How to use serializeArgument method in Puppeteer

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Source:helper.js Github


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...54 /**55 * @param {*} arg56 * @return {string}57 */58 function serializeArgument(arg) {59 if (, undefined))60 return 'undefined';61 return JSON.stringify(arg);62 }63 }64 /**65 * @param {function} nodeFunction66 * @return {function}67 */68 static promisify(nodeFunction) {69 function promisified(...args) {70 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {71 function callback(err, ...result) {72 if (err)...

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Source:jsHandle.js Github


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...39 return this._wrapApiCall(async channel => {40 const result = await channel.evaluateExpression({41 expression: String(pageFunction),42 isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function',43 arg: serializeArgument(arg)44 });45 return parseResult(result.value);46 });47 }48 async evaluateHandle(pageFunction, arg) {49 return this._wrapApiCall(async channel => {50 const result = await channel.evaluateExpressionHandle({51 expression: String(pageFunction),52 isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function',53 arg: serializeArgument(arg)54 });55 return JSHandle.from(result.handle);56 });57 }58 async getProperty(propertyName) {59 return this._wrapApiCall(async channel => {60 const result = await channel.getProperty({61 name: propertyName62 });63 return JSHandle.from(result.handle);64 });65 }66 async getProperties() {67 return this._wrapApiCall(async channel => {68 const map = new Map();69 for (const {70 name,71 value72 } of (await channel.getPropertyList()).properties) map.set(name, JSHandle.from(value));73 return map;74 });75 }76 async jsonValue() {77 return this._wrapApiCall(async channel => {78 return parseResult((await channel.jsonValue()).value);79 });80 }81 asElement() {82 return null;83 }84 async dispose() {85 return this._wrapApiCall(async channel => {86 return await channel.dispose();87 });88 }89 toString() {90 return this._preview;91 }92} // This function takes care of converting all JSHandles to their channels,93// so that generic channel serializer converts them to guids.94exports.JSHandle = JSHandle;95function serializeArgument(arg) {96 const handles = [];97 const pushHandle = channel => {98 handles.push(channel);99 return handles.length - 1;100 };101 const value = (0, _serializers.serializeValue)(arg, value => {102 if (value instanceof JSHandle) return {103 h: pushHandle(value._channel)104 };105 return {106 fallThrough: value107 };108 }, new Set());109 return {...

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Source:serialize.js Github


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1var serializeError = require('error-stack-parser');2var uniqueSelector = require('unique-selector');3function serializeArgument(arg, data) {4 var Error = window.Error;5 var ErrorEvent = window.ErrorEvent;6 var RegExp = window.RegExp;7 var Node = window.Node;8 var Element = window.Element;9 var Window = window.Window;10 // serialize(obj) will turn obj into a JSON-ish representation11 var reflist = [];12 function serialize(obj) {13 if (obj === undefined) {14 return JSON.stringify('<undefined>');15 }16 // class: Window17 if (Window && obj instanceof Window) {18 return JSON.stringify('[DOM Window]');19 }20 // class: Element (dom element, cannot be serialized without hazard)21 if (Element && obj instanceof Element) {22 return JSON.stringify('[DOM Element (' + uniqueSelector(obj) + ')]');23 }24 // class: Node (other dom nodes, cannot be serialized without hazard)25 if (Node && obj instanceof Node) {26 return JSON.stringify('[DOM Node (' + obj.nodeName + ')]');27 }28 // class: RegExp29 if (RegExp && obj instanceof RegExp) {30 // turn into a string31 return JSON.stringify('[RegExp (' + obj.toString() + ')]');32 }33 // class: Error34 if (obj instanceof Error) {35 try {36 data.error = serializeError.parse(obj);37 } catch (e) {38 // iOS39 if (typeof obj.stack === 'string') {40 data.error = obj.stack.split('\n');41 }42 }43 return JSON.stringify( + ': ' + obj.message);44 }45 // class: ErrorEvent46 if (ErrorEvent && obj instanceof ErrorEvent) {47 // ErrorEvent has "filename", "lineno", "message" and possibly "column"/"colno" and "error"48 //49 // The w3c says "column" and has no "error" property.50 // The whatwg says "colno" and adds the "error" property, which is the thrown object.51 //52 // For more information about the insanity, read the two different specifications at:53 //54 // - // - // - data.filename = obj.filename;58 data.lineno = arg.lineno;59 data.colno = arg.colno || arg.column;60 if (obj.error) {61 data.error = serialize(obj.error);62 }63 return serialize(obj.message);64 }65 // array66 if (Array.isArray(obj)) {67 if (reflist.indexOf(obj) !== -1) {68 return JSON.stringify('[Circular reference]');69 }70 reflist.push(obj);71 return '[' +',') + ']';72 }73 // object74 if (obj && typeof obj === 'object') {75 if (reflist.indexOf(obj) !== -1) {76 return JSON.stringify('[Circular reference]');77 }78 reflist.push(obj);79 var keys = Object.keys(obj);80 return '{' + (key) {81 return JSON.stringify(key) + ':' + serialize(obj[key]);82 }).join(',') + '}';83 }84 // scalar85 return JSON.stringify(obj);86 }87 return serialize(arg);88}89module.exports = function serializeArguments(args) {90 var len = args.length;91 var out = new Array(len);92 var data = {};93 for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {94 var arg = args[i];95 if (typeof arg === 'string') {96 out[i] = arg;97 } else {98 out[i] = serializeArgument(args[i], data);99 }100 }101 var message = out.join(' ');102 if (Object.keys(data).length === 0) {103 data = null;104 }105 return { message: message, data: data };106};107/*****************108 ** WEBPACK FOOTER109 ** ./src/views/main/dofusProxy/clientLogger/serialize.js110 ** module id = 18111 ** module chunks = 0112 **/

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Source:command.js Github


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...75 var isBuffer = Buffer.isBuffer(parameter),76 argument = isBuffer ? parameter : String(parameter);77 if (!argument.length)78 {79 var bodyString = isBuffer ? '$0\r\n\r\n' : helpers.serializeArgument(argument);80 return bufferedWrites + socket.write(bodyString);81 }82 return bufferedWrites + socket.write('$' + argument.length + '\r\n') + socket.write(argument) + socket.write('\r\n');83 }, socket.write(commandHeader));...

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Source:worker.js Github


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1"use strict";2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {3 value: true4});5exports.Worker = void 0;6var _events = require("./events");7var _channelOwner = require("./channelOwner");8var _jsHandle = require("./jsHandle");9/**10 * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.11 *12 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");13 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.14 * You may obtain a copy of the License at15 *16 * *18 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software19 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,20 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.21 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and22 * limitations under the License.23 */24class Worker extends _channelOwner.ChannelOwner {25 // Set for web workers.26 // Set for service workers.27 static from(worker) {28 return worker._object;29 }30 constructor(parent, type, guid, initializer) {31 super(parent, type, guid, initializer);32 this._page = void 0;33 this._context = void 0;34 this._channel.on('close', () => {35 if (this._page) this._page._workers.delete(this);36 if (this._context) this._context._serviceWorkers.delete(this);37 this.emit(_events.Events.Worker.Close, this);38 });39 }40 url() {41 return this._initializer.url;42 }43 async evaluate(pageFunction, arg) {44 (0, _jsHandle.assertMaxArguments)(arguments.length, 2);45 return this._wrapApiCall(async channel => {46 const result = await channel.evaluateExpression({47 expression: String(pageFunction),48 isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function',49 arg: (0, _jsHandle.serializeArgument)(arg)50 });51 return (0, _jsHandle.parseResult)(result.value);52 });53 }54 async evaluateHandle(pageFunction, arg) {55 (0, _jsHandle.assertMaxArguments)(arguments.length, 2);56 return this._wrapApiCall(async channel => {57 const result = await channel.evaluateExpressionHandle({58 expression: String(pageFunction),59 isFunction: typeof pageFunction === 'function',60 arg: (0, _jsHandle.serializeArgument)(arg)61 });62 return _jsHandle.JSHandle.from(result.handle);63 });64 }65}...

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Source:serializer.cjs Github


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...7 constructor (arg) {8 this.arg = arg9 }10 serialize () {11 return this.serializeArgument(this.arg)12 }13 serializeArgument (arg) {14 if (typeof arg == "object" && arg.constructor.apiMakerType == "BaseModel") {15 return {16 api_maker_type: "model",17 model_class_name: digg(arg.modelClassData(), "name"),18 model_id: }20 } else if (typeof arg == "function" && arg.apiMakerType == "BaseModel") {21 return {22 api_maker_type: "resource",23 name: digg(arg.modelClassData(), "name")24 }25 } else if (arg instanceof Date) {26 let offsetNumber = parseInt((arg.getTimezoneOffset() / 60) * 100, 10)27 offsetNumber = -offsetNumber28 let offset = `${offsetNumber}`29 while (offset.length < 4) {30 offset = `0${offset}`31 }32 return {33 api_maker_type: "datetime",34 value: `${arg.getFullYear()}-${arg.getMonth() + 1}-${arg.getDate()} ${arg.getHours()}:${arg.getMinutes()}:${arg.getSeconds()}+${offset}`35 }36 } else if (Array.isArray(arg)) {37 return this.serializeArray(arg)38 } else if (typeof arg == "object" && arg.constructor && arg.constructor.apiMakerType == "Collection") {39 return {40 api_maker_type: "collection",41 value: this.serializeObject(arg)42 }43 } else if (typeof arg == "object" && arg !== null && == "Object") {44 return this.serializeObject(arg)45 } else {46 return arg47 }48 }49 serializeArray (arg) {50 return => this.serializeArgument(value))51 }52 serializeObject (arg) {53 const newObject = {}54 for (const key in arg) {55 const value = arg[key]56 const newValue = this.serializeArgument(value)57 const newKey = this.serializeArgument(key)58 newObject[newKey] = newValue59 }60 return newObject61 }...

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Source:execute.js Github


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...13 query: repr.serialize(repr),14 binds: {}15 };16 } else if (isArgument(fragment)) {17 let value = serializeArgument(args, fragment);18 /**19 * Have to re-execute the argument's resolved value, because it could be a string20 * or another fragment or anything really.21 */22 value = execute(value).query;23 return {24 query: value,25 binds: {}26 };27 } else if (typeof fragment === "string") {28 return {29 query: SqlString.escapeId(fragment),30 binds: {}31 };...

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Source:helpers.js Github


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...5 var deferred = P.defer();6 setTimeout(deferred.resolve, milliseconds);7 return deferred.promise;8};9exports.serializeArgument = function serializeArgument(argument)10{11 var value = String(argument),12 length = Buffer.byteLength(value);13 return '$' + length + '\r\n' + value + '\r\n';14};15exports.decodeBuffers = function decodeBuffers(reply)16{17 if (Buffer.isBuffer(reply))18 return String(reply);19 if (Array.isArray(reply))20 return, decodeBuffers);21 return reply;22};23exports.rejectQueueWith = function rejectQueueWith(queue, message)...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');2const {serializeArgument} = require('puppeteer/lib/ExecutionContext');3(async () => {4 const browser = await puppeteer.launch();5 const page = await browser.newPage();6 const arg = {foo: 'bar'};7 const argString = await serializeArgument(arg);8 console.log(argString);9 await browser.close();10})();11{foo:'bar'}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');2(async () => {3 const browser = await puppeteer.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 const input = await page.$('input[name=q]');6 const value = await page.evaluate(input => input.value, input);7 console.log(value);8 await browser.close();9})();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var puppeteer = require('puppeteer');2var fs = require('fs');3var path = require('path');4(async () => {5 const browser = await puppeteer.launch();6 const page = await browser.newPage();7 const title = await page.title();8 console.log(title);9 const serialized = await page.evaluateHandle((arg) => {10 return {11 description:,12 };13 }, 5);14 const deserialized = await page.evaluate((arg) => {15 return arg;16 }, serialized);17 console.log(deserialized);18 await browser.close();19})();20{ value: 5, type: 'number', description: '[object Number]' }

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