Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...22const _sfc_main$j = {};23const _hoisted_1$f = { class: "theme-default-content custom" };24function _sfc_render(_ctx, _cache) {25 const _component_Content = resolveComponent("Content");26 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$f, [27 createVNode(_component_Content)28 ]);29}30var HomeContent = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$j, [["render", _sfc_render]]);31const _hoisted_1$e = {32 key: 0,33 class: "features"34};35const _sfc_main$i = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({36 setup(__props) {37 const frontmatter = usePageFrontmatter();38 const features = computed(() => {39 if (isArray(frontmatter.value.features)) {40 return frontmatter.value.features;41 }42 return [];43 });44 return (_ctx, _cache) => {45 return unref(features).length ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$e, [46 (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(features), (feature) => {47 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {48 key: feature.title,49 class: "feature"50 }, [51 createBaseVNode("h2", null, toDisplayString(feature.title), 1),52 createBaseVNode("p", null, toDisplayString(feature.details), 1)53 ]);54 }), 128))55 ])) : createCommentVNode("", true);56 };57 }58});59const _hoisted_1$d = ["innerHTML"];60const _hoisted_2$7 = ["textContent"];61const _sfc_main$h = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({62 setup(__props) {63 const frontmatter = usePageFrontmatter();64 const footer = computed(() => frontmatter.value.footer);65 const footerHtml = computed(() => frontmatter.value.footerHtml);66 return (_ctx, _cache) => {67 return unref(footer) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 0 }, [68 unref(footerHtml) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {69 key: 0,70 class: "footer",71 innerHTML: unref(footer)72 }, null, 8, _hoisted_1$d)) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {73 key: 1,74 class: "footer",75 textContent: toDisplayString(unref(footer))76 }, null, 8, _hoisted_2$7))77 ], 64)) : createCommentVNode("", true);78 };79 }80});81const _hoisted_1$c = ["href", "rel", "target", "aria-label"];82const __default__ = defineComponent({83 inheritAttrs: false84});85const _sfc_main$g = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, __default__), {86 props: {87 item: {88 type: Object,89 required: true90 }91 },92 setup(__props) {93 const props = __props;94 const route = useRoute();95 const site = useSiteData();96 const { item } = toRefs(props);97 const hasHttpProtocol = computed(() => isLinkHttp(;98 const hasNonHttpProtocol = computed(() => isLinkMailto( || isLinkTel(;99 const linkTarget = computed(() => {100 if (hasNonHttpProtocol.value)101 return void 0;102 if ( return;104 if (hasHttpProtocol.value)105 return "_blank";106 return void 0;107 });108 const isBlankTarget = computed(() => linkTarget.value === "_blank");109 const isRouterLink = computed(() => !hasHttpProtocol.value && !hasNonHttpProtocol.value && !isBlankTarget.value);110 const linkRel = computed(() => {111 if (hasNonHttpProtocol.value)112 return void 0;113 if (item.value.rel)114 return item.value.rel;115 if (isBlankTarget.value)116 return "noopener noreferrer";117 return void 0;118 });119 const linkAriaLabel = computed(() => item.value.ariaLabel || item.value.text);120 const shouldBeActiveInSubpath = computed(() => {121 const localeKeys = Object.keys(site.value.locales);122 if (localeKeys.length) {123 return !localeKeys.some((key) => key ===;124 }125 return !== "/";126 });127 const isActiveInSubpath = computed(() => {128 if (!shouldBeActiveInSubpath.value) {129 return false;130 }131 return route.path.startsWith(;132 });133 const isActive = computed(() => {134 if (!isRouterLink.value) {135 return false;136 }137 if (item.value.activeMatch) {138 return new RegExp(item.value.activeMatch).test(route.path);139 }140 return isActiveInSubpath.value;141 });142 return (_ctx, _cache) => {143 const _component_RouterLink = resolveComponent("RouterLink");144 const _component_ExternalLinkIcon = resolveComponent("ExternalLinkIcon");145 return unref(isRouterLink) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_RouterLink, mergeProps({146 key: 0,147 class: { "router-link-active": unref(isActive) },148 to: unref(item).link,149 "aria-label": unref(linkAriaLabel)150 }, _ctx.$attrs), {151 default: withCtx(() => [152 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "before"),153 createTextVNode(" " + toDisplayString(unref(item).text) + " ", 1),154 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "after")155 ]),156 _: 3157 }, 16, ["class", "to", "aria-label"])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("a", mergeProps({158 key: 1,159 class: "external-link",160 href: unref(item).link,161 rel: unref(linkRel),162 target: unref(linkTarget),163 "aria-label": unref(linkAriaLabel)164 }, _ctx.$attrs), [165 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "before"),166 createTextVNode(" " + toDisplayString(unref(item).text) + " ", 1),167 unref(isBlankTarget) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_ExternalLinkIcon, { key: 0 })) : createCommentVNode("", true),168 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "after")169 ], 16, _hoisted_1$c));170 };171 }172}));173const _hoisted_1$b = { class: "hero" };174const _hoisted_2$6 = {175 key: 0,176 id: "main-title"177};178const _hoisted_3$5 = {179 key: 1,180 class: "description"181};182const _hoisted_4$3 = {183 key: 2,184 class: "actions"185};186const _sfc_main$f = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({187 setup(__props) {188 const frontmatter = usePageFrontmatter();189 const siteLocale = useSiteLocaleData();190 const isDarkMode = useDarkMode();191 const heroImage = computed(() => {192 if (isDarkMode.value && frontmatter.value.heroImageDark !== void 0) {193 return frontmatter.value.heroImageDark;194 }195 return frontmatter.value.heroImage;196 });197 const heroText = computed(() => {198 if (frontmatter.value.heroText === null) {199 return null;200 }201 return frontmatter.value.heroText || siteLocale.value.title || "Hello";202 });203 const heroAlt = computed(() => frontmatter.value.heroAlt || heroText.value || "hero");204 const tagline = computed(() => {205 if (frontmatter.value.tagline === null) {206 return null;207 }208 return frontmatter.value.tagline || siteLocale.value.description || "Welcome to your VuePress site";209 });210 const actions = computed(() => {211 if (!isArray(frontmatter.value.actions)) {212 return [];213 }214 return{ text, link, type = "primary" }) => ({215 text,216 link,217 type218 }));219 });220 const HomeHeroImage = () => {221 if (!heroImage.value)222 return null;223 const img = h("img", {224 src: withBase(heroImage.value),225 alt: heroAlt.value226 });227 if (frontmatter.value.heroImageDark === void 0) {228 return img;229 }230 return h(ClientOnly, img);231 };232 return (_ctx, _cache) => {233 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("header", _hoisted_1$b, [234 createVNode(HomeHeroImage),235 unref(heroText) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("h1", _hoisted_2$6, toDisplayString(unref(heroText)), 1)) : createCommentVNode("", true),236 unref(tagline) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("p", _hoisted_3$5, toDisplayString(unref(tagline)), 1)) : createCommentVNode("", true),237 unref(actions).length ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("p", _hoisted_4$3, [238 (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(actions), (action) => {239 return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$g, {240 key: action.text,241 class: normalizeClass(["action-button", [action.type]]),242 item: action243 }, null, 8, ["class", "item"]);244 }), 128))245 ])) : createCommentVNode("", true)246 ]);247 };248 }249});250const _hoisted_1$a = { class: "home" };251const _sfc_main$e = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({252 setup(__props) {253 return (_ctx, _cache) => {254 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("main", _hoisted_1$a, [255 createVNode(_sfc_main$f),256 createVNode(_sfc_main$i),257 createVNode(HomeContent),258 createVNode(_sfc_main$h)259 ]);260 };261 }262});263const _sfc_main$d = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({264 setup(__props) {265 const routeLocale = useRouteLocale();266 const siteLocale = useSiteLocaleData();267 const themeLocale = useThemeLocaleData();268 const isDarkMode = useDarkMode();269 const navbarBrandLink = computed(() => themeLocale.value.home || routeLocale.value);270 const navbarBrandTitle = computed(() => siteLocale.value.title);271 const navbarBrandLogo = computed(() => {272 if (isDarkMode.value && themeLocale.value.logoDark !== void 0) {273 return themeLocale.value.logoDark;274 }275 return themeLocale.value.logo;276 });277 const NavbarBrandLogo = () => {278 if (!navbarBrandLogo.value)279 return null;280 const img = h("img", {281 class: "logo",282 src: withBase(navbarBrandLogo.value),283 alt: navbarBrandTitle.value284 });285 if (themeLocale.value.logoDark === void 0) {286 return img;287 }288 return h(ClientOnly, img);289 };290 return (_ctx, _cache) => {291 const _component_RouterLink = resolveComponent("RouterLink");292 return openBlock(), createBlock(_component_RouterLink, { to: unref(navbarBrandLink) }, {293 default: withCtx(() => [294 createVNode(NavbarBrandLogo),295 unref(navbarBrandTitle) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {296 key: 0,297 class: normalizeClass(["site-name", { "can-hide": unref(navbarBrandLogo) }])298 }, toDisplayString(unref(navbarBrandTitle)), 3)) : createCommentVNode("", true)299 ]),300 _: 1301 }, 8, ["to"]);302 };303 }304});305const _sfc_main$c = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({306 setup(__props) {307 const setHeight = (items) => {308 = items.scrollHeight + "px";309 };310 const unsetHeight = (items) => {311 = "";312 };313 return (_ctx, _cache) => {314 return openBlock(), createBlock(Transition, {315 name: "dropdown",316 onEnter: setHeight,317 onAfterEnter: unsetHeight,318 onBeforeLeave: setHeight319 }, {320 default: withCtx(() => [321 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")322 ]),323 _: 3324 });325 };326 }327});328const _hoisted_1$9 = ["aria-label"];329const _hoisted_2$5 = { class: "title" };330const _hoisted_3$4 = /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "arrow down" }, null, -1);331const _hoisted_4$2 = ["aria-label"];332const _hoisted_5$1 = { class: "title" };333const _hoisted_6$1 = { class: "navbar-dropdown" };334const _hoisted_7$1 = { class: "navbar-dropdown-subtitle" };335const _hoisted_8$1 = { key: 1 };336const _hoisted_9$1 = { class: "navbar-dropdown-subitem-wrapper" };337const _sfc_main$b = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({338 props: {339 item: {340 type: Object,341 required: true342 }343 },344 setup(__props) {345 const props = __props;346 const { item } = toRefs(props);347 const dropdownAriaLabel = computed(() => item.value.ariaLabel || item.value.text);348 const open = ref(false);349 const route = useRoute();350 watch(() => route.path, () => {351 open.value = false;352 });353 const handleDropdown = (e) => {354 const isTriggerByTab = e.detail === 0;355 if (isTriggerByTab) {356 open.value = !open.value;357 } else {358 open.value = false;359 }360 };361 const isLastItemOfArray = (item2, arr) => arr[arr.length - 1] === item2;362 return (_ctx, _cache) => {363 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {364 class: normalizeClass(["navbar-dropdown-wrapper", { open: open.value }])365 }, [366 createBaseVNode("button", {367 class: "navbar-dropdown-title",368 type: "button",369 "aria-label": unref(dropdownAriaLabel),370 onClick: handleDropdown371 }, [372 createBaseVNode("span", _hoisted_2$5, toDisplayString(unref(item).text), 1),373 _hoisted_3$4374 ], 8, _hoisted_1$9),375 createBaseVNode("button", {376 class: "navbar-dropdown-title-mobile",377 type: "button",378 "aria-label": unref(dropdownAriaLabel),379 onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => open.value = !open.value)380 }, [381 createBaseVNode("span", _hoisted_5$1, toDisplayString(unref(item).text), 1),382 createBaseVNode("span", {383 class: normalizeClass(["arrow", open.value ? "down" : "right"])384 }, null, 2)385 ], 8, _hoisted_4$2),386 createVNode(_sfc_main$c, null, {387 default: withCtx(() => [388 withDirectives(createBaseVNode("ul", _hoisted_6$1, [389 (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(item).children, (child) => {390 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", {391 key: child.text,392 class: "navbar-dropdown-item"393 }, [394 child.children ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 0 }, [395 createBaseVNode("h4", _hoisted_7$1, [396 ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$g, {397 key: 0,398 item: child,399 onFocusout: ($event) => isLastItemOfArray(child, unref(item).children) && child.children.length === 0 && (open.value = false)400 }, null, 8, ["item", "onFocusout"])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_8$1, toDisplayString(child.text), 1))401 ]),402 createBaseVNode("ul", _hoisted_9$1, [403 (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(child.children, (grandchild) => {404 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", {405 key:,406 class: "navbar-dropdown-subitem"407 }, [408 createVNode(_sfc_main$g, {409 item: grandchild,410 onFocusout: ($event) => isLastItemOfArray(grandchild, child.children) && isLastItemOfArray(child, unref(item).children) && (open.value = false)411 }, null, 8, ["item", "onFocusout"])412 ]);413 }), 128))414 ])415 ], 64)) : (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$g, {416 key: 1,417 item: child,418 onFocusout: ($event) => isLastItemOfArray(child, unref(item).children) && (open.value = false)419 }, null, 8, ["item", "onFocusout"]))420 ]);421 }), 128))422 ], 512), [423 [vShow, open.value]424 ])425 ]),426 _: 1427 })428 ], 2);429 };430 }431});432const normalizePath = (path) => decodeURI(path).replace(/#.*$/, "").replace(/(index)?\.(md|html)$/, "");433const isActiveLink = (link, route) => {434 if (route.hash === link) {435 return true;436 }437 const currentPath = normalizePath(route.path);438 const targetPath = normalizePath(link);439 return currentPath === targetPath;440};441const isActiveSidebarItem = (item, route) => {442 if ( && isActiveLink(, route)) {443 return true;444 }445 if (item.children) {446 return item.children.some((child) => isActiveSidebarItem(child, route));447 }448 return false;449};450const resolveRepoType = (repo) => {451 if (!isLinkHttp(repo) || /github\.com/.test(repo))452 return "GitHub";453 if (/bitbucket\.org/.test(repo))454 return "Bitbucket";455 if (/gitlab\.com/.test(repo))456 return "GitLab";457 if (/gitee\.com/.test(repo))458 return "Gitee";459 return null;460};461const editLinkPatterns = {462 GitHub: ":repo/edit/:branch/:path",463 GitLab: ":repo/-/edit/:branch/:path",464 Gitee: ":repo/edit/:branch/:path",465 Bitbucket: ":repo/src/:branch/:path?mode=edit&spa=0&at=:branch&fileviewer=file-view-default"466};467const resolveEditLinkPatterns = ({ docsRepo, editLinkPattern }) => {468 if (editLinkPattern) {469 return editLinkPattern;470 }471 const repoType = resolveRepoType(docsRepo);472 if (repoType !== null) {473 return editLinkPatterns[repoType];474 }475 return null;476};477const resolveEditLink = ({ docsRepo, docsBranch, docsDir, filePathRelative, editLinkPattern }) => {478 if (!filePathRelative)479 return null;480 const pattern = resolveEditLinkPatterns({ docsRepo, editLinkPattern });481 if (!pattern)482 return null;483 return pattern.replace(/:repo/, isLinkHttp(docsRepo) ? docsRepo : `${docsRepo}`).replace(/:branch/, docsBranch).replace(/:path/, removeLeadingSlash(`${removeEndingSlash(docsDir)}/${filePathRelative}`));484};485const _hoisted_1$8 = {486 key: 0,487 class: "navbar-items"488};489const _sfc_main$a = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({490 setup(__props) {491 const useNavbarSelectLanguage = () => {492 const router = useRouter();493 const routeLocale = useRouteLocale();494 const siteLocale = useSiteLocaleData();495 const themeLocale = useThemeLocaleData();496 return computed(() => {497 var _a, _b;498 const localePaths = Object.keys(siteLocale.value.locales);499 if (localePaths.length < 2) {500 return [];501 }502 const currentPath = router.currentRoute.value.path;503 const currentFullPath = router.currentRoute.value.fullPath;504 const languageDropdown = {505 text: (_a = themeLocale.value.selectLanguageText) != null ? _a : "unknown language",506 ariaLabel: (_b = themeLocale.value.selectLanguageAriaLabel) != null ? _b : "unkown language",507 children: => {508 var _a2, _b2, _c, _d, _e, _f;509 const targetSiteLocale = (_b2 = (_a2 = siteLocale.value.locales) == null ? void 0 : _a2[targetLocalePath]) != null ? _b2 : {};510 const targetThemeLocale = (_d = (_c = themeLocale.value.locales) == null ? void 0 : _c[targetLocalePath]) != null ? _d : {};511 const targetLang = `${targetSiteLocale.lang}`;512 const text = (_e = targetThemeLocale.selectLanguageName) != null ? _e : targetLang;513 let link;514 if (targetLang === siteLocale.value.lang) {515 link = currentFullPath;516 } else {517 const targetLocalePage = currentPath.replace(routeLocale.value, targetLocalePath);518 if (router.getRoutes().some((item) => item.path === targetLocalePage)) {519 link = targetLocalePage;520 } else {521 link = (_f = targetThemeLocale.home) != null ? _f : targetLocalePath;522 }523 }524 return {525 text,526 link527 };528 })529 };530 return [languageDropdown];531 });532 };533 const useNavbarRepo = () => {534 const themeLocale = useThemeLocaleData();535 const repo = computed(() => themeLocale.value.repo);536 const repoType = computed(() => repo.value ? resolveRepoType(repo.value) : null);537 const repoLink = computed(() => {538 if (repo.value && !isLinkHttp(repo.value)) {539 return `${repo.value}`;540 }541 return repo.value;542 });543 const repoLabel = computed(() => {544 if (!repoLink.value)545 return null;546 if (themeLocale.value.repoLabel)547 return themeLocale.value.repoLabel;548 if (repoType.value === null)549 return "Source";550 return repoType.value;551 });552 return computed(() => {553 if (!repoLink.value || !repoLabel.value) {554 return [];555 }556 return [557 {558 text: repoLabel.value,559 link: repoLink.value560 }561 ];562 });563 };564 const resolveNavbarItem = (item) => {565 if (isString(item)) {566 return useNavLink(item);567 }568 if (item.children) {569 return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, item), {570 children: });572 }573 return item;574 };575 const useNavbarConfig = () => {576 const themeLocale = useThemeLocaleData();577 return computed(() => (themeLocale.value.navbar || []).map(resolveNavbarItem));578 };579 const navbarConfig = useNavbarConfig();580 const navbarSelectLanguage = useNavbarSelectLanguage();581 const navbarRepo = useNavbarRepo();582 const navbarLinks = computed(() => [583 ...navbarConfig.value,584 ...navbarSelectLanguage.value,585 ...navbarRepo.value586 ]);587 return (_ctx, _cache) => {588 return unref(navbarLinks).length ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("nav", _hoisted_1$8, [589 (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(navbarLinks), (item) => {590 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {591 key: item.text,592 class: "navbar-item"593 }, [594 item.children ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$b, {595 key: 0,596 item597 }, null, 8, ["item"])) : (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$g, {598 key: 1,599 item600 }, null, 8, ["item"]))601 ]);602 }), 128))603 ])) : createCommentVNode("", true);604 };605 }606});607const _hoisted_1$7 = ["title"];608const _hoisted_2$4 = {609 class: "icon",610 focusable: "false",611 viewBox: "0 0 32 32"612};613const _hoisted_3$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ createStaticVNode('<path d="M16 12.005a4 4 0 1 1-4 4a4.005 4.005 0 0 1 4-4m0-2a6 6 0 1 0 6 6a6 6 0 0 0-6-6z" fill="currentColor"></path><path d="M5.394 6.813l1.414-1.415l3.506 3.506L8.9 10.318z" fill="currentColor"></path><path d="M2 15.005h5v2H2z" fill="currentColor"></path><path d="M5.394 25.197L8.9 21.691l1.414 1.415l-3.506 3.505z" fill="currentColor"></path><path d="M15 25.005h2v5h-2z" fill="currentColor"></path><path d="M21.687 23.106l1.414-1.415l3.506 3.506l-1.414 1.414z" fill="currentColor"></path><path d="M25 15.005h5v2h-5z" fill="currentColor"></path><path d="M21.687 8.904l3.506-3.506l1.414 1.415l-3.506 3.505z" fill="currentColor"></path><path d="M15 2.005h2v5h-2z" fill="currentColor"></path>', 9);614const _hoisted_12 = [615 _hoisted_3$3616];617const _hoisted_13 = {618 class: "icon",619 focusable: "false",620 viewBox: "0 0 32 32"621};622const _hoisted_14 = /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("path", {623 d: "M13.502 5.414a15.075 15.075 0 0 0 11.594 18.194a11.113 11.113 0 0 1-7.975 3.39c-.138 0-.278.005-.418 0a11.094 11.094 0 0 1-3.2-21.584M14.98 3a1.002 1.002 0 0 0-.175.016a13.096 13.096 0 0 0 1.825 25.981c.164.006.328 0 .49 0a13.072 13.072 0 0 0 10.703-5.555a1.01 1.01 0 0 0-.783-1.565A13.08 13.08 0 0 1 15.89 4.38A1.015 1.015 0 0 0 14.98 3z",624 fill: "currentColor"625}, null, -1);626const _hoisted_15 = [627 _hoisted_14628];629const _sfc_main$9 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({630 setup(__props) {631 const themeLocale = useThemeLocaleData();632 const isDarkMode = useDarkMode();633 const toggleDarkMode = () => {634 isDarkMode.value = !isDarkMode.value;635 };636 return (_ctx, _cache) => {637 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("button", {638 class: "toggle-dark-button",639 title: unref(themeLocale).toggleDarkMode,640 onClick: toggleDarkMode641 }, [642 withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("svg", _hoisted_2$4, _hoisted_12, 512)), [643 [vShow, !unref(isDarkMode)]644 ]),645 withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("svg", _hoisted_13, _hoisted_15, 512)), [646 [vShow, unref(isDarkMode)]647 ])648 ], 8, _hoisted_1$7);649 };650 }651});652const _hoisted_1$6 = ["title"];653const _hoisted_2$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("div", {654 class: "icon",655 "aria-hidden": "true"656}, [657 /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span"),658 /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span"),659 /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span")660], -1);661const _hoisted_3$2 = [662 _hoisted_2$3663];664const _sfc_main$8 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({665 emits: ["toggle"],666 setup(__props) {667 const themeLocale = useThemeLocaleData();668 return (_ctx, _cache) => {669 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {670 class: "toggle-sidebar-button",671 title: unref(themeLocale).toggleSidebar,672 "aria-expanded": "false",673 role: "button",674 tabindex: "0",675 onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => _ctx.$emit("toggle"))676 }, _hoisted_3$2, 8, _hoisted_1$6);677 };678 }679});680const _sfc_main$7 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({681 emits: ["toggle-sidebar"],682 setup(__props) {683 const themeLocale = useThemeLocaleData();684 const navbar = ref(null);685 const navbarBrand = ref(null);686 const linksWrapperMaxWidth = ref(0);687 const linksWrapperStyle = computed(() => {688 if (!linksWrapperMaxWidth.value) {689 return {};690 }691 return {692 maxWidth: linksWrapperMaxWidth.value + "px"693 };694 });695 const enableDarkMode = computed(() => themeLocale.value.darkMode);696 onMounted(() => {697 const MOBILE_DESKTOP_BREAKPOINT = 719;698 const navbarHorizontalPadding = getCssValue(navbar.value, "paddingLeft") + getCssValue(navbar.value, "paddingRight");699 const handleLinksWrapWidth = () => {700 var _a;701 if (window.innerWidth <= MOBILE_DESKTOP_BREAKPOINT) {702 linksWrapperMaxWidth.value = 0;703 } else {704 linksWrapperMaxWidth.value = navbar.value.offsetWidth - navbarHorizontalPadding - (((_a = navbarBrand.value) == null ? void 0 : _a.offsetWidth) || 0);705 }706 };707 handleLinksWrapWidth();708 window.addEventListener("resize", handleLinksWrapWidth, false);709 window.addEventListener("orientationchange", handleLinksWrapWidth, false);710 });711 function getCssValue(el, property) {712 var _a, _b, _c;713 const val = (_c = (_b = (_a = el == null ? void 0 : el.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : _a.defaultView) == null ? void 0 : _b.getComputedStyle(el, null)) == null ? void 0 : _c[property];714 const num = Number.parseInt(val, 10);715 return Number.isNaN(num) ? 0 : num;716 }717 return (_ctx, _cache) => {718 const _component_NavbarSearch = resolveComponent("NavbarSearch");719 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("header", {720 ref_key: "navbar",721 ref: navbar,722 class: "navbar"723 }, [724 createVNode(_sfc_main$8, {725 onToggle: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => _ctx.$emit("toggle-sidebar"))726 }),727 createBaseVNode("span", {728 ref_key: "navbarBrand",729 ref: navbarBrand730 }, [731 createVNode(_sfc_main$d)732 ], 512),733 createBaseVNode("div", {734 class: "navbar-items-wrapper",735 style: normalizeStyle(unref(linksWrapperStyle))736 }, [737 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "before"),738 createVNode(_sfc_main$a, { class: "can-hide" }),739 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "after"),740 unref(enableDarkMode) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$9, { key: 0 })) : createCommentVNode("", true),741 createVNode(_component_NavbarSearch)742 ], 4)743 ], 512);744 };745 }746});747const _hoisted_1$5 = { class: "page-meta" };748const _hoisted_2$2 = {749 key: 0,750 class: "meta-item edit-link"751};752const _hoisted_3$1 = {753 key: 1,754 class: "meta-item last-updated"755};756const _hoisted_4$1 = { class: "meta-item-label" };757const _hoisted_5 = { class: "meta-item-info" };758const _hoisted_6 = {759 key: 2,760 class: "meta-item contributors"761};762const _hoisted_7 = { class: "meta-item-label" };763const _hoisted_8 = { class: "meta-item-info" };764const _hoisted_9 = ["title"];765const _hoisted_10 = /* @__PURE__ */ createTextVNode(", ");766const _sfc_main$6 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({767 setup(__props) {768 const useEditNavLink = () => {769 const themeLocale2 = useThemeLocaleData();770 const page = usePageData();771 const frontmatter = usePageFrontmatter();772 return computed(() => {773 var _a, _b, _c;774 const showEditLink = (_b = (_a = frontmatter.value.editLink) != null ? _a : themeLocale2.value.editLink) != null ? _b : true;775 if (!showEditLink) {776 return null;777 }778 const {779 repo,780 docsRepo = repo,781 docsBranch = "main",782 docsDir = "",783 editLinkText784 } = themeLocale2.value;785 if (!docsRepo)786 return null;787 const editLink = resolveEditLink({788 docsRepo,789 docsBranch,790 docsDir,791 filePathRelative: page.value.filePathRelative,792 editLinkPattern: (_c = frontmatter.value.editLinkPattern) != null ? _c : themeLocale2.value.editLinkPattern793 });794 if (!editLink)795 return null;796 return {797 text: editLinkText != null ? editLinkText : "Edit this page",798 link: editLink799 };800 });801 };802 const useLastUpdated = () => {803 const themeLocale2 = useThemeLocaleData();804 const page = usePageData();805 const frontmatter = usePageFrontmatter();806 return computed(() => {807 var _a, _b, _c, _d;808 const showLastUpdated = (_b = (_a = frontmatter.value.lastUpdated) != null ? _a : themeLocale2.value.lastUpdated) != null ? _b : true;809 if (!showLastUpdated)810 return null;811 if (!((_c = page.value.git) == null ? void 0 : _c.updatedTime))812 return null;813 const updatedDate = new Date((_d = page.value.git) == null ? void 0 : _d.updatedTime);814 return updatedDate.toLocaleString();815 });816 };817 const useContributors = () => {818 const themeLocale2 = useThemeLocaleData();819 const page = usePageData();820 const frontmatter = usePageFrontmatter();821 return computed(() => {822 var _a, _b, _c, _d;823 const showContributors = (_b = (_a = frontmatter.value.contributors) != null ? _a : themeLocale2.value.contributors) != null ? _b : true;824 if (!showContributors)825 return null;826 return (_d = (_c = page.value.git) == null ? void 0 : _c.contributors) != null ? _d : null;827 });828 };829 const themeLocale = useThemeLocaleData();830 const editNavLink = useEditNavLink();831 const lastUpdated = useLastUpdated();832 const contributors = useContributors();833 return (_ctx, _cache) => {834 const _component_ClientOnly = resolveComponent("ClientOnly");835 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("footer", _hoisted_1$5, [836 unref(editNavLink) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2$2, [837 createVNode(_sfc_main$g, {838 class: "meta-item-label",839 item: unref(editNavLink)840 }, null, 8, ["item"])841 ])) : createCommentVNode("", true),842 unref(lastUpdated) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_3$1, [843 createBaseVNode("span", _hoisted_4$1, toDisplayString(unref(themeLocale).lastUpdatedText) + ": ", 1),844 createVNode(_component_ClientOnly, null, {845 default: withCtx(() => [846 createBaseVNode("span", _hoisted_5, toDisplayString(unref(lastUpdated)), 1)847 ]),848 _: 1849 })850 ])) : createCommentVNode("", true),851 unref(contributors) && unref(contributors).length ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_6, [852 createBaseVNode("span", _hoisted_7, toDisplayString(unref(themeLocale).contributorsText) + ": ", 1),853 createBaseVNode("span", _hoisted_8, [854 (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(contributors), (contributor, index) => {855 return openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: index }, [856 createBaseVNode("span", {857 class: "contributor",858 title: `email: ${}`859 }, toDisplayString(, 9, _hoisted_9),860 index !== unref(contributors).length - 1 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 0 }, [861 _hoisted_10862 ], 64)) : createCommentVNode("", true)863 ], 64);864 }), 128))865 ])866 ])) : createCommentVNode("", true)867 ]);868 };869 }870});871const _hoisted_1$4 = {872 key: 0,873 class: "page-nav"874};875const _hoisted_2$1 = { class: "inner" };876const _hoisted_3 = {877 key: 0,878 class: "prev"879};880const _hoisted_4 = {881 key: 1,882 class: "next"883};884const _sfc_main$5 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({885 setup(__props) {886 const resolveFromFrontmatterConfig = (conf) => {887 if (conf === false) {888 return null;889 }890 if (isString(conf)) {891 return useNavLink(conf);892 }893 if (isPlainObject(conf)) {894 return conf;895 }896 return false;897 };898 const resolveFromSidebarItems = (sidebarItems2, currentPath, offset) => {899 const index = sidebarItems2.findIndex((item) => === currentPath);900 if (index !== -1) {901 const targetItem = sidebarItems2[index + offset];902 if (!(targetItem == null ? void 0 : {903 return null;904 }905 return targetItem;906 }907 for (const item of sidebarItems2) {908 if (item.children) {909 const childResult = resolveFromSidebarItems(item.children, currentPath, offset);910 if (childResult) {911 return childResult;912 }913 }914 }915 return null;916 };917 const frontmatter = usePageFrontmatter();918 const sidebarItems = useSidebarItems();919 const route = useRoute();920 const prevNavLink = computed(() => {921 const prevConfig = resolveFromFrontmatterConfig(frontmatter.value.prev);922 if (prevConfig !== false) {923 return prevConfig;924 }925 return resolveFromSidebarItems(sidebarItems.value, route.path, -1);926 });927 const nextNavLink = computed(() => {928 const nextConfig = resolveFromFrontmatterConfig(;929 if (nextConfig !== false) {930 return nextConfig;931 }932 return resolveFromSidebarItems(sidebarItems.value, route.path, 1);933 });934 return (_ctx, _cache) => {935 return unref(prevNavLink) || unref(nextNavLink) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("nav", _hoisted_1$4, [936 createBaseVNode("p", _hoisted_2$1, [937 unref(prevNavLink) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_3, [938 createVNode(_sfc_main$g, { item: unref(prevNavLink) }, null, 8, ["item"])939 ])) : createCommentVNode("", true),940 unref(nextNavLink) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_4, [941 createVNode(_sfc_main$g, { item: unref(nextNavLink) }, null, 8, ["item"])942 ])) : createCommentVNode("", true)943 ])944 ])) : createCommentVNode("", true);945 };946 }947});948const _hoisted_1$3 = { class: "page" };949const _hoisted_2 = { class: "theme-default-content" };950const _sfc_main$4 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({951 setup(__props) {952 return (_ctx, _cache) => {953 const _component_Content = resolveComponent("Content");954 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("main", _hoisted_1$3, [955 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "top"),956 createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_2, [957 createVNode(_component_Content)958 ]),959 createVNode(_sfc_main$6),960 createVNode(_sfc_main$5),961 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "bottom")962 ]);963 };964 }965});966const _hoisted_1$2 = { class: "sidebar-item-children" };967const _sfc_main$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({968 props: {969 item: {970 type: Object,971 required: true972 },973 depth: {974 type: Number,975 required: false,976 default: 0977 }978 },979 setup(__props) {980 const props = __props;981 const { item, depth } = toRefs(props);982 const route = useRoute();983 const router = useRouter();984 const isActive = computed(() => isActiveSidebarItem(item.value, route));985 const itemClass = computed(() => ({986 "sidebar-item": true,987 "sidebar-heading": depth.value === 0,988 "active": isActive.value,989 "collapsible": item.value.collapsible990 }));991 const isOpen = ref(true);992 const onClick = ref(void 0);993 if (item.value.collapsible) {994 isOpen.value = isActive.value;995 onClick.value = () => {996 isOpen.value = !isOpen.value;997 };998 router.afterEach(() => {999 isOpen.value = isActive.value;1000 });1001 }1002 return (_ctx, _cache) => {1003 var _a;1004 const _component_SidebarItem = resolveComponent("SidebarItem", true);1005 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", null, [1006 unref(item).link ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$g, {1007 key: 0,1008 class: normalizeClass(unref(itemClass)),1009 item: unref(item)1010 }, null, 8, ["class", "item"])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("p", {1011 key: 1,1012 class: normalizeClass(unref(itemClass)),1013 onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = (...args) => onClick.value && onClick.value(...args))1014 }, [1015 createTextVNode(toDisplayString(unref(item).text) + " ", 1),1016 unref(item).collapsible ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {1017 key: 0,1018 class: normalizeClass(["arrow", isOpen.value ? "down" : "right"])1019 }, null, 2)) : createCommentVNode("", true)1020 ], 2)),1021 ((_a = unref(item).children) == null ? void 0 : _a.length) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$c, { key: 2 }, {1022 default: withCtx(() => [1023 withDirectives(createBaseVNode("ul", _hoisted_1$2, [1024 (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(item).children, (child) => {1025 return openBlock(), createBlock(_component_SidebarItem, {1026 key: `${unref(depth)}${child.text}${}`,1027 item: child,1028 depth: unref(depth) + 11029 }, null, 8, ["item", "depth"]);1030 }), 128))1031 ], 512), [1032 [vShow, isOpen.value]1033 ])1034 ]),1035 _: 11036 })) : createCommentVNode("", true)1037 ]);1038 };1039 }1040});1041const _hoisted_1$1 = {1042 key: 0,1043 class: "sidebar-items"1044};1045const _sfc_main$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({1046 setup(__props) {1047 const sidebarItems = useSidebarItems();1048 return (_ctx, _cache) => {1049 return unref(sidebarItems).length ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("ul", _hoisted_1$1, [1050 (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(sidebarItems), (item) => {1051 return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$3, {1052 key: || item.text,1053 item1054 }, null, 8, ["item"]);1055 }), 128))1056 ])) : createCommentVNode("", true);1057 };1058 }1059});1060const _hoisted_1 = { class: "sidebar" };1061const _sfc_main$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({1062 setup(__props) {1063 return (_ctx, _cache) => {1064 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("aside", _hoisted_1, [1065 createVNode(_sfc_main$a),1066 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "top"),1067 createVNode(_sfc_main$2),1068 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "bottom")1069 ]);1070 };1071 }1072});1073const _sfc_main = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({1074 setup(__props) {1075 const page = usePageData();1076 const frontmatter = usePageFrontmatter();1077 const themeLocale = useThemeLocaleData();1078 const shouldShowNavbar = computed(() => frontmatter.value.navbar !== false && themeLocale.value.navbar !== false);1079 const sidebarItems = useSidebarItems();1080 const isSidebarOpen = ref(false);1081 const toggleSidebar = (to) => {1082 isSidebarOpen.value = typeof to === "boolean" ? to : !isSidebarOpen.value;1083 };1084 const touchStart = { x: 0, y: 0 };1085 const onTouchStart = (e) => {1086 touchStart.x = e.changedTouches[0].clientX;1087 touchStart.y = e.changedTouches[0].clientY;1088 };1089 const onTouchEnd = (e) => {1090 const dx = e.changedTouches[0].clientX - touchStart.x;1091 const dy = e.changedTouches[0].clientY - touchStart.y;1092 if (Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy) && Math.abs(dx) > 40) {1093 if (dx > 0 && touchStart.x <= 80) {1094 toggleSidebar(true);1095 } else {1096 toggleSidebar(false);1097 }1098 }1099 };1100 const containerClass = computed(() => [1101 {1102 "no-navbar": !shouldShowNavbar.value,1103 "no-sidebar": !sidebarItems.value.length,1104 "sidebar-open": isSidebarOpen.value1105 },1106 frontmatter.value.pageClass1107 ]);1108 let unregisterRouterHook;1109 onMounted(() => {1110 const router = useRouter();1111 unregisterRouterHook = router.afterEach(() => {1112 toggleSidebar(false);1113 });1114 });1115 onUnmounted(() => {1116 unregisterRouterHook();1117 });1118 const scrollPromise = useScrollPromise();1119 const onBeforeEnter = scrollPromise.resolve;1120 const onBeforeLeave = scrollPromise.pending;1121 return (_ctx, _cache) => {1122 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {1123 class: normalizeClass(["theme-container", unref(containerClass)]),1124 onTouchstart: onTouchStart,1125 onTouchend: onTouchEnd1126 }, [1127 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "navbar", {}, () => [1128 unref(shouldShowNavbar) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$7, {1129 key: 0,1130 onToggleSidebar: toggleSidebar1131 }, {1132 before: withCtx(() => [1133 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "navbar-before")1134 ]),1135 after: withCtx(() => [1136 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "navbar-after")1137 ]),1138 _: 31139 })) : createCommentVNode("", true)1140 ]),1141 createBaseVNode("div", {1142 class: "sidebar-mask",1143 onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => toggleSidebar(false))1144 }),1145 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "sidebar", {}, () => [1146 createVNode(_sfc_main$1, null, {1147 top: withCtx(() => [1148 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "sidebar-top")1149 ]),1150 bottom: withCtx(() => [1151 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "sidebar-bottom")1152 ]),1153 _: 31154 })1155 ]),1156 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "page", {}, () => [1157 unref(frontmatter).home ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$e, { key: 0 })) : (openBlock(), createBlock(Transition, {1158 key: 1,1159 name: "fade-slide-y",1160 mode: "out-in",1161 onBeforeEnter: unref(onBeforeEnter),1162 onBeforeLeave: unref(onBeforeLeave)1163 }, {1164 default: withCtx(() => [1165 (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$4, {1166 key: unref(page).path1167 }, {1168 top: withCtx(() => [1169 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "page-top")1170 ]),1171 bottom: withCtx(() => [1172 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "page-bottom")1173 ]),1174 _: 31175 }))1176 ]),1177 _: 31178 }, 8, ["onBeforeEnter", "onBeforeLeave"]))1179 ])...
...32 };33 var _hoisted_1$7 = ["href"];34 function render$8(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {35 var _component_router_link = vue.resolveComponent("router-link");36 return (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, [37 vue.createElementVNode("template", null, [38 ($props.isLinkAction)39 ? vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "content", vue.normalizeProps(vue.mergeProps({ key: 0 }, _ctx.$attrs)))40 : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true)41 ]),42 ($props.isUsingVueRouter)43 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, { key: 0 }, [44 ($ ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_component_router_link, vue.mergeProps({ key: 0 }, _ctx.$attrs, {46 to: {name:}47 }), {48 default: vue.withCtx(function () { return [49 vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "content")50 ]; }),51 _: 3 /* FORWARDED */52 }, 16 /* FULL_PROPS */, ["to"]))53 : (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_component_router_link, vue.mergeProps({ key: 1 }, _ctx.$attrs, {54 to: {path: this.path}55 }), {56 default: vue.withCtx(function () { return [57 vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "content")58 ]; }),59 _: 3 /* FORWARDED */60 }, 16 /* FULL_PROPS */, ["to"]))61 ], 2112 /* STABLE_FRAGMENT, DEV_ROOT_FRAGMENT */))62 : (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("a", vue.mergeProps({ key: 1 }, _ctx.$attrs, { href: $props.path }), [63 vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "content")64 ], 16 /* FULL_PROPS */, _hoisted_1$7))65 ], 64 /* STABLE_FRAGMENT */))66 }67 script$8.render = render$8;68 script$8.__file = "src/components/DynamicLink.vue";69 var script$7 = {70 name: 'brand-image',71 props: {72 options: {73 type: Object,74 required: true,75 },76 },77 data: function data () {78 return {};79 },80 components: {81 DynamicLink: script$8,82 },83 emits: [84 'vnb-item-clicked' ]85 };86 var _hoisted_1$6 = { class: "vnb__brand-image-wrapper" };87 var _hoisted_2$4 = ["src", "alt"];88 function render$7(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {89 var _component_dynamic_link = vue.resolveComponent("dynamic-link");90 return (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$6, [91 vue.createVNode(_component_dynamic_link, {92 path: $props.options.brandImagePath,93 isUsingVueRouter: $props.options.isUsingVueRouter,94 class: "vnb__brand-image-wrapper__link",95 "aria-label": "Homepage",96 isLinkAction: false,97 onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = function ($event) { return (_ctx.$emit('vnb-item-clicked', 'brand-image')); })98 }, {99 content: vue.withCtx(function () { return [100 ($props.options.brandImage)101 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("img", {102 key: 0,103 src: $props.options.brandImage,104 alt: $props.options.brandImageAltText,105 class: "vnb-image vnb__brand-image-wrapper__link__image"106 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_2$4))107 : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true)108 ]; }),109 _: 1 /* STABLE */110 }, 8 /* PROPS */, ["path", "isUsingVueRouter"])111 ]))112 }113 script$7.render = render$7;114 script$7.__file = "src/components/BrandImage.vue";115 var script$6 = {116 name: 'collapse-button',117 mixins: [vueScreenSize.VueScreenSizeMixin],118 props: {119 options: {120 type: Object,121 required: true,122 },123 menuIsVisible: {124 type: Boolean,125 required: true,126 },127 },128 data: function data () {129 return {};130 },131 methods: {132 collapseButtonClicked: function collapseButtonClicked () {133 this.$emit('collapse-button-clicked');134 },135 },136 emits: [137 'collapse-button-clicked' ]138 };139 var _hoisted_1$5 = ["aria-expanded"];140 var _hoisted_2$3 = ["src"];141 var _hoisted_3$2 = /*#__PURE__*/vue.createElementVNode("title", null, "Menu", -1 /* HOISTED */);142 var _hoisted_4$2 = /*#__PURE__*/vue.createElementVNode("g", { transform: "matrix(.1 0 0 -.1 0 100)" }, [143 /*#__PURE__*/vue.createElementVNode("path", { d: "m0 850v-40h500 500v40 40h-500-500z" }),144 /*#__PURE__*/vue.createElementVNode("path", { d: "m0 495v-45h500 500v45 45h-500-500z" }),145 /*#__PURE__*/vue.createElementVNode("path", { d: "m0 140v-40h500 500v40 40h-500-500z" })146 ], -1 /* HOISTED */);147 var _hoisted_5$2 = [148 _hoisted_3$2,149 _hoisted_4$2150 ];151 function render$6(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {152 return (_ctx.$vssWidth < $props.options.mobileBreakpoint)153 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("button", {154 key: 0,155 class: "vnb__collapse-button",156 onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = function () {157 var args = [], len = arguments.length;158 while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ];159 return ($options.collapseButtonClicked && $options.collapseButtonClicked.apply($options, args));160 }),161 type: "button",162 "aria-expanded": $props.menuIsVisible ? 'true' : 'false'163 }, [164 ($props.options.collapseButtonImageOpen)165 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("img", {166 key: 0,167 src: $props.options.collapseButtonImageOpen,168 alt: 'Menu',169 class: "vnb__collapse-button__image"170 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_2$3))171 : (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("svg", {172 key: 1,173 height: "100pt",174 preserveAspectRatio: "xMidYMid meet",175 viewBox: "0 0 100 100",176 width: "100pt",177 xmlns: "",178 class: "vnb__collapse-button__image",179 style: vue.normalizeStyle({fill: $props.options.collapseButtonOpenColor})180 }, _hoisted_5$2, 4 /* STYLE */))181 ], 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_1$5))182 : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true)183 }184 script$6.render = render$6;185 script$6.__file = "src/components/CollapseButton.vue";186 var script$5 = {187 name: 'desktop-menu-item-button',188 props: {189 option: {190 type: Object,191 required: true,192 },193 options: {194 type: Object,195 required: true,196 },197 },198 data: function data () {199 return {};200 },201 components: {202 DynamicLink: script$8,203 },204 emits: [205 'vnb-item-clicked' ]206 };207 var _hoisted_1$4 = ["innerHTML"];208 var _hoisted_2$2 = ["innerHTML"];209 function render$5(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {210 var _component_dynamic_link = vue.resolveComponent("dynamic-link");211 return (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_component_dynamic_link, {212 path: $props.option.path,213 isUsingVueRouter: $props.options.isUsingVueRouter,214 class: vue.normalizeClass(['vnb__menu-options__option__button', 'vnb-button', $props.option.class]),215 "aria-label": $props.option.text,216 isLinkAction: $props.option.isLinkAction ? true : false,217 onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = function ($event) { return (_ctx.$emit('vnb-item-clicked', $props.option.text)); })218 }, {219 content: vue.withCtx(function () { return [220 ($props.option.iconLeft)221 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("span", {222 key: 0,223 class: "vnb__menu-options__option__button__icon vnb__menu-options__option__button__icon--left",224 innerHTML: $props.option.iconLeft225 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_1$4))226 : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true),227 vue.createTextVNode(" " + vue.toDisplayString($props.option.text) + " ", 1 /* TEXT */),228 ($props.option.iconRight)229 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("span", {230 key: 1,231 class: "vnb__menu-options__option__button__icon vnb__menu-options__option__button__icon--right",232 innerHTML: $props.option.iconRight233 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_2$2))234 : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true)235 ]; }),236 _: 1 /* STABLE */237 }, 8 /* PROPS */, ["path", "isUsingVueRouter", "class", "aria-label", "isLinkAction"]))238 }239 script$5.render = render$5;240 script$5.__file = "src/components/DesktopMenuItemButton.vue";241 var script$4 = {242 name: 'desktop-menu-item-link',243 props: {244 option: {245 type: Object,246 required: true,247 },248 options: {249 type: Object,250 required: true,251 },252 },253 data: function data () {254 return {255 currentExpandedStatus: 'closed',256 };257 },258 computed: {259 isExpanded: function isExpanded () {260 if (this.currentExpandedStatus === 'open') {261 return true;262 }263 return false;264 },265 },266 methods: {267 // Each time a sub-menu-option is clicked, close all the tooltips268 subMenuItemSelected: function subMenuItemSelected (text) {269 this.closeAllTooltips();270 },271 // When we keydown tab on the last sub-menu-option, we want to close272 // all the tooltips273 subMenuItemTabbed: function subMenuItemTabbed (text) {274 // Let's check to see if this item is the last275 // item in the subMenuOptions array276 if (this.option.subMenuOptions[this.option.subMenuOptions.length - 1].text === text) {277 this.closeAllTooltips();278 }279 },280 menuShown: function menuShown () {281 this.currentExpandedStatus = 'open';282 },283 menuHidden: function menuHidden () {284 this.currentExpandedStatus = 'closed';285 },286 closeAllTooltips: function closeAllTooltips () {287 // tippy.hideAll();289 },290 initTippy: function initTippy () {291 var this$1$1 = this;292 var el = document.getElementById('dropdown-menu-parent-' +;293 var template = document.getElementById('sub-menu-options-' +;294 = 'block';295 tippy__default["default"](el, {296 theme: 'light',297 content: template,298 interactive: true,299 animation: this.options.tooltipAnimationType,300 role: 'Menu',301 // trigger: 'click', // for testing302 trigger: 'click mouseenter focus',303 appendTo: 'parent',304 arrow: true,305 inertia: false,306 placement: this.options.tooltipPlacement,307 popperOptions: {308 modifiers: [309 {310 name: 'flip',311 options: {312 fallbackPlacements: [this.options.tooltipPlacement],313 },314 } ],315 },316 onShow: function (instance) {317 tippy.hideAll({exclude: instance});318 // fire the menuShown function319 this$1$1.menuShown();320 },321 onHide: function () {322 // fire the menuHidden function323 this$1$1.menuHidden();324 },325 });326 },327 },328 mounted: function mounted () {329 // Let's setup our tippy here in mounted330 if (this.option.subMenuOptions && this.option.subMenuOptions.length) {331 this.initTippy();332 }333 },334 components: {335 DynamicLink: script$8,336 },337 emits: [338 'vnb-item-clicked' ]339 };340 var _hoisted_1$3 = ["innerHTML"];341 var _hoisted_2$1 = ["innerHTML"];342 var _hoisted_3$1 = ["id", "aria-expanded", "aria-label"];343 var _hoisted_4$1 = ["innerHTML"];344 var _hoisted_5$1 = ["innerHTML"];345 var _hoisted_6$1 = /*#__PURE__*/vue.createElementVNode("title", null, "Toggle Arrow", -1 /* HOISTED */);346 var _hoisted_7$1 = /*#__PURE__*/vue.createElementVNode("path", {347 d: "m12 268c-7-7-12-17-12-23 0-13 232-245 245-245 6 0 64 54 129 119 119 119 132 142 90 158-11 4-44-23-113-91-53-53-101-96-106-96-6 0-53 43-105 95s-99 95-105 95-16-5-23-12z",348 transform: "matrix(.1 0 0 -.1 0 28)"349 }, null, -1 /* HOISTED */);350 var _hoisted_8$1 = [351 _hoisted_6$1,352 _hoisted_7$1353 ];354 var _hoisted_9$1 = ["id"];355 var _hoisted_10$1 = {356 class: "vnb__sub-menu-options__option",357 tabindex: "-1"358 };359 var _hoisted_11$1 = ["innerHTML"];360 var _hoisted_12$1 = { class: "vnb__sub-menu-options__option__link__text-wrapper" };361 var _hoisted_13$1 = { class: "vnb__sub-menu-options__option__link__text-wrapper__text" };362 var _hoisted_14$1 = {363 key: 0,364 class: "vnb__sub-menu-options__option__link__text-wrapper__sub-text"365 };366 var _hoisted_15$1 = ["innerHTML"];367 var _hoisted_16$1 = {368 key: 1,369 class: "vnb__sub-menu-options__option__hr",370 tabindex: "-1"371 };372 function render$4(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {373 var _component_dynamic_link = vue.resolveComponent("dynamic-link");374 return (!$props.option.subMenuOptions || !$props.option.subMenuOptions.length)375 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_component_dynamic_link, {376 key: 0,377 path: $props.option.path,378 isUsingVueRouter: $props.options.isUsingVueRouter,379 class: "vnb__menu-options__option__link",380 "aria-label": $props.option.text,381 tabindex: "0",382 isLinkAction: $props.option.isLinkAction ? true : false,383 onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = function ($event) { return (_ctx.$emit('vnb-item-clicked', $props.option.text)); })384 }, {385 content: vue.withCtx(function () { return [386 ($props.option.iconLeft)387 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("span", {388 key: 0,389 class: "vnb__menu-options__option__link__icon vnb__menu-options__option__button__icon--left",390 innerHTML: $props.option.iconLeft391 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_1$3))392 : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true),393 vue.createTextVNode(" " + vue.toDisplayString($props.option.text) + " ", 1 /* TEXT */),394 ($props.option.iconRight)395 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("span", {396 key: 1,397 class: "vnb__menu-options__option__link__icon vnb__menu-options__option__button__icon--right",398 innerHTML: $props.option.iconRight399 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_2$1))400 : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true)401 ]; }),402 _: 1 /* STABLE */403 }, 8 /* PROPS */, ["path", "isUsingVueRouter", "aria-label", "isLinkAction"]))404 : (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("span", {405 key: 1,406 class: "vnb__menu-options__option__link",407 id: 'dropdown-menu-parent-' + $,408 "aria-haspopup": "true",409 "aria-expanded": $options.isExpanded ? 'true' : 'false',410 "aria-label": $props.option.text,411 tabindex: "0"412 }, [413 ($props.option.iconLeft)414 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("span", {415 key: 0,416 class: "vnb__menu-options__option__link__icon vnb__menu-options__option__button__icon--left",417 innerHTML: $props.option.iconLeft418 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_4$1))419 : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true),420 vue.createTextVNode(" " + vue.toDisplayString($props.option.text) + " ", 1 /* TEXT */),421 ($props.option.iconRight)422 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("span", {423 key: 1,424 class: "vnb__menu-options__option__link__icon vnb__menu-options__option__button__icon--right",425 innerHTML: $props.option.iconRight426 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_5$1))427 : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true),428 (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("svg", {429 height: "28pt",430 preserveAspectRatio: "xMidYMid meet",431 viewBox: "0 0 49 28",432 width: "49pt",433 xmlns: "",434 style: vue.normalizeStyle({fill: $props.option.arrowColor}),435 class: vue.normalizeClass([436 'vnb__menu-options__option__arrow',437 {'vnb__menu-options__option__arrow--hover': $options.isExpanded} ])438 }, _hoisted_8$1, 6 /* CLASS, STYLE */)),439 ($props.option.type === 'link')440 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {441 key: 2,442 class: "vnb__sub-menu-options",443 id: 'sub-menu-options-' + $props.option.id444 }, [445 vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_10$1, [446 (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList($props.option.subMenuOptions, function (subOption, index) {447 return (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", null, [448 (subOption.type === 'link')449 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_component_dynamic_link, {450 path: subOption.path,451 isUsingVueRouter: $props.options.isUsingVueRouter,452 key: index,453 class: "vnb__sub-menu-options__option__link",454 onClick: function ($event) {455 $options.subMenuItemSelected(subOption.text);456 _ctx.$emit('vnb-item-clicked', subOption.text);457 },458 "aria-label": subOption.text,459 tabindex: "0",460 onKeydown: vue.withKeys(function ($event) { return ($options.subMenuItemTabbed(subOption.text)); }, ["tab"]),461 isLinkAction: subOption.isLinkAction ? true : false462 }, {463 content: vue.withCtx(function () { return [464 (subOption.iconLeft)465 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("span", {466 key: 0,467 class: "vnb__sub-menu-options__option__link__icon vnb__sub-menu-options__option__link__icon--left",468 innerHTML: subOption.iconLeft469 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_11$1))470 : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true),471 vue.createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_12$1, [472 vue.createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_13$1, vue.toDisplayString(subOption.text), 1 /* TEXT */),473 (subOption.subText)474 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_14$1, vue.toDisplayString(subOption.subText), 1 /* TEXT */))475 : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true)476 ]),477 (subOption.iconRight)478 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("span", {479 key: 1,480 class: "vnb__sub-menu-options__option__link__icon vnb__sub-menu-options__option__link__icon--right",481 innerHTML: subOption.iconRight482 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_15$1))483 : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true)484 ]; }),485 _: 2 /* DYNAMIC */486 }, 1032 /* PROPS, DYNAMIC_SLOTS */, ["path", "isUsingVueRouter", "onClick", "aria-label", "onKeydown", "isLinkAction"]))487 : (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("hr", _hoisted_16$1))488 ]))489 }), 256 /* UNKEYED_FRAGMENT */))490 ])491 ], 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_9$1))492 : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true)493 ], 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_3$1))494 }495 script$4.render = render$4;496 script$4.__file = "src/components/DesktopMenuItemLink.vue";497 var script$3 = {498 name: 'desktop-menu-item-spacer',499 props: {500 option: {501 type: Object,502 required: true503 }504 },505 data: function data () {506 return {507 }508 }509 };510 var _hoisted_1$2 = { class: "vnb__menu-options__option__spacer" };511 function render$3(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {512 return (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$2))513 }514 script$3.render = render$3;515 script$3.__file = "src/components/DesktopMenuItemSpacer.vue";516 var script$2 = {517 name: 'menu-options',518 mixins: [vueScreenSize.VueScreenSizeMixin],519 props: {520 options: {521 type: Object,522 required: true,523 },524 type: {525 type: String,526 required: true,527 },528 },529 data: function data () {530 return {};531 },532 methods: {533 vnbItemClicked: function vnbItemClicked (text) {534 this.$emit('vnb-item-clicked', text);535 },536 },537 components: {538 DesktopMenuItemLink: script$4,539 DesktopMenuItemButton: script$5,540 DesktopMenuItemSpacer: script$3,541 },542 emits: [543 'vnb-item-clicked' ]544 };545 function render$2(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {546 var _component_desktop_menu_item_link = vue.resolveComponent("desktop-menu-item-link");547 var _component_desktop_menu_item_button = vue.resolveComponent("desktop-menu-item-button");548 var _component_desktop_menu_item_spacer = vue.resolveComponent("desktop-menu-item-spacer");549 return (_ctx.$vssWidth > $props.options.mobileBreakpoint)550 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {551 key: 0,552 class: vue.normalizeClass([553 'vnb__menu-options',554 {'vnb__menu-options--left': $props.type === 'left'},555 {'vnb__menu-options--right': $props.type === 'right'} ])556 }, [557 (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList($props.type === 'left'558 ? $props.options.menuOptionsLeft559 : $props.options.menuOptionsRight, function (option, index) {560 return (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {561 key: index,562 class: "vnb__menu-options__option"563 }, [564 (option.type === 'link')565 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_component_desktop_menu_item_link, {566 key: 0,567 option: option,568 options: $props.options,569 onVnbItemClicked: $options.vnbItemClicked570 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["option", "options", "onVnbItemClicked"]))571 : (option.type === 'button')572 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_component_desktop_menu_item_button, {573 key: 1,574 option: option,575 options: $props.options,576 onVnbItemClicked: $options.vnbItemClicked577 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["option", "options", "onVnbItemClicked"]))578 : (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_component_desktop_menu_item_spacer, {579 key: 2,580 option: option581 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["option"]))582 ]))583 }), 128 /* KEYED_FRAGMENT */))584 ], 2 /* CLASS */))585 : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true)586 }587 script$2.render = render$2;588 script$2.__file = "src/components/MenuOptions.vue";589 var script$1 = {590 name: 'popup',591 props: {592 options: {593 type: Object,594 required: true,595 },596 menuIsVisible: {597 type: Boolean,598 required: true,599 },600 },601 data: function data () {602 return {};603 },604 computed: {605 combinedMenuItems: function combinedMenuItems () {606 var combinedArray = this.options.menuOptionsLeft.concat(this.options.menuOptionsRight);607 return combinedArray;608 },609 },610 methods: {611 closeButtonClicked: function closeButtonClicked () {612 this.$emit('close-button-clicked');613 },614 itemSelected: function itemSelected (option) {615 this.$emit('vnb-item-clicked', option.text);616 this.closeButtonClicked();617 },618 },619 components: {620 DynamicLink: script$8,621 },622 emits: [623 'close-button-clicked',624 'vnb-item-clicked' ]625 };626 var _hoisted_1$1 = {627 key: 0,628 class: "vnb__popup"629 };630 var _hoisted_2 = { class: "vnb__popup__top" };631 var _hoisted_3 = ["src", "alt"];632 var _hoisted_4 = ["aria-expanded"];633 var _hoisted_5 = ["src"];634 var _hoisted_6 = /*#__PURE__*/vue.createElementVNode("title", null, "Close button", -1 /* HOISTED */);635 var _hoisted_7 = /*#__PURE__*/vue.createElementVNode("path", {636 d: "m42 967c-12-13-22-27-22-33 0-5 93-102 207-216l208-208-208-208c-114-114-207-214-207-223 0-8 11-26 25-39l26-24 214 214 215 215 215-215 214-214 26 24c14 13 25 28 25 34s-92 103-205 216-205 209-205 215 92 102 205 215 205 210 205 216c0 12-42 54-55 54-5 0-104-94-220-210l-210-210-210 210c-115 116-212 210-216 210-3 0-15-10-27-23z",637 transform: "matrix(.1 0 0 -.1 0 100)"638 }, null, -1 /* HOISTED */);639 var _hoisted_8 = [640 _hoisted_6,641 _hoisted_7642 ];643 var _hoisted_9 = { class: "vnb__popup__bottom" };644 var _hoisted_10 = {645 key: 0,646 class: "vnb__popup__bottom__custom-section"647 };648 var _hoisted_11 = { class: "vnb__popup__bottom__menu-options" };649 var _hoisted_12 = ["innerHTML"];650 var _hoisted_13 = ["innerHTML"];651 var _hoisted_14 = {652 key: 1,653 class: "vnb__popup__bottom__menu-options__option__link vnb__popup__bottom__menu-options__option__link--no-highlight"654 };655 var _hoisted_15 = { class: "vnb__popup__bottom__sub-menu-options" };656 var _hoisted_16 = { class: "vnb__popup__bottom__sub-menu-options__option__link__sub-text" };657 function render$1(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {658 var _component_dynamic_link = vue.resolveComponent("dynamic-link");659 return ($props.menuIsVisible)660 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$1, [661 vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2, [662 ($props.options.showBrandImageInMobilePopup && $props.options.brandImage)663 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("img", {664 key: 0,665 src: $props.options.brandImage,666 alt: $props.options.brandImageAltText,667 class: "vnb-image vnb__popup__top__image"668 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_3))669 : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true),670 vue.createElementVNode("button", {671 class: "vnb__popup__top__close-button",672 onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = function () {673 var args = [], len = arguments.length;674 while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ];675 return ($options.closeButtonClicked && $options.closeButtonClicked.apply($options, args));676 }),677 "aria-label": "Close Button",678 title: "Close",679 "aria-expanded": $props.menuIsVisible ? 'true' : 'false'680 }, [681 ($props.options.collapseButtonImageClose)682 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("img", {683 key: 0,684 src: $props.options.collapseButtonImageClose,685 alt: 'Close button',686 class: "vnb__popup__top__close-button__image"687 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_5))688 : (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("svg", {689 key: 1,690 height: "100pt",691 preserveAspectRatio: "xMidYMid meet",692 viewBox: "0 0 100 100",693 width: "100pt",694 xmlns: "",695 class: "vnb__popup__top__close-button__image",696 style: vue.normalizeStyle({fill: $props.options.collapseButtonCloseColor})697 }, _hoisted_8, 4 /* STYLE */))698 ], 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_4)699 ]),700 vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_9, [701 (!!this.$slots['custom-section'])702 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_10, [703 vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "custom-section")704 ]))705 : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true),706 vue.createElementVNode("ul", _hoisted_11, [707 (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList($options.combinedMenuItems, function (option, index) {708 return (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("li", {709 key: index,710 class: "vnb__popup__bottom__menu-options__option"711 }, [712 (!option.subMenuOptions)713 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_component_dynamic_link, {714 key: 0,715 path: option.path,716 isUsingVueRouter: $props.options.isUsingVueRouter,717 class: vue.normalizeClass(['vnb__popup__bottom__menu-options__option__link', option.class]),718 onClick: function ($event) { return ($options.itemSelected(option)); },719 "aria-label": option.text,720 isLinkAction: option.isLinkAction ? true : false721 }, {722 content: vue.withCtx(function () { return [723 (option.iconLeft)724 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("span", {725 key: 0,726 class: "vnb__popup__bottom__menu-options__option__link__icon vnb__popup__bottom__menu-options__option__link__icon--left",727 innerHTML: option.iconLeft728 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_12))729 : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true),730 vue.createTextVNode(" " + vue.toDisplayString(option.text) + " ", 1 /* TEXT */),731 (option.iconRight)732 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("span", {733 key: 1,734 class: "vnb__popup__bottom__menu-options__option__link__icon vnb__popup__bottom__menu-options__option__link__icon--right",735 innerHTML: option.iconRight736 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_13))737 : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true)738 ]; }),739 _: 2 /* DYNAMIC */740 }, 1032 /* PROPS, DYNAMIC_SLOTS */, ["path", "isUsingVueRouter", "class", "onClick", "aria-label", "isLinkAction"]))741 : (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_14, vue.toDisplayString(option.text), 1 /* TEXT */)),742 vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_15, [743 (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(option.subMenuOptions, function (subOption, index) {744 return (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {745 key: index,746 class: "vnb__popup__bottom__sub-menu-options__option"747 }, [748 (subOption.type === 'link')749 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_component_dynamic_link, {750 key: 0,751 path: subOption.path,752 isUsingVueRouter: $props.options.isUsingVueRouter,753 class: "vnb__popup__bottom__sub-menu-options__option__link",754 onClick: function ($event) { return ($options.itemSelected(subOption)); },755 "aria-label": subOption.text,756 isLinkAction: option.isLinkAction ? true : false757 }, {758 content: vue.withCtx(function () { return [759 vue.createTextVNode(vue.toDisplayString(subOption.text) + " ", 1 /* TEXT */),760 vue.createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_16, vue.toDisplayString(subOption.subText), 1 /* TEXT */)761 ]; }),762 _: 2 /* DYNAMIC */763 }, 1032 /* PROPS, DYNAMIC_SLOTS */, ["path", "isUsingVueRouter", "onClick", "aria-label", "isLinkAction"]))764 : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true)765 ]))766 }), 128 /* KEYED_FRAGMENT */))767 ])768 ]))769 }), 128 /* KEYED_FRAGMENT */))770 ])771 ])772 ]))773 : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true)774 }775 script$1.render = render$1;776 script$1.__file = "src/components/Popup.vue";777 var script = {778 name: 'vue-navigation-bar',779 mixins: [vueScreenSize.VueScreenSizeMixin],780 props: {781 options: {782 type: Object,783 required: true,784 },785 },786 data: function data () {787 return {788 menuIsVisible: false,789 };790 },791 computed: {792 finalOptions: function finalOptions () {793 // What we're doing here is giving each top-level menu-option a unique id794 if (this.options.menuOptionsLeft) {795 for (var x = 0; x < this.options.menuOptionsLeft.length; x++) {796 this.options.menuOptionsLeft[x].id = uuidV4();797 }798 }799 if (this.options.menuOptionsRight) {800 for (var x$1 = 0; x$1 < this.options.menuOptionsRight.length; x$1++) {801 this.options.menuOptionsRight[x$1].id = uuidV4();802 }803 }804 return {805 elementId: this.options.elementId ? this.options.elementId : uuidV4(),806 isUsingVueRouter: this.options.isUsingVueRouter ? true : false,807 mobileBreakpoint: this.options.mobileBreakpoint ? this.options.mobileBreakpoint : 992,808 brandImagePath: this.options.brandImagePath ? this.options.brandImagePath : '/',809 brandImage: this.options.brandImage ? this.options.brandImage : null,810 brandImageAltText: this.options.brandImageAltText811 ? this.options.brandImageAltText812 : 'brand-image',813 collapseButtonImageOpen: this.options.collapseButtonImageOpen814 ? this.options.collapseButtonImageOpen815 : null,816 collapseButtonImageClose: this.options.collapseButtonImageClose817 ? this.options.collapseButtonImageClose818 : null,819 collapseButtonOpenColor: this.options.collapseButtonOpenColor820 ? this.options.collapseButtonOpenColor821 : '#373737',822 collapseButtonCloseColor: this.options.collapseButtonCloseColor823 ? this.options.collapseButtonCloseColor824 : '#373737',825 showBrandImageInMobilePopup: this.options.showBrandImageInMobilePopup ? true : false,826 ariaLabelMainNav: this.options.ariaLabelMainNav827 ? this.options.ariaLabelMainNav828 : 'Main Navigation',829 tooltipAnimationType: this.options.tooltipAnimationType830 ? this.options.tooltipAnimationType831 : 'shift-away',832 tooltipPlacement: this.options.tooltipPlacement || 'bottom',833 menuOptionsLeft: this.options.menuOptionsLeft ? this.options.menuOptionsLeft : [],834 menuOptionsRight: this.options.menuOptionsRight ? this.options.menuOptionsRight : [],835 };836 },837 },838 methods: {839 closeMobilePopup: function closeMobilePopup () {840 this.menuIsVisible = false;841 this.$emit('vnb-mobile-popup-hidden');842 },843 showMobilePopup: function showMobilePopup () {844 this.menuIsVisible = true;845 this.$emit('vnb-mobile-popup-shown');846 },847 vnbItemClicked: function vnbItemClicked (text) {848 this.$emit('vnb-item-clicked', text);849 },850 },851 components: {852 BrandImage: script$7,853 MenuOptions: script$2,854 CollapseButton: script$6,855 Popup: script$1,856 },857 emits: [858 'vnb-mobile-popup-hidden',859 'vnb-mobile-popup-shown',860 'vnb-item-clicked' ]861 };862 var _hoisted_1 = ["id", "aria-label"];863 function render(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {864 var _component_brand_image = vue.resolveComponent("brand-image");865 var _component_menu_options = vue.resolveComponent("menu-options");866 var _component_collapse_button = vue.resolveComponent("collapse-button");867 var _component_popup = vue.resolveComponent("popup");868 return (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("nav", {869 class: "vnb",870 id: $options.finalOptions.elementId,871 "aria-label": $options.finalOptions.ariaLabelMainNav872 }, [873 vue.createVNode(_component_brand_image, {874 options: $options.finalOptions,875 onVnbItemClicked: $options.vnbItemClicked876 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["options", "onVnbItemClicked"]),877 vue.createVNode(_component_menu_options, {878 options: $options.finalOptions,879 type: 'left',880 onVnbItemClicked: $options.vnbItemClicked881 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["options", "onVnbItemClicked"]),882 (_ctx.$vssWidth > $props.options.mobileBreakpoint)883 ? vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "custom-section", { key: 0 })884 : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true),885 vue.createVNode(_component_menu_options, {886 options: $options.finalOptions,887 type: 'right',888 onVnbItemClicked: $options.vnbItemClicked889 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["options", "onVnbItemClicked"]),890 ($options.finalOptions.menuOptionsLeft.length || $options.finalOptions.menuOptionsRight.length)891 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_component_collapse_button, {892 key: 1,893 options: $options.finalOptions,894 menuIsVisible: $data.menuIsVisible,895 onCollapseButtonClicked: $options.showMobilePopup896 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["options", "menuIsVisible", "onCollapseButtonClicked"]))897 : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true),898 ($options.finalOptions.menuOptionsLeft.length || $options.finalOptions.menuOptionsRight.length)899 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_component_popup, {900 key: 2,901 options: $options.finalOptions,902 menuIsVisible: $data.menuIsVisible,903 onCloseButtonClicked: $options.closeMobilePopup,904 onVnbItemClicked: $options.vnbItemClicked905 }, {906 "custom-section": vue.withCtx(function () { return [907 vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "custom-section")908 ]; }),909 _: 3 /* FORWARDED */910 }, 8 /* PROPS */, ["options", "menuIsVisible", "onCloseButtonClicked", "onVnbItemClicked"]))911 : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true)912 ], 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_1))913 }...
...28};29var _hoisted_1$7 = ["href"];30function render$8(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {31 var _component_router_link = resolveComponent("router-link");32 return (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, [33 createElementVNode("template", null, [34 ($props.isLinkAction)35 ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "content", normalizeProps(mergeProps({ key: 0 }, _ctx.$attrs)))36 : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)37 ]),38 ($props.isUsingVueRouter)39 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 0 }, [40 ($ ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_router_link, mergeProps({ key: 0 }, _ctx.$attrs, {42 to: {name:}43 }), {44 default: withCtx(function () { return [45 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "content")46 ]; }),47 _: 3 /* FORWARDED */48 }, 16 /* FULL_PROPS */, ["to"]))49 : (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_router_link, mergeProps({ key: 1 }, _ctx.$attrs, {50 to: {path: this.path}51 }), {52 default: withCtx(function () { return [53 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "content")54 ]; }),55 _: 3 /* FORWARDED */56 }, 16 /* FULL_PROPS */, ["to"]))57 ], 2112 /* STABLE_FRAGMENT, DEV_ROOT_FRAGMENT */))58 : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("a", mergeProps({ key: 1 }, _ctx.$attrs, { href: $props.path }), [59 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "content")60 ], 16 /* FULL_PROPS */, _hoisted_1$7))61 ], 64 /* STABLE_FRAGMENT */))62}63script$8.render = render$8;64script$8.__file = "src/components/DynamicLink.vue";65var script$7 = {66 name: 'brand-image',67 props: {68 options: {69 type: Object,70 required: true,71 },72 },73 data: function data () {74 return {};75 },76 components: {77 DynamicLink: script$8,78 },79 emits: [80 'vnb-item-clicked' ]81};82var _hoisted_1$6 = { class: "vnb__brand-image-wrapper" };83var _hoisted_2$4 = ["src", "alt"];84function render$7(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {85 var _component_dynamic_link = resolveComponent("dynamic-link");86 return (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$6, [87 createVNode(_component_dynamic_link, {88 path: $props.options.brandImagePath,89 isUsingVueRouter: $props.options.isUsingVueRouter,90 class: "vnb__brand-image-wrapper__link",91 "aria-label": "Homepage",92 isLinkAction: false,93 onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = function ($event) { return (_ctx.$emit('vnb-item-clicked', 'brand-image')); })94 }, {95 content: withCtx(function () { return [96 ($props.options.brandImage)97 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("img", {98 key: 0,99 src: $props.options.brandImage,100 alt: $props.options.brandImageAltText,101 class: "vnb-image vnb__brand-image-wrapper__link__image"102 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_2$4))103 : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)104 ]; }),105 _: 1 /* STABLE */106 }, 8 /* PROPS */, ["path", "isUsingVueRouter"])107 ]))108}109script$7.render = render$7;110script$7.__file = "src/components/BrandImage.vue";111var script$6 = {112 name: 'collapse-button',113 mixins: [VueScreenSizeMixin],114 props: {115 options: {116 type: Object,117 required: true,118 },119 menuIsVisible: {120 type: Boolean,121 required: true,122 },123 },124 data: function data () {125 return {};126 },127 methods: {128 collapseButtonClicked: function collapseButtonClicked () {129 this.$emit('collapse-button-clicked');130 },131 },132 emits: [133 'collapse-button-clicked' ]134};135var _hoisted_1$5 = ["aria-expanded"];136var _hoisted_2$3 = ["src"];137var _hoisted_3$2 = /*#__PURE__*/createElementVNode("title", null, "Menu", -1 /* HOISTED */);138var _hoisted_4$2 = /*#__PURE__*/createElementVNode("g", { transform: "matrix(.1 0 0 -.1 0 100)" }, [139 /*#__PURE__*/createElementVNode("path", { d: "m0 850v-40h500 500v40 40h-500-500z" }),140 /*#__PURE__*/createElementVNode("path", { d: "m0 495v-45h500 500v45 45h-500-500z" }),141 /*#__PURE__*/createElementVNode("path", { d: "m0 140v-40h500 500v40 40h-500-500z" })142], -1 /* HOISTED */);143var _hoisted_5$2 = [144 _hoisted_3$2,145 _hoisted_4$2146];147function render$6(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {148 return (_ctx.$vssWidth < $props.options.mobileBreakpoint)149 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("button", {150 key: 0,151 class: "vnb__collapse-button",152 onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = function () {153 var args = [], len = arguments.length;154 while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ];155 return ($options.collapseButtonClicked && $options.collapseButtonClicked.apply($options, args));156 }),157 type: "button",158 "aria-expanded": $props.menuIsVisible ? 'true' : 'false'159 }, [160 ($props.options.collapseButtonImageOpen)161 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("img", {162 key: 0,163 src: $props.options.collapseButtonImageOpen,164 alt: 'Menu',165 class: "vnb__collapse-button__image"166 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_2$3))167 : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("svg", {168 key: 1,169 height: "100pt",170 preserveAspectRatio: "xMidYMid meet",171 viewBox: "0 0 100 100",172 width: "100pt",173 xmlns: "",174 class: "vnb__collapse-button__image",175 style: normalizeStyle({fill: $props.options.collapseButtonOpenColor})176 }, _hoisted_5$2, 4 /* STYLE */))177 ], 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_1$5))178 : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)179}180script$6.render = render$6;181script$6.__file = "src/components/CollapseButton.vue";182var script$5 = {183 name: 'desktop-menu-item-button',184 props: {185 option: {186 type: Object,187 required: true,188 },189 options: {190 type: Object,191 required: true,192 },193 },194 data: function data () {195 return {};196 },197 components: {198 DynamicLink: script$8,199 },200 emits: [201 'vnb-item-clicked' ]202};203var _hoisted_1$4 = ["innerHTML"];204var _hoisted_2$2 = ["innerHTML"];205function render$5(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {206 var _component_dynamic_link = resolveComponent("dynamic-link");207 return (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_dynamic_link, {208 path: $props.option.path,209 isUsingVueRouter: $props.options.isUsingVueRouter,210 class: normalizeClass(['vnb__menu-options__option__button', 'vnb-button', $props.option.class]),211 "aria-label": $props.option.text,212 isLinkAction: $props.option.isLinkAction ? true : false,213 onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = function ($event) { return (_ctx.$emit('vnb-item-clicked', $props.option.text)); })214 }, {215 content: withCtx(function () { return [216 ($props.option.iconLeft)217 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {218 key: 0,219 class: "vnb__menu-options__option__button__icon vnb__menu-options__option__button__icon--left",220 innerHTML: $props.option.iconLeft221 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_1$4))222 : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),223 createTextVNode(" " + toDisplayString($props.option.text) + " ", 1 /* TEXT */),224 ($props.option.iconRight)225 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {226 key: 1,227 class: "vnb__menu-options__option__button__icon vnb__menu-options__option__button__icon--right",228 innerHTML: $props.option.iconRight229 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_2$2))230 : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)231 ]; }),232 _: 1 /* STABLE */233 }, 8 /* PROPS */, ["path", "isUsingVueRouter", "class", "aria-label", "isLinkAction"]))234}235script$5.render = render$5;236script$5.__file = "src/components/DesktopMenuItemButton.vue";237var script$4 = {238 name: 'desktop-menu-item-link',239 props: {240 option: {241 type: Object,242 required: true,243 },244 options: {245 type: Object,246 required: true,247 },248 },249 data: function data () {250 return {251 currentExpandedStatus: 'closed',252 };253 },254 computed: {255 isExpanded: function isExpanded () {256 if (this.currentExpandedStatus === 'open') {257 return true;258 }259 return false;260 },261 },262 methods: {263 // Each time a sub-menu-option is clicked, close all the tooltips264 subMenuItemSelected: function subMenuItemSelected (text) {265 this.closeAllTooltips();266 },267 // When we keydown tab on the last sub-menu-option, we want to close268 // all the tooltips269 subMenuItemTabbed: function subMenuItemTabbed (text) {270 // Let's check to see if this item is the last271 // item in the subMenuOptions array272 if (this.option.subMenuOptions[this.option.subMenuOptions.length - 1].text === text) {273 this.closeAllTooltips();274 }275 },276 menuShown: function menuShown () {277 this.currentExpandedStatus = 'open';278 },279 menuHidden: function menuHidden () {280 this.currentExpandedStatus = 'closed';281 },282 closeAllTooltips: function closeAllTooltips () {283 // hideAll();285 },286 initTippy: function initTippy () {287 var this$1$1 = this;288 var el = document.getElementById('dropdown-menu-parent-' +;289 var template = document.getElementById('sub-menu-options-' +;290 = 'block';291 tippy(el, {292 theme: 'light',293 content: template,294 interactive: true,295 animation: this.options.tooltipAnimationType,296 role: 'Menu',297 // trigger: 'click', // for testing298 trigger: 'click mouseenter focus',299 appendTo: 'parent',300 arrow: true,301 inertia: false,302 placement: this.options.tooltipPlacement,303 popperOptions: {304 modifiers: [305 {306 name: 'flip',307 options: {308 fallbackPlacements: [this.options.tooltipPlacement],309 },310 } ],311 },312 onShow: function (instance) {313 hideAll({exclude: instance});314 // fire the menuShown function315 this$1$1.menuShown();316 },317 onHide: function () {318 // fire the menuHidden function319 this$1$1.menuHidden();320 },321 });322 },323 },324 mounted: function mounted () {325 // Let's setup our tippy here in mounted326 if (this.option.subMenuOptions && this.option.subMenuOptions.length) {327 this.initTippy();328 }329 },330 components: {331 DynamicLink: script$8,332 },333 emits: [334 'vnb-item-clicked' ]335};336var _hoisted_1$3 = ["innerHTML"];337var _hoisted_2$1 = ["innerHTML"];338var _hoisted_3$1 = ["id", "aria-expanded", "aria-label"];339var _hoisted_4$1 = ["innerHTML"];340var _hoisted_5$1 = ["innerHTML"];341var _hoisted_6$1 = /*#__PURE__*/createElementVNode("title", null, "Toggle Arrow", -1 /* HOISTED */);342var _hoisted_7$1 = /*#__PURE__*/createElementVNode("path", {343 d: "m12 268c-7-7-12-17-12-23 0-13 232-245 245-245 6 0 64 54 129 119 119 119 132 142 90 158-11 4-44-23-113-91-53-53-101-96-106-96-6 0-53 43-105 95s-99 95-105 95-16-5-23-12z",344 transform: "matrix(.1 0 0 -.1 0 28)"345}, null, -1 /* HOISTED */);346var _hoisted_8$1 = [347 _hoisted_6$1,348 _hoisted_7$1349];350var _hoisted_9$1 = ["id"];351var _hoisted_10$1 = {352 class: "vnb__sub-menu-options__option",353 tabindex: "-1"354};355var _hoisted_11$1 = ["innerHTML"];356var _hoisted_12$1 = { class: "vnb__sub-menu-options__option__link__text-wrapper" };357var _hoisted_13$1 = { class: "vnb__sub-menu-options__option__link__text-wrapper__text" };358var _hoisted_14$1 = {359 key: 0,360 class: "vnb__sub-menu-options__option__link__text-wrapper__sub-text"361};362var _hoisted_15$1 = ["innerHTML"];363var _hoisted_16$1 = {364 key: 1,365 class: "vnb__sub-menu-options__option__hr",366 tabindex: "-1"367};368function render$4(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {369 var _component_dynamic_link = resolveComponent("dynamic-link");370 return (!$props.option.subMenuOptions || !$props.option.subMenuOptions.length)371 ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_dynamic_link, {372 key: 0,373 path: $props.option.path,374 isUsingVueRouter: $props.options.isUsingVueRouter,375 class: "vnb__menu-options__option__link",376 "aria-label": $props.option.text,377 tabindex: "0",378 isLinkAction: $props.option.isLinkAction ? true : false,379 onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = function ($event) { return (_ctx.$emit('vnb-item-clicked', $props.option.text)); })380 }, {381 content: withCtx(function () { return [382 ($props.option.iconLeft)383 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {384 key: 0,385 class: "vnb__menu-options__option__link__icon vnb__menu-options__option__button__icon--left",386 innerHTML: $props.option.iconLeft387 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_1$3))388 : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),389 createTextVNode(" " + toDisplayString($props.option.text) + " ", 1 /* TEXT */),390 ($props.option.iconRight)391 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {392 key: 1,393 class: "vnb__menu-options__option__link__icon vnb__menu-options__option__button__icon--right",394 innerHTML: $props.option.iconRight395 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_2$1))396 : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)397 ]; }),398 _: 1 /* STABLE */399 }, 8 /* PROPS */, ["path", "isUsingVueRouter", "aria-label", "isLinkAction"]))400 : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {401 key: 1,402 class: "vnb__menu-options__option__link",403 id: 'dropdown-menu-parent-' + $,404 "aria-haspopup": "true",405 "aria-expanded": $options.isExpanded ? 'true' : 'false',406 "aria-label": $props.option.text,407 tabindex: "0"408 }, [409 ($props.option.iconLeft)410 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {411 key: 0,412 class: "vnb__menu-options__option__link__icon vnb__menu-options__option__button__icon--left",413 innerHTML: $props.option.iconLeft414 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_4$1))415 : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),416 createTextVNode(" " + toDisplayString($props.option.text) + " ", 1 /* TEXT */),417 ($props.option.iconRight)418 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {419 key: 1,420 class: "vnb__menu-options__option__link__icon vnb__menu-options__option__button__icon--right",421 innerHTML: $props.option.iconRight422 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_5$1))423 : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),424 (openBlock(), createElementBlock("svg", {425 height: "28pt",426 preserveAspectRatio: "xMidYMid meet",427 viewBox: "0 0 49 28",428 width: "49pt",429 xmlns: "",430 style: normalizeStyle({fill: $props.option.arrowColor}),431 class: normalizeClass([432 'vnb__menu-options__option__arrow',433 {'vnb__menu-options__option__arrow--hover': $options.isExpanded} ])434 }, _hoisted_8$1, 6 /* CLASS, STYLE */)),435 ($props.option.type === 'link')436 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {437 key: 2,438 class: "vnb__sub-menu-options",439 id: 'sub-menu-options-' + $props.option.id440 }, [441 createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_10$1, [442 (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList($props.option.subMenuOptions, function (subOption, index) {443 return (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", null, [444 (subOption.type === 'link')445 ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_dynamic_link, {446 path: subOption.path,447 isUsingVueRouter: $props.options.isUsingVueRouter,448 key: index,449 class: "vnb__sub-menu-options__option__link",450 onClick: function ($event) {451 $options.subMenuItemSelected(subOption.text);452_ctx.$emit('vnb-item-clicked', subOption.text);453 },454 "aria-label": subOption.text,455 tabindex: "0",456 onKeydown: withKeys(function ($event) { return ($options.subMenuItemTabbed(subOption.text)); }, ["tab"]),457 isLinkAction: subOption.isLinkAction ? true : false458 }, {459 content: withCtx(function () { return [460 (subOption.iconLeft)461 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {462 key: 0,463 class: "vnb__sub-menu-options__option__link__icon vnb__sub-menu-options__option__link__icon--left",464 innerHTML: subOption.iconLeft465 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_11$1))466 : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),467 createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_12$1, [468 createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_13$1, toDisplayString(subOption.text), 1 /* TEXT */),469 (subOption.subText)470 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_14$1, toDisplayString(subOption.subText), 1 /* TEXT */))471 : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)472 ]),473 (subOption.iconRight)474 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {475 key: 1,476 class: "vnb__sub-menu-options__option__link__icon vnb__sub-menu-options__option__link__icon--right",477 innerHTML: subOption.iconRight478 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_15$1))479 : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)480 ]; }),481 _: 2 /* DYNAMIC */482 }, 1032 /* PROPS, DYNAMIC_SLOTS */, ["path", "isUsingVueRouter", "onClick", "aria-label", "onKeydown", "isLinkAction"]))483 : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("hr", _hoisted_16$1))484 ]))485 }), 256 /* UNKEYED_FRAGMENT */))486 ])487 ], 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_9$1))488 : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)489 ], 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_3$1))490}491script$4.render = render$4;492script$4.__file = "src/components/DesktopMenuItemLink.vue";493var script$3 = {494 name: 'desktop-menu-item-spacer',495 props: {496 option: {497 type: Object,498 required: true499 }500 },501 data: function data () {502 return {503 }504 }505};506var _hoisted_1$2 = { class: "vnb__menu-options__option__spacer" };507function render$3(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {508 return (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$2))509}510script$3.render = render$3;511script$3.__file = "src/components/DesktopMenuItemSpacer.vue";512var script$2 = {513 name: 'menu-options',514 mixins: [VueScreenSizeMixin],515 props: {516 options: {517 type: Object,518 required: true,519 },520 type: {521 type: String,522 required: true,523 },524 },525 data: function data () {526 return {};527 },528 methods: {529 vnbItemClicked: function vnbItemClicked (text) {530 this.$emit('vnb-item-clicked', text);531 },532 },533 components: {534 DesktopMenuItemLink: script$4,535 DesktopMenuItemButton: script$5,536 DesktopMenuItemSpacer: script$3,537 },538 emits: [539 'vnb-item-clicked' ]540};541function render$2(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {542 var _component_desktop_menu_item_link = resolveComponent("desktop-menu-item-link");543 var _component_desktop_menu_item_button = resolveComponent("desktop-menu-item-button");544 var _component_desktop_menu_item_spacer = resolveComponent("desktop-menu-item-spacer");545 return (_ctx.$vssWidth > $props.options.mobileBreakpoint)546 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {547 key: 0,548 class: normalizeClass([549 'vnb__menu-options',550 {'vnb__menu-options--left': $props.type === 'left'},551 {'vnb__menu-options--right': $props.type === 'right'} ])552 }, [553 (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList($props.type === 'left'554 ? $props.options.menuOptionsLeft555 : $props.options.menuOptionsRight, function (option, index) {556 return (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {557 key: index,558 class: "vnb__menu-options__option"559 }, [560 (option.type === 'link')561 ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_desktop_menu_item_link, {562 key: 0,563 option: option,564 options: $props.options,565 onVnbItemClicked: $options.vnbItemClicked566 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["option", "options", "onVnbItemClicked"]))567 : (option.type === 'button')568 ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_desktop_menu_item_button, {569 key: 1,570 option: option,571 options: $props.options,572 onVnbItemClicked: $options.vnbItemClicked573 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["option", "options", "onVnbItemClicked"]))574 : (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_desktop_menu_item_spacer, {575 key: 2,576 option: option577 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["option"]))578 ]))579 }), 128 /* KEYED_FRAGMENT */))580 ], 2 /* CLASS */))581 : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)582}583script$2.render = render$2;584script$2.__file = "src/components/MenuOptions.vue";585var script$1 = {586 name: 'popup',587 props: {588 options: {589 type: Object,590 required: true,591 },592 menuIsVisible: {593 type: Boolean,594 required: true,595 },596 },597 data: function data () {598 return {};599 },600 computed: {601 combinedMenuItems: function combinedMenuItems () {602 var combinedArray = this.options.menuOptionsLeft.concat(this.options.menuOptionsRight);603 return combinedArray;604 },605 },606 methods: {607 closeButtonClicked: function closeButtonClicked () {608 this.$emit('close-button-clicked');609 },610 itemSelected: function itemSelected (option) {611 this.$emit('vnb-item-clicked', option.text);612 this.closeButtonClicked();613 },614 },615 components: {616 DynamicLink: script$8,617 },618 emits: [619 'close-button-clicked',620 'vnb-item-clicked' ]621};622var _hoisted_1$1 = {623 key: 0,624 class: "vnb__popup"625};626var _hoisted_2 = { class: "vnb__popup__top" };627var _hoisted_3 = ["src", "alt"];628var _hoisted_4 = ["aria-expanded"];629var _hoisted_5 = ["src"];630var _hoisted_6 = /*#__PURE__*/createElementVNode("title", null, "Close button", -1 /* HOISTED */);631var _hoisted_7 = /*#__PURE__*/createElementVNode("path", {632 d: "m42 967c-12-13-22-27-22-33 0-5 93-102 207-216l208-208-208-208c-114-114-207-214-207-223 0-8 11-26 25-39l26-24 214 214 215 215 215-215 214-214 26 24c14 13 25 28 25 34s-92 103-205 216-205 209-205 215 92 102 205 215 205 210 205 216c0 12-42 54-55 54-5 0-104-94-220-210l-210-210-210 210c-115 116-212 210-216 210-3 0-15-10-27-23z",633 transform: "matrix(.1 0 0 -.1 0 100)"634}, null, -1 /* HOISTED */);635var _hoisted_8 = [636 _hoisted_6,637 _hoisted_7638];639var _hoisted_9 = { class: "vnb__popup__bottom" };640var _hoisted_10 = {641 key: 0,642 class: "vnb__popup__bottom__custom-section"643};644var _hoisted_11 = { class: "vnb__popup__bottom__menu-options" };645var _hoisted_12 = ["innerHTML"];646var _hoisted_13 = ["innerHTML"];647var _hoisted_14 = {648 key: 1,649 class: "vnb__popup__bottom__menu-options__option__link vnb__popup__bottom__menu-options__option__link--no-highlight"650};651var _hoisted_15 = { class: "vnb__popup__bottom__sub-menu-options" };652var _hoisted_16 = { class: "vnb__popup__bottom__sub-menu-options__option__link__sub-text" };653function render$1(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {654 var _component_dynamic_link = resolveComponent("dynamic-link");655 return ($props.menuIsVisible)656 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$1, [657 createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2, [658 ($props.options.showBrandImageInMobilePopup && $props.options.brandImage)659 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("img", {660 key: 0,661 src: $props.options.brandImage,662 alt: $props.options.brandImageAltText,663 class: "vnb-image vnb__popup__top__image"664 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_3))665 : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),666 createElementVNode("button", {667 class: "vnb__popup__top__close-button",668 onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = function () {669 var args = [], len = arguments.length;670 while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ];671 return ($options.closeButtonClicked && $options.closeButtonClicked.apply($options, args));672 }),673 "aria-label": "Close Button",674 title: "Close",675 "aria-expanded": $props.menuIsVisible ? 'true' : 'false'676 }, [677 ($props.options.collapseButtonImageClose)678 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("img", {679 key: 0,680 src: $props.options.collapseButtonImageClose,681 alt: 'Close button',682 class: "vnb__popup__top__close-button__image"683 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_5))684 : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("svg", {685 key: 1,686 height: "100pt",687 preserveAspectRatio: "xMidYMid meet",688 viewBox: "0 0 100 100",689 width: "100pt",690 xmlns: "",691 class: "vnb__popup__top__close-button__image",692 style: normalizeStyle({fill: $props.options.collapseButtonCloseColor})693 }, _hoisted_8, 4 /* STYLE */))694 ], 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_4)695 ]),696 createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_9, [697 (!!this.$slots['custom-section'])698 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_10, [699 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "custom-section")700 ]))701 : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),702 createElementVNode("ul", _hoisted_11, [703 (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList($options.combinedMenuItems, function (option, index) {704 return (openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", {705 key: index,706 class: "vnb__popup__bottom__menu-options__option"707 }, [708 (!option.subMenuOptions)709 ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_dynamic_link, {710 key: 0,711 path: option.path,712 isUsingVueRouter: $props.options.isUsingVueRouter,713 class: normalizeClass(['vnb__popup__bottom__menu-options__option__link', option.class]),714 onClick: function ($event) { return ($options.itemSelected(option)); },715 "aria-label": option.text,716 isLinkAction: option.isLinkAction ? true : false717 }, {718 content: withCtx(function () { return [719 (option.iconLeft)720 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {721 key: 0,722 class: "vnb__popup__bottom__menu-options__option__link__icon vnb__popup__bottom__menu-options__option__link__icon--left",723 innerHTML: option.iconLeft724 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_12))725 : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),726 createTextVNode(" " + toDisplayString(option.text) + " ", 1 /* TEXT */),727 (option.iconRight)728 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {729 key: 1,730 class: "vnb__popup__bottom__menu-options__option__link__icon vnb__popup__bottom__menu-options__option__link__icon--right",731 innerHTML: option.iconRight732 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_13))733 : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)734 ]; }),735 _: 2 /* DYNAMIC */736 }, 1032 /* PROPS, DYNAMIC_SLOTS */, ["path", "isUsingVueRouter", "class", "onClick", "aria-label", "isLinkAction"]))737 : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_14, toDisplayString(option.text), 1 /* TEXT */)),738 createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_15, [739 (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(option.subMenuOptions, function (subOption, index) {740 return (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {741 key: index,742 class: "vnb__popup__bottom__sub-menu-options__option"743 }, [744 (subOption.type === 'link')745 ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_dynamic_link, {746 key: 0,747 path: subOption.path,748 isUsingVueRouter: $props.options.isUsingVueRouter,749 class: "vnb__popup__bottom__sub-menu-options__option__link",750 onClick: function ($event) { return ($options.itemSelected(subOption)); },751 "aria-label": subOption.text,752 isLinkAction: option.isLinkAction ? true : false753 }, {754 content: withCtx(function () { return [755 createTextVNode(toDisplayString(subOption.text) + " ", 1 /* TEXT */),756 createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_16, toDisplayString(subOption.subText), 1 /* TEXT */)757 ]; }),758 _: 2 /* DYNAMIC */759 }, 1032 /* PROPS, DYNAMIC_SLOTS */, ["path", "isUsingVueRouter", "onClick", "aria-label", "isLinkAction"]))760 : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)761 ]))762 }), 128 /* KEYED_FRAGMENT */))763 ])764 ]))765 }), 128 /* KEYED_FRAGMENT */))766 ])767 ])768 ]))769 : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)770}771script$1.render = render$1;772script$1.__file = "src/components/Popup.vue";773var script = {774 name: 'vue-navigation-bar',775 mixins: [VueScreenSizeMixin],776 props: {777 options: {778 type: Object,779 required: true,780 },781 },782 data: function data () {783 return {784 menuIsVisible: false,785 };786 },787 computed: {788 finalOptions: function finalOptions () {789 // What we're doing here is giving each top-level menu-option a unique id790 if (this.options.menuOptionsLeft) {791 for (var x = 0; x < this.options.menuOptionsLeft.length; x++) {792 this.options.menuOptionsLeft[x].id = uuidV4();793 }794 }795 if (this.options.menuOptionsRight) {796 for (var x$1 = 0; x$1 < this.options.menuOptionsRight.length; x$1++) {797 this.options.menuOptionsRight[x$1].id = uuidV4();798 }799 }800 return {801 elementId: this.options.elementId ? this.options.elementId : uuidV4(),802 isUsingVueRouter: this.options.isUsingVueRouter ? true : false,803 mobileBreakpoint: this.options.mobileBreakpoint ? this.options.mobileBreakpoint : 992,804 brandImagePath: this.options.brandImagePath ? this.options.brandImagePath : '/',805 brandImage: this.options.brandImage ? this.options.brandImage : null,806 brandImageAltText: this.options.brandImageAltText807 ? this.options.brandImageAltText808 : 'brand-image',809 collapseButtonImageOpen: this.options.collapseButtonImageOpen810 ? this.options.collapseButtonImageOpen811 : null,812 collapseButtonImageClose: this.options.collapseButtonImageClose813 ? this.options.collapseButtonImageClose814 : null,815 collapseButtonOpenColor: this.options.collapseButtonOpenColor816 ? this.options.collapseButtonOpenColor817 : '#373737',818 collapseButtonCloseColor: this.options.collapseButtonCloseColor819 ? this.options.collapseButtonCloseColor820 : '#373737',821 showBrandImageInMobilePopup: this.options.showBrandImageInMobilePopup ? true : false,822 ariaLabelMainNav: this.options.ariaLabelMainNav823 ? this.options.ariaLabelMainNav824 : 'Main Navigation',825 tooltipAnimationType: this.options.tooltipAnimationType826 ? this.options.tooltipAnimationType827 : 'shift-away',828 tooltipPlacement: this.options.tooltipPlacement || 'bottom',829 menuOptionsLeft: this.options.menuOptionsLeft ? this.options.menuOptionsLeft : [],830 menuOptionsRight: this.options.menuOptionsRight ? this.options.menuOptionsRight : [],831 };832 },833 },834 methods: {835 closeMobilePopup: function closeMobilePopup () {836 this.menuIsVisible = false;837 this.$emit('vnb-mobile-popup-hidden');838 },839 showMobilePopup: function showMobilePopup () {840 this.menuIsVisible = true;841 this.$emit('vnb-mobile-popup-shown');842 },843 vnbItemClicked: function vnbItemClicked (text) {844 this.$emit('vnb-item-clicked', text);845 },846 },847 components: {848 BrandImage: script$7,849 MenuOptions: script$2,850 CollapseButton: script$6,851 Popup: script$1,852 },853 emits: [854 'vnb-mobile-popup-hidden',855 'vnb-mobile-popup-shown',856 'vnb-item-clicked' ]857};858var _hoisted_1 = ["id", "aria-label"];859function render(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {860 var _component_brand_image = resolveComponent("brand-image");861 var _component_menu_options = resolveComponent("menu-options");862 var _component_collapse_button = resolveComponent("collapse-button");863 var _component_popup = resolveComponent("popup");864 return (openBlock(), createElementBlock("nav", {865 class: "vnb",866 id: $options.finalOptions.elementId,867 "aria-label": $options.finalOptions.ariaLabelMainNav868 }, [869 createVNode(_component_brand_image, {870 options: $options.finalOptions,871 onVnbItemClicked: $options.vnbItemClicked872 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["options", "onVnbItemClicked"]),873 createVNode(_component_menu_options, {874 options: $options.finalOptions,875 type: 'left',876 onVnbItemClicked: $options.vnbItemClicked877 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["options", "onVnbItemClicked"]),878 (_ctx.$vssWidth > $props.options.mobileBreakpoint)879 ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "custom-section", { key: 0 })880 : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),881 createVNode(_component_menu_options, {882 options: $options.finalOptions,883 type: 'right',884 onVnbItemClicked: $options.vnbItemClicked885 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["options", "onVnbItemClicked"]),886 ($options.finalOptions.menuOptionsLeft.length || $options.finalOptions.menuOptionsRight.length)887 ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_collapse_button, {888 key: 1,889 options: $options.finalOptions,890 menuIsVisible: $data.menuIsVisible,891 onCollapseButtonClicked: $options.showMobilePopup892 }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["options", "menuIsVisible", "onCollapseButtonClicked"]))893 : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),894 ($options.finalOptions.menuOptionsLeft.length || $options.finalOptions.menuOptionsRight.length)895 ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_popup, {896 key: 2,897 options: $options.finalOptions,898 menuIsVisible: $data.menuIsVisible,899 onCloseButtonClicked: $options.closeMobilePopup,900 onVnbItemClicked: $options.vnbItemClicked901 }, {902 "custom-section": withCtx(function () { return [903 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "custom-section")904 ]; }),905 _: 3 /* FORWARDED */906 }, 8 /* PROPS */, ["options", "menuIsVisible", "onCloseButtonClicked", "onVnbItemClicked"]))907 : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)908 ], 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_1))909}...
...130 emit("get-list");131 }132 return (_ctx, _cache) => {133 const _directive_loading = resolveDirective("loading");134 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$1, [135 Object.keys(__props.form).length > 0 ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElForm), mergeProps({136 key: 0,137 class: __props.form.class,138 inline: true,139 model: __props.formData,140 style: __spreadValues({ position: "relative" }, }, __props.form.config), {142 default: withCtx(() => [143 (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(__props.form.list, (item, key) => {144 return withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", { key }, [145 item.type !== "slot" ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElFormItem), mergeProps({146 key: 0,147 label: item.label ? item.label + "\uFF1A" : ""148 }, item.formConfig), {149 default: withCtx(() => [150 item.type === "datePicker" ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElDatePicker), mergeProps({151 key: 0,152 style: || __props.form.formItemStyle,153 onChange: ($event) => getDate(item),154 "end-placeholder": "\u7ED3\u675F\u65E5\u671F",155 "start-placeholder": "\u5F00\u59CB\u65E5\u671F",156 type: "daterange"157 }, item.config, {158 modelValue: __props.formData[item.key],159 "onUpdate:modelValue": ($event) => __props.formData[item.key] = $event,160 "value-format": "yyyy-MM-dd"161 }), null, 16, ["style", "onChange", "modelValue", "onUpdate:modelValue"])) : createCommentVNode("", true),162 item.type === "input" ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElInput), mergeProps({163 key: 1,164 placeholder: item.placeholder ? item.placeholder : "\u8BF7\u8F93\u5165" + item.label,165 style: || __props.form.formItemStyle,166 onKeyup: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = withKeys(($event) => _ctx.$emit("get-list"), ["enter", "native"]))167 }, item.config, {168 modelValue: __props.formData[item.key],169 "onUpdate:modelValue": ($event) => __props.formData[item.key] = $event170 }), null, 16, ["placeholder", "style", "modelValue", "onUpdate:modelValue"])) : createCommentVNode("", true),171 item.type === "select" ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElSelect), mergeProps({172 key: 2,173 placeholder: item.placeholder ? item.placeholder : "\u8BF7\u9009\u62E9" + item.label,174 style: || __props.form.formItemStyle175 }, item.config, {176 modelValue: __props.formData[item.key],177 "onUpdate:modelValue": ($event) => __props.formData[item.key] = $event178 }), {179 default: withCtx(() => [180 (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(item.options, (option) => {181 return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElOption), {182 key: typeof option.value !== "undefined" ? option.value : option,183 label: typeof option.label !== "undefined" ? option.label : option,184 value: typeof option.value !== "undefined" ? option.value : option185 }, null, 8, ["label", "value"]);186 }), 128))187 ]),188 _: 2189 }, 1040, ["placeholder", "style", "modelValue", "onUpdate:modelValue"])) : createCommentVNode("", true),190 item.type === "button" ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElButton), mergeProps({191 key: 3,192 disabled: item.disabled ? item.disabled() : false,193 style:,194 onClick: ($event) => item.handleClick(item, key),195 type: "primary"196 }, item.config), {197 default: withCtx(() => [198 createTextVNode(toDisplayString(typeof item.text === "function" ? item.text() : item.text), 1)199 ]),200 _: 2201 }, 1040, ["disabled", "style", "onClick"])) : createCommentVNode("", true)202 ]),203 _: 2204 }, 1040, ["label"])) : renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, item.slot, { key: 1 })205 ])), [206 [vShow, showFormItem(item, key)]207 ]);208 }), 128)),209 unref(showFold) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2$1, [210 createVNode(unref(ElButton), {211 onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => handleExpand()),212 type: "text"213 }, {214 default: withCtx(() => [215 createTextVNode(toDisplayString(isExpand.value ? "\u6536\u8D77" : "\u5C55\u5F00") + " ", 1),216 (openBlock(), createElementBlock("svg", {217 style: normalizeStyle(unref(svgStyle)),218 fill: "#409EFF",219 height: "12px",220 viewBox: "0 0 48 48",221 width: "12px"222 }, _hoisted_4$1, 4))223 ]),224 _: 1225 })226 ])) : createCommentVNode("", true)227 ]),228 _: 3229 }, 16, ["class", "model", "style"])) : createCommentVNode("", true),230 Object.keys(__props.table).length > 0 ? withDirectives((openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElTable), mergeProps({231 key: 1,232 data: __props.table.list,233 border: "",234 "element-loading-text": "\u62FC\u547D\u52A0\u8F7D\u4E2D",235 stripe: "",236 style: { "overflow": "visible", "margin-top": "20px" },237 "tooltip-effect": "light"238 }, _ctx.$attrs), {239 default: withCtx(() => [240 __props.table.selection && && __props.table.list.length > 0 ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElTableColumn), mergeProps({241 key: 0,242 align: "center",243 type: "selection"244 }, __props.table.selection.config), null, 16)) : createCommentVNode("", true),245 __props.table.showIndex !== false ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElTableColumn), {246 key: 1,247 fixed: __props.table.indexFixed || false,248 label: __props.table.indexLabel || "\u5E8F\u53F7",249 align: "center",250 type: "index",251 index: tableIndex.value,252 width: "55"253 }, null, 8, ["fixed", "label", "index"])) : createCommentVNode("", true),254 (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(__props.table.columns, (column) => {255 return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElTableColumn), mergeProps({256 key: column.key + column.label,257 label: column.label,258 prop: column.key,259 align: "center"260 }, column.config), {261 header: withCtx((scope) => [262 column.header ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, column.header, {263 key: 0,264 row: scope.row265 }) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_5$1, toDisplayString(column.label), 1))266 ]),267 default: withCtx((scope) => [268 !column.hasOwnProperty("type") ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_6$1, toDisplayString(scope.row[column.key]), 1)) : createCommentVNode("", true),269 column.type === "format" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_7$1, [270 createElementVNode("span", {271 innerHTML: column.format(scope.row, scope)272 }, null, 8, _hoisted_8$1)273 ])) : createCommentVNode("", true),274 column.type === "textBtn" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_9$1, [275 (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(column.textBtn, (btn, key) => {276 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", { key }, [277 btn.text || btn.funcText(scope.row, scope) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElButton), mergeProps({278 key: 0,279 onClick: ($event) => btn.handleClick(scope.row, scope),280 style: { "margin-right": "10px" },281 type: "text"282 }, btn.config || btn.funcConfig ? btn.funcConfig(scope.row, scope) : {}, {283 innerHTML: btn.text || btn.funcText(scope.row, scope)284 }), null, 16, ["onClick", "innerHTML"])) : createCommentVNode("", true)285 ]);286 }), 128))287 ])) : createCommentVNode("", true),288 column.type === "slot" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_10$1, [289 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, column.slot, {290 row: scope.row291 })292 ])) : createCommentVNode("", true)293 ]),294 _: 2295 }, 1040, ["label", "prop"]);296 }), 128))297 ]),298 _: 3299 }, 16, ["data"])), [300 [_directive_loading, __props.table.isLoading]301 ]) : createCommentVNode("", true),302 Object.keys(__props.table).length > 0 && __props.pagination && Array.isArray(__props.table.list) && __props.table.list.length > 0 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_11, [303 createVNode(unref(ElPagination), mergeProps({304 "current-page": __props.formData.pageIndex || 1,305 layout: typeof __props.pagination === "object" ? __props.pagination.layout : "total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper",306 "page-size": __props.formData.pageSize || 10,307 "page-sizes": typeof __props.pagination === "object" ? __props.pagination.pageSizes : [10, 20, 50, 100],308 total: 11,309 onCurrentChange: handleCurrentChange,310 onSizeChange: handleSizeChange311 }, typeof __props.pagination === "object" ? __props.pagination : {}), null, 16, ["current-page", "layout", "page-size", "page-sizes"])312 ])) : createCommentVNode("", true)313 ]);314 };315 }316}));317var index_vue_vue_type_style_index_0_lang = "";318const _hoisted_1 = { class: "custom-column-wrapper" };319const _hoisted_2 = { class: "custom-column-title-wrapper" };320const _hoisted_3 = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("div", { class: "custom-column-title" }, "\u81EA\u5B9A\u4E49\u5217", -1);321const _hoisted_4 = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("span", { class: "custom-column-search" }, "\u641C\u7D22\u5217\uFF1A", -1);322const _hoisted_5 = /* @__PURE__ */ createTextVNode("\u5168\u9009");323const _hoisted_6 = {324 class: "text-center",325 slot: "footer"326};327const _hoisted_7 = /* @__PURE__ */ createTextVNode("\u53D6 \u6D88");328const _hoisted_8 = /* @__PURE__ */ createTextVNode("\u786E \u5B9A");329const _hoisted_9 = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("p", { class: "text-center custom-column-search" }, "\u6682\u65E0\u5217\u6570\u636E", -1);330const _hoisted_10 = [331 _hoisted_9332];333const __default__ = defineComponent({334 name: "CustomColumn"335});336const _sfc_main = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, __default__), {337 props: {338 localName: null,339 show: { type: Boolean, default: false },340 baseColumns: null,341 columns: null,342 defaultColumns: null343 },344 emits: ["update:show", "update:columns"],345 setup(__props, { emit }) {346 const props = __props;347 const keyWord = ref("");348 const visible = ref(false);349 const checkAll = ref(true);350 const allColumns = ref([]);351 const showColumns = ref([]);352 const checkedColumns = ref([]);353 const disabledCustoms = ref([]);354 const isIndeterminate = ref(false);355 watch(() =>, (val) => {356 if (val)357 initShow();358 visible.value = val;359 }, { immediate: true });360 watch(visible, (val) => {361 emit("update:show", val);362 });363 function setLStorage(key, value) {364 const str = window.JSON.stringify(value);365 window.localStorage.setItem(key, str);366 }367 function getLStorage(key) {368 const str = window.localStorage.getItem(key);369 if (!str)370 return "";371 try {372 return window.JSON.parse(str);373 } catch (error) {374 window.localStorage.removeItem(key);375 window.location.reload();376 }377 }378 function searchColumns(word = "") {379 showColumns.value = allColumns.value.filter((val) => val.label.toUpperCase().includes(word.toUpperCase())).map((v) => v.key);380 handleCheckedColumnsChange();381 }382 async function initLocalStorage() {383 var _a;384 let checkedColumns2 = getLStorage(props.localName) || props.defaultColumns || [];385 if (Array.isArray(checkedColumns2) && checkedColumns2.length > 0) {386 let hadCheckedColumns = [], checkedColumn;387 checkedColumns2.forEach((v, i) => {388 var _a2;389 checkedColumn = (_a2 = props.baseColumns) == null ? void 0 : _a2.find((item) => item.key === v);390 checkedColumn && checkedColumn.key ? hadCheckedColumns.push(checkedColumn) : checkedColumns2.splice(i, 1);391 });392 (_a = props.baseColumns) == null ? void 0 : _a.forEach((item) => {393 if (!checkedColumns2.includes(item.key))394 allColumns.value.push(item);395 });396 allColumns.value = hadCheckedColumns.concat(allColumns.value);397 disabledCustoms.value = allColumns.value.filter((item) => item.disabledCustom).map((v) => v.key);398 showColumns.value = => v.key);399 await nextTick();400 emit("update:columns", hadCheckedColumns);401 return setLStorage(props.localName, checkedColumns2);402 }403 if (props.baseColumns)404 allColumns.value = props.baseColumns;405 disabledCustoms.value = allColumns.value.filter((item) => item.disabledCustom).map((v) => v.key);406 showColumns.value = => v.key);407 emit("update:columns", props.baseColumns);408 }409 function initShow() {410 keyWord.value = "";411 searchColumns(keyWord.value);412 if (props.columns)413 checkedColumns.value = => v.key);414 handleCheckedColumnsChange();415 }416 function cancel() {417 visible.value = false;418 }419 async function confirm() {420 let hadCheckedColumns = [], newCheckedColumns = [];421 allColumns.value.forEach((item) => {422 if (checkedColumns.value.includes(item.key)) {423 hadCheckedColumns.push(item);424 newCheckedColumns.push(item.key);425 }426 });427 setLStorage(props.localName, newCheckedColumns);428 emit("update:columns", []);429 await nextTick();430 emit("update:columns", hadCheckedColumns);431 visible.value = false;432 }433 function handleCheckAllChange(bool) {434 const showColumnsKeys = bool ? showColumns.value : showColumns.value.filter((v) => !disabledCustoms.value.includes(v));435 checkedColumns.value = bool ? checkedColumns.value = [.../* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...checkedColumns.value, ...showColumnsKeys])] : checkedColumns.value.filter((key) => !showColumnsKeys.includes(key));436 handleCheckedColumnsChange();437 }438 function handleCheckedColumnsChange() {439 checkAll.value = showColumns.value.every((v) => checkedColumns.value.includes(v));440 isIndeterminate.value = !checkAll.value && showColumns.value.some((v) => checkedColumns.value.includes(v));441 }442 initLocalStorage();443 return (_ctx, _cache) => {444 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1, [445 createVNode(unref(ElDialog), {446 modelValue: visible.value,447 "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[6] || (_cache[6] = ($event) => visible.value = $event),448 "show-close": false,449 width: "880px"450 }, {451 title: withCtx(() => [452 createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2, [453 _hoisted_3,454 _hoisted_4,455 createVNode(unref(ElInput), {456 onInput: searchColumns,457 placeholder: "\u8BF7\u8F93\u5165\u5217\u540D\u79F0",458 size: "small",459 style: { "width": "200px" },460 modelValue: keyWord.value,461 "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => keyWord.value = $event)462 }, null, 8, ["modelValue"])463 ])464 ]),465 default: withCtx(() => [466 withDirectives(createElementVNode("div", null, [467 createVNode(unref(ElCheckbox), {468 indeterminate: isIndeterminate.value,469 onChange: handleCheckAllChange,470 modelValue: checkAll.value,471 "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => checkAll.value = $event)472 }, {473 default: withCtx(() => [474 _hoisted_5475 ]),476 _: 1477 }, 8, ["indeterminate", "modelValue"]),478 createVNode(unref(ElCheckboxGroup), {479 onChange: handleCheckedColumnsChange,480 modelValue: checkedColumns.value,481 "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = ($event) => checkedColumns.value = $event)482 }, {483 default: withCtx(() => [484 createVNode(unref(Draggable), {485 animation: 166,486 group: { name: "customColumn" },487 class: "el-checkbox-wrapper",488 ghostClass: "ghost",489 handle: ".el-checkbox__label",490 "item-key": "key",491 tag: "ul",492 modelValue: allColumns.value,493 "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => allColumns.value = $event)494 }, {495 item: withCtx(({ element }) => [496 createElementVNode("li", null, [497 withDirectives((openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElCheckbox), {498 disabled: element.disabledCustom,499 key: element.key,500 label: element.key501 }, {502 default: withCtx(() => [503 createTextVNode(toDisplayString(element.label), 1)504 ]),505 _: 2506 }, 1032, ["disabled", "label"])), [507 [vShow, showColumns.value.includes(element.key)]508 ])509 ])510 ]),511 _: 1...
...12 cY = parseInt(id.substring(id.indexOf('-') + 1)); //Ëùµã»÷·½¸ñµÄY×ø±ê 13 if(inGame == 1) { 14 if(e.which == 1) { 15 if(clicked.hasClass('hidden') && !clicked.hasClass('flag')) { 16 openBlock(cX,cY); //×ó¼üµã»÷δ½Ò¿ªÇÒδ²åÆì·½¿é¼´Ö´ÐвÙ×÷1 17 } else if(!clicked.hasClass('hidden')) { 18 openNearBlock(cX,cY); //ÓÉÓÚͬʱµã»÷×óÓÒ¼üʵÏÖÆðÀ´±È½ÏÂé·³£¬ËùÒԸijÉÓõã»÷×ó¼üʵÏÖ²Ù×÷4 19 } 20 } else if(e.which == 3 && clicked.hasClass('hidden')) { //ÓÒ¼üµã»÷²Ù×÷2£¬Èç¹ûÔÊÐíʹÓÃÎʺűê¼Ç£¬Ôò¿ÉÖ´ÐвÙ×÷3 21 if(clicked.hasClass('flag')) { 22 clicked.removeClass('flag'); 23 if($('#check').attr('checked')) clicked.addClass('check'); 24 lastNum ++; 25 countNum ++; 26 } else if(clicked.hasClass('check')) { 27 clicked.removeClass('check'); 28 } else { 29 clicked.addClass('flag'); 30 lastNum --; 31 countNum --; 32 } 33 $('#lastnum').text(lastNum); 34 } 35 if(lastNum == countNum) endGame(1); //ÒòΪ×îºóʣϵķ½¿é¾ùΪÀ×ʱӦֱ½Ó½áÊøÓÎÏ·£¬Òò´ËÉèÖÃΪʣÓàÀ×ÊýºÍδ±»½Ò¿ªµÄ·½¿éÊýÏàµÈµÄʱºò½áÊøÓÎÏ· 36 } else if(inGame == 2) { 37 if(e.which == 1) { //³õʼ»¯Íê±ÏºóÖ»ÔÊÐíµã»÷×ó¼ü¿ªÊ¼ÓÎÏ· 38 openBlock(cX,cY); 39 inGame = 1; 40 var now = new Date(); 41 startTime = now.getTime(); 42 timer(); 43 } 44 } 45 }); 46 $('#main').bind('contextmenu', function(){ return false; }); //×èֹĬÈÏÓÒ»÷ʼþ 47}); 48//³õʼ»¯ 49function init(x, y, mine) { 50 countNum = x * y; 51 inGame = 2; 52 lastNum = mine; 53 mineArray = new Array(y + 2); 54 $.each(mineArray, function(key) { 55 mineArray[key] = new Array(x + 2); 56 }); 57 for(var i = 1; i <= y; i ++) { 58 for(var j = 1; j <= x; j ++) { 59 mineArray[i][j] = 0; 60 } 61 } 62 while(mine > 0) { //Ëæ»ú²¼À×£¬-1ΪÓÐÀ× 63 var i = Math.ceil(Math.random() * y); 64 var j = Math.ceil(Math.random() * x); 65 if(mineArray[i][j] != -1) { 66 mineArray[i][j] = -1; 67 mine --; 68 } 69 } 70 for(var i = 1; i <= y; i ++) { //±éÀúµØÀ×Êý×飬ͳ¼Æÿ¸ö¸ñ×ÓËÄÖܵØÀ×µÄÊýÁ¿ 71 for(var j = 1; j <= x; j ++) { 72 if(mineArray[i][j] != -1) { 73 if(i > 1 && j > 1 && mineArray[i - 1][j - 1] == -1) mineArray[i][j] ++; 74 if(i > 1 && mineArray[i - 1][j] == -1) mineArray[i][j] ++; 75 if(i > 1 && j < x && mineArray[i - 1][j + 1] == -1) mineArray[i][j] ++; 76 if(j < x && mineArray[i][j + 1] == -1) mineArray[i][j] ++; 77 if(i < y && j < x && mineArray[i + 1][j + 1] == -1) mineArray[i][j] ++; 78 if(i < y && mineArray[i + 1][j] == -1) mineArray[i][j] ++; 79 if(i < y && j > 1 && mineArray[i + 1][j - 1] == -1) mineArray[i][j] ++; 80 if(j > 1 && mineArray[i][j - 1] == -1) mineArray[i][j] ++; 81 } 82 } 83 } 84 var block = ''; 85 for(var i = 1, row = mineArray.length - 1; i < row; i ++) { 86 for(var j = 1, col = mineArray[0].length - 1; j < col; j ++) { 87 block += '<div id="b' + i + '-' + j + '" style="left:' + (j - 1) * 20 + 'px;top:' + (i - 1) * 20 + 'px;" class="hidden"></div>'; 88 } 89 } 90 $('#main').html(block).width(x * 20 + 1).height(y * 20 + 1).show(); //»æͼ 91 $('#warning').html(''); 92 $('#submenu').show(); 93 $('#lastnum').text(lastNum); 94} 95//½Ò¿ª·½¿é 96function openBlock(x, y) { 97 var current = $('#b' + x + '-' + y); 98 if(mineArray[x][y] == -1) { 99 if(inGame == 1) { //´¥À×ʱÈçÓÎÏ·½øÐÐÖУ¬Ôòʧ°Ü½áÊøÓÎÏ· 100 current.addClass('cbomb'); 101 endGame(); 102 } else if(inGame == 2) { //ÈçÓÎÏ·³õʼ»¯ºó»¹Î´¿ªÊ¼£¬ÔòÖØгõʼ»¯µØÀ×Õó£¬ÔÙ½Ò¿ª´Ë·½¿é£¬ÒÔ±£Ö¤µÚÒ»´Îµã»÷²»´¥À× 103 init(mineArray[0].length - 2, mineArray.length - 2, lastNum); 104 openBlock(x, y); 105 } else { //ÓÎÏ·½áÊøʱÐè½Ò¿ªÈ«²¿·½¿é£¬±ê¼ÇµØÀ×λÖà 106 if(!current.hasClass('flag')) current.addClass('bomb'); 107 } 108 } else if(mineArray[x][y] > 0) { 109 if(current.hasClass('flag')) { //ÈôÔÚÎÞÀ׵ķ½¿éÉϱê¼ÇÁËСÆ죬Èç¹ûÖÜΧµÄ¹ã³¡Ö´ÐвÙ×÷4ʱ²¨¼°µ½´Ë·½¿é£¬Ôò´¥·¢Ê§°Ü½áÊøÓÎÏ· 110 current.addClass('wrong'); 111 if(inGame) endGame(); 112 } else { 113 current.html(mineArray[x][y]).addClass('num' + mineArray[x][y]).removeClass('hidden'); //ÏÔʾÖܱߵĵØÀ×ÊýÁ¿ 114 if(current.hasClass('check')) current.removeClass('check'); 115 if(inGame) countNum --; 116 } 117 } else { 118 if(current.hasClass('flag')) { //ͬÉÏ 119 current.addClass('wrong'); 120 if(inGame) endGame(); 121 } else { 122 current.removeClass('hidden'); 123 if(current.hasClass('check')) current.removeClass('check'); 124 if(inGame) { //µã»÷µ½ÖܱßÎÞÀ׵ķ½¿éʱ£¬×Ô¶¯½Ò¿ªÖÜΧ·½¿é 125 countNum --; 126 var row = mineArray.length - 2, col = mineArray[0].length - 2; 127 if(x > 1 && y > 1 && $('#b' + (x - 1) + '-' + (y - 1)).hasClass('hidden')) openBlock(x - 1, y - 1); 128 if(x > 1 && $('#b' + (x - 1) + '-' + y).hasClass('hidden')) openBlock(x - 1, y); 129 if(x > 1 && y < col && $('#b' + (x - 1) + '-' + (y + 1)).hasClass('hidden')) openBlock(x - 1, y + 1); 130 if(y < col && $('#b' + x + '-' + (y + 1)).hasClass('hidden')) openBlock(x, y + 1); 131 if(x < row && y < col && $('#b' + (x + 1) + '-' + (y + 1)).hasClass('hidden')) openBlock(x + 1, y + 1); 132 if(x < row && $('#b' + (x + 1) + '-' + y).hasClass('hidden')) openBlock(x + 1, y); 133 if(x < row && y > 1 && $('#b' + (x + 1) + '-' + (y - 1)).hasClass('hidden')) openBlock(x + 1, y - 1); 134 if(y > 1 && $('#b' + x + '-' + (y - 1)).hasClass('hidden')) openBlock(x, y - 1); 135 } 136 } 137 } 138} 139//½Ò¿ª¸ñ×ÓÁÚ½üÈ·ÈÏÎÞÀ׵ķ½¿é 140function openNearBlock(x, y) { 141 var flagNum = 0, hiddenNum = 0; 142 for(i = x - 1; i < x + 2; i ++) { 143 for(j = y - 1; j < y + 2; j ++) { 144 if(mineArray[i][j] != undefined) { 145 if($('#b' + i + '-' + j).hasClass('flag')) flagNum ++; //ͳ¼Æ·½¿éÖÜΧµÄÆìÖÄÊýºÍδ½Ò¿ªµÄ·½¿éÊý 146 if($('#b' + i + '-' + j).hasClass('hidden')) hiddenNum ++; 147 } 148 } 149 } 150 if(flagNum == mineArray[x][y] && hiddenNum > flagNum) { //ÆìÖÄÊýºÍÀ×ÊýÏàµÈÇÒÓÐδ½Ò¿ª·½¿éÇÒδ²åÆìµÄ·½¿éʱ£¬Ôò½Ò¿ªËü 151 for(i = x - 1; i < x + 2; i ++) { 152 for(j = y - 1; j < y + 2; j ++) { 153 if(mineArray[i][j] >= 0 && $('#b' + i + '-' + j).hasClass('hidden')) openBlock(i, j); 154 } 155 } 156 } 157} 158//¼Æʱ 159function timer(){ 160 if(inGame == 1) { //Ö»ÔÚÓÎÏ·½øÐÐÖмÆʱ 161 var now = new Date(), 162 ms = now.getTime(); 163 $('#time').text(Math.ceil((ms - startTime) / 1000)); 164 if(inGame == 1) setTimeout(function() { timer(); }, 500); 165 } else if(inGame == 2) { 166 $('#time').text('0'); 167 } 168} 169//½áÊøÓÎÏ· 170function endGame(isWin) { 171 inGame = 0; 172 for(var i = 1, row = mineArray.length - 1; i < row; i ++) { 173 for(var j = 1, col = mineArray[0].length - 1; j < col; j ++) { 174 if(isWin) { 175 if($('#b' + i + '-' + j).hasClass('hidden') && !$('#b' + i + '-' + j).hasClass('flag')) $('#b' + i + '-' + j).addClass('flag'); 176 lastNum = 0; 177 $('#lastnum').text(lastNum); 178 } else { 179 openBlock(i, j); 180 } 181 } 182 } 183 $('#warning').text(isWin ? 'You Win!' : 'You Lose!'); ...
...93 emit("update:modelValue", "");94 };95 const { isShowIcon, passwordVisible, wordCount } = toRefs(state);96 return (_ctx, _cache) => {97 return __props.type !== "textarea" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("section", {98 key: 0,99 class: normalizeClass([unref(classes), "gui-input-wrap"]),100 onMouseenter: onMouseEnter,101 onMouseleave: onMouseLeave102 }, [103 _ctx.$slots.prepend ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$2, [104 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "prepend")105 ])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),106 createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_2$1, [107 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "prefix"),108 __props.prefixIcon ? (openBlock(), createBlock(script$3, { key: 0 }, {109 default: withCtx(() => [110 (openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(__props.prefixIcon)))111 ]),112 _: 1113 })) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)114 ]),115 createElementVNode("input", mergeProps({116 value: __props.modelValue,117 type: __props.showPassword ? unref(passwordVisible) ? "text" : "password" : __props.type,118 disabled: __props.disabled119 }, _ctx.$attrs, { onInput: handleInput }), null, 16, _hoisted_3$1),120 createCommentVNode(" clearable "),121 withDirectives(createVNode(unref(RiCloseCircleLine), {122 onClick: handleClear,123 class: "gui-input-clear"124 }, null, 512), [125 [vShow, __props.clearable && unref(isShowIcon)]126 ]),127 createCommentVNode(" \u9650\u5236\u5B57\u7B26\u957F\u5EA6 "),128 unref(isWordLimitVisible) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_4$1, toDisplayString(unref(wordCount)) + "/" + toDisplayString(_ctx.$attrs.maxlength || 0), 1)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),129 createCommentVNode(" \u663E\u793A\u5BC6\u7801 "),130 __props.showPassword ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {131 key: 2,132 onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => passwordVisible.value = !unref(passwordVisible))133 }, [134 withDirectives(createVNode(unref(RiEyeLine), { width: "20" }, null, 512), [135 [vShow, unref(passwordVisible)]136 ]),137 withDirectives(createVNode(unref(RiEyeOffLine), { width: "20" }, null, 512), [138 [vShow, !unref(passwordVisible)]139 ])140 ])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),141 createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_5, [142 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "suffix"),143 __props.suffixIcon ? (openBlock(), createBlock(script$3, { key: 0 }, {144 default: withCtx(() => [145 (openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(__props.suffixIcon)))146 ]),147 _: 1148 })) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)149 ]),150 _ctx.$slots.append ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_6, [151 renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "append")152 ])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)153 ], 34)) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("section", _hoisted_7, [154 createElementVNode("textarea", {155 value: __props.modelValue,156 name: "",157 id: "",158 cols: "30",159 rows: "10"160 }, null, 8, _hoisted_8)161 ]));162 };163 }164});165script$2.__file = "components/input/index.vue";166const MONTHS = [167 { label: "Jan", value: 0 },168 { label: "Feb", value: 1 },169 { label: "Mar", value: 2 },170 { label: "Apr", value: 3 },171 { label: "May", value: 4 },172 { label: "Jun", value: 5 },173 { label: "Jul", value: 6 },174 { label: "Aug", value: 7 },175 { label: "Sept", value: 8 },176 { label: "Oct", value: 9 },177 { label: "Nov", value: 10 },178 { label: "Dec", value: 11 }179];180const _hoisted_1$1 = ["onClick"];181var script$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({182 emits: ["select"],183 setup(__props, { emit }) {184 useAttrs();185 reactive({});186 const rows = computed(() => {187 const tableRows = [[], [], []];188 for (let i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) {189 const row = tableRows[i];190 for (let j = 0; j < 4; j += 1) {191 row.push(MONTHS[i * 4 + j]);192 }193 }194 return tableRows;195 });196 const handleSelect = (val) => {197 console.log(val);198 emit("select", val);199 };200 return (_ctx, _cache) => {201 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("table", null, [202 (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(rows), (row, index) => {203 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("tr", { key: index }, [204 (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(row, (cell) => {205 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("td", {206 key: cell.label207 }, [208 createElementVNode("span", {209 onClick: ($event) => handleSelect(cell.value)210 }, toDisplayString(cell.label), 9, _hoisted_1$1)211 ]);212 }), 128))213 ]);214 }), 128))215 ]);216 };217 }218});219script$1.__file = "components/date-picker/comp/month-panel.vue";220const _hoisted_1 = /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("div", { class: "date-top-bar" }, [221 /* @__PURE__ */ createElementVNode("span")222], -1);223const _hoisted_2 = { key: 0 };224const _hoisted_3 = { key: 1 };225const _hoisted_4 = { key: 2 };226var script = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({227 props: {228 modelValue: {229 type: String,230 default: ""231 },232 type: {233 type: String,234 default: "dates"235 }236 },237 emits: ["update:modelValue"],238 setup(__props, { emit }) {239 useAttrs();240 const state = reactive({241 panelVisible: false242 });243 const openPanel = () => {244 state.panelVisible = true;245 };246 const handleSelect = (val) => {247 emit("update:modelValue", val);248 };249 const handleClosePanel = () => {250 state.panelVisible = false;251 };252 const { panelVisible } = toRefs(state);253 return (_ctx, _cache) => {254 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("section", { onClick: handleClosePanel }, [255 createVNode(script$2, mergeProps({ value: __props.modelValue }, _ctx.$attrs, { onFocus: openPanel }), null, 16, ["value"]),256 createVNode(Transition, null, {257 default: withCtx(() => [258 withDirectives(createElementVNode("div", null, [259 _hoisted_1,260 __props.type === "year" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),261 __props.type === "month" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_3, [262 createVNode(script$1, { onSelect: handleSelect })263 ])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_4))264 ], 512), [265 [vShow, unref(panelVisible)]266 ])267 ]),268 _: 1269 })270 ]);271 };272 }273});274script.__file = "components/date-picker/index.vue";...
...12cY = parseInt(id.substring(id.indexOf('-') + 1)); //æç¹å»æ¹æ ¼çYåæ 13if(inGame == 1) { 14if(e.which == 1) { 15if(clicked.hasClass('hidden') && !clicked.hasClass('flag')) { 16openBlock(cX,cY); //å·¦é®ç¹å»æªæå¼ä¸æªæææ¹åå³æ§è¡æä½1 17} else if(!clicked.hasClass('hidden')) { 18openNearBlock(cX,cY); //ç±äºåæ¶ç¹å»å·¦å³é®å®ç°èµ·æ¥æ¯è¾éº»ç¦ï¼æ以æ¹æç¨ç¹å»å·¦é®å®ç°æä½4 19} 20} else if(e.which == 3 && clicked.hasClass('hidden')) { //å³é®ç¹å»æä½2ï¼å¦æå
许使ç¨é®å·æ è®°ï¼åå¯æ§è¡æä½3 21if(clicked.hasClass('flag')) { 22clicked.removeClass('flag'); 23if($('#check').attr('checked')) clicked.addClass('check'); 24lastNum ++; 25countNum ++; 26} else if(clicked.hasClass('check')) { 27clicked.removeClass('check'); 28} else { 29clicked.addClass('flag'); 30lastNum --; 31countNum --; 32} 33$('#lastnum').text(lastNum); 34} 35if(lastNum == countNum) endGame(1); //å 为æåå©ä¸çæ¹åå为é·æ¶åºç´æ¥ç»æ游æï¼å æ¤è®¾ç½®ä¸ºå©ä½é·æ°åæªè¢«æå¼çæ¹åæ°ç¸ççæ¶åç»æ游æ 36} else if(inGame == 2) { 37if(e.which == 1) { //åå§åå®æ¯ååªå
许ç¹å»å·¦é®å¼å§æ¸¸æ 38openBlock(cX,cY); 39inGame = 1; 40var now = new Date(); 41startTime = now.getTime(); 42timer(); 43} 44} 45}); 46$('#main').bind('contextmenu', function(){ return false; }); //é»æ¢é»è®¤å³å»äºä»¶ 47}); 48//åå§å 49function init(x, y, mine) { 50countNum = x * y; 51inGame = 2; 52lastNum = mine; 53mineArray = new Array(y + 2); 54$.each(mineArray, function(key) { 55mineArray[key] = new Array(x + 2); 56}); 57for(var i = 1; i <= y; i ++) { 58for(var j = 1; j <= x; j ++) { 59mineArray[i][j] = 0; 60} 61} 62while(mine > 0) { //éæºå¸é·ï¼-1为æé· 63var i = Math.ceil(Math.random() * y); 64var j = Math.ceil(Math.random() * x); 65if(mineArray[i][j] != -1) { 66mineArray[i][j] = -1; 67mine --; 68} 69} 70for(var i = 1; i <= y; i ++) { //éåå°é·æ°ç»ï¼ç»è®¡æ¯ä¸ªæ ¼ååå¨å°é·çæ°é 71for(var j = 1; j <= x; j ++) { 72if(mineArray[i][j] != -1) { 73if(i > 1 && j > 1 && mineArray[i - 1][j - 1] == -1) mineArray[i][j] ++; 74if(i > 1 && mineArray[i - 1][j] == -1) mineArray[i][j] ++; 75if(i > 1 && j < x && mineArray[i - 1][j + 1] == -1) mineArray[i][j] ++; 76if(j < x && mineArray[i][j + 1] == -1) mineArray[i][j] ++; 77if(i < y && j < x && mineArray[i + 1][j + 1] == -1) mineArray[i][j] ++; 78if(i < y && mineArray[i + 1][j] == -1) mineArray[i][j] ++; 79if(i < y && j > 1 && mineArray[i + 1][j - 1] == -1) mineArray[i][j] ++; 80if(j > 1 && mineArray[i][j - 1] == -1) mineArray[i][j] ++; 81} 82} 83} 84var block = ''; 85for(var i = 1, row = mineArray.length - 1; i < row; i ++) { 86for(var j = 1, col = mineArray[0].length - 1; j < col; j ++) { 87block += '<div id="b' + i + '-' + j + '" style="left:' + (j - 1) * 20 + 'px;top:' + (i - 1) * 20 + 'px;" class="hidden"></div>'; 88} 89} 90$('#main').html(block).width(x * 20 + 1).height(y * 20 + 1).show(); //ç»å¾ 91$('#warning').html(''); 92$('#submenu').show(); 93$('#lastnum').text(lastNum); 94} 95//æå¼æ¹å 96function openBlock(x, y) { 97var current = $('#b' + x + '-' + y); 98if(mineArray[x][y] == -1) { 99if(inGame == 1) { //触é·æ¶å¦æ¸¸æè¿è¡ä¸ï¼å失败ç»æ游æ 100current.addClass('cbomb'); 101endGame(); 102} else if(inGame == 2) { //å¦æ¸¸æåå§ååè¿æªå¼å§ï¼åéæ°åå§åå°é·éµï¼åæå¼æ¤æ¹åï¼ä»¥ä¿è¯ç¬¬ä¸æ¬¡ç¹å»ä¸è§¦é· 103init(mineArray[0].length - 2, mineArray.length - 2, lastNum); 104openBlock(x, y); 105} else { //游æç»ææ¶éæå¼å
¨é¨æ¹åï¼æ è®°å°é·ä½ç½® 106if(!current.hasClass('flag')) current.addClass('bomb'); 107} 108} else if(mineArray[x][y] > 0) { 109if(current.hasClass('flag')) { //è¥å¨æ é·çæ¹åä¸æ è®°äºå°æï¼å¦æå¨å´ç广åºæ§è¡æä½4æ¶æ³¢åå°æ¤æ¹åï¼å触å失败ç»æ游æ 110current.addClass('wrong'); 111if(inGame) endGame(); 112} else { 113current.html(mineArray[x][y]).addClass('num' + mineArray[x][y]).removeClass('hidden'); //æ¾ç¤ºå¨è¾¹çå°é·æ°é 114if(current.hasClass('check')) current.removeClass('check'); 115if(inGame) countNum --; 116} 117} else { 118if(current.hasClass('flag')) { //åä¸ 119current.addClass('wrong'); 120if(inGame) endGame(); 121} else { 122current.removeClass('hidden'); 123if(current.hasClass('check')) current.removeClass('check'); 124if(inGame) { //ç¹å»å°å¨è¾¹æ é·çæ¹åæ¶ï¼èªå¨æå¼å¨å´æ¹å 125countNum --; 126var row = mineArray.length - 2, col = mineArray[0].length - 2; 127if(x > 1 && y > 1 && $('#b' + (x - 1) + '-' + (y - 1)).hasClass('hidden')) openBlock(x - 1, y - 1); 128if(x > 1 && $('#b' + (x - 1) + '-' + y).hasClass('hidden')) openBlock(x - 1, y); 129if(x > 1 && y < col && $('#b' + (x - 1) + '-' + (y + 1)).hasClass('hidden')) openBlock(x - 1, y + 1); 130if(y < col && $('#b' + x + '-' + (y + 1)).hasClass('hidden')) openBlock(x, y + 1); 131if(x < row && y < col && $('#b' + (x + 1) + '-' + (y + 1)).hasClass('hidden')) openBlock(x + 1, y + 1); 132if(x < row && $('#b' + (x + 1) + '-' + y).hasClass('hidden')) openBlock(x + 1, y); 133if(x < row && y > 1 && $('#b' + (x + 1) + '-' + (y - 1)).hasClass('hidden')) openBlock(x + 1, y - 1); 134if(y > 1 && $('#b' + x + '-' + (y - 1)).hasClass('hidden')) openBlock(x, y - 1); 135} 136} 137} 138} 139//æå¼æ ¼åé»è¿ç¡®è®¤æ é·çæ¹å 140function openNearBlock(x, y) { 141var flagNum = 0, hiddenNum = 0; 142for(i = x - 1; i < x + 2; i ++) { 143for(j = y - 1; j < y + 2; j ++) { 144if(mineArray[i][j] != undefined) { 145if($('#b' + i + '-' + j).hasClass('flag')) flagNum ++; //ç»è®¡æ¹åå¨å´çæå¸æ°åæªæå¼çæ¹åæ° 146if($('#b' + i + '-' + j).hasClass('hidden')) hiddenNum ++; 147} 148} 149} 150if(flagNum == mineArray[x][y] && hiddenNum > flagNum) { //æå¸æ°åé·æ°ç¸çä¸ææªæå¼æ¹åä¸æªææçæ¹åæ¶ï¼åæå¼å® 151for(i = x - 1; i < x + 2; i ++) { 152for(j = y - 1; j < y + 2; j ++) { 153if(mineArray[i][j] >= 0 && $('#b' + i + '-' + j).hasClass('hidden')) openBlock(i, j); 154} 155} 156} 157} 158//è®¡æ¶ 159function timer(){ 160if(inGame == 1) { //åªå¨æ¸¸æè¿è¡ä¸è®¡æ¶ 161var now = new Date(), 162ms = now.getTime(); 163$('#time').text(Math.ceil((ms - startTime) / 1000)); 164if(inGame == 1) setTimeout(function() { timer(); }, 500); 165} else if(inGame == 2) { 166$('#time').text('0'); 167} 168} 169//ç»æ游æ 170function endGame(isWin) { 171inGame = 0; 172for(var i = 1, row = mineArray.length - 1; i < row; i ++) { 173for(var j = 1, col = mineArray[0].length - 1; j < col; j ++) { 174if(isWin) { 175if($('#b' + i + '-' + j).hasClass('hidden') && !$('#b' + i + '-' + j).hasClass('flag')) $('#b' + i + '-' + j).addClass('flag'); 176lastNum = 0; 177$('#lastnum').text(lastNum); 178} else { 179openBlock(i, j); 180} 181} 182} 183$('#warning').text(isWin ? 'You Win!' : 'You Lose!'); ...
...75 const _component_el_tag = resolveComponent("el-tag");76 const _component_el_scrollbar = resolveComponent("el-scrollbar");77 const _component_el_tab_pane = resolveComponent("el-tab-pane");78 const _component_el_tabs = resolveComponent("el-tabs");79 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1, [80 createVNode(_component_el_tabs, {81 modelValue: _ctx.activeName,82 "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => _ctx.activeName = $event)83 }, {84 default: withCtx(() => [85 (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(_ctx.list, (item, index2) => {86 return openBlock(), createBlock(_component_el_tab_pane, {87 label: item.title,88 key: index2,89 name: item.title90 }, {91 default: withCtx(() => [92 createVNode(_component_el_scrollbar, { "max-height": "200px" }, {93 default: withCtx(() => [94 (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(item.content, (val, i) => {95 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {96 class: "container",97 key: i,98 onClick: ($event) => _ctx.clickItem(val, i)99 }, [100 val.avatar ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_3, [101 createVNode(_component_el_avatar, {102 size: 50,103 src: val.avatar104 }, null, 8, ["src"])105 ])) : createCommentVNode("", true),106 createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_4, [107 val.title ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_5, [108 createElementVNode("p", null, toDisplayString(val.title), 1),109 val.tag ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_el_tag, {110 key: 0,111 type: val.tagType,112 size: "small"113 }, {114 default: withCtx(() => [115 createTextVNode(toDisplayString(val.tag), 1)116 ]),117 _: 2118 }, 1032, ["type"])) : createCommentVNode("", true)119 ])) : createCommentVNode("", true),120 val.desc ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_6, toDisplayString(val.desc), 1)) : createCommentVNode("", true),121 val.time ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_7, toDisplayString(val.time), 1)) : createCommentVNode("", true)122 ])123 ], 8, _hoisted_2);124 }), 128))125 ]),126 _: 2127 }, 1024),128 createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_8, [129 (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(_ctx.actions, (action, k) => {130 return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {131 class: "actions_item",132 key: k,133 onClick: ($event) => _ctx.clickAction(action, k)134 }, [135 action.icon ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_10, [136 (openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(`el-icon-${_ctx.toLines(action.icon)}`)))137 ])) : createCommentVNode("", true),138 createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_11, toDisplayString(action.text), 1)139 ], 8, _hoisted_9);140 }), 128))141 ])142 ]),143 _: 2144 }, 1032, ["label", "name"]);145 }), 128))146 ]),147 _: 1148 }, 8, ["modelValue"])149 ]);150}...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await'text=Sign in');7 await page.type('input[name="identifier"]', 'your email');8 await'input[type="submit"]');9 await page.type('input[name="password"]', 'your password');10 await'input[type="submit"]');11 await page.waitForNavigation();12 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });13 await browser.close();14})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.waitForTimeout(5000);7 await browser.close();8})();9const { chromium } = require('playwright');10(async () => {11 const browser = await chromium.launch();12 const context = await browser.newContext();13 const page = await context.newPage();14 await page.waitForTimeout(5000);15 await page.waitForTimeout(5000);16 await browser.close();17})();18const { chromium } = require('playwright');19(async () => {20 const browser = await chromium.launch();21 const context = await browser.newContext();22 const page = await context.newPage();23 await page.waitForTimeout(5000);24 await page.waitForTimeout(
Using AI Code Generation
1const { openBlock } = require('@playwright/test');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await openBlock('test');8 await browser.close();9})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 await page.evaluate(() => {6 const element = document.querySelector('#features');7 const boundingBox = element.getBoundingClientRect();8 const centerX = boundingBox.x + boundingBox.width / 2;9 const centerY = boundingBox.y + boundingBox.height / 2;10 const topLeftX = boundingBox.x;11 const topLeftY = boundingBox.y;12 const bottomRightX = boundingBox.x + boundingBox.width;13 const bottomRightY = boundingBox.y + boundingBox.height;14 const topRightX = boundingBox.x + boundingBox.width;15 const topRightY = boundingBox.y;16 const bottomLeftX = boundingBox.x;17 const bottomLeftY = boundingBox.y + boundingBox.height;18 const topCenterX = boundingBox.x + boundingBox.width / 2;19 const topCenterY = boundingBox.y;20 const bottomCenterX = boundingBox.x + boundingBox.width / 2;21 const bottomCenterY = boundingBox.y + boundingBox.height;22 const leftCenterX = boundingBox.x;23 const leftCenterY = boundingBox.y + boundingBox.height / 2;24 const rightCenterX = boundingBox.x + boundingBox.width;25 const rightCenterY = boundingBox.y + boundingBox.height / 2;26 const center = { x
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const { openBlock, closeBlock } = require('playwright/lib/utils/recorderActions');3(async () => {4 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 await openBlock({ title: 'My Block' });7 const page = await context.newPage();8 await'text="Get started"');9 await closeBlock();10 await browser.close();11})();12const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');13test('recording', async ({ page }) => {14 await'text="Get started"');15});16const {
Using AI Code Generation
1await page.openBlock('blockName');2await page.closeBlock('blockName');3await page.openBlock('blockName', {param1: 'value1', param2: 'value2'});4await page.closeBlock('blockName', {param1: 'value1', param2: 'value2'});5await page.openBlock('blockName', {param1: 'value1', param2: 'value2'}, {param3: 'value3', param4: 'value4'});6await page.closeBlock('blockName', {param1: 'value1', param2: 'value2'}, {param3: 'value3', param4: 'value4'});7await page.openBlock('blockName', {param1: 'value1', param2: 'value2'}, {param3: 'value3', param4: 'value4'}, {param5: 'value5', param6: 'value6'});8await page.closeBlock('blockName', {param1: 'value1', param2: 'value2'}, {param3: 'value3', param4: 'value4'}, {param5: 'value5', param6: 'value6'});9await page.openBlock('blockName', {param1: 'value1', param2: 'value2'}, {param3: 'value3', param4: 'value4'}, {param5: 'value5', param6: 'value6'}, {param7: 'value7', param8: 'value8'});
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const { openBrowser, openBlock } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');3const { chromium } = playwright;4(async () => {5 const browser = await openBrowser({ headless: false });6 const context = await browser.newContext();7 const page = await context.newPage();8 await block.evaluate(() => {9 const div = document.createElement('div');10 div.textContent = 'Hello World';11 document.body.appendChild(div);12 });13 await page.close();14 await context.close();15 await browser.close();16})();17const playwright = require('playwright');18const { openBrowser, openBlock } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');19const { chromium } = playwright;20(async () => {21 const browser = await openBrowser({ headless: false });22 const context = await browser.newContext();23 const page = await context.newPage();24 const newPage = await block.newPage();25 await page.close();26 await context.close();27 await browser.close();28})();29const playwright = require('playwright');30const { openBrowser, openBlock } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');31const { chromium } = playwright;32(async () => {33 const browser = await openBrowser({ headless: false });
Using AI Code Generation
1const { openBlock } = require("@playwright/test");2const path = require("path");3(async () => {4 const block = await openBlock({5 path: path.join(__dirname, "blocks"),6 });7 await block.step("My first step", async ({ page }) => {8 });9 await block.close();10})();11### openBlock(options)
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require("playwright");2const { openBrowser } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserServer');3const { openBlock } = require('playwright/lib/server/blocker');4(async () => {5 const browser = await chromium.launch({6 });7 const context = await browser.newContext();8 const page = await context.newPage();9 const newPage = await context.newPage();10 const blocker = await openBlock(newPage);11 await blocker.enable([12 {13 }14 ]);15 await newPage.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });16 await browser.close();17})();18const { chromium } = require("playwright");19const { openBrowser } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserServer');20const { openBlock } = require('playwright/lib/server/blocker');21(async () => {22 const browser = await chromium.launch({23 });24 const context = await browser.newContext();25 const page = await context.newPage();26 const newPage = await context.newPage();27 const blocker = await openBlock(newPage);28 await blocker.enable([29 {30 }31 ]);32 await newPage.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });33 await browser.close();34})();35const { chromium } = require("playwright");36const { openBrowser } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserServer');37const { openBlock } = require('playwright/lib/server/blocker');38(async () => {39 const browser = await chromium.launch({40 });41 const context = await browser.newContext();42 const page = await context.newPage();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { openBlock } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/traceViewer/ui/util');2const block = openBlock('test');3console.log(block);4{5}6const { openAction } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/traceViewer/ui/util');7const action = openAction('test', 'testAction');8console.log(action);9{10}11const { openPage } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/traceViewer/ui/util');12const page = openPage('test', 'testPage');13console.log(page);14{15}16const { openStep } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/traceViewer/ui/util');17const step = openStep('test', 'testStep');18console.log(step);
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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