Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...33 if (!_.isUndefined(tour)) {34 tours.push(tour);35 }36 } else if(tourML.tourSet && tourML.tourSet.tourMLRef) { // TourSet w/ external tours37 var tourRefs = TapAPI.helper.objectToArray(tourML.tourSet.tourMLRef);38 len = tourRefs.length;39 // += len;// if this is a tourset give the tour collection a length40 for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {41 this.addTourToMap(tourRefs[i].uri, tourML.uri);42 //check modified date before requesting tourml from server43 tour ={tourUri:tourRefs[i].uri});44 if (tour.length > 0 && Date.parse(tourRefs[i].lastModified) <= Date.parse(tour[0].get('lastModified'))) {45 tours.push(tour[0]);46 } else {47 // also increment async counter48;49 TapAPI.helper.loadXMLDoc(tourRefs[i].uri);50 }51 }52 } else if(tourML.tourSet && tourML.tourSet.tour) { // TourSet w/ tours as children elements53 len = tourML.tourSet.tour.length;54 for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {55 tour = this.parseTour(tourML.tourSet.tour[i], tourML.uri);56 if (!_.isUndefined(tour)) {57 tours.push(tour);58 }59 }60 }61 // decrement async counter62;63 Backbone.trigger('tap.tourml.parsed', tours);64 },65 parseTourMLError : function (response) {66;67 Backbone.trigger('tap.tourml.parsed', []);68 },69 parseTour: function(data, tourUri) {70 this.trigger('willParseTour');71 var toursetUri = this.tourMap[tourUri];72 var tourOrder = _.indexOf(this.tourOrder, tourUri);73 // check to see if the tour has been updated74 var tour =;75 if (tour && Date.parse(data.lastModified) <= Date.parse(tour.get('lastModified'))) return tour;76 var stops = [],77 assets = [];78 //clean stop data for consistant formatting79 data.stop = TapAPI.helper.objectToArray(data.stop);80 //if no stops do not continue with this tour81 if (_.isUndefined(data.stop)) {82 return undefined;83 }84 // create new tour85 tour = new TapAPI.classes.models.TourModel({86 id:,87 toursetUri: toursetUri,88 tourUri: tourUri,89 tourOrder: tourOrder,90 appResource: data.tourMetadata && data.tourMetadata.appResource ? TapAPI.helper.objectToArray(data.tourMetadata.appResource) : undefined,91 connection: data.connection ? TapAPI.helper.objectToArray(data.connection) : undefined,92 description: data.tourMetadata && data.tourMetadata.description ? TapAPI.helper.objectToArray(data.tourMetadata.description) : undefined,93 lastModified: data.lastModified ? data.lastModified : undefined,94 propertySet: data.tourMetadata && data.tourMetadata.propertySet ? TapAPI.helper.objectToArray( : undefined,95 publishDate: data.tourMetadata && data.tourMetadata.publishDate ? TapAPI.helper.objectToArray(data.tourMetadata.publishDate) : undefined,96 rootStopRef: data.tourMetadata && data.tourMetadata.rootStopRef ? data.tourMetadata.rootStopRef : undefined,97 title: data.tourMetadata && data.tourMetadata.title ? TapAPI.helper.objectToArray(data.tourMetadata.title) : undefined98 });99;100 // create new instance of StopCollection101 var stopCollection = new TapAPI.classes.collections.StopCollection(null,;102 // create new instance of AssetCollection103 var assetCollection = new TapAPI.classes.collections.AssetCollection(null,;104 var i, j;105 // load tour models106 var connectionData = TapAPI.helper.objectToArray(data.connection);107 var numStops = data.stop.length;108 for (i = 0; i < numStops; i++) {109 this.trigger('willParseStop');110 var stop,111 outgoingConnections = [],112 incomingConnections = [];113 if(!_.isUndefined(data.connection)) {114 for(j = 0; j < connectionData.length; j++) {115 if(connectionData[j].srcId == data.stop[i].id) {116 outgoingConnections.push({priority: connectionData[j].priority, destId: connectionData[j].destId});117 }118 if (connectionData[j].destId == data.stop[i].id) {119 incomingConnections.push({srcId: connectionData[j].srcId});120 }121 }122 }123 stop = new TapAPI.classes.models.StopModel({124 id: data.stop[i].id,125 connection: outgoingConnections,126 incomingConnection: incomingConnections,127 view: data.stop[i].view,128 description: TapAPI.helper.objectToArray(data.stop[i].description),129 propertySet: data.stop[i].propertySet ? TapAPI.helper.objectToArray(data.stop[i] : undefined,130 assetRef: TapAPI.helper.objectToArray(data.stop[i].assetRef),131 title: TapAPI.helper.objectToArray(data.stop[i].title),132 tour: data.id133 });134 stopCollection.create(stop);135 stops.push(stop);136 this.trigger('didParseStop', stop, tour);137 }138 // load asset models139 data.asset = TapAPI.helper.objectToArray(data.asset);140 var numAssets = data.asset.length;141 for (i = 0; i < numAssets; i++) {142 this.trigger('willParseAsset');143 var asset;144 // modifiy source propertySet child to match similar elements145 if(data.asset[i].source) {146 data.asset[i].source = TapAPI.helper.objectToArray(data.asset[i].source);147 var numSources = data.asset[i].source.length;148 for (j = 0; j < numSources; j++) {149 if(data.asset[i].source[j].propertySet) {150 data.asset[i].source[j].propertySet = TapAPI.helper.objectToArray(data.asset[i].source[j];151 }152 }153 }154 if(data.asset[i].content) {155 data.asset[i].content = TapAPI.helper.objectToArray(data.asset[i].content);156 var numContent = data.asset[i].content.length;157 for (j = 0; j < numContent; j++) {158 if(data.asset[i].content[j].propertySet) {159 data.asset[i].content[j].propertySet = TapAPI.helper.objectToArray(data.asset[i].content[j];160 }161 }162 }163 asset = new TapAPI.classes.models.AssetModel({164 assetRights: TapAPI.helper.objectToArray(data.asset[i].assetRights),165 content: data.asset[i].content,166 id: data.asset[i].id,167 source: data.asset[i].source,168 propertySet: data.asset[i].propertySet ? TapAPI.helper.objectToArray(data.asset[i] : undefined,169 type: data.asset[i].type170 });171 assetCollection.create(asset);172 assets.push(asset);173 this.trigger('didParseAsset', asset, tour);174 }175 // clear out the temporary models176 stopCollection.reset();177 assetCollection.reset();178 // attempt to fetch existing models.179 stopCollection.fetch();180 assetCollection.fetch();181 // create/update new stops and assets182 stopCollection.set(stops);...
1compareFields = function (o1, o2, f1="k", f2="t") {2 return {$and:[ {$eq:[ o1+'.'+f1, o2+'.'+f1 ]}, {$eq:[ o1+'.'+f2, o2+'.'+f2 ]} ]};3}4mergeObjects = function ( o1, o2) {5 /* in order to have the second object "win" we need to remove the fields of o2 from o1 */6 return {$arrayToObject:{$let:{7 vars:{o2:{$objectToArray:o2} },8 in:{$concatArrays:[9 {$filter:{10 input:{$objectToArray:o1},11 cond:{$not:{$in:["$$this.k", "$$o2.k"]} }12 }},13 "$$o2"14 ]}}}}15}16addValueToObject = function (o, f, val) {17 var ad={$add:[ {$ifNull:[o+'.'+f,0]}, {$ifNull:[val,0]} ]};18 var newo = { };19 newo[f]=ad;20 return {$mergeObjects: [ o, newo ]};21}22ifObject = function(x,y,z) { return {"$cond":[{$eq:[{$type:x},"object"]},y,z]}};23ifArray=function(x,y,z) { return {"$cond":[{$eq:[{$type:x},"array"]},y,z]}};24isNull=function(x) { return {$eq:[{$ifNull:[x, null]},null]}; };25getktvs = function(input) {26 var m={"$map":{}};27 m["$map"]["input"]=input;28 m["$map"]["as"]="f";29 m["$map"]["in"]={k:"$$f.k",t:{$type:"$$f.v"}, v:"$$f.v"};30 return m;31};32/* given type, value, figure out type and return appropriate thing */33mapTV = function(t, v, i) {34 if (i>3) return {t:t, v:v};35 i=i+1;36 return {"t":t, "v":{"$switch":37 { "branches":[38 {"case":{$eq:[t,"objectId"]} , "then": "objectId" },39 {"case":{$eq:[t,"string"]} , "then": {$strLenCP:v} },40 {"case":{$eq:[t,"null"]} , "then": "null"},41 {"case":{$eq:[t,"object"]} , "then": { properties: mapObject(v,i) } },42 {"case":{$eq:[t,"array"]} , "then": { items: mapArray(v, i)} },43 ],44 "default":"$$o.v"45 }46 }}47}48/* given k/t/v, change value, based on type */49mapValue = function(o,i) {50 if (i>3) return o;51 i=i+1;52 return {"$map":{"input":o, "as":"o", "in": {"k":"$$o.k", "t":"$$o.t", "v":{"$switch":53 { "branches":[54 {"case":{$eq:["$$o.t","objectId"]} , "then": "objectId" },55 {"case":{$eq:["$$o.t","string"]} , "then": {$strLenCP:"$$o.v"} },56 {"case":{$eq:["$$o.t","null"]} , "then": "null"},57 {"case":{$eq:["$$o.t","object"]} , "then": { properties: mapObject("$$o.v",i) } },58 {"case":{$eq:["$$o.t","array"]} , "then": { items: mapArray("$$o.v", i)} },59 ],60 "default":"$$o.v"61 }62 }}}}63}64mapObject = function (o, i) {65 if (i>3) return o;66 i=i+1;67 return mapValue(getktvs({$objectToArray:o}),i);68}69mapArray = function(a, i) {70 return {$map:{71 input: a,72 as: "a",73 in: ifObject("$$a",mapValue(getktvs({$objectToArray:"$$a"}),i),mapTV({$type:"$$a"},"$$a", i))}}74}75/* from input array of objects, concat given field */76merge = function(input, field) {77 return {$reduce: { input: {$map:{input:input, as: "m", in: "$$m."+field}},78 initialValue: [],79 in: {$concatArrays:["$$value","$$this"]}80 } }81};82getKeysAsArray = function(obj) {83 return {$map:{input:{$objectToArray:obj},as:"o",in:"$$o.k"}}84}85mergeObjects34 = function(o1, o2) {86 return {$arrayToObject:{$concatArrays:[ {$objectToArray:o1}, {$objectToArray:o2} ]}};87}88load("/Users/asya/github/bits-n-pieces/scripts/sortArray.js")89/* merge objects differentiating on "k" expects an array of objects of {k:x, v:y} */90smartMergeObjects = function(oos) {91 /* var ok1 = {$objectToArray:o1};92 var ok2 = {$objectToArray:o2};93 var both = {$concatArrays: [ ok1, ok2 ]};94 var sz = {$size:both};95 var input = {$range:[0,sz]}; */96 var oWithCount = {$map:{input:oos,in:{$mergeObjects:[{count:1},"$$this"]}}};97 var redArray = {$reduce:{98 initialValue: [ ],99 input: oWithCount,100 in: {$let:{ 101 vars: { t:"$$this", v:"$$value" }, 102 in:{$let:{ /* thisElem is the matching key element in $$value to $$this */103 vars:{thisElem:{$arrayElemAt:[{$filter:{input:"$$v", cond:{$eq:["$$t.k","$$this.k"]}}},0]}},104 in: {$cond:[105 {$in:["$$t.k","$$v.k"]},106 {$concatArrays:[107 /* all elements except the one we have now */108 {$filter:{input:"$$v", cond:{$ne:["$$t.k","$$this.k"]}}},109 [ {k: "$$t.k", 110 t: {$cond:[{$in:["$$t.t",{$ifNull:[ifArray("$$thisElem.t","$thisElem.t",["$$thisElem.t"]),[]]}]},111 "$$t.t",112 {$concatArrays:[ 113 ifArray("$$t.t","$$t.t",[ "$$t.t" ]), 114 ifArray("$$thisElem.t","$$thisElem.t",[ "$$thisElem.t" ]), 115 ]} ]},116 v: {$concatArrays:[ 117 ifArray("$$t.v","$$t.v",[ "$$t.v" ]), 118 ifArray("$$thisElem.v","$$thisElem.v",[ "$$thisElem.v" ]), 119 ]},120 count: {$add:[{$ifNull:["$$t.count",1]},{$ifNull:["$$thisElem.count",1]}]}121 } ]122 ]},123 {$concatArrays:["$$v", [ "$$t" ] ]}124 ]}125 }}126 }}127 }};128 return redArray;129}130/* given array of objects, merge them by "k", appending "t" and "v" fields and adding counts */131/* expected object shape: { k:"x", t:"y", v:any, count:1+ */132groupObjects = function(input) {133}134concatReduceArrays = function() {135 return {$concatArrays:[ "$$value", ifArray("$$this", "$$this", [ "$$this" ]) ]}136};137concatIfArray = function(input) {138 return {$cond:[139 {$eq:["array",{$type:input}]},140 {"$reduce": {141 input: input,142 initialValue: [],143 in: {$concatArrays:["$$value",ifArray("$$this","$$this",["$$this"])]}144 } },145 input146 ]}147};148flattenField = function(input) {149 return {$map:{input:input,as:"o",150 in:{k:"$$o.k", t:"$$o.t",v:{$cond:[151 {$eq:["object","$$o.t"]},"$$o.v",152 {$cond:[{$eq:["array","$$o.t"]},{items:concatIfArray("$$o.v.items")}, "$$o.v"153 ]} ]}}154 }};155}156db.testcoll.aggregate([ 157 {$project:{__o:mapValue(getktvs({$objectToArray:"$$ROOT"}),0)}}, 158 {$addFields:{159 __o:flattenField("$__o")160 }}161]).pretty()162foo = db.testcoll.count()163db.testcoll.aggregate([ 164 {$project:{p:mapValue(getktvs({$objectToArray:"$$ROOT"}),0)}}, 165 {$unwind:"$p"}, 166 {$group:{_id:{k:"$p.k",t:"$p.t"},count:{$sum:1},v:{$addToSet:"$p.v"}}}, 167 {$group:{ _id:"$_id.k", types: {$push:{t:"$_id.t",c:"$count"}}, total:{$sum:"$count"}, items:{$push:{$cond:[{$eq:["$_id.t","array"]},"$v",null]}}, properties:{$push:{$cond:[{$eq:["$_id.t","object"]},"$v",null]}} }}, 168 {$project:{_id:0, k:"$_id", "v.description":{$concat:["The ","$_id"," field"]}, "v.t" : {$cond:[{$eq:[{$size:"$types"},1]},{$arrayElemAt:["$types.t",0]},"$types.t"]}, "v.items": {$cond:[{$in:["array","$types.t"]},"$items.items", "$REMOVE"]}, "":{$cond:[{$in:["object","$types.t"]},"$", "$REMOVE"]}, count:"$total" }}, 169 {$group:{_id:0, p:{$push:{k:"$k",v:"$v"}},required:{$push:{$cond:[{$eq:["$count", foo ]},"$k","$REMOVE"]}}}}, 170 {$project:{_id:0, _$schema:"json-schema/blah-blah",title:"sample1",type:"object",properties:{$arrayToObject:"$p"}}} ...
...8 });9 },10 objectToChartData: function (n, obj) {11 return {12 item.values = utils.objectToArray(item.values)13 .map(function(yearItem) {14 return {15 key: yearItem.key,16 values: yearItem.values / n[item.key] * 10017 }18 });19 return item;20 });21 },22 mean: function(n, obj) {23 _.each(obj, function(year) {24 year.values = utils.objectToArray(year.values);25 });26 return {27 n: _.reduce(_.values(n), function(m, n) {28 return m + (isNaN(parseInt(n)) ? 0 : n);29 }) / 60,30 values:[0].values, function(item, index) {31 return _.reduce(obj, function(m, year) {32 m.values += year.values[index].values;33 return m;34 }, {key: item.key, values: 0});35 })36 };37 },38 flip: function(arr) {39 var flipped = [];40 arr[0].values.forEach(function(item, idx) {41 flipped.push( {42 return subArr[idx];43 }));44 });45 return flipped;46 }47 };48 function chartAge(n, _chartData) {49 var chartData = {50 item.values = utils.objectToArray(item.values)51 .reverse()52 .map(function(yearItem) {53 return {54 key: parseInt(item.key) - parseInt(yearItem.key),55 values: yearItem.values / n[item.key] * 10056 };57 });58 return item;59 });60 nv.addGraph(function() {61 var vis = nv.models.lineChart()62 .useInteractiveGuideline(true)63 .isArea(true)64 .x(function(d) { return d.key; })65 .y(function(d) { return d.values; });66 vis.yAxis67 .tickFormat(function(d) { return d.toPrecision(2) + '%' })68 .axisLabel("Percentage of respondents");69 vis.xAxis.axisLabel("Age in years");70'#age svg')71 .datum(chartData)72 .transition().duration(500)73 .call(vis);74 nv.utils.windowResize(vis.update);75 return vis;76 });77 }78 function chartStacked(n, _chartData, id) {79 var chartData =[_chartData.length - 1].values), function(key) {80 return { key: key, values:, function(year) {81 return [ isNaN(year.values[key]) ? 0 : year.values[key] / n[year.key] * 100, parseInt(year.key) ];82 }) };83 });84 nv.addGraph(function() {85 var vis = nv.models.stackedAreaChart()86 .useInteractiveGuideline(true)87 .style('expand')88 .showControls(false)89 .x(function(d) { return d[1]; })90 .y(function(d) { return d[0]; });91 vis.xAxis.tickFormat(function(d) { return d.toString(); });92'#' + id + ' svg')93 .datum(chartData)94 .transition().duration(500)95 .call(vis);96 nv.utils.windowResize(vis.update);97 return vis;98 });99 }100 function chartPie(n, _chartData, id) {101 var means = utils.mean(n, utils.objectToChartData(n, utils.objectToArray(_chartData)));102 nv.addGraph(function() {103 var vis = nv.models.pieChart()104 .x(function(d) { return d.key; })105 .y(function(d) { return d.values; })106 .labelType('percent');107'#' + id + ' svg')108 .datum(means.values)109 .transition().duration(500)110 .call(vis)111 nv.utils.windowResize(vis.update);112 return vis;113 })114 }115 function chartSexImportance(n, _chartData, id) {116 var means = utils.mean(n, utils.objectToChartData(n, utils.objectToArray(_chartData)));117 n.mean = means.n;118 _chartData.mean = means.values;119 var chartData = utils.objectToChartData(n, utils.objectToArray(_chartData));120 nv.addGraph(function() {121 var vis = nv.models.lineChart()122 .useInteractiveGuideline(true)123 .x(function(d) { return parseInt(d.key); })124 .y(function(d) { return d.values; });125 vis.yAxis126 .tickFormat(function(d) { return d.toPrecision(2) + '%'; })127 .axisLabel('Percentage of respondents');128 vis.xAxis.axisLabel('How sexual is furry - ' + id);129'#sex_importance__' + id + ' svg')130 .datum(chartData)131 .transition().duration(500)132 .call(vis);133 nv.utils.windowResize(vis.update);134 return vis;135 });136 }137 chartPie(138 _data.n,139 utils.objectToArray(_data.furry_metadata.furry_status),140 'furry_status');141 chartAge(142 _data.n,143 utils.objectToArray(_data.demographics.age));144 chartPie(145 _data.n,146 utils.objectToArray(_data.demographics.gender_alignment),147 'gender_alignment')148 chartStacked(149 _data.n,150 utils.objectToArray(utils.objectToArray(_data.demographics.biological_sex)),151 'biological_sex');152 chartStacked(153 _data.n,154 utils.objectToArray(_data.demographics.gender_identity),155 'gender_identity');156 chartStacked(157 _data.n,158 utils.objectToArray(_data.demographics.sexual_orientation),159 'sexual_orientation');160 chartStacked(161 _data.n,162 utils.objectToArray(_data.demographics.race),163 'race');164 chartStacked(165 _data.n,166 utils.objectToArray(,167 'political_views__social');168 chartStacked(169 _data.n,170 utils.objectToArray(_data.demographics.political_views.economic),171 'political_views__economic');172 chartStacked(173 _data.n,174 utils.objectToArray(_data.demographics.relationship_status),175 'relationship');176 chartPie(177 _data.n,178 utils.objectToArray(_data.furry_metadata.partner_is_furry),179 'partner_is_furry');180 chartPie(181 _data.n,182 utils.objectToArray(_data.demographics.polyamory.sexuality),183 'polyamory__sexuality');184 chartPie(185 _data.n,186 utils.objectToArray(_data.demographics.polyamory.romantic),187 'polyamory__romantic');188 chartSexImportance(189 _data.n,190 _data.perception_of_fandom.importance_of_sex.self,191 'self');192 chartSexImportance(193 _data.n,194 _data.perception_of_fandom.importance_of_sex.others,195 'others');196 chartSexImportance(197 _data.n,198 _data.perception_of_fandom.importance_of_sex.public,199 'public');200};...
2var country = 'Singapore';3var locationSymbol = 'SG';4var db = require('./lib/database')5var logger = require('./lib/logger')6function objectToArray(obj) {7 if (Array.isArray(obj)) {8 return obj9 }10 var arr = []11 for (var groupid in obj) {12 if( obj.hasOwnProperty( groupid ) ) {13 arr.push(obj[groupid])14 }15 }16 return arr17}18module.exports = function(callback) {19 db.once('value', function(snapshotAll) {20 var snapshot = snapshotAll.val()21 return callback({22 originalDB: snapshot,23 location: city,24 city: city,25 country: country,26 symbol: locationSymbol,27 api_version: 'v1',28 apiUrl: '',29 displayTimeformat: 'DD MMM YYYY, ddd, h:mm a',30 dateFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z',31 timezone: '+0800',32 timezoneInfo: 'Asia/Singapore',33 debug: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development',34 calendarTitle: 'We Build SG Events',35 podcastApiUrl: '',36 domain: '',37 facebookGroups : objectToArray(snapshot.facebookGroups),38 blacklistEvents: objectToArray(snapshot.blacklistEvents),39 whitelistEvents: objectToArray(snapshot.whitelistEvents),40 icsGroups: objectToArray(snapshot.icsGroups),41 whitelistGroups: objectToArray(snapshot.whitelistGroups),42 archives: {43 githubRepoFolder: 'webuildsg/data/',44 committer: {45 name: 'We Build SG Bot',46 email: ''47 }48 },49 ignoreWordsInDuplicateEvents: [50 "meetup", "group", "event",51 "centre", "center", "tower", "road", "boulevard", "ayer",52 "avenue", "ave",53 "building", "city",54 "jalan", "jln",55 "lane", "ln",56 "street", "st",57 "plaza", "town", "new",58 "level", "floor",59 "first",60 "second",61 "third",62 "jan", "january",63 "feb", "february",64 "mar", "march",65 "apr", "april",66 "may",67 "jun", "june",68 "jul", "july",69 "aug", "august",70 "sep", "sept", "september",71 "oct", "october",72 "nov", "november",73 "dec", "december",74 "-",75 "mon", "monday",76 "tue", "tues", "tuesday",77 "wed", "wednesday",78 "thu", "thurs", "thursday",79 "fri", "friday",80 "sat", "saturday",81 "sun", "sunday",82 "topic", "create", "talk", "session", "workshop", "tell", "share", "coding", "venue", "about",83 "speaker", "member",84 "a", "i", "will", "be", "who", "want", "or", "have", "if", "go", "of", "with", "from", "for",85 "the", "others", "another", "all", "which", "project",86 "your", "you", "our", "you\"re", "we\"re", "we\'re",87 "how","view","get","sponsor","thank","join",88 "please","into","also","over","see"89 ],90 auth0: {91 domain: '',92 clientId: process.env.WEBUILD_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID,93 clientSecret: process.env.WEBUILD_AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET,94 clientToken: process.env.WEBUILD_AUTH0_CLIENT_TOKEN95 },96 githubParams: {97 version: '3.0.0',98 clientID: process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID,99 clientSecret: process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET,100 location: process.env.LOCATION || city,101 maxUsers: process.env.MAX_USERS || 1000,102 maxRepos: process.env.MAX_REPOS || 150,103 starLimit: process.env.STAR_LIMIT || 50,104 outfile: __dirname + '/cache.json'105 },106 meetupParams: {107 key: process.env.MEETUP_API_KEY,108 country: locationSymbol,109 state: locationSymbol,110 city: city,111 category_id: 34, // Tech category112 page: 500,113 fields: 'next_event',114 offset: 0,115 blacklistGroups: objectToArray(snapshot.meetupBlacklistGroups)116 },117 eventbriteParams: {118 token: process.env.EVENTBRITE_TOKEN,119 url: '',120 venueUrl: '',121 organizerUrl: '',122 categories: [123 '102',124 '119'125 ],126 blacklistOrganiserId: objectToArray(snapshot.eventbriteBlacklistOrganiserIds)127 }128 })129 })...
...5 data: {},6 width: 0,7 height: 0,8};9function objectToArray(objdata) {10 return, key => ({11 name: key,12 value: objdata[key],13 }));14}15describe('BarChart.vue', () => {16 let chart;17 describe('with only required props', () => {18 beforeEach(() => {19 const Constructor = Vue.extend(BarChart);20 chart = new Constructor({ propsData: props }).$mount();21 });22 test('the chart object should not be null', () => {23 expect(chart.chart).not.toBeNull();24 });25 test('the initial chart data should be empty', () => {26 expect(_.isEmpty(;27 });28 test('setting data creates categories on the chart object', () => {29 chart.setData({30 foo: objectToArray({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }),31 bar: objectToArray({ a: 4, b: 5, c: 6 }),32 });33 const data =;34 expect(data).toHaveLength(2);35 expect(data[0].id).toEqual('foo');36 expect(data[0].values).toHaveLength(3);37 expect(data[1].id).toEqual('bar');38 expect(data[1].values).toHaveLength(3);39 });40 test('setting new data with missing category removes absent category', () => {41 chart.setData({42 foo: objectToArray({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }),43 bar: objectToArray({ a: 4, b: 5, c: 6 }),44 });45 chart.setData({46 foo: objectToArray({ a: 4, b: 8 }),47 });48 const data =;49 expect(data).toHaveLength(1);50 expect(data[0].id).toEqual('foo');51 });52 });53 describe('with group legend', () => {54 beforeEach(() => {55 const Constructor = Vue.extend(BarChart);56 const propsWithLegend = {57 data: {},58 width: 0,59 height: 0,60 groupLegend: {61 foo: 'Foo',62 bar: 'Bar',63 },64 };65 chart = new Constructor({ propsData: propsWithLegend }).$mount();66 });67 test('setting data uses group keys to set categories', () => {68 chart.setData({69 foo: objectToArray({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }),70 bar: objectToArray({ a: 4, b: 5, c: 6 }),71 });72 const data =;73 expect(data).toHaveLength(2);74 expect(data[0].id).toEqual('foo');75 expect(data[0].values).toHaveLength(3);76 expect(data[1].id).toEqual('bar');77 expect(data[1].values).toHaveLength(3);78 });79 test('setting new data with missing category removes absent category', () => {80 chart.setData({81 foo: objectToArray({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }),82 bar: objectToArray({ a: 4, b: 5, c: 6 }),83 });84 chart.setData({85 foo: objectToArray({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }),86 });87 const data =;88 expect(data).toHaveLength(1);89 expect(data[0].id).toEqual('foo');90 expect(data[0].values).toHaveLength(3);91 });92 });...
...14 fileLoader.load("objecttoarray", "library");15 done();16 });17 });18 suite("| __objectToArray()__", function() {19 /**20 * Test case for ObjectToArray.21 * 22 * @input objectToArray({a:1, b:2, c:3})23 * @expected [a:1, b:2, c:3] 24 */25 test("| Object with only named keys", function() {26 eval(fileLoader.getContent());27 var input = {a:1, b:2, c:3};28 var expected = [];29 expected.a = 1;30 expected.b = 2;31 expected.c = 3;32 var output = objectToArray(input);33 assert(expected instanceof Array);34 assert.deepEqual(output, expected);35 });36 /**37 * Test case for ObjectToArray.38 * 39 * @input objectToArray({'0':1, '1':2, '2':3})40 * @expected [1,2,3] 41 */42 test("| Object with only numerical keys", function() {43 eval(fileLoader.getContent());44 var input = {'0':1, '1':2, '2':3};45 var expected = [1,2,3];46 var output = objectToArray(input);47 assert(expected instanceof Array);48 assert.deepEqual(output, expected);49 });50 /**51 * Test case for ObjectToArray.52 * 53 * @input objectToArray({'0':1, '2':3, '1':2})54 * @expected [1,2,3] 55 */56 test("| Object with only numerical keys shuffled", function() {57 eval(fileLoader.getContent());58 var input = {'0':1, '2':3, '1':2};59 var expected = [1,2,3];60 61 var output = objectToArray(input);62 assert(expected instanceof Array);63 assert.deepEqual(output, expected);64 }); 65 /**66 * Test case for ObjectToArray.67 * 68 * @input objectToArray({'0':1, a:3, '1':2})69 * @expected [1, 2, a:3] 70 */71 test("| Object mixed keys", function() {72 eval(fileLoader.getContent());73 var input = {'0':1, a:3, '1':2};74 var expected = [1,2];75 expected.a = 3;76 77 var output = objectToArray(input);78 assert(expected instanceof Array);79 assert.deepEqual(output, expected);80 });81 });...
1/* eslint-disable */2function objectToArray(payload) {3 return Object.keys(payload).sort().map(index => payload[index])4}5function addAllDataToConstantTop(constantData, allData = [{id: '', name: 'å
¨é¨', description: 'å
¨é¨'}]) {6 return allData.concat(constantData)7}8export default {9 handleJobType({ constant }) {10 return constant ? addAllDataToConstantTop(objectToArray(constant.JobType)) || [] : [];11 },12 handleWorkPlace({ constant }) {13 return constant ? constant.WorkPlace|| [] : [];14 },15 handleRecruitType({ constant }) {16 return constant ? addAllDataToConstantTop(objectToArray(constant.RecruitType)) || [] : [];17 },18 handleGender({ constant }) {19 return constant ? objectToArray(constant.Gender) || [] : [];20 },21 handleScheduleState({ constant }) {22 return constant ? addAllDataToConstantTop(objectToArray(constant.ScheduleState)) || [] : [];23 },24 handleReviewType({ constant }) {25 return constant ? addAllDataToConstantTop(objectToArray(constant.ReviewType)) || [] : [];26 },27 handleNewsType({ constant }) {28 return constant ? addAllDataToConstantTop(objectToArray(constant.NewsType)) || [] : [];29 },30 handleEducationType({ constant }) {31 return constant ? objectToArray(constant.Education) || [] : [];32 },33 handleIsSchool(state) {34 return state.isSchool;35 },36 getWechatSignUrl(state) {37 return state.wxSignUrl38 }...
1const { assert } = require('chai');2const { objectToArray } = require('../answers/00.js');3describe("objectToArray", () => {4 it("converts an empty object to an empty array", () => {5 assert.deepEqual(objectToArray({}), []);6 });7 it("tends to return an array", () => {8 const input = { key: "value" };9 assert.isArray(objectToArray(input));10 });11 it("converts { key: 'value' } => [['key', 'value']]", () => {12 const input = { key: "value" };13 assert.deepEqual(objectToArray(input), [["key", "value"]]);14 });15 it("converts multiple key-value pairs to individual arrays", () => {16 const input = { name: "Jon", lastName: "Snow", pet: "Ghost" };17 assert.deepEqual(objectToArray(input), [18 ["name", "Jon"],19 ["lastName", "Snow"],20 ["pet", "Ghost"]21 ]);22 });...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { objectToArray } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils');2const obj = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };3const arr = objectToArray(obj);4console.log(arr);5const { objectToArray } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils');6const obj = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };7const arr = objectToArray(obj);8console.log(arr);9const { objectToArray } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils');10const obj = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };11const arr = objectToArray(obj);12console.log(arr);13const { objectToArray } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils');14const obj = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };15const arr = objectToArray(obj);16console.log(arr);17const { objectToArray } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils');18const obj = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };19const arr = objectToArray(obj);20console.log(arr);21const { objectToArray } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils');22const obj = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };23const arr = objectToArray(obj);24console.log(arr);25const { objectToArray } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils');26const obj = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };27const arr = objectToArray(obj);
Using AI Code Generation
1const {objectToArray} = require('playwright/lib/protocol/serializers');2const myObject = {a: "a", b: "b", c: "c"};3console.log(objectToArray(myObject));4const {objectToArray} = require('playwright/lib/protocol/serializers');5const myObject = {a: "a", b: "b", c: "c"};6console.log(objectToArray(myObject));7const {objectToArray} = require('playwright/lib/protocol/serializers');8const myObject = {a: "a", b: "b", c: "c"};9console.log(objectToArray(myObject));10const {objectToArray} = require('playwright/lib/protocol/serializers');11const myObject = {a: "a", b: "b", c: "c"};12console.log(objectToArray(myObject));13const {objectToArray} = require('playwright/lib/protocol/serializers');14const myObject = {a: "a", b: "b", c: "c"};15console.log(objectToArray(myObject));16const {objectToArray} = require('playwright/lib/protocol/serializers');17const myObject = {a: "a", b: "b", c: "c"};18console.log(objectToArray(myObject));19const {objectToArray} = require('playwright/lib/protocol/serializers');20const myObject = {a: "a", b: "b", c: "c"};21console.log(objectToArray(myObject));
Using AI Code Generation
1const {chromium} = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({headless: false});4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const search = await page.$('input[name="q"]');7 await search.fill('playwright');8 const searchButton = await page.$('input[name="btnK"]');9 await;10 await page.waitForSelector('h3');11 const results = await page.$$eval('h3', (elements) => {12 return => element.textContent);13 });14 console.log(results);15 await browser.close();16})();
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