How to use _assertStatus method in supertest

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Source:Job.js Github


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...57 } else {58 return false;59 }60 }61 _assertStatus(expected) {62 var status;63 status = this._states.jobStatus(;64 if (!(status === expected || expected === "DONE" && status === null)) {65 throw new BottleneckError(`Invalid job status ${status}, expected ${expected}. Please open an issue at`);66 }67 }68 doReceive() {69 this._states.start(;70 return this.Events.trigger("received", {71 args: this.args,72 options: this.options73 });74 }75 doQueue(reachedHWM, blocked) {76 this._assertStatus("RECEIVED");77;78 return this.Events.trigger("queued", {79 args: this.args,80 options: this.options,81 reachedHWM,82 blocked83 });84 }85 doRun() {86 if (this.retryCount === 0) {87 this._assertStatus("QUEUED");88;89 } else {90 this._assertStatus("EXECUTING");91 }92 return this.Events.trigger("scheduled", {93 args: this.args,94 options: this.options95 });96 }97 doExecute(chained, clearGlobalState, run, free) {98 var _this = this;99 return _asyncToGenerator(function* () {100 var error, eventInfo, passed;101 if (_this.retryCount === 0) {102 _this._assertStatus("RUNNING");103;104 } else {105 _this._assertStatus("EXECUTING");106 }107 eventInfo = {108 args: _this.args,109 options: _this.options,110 retryCount: _this.retryCount111 };112 _this.Events.trigger("executing", eventInfo);113 try {114 passed = yield chained != null ? chained.schedule(_this.options, _this.task, ..._this.args) : _this.task(..._this.args);115 if (clearGlobalState()) {116 _this.doDone(eventInfo);117 yield free(_this.options, eventInfo);118 _this._assertStatus("DONE");119 return _this._resolve(passed);120 }121 } catch (error1) {122 error = error1;123 return _this._onFailure(error, eventInfo, clearGlobalState, run, free);124 }125 })();126 }127 doExpire(clearGlobalState, run, free) {128 var error, eventInfo;129 if (this._states.jobStatus( === "RUNNING")) {130;131 }132 this._assertStatus("EXECUTING");133 eventInfo = {134 args: this.args,135 options: this.options,136 retryCount: this.retryCount137 };138 error = new BottleneckError(`This job timed out after ${this.options.expiration} ms.`);139 return this._onFailure(error, eventInfo, clearGlobalState, run, free);140 }141 _onFailure(error, eventInfo, clearGlobalState, run, free) {142 var _this2 = this;143 return _asyncToGenerator(function* () {144 var retry, retryAfter;145 if (clearGlobalState()) {146 retry = yield _this2.Events.trigger("failed", error, eventInfo);147 if (retry != null) {148 retryAfter = ~~retry;149 _this2.Events.trigger("retry", `Retrying ${} after ${retryAfter} ms`, eventInfo);150 _this2.retryCount++;151 return run(retryAfter);152 } else {153 _this2.doDone(eventInfo);154 yield free(_this2.options, eventInfo);155 _this2._assertStatus("DONE");156 return _this2._reject(error);157 }158 }159 })();160 }161 doDone(eventInfo) {162 this._assertStatus("EXECUTING");163;164 return this.Events.trigger("done", eventInfo);165 }166};...

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Source:supertest-debug-plugin.ts Github


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1import superagent from 'superagent';2import supertest from 'supertest';3interface Test extends supertest.Test {4 _assertStatus(status: number, res: Response): Error | undefined;5 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any6 _data: any;7 req: {8 _header: string;9 };10 res: {11 statusCode: string;12 statusMessage: string;13 httpVersion: string;14 headers: Record<string, string>;15 text: string;16 };17}18const stringifyRequest = (request: Test) => {19 const { req, res, _data } = request;20 const body = typeof _data === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(_data) : _data;21 const requestStr = [22 ...req._header.split('\r\n').slice(0, -1),23 ...(body ? body.split('\n') : []),24 ].map(line => '> ' + line).join('\r\n');25 const responseStr = [26 [res.statusCode, res.statusMessage, res.httpVersion].join(' '),27 ...Object.entries(res.headers).map(([key, value]) => [key, value].join(': ')),28 '',29 res.text,30 ].map(line => '< ' + line).join('\r\n');31 return [requestStr, responseStr];32};33const plugin = (request: Test): void => {34 const _assertStatus = request._assertStatus.bind(request);35 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method36 request._assertStatus = (status: number, res: Response) => {37 const result = _assertStatus(status, res);38 if (result instanceof Error) {39 const [requestStr, responseStr] = stringifyRequest(request);40 return new Error([result.message, requestStr, responseStr].join('\n\n'));41 }42 return result;43 };44};...

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Source:helper.ts Github


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1import Supertest from 'supertest'2import Config from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Config'3export const supertest = () => {4 const BASE_URL = `http://${process.env.HOST}:${process.env.PORT}`5 const apiClient = Supertest.agent(BASE_URL)6 for (const method of ['get', 'del', 'post', 'delete', 'put', 'patch']) {7 const methodOld = apiClient[method]8 apiClient[method] = (...args) => {9 const req = methodOld.apply(apiClient, args)10 const assert = req._assertStatus11 req._assertStatus = (status, res) => {12 const err: Error =, status, res)13 if (err) {14 const errMessage = err + ' ' + res.req.method + ' ' + res.req.path + ' ' + res.text15 const newErr = new Error(errMessage)16 newErr.stack = errMessage17 return newErr18 }19 }20 return req21 }22 }23 return apiClient24}25export async function before(client) {26 const userObject = Config.get('app.defaultUser')27 await'/api/auth/login').send(userObject).expect(200)...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var supertest = require('supertest');2var should = require('should');3describe("SAMPLE unit test",function(){4 it("should return home page",function(done){5 .get("/")6 .expect("Content-type",/json/)7 .end(function(err,res){8 res.status.should.equal(200);9 done();10 });11 });12});13it("should return 404",function(done){14 .get("/random")15 .expect("Content-type",/json/)16 .end(function(err,res){17 res.status.should.equal(404);18 done();19 });20});21});22it("should return 500",function(done){23 .get("/error")24 .expect("Content-type",/json/)25 .end(function(err,res){26 res.status.should.equal(500);27 done();28 });29});30});

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1const request = require('supertest');2const app = require('../index');3describe('GET /', function() {4 it('respond with json', function(done) {5 request(app)6 .get('/')7 .set('Accept', 'application/json')8 .expect('Content-Type', /json/)9 .expect(200)10 .end(function(err, res) {11 if (err) return done(err);12 done();13 });14 });15});16const express = require('express');17const app = express();18app.get('/', function(req, res) {19 res.json({ message: 'hello world' });20});21module.exports = app;

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1var request = require('supertest');2var assert = require('assert');3var app = require('../app');4describe('GET /', function() {5 it('respond with json', function(done) {6 request(app)7 .get('/api/v1/some/path')8 .set('Accept', 'application/json')9 .expect('Content-Type', /json/)10 .expect(200)11 .end(function(err, res) {12 if (err) return done(err);13 assert.equal(res.status, 200);14 done();15 });16 });17});18var express = require('express');19var app = express();20app.get('/api/v1/some/path', function(req, res) {21 res.status(200).json({ some: 'json' });22});23module.exports = app;24var request = require('supertest');25var assert = require('assert');26var app = require('../app');27describe('GET /', function() {28 it('respond with json', function(done) {29 request(app)30 .get('/api/v1/some/path')31 .set('Accept', 'application/json')32 .expect('Content-Type', /json/)33 .expect(200)34 .end(function(err, res) {35 if (err) return done(err);36 assert.equal(res.status, 200);37 done();38 });39 });40});41var express = require('express');42var app = express();43app.get('/api/v1/some/path', function(req, res) {44 res.status(200).json({ some: 'json' });45});46module.exports = app;47var request = require('supertest');48var assert = require('assert');49var app = require('../app');50describe('GET /', function() {51 it('respond with json', function(done) {52 request(app)53 .get('/api/v1/some/path')54 .set('Accept', 'application/json')55 .expect('Content-Type', /json

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1var request = require('supertest');2var assert = require('assert');3describe('GET /', function() {4 it('respond with json', function(done) {5 .get('/')6 .expect('Content-Type', /json/)7 .expect(200)8 .end(function(err, res) {9 if (err) {10 throw err;11 }12 assert.equal(res.status, 200);13 done();14 });15 });16});17var request = require('supertest');18var assert = require('assert');19describe('GET /', function() {20 it('respond with json', function(done) {21 .get('/')22 .expect('Content-Type', /json/)23 .expect(200)24 .end(function(err, res) {25 if (err) {26 throw err;27 }28 assert.equal(res.status, 200);29 done();30 });31 });32});33var request = require('supertest');34var assert = require('assert');35describe('GET /', function() {36 it('respond with json', function(done) {37 .get('/')38 .expect('Content-Type', /json/)39 .expect(200)40 .end(function(err, res) {41 if (err) {42 throw err;43 }44 assert.equal(res.status, 200);45 done();46 });47 });48});49var request = require('supertest');50var assert = require('assert');51describe('GET /', function() {52 it('respond with json', function(done) {53 .get('/')54 .expect('Content-Type', /json/)55 .expect(200)56 .end(function(err, res) {57 if (err) {58 throw err;59 }60 assert.equal(res.status, 200);61 done();62 });63 });64});65var request = require('supertest');66var assert = require('assert');67describe('GET /

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1var request = require('supertest');2var assert = require('assert');3.get('/test')4.expect(200)5.end(function(err, res){6 if(err) throw err;7 request._assertStatus(res.status, 200);8});9var request = require('supertest');10var assert = require('assert');11.get('/test')12.expect(200)13.end(function(err, res){14 if(err) throw err;15 request._assertStatus(res.status, 200);16});17.get('/test')18.expect(200)19.end(function(err, res){20 if(err) throw err;21 assert.equal(res.status, 200);22});23var request = require('supertest');24var assert = require('assert');25.get('/test')26.expect(200)27.end(function(err, res){28 if(err) throw err;29 request._assertStatus(res.status, 200);30});31.get('/test')32.expect(200)33.end(function(err, res){34 if(err) throw err;35 assert.equal(res.status, 200);36});

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1var request = require('supertest');2var should = require('should');3var agent = request.agent(url);4describe('Test for the Login Page',function(){5 it('should return 200',function(done){6 .get('/login')7 .expect(200)8 .end(function(err,res){9 if (err) {10 throw err;11 }12 done();13 });14 });15});16 1 passing (23ms)17var request = require('supertest');18var should = require('should');19var agent = request.agent(url);20describe('Test for the Login Page',function(){21 it('should return 200',function(done){22 .get('/login')23 .expect(200)24 .end(function(err,res){25 if (err) {26 throw err;27 }28 done();29 });30 });31});32describe('Test for the Login Page',function(){33 it('should return 302',function(done){34 .get('/login')35 .expect(302)36 .end(function(err,res){37 if (err) {38 throw err;39 }40 done();41 });42 });43});44 2 passing (30ms)45var request = require('supertest');46var should = require('should');

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