How to use useChannel method in storybook-root

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Source:coupon-jump.js Github


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1// import constantConfig from '@/constant/constant'2import utils from "@/utils"3export default {4 methods: {5 toUse(item) {6 var opt = item && parseInt(item.jumpType)7 let alias = ''8 let param = ''9 // var url = constantConfig.getH5Domain()10 switch (opt) {11 case 0: // 无跳转12 break;13 case 1 : // 跳转链接14 alias = "/a-web"15 param = '?url=' + item.jumpValue16 break;17 case 2 : // 到家首页18 alias = '/a-kdj-home'19 break;20 case 3 : // 商品21 alias = "/a-goods-detail"22 param = '?productid=' + item.jumpValue23 break;24 case 9 : // 定制篮筐25 alias = "/a-basket-detail"26 param = '?actNo=' + item.jumpValue27 break;28 case 11 : // 闪购频道29 alias = "/a-flashsaleproductspage" + item.jumpValue + '/1'30 break;31 case 12 : // 天天抢购32 alias = "/a-brand-group-detail"33 param = '?itemid=' + item.jumpValue34 break;35 case 13 : // 搜索列表(优惠券凑单页)36 alias = "/a-promotion-search"37 param = '?couponTemplateId=' + item.jumpValue + '&flag=0'38 break;39 case 14 : // 停车场首页40 alias = "/a-parking-web"41 break;42 case 15 : // 分类页43 alias = "/a-category"44 break;45 case 17 : // cms跳转46 alias = '/a-web'47 param = '?url=' + item.jumpValue48 break;49 default:50 alias = "/a-home"51 break;52 }53 // utils.toWebView(url)54 getApp().globalData.myvue.$blRouter.push(alias, param);55 if (item.useChannel && item.useChannel.indexOf("2") == '-1') {56 this.notSuitProductForChannel(item)57 }58 },59 // 非微信渠道60 notSuitProductForChannel(item) {61 if (item) {62 console.log('>>>>' + JSON.stringify(item))63 let channelMsg = 'PC端'64 let useChannel = item.useChannel65 if (useChannel != null && useChannel != '' && typeof useChannel != 'undefined') {66 if (this.isExistChannel(useChannel, '1') && this.isExistChannel(useChannel, '3') && this.isExistChannel(useChannel, '4')) {67 channelMsg = 'APP端/PC端/线下门店 '68 } else if (this.isExistChannel(useChannel, '1') && this.isExistChannel(useChannel, '3')) {69 channelMsg = 'APP端/PC端'70 } else if (this.isExistChannel(useChannel, '1') && this.isExistChannel(useChannel, '4')) {71 channelMsg = 'APP端/线下门店'72 } else if (this.isExistChannel(useChannel, '3') && this.isExistChannel(useChannel, '4')) {73 channelMsg = 'PC端/线下门店'74 } else if (this.isExistChannel(useChannel, '1')) {75 channelMsg = 'APP端'76 } else if (this.isExistChannel(useChannel, '3')) {77 channelMsg = 'PC端'78 } else if (this.isExistChannel(useChannel, '4')) {79 channelMsg = '线下门店 '80 }81 }82 utils.Toast('此优惠券仅限' + channelMsg + '使用!')83 }84 },85 // 是否包含某个渠道86 isExistChannel(arr, channelNo) {87 let flag = false88 if (Number(channelNo) && arr.indexOf(channelNo) > -1) {89 flag = true90 }91 return flag92 }93 }...

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Source:Watchdog.js Github


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1/**2 * @description Watchdog为看门狗系统,通过channel协调在不同页面之间的互斥动作3 */4require('core::util[channel]', function(util) {5 var dogs = {};6 var channel ='dog', function(type, e) {7 var dog = dogs[];8 if (!dog || !dog.useChannel)9 return;10 dog[type]();11 });12 /**13 * Watchdog. 0: 剩余时间; 1: 是否被停止; 2: 暂停时间14 */15 function Watchdog(options) {16 util.probe(options, this);17 dogs[] = this;18 this[0] = this.timeout;19 }20 Watchdog.prototype = {21 /**22 * @field id23 * @description 在不同页面之间协调狗狗的id24 */25 id : 'default',26 /**27 * @field timeout28 * @description 超时时间(毫秒),若在此之前未接收到重置信号,则执行onTimeout29 */30 timeout : 15000,31 pauseTime : 5000,32 /**33 * @field useChannel34 * @description 指定是否通过channel进行全局调控35 */36 useChannel : true,37 onTimeout : function() {38 },39 /**40 * @function destroy41 * @description42 */43 destroy : function() {44 dogs[] = null;45 delete dogs[];46 },47 reset : function() {48 this[0] = this.timeout;49 this[1] = false;50 this[2] = 0;51 return this;52 },53 pause : function() {54 this[2] = this.pauseTime;55 return this;56 },57 stop : function() {58 this[1] = true;59 return this;60 },61 resume : function() {62 this[0] = false;63 this[2] = 0;64 return this;65 },66 /**67 * @function resetAll68 * @description 向所有的相同id的狗狗发送重置信号69 */70 resetAll : function() {71 this.reset();72 this.useChannel && channel.broadcast('reset',;73 return this;74 },75 stopAll : function() {76 this.stop();77 this.useChannel && channel.broadcast('stop',;78 return this;79 },80 /**81 * @function pauseAll82 * @description 向所有相同id的狗狗发送暂停信号,收到暂停信号的狗狗将暂停计数,等待5秒。如果5秒后没有调用reset,则狗狗会继续计数83 */84 pauseAll : function() {85 this.pause();86 this.useChannel && channel.broadcast('pause',;87 return this;88 },89 resumeAll : function() {90 this.resume();91 this.useChannel && channel.broadcast('resume',;92 return this;93 },94 isTimeout : function() {95 return this.timeout <= 0;96 }97 };98 var prev = new Date().getTime();99 setInterval(function() {100 var now = new Date().getTime(), diff = now - prev;101 prev = now;102 for ( var k in dogs) {103 var dog = dogs[k];104 if (dog[0] <= 0 || dog[1])// paused or already timeout105 continue;106 if (dog[2] > diff) {// paused107 // dog[0]-=0;108 dog[2] -= diff;109 continue;110 } else if (dog[2] > 0) {111 dog[0] -= diff - dog[2];112 dog[2] = 0;113 } else {// dog[2]<=0114 dog[0] -= diff;115 }116 if (dog[0] <= 0)117 dog.onTimeout();118 }119 }, 249);120 define('core::Watchdog', Watchdog);...

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Source:useChannel.js Github


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1const useChannel = async (d) => {2 const code = d.command.code;3 if (code.split("$useChannel").length >= 3)4 return`❌ Can't use more than one $useChannel.`);5 const inside = d.unpack();6 const err = d.inside(inside);7 if (err) throw new Error(err);8 let channel = d.client.channels.cache.get(inside.inside);9 if (!channel)10 throw new Error(`❌ Invalid channel ID in \`$useChannel${inside}\``);11 return {12 channel: channel,13 code: code.replaceLast(`$useChannel${inside}`, ""),14 };15};...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { useChannel } from 'storybook-root-bridge';2export const Test = () => {3 const [value, setValue] = useState('');4 useChannel('my-channel', (data) => setValue(data));5 return <div>{value}</div>;6};7### useChannel(event, callback)8MIT © [Rishabh Chawla](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { useChannel } from 'storybook-root-renderer';2import { addons } from '@storybook/addons';3import { EVENTS } from 'storybook-addon-preview';4const channel = addons.getChannel();5const App = () => {6 const [state, setState] = useState({});7 useEffect(() => {8 useChannel(channel, EVENTS.UPDATE, (data) => {9 setState(data);10 });11 }, []);12 return (13 <p>{JSON.stringify(state)}</p>14 );15};16export default App;17import { useChannel } from 'storybook-root-renderer';18import { addons } from '@storybook/addons';19import { EVENTS } from 'storybook-addon-preview';20const channel = addons.getChannel();21const App = () => {22 const [state, setState] = useState({});23 useEffect(() => {24 useChannel(channel, EVENTS.UPDATE, (data) => {25 setState(data);26 });27 }, []);28 return (29 <p>{JSON.stringify(state)}</p>30 );31};32export default App;33import { useChannel } from 'storybook-root-renderer';34import { addons } from '@storybook/addons';35import { EVENTS } from 'storybook-addon-preview';36const channel = addons.getChannel();37const App = () => {38 const [state, setState] = useState({});39 useEffect(() => {40 useChannel(channel, EVENTS.UPDATE, (data) => {41 setState(data);42 });43 }, []);44 return (45 <p>{JSON.stringify(state)}</p>46 );47};48export default App;49import { useChannel } from 'storybook-root-renderer';50import { addons } from '@storybook/addons';51import { EVENTS } from 'storybook-addon-preview';52const channel = addons.getChannel();53const App = () => {54 const [state, setState] = useState({});55 useEffect(() => {56 useChannel(channel, EVENTS.UPDATE, (data)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { useChannel } from '@storybook/addons';2const channel = useChannel();3channel.on('event', (data) => {4 console.log(data);5});6channel.emit('event', 'Hello World');7import addons from '@storybook/addons';8const channel = addons.getChannel();9channel.on('event', (data) => {10 console.log(data);11});12channel.emit('event', 'Hello World');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { useChannel } from 'storybook-root-bridge';2export default function Test() {3 const [message, setMessage] = useState('No message');4 useChannel('test', (payload) => {5 setMessage(payload);6 });7 return <div>{message}</div>;8}9import { useAddonState } from 'storybook-root-bridge';10export const parameters = {11 previewTabs: {12 'storybook-root-bridge': {13 route: ({ storyId }) => `storybook-root-bridge/${storyId}`,14 match: ({ viewMode }) => viewMode === 'storybook-root-bridge',15 render: ({ active, key }) => {16 const [message, setMessage] = useAddonState('test', 'No message');17 return (18 <div key={key} style={{ padding: 10 }}>19 <div>{message}</div>20 <button onClick={() => setMessage('Hello from Storybook')}>Click</button>21 );22 },23 },24 },25};26import { useAddonState } from 'storybook-root-bridge';27 {28 route: ({ storyId }) => `storybook-root-bridge/${storyId}`,29 match: ({ viewMode }) => viewMode === 'storybook-root-bridge',30 render: ({ active, key }) => {31 const [message, setMessage] = useAddonState('test', 'No message');32 return (33 <div key={key} style={{ padding: 10 }}>34 <div>{message}</div>35 <button onClick={() => setMessage('Hello from Storybook')}>Click</button>36 );37 },38 },39];40module.exports = {41 webpackFinal: async (config) => {42 config.resolve.alias['storybook-root-bridge'] = path.resolve(__dirname, '../src');43 return config;44 },45};46import { addParameters } from '@storybook/react';47import { parameters } from '../preview';48addParameters(parameters);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { useChannel } from '@storybook/addons';2const channel = useChannel();3channel.emit('myEvent', { data: 'some data' });4import { addons } from '@storybook/addons';5const channel = addons.getChannel();6channel.on('myEvent', data => {7 console.log(data);8});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { useChannel } from '@storybook/addons';2const MyComponent = () => {3 const emit = useChannel({ event: 'addon:my-addon:click', payload: { /* some data */ } });4 return <Button onClick={emit}>Click me</Button>;5};6export default MyComponent;7import addons from '@storybook/addons';8addons.getChannel().addListener('addon:my-addon:click', payload => {9});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { useChannel } from 'storybook-root';2const App = () => {3 const emit = useChannel();4 const handleOnClick = () => {5 emit('ADD_TO_CART', 'some data');6 };7 return (8 <button onClick={handleOnClick}>Add to cart</button>9 );10};11export default App;12import { addons } from '@storybook/addons';13import { useChannel } from 'storybook-root';14const channel = addons.getChannel();15const emit = useChannel(channel);16const handleOnClick = () => {17 emit('ADD_TO_CART', 'some data');18};19export const AddToCart = () => (20 <button onClick={handleOnClick}>Add to cart</button>21);22export default {23};24import { useChannel } from 'storybook-root';25const emit = useChannel();26const handleOnClick = () => {27 emit('ADD_TO_CART', 'some data');28};29export const AddToCart = () => (30 <button onClick={handleOnClick}>Add to cart</button>31);32export default {33};34import { useChannel } from 'storybook-root';35const emit = useChannel();36const handleOnClick = () => {37 emit('ADD_TO_CART', 'some data');38};39export const AddToCart = () => (40 <button onClick={handleOnClick}>Add to cart</button>41);42export default {43};44import { addons } from '@storybook/addons';45import { useChannel } from 'storybook-root';46const channel = addons.getChannel();47const emit = useChannel(channel);48const handleOnClick = () => {49 emit('ADD_TO_CART', 'some data');50};51export const AddToCart = () => (52 <button onClick={handleOnClick}>Add to cart</button>53);54export default {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { useChannel } from 'storybook-root';2export const Test = () => {3 useChannel('TEST_EVENT', () => {4 console.log('test event received');5 });6 return 'Test';7};8import { useChannel } from 'storybook-root';9useChannel('TEST_EVENT', () => {10 console.log('test event received');11});12MIT © [mohitkyadav](

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