How to use waitForAccept method in taiko

Best JavaScript code snippet using taiko


Source:init.js Github


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1const electron = require('electron');2const {ipcRenderer} = electron;3export default function init(){4 // selecting loading container5 let loadingContainer = document.querySelector(".loadingContainer");6 let percentage = document.querySelector(".percentage");7 let loadingBar = document.querySelector(".loadingBar");8 // selecting current device information html elements9 let currentDevicePrivateAddress = document.querySelector(".currentDevicePrivateAddress");10 let currentDevicePublicAddress = document.querySelector(".currentDevicePublicAddress");11 // selecting local devices list container12 let devicesContainer = document.querySelectorAll(".container")[1];13 let deviceInformation;14 // selecting request prompts15 let requestPromptBG = document.querySelector(".requestPromptBG");16 let yesButton = document.querySelector(".yes")17 let noButton = document.querySelector(".no")18 let filesInformation = document.querySelector(".filesInformation");19 // selecting wait for accept element20 let waitForAccept = document.querySelector(".waitForAccept")21 let waitForAcceptcancel = document.querySelector(".waitForAccept .cancel")22 // selecting senderip span23 let senderip = document.querySelector(".senderip")24 let senderName = document.querySelector(".senderName")25 // initilizing these DOM elements to use it gloabally26 let form = document.querySelector(".theForm")27 let input = document.querySelector(".fileToUpload")28 let sendImages;29 let currentDeviceName;30 // send a signal to the electron app to give us (front end) the nesseccary data31 // this is sending the data only when the front end is able to read data32 ipcRenderer.send("giveMeData", null);33 setInterval(() => {34 ipcRenderer.send("giveMeData", null);35 }, 5000)36 37 // events from electron38 ipcRenderer.on("neccessaryData", (e, data) => {39 // console.log("data has arrived")40 currentDevicePrivateAddress.innerHTML = data.privateIP;41 currentDevicePrivateAddress.dataset.privateip = data.privateIP;42 currentDevicePublicAddress.innerHTML =;43 if(data.devices.length != 0){44 devicesContainer.innerHTML = ""45 data.devices.forEach((device) => {46 devicesContainer.innerHTML += `<div class="device">47 <div class="deviceInformation" data-ip="${device.ip}" data-mac="${device.mac}">48 <div class="containerinnerTitle" ><span class="bold">device name: </span>${}</div>49 <div class="containerinnerTitle"><span class="bold">private ip address: </span>${device.ip}</div>50 </div>51 <img class="sendButton" style="cursor: pointer;" src="" height="35" width="35"></img>52 </div>`;53 })54 }else{55 devicesContainer.innerHTML = "there are no devices in this local network"56 }57 58 // selecting all the send images59 sendImages = document.querySelectorAll(".sendButton")60 61 // adding eventListeners for the send images62 deviceInformation = document.querySelectorAll(".deviceInformation");63 sendImages.forEach((sendImage, i) => {64 sendImage.addEventListener("click", () => {65 form.setAttribute("action", `http://${deviceInformation[i].dataset.ip}:8080/uploadFile`)66 input.dataset.deviceip = deviceInformation[i].dataset.ip;67;68 });69 });70 });71 ipcRenderer.on("request", (e, data) => {72 data = JSON.parse(data);73 let html = "";74 data.files.forEach((item) => {75 html += `<div>name: ${}, size: ${item.size}</div>`76 })77 filesInformation.innerHTML = html;78 senderip.innerHTML = data.sender79 senderName.innerHTML = data.senderName80 = "flex";81 })82 // adding eventListeners for the inputs83 waitForAcceptcancel.addEventListener("click", () => {84 ipcRenderer.send("resetData", null)85 = "none"86 })87 input.addEventListener("change", () => {88 let files = Array.from(input.files);89 let array = {sender: currentDevicePrivateAddress.dataset.privateip, senderName: currentDevicePublicAddress.innerHTML, files: []};90 files.forEach((file) => {91 array.files.push({92 name:,93 size: file.size94 });95 });96 fetch(`http://${input.dataset.deviceip}:8080/canISendTheseFiles`, {97 method: 'POST',98 headers: {99 'Accept': 'application/json',100 'Content-Type': 'application/json'101 },102 body: JSON.stringify(array)103 }).then((r) => {104 // console.log(r.body)105 }).catch((err) => {106 console.log("fetch error: " + err)107 });108 = "flex"109 ipcRenderer.send("reciever", input.dataset.deviceip)110 });111 ipcRenderer.on("send", (e, data) => {112 = "none"113 form.submit();114 form.reset();115 askProgressLoop()116 })117 ipcRenderer.on("progress", (e, data) => {118 = "block";119 if(data == "100.00"){120 // console.log("finished with uploading the file");121 = "none";122 percentage.innerHTML = "0";123 loadingBar.removeAttribute("style")124 }else{125 percentage.innerHTML = data;126 loadingBar.setAttribute("style", `width: ${data}%;`)127 }128 })129 130 // adding event listeners for yes and no button131 yesButton.addEventListener("click", () => {132 = "none";133 ipcRenderer.send("sender", senderip.innerHTML);134 })135 136 noButton.addEventListener("click", () => {137 = "none";138 form.reset();139 })140 141 // function to ask the server every 150 millisecond about the progress142 function askProgressLoop(){143 = "block";144 let ID = setInterval(() => {145 fetch(`http://${input.dataset.deviceip}:8080/progress`).then((r) => {146 r.text().then((text) => {147 if(text == "null"){148 // console.log("finished with uploading the file");149 = "none";150 percentage.innerHTML = "0";151 loadingBar.removeAttribute("style")152 clearInterval(ID);153 }else{154 percentage.innerHTML = text;155 loadingBar.setAttribute("style", `width: ${text}%;`)156 }157 })158 }).catch((error) => {159 console.log("fetch error: " + error)160 });161 }, 150);162 }...

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Source:useTransferProgress.js Github


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1import {useMemo} from 'react';2import {evaluate, getString} from '../utils';3export const useTransferProgress = () => {4 const transferProgressStrings = getString('modals.transferProgress');5 return useMemo(6 () => ({7 approval: symbol => {8 const {approval} = transferProgressStrings;9 const message = evaluate(approval.message, {symbol});10 return {11 type: approval.type,12 message13 };14 },15 deposit: (amount, symbol) => {16 const {deposit} = transferProgressStrings;17 const message = evaluate(deposit.message, {amount, symbol});18 return {19 type: deposit.type,20 message21 };22 },23 initiateWithdraw: (amount, symbol) => {24 const {initiateWithdraw} = transferProgressStrings;25 const message = evaluate(initiateWithdraw.message, {amount, symbol});26 return {27 type: initiateWithdraw.type,28 message29 };30 },31 waitForConfirm: walletName => {32 const {waitForConfirm} = transferProgressStrings;33 const type = evaluate(waitForConfirm.type, {walletName});34 const message = evaluate(waitForConfirm.message, {walletName});35 return {36 type,37 message38 };39 },40 waitForAccept: () => {41 const {waitForAccept} = transferProgressStrings;42 return {43 type: waitForAccept.type,44 message: waitForAccept.message45 };46 },47 withdraw: (amount, symbol) => {48 const {withdraw} = transferProgressStrings;49 const message = evaluate(withdraw.message, {amount, symbol});50 return {51 type: withdraw.type,52 message53 };54 },55 error: err => {56 const {error_title} = transferProgressStrings;57 return {58 type: error_title,59 message: err.message60 };61 }62 }),63 []64 );...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { openBrowser, goto, waitForAccept, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');2(async () => {3 try {4 await openBrowser();5 await waitForAccept();6 } catch (e) {7 console.error(e);8 } finally {9 await closeBrowser();10 }11})();12const { openBrowser, goto, waitFor, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');13(async () => {14 try {15 await openBrowser();16 await waitFor(1000);17 } catch (e) {18 console.error(e);19 } finally {20 await closeBrowser();21 }22})();23const { openBrowser, goto, waitForNavigation, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');24(async () => {25 try {26 await openBrowser();27 await waitForNavigation();28 } catch (e) {29 console.error(e);30 } finally {31 await closeBrowser();32 }33})();34const { openBrowser, goto, waitForRequest, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');35(async () => {36 try {37 await openBrowser();38 } catch (e) {39 console.error(e);40 } finally {41 await closeBrowser();42 }43})();44const { openBrowser, goto, waitForResponse, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');45(async () => {46 try {47 await openBrowser();48 } catch (e) {49 console.error(e);50 } finally {51 await closeBrowser();52 }53})();54const { openBrowser, goto, write, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');55(async () => {56 try {57 await openBrowser();58 await write("hello");59 } catch (e) {60 console.error(e);61 } finally {62 await closeBrowser();63 }64})();65const {

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1const { openBrowser, goto, click, waitForAccept, write, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');2(async () => {3 try {4 await openBrowser({ headless: false });5 await click("Sign in");6 await waitForAccept();7 await write("test");8 await waitForAccept();9 await write("test");10 await waitForAccept();11 await write("test");12 await waitForAccept();13 await write("test");14 } catch (e) {15 console.error(e);16 } finally {17 await closeBrowser();18 }19})();20const { openBrowser, goto, click, waitFor, write, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');21(async () => {22 try {23 await openBrowser({ headless: false });24 await click("Sign in");25 await waitFor(2000);26 await write("test");27 await waitFor(2000);28 await write("test");29 await waitFor(2000);30 await write("test");31 await waitFor(2000);32 await write("test");33 } catch (e) {34 console.error(e);35 } finally {36 await closeBrowser();37 }38})();39const { openBrowser, goto, click, write, waitForNavigation, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');40(async () => {41 try {42 await openBrowser({ headless: false });43 await click("Sign in");44 await write("test");45 await waitForNavigation();46 await write("test");47 await waitForNavigation();48 await write("test");49 await waitForNavigation();50 await write("test");51 } catch (e) {52 console.error(e);53 } finally {54 await closeBrowser();55 }56})();57const { openBrowser, goto, click, write, waitForText, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');58(async () => {59 try {60 await openBrowser({ headless: false });61 await click("Sign in");62 await write("test");63 await waitForText("test");

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1const { openBrowser, goto, button, link, waitForAccept, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');2(async () => {3 try {4 await openBrowser();5 await waitForAccept();6 await button("I'm Feeling Lucky").click();7 await link("Taiko").click();8 await waitForAccept();9 } catch (e) {10 console.error(e);11 } finally {12 await closeBrowser();13 }14})();15const { openBrowser, goto, button, link, accept, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');16(async () => {17 try {18 await openBrowser();19 await accept();20 await button("I'm Feeling Lucky").click();21 await link("Taiko").click();22 await accept();23 } catch (e) {24 console.error(e);25 } finally {26 await closeBrowser();27 }28})();29const { openBrowser, goto, button, link, waitFor, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');30(async () => {31 try {32 await openBrowser();33 await waitFor(5000);34 await button("I'm Feeling Lucky").click();35 await link("Taiko").click();36 await waitFor(5000);37 } catch (e) {38 console.error(e);39 } finally {40 await closeBrowser();41 }42})();43const { openBrowser, goto, button, link, waitUntil, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');44(async () => {45 try {46 await openBrowser();47 await waitUntil(async () => {48 return await button("I'm Feeling Lucky").exists();49 });50 await button("I'm Feeling Lucky").click();51 await link("Taiko").click();52 await waitUntil(async () => {53 return await link("Taiko").exists();54 });55 } catch (e) {56 console.error(e);57 } finally {58 await closeBrowser();59 }60})();61const { openBrowser, goto, button, link, waitUntil, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');62(async () => {

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1const { openBrowser, goto, closeBrowser, waitForAccept, text } = require('taiko');2(async () => {3 try {4 await openBrowser();5 await waitForAccept();6 await text("Google").exists();7 await closeBrowser();8 } catch (e) {9 console.error(e);10 } finally {11 }12})();13const { openBrowser, goto, closeBrowser, waitFor, text } = require('taiko');14(async () => {15 try {16 await openBrowser();17 await waitFor(3000);18 await text("Google").exists();19 await closeBrowser();20 } catch (e) {21 console.error(e);22 } finally {23 }24})();25const { openBrowser, goto, closeBrowser, waitForNavigation, text } = require('taiko');26(async () => {27 try {28 await openBrowser();29 await waitForNavigation();30 await text("Google").exists();31 await closeBrowser();32 } catch (e) {33 console.error(e);34 } finally {35 }36})();37const { openBrowser, goto, closeBrowser, waitForTimeout, text } = require('taiko');38(async () => {39 try {40 await openBrowser();41 await waitForTimeout(3000);42 await text("Google").exists();43 await closeBrowser();44 } catch (e) {45 console.error(e);46 } finally {47 }48})();49const { openBrowser, goto, closeBrowser, waitForEvent, text } = require('taiko');50(async () => {51 try {52 await openBrowser();53 await waitForEvent("DOMContentLoaded");54 await text("Google").exists();55 await closeBrowser();56 } catch (e) {57 console.error(e);58 } finally {59 }60})();61const { openBrowser, goto, closeBrowser, waitForSelector, text } = require('taiko');62(async () => {63 try {64 await openBrowser();65 await goto("https

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1var taiko = require('taiko');2var assert = require('assert');3var { openBrowser, goto, closeBrowser, button, waitForAccept } = require('taiko');4(async () => {5 try {6 await openBrowser({ headless: false });7 await waitForAccept(async () => {8 await button("Click me").click();9 });10 await closeBrowser();11 } catch (error) {12 console.error(error);13 } finally {14 }15})();16 var clickMe = document.getElementById("clickMe");17 clickMe.addEventListener("click", function() {18 alert("Click me clicked");19 });20 at Object.waitForAccept (eval at runInContext (C:\Users\user\Documents\taiko\test\node_modules\puppeteer\lib\cjs\puppeteer\common\DOMWorld.js:217:20), <anonymous>:2:12)21 at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\user\Documents\taiko\test\test.js:19:19)22 at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1072:14)23 at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1101:10)24 at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:943:32)25 at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:784:14)26 at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:72:12)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1await waitFor(acceptAlert);2await click("Click me");3await acceptAlert();4await waitFor(rejectAlert);5await click("Click me");6await rejectAlert();7await waitFor(promptAlert);8await click("Click me");9await promptAlert("Hello");10await waitFor(confirmAlert);11await click("Click me");12await confirmAlert();13await waitFor(alert);14await click("Click me");15await alert("Hello");16await waitFor(3000);17await click("Click me");18await waitForNavigation({timeout:5000,waitForEvents:['loadEventFired']});19await waitForText("Welcome to taiko", {timeout:5000,waitForEvents:['loadEventFired']});20await waitForElement("Click me", {timeout:5000,waitForEvents:['loadEventFired']});21await waitForSelector("Click me", {timeout:5000,waitForEvents:['loadEventFired']});22await waitForNavigation({timeout:5000,waitForEvents:['loadEventFired']});23await waitForEvent('loadEventFired',{timeout:5000});24await waitForFunction(() => { return true; }, {timeout:5000});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { openBrowser, goto, closeBrowser, button, waitForAccept, write, link, $, toRightOf, click, text, textBox, toLeftOf, image, evaluate, near, checkBox, dropDown, radioButton, focus, accept, inputField, fileField, toLeftOf, toRightOf, into, below, above, near, textBox, to, button, image, link, listItem, text, video, waitFor, waitForElement, waitForText, waitForNavigation, toLeftOf, toRightOf, near, reload, press, screenshot, scrollDown, scrollUp, scrollRight, scrollLeft, highlight, hover, clear, doubleClick, rightClick, dragAndDrop, attach, evaluate, intercept, emulate, setConfig } = require('taiko');2(async () => {3 try {4 await openBrowser({ headless: false});5 await write("Taiko", into(textBox("Search")));6 await click("Google Search");7 await waitFor(2000);8 await waitForNavigation();9 await waitForText("Taiko",10000);10 await waitForElement("Taiko",10000);11 await waitForAccept(10000);12 await screenshot({path: "test.png"});13 await highlight("Taiko");14 await hover("Taiko");15 await click("Taiko");16 await click("Taiko",near("Taiko"));17 await click("Taiko",below("Taiko"));18 await click("Taiko",above("Taiko"));19 await click("Taiko",toLeftOf("Taiko"));20 await click("Taiko",toRightOf("Taiko"));21 await click(link("Taiko",toLeftOf("Taiko")));22 await click(link("Taiko",toRightOf("Taiko")));23 await click(link("Taiko",below("Taiko")));24 await click(link("Taiko",above("Taiko")));25 await click(link("Taiko",near("Taiko")));26 await click(image("Taiko",toLeftOf("Taiko")));27 await click(image("Taiko",toRightOf("Taiko")));28 await click(image("Taiko",below("Taiko")));29 await click(image("Taiko",above("Taiko")));30 await click(image("Taiko",near("Taiko")));31 await click(button("Taiko",toLeftOf("Taiko")));

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { openBrowser, write, closeBrowser, goto, waitForAccept, button, click, text, toRightOf, textBox, toLeftOf, focus, dropDown, closeTab, evaluate, waitFor, press, $, link, image, listItem, fileField, toLeftOf, toRightOf, clear, reload, $x, accept, dismiss, inputField, image, below, above, near, intercept, to } = require('taiko');2(async () => {3 try {4 await openBrowser({ headless: false });5 await waitForAccept(async () => {6 await click("I agree");7 });8 } catch (error) {9 console.error(error);10 } finally {11 await closeBrowser();12 }13})();

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