How to use createIIFE method in ts-auto-mock

Best JavaScript code snippet using ts-auto-mock


Source:twitch.user.ts Github


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1// ==UserScript==2// @encoding utf-83// @name Twitch Indirection4// @description Provides stream indirection to restore high quality streams on limited countries without proxying.5// @author HoJeong Go <>6// @version 0.0.17//8// @grant none9// @run-at document-start10//11// @match https://**12//13// @namespace @homepageURL @supportURL @updateURL @downloadURL ==/UserScript==19const enum EProxyType {20 KwabangNet = 'kwabang-net',21}22type TFetchHandler = (request: () => Promise<Response>, info: RequestInfo, init: RequestInit) => Promise<Response | void>23(() => {24 // @ts-expect-error25 if (typeof unsafeWindow !== 'undefined') {26 // @ts-expect-error27 window = unsafeWindow28 }29 // Config30 const configKey = '__indirector_setting'31 const configSource = window.localStorage.getItem(configKey) ?? '{}'32 const config: {33 __version: number,34 proxyType: EProxyType,35 proxyUrl: string36 } = Object.assign({37 __version: 1,38 proxyType: EProxyType.KwabangNet,39 proxyUrl: ''40 }, JSON.parse(configSource))41 window.localStorage.removeItem(configKey)42 if (!config.proxyUrl.endsWith('/')) {43 config.proxyUrl += '/'44 }45 window.addEventListener('beforeunload', () => {46 window.localStorage.setItem(configKey, JSON.stringify(config))47 })48 // Hook49 const secret = ( + Math.random()).toString()50 const references = new Map<string, Blob[]>()51 const createIife = (fn: Function) => '(' + fn.toString() + ')(' + JSON.stringify(config) + ');\n'52 const hookFetchOnWorker = (kConfig: typeof config) => {53 const consumer = new Map<string, string>()54 let handler: TFetchHandler55 if (kConfig.proxyType === EProxyType.KwabangNet) {56 handler = async (request, info, init) => {57 const url = info.toString()58 if (url.startsWith('')) {59 return fetch(kConfig.proxyUrl + url.split('/')[6])60 }61 }62 }63 const hook = new Proxy(64 fetch,65 {66 async apply(target, thisArg, argArray: [RequestInfo, RequestInit]) {67 const request = () => Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, argArray) as Promise<Response>68 try {69 const did = await handler(request, argArray[0], argArray[1])70 if (did) {71 return did72 }73 } catch (error) {74 console.error(error)75 }76 return request()77 },78 }79 )80 if (typeof window === 'undefined') {81 // @ts-expect-error82 fetch = hook83 } else {84 window.fetch = hook85 }86 }87 window.fetch = new Proxy(88 window.fetch,89 {90 async apply(target, thisArg, argArray: [RequestInfo, RequestInit]) {91 const request = () => Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, argArray) as Promise<Response>92 if (argArray[0].toString().includes('amazon-ivs-wasmworker')) {93 const response = await request()94 const text = await response.text()95 return async () => new Response(createIife(hookFetchOnWorker) + text)96 }97 return request()98 },99 }100 )101 window.Worker = new Proxy(102 window.Worker,103 {104 construct(target, argArray: [string], newTarget) {105 const fallback = () => Reflect.construct(target, argArray, newTarget)106 const [url] = argArray107 const entry = references.get(url)108 if (!entry) {109 return fallback()110 }111 // @ts-expect-error112 const retrieved = entry[0].text(secret) as string[]113 if (!Array.isArray(retrieved)) {114 return fallback()115 }116 const [source] = retrieved117 const kArgArray = [118 URL.createObjectURL(119 new Blob([createIife(hookFetchOnWorker) + source])120 )121 ]122 return Reflect.construct(target, kArgArray, newTarget)123 },124 }125 )126 window.Blob = new Proxy(127 window.Blob,128 {129 construct(target, argArray, newTarget) {130 const blob: Blob = Reflect.construct(target, argArray, newTarget)131 blob.text = new Proxy(132 blob.text,133 {134 apply(kTarget, kThisArg, kTargArray) {135 if (kTargArray[0] === secret) {136 return argArray137 }138 return Reflect.apply(kTarget, kThisArg, kTargArray)139 },140 }141 )142 return blob143 },144 }145 )146 window.URL.createObjectURL = new Proxy(147 window.URL.createObjectURL,148 {149 apply(target, thisArg, argArray) {150 const url = Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, argArray)151 references.set(url, argArray)152 return url153 },154 }155 )...

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Source:checkInteractiveListenerOfInteractiveCallbackedEvent.js Github


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1"use strict";2const expect = require("assert");3const wait = require("./../../../utils/wait");4const createAbsoluteUrlToServerOnLocalhost = require("./../../modules/createAbsoluteUrlToServerOnLocalhost");5const {6 createTimeoutForPromise,7 resolveAwaitedPromise,8 maxTimeMsForTask9} = require("./modules/common");10const createOnceListener = require("./modules/createOnceListener");11const checkInteractiveListenerOfInteractiveCallbackedEvent = function(httpServer, browser) {12 return new Promise(async function(resolve, reject) {13 const timeout = createTimeoutForPromise(reject, maxTimeMsForTask);14 const tabs = browser.tabs;15 const idOfMessage = 2;16 const expectedResponse = 4;17 const propertyInWindow = "response";18 const srcOfSendingAndRecodingResponseScript = createScriptToSendMessageAndRecordResponse(19 idOfMessage,20 propertyInWindow21 );22 const onMessage = browser.runtime.onMessage;23 const listener = createOnceListener(onMessage, function(data, sender, sendResponse) {24 if (typeof data === "object" && data.idOfMessage === idOfMessage) {25 (async function() {26 sendResponse(expectedResponse);27 await wait(200);28 const responseInTab = await getValueFromWindow(tabs, tabId, propertyInWindow);29 if (responseInTab === expectedResponse) {30 resolveAwaitedPromise(timeout, resolve);31 } else {32 reject(new Error("Ответное сообщение отличается отожидаемого: " + responseInTab));33 }34 })();35 return true;36 }37 });38 const isListenerInteractive = true;39 await onMessage.addListener(listener, isListenerInteractive);40 const url = createAbsoluteUrlToServerOnLocalhost("home", httpServer.port);41 const { id: tabId } = await tabs.create({url});42 await tabs.executeScript(tabId, {43 code: srcOfSendingAndRecodingResponseScript44 });45 });46};47const createScriptToSendMessageAndRecordResponse = (function () {48 const sendMessageAndRecordResponse = async function(49 idOfMessage,50 nameOfPropertyInWindowToRecordResponse51 ) {52 console.log("sendMessageAndRecordResponse");53 window.wasScriptRunned = true;54 let response;55 try {56 response = await browser.runtime.sendMessage({57 idOfMessage58 });59 window[nameOfPropertyInWindowToRecordResponse] = response;60 console.log("sendMessageAndRecordResponse: response ", response);61 } catch(error) {62 console.log("sendMessageAndRecordResponse: error", error);63 }64 };65 return function(66 idOfMessage,67 nameOfPropertyInWindowToRecordResponse68 ) {69 return createIife(sendMessageAndRecordResponse, [70 idOfMessage,71 nameOfPropertyInWindowToRecordResponse72 ]);73 };74})();75const createIife = function(fn, args) {76 return "(" +77 fn.toString() +78 ").apply(null," + JSON.stringify(args) + ");";79};80const getValueFromWindow = async function(tabs, tabId, propertyInWindow) {81 const [value] = await tabs.executeScript(tabId, {82 code: createScrOfScriptToGetValueFromWindow(propertyInWindow)83 });84 return value;85};86const createScrOfScriptToGetValueFromWindow = (function() {87 const getValueFromWindow = function(nameOfProperty) {88 return window[nameOfProperty];89 };90 return function(nameOfProperty) {91 return createIife(getValueFromWindow, [nameOfProperty]);92 };93})();...

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Source:index.ts Github


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1import sltr = require("@fal-works/s-l-t-r");2import common = require("../../common");3import tsc = require("../../use/typescript/tsc");4import rollup = require("../../use/rollup");5import format = require("../../use/format");6import terser = require("../../use/terser");7import type { types } from "@fal-works/s-l-t-r";8const { seq, par } = sltr;9const { cleandir } = sltr.builtin;10/** Config fields required by `command()`. */11export interface BrowserModuleConfig12 extends tsc.TscConfig,13 rollup.RollupConfig,14 terser.TerserConfig {15 typesDir?: string;16 format?: boolean;17 minify?: boolean;18}19/** Creates `Command` that formats lib files. */20const formatLibCommand = (config: BrowserModuleConfig) => (21 distType: common.BrowserDistType22): types.Command => {23 const path = common.getDistFilePath(config, distType);24 return format.command(path);25};26/**27 * Returns `Command` that does everything for building a module for browsers.28 * See README for required library dependencies.29 */30export const command = (config: BrowserModuleConfig): types.Command => {31 const { Iife, Esm } = common.BrowserDistType;32 const { tsOutDir, distDir } = config;33 const typesDir = config.typesDir || distDir;34 const cleanBeforeTsc =35 typesDir !== distDir36 ? par(cleandir(tsOutDir), cleandir(typesDir)).collapse()37 : cleandir(tsOutDir);38 const runTsc = tsc.command(config);39 const transpile = seq(cleanBeforeTsc, runTsc).rename("tsc").collapse();40 const bundle = rollup.commandFromConfig(config);41 const formatLib = formatLibCommand(config);42 const minify = terser.commandFromConfig(config);43 const createIife: types.Command[] = [bundle(Iife)];44 const createEsm: types.Command[] = [bundle(Esm)];45 if (config.format !== false) {46 createIife.push(formatLib(Iife));47 createEsm.push(formatLib(Esm));48 }49 if (config.minify !== false) {50 createIife.push(minify(Iife));51 }52 const createLib = par(53 seq(...createIife).rename("iife"),54 seq(...createEsm).rename("esm")55 );56 const lib = seq(cleandir(distDir), createLib).rename("lib").collapse();57 const libAndTypes =58 config.format !== false59 ? par(format.command(`${typesDir}/**/*.d.ts`), lib)60 : lib;61 return seq(transpile, libAndTypes).hide();62};63/**64 * Calls `command()` and then runs the command immediately.65 * See README for required library dependencies.66 */67export const run = (config: BrowserModuleConfig): ReturnType<typeof> =>...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';2const mock = createIIFE('test1');3console.log(mock);4import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';5const mock = createIIFE('test2');6console.log(mock);7import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';8const mock = createIIFE('test3');9console.log(mock);10import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';11const mock = createIIFE('test4');12console.log(mock);13import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';14const mock = createIIFE('test5');15console.log(mock);16import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';17const mock = createIIFE('test6');18console.log(mock);19import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';20const mock = createIIFE('test7');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';2const result = createIIFE('test1');3console.log(result);4import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';5const result = createIIFE('test2');6console.log(result);7import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';8const result = createIIFE('test3');9console.log(result);10import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';11const result = createIIFE('test4');12console.log(result);13import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';14const result = createIIFE('test5');15console.log(result);16import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';17const result = createIIFE('test6');18console.log(result);19import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';20const result = createIIFE('test7');21console.log(result);22import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';23const result = createIIFE('test8');24console.log(result);25import {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';2import { MyInterface } from './MyInterface';3const myInterface: MyInterface = createIIFE<MyInterface>(MyInterface);4console.log(myInterface);5export interface MyInterface {6 myProperty: string;7 myMethod(): void;8}9{10 "compilerOptions": {11 }12}13{14 "scripts": {15 },16 "dependencies": {17 },18 "devDependencies": {19 }20}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';2import { Foo } from './foo';3const foo: Foo = createIIFE<Foo>();4export class Foo {5 public bar: string;6}7import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';8import { Foo } from './foo';9const foo: Foo = createIIFE<Foo>(['bar']);10export class Foo {11 public bar: string;12}13import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';14import { Foo } from './foo';15const foo: Foo = createIIFE<Foo>(['bar'], ['bar']);16export class Foo {17 public bar: string;18}19import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';20import { Foo } from './foo';21const foo: Foo = createIIFE<Foo>(['bar'], ['bar'], { bar: 'bar' });22export class Foo {23 public bar: string;24}25import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';26import { Foo } from './foo';27const foo: Foo = createIIFE<Foo>(['bar'], ['bar'], { bar: 'bar' }, true);28export class Foo {29 public bar: string;30}31import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';32import { Foo } from './foo';33const foo: Foo = createIIFE<Foo>(['bar'], ['bar'], { bar: 'bar' }, true, 1);34export class Foo {35 public bar: string;36}37import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';38import { Foo } from './foo';

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';2import { mock } from 'ts-mock-imports';3import { myModule } from 'myModule';4describe('test1', () => {5 it('should work', () => {6 const mockedMyModule = createIIFE(myModule);7 mockedMyModule.myFunction.mockReturnValue('mocked');8 const mockedMyModule = mock(myModule);9 mockedMyModule.myFunction.mockReturnValue('mocked');10 });11});12import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';13import { mock } from 'ts-mock-imports';14import { myModule } from 'myModule';15describe('test2', () => {16 it('should work', () => {17 const mockedMyModule = createIIFE(myModule);18 mockedMyModule.myFunction.mockReturnValue('mocked');19 const mockedMyModule = mock(myModule);20 mockedMyModule.myFunction.mockReturnValue('mocked');21 });22});23import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';24import { mock } from 'ts-mock-imports';25import { myModule } from 'myModule';26describe('test3', () => {27 it('should work', () => {28 const mockedMyModule = createIIFE(myModule);29 mockedMyModule.myFunction.mockReturnValue('mocked');30 const mockedMyModule = mock(myModule);31 mockedMyModule.myFunction.mockReturnValue('mocked');32 });33});34import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';35import

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';2const { mock } = createIIFE('test1');3const result = mock<test1>();4console.log(result);5import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';6const { mock } = createIIFE('test2');7const result = mock<test2>();8console.log(result);9import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';10const { mock } = createIIFE('test3');11const result = mock<test3>();12console.log(result);13import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';14const { mock } = createIIFE('test4');15const result = mock<test4>();16console.log(result);17import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';18const { mock } = createIIFE('test5');19const result = mock<test5>();20console.log(result);21import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';22const { mock } = createIIFE('test6');23const result = mock<test6>();24console.log(result);25import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';26const { mock } = createIIFE('test7');27const result = mock<test7>();28console.log(result);29import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';30const { mock } = createIIFE('test8');31const result = mock<test8>();32console.log(result);33import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';34const { mock } = createIIFE('test9');35const result = mock<test9>();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';2const mock = createIIFE('test1');3import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';4const mock = createIIFE('test2');5import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';6const mock = createIIFE('test3');7import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';8const mock = createIIFE('test4');9import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';10const mock = createIIFE('test5');11import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';12const mock = createIIFE('test6');13import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';14const mock = createIIFE('test7');15import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';16const mock = createIIFE('test8');17import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { createIIFE } from 'ts-auto-mock';2const mock = createIIFE<Interface>();3import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';4const mock = createMock<Interface>();5import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';6const mock = createMock<Interface>(true);7import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';8const mock = createMock<Interface>(false);9import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';10const mock = createMock<Interface>(true, true);11import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';12const mock = createMock<Interface>(false, true);

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