Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1var CutupsSpace = ShiftSpace.Space.extend({2 attributes: {3 name: 'Cutups',4 icon: 'Cutups.png', 5 version: 0.2,6 css: 'spaces/Cutups/Cutups.css'7 },8 9 setup: function(){10 //window.visibleShifts = this.visibleShifts;11 },12 13 visibleShifts: [], //contains object meta of shifts currently show on page i.e. { commonAncestorNode : <p>, sscutupid : 12-12-343-34234902 }14 15 removeFromVisibleShifts: function(sscutupid){16 // console.log("==================================removeFromVisibleShifts");17 for(var i=0; i < this.visibleShifts.length; i++){18 if(this.visibleShifts[i].sscutupid = sscutupid){19 delete this.visibleShifts[i];20 }21 }22 var cleanedShiftArray = this.visibleShifts.filter(function(item,index){23 return $chk(item);24 });25 this.visibleShifts = cleanedShiftArray;26 },27 28 getRangeAncestorNode: function(refObj)29 {30 // console.log('getRangeAncestorNode');31 var returnAncestor;32 var colAncestorPosition = refObj.ancestorPosition;33 34 //get all the elements with the ancestor tagname35 var nl = document.getElementsByTagName(colAncestorPosition.tagName);36 var iIndex = colAncestorPosition.ancIndex;37 var iOccuranceLength = 0;38 var targetTextContent = refObj.ancestorOrigTextContent;39 // console.log('blar');40 //check if the tag Name is the body then compare differently41 if (colAncestorPosition.tagName.toLowerCase() == "body")42 {43 //return (targetTextContent==ShiftSpace.orig_text_content)?document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]:null;44 return document.body;45 }46 else47 {48 //check the number of occurances of the similar nodes49 // console.log('checking similar nodes ' + nl.length);50 for (var i=0;i<nl.length;i++)51 {52 //console.log(i);53 if(nl.item(i).textContent==targetTextContent)54 {55 iOccuranceLength++;56 //if this is the occurance index mark the node as the ancestor node57 if (iIndex==iOccuranceLength)58 returnAncestor = nl.item(i);59 }60 }61 // console.log('exit loop');62 }63 64 //validate that the page has the same number of occurances to make sure we highlight the right one65 if (iOccuranceLength == colAncestorPosition.length)66 {67 return returnAncestor; 68 }69 else70 {71 return null;72 }73 }, 74 75 addToVisibleShifts: function(shift){76 // console.log("===================================================addToVisibleShifts");77 var commonAncestor = this.getRangeAncestorNode(shift.range);78 79 var visibleShiftMeta = {80 sscutupid: shift.sscutupid,81 commonAncestor: commonAncestor82 }83 84 this.visibleShifts.push(visibleShiftMeta);85 },86 87 canShowShift: function(json){88 /*console.log("==================================================canShowShift json");*/89 if($chk(json.range)){90 var thisCommonAncestor = this.getRangeAncestorNode(json.range);91 92 for(var i=0; i<this.visibleShifts.length; i++){93 var thatCommonAncestor = this.visibleShifts[i].commonAncestor;94 95 if(thisCommonAncestor == thatCommonAncestor){96 alert("You are attempting to create a new Cutup that confilicts with " +97 "one currently being viewed on the page. Try hiding some of the currently displayed Cutups."); 98 return false;99 }100 101 var thisCommonAncestorElements = $(thisCommonAncestor).getElements("*");102 var thatCommonAncestorElements = $(thisCommonAncestor).getElements("*");103 104 for (var i=0; i<thisCommonAncestorElements.length; i++){105 for(var x=0; x<thatCommonAncestorElements.length; x++){106 if(thatCommonAncestorElements[x] == thisCommonAncestorElements[i]){107 alert("You are attempting to create a new Cutup that confilicts with " +108 "one currently being viewed on the page. Try hiding some of the currently displayed Cutups."); 109 return false;110 }111 }112 }113 for (var i=0; i<thatCommonAncestorElements.length; i++){114 for(var x=0; x<thisCommonAncestorElements.length; x++){115 if(thatCommonAncestorElements[i] == thisCommonAncestorElements[x]){116 alert("You are attempting to create a new Cutup that confilicts with " +117 "one currently being viewed on the page. Try hiding some of the currently displayed Cutups."); 118 return false;119 }120 }121 }122 }123 }124 return true;125 },126 127 wordPattern: new RegExp("(\\S+(\\s?)+){1,1}","g"), //default chunk is one 'word'128 129 buildUI: function(){130 var SSCutupWidget = new ShiftSpace.Element('div',{131 'id':'SSCutupWidget'});132 133 var SSCutupHandle = new ShiftSpace.Element('span',{134 'id':'SSCutupHandle'});135 136 var SSCutupTitleLabel = new ShiftSpace.Element('label',{137 'for':'SSCutupTitle'}).appendText('title:');138 139 var SSCutupTitle = new ShiftSpace.Element('input',{140 'id':'SSCutupTitle'141 });142 143 var SSCutupControls = new ShiftSpace.Element('div',{144 'id':'SSCutupControls'});145 146 var SSCutupChunkLabel = new ShiftSpace.Element('span',{147 'id':'SSCutupChunkLabel'});148 149 var SSCutupButtonSmaller = new ShiftSpace.Element('span',{150 'id':'SSCutupButtonSmaller'});151 152 var SSCutupButtonLarger = new ShiftSpace.Element('span',{153 'id':'SSCutupButtonLarger'});154 155 var SSCutupChunkAmount = new ShiftSpace.Element('span',{156 'id':'SSCutupChunkAmount'157 }).appendText("1");158 159 var SSCutupButtonCutup = new ShiftSpace.Element('span',{160 'id':'SSCutupButtonCutup'});161 162 var SSCutupButtonCancel = new ShiftSpace.Element('span',{163 'id':'SSCutupButtonCancel'});164 165 var SSCutupButtonSave = new ShiftSpace.Element('span',{166 'id':'SSCutupButtonSave'});167 168 var SSCutupButtonClose = new ShiftSpace.Element('span',{169 'id':'SSCutupButtonClose'});170 171 SSCutupControls.appendChild(SSCutupChunkLabel);172 SSCutupControls.appendChild(SSCutupButtonSmaller);173 SSCutupControls.appendChild(SSCutupChunkAmount);174 SSCutupControls.appendChild(SSCutupButtonLarger);175 SSCutupControls.appendChild(SSCutupButtonCutup);176 SSCutupControls.appendChild(SSCutupButtonCancel);177 SSCutupControls.appendChild(SSCutupButtonSave);178 SSCutupControls.appendChild(SSCutupButtonClose);179 180 SSCutupWidget.appendChild(SSCutupHandle);181 SSCutupWidget.appendChild(SSCutupTitleLabel);182 SSCutupWidget.appendChild(SSCutupTitle);183 SSCutupWidget.appendChild(SSCutupControls);184 185 SSCutupWidget.injectInside(document.body);186 187 SSCutupWidget.makeDraggable({'handle':SSCutupHandle});188 189 this.SSCutupWidget = SSCutupWidget;190 this.SSCutupTitle = SSCutupTitle;191 this.SSCutupChunkLabel = SSCutupChunkLabel;192 this.SSCutupButtonSmaller = SSCutupButtonSmaller;193 this.SSCutupButtonLarger = SSCutupButtonLarger;194 this.SSCutupChunkAmount = SSCutupChunkAmount;195 this.SSCutupButtonCutup = SSCutupButtonCutup;196 this.SSCutupButtonCancel = SSCutupButtonCancel;197 this.SSCutupButtonSave = SSCutupButtonSave;198 this.SSCutupButtonClose = SSCutupButtonClose;199 200 this.UIBuilt = true;201 202 },203 204 showInterface: function(){205 this.parent();206 if(this.UIBuilt == true){207 $("SSCutupWidget").removeClass('SSDisplayNone');208 $("SSCutupWidget").removeClass('SSHidden');209 }210 },211 212 hideInterface: function(){213 }214 215});216var CutupsShift = ShiftSpace.Shift.extend({217 setup: function(json){218 var space = this.getParentSpace();219 220 if(this.isNewShift() == false){ //if this is a previously created shift221 222 this.sscutupid = json.sscutupid;223 this.range = json.range;224 225 if(json.range.origText){226 this.range.origText = this.deTokenizeNewline(json.range.origText);227 }228 229 this.cutupTextArray = json.cutupTextArray;230 this.origTextArray = json.origTextArray;231 this.joinedTextArray = json.joinedTextArray;232 this.sscutupid = json.sscutupid;233 234 this.cutupTextOnPage = false;235 236 if(json.range.ancestorOrigTextContent){237 this.range.ancestorOrigTextContent = this.deTokenizeNewline(json.range.ancestorOrigTextContent);238 }239 }else if(this.isNewShift() == true){ //if this shift has just been created240 if(space.UIBuilt != true){241 space.buildUI();242 }243 this.sscutupid = this.create_sscutupid();244 this.cutupTextOnPage = false; //if shift has cut text245 //a new shift246 //attaches events to widget247 //creates a range from a valid selection248 //creates cutup from range249 //inserts into document250 //on save detaches events events from widget251 }252 },253 254 tokenizeNewline: function(text){255 var tokenizedText = text.replace(new RegExp("\\n","g"),"__newline__"); 256 return tokenizedText;257 },258 259 deTokenizeNewline: function(text){260 var deTokenizedText = text.replace(new RegExp("__newline__","g"),"\n");261 return deTokenizedText;262 },263 264 show: function() {265 // console.log("===================================================Shift show");266 var space = this.getParentSpace();267 if(this.isNewShift() == false){268 if(space.canShowShift(this) == false){269 return false;270 }271 }272 //showing a just created shift or a previously created and saved shift273 if(this.cutupTextOnPage == false){274 275 if (this.range) {276 if(space.canShowShift(this) == false){277 return false;278 }else{279 space.addToVisibleShifts(this);280 }281 //if origText exits clean it282 if(this.range.origText){283 this.range.origText = this.deTokenizeNewline(this.range.origText);284 }285 //if ancestorOrigTextContent exists clean it286 if(this.range.ancestorOrigTextContent){287 this.range.ancestorOrigTextContent = this.deTokenizeNewline(this.range.ancestorOrigTextContent);288 }289 this.turnOnRangeRef(this.range);290 }291 292 }293 if(this.isNewShift() == true){294 this.attachWidgetButtonEvents()295 296 //give UI feedback on active buttons297 space.SSCutupButtonCancel.addClass("inactive");298 space.SSCutupButtonSave.addClass("inactive");299 space.SSCutupButtonSmaller.removeClass("inactive");300 space.SSCutupButtonLarger.removeClass("inactive");301 }302 //scroll to cutup303 window.location.hash = this.getId();304 //FX for fading Cutup background-color alpha to transparent305 function fadeToTrans(){306 var trans = 1.0;307 function fade(){308 if(trans > 0.2){ 309 trans = trans - 0.1;310 $$('span.SSCut').setStyle('outline','thin solid rgba(167,8,4,' + trans + ')');311 setTimeout(fade,50);312 }else{313 $$('.SSCut').setStyle('outline','');314 }315 }316 return fade();317 }318 fadeToTrans();319 },320 321 encode: function(){322 var space = this.getParentSpace();323 324 this.summary = space.SSCutupTitle.value;325 326 //remove title value after save and set button from re-cut to cutup327 space.SSCutupTitle.value = "";328 space.SSCutupButtonCutup.setStyle('background-position','center 0px');329 330 this.range.origText = this.tokenizeNewline(this.range.origText);331 332 if(this.range.ancestorOrigTextContent){333 this.range.ancestorOrigTextContent = this.tokenizeNewline(this.range.ancestorOrigTextContent);334 }335 //this.range.ancestorOrigTextContent = "REMOVED ANCESTOR ORIGINAL TEXT";336 return {337 sscutupid: this.sscutupid,338 range: this.range,339 cutupTextArray: this.cutupTextArray,340 origTextArray: this.origTextArray,341 joinedTextArray: this.joinedTextArray,342 summary: this.summary343 }344 },345 346 create_sscutupid: function(){347 var now = new Date();348 var month = now.getMonth() + 1;349 var day = now.getDate();350 var year = now.getFullYear();351 var hour = now.getHours();352 var min = now.getMinutes();353 var sec = now.getSeconds();354 var rand = $random(0,1000000);355 return (month + "-" + day + "-" + year + "-" + hour + "-" + min + "-" + sec + "-" + rand);356 },357 358 detachWidgetButtonEvents: function(){359 var space = this.getParentSpace();360 361 space.SSCutupButtonCutup.removeEvents("mousedown");362 space.SSCutupButtonSave.removeEvents("mousedown");363 space.SSCutupButtonCancel.removeEvents("mousedown");364 space.SSCutupButtonClose.removeEvents("mousedown");365 space.SSCutupButtonLarger.removeEvents("mousedown");366 space.SSCutupButtonSmaller.removeEvents("mousedown");367 },368 369 attachWidgetButtonEvents: function(){370 var space = this.getParentSpace();371 var self = this;372 space.SSCutupChunkAmount.setText("1");//reset chunk amount gui display to 1373 space.SSCutupButtonCutup.addEvent("mousedown",function(){374 self.fireCutup(); 375 });376 377 space.SSCutupButtonSave.addEvent("mousedown",function(){378 379 if(self.cutupTextOnPage == false){380 return false;381 }382 383 if(space.SSCutupTitle.value.match(/\S+/) == null){384 alert("You must give your Cutup a title before saving");385 return false;386 }387 388 self.detachWidgetButtonEvents();389 /*space.addToVisibleShifts(self);*/390 space.allocateNewShift();391;392 });393 394 space.SSCutupButtonCancel.addEvent("mousedown",function(){395 self.cancelCutup();396 space.SSCutupButtonCancel.addClass("inactive");397 space.SSCutupButtonSave.addClass("inactive");398 399 space.SSCutupButtonLarger.removeClass("inactive");400 space.SSCutupButtonSmaller.removeClass("inactive");401 });402 403 space.SSCutupButtonClose.addEvent("mousedown",function(){404 self.closeWidget();405 self.detachWidgetButtonEvents();406 space.SSCutupWidget.addClass("SSDisplayNone");407 space.SSCutupWidget.addClass("SSHidden");408 });409 410 space.SSCutupButtonLarger.addEvent("mousedown",function(){411 self.incrementChunkAmount();412 });413 414 space.SSCutupButtonSmaller.addEvent("mousedown",function(){415 self.decrementChunkAmount();416 });417 418 },419 420 incrementChunkAmount: function(){421 var space = this.getParentSpace();422 var self = this;423 var amount = parseInt(space.SSCutupChunkAmount.getText());424 425 if(self.cutupTextOnPage == true){426 alert("You cannot change the word chunk amount after a Cutup has been created.");427 return false;428 }429 430 if(amount < 20){431 amount = amount + 1;432 space.SSCutupChunkAmount.setText(amount);433 }else{434 amount = 1;435 space.SSCutupChunkAmount.setText(amount);436 }437 this.setWordChunkSize(amount);438 }, 439 440 decrementChunkAmount: function(){441 var space = this.getParentSpace();442 var self = this;443 var amount = parseInt(space.SSCutupChunkAmount.getText());444 445 if(self.cutupTextOnPage == true){446 alert("You cannot change the word chunk amount after a Cutup has been created.");447 return false;448 } 449 450 if(amount > 1){451 amount = amount - 1;452 space.SSCutupChunkAmount.setText(amount);453 }else{454 amount = 20;455 space.SSCutupChunkAmount.setText(amount);456 }457 458 this.setWordChunkSize(amount);459 },460 461 cancelCutup: function(){462 var space = this.getParentSpace();463 //cancel is to be used during the creation of a shift nowhere else as will464 //cause ConFrusions465 if(this.cutupTextOnPage == false) return false;466 //ignores the specific shift since only one cutup can be on at a given moment 467 //search for all span elements with _shiftspace_cutup attribute and open them468 var xPathResult = document.evaluate(".//span[@sscutupid='" + this.sscutupid + "']", document, null,469 XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);470 471 var parentNodes = [];472 for (var i=0,l=0; i < xPathResult.snapshotLength; i++) {473 var spanElement = xPathResult.snapshotItem(i);474 //if is not an empty node grab content from json475 if(!xPathResult.snapshotItem(i).textContent.match(/^\s+$/) && this.isValidCutupTextNode(xPathResult.snapshotItem(i))){476 var newTextNode = document.createTextNode(this.origTextArray[l]);477 l++;478 }else{479 var newTextNode = document.createTextNode(spanElement.textContent);480 }481 parentNodes[i] = spanElement.parentNode;482 spanElement.parentNode.replaceChild(newTextNode, spanElement);483 } 484 for (var i = 0, l = xPathResult.snapshotLength; i < l; i++) {485 parentNodes[i].normalize();486 } 487 space.removeFromVisibleShifts(this.sscutupid);488 489 this.joinedTextArray = null;490 this.origTextArray = null;491 this.cutupTextArray = null;492 this.cutupTextOnPage = false;493 494 space.SSCutupButtonCutup.setStyle('background-position','center 0px');495 496 },497 498 closeWidget: function(){499 var self = this;500 var space = this.getParentSpace();501 self.cancelCutup();502 },503 hideCutups: function(json) {504 var xPathResult = document.evaluate(".//span[@sscutupid='" + json.sscutupid + "']", document, null,505 XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);506 507 var parentNodes = [];508 for (var i=0,l=0; i < xPathResult.snapshotLength; i++) {509 //if is not an empty node grab content from json510 var spanElement = xPathResult.snapshotItem(i);511 if(!xPathResult.snapshotItem(i).textContent.match(/^\s+$/) && this.isValidCutupTextNode(xPathResult.snapshotItem(i))){512 var newTextNode = document.createTextNode(json.range['origArray'][l]);513 l++;514 }else{515 var newTextNode = document.createTextNode(spanElement.textContent);516 }517 parentNodes[i] = spanElement.parentNode;518 spanElement.parentNode.replaceChild(newTextNode, spanElement);519 } 520 521 for (var i = 0, l = xPathResult.snapshotLength; i < l; i++) {522 parentNodes[i].normalize();523 } 524 }, 525 526 hide: function(){527 // console.log("=================================================Shift hide");528 space = this.getParentSpace();529 var space = this.getParentSpace();530 531 this.hideCutups(this);532 this.cutupTextOnPage = false;533 space.removeFromVisibleShifts(this.sscutupid);534 },535 536 setWordChunkSize: function(numOfWords){537 var pattern = "(\\S+(\\s?)+){1," + numOfWords + "}";538 this.wordPattern = new RegExp(pattern,"g");539 },540 541 wordPattern: new RegExp("(\\S+(\\s?)+){1,1}","g"),542 543 fireCutup: function(){544 var space = this.getParentSpace();545 var self = this;546 //if selection exists and there is no an unsaved cutup on the page547 if (!window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).collapsed && this.cutupTextOnPage == false) {548 549 var newRangeRef = ShiftSpace.RangeCoder.toRef(window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0));550 //if this newRangeRef conflicts with on currently show dont create551 552 this.range = newRangeRef;553 554 if(space.canShowShift(this) == false){555 return false;556 } 557 //this.tempCommonAncestor = space.getRangeAncestorNode(this)558 space.addToVisibleShifts(this);559 this.turnOnRangeRef(newRangeRef);560 561 //cutupTextArray contains text in selected range 'cutup'562 newRangeRef.cutupsArray = this.cutupTextArray;563 564 //origTextArray contains original text selected565 newRangeRef.origArray = this.origTextArray;566 567 //give UI feedback for re-cut568 space.SSCutupButtonCutup.setStyle('background-position','center -60px');569 570 this.cutupTextOnPage = true;571 572 }else if(this.cutupTextOnPage == true){573 //origTextArray exists so just re-cutup current cutup574 var xPathQuery = "//*[@sscutupid='" + this.sscutupid + "']";575 var xPathResult = document.evaluate(xPathQuery, document.body, null,576 XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);577 this.cutupRange(xPathResult);578 }else{579 return false;580 }581 582 //give UI feedback583 space.SSCutupButtonCancel.removeClass("inactive");584 space.SSCutupButtonSave.removeClass("inactive");585 space.SSCutupButtonLarger.addClass("inactive");586 space.SSCutupButtonSmaller.addClass("inactive");587 588 return false;589 },590 591 surroundTextNode: function(oNode, objRange, surroundingNode){592 var tempRange;593 //if this selection starts and ends in the same node594 if((oNode==objRange.startContainer)&&(oNode==objRange.endContainer)) {595 objRange.surroundContents(surroundingNode);596 }597 else598 {599 if(objRange.isPointInRange(oNode,1) || oNode==objRange.startContainer)600 {601 //check if the node is in the middle of the selection 602 if((oNode!=objRange.startContainer)&&(oNode!=objRange.endContainer))//surround the whole node603 {604 surroundingNode.textContent = oNode.textContent;605 oNode.parentNode.replaceChild(surroundingNode, oNode);606 }607 else //if start at suppply surround text from start point to end608 if(oNode==objRange.startContainer)//surround the node from the start point609 {610 tempRange = document.createRange();611 tempRange.setStart(oNode, objRange.startOffset);612 tempRange.setEnd(oNode, oNode.textContent.length);613 tempRange.surroundContents(surroundingNode);614 }615 else //if endAt supply surround text node from 0 to End location 616 if(oNode==objRange.endContainer)//surround the node from the start point617 {618 tempRange = document.createRange();619 tempRange.setStart(oNode, 0);620 tempRange.setEnd(oNode, objRange.endOffset);621 tempRange.surroundContents(surroundingNode);622 }623 }624 } 625 }, 626 627 turnOnRangeRef: function(ref) {628 // console.log("=======================================turnOnRangeRef");629 var self = this;630 631 var range = ShiftSpace.RangeCoder.toRange(ref);632 var objAncestor = range.commonAncestorContainer;633 634 if (objAncestor.nodeType == 3) // text node635 objAncestor = objAncestor.parentNode;636 637 var xPathResult = document.evaluate(".//text()", objAncestor, null,638 XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); 639 // iteratate on all the text nodes in the document and mark if they are in the selection range640 for (var i = 0, l = xPathResult.snapshotLength; i < l; i++) {641 // we need clean styles so we don't use ShiftSpace.Element642 var enclosingSpan = document.createElement("span");643 = this.getId();644 645 enclosingSpan.setAttribute("sscutupid",this.sscutupid);646 enclosingSpan.setAttribute("class","SSCutup");647 this.surroundTextNode(xPathResult.snapshotItem(i), range, enclosingSpan);648 }649 //if cutUpArray does not exist call cutupRange on xPathResult of cutups span650 if(!this.cutupTextArray){651 var xPathQuery = "//*[@sscutupid='" + this.sscutupid + "']";652 var xPathResult2 = document.evaluate(xPathQuery, objAncestor, null,653 XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);654 //iterate through snapshot & rewrite textnodes655 this.cutupRange(xPathResult2);656 }else{657 var xPathQuery = "//*[@sscutupid='" + this.sscutupid + "']";658 var xPathResult2 = document.evaluate(xPathQuery, objAncestor, null,659 XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);660 //reinsert sorted array as string back into document661 for ( var i=0,l=0; i < xPathResult2.snapshotLength; i++ ){662 //if node is not empty and nodes parent is not a script tag663 if(!xPathResult2.snapshotItem(i).textContent.match(/^\s+$/) && this.isValidCutupTextNode(xPathResult2.snapshotItem(i))){664 $(xPathResult2.snapshotItem(i)).setHTML(ref.cutupsArray[l].join(""));665 l++666 }667 }668 }669 },670 cutupRange: function(xPathResult){671 var space = this.getParentSpace();672 673 if(this.cutupTextOnPage == false){674 //if there is no unsaved cutup on page then create new arrays to hold text 675 //otherwise use those current676 this.cutupTextArray = Array(); //contains cutup text nodes677 this.origTextArray = Array(); //contains precutup orig text nodes678 this.joinedTextArray = Array(); //contains text from all text nodes split into single array679 //break up snapshot into arrays of words680 for ( var i=0 ; i < xPathResult.snapshotLength; i++ ){681 if(this.isValidCutupTextNode(xPathResult.snapshotItem(i))){682 var text = xPathResult.snapshotItem(i).textContent;683 var lineArray = text.match(this.wordPattern);684 //joinedTextArray contains all arrays of words from text nodes in a single array.685 this.joinedTextArray = this.joinedTextArray.concat(lineArray);686 //do not add empty nodes to array or is content is javascript687 if(lineArray != null){ 688 this.cutupTextArray.push(lineArray); //push array of words into cutupTextArray689 this.origTextArray.push(text); //push original text into origTextArray690 }691 }692 }693 //filter out null values and SCRIPT content694 this.joinedTextArray = this.joinedTextArray.filter(function(item,index){695 return item != null;696 });697 }698 //randomly sort joined arrays 699 this.joinedTextArray.sort(function(a,b){700 return Math.random() - 0.5;701 });702 //break up reinsert sorted item into multiline array703 //this keeps the same number of words in each node704 //while the actual words change (if 1 word chunks are selected)705 var i = 0;706 var chunkPattern = new RegExp("((\\s?\\S+)+)(\\s$)?");707 //wrap word 'chunks' in span tags708 for(var arr=0; arr<this.cutupTextArray.length; arr++){709 for(var arrItem=0; arrItem<this.cutupTextArray[arr].length; arrItem++){710 this.cutupTextArray[arr][arrItem] = this.joinedTextArray[i].replace(chunkPattern," <span class=\"SSCut\">$1</span> ");711 i++;712 }713 }714 //reinsert sorted array as string back into document715 for(var i=0,l=0; i < xPathResult.snapshotLength; i++){716 //if node is not empty717 if(!xPathResult.snapshotItem(i).textContent.match(/^\s+$/) && this.isValidCutupTextNode(xPathResult.snapshotItem(i))){718 //word chunk spans inserted with regex so must use setHTML719 if($chk(this.cutupTextArray[l])){720 $(xPathResult.snapshotItem(i)).setHTML(this.cutupTextArray[l].join(""));721 l++722 }else{723 break;724 }725 }726 } 727 //FX for fading Cutup background-color to transparent728 var sscutupid = this.sscutupid;729 function fadeToTrans(){730 snapshotNodes = document.evaluate(".//span[@sscutupid='" + sscutupid + "']", document, null,731 XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);732 var trans = 1.0;733 function fade(){734 if(trans > 0.2){ 735 trans = trans - 0.1;736 $ES('span.SSCut',snapshotNodes.snapshotItem(i)).setStyle('outline','thin solid rgba(167,8,4,' + trans + ')');737 setTimeout(fade,50);738 }739 else740 {741 // restore original element style742 $$('.SSCut').setStyle('outline','');743 }744 }745 return fade();746 }747 fadeToTrans();748 },749 750 isValidCutupTextNode: function(node){751 return ($(node) != null && $(node) != undefined && $(node).getParent().nodeName != "SCRIPT"); 752 }753 754});755// One of the most striking signs of the decay of art is when we see its 756// separate forms jumbled together.757// -Geothe...
...227export function exportToJSON(vc) {228 console.warn(229 "VideoContext.exportToJSON has been deprecated. Please use VideoContext.snapshot instead."230 );231 return JSON.stringify(snapshotNodes(vc));232}233export function snapshot(vc) {234 return {235 nodes: snapshotNodes(vc),236 videoContext: snapshotVideoContext(vc)237 };238}239function snapshotVideoContext(vc) {240 return {241 currentTime: vc.currentTime,242 duration: vc.duration,243 state: vc.state,244 playbackRate: vc.playbackRate245 };246}247let warningExportSourceLogged = false;248function snapshotNodes(vc) {249 function qualifyURL(url) {250 var a = document.createElement("a");251 a.href = url;252 return a.href;253 }254 function getInputIDs(node, vc) {255 let inputs = [];256 for (let input of node.inputs) {257 if (input === undefined) continue;258 let inputID;259 let inputIndex = node.inputs.indexOf(input);260 let index = vc._processingNodes.indexOf(input);261 if (index > -1) {262 inputID = "processor" + index;...
...124 }125126 function availableHeals() {127 let heals = []128 let usables = snapshotNodes( '//div[contains(@class, "isusuable")]' )129 for ( let i = 0; i < usables.snapshotLength; i++ ) {130 let usable = usables.snapshotItem( i )131 let title = usable.title132 if ( title.indexOf( ' : Heals ' ) === -1 ) continue133 let count = parseInt( stringValue( 'span[@class="item_invent_count"]', usable ) )134 if ( count === 0 ) continue135 = '1px solid #0a0'136 title = usable.title.split( ' : Heals ' )137 heals.push( { title: usable.title, amount: parseInt( title[ 1 ].trim() ), count: count, node: usable } )138 }139 return heals140 }141142 function autoEat() {143 let HP = playerHP()144 if ( !HP || HP.remaining === ) return145 let heals = availableHeals()146 for ( let i = 0; i < heals.length; i++ ) {147 let heal = heals[ i ]148 if ( - HP.remaining < heal.amount ) continue149 click( null, heal.node, () => {150 let heals = availableHeals()151 let total = 0152 for ( let i = 0; i < heals.length; i++ ) total += heals[ i ].amount * heals[ i ].count153 HP = playerHP()154 log( 'Your HP was at ' + HP.remaining + '/' + + '. You ate ' + heal.title.split( ' :' )[ 0 ] + ' which healed for +' + heal.amount + ' (+' + total + ' heals remaining)' )155 log( 'You are healing at a rate of ' + healPerMin() + ' heals/min' )156 } )157 break158 }159 }160161 function autoCombat() {162 let leavecombat = singleNode( '//a[@id="leavecombat"]' )163 if ( !leavecombat ) return164 let combatTraining = singleNode( '//select[@id="combat-training"]' )165 if ( !combatTraining ) return166 if ( !autoCombat.trainingRegistered ) {167 combatTraining.addEventListener( 'change', () => { changeCombatTraining( 0 ) } )168 autoCombat.trainingRegistered = true169 }170 if ( availableHeals().length === 0 ) return click( 'No heals available, leaving combat', leavecombat )171 = 'visible'172 let xpath = '//a[@id="fightagain" and @style="visibility: visible;"]'173 let fightagain = singleNode( xpath )174 if ( fightagain ) click( stringValue( '//div[@id="finishmsg"]/p[1]' ), xpath, () => {175 log( 'You are earning ' + xpPerMin() + ' XP/min' )176 let training = 'Training '177 let nodes = snapshotNodes( '//div[@id="combat_screen"]/p[3]//text()' )178 for ( let i = 0; i < nodes.snapshotLength; i++ ) training += nodes.snapshotItem( i ).textContent179 log( training )180 } )181 }182183 function xpPerMin( period ) {184 period = period || 600185 let messages = historyFind( /you earned (\d+) [a-z]+ experience/gi, period )186 let gains = 0187 for ( let i = 0; i < messages.length; i++ ) {188 let message = messages[ i ]189 let match = /you earned (\d+) [a-z]+ experience/gi.exec( message.text )190 if ( match ) gains += parseInt( match[ 1 ] )191 }192 return ( 60 * gains / period ).toFixed( 1 )193 }194195 function healPerMin( period ) {196 period = period || 600197 let messages = historyFind( /you ate [a-z ]+ which healed for \+(\d+) /gi, period )198 let heals = 0199 for ( let i = 0; i < messages.length; i++ ) {200 let message = messages[ i ]201 let match = /you ate [a-z ]+ which healed for \+(\d+) /gi.exec( message.text )202 if ( match ) heals += parseInt( match[ 1 ] )203 }204 return ( 60 * heals / period ).toFixed( 1 )205 }206207 function handleNotifications() {208 let notifybox = singleNode( '//div[@id="notify_player_box"]' )209 if ( !notifybox || === '' || === 'none' ) return210 let notify = stringValue( '//div[@id="notify_msg"]' ).trim()211 if ( notify === '' ) return212 click( notify, '//button[@id="close_notify_player_box"]', () => {213 if ( notify.indexOf( ' level has increased to ' ) > -1 ) changeCombatTraining( 1 )214 } )215 }216217 function changeCombatTraining( delta ) {218 let combatTraining = singleNode( '//select[@id="combat-training"]' )219 if ( !combatTraining ) return220 let index = combatTraining.options.selectedIndex221 if ( index + delta >= combatTraining.options.length ) index = index - combatTraining.options.length222 else if ( index + delta < 0 ) index = index + combatTraining.options.length223 combatTraining.options.selectedIndex = index + delta224 click( null, singleNode( '//button[@id="change-skill"]' ), () => {225 log( 'Now training ' + combatTraining.options[ combatTraining.options.selectedIndex ].text )226 } )227 }228229 function debounce( func, delay ) {230 let inDebounce231 return function () {232 const context = this233 const args = arguments234 if ( inDebounce ) return235 clearTimeout( inDebounce )236 inDebounce = setTimeout( () => {237 inDebounce = null238 args[ 0 ] && log( args[ 0 ] )239 func.apply( context, args )240 }, delay )241 }242 }243244 const click = debounce( ( debug, node_or_xpath, callback ) => {245 if ( typeof node_or_xpath === 'string' ) node_or_xpath = singleNode( node_or_xpath )246 if ( !node_or_xpath ) return247 callback && callback()249 }, 500 )250251 function simulateKeyPress( node_or_xpath, keys ) {252 if ( typeof node_or_xpath === 'string' ) node_or_xpath = singleNode( node_or_xpath )253 if ( !node_or_xpath ) return254 let keypressListener = e => { += e.key }255 node_or_xpath.addEventListener( 'keypress', keypressListener )256 node_or_xpath.focus()257 keys.split( '' ).forEach( key => {258 const e = new window.KeyboardEvent( 'keypress', {259 bubbles: true,260 key: key,261 keyCode: key.charCodeAt( 0 ),262 charCode: key.charCodeAt( 0 ),263 } )264 document.activeElement.dispatchEvent( e )265 } )266 node_or_xpath.removeEventListener( 'keypress', keypressListener )267 }268269 function simulateKeyUp( keys ) {270 keys.split( '' ).forEach( key => {271 const e = new window.KeyboardEvent( 'keypress', {272 bubbles: true,273 key: key,274 keyCode: key.charCodeAt( 0 ),275 charCode: key.charCodeAt( 0 ),276 } )277 document.activeElement.dispatchEvent( e )278 } )279 }280281 function simulateKeyDown( keys ) {282 keys.split( '' ).forEach( key => {283 console.log( key )284 const e = new window.KeyboardEvent( 'keypress', {285 bubbles: true,286 key: key,287 keyCode: key.charCodeAt( 0 ),288 charCode: key.charCodeAt( 0 ),289 } )290 document.activeElement.dispatchEvent( e )291 } )292 }293294 function post( url, success ) {295 $.ajax( {296 type: 'POST', url: url, success: data => {297 if ( isJson( data ) ) return success( data )298 let node = document.createElement( 'div' )299 node.innerHTML = data300 success( node )301 }302 } )303 }304305 function isJson( item ) {306 item = typeof item !== "string" ? JSON.stringify( item ) : item307 try { item = JSON.parse( item ) } catch ( e ) { return false }308 return typeof item === "object" && item !== null309 }310311 function stringValue( xpath, context ) {312 return document.evaluate( xpath, context || document, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null ).stringValue313 }314315 function singleNode( xpath, context ) {316 return document.evaluate( xpath, context || document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null ).singleNodeValue317 }318319 function snapshotNodes( xpath, context ) {320 return document.evaluate( xpath, context || document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null )321 }322323 function log( msg ) {324 let message = { timestamp: timestamp(), text: msg.trim() }325 console.log( '%c' + message.timestamp + ' %c' + message.text, 'color:#444', 'color:#777' )326 history = localStorage.getItem( 'history' ) || '[]'327 try { history = JSON.parse( history ) } catch { history = [] }328 history.push( message )329 if ( MAX_HISTORY < history.length ) history.splice( 0, history.length - MAX_HISTORY )330 localStorage.setItem( 'history', JSON.stringify( history ) )331 }332333 function timestamp( date ) {
...66 let amount = amountOfResource( resource )67 if ( donation === 'castleConscripts' ) donateAmount = 168 if ( amount < donateAmount ) return gatherResource( resource )69 return click( null, '//button[@id="donateType"]', null, () => {70 let donateTypes = snapshotNodes( '//div[@id="donateTypeDropDown"]/div' )71 for ( let i = 0; i < donateTypes.snapshotLength; i++ ) {72 let donateType = donateTypes.snapshotItem( i )73 if ( donateType.textContent === resource ) {74 click( null, donateType, null, () => {75 aow.donateNext = false76 singleNode( '//input[@id="donationAmount"]' ).value = donateAmount77 click( 'Donate ' + donateAmount + ' ' + resource, '//button[@id="donateBtn"]' )78 } )79 break80 }81 }82 } )83 }8485 function teamColour() {86 return stringValue( '//div[@id="battle-store-units-tab"]//div[@class="unit-store-image"][1]/img/@src' ).endsWith( 'Blue.png' ) ? 'Blue' : 'Red'87 }8889 function enemyTeamColour() {90 return teamColour() === 'Blue' ? 'Red' : 'Blue'91 }9293 function castleTier() {94 return integerValue( '//div[@id="castle' + teamColour() + '"]/span[@class="castleHealth"]/span[text()="Tier:"]/following-sibling::span[1]' )95 }9697 function enemyCastleTier() {98 return integerValue( '//div[@id="castle' + enemyTeamColour() + '"]/span[@class="castleHealth"]/span[text()="Tier:"]/following-sibling::span[1]' )99 }100101 function autoBuy() {102 let gold = integerValue( '//span[@id="gold-inventory"]/span[@class="rss-inventory-text"]' )103 let equipStoreCosts = snapshotNodes( '//span[@class="equip-store-cost"]' )104 for ( let i = 0; i < equipStoreCosts.snapshotLength; i++ ) {105 let equipStoreCost = equipStoreCosts.snapshotItem( i )106 let equipStoreCostAmount = parseInt( equipStoreCost.textContent.split( ' ' )[ 0 ] )107 if ( equipStoreCostAmount <= gold ) {108 let equipTitle = stringValue( './ancestor::div[@class="equip-store-tile"]/div[@class="equip-store-title"]', equipStoreCost )109 if ( equipTitle === 'Mortar and Pestle' ) break110 click( 'Buy ' + equipTitle + ' ' + equipStoreCostAmount + ' G', './ancestor::div[@class="equip-store-tile"]/button[@class="equip-store-purchase"]', equipStoreCost )111 break112 }113 }114115 let buyUnitType = 'Basic'116 let tier = castleTier()117 if ( tier > 1 ) buyUnitType = 'Heavy'118 let unitStore = singleNode( '//div[@class="unit-store-tile" and ./div/@class="unit-store-title" and contains(./div/text(),"' + buyUnitType + '")]' )119 if ( !unitStore ) return120 let items = snapshotNodes( './/div[@id="' + buyUnitType.toLowerCase() + '-cost-content"]//span[@class="unit-store-detail-val" and not(text()="0")]', unitStore )121 for ( let i = 0; i < items.snapshotLength; i++ ) {122 let item = items.snapshotItem( i )123 let cost = parseInt( item.textContent.replace( ',', '' ).trim() )124 let resource = stringValue( '../text()', item ).replace( ':', '' )125 if ( amountOfResource( resource ) < cost ) return gatherResource( resource )126 }127 log( 'Tier ' + tier + ' -> Buy ' + buyUnitType )128 aow.donateNext = true129 return click( null, './button[@class="unit-store-purchase"]', unitStore )130 }131132 function gatherResource( resource ) {133 resource = resource.trim().toLowerCase()134 let id = 'battle-rss-' + ( resource === 'conscripts' ? 'cons' : resource )135 let activeButton = singleNode( '//div[@id="' + id + '"]/button[not(contains(@class, "btn-disabled"))]' )136 if ( activeButton ) click( null, activeButton )137 }138139 function amountOfResource( resource ) {140 resource = resource.trim().toLowerCase()141 let id = resource === 'conscripts' ? 'cons-inventory' : resource + '-inventory'142 return integerValue( '//span[@id="' + id + '"]/span[@class="rss-inventory-text"]' )143 }144145 function debounce( func, delay ) {146 let inDebounce147 return function () {148 const context = this149 const args = arguments150 if ( inDebounce ) return151 clearTimeout( inDebounce )152 inDebounce = setTimeout( () => {153 inDebounce = null154 args[ 0 ] && log( args[ 0 ] )155 func.apply( context, args )156 }, delay )157 }158 }159160 const click = debounce( ( debug, node_or_xpath, context, callback ) => {161 if ( typeof node_or_xpath === 'string' ) node_or_xpath = singleNode( node_or_xpath, context )162 if ( !node_or_xpath || !available( node_or_xpath ) ) return163 callback && callback()165 }, 1000 )166167 function available( node ) {168 if ( !node || === 'hidden' || === 'none' || node.disabled ) return false169 return true170 }171172 function stringValue( xpath, context ) {173 return document.evaluate( xpath, context || document, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null ).stringValue174 }175176 function integerValue( xpath, context ) {177 return parseInt( stringValue( xpath, context ).replace( ',', '' ).trim() )178 }179180 function singleNode( xpath, context ) {181 return document.evaluate( xpath, context || document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null ).singleNodeValue182 }183184 function snapshotNodes( xpath, context ) {185 return document.evaluate( xpath, context || document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null )186 }187188 function log( msg ) {189 const MAX_HISTORY = 1000190 let message = { timestamp: timestamp(), text: msg.trim() }191 console.log( '%c' + message.timestamp + ' %c' + message.text, 'color:#444', 'color:#777' )192 aow.history.push( message )193 if ( MAX_HISTORY < aow.history.length ) aow.history.splice( 0, aow.history.length - MAX_HISTORY )194 localStorage.setItem( aow.gameId, JSON.stringify( aow.history ) )195 }196197 function printmsg( timestamp, text ) {198 console.log( '%c' + timestamp + ' %c' + text, 'color:#444', 'color:#777' )
1(function(win, doc, m) {2 "use strict";3 var area = m.ref("SampleNodeInfomationArea"),4 sampleRoot = m.ref("SampleElementNodeContainer");5 var NODETYPECONST = {6 1 : "ELEMENT_NODE",7 3 : "TEXT_NODE",8 7 : "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE",9 8 : "COMMENT_NODE",10 9 : "DOCUMENT_NODE",11 10 : "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE",12 11 : "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE"13 };14 function pp(txt) {15 m.log(txt);16 m.println(area, txt);17 }18 function outputNodeInfomation(node) {19 if (!node) {20 return;21 }22 pp("**********************************");23 pp("id:" +;24 pp("nodeName:" + node.nodeName);25 pp("nodeType:" + node.nodeType + ", This is " + NODETYPECONST[node.nodeType]);26 pp("nodeValue:" + node.nodeValue);27 pp("data:" +;28 /**29 * 親ãã¼ããElementã¾ãã¯Documentã®å ´åï¼ãã®åãã¼ãã®30 * å
¨ã¦ã®textContentãè¿ãã¦ãããç¹å®ã®è¦ç´ ã®textContentã®ã¿ã31 * åå¾ããããªãã°firstChild.nodeValueããå¾ãã»ããå®å
¨ãã32 * ãã ãå¤é¨ã®ã©ã¤ãã©ãªã«firstChildãå¤æ´ããã¦ããªããã¨ãåæã§ããã33 */34 pp("textContent:" + node.textContent);35 /* textããå¤ãå¾ãããæã¯åãå¤ãtextContentãããå¾ãããã */36 pp("text:" + node.text);37 /**38 * ownerDocumentã«ã¯DocumentFragmentãããã¥ã¡ã³ã追å åã®ãã¼ãã§ã39 * HTMLDocumentãä¿æããã¦ãããnullã«ãªãã®ã¯document.ownerDocument40 * ã ããããããªãã41 */42 pp("ownerDocument:" + node.ownerDocument);43 if (node.hasChildNodes()) {44 for (var i = 0, len = node.childNodes.length; i < len; i++) {45 outputNodeInfomation(node.childNodes[i]);46 }47 }48 }49 function outputNodeContainerInfomation() {50 var sampleFragment = doc.createDocumentFragment();51 var sampleScript = doc.createElement("script");52 sampleScript.setAttribute("id", "SampleScriptNode");53 sampleScript.setAttribute("src", "dummy.js");54 outputNodeInfomation(sampleScript);55 /**56 * DocumentFragmentã«appendChildãã¦ãDocumentFragmentã®57 * textContentãnodeValueã«ä½ãè¨å®ãããããã§ã¯ãªãã58 */59 sampleFragment.appendChild(sampleScript);60 outputNodeInfomation(sampleFragment);61 sampleRoot.appendChild(sampleFragment);62 outputNodeInfomation(sampleRoot);63 sampleRoot.removeChild(sampleScript);64 }65 function outputNodeEquality(node, otherNode) {66 if (node && otherNode) {67 var separator = " ... ";68 69 /**70 * å±æ§ãåãã¼ããçãããã°æ¯è¼å¯¾è±¡ã®ãã¼ããcloneNodeã®71 * æ»ãå¤ã ã£ãã¨ãã¦ãNode::isEqualNodeã¯trueãè¿ãã72 * å³ã¡çããã®åºæºãisSameNodeã==æ¼ç®åããç·©ãã73 */74 pp( + ":" + node.nodeName + " isEqualNode " +75 + ":" + otherNode.nodeName + separator +76 node.isEqualNode(otherNode));77 /** 78 * Node::isSameNodeã¯æ¬å½ã«åããã¼ãã¨ã®æ¯è¼ã§ãªãéã79 * trueãè¿ããªããæ¯è¼å¯¾è±¡ãcloneNodeã®æ»ãå¤ã§ãfalseã¨ãªãã80 * ==æ¼ç®åã§æ¯è¼ããæãåãçµæã«ãªãã81 * ãªãDOM level 4ã§Node::isSameNodeã¯åé¤ããã¦ããã 82 * ãã ãIE11ã«ã¯å®è£
ããã¦ããã83 */84 if(typeof node.isSameNode === "function"){85 pp( + ":" + node.nodeName + " isSameNode " +86 + ":" + otherNode.nodeName + separator +87 node.isSameNode(otherNode));88 }89 /**90 * ==æ¼ç®åã¨===æ¼ç®åã®çµæã¯å¸¸ã«çãããªãã91 * (æé»ã®åå¤æãçºçããªãããï¼)92 */93 pp( + ":" + node.nodeName + " == " +94 + ":" + otherNode.nodeName + separator +95 (node == otherNode));96 pp( + ":" + node.nodeName + " === " +97 + ":" + otherNode.nodeName + separator +98 (node === otherNode));99 }100 }101 function outputNodeContainerEquality(root) {102 var children = root.childNodes;103 for (var i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++) {104 var node = children[i];105 if (node.hasChildNodes()) {106 outputNodeContainerEquality(node);107 } else {108 outputNodeEquality(node, node.nextSibling);109 }110 }111 }112 113 function checkNodeSize(){114 var ul = doc.querySelector("ul.nodelist-sample-list"),115 snapshotNodes = doc.querySelectorAll("ul.nodelist-sample-list li"),116 livedNodes = ul.getElementsByTagName("li");117 118 for(var i = 0, len = snapshotNodes.length; i < len; i++){119 snapshotNodes[i].parentNode.removeChild(snapshotNodes[i]);120 }121 122 return {123 snapshot : snapshotNodes.length,124 lived : livedNodes.length,125 toString : function(){126 return "snapshot NodeList length:" + 127 this.snapshot + ", lived NodeList length:" + this.lived;128 }129 };130 }131 132 (function () {133 m.addListener(m.ref("NodeOutputExecuter"), "click", outputNodeContainerInfomation);134 m.addListener(m.ref("NodeEqualityTestExecuter"), "click", function() {135 var container = m.ref("NodeEqualitySampleContainer");136 pp("***** ã³ã³ãã以ä¸ã®Nodeã®æ¯è¼ *****");137 outputNodeContainerEquality(container);138 139 var sampleNode = doc.createElement("span");140 = "SampleTestNode";141 var sampleChildNode = doc.createTextNode("SampleTestText");142 sampleNode.appendChild(sampleChildNode);143 pp("***** ãµã³ãã«ã®Nodeèªèº«ã¨æ¯è¼ *****");144 outputNodeEquality(sampleNode, sampleNode);145 pp("***** ãµã³ãã«ã®Nodeã®cloneNode(true)ã¨æ¯è¼ *****");146 var clonedTrueSampleNode = sampleNode.cloneNode(true);147 outputNodeEquality(sampleNode, clonedTrueSampleNode);148 pp("***** ãµã³ãã«ã®Nodeã®cloneNode(false)ã¨æ¯è¼ *****");149 var clonedFalseSampleNode = sampleNode.cloneNode(false);150 outputNodeEquality(sampleNode, clonedFalseSampleNode);151 pp("***** cloneNode(true)ã®idãå¤æ´ãã¦æ¯è¼ *****");152 = "Cloned" +;153 outputNodeEquality(container, clonedTrueSampleNode);154 });155 156 var savedNodes;157 158 m.addListener(m.ref("sample-node-remover"), "click", function(){159 savedNodes = doc.querySelectorAll("ul.nodelist-sample-list li");160 var result = checkNodeSize();161 pp(result);162 }, false);163 164 m.addListener(m.ref("sample-node-resetter"), "click", function(){165 if(savedNodes){166 var ul = doc.querySelector("ul.nodelist-sample-list");167 m.appendChildAll(ul, savedNodes);168 }169 }, false);170 171 m.addListener(m.ref("node-result-clearer"), "click", function(){172 m.clear(area);173 }, false);174 }());...
...45 if (Array.isArray(n[0])) {46 // Node reference.47 const referenceIndex = snapshotIndex - n[0][0];48 if (referenceIndex >= 0 && referenceIndex < snapshotIndex) {49 const nodes = snapshotNodes(this._snapshots[referenceIndex]);50 const nodeIndex = n[0][1];51 if (nodeIndex >= 0 && nodeIndex < nodes.length) n._string = visit(nodes[nodeIndex], referenceIndex);52 }53 } else if (typeof n[0] === 'string') {54 // Element node.55 const builder = [];56 builder.push('<', n[0]);57 for (const [attr, value] of Object.entries(n[1] || {})) builder.push(' ', attr, '="', escapeAttribute(value), '"');58 builder.push('>');59 for (let i = 2; i < n.length; i++) builder.push(visit(n[i], snapshotIndex));60 if (!autoClosing.has(n[0])) builder.push('</', n[0], '>');61 n._string = builder.join('');62 } else {63 // Why are we here? Let's not throw, just in case.64 n._string = '';65 }66 }67 return n._string;68 };69 const snapshot = this._snapshot;70 let html = visit(snapshot.html, this._index);71 if (!html) return {72 html: '',73 pageId: snapshot.pageId,74 frameId: snapshot.frameId,75 index: this._index76 };77 if (snapshot.doctype) html = `<!DOCTYPE ${snapshot.doctype}>` + html;78 html += `79 <style>*[__playwright_target__="${this.snapshotName}"] { background-color: #6fa8dc7f; }</style>80 <script>${snapshotScript()}</script>81 `;82 return {83 html,84 pageId: snapshot.pageId,85 frameId: snapshot.frameId,86 index: this._index87 };88 }89 resourceByUrl(url) {90 const snapshot = this._snapshot;91 let result; // First try locating exact resource belonging to this frame.92 for (const resource of this._resources) {93 if (resource.timestamp >= snapshot.timestamp) break;94 if (resource.frameId !== snapshot.frameId) continue;95 if (resource.url === url) {96 result = resource;97 break;98 }99 }100 if (!result) {101 // Then fall back to resource with this URL to account for memory cache.102 for (const resource of this._resources) {103 if (resource.timestamp >= snapshot.timestamp) break;104 if (resource.url === url) return resource;105 }106 }107 if (result) {108 // Patch override if necessary.109 for (const o of snapshot.resourceOverrides) {110 if (url === o.url && o.sha1) {111 result = { ...result,112 responseSha1: o.sha1113 };114 break;115 }116 }117 }118 return result;119 }120}121exports.SnapshotRenderer = SnapshotRenderer;122const autoClosing = new Set(['AREA', 'BASE', 'BR', 'COL', 'COMMAND', 'EMBED', 'HR', 'IMG', 'INPUT', 'KEYGEN', 'LINK', 'MENUITEM', 'META', 'PARAM', 'SOURCE', 'TRACK', 'WBR']);123const escaped = {124 '&': '&',125 '<': '<',126 '>': '>',127 '"': '"',128 '\'': '''129};130function escapeAttribute(s) {131 return s.replace(/[&<>"']/ug, char => escaped[char]);132}133function escapeText(s) {134 return s.replace(/[&<]/ug, char => escaped[char]);135}136function snapshotNodes(snapshot) {137 if (!snapshot._nodes) {138 const nodes = [];139 const visit = n => {140 if (typeof n === 'string') {141 nodes.push(n);142 } else if (typeof n[0] === 'string') {143 for (let i = 2; i < n.length; i++) visit(n[i]);144 nodes.push(n);145 }146 };147 visit(snapshot.html);148 snapshot._nodes = nodes;149 }150 return snapshot._nodes;...
...117 function singleNode( xpath, context ) {118 return document.evaluate( xpath, context || document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null ).singleNodeValue119 }120121 function snapshotNodes( xpath, context ) {122 return document.evaluate( xpath, context || document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null )123 }124125 function log( msg ) {126 let message = { timestamp: timestamp(), text: msg.trim() }127 console.log( '%c' + message.timestamp + ' %c' + message.text, 'color:#444', 'color:#777' )128 history = localStorage.getItem( 'history' ) || '[]'129 try { history = JSON.parse( history ) } catch { history = [] }130 history.push( message )131 if ( MAX_HISTORY < history.length ) history.splice( 0, history.length - MAX_HISTORY )132 localStorage.setItem( 'history', JSON.stringify( history ) )133 }134135 function printmsg( timestamp, text ) {
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const fs = require('fs');3(async () => {4 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 const snapshot = await page._snapshotter().snapshotNodes();8 fs.writeFileSync('snapshot.json', JSON.stringify(snapshot, null, 2));9 await browser.close();10})();11{12 "frame": {13 "document": {14 "frame": {15 "document": {16 "frame": {17 "document": {18 "frame": {19 "document": {20 "frame": {21 "document": {22 "frame": {23 "document": {24 "frame": {25 "document": {26 "frame": {27 "document": {28 "frame": {
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await playwright.webkit.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.snapshotNodes({path: 'test.png'});7 await browser.close();8})();9 at NodeImpl._assertBoundingBox (C:\Users\pooja10 at NodeImpl._assertBoundingBox (C:\Users\pooja11 at NodeImpl._assertBoundingBox (C:\Users\pooja12 at NodeImpl._assertBoundingBox (C:\Users\pooja13 at NodeImpl._assertBoundingBox (C:\Users\pooja14 at NodeImpl._assertBoundingBox (C:\Users\pooja15 at NodeImpl._assertBoundingBox (C:\Users\pooja16 at NodeImpl._assertBoundingBox (C:\Users\pooja17 at NodeImpl._assertBoundingBox (C:\Users\pooja18 at NodeImpl._assertBoundingBox (C:\Users\pooja
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await playwright['chromium'].launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 const snapshot = await page._delegate.snapshotNodes();6 console.log(snapshot);7 await browser.close();8})();9{10 'data': {11 {12 {13 {14 {15 }16 }17 }18 }19 }20}21import json22with open('output.json') as f:23 data = json.load(f)24print(json.dumps(data, indent=2))25{26 "data": {27 {
Using AI Code Generation
1const {chromium} = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 const snapshot = await page._delegate.snapshotNodes();6 console.log(snapshot);7 await browser.close();8})();9{10 {11 {12 }13 }14}
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const snapshotNodes = require('playwright/lib/snapshot/snapshotNodes');3(async () => {4 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 const snapshot = await snapshotNodes(page, 'body');8 console.log(snapshot);9 await browser.close();10})();11{ id: 'foo' }12[ { nodeType: 1, nodeName: 'div', attributes: { id: 'foo' }, childNodeIndexes: [ 1, 2 ] }, { nodeType: 1, nodeName: 'span', attributes: {}, childNodeIndexes: [ 3 ] }, { nodeType: 1, nodeName: 'div', attributes: { id: 'baz' }, childNodeIndexes: [] }, { nodeType: 3, nodeName: '#text', attributes: {}, textContent: 'bar', childNodeIndexes: [] } ]
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({4 });5 const page = await browser.newPage();6 await page.waitForSelector('input[name="q"]');7 await page.fill('input[name="q"]', 'Playwright');8 await'input[type="submit"]');9 await page.waitForSelector('h3');10 const snapshot = await page._delegate.snapshotNodes();11 console.log(snapshot);12 await browser.close();13})();14 at CDPSession.send (/home/ankit/Downloads/playwright/node_modules/playwright-core/lib/cjs/protocol/channels.js:51:13)15 at async DOMSnapshot._snapshot (/home/ankit/Downloads/playwright/node_modules/playwright-core/lib/cjs/domSnapshot.js:31:16)16 at async Page._snapshot (/home/ankit/Downloads/playwright/node_modules/playwright-core/lib/cjs/page.js:118:18)17 at async Page.snapshotNodes (/home/ankit/Downloads/playwright/node_modules/playwright-core/lib/cjs/page.js:112:16)18 at async Object.<anonymous> (/home/ankit/Downloads/playwright/test.js:16:27)
Using AI Code Generation
1const {snapshotNodes} = require('playwright/lib/server/snapshot/snapshotter');2const {chromium} = require('playwright');3const fs = require('fs');4(async () => {5 const browser = await chromium.launch();6 const context = await browser.newContext();7 const page = await context.newPage();8 const snapshot = await snapshotNodes(page, page);9 fs.writeFileSync('snapshot.json', JSON.stringify(snapshot, null, 2));10 await browser.close();11})();12{13 "attributes": {14 },15 {16 {17 "attributes": {18 }19 },20 {21 "attributes": {22 }23 },24 {25 "attributes": {26 }27 },28 {29 "attributes": {30 }31 },32 {33 "attributes": {34 }35 },36 {37 "attributes": {38 }39 },40 {41 "attributes": {42 }43 },44 {45 "attributes": {46 }47 },48 {49 "attributes": {50 }51 },
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const fs = require('fs');3const path = require('path');4(async () => {5 for (const browserType of BROWSER) {6 const browser = await playwright[browserType].launch();7 const context = await browser.newContext();8 const page = await context.newPage();9 const snapshot = await page._client.send('DOM.snapshot', {10 });11 const snapshotString = JSON.stringify(snapshot);12 fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'snapshot.json'), snapshotString);13 await browser.close();14 }15})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const fs = require('fs');3(async () => {4 for (const browserType of ['chromium', 'firefox', 'webkit']) {5 const browser = await playwright[browserType].launch();6 const context = await browser.newContext();7 const page = await context.newPage();8 const snapshot = await page._delegate._pageProxy._connection._session.send('DOM.snapshot', { computedStyles: ['*'] });9 fs.writeFileSync(`snapshot-${browserType}.json`, JSON.stringify(snapshot));10 await browser.close();11 }12})();13{14 "root": {15 {16 "importedDocument": null,17 {18 "importedDocument": null,19 },20 {
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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