How to use isRegularObject method in Puppeteer

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Source:ConfigTable.js Github


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1import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";2import { Link } from "react-router-dom";3import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome";4import { faMinus, faPlus } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons";5import {6 escapeSearchField,7 makeSearchLink,8 makeSearchConfigLink,9 makeSearchDateLink,10} from "@mwdb-web/commons/helpers";11import { Extendable } from "@mwdb-web/commons/extensions";12import {13 ActionCopyToClipboard,14 DataTable,15 DateString,16 ObjectLink,17} from "@mwdb-web/commons/ui";18import { useRemotePath } from "@mwdb-web/commons/remotes";19export function ConfigRow(props) {20 const key = props.configKey;21 const value = props.value;22 const path = props.path;23 const indent = props.indent;24 const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState(false);25 const isObject = value && typeof value === "object";26 const isEmbeddedBlob =27 isObject &&28 Object.keys(value).length === 1 &&29 Object.keys(value)[0] === "in-blob";30 const isRegularObject = isObject && !isEmbeddedBlob;31 const remotePath = useRemotePath();32 useEffect(() => {33 // Automatically expand all nested objects if parent has been expanded34 if (props.parentExpanded && isRegularObject && !expanded)35 setExpanded(true);36 // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps37 }, [props.parentExpanded]);38 let rawValue, prettyValue;39 if (isRegularObject) {40 rawValue = prettyValue = JSON.stringify(value, null, 4);41 } else if (isEmbeddedBlob) {42 rawValue = value["in-blob"];43 prettyValue = (44 <ObjectLink type="blob" id={value["in-blob"]} className="blob" />45 );46 } else {47 rawValue = String(value);48 prettyValue = (49 <Link50 to={makeSearchConfigLink(path, value, `${remotePath}/configs`)}51 >52 {String(value)}53 </Link>54 );55 }56 const overflow = {57 maxWidth: "700px",58 textOverflow: "ellipsis",59 overflow: "hidden",60 whiteSpace: "nowrap",61 };62 return (63 <React.Fragment>64 <tr className="flickerable">65 <th66 style={{ cursor: "pointer" }}67 onClick={() => setExpanded(!expanded)}68 >69 <FontAwesomeIcon70 icon={expanded ? faMinus : faPlus}71 size="sm"72 />{" "}73 {key}74 </th>75 {expanded && !isRegularObject ? (76 <td>77 <pre style={{ whiteSpace: "pre-wrap" }}>{rawValue}</pre>78 </td>79 ) : (80 <td style={overflow} className="text-monospace">81 {prettyValue}82 <span className="ml-2">83 <ActionCopyToClipboard84 text={rawValue}85 tooltipMessage="Copy value to clipboard"86 />87 </span>88 </td>89 )}90 </tr>91 {expanded && isRegularObject ? (92 <tr className="nested">93 <td className="nested" colspan="2" style={{ padding: 0 }}>94 <ConfigRows95 config={value}96 parentExpanded={true}97 indent={indent + 1}98 path={path}99 />100 </td>101 </tr>102 ) : (103 []104 )}105 </React.Fragment>106 );107}108export function ConfigRows(props) {109 const indent = props.indent || 0;110 const parentPath = props.path || [];111 const config = props.config;112 let configKeys = Object.keys(config);113 if (!Array.isArray(config)) configKeys = configKeys.sort();114 // Return ordered list of ConfigRow with calculated path115 const rows = => {116 const path = Array.isArray(config)117 ? // If Array: add the asterisk to the last element118 [119 ...parentPath.slice(0, -1),120 parentPath[parentPath.length - 1] + "*",121 ]122 : // Else: just add next key to the path123 parentPath.concat([escapeSearchField(configKey)]);124 return (125 <ConfigRow126 configKey={configKey}127 key={configKey}128 value={config[configKey]}129 parentExpanded={props.parentExpanded}130 path={path}131 indent={indent}132 />133 );134 });135 if (indent > 0) return <DataTable indent={indent}>{rows}</DataTable>;136 return rows;137}138export default function ConfigTable(props) {139 const object = props.object;140 const remotePath = useRemotePath();141 return (142 <DataTable>143 <Extendable ident="showConfigDetails">144 <tr key="config-family">145 <th>Family</th>146 <td id="config_family">147 <Link148 to={makeSearchLink(149 "family",150,151 false,152 `${remotePath}/configs`153 )}154 >155 {}156 </Link>157 </td>158 </tr>159 <tr key="config-type">160 <th>Config type</th>161 <td id="config_family">162 <Link163 to={makeSearchLink(164 "type",165 object.config_type,166 false,167 `${remotePath}/configs`168 )}169 >170 {object.config_type}171 </Link>172 </td>173 </tr>174 <ConfigRows config={object.cfg} />175 <tr key="config-upload-time">176 <th>Upload time</th>177 <td id="upload_time">178 {object.upload_time ? (179 <Link180 to={makeSearchDateLink(181 "upload_time",182 object.upload_time,183 `${remotePath}/configs`184 )}185 >186 <DateString date={object.upload_time} />187 </Link>188 ) : (189 []190 )}191 </td>192 </tr>193 </Extendable>194 </DataTable>195 );...

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Source:GroupsTreeNode.js Github


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...60 <span className="pl-2">61 (62 <em className="small">63 { => (64 <React.Fragment key={isRegularObject(admin) ? : admin}>65 {isRegularObject(admin) ? (66 <span className="simpleName text-nowrap">67 {admin.firstName} {admin.lastName}68 </span>69 ) : autoloadAuthors ? (70 <UsersNameContainer userId={admin} isSimple />71 ) : (72 <LoadingIcon />73 )}74 </React.Fragment>75 ))}76 </em>77 )78 </span>79 )}...

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Source:objects.js Github


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...10 // This function deep merges regular (non-iterable) objects and returns an array of strings pointing to values that were changed.11 // All objects copied to target will be cloned, i.e. changing the target later will not affect the source.12 // You can set options.overwrite to true if you want values in target to be overwritten by values from source.13 const updates = [];14 if (isRegularObject(target, source)) {15 // Don't deep merge arrays or other iterable objects.16 for (let key in source) {17 if (!(key in target)) {18 target[key] = (typeof source[key] === 'object' ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(source[key])) : source[key]);19 updates.push(key);20 }21 else if (isRegularObject(source[key]) && isRegularObject(target[key])) {22 mergeRegularObject(target[key], source[key], options).forEach(update => updates.push(`${key}.${update}`));23 }24 else if (options.overwrite && target[key] !== source[key]) {25 if (Array.isArray(source[key])) {26 const serializedSource = JSON.stringify(source[key]);27 if (!Array.isArray(target[key]) || serializedSource !== JSON.stringify(target[key])) {28 target[key] = JSON.parse(serializedSource);29 updates.push(key);30 }31 }32 else if (isRegularObject(source[key])) {33 target[key] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(source[key]));34 updates.push(key);35 }36 else {37 target[key] = source[key];38 updates.push(key);39 }40 }41 }42 }43 return updates;44 };45 const pruneRegularObject = (target, template, options = {}) => {46 // This function performs a deep pruning of regular (non-iterable) objects.47 // I.e. keys that don't exist in template will be removed from target.48 // If options.fix is true, then this function will also prune keys that refer to regular objects in template but non-regular objects in target.49 // The function returns an array of strings that describe which properties were removed.50 const updates = [];51 if (isRegularObject(target, template)) {52 // Don't deep prune arrays or other iterable objects.53 for (let key in target) {54 if (!(key in template)) {55 delete target[key];56 updates.push(key);57 }58 else if (isRegularObject(template[key])) {59 if (isRegularObject(target[key])) pruneRegularObject(target[key], template[key], options).forEach(update => updates.push(`${key}.${update}`));60 else if (options.fix) {61 delete target[key];62 updates.push(key);63 }64 }65 }66 }67 return updates;68 };69 const changePrototypeOf = (classInstance, newProto, { depth = 1 } = {}) => {70 // This function should only be used on class instances, as it depends on Function.prototype.toString.71 // It returns true if the prototype is changed, false otherwise.72 // Depth sets how far into the prototype chain to do source code comparison. Set to 0 if you don't want it to compare source code.73 const oldProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(classInstance);...

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Source:args.spec.js Github


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1'use strict';2/* eslint-env mocha */3/* eslint "jsdoc/require-jsdoc": 0 */4// --------------------------------------------------------------------------5// GLOBAL VAR DEFINITIONS6// --------------------------------------------------------------------------7const assert = require('assert');8const rewire = require('rewire');9const pf = rewire('./args.js');10// Map rewired, private functions to friendlier names11const isRegularObject = pf.__get__('isRegularObject');12const processCliArgs = pf.__get__('processCliArgs');13// --------------------------------------------------------------------------14// MOCHA TESTS15// --------------------------------------------------------------------------16describe('Test for regular, non-empty object', function() {17 const func = isRegularObject;18 it('should return true', function() {19 const o = {foo: 'baz'};20 const result = func(o);21 assert.equal(result, true);22 });23 it('should return true', function() {24 const o = {foo: null};25 const result = func(o);26 assert.equal(result, true);27 });28 it('should return true', function() {29 const o = {foo: 'baz', fuz: 'baz'};30 const result = func(o);31 assert.equal(result, true);32 });33 it('should return true', function() {34 const o = {};35 const result = func(o);36 assert.equal(result, true);37 });38 it('should return false', function() {39 const o = ['foo'];40 const result = func(o);41 assert.equal(result, false);42 });43 it('should return false', function() {44 const o = 'foo';45 const result = func(o);46 assert.equal(result, false);47 });48 it('should return false', function() {49 const o = null;50 const result = func(o);51 assert.equal(result, false);52 });53});54describe('Process CLI args', function() {55 const func = processCliArgs;56 it('should return object with known keys/values', function() {57 const o = {58 'dry-run': null,59 'owner-id': 'xxyy',60 };61 const result = func(o);62 assert.equal(result.hasOwnProperty('help'), false);63 assert.equal(result.dryRun, true);64 assert.equal(result.ownerId, o['owner-id']);65 });66 it('should return object with known keys/values', function() {67 const o = {68 'owner-id': 'yyzz',69 };70 const result = func(o);71 assert.equal(result.hasOwnProperty('help'), false);72 assert.equal(result.hasOwnProperty('dryRun'), false);73 assert.equal(result.ownerId, o['owner-id']);74 });75 it('should return object with known key/value', function() {76 const o = {77 help: null,78 'dry-run': null,79 'owner-id': null,80 };81 const result = func(o);82 assert.equal(, true);83 });84 it('should return object with known key/value', function() {85 const o = {86 'dryyy-run': null,87 'owner-id': null,88 };89 const result = func(o);90 assert.equal(, true);91 });92 it('should return object with known key/value', function() {93 const o = {};94 const result = func(o);95 assert.equal(, true);96 });97 it('should return object with known key/value', function() {98 const o = 'hi';99 const err = new Error('Contact dev: CLI arg handling is broken');100 assert.throws(function() { func(o); }, err);101 });102 it('should return object with known key/value', function() {103 const o = ['yes', 'ok'];104 const err = new Error('Contact dev: CLI arg handling is broken');105 assert.throws(function() { func(o); }, err);106 });107 it('should return object with known key/value', function() {108 const o = null;109 const err = new Error('Contact dev: CLI arg handling is broken');110 assert.throws(function() { func(o); }, err);111 });...

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Source:args.js Github


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...12 *13 * @param {*} suspect - Variable of unknown type.14 * @returns {boolean} True if a regular object with one or more keys.15 */16function isRegularObject(suspect) {17 if (!suspect || typeof suspect !== 'object' || Array.isArray(suspect)) {18 return false;19 }20 return true;21}22/**23 * Process CLI args and build an object for further app action.24 *25 * @param {object} args - CLI args.26 * @returns {object} Processed args.27 */28function processCliArgs(args) {29 appDebug(args);30 if (!isRegularObject(args)) {31 throw new Error('Contact dev: CLI arg handling is broken');32 }33 if (Object.keys(args).length === 0) {34 return {help: true};35 }36 // Process CLI arg object, and assume help is needed if any unknown args37 // were received.38 const mapped = Object.entries(args).map(([k, v]) => {39 // Coerce (possibly numeric) owner ID to string.40 if (k === 'owner-id') return {ownerId: '' + v};41 if (k === 'dry-run') return {dryRun: true};42 return {help: true};43 });44 // Spread the array of objects and combine into one object....

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Source:getDifference.js Github


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...3const setImmutableChildrenNodes = (object) => Object4 .entries(object)5 .reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {6 const node = { name: key, type: 'immuted' };7 if (isRegularObject(value)) {8 node.children = setImmutableChildrenNodes(value);9 return [...acc, node];10 }11 return [...acc, { ...node, value }];12 }, []);13const handleNodeAdd = (object1, object2, key, value1, value2) => {14 const nodes = [];15 if (_.hasIn(object1, key)) {16 const node = { name: key, type: 'removed' };17 if (_.hasIn(object2, key)) {18 node.updated = true;19 }20 if (isRegularObject(value1)) {21 node.children = setImmutableChildrenNodes(value1);22 } else {23 node.value = value1;24 }25 nodes.push(node);26 }27 if (_.hasIn(object2, key)) {28 const node2 = { name: key, type: 'added' };29 if (_.hasIn(object1, key)) {30 node2.updated = true;31 node2.updatedFrom = value1;32 }33 if (isRegularObject(value2)) {34 node2.children = setImmutableChildrenNodes(value2);35 } else {36 node2.value = value2;37 }38 nodes.push(node2);39 }40 return nodes;41};42const getDiff = (object1, object2) => {43 const diff = _.uniq([..._.keys(object1), ..._.keys(object2)])44 .sort()45 .flatMap((key) => {46 const value1 = object1[key];47 const value2 = object2[key];...

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Source:introspection.js Github


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1// const {proxyObjSym, entitySym} = require('../constants/symbols-old');2const _ = require( 'lodash');3function isRegularObject (value) {4 return === "[object Object]";5}6function getBuiltInClass (value) {7 //Works for Object, String, Number, Null, Array, Function, Undefined, BigInt, Map, WeakMap, Set, Date, Math8 // Does not work for Proxy because the proxy gives the value for it's target. If you could somehow force it to be called on the proxy itself it might give the right value.9 let type =;10 return type.split(' ')[1].split(']')[0];11}12function isLiteral (value) {13 const literalTypes = ['string', 'number', 'bigint', 'boolean', 'undefined', 'symbol'];14 if (literalTypes.includes(typeof value) || value === null) {15 return true;16 } else {17 return false;18 }19}20function isBasicData (value) {21 //Very similar to isLiteral, but allows the Date type and RegExp.22 const types = ['String', 'Number', 'BigInt', 'Boolean', 'Undefined', 'Symbol', 'Date', 'Null', 'RegExp'];23 if (types.includes(getBuiltInClass(value)) ) {24 return true;25 } else {26 return false;27 }28}29// isProxy = function (value) {30// if (value[proxyObjSym] === true) {31// return true;32// } else {33// return false;34// }35// }36// isEntity = function (value) {37// if (value[entitySym] === true) {38// return true;39// } else {40// return false;41// }42// }43module.exports = {44 isRegularObject,45 getBuiltInClass,46 isLiteral,47 isBasicData...

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Source:object_utils.js Github


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...4 const newObject = Array.isArray(objectToClone) ? objectToClone.slice() : Object.assign({}, objectToClone);5 for (const objectProperty in newObject) {6 if (newObject.hasOwnProperty(objectProperty)) {7 const propertyValue = newObject[objectProperty];8 if (Array.isArray(propertyValue) || isRegularObject(propertyValue)) {9 if (propertyValue instanceof RegExp) {10 newObject[objectProperty] = propertyValue;11 } else {12 newObject[objectProperty] = cloneDeep(propertyValue);13 }14 }15 }16 }17 return newObject;18};...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');2const isRegularObject = require('is-regular-object');3(async () => {4 const browser = await puppeteer.launch();5 const page = await browser.newPage();6 await page.screenshot({path: 'example.png'});7 await browser.close();8})();9const isRegularObject = require('is-regular-object');10module.exports = isRegularObject;11{12 "scripts": {13 },14 "dependencies": {15 }16}17{18 "scripts": {19 },20 "devDependencies": {21 }22}23'use strict';24module.exports = value => === '[object Object]';25'use strict';26module.exports = value =>

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');2const isRegularObject = require('is-regular-object');3(async () => {4 const browser = await puppeteer.launch();5 const page = await browser.newPage();6 const obj = await page.evaluate(() => {7 return {8 };9 });10 console.log(isRegularObject(obj));11 await browser.close();12})();13Recommended Posts: Puppeteer | isString() Method14Puppeteer | isNumber() Method15Puppeteer | isBoolean() Method16Puppeteer | isFunction() Method17Puppeteer | isNull() Method18Puppeteer | isUndefined() Method19Puppeteer | isSymbol() Method20Puppeteer | isBigInt() Method21Puppeteer | isPrimitive() Method22Puppeteer | isRegExp() Method23Puppeteer | isArray() Method24Puppeteer | isDate() Method25Puppeteer | isMap() Method26Puppeteer | isSet() Method27Puppeteer | isWeakMap() Method28Puppeteer | isWeakSet() Method29Puppeteer | isPromise() Method30Puppeteer | isGenerator() Method31Puppeteer | isGeneratorFunction() Method32Puppeteer | isAsyncFunction() Method33Puppeteer | isTypedArray() Method34Puppeteer | isBuffer() Method35Puppeteer | isView() Method36Puppeteer | isDataView() Method37Puppeteer | isMap() Method38Puppeteer | isSet() Method39Puppeteer | isWeakMap() Method40Puppeteer | isWeakSet() Method41Puppeteer | isPromise() Method42Puppeteer | isGenerator() Method43Puppeteer | isGeneratorFunction() Method44Puppeteer | isAsyncFunction() Method45Puppeteer | isTypedArray() Method46Puppeteer | isBuffer() Method47Puppeteer | isView() Method48Puppeteer | isDataView() Method49Puppeteer | isMap() Method50Puppeteer | isSet() Method51Puppeteer | isWeakMap() Method52Puppeteer | isWeakSet() Method53Puppeteer | isPromise() Method

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');2const isRegularObject = require('puppeteer/lib/helper').isRegularObject;3(async () => {4 const browser = await puppeteer.launch();5 const page = await browser.newPage();6 await page.goto('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');2(async () => {3 const browser = await puppeteer.launch({4 });5 const page = await browser.newPage();6 await page.waitForTimeout(3000);7 await'input[title="Search"]');8 await page.type('input[title="Search"]', 'puppeteer');9 await'Enter');10 await page.waitForTimeout(3000);11 await'h3');12 await page.waitForTimeout(3000);13 await page.goBack();14 await page.waitForTimeout(3000);15 await page.goForward();16 await page.waitForTimeout(3000);17 await page.reload();18 await page.waitForTimeout(3000);19 await page.close();20 await browser.close();21})();22page.isRegularObject(object)23const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');24(async () => {25 const browser = await puppeteer.launch({26 });27 const page = await browser.newPage();28 await page.waitForTimeout(3000);29 const result = await page.isRegularObject('puppeteer');30 console.log(result);31 await page.close();32 await browser.close();33})();34page.isJavaScriptDialogOpening()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');2const isRegularObject = require('is-regular-object');3(async () => {4 const browser = await puppeteer.launch();5 const page = await browser.newPage();6 const dimensions = await page.evaluate(() => {7 return {8 };9 });10 console.log('Dimensions:', dimensions);11 console.log('Is regular object:', isRegularObject(dimensions));12 await browser.close();13})();14### isRegularObject(input)15- [is-plain-obj](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');2(async () => {3 const browser = await puppeteer.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 const isRegular = await page.evaluate(() => {6 return{});7 });8 await browser.close();9})();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');2const browser = await puppeteer.launch();3const page = await browser.newPage();4const isObject = await page.evaluate(() => {5 return;6});7console.log(isObject);8await browser.close();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');2(async () => {3 const browser = await puppeteer.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 const isRegularObject = await page.evaluate(() => {6 const a = {};7 const b = Object.create(null);8 return === '[object Object]' && === '[object Object]';9 });10 console.log(isRegularObject);11 await browser.close();12})();

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