBox.width = n.width, this.viewBox.height = n.height125 }126 }, i.prototype.recacheViewBox = function() {127 var t = this.viewport.getBoundingClientRect(),128 e = t.width / this.getZoom(),129 o = t.height / this.getZoom();130 this.viewBox.x = 0, this.viewBox.y = 0, this.viewBox.width = e, this.viewBox.height = o131 }, i.prototype.getViewBox = function() {132 return n.extend({}, this.viewBox)133 }, i.prototype.processCTM = function() {134 var t = this.getCTM();135 if ( || this.options.contain) {136 var e;137 e = ? Math.min(this.options.width / this.viewBox.width, this.options.height / this.viewBox.height) : Math.max(this.options.width / this.viewBox.width, this.options.height / this.viewBox.height), t.a = e, t.d = e, t.e = -this.viewBox.x * e, t.f = -this.viewBox.y * e138 }139 if ( {140 var o = .5 * (this.options.width - (this.viewBox.width + 2 * this.viewBox.x) * t.a),141 n = .5 * (this.options.height - (this.viewBox.height + 2 * this.viewBox.y) * t.a);142 t.e = o, t.f = n143 }144 this.originalState.zoom = t.a, this.originalState.x = t.e, this.originalState.y = t.f, this.setCTM(t)145 }, i.prototype.getOriginalState = function() {146 return n.extend({}, this.originalState)147 }, i.prototype.getState = function() {148 return n.extend({}, this.activeState)149 }, i.prototype.getZoom = function() {150 return this.activeState.zoom151 }, i.prototype.getRelativeZoom = function() {152 return this.activeState.zoom / this.originalState.zoom153 }, i.prototype.computeRelativeZoom = function(t) {154 return t / this.originalState.zoom155 }, i.prototype.getPan = function() {156 return {157 x: this.activeState.x,158 y: this.activeState.y159 }160 }, i.prototype.getCTM = function() {161 var t = this.options.svg.createSVGMatrix();162 return t.a = this.activeState.zoom, t.b = 0, t.c = 0, t.d = this.activeState.zoom, t.e = this.activeState.x, t.f = this.activeState.y, t163 }, i.prototype.setCTM = function(t) {164 var e = this.isZoomDifferent(t),165 o = this.isPanDifferent(t);166 if (e || o) {167 if (e && this.options.beforeZoom(this.getRelativeZoom(), this.computeRelativeZoom(t.a)) === !1 && (t.a = t.d = this.activeState.zoom, e = !1), o) {168 var i = this.options.beforePan(this.getPan(), {169 x: t.e,170 y: t.f171 }),172 s = !1,173 r = !1;174 i === !1 ? (t.e = this.getPan().x, t.f = this.getPan().y, s = r = !0) : n.isObject(i) && (i.x === !1 ? (t.e = this.getPan().x, s = !0) : n.isNumber(i.x) && (t.e = i.x), i.y === !1 ? (t.f = this.getPan().y, r = !0) : n.isNumber(i.y) && (t.f = i.y)), s && r && (o = !1)175 }(e || o) && (this.updateCache(t), this.updateCTMOnNextFrame(), e && this.options.onZoom(this.getRelativeZoom()), o && this.options.onPan(this.getPan()))176 }177 }, i.prototype.isZoomDifferent = function(t) {178 return this.activeState.zoom !== t.a179 }, i.prototype.isPanDifferent = function(t) {180 return this.activeState.x !== t.e || this.activeState.y !== t.f181 }, i.prototype.updateCache = function(t) {182 this.activeState.zoom = t.a, this.activeState.x = t.e, this.activeState.y = t.f183 }, i.prototype.pendingUpdate = !1, i.prototype.updateCTMOnNextFrame = function() {184 this.pendingUpdate || (this.pendingUpdate = !0,, this.updateCTMCached))185 }, i.prototype.updateCTM = function() {186 o.setCTM(this.viewport, this.getCTM(), this.defs), this.pendingUpdate = !1187 }, e.exports = function(t, e) {188 return new i(t, e)189 }190 }, {191 "./svg-utilities": 5,192 "./utilities": 7193 }],194 4: [function(t, e) {195 var o = t("./uniwheel"),196 n = t("./control-icons"),197 i = t("./utilities"),198 s = t("./svg-utilities"),199 r = t("./shadow-viewport"),200 a = function(t, e) {201 this.init(t, e)202 },203 l = {204 viewportSelector: ".svg-pan-zoom_viewport",205 panEnabled: !0,206 controlIconsEnabled: !1,207 zoomEnabled: !0,208 dblClickZoomEnabled: !0,209 mouseWheelZoomEnabled: !0,210 preventMouseEventsDefault: !0,211 zoomScaleSensitivity: .1,212 minZoom: .5,213 maxZoom: 10,214 fit: !0,215 contain: !1,216 center: !0,217 refreshRate: "auto",218 beforeZoom: null,219 onZoom: null,220 beforePan: null,221 onPan: null,222 customEventsHandler: null,223 eventsListenerElement: null224 };225 a.prototype.init = function(t, e) {226 var o = this;227 this.svg = t, this.defs = t.querySelector("defs"), s.setupSvgAttributes(this.svg), this.options = i.extend(i.extend({}, l), e), this.state = "none";228 var a = s.getBoundingClientRectNormalized(t);229 this.width = a.width, this.height = a.height, this.viewport = r(s.getOrCreateViewport(this.svg, this.options.viewportSelector), {230 svg: this.svg,231 width: this.width,232 height: this.height,233 fit:,234 contain: this.options.contain,235 center:,236 refreshRate: this.options.refreshRate,237 beforeZoom: function(t, e) {238 return o.viewport && o.options.beforeZoom ? o.options.beforeZoom(t, e) : void 0239 },240 onZoom: function(t) {241 return o.viewport && o.options.onZoom ? o.options.onZoom(t) : void 0242 },243 beforePan: function(t, e) {244 return o.viewport && o.options.beforePan ? o.options.beforePan(t, e) : void 0245 },246 onPan: function(t) {247 return o.viewport && o.options.onPan ? o.options.onPan(t) : void 0248 }249 });250 var u = this.getPublicInstance();251 u.setBeforeZoom(this.options.beforeZoom), u.setOnZoom(this.options.onZoom), u.setBeforePan(this.options.beforePan), u.setOnPan(this.options.onPan), this.options.controlIconsEnabled && n.enable(this), this.lastMouseWheelEventTime =, this.setupHandlers()252 }, a.prototype.setupHandlers = function() {253 var t = this,254 e = null;255 if (this.eventListeners = {256 mousedown: function(e) {257 return t.handleMouseDown(e, null)258 },259 touchstart: function(o) {260 var n = t.handleMouseDown(o, e);261 return e = o, n262 },263 mouseup: function(e) {264 return t.handleMouseUp(e)265 },266 touchend: function(e) {267 return t.handleMouseUp(e)268 },269 mousemove: function(e) {270 return t.handleMouseMove(e)271 },272 touchmove: function(e) {273 return t.handleMouseMove(e)274 },275 mouseleave: function(e) {276 return t.handleMouseUp(e)277 },278 touchleave: function(e) {279 return t.handleMouseUp(e)280 },281 touchcancel: function(e) {282 return t.handleMouseUp(e)283 }284 }, null != this.options.customEventsHandler) {285 this.options.customEventsHandler.init({286 svgElement: this.svg,287 eventsListenerElement: this.options.eventsListenerElement,288 instance: this.getPublicInstance()289 });290 var o = this.options.customEventsHandler.haltEventListeners;291 if (o && o.length)292 for (var n = o.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) this.eventListeners.hasOwnProperty(o[n]) && delete this.eventListeners[o[n]]293 }294 for (var i in this.eventListeners)(this.options.eventsListenerElement || this.svg).addEventListener(i, this.eventListeners[i], !1);295 this.options.mouseWheelZoomEnabled && (this.options.mouseWheelZoomEnabled = !1, this.enableMouseWheelZoom())296 }, a.prototype.enableMouseWheelZoom = function() {297 if (!this.options.mouseWheelZoomEnabled) {298 var t = this;299 this.wheelListener = function(e) {300 return t.handleMouseWheel(e)301 }, o.on(this.options.eventsListenerElement || this.svg, this.wheelListener, !1), this.options.mouseWheelZoomEnabled = !0302 }303 }, a.prototype.disableMouseWheelZoom = function() {304 this.options.mouseWheelZoomEnabled && ( || this.svg, this.wheelListener, !1), this.options.mouseWheelZoomEnabled = !1)305 }, a.prototype.handleMouseWheel = function(t) {306 if (this.options.zoomEnabled && "none" === this.state) {307 this.options.preventMouseEventsDefault && (t.preventDefault ? t.preventDefault() : t.returnValue = !1);308 var e = t.deltaY || 1,309 o = - this.lastMouseWheelEventTime,310 n = 3 + Math.max(0, 30 - o);311 this.lastMouseWheelEventTime =, "deltaMode" in t && 0 === t.deltaMode && t.wheelDelta && (e = 0 === t.deltaY ? 0 : Math.abs(t.wheelDelta) / t.deltaY), e = e > -.3 && .3 > e ? e : (e > 0 ? 1 : -1) * Math.log(Math.abs(e) + 10) / n;312 var i = this.svg.getScreenCTM().inverse(),313 r = s.getEventPoint(t, this.svg).matrixTransform(i),314 a = Math.pow(1 + this.options.zoomScaleSensitivity, -1 * e);315 this.zoomAtPoint(a, r)316 }317 }, a.prototype.zoomAtPoint = function(t, e, o) {318 var n = this.viewport.getOriginalState();319 o ? (t = Math.max(this.options.minZoom * n.zoom, Math.min(this.options.maxZoom * n.zoom, t)), t /= this.getZoom()) : this.getZoom() * t < this.options.minZoom * n.zoom ? t = this.options.minZoom * n.zoom / this.getZoom() : this.getZoom() * t > this.options.maxZoom * n.zoom && (t = this.options.maxZoom * n.zoom / this.getZoom());320 var i = this.viewport.getCTM(),321 s = e.matrixTransform(i.inverse()),322 r = this.svg.createSVGMatrix().translate(s.x, s.y).scale(t).translate(-s.x, -s.y),323 a = i.multiply(r);324 a.a !== i.a && this.viewport.setCTM(a)325 }, a.prototype.zoom = function(t, e) {326 this.zoomAtPoint(t, s.getSvgCenterPoint(this.svg, this.width, this.height), e)327 }, a.prototype.publicZoom = function(t, e) {328 e && (t = this.computeFromRelativeZoom(t)), this.zoom(t, e)329 }, a.prototype.publicZoomAtPoint = function(t, e, o) {330 if (o && (t = this.computeFromRelativeZoom(t)), !("SVGPoint" !== i.getType(e) && "x" in e && "y" in e)) throw new Error("Given point is invalid");331 e = s.createSVGPoint(this.svg, e.x, e.y), this.zoomAtPoint(t, e, o)332 }, a.prototype.getZoom = function() {333 return this.viewport.getZoom()334 }, a.prototype.getRelativeZoom = function() {335 return this.viewport.getRelativeZoom()336 }, a.prototype.computeFromRelativeZoom = function(t) {337 return t * this.viewport.getOriginalState().zoom338 }, a.prototype.resetZoom = function() {339 var t = this.viewport.getOriginalState();340 this.zoom(t.zoom, !0)341 }, a.prototype.resetPan = function() {342 this.pan(this.viewport.getOriginalState())343 }, a.prototype.reset = function() {344 this.resetZoom(), this.resetPan()345 }, a.prototype.handleDblClick = function(t) {346 if (this.options.preventMouseEventsDefault && (t.preventDefault ? t.preventDefault() : t.returnValue = !1), this.options.controlIconsEnabled) {347 var e ="class") || "";348 if (e.indexOf("svg-pan-zoom-control") > -1) return !1349 }350 var o;351 o = t.shiftKey ? 1 / (2 * (1 + this.options.zoomScaleSensitivity)) : 2 * (1 + this.options.zoomScaleSensitivity);352 var n = s.getEventPoint(t, this.svg).matrixTransform(this.svg.getScreenCTM().inverse());353 this.zoomAtPoint(o, n)354 }, a.prototype.handleMouseDown = function(t, e) {355 this.options.preventMouseEventsDefault && (t.preventDefault ? t.preventDefault() : t.returnValue = !1), i.mouseAndTouchNormalize(t, this.svg), this.options.dblClickZoomEnabled && i.isDblClick(t, e) ? this.handleDblClick(t) : (this.state = "pan", this.firstEventCTM = this.viewport.getCTM(), this.stateOrigin = s.getEventPoint(t, this.svg).matrixTransform(this.firstEventCTM.inverse()))356 }, a.prototype.handleMouseMove = function(t) {357 if (this.options.preventMouseEventsDefault && (t.preventDefault ? t.preventDefault() : t.returnValue = !1), "pan" === this.state && this.options.panEnabled) {358 var e = s.getEventPoint(t, this.svg).matrixTransform(this.firstEventCTM.inverse()),359 o = this.firstEventCTM.translate(e.x - this.stateOrigin.x, e.y - this.stateOrigin.y);360 this.viewport.setCTM(o)361 }362 }, a.prototype.handleMouseUp = function(t) {363 this.options.preventMouseEventsDefault && (t.preventDefault ? t.preventDefault() : t.returnValue = !1), "pan" === this.state && (this.state = "none")364 }, = function() {365 var t = this.viewport.getViewBox(),366 e = Math.min(this.width / t.width, this.height / t.height);367 this.zoom(e, !0)368 }, a.prototype.contain = function() {369 var t = this.viewport.getViewBox(),370 e = Math.max(this.width / t.width, this.height / t.height);371 this.zoom(e, !0)372 }, = function() {373 var t = this.viewport.getViewBox(),374 e = .5 * (this.width - (t.width + 2 * t.x) * this.getZoom()),375 o = .5 * (this.height - (t.height + 2 * t.y) * this.getZoom());376 this.getPublicInstance().pan({377 x: e,378 y: o379 })380 }, a.prototype.updateBBox = function() {381 this.viewport.recacheViewBox()382 }, a.prototype.pan = function(t) {383 var e = this.viewport.getCTM();384 e.e = t.x, e.f = t.y, this.viewport.setCTM(e)385 }, a.prototype.panBy = function(t) {386 var e = this.viewport.getCTM();387 e.e += t.x, e.f += t.y, this.viewport.setCTM(e)388 }, a.prototype.getPan = function() {389 var t = this.viewport.getState();390 return {391 x: t.x,392 y: t.y393 }394 }, a.prototype.resize = function() {395 var t = s.getBoundingClientRectNormalized(this.svg);396 this.width = t.width, this.height = t.height, this.options.controlIconsEnabled && (this.getPublicInstance().disableControlIcons(), this.getPublicInstance().enableControlIcons())397 }, a.prototype.destroy = function() {398 var t = this;399 this.beforeZoom = null, this.onZoom = null, this.beforePan = null, this.onPan = null, null != this.options.customEventsHandler && this.options.customEventsHandler.destroy({400 svgElement: this.svg,401 eventsListenerElement: this.options.eventsListenerElement,402 instance: this.getPublicInstance()403 });404 for (var e in this.eventListeners)(this.options.eventsListenerElement || this.svg).removeEventListener(e, this.eventListeners[e], !1);405 this.disableMouseWheelZoom(), this.getPublicInstance().disableControlIcons(), this.reset(), u = u.filter(function(e) {406 return e.svg !== t.svg407 }), delete this.options, delete this.publicInstance, delete this.pi, this.getPublicInstance = function() {408 return null409 }410 }, a.prototype.getPublicInstance = function() {411 var t = this;412 return this.publicInstance || (this.publicInstance = this.pi = {413 enablePan: function() {414 return t.options.panEnabled = !0, t.pi415 },416 disablePan: function() {417 return t.options.panEnabled = !1, t.pi418 },419 isPanEnabled: function() {420 return !!t.options.panEnabled421 },422 pan: function(e) {423 return t.pan(e), t.pi424 },425 panBy: function(e) {426 return t.panBy(e), t.pi427 },428 getPan: function() {429 return t.getPan()430 },431 setBeforePan: function(e) {432 return t.options.beforePan = null === e ? null : i.proxy(e, t.publicInstance), t.pi433 },434 setOnPan: function(e) {435 return t.options.onPan = null === e ? null : i.proxy(e, t.publicInstance), t.pi436 },437 enableZoom: function() {438 return t.options.zoomEnabled = !0, t.pi439 },440 disableZoom: function() {441 return t.options.zoomEnabled = !1, t.pi442 },443 isZoomEnabled: function() {444 return !!t.options.zoomEnabled445 },446 enableControlIcons: function() {447 return t.options.controlIconsEnabled || (t.options.controlIconsEnabled = !0, n.enable(t)), t.pi448 },449 disableControlIcons: function() {450 return t.options.controlIconsEnabled && (t.options.controlIconsEnabled = !1, n.disable(t)), t.pi451 },452 isControlIconsEnabled: function() {453 return !!t.options.controlIconsEnabled454 },455 enableDblClickZoom: function() {456 return t.options.dblClickZoomEnabled = !0, t.pi457 },458 disableDblClickZoom: function() {459 return t.options.dblClickZoomEnabled = !1, t.pi460 },461 isDblClickZoomEnabled: function() {462 return !!t.options.dblClickZoomEnabled463 },464 enableMouseWheelZoom: function() {465 return t.enableMouseWheelZoom(), t.pi466 },467 disableMouseWheelZoom: function() {468 return t.disableMouseWheelZoom(), t.pi469 },470 isMouseWheelZoomEnabled: function() {471 return !!t.options.mouseWheelZoomEnabled472 },473 setZoomScaleSensitivity: function(e) {474 return t.options.zoomScaleSensitivity = e, t.pi475 },476 setMinZoom: function(e) {477 return t.options.minZoom = e, t.pi478 },479 setMaxZoom: function(e) {480 return t.options.maxZoom = e, t.pi481 },482 setBeforeZoom: function(e) {483 return t.options.beforeZoom = null === e ? null : i.proxy(e, t.publicInstance), t.pi484 },485 setOnZoom: function(e) {486 return t.options.onZoom = null === e ? null : i.proxy(e, t.publicInstance), t.pi487 },488 zoom: function(e) {489 return t.publicZoom(e, !0), t.pi490 },491 zoomBy: function(e) {492 return t.publicZoom(e, !1), t.pi493 },494 zoomAtPoint: function(e, o) {495 return t.publicZoomAtPoint(e, o, !0), t.pi496 },497 zoomAtPointBy: function(e, o) {498 return t.publicZoomAtPoint(e, o, !1), t.pi499 },500 zoomIn: function() {501 return this.zoomBy(1 + t.options.zoomScaleSensitivity), t.pi502 },503 zoomOut: function() {504 return this.zoomBy(1 / (1 + t.options.zoomScaleSensitivity)), t.pi505 },506 getZoom: function() {507 return t.getRelativeZoom()508 },509 resetZoom: function() {510 return t.resetZoom(), t.pi511 },512 resetPan: function() {513 return t.resetPan(), t.pi514 },515 reset: function() {516 return t.reset(), t.pi517 },518 fit: function() {519 return, t.pi520 },521 contain: function() {522 return t.contain(), t.pi523 },524 center: function() {525 return, t.pi526 },527 updateBBox: function() {528 return t.updateBBox(), t.pi529 },530 resize: function() {531 return t.resize(), t.pi532 },533 getSizes: function() {534 return {535 width: t.width,536 height: t.height,537 realZoom: t.getZoom(),538 viewBox: t.viewport.getViewBox()539 }540 },541 destroy: function() {542 return t.destroy(), t.pi543 }544 }), this.publicInstance545 };546 var u = [],547 h = function(t, e) {548 var o = i.getSvg(t);549 if (null === o) return null;550 for (var n = u.length - 1; n >= 0; n--)551 if (u[n].svg === o) return u[n].instance.getPublicInstance();552 return u.push({553 svg: o,554 instance: new a(o, e)555 }), u[u.length - 1].instance.getPublicInstance()556 };557 e.exports = h558 }, {559 "./control-icons": 2,560 "./shadow-viewport": 3,561 "./svg-utilities": 5,562 "./uniwheel": 6,563 "./utilities": 7564 }],565 5: [function(t, e) {566 var o = t("./utilities"),567 n = "unknown";568 document.documentMode && (n = "ie"), e.exports = {569 svgNS: "",...
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...15 var nextName = null;16 var nextDisplayName = null;17 if ("production" !== process.env.NODE_ENV) {18 if (!ownersMatch) {19 if (prevElement._owner != null && prevElement._owner.getPublicInstance() != null && prevElement._owner.getPublicInstance().constructor != null) {20 prevName = prevElement._owner.getPublicInstance().constructor.displayName;21 }22 if (nextElement._owner != null && nextElement._owner.getPublicInstance() != null && nextElement._owner.getPublicInstance().constructor != null) {23 nextName = nextElement._owner.getPublicInstance().constructor.displayName;24 }25 if (nextElement.type != null && nextElement.type.displayName != null) {26 nextDisplayName = nextElement.type.displayName;27 }28 if (nextElement.type != null && typeof nextElement.type === 'string') {29 nextDisplayName = nextElement.type;30 }31 if (typeof nextElement.type !== 'string' || nextElement.type === 'input' || nextElement.type === 'textarea') {32 if ((prevElement._owner != null && prevElement._owner._isOwnerNecessary === false) || (nextElement._owner != null && nextElement._owner._isOwnerNecessary === false)) {33 if (prevElement._owner != null) {34 prevElement._owner._isOwnerNecessary = true;35 }36 if (nextElement._owner != null) {37 nextElement._owner._isOwnerNecessary = true;...
...11 if (typeof child === 'string' || typeof child === 'number') {12 parent.setContent(child);13 } else {14 if (update.toIndex){15 parent.addChildAtIndex(child.getPublicInstance(), update.toIndex);16 } else {17 parent.addChild(child.getPublicInstance());18 }19 }20 }, [MOVE_EXISTING]() {21 console.log(MOVE_EXISTING);22 }, [SET_MARKUP]() {23 console.log(SET_MARKUP);24 }, [TEXT_CONTENT]() {25 console.log(TEXT_CONTENT);26 }, [REMOVE_NODE](update, components) {27 // FIXME - Since this is async, if more than one node from the same parent 28 // Node is to be removed, this causes an error29 update.parentNode.removeChildFromIndex(update.fromIndex);30 }31};32export function processChildrenUpdates(updates, components) {33 for (let i = 0, l = updates.length; i < l; ++i) {34 updates[i].parentNode = ReactWWIDOperations.get(updates[i].parentID);35 let update = updates[i];36 actions[update.type](update, components);37 }38}39export function replaceNodeWithMarkupByID(reactId, markup) {40 // reactId here is the reactId of the old node41 // By the time we are here, the oldNode is already unmounted and hence gone from ReactWWOps42 // ASSUMPTION: The nextNode has the same reactId as the old node43 const nextNode = markup.getPublicInstance();44 nextNode.replaceAt(reactId);...
...6 */7var ReactCompositeComponent = require("react/lib/ReactCompositeComponent");8var emptyObject = require("react/lib/emptyObject");9ReactCompositeComponent.Mixin.attachRef = function(ref, component) {10 var inst = this.getPublicInstance();11 var refs = inst.refs === emptyObject ? (inst.refs = {}) : inst.refs;12 var element = component.getPublicInstance();13 if (element.tagName) {14 element = element.getDOMNode();15 // consumers might not realize ref is a DOM element and call getDOMNode()16 element.getDOMNode = function() { return element; }17 }18 refs[ref] = element;...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 const elementHandle = await page.$('input[name="q"]');6 const publicInstance = elementHandle._getPublicInstance();7 console.log(publicInstance);8 await browser.close();9})();10{ _page: Page { _channel: [Channel] },11 _context: BrowserContext { _channel: [Channel] },12 _channel: Channel {13 _connection: Connection {14 },15 _callbacks: Map(0) {},16 _events: EventEmitter {17 _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
Using AI Code Generation
1const { getPublicInstance } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/transport');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const page = await browser.newPage();6 const publicPage = getPublicInstance(page);7 console.log(publicPage);8 await browser.close();9})();10Page {11 _page: Page {12 _channel: ChannelOwner {13 _events: [Object: null prototype] {},14 },15 _browserContext: BrowserContext {16 _closePromiseCallback: [Function (anonymous)],17 _didCloseCallback: [Function (anonymous)]18 },19 _workers: Set {},20 _downloads: Set {},21 _timeoutSettings: TimeoutSettings {22 },23 _closedCallback: [Function (anonymous)],24 _didCloseCallback: [Function (anonymous)],25 _closePromise: Promise { <pending> },26 _closePromiseCallback: [Function (anonymous)]27 },28 _closedCallback: [Function (anonymous)],29 _didCloseCallback: [Function (anonymous)],30 _closePromise: Promise { <pending> },31 _closePromiseCallback: [Function (anonymous)]32}
Using AI Code Generation
1const { getPublicInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserType');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 const browserType = getPublicInstance(browser);8 console.log(;9 await browser.close();10})();11Your name to display (optional):12Your name to display (optional):
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2const { getPublicInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserType');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const browserInstance = getPublicInstance(browser);6 console.log(browserInstance);7})();8Browser {9 _browser: Browser {10 _connection: Connection {11 _events: [Object: null prototype] {},12 _callbacks: Map {},13 _sessions: Map {},
Using AI Code Generation
1const { getPublicInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserType');2const webkit = getPublicInstance('webkit');3const browser = await webkit.launch();4const page = await browser.newPage();5await page.screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' });6await browser.close();7const { getPublicInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserType');8const webkit = getPublicInstance('webkit');9const browser = await webkit.launch();10const page = await browser.newPage();11await page.screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' });12await browser.close();13getPublicInstance(browserType: string) → BrowserType14const { getPublicInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserType');15const webkit = getPublicInstance('webkit');16const browser = await webkit.launch();17const page = await browser.newPage();18await page.screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' });19await browser.close();20getPublicInstance('chromium');21getPublicInstance('firefox');22getPublicInstance('webkit');
Using AI Code Generation
1const { getPublicInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');2const { BrowserContext } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');3const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/server/page');4const { ElementHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom');5const context = getPublicInstance(BrowserContext);6const page = getPublicInstance(Page);7const element = getPublicInstance(ElementHandle);8context.newPage().then(page => {9 page.$('input').then(element => {10 element.type('Hello');11 });12});13const { getPublicInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');14const { BrowserContext } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');15const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/server/page');16const { ElementHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom');17const context = getPublicInstance(BrowserContext);18const page = getPublicInstance(Page);19const element = getPublicInstance(ElementHandle);20context.newPage().then(page => {21 page.$('input').then(element => {22 element.type('Hello');23 });24});25const { getPublicInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');26const { BrowserContext } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');27const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/server/page');28const { ElementHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom');29const context = getPublicInstance(BrowserContext);30const page = getPublicInstance(Page);31const element = getPublicInstance(ElementHandle);32context.newPage().then(page => {33 page.$('input').then(element => {34 element.type('Hello');35 });36});37const { getPublicInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');38const { BrowserContext } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');39const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/server/page');40const { ElementHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom');41const context = getPublicInstance(BrowserContext);
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const { getPublicInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');3(async () => {4 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 const publicPage = getPublicInstance(page);8 const title = await publicPage.title();9 console.log(title);10 await browser.close();11})();12const playwright = require('playwright');13const { getPublicInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');14(async () => {15 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();16 const context = await browser.newContext();17 const page = await context.newPage();18 const publicPage = getPublicInstance(page);19 const title = await publicPage.title();20 console.log(title);21 await browser.close();22})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const { getPublicInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserType');3const browser = getPublicInstance(playwright.chromium);4console.log(browser);5Browser {6 _browserType: BrowserType {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { getPublicInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/page');2const page = await context.newPage();3const publicPage = getPublicInstance(page);4publicPage.on('request', request => {5 console.log('Request: ' + request.url());6});7publicPage.on('response', response => {8 console.log('Response: ' + response.url());9});10await publicPage.waitForTimeout(1000);11const { getPublicInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');12const context = await browser.newContext();13const publicContext = getPublicInstance(context);14publicContext.on('request', request => {15 console.log('Request: ' + request.url());16});17publicContext.on('response', response => {18 console.log('Response: ' + response.url());19});20const page = await publicContext.newPage();21await page.waitForTimeout(1000);22const { getPublicInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/browser');23const browser = await chromium.launch();24const publicBrowser = getPublicInstance(browser);25publicBrowser.on('request', request => {26 console.log('Request: ' + request.url());27});28publicBrowser.on('response', response => {29 console.log('Response: ' + response.url());30});31const context = await publicBrowser.newContext();32const page = await context.newPage();33await page.waitForTimeout(1000);34const { getPublicInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/frame');35const browser = await chromium.launch();36const context = await browser.newContext();37const page = await context.newPage();38const frame = page.mainFrame();39const publicFrame = getPublicInstance(frame);40publicFrame.on('request', request => {41 console.log('Request: ' + request.url());42});43publicFrame.on('response', response => {44 console.log('Response: ' + response.url());45});
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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