Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...149// }150// APPLY SYLES, UPDATE MESSAGES WHEN LEVEL SELECTION IN MADE151const styleLevelSelection = () => {152 // LGE SIZE ONLY153 makeTextContent(displayLevel, (`${levelButtonIndex} [${minNum} - ${maxNum}]`));154 // XSMALL SIZE ONLY 155 makeTextContent(dispLevelPlayButton, (`${levelButtonIndex} [${minNum} - ${maxNum}]`));156 hideElement(userInput);157 hideElement(question);158 hideElement(message);159 elementStyleBlock(instruction);160 makeTextContent(instruction, "Click Play!");161}162// WHEN LEVEL SELECTION BUTTON IS CLICKED163const handleLevelSelection = function () {164 styleLevelButtons();165 addClassListToElement(this, "selected"); // STEP 2- ADD CLASS TO this ONLY !!! (OUTSIDE OF LOOP)166 setFocusPlay();167 levelButtonIndex = Number(this.innerHTML); // 1. RETREIVE INDEX FROM BUTTON'S TEXT (1-10)168 // 2. DEFINE MIN AND MAX NUMBER BASED ON SELECTED LEVEL (LEVEL 5 - MIN:41, MAX:50)169 maxNum = getMaxNum(levelButtonIndex);170 minNum = getMinNum(maxNum);171 styleLevelSelection();172}173// 3. GENERATE RANDOM NUMBER BETWEEN minNUM AND maxNUM BASED ON SELECTED LEVEL (11-20 ... 91-100 )174const randomNumBetween = (max, min) => {175 // ON LEVEL 1, DO NOT GENERATE NUMBER 1, RANGE IS 2-10176 if (max === 10) {177 min += 1;178 }179 return (Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min);180}181// DON'T GENERATE SAME NUMBER IF IT HAD COME UP IN THE LAST AT LEAST 5 TURNS 182const calcNumAndSolution = () => {183 num = randomNumBetween(maxNum, minNum);184 // !!! THIS CONSOLE.LOGS TWICE EVERY TIME NUM === 1 0R LAST 5 AND DOES NOT WORK FOR 1 FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME!!!185 for (let i = 0; i < lastNumbers.length; i++) {186 if (num === lastNumbers[i]) {187 // console.log("num === Last 5 numbers");188 calcNumAndSolution();189 }190 }191 randomSqStyle();192 solution = calcSquare(num);193}194const calcSquare = (num) => Math.pow(num, 2);195const randomSqStyle = () => {196 makeTextContent(questionSpan, num);197 showElement(question);198 hideElement(instruction);199}200// CALCULATE ACCURACY PERCENTAGE, ROUNDED TO 2 DECIMAL PLACES (66.67 = 66.6666666)201const calcAccuracy = () => {202 totalAttempts = rightA + wrongA;203 accuracy = ((rightA / totalAttempts) * 100).toFixed(2);204}205// STYLE RIGHT ANSWER206const rightAnswerStyle = () => {207 makePlaceholderText(userInput, solution);208 makeTextContent(message, "correct! click play!");209 setElementColor(message, " #0E7C4A");210 removeClassListFromElement(message, "blink");211}212// STYLE WRONG ANSWER213const wrongAnswerStyle = () => {214 $("#number-input").val("");215 makePlaceholderText(userInput, "Try again!");216 makeTextContent(message, "You're wrong, punk!");217 setElementColor(message, "#dd1534");218 addClassListToElement(message, "blink");219 showElement(problemNumbers);220 removeClassListFromElement(fractionTotal, "green");221 addClassListToElement(fractionTotal, "red");222}223// STYLE ACCURACY INDICATORS AND PROGBAR224const accuracyStyle = () => {225 makeTextContent(progBarTextSpan, accuracy + "%")226 if (accuracy <= 10) {227 makeTextContent(progBarTextSpan, "");228 }229 showElement(progBarText); // SHOW ACCURACY PERCENTAGE230 = accuracy + '%'; // SET BAR WIDTH / SHOW BAR231 showElement(progBar);232 makeTextContent(fractionTotal, rightA); // SET ACCURACY FRACTIONS233 makeTextContent(fractionRight, totalAttempts);234 showElement(displayFraction); // SHOW ACCURACY FRACTIONS PARAGRAPH235 hideElement(introText); // HIDE intro2236}237setFocusStart();238// =========================================================================================239// =========================================================================================240// addClassListToElement(resetButton, "disabled-in-play");241// LISTENERS242$(document).ready(function () {243 // console.log("document.ready");244 addClassListToElement(resetButton, "disabled");245 resetButton.disabled = true;246 // !!! TEMPORARY FIX FOR APPEARING SECOND DIV VHEN PAGE LOADS !!!247 $('#second-ordered-stat-container').hide();248 $("#player__toggle").click(function () {249 $("#player-container").fadeOut(500);250 $("#sq-table-img").delay(500).fadeIn(500);251 $("#table-img-header").delay(500).fadeIn(500);252 $("#player__toggle").addClass("hidden");253 $("#table__toggle").removeClass("hidden");254 // $("#first-ordered-stat-container").delay(1000).fadeIn(500);255 // $("#second-ordered-stat-container").delay(1500).fadeIn(500);256 // -------------------------- DIV 1 --------------------------257 // SORT REDUCEDSTATLIST BY NUMBER OF WRONG ATTEMPTS (BY KEY: SWAP a and b)258 // SORTABLE IS NESTED [], [[3,2],[17,1]...ETC]259 // reducedStatArr[] IS NOW GLOBAL !!!260 // THIS IS NOW WORKING WITH MULTIPLE PROB NUMBERS261 let isInRedStatArr = false;262 for (let key in reducedStatObj) {263 let current = [key, reducedStatObj[key]];264 // IF DIV IS EMPTY, PUSH ELEMENT INTO IT265 if (reducedStatArr.length === 0) {266 reducedStatArr.push(current);267 } else {268 // OTHERWISE, CHECK IF ELEMENT IS ALREADY IN ARRAY AND ONLY PUSH IF IT IS NOT TO AVOID DUPLICATES269 for (let i = 0; i < reducedStatArr.length; i++) {270 if (reducedStatArr[i][0] === key) {271 isInRedStatArr = true;272 }273 }274 if (!isInRedStatArr) {275 reducedStatArr.push(current);276 }277 isInRedStatArr = false;278 279 }280 }281 // ASCENDING ORDER BY VALUE OF value (NUMBER OF WRONG ATTEMPTS)282 reducedStatArr.sort(function (a, b) {283 return b[1] - a[1];284 });285 if (reducedStatArr.length < 1) {286 removeChildElements(firstOrderedStatContainer);287 removeChildElements(secondOrderedStatContainer);288 // console.log("empty div");289 const emptyDivMessage = document.createElement("p");290 makeTextContent(emptyDivMessage, "no stats available");291 secondOrderedStatContainer.appendChild(emptyDivMessage);292 } else {293 // console.log("stats to display");294 }295 // CLEAR CONTENT OF FIRST ordered-stat-container296 removeChildElements(firstOrderedStatContainer);297 // removeChildElements(secondOrderedStatContainer);298 for (let i = 0; i < reducedStatArr.length; i++) {299 // !!!!! ONLY DISPLAY FIRST 10 SPANS IN STATS DIV, THIS FILLS UP DIV'S LENGTH !!!!!300 if (i === 10) { break; }301 removeChildElements(secondOrderedStatContainer);302 const statCounterSpan = document.createElement("span");303 // statCounterSpan.textContent = `Number: ${reducedStatArr[i][0]} / count: ${reducedStatArr[i][1]}`;304 makeTextContent(statCounterSpan, `${reducedStatArr[i][0]} (${reducedStatArr[i][1]})`)305 firstOrderedStatContainer.appendChild(statCounterSpan);306 const secondStatAccuracySpan = document.createElement("span");307 makeTextContent(secondStatAccuracySpan, `Accuracy: ${rightA} / ${totalAttempts}`)308 secondOrderedStatContainer.appendChild(secondStatAccuracySpan);309 const secondStatProbNumsSpan = document.createElement("span");310 makeTextContent(secondStatProbNumsSpan, `Problem Numbers: ${Object.keys(reducedProbNumbers)}`)311 secondOrderedStatContainer.appendChild(secondStatProbNumsSpan);312 }313 if (reducedStatArr.length > 0) {314 $("#first-ordered-stat-container").delay(1000).fadeIn(500);315 $("#second-ordered-stat-container").delay(1500).fadeIn(500);316 } else {317 $("#second-ordered-stat-container").delay(1000).fadeIn(500);318 }319 });320 // ADD EVENTLISTENER TO LEVELBUTTONS321 const addEvtListenerToElements = (arr, func) => {322 for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {323 arr[i].addEventListener("click", func)324 }325 }326 addEvtListenerToElements(levelButtons, handleLevelSelection);327 const clearStatsText = (...args) => {328 for (let arg of args) {329 arg.innerHTML = "";330 }331 }332 // PLAYER/TABLE TOGGLE333 $("#table__toggle").click(function () {334 $("#sq-table-img").delay(1000).fadeOut(500);335 $("#table-img-header").delay(1000).fadeOut(500);336 $("#player-container").delay(1500).fadeIn(500);337 $("#table__toggle").addClass("hidden");338 $("#player__toggle").removeClass("hidden");339 setFocusInput();340 $("#first-ordered-stat-container").delay(500).fadeOut(500);341 $("#second-ordered-stat-container").fadeOut(500);342 // OLD DIV NOT IN USE343 // $("#ordered-stat").fadeOut(300);344 // STEP 2 = CLEAR CONTENT OF DIV345 // setTimeout(function () {346 // clearStatsText(orderedStatContainer, orderedStat);347 // }, 650);348 });349});350// window.onload=function(){351// document.getElementById('play-button').onclick = function() {352// document.getElementById('number-input').focus();353// };354// }355// ADD LISTENER TO START BUTTON356$("#start-button").on("click", function () {357 // console.log("start clicked");358 // ANIMATE PLAYER SIZE IN LARGE SIZE359 if ($(window).width() > 600) {360 $("#player-container").animate({361 height: "350px",362 // opacity: 0.5,363 }, 1000);364 }365 // LEVELBUTTONS FADEIN ONE BY ONE - TRY WITH LOOP MAYBE??366 $("#lev1").delay(100).fadeIn(1000);367 $("#lev2").delay(200).fadeIn(1000);368 $("#lev3").delay(300).fadeIn(1000);369 $("#lev4").delay(400).fadeIn(1000);370 $("#lev5").delay(500).fadeIn(1000);371 $("#lev6").delay(600).fadeIn(1000);372 $("#lev7").delay(700).fadeIn(1000);373 $("#lev8").delay(800).fadeIn(1000);374 $("#lev9").delay(900).fadeIn(1000);375 $("#lev10").delay(1000).fadeIn(1000);376 $("#instruction").delay(100).fadeIn(2000);377 $("#buttons-row").delay(100).fadeIn(1000);378 removeClassListFromElement(buttonsRow, "hidden");379 showElement(buttonsRow);380 makeTextContent(instruction, "Set level of difficulty");381 startButton.disabled = true;382 addClassListToElement(startButton, "disabled");383})384$(".level-buttons").on("click", function () {385 hideElement(startButton);386 showElement(playButton);387 // $("#level-message").delay(100).fadeIn(1000);388 showElement(mainDispLevel);389 // console.log(levelButtonIndex, minNum, maxNum);390 // makeTextContent(dispLevelPlayButton, (levelButtonIndex + " (" + minNum + "-" + maxNum + ")"));391 // console.log($(window).width());392 // ANIMATE PLAYER SIZE IN LARGE SIZE393 if ($(window).width() > 600) {394 if ($('#player-container').height() > 620) {395 $("#player-container").animate({396 height: "480px",397 }, 1000);398 } else if ($('#player-container').height() > 350 && $('#player-container').height() < 620) {399 $("#player-container").animate({400 height: "480px",401 }, 1000);402 } else {403 $("#player-container").animate({404 height: "450px",405 }, 1000);406 }407 }408})409// ADD LISTENER TO PLAY BUTTON 410// KEYUP INSTEAD OF CLICK : PLAY BUTTON NOW WORKS AT FIRST CLICK BUT RIGHTANSWERMESSAGE ONLY SHOWS WHILE KEY IS PRESSED 411// DELAY STYLE FUNCTIONS ???412$("#play-button").on("click", function () {413 // console.log("play clicked ");414 isSubmitDisabled = false;415 // ANIMATE PLAYER SIZE IN LARGE SIZE416 if ($(window).width() > 600) {417 if ($('#player-container').height() < 450) {418 $("#player-container").animate({419 height: "620px",420 }, 1000);421 } else {422 $("#player-container").animate({423 height: "680px",424 }, 1000);425 }426 }427 setFocusInput();428 calcNumAndSolution(); // CALL randomSq()429 // PLACE MOUSE CURSOR TO INPUT FIELD (STACK OVERFLOW)430 // setFocusInput();431 showElement(question);432 $("#number-input").val(""); // CLEAR PLACEHOLDER IN TEXTBOX 433 // message.classList.remove("hidden");434 showElement(message);435 // !!! ANIMATE THIS !!!S436 = "1";437 makePlaceholderText(userInput, "Enter to submit"); // CLEAR MESSAGE FROM PREV GAME438 makeTextContent(message, "Now, think!");439 setElementColor(message, "yellow");440 showElement(userInput);441 elementDisplayNone(instruction);442 lastNumbers.unshift(num); // ADD LAST NUM TO FRONT OF ARRAY 443 // DO NOT GENERATE SAME NUMBER TWICE FOR 5 TURNS, KEEP ARRAY LENGTH AT 5 (REMOVE 6th (LAST)444 if (lastNumbers.length >= 5) {445 lastNumbers.pop();446 }447 // !!! OR MUCH SIMPLER, SET LENGTH TO REMOVE ELEMENTS FROM END !!! NOT TESTED !!!448 // lastNumbers.length = 5;449 // DISABLE PLAY/LEVEL BUTTONS UNTIL RIGHT ANSWER IS SUBMITTED450 disabledInPlay.forEach((button) => {451 button.disabled = true;452 addClassListToElement(button, "disabled");453 })454})455// RESET BUTTON456const resetCounters = () => {457 rightA = 0;458 wrongA = 0;459 // totalAttempts = 0;460 accuracy = 0;461 // PLAYER462 makeTextContent(fractionTotal, 0);463 makeTextContent(fractionRight, 0);464 makeTextContent(problemNumbersSpan, "");465 = accuracy + '%';466 makeTextContent(progBarTextSpan, "");467 makeTextContent(message, "play again!");468 // !!! ANIMATE THIS !!!469 = "0";470 // INPUT471 $("#number-input").val("");472 makePlaceholderText(userInput, "");473 // STATS VIEW474 probNumbers.splice(0, probNumbers.length);475 Object.keys(reducedStatObj).forEach(key => delete reducedStatObj[key]);476 // console.log("1:", reducedStatArr);477 reducedStatArr.splice(0, reducedStatArr.length);478 // console.log("2:", reducedStatArr);479 // console.log(firstOrderedStatContainer.children);480 removeChildElements(firstOrderedStatContainer);481 lastNumbers = [];482 // probNumbers = [];483 reducedProbNumbers = {};484 finalProbNumbers = [];485 statArr = [];486 reducedStatObj = {};487 // reducedStatArr = [];488}489$("#reset-button").on("click", function () {490 // console.log("reset clicked");491 resetCounters();492})493// GET USER INPUT494// THIS USED TO BE KEYPRESS() BUT NOW IT WORKS BETTER495$("input[type='number']").keyup(function (event) {496 if (event.which === 13 && !isSubmitDisabled) { // ENTER KEY497 // console.log(" enter");498 // ANIMATE PLAYER SIZE IN LARGE SIZE499 if ($(window).width() > 600) {500 $("#player-container").animate({501 height: "680px",502 }, 1000);503 }504 let answer = Number($(this).val()); // SAVE ANSWER505 // IF WRONG ANSWER506 if (answer !== solution) {507 // ??? CLEAR INPUT FIELD AGAIN ???508 isCorrect = false;509 wrongAnswerStyle();510 probNumbers = addToStartOfArr(num, probNumbers); // 1. ADD NUM TO BEGINNING OF PROBNUMBERS511 // console.log("PROBNUMBERS: " + probNumbers);512 // NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN513 // LIMIT LENGTH AT 12 ?514 // if (probNumbers.length > 12) {515 // probNumbers.pop();516 // }517 // NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN518 // 2. REDUCE ARRAY AND RETURN NUMBER/COUNT OBJECTS519 reducedProbNumbers = reduceArr(probNumbers);520 // GET PROPERTY NAMES - The Object.keys() method returns an array of a given object's own property names.521 for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(reducedProbNumbers)) {522 // console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);523 finalProbNumbers.unshift(`${key}: ${value}`);524 // console.log("final probnumbers: " + finalProbNumbers);525 }526 makeTextContent(problemNumbersSpan, Object.keys(reducedProbNumbers));527 // console.log("REDUCED PROBNUMS: " + Object.keys(reducedProbNumbers));528 statArr.unshift(num); // ADD NUM IN FRONT OF STATLIST529 // console.log("STATLIST: " + statArr);530 reducedStatObj = reduceArr(statArr); // REDUCE ARRAY AND RETURN NUMBER/COUNT OBJECTS531 }532 // IF RIGHT ANSWER 533 else {534 isSubmitDisabled = true;535 rightAnswerStyle();536 setFocusPlay();537 isCorrect = true;538 // console.log("PROBNUMBERS: " + probNumbers);539 // IF ANSWER WAS WRONG PREVIOUSLY (EVEN MULTIPLE TIMES OR IN A ROW) DELETE FROM PROBNUMS 540 // NOT WORKING IF NUM==PROBNUMS[0]541 // IF i IS SET TO 0 THEN IT WONT LIST NUMBERS, ONLY THE CURRENT WRONG ANSWER IS DISPLAYED UNTIL RIGHT ANSWER542 // MAKE i A VARIABLE (0 OR 1) DEPENDING ON WHETHER NUM IS ALREADY LISTED ???543 for (let i = 1; i < probNumbers.length; i++) {544 if (probNumbers[i] === num) {545 probNumbers.splice(i, 1);546 i--;547 }548 }549 // console.log("SPLICE: " + probNumbers);550 // REDUCE ARRAY AND RETURN NUMBER/COUNT OBJECTSs, THEN DISPLAY KEYS AS PROBLEM NUMBERS 551 reducedProbNumbers = reduceArr(probNumbers);552 makeTextContent(problemNumbersSpan, Object.keys(reducedProbNumbers));553 // ENABLE PLAY/LEVEL BUTTONS UNTIL RIGHT ANSWER IS SUBMITTED554 disabledInPlay.forEach((button) => {555 button.disabled = false;556 removeClassListFromElement(button, "disabled");557 })558 }559 if (isCorrect) {560 rightA++;561 } else {562 wrongA++;563 }564 calcAccuracy();565 accuracyStyle();566 }...
...4});5exports.updateContentUrl = exports.makeContent = undefined;6var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; // MARK Maybe we could use XML or YAML to define all the content templates later7var _message = require('../interface/message.js');8var makeTextContent = function makeTextContent(payload) {9 try {10 var msgtype = payload.msgtype,11 text = payload.text;12 return {13 msgtype: msgtype,14 body: text15 };16 } catch (error) {17 console.error(error);18 return undefined;19 }20};21var makeImageContent = function makeImageContent(payload) {22 try {23 var msgtype = payload.msgtype,24 name =,25 url = payload.url,26 mimetype = payload.mimetype,27 width = payload.width,28 height = payload.height,29 size = payload.size;30 return {31 msgtype: msgtype,32 body: name,33 url: url,34 info: {35 mimetype: mimetype,36 w: width,37 h: height,38 size: size,39 thumbnail_url: url,40 thumbnail_info: {41 mimetype: mimetype,42 w: width,43 h: height,44 size: size45 }46 }47 };48 } catch (error) {49 console.error(error);50 return undefined;51 }52};53var makeFileContent = function makeFileContent(payload) {54 try {55 var msgtype = payload.msgtype,56 name =,57 data =,58 mimetype = payload.mimetype,59 size = payload.size;60 return {61 msgtype: msgtype,62 body: name,63 url: data.netdiskID,64 info: {65 mimetype: mimetype,66 size: size67 }68 };69 } catch (error) {70 console.error(error);71 return undefined;72 }73};74var makeLocationContent = function makeLocationContent(payload) {75 try {76 var msgtype = payload.msgtype,77 name =,78 address = payload.address,79 latitude = payload.latitude,80 longitude = payload.longitude;81 return {82 msgtype: msgtype,83 body: '[ä½ç½®ä¿¡æ¯]',84 info: {85 name: name,86 address: address,87 latitude: latitude,88 longitude: longitude89 }90 };91 } catch (error) {92 console.error(error);93 return undefined;94 }95};96var makeConvoReplyContent = function makeConvoReplyContent(payload) {97 try {98 var msgtype = payload.msgtype,99 reply = payload.reply,100 originContent = payload.originContent;101 if (reply.params.action === 'sendConvReply') {102 return {103 body: reply.title,104 msgtype: msgtype,105 version: '1.0',106 msgid: originContent.msgid,107 hide: reply.params.hide || false,108 reply: {109 action: reply.params.action,110 type: reply.type,111 body: reply.title,112 cargo: {}113 }114 };115 }116 if (reply.params.action === 'reply') {117 return {118 body: reply.title,119 msgtype: msgtype,120 version: '1.0',121 msgid: originContent.msgid,122 hide: reply.params.hide || false,123 reply: {124 type: 'ui',125 cargo: _extends({}, reply.params, {126 text: originContent.layout.params.text127 })128 }129 };130 }131 throw new Error('Unexpected convo reply action');132 } catch (error) {133 console.error(error);134 return undefined;135 }136};137var makeContent = function makeContent(payload) {138 if (payload.content) {139 // concatenate content and extend if content is offered140 return _extends({}, payload.content, payload.extend || {});141 }142 try {143 var msgtype = payload.msgtype,144 _payload$extend = payload.extend,145 extend = _payload$extend === undefined ? {} : _payload$extend;146 var content = void 0;147 switch (msgtype) {148 // Basic msgtype149 case _message.MessageType.Text:150 content = makeTextContent(payload);151 break;152 case _message.MessageType.Alert:153 // TODO154 break;155 case _message.MessageType.Url:156 // TODO157 break;158 case _message.MessageType.Location:159 content = makeLocationContent(payload);160 break;161 case _message.MessageType.Signal:162 // TODO163 break;164 case _message.MessageType.Notice:...
...49 })50 .then(function (item) {51 if ( && item.type && item._id) {52 let deviceHolder = document.querySelector("#device-info")53 deviceHolder.textContent = makeTextContent(item)54 } else {55 let deviceHolder = document.querySelector("#device-info")56 deviceHolder.textContent = "Thats a bad id."57 }58 })59 fetch("http://localhost:8000/data-by-device?id=" + document.querySelector("#find_with_id").value)60 .then(function (r) {61 return r.json()62 })63 .then(function (item) {64 console.log(item)65 if(item[0].value) {66 let deviceHolder = document.querySelector("#device-info")67 deviceHolder.textContent += " Value: " + item[0].value68 }69 })70})71function makeTextContent(item) {72 type = item.type.replace(/\w\S*/g, function (word) {73 return word.charAt(0) + word.slice(1).toLowerCase();74 });75 return `Name: ${} Type: ${type} ID: ${item._id}`76}77const saveForm = document.querySelector("#save-data")78saveForm.addEventListener("submit", function (e) {79 e.preventDefault()80 const deviceId = document.querySelector("#device-id-save").value81 const value = document.querySelector("#device-value").value82 const requestData = {83 deviceId: deviceId,84 value: value85 }...
...38 url: firstImg.url,39 },40 };41}42export function makeTextContent(text) {43 return {44 blocks: [45 {46 data: {},47 depth: 0,48 entityRanges: [],49 inlineStyleRanges: [],50 key: 'blok2',51 text,52 type: 'unstyled',53 },54 ],55 entityMap: {},56 };57}58export function combine(body, title, subtitle) {59 if (!body) {60 // generate a empty body61 body = makeTextContent('');62 }63 const h1 = title && {64 data: {},65 depth: 0,66 entityRanges: [],67 inlineStyleRanges: [],68 key: 'blok0',69 text: title,70 type: 'header-one',71 };72 const h3 = subtitle && {73 data: {},74 depth: 0,75 entityRanges: [],...
1const Alexa = require('alexa-sdk')2var AWS = require('aws-sdk')3var makeTextContent = Alexa.utils.TextUtils.makeTextContent4var makePlainText = Alexa.utils.TextUtils.makePlainText5var makeRichText = Alexa.utils.TextUtils.makeRichText6var makeImage = Alexa.utils.ImageUtils.makeImage7require('dotenv').config()8module.exports = {9 body_template1: (details) => {10 const bodyTemplate1 = new Alexa.templateBuilders.BodyTemplate1Builder()11 var template = bodyTemplate1.setTitle(details.title)12 .setBackgroundImage(makeImage(details.image_url))13 .setTextContent(makePlainText(details.description_speech_text), makeRichText("<action value='talkMore'>press here to listen more</action>"))14 return },16 body_template2: (details) => {17 const bodyTemplate2 = new Alexa.templateBuilders.BodyTemplate2Builder()18 var template = bodyTemplate2.setTitle(details.title)19 .setTextContent(makePlainText(details.description_speech_text), makeRichText("<action value='talkMore'>press here to listen more</action>"))20 .setImage(makeImage(details.image_url))21 return },23 body_template3: (details) => {24 const bodyTemplate3 = new Alexa.templateBuilders.BodyTemplate3Builder()25 var template = bodyTemplate3.setTitle(details.title)26 .setTextContent(makePlainText(details.description_speech_text), makeRichText("<action value='talkMore'>press here to listen more</action>"))27 .setImage(makeImage(details.image_url))28 return },30 body_template6: (details) => {31 const bodyTemplate6 = new Alexa.templateBuilders.BodyTemplate6Builder()32 var template = bodyTemplate6.setTitle(details.title)33 .setTextContent(makePlainText(details.description_speech_text), makeRichText("<action value='talkMore'>press here to listen more</action>"))34 .setImage(makeImage(details.image_url))35 return },37 body_template7: (details) => {38 const bodyTemplate7 = new Alexa.templateBuilders.BodyTemplate7Builder()39 var template = bodyTemplate7.setTitle(details.title)40 /* .setTextContent(makePlainText(makeRichText("<action value='talkMore'>press here to listen more</action>"))) */41 .setImage(makeImage(details.image_url))42 return },44 template2: () => {45 var imgAddress = process.env.LOGO46 const bodyTemplate2 = new Alexa.templateBuilders.BodyTemplate2Builder()47 var template = bodyTemplate2.setTitle('cairea Reslens')48 .setTextContent(makePlainText('Welcome to Sierra Lens. Nice meeting you'))49 .setImage(makeImage(imgAddress))50 return },52 body_template7a: (details, show) => {53 const bodyTemplate7 = new Alexa.templateBuilders.BodyTemplate7Builder()54 var template = bodyTemplate7.setTitle(details.title)55 .setImage(makeImage(details.image_url))56 .setBackButtonBehavior('VISIBLE')57 return },59 body_template6a: (details, show) => {60 const bodyTemplate6 = new Alexa.templateBuilders.BodyTemplate6Builder()61 var template = bodyTemplate6.setTitle(details.title)62 .setImage(makeImage(details.image_url))63 .setBackButtonBehavior('VISIBLE')64 return },66 body_template3a: (details, show) => {67 const bodyTemplate3 = new Alexa.templateBuilders.BodyTemplate3Builder()68 var template = bodyTemplate3.setTitle(details.title)69 .setImage(makeImage(details.image_url))70 .setBackButtonBehavior('VISIBLE')71 return },73 body_template2a: (details, show) => {74 const bodyTemplate2 = new Alexa.templateBuilders.BodyTemplate2Builder()75 var template = bodyTemplate2.setTitle(details.title)76 .setImage(makeImage(details.image_url))77 .setBackButtonBehavior('VISIBLE')78 return },80 body_template1a: (details, show) => {81 const bodyTemplate1 = new Alexa.templateBuilders.BodyTemplate1Builder()82 var template = bodyTemplate1.setTitle(details.title)83 .setBackgroundImage(makeImage(details.image_url))84 .setBackButtonBehavior('VISIBLE')85 return }...
1var ReactComponentEnvironment = require('./ReactComponentEnvironment')2var ReactReconciler = require('./ReactReconciler')3var ReactChildReconciler = require('./ReactChildReconciler')4var flattenChildren = require('../../../../utils/flattenChildren')5function makeTextContent(textContent) {6 return {7 type: 'TEXT_CONTENT',8 content: textContent,9 fromIndex: null,10 formNode: null,11 toIndex: null,12 afterNode: null13 }14}15function processQueue(inst, updateQueue) {16 ReactComponentEnvironment.processChildrenUpdates(inst, updateQueue)17}18var ReactMultiChild = {19 Mixin: {20 _reconcilerInstantiateChildren: function(21 nestedChildren,22 transaction23 ) {24 return ReactChildReconciler.instantiateChildren(25 nestedChildren,26 transaction27 )28 },29 _reconcilerUpdateChildren: function(30 prevChildren,31 nextNestedChildrenElements,32 mountImages,33 removedNodes,34 transaction35 ) {36 var nextChildren37 var selfDegubID = 038 nextChildren = flattenChildren(nextNestedChildrenElements, selfDegubID)39 ReactChildReconciler.updateChildren(40 prevChildren,41 nextChildren,42 mountImages,43 removedNodes,44 transaction,45 this,46 this._hostContainerInfo,47 selfDegubID48 )49 return nextChildren50 },51 mountChildren: function(nestedChildren, transaction) {52 var children = this._reconcilerInstantiateChildren(53 nestedChildren,54 transaction55 )56 this._renderedChildren = children57 var mountImages = []58 var index = 059 for (var name in children) {60 if (children.hasOwnProperty(name)) {61 var child = children[name]62 var mountImage = ReactReconciler.mountComponent(63 child,64 transaction,65 this,66 this._hostContainerInfo,67 )68 child._mountIndex = index++69 mountImages.push(mountImage)70 }71 }72 return mountImages73 },74 updateTextContent: function(nextContent) {75 var prevChildren = this._renderedChildren76 ReactChildReconciler.umountChildren(prevChildren, false)77 78 var updates = [makeTextContent(nextContent)]79 processQueue(this, updates)80 },81 updateMarkup: function(nextMarkup) {82 var prevChildren = this._renderedChildren83 ReactChildReconciler.umountChildren(prevChildren, false)84 var updaets = [makeSetMarkup(nextMarkup)]85 processQueue(this, updates)86 },87 updateChildren: function(nextNestedChildrenElements, transaction) {88 this._updateChildren(nextNestedChildrenElements, transaction)89 },90 _updateChildren: function(91 nextNestedChildrenElements,92 transaction...
...7}) {8 return function makePost(postInfo) {9 const idResult = ? {value:} : makeId()10 if (idResult.isError) return idResult11 const textContentResult = makeTextContent(postInfo.textContent)12 if (textContentResult.isError) return textContentResult13 const createdOnResult = makeCreatedOn(postInfo.createdOn)14 if (createdOnResult.isError) return textContentResult15 const lastModifiedOnResult = makeLastModifiedOn(postInfo.lastModifiedOn)16 if (lastModifiedOnResult.isError) return lastModifiedOnResult17 const authorNameResult = makeAuthorName(postInfo.authorName)18 if (authorNameResult.isError) return authorNameResult19 return {20 isError: false,21 value: {22 id: idResult.value,23 textContent: textContentResult.value,24 lastModifiedOn: lastModifiedOnResult.value,25 createdOn: createdOnResult.value,...
1const buildMakeId = require('./helpers/id')2const makeTextContent = require('./helpers/text-content')3const makeCreatedOn = require('./helpers/created-on')4const makeLastModifiedOn = require('./helpers/last-modified-on')5const makeAuthorName = require('./helpers/author-name')6const buildMakePost = require('./post.js')7module.exports = function buildLastModifiedOn(crypto) {8 const makeId = buildMakeId(crypto)9 const makePost = buildMakePost({10 makeId,11 makeTextContent,12 makeCreatedOn,13 makeLastModifiedOn,14 makeAuthorName15 })16 return {17 makePost,18 helpers: {19 makeTextContent,20 makeCreatedOn,21 makeLastModifiedOn,22 makeAuthorName23 }24 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { makeTextContent } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frames');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await page.setContent(makeTextContent('Hello world!'));8 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });9 await browser.close();10})();11Related Posts: Playwright Test - How to use test.skip() method?12Playwright Test - How to use test.only() method?13Playwright Test - How to use test.describe() method?14Playwright Test - How to use test.fixme() method?15Playwright Test - How to use test.beforeAll() method?16Playwright Test - How to use test.afterAll() method?17Playwright Test - How to use test.beforeEach() method?18Playwright Test - How to use test.afterEach() method?19Playwright Test - How to use test.use() method?20Playwright Test - How to use test.extend() method?21Playwright Test - How to use test.expect() method?22Playwright Test - How to use method?23Playwright Test - How to use test.skip() method?24Playwright Test - How to use test.fixme() method?25Playwright Test - How to use test.describe() method?26Playwright Test - How to use test.beforeAll() method?27Playwright Test - How to use test.afterAll() method?28Playwright Test - How to use test.beforeEach() method?29Playwright Test - How to use test.afterEach() method?30Playwright Test - How to use test.use() method?31Playwright Test - How to use test.extend() method?32Playwright Test - How to use test.expect() method?33Playwright Test - How to use method?34Playwright Test - How to use test.skip() method?35Playwright Test - How to use test.fixme() method?36Playwright Test - How to use test.describe() method?37Playwright Test - How to use test.beforeAll() method?38Playwright Test - How to use test.afterAll() method?39Playwright Test - How to use test.beforeEach() method?40Playwright Test - How to use test.afterEach() method?
Using AI Code Generation
1const { makeTextContent } = require('playwright/lib/webkit/dom.js');2const { makeTextContent } = require('playwright/lib/webkit/dom.js');3const text = makeTextContent('Hello World');4console.log(text);5const { makeTextContent } = require('playwright/lib/webkit/dom.js');6const text = makeTextContent('Hello World');7console.log(text);8const { makeTextContent } = require('playwright/lib/webkit/dom.js');9const text = makeTextContent('Hello World');10console.log(text);11const { makeTextContent } = require('playwright/lib/webkit/dom.js');12const text = makeTextContent('Hello World');13console.log(text);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { makeTextContent } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');2const textContent = makeTextContent(document.body);3console.log(textContent);4const { makeTextContent } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');5const element = document.querySelector('div');6const textContent = makeTextContent(element);7console.log(textContent);8const { makeTextContent } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');9const element = document.querySelector('div');10const textContent = makeTextContent(element, true);11console.log(textContent);12const element = document.querySelector('div');13const textContent = element.innerText;14console.log(textContent);15const element = document.querySelector('div');16const textContent = element.textContent;17console.log(textContent);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { makeTextContent } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');2const textContent = makeTextContent('Hello World!');3console.log(textContent);4const { createJSHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames.js');5const { context } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser.js');6const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/server/page.js');7const { Frame } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames.js');8const { CDPSession } = require('playwright/lib/server/cjs/cjs.js');9const { JSHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/jsHandle.js');10const { ElementHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/elementHandler.js');11const { ExecutionContext } = require('playwright/lib/server/executionContext.js');12const context = new ExecutionContext(new Page(new Frame(new CDPSession(null, null), null), null), null, null);13const jsHandle = createJSHandle(context, 'Hello World!');14console.log(jsHandle);15const { createCDPSession } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser.js');16const { Browser } = require('playwright/lib/server/browser.js');17const { CRBrowser } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser.js');18const { CDPSession } = require('playwright/lib/server/cjs/cjs.js');19const browser = new Browser(new CRBrowser(null, null, null, null, null, null), null, null, null, null);20const session = createCDPSession(browser, 'Browser');21console.log(session);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { makeTextContent } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/textContent');2const textContent = makeTextContent('Hello World');3console.log(textContent);4const { makeTextContent } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/textContent');5const textContent = makeTextContent('Hello World');6console.log(textContent);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { makeTextContent } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frames');2const text = makeTextContent('Hello World');3console.log(text);4import { makeTextContent } from '@playwright/test/lib/server/frames';5const text = makeTextContent('Hello World');6console.log(text);7const { makeTextContent } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frames');8const text = makeTextContent('Hello World');9console.log(text);10import { makeTextContent } from '@playwright/test/lib/server/frames';11const text = makeTextContent('Hello World');12console.log(text);13const { makeTextContent } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frames');14const text = makeTextContent('Hello World');15console.log(text);16import { makeTextContent } from '@playwright/test/lib/server/frames';17const text = makeTextContent('Hello World');18console.log(text);19const { makeTextContent } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frames');20const text = makeTextContent('Hello World');21console.log(text);22import { makeTextContent } from '@playwright/test/lib/server/frames';23const text = makeTextContent('Hello World');24console.log(text);25const { makeTextContent } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frames');26const text = makeTextContent('Hello World');27console.log(text);28import { makeTextContent } from '@playwright/test/lib/server/frames';29const text = makeTextContent('Hello World');30console.log(text);31const { makeTextContent } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frames');32const text = makeTextContent('Hello World');33console.log(text);34import { makeTextContent } from
Using AI Code Generation
1const {makeTextContent} = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderUtils');2const text = makeTextContent('hello world');3console.log(text);4const {makeTextContent} = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderUtils');5const text = makeTextContent('hello world', { maxLength: 5 });6console.log(text);7const {makeTextContent} = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderUtils');8const text = makeTextContent('hello world', { maxLength: 5, quote: true });9console.log(text);10const {makeTextContent} = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderUtils');11const text = makeTextContent('hello world', { maxLength: 5, quote: true, ellipsis: false });12console.log(text);13const {makeTextContent} = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderUtils');14const text = makeTextContent('hello world', { maxLength: 5, quote: true, ellipsis: false, trim: true });15console.log(text);16const {makeTextContent} = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderUtils');17const text = makeTextContent('hello world', { maxLength: 5, quote: true, ellipsis: false, trim: true, singleQuotes: true });18console.log(text);19const {makeTextContent} = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderUtils');20const text = makeTextContent('hello world', { maxLength: 5, quote: true, ellipsis: false
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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