Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1// Sheet Variables23const skillList = {4 "linguistics":{5 unlocks: ["sophontology"]6 },7 "biology":{8 unlocks: ["genetics","psychology"]9 },10 "first_aid": {11 unlocks: ["pathology"]12 },13 "hydroponics": {14 unlocks: ["botany"]15 },16 "geology": {17 unlocks: ["planetology","asteroid_mining"]18 },19 "zero-g": {20 unlocks: ["asteroid_mining"]21 },22 "scavenging": {23 unlocks: ["asteroid_mining","jury_rigging"]24 },25 "heavy_machinery": {26 unlocks: ["asteroid_mining","engineering"]27 },28 "computers": {29 unlocks: ["engineering","hacking"]30 },31 "mechanical_repair": {32 unlocks: ["engineering", "jury_rigging", "vehicle_specialization"]33 },34 "driving": {35 unlocks: ["vehicle_specialization"]36 },37 "piloting": {38 unlocks: ["vehicle_specialization","astrogation"]39 },40 "mathematics": {41 unlocks: ["physics"]42 },43 "art": {44 unlocks: ["mysticism"]45 },46 "archaeology": {47 unlocks: ["mysticism"]48 },49 "theology": {50 unlocks: ["mysticism"]51 },52 "military_training": {53 unlocks: ["tactics","gunnery","firearms","explosives","close-quarters_combat"]54 },55 "rimwise": {56 unlocks: ["firearms","close-quarters_combat"]57 },58 "athletics": {59 unlocks: ["close-quarters_combat"]60 },61 "chemistry": {62 unlocks: ["explosives"]63 },64 "psychology": {65 unlocks: ["sophontology"]66 },67 "genetics": {68 unlocks: ["xenobiology"]69 },70 "pathology": {71 unlocks: ["xenobiology","surgery"]72 },73 "botany": {74 unlocks: ["xenobiology"]75 },76 "planetology": {77 unlocks: []78 },79 "asteroid_mining" : {80 unlocks: []81 },82 "jury_rigging": {83 unlocks: ["cybernetics"]84 },85 "engineering": {86 unlocks: ["cybernetics","robotics","artificial_intelligence"]87 },88 "hacking": {89 unlocks: ["artificial_intelligence"]90 },91 "vehicle_specialization": {92 unlocks: ["command"]93 },94 "astrogation": {95 unlocks: ["hyperspace"]96 },97 "physics": {98 unlocks: ["hyperspace"]99 },100 "mysticism": {101 unlocks: ["xenoesotericism", "hyperspace"]102 },103 "tactics": {104 unlocks: ["command"]105 },106 "gunnery": {107 unlocks: ["weapon_specialization"]108 },109 "firearms": {110 unlocks: ["weapon_specialization"]111 },112 "close-quarters_combat": {113 unlocks: ["weapon_specialization"]114 },115 "explosives": {116 unlocks: ["weapon_specialization"]117 },118 "sophontology": {},119 "xenobiology": {},120 "surgery": {},121 "cybernetics": {},122 "robotics": {},123 "artificial_intelligence": {},124 "command": {},125 "hyperspace": {},126 "xenoesotericism": {},127 "weapon_specialization": {}128};129130const skillArray = Object.keys(skillList);131132// FUNCTIONS133134const advantageToggle = (newValue) => {135136}137138const toggleSkill = (source, newValue) => {139140 getAttrs(["sheet_skill_toggles"], values => {141142 const existingValue = values["sheet_skill_toggles"].trim();143 const valueList = existingValue.split(" ")144 const unlocks = skillList[source].unlocks || [];145146 let updateAttr = "";147 148 if (newValue === "0") {149150 unlocks.forEach(item => valueList.splice(valueList.indexOf(item), 1));151152 updateAttr = valueList.join(" ");153154 } else if (newValue === "on") {155 156 updateAttr = existingValue + " ";157 158 if (unlocks === []) return;159 160 unlocks.forEach(unlock => updateAttr += `${unlock} `);161162 }163 164 setAttrs({sheet_skill_toggles:updateAttr}); 165 });166167}168169const addItem = (new_value, previous_value, source, source_type) => {170 if (new_value === previous_value || new_value !== "Weapon" || source_type !== "player") return;171172 console.log(source_type)173174 const repeating_length = "repeating_equipment_".length;175 const repeating_id_length = 20;176 const repeating_id = source.substring(repeating_length, repeating_length + repeating_id_length);177 const repeating_equipment_prefix = `repeating_equipment_${repeating_id}`;178 const new_repeating_id = generateRowID();179 const repeating_attacks_prefix = `repeating_attacks_${new_repeating_id}`;180181 const requestAttrs = [`${repeating_equipment_prefix}_equipment_name`,`${repeating_equipment_prefix}_equipment_type`];182183 getAttrs(requestAttrs, values => {184 const updateAttrs = {};185186 updateAttrs[`${repeating_attacks_prefix}_attack_name`] = values[`${repeating_equipment_prefix}_equipment_name`];187 updateAttrs[`${repeating_attacks_prefix}_attack_linkedid`] = repeating_id;188189 setAttrs(updateAttrs);190191 });192}193194const toggleClass = (new_class, previous_class, source_type) => {195 const requestAttrs = [196 "init",197 "level",198 "sanity",199 "fear",200 "body",201 "armor",202 "strength",203 "speed",204 "intellect",205 "combat",206 "stress_panic",207 ];208209 if (source_type !== "player") return;210211 const update = {};212213 update["level"] = 0;214 update["xp"] = 0;215 update["stress"] = 2;216 update["resolve"] = 0;217 update["init"] = 1;218219 switch (new_class.toLowerCase()) {220 case "teamster":221 update["sanity"] = 30;222 update["fear"] = 35;223 update["body"] = 30;224 update["armor"] = 35;225 update["strength"] = rollDice(6) + 5;226 update["speed"] = rollDice(6) + 5;227 update["intellect"] = rollDice(6);228 update["combat"] = rollDice(6);229 update["skill_points"] = 4;230 update["stress_panic"] = getTranslationByKey(["Once per session, a Teamster may re-roll a roll on the Panic Effect Table."]);231 break;232 case "android":233 update["sanity"] = 20;234 update["fear"] = 85;235 update["body"] = 40;236 update["armor"] = 25;237 update["strength"] = rollDice(6);238 update["speed"] = rollDice(6) + 5;239 update["intellect"] = rollDice(6) + 5;240 update["combat"] = rollDice(6);241 update["skill_points"] = 2;242 update["stress_panic"] = getTranslationByKey(["Fear Saves made in the presence of Androids have Disadvantage."]);243 break;244 case "scientist":245 update["sanity"] = 40;246 update["fear"] = 25;247 update["body"] = 25;248 update["armor"] = 30;249 update["strength"] = rollDice(6);250 update["speed"] = rollDice(6);251 update["intellect"] = rollDice(6) + 10;252 update["combat"] = rollDice(6);253 update["skill_points"] = 3;254 update["stress_panic"] = getTranslationByKey(["Whenever a Scientist fails a Sanity Save, every friendly player nearby gains 1 Stress."]);255 break;256 case "marine":257 update["sanity"] = 25;258 update["fear"] = 30;259 update["body"] = 35;260 update["armor"] = 40;261 update["strength"] = rollDice(6);262 update["speed"] = rollDice(6);263 update["intellect"] = rollDice(6);264 update["combat"] = rollDice(6) + 5;265 update["skill_points"] = 3;266 update["stress_panic"] = getTranslationByKey(["Whenever a Marine Panics, every friendly player nearby must make a Fear Save."]);267 break;268 default: 269 return;270 }271272 getAttrs(requestAttrs, values => {273274 if (previous_class === new_class && values["init"] === "1") return;275276 requestAttrs.forEach(attr => {277 if (values[attr] !== "") update[attr] = values[attr];278 })279280 if (values["level"] === 0 || values["level"] === "") {281282 const fields = [283 "level",284 "sanity",285 "fear",286 "body",287 "armor",288 "stress_panic",289 "stress",290 "resolve",291 "strength",292 "speed",293 "intellect",294 "combat",295 "skill_points",296 "xp",297 "init"298 ];299300 const updateAttrs = {};301302 fields.forEach(field => {303 const fallback = values[field] || 0;304 updateAttrs[field] = (typeof field !== undefined) ? update[field] : fallback;305 });306307 const hitpoints = parseInt(update["strength"]) * 2;308309 updateAttrs["health"] = hitpoints;310 updateAttrs["health_max"] = hitpoints;311312 setAttrs(updateAttrs);313314 }315316 });317}318319const rollDice = (number_of_dice) => {320 let total = 0;321322 for (let i = 0; i <= number_of_dice; i++) total += Math.ceil(Math.random()*10);323324 return total;325}326327const calculateRow = (row, new_value) => {328329 if (!row) return console.warn("Tried to update a ship row, but there wasn't a row specified");330331 const int_value = parseInt(new_value) || 0;332333 if (row === "lifesupport") setAttrs({"ship_lifesupport_modules":Math.ceil(int_value/10), life_support_hull:Math.ceil(int_value/10), ship_galleys: Math.ceil(int_value/20)});334 if (row === "command") setAttrs({"ship_command_modules":Math.ceil(int_value/4), command_hull:Math.ceil(int_value/4), ship_livingquarters:int_value});335 if (row === "armor") setAttrs({armor:Math.floor(int_value*10), armor_hull:Math.floor(int_value*3)});336 if (row === "jumpdrives") {337 let hull = 0;338 for (let i = 1; i <= int_value; i++) hull += i;339 setAttrs({jump_drives_hull:hull, ship_computer_modules:int_value});340 }341 if (row === "computer") setAttrs({computer_hull:int_value});342 if (row === "galley") setAttrs({galley_hull:int_value});343 if (row === "weaponmount") setAttrs({ship_weapon_mounts:int_value, weapon_mount_hull:int_value});344 if (row === "medbays") setAttrs({ship_medint_bonus:Math.floor(int_value*5), medical_bay_hull:int_value});345 if (row === "cryochamber") setAttrs({ship_cryochambers:Math.ceil(int_value/4), cryochamber_hull:Math.ceil(int_value/4)});346 if (row === "livingquarters") {setAttrs({living_quarters_hull:int_value})};347 if (row === "barracks") setAttrs({ship_barracks:Math.ceil(int_value/12), barracks_hull:Math.ceil(int_value/12), crew_max:int_value});348 if (row === "cargoholds") setAttrs({ship_cargoholds:Math.ceil(int_value/10), cargo_hold_hull:Math.ceil(int_value/10), cargo_max: int_value});349 if (row === "sciencelabs") setAttrs({ship_resint_bonus:Math.floor(int_value*5), science_lab_hull:int_value});350 if (row === "thrusters") {351 getAttrs(["ship_thruster_hullreq","ship_thrusters"], values => {352 const hullreq = parseInt(values["ship_thruster_hullreq"]) || 0;353 const thrusters = parseInt(values["ship_thrusters"]) || 0;354 setAttrs({thrusters_hull : hullreq + thrusters, ship_engine_thrusterreq: thrusters});355 });356 } 357 if (row === "fuel") { 358 getAttrs(["ship_fuel_min","ship_fuel_extra"], values => {359 const min_fuel = parseInt(values["ship_fuel_min"]) || 0;360 const extra_fuel = parseInt(values["ship_fuel_extra"]) || 0;361362 setAttrs({fuel_hull: min_fuel + extra_fuel});363 });364 }365 if (row === "engine") {366 getAttrs(["ship_engine_hullreq","ship_engine_thrusterreq","ship_jumpdrive_modules"], values => {367 const hullreq = parseInt(values["ship_engine_hullreq"]) || 0;368 const thrustreq = parseInt(values["ship_engine_thrusterreq"]) || 0;369 const jumpdrive = parseInt(values["ship_jumpdrive_modules"]) || 0;370371 setAttrs({ship_engine:hullreq + thrustreq + jumpdrive, engine_hull: hullreq + thrustreq + jumpdrive, ship_fuel_min: (hullreq + thrustreq + jumpdrive) * 3})372 }); 373 }374 if (row === "frame") setAttrs({frame_hull:int_value});375376}377378const recalculateBaseHull = () => {379 const base_hull_array = [380 "jump_drives_hull",381 "life_support_hull",382 "command_hull",383 "armor_hull",384 "jump_drive_hull",385 "computer_hull",386 "galley_hull",387 "weapon_mount_hull",388 "medical_bay_hull",389 "cryochamber_hull",390 "living_quarters_hull",391 "barracks_hull",392 "cargo_hold_hull",393 "science_lab_hull"394 ];395 396 getAttrs(base_hull_array, values => {397 const base_hull_int = Object.values(values).map(value => parseInt(value) || 0);398399 const base_hull = base_hull_int.reduce((total, value) => total + value);400401 setAttrs({ship_base_hull: base_hull, ship_thruster_hullreq: Math.ceil(base_hull / 10), ship_engine_hullreq: Math.ceil(base_hull / 20), ship_frame: Math.ceil(base_hull / 10)});402 });403}404405const recalculateTotalHull = () => {406 const total_hull_array = [407 "ship_base_hull", 408 "thrusters_hull", 409 "engine_hull", 410 "fuel_hull", 411 "frame_hull"412 ];413414 getAttrs(total_hull_array, values => {415 const total_hull_int = Object.values(values).map(value => parseInt(value) || 0);416 const total_hull = total_hull_int.reduce((total, value) => total + value);417418 setAttrs({ship_total_hull: total_hull});419 });420}421422const calculateCombatIntelligence = (new_value) => {423 const value = parseInt(new_value) || 0;424425 const combat = (value * 10) + 10;426 const intellect = (value * 10) + 30;427428 setAttrs({combat:combat,intellect:intellect});429}430431const calculateSpeed = (new_value) => {432 const value = parseInt(new_value) || 0;433434 const speed = value * 10;435436 setAttrs({speed:speed});437}438439const calculateHullCost = (new_value) => {440 const value = parseInt(new_value) || 0;441442 const hull = value;443 const cost = value * 10;444445 setAttrs({ship_cost:cost, hull: hull, hull_max: hull});446}447448const calculateFuel = (new_value) => {449 const value = parseInt(new_value) || 0;450451 setAttrs({fuel:value, fuel_max:value});452}453454const checkFuelValue = (new_value) => {455 const value = parseInt(new_value) || 0;456457 getAttrs(["hull_25","hull_50","hull_75"], values => {458 const hull_25 = values.hull_25;459 const hull_50 = values.hull_50;460 const hull_75 = values.hull_75;461462 let hull_toggle = "";463464 if (value <= hull_75) hull_toggle = 75; 465 else if (value <= hull_50) hull_toggle = 50; 466 else if (value <= hull_25) hull_toggle = 25;467 468 setAttrs({hull_toggle: hull_toggle});469 });470}471472const calculateHullValues = () => {473 getAttrs(["hull_max"], values => {474 const value = parseInt(values["hull_max"]) || 0;475 476 const n25 = Math.floor(value * 0.75);477 const n50 = Math.floor(value * 0.5);478 const n75 = Math.floor(value * 0.25);479 480 setAttrs({481 hull_25: n25,482 hull_50: n50,483 hull_75: n75,484 }, callback => checkFuelValue(value));485 });486}487488const dropHandler = (values) => {489 const name = values.drop_name;490 const data = JSON.parse(values.drop_data) || {};491 const category = values.drop_category;492493 console.log(data);494495 if (name === ""|| typeof data === "" || typeof category === "") return console.warn("No drag and drop data found.");496497 switch (category) {498 case "Classes": 499 handleClassDrop(name, data);500 break;501 case "Items":502 handleItemDrop(name, data);503 break;504 case "Mercenaries": 505 handleMercenaryDrop(name, data);506 break;507 case "Ships":508 handleShipDrop(name, data);509 break;510 case "Ship Weapons": 511 handleShipWeaponDrop(name, data);512 break;513 default:514 console.warn("Could not distinguish category from drop.")515 break;516 }517518}519520const handleItemDrop = (name, data) => {521 const id = generateRowID(); 522 const address = `repeating_equipment_${id}_equipment`;523524 let updateAttrs = {};525526 updateAttrs[`${address}_name`] = name;527 updateAttrs[`${address}_notes`] = data.Description || "";528529 if (data.Damage) {530 const attack_id = generateRowID();531 const attack_address = `repeating_attacks_${id}_attack`532533 updateAttrs[`${address}_type`] = "Weapon";534 updateAttrs[`${address}_linkedid`] = attack_id;535 536 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_linkedid`] = id;537 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_name`] = name;538 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_damage`] = data.Damage;539 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_critical_damage`] = data["Critical Damage"] || "";540 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_critical_effect`] = data["Critical Effect"] || "-";541542 let combined_string = (data.Description) ? `${data.Description} ` : ``;543 combined_string += (data.Special) ? `${data.Special} ` : ``;544545 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_notes`] = combined_string;546547 const range = JSON.parse(data.Range) || {};548549 if (range && range.CQC !== "Yes") {550 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_type`] = "Ranged";551552 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_shots`] = data.Shots;553 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_ammunition`] = data.Ammunition;554555 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_range_s`] = range.Short;556 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_range_m`] = range.Medium || "-";557 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_range_l`] = range.Long || "-";558559 } else {560 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_type`] = "Melee"; 561 }562 } else if (data["Armor Save"]) {563 updateAttrs[`${address}_type`] = "Armor";564 updateAttrs[`${address}_armor_bonus`] = data["Armor Save"];565 } else {566 updateAttrs[`${address}_type`] = "Gear";567 }568569 setAttrs(updateAttrs);570571}572573const handleClassDrop = (name, data) => {574 setAttrs({class:name});575 if (name) toggleClass(name,"","player");576}577578const handleMercenaryDrop = () => {579 console.warn("Mercenary drop not yet supported.");580}581582const handleMonsterDrop = () => {583 console.warn("Monster drop not yet supported.");584}585586const handleShipDrop = (name, data) => {587 const modules_raw = data["Required Modules"].split(",").map(item => item.trim());588 const modules_parsed = {};589 const updateAttrs = {};590591 modules_raw.forEach(module => modules_parsed[module.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z ]/g,"").trim().replace(/ /g,"_")] = parseInt(module.replace(/[^0-9]/g,"")) || 0);592593 console.log(modules_parsed);594595 updateAttrs["ship_class"] = name;596 updateAttrs["ship_passengers"] = ((modules_parsed.barracks || 0) * 12) + modules_parsed.living_quarters || 1;597 updateAttrs["life_support"] = modules_parsed.life_support || 1;598 updateAttrs["ship_officers"] = modules_parsed.living_quarters || 0;599 updateAttrs["ship_armor_modules"] = modules_parsed.armor || 0;600 updateAttrs["ship_jumpdrive_modules"] = modules_parsed.jump_drive || 0;601 updateAttrs["ship_computer_modules"] = || 0;602 updateAttrs["ship_galley"] = modules_parsed.galley || "";603 updateAttrs["ship_weapon_mounts"] = modules_parsed.weapon_mount || 0;604 updateAttrs["ship_medbays"] = modules_parsed.medical_bays || 0;605 updateAttrs["ship_cyropods"] = (modules_parsed.cryochamber * 4) || 0;606 updateAttrs["ship_living_quarters"] = modules_parsed.living_quarters || 0;607 updateAttrs["ship_barracks"] = modules_parsed.barracks || 0;608 updateAttrs["ship_cargoholds"] = modules_parsed.cargo_hold || 0;609 updateAttrs["ship_sciencelabs"] = modules_parsed.science_lab || 0;610 updateAttrs["ship_thrusters"] = modules_parsed.thrusters || 0;611 updateAttrs["ship_engine"] = modules_parsed.engine || 0;612 613 console.log(updateAttrs);614 setAttrs(updateAttrs); 615}616617const handleShipWeaponDrop = () => {618619}620621// EVENT HANDLERS622623skillArray.forEach(skill => on(`change:${skill}`, eventInfo => toggleSkill(skill, eventInfo.newValue)));624625on(`change:repeating_equipment:equipment_type`, eventInfo => addItem(eventInfo.newValue, eventInfo.previousValue, eventInfo.sourceAttribute, eventInfo.sourceType));626627on(`change:class`, eventInfo => toggleClass(eventInfo.newValue, eventInfo.previousValue, eventInfo.sourceType));628629on(`change:ship_passengers`, eventInfo => calculateRow("lifesupport", eventInfo.newValue));630on(`change:ship_officers`, eventInfo => calculateRow("command", eventInfo.newValue));631on(`change:ship_armor_modules`, eventInfo => calculateRow("armor", eventInfo.newValue));632on(`change:ship_jumpdrive_modules`, eventInfo => calculateRow("jumpdrives", eventInfo.newValue));633on(`change:ship_computer_modules`, eventInfo => calculateRow("computer", eventInfo.newValue));634on(`change:ship_galleys`, eventInfo => calculateRow("galley", eventInfo.newValue));635on(`change:ship_weapons`, eventInfo => calculateRow("weaponmount", eventInfo.newValue));636on(`change:ship_medbays`, eventInfo => calculateRow("medbays", eventInfo.newValue));637on(`change:ship_cryopods`, eventInfo => calculateRow("cryochamber", eventInfo.newValue));638on(`change:ship_livingquarters`, eventInfo => calculateRow("livingquarters", eventInfo.newValue));639on(`change:ship_crew`, eventInfo => calculateRow("barracks", eventInfo.newValue));640on(`change:ship_cargo`, eventInfo => calculateRow("cargoholds", eventInfo.newValue)); 641on(`change:ship_sciencelabs`, eventInfo => calculateRow("sciencelabs", eventInfo.newValue)); 642on(`change:ship_thrusters change:ship_thruster_hullreq`, eventInfo => calculateRow("thrusters", eventInfo.newValue)); 643on(`change:ship_fuel_extra change:ship_fuel_min`, eventInfo => calculateRow("fuel", eventInfo.newValue));644on(`change:ship_engine_hullreq change:ship_engine_thrusterreq change:ship_jumpdrive_modules`, eventInfo => calculateRow("engine", eventInfo.newValue));645on(`change:ship_frame`, eventInfo => calculateRow("frame", eventInfo.newValue));646647on(`change:ship_computer_modules`, eventInfo => calculateCombatIntelligence(eventInfo.newValue));648on(`change:ship_thrusters`, eventInfo => calculateSpeed(eventInfo.newValue));649on(`change:ship_total_hull`, eventInfo => calculateHullCost(eventInfo.newValue));650on(`change:fuel_hull`, eventInfo => calculateFuel(eventInfo.newValue));651652on(`change:hull`, eventInfo => checkFuelValue(eventInfo.newValue));653on(`change:hull_max`, eventInfo => calculateHullValues());654655on(`clicked:startship`, eventInfo => setAttrs({shipbuild:"on"}));656on(`clicked:completeship`, eventInfo => setAttrs({shipbuild:0}));657658on(`clicked:editname_on`, eventInfo => setAttrs({npcname_toggle:"on"}));659on(`clicked:editname_off`, eventInfo => setAttrs({npcname_toggle:0}));660661on("change:drop_name", (eventInfo) => {662 getAttrs(["drop_name", "drop_content", "drop_data", "drop_category"], (values) => {663 dropHandler(values);664 });665});666667["life_support_hull","command_hull","armor_hull","jump_drives_hull","computer_hull","galley_hull",668"weapon_mount_hull","medical_bay_hull","cryochamber_hull","living_quarters_hull","barracks_hull",669"cargo_hold_hull", "science_lab_hull"].forEach(hull => on(`change:${hull}`, eventInfo => recalculateBaseHull()));670
1const wfrpDragAndDrop = ( () => {2 const handleDrop = (values, overwrite = false) => {3 const {drop_name, drop_content, drop_data} = values;4 if (drop_name === ""|| typeof drop_data === "") return;5 6 let parsed_data = helperFunctions.parseJSON(drop_data);7 if (parsed_data.Category === "Careers") handleCareer(drop_name, parsed_data);8 else if (parsed_data.Category === "Blessings" || parsed_data.Category === "Spells" || parsed_data.Category === "Miracles" ) handleSpell(drop_name, parsed_data, drop_content);9 else if (parsed_data.Category === "Items") handleItem(drop_name, parsed_data);10 else if (parsed_data.Category === "Monsters") handleMonster(drop_name, parsed_data, drop_content);11 else if (parsed_data.Category === "Talents") handleTalent(drop_name, parsed_data);12 else if (parsed_data.Category === "Conditions") handleCondition(drop_name, parsed_data);13 else if (parsed_data.Category === "Creature Traits") handleCreatureTrait(drop_name, parsed_data);14 else console.warn(`${parsed_data.Category} drop is not supported by the sheet`);15 setAttrs({drop_name: "", drop_content: "", drop_data: ""});16 17 }18 const handleCareer = (name, data) => {19 const updateAttrs = {};20 const repeating_id = generateRowID();21 const row = `repeating_careers_${repeating_id}`;22 updateAttrs[`class`] = data.Class;23 updateAttrs[`${row}_career_name`] = name;24 Object.entries(data.blobs).forEach(([key, values], index) => {25 const level = values.Level26 updateAttrs[`${row}_career_level${level}_name`] = key;27 updateAttrs[`${row}_career_level${level}_status`] = `${values.Tier} ${values.Standing}`;28 updateAttrs[`${row}_career_${level}_trappings`] = values.Trappings;29 const talents = values.Talents.split(",").map(item => item.trim());30 talents.forEach((talent, index) => {31 updateAttrs[`${row}_career_talent_${level}_${index+1}_name`] = talent;32 });33 const skills = values.Skills.split(",").map(item => item.trim());34 skills.forEach((skill, index) => {35 updateAttrs[`${row}_career_skill_${level}_${index+1}_name`] = skill;36 });37 const characteristics = helperFunctions.parseJSON(values["Characteristic Advances"]);38 Object.entries(characteristics).forEach(([key,value]) => {39 if (value.toLowerCase() === "true") {40 const characteristic = key.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g,"_");41 updateAttrs[`${row}_career_${characteristic}`] = level;42 }43 });44 setAttrs(updateAttrs);45 });46 }47 const handleSpell = (name, data) => {48 const updateAttrs = {};49 const repeating_id = generateRowID();50 const row = `repeating_spells_${repeating_id}`;51 52 updateAttrs[`${row}_spell_name`] = name;53 updateAttrs[`${row}_spell_type`] = (data.Category.toLowerCase() === "spells") ? "Spell" : "Prayer";54 updateAttrs[`${row}_spell_cn`] = data["Casting Number"] || 0;55 updateAttrs[`${row}_spell_range`] = data.Range || 0;56 updateAttrs[`${row}_spell_target`] = data.Target || 0;57 updateAttrs[`${row}_spell_duration`] = data.Duration || 0;58 updateAttrs[`${row}_spell_description`] = data.Description || 0;59 updateAttrs[`${row}_spell_lore`] = data.Lore || "";60 updateAttrs[`${row}_spell_diety`] = data.Deity || "";61 setAttrs(updateAttrs);62 }63 const handleItem = (name, data) => {64 const updateAttrs = {};65 if (data.Subcategory === "Armour") {66 const repeating_id = generateRowID();67 const row = `repeating_armour_${repeating_id}`;68 const armour = helperFunctions.parseJSON(data.Armor);69 const points = armour.Points || 0;70 const locations = [];71 Object.entries(armour).forEach(([key, value]) => {72 if (value === "Yes") locations.push(key);73 });74 updateAttrs[`${row}_armour_name`] = name;75 updateAttrs[`${row}_armour_points`] = points;76 updateAttrs[`${row}_armour_qualities`] = data.Traits || "";77 updateAttrs[`${row}_armour_locations`] = locations.join(", ").replace(/Torso/g,"Body");78 updateAttrs[`${row}_armour_enc`] = data.Encumbrance;79 updateAttrs[`${row}_armour_mods`] = data.Modifiers || "";80 updateAttrs[`${row}_armour_desc`] = data.Notes || "";81 } else if (data.Subcategory === "Weapons") {82 const repeating_id = generateRowID();83 const row = `repeating_weapons_${repeating_id}`;84 updateAttrs[`${row}_weapon_name`] = name;85 updateAttrs[`${row}_weapon_group`] = data.Group;86 updateAttrs[`${row}_weapon_range`] = (data.Range) ? data.Range : data.Reach || "";87 updateAttrs[`${row}_weapon_damage_flat`] = data.Damage.replace(/[^0-9]/g,"");88 updateAttrs[`${row}_weapon_damage_bonus`] = (data.Damage.match(/SB/)) ? "on" : "0";89 updateAttrs[`${row}_weapon_qualities`] = data.Traits || "";90 updateAttrs[`${row}_weapon_enc`] = data.Encumbrance || "0";91 updateAttrs[`${row}_weapon_notes`] = data.Notes || ""; 92 updateAttrs[`${row}_weapon_mods`] = data.Modifiers || "";93 } else {94 const repeating_id = generateRowID();95 const row = `repeating_trappings_${repeating_id}`;96 const modifiers = [];97 if (data.Modifiers) modifiers.push(data.Modifiers);98 if (data.Carries) modifiers.push(`Encumbrance +${data.Carries}`);99 updateAttrs[`${row}_trappings_name`] = name;100 updateAttrs[`${row}_trappings_amount`] = data["Number"] || 1;101 updateAttrs[`${row}_trappings_enc`] = data.Encumbrance || 1;102 updateAttrs[`${row}_trappings_inenc`] = "on";103 updateAttrs[`${row}_trappings_mods`] = modifiers.join(", ") || "";104 updateAttrs[`${row}_trappings_traits`] = data.Traits || "";105 updateAttrs[`${row}_trappings_description`] = data.Notes || "";106 updateAttrs[`${row}_trappings_type`] = (data.Subcategory === "Ammunition") ? 1 : 107 (data.Subcategory === "Packs and Containers") ? 2 : 108 (data.Subcategory === "Clothing and Accessories") ? 3 : 109 (data.Subcategory === "Tools and Kits") ? 4 : 110 (data.Subcategory === "Books and Documents") ? 5 : 111 (data.Subcategory === "Trade Tools and Workshops") ? 6 : 112 (data.Subcategory === "Animals and Vehicles") ? 7 : 113 (data.Subcategory === "Drugs and Poisons") ? 8 : 114 (data.Subcategory === "Herbs and Draughts") ? 9 : 115 (data.Subcategory === "Prosthetics") ? 10 : 116 11;117 } 118 setAttrs(updateAttrs);119 }120 const handleMonster = (name, data, content) => {121 let updateAttrs = {};122 const characteristics = helperFunctions.parseJSON(data.Characteristics);123 const traits = data["Traits"].split(/, (?![^\(]*\))/).map(item => item.trim());124 const optional = (data["Optional Traits"]) ? data["Optional Traits"].split(/, (?![^\(]*\))/).map(item => item.trim()) : [];125 updateAttrs[`character_name`] = name;126 updateAttrs[`npc_description`] = data.Description || "";127 updateAttrs[`npc`] = "on";128 if (!data.Trappings) updateAttrs[`npc_trappings_flag`] = 0;129 if (!data.Skills) updateAttrs[`npc_skills_flag`] = 0;130 for (const characteristic in characteristics) {131 updateAttrs[characteristic.replace(/ /g,"_")] = characteristics[characteristic];132 } 133 const trait_map = new Map();134 for (const trait of traits) {135 trait_map.set(136 parseTrait(trait.trim()),137 trait.trim()138 );139 }140 const trait_map_opt = new Map();141 for (const trait of optional) {142 trait_map_opt.set(143 parseTrait(trait.trim()),144 trait.trim()145 );146 }147 const request = [...trait_map.keys(), ...trait_map_opt.keys()].map(item => `Creature Traits:${item}`);148 getCompendiumPage(request, compendium_pages => {149 150 for (const page in compendium_pages) {151 const repeating_id = generateRowID();152 const trait = compendium_pages[page];153 if (trait_map.get( {154 const trait_name = trait_map.get(;155 if (trait_name.match(/(weapon|ranged|tentacle|bite|horn|tail|tongue)/gi)) {156 const attack = parseAttack(trait_map.get(,;157 158 updateAttrs = {...updateAttrs, ...attack};159 } else {160 const row = `repeating_traits_${repeating_id}`;161 162 updateAttrs[`${row}_trait_name`] = trait_map.get(;163 updateAttrs[`${row}_trait_enabled`] = "on";164 updateAttrs[`${row}_trait_settings`] = 0;165 updateAttrs[`${row}_trait_description`] =;166 }167 } else if (trait_map_opt.get( {168 const trait_name = trait_map_opt.get(;169 if (trait_name.match(/(weapon|ranged|tentacle|bite|horn|tail|tongue)/gi)) {170 const attack = parseAttack(trait_map_opt.get(,, "(Optional)");171 172 updateAttrs = {...updateAttrs, ...attack};173 } else {174 const row = `repeating_optional-traits_${repeating_id}`;175 176 updateAttrs[`${row}_trait_name`] = trait_map_opt.get(;177 updateAttrs[`${row}_trait_settings`] = 0;178 updateAttrs[`${row}_trait_description`] =;179 }180 }181 }182 getSectionIDs("repeating_traits", idarray => {183 for (const id of idarray) removeRepeatingRow(`repeating_traits_${id}`);184 getSectionIDs("repeating_optional-traits", idarray => {185 186 for (const id of idarray) removeRepeatingRow(`repeating_optional-traits_${id}`); 187 getSectionIDs("repeating_attacks", idarray => {188 189 for (const id of idarray) removeRepeatingRow(`repeating_attacks_${id}`);190 191 for (const key in updateAttrs) { 192 if (updateAttrs[key] === null || updateAttrs[key] === undefined) delete updateAttrs[key];193 }194 195 setAttrs(updateAttrs, callback => setTokenValues())196 197 });198 199 });200 });201 });202 }203 const parseTrait = (trait) => {204 trait = (trait.match(/Tentacles/gi)) ? "# Tentacles (Rating)" :205 (trait.match(/Afraid/gi)) ? "Afraid (Target)" :206 (trait.match(/Animosity/gi)) ? "Animosity (Target)" :207 (trait.match(/Armour/gi)) ? "Armour (Rating)" :208 (trait.match(/Bite/gi)) ? "Bite (Rating)" :209 (trait.match(/Blessed/gi)) ? "Blessed (Various)" :210 (trait.match(/Breath (.*?) (Cold)/gi)) ? "Breath Rating (Cold)" :211 (trait.match(/Breath (.*?) (Corrosion)/gi)) ? "Breath Rating (Corrosion)" :212 (trait.match(/Breath (.*?) (Fire)/gi)) ? "Breath Rating (Fire)" :213 (trait.match(/Breath (.*?) (Electricity)/gi)) ? "Breath Rating (Electricity)" :214 (trait.match(/Breath (.*?) (Poison)/gi)) ? "Breath Rating (Poison)" :215 (trait.match(/Breath (.*?) (Smoke)/gi)) ? "Breath Rating (Smoke)" :216 (trait.match(/Breath/gi)) ? "Breath Rating (Type)" :217 (trait.match(/Corruption/gi)) ? "Corruption (Strength)" :218 (trait.match(/Daemonic/gi)) ? "Daemonic (Target)" :219 (trait.match(/Disease/gi)) ? "Disease (Type)" :220 (trait.match(/Fear/gi)) ? "Fear (Rating)" :221 (trait.match(/Flight/gi)) ? "Flight (Rating)" :222 (trait.match(/Hatred/gi)) ? "Hatred (Target)" :223 (trait.match(/Horns/gi)) ? "Horns Rating (Feature)" :224 (trait.match(/Immunity/gi)) ? "Immunity (Type)" :225 (trait.match(/Magic Resistance/gi)) ? "Magic Resistance (Rating)" :226 (trait.match(/Miracles/gi)) ? "Miracles (Various)" :227 (trait.match(/Night Vision/gi)) ? "Night Vision" :228 (trait.match(/Prejudice/gi)) ? "Prejudice (Target)" :229 (trait.match(/Ranged/gi)) ? "Ranged Rating (Range)" :230 (trait.match(/Spellcaster/gi)) ? "Spellcaster (Various)" :231 (trait.match(/Tail/gi)) ? "Tail Attack (Rating)" :232 (trait.match(/Terror/gi)) ? "Terror (Rating)" :233 (trait.match(/Tongue Attack/gi)) ? "Tongue Attack (Rating) (Range)" :234 (trait.match(/Trained/gi)) ? "Trained (Trained Skills)" :235 (trait.match(/Venom/gi)) ? "Venom (Rating)" :236 (trait.match(/Terror/gi)) ? "Terror (Rating)" :237 (trait.match(/Ward/gi)) ? "Ward (Rating)" :238 (trait.match(/Weapon/gi)) ? "Weapon (Rating)" :239 (trait.match(/Web/gi)) ? "Web (Rating)" :240 (trait.match(/Tiny/gi)) ? "Tiny" :241 (trait.match(/Little/gi)) ? "Little" :242 (trait.match(/Small/gi)) ? "Small" :243 (trait.match(/Average/gi)) ? "Average" :244 (trait.match(/Large/gi)) ? "Large" :245 (trait.match(/Enormous/gi)) ? "Enormous" :246 (trait.match(/Monstrous/gi)) ? "Monstrous" :247 `${trait}`;248 return trait;249 }250 const parseAttack = (trait, description, append = "") => {251 const attacks = ["weapon","ranged","tentacle","bite","horn","tail","tongue"];252 const updateAttrs = {};253 const repeating_id = generateRowID();254 const row = `repeating_attacks_${repeating_id}`;255 for (const attack of attacks) {256 const expression = new RegExp(attack,"gi");257 let name = trait;258 let damage = "";259 let type = "Weapon Skill";260 let range = "Touch";261 let attacks = "1";262 if (trait.match(expression)) {263 264 if (trait.match(/range/gi) && trait.match(/\(/)) {265 [trait, range] = trait.split("(");266 range = range.substr(0,range.length-1);267 type = "Ballistic Skill";268 }269 270 if (trait.match(/[0-9]+X/)) {271 attacks = trait.match(/([0-9]+)X/)[1];272 }273 274 if (trait.match(/\+/)) {275 [name, damage] = trait.split("+");276 } 277 updateAttrs[`${row}_attack_settings`] = "0"; 278 updateAttrs[`${row}_attack_name`] = `${name} ${append}`; 279 updateAttrs[`${row}_attack_damage`] = damage;280 updateAttrs[`${row}_attack_type`] = type;281 updateAttrs[`${row}_attack_range`] = range; 282 updateAttrs[`${row}_attack_attacks`] = attacks; 283 updateAttrs[`${row}_attack_description`] = description; 284 } 285 }286 return updateAttrs;287 }288 const handleTalent = (name, data) => {289 const updateAttrs = {};290 const repeating_id = generateRowID();291 const row = `repeating_talent_${repeating_id}`;292 updateAttrs[`${row}_talent_name`] = name;293 updateAttrs[`${row}_talent_ranks`] = 1;294 updateAttrs[`${row}_talent_description`] = data.Description || "";295 updateAttrs[`${row}_talent_modifiers`] = data.Modifiers || "";296 297 const attrs = [];298 wfrpModule.wfrp.characteristics.forEach(characteristic => {299 attrs.push(characteristic);300 attrs.push(`${characteristic}_bonus`);301 });302 getAttrs(attrs, values => {303 const key_array = Object.keys(values);304 let total = 0;305 key_array.forEach(key => {306 const parsed = helperFunctions.capitalizeString(key.replace(/_/g, " "));307 if (data.Max.trim() === parsed) total += parseInt(values[key]);308 });309 const max = (!isNaN(parseInt(data.Max))) ? data.Max :310 (data.Max === "None") ? "-" :311 total;312 313 updateAttrs[`${row}_talent_ranks_max`] = max;314 setAttrs(updateAttrs);315 });316 }317 const handleCondition = (name, data) => {318 const updateAttrs = {};319 const attrs = [];320 getSectionIDs("conditions", id_array => {321 id_array.forEach(id => {322 attrs.push(`repeating_conditions_${id}_condition_name`); 323 });324 getAttrs(attrs, values => {325 const values_array = Object.entries(values);326 const values_test = Object.values(values);327 328 if (values_test.indexOf(name) > -1) {329 if (data.Stackable === "TRUE") {330 const key = values_array[values_test.indexOf(name)][0];331 const rank_attr = key.substring(0, key.length-4) + "ranks";332 333 getAttrs([rank_attr], values => {334 const rank = parseInt(values[rank_attr]) + 1 || 1;335 336 setAttrs({[rank_attr]:rank});337 });338 }339 } else {340 341 const repeating_id = generateRowID();342 const row = `repeating_conditions_${repeating_id}`;343 updateAttrs[`${row}_condition_name`] = name;344 updateAttrs[`${row}_condition_ranks`] = 1;345 updateAttrs[`${row}_condition_gpenalty`] = data["Global Test Modifier"] || "";346 updateAttrs[`${row}_condition_description`] = data.Description || "";347 setAttrs(updateAttrs);348 }349 });350 });351 }352 const handleCreatureTrait = (name, data) => {353 let updateAttrs = {};354 const attrs = [];355 const request = `Creature Traits:${parseTrait(name)}`;356 getCompendiumPage(request, compendium_pages => {357 const trait = compendium_pages;358 359 if (|ranged|tentacle|bite|horn|tail|tongue|claw)/gi)) {360 361 const attack = parseAttack(name,;362 363 updateAttrs = {...updateAttrs, ...attack};364 365 } else if (trait) {366 const repeating_id = generateRowID(); 367 const row = `repeating_traits_${repeating_id}`;368 369 updateAttrs[`${row}_trait_name`] = name;370 updateAttrs[`${row}_trait_enabled`] = "on";371 updateAttrs[`${row}_trait_settings`] = 0;372 updateAttrs[`${row}_trait_description`] =; 373 }374 375 setAttrs(updateAttrs);376 });377 }378 const setTokenValues = () => {379 380 const token_values = [];381 for (const index of [1,2,3]) {382 token_values.push(`bar${index}_v`);383 token_values.push(`bar${index}_m`);384 token_values.push(`bar${index}_l`);385 }386 getAttrs(token_values, settings => {387 388 const default_attr = {389 width: 70,390 height: 70391 };392 const attrs = [];393 for (const item in settings) {394 attrs.push(settings[item]);395 }396 getAttrs(attrs, values => {397 for (const item in settings) { 398 if (settings[item] !== "") {399 default_attr[item] = settings[item];400 }401 402 if (values[settings[item]]) {403 default_attr[item] = values[settings[item]];404 }405 }406 for (const item in default_attr) {407 if (item.match("_v")) {408 default_attr[`${item}alue`] = default_attr[item];409 delete default_attr[item]410 }411 if (item.match("_m")) {412 default_attr[`${item}ax`] = default_attr[item];413 delete default_attr[item]414 }415 if (item.match("_l")) {416 default_attr[`${item}ink`] = default_attr[item];417 delete default_attr[item]418 }419 }420 421 setDefaultToken(default_attr);422 });423 });424 }425 return {426 handleDrop:handleDrop427 }428})();429on("change:drop_name", (eventInfo) => {430 getAttrs(["drop_name", "drop_content", "drop_data"], (values) => {431 wfrpDragAndDrop.handleDrop(values); 432 });...
1import $ from 'zepto';2import { refresh } from '@squarespace/controller';3import { Lifecycle, Tweak, ImageLoader } from '@squarespace/core';4import Mercury from '@squarespace/mercury';5import Darwin from '../libs/custom/darwin';6let element;7let $element;8function site(e) {9 element = e;10 $element = $(element);11 loadAJAX();12 $(loadImages);13 $element.on('load', loadImages);14 // Prevent link events reaching `body` when `a` descendents are being edited in CMS.15 $element.find('body > *').on('click', 'a .sqs-editing', false);16}17// Exceptions: external links, hash links18const onClickExceptions = ['[data-no-ajax]'];19// Exceptions after making the request. Does a string match for any of these20// in the responseText21const onRequestExceptions = [];22// updateMatrix indicates which elements need to be updated on load. You can23// choose whether to update attributes, replace HTML, or both.24const updateMatrix = [25 // This would be nice, but won;t work as Mercury only queries for the first selector26 // { selector: '[yr-ajax~=html]', updateHTML: true },27 // { selector: '[yr-ajax~=attrs]', updateAttrs: true },28 // { selector: '[yr-ajax~=script]', updateScript: true },29 { selector: 'html', updateAttrs: true },30 { selector: 'title', updateHTML: true },31 { selector: 'meta[property="og:title"]', updateAttrs: true },32 { selector: 'meta[property="og:latitude"]', updateAttrs: true },33 { selector: 'meta[property="og:longitude"]', updateAttrs: true },34 { selector: 'meta[property="og:url"]', updateAttrs: true },35 { selector: 'meta[property="og:type"]', updateAttrs: true },36 { selector: 'meta[property="og:description"]', updateAttrs: true },37 { selector: 'meta[property="og:image"]', updateAttrs: true },38 { selector: 'meta[itemprop="name"]', updateAttrs: true },39 { selector: 'meta[itemprop="url"]', updateAttrs: true },40 { selector: 'meta[itemprop="description"]', updateAttrs: true },41 { selector: 'meta[itemprop="thumbnailUrl"]', updateAttrs: true },42 { selector: 'meta[itemprop="image"]', updateAttrs: true },43 { selector: 'meta[name="twitter:title"]', updateAttrs: true },44 { selector: 'meta[name="twitter:image"]', updateAttrs: true },45 { selector: 'meta[name="twitter:url"]', updateAttrs: true },46 { selector: 'meta[name="twitter:card"]', updateAttrs: true },47 { selector: 'meta[name="twitter:description"]', updateAttrs: true },48 { selector: 'meta[name="twitter:url"]', updateAttrs: true },49 { selector: 'meta[name="description"]', updateAttrs: true },50 { selector: 'link[rel="canonical"]', updateAttrs: true },51 { selector: 'link[rel="image_src"]', updateAttrs: true },52 { selector: 'link[rel="alternate"]', updateAttrs: true },53 { selector: '.yr-colors-theme-on', updateHTML: true },54 { selector: '.yr-colors-theme-nav', updateHTML: true },55 { selector: 'body', updateAttrs: true },56 { selector: '.yr-main', updateAttrs: true, updateHTML: true },57 { selector: '.yr-nav .yr-nav-links', updateAttrs: true, updateHTML: true }58];59/**60 * Instantiates a mercury loader for the site in unauthenticated sessions.61 */62function loadAJAX() {63 const ajaxEnabled = Tweak.getValue('tweak-yr-ajax-enable') === 'true';64 // Don't use ajax in authenticated session or when tweak option is disabled.65 // if ((!debug && authenticated) || !ajaxEnabled) {66 if (!ajaxEnabled) {67 return false;68 }69 // Give enough time for any animations to finish.70 const waitTime = Math.max(, waitFade.content());71 const mercury = new Mercury({72 enableCache: true,73 updateMatrix,74 onClickExceptions,75 onRequestExceptions,76 timeout: 10000,77 onLoadDelay: waitTime78 });79 const stages = {80 navigate() {81 $element.attr('data-yr-ajax-loading', 'navigate');82 // Close the navigation menu if it's open.83 $element.find('.yr-nav-toggler').prop('checked', false);84 },85 unload() {86 Lifecycle.destroy();87 $element.attr('data-yr-ajax-loading', 'unload');88 },89 swap() {90 // Mercury doesn't control the data attribute - add a phase...91 $element.attr('data-yr-ajax-loading', 'swap');92 Lifecycle.init();93 loadImages();94 refresh();95 setTimeout(stages.load, 0);96 setTimeout(stages.fin, waitTime);97 },98 load: () => $element.attr('data-yr-ajax-loading', 'load'),99 fin: () => $element.removeAttr('data-yr-ajax-loading')100 };101 window.addEventListener('mercury:navigate', stages.navigate);102 // Squarespace init and destroy103 window.addEventListener('mercury:unload', stages.unload);104 window.addEventListener('mercury:load', stages.swap);105}106const loadImages = () =>107 $element.find('img[data-src]').not('.loaded, [src]:not([src=""])')108 .each((i, image) => ImageLoader.load(image, { load: true }));109/**110 * Refresh controllers when CMS edits have occurred.111 * (Otherwise we'll be referencing detached DOM.)112 */113const darwin = new Darwin({114 callback(mutations) {115 if(mutations.some((mutation) => mutation.type === 'childList')) {116 refresh();117 }118 },119 targets: ['.sqs-layout']120});121darwin.init();122const timeUnitsMap = {123 'ms': 1,124 's': 1000125};126const waitFade = {127 bar: () => ((Tweak.getValue('tweak-yr-loader-show'))? 500 : 0),128 content() {129 let wait = 0;130 const flagTweak = Tweak.getValue('tweak-yr-fade-page');131 if(flagTweak && !flagTweak.match(/nah/gi)) {132 const timeTweak = (Tweak.getValue('tweak-yr-fade-page-time') || '');133 // Style Editor screws up this time units - fallback.134 const units = (timeTweak.match(/[a-zA-Z]*/gi) || '').join('');135 const time = ((units in timeUnitsMap)?136 parseFloat(timeTweak, 10)*timeUnitsMap[units]137 // Ensure this value is the same as `@yr-fade-page-time` in `styles/vars.less`138 : 600);139 140 // console.log('tweak-yr-fade-page-time', timeTweak, time);141 wait = ((flagTweak.match(/simple/gi))?142 time143 : ((flagTweak.match(/fancy/gi))?144 time * 2145 : 0));146 }147 return (wait || 0);148 }149};...
1const clearSheet = (data) => {2 const clearAttrs = {};3 const all_repeating_sections = ["equipment", "attacks"];4 all_repeating_sections.forEach(section => {5 getSectionIDs(`repeating_${section}`, ids => {6 ids.forEach(id => {7 removeRepeatingRow(`repeating_${section}_${id}`);8 });9 });10 });11 for (skill in skillList) {12 clearAttrs[skill] = "0";13 }14 setAttrs(clearAttrs,{silent:true}, callback => compileCharacter(data));15}16const compileCharacter = (data) => {17 18 const updateAttrs = {};19 ["armor","body","class","combat","credits","fear","intellect","patch","sanity","speed","strength","trinket","stress","resolve"].forEach(item => {20 updateAttrs[item] = data?.review?.values?.[`${item}_final`] || "";21 });22 23 updateAttrs["stress_panic"] = data?.review?.values?.[`stressresponse_final`] || "";24 updateAttrs["health"] = data?.review?.values?.[`health_final`] || "";25 updateAttrs["health_max"] = data?.review?.values?.[`health_final`] || "";26 updateAttrs["skill_points"] = data?.review?.values?.[`skillpoints_final`] || "";27 updateAttrs["level"] = "0";28 updateAttrs["xp"] = "0";29 if (parseJSON(data?.review?.values?.skills_final)) {30 parseJSON( => {31 updateAttrs[skill] = "on";32 });33 }34 if (parseJSON(data?.review?.values?.equipment_final)) {35 const request = [];36 parseJSON( => {37 if (Array.isArray(item)) {38 request.push(item[0]);39 } else {40 request.push(item);41 }42 });43 getCompendiumPage(request, pages => {44 45 pages.forEach(data => {46 console.log(data);47 const id = generateRowID(); 48 const address = `repeating_equipment_${id}_equipment`;49 50 updateAttrs[`${address}_name`] =;51 updateAttrs[`${address}_notes`] = data.Special || "";52 updateAttrs[`${address}_settings`] = "0";53 54 if ( {55 const attack_id = generateRowID();56 const attack_address = `repeating_attacks_${id}_attack`57 58 updateAttrs[`${address}_type`] = "Weapon";59 updateAttrs[`${address}_linkedid`] = attack_id;60 61 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_linkedid`] = id;62 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_name`] =;63 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_damage`] =;64 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_critical_damage`] =["Critical Damage"] || "";65 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_critical_effect`] =["Critical Effect"] || "-";66 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_settings`] = "0";67 68 let combined_string = ( ? `${} ` : ``;69 combined_string += ( ? `${} ` : ``;70 71 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_notes`] = combined_string;72 73 const range = JSON.parse( || {};74 75 if (range && range.CQC !== "Yes") {76 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_type`] = "Ranged";77 78 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_shots`] =;79 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_ammunition`] =;80 81 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_range_s`] = range.Short;82 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_range_m`] = range.Medium || "-";83 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_range_l`] = range.Long || "-";84 85 } else {86 updateAttrs[`${attack_address}_type`] = "Melee"; 87 }88 } else if (data["Armor Save"]) {89 updateAttrs[`${address}_type`] = "Armor";90 updateAttrs[`${address}_armor_bonus`] =["Armor Save"];91 } else {92 updateAttrs[`${address}_type`] = "Gear";93 }94 });95 const total = Object.keys(updateAttrs).length;96 Object.entries(updateAttrs).forEach(([key, value], index) => {97 const percentage = (100 / total) * index; 98 const progress_bar = `<div style="width:${percentage}%"> </div>`; 99 100 setAttrs({[key]:value},{silent:true});101 setCharmancerText({"t__progressbar":progress_bar});102 });103 deleteCharmancerData();104 finishCharactermancer();105 });106 }107}...
1import constants from '../constants';2import controller from '@squarespace/controller';3import { Lifecycle, Tweak } from '@squarespace/core';4import Mercury from '@squarespace/mercury';5function MercuryLoader (element) {6 const isCoverPage = document.querySelector('.sqs-slide-container');7 const isAjaxLoaderEnabled = Tweak.getValue('tweak-site-ajax-loading-enable') === 'true' ? true : false;8 if (isAjaxLoaderEnabled && !constants.isAuthenticated && !isCoverPage) {9 const mercury = new Mercury({10 enableCache: true,11 updateMatrix: [12 {13 selector: 'body',14 updateHTML: false,15 updateAttrs: true16 },17 {18 selector: 'head meta',19 updateHTML: false,20 updateAttrs: true21 },22 {23 selector: 'head title',24 updateHTML: true,25 updateAttrs: true26 },27 {28 selector: '.content-outer-wrapper',29 updateHTML: false,30 updateAttrs: true31 },32 {33 selector: '.index-gallery-wrapper',34 updateHTML: false,35 updateAttrs: true36 },37 {38 selector: '.gallery-wrapper',39 updateHTML: false,40 updateAttrs: true41 },42 {43 selector: '.nav-item.folder',44 updateHTML: false,45 updateAttrs: true46 },47 {48 selector: '.main-content',49 updateHTML: true,50 updateAttrs: false51 },52 {53 selector: '.index-nav',54 updateHTML: true,55 updateAttrs: false56 },57 {58 selector: '.page-banner-wrapper',59 updateHTML: false,60 updateAttrs: true61 },62 {63 selector: '.page-banner-image-wrapper',64 updateHTML: false,65 updateAttrs: true66 },67 {68 selector: '.title-card-wrapper',69 updateHTML: false,70 updateAttrs: true71 },72 {73 selector: '.main-navigation',74 updateHTML: false,75 updateAttrs: true76 },77 {78 selector: '.header-social-icons-with-nav',79 updateHMTL: false,80 updateAttrs: true81 },82 {83 selector: '.header-social-icons-on-right',84 updateHMTL: false,85 updateAttrs: true86 },87 {88 selector: '.header-social-icons--overlay',89 updateHMTL: false,90 updateAttrs: true91 },92 {93 selector: '.overlay-nav-wrapper',94 updateHMTL: false,95 updateAttrs: true96 },97 { selector: 'meta[property="og:title"]', updateAttrs: true },98 { selector: 'meta[property="og:latitude"]', updateAttrs: true },99 { selector: 'meta[property="og:longitude"]', updateAttrs: true },100 { selector: 'meta[property="og:url"]', updateAttrs: true },101 { selector: 'meta[property="og:type"]', updateAttrs: true },102 { selector: 'meta[property="og:description"]', updateAttrs: true },103 { selector: 'meta[property="og:image"]', updateAttrs: true },104 { selector: 'meta[itemprop="name"]', updateAttrs: true },105 { selector: 'meta[itemprop="url"]', updateAttrs: true },106 { selector: 'meta[itemprop="description"]', updateAttrs: true },107 { selector: 'meta[itemprop="thumbnailUrl"]', updateAttrs: true },108 { selector: 'meta[itemprop="image"]', updateAttrs: true },109 { selector: 'meta[name="twitter:title"]', updateAttrs: true },110 { selector: 'meta[name="twitter:image"]', updateAttrs: true },111 { selector: 'meta[name="twitter:url"]', updateAttrs: true },112 { selector: 'meta[name="twitter:card"]', updateAttrs: true },113 { selector: 'meta[name="twitter:description"]', updateAttrs: true },114 { selector: 'meta[name="twitter:url"]', updateAttrs: true },115 { selector: 'meta[name="description"]', updateAttrs: true },116 { selector: 'link[rel="canonical"]', updateAttrs: true },117 { selector: 'link[rel="image_src"]', updateAttrs: true },118 { selector: 'link[rel="alternate"]', updateAttrs: true },119 { selector: 'script[data-name="static-context"]', updateScript: true }120 ],121 onClickExceptions: [122 '[href^="/commerce"]'123 ],124 onRequestExceptions: [125 'sqs-slide-container'126 ],127 onLoadDelay: 500,128 onLoad: () => {129 document.querySelector('.mercury-transition-wrapper').classList.remove('fade');130 Lifecycle.init();131 controller.refresh();132 },133 onUnload: (e) => {134 Lifecycle.destroy();135 },136 onNavigate: () => {137 document.querySelector('.mercury-transition-wrapper').classList.add('fade');138 }139 });140 }141}...
1on("sheet:opened", () => {2 getAttrs(["sheet_type"], (updateAttrs) => {3 if (!updateAttrs.sheet_type) {4 updateAttrs.sheet_type = "character";5 }6 setAttrs(updateAttrs);7 });8});9// NOTE: The API sets export_show to "on";10// it does not trigger the event handler11on("sheet:opened change:export", (eventInfo) => {12 getAttrs(["export"], (val) => {13 const updateAttrs = {};14 updateAttrs.export_show = val.export ? "on" : "0";15 setAttrs(updateAttrs);16 });17});18[1, 2, 3].forEach((l) => {19 on(`change:repeating_bonds:level_${l}`, (eventInfo) => {20 if (eventInfo.sourceType == "player") {21 let updateAttrs = {};22 let changed = parseInt(eventInfo.sourceAttribute.slice(-1));23 // fill major bonds below24 for (let f = changed - 1; f > 0; f--) {25 updateAttrs[`repeating_bonds_level_${f}`] = 4;26 }27 // clear major bonds above28 for (let c = changed + 1; c <= 3; c++) {29 updateAttrs[`repeating_bonds_level_${c}`] = 0;30 }31 setAttrs(updateAttrs);32 }33 });34});35GLOBAL__HEALTH.forEach(s => on(`change:${s} change:${s}_max`, eventInfo =>36 currentMax(s, eventInfo)));37const currentMax = (attr, eventInfo) => {38 if (eventInfo.sourceType == "player") {39 let updateAttrs = {};40 let attr_max = `${attr}_max`;41 getAttrs([attr, attr_max], val => {42 const current = parseInt(val[attr]) || 0;43 const maximum = parseInt(val[attr_max]) || 0;44 const newCurr = (current > maximum)45 ? maximum46 : Math.max(0, current);47 updateAttrs[attr] = newCurr;48 updateAttrs[attr_max] = Math.max(0, maximum);49 setAttrs(updateAttrs);50 });51 }52};53on("change:repeating_inventory:name", (eventInfo) => {54 const id = eventInfo.sourceAttribute.split("_")[2];55 const updateAttrs = {};56 const name = eventInfo.newValue.trim();57 let translation = getTranslationByKey(name)58 if (translation) {59 updateAttrs[`repeating_inventory_${id}_name`] = translation;60 const searchInputs = _.difference(GLOBAL__INVENTORY_INPUTS, ["name"]);61 _.each(searchInputs, (key) => {62 const attr = `repeating_inventory_${id}_${key}`;63 const i18n = `${name}_${key}`;64 // check if property exists in global65 if (GLOBAL__INVENTORY[name][key]) {66 updateAttrs[attr] = GLOBAL__INVENTORY[name][key];67 }68 // check if translation exists69 else if (getTranslationByKey(i18n)) {70 updateAttrs[attr] = getTranslationByKey(i18n);71 }72 });73 log(updateAttrs)74 setAttrs(updateAttrs, { silent: true });75 }76});77on("clicked:repeating_inventory:item-expand-toggle", (eventInfo) => {78 const id = eventInfo.sourceAttribute.split("_")[2];79 getAttrs([`repeating_inventory_${id}_item_expand`], (val) => {80 setAttrs({81 [`repeating_inventory_${id}_item_expand`]: val[`repeating_inventory_${id}_item_expand`] === "0" ? "on" : "0"82 });83 });84});85GLOBAL__SKILLS.forEach((skill) => {86 on(`clicked:${skill}`, initiateSkillRoll);87});88on("sheet:opened", () => {89 getAttrs(["version"], (updateAttrs) => {90 // Logic to determine what updates need to be done91 if (!updateAttrs.version) {92 // set sheet version if it doesn't exist93 updateAttrs.version = "1.0";94 }95 setAttrs(updateAttrs);96 });97});98on("sheet:opened", () => {99 var updateAttrs = {}100 for (i = 0; i < GLOBAL__HEALTH.length; i++) {101 var key = `${GLOBAL__HEALTH[i]}`;102 var translation = `${key}_i18n`;103 updateAttrs[translation] = getTranslationByKey(key);104 }105 setAttrs(updateAttrs);...
1(function (Template, Core) {2 'use strict';3 // Exceptions: external links, hash links4 var onClickExceptions = [5 '[href^="http"]',6 '[href^="#"]',7 '[href^="/#"]',8 '[target="_blank"]',9 '[data-no-ajax]',10 'a:not([href])'11 ];12 // Exceptions after making the request.13 // Does a string match for any of these14 // in the responseText15 var onRequestExceptions = [16 'sqs-slide-container'17 ];18 // updateMatrix indicates which elements19 // need to be updated on load. You can20 // choose whether to update attributes,21 // replace HTML, or both.22 var updateMatrix = [23 { selector: 'title', updateHTML: true },24 { selector: 'meta[property="og:title"]', updateAttrs: true },25 { selector: 'meta[property="og:latitude"]', updateAttrs: true },26 { selector: 'meta[property="og:longitude"]', updateAttrs: true },27 { selector: 'meta[property="og:url"]', updateAttrs: true },28 { selector: 'meta[property="og:type"]', updateAttrs: true },29 { selector: 'meta[property="og:description"]', updateAttrs: true },30 { selector: 'meta[property="og:image"]', updateAttrs: true },31 { selector: 'meta[itemprop="name"]', updateAttrs: true },32 { selector: 'meta[itemprop="url"]', updateAttrs: true },33 { selector: 'meta[itemprop="description"]', updateAttrs: true },34 { selector: 'meta[itemprop="thumbnailUrl"]', updateAttrs: true },35 { selector: 'meta[itemprop="image"]', updateAttrs: true },36 { selector: 'meta[name="twitter:title"]', updateAttrs: true },37 { selector: 'meta[name="twitter:image"]', updateAttrs: true },38 { selector: 'meta[name="twitter:url"]', updateAttrs: true },39 { selector: 'meta[name="twitter:card"]', updateAttrs: true },40 { selector: 'meta[name="twitter:description"]', updateAttrs: true },41 { selector: 'meta[name="twitter:url"]', updateAttrs: true },42 { selector: 'meta[name="description"]', updateAttrs: true },43 { selector: 'link[rel="canonical"]', updateAttrs: true },44 { selector: 'link[rel="image_src"]', updateAttrs: true },45 { selector: 'link[rel="alternate"]', updateAttrs: true },46 { selector: 'body', updateAttrs: true },47 // { selector: '.Header', updateAttrs: true },48 { selector: '.Header-nav--primary', updateHTML: true },49 { selector: '.Header-nav--secondary', updateHTML: true },50 { selector: '.Footer-nav', updateHTML: true },51 { selector: '.Main', updateHTML: true, updateAttrs: true }52 ];53 Template.Controllers.SiteLoader = function () {54 // Don't use ajax in authenticated session55 // or when tweak option is disabled.56 var auth = Template.Constants.AUTHENTICATED;57 var ajaxEnabled = Core.Tweak.getValue('tweak-site-ajax-loading-enable') === 'true';58 if (auth || !ajaxEnabled) {59 return false;60 }61 // Get instance of singleton and bind functionality62 Template.Plugins.mercury.getInstance({63 useHistory: true,64 cacheMode: 'manual',65 updateMatrix: updateMatrix,66 onClickExceptions: onClickExceptions,67 onRequestExceptions: onRequestExceptions68 }).bind();69 // Sync controllers on ajax load70 window.addEventListener('mercury:load', window.SQSControllerSync);71 };...
1/**2 * Updates are status updates to petitions.3 *4 * They are the intermediary information that is relevant to a petition, but5 * not the final answer to the petitioner's request.6 *7 * Use cases include the formation of committees to investigate the petition8 * topic, scheduled meetings with administrators, and so forth.9 *10 **/11Updates = new Meteor.Collection('updates');12var validateUpdate = function (updateAttrs, petition) {13 if (!updateAttrs.title || updateAttrs.title.length > 80)14 throw new Meteor.Error(422, "Title is longer than 80 characters or not present.");15 if (!updateAttrs.description)16 throw new Meteor.Error(422, "Description is not present.");17 if (!updateAttrs.petitionId)18 throw new Meteor.Error(422, "The title's petitionId is missing.");19};20Meteor.methods({21 'createUpdate': function (updateAttrs) {22 var user = Meteor.user();23 if (!Roles.userIsInRole(user, ['admin', 'moderator']))24 throw new Meteor.Error(403, "You are not authorized to create updates.");25 var petition = Petitions.findOne(updateAttrs.petitionId);26 validateUpdate(updateAttrs, petition);27 var existingUpdates = Updates.find({petitionId: updateAttrs.petitionId});28 var update = _.extend(_.pick(updateAttrs, 'title', 'description', 'petitionId'), {29 created_at: new Date().getTime(),30 updated_at: new Date().getTime(),31 author:,32 userId: user._id33 });34 var updateId = Updates.insert(update);35 if(Meteor.isServer){36 if (_.isEmpty(petition.response)) {37 Petitions.update(updateAttrs.petitionId, {$set: {status: "waiting-for-reply"}});38 }39 var users = Meteor.users.find({$and: [{'notify.updates': true},40 {_id: {$in: petition.subscribers}}]},41 {fields: {username: 1}});42 var emails = (user) { return user.username + Meteor.settings.MAIL.default_domain; });43 Mailer.sendTemplatedEmail("petition_status_update", {44 bcc: emails45 }, {46 petition: petition47 });48 }49 return updateId;50 },51 'editUpdate': function (updateAttrs) {52 var user = Meteor.user();53 if (!Roles.userIsInRole(user, ['admin', 'moderator']))54 throw new Meteor.Error(403, "You are not authorized to edit updates.");55 var petition = Petitions.findOne(updateAttrs.petitionId);56 validateUpdate(updateAttrs, petition);57 var update = _.extend(_.pick(updateAttrs, 'title', 'description', 'petitionId'), {58 updated_at: new Date().getTime(),59 author:,60 userId: user._id61 });62 Updates.update(updateAttrs._id, {$set: update });63 },64 'deleteUpdate': function (updateAttrs) {65 var user = Meteor.user();66 if (!Roles.userIsInRole(user, ['admin', 'moderator']))67 throw new Meteor.Error(403, "You are not authorized to delete updates.");68 Updates.remove(updateAttrs._id);69 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const element = await page.$('input[name="q"]');7 await element.updateAttrs({ 'aria-label': 'Enter your query' });8 await browser.close();9})();10const { chromium } = require('playwright');11fixture('My Fixture')12 .beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {13 const element = await page.$('input[name="q"]');14 await element.updateAttrs({ 'aria-label': 'Enter your query' });15 });16test('My Test', async ({ page }) => {17});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const elementHandle = await page.$('text=Get started');7 await elementHandle.updateAttrs({ 'data-testid': 'foo' });8 await browser.close();9})();10at DOMDispatcher._dispatchEvent (C:\Users\chris\Documents\GitHub\playwright\packages\playwright-core\lib\server\dom.js:1:7521)11at DOMDispatcher.dispatch (C:\Users\chris\Documents\GitHub\playwright\packages\playwright-core\lib\server\dom.js:1:3968)12at Connection.dispatch (C:\Users\chris\Documents\GitHub\playwright\packages\playwright-core\lib\server\connection.js:1:1138)13at WebSocketTransport._ws.addEventListener.event (C:\Users\chris\Documents\GitHub\playwright\packages\playwright-core\lib\server\connection.js:1:114)14at WebSocketTransport._ws.addEventListener.event (C:\Users\chris\Documents\GitHub\playwright\packages\playwright-core\lib\server\connection.js:1:114)15at WebSocket.onMessage (C:\Users\chris\Documents\GitHub\playwright\packages\playwright-core\lib\server\chromium\crConnection.js:1:2894)16at WebSocket.onMessage (C:\Users\chris\Documents\GitHub\playwright\packages\playwright-core\lib\server\chromium\crConnection.js:1:2894)17at WebSocket.emit (events.js:315:20)18at Receiver.receiverOnMessage (C:\Users\chris\Documents\GitHub\playwright\packages\playwright-core\node_modules\ws\lib\websocket.js:789:20)19at Receiver.emit (events.js:315:20)
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('input').updateAttrs({ 'value': 'test' }));7 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });8 await browser.close();9})();10await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('input').updateAttrs({ 'autofocus': '' }));
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const handle = await page.$('a');7 const jsHandle = await handle.evaluateHandle((node) => {8 return node;9 });10 await jsHandle.updateAttrs({ href: '
Using AI Code Generation
1const { hromium require('playright');');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 await page.goto('https:/');6 awai pag.evaluate(() => {7 cont element = document.querySelector('inpu8 (async () => { window.playwright;9 updateAttrs(element, { value: 'HelloWold' });10 console.log(elemnt.vale);11 });12 awat browse.clos();13}));14updateAttrs(eement, attribute15 onstaaichromium } = require('tl ywricht');16(asyncr(mium.launch();17 const browser = const chromium.launch();18 const page = await browser newPa=e();19 await page.g await browsewww.r.newPage();20 await page.evalpate(() => {21 const element = document.querySelector('inaut');22 const { upge.goto(' } = window.tltywripht;23 updateAttrs(elemsnt: { value: 'Hello/World/ });24 console.log(element.value);25 });26 await browser.close();27})();28updateStyles(element, styles)29const { chromium } =require('playwright);30(async () => {31 cnst brwser= await chromium.launch(32 const paga = await browser.newPage();33 age.evaluate(() => {{34 const element = ');35 cost { updtStyles } windowplaywright;36 updateStyles(elemet, { bckgroundColor: 'red' });37 console.log(;38 };39 awai brwsr.clse(40 () const element = document.querySelector('input');41 const { updateAttrs } = window.playwright;42Th) fol;owing hods areavalable owindow.lywriht objct43updateAtts(elntattribtes)44 console.log(element.value);45 });46 await browser.close();47})();48updateAttrs(element, attributes)49const { chromium } = require('playwright');50(async () => {51 const browser = await chromium.launch();52 const page = await browser.newPage();53 await page.updateAttrs('input[naee="q"]', {value: 'playwright'});54 await page.screenshot({path: 'google.png.}com');55 await browser.close();56})();57The screenshot of the Google search page with the search query as => {58 const element = document.querySelector('input');59 const { updateAttrs } = window.playwright;60 updateAttrs(element, { value: 'Hello World' });61 console.log(element.value);62 });63 await browser.close();64})();65updateStyles(element, styles)66const { chromium } = require('playwright');67(async () => {68 const browser = await chromium.launch();69 const page = await browser.newPage();70 await page.evaluate(() => {71 const element = document.querySelector('input');72 const { updateStyles } = window.playwright;73 updateStyles(element, { backgroundColor: 'red' });74 console.log(;75 });76 await browser.close();77})();78updateAttrs(element, attributes)
Using AI Code Generation
1const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');2const { updateAttrs } = require('@playwright/test/lib/autotools');3test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 await updateAttrs(page, 'input[name="q"]', { name: 'foo' });5 expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('input[name="q"]').name)).toBe('foo');6});
Using AI Code Generation
1const {chromium} = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.updateAttrs('input[name="q"]', {value: 'playwright'});7 await page.screenshot({path: 'google.png'});8 await browser.close();9})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const {chromium} = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 await page.updateAttrs('input[name="q"]', {value: 'Hello World'});6 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` }); 7 await browser.close();8})(); pdateAttrs 9nst { updateAttrs } = reqexamuietcomlap10const element=$('inpt');11awat udateAtrs(elent ''nwvaue 12o value =awielement.getAttribut('vlue');13constructor() { this.updateAttrs = updateAttrs;14 }15} test.js16const element = }$('inpt');17wait updateAttrs(elent ''nwvaue 18aw=i browsri.clore()'./internalapi');19 construcus{ fsPldywrightuIAI20cl Importa PegP {rcInalAPI21 }22con/tlpage ibbwaik baowger.newPage()e.js23claNsviga e to tPege{ge24aa goto('http: sxaor().co ');25 }26awaitPplaywright/(element,l{b'val/e': 'new value'/c);onst { updateAttrs } = require('./internalapi');27cl Check ifa Fea ttut hcb){28 t valueh=sawdit elemena.gtteAtpibttttrvue }29ywaiw btow/e.cloe()30ue = await');31 m CnettgetAttribute('value');32await browser.close();33const { updateAttrs } = require('playwright');34const page = await browser.newPage();35const element = await page.$('input');36await updateAttrs(element, { 'value': 'new value' });37const value = await element.getAttribute('value');38await browser.close();39const { updateAttrs } = require('playwright');40const page = await browser.newPage();41const element = await page.$('input');42await updateAttrs(element, { 'value': 'new value' });43const value = await element.getAttribute('value');44await browser.close();45const { updateAttrs } = require('playwright');
Using AI Code Generation
1const {chromium} = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.evaluate(() => {7 const element = document.querySelector('a');8 element.updateAttrs({
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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