Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1import { __decorate } from "tslib";2import { VoyoComponent, } from "../commonComponent";3import { VoyoDor, VoyoInput, VoyoTemplate } from "../BaseComponent";4import { SETTING_IOC_NAME } from "../../setting";5import { IOCAutowired } from "../../ioc";6import { CircleLoader } from "../utils/circle-loader";7import { ClassManage } from "../../utils";8import { finalize } from "rxjs/operators";9let PaginationComponent = class PaginationComponent extends VoyoComponent {10 constructor() {11 super(...arguments);12 this.circleLoader = new CircleLoader();13 this.currentPage = 1;14 this.initMethods = {15 initComplete: false,16 initExists: false,17 initDisplay: () => {18 this.initMethods.initExists = = true;19 this.initMethods.initComplete = false;20 this.refresher.disabledScroll = true;21 const params = {22 currentPage: this.currentPage = 1,23 behavior: "init",24 };25 this.paginationFn(params)26 .pipe(finalize(() => {27 this.initMethods.initRemove();28 }))29 .subscribe(result => {30 const r = this.handlePaginationResult(params, result);31 if (r == "empty") {32 this.initMethods.errorRemove();33 }34 else if (r == "error") {35 this.initMethods.emptyRemove();36 }37 else {38 this.initMethods.errorRemove();39 this.initMethods.emptyRemove();40 this.initMethods.initComplete = true;41 this.refresher.disabledScroll = false;42 }43 }, error => {44 this.handlePaginationError("init");45 });46 },47 initRemove: () => {48 this.initMethods.initExists = = false;49 },50 emptyExists: false,51 emptyDisplay: () => {52 if (this.initMethods.emptyExists)53 return;54 this.emptyTemplate.insert(this.emptyEl);55 this.initMethods.emptyExists = true;56 },57 emptyRemove: () => {58 if (!this.initMethods.emptyExists)59 return;60 this.emptyTemplate.remove();61 this.initMethods.emptyExists = false;62 },63 errorExists: false,64 errorDisplay: () => {65 if (this.initMethods.errorExists)66 return;67 this.errorTemplate.insert(this.errorEl);68 this.initMethods.errorExists = true;69 },70 errorRemove: () => {71 if (!this.initMethods.errorExists)72 return;73 this.errorTemplate.remove();74 this.initMethods.errorExists = false;75 },76 };77 this.refreshing = false;78 this.pullDownMethods = {79 hasError: false,80 hasEnd: false,81 loading: false,82 trigger: false,83 reset: () => {84 if (this.pullDownMethods.hasError) {85 this.downErrorTemplate.remove();86 this.pullDownMethods.hasError = false;87 }88 if (this.pullDownMethods.hasEnd) {89 this.downNoMoreTemplate.remove();90 this.pullDownMethods.hasEnd = false;91 }92 },93 load: () => {94 if (this.isRunning || this.pullDownMethods.hasEnd)95 return;96 this.pullDownMethods.loading = true;97 if (this.pullDownMethods.hasError) {98 this.downErrorTemplate.remove();99 this.pullDownMethods.hasError = false;100 }101 = true;102 const params = {103 currentPage: this.currentPage + 1,104 behavior: "down",105 };106 this.paginationFn(params)107 .pipe(finalize(() => (this.pullDownMethods.loading = false)))108 .subscribe((result) => {109 this.handlePaginationResult(params, result);110 }, err => this.handlePaginationError("down"));111 },112 loadSuccess: () => {113 this.pullDownMethods.loading = = false;114 this.currentPage++;115 },116 loadError: () => {117 this.pullDownMethods.loading = = false;118 this.pullDownMethods.hasError = false;119 this.downErrorTemplate.insert(this.bottomAreaEl);120 },121 loadEnd: () => {122 this.pullDownMethods.loading = = false;123 this.pullDownMethods.hasEnd = true;124 this.downNoMoreTemplate.insert(this.bottomAreaEl);125 },126 };127 }128 set setScrollContainer(v) {129 this.classManage.toggleClass("__scroll", v);130 }131 created() {132 this.pgEl = this.shadowRoot.querySelector(".voyo-pagination");133 this.classManage = new ClassManage(this.pgEl);134 this.refresher = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#refresher");135 this.refresher.defaultEffects = false;136 this.refresher.disabledScroll = true;137 this.refresher.addEventListener("refresherRefresh", (e) => {138 this.toRefresh(e.detail);139 });140 this.refresher.executeAfterConnected.execute(() => {141 this.scrollContainer = this.refresher.scrollContainer;142 this.handleScrollDown(this.refresher.listenScroll, this.scrollContainer);143 });144 }145 handleScrollDown(listenScrcoll, scrollContainer) {146 let containerHeight = scrollContainer.offsetHeight;147 let thresholdDistance;148 listenScrcoll.subscribe(({ e, v }) => {149 if (this.initMethods.initExists || !this.initMethods.initComplete)150 return;151 thresholdDistance = scrollContainer.scrollHeight - containerHeight - v;152 if (thresholdDistance <= this.lowerThreshold &&153 !this.pullDownMethods.trigger) {154 this.pullDownMethods.trigger = true;155 this.toPullDown();156 }157 else if (thresholdDistance > this.lowerThreshold &&158 this.pullDownMethods.trigger) {159 this.pullDownMethods.trigger = false;160 }161 });162 }163 get isRunning() {164 return (this.initMethods.initExists ||165 this.refreshing ||166 this.pullDownMethods.loading);167 }168 initRefresh() {169 this.pullDownMethods.reset();170 this.initMethods.initDisplay();171 }172 toRefresh(refreshRestore) {173 if (this.isRunning)174 return refreshRestore();175 this.refreshing = true;176 this.pullDownMethods.reset();177 const params = {178 currentPage: 1,179 behavior: "refresh",180 };181 this.paginationFn(params)182 .pipe(finalize(() => {183 refreshRestore();184 this.refreshing = false;185 }))186 .subscribe((result) => {187 if (this.handlePaginationResult(params, result)) {188 this.currentPage = 1;189 }190 }, err => this.handlePaginationError("refresh"));191 }192 handlePaginationResult(params, result) {193 const setting = this.setting.pgSetting;194 if (setting.isEmpty(params, result)) {195 this.initMethods.emptyDisplay();196 return "empty";197 }198 else if (setting.isEnd(params, result)) {199 //clean200 this.pullDownMethods.loadEnd();201 return "end";202 }203 else if (setting.isError(params, result)) {204 this.initMethods.emptyRemove();205 this.handlePaginationError(params.behavior);206 return "error";207 }208 else {209 if (params.behavior === "down")210 this.pullDownMethods.loadSuccess();211 return "true";212 }213 }214 handlePaginationError(type) {215 if (type === "init") {216 this.initMethods.errorDisplay();217 }218 else if (type === "down") {219 this.pullDownMethods.loadError();220 }221 else if (type === "refresh") {222 console.debug("pagination refresh error");223 }224 }225 toPullDown() {226 this.pullDownMethods.load();227 }228 handlerResource() {229 const pgSetting = this.setting.pgSetting;230 this._errorImg = this.errorImg || pgSetting.errorImg;231 this._errorText = this.errorText || pgSetting.errorText;232 this._emptyImg = this.emptyImg || pgSetting.emptyImg;233 this._emptyText = this.emptyText || pgSetting.emptyText;234 this._downNoMoreText = this.downNoMoreText || pgSetting.downNoMoreText;235 this._downErrorText = this.downErrorText || pgSetting.downErrorText;236 }237 entryStart() {238 this.initMethods.initDisplay();239 }240 mounted() {241 this.bottomLoaderEl = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#bottom-loader");242 this.bottomAreaEl = this.shadowRoot.querySelector(".voyo-pagination-bottom-area");243 this.emptyEl = this.shadowRoot.querySelector(".voyo-pagination-empty");244 this.errorEl = this.shadowRoot.querySelector(".voyo-pagination-error");245 this.initLoaderEl = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#init-loader");246 this.initLoaderEl.absCenter = true;247 this.initLoaderEl.size = "mini";248 this.bottomLoaderEl.size = "mini";249 this.handlerResource();250 this.handleRefreshSvg();251 this.bottomAreaEl.addEventListener("click", () => {252 if (this.pullDownMethods.hasError) {253 this.toPullDown();254 }255 });256 this.entryStart();257 }258 handleRefreshSvg() {259 const svgContainer = this.shadowRoot.querySelector(".voyo-svg-container");260 this.circleLoader.render();261 const svgEl = this.circleLoader.getSvg();262 const svgLoaderEl = this.circleLoader.getSvgLoader();263 svgContainer.appendChild(svgEl);264 const run = () => {265 this.refresher.refreshAnimation.percentEvent.subscribe(({ triggerDistancePercent }) => {266 this.circleLoader.drawSrcByPercent(triggerDistancePercent);267 });268 this.refresher.refreshTriggerSubject.subscribe(isTrigger => {269 if (isTrigger) {270 svgEl.parentElement && svgEl.parentElement.removeChild(svgEl);271 svgContainer.appendChild(svgLoaderEl);272 }273 else {274 svgLoaderEl.parentElement &&275 svgLoaderEl.parentElement.removeChild(svgLoaderEl);276 svgContainer.appendChild(svgEl);277 }278 });279 };280 if (this.refresher.voyoConnectCompleted) {281 run();282 }283 else {284 this.refresher.voyoConnected.subscribe(() => run());285 }286 }287};288__decorate([289 VoyoInput({ name: "scrollContainer" })290], PaginationComponent.prototype, "setScrollContainer", null);291__decorate([292 VoyoInput({})293], PaginationComponent.prototype, "errorImg", void 0);294__decorate([295 VoyoInput({})296], PaginationComponent.prototype, "emptyImg", void 0);297__decorate([298 VoyoInput({})299], PaginationComponent.prototype, "errorText", void 0);300__decorate([301 VoyoInput({})302], PaginationComponent.prototype, "emptyText", void 0);303__decorate([304 VoyoInput({})305], PaginationComponent.prototype, "downNoMoreText", void 0);306__decorate([307 VoyoInput({})308], PaginationComponent.prototype, "downErrorText", void 0);309__decorate([310 VoyoInput({ name: "useRefresh", defaultValue: false })311], PaginationComponent.prototype, "useRefresh", void 0);312__decorate([313 VoyoInput({ defaultValue: 100 })314], PaginationComponent.prototype, "lowerThreshold", void 0);315__decorate([316 IOCAutowired({ name: SETTING_IOC_NAME })317], PaginationComponent.prototype, "setting", void 0);318__decorate([319 VoyoInput({ name: "paginationFn" })320], PaginationComponent.prototype, "paginationFn", void 0);321__decorate([322 VoyoTemplate({323 render() {324 return `<span>${this._downNoMoreText}</span>`;325 },326 tag: "div",327 className: "voyo-pagination-text-des",328 })329], PaginationComponent.prototype, "downNoMoreTemplate", void 0);330__decorate([331 VoyoTemplate({332 render() {333 return `<span>${this._downErrorText}</span>`;334 },335 tag: "div",336 className: "voyo-pagination-text-des",337 })338], PaginationComponent.prototype, "downErrorTemplate", void 0);339__decorate([340 VoyoTemplate({341 render() {342 return `343 <img src="${this._errorImg}" class="_image"/>344 <view class="_title">345 ${this._errorText}346 </view>347 `;348 },349 tag: "div",350 className: "voyo-figure",351 renderCallback(el) {352 el.querySelector("._image").addEventListener("click", () => {353 this.initMethods.initDisplay();354 });355 },356 })357], PaginationComponent.prototype, "errorTemplate", void 0);358__decorate([359 VoyoTemplate({360 render() {361 return `362 <img src="${this._emptyImg}" class="_image"/>363 <view class="_title">364 ${this._emptyText}365 </view>366 `;367 },368 tag: "div",369 className: "voyo-figure",370 renderCallback(el) {371 el.querySelector("._image").addEventListener("click", () => {372 this.initMethods.initDisplay();373 });374 },375 })376], PaginationComponent.prototype, "emptyTemplate", void 0);377PaginationComponent = __decorate([378 VoyoDor({379 template: `380<div class="voyo-pagination">381 <voyoc-loader id="init-loader"></voyoc-loader>382 <voyoc-refresh id="refresher" effects="0">383 <div slot="refresher">384 <div class="voyo-svg-container"></div>385 </div>386 <slot></slot>387 <div class="voyo-pagination-bottom-area">388 <voyoc-loader id="bottom-loader"></voyoc-loader>389 </div>390 </voyoc-refresh>391 <div class="voyo-pagination-empty">392 393 </div>394 <div class="voyo-pagination-error">395 396 </div>397</div>398 `,399 styles: '.voyo-figure{display:flex;justify-content:center;flex-flow:column;padding:2.2rem 1rem 2rem}.voyo-figure ._image{width:8em;height:8em;margin:0 auto}.voyo-figure ._title{font-size:var(--size-small);color:var(--color-font-content)}.voyo-figure ._content,.voyo-figure ._title{padding:1rem;text-align:center}.voyo-pagination{z-index:1}.voyo-pagination.__scroll{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;overflow-x:hidden}.voyo-svg-container svg{width:50px}.voyo-pagination-bottom-area{width:100%;display:none;height:50px;display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center}.voyo-pagination-text-des{font-size:var(--size-mini)!important;color:var(--color-font-des)}',400 })401], PaginationComponent);...
1/**2 * FastVue 3 * version 1.3.44 * 5 * 6 * author: Wangwenwei ( * 8 */9class FastVue {10 constructor({ appName, templatePathRoot, config, plugins }) {11 this.appName = appName;12 this.templatePathRoot = templatePathRoot;13 this.config = config;14 this.plugins = plugins;15 this.$VM = {};16 this.idNameList = [];17 this.templateList = {};18 this.isDebug = true;19 }20 /**21 * å®è£
ç½®22 */23 initConfig() {24 this.log('å®è£
ç½®');25 }26 /**27 * æ¥å¿è¾åº28 * @param {*} obj 29 */30 log(obj) {31 this.isDebug && console.log(obj)32 }33 /**34 * å®è£
æ件ï¼å³ Vue.use()35 * @param {*} plugin 36 */37 initPlugin(plugin) {38 this.log('å®è£
æ件');39 if (!Vue) {40 this.throwError('FastVue initPlugin:æ¾ä¸å° Vue');41 }42 if (!plugin) {43 this.throwError('FastVue initPlugin:ä½ ä¸è½ä½¿ç¨ä¸ä¸ªä¸åå¨çæ件');44 }45 Vue.use(plugin);46 }47 /**48 * 注åç»ä»¶49 */50 async regComponent(componentId, initdata = {}, initMethods = {}, loadCss = false) {51 if (!componentId) {52 this.throwError('ä½ ä½¿ç¨äºæ³¨åç»ä»¶åè½ï¼ä½è¯¥ç»ä»¶æ²¡ææå®åæ°ï¼')53 }54 //æ ¹æ®idåå§åç»ä»¶55 let res = await this.makeComponent(componentId, 1, initdata, initMethods, loadCss)56 return res;57 }58 /**59 * å
裹ç»ä»¶60 * 61 * @param {*} container 被å
裹çdivçid62 * @param {*} componentId ç»ä»¶åºä¸ç¨ä»ä¹ç»ä»¶å
裹63 * @param {*} initdata å
裹ç»ä»¶çä¼ å¼64 * @param {*} initMethods å
裹ç»ä»¶çæ¹æ³65 */66 async wrapComponent(container, wrapComponentId, initdata = {}, initMethods = {}) {67 if (!wrapComponentId) {68 this.throwError('ä½ ä½¿ç¨äºå
裹ç»ä»¶åè½ï¼ä½è¯¥ç»ä»¶æ²¡ææå®åæ°ï¼')69 }70 if (!container || typeof container != 'string') {71 this.throwError('container åæ°ä¸æ£ç¡®ï¼åºè¯¥æ¯å符串')72 }73 let _cont = document.querySelector(container);74 if (!_cont) {75 this.throwError('ä½ ç»ç container åæ°æ²¡æ³è·åå°å
·ä½DOM对象');76 }77 //ååº container éä½ä¸ºåµå¥ç»ä»¶æ¨¡æ¿å
容78 let innerHtml = _cont.innerHTML;79 //åå§å container ç»ä»¶80 Vue.component(container.replace("#", ""), {81 props: ['componentkey', 'propsdata'],82 template: innerHtml,83 methods: initMethods84 });85 //æ¸
é¤ container éçå
容86 _cont.innerHTML = "";87 //åå§åç»å®å¯¹è±¡88 return await this.makeComponent(wrapComponentId, container, initdata)89 }90 /**91 * å¼å¸¸æåº92 * @param {*} msg 93 */94 throwError(msg) {95 throw new Error(`FastVue Error: ${msg}`)96 }97 /**98 * 99 * è·åVM对象100 * @param {*} container 101 * @param {*} componentId 102 * @returns 103 */104 async getVM(container, componentId) {105 let _vm = await this.pushComponent(container, componentId);106 return _vm;107 }108 /**109 * 容å¨ä¸æ¾ç½®ç»ä»¶110 * 111 * @param {*} container 112 * @param {*} componentId 113 * @param {*} initdata 114 * @param {*} initMethods 115 * @returns 116 */117 async pushComponent(container, componentId, initdata = {}, initMethods = {}, loadCss = false) {118 this.log('æ¾ç½®ä¸ä¸ªç»ä»¶');119 if (!container || typeof container != 'string') {120 this.throwError('container åæ°ä¸æ£ç¡®ï¼åºè¯¥æ¯å符串')121 }122 let _cont = document.querySelector(container);123 if (!_cont) {124 this.throwError('ä½ ç»ç container åæ°æ²¡æ³è·åå°å
·ä½DOM对象');125 }126 // æ¾ç½®å®¹å¨127 this.pushDiv(_cont, componentId);128 if (!this.$VM[`${container}`]) {129 this.$VM[`${container}`] = {};130 }131 let _VM = await this.makeComponent(componentId, 0, initdata, initMethods, loadCss)132 this.$VM[`${container}`][`${componentId}`] = _VM;133 return _VM;134 }135 /**136 * åé Vueç»ä»¶137 * @param { ç»ä»¶id } componentId 138 * @param { åé ç±»å } type é»è®¤ä¸º0ï¼å³å建VM对象ï¼1为注åVueç»ä»¶139 * @param { åå§åæ°æ® } initdata 140 * @param { åå§åæ¹æ³ } initMethods 141 * @returns VM对象142 */143 async makeComponent(144 componentId,145 type = 0,146 initdata = {},147 initMethods = {},148 loadCss = false149 ) {150 // å è½½ç»ä»¶151 let _tpl = await this.loadTemplate(componentId);152 if (!_tpl) {153 this.throwError(`ç»ä»¶ ${componentId}æ¾ä¸å°`);154 }155 // å è½½ç»ä»¶èæ¬156 let _script = await this.getComponentScript(componentId);157 if (loadCss) {158 await this.loadCss(componentId);159 }160 this.log('ç»ä»¶èæ¬æ°æ®ä¿¡æ¯ä¸º', _script);161 // å¦ætype为å符串ï¼è¯´ææ¯å
裹ç»ä»¶162 if (typeof type == 'string') {163 let _cont = document.querySelector(type);164 if (!_cont) {165 this.throwError(' makeComponent ä¼ è¿äºå符串类åçtype,ä½DOMä¸æ æ³å¯»å¾è¯¥å
ç´ ');166 }167 // èµäºåµå¥ç»ä»¶id168 let _data = this.initComponentData(initdata,;169 _data['contentComponent'] = type.replace("#", "");170 const vm = new Vue({171 el: type,172 template: _tpl.template,173 data: _data,174 computed: _script.computed,175 created: _script.created,176 methods: this.initComponentData(initMethods, _script.methods)177 });178 console.log(vm);179 return vm;180 }181 switch (type) {182 case 1://注åç»ä»¶183 const that = this;184 return Vue.component(componentId, {185 props: ['componentkey', 'propsdata'],186 template: _tpl.template,187 data: function () {188 return that.initComponentData(initdata,;189 },190 computed: _script.computed,191 created: _script.created,192 methods: that.initComponentData(initMethods, _script.methods)193 });194 break;195 case 0://å®ä¾åVM对象196 default:197 return new Vue({198 el: `#${componentId}`,199 template: _tpl.template,200 data: this.initComponentData(initdata,,201 computed: _script.computed,202 created: _script.created,203 methods: this.initComponentData(initMethods, _script.methods)204 });205 break;206 }207 }208 /**209 * 解æç»ä»¶æ°æ®210 * @param {*} initdata 211 * @param {*} defaultData 212 * @returns 213 */214 initComponentData(initdata, defaultData) {215 let _data = {};216 for (const key in defaultData) {217 if (, key)) {218 const element = defaultData[key];219 if (initdata[key] != undefined) {220 _data[key] = initdata[key]221 } else {222 _data[key] = element;223 }224 }225 }226 return _data;227 }228 /**229 * 模æ¿è§£æ230 * @param {*} componentId 231 * @returns 232 */233 async loadTemplate(componentId) {234 if (!this.templateList[`${componentId}`]) {235 let _tpl = await this.getTemplateFiles(`${this.templatePathRoot}${componentId}/${componentId}.html`);236 this.templateList[`${componentId}`] = _tpl;237 }238 return this.templateList[`${componentId}`];239 }240 async loadCss(componentId) {241 if (!$) {242 this.throwError('请å
å è½½JQåº');243 }244 let url = `${this.templatePathRoot}${componentId}/${componentId}.css`;245 return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {246 let file_exist = await this.IsExistsFile(url)247 if (file_exist) {248 console.log('css åå¨');249 var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];250 var link = document.createElement('link');251 link.type = 'text/css';252 link.rel = 'stylesheet';253 link.href = url;254 head.appendChild(link);255 resolve({256 cssObj: url257 })258 } else {259 console.log('css ä¸åå¨');260 resolve({261 cssObj: null262 })263 }264 })265 }266 async IsExistsFile(filepath) {267 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {268 try {269 var xmlhttp = null;270 if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {271 xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();272 } else if (window.ActiveXObject) {273 xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");274 }275"GET", filepath, false);276 xmlhttp.send();277 if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) {278 if (xmlhttp.status == 200) resolve(true); //urlåå¨ 279 else if (xmlhttp.status == 404) resolve(false); //urlä¸åå¨ 280 else resolve(false);//å
¶ä»ç¶æ 281 }282 } catch (error) {283 resolve(false)284 }285 })286 }287 /**288 * ç»ä»¶èæ¬é¨å解æ289 * @param {*} componentId 290 * @returns 291 */292 async getComponentScript(componentId) {293 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {294 $.getScript(295 `${this.templatePathRoot}${componentId}/${componentId}.js`296 , function (res) {297 //解ædata298 let _data = returnData();299 returnData = null;300 //解æcreated301 let _created = returnCreated();302 returnCreated = null;303 let _computed = {};304 try {305 //解æcomputed306 _computed = returnComputed();307 returnComputed = null;308 } catch (e) {309 // console.log(e.message);//sojson is undefined310 }311 //解æmethods312 let _methods = returnMethods();313 returnMethods = null;314 resolve({315 data: _data,316 computed: _computed,317 created: _created,318 methods: _methods319 });320 });321 })322 }323 /**324 * è·å模æ¿æ件325 * @param {*} filePath 326 * @returns 327 */328 async getTemplateFiles(filePath) {329 if (!$) {330 this.throwError('请å
å è½½JQåº');331 }332 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {333 $.get(filePath).then(function (res) {334 resolve({335 template: res336 })337 });338 })339 }340 /**341 * 容å¨æ¾ç½®æä½ 342 * @param {*} container 343 * @param {*} idName 344 */345 pushDiv(container, idName = new Date().getTime()) {346 let _div = document.createElement('div');347 = idName;348 container.appendChild(_div)349 }350 /**351 * æ¹éæ¾ç½®ç»ä»¶å°å®¹å¨ä¸352 * @param {*} compntListArray 353 * @returns 354 */355 async batchPushCompnt(compntListArray) {356 if (!Array.isArray(compntListArray)) {357 this.throwError('batchPushCompnt 第ä¸ä¸ªåæ°å¿
é¡»æ¯æ°ç»');358 }359 const that = this;360 return new Promise.all( (item) => {361 return new Promise((resolve) => {362 resolve(that.pushComponent(item))363 })364 }))365 }...
1/**2 * FastVue 3 * version 1.3.34 * 5 * 6 * author: Wangwenwei ( * 8 */9class FastVue {10 constructor({ appName, templatePathRoot, config, plugins }) {11 this.appName = appName;12 this.templatePathRoot = templatePathRoot;13 this.config = config;14 this.plugins = plugins;15 this.$VM = {};16 this.idNameList = [];17 this.templateList = {};18 this.isDebug = true;19 }20 /**21 * å®è£
ç½®22 */23 initConfig() {24 this.log('å®è£
ç½®');25 }26 /**27 * æ¥å¿è¾åº28 * @param {*} obj 29 */30 log(obj) {31 this.isDebug && console.log(obj)32 }33 /**34 * å®è£
æ件ï¼å³ Vue.use()35 * @param {*} plugin 36 */37 initPlugin(plugin) {38 this.log('å®è£
æ件');39 if (!Vue) {40 this.throwError('FastVue initPlugin:æ¾ä¸å° Vue');41 }42 if (!plugin) {43 this.throwError('FastVue initPlugin:ä½ ä¸è½ä½¿ç¨ä¸ä¸ªä¸åå¨çæ件');44 }45 Vue.use(plugin);46 }47 /**48 * 注åç»ä»¶49 */50 async regComponent(componentId, initdata = {}, initMethods = {}) {51 if (!componentId) {52 this.throwError('ä½ ä½¿ç¨äºæ³¨åç»ä»¶åè½ï¼ä½è¯¥ç»ä»¶æ²¡ææå®åæ°ï¼')53 }54 //æ ¹æ®idåå§åç»ä»¶55 let res = await this.makeComponent(componentId, 1, initdata, initMethods)56 return res;57 }58 /**59 * å
裹ç»ä»¶60 * 61 * @param {*} container 被å
裹çdivçid62 * @param {*} componentId ç»ä»¶åºä¸ç¨ä»ä¹ç»ä»¶å
裹63 * @param {*} initdata å
裹ç»ä»¶çä¼ å¼64 * @param {*} initMethods å
裹ç»ä»¶çæ¹æ³65 */66 async wrapComponent(container, wrapComponentId, initdata = {}, initMethods = {}) {67 if (!wrapComponentId) {68 this.throwError('ä½ ä½¿ç¨äºå
裹ç»ä»¶åè½ï¼ä½è¯¥ç»ä»¶æ²¡ææå®åæ°ï¼')69 }70 if (!container || typeof container != 'string') {71 this.throwError('container åæ°ä¸æ£ç¡®ï¼åºè¯¥æ¯å符串')72 }73 let _cont = document.querySelector(container);74 if (!_cont) {75 this.throwError('ä½ ç»ç container åæ°æ²¡æ³è·åå°å
·ä½DOM对象');76 }77 //ååº container éä½ä¸ºåµå¥ç»ä»¶æ¨¡æ¿å
容78 let innerHtml = _cont.innerHTML;79 //åå§å container ç»ä»¶80 Vue.component(container.replace("#", ""), {81 props: ['componentkey', 'propsdata'],82 template: innerHtml,83 methods: initMethods84 });85 //æ¸
é¤ container éçå
容86 _cont.innerHTML = "";87 //åå§åç»å®å¯¹è±¡88 return await this.makeComponent(wrapComponentId, container, initdata)89 }90 /**91 * å¼å¸¸æåº92 * @param {*} msg 93 */94 throwError(msg) {95 throw new Error(`FastVue Error: ${msg}`)96 }97 /**98 * 99 * è·åVM对象100 * @param {*} container 101 * @param {*} componentId 102 * @returns 103 */104 async getVM(container, componentId) {105 let _vm = await this.pushComponent(container, componentId);106 return _vm;107 }108 /**109 * 容å¨ä¸æ¾ç½®ç»ä»¶110 * 111 * @param {*} container 112 * @param {*} componentId 113 * @param {*} initdata 114 * @param {*} initMethods 115 * @returns 116 */117 async pushComponent(container, componentId, initdata = {}, initMethods = {}, loadCss = false) {118 this.log('æ¾ç½®ä¸ä¸ªç»ä»¶');119 if (!container || typeof container != 'string') {120 this.throwError('container åæ°ä¸æ£ç¡®ï¼åºè¯¥æ¯å符串')121 }122 let _cont = document.querySelector(container);123 if (!_cont) {124 this.throwError('ä½ ç»ç container åæ°æ²¡æ³è·åå°å
·ä½DOM对象');125 }126 // æ¾ç½®å®¹å¨127 this.pushDiv(_cont, componentId);128 if (!this.$VM[`${container}`]) {129 this.$VM[`${container}`] = {};130 }131 let _VM = await this.makeComponent(componentId, 0, initdata, initMethods, loadCss)132 this.$VM[`${container}`][`${componentId}`] = _VM;133 return _VM;134 }135 /**136 * åé Vueç»ä»¶137 * @param { ç»ä»¶id } componentId 138 * @param { åé ç±»å } type é»è®¤ä¸º0ï¼å³å建VM对象ï¼1为注åVueç»ä»¶139 * @param { åå§åæ°æ® } initdata 140 * @param { åå§åæ¹æ³ } initMethods 141 * @returns VM对象142 */143 async makeComponent(144 componentId,145 type = 0,146 initdata = {},147 initMethods = {},148 loadCss = false149 ) {150 // å è½½ç»ä»¶151 let _tpl = await this.loadTemplate(componentId);152 if (!_tpl) {153 this.throwError(`ç»ä»¶ ${componentId}æ¾ä¸å°`);154 }155 // å è½½ç»ä»¶èæ¬156 let _script = await this.getComponentScript(componentId);157 if (loadCss) {158 await this.loadCss(componentId);159 }160 this.log('ç»ä»¶èæ¬æ°æ®ä¿¡æ¯ä¸º', _script);161 // å¦ætype为å符串ï¼è¯´ææ¯å
裹ç»ä»¶162 if (typeof type == 'string') {163 let _cont = document.querySelector(type);164 if (!_cont) {165 this.throwError(' makeComponent ä¼ è¿äºå符串类åçtype,ä½DOMä¸æ æ³å¯»å¾è¯¥å
ç´ ');166 }167 // èµäºåµå¥ç»ä»¶id168 let _data = this.initComponentData(initdata,;169 _data['contentComponent'] = type.replace("#", "");170 const vm = new Vue({171 el: type,172 template: _tpl.template,173 data: _data,174 computed: _script.computed,175 created: _script.created,176 methods: this.initComponentData(initMethods, _script.methods)177 });178 console.log(vm);179 return vm;180 }181 switch (type) {182 case 1://注åç»ä»¶183 const that = this;184 return Vue.component(componentId, {185 props: ['componentkey', 'propsdata'],186 template: _tpl.template,187 data: function () {188 return that.initComponentData(initdata,;189 },190 computed: _script.computed,191 created: _script.created,192 methods: that.initComponentData(initMethods, _script.methods)193 });194 break;195 case 0://å®ä¾åVM对象196 default:197 return new Vue({198 el: `#${componentId}`,199 template: _tpl.template,200 data: this.initComponentData(initdata,,201 computed: _script.computed,202 created: _script.created,203 methods: this.initComponentData(initMethods, _script.methods)204 });205 break;206 }207 }208 /**209 * 解æç»ä»¶æ°æ®210 * @param {*} initdata 211 * @param {*} defaultData 212 * @returns 213 */214 initComponentData(initdata, defaultData) {215 let _data = {};216 for (const key in defaultData) {217 if (, key)) {218 const element = defaultData[key];219 if (initdata[key] != undefined) {220 _data[key] = initdata[key]221 } else {222 _data[key] = element;223 }224 }225 }226 return _data;227 }228 /**229 * 模æ¿è§£æ230 * @param {*} componentId 231 * @returns 232 */233 async loadTemplate(componentId) {234 if (!this.templateList[`${componentId}`]) {235 let _tpl = await this.getTemplateFiles(`${this.templatePathRoot}${componentId}/${componentId}.html`);236 this.templateList[`${componentId}`] = _tpl;237 }238 return this.templateList[`${componentId}`];239 }240 async loadCss(componentId) {241 if (!$) {242 this.throwError('请å
å è½½JQåº');243 }244 let url = `${this.templatePathRoot}${componentId}/${componentId}.css`;245 return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {246 let file_exist = await this.IsExistsFile(url)247 if (file_exist) {248 console.log('css åå¨');249 var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];250 var link = document.createElement('link');251 link.type = 'text/css';252 link.rel = 'stylesheet';253 link.href = url;254 head.appendChild(link);255 resolve({256 cssObj: res257 })258 } else {259 console.log('css ä¸åå¨');260 resolve({261 cssObj: null262 })263 }264 })265 }266 async IsExistsFile(filepath) {267 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {268 try {269 var xmlhttp = null;270 if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {271 xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();272 } else if (window.ActiveXObject) {273 xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");274 }275"GET", filepath, false);276 xmlhttp.send();277 if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) {278 if (xmlhttp.status == 200) resolve(true); //urlåå¨ 279 else if (xmlhttp.status == 404) resolve(false); //urlä¸åå¨ 280 else resolve(false);//å
¶ä»ç¶æ 281 }282 } catch (error) {283 resolve(false)284 }285 })286 }287 /**288 * ç»ä»¶èæ¬é¨å解æ289 * @param {*} componentId 290 * @returns 291 */292 async getComponentScript(componentId) {293 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {294 $.getScript(295 `${this.templatePathRoot}${componentId}/${componentId}.js`296 , function (res) {297 //解ædata298 let _data = returnData();299 returnData = null;300 //解æcreated301 let _created = returnCreated();302 returnCreated = null;303 let _computed = {};304 try {305 //解æcomputed306 _computed = returnComputed();307 returnComputed = null;308 } catch (e) {309 // console.log(e.message);//sojson is undefined310 }311 //解æmethods312 let _methods = returnMethods();313 returnMethods = null;314 resolve({315 data: _data,316 computed: _computed,317 created: _created,318 methods: _methods319 });320 });321 })322 }323 /**324 * è·å模æ¿æ件325 * @param {*} filePath 326 * @returns 327 */328 async getTemplateFiles(filePath) {329 if (!$) {330 this.throwError('请å
å è½½JQåº');331 }332 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {333 $.get(filePath).then(function (res) {334 resolve({335 template: res336 })337 });338 })339 }340 /**341 * 容å¨æ¾ç½®æä½ 342 * @param {*} container 343 * @param {*} idName 344 */345 pushDiv(container, idName = new Date().getTime()) {346 let _div = document.createElement('div');347 = idName;348 container.appendChild(_div)349 }350 /**351 * æ¹éæ¾ç½®ç»ä»¶å°å®¹å¨ä¸352 * @param {*} compntListArray 353 * @returns 354 */355 async batchPushCompnt(compntListArray) {356 if (!Array.isArray(compntListArray)) {357 this.throwError('batchPushCompnt 第ä¸ä¸ªåæ°å¿
é¡»æ¯æ°ç»');358 }359 const that = this;360 return new Promise.all( (item) => {361 return new Promise((resolve) => {362 resolve(that.pushComponent(item))363 })364 }))365 }...
1/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */2/* The Whistle technology trial app. C.Veness 2017-2018 */3/* */4/* App comprises following (composed) sub-apps: */5/* - report. (public incident reporting pages) */6/* - admin. (pages for interactively managing data) */7/* - publish. (publicly available aggregated metreics) */8/* - sms. (sms incident reporting) */9/* - twilio. (RESTful API for Twilio webhooks) */10/* */11/* © 2017-2018 Cambridge University / The Whistle | MIT licence */12/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */13/* eslint no-shadow:off *//* app is already declared in the upper scope */14import Koa from 'koa'; // Koa framework15import body from 'koa-body'; // body parser16import compose from 'koa-compose'; // middleware composer17import compress from 'koa-compress'; // HTTP compression18import session from 'koa-session'; // session for flash messages19import dateFormat from 'dateformat'; // Steven Levithan's dateFormat()20import dotenv from 'dotenv'; // load environment variables from a .env file into process.env21dotenv.config();22import FormGenerator from './lib/form-generator.js';23// models are imported to invoke their init() methods24import FormSpecification from './models/form-specification.js';25import Notification from './models/notification.js';26import Report from './models/report.js';27import Resource from './models/resource.js';28import Submission from './models/submission.js';29import Update from './models/update.js';30import User from './models/user.js';31import Group from './models/group.js';32import ReportSession from './models/report-session.js';33const app = new Koa();34// for user-agents reporting35app.proxy = true;36global.start = new Date(); // to report counts since given timestamp37global.userAgents = [];38/* set up middleware which will be applied to each request - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */39// return response time in X-Response-Time header40app.use(async function responseTime(ctx, next) {41 const t1 =;42 await next();43 const t2 =;44 ctx.response.set('X-Response-Time', Math.ceil(t2-t1)+'ms');45});46// HTTP compression47app.use(compress({}));48// only search-index report subdomain49app.use(async function robots(ctx, next) {50 await next();51 if (ctx.request.hostname.slice(0, 6) != 'report') ctx.response.set('X-Robots-Tag', 'noindex, nofollow');52});53// parse request body into ctx.request.body54// - multipart allows parsing of enctype=multipart/form-data55app.use(body({ multipart: true }));56// set signed cookie keys for JWT cookie & session cookie; keys are rotated monthly with 3-month57// lifetime, stem is taken from environment variable to protect against source code leak; note keys58// are set on app startup (which on Heroku happens at least daily), not per request59const date = { y: new Date().getFullYear(), m: new Date().getMonth(), d: 1 };60app.keys = [ 0, 1, 2 ].map(x => process.env.COOKIE_KEY + dateFormat(new Date(date.y, date.m-x, date.d), '-yyyy-mm'));61// ctx.session uses signed session cookies, with no server storage; it is used for holding submitted62// report details in the report sub-app, and for flash messages across all apps63app.use(session({ maxAge: 1000*60*60*24*7 }, app));64// invoke model init() methods to ensure current validation is applied to all databases (in65// development or staging environments, all databases ending with '-test'; in production environment,66// all databases not ending in '-test'; 'user' database is initialised in all cases)67async function initModels() {68 if ( return 0; // don't bother reinitialising within mocha tests69 const t1 =;70 const databases = Object.keys(process.env)71 .filter(env => env.slice(0, 3)=='DB_' && env!='DB_USERS')72 .map(db => db.slice(3).toLowerCase().replace(/_/g, '-'))73 .filter(db => app.env=='production' ? !/-test$/.test(db) : /-test$/.test(db));74 // set up array of init methods...75 const initMethods = [];76 for (const db of databases) {77 initMethods.push(FormSpecification.init(db));78 initMethods.push(Notification.init(db));79 initMethods.push(Report.init(db));80 initMethods.push(Resource.init(db));81 initMethods.push(Submission.init(db));82 initMethods.push(Update.init(db));83 initMethods.push(Group.init(db));84 initMethods.push(ReportSession.init(db));85 }86 initMethods.push(User.init());87 // ... so that we can run all init methods in parallel88 try {89 await Promise.all(initMethods);90 } catch (e) {91 throw new Error(`Model initialisation failed: ${e.message}`);92 }93 return - t1;94}95// model initialisation runs asynchronously and won't complete until after app startup, but that's96// fine: we've no reason to wait on model init's before responding to requests97initModels()98 .then(t =>`${app.env=='production'?'live':'test'} database collections re-initialised (${t}ms)`:''))99 .catch(err => console.error(err));100async function buildForms() {101 const t1 =;102 await FormGenerator.buildAll();103 return - t1;104}105// form building runs asynchronously and won't complete until after app startup, but that's fine:106// we've no reason to wait on form builds before responding to requests (a request will initiate a107// form build, and await on completion)108buildForms()109 .then(t =>`All forms built (${t}ms)`))110 .catch(err => console.error('ERR (buildForms):', err.message));111// select sub-app (admin/api) according to host subdomain (could also be by analysing request.url);112// separate sub-apps can be used for modularisation of a large system, for different login/access113// rights for public/protected elements, and also for different functionality between api & web114// pages (content negotiation, error handling, handlebars templating, etc).115app.use(async function subApp(ctx, next) {116 // use subdomain to determine which app to serve: report. as default, or admin. or api117 ctx.state.subapp = ctx.request.hostname.split('.')[0]; // subdomain = part before first '.' of hostname118 // note: could use root part of path instead of sub-domains e.g. ctx.request.url.split('/')[1]119 await next();120});121import appAdmin from './app-admin/app-admin.js';122import appReport from './app-report/app-report.js';123import appSms from './app-sms/app-sms.js';124import appTextit from './app-textit/app-textit.js';125import appPublish from './app-publish/app-publish.js';126app.use(async function composeSubapp(ctx) { // note no 'next' after composed subapp127 switch (ctx.state.subapp) {128 case 'admin': await compose(appAdmin.middleware)(ctx); break;129 case 'report': await compose(appReport.middleware)(ctx); break;130 case 'sms': await compose(appSms.middleware)(ctx); break;131 case 'textit': await compose(appTextit.middleware)(ctx); break;132 case 'publish': await compose(appPublish.middleware)(ctx); break;133 default: // no recognised subdomain134 if (process.env.SUBAPP) {135 // eg for Heroku review apps where subdomain cannot be supplied, take subapp from env136 const subapp = await import(`./app-${process.env.SUBAPP}/app-${process.env.SUBAPP}.js`);137 await compose(subapp.default.middleware)(ctx); break;138 }139 if (ctx.state.subapp == 'localhost') { ctx.response.status = 403; break; } // avoid redirect loop140 // otherwise redirect to www static site (which should not be this app)141 ctx.response.redirect(ctx.request.protocol+'://'+'www.';142 break;143 }144});145/* create server - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */146app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000);`${process.version} listening on port ${process.env.PORT || 3000} (${app.env})`);148/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */...
1// GRID2var gradient = (function () {3 // object update methods4 var objUpdaters = {5 objDefaults: function (grid, obj, secs) {6 obj.cps = 1;7 obj.heading += Math.PI / 180 * 5 * secs;8 obj.heading %= Math.PI * 2;9 }10 };11 // init methods12 var initMethods = {13 objDefaults: function (obj, grad, i) {14 obj.x = 0;15 obj.y = 0;16 obj.i = i;17 obj.radius = 5;18 obj.power = [1, 1, 1, 1];19 obj.cps = 0;20 obj.heading = 1;21 obj.radiusDir = 1;22 obj.updaterList = grad.updaters;23 }24 };25 // The Grid constructor26 var Grid = function (opt) {27 opt = opt || {};28 var grad = this;29 grad.ver = '0.1.1';30 grad.gridWidth = opt.gridWidth || 7;31 grad.gridHeight = opt.gridHeight || 6;32 grad.cellWidth = opt.cellWidth || 7;33 grad.cellHeight = opt.cellHeight || 6;34 grad.MIN_CPS = opt.MIN_CPS || 0.25;35 grad.MAX_CPS = opt.MAX_CPS || 1.5;36 grad.MIN_RADIUS = opt.MIN_RADIUS || 3;37 grad.MAX_RADIUS = opt.MAX_RADIUS || 5;38 grad.cells = [];39 grad.resetCells();40 = new Date();41 // init methods42 grad.init = opt.init || ['objDefaults'];43 grad.initMethods = initMethods;44 // updaters45 grad.updaters = opt.updaters === undefined ? ['objDefaults'] : opt.updaters;46 grad.objUpdaters = objUpdaters;47 // setup objects48 grad.objs = [];49 var i = opt.objCount || 5,50 rand,51 r,52 g,53 b;54 // create objects With init method(s)55 while (i--) {56 var obj = {};57 // ensure calling defaults at least once58 initMethods.objDefaults(obj, grad, i);59 if (opt.init) {60 if (typeof opt.init === 'string') {61 initMethods[opt.init](obj, grad, i);62 }63 if (typeof opt.init === 'object') {64 opt.init.forEach(function (initMethodKey) {65 initMethods[initMethodKey](obj, grad, i);66 });67 }68 }69 grad.objs.push(obj);70 }71 // update for the first time72 grad.update();73 };74 // setup reset cells75 Grid.prototype.resetCells = function () {76 this.cells = [];77 var ci = 0,78 cellObj,79 cLen = this.gridWidth * this.gridHeight;80 while (ci < cLen) {81 cellObj = {82 i: ci,83 y: Math.floor(ci / this.gridWidth),84 x: ci % this.gridWidth,85 color: [0, 0, 0, 0]86 };87 this.cells.push(cellObj);88 ci += 1;89 }90 };91 Grid.prototype.capCellColors = function () {92 this.cells.forEach(function (cell) {93 var c = cell.color;94 c[0] = Math.floor(c[0] > 255 ? 255 : c[0]);95 c[1] = Math.floor(c[1] > 255 ? 255 : c[1]);96 c[2] = Math.floor(c[2] > 255 ? 255 : c[2]);97 c[3] = c[3] > 1 ? 1 : c[3];98 });99 };100 var upCellColor = function (grid, cell, obj, x, y) {101 d = u.distance(cell.x, cell.y, x, y);102 if (d <= obj.radius) {103 var per = 1 - d / obj.radius;104 var c = cell.color;105 c[0] += Math.floor(255 * per * obj.power[0]);106 c[1] += Math.floor(255 * per * obj.power[1]);107 c[2] += Math.floor(255 * per * obj.power[2]);108 c[3] += per * obj.power[3];109 }110 };111 var applyUpdaterList = function (grid, obj, secs) {112 obj.updaterList.forEach(function (updaterKey) {113 objUpdaters[updaterKey](grid, obj, secs);114 });115 };116 // Main Grid update method117 Grid.prototype.update = function () {118 var grid = this,119 now = new Date(),120 t = now -,121 secs = t / 1000;122 // reset123 grid.resetCells();124 // increase color channel values for objects125 grid.objs.forEach(function (obj) {126 // apply updater list for the object127 applyUpdaterList(grid, obj, secs);128 // move object129 obj.x += Math.cos(obj.heading) * obj.cps * secs;130 obj.y += Math.sin(obj.heading) * obj.cps * secs;131 obj.x = u.mod(obj.x, grid.gridWidth);132 obj.y = u.mod(obj.y, grid.gridHeight);133 // update cells134 grid.cells.forEach(function (cell) {135 upCellColor(grid, cell, obj, obj.x - grid.gridWidth, obj.y);136 upCellColor(grid, cell, obj, obj.x + grid.gridWidth, obj.y);137 upCellColor(grid, cell, obj, obj.x, obj.y - grid.gridHeight);138 upCellColor(grid, cell, obj, obj.x, obj.y + grid.gridHeight);139 upCellColor(grid, cell, obj, obj.x - grid.gridWidth, obj.y - grid.gridHeight);140 upCellColor(grid, cell, obj, obj.x + grid.gridWidth, obj.y + grid.gridHeight);141 upCellColor(grid, cell, obj, obj.x - grid.gridWidth, obj.y + grid.gridHeight);142 upCellColor(grid, cell, obj, obj.x + grid.gridWidth, obj.y - grid.gridHeight);143 upCellColor(grid, cell, obj, obj.x, obj.y);144 });145 });146 // cap colors and set lt to now147 grid.capCellColors();148 = now;149 };150 return {151 Grid: Grid,152 load: function (plug) {153 // load any init methods154 for (var key in plug.initMethods) {155 initMethods[key] = plug.initMethods[key];156 }157 // load any update methods158 for (var key in plug.objUpdaters) {159 objUpdaters[key] = plug.objUpdaters[key];160 }161 }162 };163}...
1/* winFocus() */2;(function() {3 var callBacks = { blur: [], focus: [], blurFocus: [] },4 hidden = "hidden"5 6 function winFocus() {7 var args =, 0)8 init = true, initMethods = [], methods = []9 10 for (var x in args) {11 switch (typeof args[x]) {12 case 'boolean':13 init: args[x];14 break;15 case 'function':16 methods.push(args[x]);17 break;18 case 'object':19 if (args[x].hasOwnProperty('init')) init = args[x]["init"];20 if (args[x]["blur"]) {21 callBacks.blur.push(args[x]["blur"]);22 if (init) initMethods.push(args[x]["blur"]);23 }24 if (args[x]["focus"]) {25 callBacks.focus.push(args[x]["focus"]);26 if (init) initMethods.push(args[x]["focus"]);27 }28 if (args[x]["blurFocus"]) {29 callBacks.blurFocus.push(args[x]["blurFocus"]);30 if (init) initMethods.push(args[x]["blurFocus"]);31 }32 break;33 }34 }35 36 if (methods && methods.length) {37 if (init) initMethods.concat(methods);38 switch (methods.length) {39 case 1:40 callBacks.blurFocus.push(methods[0]);41 break;42 case 2:43 callBacks.blur.push(methods[0]);44 callBacks.focus.push(methods[1]);45 break;46 default:47 for (var x in methods) {48 switch (x%3) {49 case 0:50 callBacks.blur.push(methods[x]);51 break;52 case 1:53 callBacks.focus.push(methods[x]);54 break;55 case 2:56 callBacks.blurFocus.push(methods[x]);57 break;58 }59 }60 }61 }62 63 if (init && initMethods.length) for (var x in initMethods) initMethods[x].apply(window, [{ hidden: document[hidden] }]);64 }65 66 function onChange(e) {67 var eMap = { focus: false, focusin: false, pageshow: false, blur: true, focusout: true, pagehide: true };68 e = e || window.event;69 if (e) {70 e.hidden = e.type in eMap ? eMap[e.type] : document[hidden];71 window.visible = !e.hidden;72 exeCB(e);73 }74 else {75 try {, new Event('visibilitychange')); }76 catch(err) { }77 }78 }79 80 function exeCB(e) {81 if (e.hidden && callBacks.blur.length) for (var x in callBacks.blur) callBacks.blur[x].apply(window, [e]);82 if (!e.hidden && callBacks.focus.length) for (var x in callBacks.focus) callBacks.focus[x].apply(window, [e]);83 if (callBacks.blurFocus.length) for (var x in callBacks.blurFocus) callBacks.blurFocus[x].apply(window, [e, !e.hidden]);84 }85 86 function initWinFocus() {87 if (console && console['log']) console.log('Initializing winFocus()');88 // Standard initialization89 if (hidden in document) // IE10 | FF20+90 document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", onChange);91 else if ((hidden = "mozHidden") in document) // Older FF Versions (?)92 document.addEventListener("mozvisibilitychange", onChange);93 else if ((hidden = "webkitHidden") in document) // Chrome94 document.addEventListener("webkitvisibilitychange", onChange);95 else if ((hidden = "msHidden") in document) // IE 4-696 document.addEventListener("msvisibilitychange", onChange);97 else if ((hidden = "onfocusin") in document) // IE7-998 document.onfocusin = document.onfocusout = onChange;99 else // All others:100 window.onpageshow = window.onpagehide = window.onfocus = window.onblur = onChange;101 }102 103 winFocus.clear = function(what) {104 if (what && callBacks[what]) callBacks[what] = [];105 else if (void 0 == what || what == 'all') for (var x in callBacks) callBacks[x] = [];106 return callBacks;107 }108 109 winFocus.getCallBacks = function(what) {110 if (what && callBacks[what]) return callBacks[what];111 return callBacks;112 }113 114 if (document.readyState == "complete") initWinFocus();115 window.onload = initWinFocus;116 117 // add as window variable118 window.hasOwnProperty("winFocus")||(window.winFocus=winFocus);119 120 121 // add as a jQuery extension122 try {123 if (window.hasOwnProperty('jQuery') && jQuery) {124 jQuery.winFocus || (jQuery.extend({125 winFocus: function() {126 var args =, 0);127 128 if (args[0] && /^clear/i.test(args[0])) return winFocus.clear.apply(jQuery);129 if (args[0] && /^callbacks$/i.test(args[0])) {130 args =, 1);131 return winFocus.getCallBacks.apply(window, args);132 }133 134 return winFocus.apply(window, args);135 }136 }))137 }138 }139 catch (err) {}...
1gradient.load({2 initMethods: {3 randomPos: function (obj, grad) {4 obj.x = grad.gridWidth * Math.random();5 obj.y = grad.gridHeight * Math.random();6 },7 randomColor: function (obj, grad, i) {8 var r = Math.random(),9 g = Math.random(),10 b = Math.random(),11 a = Math.random();12 obj.power = [r, g, b, a];13 },14 randomHeading: function (obj, grad, i) {15 var r = Math.PI * 2 * Math.random();16 obj.heading = r;17 },18 randomSpeed: function (obj, grad, i) {19 obj.cps = grad.MIN_CPS + (Math.random() * (grad.MAX_CPS - grad.MIN_CPS));20 },21 randomRadius: function (obj, grad, i) {22 obj.radius = grad.MIN_RADIUS + (Math.random() * (grad.MAX_RADIUS - grad.MIN_RADIUS));23 },24 // random25 random: function (obj, grad, i) {26 grad.initMethods.randomPos(obj, grad, i);27 grad.initMethods.randomColor(obj, grad, i);28 grad.initMethods.randomHeading(obj, grad, i);29 grad.initMethods.randomSpeed(obj, grad, i);30 grad.initMethods.randomRadius(obj, grad, i);31 }32 }...
...15 const opts = vm.$options16 // å¦æåå¨props17 if (opts.props) initProps(vm, opts.props)18 // ææ¹æ³methodsçæ¶å19 // if (opts.methods) initMethods(vm, opts.methods)20 // // ædataçæ¶å21 // if ( {22 // initData(vm)23 // } else {24 // // observe(vm._data={}, true)25 // }...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { initMethods } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');2const { Browser } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');3const { BrowserContext } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');4const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');5const { Frame } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crFrame');6initMethods(Browser, BrowserContext, Page, Frame);7const { initMethods } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');8const { Browser } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');9const { BrowserContext } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');10const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');11const { Frame } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crFrame');12initMethods(Browser, BrowserContext, Page, Frame);13const { initMethods } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');14const { Browser } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');15const { BrowserContext } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');16const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');17const { Frame } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crFrame');18initMethods(Browser, BrowserContext, Page, Frame);19const { initMethods } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');20const { Browser } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');21const { BrowserContext } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');22const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');23const { Frame } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crFrame');24initMethods(Browser, BrowserContext, Page, Frame);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { initMethods } = require('playwright/lib/client/initializer');2const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/client/page');3const { Browser } = require('playwright/lib/client/browser');4const { BrowserContext } = require('playwright/lib/client/browserContext');5const { CDPSession } = require('playwright/lib/client/cdpsession');6const { Frame } = require('playwright/lib/client/frame');7const { Worker } = require('playwright/lib/client/worker');8const { JSHandle } = require('playwright/lib/client/jsHandle');9const { ElementHandle } = require('playwright/lib/client/elementHandle');10const { Keyboard } = require('playwright/lib/client/keyboard');11const { Mouse } = require('playwright/lib/client/mouse');12const { TimeoutError } = require('playwright/lib/client/errors');13const { ConsoleMessage } = require('playwright/lib/client/consoleMessage');14const { Dialog } = require('playwright/lib/client/dialog');15const { Route } = require('playwright/lib/client/route');16const { Selectors } = require('playwright/lib/client/selectors');17const { Request } = require('playwright/lib/client/request');18const { Response } = require('playwright/lib/client/response');19const { Stream } = require('playwright/lib/client/stream');20const { FileChooser } = require('playwright/lib/client/fileChooser');21const { Video } = require('playwright/lib/client/video');22const { BrowserServer } = require('playwright/lib/client/browserServer');23const { BrowserType } = require('playwright/lib/client/browserType');24const { Android } = require('playwright/lib/client/android');25const { AndroidDevice } = require('playwright/lib/client/androidDevice');26const { AndroidSocket } = require('playwright/lib/client/androidSocket');27const { AndroidProcess } = require('playwright/lib/client/androidProcess');28const { ConsoleMessageChannel } = require('playwright/lib/client/consoleMessageChannel');29const { DialogChannel } = require('playwright/lib/client/dialogChannel');30const { ElementHandleChannel } = require('playwright/lib/client/elementHandleChannel');31const { FileChooserChannel } = require('playwright/lib/client/fileChooserChannel');32const { FrameChannel } = require('playwright/lib/client/frameChannel');33const { InputChannel } = require('playwright/lib/client/inputChannel');34const { JSHandleChannel } = require('playwright/lib/client/js
Using AI Code Generation
1const { initMethods } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');2const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/server/page');3const { Frame } = require('playwright/lib/server/frame');4const { FrameManager } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');5const { BrowserContext } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');6const { Browser } = require('playwright/lib/server/browser');7const { helper } = require('playwright/lib/helper');8const { BrowserType } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserType');9const { Connection } = require('playwright/lib/server/connection');10const { BrowserServer } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserServer');11const { Events } = require('playwright/lib/server/events');12const { Progress } = require('playwright/lib/server/progress');13const { BrowserContextDispatcher } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContextDispatcher');14const { PageDispatcher } = require('playwright/lib/server/pageDispatcher');15const { FrameDispatcher } = require('playwright/lib/server/frameDispatcher');16const { JSHandleDispatcher } = require('playwright/lib/server/jsHandleDispatcher');17const { ConsoleMessageDispatcher } = require('playwright/lib/server/consoleMessageDispatcher');18const { WorkerDispatcher } = require('playwright/lib/server/workerDispatcher');19const { DownloadDispatcher } = require('playwright/lib/server/downloadDispatcher');20const { BrowserContextChannel } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContextChannel');21const { PageChannel } = require('playwright/lib/server/pageChannel');22const { FrameChannel } = require('playwright/lib/server/frameChannel');23const { JSHandleChannel } = require('playwright/lib/server/jsHandleChannel');24const { ConsoleMessageChannel } = require('playwright/lib/server/consoleMessageChannel');25const { WorkerChannel } = require('playwright/lib/server/workerChannel');26const { DownloadChannel } = require('playwright/lib/server/downloadChannel');27const { BrowserDispatcher } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserDispatcher');28const { BrowserTypeDispatcher } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserTypeDispatcher');29const { BrowserServerDispatcher } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserServerDispatcher');30const { BrowserServerChannel } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserServerChannel');31const { BrowserTypeChannel } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserTypeChannel');32const { BrowserChannel } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserChannel');33const { BrowserContextBase } = require('
Using AI Code Generation
1const { initMethods } = require("playwright/lib/server/browserType");2initMethods();3const { initMethods } = require("playwright/lib/server/browserType");4initMethods();5const { initMethods } = require("playwright/lib/server/browserType");6initMethods();7const { initMethods } = require("playwright/lib/server/browserType");8initMethods();9const { initMethods } = require("playwright/lib/server/browserType");10initMethods();11const { initMethods } = require("playwright/lib/server/browserType");12initMethods();13const { initMethods } = require("playwright/lib/server/browserType");14initMethods();15const { initMethods } = require("playwright/lib/server/browserType");16initMethods();17const { initMethods } = require("playwright/lib/server/browserType");18initMethods();19const { initMethods } = require("playwright/lib/server/browserType");20initMethods();21const { initMethods } = require("playwright/lib/server/browserType");22initMethods();23const { initMethods } = require("playwright/lib/server/browserType");24initMethods();25const { initMethods } = require("playwright/lib/server/browserType");26initMethods();27const { initMethods } = require("playwright/lib/server/browserType");
Using AI Code Generation
1const { initMethods } = require('playwright/lib/client/initializer');2const playwright = require('playwright');3const { chromium } = playwright;4(async () => {5 const browser = await chromium.launch();6 const page = await browser.newPage();7 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });8 await browser.close();9})();10const { initMethods } = require('playwright/lib/client/initializer');11const playwright = require('playwright');12const { chromium } = playwright;13(async () => {14 const browser = await chromium.launch();15 const page = await browser.newPage();16 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });17 await browser.close();18 await initMethods();19})();20const { initMethods } = require('playwright/lib/client/initializer');21const playwright = require('playwright');22const { chromium } = playwright;23(async () => {24 await initMethods();25 const browser = await chromium.launch();26 const page = await browser.newPage();27 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });28 await browser.close();29})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const {initMethods} = require('playwright/lib/utils/initMethods');2const {chromium} = require('playwright-chromium');3const browser = await chromium.launch();4const page = await browser.newPage();5await initMethods(page, ['emulateMedia']);6await page.emulateMedia({media: 'screen', colorScheme: 'dark'});7await page.screenshot({path: 'google.png'});8await browser.close();9const {initMethods} = require('playwright/lib/utils/initMethods');10const {chromium} = require('playwright-chromium');11const browser = await chromium.launch();12const page = await browser.newPage();13await initMethods(page, ['emulateMedia']);14await page.emulateMedia({media: 'screen', colorScheme: 'dark'});15await page.screenshot({path: 'google.png'});16await browser.close();17const {initMethods} = require('playwright/lib/utils/initMethods');18const {chromium} = require('playwright-chromium');19const browser = await chromium.launch();20const page = await browser.newPage();21await initMethods(page, ['emulateMedia']);22await page.emulateMedia({media: 'screen', colorScheme: 'dark'});23await page.screenshot({path: 'google.png'});24await browser.close();25const {initMethods} = require('playwright/lib/utils/initMethods');26const {chromium} = require('playwright-chromium');27const browser = await chromium.launch();28const page = await browser.newPage();29await initMethods(page, ['emulateMedia']);30await page.emulateMedia({media: 'screen', colorScheme: 'dark'});31await page.screenshot({path: 'google.png'});32await browser.close();33const {initMethods} = require('playwright/lib/utils/initMethods');34const {chromium} = require('playwright-chromium');35const browser = await chromium.launch();
Using AI Code Generation
1const {initMethods} = require('playwright-core/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');2const {BrowserType} = require('playwright-core/lib/server/browserType');3const {BrowserServer} = require('playwright-core/lib/server/browserServer');4const {BrowserContext} = require('playwright-core/lib/server/browserContext');5const {Page} = require('playwright-core/lib/server/page');6const browserType = new BrowserType();7const browserServer = new BrowserServer(browserType,, {}, () => {});8const browserContext = new BrowserContext(browserType, browserServer, {}, () => {});9const page = new Page(browserContext, {}, {}, {});10const methods = initMethods(page);11console.log(methods);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { initMethods } = require('playwright/lib/server/initializer');2const { Playwright } = require('playwright/lib/server/playwright');3const { initMethods } = require('puppeteer/lib/Connection');4const { Puppeteer } = require('puppeteer/lib/Puppeteer');5const { initMethods } = require('webdriverio/build/utils');6const { RemoteWebDriver } = require('webdriverio/build/remote');7const { initMethods } = require('testcafe/lib/test-run/commands/utils');8const { TestRun } = require('testcafe/lib/test-run');9const { initMethods } = require('cypress/lib/server/commands');10const { Cypress } = require('cypress/lib/cypress');11const { initMethods } = require('selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver');12const { WebDriver } = require('selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver');13const { initMethods } = require('nightwatch/lib/runner/run');14const { Runner } = require('nightwatch/lib/runner');
Using AI Code Generation
1const { initMethods } = require('playwright/lib/internal/initMethods');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3const { expect } = require('chai');4const { test } = require('@playwright/test');5test('test', async ({page}) => {6 const { initMethods } = require('playwright/lib/internal/initMethods');7 const { chromium } = require('playwright');8 const { expect } = require('chai');9 const { test } = require('@playwright/test');10 test('test', async ({page}) => {11 const { initMethods } = require('playwright/lib/internal/initMethods');12 const { chromium } = require('playwright');13 const { expect } = require('chai');14 const { test } = require('@playwright/test');15 test('test', async ({page}) => {16 const { initMethods } = require('playwright/lib/internal/initMethods');17 const { chromium } = require('playwright');18 const { expect } = require('chai');19 const { test } = require('@playwright/test');20 test('test', async ({page}) => {21 const { initMethods } = require('playwright/lib/internal/initMethods');22 const { chromium } = require('playwright');23 const { expect } = require('chai');24 const { test } = require('@playwright/test');25 test('test', async ({page}) => {26 const { initMethods } = require('playwright/lib/internal/initMethods');27 const { chromium } = require('playwright');28 const { expect } = require('chai');29 const { test } = require('@playwright/test');30 test('test', async ({page}) => {31 const { initMethods } = require('playwright/lib/internal/initMethods');32 const { chromium } = require('playwright');33 const { expect } = require('chai');34 const { test } = require('@playwright/test');35 test('test', async ({page}) => {
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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