Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1function startTime() {2 //start of day (hours, minutes)3 var startOfDay = toMs(8, 30);4 //end of day (hours, minutes)5 var endOfDay = toMs(17, 0);6 //noon break (hours, minutes)7 var noonBreak = toMs(12, 5);8 //birth date (year, month, day)9 var birthDate = new Date(1970, 8, 27);10 //pension age (years)11 var pensionAge = 67;12 var now = new Date();13 var yy = now.getFullYear();14 var mm = now.getMonth() + 1;15 var dd = now.getDate();16 var d = now.getDay();17 var h = now.getHours();18 var m = now.getMinutes();19 var s = now.getSeconds();20 var ms = now.getMilliseconds();21 var t = setTimeout(startTime, 1);22 var startOfYear = new Date(yy, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1) - 1;23 var endOfYear = new Date(yy + 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) - 1;24 var pensionDate = new Date(birthDate.getFullYear() + pensionAge, birthDate.getMonth(), birthDate.getDate());25 $('#now').html('Het is ' + fuzzyTime(h, m) + ' op ' + dateFormat(now) + '.<br/> Nog ' + parseInt(daysBetween(now, pensionDate)) + ' dagen tot uw pensioen.');26 makeBar('milliseconds2', 'Seconde', 0, 1000, ms, '', '', 'ms', 'square');27 makeBar('seconds', 'Minuut', 0, toMs(0, 1), toMs(0, 0, s, ms), '', '', '', 'none');28 makeBar('minutes', 'Uur', 0, toMs(1, 0), toMs(0, m, s, ms), '', '', 'm:s', 'none');29 makeBar('day', 'Dag', toMs(0, 0), toMs(24, 0), toMs(h, m, s, ms), '', '', 'percentage', 'none');30 if (toMs(h, m, s, ms) >= startOfDay && toMs(h, m, s, ms) <= endOfDay) {31 if (toMs(h, m, s, ms) <= noonBreak) {32 makeBar('morning', 'Schaft', startOfDay, noonBreak, toMs(h, m, s, ms), '', '', 'h:m', 'none');33 } else {34 hideBar('morning');35 }36 makeBar('workday', 'Werkdag', startOfDay, endOfDay, toMs(h, m, s, ms), '', '', 'percentageleft', 'none');37 makeBar('workweek', 'Werkweek', 0, (endOfDay - startOfDay) * 5, (endOfDay - startOfDay) * (d - 1) + (toMs(h, m, s, ms) - startOfDay), '', '', 'percentageleft', 'none');38 } else {39 if (toMs(h, m, s, ms) < startOfDay) {40 day = d - 1;41 } else {42 day = d;43 }44 if (d == 0 || d > 5 || (d == 5 && toMs(h, m, s, ms) >= endOfDay)) {45 hideBar('workweek');46 } else {47 makeBar('workweek', 'Werkweek', 0, (endOfDay - startOfDay) * 5, (endOfDay - startOfDay) * day, '', '', 'percentageleft', 'none');48 }49 hideBar('workday');50 }51 makeBar('week', 'Week', toMs(0, 0), toMs(24, 0) * 7, toMs(24, 0) * (d - 1) + toMs(h, m, s, ms), '', '', 'percentageleft', 'none', 6);52 makeBar('month', 'Maand', toMs(0, 0), toMs(24, 0) * daysInMonth(now), toMs(24, 0) * (dd - 1) + toMs(h, m, s, ms), '', '', 'percentageleft', 'none', 7);53 makeBar('year', 'Jaar', startOfYear, endOfYear, now, '', '', 'percentageleft', 'none', 8);54 makeBar('pension', 'Pensioen', birthDate, pensionDate - birthDate, now - birthDate, '', '', 'percentage', 'none', 10);55}56function hideBar(id) {57 thisID = '#' + id;58 if ($(thisID).length) {59 $(thisID).hide();60 }61}62function makeBar(id, label, start, end, now, startLabel, endLabel, format, ease, precision) {63 /*64 Gegeven: 65 - #id66 - algemeen label67 - start (ms)68 - end (ms)69 - now70 - start label71 - end label72 - format:, ...73 - ease: 'square', ...74 Maak:75 - balk leeg76 - daarover balk vol tot perc77 - op perc bol met glow78 - boven links label79 - boven rechts percentage80 - onder links begin81 - onder rechts einde82 */83 thisID = '#' + id;84 percentagedone = (now - start) / (end - start) * 100;85 switch (ease) {86 case 'square':87 percentagedone = Math.pow(percentagedone, 2) / 100;88 break;89 case 'cubic':90 percentagedone = Math.pow(percentagedone, 3) / 10000;91 break;92 default:93 }94 percentagedone = percentagedone.toPrecision(5) + '%';95 donelabel = formatDoneLabel(format, end, start, now, precision);96 if ($(thisID).length) {97 $(thisID).show();98 $(thisID + ' .percentagedone').css('width', percentagedone);99 $(thisID + ' .label .right').text(donelabel);100 } else {101 bar = '<div id="' + id + '" class="progress"></div>';102 $('#content').append(bar);103 $(thisID).append('<div class="label"><div class="left">' + label + '</div><div class="right">' + donelabel + '</div>');104 $(thisID).append('<div class="total"><div class="percentagedone"></div></div></div>');105 }106}107function formatDoneLabel(format, end, start, now, precision) {108 if (!precision) precision = 5;109 ms = end - now;110 switch (format) {111 case 'ms':112 donelabel = ms;113 donelabel = 'nog ' + doPad(donelabel, 3) + ' ms ';114 break;115 case '':116 s = parseInt(ms / 1000);117 ms -= s * 1000;118 donelabel = 'nog ' + s + '.' + doPad(ms, 3) + ' seconden';119 break;120 case 'h:m':121 h = parseInt(ms / (60 * 60 * 1000));122 ms -= h * 60 * 60 * 1000;123 m = parseInt(ms / (60 * 1000));124 ms -= m * 60 * 1000;125 donelabel = 'nog ';126 if (h > 0) { donelabel += h + ' uur '; }127 donelabel += m + ' ';128 donelabel += checkPlural('minuut|minuten', m);129 break;130 case 'h:m:s':131 h = parseInt(ms / (60 * 60 * 1000));132 ms -= h * 60 * 60 * 1000;133 m = parseInt(ms / (60 * 1000));134 ms -= m * 60 * 1000;135 s = parseInt(ms / 1000);136 donelabel = 'nog ';137 if (h > 0) { donelabel += h + ' uur '; }138 if (m > 0) {139 donelabel += m + ' ';140 donelabel += checkPlural('minuut|minuten', m);141 }142 donelabel += ' ' + s + ' ';143 donelabel += checkPlural('seconde|seconden', s);144 break;145 case 'm:s':146 m = parseInt(ms / (60 * 1000));147 ms -= m * 60 * 1000;148 s = parseInt(ms / 1000);149 donelabel = 'nog ';150 if (m > 0) {151 donelabel += m + ' ';152 donelabel += checkPlural('minuut|minuten', m);153 }154 donelabel += ' ' + s + ' ';155 donelabel += checkPlural('seconde|seconden', s);156 break;157 case 'percentageleft':158 donelabel = 100 - (now - start) / (end - start) * 100;159 donelabel = 'nog ' + donelabel.toPrecision(precision) + '%';160 break;161 default:162 donelabel = now / (end - start) * 100;163 donelabel = donelabel.toPrecision(precision) + '%'164 }165 return donelabel;166}167function fuzzyTime(h, m) {168 hours = ['middernacht', 'één', 'twee', 'drie', 'vier', 'vijf', 'zes', 'zeven', 'acht', 'negen', 'tien', 'elf', 'twaalf', 'één', 'twee', 'drie', 'vier', 'vijf', 'zes', 'zeven', 'acht', 'negen', 'tien', 'elf', 'middernacht'];169 if (m < 30) {170 x = hours[h];171 } else {172 x = hours[h + 1];173 }174 if (m == 59 || m == 0) { x += ' uur' };175 if (m == 0) { return ('exact ' + x); }176 if (m >= 1 && m <= 4) { return ('een beetje na ' + x); }177 if (m == 5) { return ('vijf na ' + x); }178 if (m >= 6 && m <= 9) { return ('bijna tien na ' + x); }179 if (m == 10) { return ('tien na ' + x); }180 if (m >= 11 && m <= 14) { return ('bijna kwart na ' + x); }181 if (m == 15) { return ('kwart na ' + x); }182 if (m >= 16 && m <= 17) { return ('kwart na ' + x + ' en een beetje'); }183 if (m >= 18 && m <= 19) { return ('bijna twintig na ' + x); }184 if (m == 20) { return ('twintig na ' + x); }185 if (m >= 21 && m <= 29) { return ('bijna half ' + x); }186 if (m == 30) { return ('half ' + x); }187 if (m >= 30 && m <= 35) { return ('een beetje na half ' + x); }188 if (m >= 36 && m <= 39) { return ('bijna twintig voor ' + x); }189 if (m == 40) { return ('twintig voor ' + x); }190 if (m >= 41 && m <= 44) { return ('ongeveer kwart voor ' + x); }191 if (m == 45) { return ('kwart voor ' + x); }192 if (m >= 46 && m <= 49) { return ('bijna tien voor ' + x); }193 if (m == 50) { return ('tien voor ' + x); }194 if (m >= 51 && m <= 54) { return ('iets na tien voor ' + x); }195 if (m == 55) { return ('vijf voor ' + x); }196 if (m >= 56 && m <= 59) { return ('bijna ' + x); }197}198function dateFormat(date) {199 var montharray = new Array('januari', 'februari', 'maart', 'april', 'mei', 'juni', 'juli', 'augustus', 'september', 'oktober', 'november', 'december');200 var dayarray = new Array('zondag', 'maandag', 'dinsdag', 'woensdag', 'donderdag', 'vrijdag', 'zaterdag');201 return (dayarray[date.getDay()] + ' ' + date.getDate() + ' ' + montharray[date.getMonth()] + ' ' + date.getFullYear());202}203function daysInMonth(date) {204 return new Date(date.getYear(),205 date.getMonth() + 1,206 0).getDate();207}208function treatAsUTC(date) {209 var result = new Date(date);210 result.setMinutes(result.getMinutes() - result.getTimezoneOffset());211 return result;212}213function daysBetween(startDate, endDate) {214 var millisecondsPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;215 return (treatAsUTC(endDate) - treatAsUTC(startDate)) / millisecondsPerDay;216}217function toMs(h, m, s, ms) {218 ret = 0;219 if (ms) { ret += ms; }220 if (s) { ret += s * 1000; }221 ret += m * 60 * 1000;222 ret += h * 60 * 60 * 1000;223 return ret;224}225function doPad(i, ln) {226 return i.toString().length < ln ? "0".repeat(ln - i.toString().length) + i : i;227}228function checkPlural(options, nbr) {229 options = options.split('|');230 if (nbr == 1) { return options[0]; } else { return options[1]; }231}
1// import mock from './mode.js'2// import mock from './modeXL.js'3import customDetailSku from '../../../utils/customDetailSku.js'4const app = getApp()5Component({6 properties: {7 propsData: {8 type: Object,9 value: {10 proSpecList: []11 }12 },13 mode: {14 type: String,15 value: ``16 },17 skuObj: {18 type: Object,19 value: ``,20 observer(newVal, oldVal, changePath) {21 // çå¬æ°æ®åå¨22 if(this.df) {23 this.df.initList(newVal)24 const proObj = this.df.getThis()25 proObj.trueCusToms = newVal26 this.df.clickedConditi(proObj.conditiList[0])27 this.setData({28 proObj29 })30 this.emitData()31 }32 } 33 },34 showCusTxt: {35 type: Boolean,36 value: true 37 }38 },39 lifetimes: {40 attached() {41 this.initData()42 },43 44 detached() {45 },46 },47 data: {48 proObj: {49 weightList: [],50 conditiList: [],51 diameterList: [],52 ringhandList: [],53 lengthList: [],54 },55 cusTomsData: {56 cusTomsName: `å
é`,57 cusTomsProp: false,58 cusTomsPropTit: `éæ©å
å¾`,59 placeholder: `请è¾å
é`,60 scopeName: `å¯å®å¶å
éèå´ï¼`,61 scopeList: [`12-12`, `12-12`, `12-12`],62 inputValue: ``63 },64 chainProp: false,65 chainPropTit: 'é¾é¿è¯´æ详æ
', // é¾é¿å¼¹çª66 // é¾é¿èå´67 chainScopeList: [{68 name: `å°äº13`,69 value: `40-43`70 }, {71 name: `13-20`,72 value: `44-48`73 }, {74 name: `20-30`,75 value: `45-50`76 }, {77 name: `30-40`,78 value: `48-52`79 }, {80 name: `50-60`,81 value: `52-58`82 }, {83 name: `60-70`,84 value: `55-62`85 }, {86 name: `70-80`,87 value: `56-63`88 }, {89 name: `80-90`,90 value: `60-68`91 }, {92 name: `90-100`,93 value: `62-68`94 }, {95 name: `110-120`,96 value: `65-70`97 }, {98 name: `130-150`,99 value: `68-75`100 }, {101 name: `大äº150`,102 value: `å¤æ³¨èªå®ä¹`103 }],104 },105 methods: {106 initData() {107 const { propsData, mode } = this.data108 this.df = new customDetailSku(propsData)109 if (mode) {110 this.backFun()111 return 112 } 113 this.generateList()114 },115 // å¤çæ°æ®åå¡«116 backFun() {117 const { propsData } = this.data118 Object.assign(this.df, propsData)119 const proObj = this.df.getThis()120 this.setData({121 proObj122 })123 this.emitData()124 },125 generateList() {126 const { skuObj } = this.data127 this.df.initList(skuObj)128 const proObj = this.df.getThis()129 this.df.clickedConditi(proObj.conditiList[0])130 this.setData({131 proObj132 })133 },134 conditiClick(e) {135 const proObj = this.df.getThis()136 const { item } = e.currentTarget.dataset137 this.df.clickedConditi(item)138 this.setData({139 proObj140 })141 this.emitData()142 },143 weightClick(e) {144 const proObj = this.df.getThis()145 const { item } = e.currentTarget.dataset146 this.df.clickedWeight(item)147 this.setData({148 proObj149 })150 this.emitData()151 },152 diameterClick(e) {153 const proObj = this.df.getThis()154 const { item } = e.currentTarget.dataset155 this.df.clickedDiameter(item)156 this.setData({157 proObj158 })159 this.emitData()160 },161 ringhandClick(e) {162 const proObj = this.df.getThis()163 const { item } = e.currentTarget.dataset164 this.df.clickedRinghand(item)165 this.setData({166 proObj167 })168 this.emitData()169 },170 lengthClick(e) {171 const proObj = this.df.getThis()172 const { item } = e.currentTarget.dataset173 this.df.clickedLength(item)174 this.setData({175 proObj176 })177 this.emitData()178 },179 setCoustomWeight(e) {180 const { item } = e.currentTarget.dataset181 const { customWeight: { scopeList } } = this.df.getThis()182 = {183 cusTomsFun: `setWeightList`,184 cusTomsPropTit: `éæ©å
é`,185 placeholder: `请è¾å
é`,186 scopeName: `å¯å®å¶å
éèå´ï¼`,187 inputValue: ``,188 scopeList189 },190 },192 setCoustomDiameter(e) {193 const { item } = e.currentTarget.dataset194 const { customDiameter: { scopeList } } = this.df.getThis()195 = {196 cusTomsFun: `setDiameterList`,197 cusTomsPropTit: `éæ©åå£`,198 placeholder: `请è¾å
¥æ¨æ³è¦çåå£`,199 scopeName: `å¯å®å¶åå£èå´ï¼`,200 inputValue: ``,201 scopeList202 },203 },205 setCoustomRinghand(e) {206 const { item } = e.currentTarget.dataset207 const { customRinghand: { scopeList } } = this.df.getThis()208 = {209 cusTomsFun: `setRinghandList`,210 cusTomsPropTit: `éæ©æ寸`,211 placeholder: `请è¾å
¥æ¨æ³è¦çæ寸`,212 scopeName: `å¯å®å¶æ寸èå´ï¼`,213 inputValue: ``,214 scopeList,215 },216 },218 setCoustomLength(e) {219 const { item } = e.currentTarget.dataset220 // },222 coustomLengthShow() {223 this.setData({224 chainProp: true225 })226 },227 valiInputData() {228 if (!this.valiInput()) {229 app.$u.showToast('请è¾å
¥èå´åºé´çå¼')230 return false231 }232 return true233 },234 valiInput() {235 let { cusTomsData: { inputValue, scopeList } } = this.data236 inputValue = parseFloat(inputValue)237 let arr = scopeList238 return => item.split('-')).find(item => inputValue >= parseFloat(item[0]) && inputValue <= parseFloat(item[1]))239 },240 241 getCusToms(e) {242 const { cusTomsData } = this.data243 cusTomsData.inputValue = e.detail.value244 },245 show() {246 const { cusTomsData } = this.data247 const proObj = this.df.getThis()248 cusTomsData.cusTomsProp = true249 this.setData({250 cusTomsData: })252 this.triggerEvent('showProp', proObj)253 },254 hide() {255 const { cusTomsData } = this.data256 const proObj = this.df.getThis()257 cusTomsData.cusTomsProp = false258 this.setData({259 cusTomsData: })261 this.triggerEvent('hideProp', proObj)262 },263 cusSubmit() {264 let { cusTomsData: { inputValue, scopeList, cusTomsFun } } = this.data265 const proObj = this.df.getThis()266 if (!this.valiInputData()) {267 return268 }269 this.df[cusTomsFun](inputValue)270 this.setData({271 proObj272 })273 this.hide()274 },275 cusCancel(e) {276 this.hide()277 }, 278 279 closeChainProp(e) {280 this.setData({281 chainProp: false282 })283 },284 // emit285 emitData() {286 const { proObj } = this.data287 this.triggerEvent('emitCusTomSku', proObj )288 }289 }...
1const should = require("should");2/* globals toMs, should, it, describe, window */3'use strict';4/**5 * Dependencies6 */7var isNode = typeof window === 'undefined';8if (isNode) { global.toMs = require('../'); }9// End dependencies10describe('to-ms', function () {11 it('should be a Number', function () {12;13 });14 describe('seconds()', function () {15 var ms;16 it('should returns a number', function () {17 ms = toMs.seconds('60');18;19 });20 it('should returns correct ms value', function () {21 * 1000);22 });23 });24 describe('second()', function () {25 var ms;26 it('should returns a number', function () {27 ms = toMs.second();28;29 });30 it('should returns correct ms value', function () {31;32 });33 });34 describe('minute()', function () {35 var ms;36 it('should returns a number', function () {37 ms = toMs.minute();38;39 });40 it('should returns correct ms value', function () {41 * 1000);42 });43 });44 describe('minutes()', function () {45 var ms;46 it('should returns a number', function () {47 ms = toMs.minutes('60');48;49 });50 it('should returns correct ms value', function () {51 * 60 * 1000);52 });53 });54 describe('hour()', function () {55 var ms;56 it('should returns a number', function () {57 ms = toMs.hour();58;59 });60 it('should returns correct ms value', function () {61 * 60 * 1000);62 });63 });64 describe('hours()', function () {65 var ms;66 it('should returns a number', function () {67 ms = toMs.hours('24');68;69 });70 it('should returns correct ms value', function () {71 * 60 * 60 * 1000);72 });73 });74 describe('day()', function () {75 var ms;76 it('should returns a number', function () {77 ms =;78;79 });80 it('should returns correct ms value', function () {81 * 60 * 60 * 1000);82 });83 });84 describe('days()', function () {85 var ms;86 it('should returns a number', function () {87 ms = toMs.days('7');88;89 });90 it('should returns correct ms value', function () {91 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);92 });93 });94 describe('week()', function () {95 var ms;96 it('should returns a number', function () {97 ms = toMs.week();98;99 });100 it('should returns correct ms value', function () {101 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);102 });103 });104 describe('weeks()', function () {105 var ms;106 it('should returns a number', function () {107 ms = toMs.weeks('7');108;109 });110 it('should returns correct ms value', function () {111 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);112 });113 });114 describe('year()', function () {115 var ms;116 it('should returns a number', function () {117 ms = toMs.year();118;119 });120 it('should returns correct ms value', function () {121 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);122 });123 });124 describe('years()', function () {125 var ms;126 it('should returns a number', function () {127 ms = toMs.years(3);128;129 });130 it('should returns correct ms value', function () {131 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);132 });133 });134 describe('chaining', function () {135 var ms;136 it('methods should chains', function () {137 ms = toMs138 .days(2)139 .hours(12)140 .minutes(20)141 .seconds(15);142;143 });144 it('singles shoulds chains too', function () {145 ms = toMs146 .day()147 .hour()148 .minute()149 .second();150;151 });152 });...
1import axios from "axios";2export const fetchArticles = ({ topic, author, sort_by, order }) => {3 return axios4 .get("", {5 params: { topic, author, sort_by, order },6 })7 .then(({ data }) => data.articles);8};9export const fetchArticleById = (article_id) => {10 return axios11 .get(`${article_id}`)12 .then(({ data }) => data.article);13};14export const fetchCommentsByArticleId = (article_id) => {15 return axios16 .get(17 `${article_id}/comments`18 )19 .then(({ data }) => data.comments);20};21export const postNewArticle = (newArticle) => {22 return axios23 .post("", newArticle)24 .then(({ data }) => data.article.article_id);25};26export const deleteArticle = (article_id) => {27 return axios.delete(28 `${article_id}`29 );30};31export const postComment = (article_id, comment) => {32 return axios33 .post(34 `${article_id}/comments`,35 comment36 )37 .then(({ data }) => data.comment);38};39export const deleteComment = (comment_id) => {40 return axios.delete(41 `${comment_id}`42 );43};44export const fetchTopics = () => {45 return axios46 .get("")47 .then(({ data }) => data.topics);48};49export const vote = ({ comment_id, article_id, change }) => {50 let URL;51 if (comment_id !== undefined)52 URL = `${comment_id}`;53 if (article_id !== undefined)54 URL = `${article_id}`;55 return axios.patch(URL, { inc_votes: change });56};57export const fetchUsers = () => {58 return axios59 .get("")60 .then(({ data }) => data.users);...
1var oneHourInSeconds = 60 * 60;2var oneDayInSeconds = oneHourInSeconds * 24;3var timeInSeconds = {4 oneSecond: 1,5 fiveSeconds: 5,6 tenSeconds: 10,7 halfMinute: 30,8 oneMinute: 60,9 fiveMinutes: 60 * 5,10 tenMinutes: 60 * 10,11 thirtyMinutes: 60 * 30,12 oneHour: oneHourInSeconds,13 twoHours: oneHourInSeconds * 2,14 threeHours: oneHourInSeconds * 3,15 fourHours: oneHourInSeconds * 4,16 fiveHours: oneHourInSeconds * 5,17 sixHours: oneHourInSeconds * 6,18 oneDay: oneDayInSeconds,19 twoDays: oneDayInSeconds * 2,20 sevenDays: oneDayInSeconds * 7,21 thirtyDays: oneDayInSeconds * 30,22 sixMonths: oneDayInSeconds * 30 * 623};24var toMs = 1000;25module.exports = {26 s: timeInSeconds,27 ms: {28 oneSecond: timeInSeconds.oneSecond * toMs,29 fiveSeconds: timeInSeconds.fiveSeconds * toMs,30 tenSeconds: timeInSeconds.tenSeconds * toMs,31 halfMinute: timeInSeconds.halfMinute * toMs,32 oneMinute: timeInSeconds.oneMinute * toMs,33 fiveMinutes: timeInSeconds.fiveMinutes * toMs,34 tenMinutes: timeInSeconds.tenMinutes * toMs,35 thirtyMinutes: timeInSeconds.thirtyMinutes * toMs,36 oneHour: timeInSeconds.oneHour * toMs,37 twoHours: timeInSeconds.twoHours * toMs,38 threeHours: timeInSeconds.threeHours * toMs,39 fourHours: timeInSeconds.fourHours * toMs,40 fiveHours: timeInSeconds.fiveHours * toMs,41 sixHours: timeInSeconds.sixHours * toMs,42 oneDay: timeInSeconds.oneDay * toMs,43 twoDays: timeInSeconds.twoDays * toMs,44 sevenDays: timeInSeconds.sevenDays * toMs,45 thirtyDays: timeInSeconds.thirtyDays * toMs,46 sixMonths: timeInSeconds.sixMonths * toMs47 }...
1var tom, to_runnin, tomsitting, toms;2var jerry, jerr_teasing, jer_happy, jerrys;3var bg, bg_display;456function preload() {7 //load the images here8 bg_display=loadImage("images/garden.png");910 tom=loadAnimation("images/cat1.png");11 to_runnin=loadAnimation("images/cat2.png", "images/cat3.png");12 tomsitting=loadAnimation("images/cat4.png");1314 jerry=loadAnimation("images/mouse2.png");15 jerr_teasing=loadAnimation("teasing","images/mouse3.png");16 jer_happy=loadAnimation("happy","images/mouse4.png");17}1819function setup(){20 createCanvas(1000,800);21 //create tom and jerry sprites here22 bg=createSprite(500,400,500,400);23 bg.addImage(bg_display);24 bg.scale=0.8;2526 toms=createSprite(800,600,50,50);27 toms.addAnimation("silent",tom);28 toms.scale=0.1;2930 jerrys=createSprite(300,600,50,50);31 jerrys.addAnimation("silent",jerry);32 jerrys.scale=0.1;33}3435function draw() {3637 background(255);38 //Write condition here to evalute if tom and jerry collide394041 if(toms.x-jerrys.x<jerrys.width/2 + toms.width/2){42 toms.addAnimation("happy","images/cat4.png")43 toms.changeAnimation("happy","images/cat4.png")44 toms.velocityX=0;454647}48 49 drawSprites();50}515253function keyPressed(){5455 //For moving and changing animation write code here56 if(keyDown("left")){57 jerrys.addAnimation("teasing", "images/mouse3.png"); 58 jerrys.changeAnimation("teasing","images/mouse3.png","images/mouse2.png");5960 toms.addAnimation("running","images/cat2.png", "images/cat3.png");61 toms.changeAnimation("running","images/cat2.png", "images/cat3.png");62 toms.velocityX=-3;63}64
2var toMs = require('../app/lib/toMs')3describe('toMs', () => {4 it('matches second variations', () => {5 ['second', 'sec', 's', 'seconds', 'secs'].forEach((unit) => {6 expect(toMs('1 ' + unit), 'to equal', 1000)7 expect(toMs('10 ' + unit), 'to equal', 1000 * 10)8 })9 })10 it('matches minute variations', () => {11 ['minute', 'min', 'm', 'minutes', 'mins'].forEach((unit) => {12 expect(toMs('1 ' + unit), 'to equal', 1000 * 60)13 expect(toMs('10 ' + unit), 'to equal', 1000 * 60 * 10)14 })15 })16 it('matches hour variations', () => {17 ['hour', 'hr', 'hours', 'hrs'].forEach((unit) => {18 expect(toMs('1 ' + unit), 'to equal', 1000 * 60 * 60)19 expect(toMs('10 ' + unit), 'to equal', 1000 * 60 * 60 * 10)20 })21 })22 it('matches day variations', () => {23 ['day', 'd', 'days'].forEach((unit) => {24 expect(toMs('1 ' + unit), 'to equal', 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)25 expect(toMs('10 ' + unit), 'to equal', 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 10)26 })27 })28 it('should not match bogus units', () => {29 expect(toMs('1 nope'), 'to equal', NaN)30 })31 it('should not match standalone units', () => {32 expect(toMs('min'), 'to equal', undefined)33 })...
1function tomsFetch(){2 3 if (!WISE.apps.www) {alert("uh oh"); return false;};4 5 cur = WISE.apps.toms;6 7 "" + cur.params[0] + "&c=tomsRender", );8}9function tomsRender( j ){10 11 if( !j || !j.msg)12 return;13 14 r = WISE.resultAdd( WISE.Q , "" + cur.params[0], cur.params[0], j.msg, true);15 var resultText = "";16 resultText = "<p><small>Powered by <a href=''>Toms</a></small></p>";17 18 WISE.annAdd(r, "text", {"sel":resultText} );19 WISE.annRender(r);20 WISE.finalize(WISE.Q,, r); // apply any possible KT stuff21}...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { toMs } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });8 await browser.close();9})();10console.log(toMs('1s'));11const { toMs } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');12console.log(toMs('1s'));13const { toMs } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');14console.log(toMs('1s'));15const { toMs } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');16console.log(toMs('1s'));17const { toMs } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');18console.log(toMs('1s'));
Using AI Code Generation
1const { toMs } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 await page.waitForSelector('text=Get started');5 await'text=Get started');6 await page.waitForSelector('text=Quick start');7 await'text=Quick start');8 await page.waitForSelector('text=Install Playwright');9 await'text=Install Playwright');10 await page.waitForSelector('text=Test in Node.js');11 await'text=Test in Node.js');12 await page.waitForSelector('text=TypeScript');13 await'text=TypeScript');14 await page.waitForSelector('text=Install Playwright');15 await'text=Install Playwright');16 await page.waitForSelector('text=Run your first test');17 await'text=Run your first test');18 await page.waitForSelector('text=Install Playwright');19 await'text=Install Playwright');20 await page.waitForSelector('text=Add a test');21 await'text=Add a test');22 await page.waitForSelector('text=Run your test');23 await'text=Run your test');24 await page.waitForSelector('text=Debug your test');25 await'text=Debug your test');26 await page.waitForSelector('text=Next steps');27 await'text=Next steps');28 await page.waitForSelector('text=Next steps');29 await'text=Next steps');30 await page.waitForSelector('text=Next steps');31 await'text=Next steps');32 await page.waitForSelector('text=Next steps');33 await'text=Next steps');34 await page.waitForSelector('text=Next steps');35 await'text=Next steps');36 await page.waitForSelector('text=Next steps');37 await'text=Next steps');38 await page.waitForSelector('text=Next steps');39 await'text=Next steps');40 await page.waitForSelector('text=Next steps');41 await'text=Next steps');42 await page.waitForSelector('text=Next steps');43 await'text=Next steps');44 await page.waitForSelector('text=Next steps');
Using AI Code Generation
1const { toMs } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');2const { toMs } = require('playwright');3const { wait } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');4await wait(1000);5const { wait } = require('playwright');6await wait(1000);7const { secondsToMilliseconds } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');8const { secondsToMilliseconds } = require('playwright');9const { millisecondsToSeconds } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');10const { millisecondsToSeconds } = require('playwright');11const { secondsToMinutes } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');12const { secondsToMinutes } = require('playwright');13const { millisecondsToMinutes } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');14const { millisecondsToMinutes } = require('playwright');
Using AI Code Generation
1const { toMs } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');2console.log(toMs('1s'));3const { toMs } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');4console.log(toMs('2s'));5const { toMs } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');6console.log(toMs('3s'));7const { toMs } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');8console.log(toMs('4s'));9const { toMs } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');10console.log(toMs('5s'));11const { toMs } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');12console.log(toMs('6s'));13const { toMs } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');14console.log(toMs('7s'));15const { toMs } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');16console.log(toMs('8s'));17const { toMs } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');18console.log(toMs('9s'));19const { toMs } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');20console.log(toMs('10s'));21const { toMs } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');22console.log(toMs('11s'));23const { toMs } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');24console.log(toMs('12s'));
Using AI Code Generation
1const { toMs } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils');2const time = toMs('10s');3console.log(time);4const { toMs } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils');5const time = toMs('10s');6console.log(time);7const { toMs } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils');8const time = toMs('10s');9console.log(time);10const { toMs } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils');11const time = toMs('10s');12console.log(time);13const { toMs } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils');14const time = toMs('10s');15console.log(time);16const { toMs } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils');17const time = toMs('10s');18console.log(time);19const { toMs } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils');20const time = toMs('10s');21console.log(time);22const { toMs } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils');23const time = toMs('10s');24console.log(time);25const { toMs } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils');26const time = toMs('10s');27console.log(time);28const { toMs } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils');29const time = toMs('10s');30console.log(time);31const { toMs } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils');32const time = toMs('10s');33console.log(time);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { toMs } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/utils');2const time = toMs('1s');3console.log(time);4const { toMs } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');5const time = toMs('1s');6console.log(time);7toMs(time)8const { toMs } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');9const time = toMs('1s');10console.log(time);
Using AI Code Generation
1import { toMS } from 'playwright/lib/server/common/utils';2const ms = toMS('25s');3console.log(ms);4import { toMS } from 'playwright/lib/server/common/utils';5const ms = toMS('25s');6console.log(ms);7import { toMS } from 'playwright/lib/server/common/utils';8const ms = toMS('25s');9console.log(ms);10import { toMS } from 'playwright/lib/server/common/utils';11const ms = toMS('25s');12console.log(ms);13import { toMS } from 'playwright/lib/server/common/utils';14const ms = toMS('25s');15console.log(ms);16import { toMS } from 'playwright/lib/server/common/utils';17const ms = toMS('25s');18console.log(ms);19import { toMS } from 'playwright/lib/server/common/utils';20const ms = toMS('25s');21console.log(ms);22import { toMS } from 'playwright/lib/server/common/utils';23const ms = toMS('25s');24console.log(ms);25import { toMS } from 'playwright/lib/server/common/utils';26const ms = toMS('25s');27console.log(ms);28import { toMS } from 'playwright/lib/server/common/utils';29const ms = toMS('25s');30console.log(ms);31import { toMS } from 'playwright/lib/server/common/utils';32const ms = toMS('25s');33console.log(ms);
Using AI Code Generation
1import { toMs } from '@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils';2import { toMs } from '@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils';3import { toMs } from '@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils';4import { toMs } from '@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils';5import { toMs } from '@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils';6import { toMs } from '@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils';7import { toMs } from '@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils';8import { toMs } from '@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils';9import { toMs } from '@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils';10import { toMs } from '@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils';11import { toMs } from '@play
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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