How to use suffixB method in sinon

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Source:magpy_functions.js Github


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1var LOCAL = (function () {2 "use strict";3 return {4 5 test: function () {6 console.log('I am working')7 },8 9 project_witness_sort : function (witnesses) {10 return witnesses.sort(LOCAL.compare_witness_types);11 },12 13 //used before moving to order readings to make sure that a decision has been made on all top line overlapped readings14 are_no_duplicate_statuses: function () {15 var i, j;16 for (i = 0; i < CL._data.apparatus.length; i += 1) {17 for (j = 0; j < CL._data.apparatus[i].readings.length; j += 1) {18 if (CL._data.apparatus[i].readings[j].hasOwnProperty('overlap_status') 19 && CL._data.apparatus[i].readings[j].overlap_status === 'duplicate') {20 return false;21 }22 }23 }24 return true;25 },26 27 check_om_overlap_problems: function () {28 var i, unit, j, witnesses, key, ol_unit;29 //check to see if any readings labelled 'overlapped' don't have any text in the overlapped reading30 //if they do then that needs fixing.31 for (i = 0; i < CL._data.apparatus.length; i += 1) {32 unit = CL._data.apparatus[i];33 if ('overlap_units' in unit) {34 witnesses = [];35 for (j = 0; j < unit.readings.length; j += 1) {36 if ('overlap_status' in unit.readings[j] 37 && unit.readings[j].overlap_status === 'overlapped') {38 witnesses.push.apply(witnesses, unit.readings[j].witnesses);39 }40 }41 //for each witness we've collected42 for (j = 0; j < witnesses.length; j += 1) {43 for (key in unit.overlap_units) {44 if (unit.overlap_units[key].indexOf(witnesses[j]) != -1) {45 ol_unit = CL.find_overlap_unit_by_id(key);46 if (ol_unit.readings[1].text.length > 0) {//hard coded 1 is fine as at this stage there is only one reading and its always here47 return true;48 }49 }50 }51 }52 }53 }54 return false;55 },56 57 are_no_FML_regularisations: function () {58 var key, i, j, return_value;59 SR._find_subreadings();60 return_value = true;61 for (key in CL._data) {62 if (CL._data.hasOwnProperty(key) && key.indexOf('apparatus') != -1) {63 for (i = 0; i < CL._data[key].length; i += 1) {64 for (j = 0; j < CL._data[key][i].readings.length; j += 1) {65 if (CL._data[key][i].readings[j].hasOwnProperty('subreadings')) {66 if (CL._data[key][i].readings[j].subreadings.hasOwnProperty('fix_me_later')) {67 return_value = false;68 }69 }70 }71 }72 }73 } 74 SR._lose_subreadings();75 if (CL._show_subreadings === true) {76 SR._find_subreadings();77 } else {78 SR._find_subreadings({'rule_classes': CL._get_rule_classes('subreading', true, 'value', ['identifier', 'subreading'])});79 }80 return return_value;81 },82 83 are_no_disallowed_overlaps: function () {84 var key, main_apparatus_data, unit, i;85 main_apparatus_data = [];86 for (i = 0; i < CL._data.apparatus.length; i += 1) {87 unit = CL._data.apparatus[i];88 main_apparatus_data.push(unit.start + '-' + unit.end);89 }90 for (key in CL._data) {91 if (key.indexOf('apparatus') !== -1 && key !== 'apparatus') {92 for (i = 0; i < CL._data[key].length; i += 1) {93 unit = CL._data[key][i];94 if (main_apparatus_data.indexOf(unit.start + '-' + unit.end) !== -1) {95 return false;96 }97 }98 }99 }100 return true;101 },102 get_context_from_input_form: function () {103 var book, chapter, verse, ref104 book = document.getElementById('book').value;105 chapter = document.getElementById('chapter').value;106 verse = document.getElementById('verse').value;107 if (book !== 'none' && !CL.is_blank(chapter) && !CL.is_blank(verse)) {108 ref = book + 'K' + chapter + 'V' + verse; 109 }110 return ref;111 },112 113 compare_witness_suffixes: function (a, b) {114 if (a[0] === '-' && b[0] === '-') {115 return a.replace('-', '') - b.replace('-', '')116 }117 if (a[0] === '*') {118 return -1;119 }120 if (b[0] === '*') {121 return 1;122 }123 return 0;124 //could do more tests here for other suffixes but this is probably enough for now125 },126 compare_witness_numbers: function (a, b) {127 var dig_regex, suf_regex, numberA, numberB, suffixA, suffixB;128 dig_regex = /\d+/;129 suf_regex = /\D+\d*/;130 //extract just the number131 if (!a.match(dig_regex) || !a.match(dig_regex)) {132 return -1133 }134 numberA = parseInt(a.match(dig_regex)[0], 10);135 numberB = parseInt(b.match(dig_regex)[0], 10);136 //if the numbers are the same deal with the suffixes137 if (numberA === numberB) {138 if (a.match(suf_regex)) {139 suffixA = a.match(suf_regex)[0];140 } else {141 suffixA = [''];142 }143 if (b.match(suf_regex)) {144 suffixB = b.match(suf_regex)[0];145 } else {146 suffixB = [''];147 }148 if (suffixA[0] === 'S') {149 if (suffixB[0] === 'S') {150 return LOCAL.compare_witness_suffixes(suffixA.substring(1), suffixB.substring(1));151 }152 }153 return LOCAL.compare_witness_suffixes(suffixA, suffixB);154 }155 //if the numbers are not the same sort them156 return numberA - numberB;157 },158 compare_witness_types: function (a, b) {159 if ($.isPlainObject(a)) {160 a = a['hand']161 }162 if ($.isPlainObject(b)) {163 b = b['hand']164 }165 if (a[0] === 'P') {166 if (b[0] === 'P') {167 return LOCAL.compare_witness_numbers(a.substring(1), b.substring(1));168 }169 return -1;170 }171 if (b[0] === 'P') {172 return 1;173 }174 if (a[0] === '0') {175 if (b[0] === '0') {176 return LOCAL.compare_witness_numbers(a.substring(1), b.substring(1));177 }178 return -1;179 }180 if (b[0] === '0') {181 return 1;182 }183 if (!isNaN(a[0])) {184 if (!isNaN(b[0])) {185 return LOCAL.compare_witness_numbers(a, b);186 }187 return -1;188 }189 if (!isNaN(b[0])) {190 return 1;191 }192 if (a[0] === 'L') {193 if (b[0] === 'L') {194 return LOCAL.compare_witness_numbers(a.substring(1), b.substring(1));195 }196 return -1;197 }198 if (b[0] === 'L') {199 return 1;200 }201 return 0;202 },203 204 }205}());...

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Source:journal-list.js Github


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1import React, { Component } from 'react';2import { TransitionGroup, CSSTransition } from 'react-transition-group';3import Journal from './journal';4import Book from './book';5import testData from './test-data';6if (build.mode === 'development' && !localStorage.getItem('journal-test-data')) {7 localStorage.setItem('journal-test-data', JSON.stringify({ entries: testData }));8}9const journalPrefix = "journal-";10class JournalList extends Component {11 constructor(props) {12 super(props);13 this.state = {14 journalIds: Object.keys(localStorage).filter(key => key.match(journalPrefix)),15 addingJournal: false16 };17 this.addJournal = this.addJournal.bind(this);18 this.deleteJournal = this.deleteJournal.bind(this);19 this.refreshJournalIds = this.refreshJournalIds.bind(this);20 }21 addJournal(e) {22 e.preventDefault();23 this.setState({24 addingJournal: true25 });26 }27 refreshJournalIds(callback) {28 this.setState({29 journalIds: Object.keys(localStorage).filter(key => key.match(journalPrefix))30 }, callback);31 }32 deleteJournal(journalId) {33 localStorage.removeItem(journalId);34 this.refreshJournalIds();35 }36 componentDidUpdate() {37 // If we just added a journal, switch this off and update journal ids38 if (this.state.addingJournal) {39 this.refreshJournalIds(() => {40 this.setState({41 addingJournal: false42 });43 });44 }45 }46 render() {47 const journals = this.state.journalIds48 .sort((idA, idB) => {49 const suffixA = Number(idA.replace(journalPrefix, ''));50 const suffixB = Number(idB.replace(journalPrefix, ''));51 if (Number.isNaN(suffixA))52 return -1;53 if (Number.isNaN(suffixB))54 return 1;55 return suffixB - suffixA;56 })57 .map(id => (58 <CSSTransition timeout={500} classNames="journal" key={id}>59 <Journal key={id} journalId={id} deleteJournal={this.deleteJournal} />60 </CSSTransition>61 ));62 return (63 <div className="journal-list cn mv5 vw6-l vw8-m vw-s oxh">64 <h1 className="bb lhs pb2">Journals</h1>65 <TransitionGroup>66 {journals}67 </TransitionGroup>68 {this.state.addingJournal && <Journal deleteJournal={this.deleteJournal} />}69 <button className="bg-blanc ba db wf f2 fwb pv2" onClick={this.addJournal}>New Journal +</button>70 </div>71 )72 }73}...

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Source:checkTreeCompleteness.js Github


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1function isStrictlyIncreasing(a, b) {2 var prefixA = +a.slice(0, -1).join('')3 var prefixB = +b.slice(0, -1).join('')4 var suffixA = a.slice(-1)[0]5 var suffixB = b.slice(-1)[0]6 if (a.length < b.length - 1) return false7 if (a.length === b.length8 && (prefixA != prefixB || suffixA != suffixB - 1))9 return false10 if (a.length === b.length - 111 && (+a.join('') != prefixB || suffixB != 1))12 return false13 return true14}15function treePrefix2array(string) {16 return string.split('.').map(s => +s)17}18module.exports = function(dati) {19 dati.reduce((a, b) => {20 var prev = treePrefix2array(a.livello)21 var curr = treePrefix2array(b.livello)22 // console.log(prev, curr)23 if (!isStrictlyIncreasing(prev, curr))24 throw new Error(`L'alberatura degli attributi è rotta in ${a.json}" -> "${b.json}`)25 return b26 })27 ...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2var sinon = require('sinon');3var sinonChai = require('sinon-chai');4chai.use(sinonChai);5var expect = chai.expect;6var chai = require('chai');7var sinon = require('sinon');8var sinonChai = require('sinon-chai');9var expect = chai.expect;10chai.use(sinonChai);11var chai = require('chai');12var sinon = require('sinon');13var sinonChai = require('sinon-chai');14var expect = chai.expect;15chai.use(sinonChai);16var chai = require('chai');17var sinon = require('sinon');18var sinonChai = require('sinon-chai');19var expect = chai.expect;20chai.use(sinonChai);21var chai = require('chai');22var sinon = require('sinon');23var sinonChai = require('sinon-chai');24var expect = chai.expect;25chai.use(sinonChai);26var chai = require('chai');27var sinon = require('sinon');28var sinonChai = require('sinon-chai');29var expect = chai.expect;30chai.use(sinonChai);31var chai = require('chai');32var sinon = require('sinon');33var sinonChai = require('sinon-chai');34var expect = chai.expect;35chai.use(sinonChai);36var chai = require('chai');37var sinon = require('sinon');38var sinonChai = require('sinon-chai');39var expect = chai.expect;40chai.use(sinonChai);41var chai = require('chai');42var sinon = require('sinon');43var sinonChai = require('sinon-chai');44var expect = chai.expect;45chai.use(sinonChai);46var chai = require('chai');47var sinon = require('sinon');48var sinonChai = require('sinon-chai');

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Using AI Code Generation


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Using AI Code Generation


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1import chai from 'chai';2import sinonChai from 'sinon-chai';3chai.use(sinonChai);4import { expect } from 'chai';5import sinon from 'sinon';6import sinonChai from 'sinon-chai';7chai.use(sinonChai);8import chai from 'chai';9import chaiAsPromised from 'chai-as-promised';10chai.use(chaiAsPromised);11import { expect } from 'chai';12import chaiAsPromised from 'chai-as-promised';13chai.use(chaiAsPromised);14import chai from 'chai';15import chaiEnzyme from 'chai-enzyme';16chai.use(chaiEnzyme);17import { expect } from 'chai';18import chaiEnzyme from 'chai-enzyme';19chai.use(chaiEnzyme);20import chai from 'chai';21import chaiJquery from 'chai-jquery';22chai.use(chaiJquery);23import { expect } from 'chai';24import chaiJquery from 'chai-jquery';25chai.use(chaiJquery);26import chai from 'chai';27import chaiThings from 'chai-things';28chai.use(chaiThings);29import { expect } from 'chai';30import chaiThings from 'chai-things';31chai.use(chaiThings);32import chai from 'chai';33import chaiDatetime from 'chai-datetime';34chai.use(chaiDatetime);35import { expect } from 'chai';36import chaiDatetime from 'chai-datetime';37chai.use(chaiDatetime);38import chai from 'chai';39import chaiSubset from 'chai-subset';40chai.use(chaiSubset);41import { expect } from 'chai';42import chaiSubset from 'chai-subset';43chai.use(chaiSubset);44import chai from 'chai';45import chaiXml from 'chai-xml';46chai.use(chaiXml);47import { expect } from 'chai';48import chaiXml

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Using AI Code Generation


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Using AI Code Generation


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1expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWith('foo', 'bar');2expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWithExactly('foo', 'bar');3expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWithMatch('foo', 'bar');4expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWithMatchExactly('foo', 'bar');5expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWithExactly('foo', 'bar');6expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWithExactly('foo', 'bar');7expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWithMatch('foo', 'bar');8expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWithMatchExactly('foo', 'bar');9expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWith('foo', 'bar');10expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWithExactly('foo', 'bar');11expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWithMatch('foo', 'bar');12expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWithMatchExactly('foo', 'bar');13expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWith('foo', 'bar');14expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWithExactly('foo', 'bar');15expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWithMatch('foo', 'bar');16expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWithMatchExactly('foo', 'bar');17expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWith('foo', 'bar');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var sinon = require('sinon');2var assert = require('assert');3var myObj = {4 myMethod: function (a, b) {5 return a + b;6 }7};8var stub = sinon.stub(myObj, "myMethod", function (a, b) {9 return a - b;10});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var stub = sinon.stub();2stub.withArgs("a").suffixB("b");3var stub = sinon.stub();4stub.withArgs("a").suffixB("b");5var stub = sinon.stub();6stub.withArgs("a").suffixB("b");7var stub = sinon.stub();8stub.withArgs("a").suffixB("b");9var stub = sinon.stub();10stub.withArgs("a").suffixB("b");11var stub = sinon.stub();12stub.withArgs("a").suffixB("b");13var stub = sinon.stub();14stub.withArgs("a").suffixB("b");15var stub = sinon.stub();16stub.withArgs("a").suffixB("b");17var stub = sinon.stub();18stub.withArgs("a").suffixB("b");19var stub = sinon.stub();20stub.withArgs("a").suffixB("b");

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var sandbox = require('sinon-sandbox');2var sinon = sandbox.create();3var myObj = {4 myMethod: function() {5 return 'hello';6 }7};8sinon.stub(myObj, 'myMethod', function() {9 return 'hello world';10});11console.log(myObj.myMethod());12var sandbox = require('sinon-sandbox');13var sinon = sandbox.create();14var myObj = {15 myMethod: function() {16 return 'hello';17 }18};19sinon.stub(myObj, 'myMethod', function() {20 return 'hello world';21});22console.log(myObj.myMethod());23var sandbox = require('sinon-sandbox');24var sinon = sandbox.create();25var myObj = {26 myMethod: function() {27 return 'hello';28 }29};30sinon.stub(myObj, 'myMethod', function() {31 return 'hello world';32});33console.log(myObj.myMethod());34var sandbox = require('sinon-sandbox');35var sinon = sandbox.create();36console.log(myObj.myMethod());

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var test = require('sinon-test')(sinon);2test.configureTest(sinon);3sinon.test(function(){});4var test = require('sinon-test')(sinon, {useFakeTimers: false});5test.configureTest(sinon);6sinon.test(function(){});7var test = require('sinon-test')(sinon, {useFakeTimers: false, useFakeServer: false});8test.configureTest(sinon);9sinon.test(function(){});10var test = require('sinon-test')(sinon);11test.configureTest(sinon);12sinon.test(function(){});13var test = require('sinon-test')(sinon);14test.configureTest(sinon);15sinon.test(function(){});16var test = require('sinon-test')(sinon, {useFakeTimers: false});17test.configureTest(sinon);18sinon.test(function(){});19var test = require('sinon-test')(sinon, {useFakeTimers: false, useFakeServer: false});20test.configureTest(sinon);21sinon.test(function(){});22var test = require('sinon-test')(sinon, {useFakeTimers: false, useFakeServer: false});23test.configureTest(sinon, 'unit');24sinon.test(function(){});25var test = require('sinon-test')(sinon, {useFakeTimers: false, useFakeServer: false});26test.configureTest(sinon

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