Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...92 let pos = getPos();93 skipBlanks();94 if (lookahead("struct")) {95 let stmt = { type: "StructDefinition", member: [], pos: pos };96 = readIdentifier();97 consume("{");98 while (definitionIncoming()) {99 let def = readDefinition();100 stmt.member.push(def);101 consume(";");102 }103 consume("}");104 typeNames.push(;105 sortTypeStrings();106 stmts.push(stmt);107 }108 else if (lookahead("enum")) {109 let stmt = { type: "EnumDefinition", member: [], pos: pos };110 = readIdentifier();111 consume("{");112 while (identifierIncoming()) {113 stmt.member.push(readIdentifier());114 if (!lookahead(","))115 break;116 }117 consume("}");118 typeNames.push(;119 sortTypeStrings();120 stmts.push(stmt);121 }122 else if (lookahead("typedef")) {123 let def = readDefinition();124 def.type = "TypeDefStatement";125 def.pos = pos;126 typeNames.push(;127 sortTypeStrings();128 consume(";");129 stmts.push(def);130 }131 else if (definitionIncoming()) {132 let def = readDefinition();133 def.pos = pos;134 if (lookahead("(")) //function definition135 {136 def.arguments = parseArgumentDefinition();137 if (lookahead(";")) {138 def.type = "FunctionDefinition";139 }140 else {141 def.type = "FunctionDeclaration";142 def.body = parseBody();143 }144 stmts.push(def);145 }146 else // global variable definition147 {148 if (lookahead("="))149 def.value = parseExpression(";");150 else151 consume(";");152 def.type = "GlobalVariableDeclaration";153 stmts.push(def);154 }155 }156 else {157 unexpected("struct, enum, typdef, extern, FunctionDeclaration or VariableDeclaration");158 }159 }160 return stmts;161 }162 function parseArgumentDefinition() {163 let args = [];164 while (definitionIncoming()) {165 args.push(readDefinition());166 if (lookahead(")"))167 return args;168 consume(",");169 }170 consume(")");171 return args;172 }173 function parseBody() {174 let stmts = [];175 consume("{");176 while (!(curr === "}" || !curr)) {177 let stmt = parseStatement();178 stmts.push(stmt);179 }180 consume("}");181 return stmts;182 }183 function parseStatement() {184 let pos = getPos();185 if (lookahead("return")) {186 return {187 type: "ReturnStatement",188 value: parseExpression(";"),189 pos: pos190 };191 }192 else if (lookahead("if")) {193 consume("(");194 let stmt = { type: "IfStatement", pos: pos };195 stmt.condition = parseExpression(")");196 stmt.body = parseBody();197 if (lookahead("else"))198 stmt.else = parseBody();199 return stmt;200 }201 else if (lookahead("while")) {202 consume("(");203 return {204 type: "WhileStatement",205 condition: parseExpression(")"),206 body: parseBody(),207 pos: pos208 };209 }210 else if (lookahead("do")) {211 let stmt = { type: "DoWhileStatement", pos: pos };212 stmt.body = parseBody();213 consume("while");214 consume("(");215 stmt.condition = parseExpression(")");216 consume(";");217 return stmt;218 }219 else if (lookahead("for")) {220 let stmt = { type: "ForStatement", pos: pos };221 consume("(");222 stmt.init = parseStatement();223 stmt.condition = parseExpression(";");224 stmt.step = parseExpression(")");225 stmt.body = parseBody();226 return stmt;227 }228 else if (definitionIncoming()) {229 let def = readDefinition();230 if (lookahead("="))231 def.value = parseExpression(";");232 else233 consume(";");234 def.type = "VariableDeclaration";235 def.pos = pos;236 return def;237 }238 else {239 return {240 type: "ExpressionStatement",241 expression: parseExpression(";"),242 pos: pos243 };244 }245 }246 function parseExpression(end) {247 let expr = parseBinary(parseUnary(), 0);248 if (end)249 consume(end);250 return expr;251 }252 function peekBinaryOp() {253 let _index = index;254 for (let sortedOp of sortedOps) {255 if (lookahead(sortedOp)) {256 index = _index;257 curr = src[index];258 return sortedOp;259 }260 }261 }262 function parseBinary(left, minPrec) {263 let ahead = peekBinaryOp();264 while (ahead && ops[ahead] >= minPrec) {265 let op = ahead;266 let pos = getPos();267 consume(op);268 let right = parseUnary();269 ahead = peekBinaryOp();270 while (ahead && ops[ahead] > ops[op]) {271 right = parseBinary(right, ops[ahead]);272 ahead = peekBinaryOp();273 }274 left = {275 type: "BinaryExpression",276 operator: op,277 left: left,278 right: right,279 pos: pos280 };281 }282 return left;283 }284 function parseUnary() {285 let expr;286 let pos = getPos();287 for (let op in prefixedOps) {288 if (lookahead(op)) {289 return {290 type: "PrefixExpression",291 operator: op,292 value: parseUnary(),293 pos: pos294 };295 }296 }297 if (lookahead("(")) {298 if (definitionIncoming()) {299 expr = {300 type: "CastExpression",301 targetType: readDefinition(true),302 };303 consume(")");304 expr.value = parseUnary()305 }306 else {307 expr = parseExpression(")");308 }309 }310 else if (lookahead("{")) {311 let entries = [];312 while (curr) {313 entries.push(parseExpression());314 if (!lookahead(","))315 break;316 }317 consume("}");318 expr = {319 type: "Literal",320 value: entries321 };322 }323 else if (lookahead("'")) {324 let val = curr.charCodeAt(0);325 if (curr === "\\")326 val = readEscapeSequence().charCodeAt(0);327 else328 next(true, true);329 consume("'");330 expr = {331 type: "Literal",332 source: "CharCode",333 value: val334 };335 }336 else if (stringIncoming()) {337 expr = {338 type: "Literal",339 value: readString()340 };341 }342 else if (numberIncoming()) {343 expr = {344 type: "Literal",345 value: readNumber()346 };347 }348 else if (identifierIncoming()) {349 let val = readIdentifier();350 expr = {351 type: "Identifier",352 value: val353 };354 }355 else {356 return;357 }358 if (lookahead("[")) {359 let index = parseExpression();360 consume("]");361 expr = {362 type: "IndexExpression",363 value: expr,364 index: index365 };366 }367 else if (lookahead("(")) {368 let args = [];369 while (curr) {370 args.push(parseExpression());371 if (!lookahead(","))372 break;373 }374 consume(")");375 expr = {376 type: "CallExpression",377 base: expr,378 arguments: args379 };380 }381 expr.pos = pos;382 let suffixPos = getPos();383 for (let op in suffixedOps) {384 if (lookahead(op)) {385 return {386 type: "SuffixExpression",387 operator: op,388 value: expr,389 pos: suffixPos390 };391 }392 }393 return expr;394 }395 function definitionIncoming() {396 let _index = index;397 for (let i = 0; i < typeModifier.length; i++) {398 if (lookahead(typeModifier[i])) {399 index = _index;400 curr = src[index];401 return true;402 }403 }404 for (let i = 0; i < typeNames.length; i++) {405 if (lookahead(typeNames[i])) {406 index = _index;407 curr = src[index];408 return true;409 }410 }411 }412 function readDefinition(nameless) {413 let name;414 let pos = getPos();415 let def = {416 type: "Type",417 modifier: [],418 pos: getPos()419 };420 do {421 var read = false;422 for (let j = 0; j < typeModifier.length; j++) {423 if (lookahead(typeModifier[j])) {424 def.modifier.push(typeModifier[j]);425 read = true;426 }427 }428 } while (read);429 for (let i = 0; i < typeNames.length; i++) {430 if (lookahead(typeNames[i])) {431 = typeNames[i];432 while (lookahead("*")) {433 //TODO allow 'const' in between434 def = {435 type: "PointerType",436 target: def,437 pos: getPos()438 };439 }440 if (!nameless)441 name = readIdentifier();442 while (lookahead("[")) {443 def = {444 type: "PointerType",445 target: def,446 pos: getPos()447 };448 if (!lookahead("]")) {449 def.length = parseExpression();450 consume("]");451 }452 }453 if (name) {454 def = {455 type: "Definition",456 defType: def,457 name: name,458 pos: pos459 };460 }461 return def;462 }463 }464 unexpected(typeNames.join(", "));465 }466 function stringIncoming() {467 return curr && curr === "\"";468 }469 function readString(keepBlanks) {470 let val = [];471 next(true, true);472 while (curr && curr !== "\"") {473 if (curr === "\\") {474 next(true, true);475 val.push(readEscapeSequence());476 }477 else {478 val.push(curr);479 next(true, true);480 }481 }482 if (!lookahead("\"", keepBlanks))483 unexpected("\"");484 return val.join("");485 }486 function readEscapeSequence() {487 if (curr === "x") {488 next(true, true);489 let val = 0;490 while (/[0-9A-Fa-f]/.test(curr)) {491 val = (val << 4) + parseInt(curr, 16);492 next(true, true);493 }494 return String.fromCharCode(val);495 }496 else if (/[0-7]/.test(curr)) {497 let val = 0;498 while (/[0-7]/.test(curr)) {499 val = (val << 3) + parseInt(curr, 16);500 next(true, true);501 }502 return String.fromCharCode(val);503 }504 else if (stringEscapes[curr]) {505 let escape = stringEscapes[curr];506 next(true, true);507 return escape;508 }509 unexpected("escape sequence");510 }511 function numberIncoming() {512 return curr && /[0-9]/.test(curr);513 }514 function readNumber(keepBlanks) {515 let val = read(/[0-9.]/, "Number", /[0-9]/, keepBlanks);516 return parseFloat(val);517 }518 function identifierIncoming() {519 return curr && /[A-Za-z_]/.test(curr);520 }521 function readIdentifier(keepBlanks) {522 return read(/[A-Za-z0-9_]/, "Identifier", /[A-Za-z_]/, keepBlanks);523 }524 function read(reg, expected, startreg, keepBlanks) {525 startreg = startreg || reg;526 if (!startreg.test(curr))527 unexpected(expected);528 let val = [curr];529 next(true);530 while (curr && reg.test(curr)) {531 val.push(curr);532 next(true);533 }534 if (!keepBlanks)535 skipBlanks();...
...201 this.descriptorDefinitions = 0202 this.debug('Bluetooth Numbers: %d descriptors', btNumbers.descriptors.length)203 for (const descriptor of btNumbers.descriptors.sort(byUuid)) {204 descriptor.key = nameToKey( const definition = await this.readIdentifier(descriptor.identifier)206 if (definition != null) {207 this.descriptorDefinitions++208 descriptor.definition = definition209 }210 this.descriptors[descriptor.uuid] = descriptor211 this.descriptorsByKey[descriptor.key] = descriptor.uuid212 }213 this.characteristics = {}214 this.characteristicsByKey = {}215 this.characteristicDefinitions = 0216 this.debug('Bluetooth Numbers: %d characteristics', btNumbers.characteristics.length)217 for (const characteristic of btNumbers.characteristics.sort(byUuid)) {218 characteristic.key = nameToKey( const definition = await this.readIdentifier(characteristic.identifier)220 if (definition != null) {221 this.characteristicDefinitions++222 characteristic.definition = definition223 }224 this.characteristics[characteristic.uuid] = characteristic225 this.characteristicsByKey[characteristic.key] = characteristic.uuid226 }227 = {}228 this.servicesByKey = {}229 this.serviceDefinitions = 0230 this.debug('Bluetooth Numbers: %d services', for (const service of {232 service.key = nameToKey( const definition = await this.readIdentifier(service.identifier)234 if (definition != null) {235 this.serviceDefinitions++236 service.definition = definition237 }238[service.uuid] = service239 this.servicesByKey[service.key] = service.uuid240 }241 this.companies = {}242 this.debug('Bluetooth Numbers: %d companies', btNumbers.companies.length)243 for (const company of btNumbers.companies) {244 this.companies[toHex(company.code, 4)] = he.decode( }246 this.createFile()247 } catch (error) { this.error(error) }...
...156 while (this.source.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2) === SLASH) {157 skip++;158 }159 type = TokenType.Identifier;160 value = this.readIdentifier(skip);161 this.urlMode = this.urlMode || value === 'url';162 } else {163 type = TokenType.Unknown;164 value = this.readUnknown();165 }166 break;167 }168 }169 type = PUNCTUATION[code];170 value = String.fromCharCode(code);171 this.pos++;172 if (code === RIGHT_PARENTHESIS) {173 this.urlMode = false;174 } else if (code === LEFT_CURLY_BRACE) {175 this.blockMode++;176 } else if (code === RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE) {177 if (this.blockMode > this.minBlockMode) {178 this.blockMode--;179 }180 }181 break;182 default:183 type = TokenType.Identifier;184 value = this.readIdentifier(0);185 this.urlMode = this.urlMode || value === 'url';186 }187 this.eof = this.pos === this.source.length;188 return {189 type: type,190 value: value,191 offset: offset,192 line: line,193 column: column194 };195 },196 isNewline: function(code) {197 if (code === N || code === F || code === R) {198 if (code === R && this.pos + 1 < this.source.length && this.source.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1) === N) {...
...75 case `{`: return this.readObject()76 default: if (this.isStartOfNumber()) {77 return this.readNumber()78 } else if (this.nextIsStartOfIdentifier()) {79 const identifier = this.readIdentifier()80 if (identifier === 'true') return true81 if (identifier === 'false') return false82 if (identifier === 'null') return null83 if (identifier === 'undefined') return undefined84 throw this.raiseError(`Unexpected identifier: »${identifier}«`, this.col - identifier.length)85 } else {86 throw this.raiseError(`Unexpected token: »${peek}«`)87 }88 }89 }90 readString (quoteType) {91 let str = ''92 while (this.peek !== quoteType) {94 if (this.peek === '\\') {95 str += this.readEscapeCode(quoteType)96 } else {97 str += }99 }100 return str102 }103 readBacktickString () {104 let str = ''105'`')106 while (this.peek !== '`') {107 if (this.peek === '\\') {108 str += this.readEscapeCode('`')109 } else {110 str += }112 }113'`')114 return str115 }116 readEscapeCode (quoteType) {117'\\')118 switch (this.peek) {119 case `'`:120 case `"`:121 case `\\`:122 case `/`:123 return case `b`:; return `\b`125 case `f`:; return `\f`126 case `n`:; return `\n`127 case `r`:; return `\r`128 case `t`:; return `\t`129 case `u`:; return this.readUnicode()130 case '\r':; return ''131 case '\n':; return '\n'132 default: throw this.raiseError(`Unknown escape code: »${this.peek}« (0x${('00' + this.peek.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).substr(-2)})`)133 }134 }135 readUnicode () {136 const code = [this.readHex(), this.readHex(), this.readHex(), this.readHex()].join('')137 const val = parseInt(code, 16)138 return String.fromCharCode(val)139 }140 readHex () {141 const hex = if (!/[a-fA-F0-9]/.test(hex)) {143 throw this.raiseError('Failed to read hex, read: ' + hex)144 }145 return hex146 }147 nextIsDigit () {148 if (!this.peek) return false149 return /[0-9]/.test(this.peek)150 }151 isStartOfNumber () {152 return this.nextIsDigit() || this.peek === '-'153 }154 readNumber () {155 let num = ''156 if (this.peek === '-') {157 num +='-')158 }159 if (this.peek === '0') {160 num +='0')161 } else {162 while (this.nextIsDigit()) {163 num += }165 }166 if (this.peek === '.') {167 num +='.')168 if (!this.nextIsDigit()) throw this.raiseError(`"." in number must be followed by a digit. Got: »${this.peek}«`)169 while (this.nextIsDigit()) {170 num += }172 }173 if (this.peek === 'E' || this.peek === 'e') {174 num += if (this.peek === '-') {176 num +='-')177 } else if (this.peek === '+') {178 num +='+')179 }180 if (!this.nextIsDigit()) throw this.raiseError(`exponent in number have a number. Got: »${this.peek}«`)181 while (this.nextIsDigit()) {182 num += }184 }185 return parseFloat(num)186 }187 readArray () {188'[')189 this.skipWhitespace()190 const arr = []191 while (this.peek !== ']') {192 arr.push(this.readValue())193 this.skipWhitespace()194 if (this.peek !== ']')',')195 this.skipWhitespace()196 }197']')198 this.skipWhitespace()199 return arr200 }201 readObject () {202'{')203 this.skipWhitespace()204 const obj = {}205 while (this.peek !== '}') {206 let key = this.readObjectKey()207 this.skipWhitespace()208':')209 this.skipWhitespace()210 obj[key] = this.readValue()211 this.skipWhitespace()212 if (this.peek !== '}')',')213 this.skipWhitespace()214 }215'}')216 this.skipWhitespace()217 return obj218 }219 readObjectKey () {220 if (this.peek === `"`) return this.readString(`"`)221 if (this.peek === `'`) return this.readString(`'`)222 if (this.nextIsStartOfIdentifier()) {223 return this.readIdentifier()224 }225 if (this.isStartOfNumber()) {226 return this.readNumber()227 }228 throw new Error(`Expected to read object key. Got: »${this.peek}«`)229 }230 nextIsStartOfIdentifier () {231 if (!this.peek) return false232 return /[_a-zA-Z]/.test(this.peek)233 }234 nextIsIdentifier () {235 if (!this.peek) return false236 return /[_a-zA-Z0-9]/.test(this.peek)237 }...
...75 }).toThrow();76 });77 test("ReadIdentifier - it should return an variable token", () => {78 lexer.inputStream.code = "name";79 expect(lexer.readIdentifier()).toEqual({ type: constants.VARIABLE, value: "name", });80 });81 test("ReadIdentifier - it should return a keyword token", () => {82 lexer.inputStream.code = `${constants.KW.JEKI}`;83 expect(lexer.readIdentifier()).toEqual({ type: constants.KEYWORD, value: `${constants.KW.JEKI}`, });84 });85 test("ReadNumber - it should return a number token", () => {86 lexer.inputStream.code = "50.32";87 expect(lexer.readNumber()).toEqual({ type: constants.NUMBER, value: 50.32, });88 });89 test("ReadNumber - it should return a number token with a single decimal points", () => {90 lexer.inputStream.code = "50.32.5";91 expect(lexer.readNumber()).toEqual({ type: constants.NUMBER, value: 50.32, });92 });93 test("SkipComments - it should skip all comments", () => {94 lexer.inputStream.code = `${constants.SYM.COMMENT} comment ${constants.SYM.NEW_LINE}a`;95 lexer.skipComments();96 expect(lexer.inputStream.peek()).toBe("a");97 });...
...51 };52 function skipSpaces() {53 while (!EOL && /\s/.test(next())) eat1();54 }55 function readIdentifier() {56 let result = '';57 skipSpaces();58 while (!EOL && /[-$0-9A-Z_]/i.test(next())) result += eat1();59 return result;60 }61 function readQuotedString(quote) {62 let result = eat1();63 if (result !== quote) syntaxError('parsing quoted string');64 while (!EOL && next() !== quote) {65 if (next() === '\\') eat1();66 result += eat1();67 }68 if (next() !== quote) syntaxError('parsing quoted string');69 result += eat1();70 return result;71 }72 function readAttributeToken() {73 let token = '';74 skipSpaces();75 if (next() === `'` || next() === `"`) token = readQuotedString(next()).slice(1, -1);else token = readIdentifier();76 if (!token) syntaxError('parsing property path');77 return token;78 }79 function readOperator() {80 skipSpaces();81 let op = '';82 if (!EOL) op += eat1();83 if (!EOL && op !== '=') op += eat1();84 if (!['=', '*=', '^=', '$=', '|=', '~='].includes(op)) syntaxError('parsing operator');85 return op;86 }87 function readAttribute() {88 // skip leading [89 eat1(); // read attribute name:90 // foo.bar91 // 'foo' . "ba zz"92 const jsonPath = [];93 jsonPath.push(readAttributeToken());94 skipSpaces();95 while (next() === '.') {96 eat1();97 jsonPath.push(readAttributeToken());98 skipSpaces();99 } // check property is truthy: [enabled]100 if (next() === ']') {101 eat1();102 return {103 jsonPath,104 op: '<truthy>',105 value: null,106 caseSensetive: false107 };108 }109 const operator = readOperator();110 let value = undefined;111 let caseSensetive = true;112 skipSpaces();113 if (next() === `'` || next() === `"`) {114 value = readQuotedString(next()).slice(1, -1);115 skipSpaces();116 if (next() === 'i' || next() === 'I') {117 caseSensetive = false;118 eat1();119 } else if (next() === 's' || next() === 'S') {120 caseSensetive = true;121 eat1();122 }123 } else {124 value = '';125 while (!EOL && !/\s/.test(next()) && next() !== ']') value += eat1();126 if (value === 'true') {127 value = true;128 } else if (value === 'false') {129 value = false;130 } else {131 value = +value;132 if (isNaN(value)) syntaxError('parsing attribute value');133 }134 }135 skipSpaces();136 if (next() !== ']') syntaxError('parsing attribute value');137 eat1();138 if (operator !== '=' && typeof value !== 'string') throw new Error(`Error while parsing selector \`${selector}\` - cannot use ${operator} in attribute with non-string matching value - ${value}`);139 return {140 jsonPath,141 op: operator,142 value,143 caseSensetive144 };145 }146 const result = {147 name: '',148 attributes: []149 };150 = readIdentifier();151 skipSpaces();152 while (next() === '[') {153 result.attributes.push(readAttribute());154 skipSpaces();155 }156 if (!EOL) syntaxError(undefined);157 if (! && !result.attributes.length) throw new Error(`Error while parsing selector \`${selector}\` - selector cannot be empty`);158 return result;...
...153 this.readChar();154 tok = new Token(token.EOF,;155 }156 } else if (this.isLetter( {157 let _literal = this.readIdentifier();158 if (_literal == 'END') {159 this.readChar();160 const _endType = this.readIdentifier();161 _literal = `${_literal}_${_endType}`;162 }163 let _type = keywords[_literal];164 if (_type) {165 if (_type == 'REM') {166 this.ignoreRestOfLine();167 }168 tok = new Token(_type, _literal);169 } else {170 _type = token.IDENT;171 tok = new Token(_type, _literal);172 }173 } else if (this.isDigit( {174 tok = new Token(token.INT, this.readNumber());175 } else {176 tok = new Token(token.ILLEGAL,;177 }178 return tok;179 }180 this.readChar();181 return tok;182 }183 ignoreRestOfLine() {184 while( &&[^\n\r]/)) {185 this.readChar();186 }187 }188 skipWhitespace() {189 while ( &&[\s\t]/) && != '\n') {190 this.readChar();191 }192 }193 readString() {194 let position = this.position + 1;195 while(true) {196 this.readChar();197 if ( == '"') {198 break;199 }200 }201 return this.input.slice(position, this.position);202 }203 readIdentifier() {204 let position = this.position;205 while(this.isLetter( {206 this.readChar();207 }208 return this.input.slice(position, this.position);209 }210 readNumber() {211 let position = this.position;212 while(this.isDigit( {213 this.readChar();214 }215 return this.input.slice(position, this.position);216 }217 isLetter(ch) {...
...39// case c0: case c1: case c2: case c3: case c4: case c5: case c6: case c7: case c8: case c9:{40// dir = yield readNumberLiteral(); break;41// }42// case cDollar: case cUnderscore: {43// dir = yield readIdentifier(); break;44// }45// case 0: throw new Error('unexpected nul byte in input');46// case undefined: return; // EOF47// default: {48// let b = buf[offs];49// if (b > 0x40 && b < 0x5b || b > 0x60 && b > 0x7b) {50// dir = yield readIdentifier(); break;51// }52// console.log('unexpected byte:',53// buf[offs],'"'+buf.slice(offs,offs+1).toString('utf8')+'"');54// return; // FIXME55// }56// }57// if (dir < 0) {58// console.log('dir='+dir+' is negative');59// }60// }61// }62// function TokenizeBuf(buf:Buffer) { //:Tokenizer63// var g = tokenizer(buf);64// function Tokenizer(d) { return || EOF }...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { readIdentifier } = require('@playwright/test');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 const button = await page.locator('text=Get started');5 const buttonIdentifier = await readIdentifier(button);6 console.log(buttonIdentifier);7});8{ name: 'text=Get started', engine: 'css' }9const { test } = require('@playwright/test');10test('test', async ({ page }) => {11 const button = await page.locator({ name: 'text=Get started', engine: 'css' });12 await;13});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { readIdentifier } = require('playwright/lib/server/locator');2const { Locator } = require('playwright/lib/server/locator');3const { ElementHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom');4const { JSHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/jsHandle');5const locator = new Locator('css=div > span', async () => {6 return new ElementHandle(new JSHandle(), null);7});8console.log(readIdentifier(locator));
Using AI Code Generation
1const {readIdentifier} = require('@playwright/test/lib/locator');2const {test} = require('@playwright/test');3test('test', async ({page}) => {4 console.log(await readIdentifier(page.locator('.navbar__inner')));5});6{7 engineOptions: { state: 'attached' },8 parts: [ { name: 'text', value: 'Playwright' } ],9}10const {readIdentifier} = require('@playwright/test/lib/locator');11const {test} = require('@playwright/test');12test('test', async ({page}) => {13 console.log(await readIdentifier(page.locator('.navbar__inner')));14});15{16 engineOptions: { state: 'attached' },17 parts: [ { name: 'css', value: '.navbar__inner' } ],18}19const {readIdentifier} = require('@playwright/test/lib/locator');20const {test} = require('@playwright/test');21test('test', async ({page}) => {22 console.log(await readIdentifier(page.locator('.navbar__inner')));23});24{
Using AI Code Generation
1import { readIdentifier } from "playwright/lib/internal/locator";2import { test } from "@playwright/test";3test("test", async ({ page }) => {4 const element = await page.locator("text=Get Started");5 const identifier = readIdentifier(element);6 console.log(identifier);7});8The Locator API is used to create a Locator object. The Locator object is used to locate an element on the web page. The Locator object is created using the page.locator() method. The page.locator() method takes a selector as its parameter. The selector can be one of the following:9elementHandle()10elementHandles()11locator()12locators()13waitForElementState()14waitForSelector()15waitForFunction()16waitForTimeout()17waitForEvent()18waitForResponse()19waitForRequest()20waitForNavigation()21waitForLoadState()22waitForFileChooser()23waitForRequestInterception()24waitForConsoleMessage()
Using AI Code Generation
1const { readIdentifier } = require('playwright/lib/internal/selectorEngine');2const { parseSelector } = require('playwright/lib/utils/selectorParser');3const { parseSelector } = require('playwright/lib/utils/selectorParser');4const selector = parseSelector('');5const { name, engine, args } = readIdentifier(selector);6console.log(name, engine, args);7const { readIdentifier } = require('playwright/lib/internal/selectorEngine');8const { parseSelector } = require('playwright/lib/utils/selectorParser');9const { name, engine, args } = readIdentifier(selector);10console.log(name, engine, args);11const { readIdentifier } = require('playwright/lib/internal/selectorEngine');12const { parseSelector } = require('playwright/lib/utils/selectorParser');13const selector = parseSelector('text=Click me');14const { name, engine, args } = readIdentifier(selector);15console.log(name, engine, args);16const { readIdentifier } = require('playwright/lib/internal/selectorEngine');17const { parseSelector } = require('playwright/lib/utils/selectorParser');18const selector = parseSelector('data-testid=my-id');19const { name, engine, args } = readIdentifier(selector);20console.log(name, engine, args);21const { readIdentifier } = require('playwright/lib/internal/selectorEngine');22const { parseSelector } = require('playwright/lib/utils/selectorParser');23const selector = parseSelector('data-test-id=my-id');24const { name, engine, args } = readIdentifier(selector);25console.log(name, engine, args);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { readIdentifier } = require('@playwright/test');2console.log(readIdentifier({ name: 'test' }));3const { test } = require('@playwright/test');4test('test', async ({ page }) => {5});6const { test } = require('@playwright/test');7test.describe('test', () => {8 test('test', async ({ page }) => {9 });10});11const { test } = require('@playwright/test');12test.describe('test', () => {13 test('test', async ({ page }) => {14 });15});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { readIdentifier } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/selectors/selectorEngine');2const { parseSelector } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/selectors/parser');3const { createRegExp } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/selectors/selectorEvaluator');4const { SelectorEvaluator } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/selectors/selectorEvaluator');5const { Selector } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/selectors/selector');6const { createPlaywright } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/playwright');7const { BrowserType } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/browserType');8const { chromium } = createPlaywright('chromium');9const browser = await chromium.launch();10const page = await browser.newPage();11const selector = new Selector('test', 'test', parseSelector('text=Hello World'), [], createRegExp, new SelectorEvaluator('test', page));12const handle = await page.$('text=Hello World');13const result = await readIdentifier(handle, selector);14console.log(result);15await browser.close();16await chromium.close();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { readIdentifier } = require('playwright/lib/protocol/serializers');2const { helper } = require('playwright/lib/helper');3const selector = 'input[name="username"]';4const serializedSelector = readIdentifier(selector);5console.log(serializedSelector);6const { writeIdentifier } = require('playwright/lib/protocol/serializers');7const { helper } = require('playwright/lib/helper');8const selector = {"name":"input","attributes":{"name":"username"}};9const serializedSelector = writeIdentifier(selector);10console.log(serializedSelector);11const { readSelector } = require('playwright/lib/protocol/serializers');12const { helper } = require('playwright/lib/helper');13const selector = 'input[name="username"]';14const serializedSelector = readSelector(selector);15console.log(serializedSelector);16const { writeSelector } = require('playwright/lib/protocol/serializers');17const { helper } = require('playwright/lib/helper');18const selector = [{"name":"input","attributes":{"name":"username"}}];19const serializedSelector = writeSelector(selector);20console.log(serializedSelector);21const { readSelectorList } = require('playwright/lib/protocol/serializers');22const { helper } = require('playwright/lib/helper');23const selector = 'input[name="username"], input[name="password"]';24const serializedSelector = readSelectorList(selector);25console.log(serializedSelector);26const { writeSelectorList } = require('playwright/lib/protocol/serializers');27const { helper } = require('playwright/lib/helper');28const selector = [[{"name":"input","attributes":{"name":"username"}}],[{"name":"input","attributes":{"name":"password"}}]];29const serializedSelector = writeSelectorList(selector);
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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