How to use componentRef method in storybook-root

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Source:angular-view-factory.ts Github


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1import {2 Inject,3 ViewFactory,4 PostConstruct,5 ViewContainer,6 ViewFactoryArgs,7 VIEW_COMPONENT_CONFIG,8 ConfiguredItem,9 TagUtil,10 ViewConfig,11 VIEW_CONFIG_KEY12} from 'ug-layout';13import {14 Injector,15 ViewContainerRef,16 ComponentFactoryResolver,17 Type,18 ReflectiveInjector,19 ComponentFactory,20 ComponentRef,21 ElementRef,22 Provider,23 ViewRef24} from '@angular/core';25import { ɵDomSharedStylesHost } from '@angular/platform-browser';26import { Subject } from 'rxjs';27import { DetachHost } from 'ug-layout';28import * as angular from './angular';29import { AngularPlugin } from './angular-plugin';30import { Angular1ComponentFactory } from './angularjs-component-factory';31import {32 ANGULAR_TAG,33 ViewComponentConfig,34 COMPONENT_REF_KEY,35 ANGULAR_PLUGIN,36 ANGULAR_GLOBAL37} from './common';38export class AngularViewFactory extends ViewFactory {39 @Inject(ANGULAR_PLUGIN) protected _plugin: AngularPlugin;40 @Inject(ANGULAR_GLOBAL) protected _angularGlobal: any;41 @Inject(DetachHost) protected _detachHost: DetachHost;42 protected _componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver;43 protected _ng1Bootstrapped: Subject<void> = new Subject<void>();44 protected _isNg1Bootstrapped: boolean = false;45 protected _isCheckingForNg1: boolean = false;46 protected get _ng2Injector(): Injector {47 return this._plugin.injector;48 }49 protected get _viewContainerRef(): ViewContainerRef {50 return this._plugin.viewContainerRef;51 }52 @PostConstruct()53 init(): void {54 // This is technically private... BUT it is exported so... it's fair game.55 const styleHost = this._ng2Injector.get(ɵDomSharedStylesHost);56 this._componentFactoryResolver = this._ng2Injector.get(57 ComponentFactoryResolver58 );59 // On detach add the detach child as a style host to add60 // all styles to that child.61 if (this._plugin.detachComponentStyles) {62 this._detachHost.onDetach.subscribe(handler => {63 const childWindow = handler.getChild();64 if (childWindow) {65 const childHost = childWindow.document.head;66 styleHost.addHost(childHost);67 handler.onClose.subscribe(() => styleHost.removeHost(childHost));68 }69 });70 }71 }72 create<T>(args: ViewFactoryArgs): ViewContainer<T> {73 // Pass through for non angular components.74 if (!TagUtil.matchesTags(args.config, [ANGULAR_TAG])) {75 return super.create<T>(args);76 }77 let viewConfig = null;78 if (args.config.useClass) {79 viewConfig = ConfiguredItem.resolveConfig<any>(80 args.config.useClass,81 null82 );83 } else if (args.config.useFactory) {84 viewConfig = ConfiguredItem.resolveConfig<any>(85 args.config.useFactory,86 null87 );88 }89 const component = this.getTokenFrom(args.config);90 return super.create<T>({91 ...args,92 config: {93 ...args.config,94 token: component,95 useFactory: new ConfiguredItem(96 this.createFactory<T>(component, args.config),97 viewConfig98 ),99 deps: [ViewContainer, VIEW_COMPONENT_CONFIG]100 }101 });102 }103 protected createFactory<T>(104 component: Type<T>,105 config: ViewConfig106 ): (...args: any[]) => Promise<T> {107 return async (viewContainer: ViewContainer<T>, config: any): Promise<T> => {108 const metadata = Reflect.getMetadata(109 VIEW_CONFIG_KEY,110 component111 ) as ViewComponentConfig;112 if (metadata.upgrade) {113 return await this._ng1Factory(viewContainer, component, config);114 }115 return await this._ng2Factory(viewContainer, component, config);116 };117 }118 private async _ng1Factory<T>(119 viewContainer: ViewContainer<T>,120 component: Type<T>,121 config: any122 ): Promise<T> {123 if (!this._isNg1Bootstrapped) {124 if (!this._isCheckingForNg1) {125 this._checkForNg1Init();126 }127 await this._ng1Bootstrapped.toPromise();128 }129 const token = component;130 const metadata = Reflect.getOwnMetadata(131 VIEW_CONFIG_KEY,132 token133 ) as ViewComponentConfig;134 const ng1Injector = this._ng2Injector.get('$injector') as angular.Injector;135 const componentRef = ng1Injector.instantiate<Angular1ComponentFactory<T>>(136 Angular1ComponentFactory,137 {138 viewContainer,139 Component: token,140 config: metadata,141 $scope:142 this._plugin.scope || ng1Injector.get<angular.Scope>('$rootScope'),143 angularGlobal: this._angularGlobal,144 providers: this.getNg1Providers(145 {146 viewComponentConfig: config147 },148 viewContainer149 )150 }151 );152 viewContainer.destroyed.subscribe(() =>153 this._onNg1ComponentDestroyed(componentRef.scope, viewContainer)154 );155 return componentRef.create();156 }157 private async _ng2Factory<T>(158 viewContainer: ViewContainer<T>,159 component: Type<T>,160 config: any161 ): Promise<T> {162 const token = component;163 const componentFactory = this._componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory<164 T165 >(token);166 const injector = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate(167 this.getNg2Providers(168 [169 {170 provide: ElementRef,171 useValue: new ElementRef(viewContainer.element)172 },173 { provide: ViewContainer, useValue: viewContainer },174 { provide: VIEW_COMPONENT_CONFIG, useValue: config }175 ],176 viewContainer177 ),178 this._ng2Injector179 );180 const componentRef = this._viewContainerRef.createComponent(181 componentFactory,182 undefined,183 injector184 );185 const unbindInputs = this._setupInputs<T>(componentFactory, componentRef);186 componentRef.instance[COMPONENT_REF_KEY] = componentRef;187 viewContainer.mount(componentRef.location.nativeElement);188 viewContainer.destroyed.subscribe(() => {189 unbindInputs();190 this._onComponentDestroy(componentRef, componentFactory);191 });192 viewContainer.attached.subscribe(() =>193 this._onAttachChange(true, componentRef, viewContainer)194 );195 viewContainer.detached.subscribe(() =>196 this._onAttachChange(false, componentRef, viewContainer)197 );198 // This is needed for dynamic components...199 componentRef.changeDetectorRef.markForCheck();200 return componentRef.instance;201 }202 private _onAttachChange<T>(203 isAttached: boolean,204 componentRef: ComponentRef<T>,205 viewContainer: ViewContainer<T>206 ): void {207 const index = this._viewContainerRef.indexOf(componentRef.hostView);208 const hasViewRef = index !== -1;209 if (isAttached) {210 componentRef.hostView.reattach();211 // The view container ref could have changed, so if we reattach, attach to the correct container.212 if (!hasViewRef) {213 this._viewContainerRef.insert(componentRef.hostView);214 viewContainer.mount(componentRef.location.nativeElement);215 }216 } else {217 componentRef.hostView.detach();218 if (hasViewRef) {219 this._viewContainerRef.detach(index);220 }221 }222 }223 /**224 * This is very ugly, but NG2 doesn't let us know when NG1 is bootstrapped, so we need to225 * pull for when it's ready. In reality this only gets invoked 2 or 3 times so it's not that big of a deal.226 * @private227 */228 protected _checkForNg1Init(): void {229 this._isCheckingForNg1 = true;230 if (this._ng2Injector.get('$injector', null)) {231 this._isNg1Bootstrapped = true;232;233 this._ng1Bootstrapped.complete();234 } else {235 setTimeout(() => this._checkForNg1Init());236 }237 }238 private _setupInputs<T>(239 factory: ComponentFactory<T>,240 componentRef: ComponentRef<T>241 ): () => void {242 let isBound: boolean = true;243 for (const input of factory.inputs) {244 const descriptor =245 Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(246 componentRef.instance,247 input.propName248 ) ||249 // Account for getter/setters250 Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(251 componentRef.componentType.prototype,252 input.propName253 );254 if (descriptor) {255 let { set, get, value } = descriptor;256 if (!set && !get) {257 set = v => (value = v);258 get = () => value;259 }260 Object.defineProperty(componentRef.instance, input.propName, {261 get,262 enumerable: descriptor.enumerable,263 configurable: true,264 set(value) {265 if (set) {266, value);267 }268 if (isBound && !(componentRef.changeDetectorRef as ViewRef).destroyed) {269 componentRef.changeDetectorRef.detectChanges();270 }271 }272 });273 }274 }275 return () => (isBound = false);276 }277 private _onDestroyNotify<T>(278 componentRef: ComponentRef<T>,279 viewContainer: ViewContainer<T>280 ): void {281 const index = this._viewContainerRef.indexOf(componentRef.hostView);282 if (viewContainer.isCacheable) {283 componentRef.hostView.detach();284 if (index !== -1) {285 this._viewContainerRef.detach(index);286 }287 }288 }289 private _onNg1ComponentDestroyed<T>(290 scope: angular.Scope,291 container: ViewContainer<T>292 ): void {293 if (294 container.component &&295 typeof container.component['$onDestroy'] === 'function'296 ) {297 container.component['$onDestroy']();298 }299 scope.$destroy();300 // Angular 1 emits a `$destroy` event when a node is removed from the DOM.301 // We need to simulate this event.302 if (this._angularGlobal) {303 this._angularGlobal.element(container.element).remove();304 }305 }306 private _onComponentDestroy<T>(307 componentRef: ComponentRef<T>,308 componentFactory: ComponentFactory<T>309 ): void {310 const index = this._viewContainerRef.indexOf(componentRef.hostView);311 if (index !== -1) {312 this._viewContainerRef.remove(index);313 }314 componentRef.destroy();315 for (const output of componentFactory.outputs) {316 if (317 typeof componentRef.instance === 'object' &&318 typeof componentRef.instance[output.propName] === 'object' &&319 typeof componentRef.instance[output.propName].complete === 'function'320 ) {321 componentRef.instance[output.propName].complete();322 }323 }324 }325 protected getNg1Providers(326 providers: { [key: string]: any },327 viewContainer: ViewContainer<any>328 ): { [key: string]: any } {329 return providers;330 }331 protected getNg2Providers(332 providers: Provider[],333 viewContainer: ViewContainer<any>334 ): Provider[] {335 return providers;336 }...

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Source:dom-portal-host.ts Github


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1import {2 ComponentFactoryResolver,3 ComponentRef,4 EmbeddedViewRef,5 ApplicationRef,6} from '@angular/core';7import { BasePortalHost, ComponentPortal } from './portal';8/**9 * A PortalHost for attaching portals to an arbitrary DOM element outside of the Angular10 * application context.11 *12 * This is the only part of the portal core that directly touches the DOM.13 */14export class DomPortalHost extends BasePortalHost {15 constructor(16 private _hostDomElement: Element,17 private _componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver,18 private _appRef: ApplicationRef19 ) {20 super();21 }22 /**23 * Attach the given ComponentPortal to DOM element using the ComponentFactoryResolver.24 * @param portal Portal to be attached25 */26 attachComponentPortal<T>(portal: ComponentPortal<T>, newestOnTop: boolean): ComponentRef<T> {27 const componentFactory = this._componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(28 portal.component29 );30 let componentRef: ComponentRef<T>;31 // If the portal specifies a ViewContainerRef, we will use that as the attachment point32 // for the component (in terms of Angular's component tree, not rendering).33 // When the ViewContainerRef is missing, we use the factory to create the component directly34 // and then manually attach the ChangeDetector for that component to the application (which35 // happens automatically when using a ViewContainer).36 componentRef = componentFactory.create(portal.injector);37 // When creating a component outside of a ViewContainer, we need to manually register38 // its ChangeDetector with the application. This API is unfortunately not yet published39 // in Angular core. The change detector must also be deregistered when the component40 // is destroyed to prevent memory leaks.41 this._appRef.attachView(componentRef.hostView);42 this.setDisposeFn(() => {43 this._appRef.detachView(componentRef.hostView);44 componentRef.destroy();45 });46 // At this point the component has been instantiated, so we move it to the location in the DOM47 // where we want it to be rendered.48 if (newestOnTop) {49 this._hostDomElement.insertBefore(50 this._getComponentRootNode(componentRef),51 this._hostDomElement.firstChild52 );53 } else {54 this._hostDomElement.appendChild(this._getComponentRootNode(componentRef));55 }56 return componentRef;57 }58 /** Gets the root HTMLElement for an instantiated component. */59 private _getComponentRootNode(componentRef: ComponentRef<any>): HTMLElement {60 return (componentRef.hostView as EmbeddedViewRef<any>).rootNodes[0] as HTMLElement;61 }...

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Source:base.service.ts Github


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1import {2 ComponentRef,3 ComponentFactoryResolver,4 ApplicationRef,5 Injector,6 Injectable,7 EmbeddedViewRef,8 Inject,9} from '@angular/core';10import {DOCUMENT} from '@angular/common';11@Injectable({providedIn: 'root'})12export abstract class BaseService {13 constructor(14 private resolver: ComponentFactoryResolver,15 private applicationRef: ApplicationRef,16 private injector: Injector,17 @Inject(DOCUMENT) private doc: any,18 ) {19 }20 protected list: ComponentRef<any>[] = [];21 /**22 * 销毁23 *24 * @param component 下标(从0开始或组件引用对象),或不指定时,销毁最新一个25 */26 destroy(component?: number | ComponentRef<any>) {27 if (typeof component === 'number') {28 component = this.list[<number>component];29 }30 if (!component) {31 component = this.list.pop();32 }33 if (component) {34 (<ComponentRef<any>>component).destroy();35 }36 }37 /**38 * 销毁所有39 */40 destroyAll() {41 for (const component of this.list) {42 this.destroy(component);43 }44 }45 /** 动态构建组件 */46 protected build<T>(component: { new(...args: any[]): T }): ComponentRef<T> {47 const componentFactory = this.resolver.resolveComponentFactory(component);48 const componentRef = componentFactory.create(this.injector);49 this.list.push(componentRef);50 const componentRootNode = (componentRef.hostView as EmbeddedViewRef<any>)51 .rootNodes[0] as HTMLElement;52 this.applicationRef.attachView(componentRef.hostView);53 componentRef.onDestroy(() => {54 this.applicationRef.detachView(componentRef.hostView);55 });56 this.doc.body.appendChild(componentRootNode);57 return componentRef;58 }...

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1import { componentRef } from 'storybook-root-decorator';2export default {3};4export const test = () => {5 const ref = componentRef();6 return (7 <div ref={ref}>8 );9};10import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';11import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';12addDecorator(withRootDecorator);13import { addons } from '@storybook/addons';14import { create } from '@storybook/theming';15addons.setConfig({16 theme: create({17 }),18});19const path = require('path');20module.exports = ({ config }) => {21 config.resolve.alias = {22 'storybook-root-decorator': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/index.js'),23 };24 return config;25};26module.exports = {27 webpackFinal: require('./webpack.config'),28};29 #root {30 display: flex;31 flex-direction: column;32 align-items: center;33 justify-content: center;34 margin: 0;35 height: 100vh;36 width: 100vw;37 }38import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';39import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';40addDecorator(withRootDecorator);41import { addons } from '@storybook/addons';42import { create } from '@storybook/theming';43addons.setConfig({44 theme: create({45 }),46});47const path = require('path');48module.exports = ({ config }) => {49 config.resolve.alias = {

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1import { componentRef } from 'storybook-root-decorator';2componentRef('app-root');3componentRef('app-root').then((element) => {4});5componentRef('app-root').then((element) => {6});7componentRef('app-root').then((element) => {8});9componentRef('app-root').then((element) => {10});11componentRef('app-root').then((element) => {12});13componentRef('app-root').then

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1import { componentRef } from 'storybook-root-decorator';2const MyComponent = () => {3 const ref = componentRef('my-component');4 return <div ref={ref} />;5};6export default MyComponent;7import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';8import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';9addDecorator(withRootDecorator);10import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';11import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';12addDecorator(withRootDecorator);13import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';14import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';15addDecorator(withRootDecorator);16module.exports = {17 stories: ['../src/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx)'],18};19import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';20import { withRootDecorator } from 'storybook-root-decorator';21addDecorator(withRootDecorator);22 window.__STORYBOOK_ROOT_DECORATOR__ = {23 };24 window.__STORYBOOK_ROOT_DECORATOR__ = {25 };26 window.__STORYBOOK_ROOT_DECORATOR__ = {27 };28 window.__STORYBOOK_ROOT_DECORATOR__ = {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { componentRef } from 'storybook-root-decorator';2import { MyComponent } from './MyComponent';3export default {4};5import React from 'react';6import { MyComponent } from './MyComponent';7export const Default = () => <MyComponent />;8import { render } from '@testing-library/react';9import { Default } from './MyComponent.stories';10describe('MyComponent', () => {11 it('should render', () => {12 const { container } = render(Default());13 expect(container).toBeInTheDocument();14 });15});16import { render } from '@testing-library/react';17import { Default } from './MyComponent.stories';18describe('MyComponent', () => {19 it('should render', () => {20 const { container } = render(Default());21 expect(container).toBeInTheDocument();22 });23});24import { render } from '@testing-library/react';25import { Default } from './MyComponent.stories';26describe('MyComponent', () => {27 it('should render', () => {28 const { container } = render(Default());29 expect(container).toBeInTheDocument();30 });31});32import { render } from '@testing-library/react';33import { Default } from './MyComponent.stories';34describe('MyComponent', () => {35 it('should render', () => {36 const { container } = render(Default());37 expect(container).toBeInTheDocument();38 });39});40import { render } from '@testing-library/react';41import { Default } from './MyComponent.stories';42describe('MyComponent', () => {43 it('should render', () => {44 const { container } = render(Default());45 expect(container).toBeInTheDocument();46 });47});48import { render } from '@testing-library/react';49import { Default } from './MyComponent.stories';50describe('MyComponent', () => {51 it('should render', () => {52 const { container } = render(Default());53 expect(container).toBeInTheDocument();54 });55});56import { render } from '@testing-library/react';57import { Default } from './

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1import { componentRef } from 'storybook-root-decorator';2const ref = componentRef();3ref.setComponent(<MyComponent />);4ref.setComponent(<MyOtherComponent />);5ref.setComponent(null);6ref.setComponent(<MyComponent />);7ref.setComponent(<MyOtherComponent />);8ref.setComponent(null);9import { componentRef } from 'storybook-root-decorator';10const ref = componentRef();11ref.setComponent(<MyComponent />);12ref.setComponent(<MyOtherComponent />);13ref.setComponent(null);14ref.setComponent(<MyComponent />);15ref.setComponent(<MyOtherComponent />);16ref.setComponent(null);17import { componentRef } from 'storybook-root-decorator';18const ref = componentRef();19ref.setComponent(<MyComponent />);20ref.setComponent(<MyOtherComponent />);21ref.setComponent(null);22ref.setComponent(<MyComponent />);23ref.setComponent(<MyOtherComponent />);24ref.setComponent(null);25import { componentRef } from 'storybook-root-decorator';26const ref = componentRef();27ref.setComponent(<MyComponent />);28ref.setComponent(<MyOtherComponent />);29ref.setComponent(null);30ref.setComponent(<MyComponent />);31ref.setComponent(<MyOtherComponent />);32ref.setComponent(null);33import { componentRef } from 'storybook-root-decorator';34const ref = componentRef();35ref.setComponent(<MyComponent />);36ref.setComponent(<MyOtherComponent />);37ref.setComponent(null);38ref.setComponent(<MyComponent />);39ref.setComponent(<MyOtherComponent />);40ref.setComponent(null);41import { componentRef } from 'storybook-root-decorator';42const ref = componentRef();43ref.setComponent(<MyComponent />);44ref.setComponent(<MyOtherComponent />);45ref.setComponent(null);46ref.setComponent(<MyComponent />);47ref.setComponent(<MyOtherComponent />);48ref.setComponent(null);49import { componentRef } from 'storybook-root-decorator';50const ref = componentRef();

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1import { Component, Prop, State, Element, h } from '@stencil/core';2import { getStorybookUI } from '@storybook/ionic';3@Component({4})5export class StorybookRoot {6 @Element() element: HTMLElement;7 @State() storybookUI: any;8 @Prop() componentRef: any;9 async componentWillLoad() {10 this.storybookUI = await getStorybookUI({ port: 7007, onDeviceUI: true });11 }12 render() {13 return (14 {this.storybookUI}15 );16 }17}

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1import { componentRef } from 'storybook-root'2const component = componentRef('button')"scripts": {5}6"scripts": {7}8See [](

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