How to use forEachSeries method in root

Best JavaScript code snippet using root


Source:Atom.js Github


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...31 })32 describe('are available for lists of resources', function() {33 it( 'should support application/atom+xml Accept header and return application/atom+xml Content-type', function(done) {34 if( atom_urls.length == 0 ) throw new AssertionError({'message': "No URLs to check"});35 async.forEachSeries( atom_urls, function( u, callback ) { 36 request37 .head(u)38 .set('Accept', 'application/atom+xml')39 .end( function(res) {40 try {41 res.status.should.equal(200)42 res.type.should.contain('application/atom+xml')43 callback();44 } catch(e) {45 callback(u+" "+e)46 }47 })48 }, function(err) { 49 if( err ) throw new AssertionError({'message': err});50 done(); 51 });52 })53 it( 'should be valid Atom feeds', function(done) {54 if( atom_urls.length == 0 ) throw new AssertionError({'message': "No URLs to check"});55 async.forEachSeries( atom_urls, function( u, callback ) { 56 request57 .get(u)58 .set('Accept', 'application/atom+xml')59 .end( function(res) {60 try {61 debug("Atom get:"+u) 62 res.status.should.equal(200)63 res.type.should.contain('application/atom+xml')64 65 var doc = cheerio.load(res.text, { ignoreWhitespace: true, xmlMode: true })66 var feed = doc('feed');67 68 feed.find('title').length.should.not.equal(0);69 feed.find('id').length.should.not.equal(0);70 feed.find('updated').length.should.not.equal(0);71 feed.find('author').length.should.not.equal(0);72 var entry = feed.find('entry');73 //console.log("*found entry:"+util.inspect(entry))74 var f = {75 'url': u,76 'doc': doc,77 'entry': entry78 }79 feeds.push(f);80 81 callback();82 } catch(e) {83 callback(u+" "+e)84 }85 })86 }, function(err) { 87 if( err ) throw new AssertionError({'message': err});88 done(); 89 });90 })91 92 it( 'should be published to one or more aggregators', function(done) {93 async.forEachSeries( feeds, function( e, callback ) {94 // check aggregator links95 e.doc('feed').find('link[rel=hub]').length.should.not.equal(0);96 callback(null);97 }, function(err) {98 if( err ) throw new AssertionError({'message': e.url+" " +err});99 100 done()101 });102 })103 })104 105 describe("may be extended", function() {106 if( params['AtomExtension'] == 'GData2') {107 //require(__dirname+'/GData2.js')108 describe('are extended using GData 2.0 protocol', function() {109 it("feed uses etag attribute", function(done) {110 async.forEachSeries( feeds, function( e, callback ) {111 var etag = e.doc('feed').attr('gd:etag');112 should.exist(etag);113 callback(null);114 }, function(err) {115 done();116 })117 }) 118 it("feed use category and proper accessible schema", function(done) {119 async.forEachSeries( feeds, function( e, callback ) {120 var category = e.doc('feed').find('category');121 should.exist(category);122 var scheme = category.attr('scheme')123 should.exist(scheme);124 debug("scheme:"+util.inspect(scheme))125 // check schema availability126 request127 .get(scheme)128 .end( function(res) {129 res.status.should.equal(200);130 callback(null);131 }); 132 //callback(); 133 }, function(err) {134 done();135 })136 })137 138 it("feed use OpenSearch namespace and attributes", function(done) {139 async.forEachSeries( feeds, function( e, callback ) {140 141 var feed = e.doc('feed')142 NamedTag(feed, "openSearch:totalResults").should.exist;143 NamedTag(feed, "openSearch:startIndex").should.exist;144 NamedTag(feed, "openSearch:itemsPerPage").should.exist;145 146 callback(null);147 }, function(err) {148 done();149 })150 })151 152 it("entries use etag attribute", function(done) {153 async.forEachSeries( feeds, function( e, callback ) {154 if( e.entry && e.entry.length>0 ) {155 var etag = e.entry[0].attribs['gd:etag'];156 should.exist(etag);157 }158 callback(null);159 }, function(err) {160 done();161 })162 }) 163 it("entries use category tag and proper accessible schema", function(done) {164 async.forEachSeries( feeds, function( e, callback ) {165 if( e.entry && e.entry.length>0 ) {166 var category = e.entry.find('category');167 should.exist(category);168 var scheme = category.attr('scheme')169 should.exist(scheme);170 debug("entry scheme:"+scheme)171 request172 .get(scheme)173 .end( function(res) {174 res.status.should.equal(200);175 callback(null);176 });177 } else {178 callback(null);...

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Source:client.js Github


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...28 }29}30var SIZES = [1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 1500, 5000]31// TODO: wait for 'close' after end()32async.forEachSeries(SIZES, function (n, cb) {33 async.series([ function (cb2) {34 console.log('Connecting', n)35 var t1 = getNow()36 connectThem(n, {37 jid: 'test@localhost',38 password: 'test',39 host: '::1',40 port: 2522241 }, function (e, clients) {42 console.log('Connected', n, 'in', getNow() - t1, 'ms')43 async.forEachSeries(clients, function (cl, cb3) {44 cl.on('close', function () {45 cb3()46 })47 cl.end()48 }, cb2)49 })50 }, function (cb2) {51 console.log('Connecting (BOSH)', n)52 var t1 = getNow()53 connectThem(n, {54 jid: 'test@localhost',55 password: 'test',56 boshURL: ''57 }, function (e, clients) {58 console.log('Connected', n, 'in', getNow() - t1, 'ms')59 async.forEachSeries(clients, function (cl, cb3) {60 cl.on('close', function () {61 cb3()62 })63 cl.end()64 }, cb2)65 })66 }], cb)...

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Source:forEachSeries.mjs Github


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...7const forEachSeries = () => {8 describe('forEachSeries', () => {9 const arr = new AsyncArray(1, 2, 3);10 it('calls a function for each element in the array', async () => {11 await arr.forEachSeries(async (element, index) => {12 await utils.delay();13 });14 });15 it('does not modify the original array', () => {16 arr.should.eql(new AsyncArray(1, 2, 3));17 });18 it('runs in series', async () => {19 let count = 0;20 await arr.forEachSeries(async (element, index) => {21 index.should.equal(count);22 await utils.delay();23 count++;24 });25 });26 });27};...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var async = require('async');2var arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];3async.forEachSeries(arr, function(item, callback){4 console.log(item);5 callback();6}, function(err){7 if(err) console.log(err);8});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var async = require('async');2async.forEachSeries([1,2,3], function(item, callback){3 console.log(item);4 callback();5}, function(err){6 console.log('done');7});8var async = require('async');9async.forEachSeries([1,2,3], function(item, callback){10 console.log(item);11 callback();12}, function(err){13 console.log('done');14});15var async = require('async');16async.forEachSeries([1,2,3], function(item, callback){17 console.log(item);18 callback();19}, function(err){20 console.log('done');21});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var async = require('root.js');2var array = [1,2,3,4,5];3async.forEachSeries(array, function(item, callback){4 console.log(item);5 callback();6}, function(err){7 console.log('done');8});9async.forEachLimit(arr, limit, iterator, callback)10var async = require('root.js');11var array = [1,2,3,4,5];12async.forEachLimit(array, 2, function(item, callback){13 console.log(item);14 callback();15}, function(err){16 console.log('done');17});18async.forEachOf(obj, iterator, callback)19var async = require('root.js');20var obj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};21async.forEachOf(obj, function(value, key, callback){22 console.log(key + ' ' + value);23 callback();24}, function(err){25 console.log('done');26});27async.forEachOfSeries(obj, iterator, callback)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var async = require('async');2var root = require('./root');3root.forEachSeries([1,2,3,4], function (item, callback) {4 console.log(item);5 callback();6}, function (err) {7 console.log('Done');8});9var async = require('async');10module.exports = {11 forEachSeries: function (list, iterator, callback) {12 async.forEachSeries(list, iterator, callback);13 }14}15var async = require('async');16module.exports = {17 forEachSeries: function (list, iterator, callback) {18 async.forEachSeries(list, iterator, callback);19 },20}21var root = require('./root');22root.forEachSeries([1,2,3,4], function (item, callback) {23 console.log(item);24 callback();25}, function (err) {26 console.log('Done');27});28var async = require('async');29var root = require('./root');30root.forEachSeries([1,2,3,4], function (item

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var root = require('root');2root.forEachSeries([1,2,3], function(item, callback) {3 console.log(item);4 callback();5}, function() {6 console.log('done');7});8exports.forEachSeries = function(array, fn, callback) {9 if (!array.length) {10 return callback();11 }12 var completed = 0;13 var iterate = function() {14 fn(array[completed], function(err) {15 if (err) {16 callback(err);17 callback = function() {};18 }19 else {20 completed += 1;21 if (completed >= array.length) {22 callback(null);23 }24 else {25 iterate();26 }27 }28 });29 };30 iterate();31};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var root = require('root');2root.forEachSeries([1,2,3], function (item, callback) {3 console.log(item);4 callback();5});6var root = require('root');7root.forEachSeries([1,2,3], function (item, callback) {8 console.log(item);9 callback();10});11var root = require('root');12root.forEachSeries([1,2,3], function (item, callback) {13 console.log(item);14 callback();15});16var root = require('root');17root.forEachSeries([1,2,3], function (item, callback) {18 console.log(item);19 callback();20});21var root = require('root');22root.forEachSeries([1,2,3], function (item, callback) {23 console.log(item);24 callback();25});26var root = require('root');27root.forEachSeries([1,2,3], function (item, callback) {28 console.log(item);29 callback();30});31var root = require('root');32root.forEachSeries([1,2,3], function (item, callback) {33 console.log(item);34 callback();35});36var root = require('root');37root.forEachSeries([1,2,3], function (item, callback) {38 console.log(item);39 callback();40});41var root = require('root');42root.forEachSeries([1,2,3], function (item, callback) {43 console.log(item);44 callback();45});46var root = require('root');47root.forEachSeries([1,2,3], function (item, callback) {48 console.log(item);49 callback();50});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var async = require('async');2async.forEachSeries([1,2,3],function(item,callback){3 console.log(item);4 callback();5});6var async = require('async');7async.forEachOfSeries({a:1,b:2,c:3},function(item,key,callback){8 console.log(item);9 callback();10});11var async = require('async');12async.forEachLimit([1,2,3],2,function(item,callback){13 console.log(item);14 callback();15});16var async = require('async');17async.forEachOfLimit({a:1,b:2,c:3},2,function(item,key,callback){18 console.log(item);19 callback();20});21var async = require('async');22async.forEachOf({a:1,b:2,c:3},function(item,key,callback){23 console.log(item);24 callback();25});

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