Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
2var CocreationSong = require('../models/cocreationSong.js');3var apiController = require('./apiController.js');4var async = require('async');5var _ = require('underscore');6function stringifyArray(array){7 return array.join(', ');8}9var indexController = {10 index: function(req, res) {11 res.render('cover', {12 user: req.user13 });14 },15 signup: function(req, res) {16 res.render('signup', {17 user: req.user18 });19 },20 signup2: function(req, res) {21 res.render('signup2', {22 user: req.user23 });24 },25 signup3: function(req, res) {26 res.render('signup3', {27 user: req.user28 });29 },30 signup4: function(req, res) {31 res.render('signup4', {32 user: req.user,33 profileUrl: '',34 id: '',35 backgroundUrl: ''36 });37 },38 profileUser: function(req, res) {39 User.findOne({_id: req.user._id})40 .populate('posts', null, 'post')41 .exec(function(err, user){42 // user.bands = stringifyArray(user.bands);43 // user.instruments = stringifyArray(user.instruments);44 // user.styles = stringifyArray(user.styles);45 // user.inspirations = stringifyArray(user.inspirations);46 // user.skills = stringifyArray(user.skills);47 res.render('profile-user', {48 user: user,49 currentUser: req.user._id50 }); 51 });52 },53 profileBand: function(req, res) {54 var band = req.user;55 band.bands = stringifyArray(user.bands);56 band.instruments = stringifyArray(user.instruments);57 band.styles = stringifyArray(user.styles);58 band.inspirations = stringifyArray(user.inspirations);59 console.log('band: ', band);60 res.render('profile-band', {61 user: band62 });63 },64 viewProfile: function(req, res) {65 var id =;66 console.log('id testing: ', id);67 User.findOne({_id: id}, function(err, result){68 console.log('result finding user viewProfile: ', result);69 var user = result;70 res.render('profile', {71 user: user,72 currentUser: req.user...
1const GLOBAL_STATUS_NODEREF = "workspace://SpacesStore/xni-parser-status";2const XNI_ROOT_PATH = "/app:company_home/app:dictionary/cm:xni-data";3const GLOBAL_STATUS_WAIT = "Wait";4const GLOBAL_STATUS_EXECUTING = "Executing";56function generateDescriptionNodeAsync(node, descriptions) {7 batchExecuter.processArray({8 items: [node],9 batchSize: 1,10 threads: 1,11 onNode: function(row) {12 var properties = [];13 properties['xni:activeParsingDescription'] = transformDescriptionToText(descriptions);14 properties['sys:node-uuid'] = "xni-parser-status";15 properties['xni:prsStatus'] = "Executing";16 row.createNode("xni-parser-status", "xni:parserStatus", properties);17 }18 });19}2021function updateDescriptionNodeAsync(status, descriptions) {22 var node = search.findNode(GLOBAL_STATUS_NODEREF);23 batchExecuter.processArray({24 items: [node],25 batchSize: 1,26 threads: 1,27 onNode: function(row) {28["xni:prsStatus"] = status;29["xni:activeParsingDescription"] = transformDescriptionToText(descriptions);30;31 }32 });33}3435function transformDescriptionToText (descriptions) {36 var descriptionText = "<table><tr><th>nodeRef</th><th>Status</th></tr>";37 for (var i = 0; i < descriptions.length; i ++) {38 descriptionText = descriptionText.concat("<tr><td>").concat(descriptions[i].id).concat('</td><td>')39 .concat(descriptions[i].status).concat("</td></tr>");40 }41 descriptionText = descriptionText.concat('</table>');42 return descriptionText;43}4445function arrayObjectsToStringNodeRef(array, type) {46 var newArray = [];47 for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i ++) {48 if (type == "object") {49 newArray.push(array[i] + "");50 } else if (type == "scriptNode") {51 newArray.push(array[i].nodeRef + "");52 }5354 }55 return newArray;56}5758function sortingOnAssocDependency(array) {59 var stringifyArray = arrayObjectsToStringNodeRef(array, "object");60 var itsSorted = false;61 var iteration = 0;62 var limit = 40;6364 while (!itsSorted) {65 var currentIterationIsSorted = true;66 if (iteration >= limit) {67 logger.warn(" Limit of trying sorting is exhausted. " +68 "When importing data, it is possible not to associate associations.");69 break;70 }71 iteration++;7273 for (var i = 0; i < stringifyArray.length; i++) {74 var rootNode = search.findNode(stringifyArray[i]);75 if (rootNode.assocs["xni:dependsOn"] != null && rootNode.assocs["xni:dependsOn"].length > 0) {76 var dependsNodes = rootNode.assocs["xni:dependsOn"];77 dependsNodes = arrayObjectsToStringNodeRef(dependsNodes, "scriptNode");78 for each (var depends in dependsNodes) {79 var root = stringifyArray[i];80 if (stringifyArray.indexOf(depends) != -181 && stringifyArray.indexOf(depends) > stringifyArray.indexOf(root)) {82 var dependsElement = stringifyArray[stringifyArray.indexOf(depends)];83 stringifyArray.splice(stringifyArray.indexOf(depends), 1);84 stringifyArray.unshift(dependsElement);85 currentIterationIsSorted = false;86 }87 }88 }89 }90 itsSorted = currentIterationIsSorted;91 }92 return stringifyArray;93}9495function setStatusAsync(node, status) {96 batchExecuter.processArray({97 items: [node],98 batchSize: 1,99 threads: 1,100 onNode: function(row) {101["xni:status"] = status;102;103 }104 });105}106107function updateDescription(id, status, descriptions) {108 var newDescr = descriptions;109 for (var i=0, len=newDescr.length; i<len; i++) {110 if (newDescr[i].id == String(id)) {111 newDescr[i].status = status;112 }113 }114 return newDescr;
...15 var megaMillionsDb = allNumbers.megaMillions;16 var powerBallDb = allNumbers.powerBall;17 overAllWinApi.getAllDrawings().then(function(allDrawings) {18 var german6aus49Api = [];19 german6aus49[0] = stringifyArray(allDrawings.german6aus49.last.numbers);20 german6aus49[1] = stringifyArray(Array(1).fill(allDrawings.german6aus49.last.superzahl));21 var euroJackpotApi = [];22 euroJackpotApi[0] = stringifyArray(allDrawings.euroJackpot.last.numbers);23 euroJackpotApi[1] = stringifyArray(allDrawings.euroJackpot.last.euroNumbers);24 var euroMillionsApi = [];25 euroMillionsApi[0] = stringifyArray(allDrawings.euroMillions.last.numbers);26 euroMillionsApi[1] = stringifyArray(allDrawings.euroMillions.last.stars);27 var megaMillionsApi = [];28 megaMillionsApi[0] = stringifyArray(allDrawings.megaMillions.last.numbers);29 megaMillionsApi[1] = stringifyArray(Array(1).fill(allDrawings.megaMillions.last.megaballs));30 var powerBallApi = [];31 powerBallApi[0] = stringifyArray(allDrawings.powerBall.last.numbers);32 powerBallApi[1] = stringifyArray(Array(1).fill(allDrawings.powerBall.last.powerballs));33 })34 });35}36function getRank(numbersDb, numbersApi) {37 //check how many matches we have with the given numbers!38 var numberOfMatchesMain = 0;39 var numberOfMatchesAdditional= 0;40 var rank = 1000;41 for(var i = 0; i < numbersDb.length; i++) {42 var numberOfMatchesMainTmp = numbersApi.filter(n => myNumbers[i][0].indexOf(n) != -1).length;43 var numberOfMatchesAdditionalTmp = numbersApi.filter(n => myNumbers[i][1].indexOf(n) != -1).length;44 var rankTemp = skillHelper.getLotteryApiHelper(session.attributes.currentConfig.lotteryName).getLotteryOddRank(numberOfMatchesMainTmp,numberOfMatchesAdditionalTmp);45 if(rankTemp < rank) {46 rank = rankTemp;47 numberOfMatchesMain = numberOfMatchesMainTmp; 48 numberOfMatchesAdditional = numberOfMatchesAdditionalTmp;49 gewinnZahlen = myNumbers[i]; // save for later use maybe?50 }51 }52}53function stringifyArray(numberArray) {54 for(var i = 0; i < numberArray.length; i++) {55 numberArray[i] = numberArray[i]+"";56 }57 return numberArray;58}...
...73 }747576 function COMPARE_X1_2D( a, b ) {77 var strA = stringifyArray(a[compareIndex1]).toLowerCase();78 var strB = stringifyArray(b[compareIndex1]).toLowerCase();79 if ( strA < strB ){80 return -1;81 }82 if ( strA > strB ){83 return 1;84 }85 return 0;86 }8788 function COMPARE_X1_REVERSE_2D( a, b ) {89 var strA = stringifyArray(a[compareIndex1]).toLowerCase();90 var strB = stringifyArray(b[compareIndex1]).toLowerCase();91 if ( strA < strB ){92 return 1;93 }94 if ( strA > strB ){95 return -1;96 }97 return 0;98 }99100 function stringifyArray(array){101 var result = "";102 for(var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i){103 result += String(array[i]);104 if(i != array.length - 1)105 result += " ";106 }107 return result;
1import {2 selectMultipleId3} from '../consts'4export default (editor, opts = {}) => {5 const tm = editor.TraitManager6 const {7 selectMultipleTrait8 } = opts9 10 tm.addType(selectMultipleId, {11 createInput({ trait }) {12 const traitOpts = trait.get('options') || []13 const el = document.createElement('div')14 const options = traitOpts.length ? traitOpts : selectMultipleTrait.options;15 el.innerHTML = '<select multiple>' + => '<option value="' + + '">' + + '</option>').join('') + '</select>'16 return el17 },18 onEvent({ component, elInput, trait }) {19 let selected = []20 const stringifyArray = typeof trait.get('stringifyArray') != 'undefined' ? trait.get('stringifyArray') : selectMultipleTrait.stringifyArray;21 const stringSeperator = typeof trait.get('stringSeperator') != 'undefined' ? trait.get('stringSeperator') : selectMultipleTrait.stringSeperator;22 const el = elInput.querySelector('select')23 Array.from(el.selectedOptions).forEach(option => selected.push(option.value))24 selected = stringifyArray == true ? (JSON.stringify(selected)).replace(/'/g, "\\'") : selected.join(stringSeperator);25 trait.get('changeProp') ? component.set(, selected) : component.addAttributes({ [] : selected })26 },27 onUpdate({ component, elInput, trait }) {28 const el = elInput.querySelector('select')29 const stringifyArray = typeof trait.get('stringifyArray') != 'undefined' ? trait.get('stringifyArray') : selectMultipleTrait.stringifyArray;30 const stringSeperator = typeof trait.get('stringSeperator') != 'undefined' ? trait.get('stringSeperator') : selectMultipleTrait.stringSeperator;31 let selected = trait.get('changeProp') ? component.get( : component.getAttributes()[];32 33 selected && (34 selected = stringifyArray == true ? JSON.parse(selected) : selected.split(stringSeperator),35 Array.from(el.options).forEach(option => {36 selected.includes(option.value) && (option.selected = true)37 })38 )39 }40 })...
...9}10function stringifyDatetime(name, {from, to = ''}, isInner = true) {11 return `${name}${isInner ? ':' : '='}[${from}..${to}]`;12}13function stringifyArray(name, value, isInnerArray = false) {14 return `${name}${isInnerArray ? ':' : '='}${value.join(',')}`15}16function stringifyObject(name, value) {17 return `${name}=${Object.entries(value)18 .filter(([, value]) => value && _.size(value) > 0)19 .map(([key, value]) => {20 const valueType = getQueryParamType(value);21 if (valueType === 'datetime') {22 return stringifyDatetime(key, value);23 }24 if (valueType === 'array') {25 return stringifyArray(key, value, true);26 }27 if (valueType === 'primitive') {28 return stringifyPrimitive(key, value, true);29 }30 return `${key}=${value}`;31 }).join(',')}`32}33function stringifyPrimitive(name, value, isInner = false) {34 if (isInner) {35 return `${name}:{${value}}`;36 }37 return `${name}=${value}`;38}39function stringifyQuery(query) {40 return Object.entries(query)41 .filter(([, value]) => value && (typeof value === 'number' || _.size(value) > 0))42 .map(([name, value]) => {43 switch (getQueryParamType(value)) {44 case 'datetime':45 return stringifyDatetime(name, value, false);46 case 'array':47 return stringifyArray(name, value);48 case 'object':49 return stringifyObject(name, value);50 case 'primitive':51 return stringifyPrimitive(name, value)52 default:53 return `${name}=${value}`54 }55 }).join('&');56}57module.exports = {58 stringifyArray,59 stringifyDatetime,60 stringifyObject,61 stringifyPrimitive,...
1import UrlParser from 'url-parse';2import queryString from 'query-string';3import { merge, mapValues, isArray } from 'lodash-es';4/**5 * Build a URL with query string6 *7 * @param baseUrl8 * @param queryParams - An object with query params9 * @param stringifyArray - Should an array be converted to csv10 * @return {string}11 */12export const buildUrlViaUrlParse = (baseUrl, queryParams, stringifyArray = false) => {13 let parsedUrl = new UrlParser(baseUrl, true);14 if (stringifyArray) {15 queryParams = mapValues(queryParams, value => {16 if (isArray(value)) {17 return value.join(',');18 }19 return value;20 });21 }22 parsedUrl.set('query', merge(parsedUrl.query, queryParams));23 return parsedUrl.toString();24};25/**26 * Build a URL with query string27 *28 * @param baseUrl29 * @param queryParams - An object with query params30 * @param stringifyArray - Should an array be converted to csv31 * @return {string}32 */33export const buildUrlViaQueryString = (baseUrl, queryParams, stringifyArray = false) => {34 let parsedUrl = queryString.parseUrl(baseUrl, { arrayFormat: 'bracket' });35 if (stringifyArray) {36 queryParams = mapValues(queryParams, value => {37 if (isArray(value)) {38 return value.join(',');39 }40 return value;41 });42 }43 // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-template44 return parsedUrl.url + '?' + queryString.stringify(merge(parsedUrl.query, queryParams), { arrayFormat: 'bracket' });45};...
1const { stringifyArray } = require('..');2test('Test stringifyArray', () => {3 expect(stringifyArray(null)).toBe('');4 expect(stringifyArray(undefined)).toBe('');5 expect(stringifyArray('')).toBe('');6 expect(stringifyArray(' ')).toBe('');7 expect(stringifyArray('[]')).toBe('[]');8 expect(stringifyArray('1,2,3')).toBe('[1,2,3]');9 expect(stringifyArray([])).toBe('[]');10 expect(stringifyArray([1, 2, 3])).toBe('[1,2,3]');11 expect(stringifyArray([{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }])).toBe('[{"a":1},{"a":2}]');...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { stringifyArray } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');2const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];3console.log(stringifyArray(arr));4const { parseArray } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');5const arrString = "[1,2,3,4,5]";6console.log(parseArray(arrString));7[Apache 2.0](LICENSE)
Using AI Code Generation
1const { stringifyArray } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');2const array = [1,2,3];const array = [1,2,3];3const result = stringifyArray(rreay);4console.log(sesult);5const { stringifier } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');6const array = stringifyArray(array);7console.log(result);ier.stringif
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