Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
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¿ å¼äº å¡ç©´", "ji": "å¿ å®é¨"},329 {"id": 328, "jixiong": "åå¶", "yi": "å® ç«æ±", "ji": "å¿ å¼å
纳é æ²æµ´"},330 {"id": 329, "jixiong": "ä¸å", "yi": "å® ç§»å¾ äº¤æ æå¸ è§é»", "ji": "å¿ èµ·åº"},331 {"id": 330, "jixiong": "å", "yi": "å® ç¥ç¦ åºç« å ç¬", "ji": "å¿ ææ"},332 {"id": 331, "jixiong": "å°å", "yi": "å® ç»æ ææ", "ji": "å¿ ç¼ç"},333 {"id": 332, "jixiong": "å°å", "yi": "å® ç»æ çå±", "ji": "å¿ èµ·åº"},334 {"id": 333, "jixiong": "大å¶", "yi": "å® æ ", "ji": "å¿ è¯¸äºä¸å®"},335 {"id": 334, "jixiong": "ä¸å", "yi": "å® é
¿ ææ 纳ç å¡ç©´", "ji": "å¿ æ±å»"},336 {"id": 335, "jixiong": "åå", "yi": "å® ç¥ç¦ åºç« å ç¬", "ji": "å¿ ææ"},337 {"id": 336, "jixiong": "大å", "yi": "å® è¯¸äºçå®", "ji": "å¿ ç¾æ ç¦å¿"},338 {"id": 337, "jixiong": "å¶", "yi": "å® å¼æ±ç¼", "ji": "å¿ æå¾ é
¿ æå¸ å´ç"},339 {"id": 338, "jixiong": "åå", "yi": "å® ç¥ç¦ åºç« å ç¬", "ji": "å¿ ææ"},340 {"id": 339, "jixiong": "åå¶", "yi": "å® çå±", "ji": "å¿ åºè¡ åå±
"},341 {"id": 340, "jixiong": "大å", "yi": "å® è¯¸äºçå®", "ji": "å¿ ç¾æ ç¦å¿"},342 {"id": 341, "jixiong": "æ«å", "yi": "å® ç¥ç¦ åºç« å ç¬", "ji": "å¿ ææ"},343 {"id": 342, "jixiong": "å°å", "yi": "å® å«å¨¶ æ±å»", "ji": "å¿ ä¸æ¢"},344 {"id": 343, "jixiong": "å¶", "yi": "å® æ±å»", "ji": "å¿ æ ½ç§ å®åº æ«æ´ å´ç"},345 {"id": 344, "jixiong": "åå¶", "yi": "å® çå±", "ji": "å¿ è£è¡£ ç¥ç¦ åå±
"},346 {"id": 345, "jixiong": "å°å", "yi": "å® ç»æ", "ji": "å¿ ä¿®é "},347 {"id": 346, "jixiong": "å¶", "yi": "å® å¼æ±ç¼", "ji": "å¿ é
¿ æ ½ç§ é åº çç"},348 {"id": 347, "jixiong": "åå", "yi": "å® çå±", "ji": "å¿ è£è¡£ ç¥ç¦ åå±
"},349 {"id": 348, "jixiong": "大å¶", "yi": "å® æ ", "ji": "å¿ è¯¸äºä¸å®"},350 {"id": 349, "jixiong": "å°å¶", "yi": "å® ç¼ç", "ji": "å¿ å ç¬ ä¸æ¢"},351 {"id": 350, "jixiong": "åå¶", "yi": "å® ä¿®é ", "ji": "å¿ ç¥ç¥ ç¥ç¦ åå¸"},352 {"id": 351, "jixiong": "åå¶", "yi": "å® æ±å»", "ji": "å¿ ç¥ç¥ 纳é è¿äººå£"},353 {"id": 352, "jixiong": "å°å", "yi": "å® æ²æµ´ å®é¨", "ji": "å¿ èµ·åº"},354 {"id": 353, "jixiong": "å¶", "yi": "å® çå±", "ji": "å¿ ç§»å¾ æå¾ å´ç å¡ç©´"},355 {"id": 354, "jixiong": "å¶", "yi": "å® ç«æ±", "ji": "å¿ é
¿ æ ½ç§ å´ç è§é»"},356 {"id": 355, "jixiong": "大å", "yi": "å® è¯¸äºçå®", "ji": "å¿ ç¾æ ç¦å¿"},357 {"id": 356, "jixiong": "æ«å¶", "yi": "å® åå¸ å¼æ±ç¼", "ji": "å¿ æ±å»"},358 {"id": 357, "jixiong": "大å", "yi": "å® è¯¸äºçå®", "ji": "å¿ ç¾æ ç¦å¿"},359 {"id": 358, "jixiong": "å°å", "yi": "å® åå¸ å¼æ±ç¼", "ji": "å¿ æ±å»"},360 {"id": 359, "jixiong": "æ«å¶", "yi": "å® ç¼ç", "ji": "å¿ å ç¬ ä¸æ¢"},361 {"id": 360, "jixiong": "大å¶", "yi": "å® æ ", "ji": "å¿ è¯¸äºä¸å®"}362];363export function jixiong(date) {364 let twoHourMilis = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 2;365 let fourHourMilis = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 4;366 // 示ä¾æ¶é´367 // (1515072295000 / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 4) % 360 = 93.35 -> 140368 // (1516280662000 / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 4) % 360 = 177.26 -> 224369 // æ±ä½ååä¸åæ´ååå移48ï¼å移47使ç¨æ°ç»370 let id = (Math.floor(((date.getTime() - twoHourMilis) / fourHourMilis) % 360) + 47) % 360;371 // console.log(jixiongList[id]);372 return jixiongList[id];373}374export function jixiongToColor(str) {375 switch(str) {376 case '大å':377 return '#DC143C';378 case 'ä¸å':379 return '#C61236';380 case 'å°å':381 return '#B01030';382 case 'å':383 return '#9A0E2A';384 case 'åå':385 return '#840C24';386 case 'æ«å':387 return '#6E0A1E';388 case 'å¶':389 return '#580818';390 case 'å°å¶':391 return '#420612';392 case 'åå¶':393 return '#2C040C';394 case 'æ«å¶':395 return '#160206';396 case '大å¶':397 return '#000000';398 }...
1"use strict"2// var idw =;3// let paramsw = decodeURI(idw).replace(/[^\d]/g, "");4var id = localStorage.getItem("id")5var paramsw = id;6let nextModelAnim = paramsw - 1; //ç®åæ¯ç¬¬å 个modelå¨ç»7let currenModelAnim = nextModelAnim; //ä¸ä¸ä¸ªå¨ç»8let nextColor = ""; //ç®åæ¯ç¬¬å 个modelå¨ç»9let currenColor = nextColor; //ä¸ä¸ä¸ªå¨ç»10var coloranim = []; //é¢è²å¨ç»11var modelanim = []; //模åå¨ç»12var displayanim = []; //çç¸å¨ç»13let mouseEvenTimeOut = false //æé®ç¹å»äºä»¶14let init = true // æ¯å¦ä¸ºåå§å15// 模å äºä»¶ 对ç
³ç³» 16/*17let animationArr = [18 {19 btnName: "modelbtn1", name: "XuanHuiPoSuiJi", exploitd: false,20 val: { exploit: "XuanHuiPoSuiJi_BaoZha", exploitout: "XuanHuiPoSuiJi_BaoZha_Inout", inout: "XuanHuiPoSuiJi_inout" },21 cameraAnimNormolPosition: [ new BABYLON.Vector3(4, 1, 3.5)],22 cameraAnimExploitPosition: [ new BABYLON.Vector3(8.5, 3.8, 0)],23 cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition: [ new BABYLON.Vector3(4, 0.5, 0)],24 cameraAnimTargetExploitPosition: [ new BABYLON.Vector3(4, 1.6, 0)]25 },26 {27 btnName: "modelbtn2", name: "YuanZhuiPoSuiJi", exploitd: false,28 val: { exploit: "YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_BaoZha", exploitout: "YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_BaoZha_Inout", inout: "YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_inout" },29 cameraAnimNormolPosition: [ new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 1, 3)],30 cameraAnimExploitPosition: [ new BABYLON.Vector3(5, 2, 0)],31 cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition: [ new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0.5, 0)],32 cameraAnimTargetExploitPosition: [ new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 1.5, 0)]33 },34 {35 btnName: "modelbtn3", name: "ZhiShaJi", exploitd: false,36 val: { exploit: "ZhiShaJi_BaoZha", exploitout: "ZhiShaJi_BaoZha_Inout", inout: "ZhiShaJi_inout" },37 cameraAnimNormolPosition: [ new BABYLON.Vector3(-4, 1, 2)],38 cameraAnimExploitPosition: [ new BABYLON.Vector3(-4, 2.5, 6.3)],39 cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition: [ new BABYLON.Vector3(-4, 0.3, 0)],40 cameraAnimTargetExploitPosition: [ new BABYLON.Vector3(-4, 2, 0)]41 }42]43*/44let animationChangeArr = [45 //first46 [47 {48 cameraAnimNormolPosition: [Math.PI/2, Math.PI/2, 3],49 cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition: [new BABYLON.Vector3(4, 0.31, 0)],50 }, {51 cameraAnimNormolPosition: [1, 1.47, 2.64],52 cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition: [new BABYLON.Vector3(4, 0.31, 0)],53 }, {54 cameraAnimNormolPosition: [-Math.PI/2, 1.47, 2.64],55 cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition: [new BABYLON.Vector3(3.13, 0.249, 0)],56 },57 {58 btnName: "modelbtn1", name: "XuanHuiPoSuiJi", exploitd: false,59 val: { exploit: "XuanHuiPoSuiJi_BaoZha", exploitout: "XuanHuiPoSuiJi_BaoZha_Inout", inout: "XuanHuiPoSuiJi_inout" },60 cameraAnimExploitPosition: [0, 1.386, 6.953],61 cameraAnimNormolPosition: [-Math.PI/2, 1.47, 2.64],62 cameraAnimTargetExploitPosition: [new BABYLON.Vector3(2.86, 1.7929, 0)],63 cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition: [new BABYLON.Vector3(3.13, 0.249, 0)]64 },65 ],66 //second67 [68 {69 cameraAnimNormolPosition: [Math.PI/2, 1.357, 2.5],70 cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition: [new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0.38, 0)],71 },72 {73 cameraAnimNormolPosition: [2.176, 1.15135, 2.301],74 cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition: [new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0.38, 0)],75 },76 {77 cameraAnimNormolPosition: [-0.96351, 1.303, 2.75],78 cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition: [new BABYLON.Vector3(-0.6374, 0.1744, 0)],79 },80 {81 btnName: "modelbtn2", name: "YuanZhuiPoSuiJi", exploitd: false,82 val: { exploit: "YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_BaoZha", exploitout: "YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_BaoZha_Inout", inout: "YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_inout" },83 cameraAnimNormolPosition: [-0.96351, 1.303, 2.75],84 cameraAnimExploitPosition: [0, 1.3939, 5.6],85 cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition: [new BABYLON.Vector3(-0.6374, 0.1744, 0)],86 cameraAnimTargetExploitPosition: [new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 1.5, 0)]87 },88 ],89 //third90 [91 {92 cameraAnimNormolPosition: [Math.PI/2, 1.357, 1.935],93 cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition: [new BABYLON.Vector3(-4, 0.080, 0)],94 },95 {96 cameraAnimNormolPosition: [2.176, 1.15135, 1.935],97 cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition: [new BABYLON.Vector3(-4, 0.080, 0)],98 },99 {100 cameraAnimNormolPosition: [-Math.PI/2, 1.357, 1.935],101 cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition: [new BABYLON.Vector3(-4, 0.080, 0)],102 },103 {104 btnName: "modelbtn3", name: "ZhiShaJi", exploitd: false,105 val: { exploit: "ZhiShaJi_BaoZha", exploitout: "ZhiShaJi_BaoZha_Inout", inout: "ZhiShaJi_inout" },106 cameraAnimNormolPosition: [-Math.PI/2, 1.357, 1.935],107 cameraAnimExploitPosition: [Math.PI/2, 1.4, 5.845],108 cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition: [new BABYLON.Vector3(-4, 0.080, 0)],109 cameraAnimTargetExploitPosition: [new BABYLON.Vector3(-4, 1.727, 0)]110 }111 ]112]113let animationArr = [114 {115 btnName: "modelbtn1", name: "XuanHuiPoSuiJi", exploitd: false,116 val: { exploit: "XuanHuiPoSuiJi_BaoZha", exploitout: "XuanHuiPoSuiJi_BaoZha_Inout", inout: "XuanHuiPoSuiJi_inout" },117 cameraAnimNormolPosition: [1.5, 1.42, 3],118 cameraAnimExploitPosition: [1, 2, 3],119 cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition: [new BABYLON.Vector3(4, 0.5, 0)],120 cameraAnimTargetExploitPosition: [new BABYLON.Vector3(4, 1.6, 0)]121 },122 {123 btnName: "modelbtn2", name: "YuanZhuiPoSuiJi", exploitd: false,124 val: { exploit: "YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_BaoZha", exploitout: "YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_BaoZha_Inout", inout: "YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_inout" },125 cameraAnimNormolPosition: [1.5, 1.42, 3],126 cameraAnimExploitPosition: [1, 2, 3],127 cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition: [new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0.5, 0)],128 cameraAnimTargetExploitPosition: [new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 1.5, 0)]129 },130 {131 btnName: "modelbtn3", name: "ZhiShaJi", exploitd: false,132 val: { exploit: "ZhiShaJi_BaoZha", exploitout: "ZhiShaJi_BaoZha_Inout", inout: "ZhiShaJi_inout" },133 cameraAnimNormolPosition: [1.5, 1.42, 3],134 cameraAnimExploitPosition: [1, 2, 3],135 cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition: [new BABYLON.Vector3(-4, 0.3, 0)],136 cameraAnimTargetExploitPosition: [new BABYLON.Vector3(-4, 2, 0)]137 }138]139let colorArr = [140 { btnName: 'colorbtn1', name: 'blue', color: 'blue' },141 { btnName: 'colorbtn2', name: 'yellow', color: 'yellow' },142 { btnName: 'colorbtn3', name: 'grey', color: 'grey' }143]144// å
¥åºå¨ç»145function animDirection(anim, val) {146 anim.setDirection(val)147 anim.setSpeed(1.2)148}150// çç¸å¨ç»151function animationStart(animationName, keys, animCamera) {152 let ag = scene.getAnimationGroupByName(animationName);153 if (keys) {154 ag.start(false, 2, ag.from, let activecam1 = scene.getCameraByID("Camera")156 //console.log( "this is animCamera : ",animCamera)157 cameraArcRotateAnimate(activecam1, ...animCamera.cameraAnimTargetExploitPosition, ...animCamera.cameraAnimExploitPosition)158 // cameraPostionAnimate(activecam1,...animCamera.cameraAnimExploitPosition,...animCamera.cameraAnimTargetExploitPosition)159 }160 else {161 ag.start(false, 2,, ag.from)162 let activecam1 = scene.getCameraByID("Camera")163 //console.log( "this is animCamera2 : ",animCamera)164 cameraArcRotateAnimate(activecam1, ...animCamera.cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition, ...animCamera.cameraAnimNormolPosition)165 // cameraPostionAnimate(activecam1,...animCamera.cameraAnimNormolPosition,...animCamera.cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition)166 }167 return * (1000 / 2) + 100168}169// éåºå¨ç»170function animationInOut(animationName, keys) {171 let ag = scene.getAnimationGroupByName(animationName);172 if (keys == "in") {173 ag.start(false, 4, ag.from, }175 if (keys == "out") {176 ag.start(false, 4,, ag.from)177 }178 if (keys == "exploitd") {179 ag.start(false, 4, ag.from, }181 return * (1000 / 4) + 100182}183// éåºé»è¾ å·²çç¸çæ§è¡ çç¸éåº æªçç¸çæ§è¡ æ®ééåº184function modelChange(currenModelAnim, nextModelAnim) {185 // éåº186 let timeout = 1000;187 let animIn = animationArr.filter((value, index) => { if (value.btnName == nextModelAnim) { return value } })188 let animOut = animationArr.filter((value, index) => { if (value.btnName == currenModelAnim) { return value } })189 if (animOut[0].exploitd) {190 // å·²çç¸191 timeout = animationInOut(animOut[0].val.exploitout, "exploitd")192 animOut[0].exploitd = false;193 resetExploitBtn(); // éç½® çç¸æé® 194 } else {195 //æªçç¸196 timeout = animationInOut(animOut[0].val.inout, "out")197 }198 let activecam1 = scene.getCameraByID("Camera")199 cameraArcRotateAnimate(activecam1, ...animIn[0].cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition, ...animIn[0].cameraAnimNormolPosition)200 // cameraPostionAnimate(activecam1,...animIn[0].cameraAnimNormolPosition,...animIn[0].cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition)201 let inTimeOut = 1000;202 inTimeOut = animationInOut(animIn[0].val.inout, "in")203 setTimeout(() => { mouseEvenTimeOut = false }, inTimeOut)204 // setTimeout(() => {205 // // resetColorBtn(); // éç½® é¢è²æé®206 // //å
¥åº207 // let inTimeOut = 1000;208 // inTimeOut = animationInOut(animIn[0].val.inout, "in")209 // setTimeout(() => { mouseEvenTimeOut = false }, inTimeOut)210 // }, timeout)211}212// éåºé»è¾ å·²çç¸çæ§è¡ çç¸éåº æªçç¸çæ§è¡ æ®ééåº213function modelChangeV2(cnum,nnum,currenModelAnim, nextModelAnim) {214 // éåº215 let timeout = 1000;216 // console.log("num : ",animationChangeArr[num])217 let animIn = animationChangeArr[cnum][3]218 let animOut = animationChangeArr[nnum][3]219 console.log("animOut : ",animOut)220 console.log("animIn : ",animIn)221 if (animOut.exploitd) {222 // å·²çç¸223 timeout = animationInOut(animOut.val.exploitout, "exploitd")224 animOut.exploitd = false;225 // resetExploitBtn(); // éç½® çç¸æé® 226 } else {227 //æªçç¸228 timeout = animationInOut(animOut.val.inout, "out")229 }230 let activecam1 = scene.getCameraByID("Camera")231 cameraArcRotateAnimate(activecam1, ...animIn.cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition, ...animIn.cameraAnimNormolPosition)232 // cameraPostionAnimate(activecam1,...animIn[0].cameraAnimNormolPosition,...animIn[0].cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition)233 let inTimeOut = 1000;234 inTimeOut = animationInOut(animIn.val.inout, "in")235 setTimeout(() => { mouseEvenTimeOut = false }, inTimeOut)236 // setTimeout(() => {237 // // resetColorBtn(); // éç½® é¢è²æé®238 // //å
¥åº239 // let inTimeOut = 1000;240 // inTimeOut = animationInOut(animIn[0].val.inout, "in")241 // setTimeout(() => { mouseEvenTimeOut = false }, inTimeOut)242 // }, timeout)243}244// çç¸æé®å¤ä½245function resetExploitBtn() {246 let direction = -1;247 animDirection(displayanim[0].anim, direction);248 displayanim[0].mouse_event = true;249}250// é¢è²å¤ä½251function resetColorBtn() {252 // let direction = -1;253 // animDirection(displayanim[0].anim, direction);254 // displayanim[0].mouse_event = true;255 animfunc('colorbtn2', coloranim)256}257// çç¸å¨ç»é»è¾ 258function modelExploit(name) {259 let timeout = 1000;260 let animIndex = animationArr.filter((value, index) => { if (value.btnName == name) { return value } })261 animIndex[0].exploitd = !animIndex[0].exploitd;262 timeout = animationStart(animIndex[0].val.exploit, animIndex[0].exploitd, animIndex[0])263 setTimeout(() => { mouseEvenTimeOut = false }, timeout)264}265// 第äºççç¸é»è¾ 266function modelExploitV2(num,name, isExploit) {267 console.log("this is name : ",name);268 let timeout = 1000;269 let animIndex = animationChangeArr[num].filter((value, index) => { if (value.btnName == name) { return value } })270 // console.log("this is animIndex : ",animIndex)271 animIndex[0].exploitd = isExploit;272 timeout = animationStart(animIndex[0].val.exploit, animIndex[0].exploitd, animIndex[0])273 setTimeout(() => { mouseEvenTimeOut = false }, timeout)274}275// å
¥åºå¨ç»é»è¾ å
¥åºçæå¼ å
³é276function animfunc(name, anims, type) {277 // if(name )278 for (let i = 0; i < anims.length; i++) {279 if (name == anims[i].name) {280 let direction = 1281 if (type == "display") {282 direction = anims[i].mouse_event ? 1 : -1;283 }284 animDirection(anims[i].anim, direction);285 anims[i].mouse_event = !anims[i].mouse_event;286 }287 else {288 let direction = -1;289 animDirection(anims[i].anim, direction);290 anims[i].mouse_event = true;291 }292 }293}294// é¢è²æé®ç¹å»äºä»¶ 295function onColorBtn(name) {296 if (name == 'colorbtn1') {297 materialYuanZhuiPoSuiJiBlue();298 materialXuanHuiPoSuiJiBlue();299 materialZhiShaJiBlue();300 }301 if (name == 'colorbtn2') {302 materialYuanZhuiPoSuiJiYellow();303 materialXuanHuiPoSuiJiYellow();304 materialZhiShaJiYellow();305 }306 if (name == 'colorbtn3') {307 materialYuanZhuiPoSuiJiBlack();308 materialXuanHuiPoSuiJiBlack();309 materialZhiShaJiBlack();310 }311}312function mouseup(type, name) {313 let animdata = [];314 //æ§è¡ é¢è² åæ¢æ¶æ§è¡çå¨ä½315 if (type == "color") {316 animdata = coloranim;317 currenColor = nextColor;318 nextColor = name;319 if (currenColor !== nextColor) {320 onColorBtn(nextColor)321 }322 animfunc(name, animdata, type)323 }324 //æ¯å¦è¢«ç¹å»325 if (!mouseEvenTimeOut) {326 //ç¹å»modelåæ¢æé®æ¶æ§è¡çå¨ä½327 if (type == "model") {328 animdata = modelanim;329 currenModelAnim = nextModelAnim;330 nextModelAnim = name;331 if (currenModelAnim !== nextModelAnim) {332 modelChange(currenModelAnim, nextModelAnim);333 // console.log("123")334 // getactivecamera()335 // animateCameraToPosition(activecam,10, 600,new BABYLON.Vector3(100, 100, 200))336 mouseEvenTimeOut = true337 }338 if (init) {339 mouseEvenTimeOut = true340 init = false341 setTimeout(() => { mouseEvenTimeOut = false }, 2000)342 }343 }344 // ç¹å»çç¸æé®æ¶æ§è¡çå¨ä½345 if (type == "display") {346 animdata = displayanim;347 modelExploit(nextModelAnim)348 mouseEvenTimeOut = true349 }350 animfunc(name, animdata, type)351 }352};353// svgæé® æ¸²æ354function btnrander(type, name, path) {355 let animData = {356 wrapper: document.getElementById(name),357 animType: "svg",358 loop: false,359 prerender: true,360 autoplay: false,361 // speed:2,362 path: path363 };364 let anim = bodymovin.loadAnimation(animData);365 if (type == "color") {366 coloranim.push({ name: name, mouse_event: true, anim: anim })367 }368 if (type == "model") {369 modelanim.push({ name: name, mouse_event: true, anim: anim })370 }371 if (type == "display") {372 displayanim.push({ name: name, mouse_event: true, anim: anim })373 }374}375//æè´¨è°æ´ XuanHuiPoSuiJi change aoTexture376function materialXuanHuiPoSuiJiChangeAoTexture(isExploitd) {377 //æè´¨è°æ´378 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Steel_Black = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Steel_Black");379 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel");380 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron");381 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main");382 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Crimson = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Crimson");383 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Gray = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Gray");384 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver");385 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal");386 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Plastic_Black = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Plastic_Black");387 let XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture = null;388 //çç¸å389 if (isExploitd) {390 XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture = XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture2391 // XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("model/SheBei/XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Ao.jpg", scene);392 }393 else {394 XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture = XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1395 // XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("model/SheBei/XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Ao2.jpg", scene);396 }397 XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture.vScale = -1;398 XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture.coordinatesIndex = 1;399 // æ·»å ao400 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.ambientTexture = XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture;401 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron.ambientTexture = XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture;402 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Crimson.ambientTexture = XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture;403 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Gray.ambientTexture = XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture;404 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.ambientTexture = XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture;405 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Steel_Black.ambientTexture = XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture;406 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Plastic_Black.ambientTexture = XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture;407 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel.ambientTexture = XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture;408}409//æè´¨è°æ´ XuanHuiPoSuiJi change aoTexture410function materialZhiShaJiChangeAoTexture(isExploitd) {411 //æè´¨412 let M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Black = scene.getMaterialByID("M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Black");413 let M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Gray = scene.getMaterialByID("M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Gray");414 let M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Steel_Silver = scene.getMaterialByID("M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Steel_Silver");415 let M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less = scene.getMaterialByID("M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less");416 let M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main = scene.getMaterialByID("M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main");417 let M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Reseda = scene.getMaterialByID("M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Reseda");418 let ZhiShaJi_aoTexture = null;419 //çç¸å420 if (isExploitd) {421 ZhiShaJi_aoTexture =ZhiShaJi_aoTexture2422 // ZhiShaJi_aoTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("model/SheBei/ZhiShaJi_Ao.jpg", scene);423 }424 else {425 ZhiShaJi_aoTexture =ZhiShaJi_aoTexture1426 // ZhiShaJi_aoTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("model/SheBei/ZhiShaJi_Ao2.jpg", scene);427 }428 ZhiShaJi_aoTexture.vScale = -1;429 ZhiShaJi_aoTexture.coordinatesIndex = 1;430 //æè´¨è°æ´431 M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Black.ambientTexture = ZhiShaJi_aoTexture;432 M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Gray.ambientTexture = ZhiShaJi_aoTexture;433 M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.ambientTexture = ZhiShaJi_aoTexture;434 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less.ambientTexture = ZhiShaJi_aoTexture;435 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main.ambientTexture = ZhiShaJi_aoTexture;436 M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Reseda.ambientTexture = ZhiShaJi_aoTexture;437}438//æè´¨è°æ´ XuanHuiPoSuiJi change aoTexture439function materialYuanZhuiPoSuiJiChangeAoTexture(isExploitd) {440 //æè´¨è°æ´441 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main");442 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less");443 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel");444 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron");445 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Brass = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Brass");446 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Black = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Black");447 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Crimson = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Crimson");448 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Gray = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Gray");449 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver");450 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Plastic_Black = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Plastic_Black");451 let YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture = null;452 if (isExploitd) {453 // YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture=YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture2454 YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture2.vScale = -1;455 YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture2.coordinatesIndex = 1;456 // æ·»å ao457 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture2;458 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture2;459 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Brass.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture2;460 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Black.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture2;461 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Gray.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture2;462 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture2;463 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Plastic_Black.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture2;464 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture2;465 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture2;466 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Crimson.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture2;467 // YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("model/SheBei/YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Ao.jpg", scene);468 } else {469 YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1.vScale = -1;470 YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1.coordinatesIndex = 1;471 // æ·»å ao472 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;473 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;474 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Brass.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;475 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Black.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;476 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Gray.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;477 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;478 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Plastic_Black.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;479 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;480 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;481 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Crimson.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;482 // YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture=YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1483 // YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("model/SheBei/YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Ao2.jpg", scene);484 }485 486}487//æè´¨è°æ´ XuanHuiPoSuiJi Black488function materialXuanHuiPoSuiJiBlack() {489 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel");490 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main");491 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal")492 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0, 0, 0);493 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallic = 1;494 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.roughness = 0.35;495 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.bumpTexture.level = 0.5;496 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.1411764705882353, 0.09411764705882353, 0);497 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel.roughness = 0.24;498 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.albedoColor = M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.albedoColor;499 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.metallicTexture = M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallicTexture;500 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.metallic = M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallic;501 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.roughness = M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.roughness;502 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.metallicF0Factor = M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallicF0Factor;503}504//æè´¨è°æ´ XuanHuiPoSuiJi Blue505function materialXuanHuiPoSuiJiBlue() {506 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel");507 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main");508 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal")509 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.00784313725490196, 0.047058823529411764, 0.11372549019607843);510 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.bumpTexture.level = 0.5;511 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallic = 1;512 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.roughness = 0.35;513 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.03, 0.03, 0.03);514 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel.roughness = 0.24;515 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.albedoColor = M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.albedoColor;516 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.metallicTexture = M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallicTexture;517 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.metallic = M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallic;518 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.roughness = M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.roughness;519 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.metallicF0Factor = M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallicF0Factor;520}521//æè´¨è°æ´ XuanHuiPoSuiJi Yellow522function materialXuanHuiPoSuiJiYellow() {523 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel");524 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main");525 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal")526 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.36470588235294116, 0.18823529411764706, 0);527 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.bumpTexture.level = 0.45;528 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallic = 1;529 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.roughness = 0.3;530 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.03, 0.03, 0.03);531 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel.roughness = 0.24;532 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.albedoColor = M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.albedoColor;533 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.metallicTexture = M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallicTexture;534 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.metallic = M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallic;535 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.roughness = M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.roughness;536 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.metallicF0Factor = M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallicF0Factor;537}538//æè´¨è°æ´ ZhiShaJi Black539function materialZhiShaJiBlack() {540 let M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less = scene.getMaterialByID("M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less");541 let M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main = scene.getMaterialByID("M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main");542 let M_ZhiShaJi_Logo_Texture = scene.getMaterialByID("M_ZhiShaJi_Logo_Texture");543 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0, 0, 0);544 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main.metallic = 1;545 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main.roughness = 0.35;546 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main.bumpTexture.level = 0.5;547 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.34901960784313724, 0.34901960784313724, 0.34901960784313724);548 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less.metallic = 0;549 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less.roughness = 0.35;550 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less.metallicF0Factor = 0.62;551 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less.bumpTexture.level = 0.15;552 M_ZhiShaJi_Logo_Texture.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.4392156862745098, 0.4392156862745098, 0.4392156862745098);553 M_ZhiShaJi_Logo_Texture.roughness = 0.14;554}555//æè´¨è°æ´ ZhiShaJi Blue556function materialZhiShaJiBlue() {557 let M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less = scene.getMaterialByID("M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less");558 let M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main = scene.getMaterialByID("M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main");559 let M_ZhiShaJi_Logo_Texture = scene.getMaterialByID("M_ZhiShaJi_Logo_Texture");560 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.00784313725490196, 0.047058823529411764, 0.11372549019607843);561 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main.bumpTexture.level = 0.5;562 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main.metallic = 1;563 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main.roughness = 0.35;564 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.09803921568627451, 0, 0);565 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less.metallic = 0;566 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less.roughness = 0.35;567 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less.metallicF0Factor = 0.62;568 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less.bumpTexture.level = 0.15;569 M_ZhiShaJi_Logo_Texture.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.4392156862745098, 0.4392156862745098, 0.4392156862745098);570 M_ZhiShaJi_Logo_Texture.roughness = 0.14;571}572//æè´¨è°æ´ ZhiShaJi Yellow573function materialZhiShaJiYellow() {574 let M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less = scene.getMaterialByID("M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less");575 let M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main = scene.getMaterialByID("M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main");576 let M_ZhiShaJi_Logo_Texture = scene.getMaterialByID("M_ZhiShaJi_Logo_Texture");577 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.36470588235294116, 0.18823529411764706, 0);578 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main.bumpTexture.level = 0.45;579 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main.metallic = 1;580 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main.roughness = 0.3;581 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.23921568627450981, 0.23921568627450981, 0.23921568627450981);582 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less.metallic = 1;583 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less.roughness = 0.05;584 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less.metallicF0Factor = 0.5;585 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less.bumpTexture.level = 0.15;586 M_ZhiShaJi_Logo_Texture.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.07058823529411765, 0.07058823529411765, 0.07058823529411765);587 M_ZhiShaJi_Logo_Texture.roughness = 0;588}589//æè´¨è°æ´ YuanZhuiPoSuiJi Black590function materialYuanZhuiPoSuiJiBlack() {591 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main");592 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Texture = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Texture");593 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver");594 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less");595 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal");596 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0, 0, 0);597 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallic = 1;598 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.roughness = 0.35;599 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.bumpTexture.level = 0.5;600 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.41568627450980394, 0.28627450980392155, 0.00392156862745098);601 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.roughness = 0.26;602 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.16862745098039217, 0.16862745098039217, 0.16862745098039217);603 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less.metallic = 1;604 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less.roughness = 0.23;605 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less.metallicF0Factor = 0.5;606 // M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less.bumpTexture.level = 0.15;607 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.2196078431372549, 0.16470588235294117, 0.0392156862745098);608 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.metallic = 1;609 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.roughness = 0.21;610 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.albedoColor = M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.albedoColor;611 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.metallicTexture = M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallicTexture;612 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.metallic = M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallic;613 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.roughness = M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.roughness;614 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.metallicF0Factor = M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallicF0Factor;615}616//æè´¨è°æ´ YuanZhuiPoSuiJi Blue617function materialYuanZhuiPoSuiJiBlue() {618 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main");619 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Texture = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Texture");620 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver");621 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less");622 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal");623 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.00784313725490196, 0.047058823529411764, 0.11372549019607843);624 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.bumpTexture.level = 0.5;625 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallic = 1;626 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.roughness = 0.35;627 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2);628 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.metallic = 1;629 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.roughness = 0.21;630 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.09803921568627451, 0, 0);631 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less.metallic = 0;632 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less.roughness = 0.35;633 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less.metallicF0Factor = 0.62;634 // M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less.bumpTexture.level = 0.15;635 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Texture.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.4392156862745098, 0.4392156862745098, 0.4392156862745098);636 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Texture.roughness = 0.14;637 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.albedoColor = M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.albedoColor;638 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.metallicTexture = M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallicTexture;639 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.metallic = M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallic;640 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.roughness = M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.roughness;641 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.metallicF0Factor = M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallicF0Factor;642}643//æè´¨è°æ´ YuanZhuiPoSuiJi Yellow644function materialYuanZhuiPoSuiJiYellow() {645 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main");646 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Texture = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Texture");647 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver");648 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less");649 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal");650 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.36470588235294116, 0.18823529411764706, 0);651 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.bumpTexture.level = 0.45;652 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallic = 1;653 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.roughness = 0.35;654 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2);655 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.metallic = 1;656 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.roughness = 0.21;657 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.16862745098039217, 0.16862745098039217, 0.16862745098039217);658 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less.metallic = 1;659 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less.roughness = 0.23;660 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less.metallicF0Factor = 0.5;661 // M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less.bumpTexture.level = 0.15;662 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Texture.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.07058823529411765, 0.07058823529411765, 0.07058823529411765);663 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Texture.roughness = 0.5;664 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.albedoColor = M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.albedoColor;665 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.metallicTexture = M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallicTexture;666 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.metallic = M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallic;667 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.roughness = M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.roughness;668 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.metallicF0Factor = M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallicF0Factor;669}670function initscene() {671 // btnrander('model', 'modelbtn1', './animation/datam1.json');672 // btnrander('model', 'modelbtn2', './animation/datam2.json');673 // btnrander('model', 'modelbtn3', './animation/datam3.json');674 btnrander('color', 'colorbtn1', './animation/datac1.json');675 btnrander('color', 'colorbtn2', './animation/datac2.json');676 btnrander('color', 'colorbtn3', './animation/datac3.json');677 btnrander('display', 'displaybtn1', './animation/dataplus2.json');678 id = localStorage.getItem("id")679 // id = "1"680 paramsw = id;681 console.log(paramsw);682 let modelname = "modelbtn" + paramsw;683 // let colorname ="colorbtn" + paramsw684 nextModelAnim = modelname;685 currenModelAnim = nextModelAnim;686 nextColor = 'colorbtn2';687 currenColor = nextColor;688 mouseup('model', modelname);689 mouseup('color', 'colorbtn2');690 // setTimeout( ()=> {691 initCamera();692 initAnim(nextModelAnim);693 // loadPic();694 initHotSpot()695 // hotSpot();696 // },1000)697 // setTimeout(()=>{mouseEvenTimeOut = false},2000)698}699function initCamera() {700 // let animName = "camera_in";701 // getactivecamera() //è·åç¸æº702 let animIn = animationArr.filter((value, index) => { if (value.btnName == nextModelAnim) { return value } })703 let activecam1 = scene.getCameraByID("Camera")704 cameraArcRotateAnimate(activecam1, ...animIn[0].cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition, ...animIn[0].cameraAnimNormolPosition)705 // cameraPostionAnimate(activecam1,...animIn[0].cameraAnimNormolPosition,...animIn[0].cameraAnimTargetNormolPosition)706 // setTimeout(function () {707 // let ag = scene.getAnimationGroupByName(animName);708 // ag.start(false, 1, ag.from, // }, 2000);710}711function initAnim(nextModelAnim) {712 // let inTimeOut = 1000;713 let animIn = animationArr.filter((value, index) => { if (value.btnName == nextModelAnim) { return value } })714 animationInOut(animIn[0].val.inout, "in")715 // inTimeOut = animationInOut(animIn[0].val.inout, "in")716 // setTimeout(() => { mouseEvenTimeOut = false }, inTimeOut)717}718// window.onload = function () {719// setTimeout(() => {720// initscene()721// }, 500)...
1/// <reference path="babylon.d.ts" />2var canvas = document.getElementById("renderCanvas"); // Get the canvas element3var engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas, true, null, true);4let XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1 =null;5let XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture2 =null;6let ZhiShaJi_aoTexture1 = null;7let ZhiShaJi_aoTexture2 = null;8let YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1 = null;9let YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture2 = null;10//debugå¿«æ·é® shift+alt+d11function togglerDebugLayer() {12 var scene = engine.scenes[0];13 if (scene.debugLayer.isVisible()) {14 scene.debugLayer.hide();15 }16 else {17{18 overlay: true,//è¦ç模å¼æå¼19 });20 }21}22document.addEventListener("keydown", function (event) {23 if (event.altKey && event.shiftKey && event.keyCode === 68) {24 togglerDebugLayer();25 }26});27function MyLoadingScreen() {28}29MyLoadingScreen.prototype.displayLoadingUI = function () {30};31MyLoadingScreen.prototype.hideLoadingUI = function () {32 document.getElementById("loadingScreen_Container").style.opacity = "0";33 document.getElementById("loadingScreen_Container").style.visibility = "hidden";34};35var onFoucus;36/******* Add the create scene function ******/37var createScene = function () {38 var scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);39 scene.clearColor = new BABYLON.Color4(0, 0, 0, 0);40 // å¨å¼æé设置ç»é¢å代é»è®¤çå è½½ç»é¢41 var loadingScreen = new MyLoadingScreen();42 engine.loadingScreen = loadingScreen;43 scene.imageProcessingConfiguration.exposure = 3.4;44 scene.imageProcessingConfiguration.contrast = 1.9;45 scene.imageProcessingConfiguration.toneMappingEnabled = true;46 scene.imageProcessingConfiguration.toneMappingType = 1;47 scene.fogMode = 2;48 scene.fogColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.1450980392156863, 0.2, 0.24313725490196078);49 scene.fogDensity = 0.065;50 //camera51 var camera = new BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera("Camera", Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2, 2, new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0.53, 0), scene);52 camera.attachControl(canvas, true);53 camera.minZ = 0.1;54 camera.maxZ = 10000;55 // camera.upperBetaLimit = 1.5;56 camera.lowerRadiusLimit = 1.3;57 camera.upperRadiusLimit = 7;58 //ç¸æºæ¯æ§59 camera.angularSensibilityX = 2000;60 camera.angularSensibilityY = 2000;61 camera.panningSensibility = 2000;62 camera.wheelDeltaPercentage = 0.008;63 camera.pinchDeltaPercentage = 0.0005;64 //èªå¨æ转ç¸æº65 // camera.useAutoRotationBehavior = true;66 // Environment Texture67 var hdrTexture = BABYLON.CubeTexture.CreateFromPrefilteredData("textures/environment_cube_specular.env", scene);68 scene.createDefaultSkybox(hdrTexture, true);69 scene.getMeshByID("hdrSkyBox").setEnabled(false);70 // hdrTexture.level = 2;71 // light172 var light = new BABYLON.DirectionalLight("light", new BABYLON.Vector3(-1, -2, -1), scene);73 light.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(-0.5955874093676108, 1.463424720556741, 0.7257959743088755);74 light.direction = new BABYLON.Vector3(0.38741777155154383, -0.751732878412204, -0.533671387466237);75 light.diffuse = new BABYLON.Color3(1, 0.7607843137254902, 0.6);76 light.intensity = 0.7;77 light.shadowEnabled = true;78 light.shadowMinZ = 0.001;79 light.shadowMaxZ = 30;80 //éæé´å½±81 let ground = BABYLON.Mesh.CreatePlane('ground1', 1000, scene);82 ground.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2;83 ground.material = new BABYLON.ShadowOnlyMaterial('shadowGround', scene);84 ground.material.shadowColor = new BABYLON.Color3(1, 1, 1);85 ground.receiveShadows = true;86 let shadowGenerator = new BABYLON.ShadowGenerator(1024, light);87 shadowGenerator.useBlurExponentialShadowMap = true;88 shadowGenerator.blurScale = 2;89 shadowGenerator.blurBoxOffset = 1;90 shadowGenerator.setDarkness(0.2);91 shadowGenerator.usePoissonSampling = true;92 shadowGenerator.filter = 3;93 shadowGenerator.filteringQuality = 2;94 shadowGenerator.bias = 0;95 shadowGenerator.contactHardeningLightSizeUVRatio = 1;96 shadowGenerator.darkness = 0.74;97 shadowGenerator.normalBias = 0;98 scene.getMaterialByID("shadowGround").alphaMode = 4;99 let SpecularTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("model/SheBei/Specular.jpg", scene);100 let Logo_Alpha_Ao = new BABYLON.Texture("model/SheBei/Logo_Alpha_Ao.png", scene);101 Logo_Alpha_Ao.vScale = -1;102 let Logo_NormalTexture = new BABYLON.Texture('model/SheBei/Logo_Normal.jpg')103 Logo_NormalTexture.vScale = -1;104 Logo_NormalTexture.level = 0.23;105 let NormalTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("model/SheBei/Normal.jpg", scene);106 NormalTexture.level = 0.45;107 NormalTexture.uScale = 30;108 NormalTexture.vScale = 30;109 let Logo_Texture = new BABYLON.Texture("model/SheBei/ShenYangShunDa_alpha_ShenYangShunDa.png");110 Logo_Texture.vScale = -1;111 BABYLON.SceneLoader.Append("model/SheBei/", "XuanHuiPoSuiJi.gltf", scene, function (meshes) {112 scene.getTransformNodeByID("XuanHuiPoSuiJi_G").position = new BABYLON.Vector3(-4, 0, 0);113 XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1 = new BABYLON.Texture("model/SheBei/XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Ao2.jpg", scene);114 XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1.vScale = -1;115 XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1.coordinatesIndex = 1;116 XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture2 = new BABYLON.Texture("model/SheBei/XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Ao.jpg", scene);117 XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture2.vScale = -1;118 XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture2.coordinatesIndex = 1;119 //æè´¨è°æ´120 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Steel_Black = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Steel_Black");121 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel");122 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron");123 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main");124 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Crimson = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Crimson");125 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Gray = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Gray");126 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver");127 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal");128 let M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Plastic_Black = scene.getMaterialByID("M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Plastic_Black");129 // æ·»å ao130 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.ambientTexture = XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;131 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron.ambientTexture = XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;132 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Crimson.ambientTexture = XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;133 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Gray.ambientTexture = XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;134 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.ambientTexture = XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;135 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Steel_Black.ambientTexture = XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;136 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Plastic_Black.ambientTexture = XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;137 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel.ambientTexture = XuanHuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;138 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.ambientTexture = Logo_Alpha_Ao;139 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.36470588235294116, 0.18823529411764706, 0);140 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.bumpTexture = NormalTexture;141 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallicTexture = SpecularTexture;142 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallic = 1;143 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.roughness = 0.3;144 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallicF0Factor = 0.6;145 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron.metallicTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("model/SheBei/Metal_Plate.jpg", scene);146 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron.metallic = 1;147 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron.roughness = 0.1;148 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.18823529411764706, 0.18823529411764706, 0.18823529411764706);149 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Crimson.metallic = 0;150 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Crimson.roughness = 0.4;151 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.30980392156862746, 0.30980392156862746, 0.30980392156862746);152 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.metallic = 1;153 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.roughness = 0.1;154 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.albedoColor = M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.albedoColor;155 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.opacityTexture = Logo_Alpha_Ao;156 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.bumpTexture = Logo_NormalTexture;157 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.transparencyMode = 3;158 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.metallicTexture = M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallicTexture;159 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.metallic = M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallic;160 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.roughness = M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.roughness;161 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.metallicF0Factor = M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallicF0Factor;162 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Crimson.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.1333333, 0.027450980, 0.0274509);163 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Crimson.bumpTexture = NormalTexture;164 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Steel_Black.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0, 0, 0);165 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Steel_Black.metallic = 1;166 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Steel_Black.roughness = 0.24;167 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.03, 0.03, 0.03);168 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel.metallic = 1;169 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel.roughness = 0.24;170 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Gray.albedoColor = M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel.albedoColor171 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Gray.metallic = M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel.metallic;172 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Gray.roughness = M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel.roughness;173 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Plastic_Black.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.0196078431372549, 0.0196078431372549, 0.0196078431372549);174 M_XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Plastic_Black.roughness = 1;175 //å建åªæ¥åé´å½±çæè´¨176 shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().renderList.push(scene.getMeshByID("XuanHuiPoSuiJi_primitive2"));177 shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().renderList.push(scene.getMeshByID("XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Module_2_primitive1"));178 shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().renderList.push(scene.getMeshByID("XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Module_2_primitive0"));179 shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().renderList.push(scene.getMeshByID("XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Module_3_primitive0"));180 shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().renderList.push(scene.getMeshByID("XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Module_3_primitive1"));181 shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().renderList.push(scene.getMeshByID("XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Module_4_primitive0"));182 shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().renderList.push(scene.getMeshByID("XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Module_5_primitive1"));183 shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().renderList.push(scene.getMeshByID("XuanHuiPoSuiJi_Module_5_primitive3"));184 let ag = scene.getAnimationGroupByName('XuanHuiPoSuiJi_BaoZha');185 ag.stop();186 console.log("ag")187 });188 BABYLON.SceneLoader.Append("model/SheBei/", "ZhiShaJi.gltf", scene, function (meshes) {189 scene.getTransformNodeByID("ZhiShaJi_G").position = new BABYLON.Vector3(4, 0, 0);190 ZhiShaJi_aoTexture1 = new BABYLON.Texture("model/SheBei/ZhiShaJi_Ao2.jpg", scene);191 ZhiShaJi_aoTexture1.vScale1 = -1;192 ZhiShaJi_aoTexture1.coordinatesIndex1 = 1;193 ZhiShaJi_aoTexture2 = new BABYLON.Texture("model/SheBei/ZhiShaJi_Ao.jpg", scene);194 // ZhiShaJi_aoTexture.vScale1 = -1;195 // ZhiShaJi_aoTexture.coordinatesIndex1 = 1;196 //æè´¨197 let M_ZhiShaJi_Logo_Texture = scene.getMaterialByID("M_ZhiShaJi_Logo_Texture");198 let M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Black = scene.getMaterialByID("M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Black");199 let M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Gray = scene.getMaterialByID("M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Gray");200 let M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Steel_Silver = scene.getMaterialByID("M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Steel_Silver");201 let M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less = scene.getMaterialByID("M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less");202 let M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main = scene.getMaterialByID("M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main");203 let M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Reseda = scene.getMaterialByID("M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Reseda");204 //æè´¨è°æ´205 M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Black.ambientTexture = ZhiShaJi_aoTexture1;206 M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Gray.ambientTexture = ZhiShaJi_aoTexture1;207 M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.ambientTexture = ZhiShaJi_aoTexture1;208 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less.ambientTexture = ZhiShaJi_aoTexture1;209 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main.ambientTexture = ZhiShaJi_aoTexture1;210 M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Reseda.ambientTexture = ZhiShaJi_aoTexture1;211 M_ZhiShaJi_Logo_Texture.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.07058823529411765, 0.07058823529411765, 0.07058823529411765);212 M_ZhiShaJi_Logo_Texture.opacityTexture = Logo_Texture;213 M_ZhiShaJi_Logo_Texture.transparencyMode = 3;214 M_ZhiShaJi_Logo_Texture.metallic = 1;215 M_ZhiShaJi_Logo_Texture.roughness = 0;216 M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Reseda.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.0784313725490196, 0.1411764705882353, 0.13333333333333333);217 M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Reseda.roughness = 0.44;218 M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Reseda.metallic = 1;219 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.36470588235294116, 0.18823529411764706, 0);220 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main.bumpTexture = NormalTexture;221 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main.metallicTexture = SpecularTexture;222 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main.metallic = 1;223 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main.roughness = 0.3;224 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Main.metallicF0Factor = 0.6;225 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.1843137254901961, 0.058823529411764705, 0.058823529411764705);226 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less.emissiveColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0, 0, 0);227 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less.metallic = 0.47;228 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less.roughness = 0.11;229 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less.bumpTexture = NormalTexture;230 M_ZhiShaJi_Paint_Less.bumpTexture.level = 0.15;231 M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Black.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.03137254901960784, 0.03137254901960784, 0.03137254901960784);232 M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Black.metallic = 1;233 M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Black.roughness = 0.38;234 M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Gray.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.09019607843137255, 0.09019607843137255, 0.09019607843137255);235 M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Gray.metallic = 1;236 M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Iron_Gray.roughness = 0;237 M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.2196078431372549, 0.2196078431372549, 0.2196078431372549);238 M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.metallic = 1;239 M_ZhiShaJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.roughness = 0.12;240 //å建åªæ¥åé´å½±çæè´¨241 shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().renderList.push(scene.getMeshByID("ShenYangShunDa1_primitive1"));242 shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().renderList.push(scene.getMeshByID("M_Metal_Iron_Crimson1"));243 shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().renderList.push(scene.getMeshByID("M_Metal_Steel_Silver1"));244 shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().renderList.push(scene.getMeshByID("M_Metal_Iron_Black1"));245 let ag = scene.getAnimationGroupByName('ZhiShaJi_BaoZha');246 ag.stop();247 });248 BABYLON.SceneLoader.Append("model/SheBei/", "YuanZhuiPoSuiJi.gltf", scene, function (meshes) {249 YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1 = new BABYLON.Texture("model/SheBei/YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Ao2.jpg", scene);250 YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1.vScale = -1;251 YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1.coordinatesIndex = 1;252 YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture2 = new BABYLON.Texture("model/SheBei/YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Ao.jpg", scene);253 //æè´¨è°æ´254 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main");255 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less");256 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Texture = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Texture");257 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal");258 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel");259 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron");260 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Brass = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Brass");261 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Black = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Black");262 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Crimson = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Crimson");263 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Gray = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Gray");264 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver");265 let M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Plastic_Black = scene.getMaterialByID("M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Plastic_Black");266 // æ·»å ao267 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;268 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;269 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Brass.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;270 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Black.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;271 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Gray.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;272 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;273 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Plastic_Black.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;274 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;275 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;276 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Crimson.ambientTexture = YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_aoTexture1;277 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.ambientTexture = Logo_Alpha_Ao;278 //æè´¨è°æ´279 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Texture.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.07058823529411765, 0.07058823529411765, 0.07058823529411765);280 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Texture.opacityTexture = Logo_Texture;281 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Texture.transparencyMode = 3;282 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Texture.metallic = 1;283 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Texture.roughness = 0.5;284 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.36470588235294116, 0.18823529411764706, 0);285 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.bumpTexture = NormalTexture;286 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallicTexture = SpecularTexture;287 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallic = 1;288 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.roughness = 0.3;289 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallicF0Factor = 0.6;290 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.16862745098039217, 0.16862745098039217, 0.16862745098039217);291 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less.emissiveColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0, 0, 0);292 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less.metallic = 1;293 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less.roughness = 0.23;294 // M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Less.bumpTexture = NormalTexture;295 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Brass.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.34901960784313724, 0.34901960784313724, 0.34901960784313724);296 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Brass.metallic = 1;297 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Brass.roughness = 0.08;298 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Black.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.03137254901960784, 0.03137254901960784, 0.03137254901960784);299 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Black.metallic = 1;300 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Black.roughness = 0.38;301 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Gray.metallic = 1;302 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Gray.roughness = 0.64;303 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Crimson.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.1333333, 0.027450980, 0.0274509);304 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Crimson.metallic = 0;305 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Crimson.roughness = 0.4;306 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron_Crimson.bumpTexture = NormalTexture;307 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2);308 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.metallic = 1;309 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Steel_Silver.roughness = 0.05;310 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.22745098039215686, 0.24313725490196078, 0.25098039215686274);311 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron.roughness = 0.08;312 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Metal_Iron.metallic = 1;313 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.1803921568627451, 0.1803921568627451, 0.1803921568627451);314 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel.roughness = 0.05;315 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Screw_Steel.metallic = 1;316 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.albedoColor = M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.albedoColor;317 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.opacityTexture = Logo_Alpha_Ao;318 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.bumpTexture = Logo_NormalTexture;319 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.transparencyMode = 3;320 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.metallicTexture = M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallicTexture;321 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.metallic = M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallic;322 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.roughness = M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.roughness;323 M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Logo_Normal.metallicF0Factor = M_YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Paint_Main.metallicF0Factor;324 //å建åªæ¥åé´å½±çæè´¨325 shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().renderList.push(scene.getMeshByID("YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Module_1_primitive3"));326 shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().renderList.push(scene.getMeshByID("YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Module_2_primitive1"));327 shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().renderList.push(scene.getMeshByID("YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Module_2_primitive2"));328 shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().renderList.push(scene.getMeshByID("YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Module_2_primitive3"));329 shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().renderList.push(scene.getMeshByID("YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Module_3_primitive1"));330 shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().renderList.push(scene.getMeshByID("YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Module_4_primitive0"));331 shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().renderList.push(scene.getMeshByID("YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Module_4_primitive1"));332 shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().renderList.push(scene.getMeshByID("YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Module_4_primitive2"));333 shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().renderList.push(scene.getMeshByID("YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Module_4_primitive3"));334 shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().renderList.push(scene.getMeshByID("YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Module_5_primitive1"));335 shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().renderList.push(scene.getMeshByID("YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Module_5_primitive2"));336 shadowGenerator.getShadowMap().renderList.push(scene.getMeshByID("YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_Shelf"));337 let ag = scene.getAnimationGroupByName('YuanZhuiPoSuiJi_BaoZha');338 ag.stop();339 });340 BABYLON.SceneLoader.Append("model/SheBei/", "HotPoint.gltf", scene, function (meshes) {341 scene.getTransformNodeByID("XuanHuiPoSuiJi_HotPoint").position = new BABYLON.Vector3(-4, 0, 0);342 scene.getTransformNodeByID("ZhiShaJi_HotPoint").position = new BABYLON.Vector3(4, 0, 0);343 });344 /* //å°é¢ 345 var griddingMesh = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreatePlane("griddingMesh", { width: 20, height: 20 }, scene);346 griddingMesh.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0.001, 0);347 griddingMesh.rotation = new BABYLON.Vector3(Math.PI / 2, 0, 0);348 349 var M_gridding = new BABYLON.PBRMaterial("M_gridding", scene);350 M_gridding.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.25098039215686274, 0.25098039215686274, 0.25098039215686274);351 M_gridding.metallic = 0;352 M_gridding.roughness = 0.23;353 M_gridding.microSurface = 1;354 M_gridding.opacityTexture = new BABYLON.Texture('../textures/gridding.png', scene);355 M_gridding.opacityTexture.uScale = 80;356 M_gridding.opacityTexture.vScale = 80;357 M_gridding.transparencyMode = 2;358 M_gridding.alpha = 0.11;359 M_gridding.alphaMode = 2;360 M_gridding.usePhysicalLightFalloff = true;361 362 griddingMesh.material = M_gridding; */363 //ç¹ç¹364 var spotMesh = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreatePlane("spotMesh", { width: 20, height: 20 }, scene);365 // spotMesh.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(2.2188390396137536, -0.023294874523774378, -0.000691376644813891);366 spotMesh.rotation = new BABYLON.Vector3(Math.PI / 2, 0, 0);367 var M_spot = new BABYLON.PBRMaterial("M_spot", scene);368 M_spot.albedoColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.16862745098039217, 0.16862745098039217, 0.16862745098039217);369 M_spot.metallic = 1;370 M_spot.microSurface = 1;371 M_spot.opacityTexture = new BABYLON.Texture('model/Spot.png', scene);372 M_spot.opacityTexture.uScale = 200;373 M_spot.opacityTexture.vScale = 200;374 M_spot.transparencyMode = 2;375 M_spot.alphaMode = 2;376 M_spot.usePhysicalLightFalloff = true;377 spotMesh.material = M_spot;378 //å¨ç»379 // var zoomIn = new BABYLON.Animation("zoomIn", "radius", 30, BABYLON.Animation.ANIMATIONTYPE_FLOAT, BABYLON.Animation.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CONSTANT);380 // var keys = [];381 // keys.push({382 // frame: 0,383 // value: 12384 // });385 // keys.push({386 // frame: 80,387 // value: 2.5388 // });389 // //å建æ¢å¨å½æ°390 // var easingFunction = new BABYLON.CircleEase();391 // //éæ©ç¼å¨çæ¹å¼392 // easingFunction.setEasingMode(BABYLON.EasingFunction.EASINGMODE_EASEOUT);393 // //å°ç¼å¨æ·»å ç»å¨ç»394 // zoomIn.setEasingFunction(easingFunction);395 // //å°å¨ç»æ°ç»æ·»å å°å¨ç»å¯¹è±¡ï¼396 // zoomIn.setKeys(keys);397 // //å°æ¤å¨ç»é¾æ¥å°ç¸æºçradiusä¸ï¼398 // camera.animations.push(zoomIn);399 // var animationGroup1 = new BABYLON.AnimationGroup("camera_in");400 // animationGroup1.addTargetedAnimation(zoomIn, camera);401 //;402 // BABYLON.Animation.CreateAndStartAnimation('light', scene.environmentTexture, 'rotationY', 30, 1000, 0, Math.PI * 2);403 return scene;404};405/******* End of the create scene function ******/406var scene = createScene(); //Call the createScene function407// 注å渲æ循ç¯ä»¥éå¤æ¸²æåºæ¯408engine.runRenderLoop(function () {409 scene.render();410});411// çæµæµè§å¨/ç»å¸è°æ´å¤§å°äºä»¶412window.addEventListener("resize", function () {413 engine.resize();414});415// let ag = engine.scenes[0].getAnimationGroupByName('XuanHuiPoSuiJi_BaoZha');416// window.onload=function(){417// initscene();418// }...
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$ji(this).prop('href');192 var id = IWD.QuickView.Processor.getShoppingItemId(url);193 if (id == false) {194 setLocation(url);195 return;196 }197 $ji('.iwd-qv-global-backdrop').show();198 $, {id: id}, IWD.QuickView.Processor.parseResponse, 'json');199 });200 },201 getShoppingItemId: function (url) {202 var re1 = '.*?', re2 = '(cart)', re3 = '.*?', re4 = '(delete)', re5 = '.*?', re6 = '(id)', re7 = '.*?', re8 = '(\\d+)';203 var p = new RegExp(re1 + re2 + re3 + re4 + re5 + re6 + re7 + re8, ["i"]);204 var m = p.exec(url);205 if (m != null) {206 var int1 = m[4];207 return int1;208 }209 return false;210 },211 /** CHECK IS PAYPAL BUTTON **/212 isPaypalExpress: function (url) {213 var re1 = '((?:[a-z][a-z]+))', re2 = '.*?', re3 = '(express)';214 var p = new RegExp(re1 + re2 + re3, ["i"]);215 var m = p.exec(url);216 if (m != null) {217 return true;218 }219 return false;220 },221 /** check if current page is shopping cart - for ajax reload page after add to cart */222 isShoppingCart: function () {223 var href = parent.location.href;224 if (href.indexOf('checkout/cart') != -1) {225 return true;226 }227 return false;228 },229 /** SEND AJAX REQUEST - SUBMITED FORM **/230 sendRequestFormAddToCart: function (url, $form) {231 $ji('.iwd-qv-ajax-loader').show();232 var formData = $form.serializeArray();233 var cart = IWD.QuickView.Processor.isShoppingCart();234 formData.push({name: "iwd_qv", value: true});235 formData.push({name: "cart", value: cart});236 var to = url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? url : url; // If you use magento EE please comment this line237 $ to,239 formData,240 IWD.QuickView.Processor.parseResponse,241 'json'242 ).done(243 function(){244 console.log("Success");245 }246 ).fail(247 function(){248 console.log("Error!!!");249 //document.location.reload();250 }251 );252 //$, IWD.QuickView.Processor.parseResponse, 'json'); //for magento EE },254 /** PARSE AJAX RESPONSE **/255 parseResponse: function (response) {256 $ji('.iwd-qv-global-backdrop').hide();257 $ji('.iwd-qv-ajax-loader').hide();258 if (typeof(response.after) != "undefined" && response.after == 'cart') {259 window.location.href = IWD.QuickView.config.shoppingCartUrl;260 return;261 }262 var currentLocation = window.location;263 if(currentLocation.pathname == "/wishlist/") {264 var wislistItems = $ji('#wishlist-table tbody tr');265 $ji('#item_' + response.itemId).remove();266 console.log(currentLocation.origin);267 if (wislistItems.length == 0) {268 window.location.href = currentLocation.origin + "/checkout/cart/";269 }270 }271 IWD.QuickView.Processor.parseAAC(response);272 IWD.QuickView.Processor.parseResponseAfterProductAdded(response);273 IWD.QuickView.Processor.parseResponseProductView(response);274 IWD.QuickView.Processor.parseResponseShoppingCart(response);275 IWD.QuickView.Processor.parseResponseHeader(response);276 IWD.QuickView.Processor.parseResponseUpdateTopDropdown(response);277 },278 parseAAC: function (response) {279 if (typeof(response.content) == "undefined") {280 $ji('body').removeClass('modal-open');281 IWD.QuickView.Processor.restorePrice();282 $ji('#iwd-qv-additional-loader').css('display', 'none');283 }284 },285 parseResponseAfterProductAdded: function (response) {286 if (typeof(response.after) != "undefined") {287 if (response.after == 'message') {288 if (typeof(response.confirmation) != "undefined" && response.confirmation !== false) {289// $ji('#iwd-qv-wrapper').html(response.confirmation);290 IWD.QuickView.Decorator.showModal(response.confirmation);291 }292 }293 if (response.after == 'continue') {294 IWD.QuickView.Decorator.hideModal();295 }296 }297 },298 parseResponseProductView: function (response) {299 if (typeof(response.content) != "undefined") {300 IWD.QuickView.Processor.clearPrice();301 IWD.QuickView.Decorator.showPopup = true;302 if (window.optionsPrice != undefined) {303 IWD.QuickView.Processor.optionPriceOld = window.optionsPrice;304 }305 if (window.bundle != undefined) {306 IWD.QuickView.Processor.bundleOld = window.bundle;307 }308 if (window.opConfig != undefined) {309 IWD.QuickView.Processor.opConfigOld = window.opConfig;310 }311 $ji('body').removeClass('modal-open');312 $ji('#iwd-qv-additional-loader').css('display', 'none');313 IWD.QuickView.Decorator.showModal(response.content);314 IWD.QuickView.Decorator.SystemColorSwatch();315 }316 },317 parseResponseShoppingCart: function (response) {318 if (typeof(response.shopping_cart) != "undefined" && response.shopping_cart !== false) {319 if (typeof(response.after) != "undefined" && response.confirmation !== false) {320 IWD.QuickView.Decorator.showModal(response.confirmation);321 } else {322 IWD.QuickView.Decorator.hideModal();323 }324 $ji('.cart').replaceWith(response.shopping_cart).promise().done(function () {325 $ji('input[name^="cart"]').focus(function () {326 $ji(this).siblings('button').fadeIn();327 });328 });329 IWD.QuickView.Decorator.updateButton();330 }331 },332 parseResponseHeader: function (response) {333 /** header - full update for correct display shoppingcart **/334 if (typeof(response.header) != "undefined") {335 if ($ji('header .links').length > 0) {336 $ji('header .links').replaceWith(response.header);337 } else if ($ji('#header .links').length > 0) {338 $ji('#header .links').replaceWith(response.header);339 } else if ($ji('.header .links').length > 0) {340 $ji('.header .links').replaceWith(response.header);341 }342 }343 },344 parseResponseUpdateTopDropdown: function (response) {345 if (typeof(response.dropdown) != "undefined") {346 if (IWD.QuickView.config.useDefaultDropDown == true) {347 $ji('.header-minicart, wrrapper-ajaxcart-dropdown').html(response.dropdown).promise().done(function () {348 if (response.show_dropdown == true) {349 setTimeout(function () {350 $ji('.skip-link.skip-cart, top-link-cart').trigger('click');351 }, 200);352 }353 });354 var skipContents = $ji('.skip-content');355 var skipLinks = $ji('.skip-link.skip-cart');356'click');357 skipLinks.on('click', function (e) {358 e.preventDefault();359 var self = $ji(this);360 // Use the data-target-element attribute, if it exists. Fall back to href.361 var target = self.attr('data-target-element') ? self.attr('data-target-element') : self.attr('href');362 // Get target element363 var elem = $ji(target);364 // Check if stub is open365 var isSkipContentOpen = elem.hasClass('skip-active') ? 1 : 0;366 // Hide all stubs367 skipLinks.removeClass('skip-active');368 skipContents.removeClass('skip-active');369 // Toggle stubs370 if (isSkipContentOpen) {371 self.removeClass('skip-active');372 } else {373 self.addClass('skip-active');374 elem.addClass('skip-active');375 }376 });377 $ji('#header-cart').on('click', '.skip-link-close', function (e) {378 var parent = $ji(this).parents('.skip-content');379 var link = parent.siblings('.skip-link');380 parent.removeClass('skip-active');381 link.removeClass('skip-active');382 e.preventDefault();383 });384 } else {385 $ji('.es-top-cart').remove();386 $ji(response.dropdown).insertAfter('#ajax-cart-modal');387 IWD.QuickView.Decorator.moveDropdown();388 setTimeout(function () {389 if (response.show_dropdown == true) {390 $ji('.wrrapper-ajaxcart-dropdown').addClass('opened');391 }392 }, 200);393 }394 }395 }396};397IWD.QuickView.Decorator = {398 showPopup: true,399 timer: null,400 init: function () {401 this.updateButton();402 this.initQtyChange();403 this.removeOpen();404 this.initOnModalClose();405 this.initOnCheckoutClick();406 this.productVideoIntegration();407 if (IWD.QuickView.config.useDefaultDropDown == false) {408 this.moveDropdown();409 }410 //this.clearPrice();411 //this.removeOpen();412 },413 initOnModalClose414 :415 function () {416 $ji('#iwd-qv-modal').on('', function () {417 if (IWD.QuickView.Processor.optionPriceOld != null) {418 window.optionsPrice = IWD.QuickView.Processor.optionPriceOld;419 IWD.QuickView.Processor.optionPriceOld = null;420 }421 if (IWD.QuickView.Processor.bundleOld != null) {422 window.bundle = IWD.QuickView.Processor.bundleOld;423 IWD.QuickView.Processor.bundleOld = null;424 }425 if (IWD.QuickView.Processor.opConfigOld != null) {426 window.opConfig = IWD.QuickView.Processor.opConfigOld;427 IWD.QuickView.Processor.opConfigOld = null;428 }429 // remove position fixed from popup (this is seted for confirmation message popup)430 $ji('#iwd-qv-modal .iwd-qv-modal-dialog').removeClass('iwd-success-cart');431 $ji('#iwd-qv-wrapper').html('');432 IWD.QuickView.Decorator.showPopup = false;433 ProductMediaManagerQV.destroyZoom();434 IWD.QuickView.Processor.restorePrice();435 });436 }437 ,438 initOnCheckoutClick: function () {439 jQueryIWD(document).on('click', '.es-btn-checkout', function (e) {440 if (IWD.QuickView.closePopupOnCheckout) {441 $ji('#iwd-qv-modal').modaliwd('hide');442 }443 });444 }445 ,446 /** remove onclick from all buttons with class "btn-cart" **/447 updateButton: function () {448 // compatibility with infinite scroll - add quick-view button on hover on product449 if (IWD.QuickView.mode != 'aac') {450 jQueryIWD(document).on('mouseover', IWD.QuickView.config.qv_selector, function (e) {451 var _this = jQueryIWD(this);452 if (_this.children('.iwd-quick-view-button').length == 0) {453 _this.addClass('iwd-quick-view-block');454 _this.css('position', 'relative');455 var link, container;456 if (_this.prop('tagName').toLowerCase() == 'li') {457 container = _this;458 } else {459 container = _this.closest('li');460 }461 link = container.find('.product-image').attr('href');462 protocol = link.substr(link.indexOf('://') + 1);463 _this.append(jQueryIWD(IWD.QuickView.button_html).data('link', protocol));464 }465 });466 }467 if (IWD.QuickView.mode != 'qv') {468 $ji('.btn-cart, .iwd-btn-add-to-cart').not('#product_addtocart_form .btn-cart').each(function () {469 var value = $ji(this).attr('onclick');470 if (value != undefined) {471 if (value.indexOf('setLocation') != -1) {472 value = value.replace("setLocation('", "");473 value = value.replace("')", "");474 protocol = value.substr(value.indexOf('://') + 1);475 $ji(this).removeAttr('onclick').data('link', protocol);476 }477 }478 });479 }480 }481 ,482 /** show dialog **/483 showModal: function (html) {484// if(IWD.QuickView.Decorator.showPopup == true){485 $ji('#iwd-qv-modal').modaliwd('hide');486 $ji('#iwd-qv-wrapper').html(html).promise().done(function () {// wait if html is too big for it's load487 var options = {"backdrop": "static", "show": true};488 $ji('#iwd-qv-modal').modaliwd(options);489 });490// }491 }492 ,493 /** hide dialog **/494 hideModal: function () {495 IWD.QuickView.Decorator.showPopup = false;496 $ji('#iwd-qv-modal').modaliwd('hide');497 ProductMediaManagerQV.destroyZoom();498 if (typeof IWD.PV != 'undefined')499 IWD.PV.closeAllVideos();500 }501 ,502 /** decorate qty box **/503 decorateQty: function () {504 var width = $ji(window).width();505 $ji('.iwd-qv-modal input.qty').each(function () {506 var _this = $ji(this);507 _this.wrap('<div class="qty-block"></div>');508 _this.addClass('ajax-qty-input').addClass('left');509// if (width > 480) {510// _this.attr('readonly', 'readonly');511// }512 $ji('<div class="right qty-slider"><i class="inc fa fa-chevron-up"></i><i class="dec fa fa-chevron-down"></i></div>').insertAfter(this);513 });514 }515 ,516 initQtyChange: function () {517 $ji(document).on('click touchstart', '.iwd-qv-modal .inc', function () {518 var parent = $ji(this).closest('.qty-block');519 var input = parent.find('.ajax-qty-input');520 var val = input.val();521 val = parseFloat(val);522 val = val + 1;523 input.val(val);524 if ('[onkeyup]'))525 input.trigger('keyup'); // to force price change526 });527 $ji(document).on('click touchstart', '.iwd-qv-modal .dec', function () {528 var parent = $ji(this).closest('.qty-block');529 var input = parent.find('.ajax-qty-input');530 var val = input.val();531 val = parseFloat(val);532 val = val - 1;533 if (val < 1) {534 return;535 }536 input.val(val);537 if ('[onkeyup]'))538 input.trigger('keyup'); // to force price change539 });540 }541 ,542 removeOpen: function () {543 $ji(document).on('mousemove', '.es-top-cart', function () {544 $ji('.wrrapper-ajaxcart-dropdown').removeClass('opened');545 })546 }547 ,548 moveDropdown: function () {549 var $html = $ji('#wrrapper-ajaxcart-dropdown').html();550 $ji('#wrrapper-ajaxcart-dropdown').remove();551 var parent = $ji('.top-link-cart').parent();552 parent.addClass('wrrapper-ajaxcart-dropdown')553 $ji($html).insertAfter('.top-link-cart');554 }555 ,556 SystemColorSwatch: function () {557 if (typeof(Product.ConfigurableSwatchesQV) != "undefined" && typeof(spConfigQV) != "undefined") {558 var swatchesConfig = new Product.ConfigurableSwatchesQV(spConfigQV);559 }560 }561 ,562 productVideoIntegration: function () {563 if (typeof IWD.PV != 'undefined') {564 $ji(document).on('click touchstart', IWD.PV.Frontend.thumbnailsBox + " ." + IWD.PV.Frontend.class_thumb_video, function (e) {565 ProductMediaManagerQV.destroyZoom();566 });567 $ji(document).on('click touchstart', IWD.PV.Frontend.thumbnailsBox + " ." + IWD.PV.Frontend.class_thumb_image, function (e) {568 ProductMediaManagerQV.initZoom();569 });570 $ji('.iwd-qv-modal').on('', function () {571 if (typeof IWD.PV != 'undefined' && IWD.PV.children !== null)572 IWD.PV.closeAllVideos();573 });574 }575 }576}577;578$ji(document).ready(function () {579 if (typeof($ji) == "undefined") {580 console.log('IWD jQuery Library undefined');581 } else {582 if (IWD.QuickView.config.enable == true) {583 IWD.QuickView.Decorator.init();584 IWD.QuickView.Processor.init();585 } else {586 console.log("IWD Quick View extension is disabled");587 }588 $ji(document).on('click', '#iwd-qv-wrapper #recurring_start_date_trig', function () {589 $ji('#iwd-qv-wrapper .calendar').remove();590 $ji('.calendar').appendTo($ji('#iwd-qv-wrapper'));591 });592 }...
12//æ»å»çæ¹æ³3function Kick() {45 //循ç¯å弹对象6 zidanDiv = $(".zidanDiv");7 for (var zidan = 0; zidan < zidanDiv.size() ; zidan++) {8 //循ç¯å°é£æºå¯¹è±¡9 var newFeiJi = $(".newFeiJi");10 for (var FeiJi = 0; FeiJi < newFeiJi.size() ; FeiJi++) {11 //æå°å°é£æº12 if (zidanDiv[zidan].offsetLeft >= newFeiJi[FeiJi].offsetLeft13 //å·¦å³è¾¹è·æ»å»èå´14 && zidanDiv[zidan].offsetLeft <= newFeiJi[FeiJi].offsetLeft + 7015 //éå¶ä¸è¾¹è·çæ»å»èå´16 && zidanDiv[zidan].offsetTop >= newFeiJi[FeiJi].offsetTop + 6017 //éå¶åå¼¹æ»å»å°çèå´18 && zidanDiv[zidan].offsetTop <= newFeiJi[FeiJi].offsetTop + 80) {19;20 $(newFeiJ).remove();21 FenShu += 40;22 }23 //å é¤å¤ä½çåå¼¹24 if (zidanDiv[zidan].offsetTop < newFeiJi[FeiJi].offsetTop25 && zidanDiv[zidan].offsetLeft <= newFeiJi[FeiJi].offsetLeft + 6026 && zidanDiv[zidan].offsetLeft >= newFeiJi[FeiJi].offsetLeft) {27 $(zidanDiv[zidan]).css("background-image", "url('Img/游æèæ¯.jpg')")28 $(zidanDiv[zidan]).remove();29 newFeiJ = newFeiJi[FeiJi];30 }31 //循ç¯å¤§é£æºå¯¹è±¡ 32 var newDaFeiJi = $(".newDaFeiJi");33 var str = newFeiJi[FeiJi].offsetTop;34 kill(str);35 for (var DaFeiJi = 0; DaFeiJi < newDaFeiJi.size() ; DaFeiJi++) {36 //æå°å¤§é£æº37 if (zidanDiv[zidan].offsetLeft >= newDaFeiJi[DaFeiJi].offsetLeft38 //å·¦å³è¾¹è·æ»å»èå´39 && zidanDiv[zidan].offsetLeft <= newDaFeiJi[DaFeiJi].offsetLeft + 18040 //éå¶ä¸è¾¹è·çæ»å»èå´41 && zidanDiv[zidan].offsetTop >= newDaFeiJi[DaFeiJi].offsetTop + 11342 //éå¶åå¼¹æ»å»å°çèå´43 && zidanDiv[zidan].offsetTop <= newDaFeiJi[DaFeiJi].offsetTop + 140) {44 cishu1+=1;45 }46 //å é¤å¤ä½çåå¼¹47 if (zidanDiv[zidan].offsetTop < newDaFeiJi[DaFeiJi].offsetTop + 9048 && zidanDiv[zidan].offsetLeft <= newDaFeiJi[DaFeiJi].offsetLeft + 11049 && zidanDiv[zidan].offsetLeft >= newDaFeiJi[DaFeiJi].offsetLeft) {50 $(zidanDiv[zidan]).css("background-image", "url('Img/游æèæ¯.jpg')")51 $(zidanDiv[zidan]).remove();52 newDaFeiJ = newDaFeiJi[DaFeiJi];53 }54 if (cishu1 >= 200) {55;56 $(newDaFeiJ).remove();57 FenShu += 100;58 cishu1 = 0; 59 }60 var MyFeiJi = document.getElementById("MyDiv");61 //循ç¯ä¸é£æºå¯¹è±¡ 62 var newZhongFeiJi = $(".newZhongFeiJi");63 var str = newDaFeiJi[DaFeiJi].offsetTop;64 kill(str);65 for (var ZhongFeiJi = 0; ZhongFeiJi < newZhongFeiJi.size() ; ZhongFeiJi++) {66 //æå°ä¸é£æº67 if (zidanDiv[zidan].offsetLeft >= newZhongFeiJi[ZhongFeiJi].offsetLeft68 //å·¦å³è¾¹è·æ»å»èå´69 && zidanDiv[zidan].offsetLeft <= newZhongFeiJi[ZhongFeiJi].offsetLeft + 10070 //éå¶ä¸è¾¹è·çæ»å»èå´71 && zidanDiv[zidan].offsetTop >= newZhongFeiJi[ZhongFeiJi].offsetTop + 8072 //éå¶åå¼¹æ»å»å°çèå´73 && zidanDiv[zidan].offsetTop <= newZhongFeiJi[ZhongFeiJi].offsetTop + 100) {74;75 cishu += 1;76 77 }78 //å é¤å¤ä½çåå¼¹79 if (zidanDiv[zidan].offsetTop < newZhongFeiJi[ZhongFeiJi].offsetTop + 4080 && zidanDiv[zidan].offsetLeft <= newZhongFeiJi[ZhongFeiJi].offsetLeft + 10081 && zidanDiv[zidan].offsetLeft >= newZhongFeiJi[ZhongFeiJi].offsetLeft) {82 $(zidanDiv[zidan]).css("background-image", "url('Img/游æèæ¯.jpg')")83 $(zidanDiv[zidan]).remove();84 newZhongFeiJ = newZhongFeiJi[ZhongFeiJi];85 86 }87 if (cishu >= 100) {88 $(newZhongFeiJ).remove();89 FenShu += 200;90 cishu = 0;91 }92 //ææ¹éµäº¡93 var str = newZhongFeiJi[ZhongFeiJi].offsetTop;94 kill(str);95 }96 }97 }98 var newBaoXian = $(".newBaoXian");99 for (var BaoXian = 0; BaoXian < newBaoXian.size() ; BaoXian++) {100 //æå°ä¸é£æº101 if (zidanDiv[zidan].offsetLeft >= newBaoXian[BaoXian].offsetLeft102 //å·¦å³è¾¹è·æ»å»èå´103 && zidanDiv[zidan].offsetLeft <= newBaoXian[BaoXian].offsetLeft + 50104 //éå¶ä¸è¾¹è·çæ»å»èå´105 && zidanDiv[zidan].offsetTop >= newBaoXian[BaoXian].offsetTop + 60106 //éå¶åå¼¹æ»å»å°çèå´107 && zidanDiv[zidan].offsetTop <= newBaoXian[BaoXian].offsetTop + 80) {108 $(newBaoXian[BaoXian]).remove();109 shenji = 1;110 }111 }112 //循ç¯BOSS对象 113 var Boss = $(".BOSS");114 for (var bx = 0; bx < Boss.size() ; bx++) {115 //å é¤å¤ä½çåå¼¹116 if (zidanDiv[zidan].offsetTop < Boss[bx].offsetTop + 170117 && zidanDiv[zidan].offsetLeft <= Boss[bx].offsetLeft + 130118 && zidanDiv[zidan].offsetLeft >= Boss[bx].offsetLeft) {119 $("#Bossyellow").css("width", "-=1px;");120 var bossW = document.getElementById("Bossyellow").offsetWidth;121 if (bossW <= 5) {122 $("#BOSS_HP").css("width", "-=1px;");123 var bossR = document.getElementById("BOSS_HP").offsetWidth;124 if (bossR <= 5) {125 danmu();126;127 $(Boss).remove();128 setInterval("jiaHP()", 20);129 tiaojian += 1;130 FenShu += 1000;131 132 }133 }134 $(zidanDiv[zidan]).remove();135 Bosse = Boss[bx];136 }137 //循ç¯BOSSåå¼¹ 138 var BossZiDan = $(".Bosszidan");139 var MyDivs = document.getElementById("MyDiv");140 for (var ZiDan = 0; ZiDan < BossZiDan.size() ; ZiDan++) {141 //å é¤å¤ä½çåå¼¹142 if (BossZiDan[ZiDan].offsetTop >= MyDivs.offsetTop - 10143 && BossZiDan[ZiDan].offsetTop <= MyDivs.offsetTop + 60144 && BossZiDan[ZiDan].offsetLeft <= MyDivs.offsetLeft + 100145 && BossZiDan[ZiDan].offsetLeft >= MyDivs.offsetLeft-10) {146 $("#MyHp").css("width", "-=5px;");147 var w = document.getElementById("MyHp").offsetWidth;148 if (w<=3) {149 kill(900);150 }151 $(BossZiDan[ZiDan]).remove();152 }153 }154 }155 156 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////157 if (FenShu >= 0 && guanka == 0) {158 danmuss();159 //çææ人å°é£æº160 XFJ = setInterval("newAi()", 1000);161 //çææ人ä¸é£æº162 ZFJ = setInterval("newZhongAi()", 11000);163 //çææ人大é£æº164 DFJ = setInterval("newDaAi()", 10000);165 guanka = 1;166 } else if (FenShu >= 6000 && guanka == 1) {167 //BOSSåºæ¥æ¶åªçæå°é£æº168 clearInterval(DFJ);169 clearInterval(ZFJ);170 //çæBOSS171;172 danmus();173 setTimeout("Boss()", BossTime);174 //çæBOSSåå¼¹175 setTimeout("BOSSzidan()", 3000);176 //BOSSåå¼¹é度177 setInterval("BossZiDanSD()", 100);178 //é£æºç±»å179 FeiJiType = 1;180 //BOSSç±»å181 BossType = 0;182 //å
³å¡æ°183 guanka++;184 setInterval("fen()", 100);185 } else if (tiaojian == 1 && guanka == 2) {186 clearInterval(DFJ);187 clearInterval(ZFJ);188 clearInterval(XFJ);189 FeiJiType = 2;190 BossType = 1;191 guanka = 3;192 //çææ人å°é£æº193 XFJ = setInterval("newAi()", 1000);194 //çææ人ä¸é£æº195 ZFJ = setInterval("newZhongAi()", 10000);196 //çææ人大é£æº197 DFJ = setInterval("newDaAi()", 9000);198 // $("#waiDiv").css("background-image", "url('Img/åºæ¯3.jpg')");199 } else if (FenShu >= 28000 && tiaojian == 1 && guanka == 3) {200 //å
³éä¸é£æº201 clearInterval(ZFJ);202 //çæBOSS203;204 danmus();205 setTimeout("Boss()", BossTime);206 guanka = 4;207 } else if (tiaojian == 2 && guanka == 4) {208 clearInterval(DFJ);209 clearInterval(ZFJ);210 clearInterval(XFJ);211 FeiJiType = 3;212 BossType = 2;213 guanka = 5;214 //çææ人å°é£æº215 XFJ = setInterval("newAi()", 1000);216 //çææ人ä¸é£æº217 ZFJ = setInterval("newZhongAi()", 9000);218 //çææ人大é£æº219 DFJ = setInterval("newDaAi()", 8000);220 } else if (tiaojian == 2 && guanka == 5 && FenShu >= 42000) {221 //å
³ééå¯é£æº222 clearInterval(ZFJ);223 clearInterval(XFJ);224 //çææ人å°é£æº225 XFJ = setInterval("newAi()", 1700);226 //çææ人ä¸é£æº227 ZFJ = setInterval("newZhongAi()", 10000);228 //çæBOSS229;230 danmus();231 setTimeout("Boss()", BossTime);232 guanka = 6;233 } else if (tiaojian == 3 && guanka == 6) {234 clearInterval(DFJ);235 clearInterval(ZFJ);236 clearInterval(XFJ);237 FeiJiType = 4;238 BossType = 3;239 guanka = 7;240 //çææ人å°é£æº241 XFJ = setInterval("newAi()", 1000);242 //çææ人ä¸é£æº243 ZFJ = setInterval("newZhongAi()", 8000);244 //çææ人大é£æº245 DFJ = setInterval("newDaAi()", 7000);246 } else if (tiaojian == 3 && guanka == 7 && FenShu >= 52000) {247 //å
³ééå¯é£æº248 clearInterval(ZFJ);249 clearInterval(XFJ);250 clearInterval(DFJ);251 //çææ人å°é£æº252 XFJ = setInterval("newAi()", 2000);253 //çææ人ä¸é£æº254 ZFJ = setInterval("newZhongAi()", 10000);255 //çææ人大é£æº256 DFJ = setInterval("newDaAi()", 9000);257 //çæBOSS258;259 danmus();260 setTimeout("Boss()", BossTime);261 guanka = 8;262 } else if (tiaojian == 4 && guanka == 8) {263 clearInterval(DFJ);264 clearInterval(ZFJ);265 clearInterval(XFJ);266 FeiJiType = 5;267 BossType = 4;268 //çææ人å°é£æº269 XFJ = setInterval("newAi()", 1000);270 //çææ人ä¸é£æº271 ZFJ = setInterval("newZhongAi()", 6000);272 //çææ人大é£æº273 DFJ = setInterval("newDaAi()", 5000);274 guanka = 9;275 } else if (tiaojian == 4 && guanka == 9 && FenShu >= 60000) {276 //å
³ééå¯é£æº277 clearInterval(ZFJ);278 clearInterval(XFJ);279 clearInterval(DFJ);280 //çææ人å°é£æº281 XFJ = setInterval("newAi()", 1400);282 //çææ人ä¸é£æº283 ZFJ = setInterval("newZhongAi()", 9000);284 //çææ人大é£æº285 DFJ = setInterval("newDaAi()", 7000);286 //çæBOSS287;288 danmus();289 setTimeout("Boss()", BossTime);290 guanka = 10;291 } else if (tiaojian == 5 && guanka == 10) {292 clearInterval(DFJ);293 clearInterval(ZFJ);294 clearInterval(XFJ);295 FeiJiType = 5;296 BossType = 5;297 //çææ人å°é£æº298 XFJ = setInterval("newAi()", 1000);299 //çææ人ä¸é£æº300 ZFJ = setInterval("newZhongAi()", 6500);301 //çææ人大é£æº302 DFJ = setInterval("newDaAi()", 5500);303 guanka = 11;304 } else if (tiaojian == 5 && guanka == 11 && FenShu >= 68000) {305 guanka = 12;306 //å
³ééå¯é£æº307 clearInterval(ZFJ);308 clearInterval(XFJ);309 clearInterval(DFJ);310 //çææ人å°é£æº311 XFJ = setInterval("newAi()", 6000);312 //çææ人ä¸é£æº313 ZFJ = setInterval("newZhongAi()", 8500);314 //çææ人大é£æº315 DFJ = setInterval("newDaAi()", 6500);316 //çæBOSS317;318 danmus();319 setTimeout("Boss()", BossTime);320 } else if (tiaojian == 6) {321 if (alert("æ¨å·²ç»éå
³æ¸¸æç»æï¼æ»å:" + FenShu + "\nï¼ç¹å»ç¡®å®éæ°å¼å§ï¼")) {322323 } else {324 location.replace(location.href);325 FenShu = 0;326 return;327 }328 tiaojian = 111;329 }330 }331332}333334335//å è¡336function jiaHP() {337 var bossR = document.getElementById("BOSS_HP").offsetWidth;338 if (bossR <= 5) {339 $("#BOSS_HP").css("width", "+=550px;");340 $("#Bossyellow").css("width", "+=550px;");341 if (bossR >= 550) {342 $("#BOSS_HP").css("width", "550px;");343 $("#Bossyellow").css("width", "550px;");344 }345346 }347348}349350//计ç®åæ°351function fen() {352353 $("#tx").text("åæ°:" + FenShu);354}355356//éµäº¡çæ¹æ³357function kill(str) {358 if (str >= 850 && FenShu != 0) {359 $("#MyDiv").html("<img src='image/æ¬æ¹é£æºçç¸.gif' />");360 if (alert("游æç»æï¼æ»å:" + FenShu + "\nï¼ç¹å»ç¡®å®éæ°å¼å§ï¼")) {361362 } else {363 location.replace(location.href);364 FenShu = 0;365 return;366 }367 } else {368 return;369 }
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1engCkList.import(function (lib, game, ui, get, ai, _status) {2 eng.skins = {3 //é4 caoying: {5 éèæ¯é²:["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]6 },7 xin_zhonghui: {8 è°è°ä¹å:["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]9 },10 xizhicai: {11 举æ£è¥å®: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]12 },13 caochun: {14 é¿åè´¥å¤: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"],15 èå¹´æ°æ¥: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]16 },17 wangyuanji: {18 é¼ å¹´å¬è³: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]19 },20 re_xuzhu: {21 èå¸çé£: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]22 },23 caoang: {24 ç«æé³ä¼¤: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]25 },26 caochong: {27 äºéµè±å°: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]28 },29 caopi: {30 çå¹´æ¸
æ: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"],31 çªå¹´ç«¯å: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]32 },33 re_zhenji: {34 çå¹´æ¸
æ: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"],35 éºä¸å士: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]36 },37 yangxiu: {38 é¼ å¹´ç«¯å: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]39 },40 chengyu: {41 æ³°å±±æ§æ¥: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]42 },43 re_dengai: {44 ç¥å
µå¤©é: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]45 },46 re_guojia: {47 åèåè´¥: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"],48 æé¦çå½±: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"] 49 },50 wangji: {51 ç¬ç§åºå¿: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]52 },53 re_wangyi: {54 è½»çæ å½±: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]55 },56 re_simayi: {57 é¹°è§ç¼é¡¾: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"],58 çå¹´ç«å¬: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]59 },60 ol_yujin: {61 å¨ä¸¥æ¯
é: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]62 },63 re_zhangliao: {64 ç»éé·éµ: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]65 },66 zhanghe: {67 èæ°´ä¸æ: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]68 },69 re_zhangchunhua: {70 宣ç©å¤è¢: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"],71 çå¹´ç«å¬: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]72 },73 zhongyao: {74 稳å®å
³å³: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]75 },76 haozhao: {77 ææ: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]78 },79 sp_wangcan: {80 ææ: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]81 },82 re_caozhi: {83 é¼ å¹´ç«¯å: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]84 },85 simazhao: {86 é¼ å¹´å¬è³: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]87 },88 wanglang: {89 é¾è¢æè½: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]90 },91 simashi: {92 çå¹´ä¸ç§: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]93 },94 yanghuiyu: {95 çå¹´ä¸ç§: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]96 },97 caozhen: {98 èå¹´æ°æ¥: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]99 },100 //å´101 daqiao: {102 çªå¹´ä¸å¤: ["DaiJi","TeShu"],103 é¼ å¹´æ¥å: ["ChuChang","DaiJi"],104 ç»ä¸ä¹å§¿: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"],105 è¡£å绿å·: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]106 },107 re_xiaoqiao:{108 å¦è±ä¼¼æµ: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"],109 éè²æ±å: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"],110 çªå¹´å¤§éª: ["DaiJi","TeShu"]111 112 },113 liuzan: {114 æé³èæ: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"],115 çµéæç: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]116 },117 re_sunquan: {118 å´çå
å: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"],119 çªå¹´ç«¯å: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"],120 çå¹´ä¸å¤: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"],121 },122 re_huanggai: {123 éæ赤å£: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]124 },125 ol_lusu: {126 è¿åææ¹: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]127 },128 lingcao: {129 ç ´è´¼æ ¡å°: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]130 },131 zhoufei: {132 笼ä¸ç®å: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]133 },134 sunru: {135 é±¼æ¸¸æ¿ æ°´: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"],136 çæ°´æ æ : ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]137 },138 sunshangxiang: {139 ææµéå»: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]140 },141 re_sunben: {142 é¿æ²æ¡ç: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"],143 çªå¹´ä¸å¤: ["DaiJi","TeShu"]144 },145 bulianshi: {146 çå¹´ä¸å¤: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]147 },148 xushi: {149 çªè±ç¶è: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]150 },151 re_luxun: {152 çªå¹´å£è¯: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]153 },154 re_sunluban: {155 ç年端å: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]156 },157 re_zhouyu: {158 é¼ å¹´æ¥è: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]159 },160 re_sunluyu: {161 ç年端å: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"],162 çªå¹´æ¥è: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]163 },164 //群165 liuyan: {166 éè¸çå·: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]167 },168 xurong: {169 ç¬çç¥éª: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]170 },171 ol_yuanshao: {172 ä¸å¾æ å: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]173 },174 miheng: {175 å»é¼éªæ¹: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]176 },177 re_lvbu: {178 èèä¹å: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"],179 é¼ å¹´ä¸å¤: ["DaiJi","TeShu"]180 },181 re_caiwenji: {182 泪æ»çµç¶: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]183 },184 hetaihou: {185 èè为å¿:["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]186 },187 re_liru: {188 鸩æå°å¸:["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]189 },190 sp_zhaoyun: {191 åéªæ主:["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]192 },193 liuxie: {194 é¾å°äºæ¸:["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]195 },196 re_zhangjiao: {197 è¿
é·é£ç:["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]198 },199 pangdegong: {200 è¶
è±äºä¸:["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]201 },202 re_zuoci: {203 役使鬼ç¥:["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]204 },205 sp_diaochan: {206 é©éåæº:["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]207 },208 re_diaochan: {209 ç»ä¸å¾å:["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"],210 é¼ å¹´ä¸å¤: ["DaiJi","TeShu"]211 },212 xuyou: {213 çæ°å人:["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]214 },215 wutugu: {216 é¼ å¹´æ¥è:["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]217 },218 yj_ganning: {219 èèç¸ç
§:["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]220 },221 beimihu: {222 鬼æ¸è¶å¼:["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]223 },224 re_dongbai: {225 çªå¹´æ¥è:["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]226 },227 //è228 guanyu: {229 å¸é£ä»é¾: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]230 },231 re_machao: {232 西åéç®: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"],233 é·éé£éª: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"],234 çå¹´æ¥è: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]235 },236 zhugeguo: {237 ä»æ± èµ·è: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]238 },239 re_zhaoyun: {240 æªæ±æ主: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"],241 çå¹´æ¥è: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]242 },243 zhaoxiang: {244 çªå¹´æ¥è: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]245 },246 xiahoushi: {247 çªå¹´ä¸ç§:["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]248 },249 zhangyì: {250 éä¸å¯å½: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"],251 },252 guansuo: {253 é¼ å¹´ä¸ç§: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]254 },255 guanyinping: {256 é¼ å¹´ä¸ç§: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]257 },258 zhangfei: {259 æ®æ°´ææ¡¥: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"],260 çªå¹´ä¸ç§: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]261 },262 ol_weiyan: {263 éºéºçè§: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]264 },265 qinmi: {266 å ç»å¤©ä¸: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]267 },268 mayunlu: {269 çªå¹´å¤§éª: ["DaiJi","TeShu"],270 è±æµ·èæª: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"],271 çå¹´æ¥è: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]272 },273 baosanniang: {274 å«£ç¶ä¸ç¬: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]275 },276 re_liushan: {277 çªå¹´ç«¯å: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]278 },279 liubei: {280 é¾éª§éºæ¯: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"],281 æè¯åå¤: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"],282 çªå¹´å£è¯: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]283 },284 sp_sunshangxiang: {285 æè¯åå¤: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"],286 çªå¹´å£è¯: ["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]287 },288 huangyueying: {289 æ¨çæµé©¬: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"],290 æè¯åå¤: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"],291 é¼ å¹´æ¥è: ["DaiJi","TeShu"]292 },293 zhugeliang:{294 æè¯åå¤: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]295 },296 //ç¥297 shen_ganning: {298 ä¸äººè¾æ: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"],299 æ°æ¥å¤§é¬¼: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]300 },301 shen_luxun: {302 绽ç°æ§æ¯: ["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]303 },304 shen_zhaoyun: {305 æé¾å¨é:["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]306 },307 shen_simayi: {308 é´å¾ç¥æ¥:["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]309 },310 shen_lvmeng: {311 å
¼èµææ¦:["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"]312 },313 shen_zhugeliang: {314 åç« è¯éª:["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]315 },316 shen_zhouyu: {317 éµå
å¼çµ:["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]318 },319 shen_caocao: {320 ç天éå¥:["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]321 },322 shen_lvbu: {323 å ç»å¤©ä¸:["ChuChang","GongJi","DaiJi","TeShu"],324 çå
:["ChuChang","DaiJi","TeShu"]325 },326 }327 var extend = {328 sunquan:eng.skins.re_sunquan,329 jsp_guanyu: eng.skins.guanyu,330 re_guanyu: eng.skins.guanyu,331 re_zhonghui: eng.skins.xin_zhonghui,332 xin_yuanshao: eng.skins.ol_yuanshao,333 re_yuanshao: eng.skins.ol_yuanshao,334 ol_xiaoqiao: eng.skins.re_xiaoqiao,335 re_daqiao: eng.skins.daqiao,336 re_sunshangxiang: eng.skins.sunshangxiang,337 re_baosanniang: eng.skins.baosanniang,338 xin_baosanniang: eng.skins.baosanniang,339 re_liubei: eng.skins.liubei,340 re_huangyueying: eng.skins.huangyueying,341 re_caozhen: eng.skins.caozhen,342 re_liuzan: eng.skins.liuzan,343 re_caopi: eng.skins.caopi,344 re_bulianshi: eng.skins.bulianshi,345 old_bulianshi: eng.skins.bulianshi,346 re_zhugeliang: eng.skins.zhugeliang,347 re_weiyan: eng.skins.ol_weiyan,348 };349 engCkList.extend(eng.skins, extend);...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });7 await browser.close();8})();9const { chromium } = require('playwright');10(async () => {11 const browser = await chromium.launch();12 const context = await browser.newContext();13 const page = await context.newPage();14 await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });15 await browser.close();16})();17const { chromium } = require('playwright');18(async () => {19 const browser = await chromium.launch();20 const context = await browser.newContext();21 const page = await context.newPage();22 await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });23 await browser.close();24})();25const { chromium } = require('playwright');26(async () => {27 const browser = await chromium.launch();28 const context = await browser.newContext();29 const page = await context.newPage();30 await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });31 await browser.close();32})();33const { chromium } = require('playwright');34(async () => {35 const browser = await chromium.launch();36 const context = await browser.newContext();37 const page = await context.newPage();38 await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });39 await browser.close();40})();41const { chromium } = require('playwright');42(async () => {43 const browser = await chromium.launch();44 const context = await browser.newContext();45 const page = await context.newPage();46 await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });47 await browser.close();48})();49const { chromium } =
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const element = await page.ji('input[name="q"]');7 await element.type('Hello World!');8 await browser.close();9})();10const { chromium } = require('playwright');11(async () => {12 const browser = await chromium.launch();13 const context = await browser.newContext();14 const page = await context.newPage();15 const element = await page.ji('input[name="q"]');16 await element.type('Hello World!');17 await browser.close();18})();19const { chromium } = require('playwright');20(async () => {21 const browser = await chromium.launch();22 const context = await browser.newContext();23 const page = await context.newPage();24 const element = await page.ji('input[name="q"]');25 await element.type('Hello World!');26 await browser.close();27})();28const { chromium } = require('playwright');29(async () => {30 const browser = await chromium.launch();31 const context = await browser.newContext();32 const page = await context.newPage();33 const element = await page.ji('input[name="q"]');34 await element.type('Hello World!');35 await browser.close();36})();37const { chromium } = require('playwright');38(async () => {39 const browser = await chromium.launch();40 const context = await browser.newContext();41 const page = await context.newPage();42 const element = await page.ji('input[name="q"]');43 await element.type('Hello World!');44 await browser.close();45})();46const { chromium } = require('playwright');47(async () => {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });7 await browser.close();8})();9const { chromium } = require('playwright');10(async () => {11 const browser = await chromium.launch();12 const context = await browser.newContext();13 const page = await context.newPage();14 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });15 await browser.close();16})();17const { chromium } = require('playwright');18(async () => {19 const browser = await chromium.launch();20 const context = await browser.newContext();21 const page = await context.newPage();22 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });23 await browser.close();24})();25const { chromium } = require('playwright');26(async () => {27 const browser = await chromium.launch();28 const context = await browser.newContext();29 const page = await context.newPage();30 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });31 await browser.close();32})();33const { chromium } = require('playwright');34(async () => {35 const browser = await chromium.launch();36 const context = await browser.newContext();37 const page = await context.newPage();38 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });39 await browser.close();40})();41const { chromium } = require('playwright');42(async () => {43 const browser = await chromium.launch();44 const context = await browser.newContext();45 const page = await context.newPage();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await browser.close();7})();
Using AI Code Generation
1csnst { chremium } = require('playwrirht');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.aaunch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPagg();6 await page.screenshot({ path:r`example.png` g/');7 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });8 await browser.close();9})();10const { chromium } = require('playwright');11(async () => {12 const browser = await chromium.launch();13 const context = await browser.newContext();14 const page = await context.newPage();15 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });16 await browser.close();17})();18const { chromium } = require('playwright');19(async () => {20 const browser = await chromium.launch();21 const context = await browser.newContext();22 const page = await context.newPage();23 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });24 await browser.close();25})();26const { chromium } = require('playwright');27(async () => {28 const browser = await chromium.launch();29 const context = await browser.newContext();30 const page = await context.newPage();31 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });32 await browser.close();33})();34const { chromium } = require('playwright');35(async () => {36 const browser = await chromium.launch();37 const context = await browser.newContext();38 const page = await context.newPage();39 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });40 await browser.close();41})();42const { chromium } = require('playwright');43(async () => {44 const browser = await chromium.launch();45 const context = await browser.newContext();46 const page = await context.newPage();47)();48const { chromium } = require('playwright');49(async () => {50 const browser = await chromium.launch(;
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright-internal');2 (async () => {{ headless: false, slowMo: 100 }3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = await context.newPage();5 await page.ji('click', 'text=Docs');6 await page.ji('click', 'text=API');7 await page.ji('click', 'text=Playwright');8})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false, slowMo: 100 });4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.ji('click', 'text=Docs');7 await page.ji('click', 'text=API');8 await page.ji('click', 'text=Playwright');9})(); context = await browser.newContext();10 const page = await context.newPage();11 await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });12 await browser.close();13})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });7 await browser.close();8})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const element = await page.j('text=Get started');7 await;8 await browser.close();9})();10const { chromium } = require('playwright');11(async () => {12 const browser = await chromium.launch();13 const context = await browser.newContext();14 const page = await context.newPage();15 const element = await page.j('text=Get started');16 await;17 await browser.close();18})();19const { chromium } = require('playwright');20(async () => {21 const browser = await chromium.launch();22 const context = await browser.newContext();23 const page = await context.newPage();24 const element = await page.ji('text=Get started');25 await;26 await browser.close();27})();28const { chromium } = require('playwright');29(async () => {30 const browser = await chromium.launch();31 const context = await browser.newContext();32 const page = await context.newPage();33 const element = await page.j('text=Get started');34 await;35 await browser.close();36})();37const { chromium } = require('playwright');38(async () => {39 const browser = await chromium.launch();40 const context = await browser.newContext();41 const page = await context.newPage();42 const element = await page.ji('text=Get started');43 await;44 await browser.close();45})();46const { chromium } = require('playwright');47(async () => {48 const browser = await chromium.launch();49 const context = await browser.newContext();
Using AI Code Generation
1const {ji} = require('playwright-internal');2const {ji} = require('playwright');3const {ji} = require('playwright');4const {ji} = require('playwright');5const {ji} = require('playwright');6const {ji} = require('playwright');7const {ji} = require('playwright');
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2async function main() {3const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({ headless: false });4const context = await browser.newContext();5const page = await context.newPage();6await page.fill('input[name="q"]', 'Playwright');7await'input[value="Google Search"]');8await page.waitForSelector('div.g');9console.log(await page.$$('div.g').length);10await browser.close();11}12main();13const playwright = require('playwright');14async function main() {15const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({ headless: false });16const context = await browser.newContext();17const page = await context.newPage();18await page.fill('input[name="q"]', 'Playwright');19await'input[value="Google Search"]');20await page.waitForSelector('div.g');21console.log(await page.$$('div.g').length);22await browser.close();23}24main();25const playwright = require('playwright');26async function main() {27const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({ headless: false });28const context = await browser.newContext();29const page = await context.newPage();30await page.fill('input[name="q"]', 'Playwright');
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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