How to use shellSpawned method in root

Best JavaScript code snippet using root


Source:ADB.js Github


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...103 const apiLvl = await this.apiLevel(deviceId);104 const command = (apiLvl >= 23)105 ? `pm install -r -g -t ${path}`106 : `pm install -rg ${path}`;107 return this.shellSpawned(deviceId, command, { timeout: INSTALL_TIMEOUT, retries: 3 });108 }109 async uninstall(deviceId, appId) {110 await this.adbCmd(deviceId, `uninstall ${appId}`);111 }112 async terminate(deviceId, appId) {113 await, `am force-stop ${appId}`);114 }115 async setLocation(deviceId, lat, lon) {116 // NOTE: QEMU for Android for the telnet part relies on C stdlib117 // function `strtod` which is locale-sensitive, meaning that depending118 // on user environment you'll have to send either comma-separated119 // numbers or dot-separated ones.120 //121 // See: //123 // As by default Node.js is distributed without ICU, the locale issue124 // becomes tricky to solve across different platforms, that's why125 // it's easier for us just to send 2 commands in a row, ignoring one126 // which will obviously fail.127 //128 // Since `adb emu` commands fail silently, .catch() is not necessary.129 const dot = `${lon} ${lat}`;130 const comma = dot.replace(/\./g, ',');131 await this.emu(deviceId, `geo fix ${dot}`);132 await this.emu(deviceId, `geo fix ${comma}`);133 }134 async pidof(deviceId, bundleId) {135 const bundleIdRegex = escape.inQuotedRegexp(bundleId) + '$';136 const command = `ps | grep "${bundleIdRegex}"`;137 const options = { silent: true };138 const processes = await, command, options).catch(() => '');139 if (!processes) {140 return NaN;141 }142 return parseInt(processes.split(' ').filter(Boolean)[1], 10);143 }144 async getFileSize(deviceId, filename) {145 const { stdout, stderr } = await this.adbCmd(deviceId, 'shell du ' + filename).catch(e => e);146 if (stderr.includes('No such file or directory')) {147 return -1;148 }149 return Number(stdout.slice(0, stdout.indexOf(' ')));150 }151 async isBootComplete(deviceId) {152 try {153 const bootComplete = await, `getprop dev.bootcomplete`, { retries: 0, silent: true });154 return (bootComplete === '1');155 } catch (ex) {156 return false;157 }158 }159 async apiLevel(deviceId) {160 if (this._cachedApiLevels.has(deviceId)) {161 return this._cachedApiLevels.get(deviceId);162 }163 const lvl = Number(await, `getprop`, { retries: 5 }));164 this._cachedApiLevels.set(deviceId, lvl);165 return lvl;166 }167 async disableAndroidAnimations(deviceId) {168 await, `settings put global animator_duration_scale 0`);169 await, `settings put global window_animation_scale 0`);170 await, `settings put global transition_animation_scale 0`);171 }172 async screencap(deviceId, path) {173 await, `screencap ${path}`);174 }175 /***176 * @returns ChildProcessPromise177 */178 screenrecord(deviceId, { path, size, bitRate, timeLimit, verbose }) {179 const [width = 0, height = 0] = size || [];180 const _size = (width > 0) && (height > 0)181 ? ['--size', `${width}x${height}`]182 : [];183 const _bitRate = (bitRate > 0)184 ? ['--bit-rate', String(bitRate)]185 : [];186 const _timeLimit = (timeLimit > 0)187 ? [`--time-limit`, timeLimit]188 : [];189 const _verbose = verbose ? ['--verbose'] : [];190 const screenRecordArgs = [..._size, ..._bitRate, ..._timeLimit, ..._verbose, path];191 return this.spawn(deviceId, ['shell', 'screenrecord', ...screenRecordArgs]);192 }193 /***194 * @returns ChildProcessPromise195 */196 logcat(deviceId, { file, pid, time }) {197 let shellCommand = 'logcat';198 // HACK: cannot make this function async, otherwise ChildProcessPromise.childProcess field will get lost,199 // and this will break interruptProcess() call for any logcat promise.200 const apiLevel = this._cachedApiLevels.get(deviceId);201 if (time && apiLevel >= 21) {202 shellCommand += ` -T "${time}"`;203 }204 if (apiLevel < 24) {205 if (pid > 0) {206 const __pid = String(pid).padStart(5);207 shellCommand += ` -v brief | grep "(${__pid}):"`;208 }209 if (file) {210 shellCommand += ` >> ${file}`;211 }212 } else {213 if (pid > 0) {214 shellCommand += ` --pid=${pid}`;215 }216 if (file) {217 shellCommand += ` -f ${file}`;218 }219 }220 return this.spawn(deviceId, ['shell', shellCommand]);221 }222 async push(deviceId, src, dst) {223 await this.adbCmd(deviceId, `push "${src}" "${dst}"`);224 }225 async pull(deviceId, src, dst = '') {226 await this.adbCmd(deviceId, `pull "${src}" "${dst}"`);227 }228 async rm(deviceId, path, force = false) {229 await, `rm ${force ? '-f' : ''} "${path}"`);230 }231 /***232 * @returns {ChildProcessPromise}233 */234 spawnInstrumentation(deviceId, userArgs, testRunner) {235 const spawnArgs = ['shell', 'am', 'instrument', '-w', '-r', ...userArgs, testRunner];236 return this.spawn(deviceId, spawnArgs, { detached: false });237 }238 async listInstrumentation(deviceId) {239 return, 'pm list instrumentation');240 }241 async getInstrumentationRunner(deviceId, bundleId) {242 const instrumentationRunners = await this.listInstrumentation(deviceId);243 const instrumentationRunner = this._instrumentationRunnerForBundleId(instrumentationRunners, bundleId);244 if (instrumentationRunner === 'undefined') {245 throw new DetoxRuntimeError(`No instrumentation runner found on device ${deviceId} for package ${bundleId}`);246 }247 return instrumentationRunner;248 }249 _instrumentationRunnerForBundleId(instrumentationRunners, bundleId) {250 const runnerForBundleRegEx = new RegExp(`^instrumentation:(.*) \\(target=${bundleId.replace(new RegExp('\\.', 'g'), '\\.')}\\)$`, 'gm');251 return _.get(runnerForBundleRegEx.exec(instrumentationRunners), [1], 'undefined');252 }253 async shell(deviceId, command, options) {254 const result = await this.adbCmd(deviceId, `shell "${escape.inQuotedString(command)}"`, options);255 return result.stdout.trim();256 }257 async shellSpawned(deviceId, command, options) {258 const _command = `shell ${command}`;259 const result = await this.adbCmdSpawned(deviceId, _command, options);260 return result.stdout.trim();261 }262 async emu(deviceId, cmd, options) {263 return (await this.adbCmd(deviceId, `emu "${escape.inQuotedString(cmd)}"`, options)).stdout.trim();264 }265 async reverse(deviceId, port) {266 return this.adbCmd(deviceId, `reverse tcp:${port} tcp:${port}`);267 }268 async reverseRemove(deviceId, port) {269 return this.adbCmd(deviceId, `reverse --remove tcp:${port}`);270 }271 async emuKill(deviceId) {...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var root = require('./root');2root.shellSpawned('ls', ['-l'], function (err, stdout, stderr) {3 if (err) console.log(err);4 else console.log(stdout);5});6var exec = require('child_process').exec;7var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;8exports.shellSpawned = function (cmd, args, cb) {9 var child = spawn(cmd, args);10 var stdout = '';11 var stderr = '';12 child.stdout.on('data', function (data) {13 stdout += data;14 });15 child.stderr.on('data', function (data) {16 stderr += data;17 });18 child.on('close', function (code) {19 cb(code, stdout, stderr);20 });21};22 at errnoException (child_process.js:1001:11)23 at ChildProcess.spawn (child_process.js:950:11)24 at exports.spawn (child_process.js:738:9)25 at exports.execFile (child_process.js:595:15)26 at Object.exports.exec (child_process.js:540:18)27 at Object.<anonymous> (/home/ubuntu/Projects/NodeJS/child_process_test/root.js:10:9)28 at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)29 at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)30 at Module.load (module.js:356:32)31 at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)32var root = require('./root');33root.shellExec('ls', ['-l'], function (err, stdout, stderr) {34 if (err) console.log(err);35 else console.log(stdout);36});37var exec = require('child_process').exec;

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1var root = require('./root.js');2root.shellSpawned('pwd',function(data){3 console.log(data);4});5var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;6var shellSpawned = function(cmd, callback){7 var process = spawn('sh', ['-c', cmd]);8 var data = '';9 process.stdout.on('data', function(chunk){10 data += chunk;11 });12 process.stdout.on('end', function(){13 callback(data);14 });15};16module.exports.shellSpawned = shellSpawned;

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1var root = require('root');2var shellSpawned = root.shellSpawned;3shellSpawned('ls -la', function(err, stdout, stderr){4 console.log(stdout);5 console.log(stderr);6});7shellSpawned('ls -la', function(err, stdout, stderr){8 console.log(stdout);9 console.log(stderr);10});11shellSpawned('ls -la', function(err, stdout, stderr){12 console.log(stdout);13 console.log(stderr);14});15shellSpawned('ls -la', function(err, stdout, stderr){16 console.log(stdout);17 console.log(stderr);18});19shellSpawned('ls -la', function(err, stdout, stderr){20 console.log(stdout);21 console.log(stderr);22});23shellSpawned('ls -la', function(err, stdout, stderr){24 console.log(stdout);25 console.log(stderr);26});27shellSpawned('ls -la', function(err, stdout, stderr){28 console.log(stdout);29 console.log(stderr);30});31shellSpawned('ls -la', function(err, stdout, stderr){32 console.log(stdout);33 console.log(stderr);34});35shellSpawned('ls -la', function(err, stdout, stderr){36 console.log(stdout);37 console.log(stderr);38});39shellSpawned('ls -la', function(err, stdout, stderr){40 console.log(stdout);41 console.log(stderr);42});43shellSpawned('ls -la', function(err, stdout, stderr){44 console.log(stdout);45 console.log(stderr);46});47shellSpawned('ls -la', function(err, stdout, stderr){48 console.log(stdout);49 console.log(stderr);50});51shellSpawned('ls -la', function(err, stdout, stderr){52 console.log(stdout);53 console.log(stderr);54});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var root = require('./root.js');2var rootObject = new root();3rootObject.shellSpawned('ls', ['-la']);4rootObject.shellSpawned('ls', ['-la'], function(code) {5 console.log('Exit code:', code);6});7var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;8var root = function() {9 this.shellSpawned = function(command, args, callback) {10 var child = spawn(command, args);11 var resp = "";12 child.stdout.on('data', function(buffer) {13 resp += buffer.toString();14 });15 child.stdout.on('end', function() {16 console.log(resp);17 });18 if (callback !== undefined) {19 child.on('exit', function(code) {20 callback(code);21 });22 }23 }24}25module.exports = root;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var promise = root.shellSpawned('ls', ['-l']);2promise.then(function(result) {3 console.log(result);4}, function(error) {5 console.log(error);6});7var promise = childProcess.shellSpawned('ls', ['-l']);8promise.then(function(result) {9 console.log(result);10}, function(error) {11 console.log(error);12});13var promise = childProcess.shellSpawned('ls', ['-l']);14promise.then(function(result) {15 console.log(result);16}, function(error) {17 console.log(error);18});19var promise = childProcess.shellSpawned('ls', ['-l']);20promise.then(function(result) {21 console.log(result);22}, function(error) {23 console.log(error);24});25var promise = childProcess.shellSpawned('ls', ['-l']);26promise.then(function(result) {27 console.log(result);28}, function(error) {29 console.log(error);30});31var promise = childProcess.shellSpawned('ls', ['-l']);32promise.then(function(result) {33 console.log(result);34}, function(error) {35 console.log(error);36});37var promise = childProcess.shellSpawned('ls', ['-l']);38promise.then(function(result) {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1root.shellSpawned("ls").then(2 output => {3 console.log(output);4 },5 error => {6 console.log(error);7 }8);"ls", (error, output) => {10 if (error) {11 console.log(error);12 } else {13 console.log(output);14 }15});"ls;pwd", (error, output) => {17 if (error) {18 console.log(error);19 } else {20 console.log(output);21 }22});"ls", { cwd: "/home" }, (error, output) => {24 if (error) {25 console.log(error);26 } else {27 console.log(output);28 }29});30 .shellSpawned("ls", { cwd: "/home" })31 .then(32 output => {33 console.log(output);34 },35 error => {36 console.log(error);37 }38 .catch(error => {39 console.log(error);40 });41 .shellSpawned("ls;pwd", { cwd: "/home" })42 .then(43 output => {44 console.log(output);45 },46 error => {47 console.log(error);48 }49 .catch(error => {50 console.log(error);51 });52 .shellSpawned("ls;pwd", { cwd: "/home" })53 .then(54 output => {55 console.log(output);56 },57 error => {58 console.log(error);59 }60 .catch(error => {61 console.log(error);62 });63 .shellSpawned("ls;pwd", { cwd: "/home" })

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