How to use renderClass method in Playwright Internal

Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal


Source:ParticlesSystem.js Github


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1/​*2GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE3Version 3, 29 June 20074Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <https:/​/​​>5Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies6of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.7Copyright (C) 2019, By Alexandre Belin8*/​9function ParticleObj(Emitter, ParticlesName, RenderClass, PartPosX, PartPosY, Transition, Frequency, PartSize, Amplitude, _Index, ParticlesDirection){10 this.Emitter = Emitter;11 this.ParticlesName = ParticlesName;12 this.RenderClass = RenderClass || 'NoClass';13 this.PartPosX = PartPosX;14 this.PartPosY = PartPosY;15 this.Transition = Transition;16 this.Frequency = Frequency;17 this.PartSize = PartSize;18 this.Amplitude = Amplitude;19 this._Index = _Index;20 this.ParticlesDirection = ParticlesDirection;21 var _ParticleDom = document.createElement('div');22 = this.ParticlesName + '-' + this._Index;23 _ParticleDom.classList.add(this.RenderClass);24 = 'absolute';25 = 'all ' + (this.Transition /​ 1000) + 's linear';26 = this.PartSize + 'px';27 = this.PartSize + 'px';28 = Math.floor(this.PartPosY) + 'px';29 = Math.floor(this.PartPosX) + 'px';30 = document.getElementById(this.Emitter).style.zIndex;31 document.body.appendChild(_ParticleDom);32 this.AnimateParticle = function(){33 var _this = this;34 setTimeout(function(){35 = 'translate3d(' + (_this.ParticlesDirection[0] * _this.Amplitude) + 'px, ' + (_this.ParticlesDirection[1] * _this.Amplitude) + 'px, 0)';36 }, 20);37 setTimeout(function(){38 = 'all 0.25s';39 = '0';40 }, (_this.Transition - 250));41 setTimeout(function(){42 _ParticleDom.remove();43 }, _this.Transition);44 };45}46/​*=================================================*/​47function ParticleSysBase(Emitter, ParticlesName, RenderClass, Transition, SizeMin, SizeMax, Amplitude){48 this.Emitter = Emitter;49 this.ParticlesName = ParticlesName;50 this.RenderClass = RenderClass;51 this.Transition = Transition;52 this.SizeMin = SizeMin;53 this.SizeMax = SizeMax;54 this.Amplitude = Amplitude;55}56/​*=================================================*/​5758function ParticleSys(Emitter, ParticlesName, RenderClass, Transition, SizeMin, SizeMax, Amplitude, Frequency, ParticlesDirection){59, Emitter, ParticlesName, RenderClass, Transition, SizeMin, SizeMax, Amplitude);60 this.Frequency = Frequency;61 this.ParticlesDirection = ParticlesDirection;62 var PartEmition;63 this.KillParticles = function(){64 clearInterval(PartEmition);65 };66 this.RenderParticles = function(){67 var _this = this;68 var i = 0;69 PartEmition = setInterval(function(){70 var EmitterSizeX = document.getElementById(_this.Emitter).getBoundingClientRect().width;71 var EmitterSizeY = document.getElementById(_this.Emitter).getBoundingClientRect().height;72 var EmitterPosX = document.getElementById(_this.Emitter).getBoundingClientRect().left;73 var EmitterPosY = document.getElementById(_this.Emitter).getBoundingClientRect().top;74 var PartSize = Math.floor(Math.random() * (_this.SizeMax - _this.SizeMin)) + _this.SizeMin;75 var PartPosX = (Math.floor(Math.random() * ((EmitterPosX + EmitterSizeX) - EmitterPosX)) + EmitterPosX) - (PartSize /​ 2);76 var PartPosY = (Math.floor(Math.random() * ((EmitterPosY + EmitterSizeY) - EmitterPosY)) + EmitterPosY) - (PartSize /​ 2);77 var _Particle = new ParticleObj(_this.Emitter, _this.ParticlesName, _this.RenderClass, PartPosX, PartPosY, _this.Transition, _this.Frequency, PartSize, _this.Amplitude, i, _this.ParticlesDirection);78 _Particle.AnimateParticle();79 i++;80 }, _this.Frequency);81 };82 }83 ParticleSys.prototype = Object.create(ParticleSysBase.prototype);84 ParticleSys.prototype.constructor = ParticleSys;85 /​*=================================================*/​86 function ParticleExplosionSys(Emitter, ParticlesName, RenderClass, Transition, SizeMin, SizeMax, Amplitude, ParticlesQty){87, Emitter, ParticlesName, RenderClass, Transition, SizeMin, SizeMax, Amplitude);88 this.ParticlesQty = ParticlesQty;89 this.ParticlesArray = [];90 this.RenderParticles = function(){91 for(var i = 0 ; i < this.ParticlesQty ; i++){92 var EmitterSizeX = document.getElementById(this.Emitter).getBoundingClientRect().width;93 var EmitterSizeY = document.getElementById(this.Emitter).getBoundingClientRect().height;94 var EmitterPosX = document.getElementById(this.Emitter).getBoundingClientRect().left;95 var EmitterPosY = document.getElementById(this.Emitter).getBoundingClientRect().top;96 var PartSize = Math.floor(Math.random() * (this.SizeMax - this.SizeMin)) + this.SizeMin;97 var PartPosX = (Math.floor(Math.random() * ((EmitterPosX + EmitterSizeX) - EmitterPosX)) + EmitterPosX) - (PartSize /​ 2);98 var PartPosY = (Math.floor(Math.random() * ((EmitterPosY + EmitterSizeY) - EmitterPosY)) + EmitterPosY) - (PartSize /​ 2);99 var DirectionX = (Math.random() * 2) - 1;100 var DirectionY = (Math.random() * 2) - 1;101 this.ParticlesDirection = [DirectionX, DirectionY];102 var _Particle = new ParticleObj(this.Emitter, this.ParticlesName, this.RenderClass, PartPosX, PartPosY, this.Transition, this.Frequency, PartSize, this.Amplitude, i, this.ParticlesDirection);103 _Particle.AnimateParticle();104 }105 };106}107ParticleExplosionSys.prototype = Object.create(ParticleSysBase.prototype); ...

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Source:state_widget.js Github


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1odoo.define('web.statetest', function (require) {2 "use strict";3 var fields = require('web.basic_fields');4 var registry = require('web.field_registry');5 var core = require('web.core');6 var field_utils = require('web.field_utils');7 var Widget = require('web.Widget');8 var widgetRegistry = require('web.widget_registry');9 var qweb = core.qweb;10 var _t = core._t;11 var StateTest = fields.InputField.extend({12 className: 'o_field_status',13 supportedFieldTypes: ['char'],14 /​**15 * Urls are links in readonly mode.16 *17 * @override18 */​19 init: function () {20 this._super.apply(this, arguments);21 this.tagName = this.mode === 'readonly' ? 'div' : 'input';22 },23 /​/​--------------------------------------------------------------------------24 /​/​ Public25 /​/​--------------------------------------------------------------------------26 /​**27 * Returns the associated link.28 *29 * @override30 */​31 getFocusableElement: function () {32 return this.mode === 'readonly' ? this.$el : this._super.apply(this, arguments);33 },34 /​/​--------------------------------------------------------------------------35 /​/​ Private36 /​/​--------------------------------------------------------------------------37 /​**38 * In readonly, the widget needs to be a link with proper href and proper39 * support for the design, which is achieved by the added classes.40 *41 * @override42 * @private43 */​44 _renderReadonly: function () {45 var renderTxt = 'Unfixed';46 var renderClass = 'grey';47 if (this.value == '0') {48 renderTxt = 'Fixed';49 renderClass = 'green';50 } else if (this.value == '1') {51 renderTxt = 'Wont fix';52 renderClass = 'red';53 } else if (this.value == '3') {54 renderTxt = 'Need further discussion';55 renderClass = 'orange';56 } else if (this.value == '4') {57 renderTxt = 'Can not reproduce';58 renderClass = 'purple';59 }60 this.$el.text(renderTxt)61 .addClass('o_form_uri o_text_overflow')62 .attr('data-target', '_blank')63 .attr('class', renderClass);64 }65 });66/​/​viewRegistry.add('web.statetest', StateTest);67 registry.add('state_test', StateTest);68/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​69 var TStateTest = fields.InputField.extend({70 className: 'o_field_status',71 supportedFieldTypes: ['char'],72 /​**73 * Urls are links in readonly mode.74 *75 * @override76 */​77 init: function () {78 this._super.apply(this, arguments);79 this.tagName = this.mode === 'readonly' ? 'div' : 'input';80 },81 /​/​--------------------------------------------------------------------------82 /​/​ Public83 /​/​--------------------------------------------------------------------------84 /​**85 * Returns the associated link.86 *87 * @override88 */​89 getFocusableElement: function () {90 return this.mode === 'readonly' ? this.$el : this._super.apply(this, arguments);91 },92 /​/​--------------------------------------------------------------------------93 /​/​ Private94 /​/​--------------------------------------------------------------------------95 /​**96 * In readonly, the widget needs to be a link with proper href and proper97 * support for the design, which is achieved by the added classes.98 *99 * @override100 * @private101 */​102 _renderReadonly: function () {103 var renderTxt = 'Untested';104 var renderClass = 'grey';105 if (this.value == '0') {106 renderTxt = 'Passed';107 renderClass = 'green'108 } else if (this.value == '1') {109 renderTxt = 'Failed';110 renderClass = 'red'111 } else if (this.value == '3') {112 renderTxt = 'Need further discussion';113 renderClass = 'orange'114 } else if (this.value == '4') {115 renderTxt = 'Can not reproduce';116 }117 this.$el.text(renderTxt)118 .addClass('o_form_uri o_text_overflow')119 .attr('data-target', '_blank')120 .attr('class', renderClass);121 }122 });123/​/​viewRegistry.add('web.statetest', StateTest);124 registry.add('tester_state_test', TStateTest);125 return StateTest;126});127odoo.define('web.link_minimize', function (require) {128 "use strict";129 var AbstractField = require('web.AbstractField');130 var field_registry = require('web.field_registry');131 var LinkMinimize = AbstractField.extend({132 _render: function () {133 if (this.value) {134 this.$el.html('<a href="' + this.value + '" target="_blank">Open Image /​ Video In New Tab</​a>');135 }136 }137 });138 field_registry.add('link_minimize', LinkMinimize);...

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Source:Class.jsx Github


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...84 </​div>85 </​div>86 <div className='col-8'>87 <div className='classOne pb-5'>88 <button className='btn border' onClick={() => this.renderClass('v1')}>89 <img src="./​img/​v1.png" width={100} alt='img' /​>90 </​button>91 <button className='btn border mx-1' onClick={() => this.renderClass('v2')}>92 <img src="./​img/​v2.png" width={100} alt='img' /​>93 </​button>94 <button className='btn border' onClick={() => this.renderClass('v3')}>95 <img src="./​img/​v3.png" width={100} alt='img' /​>96 </​button>97 <button className='btn border ml-1' onClick={() => this.renderClass('v4')}>98 <img src="./​img/​v4.png" width={100} alt='img' /​>99 </​button>100 </​div>101 <div className='classTwo mt-5'>102 <button className='btn border' onClick={() => this.renderClass('v5')}>103 <img src="./​img/​v5.png" width={100} alt='img' /​>104 </​button>105 <button className='btn border mx-1' onClick={() => this.renderClass('v6')}>106 <img src="./​img/​v6.png" width={100} alt='img' /​>107 </​button>108 <button className='btn border' onClick={() => this.renderClass('v7')}>109 <img src="./​img/​v7.png" width={100} alt='img' /​>110 </​button>111 <button className='btn border ml-1' onClick={() => this.renderClass('v8')}>112 <img src="./​img/​v8.png" width={100} alt='img' /​>113 </​button>114 </​div>115 <div className='classTwo mt-5'>116 <button className='btn border' onClick={() => this.renderClass('v9')}>117 <img src="./​img/​v9.png" width={100} alt='img' /​>118 </​button>119 </​div>120 </​div>121 </​div>122 </​div>123 )124 }...

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Source:WizardConfigure.js Github


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1import React from 'react'2import PropTypes from 'prop-types'3import { accountStore } from 'stores/​account'4import WizardConfigureGeneric from '../​Common/​WizardConfigure/​WizardConfigureGeneric'5import WizardConfigureGmail from '../​Common/​WizardConfigure/​WizardConfigureGmail'6import WizardConfigureMicrosoft from '../​Common/​WizardConfigure/​WizardConfigureMicrosoft'7import WizardConfigureContainer from '../​Common/​WizardConfigure/​WizardConfigureContainer'8import WizardConfigureDefaultLayout from '../​Common/​WizardConfigure/​WizardConfigureDefaultLayout'9import SERVICE_TYPES from 'shared/​Models/​ACAccounts/​ServiceTypes'10export default class WizardConfigure extends React.Component {11 /​* **************************************************************************/​12 /​/​ Class13 /​* **************************************************************************/​14 static propTypes = {15 serviceId: PropTypes.string.isRequired,16 onRequestCancel: PropTypes.func.isRequired17 }18 /​* **************************************************************************/​19 /​/​ Component lifecycle20 /​* **************************************************************************/​21 componentDidMount () {22 accountStore.listen(this.accountUpdated)23 }24 componentWillUnmount () {25 accountStore.unlisten(this.accountUpdated)26 }27 componentWillReceiveProps (nextProps) {28 if (this.props.mailboxId !== nextProps.mailboxId) {29 this.setState({30 serviceType: (accountStore.getState().getService(nextProps.serviceId) || {}).type31 })32 }33 }34 /​* **************************************************************************/​35 /​/​ Data lifecycle36 /​* **************************************************************************/​37 state = {38 serviceType: (accountStore.getState().getService(this.props.serviceId) || {}).type39 }40 accountUpdated = (accountState) => {41 this.setState({42 serviceType: (accountState.getService(this.props.serviceId) || {}).type43 })44 }45 /​* **************************************************************************/​46 /​/​ Rendering47 /​* **************************************************************************/​48 render () {49 const { onRequestCancel, serviceId, ...passProps } = this.props50 const { serviceType } = this.state51 let RenderClass52 switch (serviceType) {53 case SERVICE_TYPES.GENERIC:54 RenderClass = WizardConfigureGeneric55 break56 case SERVICE_TYPES.GOOGLE_MAIL:57 case SERVICE_TYPES.GOOGLE_INBOX:58 RenderClass = WizardConfigureGmail59 break60 case SERVICE_TYPES.MICROSOFT_MAIL:61 RenderClass = WizardConfigureMicrosoft62 break63 case SERVICE_TYPES.CONTAINER:64 RenderClass = WizardConfigureContainer65 break66 default:67 RenderClass = WizardConfigureDefaultLayout68 break69 }70 return (<RenderClass onRequestCancel={onRequestCancel} serviceId={serviceId} {...passProps} /​>)71 }...

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Source:main.js Github


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1$(document).ready(function () {2 const $posts = $("#list-arts")[0],3 BASEURL = "/​articles",4 $categories = $('#block-tags')[0],5 $slider = $('#wrap-slider')[0],6 $featuredPost = $('#featured-post')[0]7 $mainPposts = $('#main-posts')[0];8 /​/​/​/​/​/​ CLASS API /​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​9 class ArtApi {10 static fetch() {11 return fetch(BASEURL, { method: "get" }).then((res) => {12 return res.json();13 });14 }15 static remove(id) {16 return fetch(`delete/​${id}`, { method: "delete" })17 .then((res) => { 18 if (!res.ok) { 19 return alert(res.statusText)20 } 21 return res.json() }22 )23 }24 };25 /​/​/​/​/​/​ api fetch /​/​/​/​/​/​/​26 let rendering = () => {27 let renderClass = new RenderHTML();28 ArtApi.fetch().then((backendArticles) => {29 articles = backendArticles.concat();30 articles.forEach((item, index) => {31 let dataPost = renderClass.getDataPost(item);32 renderClass.getCategories(item);33 if (renderClass.randomPost == index) renderClass.showRandomPost(item, dataPost);34 if (index < 5) {35 renderClass.getSlider(item, dataPost);36 indexHtml.cardsEmpty = `<div class="col-12 col-sm-6"><h2> No posts </​h2></​div>`;37 } else {38 indexHtml.cardsEmpty = '';39 renderClass.getCards(item, dataPost);40 }41 });42 $featuredPost.innerHTML = indexHtml.featuredPost;43 $categories.innerHTML = indexHtml.categories;44 $posts.innerHTML = indexHtml.cardsEmpty +;45 $slider.innerHTML = indexHtml.slider;46 indexHtml.categories = '';47 = '';48 indexHtml.slider = '';49 renderClass.Set = new Set();50 })51 .then(() => {52 let script = document.createElement('script');53 let body = $('body')[0];54 script.type = 'text/​javascript';55 script.src = '/​public/​js/​staticHtml.js';56 body.appendChild(script);57 $(".remove_post").click(function () {58 var question = confirm('Are you sure want to delete this post?');59 if (question) {60 const postId = $(this).attr("data-id");61 ArtApi.remove(postId).then((post) => {62 articles = articles.filter(function (item) {63 if (item._id !== post._id) {64 renderClass.getCategories(item);65 } else {66 $(`.card-post`).remove(`div[data-id='${postId}']`);67 if (articles.length <= 6) {68 $posts.innerHTML = `<div class="col-12 col-sm-6"><h2> No posts </​h2></​div>`;69 }70 }71 return item._id !== post._id;72 });73 $categories.innerHTML = indexHtml.categories;74 });75 };76 renderClass.Set = new Set();77 indexHtml.categories = '';78 });79 });80 }81 rendering();...

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Source:util.js Github


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1/​**2 * 实例化Render3 * 4 * @param {}5 * renderClass6 * @param {}7 * config8 * @return {}9 */​10talent.qe.instanceRender = function(renderClass, config) {11 var str = "var render = new " + renderClass + "();";12 eval (str);13 render.setConfig(config);14 return render;15}16/​**17 * invoke render18 * 19 * @param {}20 * renderClass21 * @param {}22 * config23 */​24talent.qe.invokeRender = function(renderClass, config) {25 try {26 var render = talent.qe.instanceRender(renderClass, config);27 render.render();28 }catch (e) {29 alert("error message from talent.qe.invokeRender: render class=" + renderClass + "\r\n" + e);30 }31}32/​**33 * 基础渲染者34 */​35talent.qe.BaseRender = talent.Class.extend({36 /​**37 * 所有的渲染都有一个setConfig方法38 */​39 setConfig:function (config) {40 this.config = config;41 },42 init : function (){43 44 }45});46/​**47 * 基础创建者48 */​49talent.qe.BaseCreator = talent.Class.extend({50 /​**51 * 所有的渲染都有一个setConfig方法52 */​53 setConfig:function (config) {54 this.config = config;55 },56 getConfig:function() {57 return this.config;58 },59 init : function (){60 61 }...

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Source:Handlers.js Github


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1import { todos } from "./​app"2import { Render } from "./​Render"3const renderClass = new Render()4export class Handlers {5 /​/​mark todo as done6 handleCheckbox(e) {7 for (let i = 0; i < todos.length; i++) {8 if (todos[i].id === {9 todos[i].done = !todos[i].done;10 renderClass.render()11 }12 }13 }14 /​/​delete a todo15 deleteHandler(e) {16 let icons = document.querySelectorAll(".trashicon")17 for (let i = 0; i < icons.length; i++) {18 if (icons[i].id === {19"deletedElement")20 todos.splice(i, 1)21 setTimeout(() => renderClass.render(), 300)22 }23 }24 }25 /​/​set due date for a todo26 calendarHandler(e, date) {27 for (let todo of todos) {28 if ( == {29 todo.dueDate = date30 renderClass.render()31 }32 }33 }...

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Source:StepWrapper.jsx Github


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1import React from "react";2import Step from "./​Step";3import "./​stepWrapper.css";4function StepWrapper(props) {5 const { activeForm } = props; /​/​form1=> success6 const steps = ["1", "2", "3"];7 return (8 <div className="step-wrapper">9 {, index) => (10 <Step11 step={step}12 key={index}13 renderClass={14 activeForm.substring(4) === step15 ? "active-step"16 : activeForm.substring(4) > step17 ? "success"18 : null19 }20 /​>21 ))}22 {/​* <Step step="1" renderClass="active-step" /​>23 <Step step="2" renderClass="" /​>24 <Step step="3" renderClass="" /​> */​}25 </​div>26 );27}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { renderClass } = require('playwright/​lib/​server/​supplements/​recorder/​recorderApp');2const { Page } = require('playwright/​lib/​server/​supplements/​recorder/​recorderTypes');3const page = new Page();4const { html, css } = renderClass(page);5fs.writeFileSync('test.html', html);6fs.writeFileSync('test.css', css);7const { exec } = require('child_process');8exec('start test.html');9const { chromium } = require('playwright');10(async () => {11 const browser = await chromium.launch();12 const context = await browser.newContext();13 const page = await context.newPage();14 await'#navbar > div.navbar__inner > div.navbar__items > div:nth-child(2) > a');15 await'#navbar > div.navbar__inner > div.navbar__items > div:nth-child(3) > a');16 await'#navbar > div.navbar__inner > div.navbar__items > div:nth-child(4) > a');17 await'#navbar > div.navbar__inner > div.navbar__items > div:nth-child(5) > a');18 await'#navbar > div.navbar__inner > div.navbar__items > div:nth-child(6) > a');19 await'#navbar > div.navbar__inner > div.navbar__items > div:nth-child(7) > a');20 await'#navbar > div

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { renderClass } = require('@playwright/​test/​lib/​test');2const { test } = require('@playwright/​test');3test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 await renderClass(page, 'button', 'my-class');5});6const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/​test');7test('test', async ({ page }) => {8 await'text=Get started');9 await'text=Docs');10 await'text=API');11 await'text=Test');12 await'text=Test runner');13 await'text=Test.fixtures');

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Playwright tutorial

LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.


  1. What is Playwright : Playwright is comparatively new but has gained good popularity. Get to know some history of the Playwright with some interesting facts connected with it.
  2. How To Install Playwright : Learn in detail about what basic configuration and dependencies are required for installing Playwright and run a test. Get a step-by-step direction for installing the Playwright automation framework.
  3. Playwright Futuristic Features: Launched in 2020, Playwright gained huge popularity quickly because of some obliging features such as Playwright Test Generator and Inspector, Playwright Reporter, Playwright auto-waiting mechanism and etc. Read up on those features to master Playwright testing.
  4. What is Component Testing: Component testing in Playwright is a unique feature that allows a tester to test a single component of a web application without integrating them with other elements. Learn how to perform Component testing on the Playwright automation framework.
  5. Inputs And Buttons In Playwright: Every website has Input boxes and buttons; learn about testing inputs and buttons with different scenarios and examples.
  6. Functions and Selectors in Playwright: Learn how to launch the Chromium browser with Playwright. Also, gain a better understanding of some important functions like “BrowserContext,” which allows you to run multiple browser sessions, and “newPage” which interacts with a page.
  7. Handling Alerts and Dropdowns in Playwright : Playwright interact with different types of alerts and pop-ups, such as simple, confirmation, and prompt, and different types of dropdowns, such as single selector and multi-selector get your hands-on with handling alerts and dropdown in Playright testing.
  8. Playwright vs Puppeteer: Get to know about the difference between two testing frameworks and how they are different than one another, which browsers they support, and what features they provide.
  9. Run Playwright Tests on LambdaTest: Playwright testing with LambdaTest leverages test performance to the utmost. You can run multiple Playwright tests in Parallel with the LammbdaTest test cloud. Get a step-by-step guide to run your Playwright test on the LambdaTest platform.
  10. Playwright Python Tutorial: Playwright automation framework support all major languages such as Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, .NET and etc. However, there are various advantages to Python end-to-end testing with Playwright because of its versatile utility. Get the hang of Playwright python testing with this chapter.
  11. Playwright End To End Testing Tutorial: Get your hands on with Playwright end-to-end testing and learn to use some exciting features such as TraceViewer, Debugging, Networking, Component testing, Visual testing, and many more.
  12. Playwright Video Tutorial: Watch the video tutorials on Playwright testing from experts and get a consecutive in-depth explanation of Playwright automation testing.

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