How to use cleanFileName method in stryker-parent

Best JavaScript code snippet using stryker-parent


Source:seo.js Github


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1const fs = require('fs');2const seo = require('../config/seo');3const canonical = seo.canonical;4const siteInfo = require('../config/site');5const PAGE_DIR = __dirname + '/../pages/';6const pageObjects = {};7const legalPageObjects = {};8const IGNORE = [9 '404',10 '_document',11 '_app',12 'api/hello',13 'app',14 'test-balances',15 'test-swaps'16];17// FOR NOW keep this stuff out18// later when you generate a sitemap page, you can categorize this in Legal19const LEGAL_FILES = [20 'acceptable-use-policy',21 'brand-guidelines',22 'cookie-policy',23 'copyright-policy',24 'corporate-colors',25 'credits',26 'data-processing-addendum',27 'developer-terms-of-use',28 'logo-guidelines',29 'security-measures'30];31const path = require('path');32const walkSync = (dir) => {33 // Get all files of the current directory & iterate over them34 const files = fs.readdirSync(dir);35 files.forEach((file) => {36 // Construct whole file-path & retrieve file's stats37 const filePath = `${dir}${file}`;38 const fileStat = fs.statSync(filePath);39 if (fileStat.isDirectory()) {40 // Recurse one folder deeper41 walkSync(`${filePath}/`);42 } else {43 // Construct this file's pathname excluding the "pages" folder & its extension44 let cleanFileName = filePath45 .substr(0, filePath.lastIndexOf('.'))46 .replace(PAGE_DIR, '');47 if (path.extname(filePath) !== '.js') {48 return;49 }50 // any index.js pages will be renamed to /51 if (cleanFileName.match(/\/index$/) || cleanFileName === 'index') {52 cleanFileName = cleanFileName.replace(/\/?index$/, '');53 }54 if (!IGNORE.includes(cleanFileName)) {55 // Add this file to `pageObjects`56 if (LEGAL_FILES.includes(cleanFileName)) {57 legalPageObjects[`/${cleanFileName}`] = {58 page: `/${cleanFileName}`,59 lastModified: fileStat.mtime60 };61 } else {62 pageObjects[`/${cleanFileName}`] = {63 page: `/${cleanFileName}`,64 lastModified: fileStat.mtime65 };66 }67 }68 }69 });70};71// Start recursion to fill `pageObjects`72walkSync(PAGE_DIR);73function formatDate(date) {74 var d = new Date(date),75 month = '' + (d.getMonth() + 1),76 day = '' + d.getDate(),77 year = d.getFullYear();78 if (month.length < 2) month = '0' + month;79 if (day.length < 2) day = '0' + day;80 return [year, month, day].join('-');81}82const pageSitemapXml = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>83<urlset xmlns=""> 84 ${Object.keys(pageObjects)85 .map(86 (path) => `<url>87 <loc>${canonical}${path}</loc>88 <lastmod>${formatDate(new Date(pageObjects[path].lastModified))}</lastmod>89 </url>`90 )91 .join('\n')}92</urlset>`;93const legalSitemapXml = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>94<urlset xmlns=""> 95 ${Object.keys(legalPageObjects)96 .map(97 (path) => `<url>98 <loc>${canonical}${path}</loc>99 <lastmod>${formatDate(100 new Date(legalPageObjects[path].lastModified)101 )}</lastmod>102 </url>`103 )104 .join('\n')}105</urlset>`;106const sitemapXml = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>107<sitemapindex xmlns="">108<sitemap>109<loc>${canonical}/sitemaps/legal.xml</loc>110<loc>${canonical}/sitemaps/pages.xml</loc>111</sitemap>112</sitemapindex>113`;114const BAD_AGENTS = [115 {116 text: 'Search engines only please :) Thanks for obeying robots.txt',117 bots: ['UbiCrawler', 'DOC', 'Zao', 'discobot', 'dotbot', 'yacybot']118 },119 {120 text: "Dear bots, we don't appreciate you copying site content and providing very little additional value.",121 bots: [122 '',123 'Zealbot',124 'MJ12bot',125 'MSIECrawler',126 'SiteSnagger',127 'WebStripper',128 'WebCopier',129 'Fetch',130 'Offline Explorer',131 'Teleport',132 'TeleportPro',133 'WebZIP',134 'linko',135 'HTTrack',136 'Microsoft.URL.Control',137 'Xenu',138 'larbin',139 'libwww',140 'ZyBORG',141 'Download Ninja'142 ]143 },144 {145 text: 'Recursive mode wget is not friendly',146 bots: ['wget', 'grub-client']147 },148 {149 text: "I realize you don't follow robots.txt, but FYI",150 bots: ['k2spider']151 },152 {153 text: 'Abusive bots',154 bots: ['NPBot']155 }156];157const robotsTxt = `158#159# Dear bot, crawler or kind technical person who wishes to crawl ${160},162# please email ${163 siteInfo.emails.support164}. We require whitelisting to access our sitemap. 165#166# Thanks in advance! Your friendly Ops Team @ ${seo.title}.167${{ text, bots }) => {168 return `169#170# ${text}171#172 ${bots173 .map((bot) => {174 return `175User-agent: ${bot}176Disallow: /`;177 })178 .join('\n')}179 `;180}).join('')}181User-agent: *182${Object.keys(pageObjects)183 .map((path) => `Allow: ${path}$`)184 .join('\n')}185Sitemap: ${canonical}/sitemaps/pages.xml186Sitemap: ${canonical}/sitemaps/legal.xml187Host: ${}188`;189fs.writeFileSync('out/sitemap.xml', sitemapXml);190require('mkdirp').sync('out/sitemaps');191fs.writeFileSync('out/sitemaps/pages.xml', pageSitemapXml);192fs.writeFileSync('out/sitemaps/legal.xml', legalSitemapXml);...

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Source:_file.js Github


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1const constants = require('./config/constants');2const uuidv1 = require('uuid/v1');3const _file = {4 removeSpaces: function(str) {5 return (str.replace(/\W\./g, '')).toLowerCase();6 },7 save: async function (req) {8 const imageFile = req.files ? req.files.image_path : null;9 const videoFile = req.files ? req.files.video_path : null;10 console.log('SAVE FILE : ', typeof imageFile);11 const fileNameNumber = uuidv1();12 const result = {13 image_path: null,14 video_path: null15 };16 if (imageFile) {17 let cleanFileName = this.removeSpaces(;18 const imageFilePath = constants.IMAGES_DIR_PATH + '/' + fileNameNumber + '_' + cleanFileName;19 const image_path = constants.IMAGES_DIR + fileNameNumber + '_' + cleanFileName;20 imageFile && await this.moveFile(imageFile, imageFilePath);21 result.image_path = image_path;22 result.image_url = fileNameNumber + '_' + cleanFileName;23 } else {24 result.image_path_status = ' No image file attached';25 }26 if (videoFile) {27 let cleanFileName = this.removeSpaces(;28 const videoFilePath = constants.VIDEOS_DIR_PATH + '/' + fileNameNumber + '_' + cleanFileName;29 const video_path = constants.VIDEOS_DIR + fileNameNumber + '_' + cleanFileName;30 videoFile && await this.moveFile(videoFile, videoFilePath);31 result.video_url = fileNameNumber + '_' + cleanFileName;32 result.video_path = video_path;33 } else {34 result.video_path_status = 'No video file attached';35 }36 console.log('before return from save(): ', result);37 return result;38 },39 moveFile: function (file, fullFilePath) {40 let message = 'File upload failed';41 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {42 try {43 // Mv file to some dir44, err => {45 if (err) {46 return 50047 }48 console.log('File saved to directory ' + fullFilePath);49 message = 'Image File upload success, ';50 resolve({51 status: 'ok',52 message53 });54 });55 } catch (e) {56 console.log('Some error in saving the file ', e);57 reject({58 status: 'not ok',59 message60 });61 }62 });63 }64};...

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Source:getPagePaths.js Github


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1const fs = require('fs');2module.exports = (pagesFolder = 'pages/') => {3 const pagePaths = {};4 const composeLines = function composeLines(filePath, word, cb) {5 const content = fs.readFileSync(filePath);6 const re = new RegExp(`^.*${word}.*$`, 'mg');7 let myArray;8 while ((myArray = re.exec(content)) !== null) {9 cb(myArray[0]);10 }11 };12 const extractValues = function extractValues(line) {13 return /\[(.+)\]/ // RegEx to get string inside the array form14 .exec(line)[1]15 .replace(/\s/g, '') // Remove all spaces16 .replace(/'/g, '') // Remove all apostrophes17 .split(','); // Split with comma18 };19 function fillPagePaths(filePath, fileStat) {20 // Construct this file's pathname excluding the "pages" folder & its extension21 const fileName = filePath22 .substr(0, filePath.lastIndexOf('.'))23 .replace(pagesFolder, '');24 let cleanFileName = fileName;25 if (cleanFileName === 'index') {26 cleanFileName = '';27 }28 pagePaths[`/${cleanFileName}`] = {};29 // Extract the locale namespaces from file30 composeLines(filePath, 'namespacesRequired', (line) => {31 const localeNamespaces = extractValues(line);32 const localeNamespacesAlreadyDefined =33 pagePaths[`/${cleanFileName}`].localeNamespaces;34 if (localeNamespacesAlreadyDefined) {35 localeNamespacesAlreadyDefined.forEach((value) => {36 if (localeNamespaces.includes(value)) {37 return;38 }39 localeNamespaces.push(value);40 });41 }42 pagePaths[`/${cleanFileName}`].localeNamespaces = localeNamespaces;43 });44 // Add this file to `pagePaths`45 pagePaths[`/${cleanFileName}`].fileName = `${fileName}`;46 pagePaths[`/${cleanFileName}`].page = `/${cleanFileName}`;47 pagePaths[`/${cleanFileName}`].lastModified = fileStat.mtime;48 }49 const walkSync = (dir) => {50 // Get all files of the current directory & iterate over them51 const files = fs.readdirSync(dir);52 files53 .filter((file) => !file.startsWith('_'))54 .filter((file) => !file.endsWith('.test.js'))55 .filter((file) => !file.endsWith('.spec.js'))56 .forEach((file) => {57 // Construct whole file-path & retrieve file's stats58 const filePath = `${dir}${file}`;59 const fileStat = fs.statSync(filePath);60 if (fileStat.isDirectory()) {61 // Recurse one folder deeper62 walkSync(`${filePath}/`);63 } else {64 fillPagePaths(filePath, fileStat);65 }66 });67 };68 // Start recursion to fill `pagePaths`69 walkSync(pagesFolder);70 return pagePaths;...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { cleanFileName } from 'stryker-parent';2import { cleanFileName } from 'stryker-parent';3import { cleanFileName } from 'stryker-parent';4import { cleanFileName } from 'stryker-parent';5import { cleanFileName } from 'stryker-parent';6import { cleanFileName } from 'stryker-parent';7import { cleanFileName } from 'stryker-parent';8import { cleanFileName } from 'stryker-parent';9import { cleanFileName } from 'stryker-parent';10import { cleanFileName } from 'stryker-parent';11import { cleanFileName } from 'stryker-parent';12import { cleanFileName } from 'stryker-parent';13import { cleanFileName } from 'stryker-parent';14import { cleanFileName } from 'stryker-parent';15import { cleanFileName } from 'stryker-parent';16import { cleanFileName } from 'stryker-parent';17import { cleanFileName } from 'stryker-parent';18import { cleanFileName } from 'stryker-parent';19import { cleanFileName } from 'stryker-parent';

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');2var cleanFileName = strykerParent.cleanFileName;3var result = cleanFileName('test.js');4var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');5var cleanFileName = strykerParent.cleanFileName;6var result = cleanFileName('test.js');7var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');8var cleanFileName = strykerParent.cleanFileName;9var result = cleanFileName('test.js');10var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');11var cleanFileName = strykerParent.cleanFileName;12var result = cleanFileName('test.js');13var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');14var cleanFileName = strykerParent.cleanFileName;15var result = cleanFileName('test.js');16var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');17var cleanFileName = strykerParent.cleanFileName;18var result = cleanFileName('test.js');19var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');20var cleanFileName = strykerParent.cleanFileName;21var result = cleanFileName('test.js');22var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');23var cleanFileName = strykerParent.cleanFileName;24var result = cleanFileName('test.js');25var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');2var cleanName = strykerParent.cleanFileName('abc.js');3console.log(cleanName);4var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');5var cleanName = strykerParent.cleanFileName('abc.js');6console.log(cleanName);7var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');8var cleanName = strykerParent.cleanFileName('abc.js');9console.log(cleanName);10var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');11var cleanName = strykerParent.cleanFileName('abc.js');12console.log(cleanName);13var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');14var cleanName = strykerParent.cleanFileName('abc.js');15console.log(cleanName);16var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');17var cleanName = strykerParent.cleanFileName('abc.js');18console.log(cleanName);19var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');20var cleanName = strykerParent.cleanFileName('abc.js');21console.log(cleanName);22var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');23var cleanName = strykerParent.cleanFileName('abc.js');24console.log(cleanName);25var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');26var cleanName = strykerParent.cleanFileName('abc.js');27console.log(cleanName);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var cleanFileName = require('stryker-parent').cleanFileName;2console.log(cleanFileName('c:\my\path\to\file.js'));3var cleanFileName = require('stryker-parent').cleanFileName;4console.log(cleanFileName('c:\my\path\to\file.js'));5var cleanFileName = require('stryker-parent').cleanFileName;6console.log(cleanFileName('c:\my\path\to\file.js'));7var cleanFileName = require('stryker-parent').cleanFileName;8console.log(cleanFileName('c:\my\path\to\file.js'));9var cleanFileName = require('stryker-parent').cleanFileName;10console.log(cleanFileName('c:\my\path\to\file.js'));11var cleanFileName = require('stryker-parent').cleanFileName;12console.log(cleanFileName('c:\my\path\to\file.js'));13var cleanFileName = require('stryker-parent').cleanFileName;14console.log(cleanFileName('c:\my\path\to\file.js'));15var cleanFileName = require('stryker-parent').cleanFileName;16console.log(cleanFileName('c:\my\path\to\file.js'));17var cleanFileName = require('stryker-parent').cleanFileName;18console.log(cleanFileName('c:\my\path\to\file

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');2var fileName = strykerParent.cleanFileName('foo/bar');3console.log(fileName);4var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');5var fileName = strykerParent.cleanFileName('foo/bar');6console.log(fileName);7var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');8var fileName = strykerParent.cleanFileName('foo/bar');9console.log(fileName);10var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');11var fileName = strykerParent.cleanFileName('foo/bar');12console.log(fileName);13var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');14var fileName = strykerParent.cleanFileName('foo/bar');15console.log(fileName);16var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');17var fileName = strykerParent.cleanFileName('foo/bar');18console.log(fileName);19var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');20var fileName = strykerParent.cleanFileName('foo/bar');21console.log(fileName);22var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');23var fileName = strykerParent.cleanFileName('foo/bar');24console.log(fileName);25var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');26var fileName = strykerParent.cleanFileName('foo/bar');27console.log(fileName);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var cleanFileName = require('stryker-parent').cleanFileName;2var fileName = cleanFileName('C:\temp\test.js');3console.log('The cleaned file name is: ' + fileName);4var cleanFileName = require('stryker-parent').cleanFileName;5var fileName = cleanFileName('C:\temp\test.js');6console.log('The cleaned file name is: ' + fileName);7var cleanFileName = require('stryker-parent').cleanFileName;8var fileName = cleanFileName('C:\temp\test.js', 'C:\temp');9console.log('The cleaned file name is: ' + fileName);10var cleanFileName = require('stryker-parent').cleanFileName;11var fileName = cleanFileName('C:\temp\test.js', 'C:\');12console.log('The cleaned file name is: ' + fileName);13var cleanFileName = require('stryker-parent').cleanFileName;14var fileName = cleanFileName('C:\temp\test.js', 'C:\temp\test.js');15console.log('The cleaned file name is: ' + fileName);16var cleanFileName = require('stryker-parent').cleanFileName;17var fileName = cleanFileName('C:\temp\test.js', 'C:\temp\test.js', 'C:\temp');18console.log('The cleaned file name is: ' + fileName);19var cleanFileName = require('stryker-parent').cleanFileName;20var fileName = cleanFileName('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var stryker = require('stryker');2var cleanFileName = stryker.cleanFileName;3console.log(cleanFileName('/some/path/to/file.js'));4You can also use the cleanFileName() method directly:5var cleanFileName = require('stryker-parent').cleanFileName;6console.log(cleanFileName('/some/path/to/file.js'));7You can also use the cleanFileName() method from the stryker module:8var cleanFileName = require('stryker').cleanFileName;9console.log(cleanFileName('/some/path/to/file.js'));10You can also use the cleanFileName() method from the stryker module:11var cleanFileName = require('stryker').cleanFileName;12console.log(cleanFileName('/some/path/to/file.js'));

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