Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...89 element = processElement(element);90 }91 function processElement(element) {92 // processRef(element);93 // processSlotContent(element);94 // processSlotOutlet(element);95 // processComponent(element);96 processAttrs(element);97 return element;98 }99 function processAttrs(el) {100 const list = el.attrs;101 el.attrs = [];102 let i, l, name, value, isDynamic;103 for (i = 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++) {104 name = list[i].name;105 value = list[i].value;106 // vue æ令107 if (dirRE.test(name)) {...
...138 currentParent = stack[stack.length - 1]139 if (!inVPre) {140 processKey(el);141 processRef(el);142 processSlotContent(el);143 processSlotOutlet(el);144 processComponent(el);145 transforms.forEach(transform=>{146 el = transform(el, options) || el;147 });148 processAttrs(el);149 processIfConditions(el);150 processScopedSlot(el, currentParent);151 }152 if (el.pre) {153 inVPre = false;154 }155 156 if (el.tag === 'pre') {...
...92 processVBind(curEle, RegExp.$1, rawAttr[`v-bind:${RegExp.$1}`]);93 } else if (properArr.find((item) => item.match(/v-on:(.*)/))) {94 processVon(curEle, RegExp.$1, rawAttr[`v-on:${RegExp.$1}`]);95 }96 processSlotContent(curEle);97 const stackLen = stack.length;98 // è¿éä¸ç解99 if (stackLen) {100 stack[stackLen - 1].children.push(curEle);101 curEle.parent = stack[stackLen - 1];102 if (curEle.slotName) {103 const { parent, slotName, scopeSlot, children } = curEle;104 const slotInfo = {105 slotName,106 scopeSlot,107 children: => {108 // 为äºé¿å
JSON.stringify(atrr) åºç°æ 溢åºï¼å 为æ循ç¯å¼ç¨109 delete item.parent;110 return item;111 }),112 };113 if (parent.rawAttr.scopedSlots) {114 parent.rawAttr.scopedSlots[curEle.slotName] = slotInfo;115 } else {116 parent.rawAttr.scopedSlots = {117 [curEle.slotName]: slotInfo,118 };119 }120 }121 }122 }123 function processVModel(curEle) {124 const { tag, attr, rawAttr } = curEle;125 const { type, "v-model": vModelValue } = rawAttr;126 if (tag === "input") {127 if (/text/.test(type)) {128 attr.VModel = {129 tag,130 type: "text",131 value: vModelValue,132 };133 } else if (/checkbox/.test(type)) {134 attr.Vmodel = {135 tag,136 type: "checkbox",137 value: vModelValue,138 };139 }140 } else if (tag === "textarea") {141 attr.vModel = {142 tag,143 value: vModelValue,144 };145 } else if (tag === "select") {146 attr.vModel = {147 tag,148 value: vModelValue,149 };150 }151 }152 function processVBind(curEle, bindKey, bindValue) {153 curEle.attr.VBind = {154 [bindKey]: bindValue,155 };156 }157 function processVon(curEle, onKey, onValue) {158 curEle.attr.VOn = {159 [onKey]: onValue,160 };161 }162 /**163 * å¤çææ¬164 * @param {*} text165 * @returns166 */167 function processChars(text) {168 if (!text.trim()) return;169 const textAST = {170 type: 3,171 text: text,172 };173 // æ¯è¡¨è¾¾å¼174 if (text.match(/{{(.*)}}/)) {175 textAST.expression = RegExp.$1.trim();176 }177 stack[stack.length - 1].children.push(textAST);178 }179}180/**181 *182 * @param el èç¹çast对象183 */184function processSlotContent(el) {185 if (el.tag === "template") {186 const attrMap = el.rawAttr;187 for (let key in attrMap) {188 if (key.match(/v-slot:(.*)/)) {189 const soltName = (el.slotName = RegExp.$1);190 el.scopeSlot = attrMap[`v-slot:${slotName}`];191 return;192 }193 }194 }...
1/* @flow */2import he from 'he'3import { parseHTML } from './html-parser'4import { parseText } from './text-parser'5import { parseFilters } from './filter-parser'6import { genAssignmentCode } from '../directives/model'7import { extend, cached, no, camelize, hyphenate } from 'shared/util'8import { isIE, isEdge, isServerRendering } from 'core/util/env'9import {10 addProp,11 addAttr,12 baseWarn,13 addHandler,14 addDirective,15 getBindingAttr,16 getAndRemoveAttr,17 getRawBindingAttr,18 pluckModuleFunction,19 getAndRemoveAttrByRegex20} from '../helpers'21export const onRE = /^@|^v-on:/22export const dirRE = process.env.VBIND_PROP_SHORTHAND23 ? /^v-|^@|^:|^\.|^#/24 : /^v-|^@|^:|^#/25export const forAliasRE = /([\s\S]*?)\s+(?:in|of)\s+([\s\S]*)/26export const forIteratorRE = /,([^,\}\]]*)(?:,([^,\}\]]*))?$/27const stripParensRE = /^\(|\)$/g28const dynamicArgRE = /^\[.*\]$/29const argRE = /:(.*)$/30export const bindRE = /^:|^\.|^v-bind:/31const propBindRE = /^\./32const modifierRE = /\.[^.\]]+(?=[^\]]*$)/g33const slotRE = /^v-slot(:|$)|^#/34const lineBreakRE = /[\r\n]/35const whitespaceRE = /\s+/g36const invalidAttributeRE = /[\s"'<>\/=]/37const decodeHTMLCached = cached(he.decode)38export const emptySlotScopeToken = `_empty_`39// configurable state40export let warn: any41let delimiters42let transforms43let preTransforms44let postTransforms45let platformIsPreTag46let platformMustUseProp47let platformGetTagNamespace48let maybeComponent49/* å建 AST å
ç´ èç¹ */50export function createASTElement (/* ... */) {/* ... */}51/* 解æ模ç */52export function parse (/* ... */) {/* ... */}53/* æ£æ¥ v-pre å±æ§ & æ·»å æ è®° */54function processPre (el) {/* ... */}55/* å¤çç®åå±æ§å表 */56function processRawAttrs (el) {/* ... */}57/* å¤çå
ç´ èç¹ */58export function processElement (/* ... */) {/* ... */}59/* å¤ç key å±æ§ */60function processKey (el) {/* ... */}61/* å¤ç ref å±æ§ */62function processRef (el) {/* ... */}63/* å¤ç v-for å±æ§ */64export function processFor (el: ASTElement) {/* ... */}65/* v-for å±æ§è¡¨è¾¾å¼è§£æç»æ */66type ForParseResult = {67 // (item, index, arr) in target68 for: string; // 循ç¯ç®æ (target)69 alias: string; // 循ç¯å¯¹è±¡(item)70 iterator1?: string; // index71 iterator2?: string; // arr72};73/* 解æ v-for å±æ§è¡¨è¾¾å¼ */74export function parseFor (exp: string): ?ForParseResult {/* ... */}75/* å¤ç v-ifãv-else-ifãv-else å±æ§ */76function processIf (el) {/* ... */}77/* å¤çæ¡ä»¶ç¼è¯(ifConditions å表) */78function processIfConditions (el, parent) {/* ... */}79/* è·åå驱å
ç´ èç¹ */80function findPrevElement (children: Array<any>): ASTElement | void {/* ... */}81/* åç®æ èç¹æ·»å æ¡ä»¶ç¼è¯(ifConditions) */82export function addIfCondition (el: ASTElement, condition: ASTIfCondition) {/* ... */}83/* å¤ç v-once å±æ§ */84function processOnce (el) {/* ... */}85/* å¤ç带 v-slot å±æ§æ ç¾ */86function processSlotContent (el) {/* ... */}87/* è·åæ槽å称 */88function getSlotName (binding) {/* ... */}89/* å¤ç <slot> æ ç¾ */90function processSlotOutlet (el) {/* ... */}91/* å¤çç»ä»¶ç±»åå±æ§ */92function processComponent (el) {/* ... */}93/* å¤çèç¹å±æ§ */94function processAttrs (el) {/* ... */}95/* æ£æ¥æ¯å¦å¤äº v-for å表渲æä¸ */96function checkInFor (el: ASTElement): boolean {/* ... */}97function parseModifiers (name: string): Object | void {/* ... */}98function makeAttrsMap (attrs: Array<Object>): Object {/* ... */}99/* æ£æ¥æ¯å¦ä¸ºçº¯ææ¬èç¹ */100function isTextTag (el): boolean {/* ... */}101/* æ£æ¥æ¯å¦ä¸ºç¹æ®å
ç´ æ ç¾ */102function isForbiddenTag (el): boolean {/* ... */}103function guardIESVGBug (attrs) {/* ... */}...
...22 function closeElement(element) {23 // processElement(element)24 // debugger25 element = processElement(element)26 // processSlotContent(el)27 // currentParent || currentParent.children.push(element)28 element.parent = currentParent29 // debugger30 // return element31 }32 function processElement(element) {33 processSlotContent(element)34 processSlotOutlet(element)35 // debugger36 return element37 }38 function processSlotOutlet(el) {39 if (el.tag === 'slot') {40 // debugger41 el.slotName = `"${getBindingAttr(el, 'name')}"`42 }43 }44 function getBindingAttr(el, name) {45 let slotTarget = el.attrs[0] && el.attrs[0]['value']46 return slotTarget47 }48 function processSlotContent(el) {49 // debugger50 var slotTarget = getBindingAttr(el, 'slot')51 if (slotTarget) {52 el.slotTarget = slotTarget === '""' ? '"default"' : slotTarget53 el.attrsMap = el.attrsMap || {}54 el.attrsMap['slot'] = slotTarget55 el.slotTargetDynamic = !!(el.attrsMap[':slot'] || el.attrsMap['v-bind:slot'])56 if (!el.slotScope) {57 addAttr(el, 'slot', slotTarget, getBindingAttr(el, 'slot'))58 }59 }60 }61 parseHTML(template, {62 start(tagName, attributes) {...
1const data = {2 "key": "v-27dfcba2",3 "path": "/vue/source-study/compile/topics/slot.html",4 "title": "\u63D2\u69FD",5 "lang": "en-US",6 "frontmatter": {},7 "excerpt": "",8 "headers": [9 {10 "level": 2,11 "title": "\u5E38\u89C4\u63D2\u69FD VS \u4F5C\u7528\u57DF\u63D2\u69FD",12 "slug": "\u5E38\u89C4\u63D2\u69FD-vs-\u4F5C\u7528\u57DF\u63D2\u69FD",13 "children": [14 {15 "level": 3,16 "title": "\u63D2\u69FD\u7684\u4F5C\u7528\u57DF",17 "slug": "\u63D2\u69FD\u7684\u4F5C\u7528\u57DF",18 "children": []19 },20 {21 "level": 3,22 "title": "\u63D2\u69FD VNode \u7684\u751F\u6210\u65B9\u5F0F",23 "slug": "\u63D2\u69FD-vnode-\u7684\u751F\u6210\u65B9\u5F0F",24 "children": []25 }26 ]27 },28 {29 "level": 2,30 "title": "\u521B\u5EFA AST \u65F6\u5904\u7406\u63D2\u69FD",31 "slug": "\u521B\u5EFA-ast-\u65F6\u5904\u7406\u63D2\u69FD",32 "children": [33 {34 "level": 3,35 "title": "processSlotContent \u5904\u7406\u63D2\u69FD\u5185\u5BB9",36 "slug": "processslotcontent-\u5904\u7406\u63D2\u69FD\u5185\u5BB9",37 "children": []38 },39 {40 "level": 3,41 "title": "processSlotOutlet \u5904\u7406\u63D2\u69FD\u6807\u7B7E",42 "slug": "processslotoutlet-\u5904\u7406\u63D2\u69FD\u6807\u7B7E",43 "children": []44 }45 ]46 },47 {48 "level": 2,49 "title": "\u751F\u6210 render \u51FD\u6570\u53CA\u8FD0\u884C\u65F6\u9636\u6BB5",50 "slug": "\u751F\u6210-render-\u51FD\u6570\u53CA\u8FD0\u884C\u65F6\u9636\u6BB5",51 "children": [52 {53 "level": 3,54 "title": "\u63D2\u69FD\u5185\u5BB9\u6570\u636E\u5BF9\u8C61\u4E0A\u7684 scopedSlots",55 "slug": "\u63D2\u69FD\u5185\u5BB9\u6570\u636E\u5BF9\u8C61\u4E0A\u7684-scopedslots",56 "children": []57 },58 {59 "level": 3,60 "title": "genSlot \u751F\u6210\u63D2\u69FD\u6807\u7B7E\u7684\u4EE3\u7801",61 "slug": "genslot-\u751F\u6210\u63D2\u69FD\u6807\u7B7E\u7684\u4EE3\u7801",62 "children": []63 },64 {65 "level": 3,66 "title": "\u8FD0\u884C\u65F6\u751F\u6210\u63D2\u69FD\u5185\u5BB9\u7684 VNode",67 "slug": "\u8FD0\u884C\u65F6\u751F\u6210\u63D2\u69FD\u5185\u5BB9\u7684-vnode",68 "children": []69 }70 ]71 },72 {73 "level": 2,74 "title": "\u793A\u4F8B",75 "slug": "\u793A\u4F8B",76 "children": [77 {78 "level": 3,79 "title": "\u7236\u7EC4\u4EF6",80 "slug": "\u7236\u7EC4\u4EF6",81 "children": []82 },83 {84 "level": 3,85 "title": "\u5B50\u7EC4\u4EF6",86 "slug": "\u5B50\u7EC4\u4EF6",87 "children": []88 },89 {90 "level": 3,91 "title": "\u7236\u7EC4\u4EF6\u7684 render \u51FD\u6570",92 "slug": "\u7236\u7EC4\u4EF6\u7684-render-\u51FD\u6570",93 "children": []94 },95 {96 "level": 3,97 "title": "\u5B50\u7EC4\u4EF6\u7684 render \u51FD\u6570",98 "slug": "\u5B50\u7EC4\u4EF6\u7684-render-\u51FD\u6570",99 "children": []100 }101 ]102 }103 ],104 "filePathRelative": "vue/source-study/compile/topics/"105};...
1const slotRE = /^v-slot(:|$)|^#/2/* å¤ç slot å
ç´ */3function processSlotContent (el) {4 let slotScope5 if (el.tag === 'template') {6 slotScope = getAndRemoveAttr(el, 'scope')7 // deprecated scope attribute warning(using slot-scope) ...8 el.slotScope = slotScope || getAndRemoveAttr(el, 'slot-scope')9 } else if ((slotScope = getAndRemoveAttr(el, 'slot-scope'))) {10 // combined usage of slot-scope and v-for warning ...11 el.slotScope = slotScope12 }13 // slot å±æ§å¼(å½åæ槽)14 const slotTarget = getBindingAttr(el, 'slot')15 if (slotTarget) {16 el.slotTarget = slotTarget === '""' ? '"default"' : slotTarget17 el.slotTargetDynamic = !!(el.attrsMap[':slot'] || el.attrsMap['v-bind:slot'])18 if (el.tag !== 'template' && !el.slotScope) {19 addAttr(el, 'slot', slotTarget, getRawBindingAttr(el, 'slot'))20 }21 }22 // v-slot è¯æ³æ£æ¥23 if (process.env.NEW_SLOT_SYNTAX) {24 if (el.tag === 'template') {25 // v-slot on <template>26 const slotBinding = getAndRemoveAttrByRegex(el, slotRE)27 if (slotBinding) {28 // mixed usage of different slot syntaxes warning ...29 // <template v-slot> usage of non-root element warning ...30 const { name, dynamic } = getSlotName(slotBinding)31 el.slotTarget = name32 el.slotTargetDynamic = dynamic33 el.slotScope = slotBinding.value || emptySlotScopeToken // force it into a scoped slot for perf34 }35 } else {36 // v-slot on component, denotes default slot37 const slotBinding = getAndRemoveAttrByRegex(el, slotRE)38 if (slotBinding) {39 // v-slot usage on invalid tag wanring ...40 // mixed usage of different slot syntaxes warning ...41 // <template> syntax recommand warning ...42 // å°åèç¹æå
¥é»è®¤æ槽ä¸43 const slots = el.scopedSlots || (el.scopedSlots = {})44 const { name, dynamic } = getSlotName(slotBinding)45 const slotContainer = slots[name] = createASTElement('template', [], el)46 slotContainer.slotTarget = name47 slotContainer.slotTargetDynamic = dynamic48 slotContainer.children = el.children.filter((c: any) => {49 if (!c.slotScope) {50 c.parent = slotContainer51 return true52 }53 })54 slotContainer.slotScope = slotBinding.value || emptySlotScopeToken55 // 移é¤åèç¹56 el.children = []57 // æ 记为éç®åèç¹58 el.plain = false59 }60 }61 }...
...10 !element.scopedSlots &&11 !element.attrsList.length12 )13 processRef(element) // ref å±æ§14 processSlotContent(element) // å¤ç带 v-slot å±æ§æ ç¾15 processSlotOutlet(element) // å¤ç <slot> æ ç¾16 processComponent(element) // å¤çç»ä»¶ç±»åå±æ§17 // è°ç¨é¢å¤ç transforms18 for (let i = 0; i < transforms.length; i++) {19 element = transforms[i](element, options) || element20 }21 22 processAttrs(element)23 return element...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2const path = require('path');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 const slotContent = await page.evaluate(async () => {8 const slot = document.querySelector('#hplogo');9 return await window.playwright.internal.processSlotContent(slot);10 });11 await page.setContent(slotContent);12 await page.screenshot({ path: path.join(__dirname, 'slot.png') });13 await browser.close();14})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { Playwright } = require('playwright');2const playwright = new Playwright();3(async () => {4 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await page.waitForSelector('input[name="q"]');8 const input = await page.$('input[name="q"]');9 const slot = await input._contextNode._internalSlot();10 const slotContent = await slot.processSlotContent();11 console.log(slotContent);12 await browser.close();13})();14 {15 },16 {17 }18Your name to display (optional):
Using AI Code Generation
1const { processSlotContent } = require('playwright-core/lib/server/slot.js');2const { processSlotContent } = require('playwright-core/lib/server/slot.js');3const { chromium } = require('playwright-core');4const { chromium } = require('playwright-core');5(async () => {6 const browser = await chromium.launch();7 const context = await browser.newContext();8 const page = await context.newPage();9 const slot = await page.$('#slot');10 const slotContent = await slot.evaluate(processSlotContent);11 console.log(slotContent);12 await browser.close();13})();14const { processSlotContent } = require('playwright-core/lib/server/slot.js');15(async () => {16 const browser = await chromium.launch();17 const context = await browser.newContext();18 const page = await context.newPage();19 const slot = await page.$('#slot');20 const slotContent = await slot.evaluate(processSlotContent);21 console.log(slotContent);22 await browser.close();23})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { processSlotContent } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');2const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');3test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 const result = await processSlotContent(page, 'gws-output-pages-elements-homepage_additional_languages__als');5 expect(result).toBe('Deutsch');6});7const { processSlotContent } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');8const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');9test('test', async ({ page }) => {10 const result = await processSlotContent(page, 'gws-output-pages-elements-homepage_additional_languages__als', 'lang');11 expect(result).toBe('de');12});13const { processSlotContent } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');14const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');15test('test', async ({ page }) => {16 const result = await processSlotContent(page, 'gws-output-pages-elements-homepage_additional_languages__als', null, 'div');
Using AI Code Generation
1const { processSlotContent } = require('playwright/lib/server/slot.js');2const { processSlotContent } = require('playwright/lib/server/slot.js');3const { chromium } = require('playwright');4(async () => {5 const browser = await chromium.launch();6 const context = await browser.newContext();7 const page = await context.newPage();8 const slotContent = await processSlotContent(page, 'a[href="/?FORM=Z9FD1"]');9 console.log(slotContent);10 await browser.close();11})();12const { chromium } = require('playwright');13(async () => {14 const browser = await chromium.launch();15 const context = await browser.newContext();16 const page = await context.newPage();17 const slotContent = await page.evaluate(() => {18 const slot = document.querySelector('a[href="/?FORM=Z9FD1"]');19 return slot.assignedSlot.innerHTML;20 });21 console.log(slotContent);22 await browser.close();23})();24const { chromium } = require('playwright');25(async () => {26 const browser = await chromium.launch();27 const context = await browser.newContext();28 const page = await context.newPage();29 const slotContent = await page.evaluate(() => {30 const slot = document.querySelector('a[href="/?FORM=Z9FD1"]');31 return slot.assignedSlot.innerHTML;32 });33 console.log(slotContent);34 await browser.close();35})();36const { chromium } = require('playwright');37(async () => {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { processSlotContent } = require('playwright/lib/server/slot.js');2const slotContent = processSlotContent({ foo: 'bar' }, { foo: 'string' });3console.log(slotContent);4const { BrowserContext } = require('playwright');5const browserContext = await BrowserContext.create(page, slotContent);6console.log(browserContext);7const page = await browserContext.newPage();8console.log(page);9console.log(page.url());10const { BrowserContext } = require('playwright');11const browserContext = await BrowserContext.create(page, { foo: 'bar' });12console.log(browserContext);
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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