How to use toggleNav method in storybook-root

Best JavaScript code snippet using storybook-root


Source:App.js Github


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1import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";2import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from "react-router-dom";3import Login from "./pages/private/Login";4import AdminRoute from "./components/AdminRoute";5import AdminDashNav from "./components/AdminDashNav";6import { useSelector } from "react-redux";7import AdminHome from "./pages/admin/AdminHome";8import AdminTopbar from "./components/AdminTopbar";9import "./styles/styles.scss";10import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css";11import AdminUsers from "./pages/admin/AdminUsers";12import AdminCreateUser from "./pages/admin/AdminCreateUser";13import StaffNav from "./components/StaffNav";14import StaffRoute from "./components/StaffRoute";15import StaffHome from "./pages/stuff/StaffHome";16import StaffProfile from "./pages/stuff/StaffProfile";17import Home from "./pages/public/Home";18import About from "./pages/public/About";19import Profile from "./pages/public/Profile";20import StaffColleagues from "./pages/stuff/StaffColleagues";21import StaffArticles from "./pages/stuff/StaffArticles";22import StaffEditArticle from "./pages/stuff/StaffEditArticle";23import StaffDocuments from "./pages/stuff/StaffDocuments";24import StaffSuggestions from "./pages/stuff/StaffSuggestions";25import "aos/dist/aos.css";26import Article from "./pages/public/Article";27import StaffTrainingSchedules from "./pages/stuff/StaffTrainingSchedules";28import AdminProfile from "./pages/admin/AdminProfile";29import AdminTrainingSchedule from "./pages/admin/AdminTrainingSchedule";30import AdminDocuments from "./pages/admin/AdminDocuments";31import AdminEvents from "./pages/admin/AdminEvents";32import AdminSuggestions from "./pages/admin/AdminSuggestions";33import UpcomingEvents from "./pages/public/UpcomingEvents";34import AllArticles from "./pages/public/AllArticles";35import Contact from "./pages/public/Contact";36import AdminError from "./pages/admin/AdminError";37import AOS from "aos";38export default function App() {39 const [toggleNav, setToggleNav] = useState(false);40 const [pathName, setPathName] = useState("");41 const [pathStatus, setPathStatus] = useState(false);42 const userSignIn = useSelector((state) => state.userSignIn);43 const { userInfo } = userSignIn;44 function getWindowDimensions() {45 const { innerWidth: width, innerHeight: height } = window;46 return {47 width,48 height,49 };50 }51 function useWindowDimensions() {52 const [windowDimensions, setWindowDimensions] = useState(53 getWindowDimensions()54 );55 function updateStatus() {56 setPathName(window.location.pathname);57 }58 setTimeout(() => {59 updateStatus();60 }, [100]);61 useEffect(() => {62 if (!pathStatus) {63 setPathName(window.location.pathname);64 setPathStatus(true);65 }66 AOS.init({67 duration: 500,68 offset: 50,69 });70 function handleResize() {71 setWindowDimensions(getWindowDimensions());72 }73 window.addEventListener("resize", handleResize);74 return () => window.removeEventListener("resize", handleResize);75 }, []);76 return windowDimensions;77 }78 const { width } = useWindowDimensions();79 return (80 <Router>81 <Switch>82 <div>83 {userInfo?.isAdmin && pathName.includes("/admin") && width > 1200 ? (84 <>85 <AdminDashNav toggleNav={toggleNav} />86 <AdminTopbar87 setToggle={() => setToggleNav((prevCheck) => !prevCheck)}88 toggleNavbar={toggleNav}89 />90 </>91 ) : userInfo?.isStaff && pathName.includes("/staff") ? (92 <>93 <StaffNav />94 </>95 ) : pathName.includes("login") ? (96 ""97 ) : !userInfo ||98 !pathName.includes("/staff") ||99 !pathName.includes("/admin") ? (100 <>101 <Route path="/" component={Home} exact />102 <Route path="/about-us" component={About} exact />103 <Route path="/profile/:id" exact component={Profile} />104 <Route path="/articles/:id" exact component={Article} />105 <Route path="/upcoming-events" exact component={UpcomingEvents} />106 <Route path="/articles" exact component={AllArticles} />107 <Route path="/contact" exact component={Contact} />108 </>109 ) : (110 ""111 )}112 {width < 1200 && userInfo?.isAdmin && pathName.includes("/admin") ? (113 <AdminError />114 ) : (115 <>116 <AdminRoute117 toggleNav={toggleNav}118 path="/admin"119 exact120 component={() => <AdminHome toggleNav={toggleNav} />}121 />122 <AdminRoute123 toggleNav={toggleNav}124 path="/admin/profile"125 exact126 component={() => <AdminProfile toggleNav={toggleNav} />}127 />128 <AdminRoute129 toggleNav={toggleNav}130 path="/admin/users"131 exact132 component={() => <AdminUsers toggleNav={toggleNav} />}133 />134 <AdminRoute135 toggleNav={toggleNav}136 path="/admin/users/create/user"137 exact138 component={() => <AdminCreateUser toggleNav={toggleNav} />}139 />140 <AdminRoute141 toggleNav={toggleNav}142 path="/admin/training-schedule"143 exact144 component={() => (145 <AdminTrainingSchedule toggleNav={toggleNav} />146 )}147 />148 <AdminRoute149 toggleNav={toggleNav}150 path="/admin/documents"151 exact152 component={() => <AdminDocuments toggleNav={toggleNav} />}153 />154 <AdminRoute155 toggleNav={toggleNav}156 path="/admin/events"157 exact158 component={() => <AdminEvents toggleNav={toggleNav} />}159 />160 <AdminRoute161 toggleNav={toggleNav}162 path="/admin/suggestions"163 exact164 component={() => <AdminSuggestions toggleNav={toggleNav} />}165 />166 </>167 )}168 <StaffRoute path="/staff" exact component={() => <StaffHome />} />169 <StaffRoute170 path="/staff/profile"171 exact172 component={() => <StaffProfile />}173 />174 <StaffRoute175 path="/staff/colleagues"176 exact177 component={() => <StaffColleagues />}178 />179 <StaffRoute180 path="/staff/articles"181 exact182 component={() => <StaffArticles />}183 />184 <StaffRoute185 path="/staff/article/:id/edit"186 exact187 component={() => <StaffEditArticle />}188 />189 <StaffRoute190 path="/staff/documents"191 exact192 component={() => <StaffDocuments />}193 />194 <StaffRoute195 path="/staff/suggestions"196 exact197 component={() => <StaffSuggestions />}198 />199 <StaffRoute200 path="/staff/training-schedules"201 exact202 component={() => <StaffTrainingSchedules />}203 />204 <Route path="/private/login" component={Login} exact />205 </div>206 </Switch>207 </Router>208 );...

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Source:script.js Github


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...6const nav4 = document.getElementById('nav-4')7const nav5 = document.getElementById('nav-5')8const navItems = [nav1, nav2, nav3, nav4, nav5]9const aLink = document.querySelectorAll('ul li a')10// function toggleNav(){11// // Toggle: Menu Bars Open/Closed12// menuBars.classList.toggle('change')13// // Toggle: Menu Active14// overlay.classList.toggle('overlay-active')15// if(overlay.classList.contains('overlay-active')) {16// //Animate In - Overlay17// overlay.classList.remove('overlay-slide-left')18// overlay.classList.add('overlay-slide-right')19// //Animate In - Nav Items20// nav1.classList.remove('slide-out-1')21// nav1.classList.add('slide-in-1')22// nav2.classList.remove('slide-out-2')23// nav2.classList.add('slide-in-2')24// nav3.classList.remove('slide-out-3')25// nav3.classList.add('slide-in-3')26// nav4.classList.remove('slide-out-4')27// nav4.classList.add('slide-in-4')28// nav5.classList.remove('slide-out-5')29// nav5.classList.add('slide-in-5')30// } else{31// //Animate Out - Overlay32// overlay.classList.remove('overlay-slide-right')33// overlay.classList.add('overlay-slide-left')34// //Animate Out - Nav Items35// nav1.classList.remove('slide-in-1')36// nav1.classList.add('slide-out-1')37// nav2.classList.remove('slide-in-2')38// nav2.classList.add('slide-out-2')39// nav3.classList.remove('slide-in-3')40// nav3.classList.add('slide-out-3')41// nav4.classList.remove('slide-in-4')42// nav4.classList.add('slide-out-4')43// nav5.classList.remove('slide-in-5')44// nav5.classList.add('slide-out-5')45// }46// }47// // Event Listeners 48// menuBars.addEventListener('click', toggleNav)49// nav1.addEventListener('click', toggleNav)50// nav2.addEventListener('click', toggleNav)51// nav3.addEventListener('click', toggleNav)52// nav4.addEventListener('click', toggleNav)53// nav5.addEventListener('click', toggleNav)54// Refactor 55//Control Navigation Animation56function navAnimation(direction1, direction2){57 navItems.forEach((nav, i) => {58 nav.classList.replace(`slide-${direction1}-${i+1}`, `slide-${direction2}-${i+1}`)59 }) 60}61function toggleNav(){62 // Toggle: Menu Bars Open/Closed63 menuBars.classList.toggle('change')64 // Toggle: Menu Active65 overlay.classList.toggle('overlay-active')66 if(overlay.classList.contains('overlay-active')) {67 //Animate In - Overlay68 overlay.classList.replace('overlay-slide-left', 'overlay-slide-right')69 //Animate In - Nav Items70 navAnimation('out', 'in')71 } else{72 //Animate Out - Overlay73 overlay.classList.replace('overlay-slide-right', 'overlay-slide-left')74 //Animate Out - Nav Items75 navAnimation('in', 'out')...

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Source:NavToggler.jsx Github


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1import React, { useState } from "react";2import styled from "styled-components";3import NavList from "./NavList";4function NavToggler() {5 const [toggleNav, setToggleNav] = useState(false);6 const Hamburger = styled.div`7 position: fixed;8 right: 2rem;9 top: 10px;10 width: 2rem;11 height: 2rem;12 display: flex;13 flex-direction: column;14 gap: 6px;15 cursor: pointer;16 z-index: 2;17 div {18 background-color: ${({toggleNav})=> toggleNav ? "red" : "white"};19 width: 2rem;20 height: 0.25rem;21 border-radius: 10px;22 transform-origin: 1px;23 &:nth-child(1) {24 transform: ${({ toggleNav }) =>25 toggleNav ? "rotate(45deg)" : "rotate(0)"};26 }27 &:nth-child(2) {28 transform: ${({ toggleNav }) =>29 toggleNav ? "translate(100px)" : "translate(0)"};30 }31 &:nth-child(3) {32 transform: ${({ toggleNav }) =>33 toggleNav ? "rotate(-45deg)" : "rotate(0)"};34 }35 @media screen and (min-width: 761px){36 display: none;37 }38 }39 `;40 return (41 <>42 <Hamburger toggleNav={toggleNav} onClick={() => setToggleNav(!toggleNav)}>43 <div />44 <div />45 <div />46 </Hamburger>47 <NavList toggleNav = {toggleNav} setToggleNav={setToggleNav} />48 </>49 );50}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-root';2toggleNav();3import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-root';4toggleNav();5import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-root';6toggleNav();7import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-root';8toggleNav();9import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-root';10toggleNav();11import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-root';12toggleNav();13import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-root';14toggleNav();15import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-root';16toggleNav();17import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-root';18toggleNav();19import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-root';20toggleNav();21import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-root';22toggleNav();23import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-root';24toggleNav();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1In the above code, we are importing the code from the storybook-root.js file. We can do it by using the require method. The require method is used to import the code from one file to another file. The following is the syntax of the require method:2require('path to the file');3In the above example, we are importing the code from the storybook-root.js file. We can do it by using the require method. The require method is used to import the code from one file to another file. The following is the syntax of the require method:4require('path to the file');5In the above example, we are importing the code from the storybook-root.js file. We can do it by using the require method. The require method is used to import the code from one file to another file. The following is the syntax of the require method:6require('path to the file');7In the above example, we are importing the code from the storybook-root.js file. We can do it by using the require method. The require method is used to import the code from one file to another file. The following is the syntax of the require method:8require('path to the file');9In the above example, we are importing the code from the storybook-root.js file. We can do it by using the require method. The require method is used to import the code from one file to another file. The following is the syntax of the require method:10require('path to the file');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-root';2toggleNav();3import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-nav';4export { toggleNav };5export const toggleNav = () => {6 const nav = document.querySelector('.sb-show-main');7 nav.classList.toggle('sb-hide-main');8};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-root';2toggleNav();3import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-root';4toggleNav();5import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-root';6toggleNav();7import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-root';8toggleNav();9import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-root';10toggleNav();11import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-root';12toggleNav();13import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-root';14toggleNav();15import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-root';16toggleNav();17import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-root';18toggleNav();19import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-root';20toggleNav();21import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-root';22toggleNav();23import { toggleNav } from 'storybook-root';24toggleNav();25import { toggleNav } from '

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Using AI Code Generation


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1export function toggleNav() {2 document.querySelector('body').classList.toggle('sb-show-main');3} {5 {6 left: 0;7 }8} {10 {11 left: 0;12 }13}

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