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1'use strict';2var async = require('async');3var assert = require('assert');4var db = require('../mocks/databasemock');5describe('Sorted Set methods', function () {6 before(function (done) {7 async.parallel([8 function (next) {9 db.sortedSetAdd('sortedSetTest1', [1.1, 1.2, 1.3], ['value1', 'value2', 'value3'], next);10 },11 function (next) {12 db.sortedSetAdd('sortedSetTest2', [1, 4], ['value1', 'value4'], next);13 },14 function (next) {15 db.sortedSetAdd('sortedSetTest3', [2, 4], ['value2', 'value4'], next);16 },17 function (next) {18 db.sortedSetAdd('sortedSetTest4', [1, 1, 2, 3, 5], ['b', 'a', 'd', 'e', 'c'], next);19 },20 function (next) {21 db.sortedSetAdd('sortedSetLex', [0, 0, 0, 0], ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], next);22 },23 ], done);24 });25 describe('sortedSetAdd()', function () {26 it('should add an element to a sorted set', function (done) {27 db.sortedSetAdd('sorted1', 1, 'value1', function (err) {28 assert.equal(err, null);29 assert.equal(arguments.length, 1);30 done();31 });32 });33 it('should add two elements to a sorted set', function (done) {34 db.sortedSetAdd('sorted2', [1, 2], ['value1', 'value2'], function (err) {35 assert.equal(err, null);36 assert.equal(arguments.length, 1);37 done();38 });39 });40 });41 describe('sortedSetsAdd()', function () {42 it('should add an element to two sorted sets', function (done) {43 db.sortedSetsAdd(['sorted1', 'sorted2'], 3, 'value3', function (err) {44 assert.equal(err, null);45 assert.equal(arguments.length, 1);46 done();47 });48 });49 });50 describe('getSortedSetRange()', function () {51 it('should return the lowest scored element', function (done) {52 db.getSortedSetRange('sortedSetTest1', 0, 0, function (err, value) {53 assert.equal(err, null);54 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);55 assert.deepEqual(value, ['value1']);56 done();57 });58 });59 it('should return elements sorted by score lowest to highest', function (done) {60 db.getSortedSetRange('sortedSetTest1', 0, -1, function (err, values) {61 assert.equal(err, null);62 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);63 assert.deepEqual(values, ['value1', 'value2', 'value3']);64 done();65 });66 });67 it('should return empty array if set does not exist', function (done) {68 db.getSortedSetRange('doesnotexist', 0, -1, function (err, values) {69 assert.ifError(err);70 assert(Array.isArray(values));71 assert.equal(values.length, 0);72 done();73 });74 });75 it('should handle negative start/stop', function (done) {76 db.sortedSetAdd('negatives', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'], function (err) {77 assert.ifError(err);78 db.getSortedSetRange('negatives', -2, -4, function (err, data) {79 assert.ifError(err);80 assert.deepEqual(data, []);81 done();82 });83 });84 });85 it('should handle negative start/stop', function (done) {86 db.getSortedSetRange('negatives', -4, -2, function (err, data) {87 assert.ifError(err);88 assert.deepEqual(data, ['2', '3', '4']);89 done();90 });91 });92 it('should handle negative start/stop', function (done) {93 db.getSortedSetRevRange('negatives', -4, -2, function (err, data) {94 assert.ifError(err);95 assert.deepEqual(data, ['4', '3', '2']);96 done();97 });98 });99 it('should handle negative start/stop', function (done) {100 db.getSortedSetRange('negatives', -5, -1, function (err, data) {101 assert.ifError(err);102 assert.deepEqual(data, ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']);103 done();104 });105 });106 it('should handle negative start/stop', function (done) {107 db.getSortedSetRange('negatives', 0, -2, function (err, data) {108 assert.ifError(err);109 assert.deepEqual(data, ['1', '2', '3', '4']);110 done();111 });112 });113 });114 describe('getSortedSetRevRange()', function () {115 it('should return the highest scored element', function (done) {116 db.getSortedSetRevRange('sortedSetTest1', 0, 0, function (err, value) {117 assert.equal(err, null);118 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);119 assert.deepEqual(value, ['value3']);120 done();121 });122 });123 it('should return elements sorted by score highest to lowest', function (done) {124 db.getSortedSetRevRange('sortedSetTest1', 0, -1, function (err, values) {125 assert.equal(err, null);126 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);127 assert.deepEqual(values, ['value3', 'value2', 'value1']);128 done();129 });130 });131 });132 describe('getSortedSetRangeWithScores()', function () {133 it('should return array of elements sorted by score lowest to highest with scores', function (done) {134 db.getSortedSetRangeWithScores('sortedSetTest1', 0, -1, function (err, values) {135 assert.equal(err, null);136 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);137 assert.deepEqual(values, [{ value: 'value1', score: 1.1 }, { value: 'value2', score: 1.2 }, { value: 'value3', score: 1.3 }]);138 done();139 });140 });141 });142 describe('getSortedSetRevRangeWithScores()', function () {143 it('should return array of elements sorted by score highest to lowest with scores', function (done) {144 db.getSortedSetRevRangeWithScores('sortedSetTest1', 0, -1, function (err, values) {145 assert.equal(err, null);146 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);147 assert.deepEqual(values, [{ value: 'value3', score: 1.3 }, { value: 'value2', score: 1.2 }, { value: 'value1', score: 1.1 }]);148 done();149 });150 });151 });152 describe('getSortedSetRangeByScore()', function () {153 it('should get count elements with score between min max sorted by score lowest to highest', function (done) {154 db.getSortedSetRangeByScore('sortedSetTest1', 0, -1, '-inf', 1.2, function (err, values) {155 assert.equal(err, null);156 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);157 assert.deepEqual(values, ['value1', 'value2']);158 done();159 });160 });161 it('should return empty array if set does not exist', function (done) {162 db.getSortedSetRangeByScore('doesnotexist', 0, -1, '-inf', 0, function (err, values) {163 assert.ifError(err);164 assert(Array.isArray(values));165 assert.equal(values.length, 0);166 done();167 });168 });169 });170 describe('getSortedSetRevRangeByScore()', function () {171 it('should get count elements with score between max min sorted by score highest to lowest', function (done) {172 db.getSortedSetRevRangeByScore('sortedSetTest1', 0, -1, '+inf', 1.2, function (err, values) {173 assert.equal(err, null);174 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);175 assert.deepEqual(values, ['value3', 'value2']);176 done();177 });178 });179 });180 describe('getSortedSetRangeByScoreWithScores()', function () {181 it('should get count elements with score between min max sorted by score lowest to highest with scores', function (done) {182 db.getSortedSetRangeByScoreWithScores('sortedSetTest1', 0, -1, '-inf', 1.2, function (err, values) {183 assert.equal(err, null);184 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);185 assert.deepEqual(values, [{ value: 'value1', score: 1.1 }, { value: 'value2', score: 1.2 }]);186 done();187 });188 });189 });190 describe('getSortedSetRevRangeByScoreWithScores()', function () {191 it('should get count elements with score between max min sorted by score highest to lowest', function (done) {192 db.getSortedSetRevRangeByScoreWithScores('sortedSetTest1', 0, -1, '+inf', 1.2, function (err, values) {193 assert.equal(err, null);194 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);195 assert.deepEqual(values, [{ value: 'value3', score: 1.3 }, { value: 'value2', score: 1.2 }]);196 done();197 });198 });199 });200 describe('sortedSetCount()', function () {201 it('should return 0 for a sorted set that does not exist', function (done) {202 db.sortedSetCount('doesnotexist', 0, 10, function (err, count) {203 assert.equal(err, null);204 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);205 assert.equal(count, 0);206 done();207 });208 });209 it('should return number of elements between scores min max inclusive', function (done) {210 db.sortedSetCount('sortedSetTest1', '-inf', 1.2, function (err, count) {211 assert.equal(err, null);212 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);213 assert.equal(count, 2);214 done();215 });216 });217 it('should return number of elements between scores -inf +inf inclusive', function (done) {218 db.sortedSetCount('sortedSetTest1', '-inf', '+inf', function (err, count) {219 assert.equal(err, null);220 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);221 assert.equal(count, 3);222 done();223 });224 });225 });226 describe('sortedSetCard()', function () {227 it('should return 0 for a sorted set that does not exist', function (done) {228 db.sortedSetCard('doesnotexist', function (err, count) {229 assert.equal(err, null);230 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);231 assert.equal(count, 0);232 done();233 });234 });235 it('should return number of elements in a sorted set', function (done) {236 db.sortedSetCard('sortedSetTest1', function (err, count) {237 assert.equal(err, null);238 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);239 assert.equal(count, 3);240 done();241 });242 });243 });244 describe('sortedSetsCard()', function () {245 it('should return the number of elements in sorted sets', function (done) {246 db.sortedSetsCard(['sortedSetTest1', 'sortedSetTest2', 'doesnotexist'], function (err, counts) {247 assert.equal(err, null);248 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);249 assert.deepEqual(counts, [3, 2, 0]);250 done();251 });252 });253 });254 describe('sortedSetRank()', function () {255 it('should return falsy if sorted set does not exist', function (done) {256 db.sortedSetRank('doesnotexist', 'value1', function (err, rank) {257 assert.equal(err, null);258 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);259 assert.equal(!!rank, false);260 done();261 });262 });263 it('should return falsy if element isnt in sorted set', function (done) {264 db.sortedSetRank('sortedSetTest1', 'value5', function (err, rank) {265 assert.equal(err, null);266 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);267 assert.equal(!!rank, false);268 done();269 });270 });271 it('should return the rank of the element in the sorted set sorted by lowest to highest score', function (done) {272 db.sortedSetRank('sortedSetTest1', 'value1', function (err, rank) {273 assert.equal(err, null);274 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);275 assert.equal(rank, 0);276 done();277 });278 });279 it('should return the rank sorted by the score and then the value (a)', function (done) {280 db.sortedSetRank('sortedSetTest4', 'a', function (err, rank) {281 assert.equal(err, null);282 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);283 assert.equal(rank, 0);284 done();285 });286 });287 it('should return the rank sorted by the score and then the value (b)', function (done) {288 db.sortedSetRank('sortedSetTest4', 'b', function (err, rank) {289 assert.equal(err, null);290 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);291 assert.equal(rank, 1);292 done();293 });294 });295 it('should return the rank sorted by the score and then the value (c)', function (done) {296 db.sortedSetRank('sortedSetTest4', 'c', function (err, rank) {297 assert.equal(err, null);298 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);299 assert.equal(rank, 4);300 done();301 });302 });303 });304 describe('sortedSetRevRank()', function () {305 it('should return falsy if sorted set doesnot exist', function (done) {306 db.sortedSetRevRank('doesnotexist', 'value1', function (err, rank) {307 assert.equal(err, null);308 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);309 assert.equal(!!rank, false);310 done();311 });312 });313 it('should return falsy if element isnt in sorted set', function (done) {314 db.sortedSetRevRank('sortedSetTest1', 'value5', function (err, rank) {315 assert.equal(err, null);316 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);317 assert.equal(!!rank, false);318 done();319 });320 });321 it('should return the rank of the element in the sorted set sorted by highest to lowest score', function (done) {322 db.sortedSetRevRank('sortedSetTest1', 'value1', function (err, rank) {323 assert.equal(err, null);324 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);325 assert.equal(rank, 2);326 done();327 });328 });329 });330 describe('sortedSetsRanks()', function () {331 it('should return the ranks of values in sorted sets', function (done) {332 db.sortedSetsRanks(['sortedSetTest1', 'sortedSetTest2'], ['value1', 'value4'], function (err, ranks) {333 assert.equal(err, null);334 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);335 assert.deepEqual(ranks, [0, 1]);336 done();337 });338 });339 });340 describe('sortedSetRanks()', function () {341 it('should return the ranks of values in a sorted set', function (done) {342 db.sortedSetRanks('sortedSetTest1', ['value2', 'value1', 'value3', 'value4'], function (err, ranks) {343 assert.equal(err, null);344 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);345 assert.deepEqual(ranks, [1, 0, 2, null]);346 done();347 });348 });349 });350 describe('sortedSetScore()', function () {351 it('should return falsy if sorted set does not exist', function (done) {352 db.sortedSetScore('doesnotexist', 'value1', function (err, score) {353 assert.equal(err, null);354 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);355 assert.equal(!!score, false);356 assert.strictEqual(score, null);357 done();358 });359 });360 it('should return falsy if element is not in sorted set', function (done) {361 db.sortedSetScore('sortedSetTest1', 'value5', function (err, score) {362 assert.equal(err, null);363 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);364 assert.equal(!!score, false);365 assert.strictEqual(score, null);366 done();367 });368 });369 it('should return the score of an element', function (done) {370 db.sortedSetScore('sortedSetTest1', 'value2', function (err, score) {371 assert.equal(err, null);372 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);373 assert.equal(score, 1.2);374 done();375 });376 });377 it('should not error if key is undefined', function (done) {378 db.sortedSetScore(undefined, 1, function (err, score) {379 assert.ifError(err);380 assert.strictEqual(score, null);381 done();382 });383 });384 it('should not error if value is undefined', function (done) {385 db.sortedSetScore('sortedSetTest1', undefined, function (err, score) {386 assert.ifError(err);387 assert.strictEqual(score, null);388 done();389 });390 });391 });392 describe('sortedSetsScore()', function () {393 it('should return the scores of value in sorted sets', function (done) {394 db.sortedSetsScore(['sortedSetTest1', 'sortedSetTest2', 'doesnotexist'], 'value1', function (err, scores) {395 assert.equal(err, null);396 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);397 assert.deepEqual(scores, [1.1, 1, null]);398 done();399 });400 });401 it('should return scores even if some keys are undefined', function (done) {402 db.sortedSetsScore(['sortedSetTest1', undefined, 'doesnotexist'], 'value1', function (err, scores) {403 assert.equal(err, null);404 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);405 assert.deepEqual(scores, [1.1, null, null]);406 done();407 });408 });409 });410 describe('sortedSetScores()', function () {411 before(function (done) {412 db.sortedSetAdd('zeroScore', 0, 'value1', done);413 });414 it('should return 0 if score is 0', function (done) {415 db.sortedSetScores('zeroScore', ['value1'], function (err, scores) {416 assert.ifError(err);417 assert.equal(0, scores[0]);418 done();419 });420 });421 it('should return the scores of value in sorted sets', function (done) {422 db.sortedSetScores('sortedSetTest1', ['value2', 'value1', 'doesnotexist'], function (err, scores) {423 assert.equal(err, null);424 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);425 assert.deepEqual(scores, [1.2, 1.1, null]);426 done();427 });428 });429 it('should return scores even if some values are undefined', function (done) {430 db.sortedSetScores('sortedSetTest1', ['value2', undefined, 'doesnotexist'], function (err, scores) {431 assert.equal(err, null);432 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);433 assert.deepEqual(scores, [1.2, null, null]);434 done();435 });436 });437 });438 describe('isSortedSetMember()', function () {439 before(function (done) {440 db.sortedSetAdd('zeroscore', 0, 'itemwithzeroscore', done);441 });442 it('should return false if sorted set does not exist', function (done) {443 db.isSortedSetMember('doesnotexist', 'value1', function (err, isMember) {444 assert.ifError(err);445 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);446 assert.equal(isMember, false);447 done();448 });449 });450 it('should return false if element is not in sorted set', function (done) {451 db.isSortedSetMember('sorted2', 'value5', function (err, isMember) {452 assert.ifError(err);453 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);454 assert.equal(isMember, false);455 done();456 });457 });458 it('should return true if element is in sorted set', function (done) {459 db.isSortedSetMember('sortedSetTest1', 'value2', function (err, isMember) {460 assert.ifError(err);461 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);462 assert.strictEqual(isMember, true);463 done();464 });465 });466 it('should return true if element is in sorted set with sre 0', function (done) {467 db.isSortedSetMember('zeroscore', 'itemwithzeroscore', function (err, isMember) {468 assert.ifError(err);469 assert.strictEqual(isMember, true);470 done();471 });472 });473 });474 describe('isSortedSetMembers()', function () {475 it('should return an array of booleans indicating membership', function (done) {476 db.isSortedSetMembers('sortedSetTest1', ['value1', 'value2', 'value5'], function (err, isMembers) {477 assert.equal(err, null);478 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);479 assert.deepEqual(isMembers, [true, true, false]);480 done();481 });482 });483 });484 describe('isMemberOfSortedSets', function () {485 it('should return true for members false for non members', function (done) {486 db.isMemberOfSortedSets(['doesnotexist', 'sortedSetTest1', 'sortedSetTest2'], 'value2', function (err, isMembers) {487 assert.equal(err, null);488 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);489 assert.deepEqual(isMembers, [false, true, false]);490 done();491 });492 });493 });494 describe('getSortedSetsMembers', function () {495 it('should return members of multiple sorted sets', function (done) {496 db.getSortedSetsMembers(['doesnotexist', 'sortedSetTest1'], function (err, sortedSets) {497 assert.equal(err, null);498 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);499 assert.deepEqual(sortedSets[0], []);500 sortedSets[0].forEach(function (element) {501 assert.notEqual(['value1', 'value2', 'value3'].indexOf(element), -1);502 });503 done();504 });505 });506 });507 describe('sortedSetUnionCard', function () {508 it('should return the number of elements in the union', function (done) {509 db.sortedSetUnionCard(['sortedSetTest2', 'sortedSetTest3'], function (err, count) {510 assert.ifError(err);511 assert.equal(count, 3);512 done();513 });514 });515 });516 describe('getSortedSetUnion()', function () {517 it('should return an array of values from both sorted sets sorted by scores lowest to highest', function (done) {518 db.getSortedSetUnion({ sets: ['sortedSetTest2', 'sortedSetTest3'], start: 0, stop: -1 }, function (err, values) {519 assert.equal(err, null);520 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);521 assert.deepEqual(values, ['value1', 'value2', 'value4']);522 done();523 });524 });525 it('should return an array of values and scores from both sorted sets sorted by scores lowest to highest', function (done) {526 db.getSortedSetUnion({ sets: ['sortedSetTest2', 'sortedSetTest3'], start: 0, stop: -1, withScores: true }, function (err, data) {527 assert.equal(err, null);528 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);529 assert.deepEqual(data, [{ value: 'value1', score: 1 }, { value: 'value2', score: 2 }, { value: 'value4', score: 8 }]);530 done();531 });532 });533 });534 describe('getSortedSetRevUnion()', function () {535 it('should return an array of values from both sorted sets sorted by scores highest to lowest', function (done) {536 db.getSortedSetRevUnion({ sets: ['sortedSetTest2', 'sortedSetTest3'], start: 0, stop: -1 }, function (err, values) {537 assert.equal(err, null);538 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);539 assert.deepEqual(values, ['value4', 'value2', 'value1']);540 done();541 });542 });543 });544 describe('sortedSetIncrBy()', function () {545 it('should create a sorted set with a field set to 1', function (done) {546 db.sortedSetIncrBy('sortedIncr', 1, 'field1', function (err, newValue) {547 assert.equal(err, null);548 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);549 assert.strictEqual(newValue, 1);550 db.sortedSetScore('sortedIncr', 'field1', function (err, score) {551 assert.equal(err, null);552 assert.strictEqual(score, 1);553 done();554 });555 });556 });557 it('should increment a field of a sorted set by 5', function (done) {558 db.sortedSetIncrBy('sortedIncr', 5, 'field1', function (err, newValue) {559 assert.equal(err, null);560 assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);561 assert.strictEqual(newValue, 6);562 db.sortedSetScore('sortedIncr', 'field1', function (err, score) {563 assert.equal(err, null);564 assert.strictEqual(score, 6);565 done();566 });567 });568 });569 });570 describe('sortedSetRemove()', function () {571 before(function (done) {572 db.sortedSetAdd('sorted3', [1, 2], ['value1', 'value2'], done);573 });574 it('should remove an element from a sorted set', function (done) {575 db.sortedSetRemove('sorted3', 'value2', function (err) {576 assert.equal(err, null);577 assert.equal(arguments.length, 1);578 db.isSortedSetMember('sorted3', 'value2', function (err, isMember) {579 assert.equal(err, null);580 assert.equal(isMember, false);581 done();582 });583 });584 });585 it('should remove multiple values from multiple keys', function (done) {586 db.sortedSetAdd('multiTest1', [1, 2, 3, 4], ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four'], function (err) {587 assert.ifError(err);588 db.sortedSetAdd('multiTest2', [3, 4, 5, 6], ['three', 'four', 'five', 'six'], function (err) {589 assert.ifError(err);590 db.sortedSetRemove(['multiTest1', 'multiTest2'], ['two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'doesnt exist'], function (err) {591 assert.ifError(err);592 db.getSortedSetsMembers(['multiTest1', 'multiTest2'], function (err, members) {593 assert.ifError(err);594 assert.equal(members[0].length, 1);595 assert.equal(members[1].length, 1);596 assert.deepEqual(members, [['one'], ['six']]);597 done();598 });599 });600 });601 });602 });603 it('should remove value from multiple keys', function (done) {604 db.sortedSetAdd('multiTest3', [1, 2, 3, 4], ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four'], function (err) {605 assert.ifError(err);606 db.sortedSetAdd('multiTest4', [3, 4, 5, 6], ['three', 'four', 'five', 'six'], function (err) {607 assert.ifError(err);608 db.sortedSetRemove(['multiTest3', 'multiTest4'], 'three', function (err) {609 assert.ifError(err);610 db.getSortedSetsMembers(['multiTest3', 'multiTest4'], function (err, members) {611 assert.ifError(err);612 assert.deepEqual(members, [['one', 'two', 'four'], ['four', 'five', 'six']]);613 done();614 });615 });616 });617 });618 });619 it('should remove multiple values from multiple keys', function (done) {620 db.sortedSetAdd('multiTest5', [1], ['one'], function (err) {621 assert.ifError(err);622 db.sortedSetAdd('multiTest6', [2], ['two'], function (err) {623 assert.ifError(err);624 db.sortedSetAdd('multiTest7', [3], ['three'], function (err) {625 assert.ifError(err);626 db.sortedSetRemove(['multiTest5', 'multiTest6', 'multiTest7'], ['one', 'two', 'three'], function (err) {627 assert.ifError(err);628 db.getSortedSetsMembers(['multiTest5', 'multiTest6', 'multiTest7'], function (err, members) {629 assert.ifError(err);630 assert.deepEqual(members, [[], [], []]);631 done();632 });633 });634 });635 });636 });637 });638 });639 describe('sortedSetsRemove()', function () {640 before(function (done) {641 async.parallel([642 async.apply(db.sortedSetAdd, 'sorted4', [1, 2], ['value1', 'value2']),643 async.apply(db.sortedSetAdd, 'sorted5', [1, 2], ['value1', 'value3']),644 ], done);645 });646 it('should remove element from multiple sorted sets', function (done) {647 db.sortedSetsRemove(['sorted4', 'sorted5'], 'value1', function (err) {648 assert.equal(err, null);649 assert.equal(arguments.length, 1);650 db.sortedSetsScore(['sorted4', 'sorted5'], 'value1', function (err, scores) {651 assert.equal(err, null);652 assert.deepEqual(scores, [null, null]);653 done();654 });655 });656 });657 });658 describe('sortedSetsRemoveRangeByScore()', function () {659 before(function (done) {660 db.sortedSetAdd('sorted6', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ['value1', 'value2', 'value3', 'value4', 'value5'], done);661 });662 it('should remove elements with scores between min max inclusive', function (done) {663 db.sortedSetsRemoveRangeByScore(['sorted6'], 4, 5, function (err) {664 assert.ifError(err);665 assert.equal(arguments.length, 1);666 db.getSortedSetRange('sorted6', 0, -1, function (err, values) {667 assert.ifError(err);668 assert.deepEqual(values, ['value1', 'value2', 'value3']);669 done();670 });671 });672 });673 it('should remove elements with if strin score is passed in', function (done) {674 db.sortedSetAdd('sortedForRemove', [11, 22, 33], ['value1', 'value2', 'value3'], function (err) {675 assert.ifError(err);676 db.sortedSetsRemoveRangeByScore(['sortedForRemove'], '22', '22', function (err) {677 assert.ifError(err);678 db.getSortedSetRange('sortedForRemove', 0, -1, function (err, values) {679 assert.ifError(err);680 assert.deepEqual(values, ['value1', 'value3']);681 done();682 });683 });684 });685 });686 });687 describe('getSortedSetIntersect', function () {688 before(function (done) {689 async.parallel([690 function (next) {691 db.sortedSetAdd('interSet1', [1, 2, 3], ['value1', 'value2', 'value3'], next);692 },693 function (next) {694 db.sortedSetAdd('interSet2', [4, 5, 6], ['value2', 'value3', 'value5'], next);695 },696 ], done);697 });698 it('should return the intersection of two sets', function (done) {699 db.getSortedSetIntersect({700 sets: ['interSet1', 'interSet2'],701 start: 0,702 stop: -1,703 }, function (err, data) {704 assert.ifError(err);705 assert.deepEqual(['value2', 'value3'], data);706 done();707 });708 });709 it('should return the intersection of two sets with scores', function (done) {710 db.getSortedSetIntersect({711 sets: ['interSet1', 'interSet2'],712 start: 0,713 stop: -1,714 withScores: true,715 }, function (err, data) {716 assert.ifError(err);717 assert.deepEqual([{ value: 'value2', score: 6 }, { value: 'value3', score: 8 }], data);718 done();719 });720 });721 it('should return the reverse intersection of two sets', function (done) {722 db.getSortedSetRevIntersect({723 sets: ['interSet1', 'interSet2'],724 start: 0,725 stop: 2,726 }, function (err, data) {727 assert.ifError(err);728 assert.deepEqual(['value3', 'value2'], data);729 done();730 });731 });732 it('should return the intersection of two sets with scores aggregate MIN', function (done) {733 db.getSortedSetIntersect({734 sets: ['interSet1', 'interSet2'],735 start: 0,736 stop: -1,737 withScores: true,738 aggregate: 'MIN',739 }, function (err, data) {740 assert.ifError(err);741 assert.deepEqual([{ value: 'value2', score: 2 }, { value: 'value3', score: 3 }], data);742 done();743 });744 });745 it('should return the intersection of two sets with scores aggregate MAX', function (done) {746 db.getSortedSetIntersect({747 sets: ['interSet1', 'interSet2'],748 start: 0,749 stop: -1,750 withScores: true,751 aggregate: 'MAX',752 }, function (err, data) {753 assert.ifError(err);754 assert.deepEqual([{ value: 'value2', score: 4 }, { value: 'value3', score: 5 }], data);755 done();756 });757 });758 it('should return the intersection with scores modified by weights', function (done) {759 db.getSortedSetIntersect({760 sets: ['interSet1', 'interSet2'],761 start: 0,762 stop: -1,763 withScores: true,764 weights: [1, 0.5],765 }, function (err, data) {766 assert.ifError(err);767 assert.deepEqual([{ value: 'value2', score: 4 }, { value: 'value3', score: 5.5 }], data);768 done();769 });770 });771 it('should return empty array if sets do not exist', function (done) {772 db.getSortedSetIntersect({773 sets: ['interSet10', 'interSet12'],774 start: 0,775 stop: -1,776 }, function (err, data) {777 assert.ifError(err);778 assert.equal(data.length, 0);779 done();780 });781 });782 it('should return empty array if one set does not exist', function (done) {783 db.getSortedSetIntersect({784 sets: ['interSet1', 'interSet12'],785 start: 0,786 stop: -1,787 }, function (err, data) {788 assert.ifError(err);789 assert.equal(data.length, 0);790 done();791 });792 });793 });794 describe('sortedSetIntersectCard', function () {795 before(function (done) {796 async.parallel([797 function (next) {798 db.sortedSetAdd('interCard1', [0, 0, 0], ['value1', 'value2', 'value3'], next);799 },800 function (next) {801 db.sortedSetAdd('interCard2', [0, 0, 0], ['value2', 'value3', 'value4'], next);802 },803 function (next) {804 db.sortedSetAdd('interCard3', [0, 0, 0], ['value3', 'value4', 'value5'], next);805 },806 function (next) {807 db.sortedSetAdd('interCard4', [0, 0, 0], ['value4', 'value5', 'value6'], next);808 },809 ], done);810 });811 it('should return # of elements in intersection', function (done) {812 db.sortedSetIntersectCard(['interCard1', 'interCard2', 'interCard3'], function (err, count) {813 assert.ifError(err);814 assert.strictEqual(count, 1);815 done();816 });817 });818 it('should return 0 if intersection is empty', function (done) {819 db.sortedSetIntersectCard(['interCard1', 'interCard4'], function (err, count) {820 assert.ifError(err);821 assert.strictEqual(count, 0);822 done();823 });824 });825 });826 describe('getSortedSetRangeByLex', function () {827 it('should return an array of all values', function (done) {828 db.getSortedSetRangeByLex('sortedSetLex', '-', '+', function (err, data) {829 assert.ifError(err);830 assert.deepEqual(data, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']);831 done();832 });833 });834 it('should return an array with an inclusive range by default', function (done) {835 db.getSortedSetRangeByLex('sortedSetLex', 'a', 'd', function (err, data) {836 assert.ifError(err);837 assert.deepEqual(data, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']);838 done();839 });840 });841 it('should return an array with an inclusive range', function (done) {842 db.getSortedSetRangeByLex('sortedSetLex', '[a', '[d', function (err, data) {843 assert.ifError(err);844 assert.deepEqual(data, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']);845 done();846 });847 });848 it('should return an array with an exclusive range', function (done) {849 db.getSortedSetRangeByLex('sortedSetLex', '(a', '(d', function (err, data) {850 assert.ifError(err);851 assert.deepEqual(data, ['b', 'c']);852 done();853 });854 });855 it('should return an array limited to the first two values', function (done) {856 db.getSortedSetRangeByLex('sortedSetLex', '-', '+', 0, 2, function (err, data) {857 assert.ifError(err);858 assert.deepEqual(data, ['a', 'b']);859 done();860 });861 });862 });863 describe('getSortedSetRevRangeByLex', function () {864 it('should return an array of all values reversed', function (done) {865 db.getSortedSetRevRangeByLex('sortedSetLex', '+', '-', function (err, data) {866 assert.ifError(err);867 assert.deepEqual(data, ['d', 'c', 'b', 'a']);868 done();869 });870 });871 it('should return an array with an inclusive range by default reversed', function (done) {872 db.getSortedSetRevRangeByLex('sortedSetLex', 'd', 'a', function (err, data) {873 assert.ifError(err);874 assert.deepEqual(data, ['d', 'c', 'b', 'a']);875 done();876 });877 });878 it('should return an array with an inclusive range reversed', function (done) {879 db.getSortedSetRevRangeByLex('sortedSetLex', '[d', '[a', function (err, data) {880 assert.ifError(err);881 assert.deepEqual(data, ['d', 'c', 'b', 'a']);882 done();883 });884 });885 it('should return an array with an exclusive range reversed', function (done) {886 db.getSortedSetRevRangeByLex('sortedSetLex', '(d', '(a', function (err, data) {887 assert.ifError(err);888 assert.deepEqual(data, ['c', 'b']);889 done();890 });891 });892 it('should return an array limited to the first two values reversed', function (done) {893 db.getSortedSetRevRangeByLex('sortedSetLex', '+', '-', 0, 2, function (err, data) {894 assert.ifError(err);895 assert.deepEqual(data, ['d', 'c']);896 done();897 });898 });899 });900 describe('sortedSetLexCount', function () {901 it('should return the count of all values', function (done) {902 db.sortedSetLexCount('sortedSetLex', '-', '+', function (err, data) {903 assert.ifError(err);904 assert.strictEqual(data, 4);905 done();906 });907 });908 it('should return the count with an inclusive range by default', function (done) {909 db.sortedSetLexCount('sortedSetLex', 'a', 'd', function (err, data) {910 assert.ifError(err);911 assert.strictEqual(data, 4);912 done();913 });914 });915 it('should return the count with an inclusive range', function (done) {916 db.sortedSetLexCount('sortedSetLex', '[a', '[d', function (err, data) {917 assert.ifError(err);918 assert.strictEqual(data, 4);919 done();920 });921 });922 it('should return the count with an exclusive range', function (done) {923 db.sortedSetLexCount('sortedSetLex', '(a', '(d', function (err, data) {924 assert.ifError(err);925 assert.strictEqual(data, 2);926 done();927 });928 });929 });930 describe('sortedSetRemoveRangeByLex', function () {931 before(function (done) {932 db.sortedSetAdd('sortedSetLex2', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'], done);933 });934 it('should remove an inclusive range by default', function (done) {935 db.sortedSetRemoveRangeByLex('sortedSetLex2', 'a', 'b', function (err) {936 assert.ifError(err);937 assert.equal(arguments.length, 1);938 db.getSortedSetRangeByLex('sortedSetLex2', '-', '+', function (err, data) {939 assert.ifError(err);940 assert.deepEqual(data, ['c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g']);941 done();942 });943 });944 });945 it('should remove an inclusive range', function (done) {946 db.sortedSetRemoveRangeByLex('sortedSetLex2', '[c', '[d', function (err) {947 assert.ifError(err);948 assert.equal(arguments.length, 1);949 db.getSortedSetRangeByLex('sortedSetLex2', '-', '+', function (err, data) {950 assert.ifError(err);951 assert.deepEqual(data, ['e', 'f', 'g']);952 done();953 });954 });955 });956 it('should remove an exclusive range', function (done) {957 db.sortedSetRemoveRangeByLex('sortedSetLex2', '(e', '(g', function (err) {958 assert.ifError(err);959 assert.equal(arguments.length, 1);960 db.getSortedSetRangeByLex('sortedSetLex2', '-', '+', function (err, data) {961 assert.ifError(err);962 assert.deepEqual(data, ['e', 'g']);963 done();964 });965 });966 });967 it('should remove all values', function (done) {968 db.sortedSetRemoveRangeByLex('sortedSetLex2', '-', '+', function (err) {969 assert.ifError(err);970 assert.equal(arguments.length, 1);971 db.getSortedSetRangeByLex('sortedSetLex2', '-', '+', function (err, data) {972 assert.ifError(err);973 assert.deepEqual(data, []);974 done();975 });976 });977 });978 });...
1// Copyright 2009 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.2//3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.5// You may obtain a copy of the License at6//7// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and13// limitations under the License.14/**15 * @fileoverview Data structure for set of strings.16 *17 *18 * This class implements a set data structure for strings. Adding and removing19 * is O(1). It doesn't contain any bloat from {@link goog.structs.Set}, i.e.20 * it isn't optimized for IE6 garbage collector (see the description of21 * {@link goog.structs.Map#keys_} for details), and it distinguishes its22 * elements by their string value not by hash code.23 */24goog.provide('goog.structs.StringSet');25goog.require('goog.iter');26/**27 * Creates a set of strings.28 * @param {!Array=} opt_elements Elements to add to the set. The non-string29 * items will be converted to strings, so 15 and '15' will mean the same.30 * @constructor31 */32goog.structs.StringSet = function(opt_elements) {33 /**34 * An object storing the escaped elements of the set in its keys.35 * @type {!Object}36 * @private37 */38 this.elements_ = {};39 if (opt_elements) {40 for (var i = 0; i < opt_elements.length; i++) {41 this.elements_[this.encode(opt_elements[i])] = null;42 }43 }44};45/**46 * Empty object. Referring to it is faster than creating a new empty object in47 * {@link #encode}.48 * @type {Object}49 * @private50 */51goog.structs.StringSet.EMPTY_OBJECT_ = {};52/**53 * The '__proto__' and the '__count__' keys aren't enumerable in Firefox, and54 * 'toString', 'valueOf', 'constructor', etc. aren't enumerable in IE so they55 * have to be escaped before they are added to the internal object.56 * NOTE: When a new set is created, 50-80% of the CPU time is spent in encode.57 * @param {*} element The element to escape.58 * @return {*} The escaped element or the element itself if it doesn't have to59 * be escaped.60 * @protected61 */62goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.encode = function(element) {63 return element in goog.structs.StringSet.EMPTY_OBJECT_ ||64 String(element).charCodeAt(0) == 32 ? ' ' + element : element;65};66/**67 * Inverse function of {@link #encode}.68 * NOTE: forEach would be 30% faster in FF if the compiler inlined decode.69 * @param {string} key The escaped element used as the key of the internal70 * object.71 * @return {string} The unescaped element.72 * @protected73 */74goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.decode = function(key) {75 return key.charCodeAt(0) == 32 ? key.substr(1) : key;76};77/**78 * Adds a single element to the set.79 * @param {*} element The element to add. It will be converted to string.80 */81goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.add = function(element) {82 this.elements_[this.encode(element)] = null;83};84/**85 * Adds a the elements of an array to this set.86 * @param {!Array} arr The array to add the elements of.87 */88goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.addArray = function(arr) {89 for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {90 this.elements_[this.encode(arr[i])] = null;91 }92};93/**94 * Adds the elements which are in {@code set1} but not in {@code set2} to this95 * set.96 * @param {!goog.structs.StringSet} set1 First set.97 * @param {!goog.structs.StringSet} set2 Second set.98 * @private99 */100goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.addDifference_ = function(set1, set2) {101 for (var key in set1.elements_) {102 if (set1.elements_.hasOwnProperty(key) &&103 !set2.elements_.hasOwnProperty(key)) {104 this.elements_[key] = null;105 }106 }107};108/**109 * Adds a the elements of a set to this set.110 * @param {!goog.structs.StringSet} stringSet The set to add the elements of.111 */112goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.addSet = function(stringSet) {113 for (var key in stringSet.elements_) {114 if (stringSet.elements_.hasOwnProperty(key)) {115 this.elements_[key] = null;116 }117 }118};119/**120 * Removes all elements of the set.121 */122goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.clear = function() {123 this.elements_ = {};124};125/**126 * @return {!goog.structs.StringSet} Clone of the set.127 */128goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.clone = function() {129 var ret = new goog.structs.StringSet;130 ret.addSet(this);131 return ret;132};133/**134 * Tells if the set contains the given element.135 * @param {*} element The element to check.136 * @return {boolean} Whether it is in the set.137 */138goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.contains = function(element) {139 return this.elements_.hasOwnProperty(this.encode(element));140};141/**142 * Tells if the set contains all elements of the array.143 * @param {!Array} arr The elements to check.144 * @return {boolean} Whether they are in the set.145 */146goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.containsArray = function(arr) {147 for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {148 if (!this.elements_.hasOwnProperty(this.encode(arr[i]))) {149 return false;150 }151 }152 return true;153};154/**155 * Tells if this set has the same elements as the given set.156 * @param {!goog.structs.StringSet} stringSet The other set.157 * @return {boolean} Whether they have the same elements.158 */159goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.equals = function(stringSet) {160 return this.isSubsetOf(stringSet) && stringSet.isSubsetOf(this);161};162/**163 * Calls a function for each element in the set.164 * @param {function(string, undefined, !goog.structs.StringSet)} f The function165 * to call for every element. It takes the element, undefined (because sets166 * have no notion of keys), and the set.167 * @param {Object=} opt_obj The object to be used as the value of 'this'168 * within {@code f}.169 */170goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.forEach = function(f, opt_obj) {171 for (var key in this.elements_) {172 if (this.elements_.hasOwnProperty(key)) {173, this.decode(key), undefined, this);174 }175 }176};177/**178 * Counts the number of elements in the set in linear time.179 * NOTE: getCount is always called at most once per set instance in google3.180 * If this usage pattern won't change, the linear getCount implementation is181 * better, because182 * <li>populating a set and getting the number of elements in it takes the same183 * amount of time as keeping a count_ member up to date and getting its value;184 * <li>if getCount is not called, adding and removing elements have no overhead.185 * @return {number} The number of elements in the set.186 */187goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.getCount = function() {188 var count = 0;189 for (var key in this.elements_) {190 if (this.elements_.hasOwnProperty(key)) {191 count++;192 }193 }194 return count;195};196/**197 * Calculates the difference of two sets.198 * @param {!goog.structs.StringSet} stringSet The set to subtract from this set.199 * @return {!goog.structs.StringSet} {@code this} minus {@code stringSet}.200 */201goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.getDifference = function(stringSet) {202 var ret = new goog.structs.StringSet;203 ret.addDifference_(this, stringSet);204 return ret;205};206/**207 * Calculates the intersection of this set with another set.208 * @param {!goog.structs.StringSet} stringSet The set to take the intersection209 * with.210 * @return {!goog.structs.StringSet} A new set with the common elements.211 */212goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.getIntersection = function(stringSet) {213 var ret = new goog.structs.StringSet;214 for (var key in this.elements_) {215 if (stringSet.elements_.hasOwnProperty(key) &&216 this.elements_.hasOwnProperty(key)) {217 ret.elements_[key] = null;218 }219 }220 return ret;221};222/**223 * Calculates the symmetric difference of two sets.224 * @param {!goog.structs.StringSet} stringSet The other set.225 * @return {!goog.structs.StringSet} A new set with the elements in exactly one226 * of {@code this} and {@code stringSet}.227 */228goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.getSymmetricDifference = function(stringSet) {229 var ret = new goog.structs.StringSet;230 ret.addDifference_(this, stringSet);231 ret.addDifference_(stringSet, this);232 return ret;233};234/**235 * Calculates the union of this set and another set.236 * @param {!goog.structs.StringSet} stringSet The set to take the union with.237 * @return {!goog.structs.StringSet} A new set with the union of elements.238 */239goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.getUnion = function(stringSet) {240 var ret = this.clone();241 ret.addSet(stringSet);242 return ret;243};244/**245 * @return {!Array.<string>} The elements of the set.246 */247goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.getValues = function() {248 var ret = [];249 for (var key in this.elements_) {250 if (this.elements_.hasOwnProperty(key)) {251 ret.push(this.decode(key));252 }253 }254 return ret;255};256/**257 * Tells if this set and the given set are disjoint.258 * @param {!goog.structs.StringSet} stringSet The other set.259 * @return {boolean} True iff they don't have common elements.260 */261goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.isDisjoint = function(stringSet) {262 for (var key in this.elements_) {263 if (stringSet.elements_.hasOwnProperty(key) &&264 this.elements_.hasOwnProperty(key)) {265 return false;266 }267 }268 return true;269};270/**271 * @return {boolean} Whether the set is empty.272 */273goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.isEmpty = function() {274 for (var key in this.elements_) {275 if (this.elements_.hasOwnProperty(key)) {276 return false;277 }278 }279 return true;280};281/**282 * Tells if this set is the subset of the given set.283 * @param {!goog.structs.StringSet} stringSet The other set.284 * @return {boolean} Whether this set if the subset of that.285 */286goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.isSubsetOf = function(stringSet) {287 for (var key in this.elements_) {288 if (!stringSet.elements_.hasOwnProperty(key) &&289 this.elements_.hasOwnProperty(key)) {290 return false;291 }292 }293 return true;294};295/**296 * Tells if this set is the superset of the given set.297 * @param {!goog.structs.StringSet} stringSet The other set.298 * @return {boolean} Whether this set if the superset of that.299 */300goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.isSupersetOf = function(stringSet) {301 return, this);302};303/**304 * Removes a single element from the set.305 * @param {*} element The element to remove.306 * @return {boolean} Whether the element was in the set.307 */308goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.remove = function(element) {309 var key = this.encode(element);310 if (this.elements_.hasOwnProperty(key)) {311 delete this.elements_[key];312 return true;313 }314 return false;315};316/**317 * Removes all elements of the given array from this set.318 * @param {!Array} arr The elements to remove.319 */320goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.removeArray = function(arr) {321 for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {322 delete this.elements_[this.encode(arr[i])];323 }324};325/**326 * Removes all elements of the given set from this set.327 * @param {!goog.structs.StringSet} stringSet The set of elements to remove.328 */329goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.removeSet = function(stringSet) {330 for (var key in stringSet.elements_) {331 delete this.elements_[key];332 }333};334/**335 * Returns an iterator that iterates over the elements in the set.336 * NOTE: creating the iterator copies the whole set so use {@link #forEach} when337 * possible.338 * @param {boolean=} opt_keys Ignored for sets.339 * @return {!goog.iter.Iterator} An iterator over the elements in the set.340 */341goog.structs.StringSet.prototype.__iterator__ = function(opt_keys) {342 return goog.iter.toIterator(this.getValues());...
1// Copyright 2009 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.2//3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.5// You may obtain a copy of the License at6//7// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and13// limitations under the License.14/**15 * @fileoverview provides a reusable FlickrSet photo UI component given a public16 * FlickrSetModel.17 *18 * is actually a {@link goog.ui.ControlRenderer}, a19 * stateless class - that could/should be used as a Singleton with the static20 * method {@code} -, that knows how to21 * render Flickr sets. It is designed to be used with a {@link goog.ui.Control},22 * which will actually control the media renderer and provide the23 * {@link goog.ui.Component} base. This design guarantees that all different24 * types of medias will behave alike but will look different.25 *26 * expects a {@code} on27 * {@code goog.ui.Control.getModel} as data models, and renders a flash object28 * that will show the contents of that set.29 *30 * Example of usage:31 *32 * <pre>33 * var flickrSet =;34 *;35 * </pre>36 *37 * FlickrSet medias currently support the following states:38 *39 * <ul>40 * <li> {@link goog.ui.Component.State.DISABLED}: shows 'flash not available'41 * <li> {@link goog.ui.Component.State.HOVER}: mouse cursor is over the video42 * <li> {@link goog.ui.Component.State.SELECTED}: flash video is shown43 * </ul>44 *45 * Which can be accessed by46 * <pre>47 * video.setEnabled(true);48 * video.setHighlighted(true);49 * video.setSelected(true);50 * </pre>51 *52 *53 * @supported IE6, FF2+, Safari. Requires flash to actually work.54 *55 * TODO(user): Support non flash users. Maybe show a link to the Flick set,56 * or fetch the data and rendering it using javascript (instead of a broken57 * 'You need to install flash' message).58 */59goog.provide('');60goog.provide('');61goog.require('goog.object');62goog.require('');63goog.require('');64goog.require('');65goog.require('');66goog.require('');67/**68 * Subclasses a to provide a FlickrSet specific69 * media renderer.70 *71 * This class knows how to parse FlickrSet URLs, and render the DOM structure72 * of flickr set players. This class is meant to be used as a singleton static73 * stateless class, that takes {@code} instances and renders74 * it. It expects {@code} to return a well formed,75 * previously constructed, set id {@see},76 * which is the data model this renderer will use to construct the DOM77 * structure. {@see} for a example of78 * constructing a control with this renderer.79 *80 * This design is patterned after81 * http://go/closure_control_subclassing82 *83 * It uses {@link} to embed the flash object.84 *85 * @constructor86 * @extends {}87 */ = function() {89;90};91goog.inherits(,;92goog.addSingletonGetter(;93/**94 * Default CSS class to be applied to the root element of components rendered95 * by this renderer.96 *97 * @type {string}98 */ = goog.getCssName('goog-ui-media-flickrset');100/**101 * Flash player URL. Uses Flickr's flash player by default.102 *103 * @type {string}104 * @private105 */ =107 '';108/**109 * A static convenient method to construct a control out of110 * a FlickrSet URL. It extracts the set id information on the URL, sets it111 * as the data model renderer uses, sets the states112 * supported by the renderer, and returns a Control that binds everything113 * together. This is what you should be using for constructing FlickrSet videos,114 * except if you need more fine control over the configuration.115 *116 * @param {} dataModel The Flickr Set data model.117 * @param {goog.dom.DomHelper=} opt_domHelper Optional DOM helper, used for118 * document interaction.119 * @return {} A Control binded to the FlickrSet renderer.120 * @throws exception in case {@code flickrSetUrl} is an invalid flickr set URL.121 * TODO(user): use {@link} once it is checked in.122 */ = function(dataModel, opt_domHelper) {124 var control = new dataModel,, opt_domHelper);126 control.setSelected(true);127 return control;128};129/**130 * A static method that sets which flash URL this class should use. Use this if131 * you want to host your own flash flickr player.132 *133 * @param {string} flashUrl The URL of the flash flickr player.134 */ = function(flashUrl) {136 = flashUrl;137};138/**139 * Creates the initial DOM structure of the flickr set, which is basically a140 * the flash object pointing to a flickr set player.141 *142 * @param {} control The media control.143 * @return {Element} The DOM structure that represents this control.144 */ = function(control) {146 var div =, control);147 var model =148 /** @type {} */ (control.getDataModel());149 // TODO(user): find out what is the policy about hosting this SWF. figure out150 // if it works over https.151 var flash = new model.getPlayer().getUrl() || '',153 control.getDomHelper());154 goog.object.forEach(model.getPlayer().getVars(), function(value, key) {155 flash.setFlashVars(key, value);156 });157 flash.render(div);158 return div;159};160/**161 * Returns the CSS class to be applied to the root element of components162 * rendered using this renderer.163 * @return {string} Renderer-specific CSS class.164 */ = function() {166 return;167};168/**169 * The {@code} media data model. It stores a required170 * {@code userId} and {@code setId} fields, sets the flickr Set URL, and171 * allows a few optional parameters.172 *173 * @param {string} userId The flickr userId associated with this set.174 * @param {string} setId The flickr setId associated with this set.175 * @param {string=} opt_caption An optional caption of the flickr set.176 * @param {string=} opt_description An optional description of the flickr set.177 * @constructor178 * @extends {}179 */ = function(userId,181 setId,182 opt_caption,183 opt_description) {184 this,186, setId),187 opt_caption,188 opt_description,189;190 /**191 * The Flickr user id.192 * @type {string}193 * @private194 */195 this.userId_ = userId;196 /**197 * The Flickr set id.198 * @type {string}199 * @private200 */201 this.setId_ = setId;202 var flashVars = {203 'offsite': 'true',204 'lang': 'en',205 'page_show_url': '/photos/' + userId + '/sets/' + setId + '/show/',206 'page_show_back_url': '/photos/' + userId + '/sets/' + setId,207 'set_id': setId208 };209 var player = new, flashVars);211 this.setPlayer(player);212};213goog.inherits(,;214/**215 * Regular expression used to extract the username and set id out of the flickr216 * URLs.217 *218 * Copied from http://go/markdownlite.js and {@link FlickrExtractor.xml}.219 *220 * @type {RegExp}221 * @private222 * @const223 */ =225 /(?:http:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?flickr\.com\/(?:photos\/([\d\w@\-]+)\/sets\/(\d+))\/?/i;226/**227 * Takes a {@code flickrSetUrl} and extracts the flickr username and set id.228 *229 * @param {string} flickrSetUrl A Flickr set URL.230 * @param {string=} opt_caption An optional caption of the flickr set.231 * @param {string=} opt_description An optional description of the flickr set.232 * @return {} The data model that represents the233 * Flickr set.234 * @throws exception in case the parsing fails235 */ = function(flickrSetUrl,237 opt_caption,238 opt_description) {239 if ( {240 var data =;241 return new data[1], data[2], opt_caption, opt_description);243 }244 throw Error('failed to parse flickr url: ' + flickrSetUrl);245};246/**247 * Takes a flickr username and set id and returns an URL.248 *249 * @param {string} userId The owner of the set.250 * @param {string} setId The set id.251 * @return {string} The URL of the set.252 */ = function(userId, setId) {254 return '' + userId + '/sets/' + setId;255};256/**257 * Gets the Flickr user id.258 * @return {string} The Flickr user id.259 */ = function() {261 return this.userId_;262};263/**264 * Gets the Flickr set id.265 * @return {string} The Flickr set id.266 */ = function() {268 return this.setId_;...
1// Copyright 2009 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.2//3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.5// You may obtain a copy of the License at6//7// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and13// limitations under the License.14/**15 * @fileoverview A RangeSet is a structure that manages a list of ranges.16 * Numeric ranges may be added and removed from the RangeSet, and the set may17 * be queried for the presence or absence of individual values or ranges of18 * values.19 *20 * This may be used, for example, to track the availability of sparse elements21 * in an array without iterating over the entire array.22 *23 * @author (Shawn Brenneman)24 */25goog.provide('goog.math.RangeSet');26goog.require('goog.array');27goog.require('goog.iter.Iterator');28goog.require('goog.iter.StopIteration');29goog.require('goog.math.Range');30/**31 * Constructs a new RangeSet, which can store numeric ranges.32 *33 * Ranges are treated as half-closed: that is, they are exclusive of their end34 * value [start, end).35 *36 * New ranges added to the set which overlap the values in one or more existing37 * ranges will be merged.38 *39 * @constructor40 */41goog.math.RangeSet = function() {42 /**43 * A sorted list of ranges that represent the values in the set.44 * @type {!Array.<!goog.math.Range>}45 * @private46 */47 this.ranges_ = [];48};49if (goog.DEBUG) {50 /**51 * @return {string} A debug string in the form [[1, 5], [8, 9], [15, 30]].52 * @override53 */54 goog.math.RangeSet.prototype.toString = function() {55 return '[' + this.ranges_.join(', ') + ']';56 };57}58/**59 * Compares two sets for equality.60 *61 * @param {goog.math.RangeSet} a A range set.62 * @param {goog.math.RangeSet} b A range set.63 * @return {boolean} Whether both sets contain the same values.64 */65goog.math.RangeSet.equals = function(a, b) {66 // Fast check for object equality. Also succeeds if a and b are both null.67 return a == b || !!(a && b && goog.array.equals(a.ranges_, b.ranges_,68 goog.math.Range.equals));69};70/**71 * @return {!goog.math.RangeSet} A new RangeSet containing the same values as72 * this one.73 */74goog.math.RangeSet.prototype.clone = function() {75 var set = new goog.math.RangeSet();76 for (var i = this.ranges_.length; i--;) {77 set.ranges_[i] = this.ranges_[i].clone();78 }79 return set;80};81/**82 * Adds a range to the set. If the new range overlaps existing values, those83 * ranges will be merged.84 *85 * @param {goog.math.Range} a The range to add.86 */87goog.math.RangeSet.prototype.add = function(a) {88 if (a.end <= a.start) {89 // Empty ranges are ignored.90 return;91 }92 a = a.clone();93 // Find the insertion point.94 for (var i = 0, b; b = this.ranges_[i]; i++) {95 if (a.start <= b.end) {96 a.start = Math.min(a.start, b.start);97 break;98 }99 }100 var insertionPoint = i;101 for (; b = this.ranges_[i]; i++) {102 if (a.end < b.start) {103 break;104 }105 a.end = Math.max(a.end, b.end);106 }107 this.ranges_.splice(insertionPoint, i - insertionPoint, a);108};109/**110 * Removes a range of values from the set.111 *112 * @param {goog.math.Range} a The range to remove.113 */114goog.math.RangeSet.prototype.remove = function(a) {115 if (a.end <= a.start) {116 // Empty ranges are ignored.117 return;118 }119 // Find the insertion point.120 for (var i = 0, b; b = this.ranges_[i]; i++) {121 if (a.start < b.end) {122 break;123 }124 }125 if (!b || a.end < b.start) {126 // The range being removed doesn't overlap any existing range. Exit early.127 return;128 }129 var insertionPoint = i;130 if (a.start > b.start) {131 // There is an overlap with the nearest range. Modify it accordingly.132 insertionPoint++;133 if (a.end < b.end) {134 goog.array.insertAt(this.ranges_,135 new goog.math.Range(a.end, b.end),136 insertionPoint);137 }138 b.end = a.start;139 }140 for (i = insertionPoint; b = this.ranges_[i]; i++) {141 b.start = Math.max(a.end, b.start);142 if (a.end < b.end) {143 break;144 }145 }146 this.ranges_.splice(insertionPoint, i - insertionPoint);147};148/**149 * Determines whether a given range is in the set. Only succeeds if the entire150 * range is available.151 *152 * @param {goog.math.Range} a The query range.153 * @return {boolean} Whether the entire requested range is set.154 */155goog.math.RangeSet.prototype.contains = function(a) {156 if (a.end <= a.start) {157 return false;158 }159 for (var i = 0, b; b = this.ranges_[i]; i++) {160 if (a.start < b.end) {161 if (a.end >= b.start) {162 return goog.math.Range.contains(b, a);163 }164 break;165 }166 }167 return false;168};169/**170 * Determines whether a given value is set in the RangeSet.171 *172 * @param {number} value The value to test.173 * @return {boolean} Whether the given value is in the set.174 */175goog.math.RangeSet.prototype.containsValue = function(value) {176 for (var i = 0, b; b = this.ranges_[i]; i++) {177 if (value < b.end) {178 if (value >= b.start) {179 return true;180 }181 break;182 }183 }184 return false;185};186/**187 * Returns the union of this RangeSet with another.188 *189 * @param {goog.math.RangeSet} set Another RangeSet.190 * @return {!goog.math.RangeSet} A new RangeSet containing all values from191 * either set.192 */193goog.math.RangeSet.prototype.union = function(set) {194 // TODO(brenneman): A linear-time merge would be preferable if it is ever a195 // bottleneck.196 set = set.clone();197 for (var i = 0, a; a = this.ranges_[i]; i++) {198 set.add(a);199 }200 return set;201};202/**203 * Subtracts the ranges of another set from this one, returning the result204 * as a new RangeSet.205 *206 * @param {!goog.math.RangeSet} set The RangeSet to subtract.207 * @return {!goog.math.RangeSet} A new RangeSet containing all values in this208 * set minus the values of the input set.209 */210goog.math.RangeSet.prototype.difference = function(set) {211 var ret = this.clone();212 for (var i = 0, a; a = set.ranges_[i]; i++) {213 ret.remove(a);214 }215 return ret;216};217/**218 * Intersects this RangeSet with another.219 *220 * @param {goog.math.RangeSet} set The RangeSet to intersect with.221 * @return {!goog.math.RangeSet} A new RangeSet containing all values set in222 * both this and the input set.223 */224goog.math.RangeSet.prototype.intersection = function(set) {225 if (this.isEmpty() || set.isEmpty()) {226 return new goog.math.RangeSet();227 }228 return this.difference(set.inverse(this.getBounds()));229};230/**231 * Creates a subset of this set over the input range.232 *233 * @param {goog.math.Range} range The range to copy into the slice.234 * @return {!goog.math.RangeSet} A new RangeSet with a copy of the values in the235 * input range.236 */237goog.math.RangeSet.prototype.slice = function(range) {238 var set = new goog.math.RangeSet();239 if (range.start >= range.end) {240 return set;241 }242 for (var i = 0, b; b = this.ranges_[i]; i++) {243 if (b.end <= range.start) {244 continue;245 }246 if (b.start > range.end) {247 break;248 }249 set.add(new goog.math.Range(Math.max(range.start, b.start),250 Math.min(range.end, b.end)));251 }252 return set;253};254/**255 * Creates an inverted slice of this set over the input range.256 *257 * @param {goog.math.Range} range The range to copy into the slice.258 * @return {!goog.math.RangeSet} A new RangeSet containing inverted values from259 * the original over the input range.260 */261goog.math.RangeSet.prototype.inverse = function(range) {262 var set = new goog.math.RangeSet();263 set.add(range);264 for (var i = 0, b; b = this.ranges_[i]; i++) {265 if (range.start >= b.end) {266 continue;267 }268 if (range.end < b.start) {269 break;270 }271 set.remove(b);272 }273 return set;274};275/**276 * @return {number} The sum of the lengths of ranges covered in the set.277 */278goog.math.RangeSet.prototype.coveredLength = function() {279 return /** @type {number} */ (goog.array.reduce(280 this.ranges_,281 function(res, range) {282 return res + range.end - range.start;283 }, 0));284};285/**286 * @return {goog.math.Range} The total range this set covers, ignoring any287 * gaps between ranges.288 */289goog.math.RangeSet.prototype.getBounds = function() {290 if (this.ranges_.length) {291 return new goog.math.Range(this.ranges_[0].start,292 goog.array.peek(this.ranges_).end);293 }294 return null;295};296/**297 * @return {boolean} Whether any ranges are currently in the set.298 */299goog.math.RangeSet.prototype.isEmpty = function() {300 return this.ranges_.length == 0;301};302/**303 * Removes all values in the set.304 */305goog.math.RangeSet.prototype.clear = function() {306 this.ranges_.length = 0;307};308/**309 * Returns an iterator that iterates over the ranges in the RangeSet.310 *311 * @param {boolean=} opt_keys Ignored for RangeSets.312 * @return {!goog.iter.Iterator} An iterator over the values in the set.313 */314goog.math.RangeSet.prototype.__iterator__ = function(opt_keys) {315 var i = 0;316 var list = this.ranges_;317 var iterator = new goog.iter.Iterator();318 = function() {319 if (i >= list.length) {320 throw goog.iter.StopIteration;321 }322 return list[i++].clone();323 };324 return iterator;...
1/**2 * Created by qile on 2017/8/14.3 */4//Part 1111111111111111111111111111111111111115var s1 = new Set([1,2,3,4,5,5,6,2,2]);6console.log(s1);7var s2 = new Set();8[2, 3, 5, 4, 5, 2, 2].map(x => s2.add(x));9for (var i of s2) {10 console.log(i);11}// 2 3 5 412//13// ä¾ä¸14var set = new Set([1, 2, 3, 4, 4]);15console.log([...set]);16// [1, 2, 3, 4]17// ä¾äº18var items = new Set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5]);19console.log(items.size); // 520// å»é¤æ°ç»çéå¤æå21[ Set([1,2,3,3])];22//23//åºååºæ¬ç±»ååå¼ç¨ï¼å¯¹è±¡ï¼ç±»åï¼ä¸¤ä¸ªå¯¹è±¡æ»æ¯ä¸ç¸ççï¼æèä¸è¿°ä»£ç 24var set = new Set();25set.add({});26console.log(set.size); // 127set.add({});28console.log(set.size); // 229//Part 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222230s.add(1).add(2).add(2);31// 注æ2被å å
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1export const SET_PHRASE = 'editor/setPhrase';2export const SET_TITLE = 'editor/setTitle';3export const SET_INTERVAL = 'editor/setInterval';4export const SET_LIKED = 'editor/setLiked';5export const SET_X = 'editor/setX';6export const SET_WIDTH = 'editor/setWidth';7export const SET_ANCHOR = 'editor/setAnchor';8export const SET_CURSOR = 'editor/setCursor';9export const SET_NOTE = 'editor/setNote';10export const SET_NOTES = 'editor/setNotes';11export const APPEND_NOTES = 'editor/appendNotes';12export const REMOVE_NOTES = 'editor/removeNotes';13export const RESET_NOTES = 'editor/resetNotes';14export const APPEND_OPERATION = 'editor/appendOperation';15export const SET_POINTER = 'editor/setPointer';16export const SET_DRAWING = 'editor/setDrawing';17export const SET_HOVERING = 'editor/setHovering';18export const SET_PLAYING = 'editor/setPlaying';19export const SET_SAVING = 'editor/setSaving';20export const RESET_EDITOR = 'editor/resetEditor';21export function setPhrase(phrase) {22 return { type: SET_PHRASE, payload: { phrase } };23}24export function setTitle(title) {25 return { type: SET_TITLE, payload: { title } };26}27export function setInterval(interval) {28 return { type: SET_INTERVAL, payload: { interval } };29}30export function setLiked(liked) {31 return { type: SET_LIKED, payload: { liked } };32}33export function setX(x) {34 return { type: SET_X, payload: { x } };35}36export function setWidth(width) {37 return { type: SET_WIDTH, payload: { width } };38}39export function setAnchor(anchor) {40 return { type: SET_ANCHOR, payload: { anchor } };41}42export function setCursor(cursor) {43 return { type: SET_CURSOR, payload: { cursor } };44}45export function setNote(note) {46 return { type: SET_NOTE, payload: { note } };47}48export function setNotes(notes) {49 return { type: SET_NOTES, payload: { notes } };50}51export function appendNotes(notes) {52 return { type: APPEND_NOTES, payload: { notes } };53}54export function removeNotes(notes) {55 return { type: REMOVE_NOTES, payload: { notes } };56}57export function resetNotes() {58 return { type: RESET_NOTES };59}60export function appendOperation(index, operation) {61 return { type: APPEND_OPERATION, payload: { index, operation } };62}63export function setPointer(pointer) {64 return { type: SET_POINTER, payload: { pointer } };65}66export function setDrawing(drawing) {67 return { type: SET_DRAWING, payload: { drawing } };68}69export function setHovering(hovering) {70 return { type: SET_HOVERING, payload: { hovering } };71}72export function setPlaying(playing) {73 return { type: SET_PLAYING, payload: { playing } };74}75export function setSaving(saving) {76 return { type: SET_SAVING, payload: { saving } };77}78export function resetEditor() {79 return { type: RESET_EDITOR };...
1define(["./_base", "./ArrayList"], function(dxc, ArrayList){2 dxc.Set=new (function(){3 function conv(arr){4 if(arr.constructor==Array){5 return new ArrayList(arr); // dojox.collections.ArrayList6 }7 return arr; // dojox.collections.ArrayList8 }9 this.union = function(/*array*/ setA, /*array*/ setB){10 // summary:11 // Return the union of the two passed sets.12 setA=conv(setA);13 setB=conv(setB);14 var result = new ArrayList(setA.toArray());15 var e = setB.getIterator();16 while(!e.atEnd()){17 var item=e.get();18 if(!result.contains(item)){19 result.add(item);20 }21 }22 return result; // dojox.collections.ArrayList23 };24 this.intersection = function(/*array*/ setA, /*array*/ setB){25 // summary:26 // Return the intersection of the two passed sets.27 setA=conv(setA);28 setB=conv(setB);29 var result = new ArrayList();30 var e = setB.getIterator();31 while(!e.atEnd()){32 var item=e.get();33 if(setA.contains(item)){34 result.add(item);35 }36 }37 return result; // dojox.collections.ArrayList38 };39 this.difference = function(/*array*/ setA, /*array*/ setB){40 // summary:41 // Returns everything in setA that is not in setB.42 setA=conv(setA);43 setB=conv(setB);44 var result = new ArrayList();45 var e=setA.getIterator();46 while(!e.atEnd()){47 var item=e.get();48 if(!setB.contains(item)){49 result.add(item);50 }51 }52 return result; // dojox.collections.ArrayList53 };54 this.isSubSet = function(/*array*/ setA, /*array*/ setB) {55 // summary:56 // Returns if set B is a subset of set A.57 setA=conv(setA);58 setB=conv(setB);59 var e = setA.getIterator();60 while(!e.atEnd()){61 if(!setB.contains(e.get())){62 return false; // boolean63 }64 }65 return true; // boolean66 };67 this.isSuperSet = function(/*array*/ setA, /*array*/ setB){68 // summary:69 // Returns if set B is a superset of set A.70 setA=conv(setA);71 setB=conv(setB);72 var e = setB.getIterator();73 while(!e.atEnd()){74 if(!setA.contains(e.get())){75 return false; // boolean76 }77 }78 return true; // boolean79 };80 })();81 return dxc.Set;...
1export default {2 login: 'LOGIN',3 logout: 'LOGIN_OUT',4 setUserInfo: 'SET_USER_INFO',5 setAuthKey: 'SET_AUTH_KEY',6 setExpire: 'SET_EXPIRE',7 setNim: 'SET_NIM',8 setRoom: 'SET_ROOM',9 setSessions: 'SET_SESSIONS',10 setConfig: 'SET_CONFIG',11 setCurrent: 'SET_CURRENT',12 setChatMessages: 'SET_CHAT_MESSAGES',13 setUsers: 'SET_USERS',14 setUserAccount: 'SET_USER_ACCOUNT',15 setVerifyCode: 'SET_VERIFY_CODE',16 setPhone: 'SET_PHONE',17 setPhoneLoginTag: 'SET_PHONE_LOGIN_TAG',18 setNetworkType: 'SET_NETWORK_TYPE',19 setModifyName: 'SET_MODIFY_NAME',...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { setConfig } = require('@playwright/test');2setConfig({3 use: {4 viewport: { width: 1280, height: 720 },5 },6});
Using AI Code Generation
1await page.setCookie({2});3const cookies = await page.cookies();4console.log(cookies);5await page.context().clearCookies();6await page.context().clearStorageData();7await page.setUserAgent(8 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.71 Safari/537.36'9);10await page.setViewportSize({11});12await page.emulate(pw.devices['iPhone 8']);13await page.setGeolocation({14});15await page.context().grantPermissions(['geolocation']);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { setConfig } = require('@playwright/test');2setConfig({3 use: {4 },5});6const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');7test('verify login functionality', async ({ page }) => {8 await'text=Get started');9});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { setTestTimeout } = require('@playwright/test');2setTestTimeout(60000);3import { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '@playwright/test';4const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {5 use: {6 viewport: { width: 1280, height: 720 },7 },8};9export default config;10Setting the timeout using the test() method11const { test } = require('@playwright/test');12test('my test', async ({ page }) => {13}, 60000);14import { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '@playwright/test';15const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {16 use: {17 viewport: { width: 1280, height: 720 },18 },19 {20 use: {21 },22 },23 {24 use: {25 },26 },27 {28 use: {29 },30 },31};32export default config;33import { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '@playwright/test';34const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {35 use: {36 viewport: { width: 1280, height: 720 },37 },38 {39 use: {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { setConfig } = require('@playwright/test');2setConfig({3 use: {4 },5 });6const { setConfig } = require('@playwright/test');7setConfig({8 use: {9 },10 });11const { setConfig } = require('@playwright/test');12setConfig({13 use: {14 },15 });16const { setConfig } = require('@playwright/test');17setConfig({18 use: {19 },20 });21const { setConfig } = require('@playwright/test');22setConfig({23 use: {24 },25 });26const { setConfig } = require('@playwright/test');27setConfig({28 use: {29 },30 });31const { setConfig } = require('@playwright/test');32setConfig({33 use: {34 },35 });36const { setConfig } = require('@playwright/test');37setConfig({38 use: {39 },
Using AI Code Generation
1const { setConfig } = require('@playwright/test');2setConfig({3 use: {4 },5});6const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');7test('should take a screenshot', async ({ page }) => {8 await page.screenshot({ path: 'screenshots/playwright.png' });9});10- The `page.screenshot()` method accepts an object as parameter. This object can contain following properties:
Using AI Code Generation
1const { setBrowserContext } = require('@playwright/test');2const context = await browser.newContext();3await setBrowserContext(context);4const { setCookies } = require('@playwright/test');5await setCookies([6 {7 },8]);9const { setExtraHTTPHeaders } = require('@playwright/test');10await setExtraHTTPHeaders({11});12const { setGeolocation } = require('@playwright/test');13await setGeolocation({ latitude: 59.95, longitude: 30.31667 });14const { setOffline } = require('@playwright/test');15await setOffline(true);16const { setPermissions } = require('@playwright/test');17await setPermissions(['geolocation']);
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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